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The Heresy of Typhon

The Imperium of man beset on all side by aliens and heretics. While the imperial armies
fight against aggressors or invade, the Inquisition deals with matters of the state in the
imperial planets they are like the secret police. The planet Typhon a single planet in the
empire now targeted by hundreds of warships and thousands of men. Chaos has taken its
root in the command structure and governor Vandis has taken the opportunity to uproot
imperial control, within days the countless Vandis heretics have slaughtered thousands of
their fellow imperial citizens. Vandis has roused most of the planetary army in revolt indeed
chaos corrupts even the most faithful. What is more alarming is that not only can the
governor call upon masses of men he can attempt to requisition daemons from the warp.

Faced with this, Lord Inquisitor Coatez orders the extermination of Typhon. In which
Hundreds of orbiting spaceships will commence the orbital bombardment of a planet.
However Coatez is faced with a problem, the Rosarious is still on Typhon, and it is the prime
relic of Typhon, the planets greatest jewel. Coatez and his team of inquisitorial staff are to
drop secure the holy relic and escape the chapel area which is the only area spared from
bombardment yet. Failure is intolerable Coatez would soon die rather than see defeat.
Vandis was supposed to be present and vengeance would be a great honour for Coatez.
Fifteen men will be sent out amongst the team of bodyguards, priests and Arco flagellants is
an acolyte named Lucius Creed chosen for his prowess, Coatez feels that this mission will
see him to become an inquisitor.

The exterminatus Fleet discharged their munitions, and hundreds of bombs were let loose
striking the planet’s surface leaving out the chapel sector. Amongst the sea of warships,
Coatez and his men readied themselves. Lucius and the rest of the team began mumbling
prayers to the emperor, Coatez followed as the ship entered the atmosphere Coatez stood
up and announced “we shall have our vengeance for the imperial blood spilled on this soil, i
expect the utmost determination and will anyone lacking this will be summarily executed,
for the emperor.” They primed their weapons and walked outside. The first thing that struck
them was the Biblical Inquisitorial announcement that was played “we have arrived and it is
now that we perform our charge, in fealty of the god emperor our undying lord and by the
grace of the golden throne I declare exterminatus upon the imperial world of Typhon
Primaris I hereby sign the death warrant to an entire world and consign a billion souls to
oblivion May Imperial justice account in all balance, the emperor protects.” The planet was
lush green and fertile but now it was like a battlefield, the air was filled with smoke and the
earth was scorched.

The Cathedrals still stood proud it brought sadness to Coatez’s eyes generations had now
just been wiped out, but he thought to himself compassion is overruled in the service of the
Advancing along the old district, they came across around 150 heretics stationed guarding
the road towards the grand cathedral. The heretics were twisted men indeed chaos had
taken root in them and was slowly making them mad. They had shaven heads upon them
the 8 pointed stars were inscribed, the mark of the ruinous powers. They wore rebreathers
which more often than not couldn’t work and normal military uniform except customised
and ascetically modified to meet the standards of the crazed heretics. Not before long the
fire fight started and the team began firing their guns at the mass of heretics, in disarray the
heretics were easy targets. Explosive ammunition took its toll and dismembered many
targets, a few shots hit back at them but they were often inaccurate. Coatez while firing his
pistol was presented with an enemy vehicle. Undaunted he ran up the chassis and dropped
two grenades in the crew compartment. The armoured car’s ammunition blew up and sent
Coatez flying.

After the Heretics had been terminated by the torrent of fire Lucius continued to help his
master up “Your duty is not done sir” Lucius exclaimed “my duty shall never end so long as I
breathe.”Coatez responded. Out of the fifteen members only ten remained in the team
Victor, hacked to pieces, Cassius rolled over by a tank, Crassus sniped, Bates hit by a missile
and Pompey, he blew himself up in the middle of a crowd of heretics. The ten man squad
Advanced closer to the cathedral dispatching any stragglers. “Emperor protect me, who
knows what is up there on the roof.” Lucius asked “Daemonic rituals, the servants of chaos
will rise from the warp and consume the fleet.” Xavier the priest answered in low voice.
“And that is why it is essential we get there and purge all on that roof, as well as obtaining
the relic.” Coatez announced. Ahead large, bulky figures appeared ahead “Chaos Marines!
Take them down” Coatez ordered. The men acknowledged and began firing down the road;
the heavily armoured marine swung over and returned the favour.

Under heavy fire Coatez threw a grenade which blasted apart the marine, after the smoke
cleared the Majestic, arcane and holy temple. Heretics and chaos marines were held up in
defensive positions “Brutus, Julius, Flavius, Gatsby and Issac stay back and give covering fire,
Lucius and Xavier bring the Arco flagellants and come with me” Coatez dodged through the
volleys of shots and came in to a command bunker. Lucius disembowelled the radio officer
while the Arco flagellants scourged the bodyguards. The commander was left begging for his
life “Please, have mercy what do you want” the man asked “A holy relic of the god emperor,
where is it!” Coatez questioned “on the roof please let me go” the commander pleaded
“The emperor has no mercy of heretics, nor do I” Coatez replied. He swung his war hammer
down upon the commander smashing him into the ground. “Take no prisoners” Coatez
announced, the team acknowledged and headed out towards the Cathedral door. Lucius
inserted a small fibre optic camera through the door and there was a hundred heretics
supported by some chaos marines aiming down at the door.

The heretics shivered with fear, while the more experienced marines stood their ground.
“Here use this, nova gas it will work well with those heretics” Xavier proposed. Coatez
acknowledged and rolled the canister down the door. Immediately seeing the door open,
the untrained heretics fired upon the door a large chaos marine then ordered a ceasefire
cursing and insulting them but he had not realised the nova canister. The men close to the
canister were consumed in the horrible gas; gurgling, vomiting and choking were all heard
through the door. “Breach and clear.” Lucius instructed. The door blew open and the team
opened fire on the vulnerable heretics cutting down swathes of the enemy like wheat to a
scythe. A few moments later and the room was cleared, although bodies littered the floor
moving along the chapel hall with rebreathers it did not matter if there were any survivors
they would die soon enough from the poisonous nova gas, The team advanced towards the
elevator and inserted themselves into it. They took out their masks in relief, suddenly a
voice crackled “This is militia headquarters identify yourselves” Lucius grabbed a body from
the floor it was an officer his nametag read ‘prime warden Lucas’ Lucius put his posh accent
on and replied “primary threat annihilated code: 122342” the officer had been stupid
enough to have the code on his notepad. There was a period of silence then “access
granted.” The elevator hit the top floor. “Prime warden Lucas.....” Bang a shot penetrated
the heretics head and he flew backwards without even finishing his sentence.

Ahead heretics were performing unholy rituals hovering in the air their pupils drawn back
but amongst all the chaos was the rosarious the relic. “This is Coatez orbital bombardment
on this target 30 percent charge” The strike came down like lightning and the heretics flew
in all directions the objective was theirs for the taking and they ran for it. Transport was on
the way when they heard a voice “fools you cannot defeat me. Join chaos not that false
emperor” Vandis announced “the emperor is the only truth heretic, let me make your
passing to the next world quick” Coatez responded. Vandis chuckled and the bodies around
him oozed out blood, he was becoming a demon he morphed in an inhumane way he was
now in the hands of the chaos gods whom had manufactured him into a twisted
abomination. He called upon the dead corpses of heretics, zombies came running at the
team extraction was thirty seconds out. Xavier and the others were materialised by the
demon blade, Lucius and Coatez were saved “for the emperor purge them” Coatez shouted
as he smashed his hammer into the ground sending the close zombies flying back. The
demon Vandis engaged Coatez. Coatez fought with great agility and prowess he seemed
almost superhuman his zeal drove him on, although he wouldn’t last for long. The ship
arrived “Go, to the ship now” Coatez shouted priming the orbital cannon beacon “but sir
I.....” Lucius inquired “you shall take my place an Inquisitor, I always believed it” he smiled
and pressed the button.

As the ship passed out of the atmosphere Lucius witnessed the virus bomb flatten the
planet leaving it a barren shell, it was truly exterminated radioactive waste littered the
planet rending colonisation impossible. As Lucius entered the hangar of the ship he was
greeted by several inquisitorial staff. “Lord Inquisitor Lucius how may we serve you” a
member asked. Lucius smiled it was time to make Coatez proud.

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