Ade11 Q2 W4

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Empowerment Technologies – Grade 11

Learning Activity Sheets

Quarter 2

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education – Schools Division of Tacloban City

Schools Division Superintendent: Mariza S. Magan
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Edgar Y. Tenasas

Development Team of the Activity Sheet

Writers: Emmarnie S. Estoque

Tiffany O. Empillo
Evaluator: Engr. Francis Cesar A. Bartolome
Management Team:
CID Chief: Mark Chester Anthony G. Tamayo
Division EPS of LRMS: Gretel Laura M. Cadiong
Division Learning Area EPS: Evelyn P. Malubay

Department of Education - Region No. VIII – Schools Division Office of Tacloban City
Office Address: Real St., Tacloban City

1 | Q2 W4
Learning Activity Sheet
Quarter 2 Week 4

Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learner shall be able to:
• Analyze how target or intended users and audiences are expected to respond to the
proposed ICT Project for Social Change on the basis of content, value, and user
experience (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IIm-p17).

Let’s kick it off!

Directions: Identify the 5 key elements of a concept paper and the 5 parts that compose the
structure of a concept paper by copying the terms listed in the box below and writing them in
the appropriate column.

Project Vision Introduction Contact Information

Support Project Target Project Management
Timeline & Milestone Project Description Project Scope

Key Elements of a Concept Paper Structure of a Concept Paper

1. ____________________________ 1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________ 5. ____________________________

Are you taking it?

• What is a Concept Paper?

• What are the 5 key elements of a Concept Paper?
• What is the purpose of writing a Concept Paper?
• How do you write a Concept Paper?

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Here’s how it is!


Planning an ICT Project for Social Change

ICT will remain as a vital part of our everyday lives, today and in the future. It is fast
becoming more and more significant in all aspects of our society. It also empowers people
to share knowledge, address issues and act as a vehicle for raising awareness and social
change, removing the barriers to unity through making ICT projects for social change.
There are many ways to develop an ICT project for social change, however, whether
it is a simple or large project if the objectives and purpose are unclear, with insufficient
support and alignment and there is no proper planning, it is more likely to fail. Therefore, in
creating any project it is important to plan and begin with a concept paper that will explain
the fundamental aspects of the initiative.

Concept Paper
The Concept Paper (for projects) is a document that clarifies and explains the
project’s scope, objectives, targets and timeline in order to determine whether the project is
doable. It is also used to capture the interest and support of the funding agency. Writing a
Concept Paper as part of the planning process is an excellent way to begin an ICT project.

Key Elements of a Concept Paper

According to, here are the fundamental elements that makes a
Concept Paper.
1. Project Vision
The project vision should explain the purpose and the objectives of the project as
well as the problem to be solved. For instance, your ICT project is creating a
website, mobile app and infographics for mental health awareness campaign, your
project vision should clearly explain why are you raising ICT projects for mental
health and state the relevance of your proposed projects in helping to raise your
awareness campaign. It should contain the necessary information to get started.
2. Project Scope
The project scope will define what the project is and what it is not. The scope
should define the goals and objectives, the exact flow of the activities involved,
the limits, the processes, the areas and functions that must be directly involved,
as well as those that could provide some help and support, should all be defined.
3. Project Targets
This element of the concept paper tells the targets or the performance indicators

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of the ICT project that will show the level of performance you reached towards
the objectives of your proposed project.
4. Timeline and Milestones
Timeline is the alignment of time that will show the date of activities including
the start and the estimated time of the completion of the ICT Project. On the other
hand, milestone is a symbol that denotes the completion of a set of tasks or the
transition point of the project from one phase to the next.
5. Project Management
At this element, the concept paper details the how the project will be managed,
what are the techniques and methods that will be applied and who are the team

How do you write your Concept Paper?

Here is the suggested structure or general outline in writing a concept paper.
1. Introduction
The introduction is the part of your Concept Paper where you give a quick
overview of your project and its mission and vision. This is also where you
discuss about your team or the organization you represent, your goal, and how
your project relates to the types of projects supported by your funding agency.
2. Purpose
The purpose explains why this project is worthwhile in terms of time, effort, and
money. What is the significance of the ICT Project? What prompted you to make
this proposal? What is the issue that must be resolved? These are the questions
that needs to be addressed in writing the purpose. You express the purpose of the
project in order to persuade your funding agency and your company that your
ICT project is worth doing.
3. Project Description
The description is where you describe the project. It is also where you discuss the
elements of the concept paper scope, targets, timeline and milestone and the
project management and arrange them in the parts of the description section
• Goals and Objectives – Goal is a statement that describes the outcome you
want to achieve while objectives is a statement that describes measurable
outcome that relate to the goal.
• Methodology and Timeline – Methodology is the activities or the methods
you use in implementing the project within your proposed timeline.

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• Benefits
The benefits section is where you'll describe the project's influence or
expected outcomes. What will be the benefits, and who will benefit from it?

• Targets
The project targets refer to the performance indicators or criteria that will
help you determine if the project was successful or not.

4. Support
The support is the section of your concept paper where you talk about the budget
needed for the project, including how much it will cost and how it will be spent.
This is also where you discuss the non-monetary support you might need and
encourage your possible funding agency and other groups to support the project.
5. Contact Information
Includes the contact information of your team or the organization where you

Sample Concept Paper for an ICT Project


Title of the Project: The Mental Health Project

Project Proponent/s: Juan B. Dela Cruz

The Mental Health Project is a student organization composed of Senior High School students from
different schools in Tacloban City. It envisions a future where mental health is viewed as a real concern
that needs medical attention just like one’s physical health. It aims to do this by conducting a series of
information dissemination programs. Some of its previous projects include the conduct of seminars and
distribution of posters and pamphlets in several public high schools within the city.

According to a survey done by the Philippine WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health in early 2020,
at least 3.6 million Filipinos suffer from one or more mental, neurological, or substance use disorders.
The Department of Health also stated that the ongoing global pandemic has further impacted the mental
health of our older adults, healthcare workers, and people with underlying health concerns.

However, only a small percentage of these people receive treatment, most often due to the stigma
attached to mental health. Luna Greenstein of the National Alliance for Mental Illness stated that in
order to fight the stigma on mental health, people should be talking about the subject openly and that
we should educate ourselves and others It is for this reason that this project was developed.

The main purpose of this project is to enhance the mental health awareness of Filipinos by creating and
promoting a website whose contents will be in the Filipino language. With the content written in the
country’s national language, the proponent believes that it will result in a stronger following from
Filipinos regardless of age, gender, or social status. With more Filipinos gaining more knowledge about
mental health, it will eventually lead to a more open communication about the topic.

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Project Description

Goals and Objectives

The main goal of this project is to lessen the stigma on mental health. More specifically, this project
plans to achieve its goal by creating, promoting, and evaluating a website dedicated solely to mental
health awareness whose content are written in the Filipino language.

Methodology and Timeline

The project will be implementing the website development process in creating the website. It will start
with wireframing, followed by designing the interface, then content creation which will include blog
posts, videos, images, and/or testimonials. Once the first set of content are ready, making the website
functional will be the next priority, followed immediately by testing and refinement. After everything
is finalized, promotion and monitoring shall follow.

The wireframing and interface design will take 1 month to finish. Content creation will take 2 months
but will be conducted in parallel to interface design. Actual coding, testing, and refinement will take
another 2 months. Promotion on the other hand will be done in 2 weeks and monitoring will be
conducted on a regular basis.

This project will benefit all Filipinos by helping them become more aware about mental health, making
them talk about the subject more, which could eventually lead to the elimination of the negative
perceptions related to it.

The project will be evaluated by measuring its overall traffic, organic traffic, and its visitors’ average
time on site. These metrics will be compared to a standard set of values to determine the project’s

The estimated budget needed for the project 20,000 pesos. The first 10,000 pesos will be used for
content creation and the rest of the budget will be used for the development of the actual website. The
project will also be soliciting testimonials from people who have battled or are still battling some sort
of mental illness.

Contact Information
You may contact the Mental Health Project by phone at 09091234567 or by email at

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Now Do It!

Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Directions: Give what is being asked. Write your answers in correct order on the space

Suggested Structure in Writing the

5 Key Elements of a Concept Paper Concept Paper
(Write in chronological order)

1. _______________________________ 6. _______________________________
2. _______________________________ 7. _______________________________
3. _______________________________ 8. _______________________________
4. _______________________________ 9. _______________________________
5. _______________________________ 10. _______________________________


Directions: Answer the following question below. You will be graded using the rubrics below.
Rubrics for Short Essay:
Category 5-Exemplary 4-Accomplished 3-Developing 2-Beginning Score
Content/ The content is The content is The content is The content is
Development complete and the complete and the somewhat complete incomplete and the
idea is 100% idea is 80-99% and the idea is idea is not original.
original. original. somewhat original.
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates little Does not understand
the Topic thorough understanding of the understanding of the the topic.
understanding of the topic. topic.

What is the importance of writing a Concept Paper in developing an ICT Project?


6 | Q2 W4
Ace It!

Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________



Directions: Follow the instructions listed below and write your answer in the space provided:
I. Using the elements and the suggested structure, make a Concept Paper related to the
advocacy/ campaign you chose in last week’s learning activity sheet (Quarter 2 Week
3 Assessment). Make sure to observe the correct format.
II. Write your Concept Paper in the space provided. Think of a title for your concept paper
and make sure to specify how audiences are expected to respond and what multimedia
contents you are going to develop for the proposed ICT Project for social change. You
will be graded using the rubrics below:

Rubrics in Creating a Concept Paper:

Category 5-Exemplary 4-Accomplished 3-Developing 2-Beginning Score

Content/ All the required The concept paper The concept paper The concept paper
Development parts of the concept has 1 missing part has 2 missing parts has 3 or more
paper are present and/or the content is and/or the content is missing parts
and the content is 80-99% original. somewhat original. and/or the content
100% original. is not original.
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates an Demonstrates little Does not
the Topic thorough understanding of understanding of understand the
understanding of the topic. the topic. topic.
the topic.
Organization The essay is very The ideas were Ideas were Ideas expressed
of Ideas well structured and expressed in a clear expressed in a were irrelevant to
the ideas were and organized somewhat clear the topic.
expressed in a clear manner. manner, but the
and logically organization could
organized manner. have been better.
Mechanics The written work The written work The written work The written work
has no errors in has 1-5 errors in has more than 5 has many errors in
terms of sentence terms of sentence errors in terms of sentence structure,
structure, grammar structure, grammar sentence structure, grammar and/or
or misspellings. and/or misspellings. grammar and/or misspellings.


7 | Q2 W4
Quarter 2 Week 4 (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-IImp16)

Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________



Project Title: ________________________________________________________________________

Project Proponent/s: ________________________________________________________________



Project Description
Goals and Objectives

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Methodology and Timeline





Contact Information

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