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COURSE OUTCOME 1 : To compare the properties of most common stones, bricks
and concrete blocks.

In order to clearly understand the properties of stones, bricks and concrete blocks , I have
read a book on Building materials by S.K. Duggal. The book pretty much explains the
importance and the wide usage of the materials, their types, their physical properties,
chemical properties, common ways to use them and about some standard practices.

I visited Hampi temple in Karnataka where I saw how well stone has been used and how
good it is when it is constructed with good practices. I found that the ancient people have
not only used stone for strength they have used it to show ways of life through carvings.
Similarly I visited some construction sites where brick and concrete block where being
used and saw some common practices followed.

Our lecturer Dr. N. Sivakumar shared his valuable experiences and his extensive
knowledge on research helped me get a good understanding of this subject.
COURSE OUTCOME 2 : Demonstrate the typical and potential applications of
lime, cement and aggregates.

In order to clearly understand the properties of lime, cement and aggregates , I read a
book on Building materials by S.K. Duggal and NABHI’s practical handbook on building
construction. The book explains the importance and the wide usage of the materials, their
types, their physical properties, chemical properties, common ways to use them and about
some standard practices.

I saw the construction work going on in our college and got some great insights on the
practical uses of the above said materials.

Our lecturer Dr. N. Sivakumar shared his valuable experiences and his extensive
knowledge on research helped me get a good understanding of this subject.
COURSE OUTCOME 3 : Describe about concrete mix and its properties

In order to clearly understand concrete, I read a book on Building materials by S.K.

Duggal and concrete technology prepared by Mr. R.Arthanareswaran. The book explains
the importance and the wide usage of the materials, their types, their physical properties,
chemical properties, common ways to use them and about some standard practices.

I saw the construction work going on in our college and got some great insights on the
practical uses of the above said materials. I looked into various research papers and learnt
about latest advancements in concrete and personally analyzed methods on possibilities
of commercializing them.

Our lecturer Dr. N. Sivakumar shared his valuable experiences and his extensive
knowledge on research helped me get a good understanding of this subject. His lecture on
making good use of the different mixes gave me great understanding of concrete for
practical uses.
COURSE OUTCOME 4 : Describe the types and properties of steel, timber and
other materials

As we know steel is the backbone of any industry, it is indeed a backbone in the

construction industry as well. To know about steel, I have read a book "Design of steel
structures" written by S.K.Duggal. This book explains everything a civil engineer should
know about steel and its design. I also read NABHI’s practical handbook on building
construction to understand about timber.

I read some research articles and patent publications on different types of steal
innovations online and using our college library and it helped in understanding the
subject of steel. I looked at different types of timber and their feasibility as well.

Our lecturer Dr. N. Sivakumar shared his valuable experiences and his extensive
knowledge on research helped me get a good understanding of this subject. His lecture on
effects of rusting helped me understand the importance of proper steel work.
COURSE OUTCOME 5 : Appreciate the importance of modern materials for

There are several innovations coming up in the recent years in the field of construction
materials. One such example is 3D-Printing, which is a very helpful invention in the
construction industry and has several advantages over the existing method of
construction. I have attended several webinars on 3D printing, Use of AR, VR in civil
engineering learn about the modern methods of construction.

I also attended a NPTEL course to learn about advancements in glass.

Our lecturer Dr. N. Sivakumar shared his valuable experiences and his extensive
knowledge on research helped me get a good understanding of this subject. His lecture on
sustainability helped me a lot.

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