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Oraciones desiderativas con WISH / IF ONLY

Wish expresa pesar/lamento porque las cosas no son de la forma que al que habla le gustaría que

Verb: Wish (“desear”) → I wish (“ojalá”) Expression: If only (“ojalá”, “si al menos”)

I wish I had saved some money = If only I had saved some money
(ojalá hubiera ahorrado algo de dinero)

We use wish or if only to talk about:

1. present situations that the speaker is unhappy about / 1. past simple
we would like to be different. WISH / IF ONLY 2. past perfect
2. regrets about the past 3. COULD /WOULD
3. hopes (with doubts) that will happen in the future
1. past simple
WISH / IF ONLY 2. past perfect

Structure: I wish / If only + subject + past simple

Use: unhappy about a present situation. We would like things to be different.

→ Deseo de que algo sea distinto a como es en el presente.
→ Expresamos tristeza, pesar o decepción porque las cosas no son de la forma que nos gustaría que
I wish I were rich (but I’m not)
If only I could fly ( but I can’t)
I wish he were here (but he is not)
I wish I had more money (but I don’t)
I wish the city weren’t overpopulated
If only we lived in a quieter street

to be: were for all grammatical persons

1. past simple
WISH / IF ONLY 2. past perfect

Structure: I wish / If only + subject + past perfect

Use: to express a regret about a past action or situation

→ deseo de que algo hubiera ocurrido de manera diferente
→ lamentamos algo que ocurrió en el pasado

I wish I had visited London when I went to England (but I didn’t)

If only you hadn’t lied (but you did)
Alex wishes he had understood the problem earlier.
I wish you hadn’t lost the photo. It was a really good one.
1. past simple
WISH / IF ONLY 2. past perfect

Structure: I wish / If only + subject + COULD

Use: hopes about future I wish we could go to the beach this weekend.
→ deseo que algo ocurra en el futuro. (Ojalá pudiéramos ir a la playa este fin de semana)
I wish I could pass my history exam
(ojalá apruebe el examen de historia)

Structure: Subject 1 wish / If only + subject 2 + WOULD

- To criticise or complain about a present situation. I wish my students would behave better in class.
- We want someone to change their behaviour (present or future) If only Peter would not drink so much
→ Expresar queja, crítica. Lleva la connotación de irritación.

El sujeto del segundo verbo es siempre una persona diferente del locutor. → Wrong: I wish I would**

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