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Customer Accessibility – Online platforms, remote shops, export.

Clearly Identifiable Customer – Tribal enthusiasts, tourists.

Meaningful Problem to Solve – Expensive culinary products, pollution

caused during production of normal culinary products(eco-friendly),
harmful effects of tin and chromium in silverware

Segmentable market –  eco-tourists, collectors/ enthusiasts,

Customer Loyalty – Tribal enthusiasts, collectors

Limited Competition – other tribes who are not a part of this
organization, other organisations supporting other tribes.

Competitor Fitness – Since we have support from ministry of tribal

affairs and highly skilled craftsman and a well managed organization,
our competitors 

Team Fitness - Well managed organization. Expert craftsman. Good

advertising and marketing department. Good delivery partner. Good
customer service.

Defensible Position - support from ministry of tribal affairs.

Barriers to Entry - silverware companies, eco-friendly culinary


Secular Trend Alignment - We are entering a growing market.

Recent Innovation Enabler -  online-shopping, digital advertising

Market Inefficiency - Lack of tribal focused culinary items, lack of eco-
friendly culinary

Recent Competition Surge - 

Signs of Commoditization - There are 

Tight Niche Focus - Less pollution during manufacturing, more
decorative, more healthy.

No Network Effect - We are the first in the tribal culinary market.

Lean Method Viable - Products are already in a good state and ready
to be launched into the market. developments can be made in design

Team-to-Market Fit - yes they have a good team to market and skilled
craftsman too.

Inherent Story (Virality) - Yes, in the local market this will be a viral
idea as it is comparatively new.

Healthy Margins - Liscenses, export and production cost is high but
can maintain a healthy margin because of uniqueness.

Demand Constraints - There will be demand from tourists, tribal

enthusiasts and collectors because of unique design and involvement
of tribes.

Supply Constraints - With support of ministry of tribal affairs, raw

materials will be supplied easily.

Sunk Costs - employee salary, marketing cost, Website hosting, office

space, godown rent 
Cash Flow Requirements  - Regular cash flow is required but time lag
for gaining profit is relatively low.

The company wants to expand their market into culinary. The

company also believes that there aren’t any good tribal culinary
companies hence they want to fill that gap in the market. With
support from ministry of tribal affairs they are looking to hit big in the
culinary market

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