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Global Citizenship Lesson Plan


1. Discussion: What comes to mind when you think about Africa? (5 min.)
2. African Geography Map Quiz (15 mi.)
a. Introduce students to a website quiz game on African countries. It’s not graded,
but to give them an idea of how much they know about Africa geography. Give
them around 10 minutes to explore and they can take the quiz as many times
as they wish.
- Generally, students get around 30%
b. While they are taking the quiz, I write down comments that they make on the
- “I’ve never even heard of this place before.”
- “I’m just guessing on most of them.”


3. Discussion: Why do you think we do not know a lot about Africa? (5 min.)
4. Visual (5 min.)
a. Mapped: Visualizing Africa
5. African Travel Brochure
a. Instructions
b. Each student will choose an African country to research and create a travel
brochure (Multi-day project)


6. Exit Ticket: What surprised you most when researching your African country? Why do
you think it was so surprising?

Required Materials

1. One-to-one laptops
2. Humanities notebook to write their exit tickets


1. Formative
a. African Geography Quiz
b. Exit Ticket
2. Summative
a. African Country Travel Brochure

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