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Subject: Professional Practices in IT

Name: Laiba Ishtiaq

Registration no: FA21-BSE-047

Roll no: 047

Class: 2-B

Submitted to: Ms. Seemab Khan

Submission Date: 16-03-2022

Q1: People usually state several reasons for copying a music CD from a friend instead of
purchasing that as per the copyright requirement. Assume that your friend is asking you to do so.
How would you convince him for buying the copyrighted CD instead of getting a pirated copy.

Ans: I’ll convince my friend for buying copyrighted CD instead of getting pirated copy because
pirated copies are basically illegal copy of the original CD. Pirated copy are unapproved
duplicates of somebody's innovative work, you are taking something of significant worth from
the owner without their authorization, whereas, copyrighted CDs are those with proper copy
protection of owners creative work and intellectual property. In any case, if the action of selling
of pirated copies have been reported, under the law of the Copyright Ordinance, 1962, a
penalty of Rs.100,000 will be charged or will be imprisoned for 03 years maximum. So, in order
to avoid such mishaps instead of buying pirated CD we should buy copyrighted CD with proper
copy protection for owner’s creation and intellectual property.

Q2: Do research on Information Systems and come up with an example of a Good

Information System and a Bad Information System from our daily life. Also, elaborate why
the system is good or bad?
Ans: Information System are the collection of equipment, programming, and media
communications networks that individuals fabricate and use to gather, process, make, and
circulate helpful information.
Good Information System is the one that is accurate, flawless, consistent, meets the
requirements of user and can be understood by user. Whereas,
Bad Information System is the one that has errors, doesn’t meets users requirement and is
complicated for user to understand.
For Example; from our daily life the biggest example is “internet”. Internet have a huge impact
on our life. There are yet some places in world that don’t have access to internet but still more
than half of world have access to internet. The internet has turned into a main consideration in
empowering data sharing and colossally affects the accessibility of data, everything being equal.
Internet is an example of “good information system” because it is flawless, consistent and
most importantly it meets user’s requirement and is understood by the user easily.

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