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s 1 2 3 ¥ 4 5 6 ¥ 7 8 9) ¥ . PUPIL'S BOOK Let’s go back to school! Move your body Let’s go shopping! At the zoo My project 1: Pets The nature trail The frozen lake All year round My project 2: Jobs My house All around the town Holiday fun My project 3: Time Festivals: Harvest Festival Festivals: Carnival ‘S Cambridge Exams Practice page 106 page 4 page 8 page 18 page 28 page 38 page 40 page 50 page 60 page 70 page 72 page 82 page 92 page 102 page 104 page 105 Joanne Ramsden « Donna Shaw Course consultants: Rocio Gutiérrez Burgos and Ménica Pérez Is Let's go back | (219 | wroouey Whats his/her name? to school! aie olphobst His / Her name is Joke / Moly. © Spars {ploy Cennis). go (otertiocng) Alleralve vowel spetings ol ee body He (ou) the bal Se (cotehes) the Bal Let’s go Food Can /have (ayoghurt/an apple /some ——_llemative vowel spelings Numbers 10-50 potatoes), please? | ee - ea: queen Jean eats BROpEE | Hon much i this (lemon)? | meat green sheep cheese How much are these (carts)? At the ‘Wid onimals I's got (ong hai). Has it got (ong hair)? Yes. it Atemattve vowel spellings ‘Animalbodypars has Naithasn' (20 -ui kangarae goose zoo | | Have they go! (our logs)? Yes. they have. No, swimsult rl juice pool beak). They haven't got (wings) On a nature trail What are you doing? I'm (climbing). Alternative vowel spellings The nature — iounorsa’ ——outeummmg)>VeorNorm ot ers athewe she was trail | What's he / she doing? He's / She's (running up talks storm ahi). The frozen = <0" What ae you doing? We're (skating). ‘Atiermative vowel spelings Adjectives | Are you (dancing)? Yes, we ore.No, we aren't. ow - oa: snowmen goat lake | - [ave they (playing)? Yes they ae. No, they aren't. coat row yellow Coat | | Hes gota ct) hat. neon All year © Seasonal ctvies Wha you / they do Gn autumn)? Ea ene yi Ordinal numbers Wo (go‘o he boach) Thay (open posonts).__ur= purple tur bithcoy round o they (celebrate Haloweeny? Ves, they d0.No, fist third Jobs) Se Ser ene ee 7 Roomsin he house Theres / There isn'ta (garoge) Altemative vowel spelings 7 My house = Gjcis There or / Tow ren ¥any faekooms) ‘ow - ou brown cow ious I Whose i his (watch)? its mine / yours /Né/hers. mouse cround house Places in a town Is there 0 (bank)? Yes, here No there isnt, ternative vowel spelings Allaround — preston: fr there ony (musur)? es. thre oN gh fy ght ight there aren’, | How do get tothe (post offoey? Tum Ct). / Go straight on. oy | regular pluralnouns Who's that (man)? He's my (uncie. Who are those (children)? They'e my (cousins). funtai | Harvest Festival = Camival My trcatoscjeek Groen), MSW dD yoUspet (Engh? “Science: Joins: Muscles Safely equipment for sports ‘Arts and Grats lines and snopes Selence: Hecth growth and energy: Balonced meals Aris and Cras: Nolurcl shapes YS Digital silts: icing ecipes nine Fact fles Science: Vertebrate and inverkebrate cnimats; Wot onimals eat Arts and Crafts: Pirnary and secondary colours Science: Plants: Trees, bushes and grass Ports of ‘ee; Evergreen and deciduous trees ‘Aris and Cras: Shapes and colours in nate }S Woys orminking: ong cece Selene: Types oftana ‘Arts and Crafts: Different materials A traditional Science: The seasons and the Sun secon Rn festivals é Arts and Cratts: Pattems, lines, spaces and colours. Science: Types of materia; Properties of materials; Natural and manufactured materials Arts and Cratts: Pottery Aninuiction —Theemergency @ Ling n the word: cossing the _Selence: Using maps As ond Cras Movement Summer Digital skits: using adigtol ‘Science: Machines eee ee - ss ga ner Cambridge Exams Practice Proctce for he LE Pro Al Starters Brom (see 1119 for syllabus) o 8 8 6 * * Let’s go pack o school 3 x“ “g ae - - ae er = nat Find and say. five animals five toys _ five classroom objects five places five clothes five things to eat _ five shapes ¢ Find and say the numbers. & ‘ Listen and point. Sing We've got our school bags. > a We've got our school bags. Werte ready for school. Werte on our way. LP] Let's go! We're ready to listen. We're ready to sing. 10 We're ready to speak English. a Chorus We're ready to read. = We're ready to write. J) We'te ready to speak English. =e Chorus 13. ff] 4 Listen and act out. 8 ] ie! x What's his name? O) if aa = I = ai mi i o L| His name is Jake. _| : 12 What's her name? Her name is Molly. Key learning outcomes: identify and say vocabulary from Level 1 Language: What's his! her name? His / Her name is Vake / Molly). 0G Listen and point. 8 Say The school subjects chant. @ listen and repeat. Act out. 8 6 Listen and point. 8 Sex learingoemnrite nenttiah jects fve@ language: WhaCs jour fal hurts sobjuct?Aty tavouiTtecoblaces (Enalslh is Ga 3 ae — @ _ Listen and point. Say the alphabet, © eo Listen and sing The alphabet. d Let's say the alphabet. Say it with me! © abedet : hijkimyer UV BL ony do you Bee English? Key learning outcomes: sing the alphabet song and spell out words Language: How do you spell (English)? n 4 iene Oo Listen and read. Act out. ®S + ‘The stor ® Jake and Molly arrive home from school. Is very sunny today. Ma i a itis. I's very i e 101, foo. I'm thirsty, b> ys iA ¢ i 2 The next morning, Beth cnives before school. itis. Listen. ’s stormy, too. ee eo! ereeey a5 iy i Wow! That's better Jr sre uta Wey T/A | “O Later that evening ©) the next doy, Jake and Molly arrive home from school again. Don't worry, Dad The magic ... the bike is inside. “Oh dear Ii’s raining again. Now watch the animated story! Key learning outcomes: read, listen and under: leche magic bike and a storm seven Language: Ie’ (cloudy) today. iit (raining)? ves, itis. “ * Peleg + ex J 0 Listen and point. Sing Do you play any sports? SF opriz Do you play any sports? Do you play any sports? | play volleyball and basketball Indoors, outdoors, anywhere is fun. Come and play with us!) Do you play any sports? Do you play any sports? | play football and tennis. Chorus Do you play any sports? Do you play any sports? | go swimming and rollerblading. Chorus 2 Do you play any sports? Do you play any sports? | go cycling and skateboarding. Chorus ; 6 Read and stick the ten stickers. Listen and say the chant. iS) Ox xX OO football basketball tennis baseball skateboarding Otago S Spelling: go to page 15 in your Activity Book. Ocisn Key eming omen ar sy en prs Sng se about por Vocal sore * if ® Lesson 1 Vocabulary Move yout body 3 a & Listen and repeat. Act out. 8S Molly! Look at this mess! Do you play tennis and basketball? cm OOO) cyclin volleyball rollerblading hockey swimming 9 vk Key learning outcomes: use present simple: ! and ‘you’ nine @) Grammar: | go rollerblading. Do you (play tennis)? Yes, | do. No, | don’t. Oo Listen and read. Act out. 8 “Thevery: .. .. @ " pusy) weeks ® Molly loves sport. Every day, she goes {ii to the sports centre. Every day, she plays a different sport. - | lead Today is Wednesday, Molly plays basketball on Wednesday. py Molly! Today is basketball. Jat ©roday is tuesday. Molly plays football on Tuesday. a ay ‘Come on, Kick the bal Watch out, Beth! © a Key learning outcomes: fead, listen and understand @ story about Molly’s activities Language: / play baseball. Molly plays tennis on Monday. \ @ 2” Today is Thursday. Molly goes _tollerblading on Thursday. Oh dear! You can't go swimming today, Molly Oh dear! You can't go 7 rollerblading in football boots. On Saturday, I play baseball and here's my baseball bat. Fantastic! I know. Magic Bike, please can you help Molly organise her things? Remeekic Cio ate 8 in your Activity Book. m © AEs Read and write. S throwaway organise play icici tia leven @ GB lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Oo Listen, point and say. 8 hit jump kick bounce throw catch eo Listen and point. Sing He’s a superstar! & Jump! Kick! Hit the ball! Throw! Catch! Bounce the ball! He's a superstar! He runs like the wind. He runs and he jumps And he kicks the ball. He's a superstar! Chorus She's a superstar! She runs like the wind. She throws and she catches And she bounces the ball. She's a superstar! Chorus 6 MtL (EEGNGS Listen and repeat. Play a game. 8 a Qrvere fas easie dear aca ioe ace Vocabulary: actions Grammar: He (throws) the ball. She (catches) the bail. oe. Listen and say. Ss « Atel to, ek wow fod) ston 3 D Swe Ma ai - ay - ai - ay. Snails play in the rain all day. A\Y 6 Listen and match. 8 Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Gap = @ a © CQwBRaaTas make and play the game. Beth goes swimming on Wednesday. “ J Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about sports thicteett @ Phonics: ‘a’ and ‘ay’ spellings school in England. At have a Sports Day every Look at the sports we do. This is the egg and spoon rack , z . Z We put an egg on a spoon and : This is the sack race. We get in we run to th 7 =] a sack and we jump very fast. This is the wheelbarrow race. My friend st holds my legs and | walk on my hands Qumts ‘about/your/culture’ What sports do you play at school? Q iourteen Key learning outcomes: read ab think ou play at schoo Lesson 7 Literacy | Kick me! Throw me!, (Afterjyoulread| S Go to page 12 in your Activity Book. ay err ache elena frteen@ Oo Listen and number. Write and say. 8 © CQTBLASS Listen. Look at Activity 1.Ask and answer. & Do you play tennis? # (Yes, | do. t Goibo Do you go skateboarding? p — , i & (Wo,1 dont. 7 y © MR@epaxholkanigg sing weil done! & Q seen Gps ests aaa tach oe Language: sports and Do you ...? Video and 21st Century Skills Welcome back to Channel 21! Today's programme is about Sports Day. What sports do you play at school? Watch the video again. Read and tick () or cross (X). © 1. The girls win the tug of war. 3) 3 The eggs are all different colours. @ 2 The boys can't skip. () 4 Allthe children join in. Lad Read and circle. (Ws important » 4 join in with | ees, | 1 GRBY don‘tike the 2 like / don't lke the What games egg and spoon race. tug of war. << do you like? $ Ei 3 | like / don’t like the 4 | like / don’t like the sack race three-legged race. Key learning outcomes: watch and understand) a (@* Ways of working: learn to j Let's go shopping Green beans and carrots, Sweets and lemons, And buy some food! Yoghurt and peaches, Tomatoes and potatoes, Bread and meat. Green beans and carrots, Bread and meat. s 1 purine itis baal Put them in the bag! Yoghurt and peaches, Bread and meat. Yoghurt and peaches, Tomatoes and potatoes, ot ihem in the bog! Green beans and carrots, It. x ee baal Yoghurt and peaches, Let's go shopping io Bread and meat, And buy some food! Put them in the bag! eo Read and stick the ten stickers. Listen and say the chant. 8 AOOOO bread pineapples carrots potatoes green beans Otago kan © Spelling: go to page 25 in your Activity Book. © ighteen _Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten food items; sing a song about shopping Vocabulary: food * Lesson 2 Grammar J Can I have an apple { and apeach, rests f_——_| Thankyou.And can Ihave some eee ae aoscaee please? an apple some bread some carrots tomatoes yoghurt sweets peaches lemons Key learning outcomes: use indefinite articles: a/ an /some Aineteer © Grammar: Can Ihave (a tomato /an apple I some sweets), please? d Mum wants Jake and Molly to go fo the shop fo buy some food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. bread and some potatoes, please? ‘Can you go shopping for me, please? Here's the shopping list and here’s some money. OK. Thanks, Mum. I io —_ ISN We've got bread and a peach yoghurt for breakfast. ‘And can | have some carrois, some tomatoes and a yoghurt, please? (Yes. Here you ore, peal oy) a 1) peeps é j ah eas a Ata fs) (@re/ How much are these A green beans? ee They te twentyelive cents, N24 * Anaughty parrot takes the bread and the yoghurt. a Language: Can I have some bread, please? How much are these (green beans)? They're (25 cents). We've got green beans and carrots for lunch. (Weiltss Read and write. thankyou sorry Values: saying please Oe ire ct potatoes and tomatoes for dinner. The naughty parrot takes the potatoes and the tomatoes. There isn’t any food in the bag now. eee ees Aa Here you are, Mum: We've got all the food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. cee Netmeecnni) Cea = CB lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Oo Listen, point and say. 8 LO ten 10 twenty 20 thirty 30 forty 40 fifty 50 eo Listen and point. Sing How much is this? & How much is this lemon? Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty cents. Its ten cents. Great! I'll take it. How much is this bread? Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty cents. It’s twenty cents. Great I'll take it. How much are these carrots? Ten, twenty, thirty forty, fifty cents. They'te thirty cents. Great! I'l take them. How much are these sweets? Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fiffy cents. They'te forty cents. Great! I'll take them They'te thirly-six cents. @ twenty-two Key learning outcomes: ask and answer questions about the price of food Vocabulary: numbers 10-50 Grammar: How much is this (lemon)? Lesson 5 Speaking B = rn aud) ig » & ee — ea — ee - ea. Queen Jean eats meat and the green sheep eats cheese. Listen and write. JWR, eS B CorpartielEamii) sing What do I need to do? — 6 QQ TOSS Make and play the game. Cena ne) Hello, How much are these, please? Theyre twenty cents. iy bar anny iy tee nse twenty three (2) Phonics: ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ spellings Lesson 6 British culture Listen and read. Answer. S In Britain, thete’s a special day called Pancake Day. We make pancakes and we have races with them! ~ We help Mum make the pancakes.We put | Huns coke ne ae eles flour milk and two eggs in a bowi.Then, we mix it = She fosses a pancake in the oir Then, she catches it again We eat our pancakes. | put chocolate ‘on my pancake. My sister puts sugar and lemon on hers “iiiichompomranii Do you have a special food day in your country? ATCORSUIIS RENE Sariore (ooss We run and toss the pancake at the same time. Is good fun! = Lesson 7 Literacy Bp Ww Text type: A recipe we OO TOO (Beforejyoulread| @ Look at the picture of the funny face sandwich. What do you think you need to make it? 6 Listen and read the recipe. i) Instructions: This sandwich is easy and fun to make. It's delicious, too! Ves First, put the slices Then, add the of cheese on the eggs for eyes slice of bread Put an olive in the centre of each egg. i B. a FA Now, add an olive Finally, add the for the nose anda salad for the hair piece of carrot for the mouth, To make this sandwich you need: + one slice of bread « three slices of cheese « two slices of egg + three olives * one piece of carrot « some sala AM Ask an adult to help you. (Afterjyoulread| Ss) Go to page 22 in your Activity Book. a Lesson 8 Review Listen and number. Write and say. 8S opi? Tame Wee's bread eo Write the food in the correct column. Or atnnr some eqg Se f22\Cooperative (ecm) sing Well done! & Q twenty sx lilies waco ieaa ahecnto Tansuage fod and an some Video and 21st Century Skills Hello again. Today's programme is about pizza. What's your favourite pizza? o Watch the video again. Read and circle. (>) 1 First, you need flour and milk /wate?. 3 Now, add the cheese / onion. 2 Next, add the tomatoes / peppers. 4 Cook the pizza for fen / twenty minutes. 6 Read, think and colour the stars. (You can took | ofertectbes 11 | look for information 2. I look for information do you look for | ON My phone. on my tablet. information? 3 | look for information 4 | look for information on my computer. in a book, patch EE rod Ras cout rece eventyseven (@ Digital sil: finding recipes online - ee Lesson 1 Vocabulary - Atthezoo ‘ : a ior * es, Qo Listen and point. Sing I’m a wild animal. SF I'm a wild animal. I'm dangerous! llive in the jungle. I've got four legs And I'm orange and black. Grrl I'm a tiger! I'm a wild animal. I’m dangerous! live in the grasslands. Ive got long hair And I'm yellow and brown. Grrrl I'm a lion! I'm a wild animal. I'm dangerous! live in the water. Ive got a big mouth And I'm long and green. Snap! Snap! I'm a crocodile! I'm a wild animal. I’m dangerous! live in the trees. I've got long arms And | climb and climb. 0 OO OO! I'm a monkey! 6 Read and stick the ten stickers. Listen and say the chant. 8 Gk wow) crocodile lion snake monkey penguin Oteninoian Ss Spelling: go to page 35 in your Activity Book. @ twenty-eight Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten wild animals sing a song about animals Vocabulary: wild animals * Lesson 2 Grammar ED Qo Listen and repeat. Act out. 8 Can you guess my favourite animal? Has it gol big ears? Zz Oo Oo Yes, it has. Ifs an elephant. I's my tum. 4 , They're yellow and brown. Have they got four legs? 7 = qd q I Has it got big ears? =F “| Yes, they have. a a } Yes, it has. No, it hasn't. Theyre lions Have they got two legs? Yes, they have. No, they haven't. OO elephant lizard giraffe hippo tiger fearing oa tty ant? andtraras | twenty-nine GE) ‘Grammar: Has it got (big ears)? Yes, it has. Have they got (four legs)? No, they haven't. Lesson 3 Story i ed jBeforejyoulread| 8 Gp Listen and read. Act out. «The) * Pr. ine) . oun) ©) inside the 200, Beth sees A % r * ) egg something on the ground. Jae —— ey re =e \\\ rs a Ay 1 VE io ees iets Ligaen UD) Jake, Molly and Beth are at the zoo today. eae Vi. 3 ok! What's this? = y é love the G] 00! We can see giratfes, yee elephants think its Ef { an egg. Listen! There's something inside it. The egg hatches and a \ strange animal appears. Look.Here’s a sign. Has if got a long neck?, giraffe. Come on Let's go this wan @ thirty Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about a mysterious egg Language: Has it got a long neck? No, it hasn't. This baby animal hasn't got big teeth, Its got feathers. _{ Look! There's a bird up in the tree. : 4 ( How can we § \ get up there? These are crocodiles. This baby animal hasnt got big teeth. It's got feathers. It’s a bird. Oh dear! Ths bird Wl is very different. a ek isn ee ne Afterjyoulread| © Wats Read and write. Catch Help Bounce your friends and family. Values: helping your friends and family af, 84 nai r= = Edd lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar oO Listen, point and say. ® moO>PR teeth face wings beak 6 Listen and point. Sing The animal song. Ss Face, body, teeth and tail. Beak and wings! A tiger hasn't got a beak. A tiger hasn't got wings Chorus Monkeys haven't got a big face. Monkeys haven't got a big body. Chorus - % A penguin hasn't got a long tail es Cs Apenguin hasn't got teeth. G:) C9) Chorus QQ LISECGDES Listen and repeat. Play a game. 8 ome it Lie serarec a beak. Its Stree She ack) along neck. (isa grate. 5 a (isa grate. 5 We eaar as haven't got wings They've got on teeth Uheyte cococtes. re crocodiles. Qeriry-evo kayla sme sr gs ina eae rina pao year eee be ey hve ge hy 00 - ui - 00 - ui. A kangaroo and a goose in a swimsuit drink fruit juice by the pool. 6 Listen and number. Gy fo ®, Sty vt. © M@xpanivolantiig sing let's take turns! F © QTR Make and play the game. Blot gaol ley LYLE) Is it a tiger? Key learning outcomes: play a communication game describing animals thirty-three @ Phonics: ‘oo’ and ‘ui spellings on 6 British culture “s. our garden. We put seeds and Dn a table for the birds. into the garden, put water in a dish for it. Q witcha eran Are there wild animals near your house? " i St eae = “a aa >. _ Lesson 7 Literacy JE = ee Oo What do you know about gorillas and polar bears? Think and say. e Listen and read the animal fact files. & pao Polar bears are big. fet eee era They eat leaves and fruit. Some panitee eat insects, too. € iAftequoulreadp > Go to page 32 in your Activity Book. They eat fish and meat, iy lsrivip nso ual ad fsa! aa rfl thirty five DEB kesson 8 Review | Listen and number. Write and say. oe crocodile [AN etl of er AR) or) 6 Read and write the animals. 1 They've got a long neck. They haven't got wings. They’re 2 They've got a beak and wings.They haven't got hair. 3 They've got a long body. They haven't got legs. o fas\Cooperative (ecmiing) sing Well done! & Language: wild animals and They've got Welcome back to Channel 21.Today's programme is about animals. What's your favourite animal? © Watch the video again. Read and tick () or cross (X). e) 1 Parrots have got small eyes. 3 Parrots haven't got tails. 2 Parrots have got big, strong beaks. _ 4 Penguins havent oot beaks. © Write the information in the correct place. Sig blackandwhite eyes beak different colours We can use a Venn Diagram to help us sort | information. —fly— 1 parrots 2 penguins Key learning outcomes: watch and understand a video about animals i k cd @Ways of thinking: learning to sort information thirty-seven oni a) Listen, point and repeat. ‘ ~Qr Ask your classmates.Tick (7) or cross (X). th Have you got any pets? “Yes, | have. 've got two } (dogs and a turtle. Vista 30/0 Datla de) [ vag al a Plan your pets class book page. Go to page 36 in your Activity Book. 6 QD ehirorciant Fey erie errs PEO Language: Have you got any pets? Yes, | have. I've got (two dogs and a turtle). No, | haven't. Choose a photo of your pet. ™ Type your text. Check your Add it to your document = spelling. J El Sey ‘) = BExpactholkantiy sing Listen to others. SF oN coats ® Listen. Present your document to the class. Ss = Key learning outcomes: make and present your pets class book page thir -nine Language: /ts name is (Bob). Its favourite food is (meat). 2 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Sa ogee 2 The nature trail o. mt ene # a eG Listen and point. Sing I’m going on a nature trail. & I'm going on a nature trail I'm having lots of fun! Ian run, run, run in the long, green grass. I.can jump, jump, jump in the leaves, I'm going on a nature trail I'm having lots of fun! Fe 7 | can walk, walk, walk in a big, dark forest. J !can climb, climb, climb a hill. I'm going on a nature trail. I'm having lots of fun! ie |can swim, swim, swim in the deep, blue lake. | can play, play, play in the sand. eo Read and stick the ten stickers. Listen and say the chant. OOOOO forest hill grass river leaves Cteantiig@ikam 5D spelling: go to page 47 in your Activity Book. © forty Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten features of a nature tral sing a song about a nature trail Vocabulary: features of a nature tral Lesson 2 Grammar EY Hello, Beth! What are you doing? @ listen and tick (7). & paz lake sand road path bridge latent i rast eicundas Scie Dor forty-one @) Grammar: What are you doing? I'm (climbing). Are you (swimming)? Yes, | am. No, I'm not. @ listen and read. Act out. & “Whats Teby doin E ‘ 1 Look! A cycle path. Los ride along here. ag Good idea! Jair 2 a ‘s Toby ies cA ja He's rolling down the hill. | Aa matter with Toby today? @ forty-two Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about Toby on a nature tril Language: What are you doing? What's Toby doing? He's running up the hill ‘Oh no! He’s chasing the sheep! j ze = p Aba He's coming this way. © WES Read and write. see hear fouch Look at wild animals, but } ee Values: not touching wild animals pone 4 Vocabulary and Grammar se . Listen, point and say. 8 ite A He's running up He's running down ~— He's running along —_He’s running across the hill the hill the path the bridge. 6 Listen and point. Sing Whaft's he doing? S What's he doing? He's running up the hill. Is he running down the hill? No! He's running up the hill! What's he doing? He's sailing across the lake. Is he sailing across the river? * No! He's sailing across the lake. What's she doing?» She's walking along the path. Is she walking along the road? \ No! She's walking along the path! he a 6 ife} THSROHE Listen and repeat. Play a game. ) What's she doing? Is she jumping in the leaves? ‘What she doing? She's rolling down the hill! CRASH! Yes, she is. Well done! eo a @orparieleaniig sing Calm down, & @ forty-four Key learning outcomes: ask and answer questions to find out what people are doing Vocabulary: prepositions of movement Grammar: What's he / she doing? He's / She's (unning ..) o. Listen and say. & or - al. The horse in shorts a stor il sally 2 Ben 3 May nere’s Sally? ) She's walking along the path. oy letiogeRtwiecrmuneten area taal forty-five Q) Phonics: ‘or’ and ‘al’ spellings on 6 British culture Today, tt fun! think ahero a secret Mum and passage Dad Listen and read the adventure story. He sails across Hive ae ain fencer Leas jam. At last, he an old ridge Peetu foesaee There are giant [cn ii Baca eag adark = amonkey cave Sime a Crean) m" SNA sn een) Fantastic. And | Pee cher el aor oe Listen and number. Write and say. 8 COQ THREES Listen. Act out. Ask and answer. 8 << Re you climbing up a Fil? ) 2 (Bo. tmnt. 5 ~ «, ) e Watch the video again. Read and circle. (>) 1 They are walking along a read /(path: 3. They are riding their horses / bikes. 2 The bridge goes over / along the river. 4 They'te having a picnic / party. © Read and match. 1 Respect the signs. — B 4 ifs important fo keep natural 2 Keep your dog onalead. | places clean and tidy. \ 3 Put your rubbish in the bin, MS @® 4. Don't pick wild flowers KB 5 Don't feed wild animals. Key learning outcomes: watch and understand a video about the environment forty-nine @ Living in the world: learning to look after the environment “ * _ + * Pee es * Lely, ~ Lesson 1 Vocabulary The frozen lake . oe ee Oo Listen and point. Sing We're going to the lake. & We'te going to the lake. We're skating on the ice. Wave and smile! Are you ready? Take a photo. That's nice! We're going to the lake. We're making a snowman, Wave and smile! Are you ready? Take a photo. ode’, That's nice! We're going to the lake. We're drinking hot chocolate. Wave and smile! ‘Are you ready? Take a photo. That's nice! skate wave smile dance Oteninoikma 5. Spelling: go to page 57 in your Activity Book. ® fifty Key learning outcomes: identify and say ten action verbs; sing a song about a frozen lake Vocabulary: action verbs Lesson 2 Grammar Ey OOOD make a snowman take a photo play listen to music Key learning outcomes: use present continuous: ‘we! and ‘you’ fifty-one Grammar: We're (skating). Are you (dancing)? Yes, we are. No, we aren't Eh lesson 3 Story \Beforejyoulread| What are Jake and Molly making? Can you describe if? _ ae cS @ listen and read.Act out. S D - pis = é agg (And these are his eyes. en Bae oy 7 Re cd eypasas Jake and Molly are Neem hago , 3% , playing in their garden. Were making a snowman. @ fifty-two Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about a snowman Language: What are you doing? We're making a snowman. He's gota fat tummy. He's taking the magic bike. @)sake, Molly Beth and Toby PANN © The snowman goes back | — tun after the snowman. — for the children. They go sledging down the hill. NC fe) ° a. a z 8 & That's our bike. iS : lo PS © AEs Read and write. : | ~ ascarfandahat aTshirtand shoris a swimsuit and goggles. ,_ Wear —___ = when you play out in the snow. | Values: wearing warm clothes when it’s cold. EE lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar Oo Listen, point and say. 8 afat athin a short atall aclean adirty snowman snowman — snowman snowman snowman — snowman 6 Listen and point. Sing What are they doing? & What are they doing? They're playing in the snow. Are they making a snowman? I don't know. He's got a dirty hat. He's got a fat fummy. His nose is a big, orange carrot. He’s got thin arms. He's got a clean scarf. His eyes are small, black stones. What are they doing? They're playing in the snow. Are they making a snowman? I think so! © CQTBRA Listen and repeat. Play a game. 8 02 ( He'sgotafat tummy. He’s got | adirly hat. He's a “short snowman. Key learning outcomes: describe and guess snowmen Vocabulary: adjectives Grammar: He's a (short) snowman. He's got a (dirty) hat. @ fifty-four * 7 Lesson 5 Speaking B a mateo’ oa. A snowman and a goat in a coat row a yellow boat to the rainbow. 8 BR Coepartiveleamiig) sing Sharing is a good thing to do. & 6 RQ LOSS Make and play the game. Cena Theyre dtinking. sis Let's try again, Khevis esi Key learning outcomes: play a communication game about what the snowmen are doing fifty-five @ Phonics: ‘ow’ and ‘oa' spellings - -_ Lesson 6 British culture “wis Ss Go to page 54 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand a fable fifty-seven @ © CQTBRAT listen. act out. Ask and answer. = < Are you skating on the ice? ) (No, we aren't. if y Are you “) 1 The girl is making a snowman. 3 The snowmen are the same. 2 All the snowmen have got hats. 4 Allthe snowmen ate big. #92... 10002] Being creative can help you solve problems and have more fun. How creative are these snowmen? Order ther. a 9909 «000 2 BL. 4 x COR? 09? Key learning outcomes: watch and understand a video about making snowmen. fifty-nine ‘Ways of thinking: learning to be creative ee 4 a 7 I eke 4 ; ound Lesson 1 Vocabulary ™ All year round a Qo Listen and point. Sing What's your favourite season? Ss What's your favourite season? What's your favourite season? Is it spring? Is it autumn? Spring. when it’s warm outside. Autumn, when it’s cool outside. We smell flowers. We eat chestnuts. cos We celebrate Halloween. My favourite season is spring. What's your favourite season? {s it summer? My favourite season is autumn. What's your favourite season? ne ; Is it winter? Summer, when it’s hot outside. ie We finish school, yee when it's oe outside. We go fo the beach NESW eines. My favourite season is summer. We open presents. My favourite season is winter. spring summer autumn eo Read and stick the eight stickers. Listen and say the chant. i) baa mS smell flowers plant seeds finish school go to the beach oO Lemmii cole S Spelling: go to page 67 in your Activity Book. ® sixty Key learning outcomes: identify and say eight seasonal activities; sing a song about seasons Vocabulary: seasonal activities 7 Look! I've got a postcard from os cousins Dan and Grace. Where do. ae live? erm in America. Fantastic! What do =a, do. in summer in America? id Fa Trey goto tne beach, What do you / they do in summer? | We / They go to the beach: Do they celebrate Halloween? Yes, they do. No, they don’ Oa) eat chestnuts celebrate Halloween wear warm clothes open presents Key learning outcomes: use present simple: ‘we’, ‘your and ‘they’ sixty-one @ Grammar: What do you do (in spring)? We (plant seeds). Do they (Finish school)? Yes, they do. Lesson 3 Story oe Listen and read. Act out. 8 “The founsedsons* Beth's cousins are visiting from ‘America. Jake, Molly and Beth are doing a project for school. ( Wete doing a project about the seasons. We can help you, a ~ sf 7 Look at the tree! Tel Yes. I's spring. The magic bike can lcan smell change the seasons. Qiey-t00 “SS How can you take photos of {4 ll the seasons in one day? { Be careful with the bike, Dan. You're pedalling backwards 1, ©) The wheels of the magic = bike go faster and faster. Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about the four seasons Language: Do you eat chestnuts in America, too? Yes, we do. ©)tts autumn now. F/ There are chesinuts enue tee: chestnuts in America, 100? AN Wt Yes. We've got lots of i ie photos for our project now. = 7 Look at the tree. It hasn't got leaves now. 7 Look at our project. what do you think? NS Winter Is amazing! )}( Well done, children. GBh lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar re . Oo Listen, point and say. 8 dd 6th 5th fifth second third sixth 13th| 14th Ben | Yen | 10e| 11 12th] Ta oeson 5th| 16tn| 17th) 18th| 19% Orn! 21st fittenth | skfeenth | seventeenth | eighteenth | nineteenth | twentieth twenty-first oe Listen and point. Sing When’s your birthday? Si My birthday is my favourite day. When’s your birthday? Cake and presents. Hooray! When's your birthday? ; : My birthday is on the twelfth of July. When's your birthday? When's your birthday? Do you want to come to my party? My birthday is on the ninth of May. Do you want to come to my party? When's your birthday? When's your birthday? My birthday is on the eighth of June. Do you want to come to my party? Q © CQTPaTaTss Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. 8 — Zien’ your bithoey?) (cearieees, a ae f (cearieees, first of February. i A @ sixty-four Key learning outcomes: ask and answer about your birthday ‘ Vocabulary: ordinal numbers Grammar: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the (ninth) of (May). Is the purple turtle’s birthday on the first or the third? eo BR COrOPeriTelEcmii) sing We can do if! & Se Listen and write the names. 8 , o 4 © CQTBRTHES Do aclass survey. When's your birlhday? My birthday is on the twenty-third of May. When's yours? [hias} sed [thelmost My birthday is on the Wy irthdays? thirtieth of November. wg mr Key learning outcomes: do a class survey about birthdays sixty-five @ Phonics: ‘ur’ and ‘it’ spellings . Lesson 6 British culture SS ws In Britain, we celebrate festivals in the four seasons. These are our favourite festivals. Notting Hill Carnival is in August. There's a parade and people play the drums. y L ie The first of April is April Fools’ Day. We play jokes and we have a lot of fun! [i Remember, remember, the fifth of On the twenty-fifth of December its November! I's Bonfire Night. We make Christmas, We eat turkey for Christmas lunch. Py ‘guy’ doll for a big bonfire We pull crackers and we wear paper hats, too. | Siiiiichompomentim Do you have festivals in the four seasons? What festivals do you celebrate? ‘onal festivals in Britain; ere you live @ sixty-six Key learning outcomes: read about think about seasonal festi Pe : esson 7 uerocy oem M \ | Text type: A traditional rhyme a“ —— : —— a —. - P Oo Look at the rhyme quickly. Find and circle the months. February Aptil june — august eben December yanve"Y March May july September ov @ | listen and read the rhyme. 8S ML j ots p April, June and November. All the rest have thirty-one, Except for February alone. And that has twenty-eight days clear, And twenty-nine in each leap year! 5) Go to page 64 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and Gh lesson 8 Review @ Listen and number. Write and say. S conte open presents © GQTBRAT write. ask and answer. 1 Do you eat chestnuts in spring? _No, we don’t. 2 Do you 3 == Sin'summen2) SEDO: VOU a Ss rut IN? or 4 (Do-you ——___ ih winter? 2B © Me@xpactholantig sing well done! & © yy © % @ sistrcione Me Spocicocuticmloe yer ne Fe Hello again. Today's programme is about the seasons. What's your favourite season? e Watch the video again. Read and circle. © 1 They plant seeds in 3 They eat chestnuts in summer /) Go to page 76 in your Activity Book. Key learning outcomes: read and understand a play script, seventyine eo Look at Activity 1. Write true sentences. 1 There aren’t ____ six chairs in the dining room. 2 a piano in the living room 3 a clock in the hall. 4 —____ any animals in the garden. 5 6 © A@epamtholbaniig sing wei done! & é @ eighty Key learning outcomes: review language in the unit ME EINE Language: rooms and There's / There are / There isn’t / There aren't Video and 21st Century Skills 4 Welcome back to Channel 21.Today’s programme is about unusual houses. What's your house like? 6 Watch the video again. Read and tick (/) or cross (X). >) 1 There's a boat with a garden. 3 There aren't any red flats. ee 2 There's a small casile. 4 There are lots of toys in the bedroom, © Read and circle. 's Put the books on It's important aks. to tidy up. the floor /Ghelf. Put the toys in the pencil case / box. Put the clock on the table / bed. Put the shoes in the box / cupboard. Key learning outcomes: watch and understand a video about unusual houses eight -one G) @ Living in the world: learn to help at home: ighty, Listen and point. Sing All around the fown. All around the town. Let's go exploring, All around the town. Is there a baker's? Is there a bank? Is there a police station? Chorus Is there a post office? Is there a chemist’s? Is there a fire station? Chorus Is there a bus station? ls there a museum? Is there a train station? Chorus / baker's fire station police station car park bank Ceanihtgtoieam Spelling: go to page 89 in your Activity Book. Vocabulary: places in a town rs n 2 Grammar FEY Pomel ye 1 @ Listen and repeat. Act out. 8 Here we are in Chesterville. J ALE ores Qa ein = Great! Are there any museums here? Is there a cinema? Yes, there is. No, there isn't. Are there any museums? I Yes, there are. No, the © listen and number. i eS a b post office chemist's bus station train station museum, Key learning outcomes: use is there a ...?/ Are there and short answers eighty-three (E) Grammar: Is there a (cinema)? Yes, there is. Are there any (museums)? No, there aren't. EQ] lesson 3 Story Before\youlread| Which places can you see in the town? } isten and read: Act out. & J) Jake, Molly and Beth are on holiday with Mum and Dad. Look! There's a fim about dinosaurs. @ eighty-four Key learning outcomes: read, listen and understand a story about a dark night Language: is there a baker's? Are there any banks near here? Turn right here. It's very dark. Where's the car? 5 MO PN VD B Oh not This = Tknow! Ourearisin isn't our car, front of the red bank. aa : ‘is ao Thank a a e Bea Magic Bike. Ji.) ¥ Tr 4 I'm hungry. Let's have dinner. I's next to the cinema! ‘Afterjyoulread| © Wltes Read and write. remember forget siop Try to Where you put your things. Values: remembering where you put your things EBL Lesson 4 Vocabulary and Grammar eo Listen, point and say. Ss go straight on tum left furn right from ... 10. 7 ei ’ Se eo Listen and point. Sing Which way do | go? How do | get fo the post office? Which way do | go? How do | get from here fo there? Gostraighton, I I rs There's the post office. a How do | get to the fire station? Which way do | go? How dio | get from here to there? Tum left. There's the fire station. How do | get to the train station? Which way do | go? How do | get from here to there? Turn right. There's the train station. How do I get to the post office? Go straight on. There’s the post office. Qeiohiysix hse koneh ee ave Vocabulary: directions Grammar: How do | get to the (post office)? Turn (left). Go straight on. Key learning outcomes: play a communication game giving directions eighty-seven @ Phonics: 'y' and ‘gh’ spellings bs Lesson 6 British culture ‘Our mum and dad help people. Our mum is a police officer and our dad is a firefighter. He wears a yellow helmet and a safely uniform Our mum is a police officer. She sometimes rides a bike around the town, She helps people. viihichamgermmenritine The emergency telephone number in emergency telep! f Do you know the emergency Britain is 999. Call this number if you need telephone number in your country? a doctor, a firefighter or a police officer. [Before\youjread| @ What can you see on the invitation? Tick (/). aname (/) aday Nat ‘ a phone number! ( ) directions ( ) season — Swe © listen and read the invitation. & resivienclie Beneath Se fs toyshop and the café. Come to my party on Ny = Saturday, 9th May Face painting and games. - & Lots of fun! gy Cakes and sweets, too. | hope you can come! © Go to page 86 in your Activity Book. me Listen and number. Write and say. 8 post office CQ THRE Listen. Look at Activity 1. Ask and answer. 8 (Yes there are. &_ p Is there a train station? S sui eh? “ eS No, there isn't. 7 gi 2 A e@xnaniie Sin eS Ss 9 one Language: places in a town and Is there a ...?

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