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The Novahs and the Raleigh; sitting clown, flzcing one another.
We neea’ to sense right away that the place belongs to the
Nova/es and that the two couples haoejast met. In the center,
All in their forties. a cofie rah/e, covered with art hooks. Two hig hunches oftulips
A living room. in oases. The prevailing mood is serious, friendly and tolerant.
No realism.
Nothing superfluous.
VERONICA. So, this is our statement ... You’ll be doing your own,
of course . .. At 5:30 RM. on the third of November, in Cobble Hill
Park, following a verbal altercation, Benjamin Raleigh, eleven, armed
With a stick, struck our son Henry Novak in the face. This action
resulted in, apart from a swelling of the upper lip, the breaking of
two incisors, including injury to the nerve in the right incisor.
ALAN. Armed?
VERONICA. Armed? You dont like armed, what shall we say,
Michael, furnished, equipped, furnished with a stick, is that all right?
ALAN. Furnished, yes.
MICHAEL. Furnished with a stick.
VERONICA. (Making the correction.) Furnished. The irony is,
we’ve always regarded Cobble Hill Park as a haven of security,
unlike Whitman Park.
MICHAEL. She’s right. We’ve always said, Cobble Hill Park yes,
Whitman Park no.
VERONICA. Absolutely. Anyway, thank you for coming. There’s
nothing to be gained from getting stuck down some emotional
ANNETTE. We should be thanking you. We should.
VERONICA. I don’t see that any thanks are necessary. Fortunately,
there is still such a thing as the art of co—eXistence, isn’t there?
ALAN. Which the children don’t appear to have mastered. At
least, not ours!
ANNETTE. Yes, not ours! What’s going to happen to the
tooth with the affected nerve? VERONICA. Well, we explained to Henry he wasn’t helping this
VERONICA. We don’t know yet. They’re being cautious about child by shielding him.
the prognosis. Apparently the nerve hasn’t been totally exposed. MICHAEL. We said to him if this child thinks he can keep on hit—
MICHAEL. Only a little bit of it’s been exposed. ting people with impunity, why should he stop?
VERONICA. Yes. Some of it’s been exposed and some of it’s still VERONICA. We said to him if we were this kids parents, we
covered. That’s why they’ve decided not to kill the nerve just yet. would definitelywant to be told.
MICHAEL. They’re trying to give the tooth a chance. ANNETTE. Absolutely.
VERONICA. Obviously it would be best to avoid endodontic ALAN. Yes ... (Hi5 cellp/aone oioraces.) Excuse me ... (He moves away
surgery. fiom clae group; as he talks, he pulls a newspaper out ofhis pocket. ) Yes,
ANNETTE. Well, yes Murray, thanks for calling back. Right, in today’s Times, let me read
VERONICA. So there’ll be an interim period while they give the it to you According to a paper published in the Lancet and taken
nerve a chance to recover. up yesterday in the Financial Times, two Australian researchers have
MICHAEL. In the meantime, they’ll be giving him ceramic crowns. revealed the neurological side effects of Antril, a hypertensive beta—
VERONICA. Whatever happens, you can’t have an implant before blocker, manufactured at the Verenz—Pharma laboratories. These
you’re eighteen. side effects range from hearing loss to ataxia So who the hell is
MICHAEL. No. your media watchdog Yes, it’s very goddamn inconvenient
VERONICA. Permanent implants can’t be fitted until you finish
No, what’s most inconvenient about it as far as I’m concerned is the

growing. annual shareholders’ meeting’s in two weeks. Do you have an insur-

ANNETTE. Of course. I hope I hope it all works out. ance contingency to cover litigation? OK Oh, and Murray,
VERONICA. Yes, hope so. (Slight pause.)
I Murray, ask your PR gal to find out if this story shows up anywhere
ANNETTE. Those tulips are gorgeous. else Call me back. (He hangs up.) Excuse me.
VERONICA. They’re from that little Korean deli up on Smith MICHAEL. So you’re
Street. You know, the one at the end. ALAN. A lawyer.
ANNETTE. Oh, yes. ANNETTE. What about you?
VERONICA. They come every morning direct from Holland, MICHAEL. Me, I have a wholesale company, household goods; and
Veronica’s a writer and works part-time in an art history bookshop.
forty dollars for a bunch of fifty.
ANNETTE. Oh, really! ANNETTE. Awriter?
VERONICA. You know, the one at the end. VERONICA. I contributed to a collection on the civilization of
ANNETTE. Yes, yes. Sheba, based on the excavations that were restarted at the end of the
VERONICA. You know he didn’t want to identify Benjamin. Ethiopian—Eritreanwar. And I have a book coming out in January on
MICHAEL. No, he didn’t. the Darfur tragedy.
VERONICA. Impressive sight, that child, face bashed in, teeth ANNETTE. So you specialize in Africa.
missing, still refusing to talk. VERONICA. I’m very interested in that part of the world.
ANNETTE. I can imagine. ANNETTE. Do you have any other children?
MICHAEL. He also didn’t want to identify him for fear of looking VERONICA. Henry has a nine—year—old sister, Camille. Who’s furi—
like a tattletale in front of his friends, we have to be honest, Veronica, ous at her father because last night her father got rid of the hamster.
it was nothing more than bravado. ANNETTE. You got‘rid of the hamster?
VERONICA. Of course, but bravado is a kind of courage, isn’t it? MICHAEL. Yes. This hamster makes the most godawful racket all
ANNETTE. That’s right So how. .? What I mean is how did
. night, then spends the whole day fast asleep! Henry was in a lot of pain
name? last night; he was being driven crazy by the noise that the hamster was
you manage to get Benjamin’s

rid of it ALAN. Money in that, is there?
making. And, to tell you the truth, I’ve been wanting to get
for a long time, so I said to myself, OK, that’s it, I took it and put it in MICHAEL. Well, you know, it’s never exactly been a bonanza, it
the street. I thought they loved drains and gutters and all that, but I was pretty hard when we started. But if I’m out there every day push—
the sidewalk. Well, they’re not ing my product, we survive. At least it’s not seasonal, like textiles.
guess not, it just sat there paralyzed on
domestic animals, they’re not wild animals, I don’t really know where Although we do sell a lot of fondue pots around Christmasrime!
their natural habitat is. Dump them in the woods, they’re probably just ALAN. I’m sure
ANNETTE. When you saw the hamster sitting there, paralyzed,
as unhappy, so I don’t know where you’re supposed to put
ANNETTE. You left it outside? why didn’t you bring it back home?
VERONICA. He left it there and tried to convince Camille it had MICHAEL. Because I couldn’t pick it up.
ANNETTE. You put it on the sidewalk.
run away. But she wasn’t having it.
ALAN. Was the hamster gone this morning? MICHAEL. I took it out in its cage and sort of tipped it out. I
don’t like to touch rodents. (Veronica comes hack with a tray. Drinks
MICHAEL. Gone, yes.
VERONICA. And you, what field are you in? and the ciafoati.)
ANNETTE. I’m in wealth management. VERONICA. I don’t know who put the clafouti in the fridge.
VERONICA. Is it at all possible forgive me for putting the Monica puts everything in the fridge, she won’t be told. What’s
question so bluntly, that Benjamin might apologize to Henry? Benjamin said to you? Sugar?
ALAN. It’d be good if they talked. ALAN. No, thanks. What’s in the clafouti?
ANNETTE. He has to apologize, Alan. He has to tell him he’s sorry. VERONICA. Apples and pears.
ALAN. Yes, yes. Of course. ANNETTE. Apples and pears?
VERONICA. But is he sorry? VERONICA. My own little recipe. (She cats the clafoati ana’ a'is—
trihates slices.) It’s going to be too cold, it’s a shame.
ALAN. He realizes what he’s done. He just doesn’t understand the
ANNETTE. Apples and pears, this is a first.
implications. He’s eleven.
VERONICA. If you’re eleven, you’re not a baby any more. VERONICA. Apples and pears, it’s pretty textbook, but there’s a
little trick to it.
MICHAEL. You’re not an adult either! We haven’t offered you
It’s ANNETTE. There is?
anything, coffee, tea, is there any of that clafouti left, Ronnie?
clafouti! VERONICA. Pears need to be cut thicker than apples. Because
an extraordinary
ALAN. I wouldn’t mind an espresso. pears cook faster than apples.
ANNETTE. Just some water. ANNETTE. Ah, of course.
MICHAEL. (To Veronica, on her way oat.) Espresso for me too, MICHAEL. But wait, she’s not telling you the real secret.
sweetie, and bring the clafouti anyway. (Afier a hiatus.) What
I VERONICA. Let them try it.
and ALAN. Very good. It’s very good.
always say is, we’re a lump of potter’s clay
it’s to us to fash—
ion something out of it. Perhaps it won’t take shape till the very end.
Who knows? VERONICA. Gingerbread crumbs!
ANNETTE. Mm. ANNETTE. Brilliant!
MICHAEL. You have to taste this clafouti. Good clafouti is an VERONICA. To be quite honest, I got it from his mother.
ALAN. Gingerbread, delicious Well, at least all this has given
endangered species.
ANNETTE. You’re right. us a new reelpe. .

ALAN. What is it you sell?

VERONICA. I’d have preferred it if it hadn’t cost my son two teeth.
ALAN. Of course, that’s what I meant.
MICHAEL. Domestic hardware. Locks, doorknobs, soldering
ANNETTE. Strange way of expressing it.
irons, all sorts of household goods, saucepans, frying pans
ALAN. Not at all, I {His cell phone uz’érates, be loo/es at t/ae ANNETTE. We’re very touched by your generosity. We appreciate
screen.) I have to take this Yes, Murray No, no, don’t ask for the fact you’re trying to calm the situation down rather than exac—
feed the controversy Are you insured? erbate it.
right of reply, you’ll only
Mm, mm What are these symptoms, what is ataxia? VERONICA. Frankly, it’s the least we can do.
What about on a standard dose? How long have you known MICHAEL. Yes!
about this? And all that time you never recalled it? What’s ANNETTE. Not at all. How many parents standing up for their
the gross? Ah, got it. I see (He bangs up and immediately a’z'als children become infantile themselves? If Henry had broken two of
another number, scarfing clafouti all the w/u'le.) Benjamin’s teeth, I’m afraid Alan and I would have been a lot more
ANNETTE. Alan, do you mind joining us? thin-skinned about it. I’m not certain we’d have been so broad-
ALAN. Yes, yes, I’m coming {To the cell.) Serge? They’ve minded.
known about the risks for two years An internal report, but it MICHAEL. Of course you would!
didn’t formally identify any undesirable side effects No, they ALAN. She’s right. Not at all certain.
took no precautions, they didn’t insure, not a word about it in the MICHAEL. Oh, yes. Because we all know it could easily have
annual report Impaired motor skills, stability problems, in short been the other way around. (Pause)
(He laughs along wit/7 his cal— VERONICA. So what does Benjamin have to say about it? How
you look completely retarded does he View the situation?
league.) They are grossing one hundred and fifty million dollars
Blanket denial Idiot wanted to demand a right of reply. We cer— ANNETTE. He’s not saying much. I think he’s still slightly in shock.
tainly don’t want a right of reply, on the other hand if the story VERONICA. He understands that he’s disfigured his playmate?
ALAN. No. No, he does not understand that he’s disfigured his
spreads we could put out a press release, say it’s disinformation
leaked two weeks before the shareholders’ meeting He’s going to playmate.
OK. (He bangs up.) I haven’t had lunch. that? Benjamin understands very
call me back AI\IIlNETTE. Why are you saying
MICHAEL. Please, help yourself, help yourself. we !

ALAN. Thanks. I have no manners. What were we saying? ALAN. He understands he’s behaved like a thug, he does not
VERONICA. That it would have been nicer to meet under different understand that he’s disfigured his playmate.
circumstances. VERONICA. You don’t care for the word, but the word is unfor—
ALAN. Oh, yes, right. So the clafouti, it’s your mother’s? tunately accurate.
MICHAEL. The recipe is my mother’s, but Ronnie made this one. ALAN. My son has not disfigured your son.
VERONICA. Your mother doesn’t mix pears and apples! VERONICA. Your son has disfigured my son. Come back at five
MICHAEL. No. and have a look at his mouth and teeth.
VERONICA. Poor thing has to have an operation. MICHAEL. Temporarily disfigured.
ANNETTE. Really? What for? ALAN . The swelling on his lip will go down, and as for his teeth,
VERONICA. Her knee. take him to the best dentist, I’m prepared to chip in
MICHAEL. They’re going to insert a rotatable prosthesis made of MICHAEL. That’s what the insurance is for. What we’d like is for
metal and polyethylene. She’s wondering what’s going to be left of the boys to make up so that this sort of thing never happens again.
it when she’s cremated. ANNETTE. Let’s arrange a meeting.
VERONICA. Don’t be horrible. MICHAEL. Yes. That’s the answer.
MICI—IAEL. She refuses to be buried next to my father. She wants VERONICA. Should we be there?
ALAN. They don’t need to be coached. Just let them do it man to
to be cremated and put next to her mother who’s all on her own in
Florida. Two urns, looking out to sea, trying to get a word in edge- man.
wise. Ha, ha! (Smiles all round. Pause.) ANNETTE. Man to man, Alan, don’t be ridiculous. Having said

10 11
that, we don’t necessarily have to be there. It’d probably be better if here. {Alan} eel/phone vibrates.)
ALAN. All right, but then it can’t be this evening
we weren’t, wouldn’t it?
VERONICA. The question isn’t whether we should be there or not. There’s no mention of this in the executive report. And no risk has
The question is do they want to talk to one another, do they want to been formally established. There’s no evidence (He hangs up.)
have a discussion? VERONICA. Tomorrow?
MICHAEL. Henry wants to. ALAN. I’m flying to The Hague tomorrow.
VERONICA. What about Benjamin? VERONICA. You’re working in The Hague?
ANNETTE. It’s no use asking his opinion. ALAN. I have a case at the International Criminal Court.
VERONICA. But it has to come from him. ANNETTE. The main thing is that the children speak to one
ANNETTE. Benjamin has behaved like a hooligan, we’re not another. I’ll bring Benjamin here at seven—thirty and we can leave
interested in what mood he’s in. them to have their discussion. No? You don’t look very convinced.
VERONICA. If Benjamin is forced to meet Henry in a punitive VERONICA. If Benjamin is not made aware of his responsibili—
ties, they’ll just look at each other like a pair of china dogs, it’ll be
context, I can’t see the results would be very positive.
ALAN. Madam, our son is a savage. To hope for any kind of spon— a catastrophe.
ALAN. What do you mean? What do you mean, made aware of
taneous repentance would be fanciful. Right, I’m sorry, have to
tell me what you’ve his responsibilities?
get back to the office. You stay, Annette, you’ll
decided, I’m no use whichever way you cut it. Women always think VERONICA. I’m sure your son is not a savage.
need a man, you need a father, as if they’d be any help at all. ANNETTE. Of course Benjamin isn’t a savage.
Men are a dead weight, they’re clumsy and maladjusted, oh, you ALAN. Yes he is.
can see the F train, that’s great!
ANNETTE. Alan, this is absurd, why say something like that?
ANNETTE. I’m so embarrassed, but I can’t stay either ... My hus- ALAN. He’s a savage.
band has never exactly been a stroller dad! MICHAEL. How does he explain his behavior?
le doesn’t want to discuss it.
VERONICA. What a pity. It’s lovely, taking the baby for a walk. ANNlC'l‘TlC. 1

And it lasts such a short time. You always enjoyed taking care of the VERONICA. But he ought to discuss it.
children, didn’t you, Michael, you loved pushing the stroller. ALAN. He ought to do any number of things. He ought to come
MICHAEL. Yes, I did. here, he ought to discuss it, he ought to be sorry for it, clearly you
VERONICA. So what have we decided? have parenting skills that put us to shame, we hope to improve, but
ANNETTE. Could you come by the house with Henry about in the meantime, please bear with us.
seven—thirty? MICHAEL. All right! This is idiotic. Let’s not end up like this!
VERONICA. Seven—thirty? What do you think, Michael? VERONICA. I’m only thinking of him, I’m only thinking of
MICHAEL. Well Honestly Benjamin.
ANNETTE. Go on. ALAN. I get the message.
MICHAEL. I think Benjamin ought to come here. ANNETTE. Let’s just sit down for another couple of minutes.
VERONICA. Yes, I agree. MICHAEL. A little more coffee?
MICHAEL. I don’t think it’s right for the victim to go traipsing ALAN. A coffee, okay.
around. ANNETTE. Then I’ll have one too. Thanks.
VERONICA. That’s right. MICHAEL. That’s all right, Ronnie, I’ll do it. (Pause. Annette del-
ALAN. Personally, I can’t be anywhere at seven-thirty. icately slauflles some of the numerous art 500/65 dispersed around the
ANNETTE. Since you’re no use, we won’t be needing you. enjfee table.)
VERONICA. All the same, it would be better if his father were ANNETTE. I see you’re a great art lover.

12 13
VERONICA. Art. Photographs. To some extent it’s my job. VERONICA. Who knows about Spartacus these days?
ANNETTE. I adore Bacon. ALAN. They use a different model. Spiderman.
VERONICA. Ah, yes, Bacon. VERONICA. Anyway, clearly you know more than we do.
ANNETTE. (Turning tbepagcs.) Cruelty. Majesty. Benjamin hasn’t been as silent as you implied. And do we know
VERONICA. Chaos. Balance. why Henry called him a snitch? No, sorry, stupid, that’s a stupid
ANNETTE. That’s right question. First of all, I couldn’t care less, also, it’s beside the point.
VERONICA. Is Benjamin interested in art? ANNETTE. We can’t get involved in children’s quarrels.
ANNETTE. Not as much as he should be What about your VERONICA. And it’s none of our business.
children? ANNETTE. No.
VERONICA. We try. We try to fill the gaps in the education system. VERONICA. On the other hand, what is our business is what
ANNETTE. Yes unfortunately happened. The violence, that’s our business.
VERONICA. We try to make them read. To take them to concerts MICHAEL. To become the head of my gang, when I was twelve,
and exhibits. We’re eccentric enough to believe in the soothing
I had
to fight Bobby Kopecki, who was bigger than me, one-on-
one, single combat.
powers of culture! VERONICA. What are you talking about, Michael? What’s that
ANNETTE. And you’re right ... (Michael comes [rac/e wit/7 the cofiée.)
MICHAEL. So, clafouti, is it a cake or a tart? Serious question. I got to do with it?
MICHAEL. No, you’re right, it’s got nothing to do with it.
was just thinking in the kitchen, Linzertorte, for example, is that a
tart? Come on, come on, you can’t leave that one little slice. VERONICA. We’re not discussing single combat. The children
weren’t fighting.
VERONICA. Clafouti is a cake. The pastry’s not rolled out, it’s
mixed in with the fruit. MICHAEL. I know, I know. I just suddenly had a flashback.
ALAN. You really are a cook. ALAN. There’s not that big a difference.
VERONICA. I love it. The thing about cooking is you have to VERONICA. Oh, yes, there is. Excuse me, there’s a very big dif—
love it. In my opinion, it’s only the classic tart, that’s to say on a
M I( II I/\l’.I.. 'I‘bere’s a very big difference.
pastry base, that deserves to be called a tart. ALAN. What?
MICHAEL. What about you, do you have other children?
ALAN. A son from my first marriage. MICHAEL. With Bobby Kopecki, we’d agreed to have a fight.
ALAN. Did you beat the shit out of him?
MICHAEL. I was wondering, not that it’s at all important, what
started the fight. Henry won’t say one single word about it. MICHAEL. Up to a point.
ANNETTE. Henry refused to let Benjamin join his gang. VERONICA. Alright, can we forget Bobby Kopecki? Would you
allow me to speak to Benjamin?
VERONICA. Henry has a gang?
ALAN. He also called Benjamin a snitch. ANNETTE. By all means!
VERONICA. Did you know Henry had a gang? VERONICA. I wouldn’t want to do it without your permission.
MICHAEL. No. That’s terrific! ANNETTE. Speak to him. What could be more natural?
VERONICA. Why is it terrific? ALAN. Good luck.
MICHAEL. Because I had my own gang. ANNETTE. Stop it, Alan. I don’t understand you.
ALAN. Me too. ALAN. Mrs. Novak
VERONICA. And what does that entail? VERONICA. Veronica. We don’t have to be so formal.
ALAN. Veronica, you’re motivated by an educational impulse,
MICHAEL. There are five or six kids that follow you and are
which is very sympathetic
ready to sacrifice themselves. Like in Spartacus.
ALAN. Absolutely, like in Spartacus! VERONICA. If you don’t want me to speak to him, I won’t speak

14 15
ALAN. We are not going to take the medicine off the market just
to him.
ALAN. No, speak to him, read him the riot act, do what you
like. because two or three people are bumping into the furniture!
don’t to care Don’t make any statements for the time being Yes. I’ll call you
VERONICA. I don’t understand why you seem
about this. back (He out: Mm oflanelp/aones his colleague.)
ALAN. Ma’am VERONICA. I remember him very clearly in Charley’s Aunt. Do
MICHAEL. Veronica. you remember him, Michael?
has MICHAEL. Yes, yes
ALAN. Of course I care, Veronica, enormously. My son
VERONICA. He was hilarious when he was in drag.
injured another child
VERONICA. On purpose. ANNETTE. Yes
ALAN. See, that’s the kind of remark that gets my
back up. ALAN. (To his colleague.) They’re panicking, they’ve got the
media up their ass, you have to prepare a press release, not some-
Obviously, on purpose.
VERONICA. But that makes all the difference. thing defensive, not at all, on the contrary, go out all guns blazing,
ALAN. The difference between what and What? That’s what
we’re you insist that Verenz-Pharma is the victim of a destabilization
talking about. Our son picked up a stick and hit your son.
That’s attempt two weeks before its annual shareholders’ meeting, where
does this paper come from, why did it have to fall out of the sky

Why we’re here, isn’t it?

right now, et cetera and so on Don’t say anything about health
ANNETTE. This is pointless.
MICHAEL. Yes, she’s right, this kind of argument is pointless. problems, just ask one question: Who’s behind this report?
What Right. (He hangs up. Briefpaure.)
ALAN. Why do you feel the need to slide in on purpose?
kind of message is that supposed to be sending me? MICHAEL. They’re terrible, these pharmaceutical companies.
ANNETTE. Listen, we’re on a slippery slope, my husband Profit, profit, profit.
is des—
I’ll come back this evening ALAN. You’re not supposed to be listening to my conversation.
perate about all kinds of other things, themselves MICHAEL. You’re not obliged to have it in front of me.
with Benjamin and we’ll let things sort out naturally.
ALAN. I’m not in the least bit desperate. ALAN. Yes, I am. I’m absolutely obliged to have it here. Not my
ANNETTE. Well, I am. choice, believe me.
MICHAEL. There’s nothing to be desperate about. MICHAEL. They dump any old crap on you without giving it a
ANNETTE. Yes, there is. (Alan’s cellphone vibrates.) second thought.
ALAN. Don’t make any statement No comment N0, of ALAN. In the therapeutic field, every advance brings with it risk
market! If take it off the mar- as well as benefit.
course you can’t take it off the you
The minute you take Antril off the MICHAEL. Yes, I understand that. All the same. Funny job you have.
ket, you become responsible
There’s nothing in the annual ALAN. Meaning?
market, you’re admitting liability!
If want to be sued for falsifying the executive report VERONICA. Michael, this has nothing to do with us.
accounts. you
and get shitcanned in two weeks, take it off the market MICHAEL. Funny job.
VERONICA. Last year, on Parents’ Day, wasn’t it Benjamin who ALAN. And what is it you do?
MICHAEL. I have an ordinary job.
was in that play. . .?
ANNETTE. Charley’s Aunt. ALAN. What is an ordinary job?
VERONICA. Charley’s Aunt. MICHAEL. I told you, I sell frying pans.
ALAN. We’ll think about the victims later, Murray
let’s see ALAN. And doorknobs.
what the shares do after the annual meeting MICHAEL. And toilet fittings. Lots of other things.
VERONICA. He was extraordinary. ALAN. Ah, toilet fittings. Now we’re talking. That’s really interesting.

16 17
ALAN. It’s really interesting. I’m interested in toilet fittings. VERONICA. What do you mean, absolutely, Michael?
MICHAEL. Why shouldn’t you be? MICHAEL. They can do whatever they want with their son, it’s

ALAN. How many types are there? their prerogative.

MICHAEL. Two different systems. Gravity or pressure—assist. VERONICA. I don’t think so.
ALAN. Isee. MICHAEL. What do you mean you don’t think so, Ronnie?
MICHAEL. Depending on the feed. VERONICA. I don’t think it is their prerogative.
ALAN. Well, yes. ALAN. Really? Explain. (His cell phone oilarates.) I’m sorry (To

MICHAEL. Either the water comes down from above or up from his colleague.) Excellent But don’t forget, nothing’s been proved,
there’s nothing definite Get this straight, if anyone fucks up,
Murray a is dead man in two weeks, and us with him.
ALAN. Yes.
MICHAEL. I could introduce you to one of my stock managers ANNETTE. That’s enough, Alan! That’s enough now with the cell
who specializes in this kind of thing, if you like. You’d have to leg phone! Will you pay attention to what’s going on here, shit!
ALAN. Yes Call me back and read it to me. (He hangs up.)
it out to Secaucus, though.
ALAN. You seem to be very on top of the subject. What’s the matter with you, have you gone nuts, shouting like
VERONICA. Are you intending to punish Benjamin in any way? You that? Serge heard everything.
ANNETTE. Good! Drives me crazy, that cell phone, endlessly!
can carry on with the plumbing in some more appropriate setting.
ANNETTE. I’m not feeling well. ALAN. Listen, Annette, I’m already doing you a big favor by being
VERONICA. What’s the matter? here in the first place
ALAN. Yes, you’re very pale, sweetheart. VERONICA. Extraordinary thing to say.
MICHAEL. A little pale, certainly. ANNETTE. I’m going to throw up.
ANNETTE. I feel nauseous. ALAN. No, you’re not, you are not going to throw up.
VERONICA. Nauseous? I have some Pepto—Bismol ANNETTE. Yes, I am
ANNETTE. No, no It’ll be all right MICHAEL. Would you like to use the bathroom?
VERONICA. What could we...? Coke. Coke’s very good. (She ANNETTE. (72) Alan.) No one’s forcing you to stay.
immediately sets ofiin search of it. )
VERONICA. No, no one’s forcing him to stay.
ANNETTE. I’ll be all right ANNETTE. I’m feeling dizzy
ALAN. Stare at a fixed point. Stare at a fixed point, Woof—woof.
MICHAEL. Walk around a little. Take a few steps. (She takes afew
t/ae Coca—Cola.) ANNETTE. Go away, leave me alone.
steps. Veronica comes back wit/7
ANNETTE. Really? You think so? VERONICA. She would be better off in the bathroom.
ALAN. Go to the bathroom. Go to the bathroom if you want to
VERONICA. Yes, yes. Small sips.
ANNETTE. Thank you (Alan lJas discreetly called lois ofiice.) throw up.
ALAN. Give me Serge, will you please? Oh, right Ask MICHAEL. Give her some Pepto-Bismol.
ALAN. You don’t suppose it could be the clafouti?
him to call me back, ask him to call me back right away (He
Is it good, Coca—Cola? I thought it was just supposed to VERONICA. It was made yesterday!
hangs up.)
be for diarrhea. ANNETTE. (To Alan.) Don’t touch me!
VERONICA. Nor only for that. (To Annette.) Alright? ALAN. Calm down, Woof-woof.
ANNETTE. Alright Veronica, if we want to reprimand our MICHAEL. Please, let’s not get worked up about nothing.
child, we’ll do it in our own way and without having to account to ANNETTE. According to my husband, everything to do with
house, school or garden is my department.
MICHAEL. Absolutely. ALAN. No, it’s not!

18 19
ANNETTE. Yes, it is. And I understand why. It’s deathly, all of it. MICHAEL. Use my Kouros, I never wear it.
V I IRONICA. It’ll warp.
It’s deathly.
VERONICA. If you think it’s so deathly, why have children in the MICHAEL. We could run the hair dryer over it and flatten it out
first place? under a pile of other books. Or iron it, like they do with money.
MICHAEL. Maybe Benjamin senses your lack of interest. VERONICA. Oh, my God
ANNETTE. What lack of interest? AN NETTE. I’ll buy you another one.
MICHAEL. You just said (Annette vomits violently. A brutal and VICRONICA. You can’t find it! It went out of print years ago!
catastropbic spray, part ofwbieb goes over Alan. Tbe art books on tbe ANNETTE. I’m so sorry
cofiee table are likewise deluged.) Go get the dishpan, go get the
dish- MICHAEL. We’ll salvage it. Let me do it, Ronnie. {Sbe bands bim
bands ber tbe t/Ir basin of water and tbe sponge, disgusted. Micbael gets started on
pan! (I/Eronica runs out to look for a pan and Micbael
cofifee tray, just in case. Annette retcbes again, but notbing comes out.) cleaning up tbe book.)
V ICRONICA. It’s a reprint of the catalogue from the ’53 London
ALAN. You should have gone to the bathroom, Woof-woof, this
is ridiculous! rxlnibiiion, more than twenty years old!
I( II IAEL. Go get the hair dryer. And the Kouros. In the linen
MICHAEL. Looks like your suit are most of it! {Very soon, Veronica M
is back wit/o a basin and a clotb. Tbe basin is given to Annette.) t ()scl.
VERONICA. Well, it’s absolutely not the clafouti, couldn’t possi- VI".I{( )N ICA. Her husband’s in the restroom.
I\ IAIEI.. Well, he’s not naked, is he? (Sbe goes out as be continues
I( ‘.I
bly be.

MICHAEL. It’s not the clafouti, it’s nerves. This is pure nerves. m r/nm up.) There, that’s the worst of it. Tbe People oftbe Tundra
rum-«Is a bit more ofa wipe I’ll be back. (He goes out wit/o tbe used
VERONICA. (7?) Alan.) Would you like to clean up in the rest—
room? Oh, no, the Kokoschka! Oh, my God! (Annette vomits bile lam/u. Veronica and Micbael return more or less simultaneously. Sbe bas
into tbe basin.) llu' boll/c ofperfume, be bas tbe basin containing fies/o water. Micbael
//'m'\/m\' cleaning up.)
MICHAEL. Give her some Pepto-Bismol.
VERONICA. Not now, she can’t keep anything down. \’I' I{( INICA. (7?) Annette.) Feeling better?
ALAN. Where’s the restroom? .\I\INI".'I"I'I‘V.. Yes
VERONICA. I’ll show you. (Veronica and Alan leave.) \'I‘ |{( )NICA. Can we spray now?
MICHAEL. It’s nerves. It’s a panic attack. You’re a mom, Annette. I\II( II IAI‘ZI.. Where’s the hair dryer?
Whether you want to be or not. I understand why you feel desperate. VIIIU )N ICA. He’s bringing it when he’s finished with it.
ANNETTE. Mmm. M I( II IAIiI.. We’ll wait for him. We’ll put the Kouros on last
MICHAEL. What I always say is, you can’t control the things that |IlIll3'_.
control you. ;\I‘\I N I",'|"I'I!. Can I use the bathroom as well?
\I Rt )NI( IA. Yes. Yes, yes. Of course.
the cervical vertebrae. The vertebrae you how sorry I am (Veronica takes ber
can’t tell

MICHAEL. With me, it’s .\ N N IV | I I

seize up. ”III and rc/I/rus immediately.)

ANNETTE. Mmm (Sbe brings up a little more bile. Veronica \’|‘ I{( )N I( .‘A. What a nightmare! Horrible!
returns wit/7 anotber basin, containing a sponge.)
I\ I( 'I IAICI.. Tell
you What, he’d better not push me any further.
VERONICA. What are we going to do about the Kokoschka? \’|‘.I{( )NICA. She’s dreadful as well.
MICHAEL. Well, I would spray it with Mr. Clean the prob- I\II( II IAICL. Not as bad.
lem how it Or else could it down and put \’|",I{( )NICA. She’s a phony.
is to dry you sponge
of it. I\II( II IAIiI.. Less irritating.
a bit perfume on
VERONICA. Perfume? \’I",I{()NICA. They’re both dreadful! Why do you keep siding

20 21
V I",R( )NICA. I just steam-rolleredher about my catalogue, I can’t
with them? (She sprays the tulips.)
Iu-Iicvc I did that.
MICHAEL. I don’t keep siding with them, what are you talking
I\ I I( II IAEL. Turn the
about? page. Stretch it out, stretch it out all the way.
.'\I ./\N. You’re going to tear it.
VERONICA. You keep vacillating, trying to play both ends
VERONICA. You’re right He’s right, Michael. That’s enough,
against the middle.
MICHAEL. No, I don’t!
I\ dry. Objects can become ridiculously important, half
lik'l‘llCl, it’s
IIH‘ time you can’t even remember why. (Michael shuts the catalogue
VERONICA. Yes, you do. Going on about your triumphs as a
do whatever they like with and May hath cover it with a little cairn ofheaoy hooks. Michaelfin—
gang leader, telling them they’re free to n/w drying the Foujita, The People of the Tundra, etc.
their son when the child a public menace; when a child’s a pub—
is )
M I( II MEL. There we are! Good as new. Where does Woof—woof
lic menace, it’s everybody’s concern, I can’t believe she puked all
IHIIN' from?
over my books! (She sprays the Kohosch/ea.)
.'\I /\N. Iow much is that doggie in the window.
MICHAEL. (Pointing. ) Put some on The People of the Tundra

I\ |( I/\Iil,. I know it! I know the one! (He hurns.) Woof—woofl Ha,
VERONICA. If you think you’re about to hurl, you go to the

( )urs comes from

In! our honeymoon in India. It’s idiotic, really!
proper place.
. . .

MICHAEL. And the Foujita. \'I' III INI( IA. Shouldn’t I go and see how she is?
I\II( il I/\|".I,. Offyou go, Darjeeling.
VERONICA. (Spraying everything.) This is disgusting.
\'I‘|{( )NI( I/\. Shall I? (Annette returns.) Ah, Annette! I was
MICHAEL. I was pushing it a little bit with the shithouse systems.
VERONICA. You were brilliant. um IN! about you I
Are you feeling better?
N N If "I‘ll. I think so.
MICHAEL. Good answers, don’t you think?
.v\ I

VERONICA. Brilliant. The stock manager thing was brilliant.

.'\I /\N. II? you’re not sure, stay away from the coffee table.
.'\ N N |‘.'I"I'I*‘.. I left the towel in the bathtub, I wasn’t sure where to
MICHAEL. What an asshole. And what did he call her?!
VERONICA. Woof-woof.
\'I-I(( INI( I/\. Perfect.
MICHAEL. That’s right, Woof—woof!
.\I‘\I N I"|”I‘I",. You’ve cleaned it all
VERONICA. Woof-woof! (They hath laugh. Alan returns, hair up. I’m so sorry.
I\l|< iI I/\II,I .. liverything’s great. Everything’s in order.
dryer in hand.)
ALAN. That’s right, I call her Woofewoof. \'|' I\’( IN |( IA. Annette, forgive me, I’ve hardly paid any attention
VERONICA. Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude It’s so m H)”. I've been obsessed with my Kokoschka.
J\ N N I’.’ | E. Don’t worry about it.
make fun of other people’s nicknames! What about us, what I

easy to \’|' I{( )N I( IA. The way I reacted, very bad of me.
do we call each other, Michael? Far worse, isn’t it?
\ N N I",' II. Not at all ... (Afier an ernharrassedpause.) Something
ALAN. Did you want the hair dryer?

«n m ml to me in the bathroom
VERONICA. Thank you.

MICHAEL. Thank you. (He ta/ees the hair dryer.) We call each \IIU )NI( I/\. Yes?
\I‘~I N I".'I"I‘|!. Perhaps we skated I mean, what
other Darjeeling, like the tea. That’s more ridiculous, if you ask me! too hastily over
Illll‘.lll is
(Michael switches on the machine and starts drying the hoo/es. Veronica
.\II( I I/\I",I.. Say it, Annette, say it.
flattens out the damp pages.) Smooth them out, smooth them out. .\ N N I-I'I"I‘E. An insult is also a kind of assault.
VERONICA. (As she smoothes out the pages, raising her voice ahooe
I\II( II I/\Iil,,. Ofcourse it is.
the noise.) How’s the poor thing feeling, better?
ALAN. Better. Wild )N ICA. Well, that depends, Michael.
I\II( II IAEL. Yes, it depends.
VERONICA. I reacted very badly, I’m ashamed of myself.
ALAN. Not at all. ANNETTE. Benjamin’s never shown any signs of Violence. He

22 23
wouldn’t have done that without a reason. ANNETTE. We’re making a mistake not to take into account the
ALAN. He got called a snitch! (His cellphone vibrates.) ... I’m sorry! origin of the problem.
(He moves to one side, ma/eing elaborately apologetic signs to VERONICA. There’s no origin. There’s just an eleven-year-old
| liild hitting someone. With a stick.
Annette.) Yes ... As long as there aren’t any statements from victims.
A] .A N. Armed with a stick.
We don’t want any Victims. I don’t want you being quoted alongside
victims! A blanket denial and if necessary attack the newspaper M l( ZHAEL. We withdrew that word.
Al AM You withdrew it because we objected to it.
They’ll fax you the draft of the press release, Murray. (He hangs
M I( ll IAEL. We withdrew it without any protest.
up.) If anyone calls me a snitch, I’m liable to get annoyed.
AI .AN. A word deliberately designed to rule out error or clumsi—
MICHAEL. Unless it’s true.
ALAN. What did you say? “(‘55, to rule out childhood.
MICHAEL. I mean, suppose it’s justified? \’l’,l{( )N KIA. I’m not sure I’m able to take much more ofthis tone
\!I )I( (I.
ANNETTE. My son is a snitch?

MICHAEL. ’Course not, I was joking. /\| AN. You and I have had trouble seeing eye—to—eye right from
ANNETTE. Yours is as well, if that’s how it’s going to be. Iln‘ ‘.l.ll’l.

MICHAEL. What do you mean, ours is as well? \'l‘ |{( )N l( IA. There’s nothing more infuriating than to be
ANNETTE. Well, he did identify Benjamin. m.“ lml for something you yourself consider a mistake. The word
MICHAEL. Because we insisted! .n nml was inappropriate, so we changed it. Although, if you stick
VERONICA. Michael, this is completely beside the point. In the atrial definition of the word, its use is far from inaccurate.
ANNETTE. What’s the difference? Whether you insisted or not, ,'\NN|".’1"|‘1C. Benjamin was insulted and he reacted. If I’m
he gave you the name. .111.“ lml. defend myself, especially ifI find myself alone, con-

ALAN. Annette. lmnli'il by gang. :1

f\ l( 'l IAlil .. Puking seems to have perked

ANNETTE. Annette what? (To Michael.) You think my son is a I
you up.
snitch? \N N l‘,’ "I'll. Do you have any idea how crude that sounds?

i\ H 'l lAl".| .. We all mean well. All four of us, I’m sure. Why let these
MICHAEL. I don’t think anything.

ANNETTE. Well, if you don’t think anything, don’t say anything. mun H il rimms. these pointless aggravations push us over the edge? ...
\‘l- |\’( )N l( IA. Oh, Michael, that’s enough! Let’s stop beating around
Stop making these insinuations.
VERONICA. Let’s stay calm, Annette. Michael and I are making ilu' Imuli. Illill we are is moderate on the surface, let’s forget it.
!\ l( 'l [A ",l ,. No, no, I refuse to allow myself to slide down that slope.
an effort to be reasonable and moderate
l l

ANNETTE. Not that moderate. :\l /\N. What slope?

!\ It ‘I [A ".l .. ’I 'he shitty slope those two little bastards have perched
VERONICA. Oh, really? What do you mean?
I l

ANNETTE. Moderate on the surface. w. on! l'lm'e. I’ve said it!

ALAN. I really have to go, Woof—woof . .. \I :\N. I'm not sure Ronnie has quite the same outlook.
ANNETTE. All right, go on, be a coward. \'|-|{( )NI( IA. Veronica!
ALAN. Annette, right now I’m risking my most important client, .\| AN. Sorry.
so this responsible parent routine \' I' |{( )N |( IA. 80 now Henry’s a little bastard, is he? That is the last
VERONICA. My son has lost two teeth. Two incisors. ‘.I l.l\Vl

ALAN. Yes, yes, I think we all got that. :\1 AN. Right, well, I really do have to go.
VERONICA. One of them for good. ;\NNli'l"l‘li. Me too.
ALAN. He’ll have new ones, we’ll give him new ones! Better ones! \'I' R( )NICA. Go on, go, I give up. (The telephone rings.)
It’s not as if he’s burst an eardrum! i\1|( ii lAl‘Il” Hello? Oh, Morn No, no, we’re with some

24 25
friends, but tell me about it do whatever the doctor wants you MICHAEL. What do you mean, that is true!
to do They’ve given you Antril?! Wait a minute, Mom, wait a VERONICA. It’s true. What do you expect me to say? It’s appalling
minute, don’t go away (7?) Alan.) Antril’s your crap, isn’t it? My what must have happened to that creature.
mother’s taking it! MICHAEL. I thought the hamster would be happy to be liberated.
ALAN. Thousands of people take it. I thought it was going to run off down the gutter, jumping for joy!
MICHAEL. You stop taking that stuff right now. Do you hear VERONICA. Well, it didn’t.
what I’m saying, Mom? Immediately Don’t argue, I’ll explain ANNETTE. And you abandoned it.
later Tell Dr. Perolo I’m forbidding you to take it Why glow- MICHAEL. I can’t touch those things! For fuck’s sake, Ronnie,
in-the—dark? That’s completely ridiculous All right, we’ll talk you know very well, I’m incapable of touching that whole species!
about it later. Lots of love, Mom. I’ll call you back. (He hangs up.) VERONICA. He has a phobia about rodents.
. She’s rented glow—in—the—dark crutches, so she doesn’t get MICHAEL. That’s right, I’m frightened of rodents, I’m terrified
knocked down by a truck. As if someone in her condition would of snakes, anything close to the ground, I don’t want them near me.
be strolling down the BQE in the middle of the night. They’ve So that’s the end of it!
given her Antril for her blood pressure. ALAN. (7?) Veronica.) And you, why didn’t you go out and look
ALAN. If she takes it and stays normal, I’ll have her called as a wit— for it?
ness. Didn’t I have a scarf? Ah, there it is. VERONICA. Because I had no idea what had happened! Michael
MICHAEL. I don’t appreciate your cynicism. If my mother dis— didn’t tell us, me and the children, that the hamster had escaped,
plays the most minor symptom, I’ll be starting a class action. till the following morning. I went out immediately, immediately, I
ALAN. Oh, that’ll happen anyway. walked around the block, I even went down to the basement.
MICHAEL. Well, I would hope so. MICHAEL. Veronica, I find it intolerable to be on trial all of a
ANNETTE. Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Novak. sudden for this hamster saga that you’ve seen fit to reveal. It’s a per—
VERONICA. Behaving well gets you nowhere. Courtesy is a waste sonal matter which is nobody else’s business but ours and which
of time, it weakens you and undermines you has nothing to do with the present situation! And I find it incom—
ALAN. Right, come on, Annette, let’s go, enough preaching and prehensible to be called a killer! In my own home!
sermons for today. VERONICA. What’s your home got to do with it?
MICHAEL. Go on, go. But can I say one thing? Having met you MICHAEL. My home, the doors of which I have opened, the
two, it’s pretty clear that for what’s—his—name, Benjamin, there are doors of which I have opened wide in a spirit of reconciliation, to
mitigating circumstances. people who ought to be grateful to me for it!
ANNETTE. When you murdered that hamster ALAN. It’s wonderful the way you keep patting yourself on the
MICHAEL. Murdered?! back.
ANNETTE. Yes. ANNETTE. Don’t you feel any guilt?
MICHAEL. I murdered the hamster?! MICHAEL. I feel no guilt whatsoever. I’ve always found that crea—
ANNETTE. Yes. You’ve done your best to make us feel guilty, but ture repulsive. I’m ecstatic that it’s gone.
your virtue went straight out the window once you decided to be a VERONICA. Michael, that’s ridiculous.
killer. MICHAEL. What’s ridiculous? Have you gone crazy as well? Their
MICHAEL. I absolutely did not murder that hamster! son beats up Henry, and I get shit on because of a hamster?
ANNETTE. Worse. You left it, shivering with terror, in a hostile VERONICA. You behaved very badly with that hamster, you can’t
environment. That poor hamster is bound to have been eaten by a deny it.
dog or a rat. MICHAEL. Fuck the hamster!
VERONICA. It’s true! That is true! VERONICA. You won’t be able to say that to your daughter this

26 27
evening. VERONICA. (A: above.) Is it normal to criticize someone for not
MICHAEL. Bring her on! I’m not going to let myself be told how being a fucking Neanderthal?
to behave by some nine—year—old snot—nose. ANNETTE. No one’s saying that. No one’s criticizing you.
ALAN. Hundred per cent behind you there. VERONICA. Yes, they are! (Sbe bursts into tears.)
VERONICA. Pathetic. ALAN. No, they’re not!
MICHAEL. Careful, Veronica, you be careful, I’ve been extremely VERONICA. What were we supposed to do? Sue you? Not speak
restrained up to now, but I’m two inches away from crossing that line. to one another and try to slaughter each other with insurance claims?
ANNETTE. And what about Henry? MICHAEL. Stop it, Ronnie
MICHAEL. What about Henry? VERONICA. Stop what?!
ANNETTE. Isn’t he upset? MICHAEL. You’re blowing things out of proportion
MICHAEL. If you remember, Henry has other problems. VERONICA. I don’t give a shit! You force yourself to rise above
VERONICA. Henry was less attached to Nibbles. petty—mindedness and you finish up humiliated and completely
MICHAEL. Stupid name as well! on your own (Alan’s eel/pbone bar vibrated.)
ANNETTE. If you feel no guilt, why do you expect our son to feel ALAN. Yes Let them prove it! Prove it but ifyou ask
any? me, don’t answer at all
MICHAEL. Let me tell you something, I’m up to here with these MICHAEL. We’re always on our own! Everywhere! Who wants a
idiotic discussions. We tried to be nice, we bought tulips, my wife little rum?
passed me off as a liberal, but I can’t keep this bullshit up any more. ALAN. Murray, I’m in a meeting, I’ll call you back from the
I am not a member of polite society. What I am and always have office (He cuts tbe line.)
been, is a fucking Neanderthal. VERONICA. So, you see! I’m living with someone who’s totally
ALAN. Aren’t we all? negative.
VERONICA. No. No. I’m sorry, we are not all fucking Neanderthals. ALAN. Who’s negative?
ALAN. Well, not you, obviously. MICHAEL. Iam.
VERONICA. No, not me, thank God. VERONICA. This was the worst idea! We should never have
MICHAEL. Not you, Darjee, not you, you’re a fully evolved arranged this meeting!
woman, you’re stain—resistant. MICHAEL. I told you.
VERONICA. Why are you attacking me? VERONICA. You told me?
MICHAEL. I’m not attacking you. Quite the opposite. MICHAEL. Yes.
VERONICA. Yes, you’re attacking me, you know you are. VERONICA. You told me you didn’t want to have this meeting?!
MICHAEL. You organized this little shindig, I just let myself be MICHAEL. I didn’t think it was a good idea.
recruited ANNETTE. It was a good idea
VERONICA. You let yourself be recruited? MICHAEL. Oh, please! (He raises tbe battle ofrum.) Anybody?
MICHAEL. Yes. VERONICA. You told me wasn’t a good idea, Michael?!
VERONICA. That’s detestable. MICHAEL. Think so.
MICHAEL. Not at all. You stand up for civilization, that’s com— VERONICA. You think so!
pletely to your credit. ALAN. Wouldn’t mind a little drop.
VERONICA. Exactly, I’m standing up for civilization! And it’s ANNETTE. Didn’t you have to go?
lucky there are people who are prepared to do that! {5/76} on [be brink ALAN. I could manage a small glass, now that we’ve come this far.
oftears. } You think it’s a better idea to be a fucking Neanderthal? (Micbaelpourra glassforAbm.)
ALAN. Come on now, come on VERONICA. You look me in the eye and tell me we weren’t in

28 29
complete agreement about this! VERONICA. Give me a drink, Michael.
ANNETTE. Calm down, Veronica, calm down, this is pointless MICHAEL. No.
VERONICA. Who stopped anyone touching the elalouti this VERONICA. Michael!
morning? Who said, let’s keep the rest of the elafouli for the MICHAEL. No. (Veronica tries lo XIII/It'll the Male out osz's hands.
Raleighs?! Who said it?! Mic/me! resists.)
ALAN. That was nice. ANNETTE. What’s the matter with you. Michael?!
MICHAEL. What’s that get to do with it? MICHAEL. All right, there you are. take it. Drink, drink, who
VERONICA. What do you mean, what’s that got to do with it? cares?
MICHAEL. If you invite people, you invite people. ANNETTE. Is alcohol had for you?
VERONICA. You’re a liar, you’re a liar! He’s a liar! VERONICA. It’s wonderful. (Shes/amps.)
ALAN. You know, speaking personally, my wife had to drag me ALAN. Right Well, I don’t know
here. When you’re brought up with a kind oflohn Wayne—ish idea VERONICA. (To/1km.) Listen, Mr. Raleigh
of virility, you don’t want to settle this kind of problem with a lot ANNETTE. Alan.
of yakking. (Michael [dug/as.) VERONICA. Alan, we’re not exactly soulmates, you and me, but,
ANNETTE. I thought your model was Spartacus. you see, I live with a man who’s decided, once and for all, that life
ALAN. Same family. is second—rate. It’s very difficult living with a man who comforts
MICHAEL. Analogous. himself with that thought, who doesn’t want anything to change,
VERONICA. Analogous! Are there no lengths you won’t go to to who can’t work up any enthusiasm about anything
humiliate yourself, Michael? MICHAEL. He doesn’t give a shit. He doesn’t give a shit about
ANNETTE. Obviously it was pointless dragging him here. any of that.
ALAN. What were you hoping for, Woof—woof? It’s true, it’s a VERONICA. You have to believe you have to believe in the
ludicrous nickname. Were you hoping for a glimpse of universal possibility of improvement, don’t you?
harmony? This rum is terrific. MICHAEL. He’s the last person you should be telling all this.
MICHAEL. It is, isn’t it? English Harbor, ten years old, direct VERONICA. I’ll talk to whoever I goddamn well please! (The tele—
from Antigua. p/aone rings.)
VERONICA. And the tulips, whose idea was that? I said it’s a MICHAEL. Who the fuck is this now? Yes, Mom He’s fine.
shame the tulips are finished, I didn’t say rush down to the Korean I say he’s fine, he’s lost his teeth, but he’s fine Yes, he’s in pain.
deli at the crack of dawn. He’s in pain but it’ll pass. Mom, I’m busy, I’ll call you back.
ANNETTE. Don’t work yourself up into this state, Veronica, it’s ANNETTE. He’s still in pain?
crazy. VERONICA. No.
VERONICA. The tulips were his idea! Entirely his idea! Aren’t we ANNETTE. Then why worry your mother?
allowed a drink? VERONICA. He can’t help himself. He always has to worry her.
ANNETTE. Yes, Veronica and I would like one too. By the way, MICHAEL. Right, that’s enough, Veronica! What is with this
it’s pretty amusing, someone descended from Spartacus and John psychodrama?
Wayne who can’t even pick up a mouse. ALAN. Veronica, are we ever interested in anything but ourselves?
MICHAEL. Will you SHUT UP about that hamster! Shut up! Of course we’d all like to believe in the possibility of improvement.
(He gives Annette a glass ofrum.) Of which we could be the architect and which would be in no way
VERONICA. Ha, ha! You’re right, it’s laughable! self-serving. Does such a thing exist? In life, some people drag their
ANNETTE. What about her? feet, it’s their strategy, others refuse to acknowledge the passing of
MICHAEL. I don’t think she needs any. time, and drive themselves demented, what difference does it

30 31
make? People struggle until they’re dead. Education, the miseries of ANNETTE. We don’t give a damn about their marriage. We’re
the world You’re writing a book about Darfur, fine, I can under— here to settle a problem to do with our children, we don’t give a
stand you saying to yourself, OK, I’m going to choose a massacre, damn about their marriage.
what else does history consist of, and I’m going to write about it. ALAN. Yes, but
You do what you can to save yourself. ANNETTE. But what? What do you mean?
VERONICA. I’m not writing the book to save myself. You haven’t ALAN. There’s a connection.
read it, you don’t know what it’s about. MICHAEL. There‘s a connection! ()lieotn‘se there’s a connection!
ALAN. It makes no difference. (Pause) VERONICA. There‘s a connection between Henry having his
VERONICA. Terrible stink of Kouros! teeth broken and our marriage?!
MICHAEL. Terrible. MICHAEL. Obviously.
ALAN. You certainly laid it on. ANNETTE. We doni get it.
ANNETTE. I’m sorry. MICHAEL. Children consume our lives and then destroy them.
VERONICA. Not your fault. I was the one spraying like a lunatic Children drag us towards disaster; it’s unavoidable. When you see
does every— those laughing couples casting off into the sea of matrimony, you
... Anyway, why can’t we take things more lightly, why
thing always have to be so exhausting? say to yourself. they have no idea, poor things, they just have no
ALAN. You think too much. Women think too much. idea, they’re happy. No one tells you anything when you start out.
ANNETTE. There’s an original remark. I bet that’s thrown you I have an old school buddy who’s just about to have a child with
for a loop. his new girlfriend. I said to him, a child, at our age, are you insane?
VERONICA. Think too much, I don’t know what that means. The ten or twelve good years we have left before cancer or a stroke,
And I don’t see the point of existence without some kind of moral and you’re going to screw yourself up with some brat?
conception of the world. ANNETTE. You don’t really believe what you’re saying.
MICHAEL. See what I have to live with?! VERONICA. He does.
VERONICA. Shut up! Will you shut up! I detest this pathetic MICHAEL. Of course I believe it. Worse, even.
complicity! You disgust me. VERONICA. Yes.
MICHAEL. Come on, have a sense of humor. ANNETTE. You’re demeaning yourself, Michael.
VERONICA. I don’t have a sense of humor. And I have no inten— MICHAEL. Is that right? Ha, ha!
tion of acquiring one. ANNETTE. Stop crying, Veronica, you can see it only encourages
MICHAEL. What I always say is, marriage: the most terrible him.
ordeal God can inflict on you. MICHAEL. (To Alan, w/ao’s refilling his empty glass.) Help yourself,
ANNETTE. Great. help yourself, exceptional, isn’t it?
MICHAEL. Marriage, and children. ALAN. Exceptional.
ANNETTE. There’s no need for you to share your Views with us, MICHAEL. Could I offer you a cigar?
Michael. As a matter of fact, I find it slightly indecent. VERONICA. No, no cigars!
VERONICA. That’s not going to worry him. ALAN. Too bad.
MICHAEL. You mean you don’t agree? ANNETTE. You’re not intending to smoke a cigar. /\|.tn!
ANNETTE. These observations are beside the point. Alan, say ALAN. I’ll do what I like, Annette, IFI FCC! Ill\'(' .It t t'lilllw.1
iij II |

something. I’ll accept a cigar. IfI’m not smoking. it’s ht-t .lll‘.(' don't n ml to

ALAN. He’s entitled to his opinions. .

upset Veronica, who’s already completely lo-a n HI». Ili'lll ml.


ANNETTE. Yes, but he doesn’t have to broadcast them. sniveling, when a woman cries. a man in non“ Ill n. h In.“ ..| .I In .

ALAN. Well, yes, perhaps the worst excesses. Added to whit h. Mn It.“ |'-. invllll ol \l- H Ito

32 H
sorry to say, entirely sound. (H13 cellphone wbmter. )..Yes, Serge ALAN. Thcyjust read it to 1111'. \Ve'te sending it t11y1111, Murray
G.o ahead” .Put New York, the date 1nd the ex1ct time. .. Manipulation, manipulate shatt- ptit e1. It's on its way. (He/”mg:
ANNETTE Thisis obscene! up.) Wasn’t me who said it. it W.I‘. |*1.1itlt.

ALAN. (Moving aside and mufllmg lm voice to era/1101 lit?) fztiy).. VERONICA. Michael.
Whatever time you sendit. It has to look piping-hot flesh out of the ALAN. Michael, sorry.
VERONICA. I forbid yott 111sl.1111l in .tny kind olijndgment over
oven. .No, not we re surprised We condemn. Surprised1s leeble..
ANNETTE. This goes on from morning to night, from morning our relationship.
ALAN. Then don't stand in judgment over my son.
to night he’s glued to that cell! That cell phone makes mincemeat
of our lives! VERONICA. That's got nothing to do with it! Your son injured
ALAN. Er Just a minute (He covers the telephone.) Annette, ours!
this is very important! ALAN. They’re young. they're kids. kids have always given each
ANNETTE. It’s always very important. Anything happening other a good beating during recess. Its a law of life.
somewhere else is always more VERONICA. No, no, it isn’t!
important.Y ALAN. OF course it is. You have to go through a kind of appren—
ALAN. (Rewriting). .Go ahead vjzfeeks Not procedure.
Maneuver. A maneuver, timed for two before the annual ticeship before violence gives way to what’s right. Originally, let me
remind you, might was right.
accounts, etc.
ANNETTE. In the street, at dinner, he doesn’t care where VERONICA. Possibly in prehistoric times. Not in our society.
ALAN. A paper in quotes! Put the word paper in quotes ALAN. Our society? Explain our society.
ANNETTE. I give up. Total surrender. I want to throw up again. VERONICA. You’re exhausting me, these conversations are
MICHAEL. Where’s the dishpan? exhausting.
VERONICA. I don’t know. ALAN. You see, Veronica, I believe in the god of carnage. le has l

ALAN. ”You just have to quote me: “This is simply a disgraceful ruled, uninterruptedly. since the dawn olitime. You're interested in
Africa, aren’t you? (ill) /ll//l('l/('. III/H) It'lt'lnit.) lieelinjr, b.1dz’
attempt to manipulate share prices. ANNET'l‘li. Don‘t worry about 1111*.
VERONICA. There1t is. Please, help yourself.
MICHAEL Ronnie. ALAN. I 11111 worried.
VERONICA. Everything’s all right. We’re fully equipped. ANNETTE. Everything's line.
ALAN.“ .Shate prices and to undermine my Client,” confirms ALAN Asamattet olilittt ljttstttntel1.11|1ltontt|11(‘1111,11.()11t
Alan Raleigh head counsel for the Verenz Pharma company. A.P, there, little boys 11e taught 111 l1ill when the11e eip'ltl 1re11s11ld.
Reuters, general press, medical press, the whole nine yards. .(He During their childhood they may l\'lll hnndteds 11l people with 1
machete, with a l\.1l;.1sh with thttntp 11111 so yottll undetstand
hangs up. )

VERONICA. She wants to throw up again. that when my son pi1l1s 11p :1 [11111111111 11111, hits his playmate and
ALAN. What’s the matter with you? breaks a tooth, or 1-Ven two. in (Iobble Hill Park, I’m likely to be
less susceptible than you are to horror and indignation.
ANNETTE. I’m touched by your concern.
ALAN. It’s upsetting me! VERONICA. You‘re wrong.
ANNETTE. I am sorry. I must have misunderstood. ANNETTE (M01/ez'ng.)A thump gun!
ALAN. Oh, Annette, please! Let’s not us start now! Just because ALAN. Yes, thats what they call a grenade launcher. (Annette 5/1/71
they’re fighting, just because their marriage is fucked, doesn’t mean m the 545m.)
we have to compete!
MICHAEL. Are you all right?
\'|r‘l{( )NICA. What right do you have to say our marriage is ANNETTE. Perfectly.
d" \\”ho grave you permission? {Alan} cellphone vibrates.)
ALAN. What’s the matter with y1111?Wl1.1t'-. the 111.11111 11 11h l1. 1'

ANNETTE. It’s just bile! It’s nothing! local events.
VERONICA. Don’t lecture me about Africa. I know all about ALAN. True.
Africa’s martyrdom, I’ve been steeped in it for months VERONICA. I don’t see why. don't we why. \X/e're t itirens oi“ the

ALAN. I don’t doubt it. Anyway, the ICC has already conducted world. I dont see why we should give up the struggle just because
an inquiry on Darfur. it’s in our own backyard.
VERONICA. You think I don’t know about that? MICHAEL. Oh, Ronnie! l)o stop shoving these thoughts lot the
MICHAEL. Don’t get her started on that! For God’s sake! (Veronica day down our throat.
throws herself at her hushand and hits him several times, with an VERONICA. I‘m going to ltill him. (/l/l/ll.I('1‘///)l")}1(fll/I$ vihrated.)
uncontrolled and irrational desperation. Alan pulls her of him.) ALAN. Yes, all right. take out regrettable Crude. A crude
ALAN. You know what, I’m starting to like you! attempt to That's it
VERONICA. Well, I don’t like you! VERONICA. You're right, this is excruciating!
MICHAEL. She’s a supporter of peace and stability in the world. ALAN. Otherwise he approves the rest? Fine, fine. Very
VERONICA. Shut up! We’re living in America. We’re not living good. (He hangs up.) What were we saying? Thump gun?
in Kinshasa! We’re living in America according to the principles of VERONICA. l was saying, whether my husband likes it or not,
Western society. What goes on in Cobble Hill Park reflects the val— that no one place is more important than another when it comes
ues of Western society! Of which, if it’s all the same to you, I am to exercising vigilance.
happy to be a member. ALAN. ’Vigilance well Annette, it’s ridiculous to drink, the
MICHAEL. Beating up on your husband is one of those princi— state you re 1n.
ples, is it? ANNETTE. What state? On the contrary.
VERONICA. Michael, this is going to end badly. ALAN. Vigilance, it’s an interesting idea (His cellphone.) Yes,
ALAN. She threw herself on you in such a frenzy. If I were you I’d no, no interviews before the circulation of the press release.
be flattered. VERONICA. That’s it, I insist you break off this horrendous con—
VERONICA. I’ll do it again in a minute. versation!
ANNETTE. He’s making fun of you, do you realize that? ALAN. Absolutely not the shareholders won’t give a fuck
VERONICA. I don’t give a shit. remind him, the shareholder is king Mnnette launches herself at
ALAN. I’m not making fun. On the contrary. Morality decrees we Alan, snatches the cellphone and, after a hriefloo/e around to see where
should control our impulses, but sometimes it’s good not to con— she can put it, shoves it into the vase
of tulips.) Annette, what the. . .!
trol them. You don’t want to be singing Ave Maria when you’re ANNETTE. So there.
fucking. Where can you find this turn? VERONICA. Ha, ha! Well done!
MICHAEL. That vintage, I doubt you can. MICHAEL. {Horrzfied) Oh, my God!
ANNETTE. Thump gun! Ha, ha! ALAN. Are you completely insane? Fuck!!! (He rushes towards the
VERONICA. (Same tone.) Thump gun, you’re right! Michael, who has got in ahead ofhim, fishes out the dripping
vise, h)ut
ALAN. That’s right. Thump gun. o ject.
ANNETTE. Why don’t you just say grenade launcher? MICHAEL. The hair dryer! Where’s the hair dryer? (He finds it
ALAN. Because thump gun is correct. It’s like you say Kalash and turns it on at once, directing it towards the cellphone.)

instead of Kalashnikov. ALAN. You need to be locked up, you

poor thing! This is ill! on.
ANNETTE. Who’s this “you”? prehensible! Ihad everything in there! lt’s brand New. ii IntIl
ALAN. That’s enough, Annette. That’s enough. me hours to set up!
ANNETTE. The great warriors, like my husband, you have to MICHAEL. (’1?) Annette; ahove the I‘ll/ri'l'lm/ [/m u/ llr, lulu ./« I. t

give them some leeway, they have trouble working up an interest in Really, I dOI‘l,t understand you. ill.” \V.I'. iiitii'vli Ii l\ lilo '.|IH|I .lllli

ALAN. Everything’s in there, my whole life 50, Michael, are you happy? It |-. sonu-whal h‘.u Iin'eil.
ANNETTE. His whole life! our little
What was it you said? I've lulplnllell lll(' wonl but in the end
MICHAEL. (Still fighting the noise.) Hang on, we might be able everyone’s feeling mule or lv-u. .lll nigh: il VUII ask
to fix it MICHAEL. ISlHHlltl lilnlmlilv mun \‘nll. Illlll (hives yolier'iy
ALAN. Forget it! It’s fucked! ANNETTE. live nevel leh more normal.
‘ 1y.4

MICHAEL. We’ll take out the battery and the SIM card. Can you MICHAEL. Right.
open it? (Alan tries to open it with no conviction.) ANNETTE. l’ni starting" to leel l.llll(‘l pleasnnllv serene.
ALAN. I don’t know how, I just got it. VERONICA. ll.i. ha! ‘l'lm's womleilnl! Rather ple-nsanil
MICHAEL. Give it to me. serene.

ALAN. It’s fucked And they think it’s funny, they think it’s MICHAEL. As for you. I).||l(‘\‘lll11' i‘h
Hm ‘l Ml
W l L”
' '
I" 1“ g‘lmCd '

funny! by getting publicly snmsheil.

MICHAEL. (Opening it easily.) There we are. (He goes hac/e on the VERONlCA. Kiss .. my ass (/l/ir/I/c/ L on lo i/( 't‘l1/."f,
' '

oflensioe with the hair dryer, having laid out the various parts.) You, MICHAEL.
g ‘
,,lake one, Alan. Relax. All.
( ( l M
My” (Ml)
Veronica, you at least could have the manners not to laugh at this!
R/AEEEIIXIIiA Cigars are not smoked in this house!
VERONICA. (Laughing heartily.) My husband will have spent his I .. ’l‘hese are Cuban, Cohib
3’ M ome CMStO '-
entire afternoon blow—drying! three and number four.
ANNETTE. Ha, ha, ha! (Annette makes no hones ahout helping her— VERONICA. You don’t smoke in a house w'1th an aSthmatlc' Chlldl '

self to more rum. Michael, immune to finding any of this amusing, ANNETTE. Who’s asthmatic?
keeps husy, concentrating intently. For a moment, there’s only the sound VERONICA. Our son.
of the hair dryer. Alan has slumped.) stop you buying a fucking hamster.
ALAN. Leave it, pal. Leave it. There’s nothing you can do. i/Efigfilfi. Oidn’t t’s true, if somebod l '
y ias asthma, keeping animals

(Michael finally switches of the hair dryer.) isn’t recommended

MICHAEL. We’ll have to wait a minute (Pause. ) You want to
MICHAEL. Completely unrecommendedl
use our phone? (Alan gestures that he doesn’t and that he couldn’t care ANNETI E. liven a goldfish can be risky.
less.) I have to say
have to listen to this fatuous nonsense? (She
ANNETTE. Yes, what is it you have to say, Michael? snatches the cigar hox out ofMichaeli‘ hands and slams it shut hrutally.)
MICHAEL. No I really can’t think what to say. Im sorry, no doubt I m the only one of us not feeling rather
ANNETTE. Well, if you ask me, everyone’s feeling fine. If you ask pleas-
antly serene. In fact, I’ve never been so unhappy. I think this is the
me, everyone’s feeling better. (Pause.) Everyone’s much calmer, unhappiest day of my life.
don’t you think? Men are so wedded to their gadgets ... It belittles MICHAEL. Drinking always makes
them It takes away all their authority A man needs to keep his you unhappy.
VERONICA. Michael, every word that comes out of your mouth
hands free if you ask me. Even an attache case is enough to put is destroying me. I don’t drink. I drank a mouthful of this
me off. There was a man, once, I found really attractive, then I saw shitty
rum you re aning about as if you were showing the
him with a square shoulder-bag, a man’s shoulder—bag, but that was congregation
the Shroud of Turin, I don’t drink and I bitterly regret it it’d be '1
it. There’s nothing worse than a shoulder bag. Although there’s also relief to be able to take refuge in a little
drop at every minoi‘ setback.
nothing worse than a cell phone. A man ought to give the impres— ANNETTE. My husband’s unhappy as well. look .n him
sion that he’s alone if you ask me. I mean, that he’s capable of Slumped. He looks as ifsomeone’s left him by the .‘ul(ll’ ml lln n. til
being alone...l I also have a John Wayne—ish idea of Virility. And I think it’s the unhappiest day ofhis life [no.1

what was it he had? A Colt .45. A device for creating a vacuum ... A ALAN. Yes.
man who can’t give the impression that he’s a loner has no texture ... ANNETTE. I’m so sorry. \Vuol \uml i.l//. /'./,l mm. u/' m. I. n

38 W
dryer again, directing it at the Harlem parts of the cellphone.) VERONICA. Fuck oll! I've had quite enough ol’yon. (She igrahs
VERONICA. Will you turn off the blow—dryer! That thing is Annette: handhzzgmn/ /rm~/t // tannin/t I/n’ 1/0011) It'uek oll!
toast. (The telephone rings.) ANNETTE. My purse! (II’A'I' 4/ fill/rigid.) Alan!
MICHAEL. Yes! Because it could kill you! That medication is poi— What's going on:‘ 'l’hev’ve lost their shit.
son! Someone’s going to explain it to you (He hands the receiver ETTE. (Gather/He n/t her tt'.//it'/t'// punt(tr/(MIL ) Al'tn hel p.'

to Alan.) Tell her. VERONICA. “Alan, help!”

ALAN. Tell her what? ANNETTE. Shut up! She’s broken tny compact! And
my spray
MICHAEL. Everything you know about that crap you’re peddling. bottle! (To Al/m.) l)elent| me. why aren‘t
you defending me?
ALAN. How are you, ma’am? ALAN. We re going. (l /e /)l‘(‘/I/N'(‘.t‘ m gather
up the parts ofhz’s cell
ANNETTE. What can he tell her? He doesn’t know the first thing phone.)
about it! VERONICA. It’s not as il’ l’m strangling her!
ALAN. Yes And does it hurt? Of course. Well, the oper— ANNETTE. What have l done to you?
ation will fix that And the other leg, I see. No, no, I’m not an VERONICA. 'l’here are not wrongs on both sides! Don’t mix up
orthopedic surgeon (Aside) She keeps calling me “doctor” the Victims and the executioners!
ANNETTE. Doctor, this is grotesque, hang up! ANNETTE. Executionersl
ALAN. But you I mean to say, you’re not having any problems MICHAEL. You’re so full of shit, Veronica, all this simplistic
with your balance? Oh, no. Not at all. Not at all. Don’t listen to baloney, we’re up to here with it!
any of that. All the same, it’d probably be a good idea to stop VERONICA. I stand by everything I’ve said.

ing it for the time being. Until until you’ve had a chance to get MICHAEL. Yes, yes, you stand by what you’ve said, you stand by
comfortably through your operation Yes, you sound as if you’re what youve said, your infatuation for a bunch of Sudanese eoons
in very good shape (Michael snatches the reeez'verfrom hirn.) is bleeding into everything now.
MICHAEL. All right, Mom, is that clear, stop taking the medica— VERONICA. I’m appalled. Why are you choosing to show your
tion, why do you always have to argue, stop taking it, do what selftn this horrible light? ’

you’re told, I’ll call you back Lots of love, love from us all. {He MICHAEL. Because lee! like il. lee! llh‘t' shtnving' unwell in .I
l l

hangs up.) She’s killing me. One pain in the balls after another! horrible light.

ANNETTE. Right then, what have we decided? Shall I come back VERONICA. OI]? (lily yl)” “Lly llll(l('l’\l.|ll(l lllk' (‘Xlll’lllk’ “l’ilvlly
this evening with Benjamin? No one seems to give a rat’s ass any— ofwhats going on in that part ol’tlle worltl .llltl you’ll be ashamed
more. All the same, I should point out, that’s what we’re here for. of this mertia and your repulsive nihilism.
VERONICA. Now I’m starting to feel nauseous. Where’s the pan? MICIZIHAEL.
Yott’re just WUlltlL'l’l’lll. Darjeeling, you’re the best of
(Michael takes the hottle ofrnm out ofAnnette’s reach.) us a !
MICHAEL. That’s enough. VERONICA. am. Yes.

ANNETTE. In my mind, there are wrongs on both sides. That’s ANNETTE. Let’s get out of here, Alan, these people are monsters!
it. Wrongs on both sides. (She dram: her glass and goes to pith up the hottle.)
VERONICA. Are you serious? ALAN. (Preventing her.) Stop it, Annette.
ANNETTE. What? ANNETTE. No, I want to drink some more, I want to get homl ml
VERONICA. Are you aware of what you’re saying? out ofmy mind, this bitch hurls my purse aeross the mom .Illtl no
ANNETTE. I am. Yes. one bats an eye, I want to get drunk!
VERONICA. Our son Henry, to whom I was obliged to give two ALAN. You already are.
Extra—StrengthTylenol last night, is in the wrong? ANNETTE. Why are you letting them tall my son an executioner?
ANNETTE. He’s not necessarily innocent. You come to their house to settle things and
you get insulted and

4O 41
bullied and lectured on how to be a good citizen of the planet. ALAN. You’re the same breed. You’re part of the same
category of
Our son did well to clout yours and I wipe my ass with your bill of woman, committed, problem—solving, that’s not what we like
ti hts! about women, what we like about women is sensuality, wildness,
lVIIICHAEL. hormones. Women who make a song and dance about their intu—
A mouthful of rum and bam, the real face appears.
VERONICA. I told you! Didn’t I tell you? ition, women who are custodians of the world depress us, even
ALAN. What did you tell him? him, poor Michael, your husband, he’s depressed
VERONICA. That she was a phony. This woman is a phony. I’m MICHAEL. Don’t speak for me!
sorry. VERONICA. Who gives a flying fuck what you like about women?
ANNETTE. (Upset) Ha, ha, ha! Where does this lecture come from? A man like you, who could
ALAN. When did you tell him? begin to give a fuck for your opinion?
VERONICA. When you were in the bathroom. ALAN. She’s yelling. She’s yelling like a stuck pig.
ALAN. You’d known her for fifteen minutes, but you could tell she VERONICA. What about her, doesn’t she yell?! When she said
was a phony. that little bastard had done well to clout our son?
VERONICA. It’s the kind of thing I pick up on right away. ANNETTE. Yes, he did do well! At least he’s not a sniveling little
MICHAEL. It’s true. faggot!
VERONICA. I have an instinct for that kind of thing. VERONICA. Yours is a snitch, is that any better?
ALAN. And phony, what does that mean? ANNETTE. Alan, let’s go! What are we doing, staying in this
ANNETTE. I don’t want to hear any more! Why are you putting
dump? (She makes to leave, then returns towards the tulips, which she
lashes oat at violently. Flowersfly, disintegrate and scatter all over the
me through this, Alan?
ALAN. Calm down, Woof-woof. place.) There, there, that’s what I think of your pathetic flowers,
VERONICA. She’s someone who tries to smooth the rough edges. your hideous tulips! Ha, ha, ha! (She harsts into tears.) It’s the
Period. She doesn’t care any more than you do. She’s all front. worst day of my life as well. (Silence. A long stanneclpaase. Michael
MICHAEL. It’s true. pic/es something up off the floor.)
ALAN. It’s true. MICHAEL, (7?) Annette.) This yours? (Annette tahes a spectacle-
VERONICA. It’s true! Are you saying it’s true? case, opens it ancl takes out a pair ofglasses.)
MICHAEL. They don’t give a fuck! They haven’t given a fuck since ANNETTE. Thanks
the start, it’s obvious! Her too, you’re right! MICHAEL. Not broken?
ALAN. And you do, I suppose? (To Annette.) Let me say something,
ANNETTE. No (Pause)
honey. Explain to me in what way you care, Michael. What does the MICHAEL. What I always say is (Alan starts gathering up the
word mean in the first place? You’re far more authentic when you’re stems ana’ petals. ) Leave it.
showing yourself in a horrible light. To tell you the truth, no one in ALAN. No (The telephone rings. After some hesitation, Veronica
this room cares, except for Veronica, whose integrity, it has to be picks up the receiver.)
said, must be acknowledged. VERONICA. Yes. darling Oh, good Will you be able to do
VERONICA. Don’t acknowledge me! Don’t acknowledge me! your homework at Annabelle’s? No, no, darling, we haven’t
ANNETTE. I care. I absolutely care. found her Yes, I went all the
way to the grocery store. But you
ALAN. We only care about our own feelings, Annette, we’re not know, my love, Nibbles is very resourceful, I think you have to
social crusaders. (To Veronica.) I saw your friend Jane Fonda on TV have faith in her. You think she was happy in a cage? Daddy’s
the other day, I was inches away from joining the KKK very sad, he didn’t mean to upset you Yes, you will, of course
VERONICA. What do you mean, “my friend”? What’s Jane you’ll speak to him again. Listen, darling, we’re worried enough
Fonda got to do with all this? already about your brother She’ll eat she’ll eat leaves

42 43
acorns, horse chestnuts she’ll find things, she knows what food PROPERTY LIST
she needs worms, snails, stuff that drops out of trash cans, she’s
like us, she’s omnivorous See you soon, sweetheart. (Puma) Paper, pen
MICHAEL. Chances are that creature’s probably stuffing its face Art books
as we speak. Cell phone
VERONICA. No. (Silence. )
MICHAEL. What do we know?
Tray with drinks, clufouri, plates, forks, etc.
End of Play
Basins, cloth, sponge.
Perfume bottle
Hair dryer
Bottle of rum, glasses
Cigar box
Purse with compact, spectacle case with glasses

44 45

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