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Brit. J. Anaesth.

(1960), 32, 486




Department of Anaesthetics, Cardiff, S. Wales

SUCTION is widely used in clinical practice. In the 1. (a) Flow a Pressure difference between the
past, a great deal of interest has been shown in ends of the tube.
methods of producing suction, many involving This relationship holds when the flow is laminar,
ingenious principles (Brodie, 1941; Aitken, 1949; but when turbulence appears it must be modified
Carr, 1949). Yet the criteria by which the most to
suitable apparatus for a particular purpose is (b) Flow a \/ Pressure difference
judged seem to have received surprisingly little These factors are illustrated in figure 1. When
attention. Nor have the factors governing the
most satisfactory use of an apparatus always been
clearly understood. Many suckers are available
commercially, but it is not always easy to trans-
late the data supplied by the manufacturer into
terms readily understood by the clinician.
The size of the connecting tubing and suction 3O
catheters and the physical characteristics of the
fluid to be aspirated greatly influence the per-
formance of a sucker, and limitations imposed by
these may far overshadow any supposed defici-
encies in the sucker mechanism.
Each clinical situation presents physical
problems that have to be solved. In doing so, care
must be taken to see that harm to the patient both 1O
from trauma due to the sucker-end and from sub-
atmospheric pressure does not result.
In this paper the physical phenomena, the
clinical uses and the dangers of suction are re-
viewed in the light of theory, experiment, and 5 15 25
Factors affecting Flow through Tubes The relationship between the flow of air along a tube
Suction is the flow created by lowering the pres- open at one end, and the negative pressure at the
sure at one end of a tube. If the other end is showsother (determined experimentally). The dotted line
the theoretical flow of air through the same
open to the atmosphere, then the greatest pres- tube if turbulence had not occurred.
sure difference that can be produced is one atmos-
phere. By convention, pressures lower than flow is turbulent the increase of flow produced
atmospheric are called "negative". by an increase of pressure difference is much less
The factors influencing flow in smooth tubes than when flow is laminar.
have been described (Macintosh, Mushin and 2. Flow i ——:
Epstein, 1958). These can be summarized for Resistance
any tube as follows: The resistance of the tube depends on the dia-





5 15 25 5 15 25
FIG. 2 FlO. 3
The relationship between the flow of air along three The relationship between the flow of air along two
tubes of the same length, but of different bores, and tubes of the same bore, but of different lengths, and
the negative pressure (determined experimentally). The the negative pressure (determined experimentally).
flow in these experiments was turbulent and therefore
the diameter is somewhat less important than in the
case of laminar flow.
meter and length of the tube. It is also affected, I ./m i n
in the case of laminar flow, by the viscosity, and 4Ol
in the case of turbulent flow, by the density, of
the fluid flowing through the tube.
Whether the flow is laminar or turbulent, the
most important factor determining flow through 3O
a tube is the diameter. In the case of laminar
flow it is directly proportional to the fourth power
of the diameter. The practical implication of this
is that if a great increase in flow is wanted it
can more easily be accomplished by increasing
the bore of a tube (fig. 2) than either by shorten-
ing its length (fig. 3) or by increasing the negative
pressure applied to the tube.
For a given tube and the same applied nega-
tive pressure the difference in flow of fluids of
different characteristics may be striking (fig. 4).
5 15 25
Suction Apparatus

A suction apparatus produces a negative pres- FlO. 4

sure which overcomes a resistance and induces The relationship between the flow of air, and of water,
a flow. The manner in which it performs this through the same tube, and the negative pressure
(determined experimentally).






5 15 25 5 P* 15 2 5 Pw
Fio. 5
The relationship between the flow of air and the FIG. 6
negative pressure at the intake of a suction apparatus
as the intake is occluded. The flow of air FA and the negative pressure PA
developed at the intake of the apparatus when the
task is a characteristic of the particular appara- tube OA is attached. Fw is the flow and Pw the nega-
tive pressure developed when water flows through the
tus. It may be studied by adding resistance to same tube instead of air.
the intake* of the apparatus,! and observing
the effect on the air flow and the negative pres-
tions of negative pressure applied to a particu-
sure at the intake. A negative-pressure gauge is
lar tube and the flow of air through it. If, there-
placed at the intake of the apparatus. If no
fore, this tube which supplied the data for figure
resistance is added, the flow will be at its maxi-
4 is connected to the apparatus in figure 5, then
mum and there will be no reading on the gauge.
the flow through the tube must be the flow into
As the intake is gradually occluded the negative
the apparatus and the negative pressure applied
pressure increases and the flow decreases until,
to the tube must be the negative pressure at the
when the intake is completely closed, there is no
intake. This condition is satisfied at the point X
flow and the pressure in the apparatus is at its
on figure 6 where the two lines representing the
most negative. These results approximate to a
characteristics of the tube and the apparatus
straight line (fig. 5). The actual figures for the
intersect. The resistance of this tube would be
free air flowt and the maximum negative pres-
different if a fluid of different physical properties,
sure vary with the apparatus.
such as water were substituted. The complete
The line of figure 5 joins all the possible apparatus would then operate at the point W
combinations of negative pressure and flow at the (fig. 6).
intake for a particular apparatus. The line for
When a length of tube is added to a suction
"air" in figure 4, joins all the possible combina-
apparatus a resistance is added. Through this new
intake there is a new flow which is now the free
• The intake is defined as the point at which fluid
is drawn into the suction apparatus. air flow of the modified apparatus. The maximum
fThe term "apparatus" indicates a complete suction negative pressure that the apparatus can develop
machine including any bottles and tubing. is unchanged.
JFree air flow is the maximum flow of air into the
apparatus with no restriction at the intake. Each additional length of tubing and its con-

nections adds resistance, cuts down flow, and thus FLOW ALONG TUBE
continues to alter the characteristics of the appara- I/mm
tus (fig. 7). 4Ol

The free air flow of the apparatus.

The clinician sometimes wants to remove a
fluid such as blood very quickly and a removal
rate of about 8 l./min (1 pint in 4 sec) is needed
to cover the likely clinical requirements.
In figure 8, OA represents the characteristics
of a tube which allows a maximum flow of blood
of 8 l./min for a maximum pressure drop (1
atmosphere) across the tube. To obtain this
maximum pressure drop an apparatus PF with an
infinite free air flow would be required. Even to
approach this performance a large and expensive
apparatus would be required; in practice a com-
promise must be struck. If an apparatus PFA is
attached to the tube then the flow of blood 5 15
through the tube OA would be F T , say half the
maximum flow. If another apparatus PFB is now
Flo. 8
When the machines with characteristics PF (—30 in.
FLOW ALONG TUBE Hg, infinite flow), PFB ( — 30 in. Hg, 25 l.min),
AND INTO APPARATUS PFA (—30 in. Hg. 8 l./min) are attached to the tube
ly/min OA the flows of blood through it are Fx (8 l./min),
F FN (6 l./min) and F T (4 l./min), respectively.

attached to the tube then the new flow through

the tube would be FN, say three-quarters of the
maximum flow. It can be seen that to increase
the flow in the tube to more than three-quarters
of the maximum would require a considerable
increase in the size of the apparatus.
From the point of view of achieving a blood
removal rate of 8 l./min, therefore, a free air flow
of 25-30 L/min will give nearly as good a per-
formance as possible. The influence of the volume
of the apparatus will be discussed later.
Negative pressure developed by the apparatus.
The greater the negative pressure developed by
5 15 25 the apparatus the greater will be the flow through
NEGATIVE PRESSURE AT INTAKE n.Hg any tube. However, because of turbulence (vide
supra), negative pressures of more than 25 in.
Fio. 7 Hg (64 cm Hg) are not useful enough to warrant
PF is the characteristic of a suction apparatus. OA
is the characteristic of a tube added to the intake. the high precision necessary for construction of
PF, is now the new characteristic of the complete the apparatus.
apparatus. The apparatus PF has a flow of 40 l./min A negative pressure of about 25 in. Hg is of
and develops a negative pressure of 27 in. Hg. The
tube OA has a bore of 2.5 mm and is 30 cm long. most value in removing very viscous material. If
When it is attached to the apparatus the maximum a greater flow is required than can be obtained
flow is now 25 l./min but the maximum pressure that with this pressure then it is easier and more
can be developed is still 27 in. Hg.

effective to increase the diameter of the tubing NEGATIVE

or catheter, if this is possible, than to increase the InHg
pressure difference.
The time taken to develop the negative pressure. 23
Flow is rarely continuous in clinical practice.
Usually suction is intermittent, as, for example,
when aspirating blood from an oozing surgical
wound. The removal of blood must be rapid if
it is to be satisfactory.
Air alone flows through the circuit until the 15'
sucker tip is put into the blood. The flow of air
then falls, the negative pressure develops, and
the flow of blood increases to a level determined
by the pressure and flow characteristics of the
suction apparatus and the physical characteristics
of blood (fig. 9).
The average pressure in the system during the
period of suction determines the volume of fluid
removed. Therefore, the more rapid the increase
in negative pressure, the greater is this volume. TIME
If the time taken for the negative pressure to
develop is prolonged, then large volumes cannot FIG. 10

be removed in short periods. Only when the The rate of increase of negative pressure in a suction
catheter has a high resistance to air flow, and apparatus when the intake is closed. (Experimental
therefore the negative pressure in the system is
already well developed, is this factor less im-
FLOW portant.
If resistance is increased, for example by occlu-
4O1 sion or by the aspiration of a viscous fluid, some of
the air contained within the system is withdrawn
by the apparatus and the negative pressure in-
3O- creases. The time that the negative pressure takes
• Air Into to develop depends on the volume of air in the
^apparatus system, the rate at which it is removed and the
maximum negative pressure that the apparatus
2O- can produce. The circuit is evacuated against a
\ continually increasing negative pressure. The rate
\ of increase of negative pressure gradually
s becomes slower and slower. Theory shows this
to be exponential and this has been confirmed
by experiment (fig. 10). The "time constant" of
Into bottle an exponential curve is the time at which the final
level would be reached if the initial rate of
1O 3O SO
change were maintained (fig. 11).
SECONDS If an air flow F is maintained throughout the
Fia. 9 total evacuation of an apparatus with a volume
A diagrammatic representation of the time taken for V then a perfect vacuum would be reached in
the flow of air into the apparatus to fall, and the
flow of blood into the bottle to increase, after suction a time — which would be the time constant. If
is commenced.

most of the period of suction. On the other hand,

if the time constant is long compared to the period
of suction then the negative pressure never
becomes very large. Therefore, to get a maximal
effect quickly, the time constant of the apparatus
must be short (fig. 12). This can be achieved by
keeping the volume V of the apparatus small, and
the free-air flow F large. If the maximum nega-
tive pressure P is made small, this will also reduce
the time constant but the advantage of this is
over-ridden by the small negative pressure avail-
able. It is only by keeping the volume of the
system low, and the free air flow and the maxi-
mum negative pressure high, that the best con-
ditions of negative pressure can be obtained.
For instance in an apparatus with a volume of
4 litres and a free air flow of 15 l./min, if the
negative pressure developed is a complete
vacuum, the time constant is 16 sec; but if the
volume is decreased to 1 litre or the free air flow
T l ME increased to 60 l./min the time constant would be
reduced to 4 sec. This means that nearly the
FlO. 11 maximum negative pressure is available after 16
The "time constant" of an exponential curve is the sec in the first instance, but after only 4 sec in
time that would be taken for maximum negative
pressure A to be reached if the initial rate of change the second instance.
OB were maintained. OX is the time constant.
the ultimate pressure developed by an apparatus FOR S SECOND PERIOD
is not a perfect vacuum but only a negative pres- A S % MAXIMUM NEGATIVE PRESSURE
sure P, and if the initial flow rate F is maintained, 1OO
this pressure would be achieved in a time

F Atmos. press.
This is the new time constant.
In practice, as the negative pressure develops,
flow decreases and the rate of increase of nega-
tive pressure becomes gradually slower. Since this
rate of increase of negative pressure has been
shown to be exponential, the pressure at any
moment in an apparatus can be calculated from
the time constant. After a period of time equal
to one time constant the change in pressure is
one-third incomplete (two-thirds complete);
after a period equal to two time constants the
2O 4O 6O
change is one-third of one-third (one-ninth)
incomplete (eight-ninths complete) and so on.
If the period of the time constant is short com- FIG. 12
pared to the period of continuous suction, then As the time constant of the apparatus is reduced the
average negative pressure during the first few seconds
the maximum negative pressure is available for becomes greater.


the period of fall of pressure if the tap is opened
FOR 5 SECOND PERIOD only when the tip of the catheter is placed into
In. Hg the material to be aspirated. If the tap is opened
before this, the pressure in the system rapidly
25 approaches atmospheric and the advantage is lost.

The bottles are included as a reservoir to pre-
vent aspirated material passing into the working
MAXIMUM NEGATIVE parts of the apparatus. They make up the larger
PRESSURE OF APPARATUS part of the volume of the system. When the
column of aspirated material enters the bottle it
no longer forms part of the resistance to flow.
The tubing from the catheter to the bottle should,
therefore, be as short as possible.
The length of the tubing from the bottle to
the vacuum source is not so critical since only air
flows along it.
Ol O2 O-3 O-4 O5
FREE AIR FLOW OF APPARATUS The controls on an apparatus enable the
FlO. 13 characteristics of the apparatus to be changed.
The calculated average negative pressure for a 5-sec (a) Flow control. A flow control adds to the
period when the ratio of the volume of the apparatus internal resistance of the apparatus. The effect
to the free air flow is increased. The curves represent
apparatuses developing negative pressures of 30 in. recorded on the negative-pressure gauge depends
Hg, 20 in. Hg, and 10 in. Hg. on the position of the tap in the circuit in relation
to the gauge. If as in figure 14 a and b the tap
The volume aspirated in a period of time is between the intake and the gauge, then, as the
depends to a large extent on the average negative tap is closed, the flow decreases and the indicated
pressure during that time. This pressure can be pressure becomes more negative. If as in figure
calculated from the time constant and the maxi- 14 c and d the tap is between the gauge and the
mum negative pressure. The curves in figure 13 negative-pressure source, then, as the tap is closed,
were obtained in this manner. They indicate the the flow decreases, but the indicated pressure
average negative pressure during a 5-sec period becomes less negative.
for machines developing - 10 in. Hg, - 20 in. A flow control tap does not limit the maximum
Hg, and - 30 in. Hg. The X axis gives the ratio negative pressure. If the intake is blocked, the
of the volume of the apparatus to the free air negative pressure still increases to the maximum
flow. for that apparatus. Flow controls are sometimes
Each of these characteristics can be altered incorrectly referred to as vacuum controls.
independently. The volume of the apparatus can (b) Negative-pressure control. The maximum
be decreased by using smaller bottles thereby in- negative pressure can be limited either with a
creasing the average negative pressure, and "leak-in" tap or a negative-pressure regulator.
if a flow control is fitted, opening this to its The "leak-in" tap controls an auxiliary entry for
fullest extent will increase the air flow and hence air into the system, and so prevents the full
again increase the average negative pressure. The evacuation of the system. The size of the air entry,
maximum average negative pressure is obtained and therefore its resistance, determines the flow
when the volume of the apparatus is small, com- through it, and so the maximum negative pressure
pared to the free air flow. in the system. Flow through the intake of the
A tap on the nozzle or catheter, when turned apparatus is greatly reduced as the leak-in tap
off, maintains a closed system. This eliminates is opened. The intake of the apparatus must be


(a) (tt

(c) (d)
Fio. 14
The position of the flow control tap determines whether the pressure indi-
cated on the gauge becomes more or less as the flow is decreased by it.


(a) (b)
FIG. 15
The negative pressure is controlled by the "leak-in" tap. The intake of the
apparatus is occluded to determine the maximum negative pressure.

blocked to set the maximum negative pressure volume of the apparatus and the nature of the
(fig. 15 a and b). controls, are all factors which have to be con-
The negative-pressure regulators (fig. 16 o and sidered when designing a satisfactory apparatus.
b) work on a similar principle to the commonly The size of the catheter and the nature of the
used positive-pressure diaphragm-operated reduc- material to be aspirated, clearly impose limits no
ing valve found on anaesthetic apparatus. Again apparatus can overcome.
the intake of the apparatus must be blocked when
setting the maximum negative pressure. SOURCES OF NEGATIVE PRESSURE
Both types of control, when set to produce a Negative pressure can be produced in a number
reduced maximum negative pressure, will also of ways—by the use of pumps, injectors, or
reduce the free air flow, although with a well gravity. A source of power is required for each
designed negative-pressure regulator the reduc- type (fig. 17).
tion may be small. Pumps
The maximum flow of the apparatus, the Pumps have a suction cycle followed by a dis-
maximum negative pressure it can produce, the charge cycle and need a unidirectional circuit to

(a) Spring balanced regulator (b) Pressure balanced regulator
(Messrs. British Oxygen Gases (Messrs. Edwards High Vacuum
Ltd.) Ltd.)
1. Control knob. 1. Push button to increase nega-
2. Spring. tive pressure.
3. Diaphragm. 2. Metal disc.
4. Valve seating. 3. Diaphragm.
4. Push button to decrease nega-
tive pressure.
5. Valve seating.

PUMPS The bellows and hand-bulb pumps are similar

I to each other (fig. l&d). Both are usually con-
ROTARY DIAPHRAGM PISTON BELLOWS BULB structed of rubber and have inlet and outlet
I _J I I valves. Negative pressure is produced by the
CLICTfltC POVCR MUftCLC POWIA recoil of the bulb or a spring in the bellows and
so the maximum negative pressure is limited by
the elasticity of the rubber or the strength of the
spring. They have few friction parts, can be light
in weight, and are foot or hand operated. In one
GAS variation of this type commonly used on newborn
FIG. 17 infants, the source of suction, that is the bellows,
allow this. In the rotary pump (fig. 18a) this is is provided by the operator's lungs.
inherent in the design and valves are not needed. If the pump is driven by electricity an explo-
It is always powered by electricity. sion can occur either from flammable vapours
The piston pump (fig. 18b) requires inlet and being sucked into the apparatus or from the ap-
outlet valves. It has more friction parts than the paratus being used in an atmosphere containing
rotary and so is liable to more wear. The source explosive vapours, such as the operating theatre.
of power is either electricity or muscular effort. In these circumstances the motor must be spark-
The diaphragm pump (fig. 18c) has a similar proof, and completely enclosed (Macintosh,
action to the piston pump. The oscillating dia- Mushin and Epstein, 1958).
phragm takes the place of the moving piston. It
can be driven by an electromagnet from alternat- Injectors
ing current, or by a small motor. Since its power These use the venturi principle; when a fluid
is limited, it has only a low air flow and develops flows through a smooth constriction, the linear
a limited maximum negative pressure. velocity increases and the pressure at the con-

entrained free air flow are both reduced. A tap

t I 1
Y may be attached to the intake; this will control
the free air flow but will not affect the maximum
negative pressure.
Steam-driven injectors are a variety of com-
pressed gas injector. Water-driven injectors can
give high negative pressures, but will entrain
only low air flows, because of the low flows of
water available; compressed gases (air, oxygen,
steam) permit higher driving flows, and thus
higher entrained flows, and are more suitable for
clinical use (Lake, 1924; Saher and Salt, 1943).
(a) Cb) Gravity
The fall in pressure in a closed chamber, when a
column of water flows from it by gravity, can be
used as a source of suction. A simple form of this
arrangement is commonly used, for example, for
gastric suction. An intravenous infusion set filled
t 4 with water is set up, the air intake is attached to
a reservoir bottle on the floor, and the stomach
tube is also attached to the reservoir bottle. The
negative pressure achieved depends on the height
of the column of water in the infusion set. If this
is 6 ft (1.8 m) the maximum negative pressure
is about 5 in. Hg (13 cm Hg) but the arrange-
ment is only suitable for use when very low flow-
rates are required.

Cd) Pipeline suction is an extension of suction
usually provided by an electric pump. Since it
FIG. 18 must be capable of providing large flows the pump
(a) Rotary pump. is usually of the rotary type. A large tank acts
(b) Piston pump.
(c) Diaphragm pump. as a reservoir of negative pressure and is fitted with
(d) Bellows pump. maximum and minimum pressure switches. The
motor switches "on" when the negative pressure
striction becomes negative (Macintosh, Mushin has decreased to one limit, and switches "off" when
and Epstein, 1958). This fall in pressure is used it has increased to the other limit. If the pressure
to entrain other fluids. limits are too wide, undesirable fluctuation in
The optimum design of an injector depends on pipeline pressure will occur. On the other hand
the driving pressure and whether the main re- if the limits are too narrow, motor wear may be
quirement is for a large negative pressure or a excessive, because of the frequency with which
large entrained flow. An injector designed to the motor is switched on and off.
operate at a particular driving pressure is less The size of each intake is restricted so that
efficient when operated at other pressures. How- no one intake allows the total flow of which the
ever, it may be convenient to control the degree pump is capable to flow through it, thus limiting
of suction by reducing the driving pressure of a the drain on the system. The controls are nearly
given injector for reasons of economy. If this is always for flow only unless special vacuum regu-
done the maximum negative pressure and the lators are fitted.

Pipeline suction should give high free air flows. through a tube. The tube is connected to a one-
The size of the pump can be large, as the major way valve which allows air to be forced out of
part of the cost is the installation of the pipeline. the cavity by the positive pressure developed
The noise of the motor is unimportant since it during expiration, while preventing air being
is remote from the clinical area. Reliability is high taken into the system during inspiration. This
if more than one pump and motor unit is pro- manoeuvre reduces the size of the cavity. The
vided. Only electrical mains failure puts the one-way valve usually takes the form of a tube
system out of action. dipping about 3 cm below the surface of water
in a bottle. The height between the chest and
CLINICAL ASPECTS the surface of the water seal must be sufficient
Suction is employed either to reduce the size of to prevent water being drawn into the chest by a
a cavity or to remove secretions or blood. Both mayimiim inspiratory effort. A strong inspiratory
circumstances may occur in combination. If the effort may give a negative pressure of as much
important requisite is reduction in cavity size then as 50 to 60 cm H,O so that a height of 100 cm
any communication with the atmosphere must is advisable for safety.
be closed off. The negative pressure acts over the Exudate gathers in the lowest part of the cavity
whole internal surface of the cavity. The flows so that one drainage tube must be positioned to
needed are small. take advantage of this. The application of suc-
If the removal of secretions from the surface tion to the outlet of the water seal increases the
of the body or a cavity widely open to atmos- flow of secretions from the cavity, but its more
phere is the main requirement, then the prob- important function is to decrease the pneumo-
lems of obtaining satisfactory flow and of thorax rapidly. It should be remembered that a
minimizing localized trauma are introduced. negative pressure which is small (e.g. 3 in. Hg,
Certain situations combine the problem of the Le. 7.6 cm Hg) in relation to the negative pres-
closed cavity and of the open surface. sure available from an apparatus, is great in
If the opening to the cavity is narrow but not relation to the pressures of respiration. Although
completely occluded by the suction tube the - 3 in. Hg sounds modest, this is - 100 cm H,O,
introduction of the suction tube will lower the a pressure which may make expiration difficult or
pressure in the cavity to some extent. The prob- impossible. In addition an excessive negative
lems associated with obtaining the required flow pressure in the pleural cavity may cause haemor-
of aspirated material, and preventing trauma, still rhage and prevent the sealing of any alveoli
remain. leaking into the plueral cavity. It may also
Clinical examples of each situation have been attract the tube to the lung, thus occluding the
chosen to illustrate the problems involved. tube opening and stopping drainage. On the other
hand, occlusion of the tube may well be regarded
Suction from Closed Cavities as a safety factor protecting the pleural cavity
from excessive negative pressure.
In the closed system a flow occurs from the cavity
until the pressure in the cavity equals the applied Apparatus to give the small negative pressure
negative pressure. If the pressure in the cavity and flow required in pleural drainage can be of
becomes less negative either by contraction of the the simplest type, but an accurate pressure-limit-
cavity due to muscular effort or by exudate or ing control is necessary. One simple arrange-
secretion into the cavity, the flow recommences. ment for limiting the negative pressure consists
The most common examples of this type of of a third tube into the water seal. One end of the
suction are chest (pleural cavity), bladder, and tube is open to the atmosphere, the other end is
gastric drainage. below the surface of the water. If the negative
pressure in the bottle becomes greater than the
Chest drainage. limit set by the length of tube below the sur-
The two objectives in chest drainage are face of the water, air is drawn in from the atmos-
diminution of the pneumothorax and the removal phere. The mayimiim negative pressure setting
of blood and exudate. The blood flows by gravity should always be checked while occluding intake.

Bladder drainage. may be of use. Narrow catheters and nozzles

During bladder drainage, gravity alone is the inevitably result in smaller flows. In these cir-
usual method employed to remove the small cumstances their removal and the use of the
volumes of urine and blood. The flow can be supply tubing alone, will improve the flow rate.
improved by applying suction to the drainage
bottle, but a large negative pressure may cause Trauma due to the design of the suction catheter.
haemorrhage or interfere with drainage by occlu- The sucker end may damage mucous membrane
sion of the tube by tissue; accurate pressure con- (Morbidity Conference, 1956) or even perforate
trol is needed. the trachea (Mushin, Rendell-Baker and Thomp-
Often, especially with pipeline suction, the son, 1959). If the sucker end is completely rigid
drainage bottles are fitted on the wall above it is much easier to direct, but this property can
the bed. For each foot (30 cm) in height above the only be regarded as acceptable when suction is
patient a negative pressure of about 1 in. Hg under direct vision; when suction is "blind" it is
(2.5 cm Hg) is needed to raise the secretions into much too dangerous. The catheter should only
the bottle. If, say, - 1 in. Hg is required in the be just rigid enough to pass to the site. In all
bladder, then if the bottle is 2 ft above the patient, cases the open end must be smooth and well
- 3 in. Hg has to be applied. When the tube rounded. Sharp edges can cause serious damage.
contains urine there is little risk that the
applied negative pressure (3 in. Hg) will be Trauma from negative pressure.
reached in the bladder. This effect of raising the During suction close to tissues of a delicate
bottle above the patient should be born in mind nature, for example those of the nervous system,
whenever suction is applied to closed cavities. If great care is needed to avoid damage by negative
the drainage bottle is placed on the floor, gravity pressure. The pressure should be carefully con-
assists suction and less negative pressure is trolled to the smallest necessary. The catheter
required. should have as large a bore as possible to reduce
resistance and gain the best flow from these small
Gastric suction. pressures.
There is a tendency for the catheter and the
A number of machines have been described to tissue to be sucked together. The degree of
give the low flow and negative pressure needed. attraction depends on the speed of flow of air
Many of these are of the "drip type" gravity into the catheter. This can be reduced by
system, already described, in which the air inlet lowering the flow rate to the minimum necessary.
is attached to a container into which the stomach Of course, this might prolong the time taken for
contents are sucked. Obviously, when the end the pressure to fall, so the volume of the appara-
of the tube in the stomach or intestine is above tus must be kept small. If a large volume of
fluid level, air only is removed. Frequent inspec- haemorrhage is anticipated it is advisable to have
tion of the system is therefore necessary. an additional system capable of large flow and
containing a reservoir of larger volume.
Suction from Sites Open to Atmosphere Another method of preventing tissue attrac-
Removal of large volumes. tion is to have a sucker end with multiple holes.
Suction from a site open to atmosphere most This works well when the suction is under direct
often involves the removal of blood or vomit. vision and all the holes are covered by the mate-
The volume to be removed may be large, but the rial to be aspirated, otherwise any exposed holes
time taken to remove it must be short; for this act as leak-in orifices and may reduce the negative
reason tubing with as large a bore as possible pressure, and so the flow, to ineffective levels. A
should be used. Although tubing of 6-8 mm simple way of preventing attraction during inser-
bore (0.25-0.33 in.) allows a very rapid removal tion of the catheter is a finger-hole left open at
rate it might even be necessary to use larger the proximal end of the suction catheter. This
bores, if the vomit contains solid lumps. However, reduces the negative pressure at the tip during
if the vomit is solid enough no pump or tubing insertion.

Suction from Sites Partially Communicating with the air flows down the trachea at the same rate
the Atmosphere as it flows up the catheter. Therefore, the pres-
When a catheter or nozzle is introduced into a sure in the lungs is the same proportion of the
cavity without entirely blocking the opening there pressure drop from atmosphere to suction
will be some fall in pressure in the cavity. apparatus as the resistance of the remaining air-
Tracheal and bronchial suction are the most im- way is to the total resistance between atmos-
portant examples of this situation. phere and suction apparatus. If the negative
pressure is measured at the apparatus end of the
Tracheal suction. suction catheter, the length of the pathway from
(a) Negative pressure in the lungs. Most that point to the lungs is about the same as the
clinicians are aware that it is a dangerous pro- length from the lungs to the atmosphere. From
cedure to attach the suction tubing directly on the formula in table I may be calculated the
to the endotracheal tube as this makes the system change in the negative pressure within the lungs
a closed one. If suction is applied in this way the when the diameter of a suction catheter is in-
pressure in the lungs falls until it equals the creased in relation to the bore of an endotracheal
maximum negative pressure of the apparatus.
This might approach a total vacuum. A similar
situation would exist should a suction catheter
If PL = pressure in the lungs
be put between the vocal cords and laryngeal
spasm occur. F = flow of air down the trachea (which
is also the flow up the catheter to the
It is not nearly so well understood that even suction apparatus when a steady
when there is a free communication with the state is reached)
atmosphere there is still some fall in pressure in RL = resistance of pathway from atmos-
the lungs during tracheal suction. When a suction phere to the lungs
catheter is introduced into the trachea, gas is Then PL = FRL
drawn from the lungs and this is replaced by
Similarly if P T = total pressure drop from atmosphere
air drawn in from the atmosphere through the to suction apparatus
space left round the suction catheter. There must,
R T = total resistance of the pathway from
therefore, be a drop in pressure from atmosphere atmosphere to suction apparatus
to the tip of the suction catheter and from this
Then PT = FRT
point to the suction apparatus. The pressure in
the lungs is the same as at the tip of the suction Therefore P L _ RL
The negative pressure in the lungs only lasts For laminar flow in a cylindrical tube resistance is
while air is flowing. When sputum enters the proportional to the length over the fourth power of the
diameter. Assume that for all shapes of tube the
catheter, air flow almost ceases although this may resistance is proportional to the length over the square
not occur until some time after the catheter has of the cross-sectional area.
been introduced. Then if A ^ inside diameter of the trachea or
The exact fraction of the total pressure drop airway
from atmosphere to suction apparatus that B — outside diameter of the suction
develops in the lungs depends on how closely the catheter
suction catheter fits into the trachea or endotra- C = inside diameter of the suction
cheal tube. If the fit is an exact one the pressure catheter
in the lungs is the maximum negative pressure it can be shown that
of the apparatus; but if the suction catheter is
very narrow compared to the endotracheal tube, RT (A° -B") « -r O
then there will be only a small fall of pressure in therefore the pressure in the lungs is given by
the lungs. C4
P L = PT
The pressure drop along a tube is proportional 1
(A* -B ) * + C*
to its resistance. When a steady state is reached

tube through which it is passed. The effect is of the ratio between them. This means that the
shown (fig. 19) in terms of the ratio of the out- negative pressure applied to the catheter is always
side diameter of the suction catheter to the inside near the maximum of the apparatus, and tie
diameter of the endotracheal tube or the trachea. curves shown in figure 19 apply. However, when
This figure shows that as a larger size of suction larger catheters are used in larger airways and
catheter is used within an endotracheal tube the the total resistance is small, the applied negative
pressure fall in the lungs is a greater proportion pressure is a smaller fraction of the maximum
of the total fall. The thickness of the wall of the negative pressure of the apparatus. In these cases
suction catheter has also to be taken into account. the negative pressure in the lung will be some-
For any given ratio of the outside diameter of what lower than that shown in figure 19.
the suction catheter to the inside diameter of the The analysis in table I is not quite complete,
endotracheal tube, the thinner the wall of the as no account has been taken of turbulence or
suction catheter the greater will be the pressure of the annular shape of the space round the
drop in the lungs. Figure 19 shows what happens suction catheter. Experiments, using a mock-
when a fixed negative pressure of 20 in. Hg is lung, support the proposition that if the suction
applied to the catheter. catheter has an outside diameter of not more than
In practice the pressure at the suction end of half the inside diameter of the airway, large
the catheter will depend on the characteristics of negative pressures in the lung are avoided. When
the suction apparatus and on the total resistance of an endotracheal tube is used, the inside diameter
the airway and the suction catheter. In a small of its connector may be smaller than that of the
airway, such as that of an infant, the diameter of tube. For safety, this smaller inside diameter
both the airway and the suction catheter is small should be regarded as the inside diameter of the
and the total resistance is always large regardless airway when selecting the suction catheter.
NEGATIVE PRESSURE One way to reduce the effect of negative pres-
DEVELOPED IN LUNG sure in the lungs is to include a finger-hole in
the proximal end of the catheter; this allows an
alternative air entry while inserting and with-
6CK> drawing the catheter.
Another practical way of preventing excessive
negative pressure is to use a double lumen
suction catheter, blowing as much air in through
4OO one tube as is removed by the other (Shea, 1959).
(b) Effects of negative pressure on the lungs.
The lung volume is reduced (fig. 20) and if the



O2 O-4 O-6 O-8 to VOLUME
FIG. 19
The calculated negative pressure developed in the lung RESIDUAL
is plotted against the ratio between the outside VOLUME
diameter of the suction catheter and the inside dia-
meter of the airway. In this example the negative
pressure applied to the suction catheter is 20 in. Hg.
Each curve represents a catheter with a different wall
thickness expressed as the ratio between the inside FIG. 20
diameter (I.D.) and the outside diameter (O.D.) of the Reduction of the expiratory reserve volume during
catheter. suction before occlusion of the catheter by sputum.
(a) Via. 21
Radiographs taken (o) before and (fc) during suction.
(Courtesy of Dr. A. S. Bligh)

O.D suction catheter

l.D. endotracheal tube =
" 0.65
I.D. suction catheter
O.D. suction catheter ~~ °
Applied negative pressure 4 in. Hg,

trachea is completely blocked by the catheter investigations in our own clinical environment
massive atelectasis could occur. The oxygen in show that, despite a high level of awareness of
the lungs is inevitably reduced and this results this problem, contamination occurs. After a
in hypoxia. Oximeter readings confirm this by catheter has been used once it may be needed for
showing a reduction in oxygen saturation during the same patient later on, and it must be a com-
suction (Kergin, Bean and Paul, 1948). mon sight in hospitals to see a catheter dangling
When suction is applied in the respiratory tract, from a corner of the anaesthetic apparatus or
the pressure in the alveoli may become negative bedside (Jacoby, Zeigler, Macpherson and Gar-
throughout the respiratory cycle and this is reflec- vin, 1960). Sometimes water is sucked through
ted by an increase in the intrathoracic negative the catheter after use; later other catheters are
pressure. When the negative pressure in the alveoli dipped into the contaminated water.
is greater than 50 cm H a O respiration may well
be impossible. Any fall in intrathoracic pressure The Efficiency of Suction related to Catheter Size
produces an increased systemic venous return and A series of experiments was performed in order
a dilatation of the great veins and right heart to test whether the size of the catheter affected
(Rigler, 1959). Radiographs taken during suction the efficiency of suction, as judged by the
confirm this (fig. 21). During suction in this operator. At the same time observations were
patient both domes of the diaphragm are higher made on the effect of the average negative pres-
by one intercostal space. There is also a marked sure developed during the time of suction.
dilatation of the superior vena caval shadow, of Twelve experienced anaesthetists were asked
the main pulmonary artery, and of the left to judge, by awarding marks, the efficiency of a
auricular appendage shadow. The transverse particular catheter in removing a volume of mixed
diameter of the heart is increased. There is radio- egg. The characteristics of the apparatus were
logical evidence of an increased venous return to varied in order to change the average negative
the heart. pressure. The time taken to perform the task was
Sudden death during endotracheal suction has AVERAGE
been reported (Shumacher and Hampton, 1951;
Mushin, 1960) yet the exact causes are still in 1O-1 CATHETER BORE
O 4'Omm
doubt. There is well-documented evidence _ t 2*5 mm
(Brodie and Russell, 1900; Sloan, 1950; Young, • 1-Omrn
Sealy, Harris and Botwin, 1957; Clowes, Hop-
kins and Simeone, 1955) to show that cardiac l
i /
arrest from respiratory tract reflexes occurs; the
part that these reflexes play during tracheal suc-
tion is difficult to decide. It seems likely that an
important cause of sudden death during suction
is the sudden load caused by increased venous
return on the possibly anoxic heart.
(c) Bronchial suction. During bronchial suction
total blockage of a bronchus can easily occur and
might result in a negative pressure great enough
to collapse the lung. This is serious enough,
although fatal anoxia is unlikely if the other lung 5 1O IS 2O 25
is ventilating well. A small diameter catheter AVERAGE KEGATIVE PRBSSURE DURING SUCTION
should therefore be used. In.Hg
(d) Sterility. Catheters for tracheal suction FIG. 22
should be ready for immediate use. A sterile The relation between efficiency of suction, subjectively
supply of catheters should be kept but no con- assessed, and the average negative pressure during
venient and satisfactory method of doing this suction for three different catheters. Each point is the
average of the marks allowed by twelve experienced
has yet been widely adopted. Bacteriological anaesthetists.

measured. The curves (fig. 22) show a good cor- free air flow much, a flow control is necessary
relation between the average negative pressure if tissue attraction is to be decreased. Two
and the marks. Each mark represents the average systems, one offering a large reservoir and a high
of the twelve anaesthetists. free air flow, the other a small volume reservoir
The smallest catheter (1 mm, i.e. 0.04 in.) and a low free air flow, would be of value. These
received low marks always and altering the could be supplied from the same pump.
average negative pressure did not improve the If it is felt that bottles with a larger volume
marks by much. than 3 1. might be required, then only one bottle
The large catheters (2.5 mm, i.e. 0.1 in., and should be in the system at any one time. This
4 mm, i.e. 0.16 in.) were just satisfactory and also allows emptying without breaking the suc-
could be made good when the average negative tion system. An automatic device for stopping the
pressure was increased by reducing the circuit suction when the bottle is full is a useful
volume. accessory.
All sizes could be blocked by solid particles A bacterial filter on the outlet has been
in the mixture and, naturally, the larger the bore recommended to prevent contamination of the
of the catheter the greater tie particle size that atmosphere (Ranger and O'Grady, 1958).
would pass up it. Transparent plastic tubing is not only lighter
than rubber but it can easily be inspected for clean-
PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS liness. Since plastic tubing is relatively inelastic,
In an apparatus for general use the vacuum source any junction in the suction system should have
should be a rotary or piston pump. These can permanently fitted rigid male and female con-
give a negative pressure of 25 in. Hg (64 cm Hg) nectors of a standard size. The tubing from the
which is ample for any clinical need. The rotary suction catheter to the bottle should be short. The
pump is unlikely to develop mechanical faults appropriate diameter depends on the removal
and is usually preferred by manufacturers. rate that the clinician requires. A bore of at least
The necessary free air flow is intimately related 6-8 mm (0.25-0.33 in.) is necessary for speedy
to the volume of the system and to the required suction of a large volume of blood or vomit. An
rate at which material is to be removed by even larger bore tubing might be advantageous if
suction. A clinical need for a removal of a total there are solid particles in the aspirated
volume of more than 2 1. of blood is unusual. material.
Therefore a system volume of 3 1. will be ade- When sucking secretions from the trachea
quate. A free air flow of 25-35 l./min is satis- during anaesthesia it is an advantage if the tubing
factory, although it is easy and relatively inex- is light in weight. This can be achieved and at
pensive to provide larger air flows of 40-60 the same time the length of tubing kept very
l./min. These flows should be with the reservoir short if a small bottle is fitted to the anaesthetic
bottles and tubing connected. The flow charac- machine. In these circumstances the weight of
teristics of many machines are given for the tubing is reduced, the volume of the circuit
pump by itself. When the resistance of tubing is kept small and the resistance pathway for the
and pipes are added the free air flow is dimin- aspirated material is minimal.
ished considerably. Many catheters and nozzles have been designed,
A negative pressure gauge is essential and this but their efficiency in removing material depends
should be as close to the intake as possible, so on their bore. A small bore catheter will not
that near-atmospheric pressures are registered remove a large volume of blood quickly, even if
during free air flow. It should be large enough the attached tubing is of wide bore.
to be read easily at a distance. Sucker ends with multiple perforations prevent
A vacuum control is valuable. A pressure tissue becoming attached to the sucker but each
regulator type is the more accurate and does not perforation can act as a "leak-in", although ade-
affect the free air flow to a great extent. quate flows for many purposes are still possible.
A flow control tap is an advantage. When the When using suction near delicate tissues, as
vacuum control is efficient and does not reduce wide a bore catheter as practicable should be

used. This allows the negative pressure limit to A general purpose suction apparatus should
be set to the minimum, ensuring efficient suction incorporate the following features. The free air
while decreasing the risk of tissue damage. The flow should be at least 30 l./min, the negative
flow control should be used to decrease air flow pressure developed about 25 in. Hg (64 cm Hg)
and tissue attraction. By adjusting the flow rate and the volume of the reservoir bottle about 3 1.
and the circuit volume small quantities of blood There should be negative-pressure and flow con-
can still be removed rapidly. trols, and an easily readable vacuum gauge. A
In tracheal suction a carefully selected size of bacterial filter should be fitted. The tubing
catheter should be used for each case. The distal should be of transparent plastic to facilitate
end should be well rounded and have one open- cleanliness. The bore of this should be 6-8 mm
ing. A greater number of openings decreases the (0.25-0.33 in.).
suction effect. If the proximal end has a finger-
hole, air can be entrained from the atmosphere ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

while the catheter is introduced or withdrawn. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the great deal of helpful
Suction takes place only when the hole is occluded. advice, both literary and scientific, and the construc-
Disposable catheters in a sterile pack, labelled tive criticism so freely given by Professor W. W.
Mushin and Dr. W. W. Mapleson. This paper owes
with the appropriate size of endotracheal tube much to the many discussions we had with them and
into which it could be passed with safety, would to the flow of ideas and continuous encouragement
be a great advantage. All catheters and nozzles which resulted.
We would also like to thank Dr. A. S. Bligh, Con-
should be smooth and rounded. It is undesirable sultant Radiologist, United Cardiff Hospitals, for his
to cut off smooth ends; trauma to tissues is likely. ready co-operation, for the radiographs in figure 21,
and for his opinion on them. Mr. R. Marshall,
It is an advantage if the catheters are made of Director of the Department of Medical illustration,
a transparent material, so that both the type of United Cardiff Hospitals, and numerous medical and
material aspirated and its movement up the nursing colleagues gave ready help. We are grateful
to a number of firms who co-operated with us readily
catheter can be seen. and supplied much data and other information about
their products. Thanks are particularly due to Messrs.
Edwards High Vacuum Ltd., and British Oxygen
Gases Ltd., for details of their suction control units. We
SUMMARY hope to thank the other firms individually when in
a future publication we discuss apparatus in more
To remove liquid rapidly the free air flow of the detail.
suction apparatus (the flow it produces when the
intake is open to atmosphere) should be at least
four times the maximum liquid removal rate Aitken, D (1949) A new surgical suction pump. Brit,
med. J., 1, 1094.
required; the maximum negative pressure need Brodie, E. L. (1941). A thermal operated drainage
not exceed 25 in. Hg; the time that the apparatus pump. /. Urol. (Baltimore), 45, 507.
takes to develop its maximum suction after the Brodie, T. G.. and Russell, A. E. (1900). On reflex
cardiac inhibition. /. Physiol., 26, 92.
catheter has been dipped in the liquid to be Carr, J. A. (1949). Continuous suction: a new hydro-
aspirated should be short. This time depends dynamic method. Brit. med. ]., 1, 1136.
mainly on the internal volume of the apparatus Clowes, G. H. A. jr., Hopkins, A. L., and Simeqne,
F. A. (1955). A comparison of the physiological
and the free air flow. effects of hypercapnia and hypoxia in the pro-
A clear distinction is made between the flow duction of cardiac arrest. Ann. Surg., 142, 446.
Jacoby, J., Ziegler, C., Macpherson, C. R., and Garvin,
control and the negative-pressure control, and the J. (1960). The anaesthesiologist and hospital in-
purpose and performance of each is examined. fections. Anesth. Analg., 39, 75.
The different types of vacuum sources are Kergin, F. J., Bean. D. M., and Paul, W. (1948).
Anoxia during intrathoracic operations. /. thorac.
classified and briefly described Surg., 17, 709.
The requirements and dangers of suction in Lake, N. C. (1924). The use of suction in surgery.
Lancet, 2, 1166.
various clinical circumstances are considered. It Macintosh, R., Mushin, W. W., and Epstein. H. G.
is postulated that sudden death during tracheal (1958). Physics for the Anaesthetist, 2nd ed.
suction may be partly due to greatly increased Oxford: Blackwells Scientific Publications.
Morbidity Conference (1956). A complication of
venous return. intrabronchial suction. Brit. J. Anaesth., 28, 236.

Mushin. W. W. (1960). Personal communication. Shea. L. T. (1959). Personal communication.

Rendell-Baker, L., and Thompson, P. W. (1959). Shumacher, H. B., and Hampton, L. J. (1951).
Automatic Ventilation of the Lungs, p. 35. Sudden death occurring immediately after opera-
Oxford: Black wells Scientific Publications. tion in patients with cardiac disease, with par-
Ranger, I., and O'Grady, F. (1958). Dissemination of ticular reference to the role of aspiration through
micro-organisms by a surgical pump. Lancet, 2, the endotracheal tube and extubation. /. thorac.
299. Surg., 21, 48.
Rigler, L. G. (1959). Functional roentgen diagnosis: Sloan, H. E. (1950). The vagus nerve in cardiac arrest.
anatomical image-physiological interpretation. Surg. Gynec. Obst., 91, 257.
Amer. J. Roentgenol., 82, 1. Young, W. G. jr., Sealy, W. C , Harris, J., and Botwin,
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