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Submitted by: Nimra khan

Reg no.: FA21-BSE-079

Submitted to: Seemab khan
Subject: Ppit
Q1: People usually state several reasons for copying a music CD from a friend instead of
purchasing that as per the copyright requirement. Assume that your friend is asking you to
do so. How would you convince him for buying the copyrighted CD instead of getting a
pirated copy. (word limit - 120)

ANS. Many people copy CDs rather than purchasing it, by the process of CD burning which is
illegal and that CD is then a pirated copy of the real one. If my friend wants me to do so, i will
reject her vehemently because it is totally illegal and i will convince her not to do it by telling her
the disadvantages of using pirated CDs. I will tell her that due to this she may have to face the
penalty and which, according to the US copyright law is 5 years of jail time and fines up to
$250,000. Moreover i will also tell her that another risk involved in using a pirated CD is that it
is more likely to be infected with serious computer viruses, which can damage the her computer

Q2: Do research on Information Systems and come up with an example of a Good

Information System and a Bad Information System from our daily life. Also, elaborate why
the system is good or bad? (word limit 80-100)

ANS. Information system is an integrated set of people, IT and processes to acomplish business
objective. One of the exmaples of bad information system is Airlines sometimes. In 2018 and
past years specially in US many flights were cancelled and delayed due to computer related
problems, PSA airlines which is owned by American airlines, had to cancel nearly 3000 flights
due to problem in crew scheduling and tracking system,, on the other hand,
provides a remarkeable experience to its customers in order to keep them loyal and is not only
user centered but also, have fantastic backend reporting. As a result, it is feasible to build
systems that satisfy both consumers and administrators and being innovative at the same time.

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