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A mixed methods phenomenological and exploratory study of channeling

Article  in  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research · March 2021

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3 authors:

Helane Wahbeh Loren Carpenter

Institute of Noetic Sciences 34 PUBLICATIONS   2,967 CITATIONS   

Dean Radin
Institute of Noetic Sciences


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Published In

Wahbeh, H., Carpenter, L., & Radin, D. (2018). A mixed methods phenomenological and exploratory study of

channeling. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 82(3), 129–148.

Title: A mixed methods phenomenological and exploratory study of channeling


Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR1

Loren Carpenter1

Dean Radin, PhD1

1. Institute of Noetic Science, Petaluma, CA



Full-trance channeling is a practice in which an individual (a channeler) willingly enters into a

dissociated mental state with the intention of bringing forth an intelligent “entity” that speaks and acts through

their mind and body. During such states, the person acting as the channeler may or may not be consciously

aware of what they are saying or doing. This study was designed to contribute to the conceptual framework for

understanding the nature of channeling, as well as to further understand the phenomenological experiences of

such individuals. We invited five full-trance channelers to participate in a pilot study in Mt. Shasta, California,

between March 19 and March 22, 2017. Prior to the event, demographic measures, spirituality and religion

measures, experience with medication, and personality, dissociation and psychotic symptoms were collected via

questionnaires. The results showed that the channelers were similar to general population norms. As expected,

paranormal belief scores and reports of “anomalous information reception” experiences were high. During the

focus group meeting, a custom-built, multi-channel, random number generator (RNG) system located in the

same room as the group continuously recorded data for exploratory purposes. A modestly significant mean

difference between RNG data obtained during channeling versus no-channeling control periods was found (z =

2.250, p = 0.024, two-tail). This encourages additional research and development of physical detectors as

potential methods for objectively measuring environmental fluctuations associated with the act of channeling.

Such techniques may also provide a novel means of discriminating among different purported “beings” said to

arise during channeling sessions. Qualitative analysis of the channeled content revealed five common themes:

1) mechanisms of channeling; 2) the need to awaken humanity and methods by which to do so; 3) the nature of

reality; 4) descriptions of multi-dimensional beings and worlds; and 5) suggestions for advancing channeling


Key words:

Channeling, channeler, full-trance



Channeling has been defined as: “The communication of information to or through a physically

embodied human being, from a source that is said to exist on some other level or dimension of reality than the

physical as we know it, and that is not from the normal mind (or self) of the channel” (Klimo, 1998, p. 2).

Numerous world cultures believe channeling provides genuine information, and channeling rituals in various

forms are regularly conducted in both religious and non-religious contexts (Crook, 1997; Hageman et al., 2009;

Kua, Sim, & Chee, 1986). Research suggests that channeling-related phenomena continue to be prevalent in

contemporary cultures (Haraldsson & Houtkooper, 1991). Full-trance channeling can be understood as a form

of channeling in which an individual willingly enters degrees of trance-like states of consciousness whereby the

channeler connects with sources of information that appear to exist outside of their ego-awareness. Full-trance

channelers use their bodies as “vehicles” for the purported disincarnate “being” to incorporate into and to

communicate directly via speaking or movement. The experience of full-trance channeling is in stark contrast to

those who describe themselves as living with multiple personalities sharing the same body (Ribary, Lajtai,

Demetrovics, & Maraz, 2017). Full-trance channelers are distinguished from mediums, who through

mediumship purportedly communicate with a deceased human or discarnate “being” without their bodies

“being” used as “vehicles.” Some traditions may refer to full-trance channelers also as mediums. In this work,

the term channeler will be used rather than medium. Religious groups such as the Spiritists in Brazil (Negro Jr,

Palladino-Negro, & Louzã, 2002) and Spiritualists in the United Kingdom (Roxburgh & Roe, 2011) engage in

full-trance channeling as part of their traditions and provide training programs on how to channel. While the

purported source and content of channeled information are variable, common sources and overarching themes

have been noted (Klimo, 1998). For example, purported sources include the “higher self,” gods and/or God, a

universal mind, collective unconscious, group beings, Jesus Christ, angels, devas/elementals, plants or animals,

extraterrestrials, deceased human beings, or earthbound spirits. Common content themes include “ageless

wisdom,” guidance and personal messages, descriptions of life in nonphysical realms, the past and/or future,


artistic/creative or scientific/technological material, health and healing, and information from or about deceased

humans (Klimo, 1998).

Research on channeling has not yet revealed whether channeling is a unique state of consciousness

(pathological or otherwise). A few preliminary studies evaluating psychopathology in mediums and channelers

have demonstrated that, in general, most do not have dissociative symptoms above clinical cut-offs in their daily

lives (Cohen, 1977; Negro Jr et al., 2002; Roxburgh & Roe, 2011). Neither has research revealed how

channeling could work even if one hypothesized that channelers were in fact relaying accurate information from

purported disincarnate “beings”. A limited amount of research using electroencephalography (EEG) has

attempted to assess if the channeled trance-state is similar to ordinary awareness, or if it appears to be a distinct

state of consciousness (Hughes & Melville, 1990). One systematic review evaluated full-trance channelers

before and during their channeling sessions and found increased levels of noradrenalin, muscle tone, heart rate,

and spectral power in alpha, beta, and theta EEG frequency bands (Bastos, Bastos, Goncalves, Osorio, &

Lucchetti, 2015). Another study examined EEG before, during, and after channeling in 10 experienced full-

trance channelers and 10 non-channeler controls, all recruited from the same Spiritist cultural community. The

study found that compared to the controls the channelers had greater beta EEG power in all phases of the

experiment, greater theta power on one electrode out of 22 while communicating, and greater alpha power on

one electrode during the post-communication phase. This result was not corrected for multiple electrodes and no

within-group differences were noted (Bastos et al., 2016). Thus, while reported changes noted in EEG measures

may be spurious, they are useful as preliminary efforts to study physiological differences between channeled

trance-state and non-channeled states. Studies of psychopathology and physiology contribute to our

understanding of channeling in general and to the unique nature of the channeling state specifically.

One approach for exploring channeling is to use phenomenological techniques to experiences that are

similar or different between channelers. The channeler’s first-person point of view in a non-channeling and/or

channeling state can provide information about their subjective state, and about how they believe channeling

works and the implications of the content. By documenting and comparing a range of channeling experiences,


we can begin to explore patterns that may emerge. Focus groups are a qualitative research study design that

allow for a more economical collection of information than individual interviews, but still allow for in-depth

data collection on complex topics (Then, Rankin, & Ali, 2014).

Anecdotally, many channelers have reported unusual sensory or energetic sensations during channeling

sessions. Thus, another approach to studying channeling is to incorporate objective measures that may be

sensitive to subtle environmental effects associated with shifts in consciousness. In this regard, random number

generators (RNG) have been used to study intentional and attentional-related effects in many laboratory and

real-world experiments (Cardena, Palmer, & Marcusson-Clavertz, 2015; Nelson, 2015; Vargolis & Bancel,

2015). As a result, a custom-design RNG was included as an exploratory measure in this study to see if

subjective shifts in the environment could be detected as entropic changes in the RNG.

The overall goal of this project was to learn more about channeling and channelers in a group setting

with multiple channelers. The specific objectives were to 1) collect data on full-trance channelers’ subjective

experiences, 2) learn more about the channeling process in a group setting, and 3) collect exploratory RNG data

to see if there were any differences in data recorded during channeling versus no-channeling periods. Because

of the exploratory nature of this study, no formal hypotheses were formulated a priori.



Inclusion criteria included being at least 18 years old, a self-reported full-trance channeler, able to attend

the group sessions and being assessed to have normal levels of dissociative and psychotic symptoms.

Exclusions included physical health issues that might preclude attendance at the study.

The principal investigator (PI) contacted one full-trance channeler already known to her and one other

who was known through others at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. This latter channeler then referred another

full-trance channeler. Because the study was being conducted at a retreat center at Mt. Shasta, California, the PI

researched and found two full-trance channelers in that local area. These five channelers were selected for this


study based on a set of inclusion/exclusion criteria, their channeling experience, willingness to participate, and


Participants signed an informed consent prior to the study, which explained the risks and benefits of

participation. Potential volunteers were able to verbally and via email ask questions to ensure they understood

the nature of the study and their role in it. There was also one conference call before the event to review the

procedures and answer any further questions. They reviewed and signed the informed consent via an online

platform. The study was approved by the Institute of Noetic Science Institutional Review Board. Participants

received lodging, meals and travel accommodations to attend the event, and a $100 gift card to compensate for

their time at the event.



Prior to the event, participants completed an online survey administered by SurveyMonkey

( The survey collected information on demographics, spirituality and religious background,

and personality in order to understand the background and baseline characteristics of the participants.

Personality was measured with the Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10; Cronbach α range from .74-.89), a ten-item

scale with personality categories of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness.

Each item is rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from disagree strongly to agree strongly and items within

each category are averaged to derive category scores (Rammstedt & John, 2007).

To characterize the participant’s mental health status, we also collected information about current use of

psychoactive or psychiatric meditations, dissociative symptoms, and psychotic symptoms. These scales were

used to ensure participants did not have any mental health pathology that might preclude their participation.

Dissociative symptoms were evaluated using the Dissociation Experiences Scale Taxon (DES-T; Cronbach's α.

0.78) (N. G. Waller & Ross, 1997), which is an eight-item scale where respondents indicate how frequently they

experience each dissociative symptom in their daily life (e.g., 0%, 10%, ….100%). The DES-T score is the


mean of the eight items. A higher score reflects more dissociative symptoms and a clinical cut-off score of 30

has been used to identify pathological levels of dissociative symptoms (N. Waller, Putnam, & Carlson, 1996).

Psychotic symptoms were evaluated with the Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences-Positive Scale

(CAPE-P15; Cronbach's α = 0.79), a self-report instrument that measures current frequency of positive

psychotic-like experiences (Capra, Kavanagh, Hides, & Scott, 2013). Each item uses a 4-point Likert scale from

0 (“never”), to 1 (“sometimes”), 2 (“often”), to 3 (“nearly always”). If participants indicated psychotic-like

experiences (above 0), they were asked how distressed they were about the experience using a 4-point Likert

scale from 0 (“not distressed”) to 3 (“very distressed”). The total score is the average of the frequency and

intensity scores and ranges from 0 – 6, with higher scores reflecting greater psychotic symptoms. A score of

1.47 on the CAPE-P15 has been used as a clinical cut-off for ultra-high risk for psychosis (Bukenaite et al.,


The channelers’ level of belief in the paranormal was assessed with the paranormal belief subscale of the

New Age Orientation Survey, which consists of six items rated on a 6-point Likert scale from 1 (“strongly

disagree”), to 6 (“strongly agree”); this questionnaire produces a score from 6-36, with higher scores reflecting

greater belief in the paranormal (Granqvist & Hagekull, 2001).

Twenty-five “Anomalous information reception” (AIR) items were assessed using a scale developed by

the Institute of Noetic Sciences. AIR is our term for such experiences such as clairvoyance, telepathy, and

psychokinesis including channeling. This scale has a Cronbach’s α = 0.78, and items can be used individually or

as a total score. The total score is created by summing the endorsement binary variable (i.e. experienced item =

1, no experience = 0; 25 points max) with the frequency scores (Seldom -1; Sometimes – 2, Often – 3, Nearly

Always – 4; 4 points x 25 items = 100 points max) for each item. This results in a maximum possible score of

125; this score was then divided by 125 for ease of interpretation, providing a range from 0 to 1, with 1 being

the highest score possible.

We further asked if any of the participants’ AIR experiences occurred in the last 30 days, at what age

their experiences began, if they told anyone about them, if any family members had similar experiences, the


impact the experiences had on their lives, the kind of content channeled, and their beliefs about the source of the


Qualitative data collection and analysis

Audio and video recordings were collected during all group sessions at Mt. Shasta and later transcribed.

Qualitative data analysis was conducted on the audio transcripts. Each transcript was read several times to gain

an overall sense of the data (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Using an inductive coding approach, descriptive codes

were created and included in a codebook that had the definition of each code and a brief description of when to

use it (Saldana, 2013). The codes were: Channeling (yes/no), Channeler designation (1-5), purported

disembodied Being (1-18), type of channeling (traditional, one channeler/one being); sequential, one being

moving from one channeler to another); simultaneous, more than one channeler channeling at the same time;

attempt at materialization, and content topics (e.g. nature of reality, how channeling works, awaken humanity,

etc). Each transcript excerpt was coded using the Dedoose web-based qualitative data analysis software for

managing, analyzing, and presenting qualitative and mixed method research data (Dedoose, 7.5.31,

Sociocultural Research Consultants, LLC., Los Angeles, CA).

Quantitative data collection and analysis

A custom-built electronic random number generator system consisting of 32 independent channels of

quantum-based noise (we labeled it a Quantum Noise Generator, QNG) was placed in the southwest corner of

the room where the channeling occurred and recording began on March 19, 2017, before the start of any

channeling sessions. The QNG unit remained untouched for the duration of the event until March 22, 2017,

when it was powered off. The source of randomness in the QNG is similar to that used in commercial random

number generators, i.e., reverse-biased Zener diodes. Each diode was tested prior to use to gauge the four kinds

of random behavior that the devices can produce (Johnson noise, quantum tunneling, avalanche noise and shot

noise). Unlike most commercial RNGs, which turn random noise into bits (0s and 1s), the raw noise signal


generated by each channel of the QNG was sampled at 1 KHz and recorded as 16-bit signed samples on a Micro

SD card. That card also recorded the time stamp of the data (accurate to the second).

To analyze the QNG data, the signal produced by each channel was averaged to provide one sample per

minute for each of the 32 channels. Then each sample was coded according to activities occurring at that time.

For example, each sample was coded 1 when at least one individual was engaged in channeling, and 0 when

participants were seated in the same location in the living room, but no one was engaged in channeling. The

samples coded 0 acted as control data. These controls were not the same as non-channeling times when the

participants were moving about the house, out of the house, or sleeping. The temperature setting in the house

was set via a thermostat to be consistent at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. The house was heated with radiant floors and

thus there was no hot air blowing on the device. In addition, each sample was coded for the channeler engaged

in channeling at the time, and for the “being” speaking. Two measures were then generated for each sample: 1)

an autocorrelation metric, which measured temporal self-similarity within each noise signal, and then averaged

those values, per minute, over the 32 channels, i and 2) a mutual information measure, which measured the

degree of similarity amount the 32 QNG signals, per minute.ii Under the null hypothesis, neither of these

metrics should show any meaningful relationship with the events taking place in the room. The autocorrelation

and mutual information measures were not correlated with each other (over the entire recording period r = -

0.02, p = 0.47), and so they were combined into a single, composite QNG measure which metaphorically may

be thought of as a way to detect “disturbances in the force,” i.e., momentary distortions in the temporal and

spatial fabric of reality. iii This composite QNG measure was compared during control periods versus times

when the five channelers and principal investigator were sitting in the same locations and actively engaged in

channeling. To assess the probability of the mean difference between the experimental and control QNG

measures, a nonparametric circular-shift randomized permutation analysis was performed (Matlab 2018a,

MathWorks, Natick, MA). This entailed determining the mean difference in the QNG data between the two

conditions of interest, then randomly circular-shifting the original QNG array, calculating the same mean

difference using the shifted data, storing the resulting mean difference, then repeating this process 10,000 times.


The final assessment compared the original mean difference against the mean and standard deviation of the

randomly shifted mean differences. This technique was conservative because it made no assumptions about the

distribution of samples produced by the QNG. Additional comparisons were made and evaluated similarly

between data recorded during periods when different channeled “beings” were purportedly present, versus the

control data.


The study took place in the town of Mt. Shasta, California between March 19 and March 22, 2017. All

study activities took place in a single-family rental house in a remote location to avoid interference from

neighbors, noises, etc. during the channeling sessions. There was one channeling session March 19, four

sessions March 20, three sessions March 21, and one session March 22.

The first session was on March 19 was unplanned and spontaneous. As we were gathered in the living

room discussing how the study would unfold, one of the channelers shared that a “being” wanted to come

through her. Channeler #1 then began channeling and spoke for 6 minutes. The first planned session occurred

the next morning, March 20. It began with the PI leading the group in a guided meditation and then reading a

list of questions. Because of the exploratory nature of the study, there were no expectations or guidelines on

how the channeling would unfold. The questions were intended as seeds for discussion. Some example

questions were: Can we verify that the “beings” coming through are actually separate from the channel? How

does channeling works? Can the “beings” come through and converse in a language that is unknown to the

channeler? What is the structure of the quantum world? Does artificial intelligence have consciousness? How

can we be all one and not one? After this introduction, the channeling sessions began. The initiation of

channeled communication happened organically. The participants sat in a meditative state and one or more

stated that they had a “being” who wanted to communicate. After a “being” or “beings” departed another

channeler would express that they had a “being” who wanted to communicate, or the group would discuss

material that was presented or a break would be requested. Details on which channeler channeled which “being”

during each session is discussed later. Four planned channeling sessions occurred on March 20 from 10:15 am-


12 pm; 12:15 pm to 1 pm, 2:20 pm to 4:20 pm; and 5:20 pm - 6 pm. Three channeling sessions occurred on

March 21 from 10:30 am to 1 pm; 2:20 pm to 4:40 pm 4:53 pm to 6:16 pm. On March 22, there was one session

from 10:20 am to 11:42 am.


Survey Data: Participant demographic and background data

The five channelers were female, Caucasian, aged 59 ± 16 years (range 40-72), with 17 ± 3 years of

education, and currently living in the United States. One was a native of the Middle East and two were native

Germans. Four of the five channelers were not in relationship. Their annual household income varied ($0-

$24,999 – 2; $25,000-$49,999 – 1; $50,000-$74,999 – 1; $100,000 & up – 1). Three were raised Christian and

two were raised “spiritual but not religious,” and all of the channelers endorsed “spiritual but not religious” as

their current affiliation. One participant was on a psychotropic medication, an antidepressant.

Their average “Big Five” personality scores were as follows: Extraversion - 2.6 ± 0.82; Agreeableness -

3.8 ± 1.4; Conscientiousness - 3.2 ± 0.6; Neuroticism - 2.1 ± 0.7; Openness - 3.7 ± 1.0. Their average

Dissociation Experience Score was 12.3 ± 8.9 and their average Psychotic Symptom Score was 0.37 ± 0.39.

Their paranormal belief score was 30.8 ± 3.2. Individual scores for these measures are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Personality Traits, Dissociation Experience Score, Psychotic Symptoms and Paranormal Belief by


Channeler 1 2 3 4 5

Extraverson 3.5 2.0 3.0 1.5 3.0

Agreeableness 1.5 4.0 5.0 4.0 4.5

Conscientiousness 4.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 3.0

Neuroticism 2.5 1.0 2.5 2.0 2.5

Openness 4.5 3.0 3.0 5.0 3.0


Dissociation Experience Score 15.0 7.5 1.3 12.5 25.0

Psychotic Symptoms 4.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 15.0

Paranormal Belief 30.0 35.0 33.0 27.0 29.0

Survey Data: Anomalous information reception (AIR) experiences collected prior to focus group

All channelers indicated experiences in addition to channeling, including telepathy,

claircognizance/clairsentience, clairarlience, clairempathy, nature empathy, and pre- and retrocognition

experiences. Four channelers endorsed having had lucid dreaming, informational dreams, animal

communications, aura reading, clairvoyance/remote viewing, clairaudience, clairtangency (or psychometry, the

experience of knowing information about a physical object by touching it that could not be known through the

traditional five senses), geomancy, and physical healing experiences. Three channelers reported out-of-body

experiences. Two channelers reported automatic writing and clairgustance (the experience of a taste in the

mouth without any physical known reason for that taste). Levitation was reported by one channel. The average

weighted AIR score (endorsement plus frequency) was 0.51 ± 0.16 (range 0.3-0.7; possible range 0-1).

Three channelers had AIR-type experiences in childhood (0-15 years of age), one in adulthood (25-45)

and one channeler did not respond. Three channelers reported that the experiences started gradually and two

expressed a mix of spontaneous occurrences and some training. The channelers reported various form of

training, ranging from “Ascended Masters” to taking Transcendental Meditation teacher training, Amorah Quan

Yin, Reiki, Pranic healing, and mediumship training in Brazil. All channelers said they initiated the channeled

communications and one said that the “beings” also initiated communication. All channelers said that the AIR

experiences did not happen when they did not want them to, that they give implied or explicit permission for the

communication to occur, and that they were able to tell when a communication was about to occur. Their

subjective experiences of the onset of communication varied, including:

-“Often there is an incoming energy signature.”


-“After I initiate the conversation, I begin to have a physical sensation of warmth and love, then if I'm

not trance-channeling, I begin to see and hear the being of light I'm communicating with. If I'm trance

channeling, I feel my body going numb.”

-“I feel it in my head first then my whole body. I start breathing fast, I feel the presence of another in my

body my face features start changing.”

-“For vocal channels, not simple telepathic contact, I feel pressure in my heart chakra.”

-“During sessions and workshops, a sacred space is created first with songs and drums. Other times if

they want to speak with me, I feel their presence and they begin to speak.”

Three channelers reported that they are usually in control of the experience and two said they are always

in control. Regarding the state of the channelers’ state of consciousness during the experience, two reported

being fully-conscious, one described being in a medium trance, and two described a light-trance. All of the

channelers told others about their experiences and four had family members with similar experiences. The

impact of the experiences on the channelers lives was very positive 95 ± 8 (0-100, with 100 = very positive).

The channelers reported that they expressed the channeled information in the following ways (the number of

channelers who endorsed each expression type is listed after the item): spoke the message out loud to another

person, who wrote it down (5); recorded the message some way (e.g. audio, video, written) (4); help to heal

others through energy work or other means (4); created art, such as painting or music or took physical action,

such as dance or sports (2); invented things (1); or communicated the information with a pendulum or Tarot

cards (1).

When the channelers were asked to check all items that applied for who or what they believed to be the

source of their channeled information, they selected the following (the number of channelers who endorsed each

source is listed after the item): group beings (a coherent bundle of still-individual or once-individual purported

“beings” who communicated from a single integrated source), ascended masters, angels, and/or extra-terrestrials

(4); higher self and/or Jesus Christ (3); gods and/or God, a universal mind, devas, plants or animals, deceased

human beings (2); and the collective unconscious, elemental spirits, or earthbound spirits (1). When the


channelers were asked to check all that applied for the general topics of channeled information, they reported

the following: ageless wisdom, guidance and personal messages, and descriptions of life in nonphysical realms

(5); scientific/technological material; the future and the past, health and healing (4); information from or about

deceased humans (2); and subject matter for artistic/ creative expression (1).

Qualitative Data: Mt. Shasta sessions

Purported “beings”. Twenty-one purported “beings” were channeled during the sessions, including

“beings” reportedly from the Deva kingdom, Archangels (Archangel Michael, Gabriel and one unnamed),

Ascended Masters (Heyahwatha, Kathumi, Maitreya, Mother Mary, Mary Magdelene, Vovó Anamalia,

Yeshua), extra-terrestrial “beings” representing seven different star systems (Telos, Pleiadean, Arcturus, Sirius,

Orion, Cygnus, Lyra), two group “beings” (Galactic Beings of Light and Guardians of the Divine Feminine),

and one Earthbound spirit. The sequence of channeling sessions is listed in Table 2.

Table 2.

Sequence of channeling sessions

Date Session Time Channeler Purported Being Being #

3/19 1 16:52 - 16:58 4 Marco - Telos 1

3/20 2 10:15 - 10:42 2 Adama - Telos 2

3/20 2 10:43 - 10:52 5 Maitreya - Ascended Master 3

3/20 2 10:53 - 11:20 3 Yeshua - Ascended Master 4

3/20 2 11:32 - 11:58 4 Archangel Gabriel 5

3/20 3 12:16 - 12:23 2 Omsara - Cygnus 6

3/20 3 12:24 - 12:37 3 Omsara - Cygnus 6

3/20 3 12:38 - 12:46 5 Omsara - Cygnus 6

3/20 3 12:47 - 12:59 Omsara - Cygnus - attempted materialization 6


3/20 4 14:21 - 14:55 1 Vovo Anamalia - Ascended Master 7

3/20 4 15:37 - 16:14 4 Unnamed being 8

3/20 5 17:20 - 17:39 2 Galactic Beings of Light (Pledian-Acturian-Sirian) 9

5 Desiron - Orion

3/20 5 17:40 - 18:00 Galactic Beings of Light (Pledian-Acturian-Sirian) - 9

2 Activation

5 Desiron - Orion

3/21 6 10:26 - 10:37 4 Adama - Telos 2

3/21 6 10:38 - 11:05 3 Unnamed archangel - Sirius 10

3/21 6 11:33 - 12:04 5 Kathumi - Ascended Master 11

3/21 6 12:05 - 12:55 Kathumi - Ascended Master - attempted materialization 11

3/21 6 12:56 - 12:59 5 Kathumi - Ascended Master 11

3/21 7 14:20 - 14:41 Yeshua/Mary Magdalene blended energies in one 12

3 channeler

3/21 7 14:44 - 15:40 1 Heyawatha - Ascended Master 13

3/21 7 15:52 - 16:40 2 Adama – Telos 14

3 Osiris - Cygnus

4 Assos – Telos

5 Stanayama – Telos then switched to Antapoleeza- Deva

3/21 8 16:53 - 17:15 4 Earthbound spirit 15

3/21 8 17:38 - 18:16 3 Mary Magdalene –Ascended Master 16

4 Christ Energy – Ascended Master

5 Mothery Mary – Ascended Master

3/22 9 10:20 - 10:31 4 Adama- Telos 2

3/22 9 10:32 - 11:04 5 Maitreya - Ascended Master 3


3/22 9 11:05 - 11:15 4 Guardians of the Divine Feminine (group being) 17

3/22 9 11:16 - 11:24 3 Maitreya - Ascended Master 3

3/22 9 11:25 - 11:42 3 Philosten - Lyra 18

Types of channeling. A variety of channeling types were experienced. The most common was where one

person channeled one “being” and the other participants listened. There were also several instances where

multiple channelers (up to 4) channeled different purported “beings” simultaneously. In these cases, more than

one channeler expressed that they were going to begin channeling and would then do so simultaneously. The

purported incorporated “beings” would then have a conversation with each other and with the group. There

were two attempts at materialization of a higher dimensional “being”, and there were two instances where

multiple channelers channeled the same “being” sequentially. In the latter case, the “being” stated that they

were leaving the current channeler, ceased communication, and then continued the same conversation in a

different channeler. Following is an excerpt of the transcript of one such case. Channelers speaking are labeled

by number to preserve anonymity and the content has been shortened for economy of space. A full transcript is

available from the first author by request.

5 Because I’m not getting it real strong that she [Omsara] wants to come through me. She wants

to come through you.

2 I’d be honored. I’ve not had her speak through me before.

5 We can see what comes out.

2 Sure.

[all talking]

5 Oh. I think she wants to talk through all three of us.

5 Well, she does it sequentially.

2 Is that how it works? She goes to the next. I’ve never done that before.


5 If she’s doing what I am thinking. She’ll just say she’s moving on and I sense the sequence will

be you, me, 3. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the way it will really work.

[multiple soft voices]

2 channeling We greet you. Oh, this is a new vessel. Interesting. This one she wanted to go on a craft

but we wouldn't let her. We let her go to our place. Very interesting. Yes. This is new. Allow her for

some time to fully, fully let us come through. Dear ones, all of you are star beings. Yes. And we wish to

express something here. When we, and others, speak through different vessels we connect with different

aspects within each vessel. So many times the energies are changing. We wish to laugh right now so

much. We are so joyous. Any time we get a new opportunity to be here in this density it is so interesting

for us. We don't know how you do it. Yes, and for that you’re doing amazing. We just wish you – so

joyous – this little vessel is not big enough for our joy, for our love. […..] Dear ones, from where we are

coming from, joy, this is what we live on and what we express and expand upon, joy and love. And now

we are going to move on. It was a pleasure to meet this one for now.

[Multiple speakers] Thank you.

5 Is she coming to you? [directed at channeler 3]

3 Yes.


3 channeling This is Omsara. We would like 3 to guide the camera through the process of how many

of us enter the vessel for channeling. We are at the crown, concentrating the energy. And it is delivered

in packages through the crown. There are certain parts of the body that have a lower level of resistance.

[…]Packets of energy are delivered and reach those parts of the body first with lowest resistance. This

is why some channels experience that certain body parts are resonating first. Some may feel that one

half of the body is accepting the energy before other parts of the body, and then we do some work to

balance the other parts of the body. Basically, what we try to do is we squeeze out all the muck, it’s a

nice word, all the muck out of you. But humans do hold on to it and there’s no fault in this. If you would


call it a construction fault, but it was supposed to be like this. […] Once we’ve gone through packages

we can merge the energies [...] We unify the packages, we expand, there is an energetic merge and the

reason we appear different with each different vessel, body, vehicle we are talking through is because

the electromagnetic spectrum – and by this mean we mean the broader electromagnetic spectrum which

is not fully known yet to you – how each of you is different. Some of knowledge that comes through study

of rays which you are familiar with. […] So, the frequency of your denser bodies is different. Each tissue

is different. So, we will appear different. It’s not just the emotional body that’s different, it’s the whole

physical, mental, emotional, but if you come through the body there is certainly a large degree that the

body makes the difference. [….] The body delivering the message plays a role too, you know. And you

felt so much joy coming through her. You feel the more explanatory energy coming through her because

this is what she’s comfortable with and this is what she wants to do. She [pointing to channeler 2] wants

to give, she [pointing to channeler 3] wants to have explanations, she wants us to give explanations. So,

for me it is easy to tune into that and to talk through her like that. And this is why she an excellent

channeler for scientific information. […] With that said, I would be happy to move on into your body

[pointing to channeler 5].

5 channeling Thank you. I wish to thank most especially 2. She captures who I am and what I want to

bring to the humanity. And 3 captures what I want to bring because it is a different frequency, a

different library of mind. And you are all one. And those work together to bring us a scientist with a

sense of humor. This is very joyous for me because I did want to appear and I did want to be

acknowledged by a group who understands. I would like, after I am finished speaking here, to move over

to that chair, and to have those of you who can see, see who I am. It will take me a moment to get

transitioned. And then to have you report to one another as was said by this wise one. You each see

differently. You each sense differently. You each feel differently. And everyone is valid. So when you put

them together and share, you know what you see? You see what is common. You begin to see the basis of


the unity. It is like taking that violet, blue, red, orange, yellow – I don't have them in order – of light and

bringing them back to what? White light. So honor the fact and do not fear the fact that you see and

sense differently. But share and find the white light that you each contribute to. I would like to do that if

that is all right. You [pointing to channeler 1] and 5 can sit and feel sorry for yourselves together that

you can not see.

2 I didn’t hear that, I am sorry.

5 channeling This one and this one do not have effective etheric vision so they see nothing while the

rest of you are seeing what is going on. But they do, and will, hold space.

[Attempt at materialization ensues]

No adverse events or negative experiences occurred during any of the sessions.

Qualitative Data: Qualitative analysis of thematic content communicated during Mt Shasta sessions

Five major themes were found from the qualitative analysis of the channeled content. Example quotes

for each theme are presented below.

1) Mechanisms of channeling – “Each channel has their own general frequency and specific frequencies within

their body (emotional, physical (organs, tissues, etc.), mental. Then energy packets get merged into the

channels energy. This merging is why the same being in different channels appear different. It is a co-mingling

of the channel’s and being’s energy.”

2) The need to awaken humanity and methods by which to do so – “For the earth to survive, for humanity to

continue, awakening needs to happen to all, one at a time, beloved. Your ability to channel all that you have

done is to awaken. It’s to awaken. To make clearly that something exists beyond this physical earth.”

3) The nature of reality – “There doesn’t get anything less than the elementals. Orishas and elementals are the

same thing. They are the base building block…The devas in the galaxy are the builders. They are the ones who

take orishas, or elementals, depending on your language, these are called into creation by specialized forms of

life who can literally create the building blocks, as it were.”


4) Descriptions of multi-dimensional “beings” and worlds – “It might appear as if we were talking

telepathically… even though it is not all telepathically, we have sound. We communicate but there is a

telepathic connection that we understand with less words…. And the transference of thought packets is what we

use at times, you see, so, the blocks of thought are easier transferred what you would call here in your

representation is the Internet. The Internet is the stepping stone to become where we are and other civilizations

are. The thought is transferred very fast.”

5) Suggestions for advancing channeling research - ”[ Group channeling for public forums where participants

can have a direct experience.] If this is done right, if this done truly done right - given the way humanity is now,

no one will leave that experience without having some aspect of their firmly held beliefs challenged.”

Please see Supplemental Data for a detailed description of themes and relevant quotes. There were no

attempts made to verify the information communicated. The content is shared here for the benefit of future

studies that may attempt to collate or evaluate the content as veridical or useful.

Quantitative Data: Random number generator

The channeling data included 1,133 QNG samples (one sample per minute). Of that, some 658 samples

were recorded during channeling periods and 475 during control periods. The composite QNG measures were

statistically different between the channeling periods as compared to the control periods (z = 2.250, p = 0.024,

two-tailed) providing modest evidence that aspects of the electronic noise, possibly reflecting a kind of

spacetime distortion, may have occurred during channeling (Table 3).

Table 3.

RNG comparison of channeling versus no-channeling periods

MI_rng (Sample) XC_rng (Sample) Composite z p (two-tail)



Channeling 0.382 ± 0.014 (587) 0.110 ± 0.050 (587) 0.272 (658) 2.25 0.024a

No Channeling 0.376 ± 0.011 (475) 0.107 ± 0.040 (474) -0.377 (475)

Comparisons between each “being” period and the control data are shown in Table 4. “Being” periods 9, 14,

and 16 included multiple channelers channeling multiple “beings” at the same time, therefore, there are only 18

“being” sessions. Channeling periods for being 7 was statistically significant as compared to no-channeling

control periods after adjustment for multiple tests using False Discovery Rate p ≤ 0.05 out of the 18 tests

(Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995).

Table 4.

RNG comparison of purported “beings”

MI_rng (Sample) XC_rng (Sample) Composite z p (two-tail)


1 0.373 ± 0.005 (7) 0.162 ± 0.021 (7) 0.237 (7) 0.592 0.554b

2 0.388 ± 0.013 (52) 0.138 ± 0.053 (52) 0.997 (52) 1.896 0.058 b

3 0.396 ± 0.015 (52) 0.044 ± 0.02 (52) -0.122 (52) 0.370 0.712 b

4 0.381 ± 0.011 (28) 0.082 ± 0.019 (28) -0.739 (28) -0.372 0.710 b

5 0.386 ± 0.013 (27) 0.073 ± 0.036 (27) -0.499 (27) -0.122 0.903 b

6 0.381 ± 0.012 (44) 0.108 ± 0.014 (44) -0.145 (44) 0.287 0.774 b

7 0.387 ± 0.012 (35) 0.225 ± 0.015 (35) 2.728 (35) 3.431 0.0006 b

8 0.377 ± 0.013 (38) 0.096 ± 0.023 (38) -0.653 (38) -0.300 0.764 b

9 0.379 ± 0.016 (41) 0.11 ± 0.048 (41) -0.22 (41) 0.173 0.863 b

10 0.378 ± 0.009 (28) 0.135 ± 0.028 (28) 0.201 (28) 0.612 0.541 b

11 0.379 ± 0.01 (87) 0.115 ± 0.04 (87) -0.111 (87) 0.400 0.689 b

12 0.382 ± 0.011 (22) 0.196 ± 0.026 (22) 1.785 (22) 2.098 0.0359 b


13 0.379 ± 0.01 (57) 0.183 ± 0.054 (57) 1.336 (57) 2.112 0.0347 b

14 0.379 ± 0.011 (49) 0.107 ± 0.028 (49) -0.237 (49) 0.175 0.861 b

15 0.375 ± 0.011 (23) 0.161 ± 0.033 (23) 0.548 (23) 0.940 0.347 b

16 0.375 ± 0.012 (39) 0.091 ± 0.024 (39) -0.796 (39) -0.471 0.638 b

17 0.402 ± 0.016 (11) 0.063 ± 0.014 (11) 1.173 (18) 1.485 0.138 b

18 0.398 ± 0.012 (18) 0.099 ± 0.02 (18) 0.237 (7) 0.592 0.554 b

Note: Mutual information and autocorrelation mean, standard deviations and number of samples. Composite

score mean and number of samples. Z-score and a two-tailed p-statistic for the comparison of the composite

measure with control samples are also included.

a. comparison of all channeling periods versus no-channeling periods composite measure

b. comparison of “being” period versus no-channeling periods composite measure


In summary, a study involving five full-trance female, Caucasian, channelers was conducted

over four days. Survey data collected prior to the study revealed that the channelers were healthy with no

dissociative or psychotic pathologies, had exceptional experiences in addition to channeling, initiated

channeling communications, gave implied or explicit permission for the channeling to take place, could tell

when the communication was to occur, had some level of control of the experience, and perceived channeling to

have a positive impact on their lives. The survey data also revealed various ages of channeling onset, training,

level of trance, expression, source and content of the information, and family history. During the nine sessions

of the focus group, 21 purported “beings” were channeled during the sessions in varying forms of channeling

(e.g. traditional, simultaneous, sequential) and a statistically different mean composite QNG measure was

obtained during the channeling sessions as compared to the control periods. The content themes expressed

during the channeling sessions were varied but mirrored previously reported channeled topics (Klimo, 1998).


While all the channelers were Caucasian, they represented different cultural backgrounds; English was

a second language for three of the channelers. Similar to global trends regarding religious affiliations, the

channelers reported that they grew up either Christian or as “spiritual but not religious,” but currently all

affiliated with the designation, “spiritual but not religious” (Pew Research Center, 2015). The channelers’

personality, dissociation and psychotic symptoms were comparable to healthy general population norms. Only

one participant was on a psychotropic medication, an antidepressant. Their personality values were similar to

other general healthy adults (Rammstedt, 2007). All Dissociation Experience Scores and Psychotic Symptom

Scores were less commonly used clinical cutoff for pathological dissociation (N. Waller et al., 1996) and

psychosis (Bukenaite et al., 2017).

As expected, the channelers degree of paranormal belief was high. All five channelers endorsed multiple

AIR experiences on the pre-focus group survey. Clearly, the participants’ subjective AIR experiences are not

limited to full-trance channeling. The majority of the channelers first experienced AIR as children. One

participant had their first experience as an early adult and one did not answer the question. For most, the

experiences started gradually although the experiences started spontaneously for some who then received

training to further their experiences. The trainings were quite diverse. One of the participants was a

Transcendental Meditation teacher for 20 years in addition to mediumship training in Brazil, while another had

no formal training although during channeling sessions the purported “beings” would prescribe exercises and

lifestyle choices that would support her ability to channeler.

All of the channelers said they initiated the communication and could anticipate when the transmission

was about to occur. The subjective experience of communication onset was diverse, such as sensing an energy

or presence or emotion (typically love) or physical sensations (going numb, pressure in the heart, breathing

fast). All channelers noted that they gave implicit (such as getting quiet and relaxing to allow the connection) or

explicit permission for the communication to occur, are always or usually in control of the experience, and that

it never happened when they did not want it to. They also expressed that the impact of these experiences on

their lives were very positive. These responses relevant to permission and control, along with the normal


personality, dissociation, and psychotic symptoms, reflect a consensual, integrative process rather than a

pathological condition. Similar findings have been noted in Spiritist channelers in Brazil (Negro Jr et al., 2002).

Interestingly, the level of conscious awareness during the channeling experience ranged from fully conscious to

medium trance. While full-trance channelers are historically assumed to be in a deep trance for the purported

being to make use of their body for direct communication, at least in this group, achieving deep trance was not

necessary. All five channelers had some level of professional channeling activities.

The most common content themes endorsed in the pre-focus group survey closely reflected the content

themes during the focus groups: ageless wisdom, guidance and personal messages, and descriptions of life in

nonphysical realms. Similarly, the source of channeled information endorsed in the pre-focus group survey were

also reflected in the purported “beings” channeled during the focus group. Despite there being only five

channelers, there was a diversity in the number and type of “beings” communicating. This was different than

other recognized channelers who are known for channeling primarily one being (e.g. Esther Hicks – Abraham;

JZ Knight – Ramtha, Jane Roberts – Seth). The purported “beings” directly communicated through the

channelers body and thus, there was no need for “translation” as might occur with a medium who was relaying

information from a purported deceased human during a mediumship session or mental mediumship. The

channelers described their experience as stepping aside to allow the “being” to use their body to communicate

and are observing as the communication ensues. Additional research is needed to further examine this


A novel feature of this exploratory study was the use of a custom-designed random number generator

system to evaluate correlations between electronic noise and periods of channeling versus non-channeling.

Analysis of the resulting data showed interesting differences between the two conditions, implying – in a

metaphorical way – that the channeling process may have been associated with distortions in spacetime. The

non-channeling condition controlled for location and number of people in the room, temperature, and activity

level. These exploratory findings warrant further research into the use of random number generators and similar


devices as a means of objectively measuring changes associated with channeling and different purported


The purpose of this study was not to test the veracity of the purported “beings” or “their”

communications. Rather, the content generated by the channelers was simply reported as part of the

phenomenology of channeling experiences. However, in regards to content about how channeling works, efforts

can be made to attempt to verify some of the information that was communicated during the sessions. For

example, the purported channeled “beings” expressed that there is a genetic component required to being able to

channel and/or experience anomalous information reception. Four of the five channelers stated that they had

family members with similar experiences and AIR experiences are anecdotally known to run in families. There

have also been some case studies examining heredity of such experiences (Cohn, 1999). In an attempt to further

evaluate if there is a genetic component, the Institute of Noetic Sciences is currently conducting a case-control

study evaluating genetic difference between high functioning psychics and controls. A few studies have begun

to evaluate the veracity, information source and physiology of mental channelers. Positive preliminary results

have been noted from mental channelers (rather than trance channelers) in providing accurate information about

deceased humans (Delorme et al., 2013) and discerning between photographs of deceased or living humans

(Delorme, Pierce, Michel, & Radin, 2016). Other researchers have demonstrated the veracity of information

obtained about deceased humans by mental channelers (Beischel, Boccuzzi, Biuso, & Rock, 2015; Beischel &

Schwartz, 2007; Rock, Beischel, Boccuzzi, & Biuso, 2014).

While we may not be able to test the veracity of all the channeled content, we can investigate the

cognitive and physiological processes involved when people access information that is not available to them

through conventional means. Some studies have demonstrated differences in EEG during channeling activities

compared to control conditions lending preliminary evidence that channeling states are not only

phenomenologically but also physiologically distinct. EEG data were collected on channelers during a mental

mediumistic communication task. When a mental channeler was obtaining accurate information about a

deceased human, increased frontal theta EEG power was observed (Delorme et al., 2013). In a similar


experiment, mental channelers were tasked with determining whether a picture of a face represented a deceased

or living human. Visual processing as indexed by the early visual activity in the parieto-occipital right cortex

differed between correct versus incorrect responses to images of deceased individuals (Delorme et al., 2016).

Few studies have evaluated trance channelers as opposed to mental channelers as mentioned in the introduction

(Bastos et al., 2015; Bastos et al., 2016). Future trance channeling studies could also include robust

physiological measurements (EEG, electrocardiography, respiration etc.) during channeling and non-channeling

conditions in multiple channelers along with phenomenological to observe any physiological changes during

various channeling scenarios. In-laboratory studies such as these may help elucidate how the perceived state of

channeling manifests in the physiology of the body.

In conclusion, this phenomenological and exploratory study found that channeling for our participants

was a non-pathological, consensual, and integrative process with positive impact on their lives. Unique to this

paper was the objective QNG data demonstrating differences between the channeling and no-channeling

conditions as well as the documentation of group channeling and multiple channelers channeled the same being



We would like to thank the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Ray Benton Foundation and the Federico and Elvia

Faggin Foundation for their support of this work. We would also like to thank Fraser Fontane for his help with

the project.


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Supplemental Data
Major Theme Concepts Quotes
Mechanisms of All humanity is able to receive -It is the frequency. Frequency is vital in
information from beyond our channeling. Each of you has a different frequency

traditional five senses. There are a range and that frequency range is something that

number of factors that determine the we blend with or we can match.

type of channel and type of -Frequency of the channel and the frequency of the

information that can be received and message will resonate with that frequency structure

communicated via channeling: of the recipient.

1) The person’s willingness to - Each channel has their own general frequency

receive and experience information, and specific frequencies within their body

2) the person’s spiritual (emotional, physical (organs, tissues, etc.), mental.

awareness/maturity, 3) the person’s Then energy packets get merged into the channels

frequency and energy structure (that energy. This merging is why the same being in

is partly determined by their genetic different channels appear different. It is a co-

makeup); and mingling of the channel’s and being’s energy.

4) the library of the mind of the

person which encompasses their

education, vocabulary, languages

spoken, etc.

There is no one mechanism for how

full-trance channeling works

(dependent on factors above).

-Concentrated energy packets can come in through

the crown. They can go to your mind and tell your


mind what they want your mind to do with the

brain, or they can come into the brain themselves

and your brain doesn’t know whether it’s your

mind, the mind that came with the equipment or

somebody else’s mind.

- Once they’re in the brain then there’s various

degrees that they can control. They can limit

themselves to just the verbal equipment….[or]

They can control the body as well.

- Some beings do not need to go through the

mind/brain barrier and are able to with their own

power and ability move the body.

-The channel and the channeled being are aspects

of each other. It is an illusion that we are separate.

Understand at this time that humans still like the

voice from above to convey messages. At some

point there will be no channeling anymore as you

become the higher dimensional beings that you are


-[Variation exists in the consciousness level of the

channel (from being completely consciousness, to

being unconscious and not remembering anything

that happened during the experiences) and

incorporation or embodiment level (from no use of


the body by the being to complete use of the


Awakening -We are all one and using direct -All of creation is oneness. There is no separation.

Humanity experience rather than “proof” to We all are you. And you are all us.

understand this. Teachers for -The oneness is like the electromagnetic spectrum.

millennia have been giving Is it not one? Yet, each frequency is unique and

messages of love, peace and separate but also part of a greater whole that is

harmony. If one has a direct one.

experience then they do not need -[With direct experience,].. you do not need proof.

proof. You are it. You feel it. You know it. You know God

is. You do not need proof to know God is because

you are part of the God you believe in.

-The primary purpose of full-trace channeling is to

provide humans with an experience through the

channeler of their expanded nature.

-So, the galactic forces that are working together

to create an awakening that’s beyond science in

-Waking each person to their order the whole of each being to wake up from the

consciousness’ existence beyond the inside out, not the proof from the outside in.

physical -For the earth to survive, for humanity to continue,

awakening needs to happen to all, one at a time,

beloved. Your ability to channel all that you have

done is to awaken. It’s to awaken. To make clearly

that something exists beyond this physical earth.

The information you give, either from the heart or


of information what to do, what not to do, it is

beyond your world. Even if some believe it is

telepathic. And no matter what dress you wear, the

consensus is of harmony and love and connection

to all. You can speak as much as you want but

unless you live it, unless you speak it to others,

- Humanity’s unless you come from that place of interacting with

consciousness/thoughts are others from that place, nothing changes.

experienced beyond Earth (i.e. there - We wish to give you this update that critical mass

are consequences to our has been reached in the consciousness of humanity.

interconnectedness). It has reached its tipping point. It is already on its

way to shifting to the higher dimensions.

- And you all know too that this entire universe is

related to this planet and everything…Yes, and that

means every thought you think, every word you

say, every action you take, can be felt through the

entire universe and multiverse, yes. Humans will

awaken more and more to that. And the effect it


- And every single thought, there is much love in

this room, and every single thought of love goes

into that network. And every unkind word and

every unkind thought goes into that network as

-Integrating the masculine and well. No matter how private you think your thought

feminine within each person. is, it goes into that network. And the more love that


goes into that network, the more positive the more

healing the stronger that network becomes. And it

is pervasive, it cannot be escaped. It cannot be

escaped. So, when you in this country grumble

about the one who has been elected president, that

grumbling, that negativity, goes into that network.

And the more negativity that goes into that network

the more negativity that is picked up.

- [Each human needs to balance the divine

masculine and divine feminine within themselves.

Source is androgynous, that is a balance of divine

masculine and divine feminine. In the past, many

teachers were men because historically, there was

more power on the planet as a man]. Until you as

individuals have the balance within you to love an

honor and cherish each part of you, you will not

reach the love and peace that humanity needs to


- We are all both. You just wear different outfits.

- [In order to balance the divine masculine and

divine feminine, you must] Practice knowing

yourself. Through meditation, if you wish. Ask for

those two parts of you to come forth. They will

come forth. Let them introduce themselves to you.

Become familiar with the male part of you and the


female part of you. Make peace with both parts

because through time with your own experience

one is stronger than the other, or the human part of

your fears one or the other. Practice becoming

aware of those parts…And if you bring those parts

forth, let them talk to each other while you observe.

You may find that interesting.

Nature of Creation of the universe - There doesn’t get anything less than the

Reality elementals. Orishas and elementals are the same

thing. They are the base building block…The devas

in the galaxy are the builders. They are the ones

who take orishas, or elementals, depending on your

language, these are called into creation by

specialized forms of life who can literally create

the building blocks, as it were. And in the deva

kingdom there are five levels who manage these

tiny particles. They have consciousness, but they

also have in their own light, a will of their own and

they want to go places. So, the first level of the

deva kingdom, they’re called the first five, they are

the ones in direct contact with these

Management of cosmic information elementals…The next level up gives more

directions and guidance until you get to the fifth

level up. This is the building. And this is where

these elemental orishas are formed. And they can


become plant or animal. They become everything

depending on how they are guided and what the

plan is and how they are directed and what the

design is.

- The deva kingdom communicators also manage

the cosmic libraries.

- Each planet has its own history and that is kept.

But matching that history is the cosmic knowledge,

the cosmic library.

-[A global cataclysm that destroyed the Atlantean

and Lemurian civilizations was discussed including

the posttraumatic stress that is inherited in human

DNA from this event. Children being born on Earth

during the past 10-15 years do not have this trauma

memory in their DNA.] The cosmic library that

was here on Earth that was lost in Atlantis exists

elsewhere and when alliances are appropriate that

can be restored to Earth.

Multi- Multi-dimensional beings - [Ascended Masters are a community of beings

dimensional who were once humans, evolved on Earth and

beings actively reached a point whether they were completely

supporting balanced and did not return to Earth for another

humanity and physical life. Angels are beings who have not taken

Earth human form. The angelic realm has as it were a

hierarchy with angels and archangels. Members of


Humans will be able to physically the angelic realm exist on all other planets. Extra-

see these and other multi- terrestrials or off-Earth allies are beings who are

dimensional beings in the future. actively and usually covertly supporting humanity

to awaken.]

-When the love vibration is high enough because

they only can appear in a vibration of love and joy,

and no other vibration. So, they will begin to

appear gradually to individuals. The first step was

Higher dimensional worlds the star ships, the physical star ships that we can

see. That was a very big step for more and more to

see…So, it is when that first timer goes off, the

No space or time or 3D physical ones who have reached the highest levels of love

bodies. and joy will be capable to see them in the physical.

In the same way the first people in the 50s saw the

Communication occurs through flying saucers, and earlier even.

multidimensional lanes of -Our world feels like love, celebration, upliftment,

conversation. and the constant eagerness to learn and teach.

Children born on our world bring in more


- The shape and outline [of our body] is very

similar to the star…like a vibration…[with

balanced masculine and feminine aspects].

Fifth dimensional organization -It might appear as if we were talking

telepathically… even though it is not all

telepathically, we have sound. We communicate


but there is a telepathic connection that we

understand with less words…. And the transference

of thought packets is what we use at times, you see,

so, the blocks of thought are easier transferred

what you would call here in your representation is

the Internet. The Internet is the stepping stone to

become where we are and other civilizations are.

The thought is transferred very fast

-[Fifth dimension is the lowest dimension, but

some in the civilization are at higher dimensions.

They are governed by a council that has the]

“highest degree of spiritual evolution with concern

for all that is” [and is overseen and collaborates

with the Galactic Civilizations of Light (Pleaidian,

Sirian, Arcturius)].

Future Research Group channeling in research -[Model to increase energy and allow for cross-

on Channeling checking of information coming through.]

Group channeling for public forums - If this is done right, if this done truly done right -

where participants can have a direct given the way humanity is now, no one will leave

experience. that experience without having some aspect of their

firmly held beliefs challenged. And I mean that in

the most positive way. That they will be given an

alternative to think about. Or they will find

something that they have believed has an


alternative that is going to bring humanity itself

further faster.

Notes: Text in italics are verbatim quotes from channeling sessions. Text within [] are summarized and
paraphrased concepts.

Data from each of the 32 QNG channels was recorded at 1 KH and evaluated in one-minute chunks. The first step in the
autocorrelation analysis was to determine the mean autocorrelation for lags ranging from 1 to 10 milliseconds, per minute, per
channel. Then the resulting mean autocorrelations were averaged across the 32 QNG channels to produce a single, minute by minute
measure of autocorrelation. This metric reflects a form of short-term “temporal coherence” in that under ordinary conditions one
would expect each sample generated by the QNGs to be temporally independent, in which case the average autocorrelation should be
The mutual information analysis involved calculating all possible pairs of correlations from the data generated by each of the 32
QNG channels, per minute, then averaging those correlations. This formed a single, minute by minute, measure of mutual information.
This metric reflects a form of “spatial coherence” in that under ordinary conditions, with no external influences, the data from the
QNGs should show no dependencies among the 32 channels.
After creating the minute-by-minute autocorrelation and mutual information measures, each array was normalized into standard
normal deviates (z scores), and then the two measures were combined, minute by minute, as a Stouffer Z, i.e., each minute of the
normalized autocorrelation and mutual information data were summed and then divided by the square root of 2.



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