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Quantifying Participation

in Large-Scale Virtual
Encouraging Opportunities for Serendipity
While Managing Digital Addiction

Jonathan Bishop
Crocels Community Media Group, UK

The term large-scale virtual environment (LSVE) is not in the common usage. One might find discussion
on massively multi-user online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and multi-user virtual environment
(MUVEs), but these are sub-types of LSVEs and usually focus on the graphical element, not measuring
the capacity of the individual users and the computation of their combined potential, nor the analysis
of how they interact with one another to achieve mutual or opposite goals that affect the usage of data
and their own nutritional resources. By investigating different user groups, internal and external rep-
resentations and various thresholds, including the serendipity threshold, this chapter contributes to the
understanding of how digital addiction manifests through a brain measurement called knol, which can
be used as a floating-point unit.


The term large-scale virtual environment (LSVE) is not in common usage. One might find discussion
on massively multi-user online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and multi-user virtual environment
(MUVEs), but these are sub-types of LSVEs and usually focus on the graphical element, not measuring
the capacity of the individual users and the computation of their combined potential, nor the analysis
of how they interact with one another to achieve mutual or opposite goals that affect the usage of data

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8449-0.ch009

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

and their own nutritional resources. By investigating different user groups, internal and external rep-
resentations and various thresholds, including the serendipity threshold, this chapter contributes to the
understanding of how digital addiction manifests through a brain measurement called knol, which can
be used as a floating-point unit.


Online communities have been multi-user insofar as many users contribute to the platform, but large-
scale virtual environments taking the form of social networking services, such as Twitter and Facebook,
have increased users of online communities from tens of people to thousands of people. Even if the
technologies would have at one point been considered asynchronous, such as bulletin board systems,
social networking services have, due to the volume of people using them, made such technologies virtu-
ally asynchronous. Large-scale virtual environments (LSVEs) can take the form of 3D Virtual Worlds
(Feng & Song, 2011; Tseng, Tsai, & Chao, 2013). However, from the point of view of this paper the
term is in its broadest sense to refer to information systems as they are seen in human-computer interac-
tion (Mantovani, 1996a; Mantovani, 1996b; Suchman, 1987; Suchman, 2007). An important aspect of
LSVEs, however, is that they are collaborative in the manner in which they are used, rather than being
systems which have many actors who never interact (Clarke & Dede, 2007). This means that when seek-
ing to understand how to increase participation in LSVEs, it should be assumed from the outset that the
problems and opportunities that arise are no different from any other environment that is dependent on
humans working together.

Detecting and Responding to Mood in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Large-scale virtual environments (LSVEs), especially those that take the form of Virtual Worlds, are
often conducted at high speed with multiple interactions taking place at once. It is thus important to
understand them in terms of their real-time social dynamics (Ghose, Li, & Liu, 2017). It is therefore
argued by the author that online communities of any size should be approached from a supercomputing
perspective, but the opposite in the norm. That is the host of the website is the mainframe and connected
to it are supercomputers in terms of human-beings giving off tens of emotions and micro-emotions every
second. Depending on the specific user this will affect their own mood and then their contribution to
the online community will affect the mood of its users (Dao, Nguyen, Phung, & Venkatesh, 2014) . On
online communities organised on a massively multi-user basis, such as Facebook and Twitter, the impacts
of someone posting an abusive post if their mood was in the form of negative affect can be significant
(Sagioglou & Greitemeyer, 2014). Mood therefore be seen to be affected by real-time dynamics in both
the LSVE and the moods of those using them prior to such change. As can be seen from Table 1, the
real-time dynamics explored in this paper are structural, aesthetic and social-behavioural (Bishop, 2012b).
It is possible to conceptualise participants in multi-user environments through media theory and seduc-
tion theory. Such media theory includes character theories on fairy-tales (Propp, 1968), dramatic forms
(Goffman, 1959) and most recently online community characters (Bishop, 2008; Campbell, Fletcher, &
Greenhill, 2009). Such seduction theories include approaches like the mystery method (Von Markovik,
2007) and SESH approach (Mbakwe & Cunliffe, 2002; Mbakwe & Cunliffe, 2003; Mbakwe & Cunliffe,
2007) as well as narrative theories of online communities (Bishop, 2012a). Table 2 presents a synthesis

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 1. Real-time dynamics for understanding personality traits manifested in LSVEs

Real-Time Dynamic Description

Structural The way in which the environment is structured
Aesthetic The observable and manipulatable aspects of the environments
Socio-Behavioural The people and processes that function within an environment

of the elements of these various models, which have been associated with the specific types of variable
that were in the dataset.
In addition, the elements set out in Table 2 can be conceived as social enterprise analytical factors
(De Laat & Prinsen, 2014), including metrics that can be used to measure this (De Laat & Lally, 2003;
De Laat & Prinsen, 2014), and the interface cues that allows for these to be represented in an interface
to enable gamification (Bishop, 2012a; Brinck, Gergle, & Wood, 2002, pp. 281-301, pp. 321-324; Kim,
2011a; Kim, 2011b; Kim & Sundar, 2011; Shedroff, 2001, pp. 64-65, p. 179, p. 277; Slocombe, 2001,
p. 60, pp. 94-95, p. 128, p. 144, p. 150).
There have been a number of attempts to capture the differences in personality among those who
participate in online communities and other forms of large-scale virtual environment. Some have sug-
gested Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a suitable approach (Del Grosso, 2001; Kim, 2000;
Shneiderman, 2002), some have suggested character theories (Bartle, 1996; Bishop, 2008; Campbell
et al., 2009), and others have tried to identify the behaviours specific to such environments (Hardaker,
2013a; Powazek, 2002; Preece, Nonnecke, & Andrews, 2004; Wallace, 1999).
On their own, these offer little value, as it is important to understand the mood of users also. This
study therefore seeks to make use of a way of understanding personality that conceptualises behaviour by
people who focus on friendship and socialising as empathic and behaviour focused around individuality

Table 2. Metrics modelling the aesthetics that influence users

Show Reward Value Create Networks /

Dynamic (Phase) Observable Factor Detect Topics
Participation Creation Communities
Prospects / Autonomy1, polls4, Leader-boards1, Controls4, action
Inducement Power1, mastery2
Opportunity quizzes4 learning2 buttons4, labels4, links4
Graphic Design4, Link colour4, font
Antecedent State / Meaning2, Mental Education3,4,
Negotiation Typography, size4, underlining4,
Psychological object4 intelligence3
Illustration4 consistency4
photography4, Search4, privacy policy4,
Suggestion Capital / Financial Points2, keywords4 Badges2
meta tags4, relevant content4
Likes3, posts3, replies3,
Environmental / Content4, Posts3, replies3, Punishments2,
Reward buddies3, up/next
Physical iconography4 tags3 rewards2
Definition of
Captivation Time Levels1, animation4 Videography4 Cinematography4
Group Dynamics / Group identity1, Social confidence3,
Persuasion Reputation3 Fun2, love2
Social Likes3 reciprocal links4
Key: 1 Authority cues, 2 Bandwagon cues, 3 Contribution cues, 4 Design cues

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

and ideas as autistic (Bishop, 2013; Bishop, 2015b; Bolognini, 1997). Online communities have on the
one hand been seen as empathic communities (Preece, 1998) and by others as communities of practice
(Johnson, 2001; Preece, 2003). It is therefore clear that there is a divide that exists between users in
terms of mood, where one mood set can be considered empathic the other autistic.

Understanding Cognition in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 3 presents the values required to use Equation 1 to transfer how an actor interprets elements of the
external environment (measured through x) in reference to their internal cognitions (measured through y).
When the external representation (x) is combined with the internal cognition (y) it produces a phantasy.
A phantasy, which is named from the Freudian concept, can be seen in the same light as a schema, but
an important difference in ecological cognition phantasies always produce emotions and so impact an
actor’s resulting behaviour significantly.

 n  x + x + y + y − z / j )
 ( (
 ∑ i =0 
1) ( 1) )
 + F
  c 
 
5 
k= (1)
(F + B )

Equation 1 is an equation for calculating ‘knol’.

Phantasies are always valued between -5 and +5, which is why the additional elements in the equation
(i.e. x1, y1, z ̆, c) are needed to transform the cognitions measured through x and y into phantasies. Each
phantasy represents an emotion that impacts on the functioning of the prefrontal cortex. The functions of
the prefrontal cortex include problem-solving (Mushiake et al., 2009), self-control (Figner et al., 2010),
conscience (Blair, 2007; Moll, Eslinger, & Oliveira-Souza, 2001), working-memory (Canuet et al., 2011;
Meyer, Qi, Stanford, & Constantinidis, 2011; Zanto, Rubens, Thangavel, & Gazzaley, 2011), empathy
(Seitz, Nickel, & Azari, 2006; Shamay-Tsoory, Tomer, Berger, & Aharon-Peretz, 2003) and deception
(Christ, Van Essen, Watson, Brubaker, & McDermott, 2009; Ito et al., 2010; Priori et al., 2008). The
links between these functions and the phantasies that affect them are in Table 3.
When the knol (k) is computed using Equation 1 there are a number of thresholds that can be used to
assess the impact of the value computed. One will find that if knol is at the deindividuation threshold (k
= 0.5) then a person is at risk of lurking (Han et al., 2012), trolling (Coles & West, 2016) or defriend-
ing (Liao, Squicciarini, Griffin, & Rajtmajer, 2016). An actor whose knol is at the optimal threshold
(k = 0.81) can easily change their behaviour to fit the situation to avoid being forced to lurk, flame or
defriend. An actor whose knol is at the serendipity threshold (k = 0.98) will either operate at their mo-
dus operandi and perform the behaviours they would without thinking about the consequences of their
actions, or those behaviours will be totally out of character for them. These behaviours are as likely to
be lurking or delurking, kudos or flaming, or befriending or defriending, depending on what is normal
for the actor concerned. An actor who is most likely to feel the need to lurk would be at the deindividu-
ation threshold, but if that actor wants to post and their knol hits the serendipity threshold there is a
high chance they will delurk and start posting at the same time as enjoying the experience. Conversely,
an actor who begrudgingly lurks and does not feel like posting in any case stands the chance of flaming

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 3. Table for calculating knol

Phantasy x Cognition x1 y Cognition y1 z̆ c Prefrontal Function

Impatient Detachment 3 Goal 3 36 -9.6 Problem-solving
Restless Detachment 0 Plan 0 0 -2.4 Self-control
Ruffled Detachment 0 Value 0 12 -2.4 Conscience
Flustered Detachment 0 Belief 0 0 -3.6 Working memory
Pestered Detachment 0 Interest 0 30 -6 Empathy
Distant Detachment 0 Detachment 0 18 -3.6 Deception
Devoted Interest 0 Goal 0 45.5 8.9 Problem-solving
Loving Interest 0 Plan 3 1.5 4.3 Self-control
Respectful Interest 0 Value 0 20.5 3.9 Conscience
Trusting Interest 0 Belief 4 2 6.4 Working memory
Cherishing Interest 0 Interest 0 50.5 9.9 Empathy
Affinity Interest 0 Detachment 0 30 -6 Deception

when the serendipity threshold is past, such as following reading a piece of persuasive or provocative
text. Table 4 shows the thresholds that knol can be used to calculate. These include deinviduation, the
optimal state for homo sapiens at the present state of evolution
As can be seen in Equation 1, this parametric user model transforms the external signifiers in an ac-
tor’s environment (x) and those internal cognitions (y) so that they produce a variable called knol (k),
which represents the amount of mental effort an actor is having to put into the environment in order to

Table 4. Thresholds for knol

Knol Threshold Spectrum Addictive Description

The deindividuation threshold is where an actor has such high
serotonin levels and dopamine levels that they detach from the
0.50 Deindividuation Autistic Not addictive
external environment to concentrate solely on their internal thought
The optimal threshold is where an actor’s dopamine and serotonin
levels are in equilibrium to the point that they can optimally engage
0.81 Tribalism Empathic Not addictive
with their external environment at the same time as being able engage
with their own internal needs and wants.
The serendipity threshold is where an actor’s dopamine levels are
Risk of so high and their serotonin levels so low that they engage with their
0.98 Serendipity Demotic
addiction internal and mental states with so little effort that they have reached
their optimal experience.
The homo magnus equilibrium is a hypothesised stage of evolution
Homo magnus Risk of where humans are at their optimum (i.e. equatric) where they
1 Equatric
equilibrium addiction can collaborate with others to meet their own goals without
compromising those of others.
Psychological The point at which a person realises they have limitations affecting
1.118 Neurotic Addictive
knol excess their potential.
The point at which a person has exceeded their capabilities and is no
1.21 Gross watershed Psychotic Addictive
longer functioning normally with the world around them.

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

achieve their goals. The variable knol, which is short for knowledge, reflects the cognitive load an actor
is undergoing. In theory, a knol of 0.5 represents a significant amount of effort being put in by a user to
achieve their goals; a knol of 0.81 represents an actor exerting the optimum amount of effort for them
to achieve their goals; and a knol of 0.98 represents the point at which a person has achieved a state of
flow, where they lose track of their external environment (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Csikszentmihalyi,
2000; Csikszentmihalyi, 2009). The way in which this parametric user model works in practice, and a
refutation of these theorised figures, is discussed in the next section.
The parametric user model presented in Figure 3 and Equation 1, it is argued, can be effective at
predicting what type of user a person is based on the amount of effort they need to put in to engaging
with an online community, including accounting for the signifiers they perceive in their external physical
and virtual environment, and the corresponding cognitions in their internal environment (i.e. their mind).
This is done by treating the knol value computed as a “k-score”. Indeed, it is important when developing
a parametric user model that can explain real-time dynamics in both virtual and physical environments to
have an understanding of the composition of those environments. To test the effectiveness of the model
the following hypotheses are tested:

1. The greater the freedom afforded by a learning environment then higher the k-scores will be
2. The k-scores of environments with higher numbers of actors will be lower than those with a smaller
number of actors with non-participants having equally matched k-scores and active participants
having peaks and troughs

In Table 5, the unit of study is called a player, user or actor (PUA). The term actor has already been
used in this paper and refers to a person who engages in a large-scale virtual environment in order to
achieve their goals within their competences. A user can refer to someone who is completing a task,
with no real social or emotional involvement. They are like an actor who just wants to get the job done.
A player is someone with goals like an actor but has specific strategies for engaging with others to
achieve them. In the dataset that forms part of this study the PUAs are the learners, as education should
be focussed around helping them achieve their goals. Serendipity for a PUA can be quite broad, but it
usually relates to achieving their goals in some unexpected yet positive way.
Still referring to Table 5, a People Watcher (PW) is someone in the environment who is looking on but
has no real involvement otherwise. This can include lurkers, who are known as peripheral participators
who read online contributions but do not post their own (Bishop, 2007b; Bishop, 2012a; Nonnecke &
Preece, 2000a; Nonnecke & Preece, 2000b; Nonnecke & Preece, 2003; Nonnecke, Andrews, & Preece,
2006). They can also be seen to include those who use prosthetic technologies, especially those that
augment the reality of an individual (Bishop, 2015; Bishop, 2016; el Kaliouby, Teeters, & Picard, 2006).
In the dataset set that forms part of this study the PWs are Visitors, such as those who operate recording
equipment or supervise without taking part in any of the teaching. Serendipity occurs for a People Watcher
when they see a message, they feel compelled to respond to, even if they have never responded before.
As can be seen from Table 5, a Human-Being (HB) is the particular person the PUA is directing their
attention to. If the PUA is an educator, then the HB is the specific learner they are speaking to in reality,
or the imaginary one they are speaking to whilst delivering to an entire class. If the PUA is a learner, then
often the HB is the teacher, but it could of course be another learner or even an online avatar or chatbot.
Depending on the cognitive abilities of the person concerned, they might have multiple HBs in their
working memory. In the case of this study, the dataset used has the HB as all the people in the class as

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 5. Types of player, user and actor in large-scale virtual environments, their driver/stage and sense
of serendipity

Acronym Name Driver (Stage) Spectrum Serendipity

Player, User Aspiration /
PUA Autistic Achieving their goals in some unexpected yet positive way.
or Actor Neuro-Response
People Opportunity / Seeing a message, they feel compelled to respond to, even if they
PW Demotic
Watcher Stimuli have never responded before.
Comes all too easy. There will always be people seeking to be
Human- Expression / friends with them – in the case of a Chatroom Bob usually for
HB Demotic
Being Response sexual purposes – and its form is usually feeling lucky to have met a
particular person or discovered a particular fact.
Hater with
E-Nally Relevance / Occurs when many other members of the only community are
Herd Autistic
Retentive Intent supportive of their actions.
Antagonistic Occurs when they manage to get the PUA banned or otherwise
Choice /
AMOG Member of Empathic diminish the PUA’s role in the community, especially if they did not
the Group expect to because the PUA was otherwise more popular than them.
Window Understanding / Occurs when the content they share is received well by the PUA or
WM Empathic
Manipulator Impetus AMOG.

the analysis is looking at the whole picture. Serendipity for a HB comes all too easy. There will always
be people seeking to be friends with them – in the case of a Chatroom Bob usually for sexual purposes
– and its form is usually feeling lucky to have met a particular person or discovered a particular fact.
A Hater with E-Nally Retentive Dialogue (Herd), as can be seen from Table 5, is a particular person
who tries to make life difficult for the PUA, whether they are the educator or another learner. A Herd
can include someone who is cyber-bullying or trolling another person in order to cause harm to them.
In many schools, the Herd could include an authoritarian teacher or classroom assistant. More often,
learners within a school can see all “grown-ups” as Herds. For this reason, the dataset used assigned the
Herd label is based on the total number of adults, including teachers and other support staff. Serendip-
ity for a Herd occurs when many other members of the only community are supportive of their actions.
Investigating Table 5, the Antagonistic Member of the Group (AMOG) is a person who has the op-
posite goals to or otherwise wants to make life difficult for the PUA. An AMOG can include someone
who is always posting abusive messages about the PUA to detract from what they are trying to say or
trying to turn others against the PUA. In the dataset used the AMOG was the teachers, whom it is of-
ten expected learners will be in opposition to if they are in the ideal position of being able to think for
themselves. Serendipity for an AMOG occurs when they manage to get the PUA banned or otherwise
diminish the PUA’s role in the community, especially if they did not expect to because the PUA was
otherwise more popular than them.
A Window Manipulator (WM), as can be seen from Table 5, is a particular person who is supportive
of the PUA, or supportive of the AMOG in opposition to the PUA. A WM might for instance support
the PUA when they say something by agreeing with them, even if they do not actually support what is
being said as the reason it is being said is more important to them. In the dataset used, the children in
the class were considered to be the WMs on the basis the PUA was one of the learners and the educa-
tor was the AMOG. Serendipity for an WM occurs when the content they share is received well by the

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

The elements in Table 6 reflect the real-time social-behavioural dynamics that were not explored in
this paper. Those explained in this paper were the Interest and Detachment cognitions, which were as-
sociated with the Amity and Enmity signifiers respectively. In the case of Table 6, Goal Close (GClose)
refers to the ultimate aim of a PUA in their participation in an environment, which can often mean them
seeking to change another person as a result, such as gaining a degree in order to convince an employer
they are more suitable as an employee than someone without one. In terms of the Primary User/Actor
Routine (PUAR), this refers to the methods used by a PUA to change another. For instance, taking train-
ing in interviewing skills might help them persuade an employer they are worth hiring over someone
else. In terms of Social Value (SV), this refers to the rules imposed on the PUA by others that they have
to work with. For instance, to convince an employer to hire them they might have to attend an interview
at a specific time and place to prove they will keep to that time when employed. In-Game Opinion (IG)
refers to those believes that either the PUA or those around them hold, which need to be recognised
and accommodated. For instance, if a potential employee does not share the same belief system as a
prospective employer then their chances of getting employed might be reduced.

Research Investigation: Considering the ‘Ecological Cognition’ and

‘Equatric’ Frameworks and the Proposed Parametric User Model

The ecological cognition framework (Figure 1; Figure 2) is over 10 years old at the time of writing,
framework (Bishop, 2007a; Bishop, 2007b). It was created before the advent of large-scale virtual en-
vironments taking them form social networking services, like Facebook, where there has been a lot of
change in the geo-demographics of who uses the Internet. When the ECF was created, older generations
did not use the Internet for surveillance and escapism in the way that younger generations typically do
(Leung, 2003). Since that time, older generations use Facebook as much for surveillance and escapism
as newer generations and so the ECF needs to be updated to accommodate this, such as through the
introduction of a sixth binary-opposition force, namely surveillance-escape.
Equally, at the time of writing the theory of ‘equatrics’ is now nearly 10 years old (Bishop, 2011a;
Bishop, 2011b) and whilst its principles are as relevant now as then, as a stand-alone theory it is not as
useful as it could otherwise be if integrated with other theories. The ecological cognition framework has
for instance been used to understand lurking in online communities (Chen, 2013), but through blending it

Table 6. Further real-time social-behavioural dynamics signifiers for modelling LSVE participation

Behavioural y Cognition (x
Value Description and Examples
Dynamic Signifier)
Goal Close Goal 1 (low) to 9 Where an actor’s (Si) aim is to transform (Ti) a person (Oi) that is known as a
(GClose) (Strategy) (high) GClose
Primary User/
Plan -2 (low) to 2
Actor Routine The methods (Mi) used by an actor (Si) to transform (Ti) others (Oi)
(Method) (high)
Social Value Value 1 (low) to 4 SV refers to the Rules (Ri) of a target (Oi) that an actor (Si) has to operate according
(SV) (Rule) (high) to.
In-Game Belief -3 (low) to 3 In-Game Opinions are those demands (Di) that are held and/or expressed during a
Opinion (IG) (Meme) (high) discussion

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Figure 1. The ecological cognition framework

with equatrics, it should be possible to apply it to further contexts using neuroeconomics. The elements
of equatricism are presented in Table 7.
This following section presents a number of t-tests that have sought to show how the ecological
cognition framework needs to change now that social networking services exist as large-scale virtual
environments. The outcome that it is compared against is what is called the Ecequalogical framework,
which is so named by the term ‘ecological cognition’ (Ec) with that on ‘equatricism’ (Equa), plus the
word ‘logical,’ derived from ‘ology,’ which is the study of something. This proposed Ecequalogical
framework is presented in Figure 2, which is in essence a 6-Base version of the ecological cognition
framework, which was 5-Base.
The parametric user model explored in this paper was developed from understanding the internal
representations that form part of ecological cognition theory (Bishop, 2007a; Bishop, 2007b) as well
as the external representations developed from it (Bishop, 2015; Bishop, 2016). In terms of external
representations (signified by the letter x), these include strategies, methods, rules, memes, amities and
enmities. In terms of internal representations (signified by the letter y), these take the form of goals,
plans, values, beliefs and interests and detachments. Goals are those things a user of an online commu-
nity wishes to do, such as access specific information and its equivalent of strategies are those perceived
intentions of others that the user has to understand and accommodate to achieve their goals. Plans are the
particular approaches a user often takes to achieve their goals and their equivalent of methods are those

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 7. The elements of ‘equatricism’

Concept Learn Create Communicate

Articulation: Information
Acquisition: Actors should
Application: Information providers should respect
Socio-legal: There has been not be subject to autocratic
providers should facilitate communities and seek
a breakdown of traditional and broadcasted information
actors in creating new to add value to them
community structures and an sources but should have their
knowledge through combining through facilitating actors
emergence of a network society. individual Identities recognised
theory with practice. in communicating their
when they learn.
Boundlessness: Actors do not
have a hierarchy of needs or
Economic: There has been
necessarily know what they are Bestowal: The exchange and
a breakdown of traditional
looking for during the course use of artefacts and not capital
economic structures and an
of an activity but will seek is the driver in an economy.
emergence of a digital economy.
to minimise discomfort and
maximise gratification.
Info-scientific: There has been
Consciousness: Actors are not Context: Actors have Consideration: Actors do not
a breakdown of traditional
usually aware of the reason individual interpretations of usually have full access to all
educational structures and
for their actions until after the an event that is often different their cognitions to facilitate an
an emergence of a globalised
event. from others. informed bargaining position.
virtual community.
Techno-cultural: There
Determination: Actors will Decoration: Actors will
has been a breakdown in Didactic: Actors will look for
be continually seeking to make use of artefacts in order
traditional power-structures meaning in their experiences,
realise their goals and other to express their identity and
and communication channels even where there is none, and
cognitions and will be inventive personality and seek approval
and the emergence of a will seek to document such
and reflective in their use of from others relating to their use
public square of uncontrolled memories and experiences.
artefacts in order to do so. of those artefacts.

approaches and routines of others that need to be understood and accommodated to achieve their goals.
Values are those provisos or prerequisites of a person that affect how they decide to achieve their goals
and their external equivalents, namely rules, are those provisos imposed – or perceived to be imposed
– on the actor by others. Beliefs are those particular viewpoints an actor uses to justify their goals, and
memes are the beliefs of others that an actor has to account for in order to achieve their goals. Figure 3
presents a parametric user model capable of modelling the interactions between those signifiers (x) in
the external environment with those cognitions (y) within the actor’s internal environment, namely their
mind (Bishop, 2011; Bishop & Goode, 2014; Bishop, 2017).
As can be seen in Equation 1, this parametric user model transforms the external signifiers in an ac-
tor’s environment (x) and those internal cognitions (y) so that they produce a variable called knol (k),
which represents the amount of mental effort an actor is having to put into the environment in order to
achieve their goals. The variable knol, which is short for knowledge, reflects the cognitive load an actor
is undergoing. In theory, a knol of 0.5 represents a significant amount of effort being put in by a user to
achieve their goals; a knol of 0.81 represents an actor exerting the optimum amount of effort for them
to achieve their goals; and a knol of 0.98 represents the point at which a person has achieved a state of
flow, where they lose track of their external environment (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990; Csikszentmihalyi,
2000; Csikszentmihalyi, 2009). The way in which this parametric user model works in practice, and a
refutation of these theorised figures, is discussed in the next section.

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Figure 2. The Ecequalogical Framework

Figure 3. The parametric user model represented as a conceptual framework for “opportunity”

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments


This section provides the hypotheses that will be tested in this investigation. The aim of them are to
assess whether the proposed k-score value can be used to understand online communities as multi-user
environments and also to show how their use can be used to improve the ecological cognition framework
and equatric principles on which the variables in the parametric user model used to compute the k-scores
are based. These hypotheses are presented in Table 8.

Participants and Data Cleaning

The study involved the collecting of primary data from a dyad of participants – one autistic person
and one empathic person. In this context, ‘autistic’ refers to someone who is ideas driven and prefers
working on their own and ‘empathic’ refers to people who prefer being around those whose beliefs are
hyper-concordant with their own (Bishop, 2013; Bolognini, 1997). It also involved the use of data that
was triangulated from secondary sources and the computation of data from combining the primary and
secondary sources where details on the participants are not known. In terms of this secondary data, it
had to be encoded to account for the use of ‘empathic’ and ‘autistic’ as a basis for differentiating the
other variables.
Table 9 sets out each of the datasets created and how many of the observations recorded in the datasets
were primary data, secondary data or a computation of data from making use of the data collected to
create new observations suitable for analysis with traditional statistical software. The concept-mapping
study involved the autistic and empathic participants creating a collage from various forms of available
media and those they created themselves, such as photographs. The autistic participant focussed on places
and objects, whereas the empathic participant focussed on people. The questionnaire was administered
to the autistic and empathic participant after they had taken part in five types of virtual and physical
environment. Namely, a community venue without computers, a community venue with computers, a
virtual reality engagement, a computer lab and a community venue with all of these. The location metrics
were generated from using the United Kingdom Government’s census data from 2011. In terms of the
computed column in Table 9, this is to indicate that the items were based on encoding visual data in the
case of the concept-mapping and in terms of turning the data on its side so that participants become what
is measured and not the questions, in a similar way to what happens with Q-methodology. The benefit of
this is that it assumes the questions are what is homogeneous and not the participants, meaning a normal
distribution is not required to make the data statistically valid.

Table 8. Hypotheses relating to the use of k-stores

# Hypothesis
1 The greater the freedom afforded by a learning environment then the higher the k-scores will be
The k-scores of environments with higher numbers of actors will be lower than those with a smaller number of
actors with non-participants having equally matched k-scores and active participants having peaks and troughs
The proposed k-score test can be used to create a 6-Base ecological cognition framework using equatricism so as
to create an ‘ecequalogical framework’

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 9. Data sources selected and created

Dataset Autistic (M k) Empathic (M k) Primary Secondary Computed

Concept-mapping 1.00911262018 1.02080942295 22 0 22
Questionnaire 0.837611750 0.865500000 8 0 8
Location Metrics 0.96572379 0.98758705 18 30 0

Table 9 also shows the Mean knol for the autistic and empathic participants in each dataset. As can
be seen, the serendipity threshold has been met in both cases in terms of the concept-mapping data, but
only in terms of the empathic when it comes to the location metrics.
Table 10 sets out the Mean knol for autistics and empathics in reference to their responses to the elements
of the questionnaire administered to measure delurking, kudos and befriending, which are respectively
the positive opposites of lurking, flaming and defriending. As can be seen from this table, the autistics
have a greater flow in relation to all of these, with the empathics being around 0.1 knol adrift. None of
the Means meet the serendipity threshold of 0.98, but in terms of the optimal threshold these are met in
terms of befriending for both the autistics and empathics. This shows that autistics have a higher degree
of flow than empathics when it comes to these online behaviours, which might be to do with the fact the
imagination of people with autism is better suited to systems, including virtual environments, whereas
people with empathism are better suited to hyper-concordant environments where the opportunities to
delurk towards, show kudos to or befriend new people and new ideas is limited (Bolognini, 1997; Golan
& Baron-Cohen, 2006; Overskeid, 2016; Wheelwright et al., 2006).
Table 11 presents the Mean knol for autistics and empathics in reference to computed variables
representing the cognitions of the ecological cognition framework. The flow for the autistic participant
was again greater than the empathic, with the latter being around 0.3 knol adrift. The autistic passed the
optimal threshold of 0.81 in all cases, whereas the empathic did not in the case of plan and belief. The
serendipity threshold of 0.98 was not passed in any of the cases. This again suggests that those with
autism have greater flow in making use of their cognitions for imagining systems and ideas than those
with empathism are.
Table 12 presents the dummy variables that were created from the primary and secondary data in
order to investigate Levels 3 and E in terms of signifiers – those observable and understandable parts of
the external environment. These signifiers, namely Methods, Enmities, Amities, Memes and Strategies
were identified in previous research (Bishop, 2011b; Bishop, 2015a; Bishop, 2016b).

Table 10. Online behaviours selected for analysis

Behaviour Autistic (M k) Empathic (M k) Primary

Delurking 0.799169860 0.788117284 8
Kudos 0.784163474 0.783740741 8
Befriending 0.909450830 0.893641975 8

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 11. Cognitions selected for analysis

Cognition Autistic M k Empathic M k Computed

Plan 0.82403416 0.79851466 8
Belief 0.82215837 0.79796759 8
Interest 0.83781928 0.81170525 8

Methods, which refer to the behaviour of others towards the actor that either help or hinder them
in achieving their goals, were based on minutes of exercise, with the highest value being 280 and the
lowest value being 0. Rules are those impositions on an actor that can either aid them in achieving their
goals or make them more difficult to achieve. Class size was chosen in this context because it was as-
sumed that the higher a class’s size the more difficult it is for an individual actor to achieve their goals.
Enmities, which refer to the persons in an environment that inhibit the actor’s abilities to achieve their
goals, were based on the learner-teacher ratio. The assumption on this being that the smaller number of
learners to each educator then the fewer people the actor has to compete with. Amities, which refers to
those persons in an environment who can help the actor in achieving their goals, was measured through
Detachment. That is, the less sense of community an actor has with one or more people in their environ-
ment, the less they are willing to see them as a friend or ally. Memes, which refer to the beliefs in an
environment a person is expected to adopt to succeed within it, was measured through NVQ Level. The
assumption being that the higher a person’s NVQ level, the more they had been exposed to alternative
or necessary belief systems and worldviews. Strategies, which refers to the goals of others than an actor
has to manage, are reflected in the Performance variable, because the better an actor is doing across all
subjects then the more that they are likely having to accommodate different worldviews from different
persons, such as educators.

Table 12. Creation of dummy variables based on external representations (signifiers)

Element High Low Reasoning
Minutes of Methods refer to the conduct of activities, so minutes of exercise captures
Methods 280 0
Exercise this.
Rules refers to imposed or accepted values. The higher the class size the
Rules Class Size 90 0
more difficult it is for an educator to impose rules.
Learner-Teacher Enmities refers to those actors who inhibit ones aims. The fewer learners an
Enmities 38 0
Ratio educator has to teach the more autocratic they will become.
Amities refer to those actors who help an actor meet their aims. The more
Amities Detachment 6 0
an actor feels detached the fewer amities they have.
Memes are the beliefs and other knowledge an actor holds. The higher their
Memes NVQ Level 4 1 NVQ Level the more information in the environment they should be able to
Strategies are the goals of others that an actor likely has to accommodate.
Strategies Performance 100% 19%
The higher an actor’s performance the more Strategies they can navigate.

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

In terms of Table 13, this refers to the senses of a person that interface between their external environ-
ment and their internal one. Auxological / Reflex refers to how those unseen aspects of the environment,
such as air quality and heat, interact with an actor’s wellbeing, such as whether they feel tense. The
Child-Adult Ratio was used to reflect this because the more adults present in a learning environment the
less comfortable the children are likely to feel. “Visual / Kinaesthetic” refers to the aspects of an environ-
ment that an actor has to monitor and physically respond to. The Learner-Visitor Ratio was used because
the more unnecessary people within the environment the more of an obstruction they are, both visually
and physically. “Gustatory / Facial” refers to the aspects of an environment that impact on the function
of an actor’s head, including those that produce facial expressions and salivation. Teacher-Parent Ratio
was used in this context, because having two authority figures present in an environment can increase
anxiety and therefore impact on these aspects of a person’s affect. “Haptic / Muscles” refers to how an
actor has to physically interact with an environment, including using their body to shape it to achieve
their goals. In the case the Enjoys Physical Education variable was used because it is likely that the
more someone likes PE the more flexibility they have in their muscles and thus capabilities to express
themselves in a haptic fashion. “Olfactory / Dialogue” refers to the ability of an actor to take in enough
oxygen at the opportune moment to generate thoughts and produce speech that achieves that actor’s goals.
The performance in the subject of Mathematics was used in this context because cognition and olfactory
perception are linked (Westervelt, Ruffolo, & Tremont, 2005). “Auditory / Prosody” refers to the ability
of an actor to hear and express emotion through soundwaves in order to encourage behaviours to achieve
their goals and detect risk of those goals being at risk of being inhibited. The variable of performance
at English was chosen because it is through words that such emotion is conveyed.

Table 13. Creation of dummy variables based on internal/external senses

Element High Low Reasoning
Auxological/Reflex refers to the interaction between an actor’s physical
Auxological / Child-Adult
0 9 and mental being. The more an adult is present in a child’s space the more
Reflex Ratio
restricted they feel.
Visual/Kinaesthetic refers to an actor’s ability to see what they want in their
Visual / Learner-
4 0 environment and access it. The more unnecessary ‘visitors’ in an environment
Kinaesthetic Visitor Ratio
the more restricted an actor feels.
Gustatory/Facial refers to the effect emotions – such as from perceiving
Gustatory / Teacher-
0.2 0 substances – have on an actor’s face to be picked up by others. The more
Facial Parent Ratio
parents to a teacher, the more likely their shared emotions will show.
Haptic / Haptic/Muscles refers to an actor’s ability to sense through motion and touch.
Enjoys PE 87% 0%
Muscles Those who take part in PE (Physical Education) require these senses more.
Olfactory/Dialogue refers to the cognitive impact being in an environment
Olfactory / has on an actor, such as from the extent to which optimal oxygen input affects
Maths 100% 0%
Dialogue thought and speech. Mathematical ability is linked to cognition which is
linked to olfactory perception.
Auditory/Prosody refers to an actor’s ability to listen to and convey emotion
Auditory /
English 100% 0% though speech. Performance at English, or other first languages, impacts on
ability to combine words with emotional intonations.

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments


The methodology for this paper makes use of established statistical techniques to analyse data which
whilst not quasi-experimental, can be best understood using a comparison of means via the t-test statistical
approach. Unlike in traditional uses of the t-test, the aim is not simply to show that the two groups (i.e.
autistic and empathics) are significantly different in order to state that these groups can be generalised
to a wider population, the aim is to show that knol is an effective neuroeconomic measure to carry out
such quasi-experimental testing in future studies where two groups are being studied so as to determine
the differences in neuro-biological functioning between them.

Results for Hypothesis 1: The Greater the Freedom Afforded by

a Learning Environment the Higher the K-Scores Will Be

This hypothesis was tested by comparing the knol of the participants in three environments, namely
classrooms, competitive environments, and community venues. The ‘Classroom’ context is that where
the primary purpose of the environment is education or learning. The virtual environments associated
with ‘Classrooms’ are message boards, virtual worlds and directories. Message boards have been seen
as an important part of the online classroom, especially for “e-tivities” (Salmon, 2003), as have virtual
worlds (Girvan, Tangney, & Savage, 2013). The reference to directories in this context refers to struc-
tured sources of information, such as the carrousels one might see on image search engines that allow
for the simple identification and selection of resources. Clearly, the physical environment equivalents
are schools and computer labs. In terms of the dataset, the highest k-score for the Classroom condition
was 0.972881625 and the lowest k-score was 0.964383453 then this suggests that classrooms are not
conducive to creativity because the serendipity threshold of 0.98 was not passed.
In terms of the ‘Competition’ context, this refers to environments where the actors that form part of
them are expected to compete for resources, such as the time and attention of other actors. In terms of the
dataset, the highest k-score for the Competition was .980624550 and the lowest k-score was .966166515.
This shows that for some people a competitive environment can promote creativity because the seren-
dipity threshold of 0.98 has been exceeded, but because not everyone got a knol of 0.98 or above meant
that some people might not achieve their full potential in a competitive setting.
In terms of the ‘Community’ context, this reference to environments where actors seek to socialise
and develop relationships with others, including for solidarity and ideas generation. The highest knol
for this condition was 1.010493920 and the lowest was 1.007145928. As both are above the serendipity
threshold of 0.98, this means community-based learning can be the most effective at promoting creativ-
ity. Table 14 also categorises established types of virtual environment (Bishop, 2009; Figallo, 1998) and
their physical environment equivalents.
To confirm that the k-scores are significant, an ANOVA was performed on the data. The ANOVA,
as presented in Table 15 showed that the dataset was highly significant (p<0.001) and that because the
F-score of 64.361 was higher than the Critical Value of 11.92030107 that means the results discussed
above could be considered highly accurate and it is therefore acceptable to assume that the hypotheses
is correct.

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 14. Comparing physical and virtual environments

Type N Virtual Environments Mean k LBound k Ubound k
Message boards,
Classroom 182 Virtual worlds, Schools, computer labs 0.968632539 .964383453 0.972881625
Electoral divisions,
Chat Groups, Wikis,
Competition 77 family homes, 0.973395532 0.966166515 0.980624550
Hypertext fiction
Email lists, Personal
Community 77 Church halls, libraries 1.008819924 1.007145928 1.010493920
homepage, Weblogs

Table 15. ANOVA output

Sum of
df Mean Square F CV Sig.
Between Groups .090 2 .045 64.361 11.920 .000
Within Groups .234 333 .001
Total .324 335

Results for Hypothesis 2: The K-Scores of Environments With

Higher Numbers of Actors Will Be Lower Than Those With a Smaller
Number of Actors With Non-Participants Having Equally Matched
K-Scores and Active Participants Having Peaks and Troughs

It is a long-held view in online communities that there is an inequality in participation, with the major-
ity of members contributing the least and a minority of members contributing the most (Nielsen, 2006;
Stewart, Lubensky, & Huerta, 2010). This study therefore argues that for those who participate the most
their k-scores will vary depending on the number of active users, whereas the k-scores of those who do not
participate will remained the same regardless of numbers of participants. In other words, as numbers of
users increase so does participation inequality worsen. This is confirmed in Table 16 as discussed below.
As can be seen from Table 16, it is clear that in the case of active participants there is a substantial
variation on the k-scores and in the case of those inactive participants their k-scores are much closer.
This confirms prior research around participation inequality, which suggests that lurkers are less engaged
with the environment than other participants (Nielsen, 2006; Stewart et al., 2010).
In terms of the Player, User or Actor (PUA), a high number of PUAs in an environment had a k-score
of .962641071 and a low number of PUAs in the environment had a k-score of 1.003801315. This sug-
gests that the PUA is at their most effective when there are fewer distractions in the environment. Because
the PUA is able to pass the serendipity threshold of 0.98, it suggests that their role in the environment is
particularly significant and they do not need to overtax their mental resources to participate.
With respect to the Human Being (HB), a high number of HBs in an environment is associated with
a k-score of 0.962641071 and a low number of HBs is associated with a k-score of 1.003801315. This
suggests that in learning environments that the possibility for creativity is reduced with a high class-size

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 16. Real-time social-behavioural dynamic signifiers for modelling the praxis of users

Social y Cognition (x
Value High k-Score Low k-Score Description and Examples
Dynamic Signifier)
An actor (Si) being observed in relation to
Player, User or Interest
10 .962641071 1.003801315 others, such as an original poster (OP) or
Actor (PUA) (Subject)
specific persona.
An actor (Oi) who the PUA (Si) is seeking to
transform (Ti) is a HB. If there are two people in
Human Being Interest 1 (low) to a discussion (a 2set) then each participant holds
.962641071 1.003801315
(HB) (Amity) 10 (high) one HB in their mind (i.e. Oi) and if there are
three, they hold two (Oi, Oii). One need not like
the HB, but they must be seen as relevant.
An actor (Ei) who does not noticeably participate
PW (People Detachment 0 (low) to 6 in an online environment, but who watches those
.977704761 .979343303
Watcher) (Enmity) (high) who do. If they participate it is either through
liking/favouriting or at the opportune moment.
AMOG An actor (Hi) whom is trying to get in the way of
(Antagonising Detachment 0 (low) to 6 meeting one’s goals in an online environment is
.951727657 1.006139678
Member of (Enmity) (high) an AMOG to that person. One need not dislike
Group) the AMOG, but one must not want them present.
An actor (Bi) who collaborates with the PUA
Interest As for HB (Si) in favour or against someone taking part
WM (Window (Amity) or (Amity) in the same online interface is called a window
.962641071 1.003801315
Manipulator) Detachment or AMOG manipulator (WMs). AMOG’s may also be
(Enmity) (Enmity) WMs if they collaborate with other members
against the PUA.
Interest As for HB
(Hater with An actor (Li) who acts like a fool or nerd to
(Amity) or (Amity)
E-Nally .977704761 .979343303 either aid (Bi) or sabotage (Hi) the PUA (Si) in
Detachment or AMOG
Retentive transforming (Ti) their target (Oi).
(Enmity) (Enmity)

because the serendipity threshold of 0.98 is not met, whereas with a lower number of learners in the
environment then it is possible for the serendipity threshold to be exceeded.
In terms of the Antagonistic Member of the Group (AMOG), the higher the number of AMOGs in
an environment gives a k-score of 0.951727657 and the lower the number gives a k-score 1.006139678.
This suggests that some AMOGs are having to put a lot of effort in to take part as they have among the
lowest knol of the different groups (i.e. less than 0.96) whereas others are participating effortlessly by
exceeding the serendipity threshold of 0.98 quite comfortably.
In terms of the People Watcher (PW), there is only a negligible difference between those groups
with a high number of PWs (k=0.977704761) and those with a lower number (k=0.979343303). In both
cases the serendipity threshold of 0.98 was not met. This is perfectly understandable because their par-
ticipation in the environment is virtually non-existent. The fact the differences are so negligible shows
the importance of using knol as a floating-point variable, rather than reducing it down to two decimal
places for instance. In this case the knol for environments with fewer PWs are closer to the serendipity
threshold of 0.98 than those with higher, but if the variable was reduced to two decimal places, they
would be the same value.

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

In terms of the Hater with E-Nally Retentive Dialogue (Herd), they were pretty much the inverse
of the PW. The more Herds in the environment is associated with a k-score of 0.977704761, whereas a
lower number of Herds is associated with a k-score of 0.979343303. The fact they are both below the
serendipity threshold of 0.98 suggests it is because their role in the environment is not an important one,
so they need to make more effort to be noticeable. The results show that where there are not many other
Herds in the environment it is easier for the Herds within it to move towards the serendipity threshold
of 0.98, even if they do not pass it.
In terms of the Window Manipulator (WM), the k-score associated with a high number in the en-
vironment was 0.962641071 and the k-score associated with a fewer number was 1.003801315. This
means that the fewer the number of WMs in an environment the more likely the serendipity threshold
of 0.98 is to be passed. This makes sense, as a PUA should not need that many WMs in order to achieve
their goals, as the existence of multiple allies in the environment might adversely affect the real-time
social dynamics.

Results for Hypothesis 3: The Proposed K-Score Test Can Be Used

to Refute the 5-Base Ecological Cognition Framework and 8-Base
Equatricism so as to Create a 6-Base ‘Ecequalogical Framework’

The results show that overall, the data collected and analysed indicated that the changes to the 5-Base
ecological cognition framework to make it the 6-Base ecequalogical framework are supported. This was
especially the case when the primary data was used, but not always the case when secondary or computed
data was used in place of original empirical observations.

Reviewing Level 1

In terms of reviewing level 1 of the ecological cognition framework, this would be outside the scope of
this paper as it depends on the analysis of video observations of the affect of the two participants present
(Bishop & Goode, 2014), as well as the use of biometric data in the form of EEG, eye-movement and
heart rate measurements. It would in other words require a research paper in its own right. However,
it is possible to discuss how a new level 1 would work in practice by discussing it in the subsequent
analyses of the other levels.

Figure 4. Level 1 of the ecological cognition framework (a) and Level 1 of the ecequalogical cognition

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Level 2 of the ecological cognition framework conveyed the internal cognitions that are brought into
working memory when an actor is engaging with their environment. The original cognitions (Figure 5
(a)) were goals, plans, values, believes and interests, with an additional one being needed called detach-
ments. The changes needed in the ecequalogical framework not only include this additional cognition,
but elements once thought to be external representations, namely actors, artefacts, structured and sub-
stances are now thought to be cognitive manifestations of stimuli which interact with these, as can be
seen in Figure 5(b).
The three cognitions explored in Table 17 show that this approach can be effective at conceptualis-
ing the internal mental processes that result in the calculation of knol as a unit of brain use. In terms of
Plan, the highest Mean knol (k < 0.8241) exceeds the optimal threshold of 0.81 and the lowest Mean
knol (k < 0.7852) does not reach it. The fact that the t-score is very high (t = 11.56) and the p-score
is somewhat significant (p < 0.084) suggests it is an effective measure. In terms of Belief, the highest
Mean knol (k < 0.8222) exceeds the optimal threshold of 0.81 and the lowest Mean knol (k < 0.7980)
does not reach it. The fact that the t-score is very high (t =< 14.674) and is very significant (k < 0.001)
suggests it is also an effective measure. In terms of Interest, it was not as effective an output as the other
two tested variables. Whilst the highest Mean knol (k < 0.8346) exceeded the threshold of 0.81, so did
the lowest Mean knol (k < 0.8118). Whilst the t-score was good (t =< 6.913) and highly significant (p
< 0.001), this would suggest that in order to properly use knol, the t-scores need to be in double figures
when it comes to Level 2.

Reviewing Level 3

As can be seen from Figure 6 (a), Level 3 of the ecological cognition framework is intended to reflect
the sensory inputs that interface between an actor’s external environment and their internal interpreta-
tions of it. The proposed revision in the Ecequalogical framework in Figure 6(b) extends this to include
an auxological sense and for the external signifiers in Level E of the ecological cognition framework to
be placed here to reflect the view that these are socially constructed.

Figure 5. Level 2 of the ecological cognition framework (a) and Level 2 of the Ecequalogical framework (b)

Table 17. Data for reviewing ‘Level 2’

Cognition High Mean k (N) Low Mean k (N) t-Score p-Score

Plan .824034163 (8) .798514660 (8) 11.562 0.083
Belief .822158365 (8) .797967593 (8) 14.673 0.000
Interest .834560185 (8) .811705247 (8) 6.912 0.000

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Figure 6. Level 3 of the ecological cognition framework (a) and ecequalogical framework (b)

The data in Table 18 shows quite clearly that the functioning of knol at Level 3 is very much close
to the originally calculated serendipity threshold of 0.98. The lowest value was very close to 0.98 (k <
0.976) and so was the highest value (k < 0.998). What is interesting to note, however, the t-scores were
all below 6 and the least significant values corresponded with the lowest Mean knol scores. Namely, the
lowest Mean knol of ‘Auxological/Reflex’ (k < 0.972) corresponded with low significance (p < 0.651)
and the lowest Mean knol of ‘Gustatory/Facial’ (k < 0.968) corresponded with low significance also
(p < 0.903).
Whilst it might be possible to conclude from this that the model is ineffective at using knol, it is worth
noting that the data used to analyse Level 3 was computed from existing variables, suggesting it was not
the most reliable in any case. To properly test knol at Level 3 would require the use of biometrics linked
to each of the sensory inputs and cognitive elements.

Reviewing Level E

The environmental level of the ecological cognition framework (Level E) was initially thought of in
terms of the representations that exist within it, namely actors, artefacts and structures (Bishop, 2007a;
Bishop, 2007b). However, as can be seen from Table 19, which was drawn from the concept mapping
study referred to in the methodology section, it can be seen that perceiving the environment in this way
is ineffective because it disproportionately focusses on structures and artefacts to the exclusion of other
stimuli, of which what are now called substances (like food, drinks, natural elements) are not considered,
suggesting that these representations manifest internally more so than externally.

Table 18. Data for reviewing ‘Level 3’

Senses High Mean k (N) Low Mean k (N) t-Score p-Score

Auxological/ Reflex 0.98720222 (22) 0.97193720 (26) 1.712 0.650
Visual/ Kinaesthetic 0.99165233 (18) 0.97130247 (30) 2.267 0.028
Gustatory/ Facial 0.98752596 (27) 0.96788643 (21) 2.239 0.902
Haptic/ Muscles 0.94992984 (15) 0.99211723 (33) 5.492 0.000
Olfactory/ Dialogue 0.96027894 (23) 0.99609601 (25) 4.777 0.000
Auditory/ Prosody 0.97570272 (41) 0.99785778 (7) 1.763 0.008

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

Table 19. External representations featured in the concept-mapping study

Cognition Count Percent

Actor 8 19.0
Artefact 10 23.8
Structure 22 52.4
Substance 2 4.8
Total 42 100.0

Table 19 shows the ecological cognition framework’s Level E (a), compared to the one proposed for
the ecequalogical framework (b). One can see that the main difference is that the actor is at the centre
of their embodiment in the world (as subject) and they interpret their environment as external signifiers
that reflect the internal cognitions at Level 2.
Data was also computed for external representations (Table 20), but in this case the results were much
more reliable. All of the lowest Mean knol calculations were below the forecasted serendipity threshold
of 0.98 (from k < 0.947 to k < 0.973) and all of the highest Mean knol calculations were above the
serendipity threshold of 0.98 (from k < 0.993 to k < 1.014). All results were highly significant with
the highest t-score being for Methods (t = 14.8, p < 0.001) and lowest being for Enmities (t = 2.542, p
< 0.003). This might strongly suggest that the knol required to perceive the environment at Level E is
much higher than is required to understand it once it is internalised.


This chapter has gone a significant way to reconceptualising personality, cognition and economics where
these apply to large-scale virtual environments (LSVEs) such as online communities where users are at
saturation level. It’s limitations including that whilst the data was collected from primary sources – a
learner who was empathic and a learner who was autistic – the amalgamation of this with secondary
data and the transformation of it into differently structured data meant that the outcomes are not as

Table 20. Data for reviewing ‘Level E’

Low Mean k (N) High Mean k (N) t-Score p-Score
Methods 0.94690217 (21) 1.00384705 (27) 14.800 0.000
Rules 0.95219918 (16) 0.99230091 (32) 5.199 0.000
Enmities 0.97263726 (36) 0.99782289 (12) 2.542 0.002
Amities 0.96584786 (32) 1.00510527 (16) 5.028 0.000
Memes 0.95684197 (21) 0.99611610 (27) 5.459 0.000
Strategies 0.96749623 (36) 1.01324598 (12) 5.612 0.000

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

valid as they otherwise would be if the data had been collected in a different way. Indeed, so that it is
possible to fully validate the new framework presented in this paper, a significant amount of data will
need to be collected from a larger population than the dyad used in this study. However, this paper has
importantly refuted and extended a framework that has been used to understanding online communities
for a decade, making it ideally suited to understanding the large-scale virtual environments (LSVEs)
that exist today, which are denser in terms of numbers of participants, meaning a framework of the
complexity of the one presented in this paper is needed. Future research will therefore not only have to
refute this new framework but make use of it to understanding participation in online communities at
a time when the number of people using the Internet is growing. This equation in this paper – used to
calculate a k-score, is based on the already explained parts of the parametric user model (Bishop, 2011;
Bishop, 2012b; Bishop & Goode, 2014; Bishop, 2017). The unexplained parts, namely ‘severance,’
‘contrience,’ ‘situated action’ and ‘equilibrium 2’ have not been validated as part of this paper. Using
the established parts of the parametric user model, it has been possible to explain the real-time structural
dynamics and the real-time social-behavioural dynamics insofar as interests (amities) and detachments
(enmities). The real-time aesthetic dynamics and remaining real-time social-behavioural dynamics (i.e.
goals/ strategies, plans/ methods, values/ rules, beliefs/ memes) were not explored. Future research will
have to replicate this study using entirely primary data collected for the sole purpose of confirming or
otherwise the findings in this research.
The creation of the k-score could help social scientists to effectively understand the cognitive processes
of those they are studying without the need for complex neuro-imagining technologies, like fMRI, PET,
EGG headbands, among others. It would allow for instruments like questionnaires to be used to explain
the cognitive load placed on individuals when they are performing specific tasks. Future development of
k-scores could result in the production of software that can transform observed variables into those used
in the equation in this paper. For instance, it could take any scale with a MIN, MID and MAX, includ-
ing Likert and semantic differential, to convert them into the x and y values used to create pi values (i.e.
phantasies) in the framework, which have a MIN of -5 a MID of 0 and a MAX of +5.


This paper has attempted to provide verification of a way of measuring participation in large-scale
virtual environments (LSVEs), especially those that can be considered online communities. It has done
this through reviewing the ecological cognition framework, which has been used for studying online
communities for 10 years, by refuting it through statistical analysis. The result has been to create a more
complex framework suited for the current age, where participating in online environments often depends
on engaging with masses of people that was not the case when the original model was conceived in
2007, prior to the roll out of broadband Internet and the mass uptake of social networking services like
Facebook and Twitter.
To refute the original model and devise a newer one based on it, the biometric measure of ‘knol’ was
used to compute how the various aspects of the original framework was suitable or otherwise, which
was then called a k-score. The study found that whilst many of the original elements of the framework
are verifiable, the complexity of it was not at a level suitable for understanding LSVEs and those who

Quantifying Participation in Large-Scale Virtual Environments

take part in them. Additional complexities were therefore added to the framework, which importantly
included moving the model from being based around 5 dimensions to being based around 6, including
to account for the fact that there is more detachment and escapism present in online communities since
the mass adoption of social networking services that was the case when such environments were islands
and non-integrated with other online communities. In other words, Facebook has become like any other
form of mass media in the way it is consumed, yet at the same time the existence of others within it that
challenge the worldview of the person consuming it adds a dimension that was once easy to avoid when
consuming traditional mass media and contribution to traditional online communities such as Usenet,
BBSs, among others.


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Ecological Cognition Framework: A framework for human-computer interaction based on post-

cognitivist psychology.
Seduction: The process of transforming someone’s mental state with or without their consent.
Seductive Hypermedia: Hypermedia systems designed to seduce users.
Serendipity: The feeling generated when a chance occurrence leads to an unexpected benefit.
Serendipity Engineering: Using systematic processes to generate the feeling of serendipity in
someone, even though it has not occurred by chance.

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