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could have
off Martin
Luther King,
Jr. Day in
NEWS 7 Dr. Seuss-based show opens Jan. 25
and runs until Jan. 27 in the PAC A&E 16
One sheep,
two sheep,
three sheep,
four...Tips on
how to catch
up on sleep

Hepfinger is
certainly not
an ‘Average
Joe.’ Read
all about the
’Hurst icon

Also inside
‘They don’t care...’
Philanthropy vote fails again with MSG NEWS 4
Available online: Plumbing issues force change in senior gift 2
PAGE 2 NEWS Jan. 23, 2008

Change of plans for senior gift

By Casey Greene
Managing editor

The Mercyhurst College Senior

Gift Steering Committee has had
to decide on a new location for
the senior class gift.
The original idea for the gift
has remained, but the location
has been changed.
“The concept of a 24-hour
lounge has not changed,” said
Director of the Senior Gift,
Cathy Anderson. “Instead of
being on the main floor of the
library, the lounge will now be
located on the lower level.”
Steering Committee member
senior Jeff Allen said the new
location will face the north
lawn, which overlooks East 38th
The location change was nec-
essary due to issues with the
location of sanitary pipes, said
Shortly after deciding upon the
original location of the lounge,
Mercyhurst College administra-
tors found that the sanitary pipes
needed to create a restroom were
located on the east side of the
building, not the west side, as
proposed in the original plan.
“It’s all about plumbing,” said
Chairman of the Senior Gift
Steering Committee senior Marty
Mercyhurst College Director Contributed photo

of Administration Tom Billing- Changes were made to the senior gift to accomodtae plumbing and location concerns. The idea and purpose of the gift
sley said when the administration remain the same, according to the committee.
discussed the original location
on the west side of the building mittee “…felt it’d be necessary to Moore said that without major ing, said Billingsley. move the location of the lounge,
to include Café Diem, it was have a restroom if the room was construction, it would have been “It would have been very the administration proposed
assumed that plumbing lines going to be utilized 24/7.” impossible to create a bathroom expensive,” he said. “Maybe as three new layout options on the
were available. Stuart Henderson, a faculty in the initial location. much as six figures, and it would lower level of the library.
“Together we identified some- member in the interior design “The sanitary pipes are on the have put a halt to the project.” “When we were deciding
thing we had not contemplated department and head architect east side of the building and the The location change of the between the three options, every-
before,” said Billingsley. “That and designer for the new lounge, original lounge was on the west,” lounge has eliminated this issue, thing revolved around using the
was how we were going to get a agreed with Moore. said Moore. said the committee. emergency exit (on the lower
bathroom to that section of the “A restroom will be needed in If the administration had “The new site has closer access level of the library),” said Wallen-
building.” a 24-hour lounge,” he said. “The chosen to follow through on to plumbing lines,” said Billing- horst. “The final design chosen
Mercyhurst College Vice Pres- plumbing is located on the wrong the original project, installing a sley. “There are already sanitary utilized the exit best.”
ident for Administration Tyrone side of the building to create one bathroom would have required lines there that we can access.”
Moore said the Steering Com- in the original location.” running pipes through the ceil- When the decision was made to Please see Plumbing on Page 3
Jan. 23, 2008 NEWS PAGE 3

Plumbing issues result in relocation

as well as the strategic plan.” have not taken away from the
The steering committee said size of the project.
another benefit of the windows “This is still the most ambi-
is security. tious senior project,” he said.
“Now, Police and Safety can “With the new move, there will
drive by and just look in through be less construction but it is
the windows to make sure more complex.”
everything is okay,” said Wal- Henderson agrees.
lenhorst. “It is still a complex project,”
The committee said the only said Henderson. “The new loca-
major change to the project tion is just more logical.”
is the move, and the lounge’s Moore said the location
features will not change. change does not mean all hur-
A fireplace, lounge area and dles have been cleared.
restroom are still part of the “There are still going to be
design, and wireless Internet challenges,” said Moore. “But
access will still be available, none that are insurmountable.”
they said. Mercyhurst College Vice
The benchmarks for dona- President of Academic Affairs
tions will also remain the same: Dr. Barbara Behan said that
A $100 donation will receive a members of the administration
“High Rollers” T-Shirt, a $200 will meet Monday afternoon to
donation will receive a brick en- discuss the new details of the
graved with the donator’s name, project.
and a $300 donation or larger Behan said that Ken Stef-
will receive an acid-etched name ferson, Mercyhurst College’s
engraving on a glass block. director of the physical plant,
“The etched glass blocks will Darci Jones, the college’s interim
still be included in the design,” library director, Pat Benekos,
said Anderson. “They will be head of information technol-
displayed above the fireplace, ogy at the college, along with
just as in the original plans.” Henderson, Anderson, Billing-
Currently, the senior class has sley and Moore will attend the
Contributed photo donated just over $5,000. meeting to review Henderson’s
Plans for the 24-hour lounge changed over the past week due to plumbing issues. The new “We are very thankful for new design for the lounge.
lounge is located on the lower level of Hammermill Library. those who have donated,” said “The location had to be
Wallenhorst. “We are a quarter changed,” said Behan. “But
Continued from Page 2 A café will no longer be a part lounge could help relieve some of the way towards our goal of that new room is going to be
of the lounge, but the Steering of this depression. $20,000.” just beautiful.”
Although the move was unex- Committee plans to include “One of the main arguments The college will also pitch in Behan said Billingsley has ex-
pected, Billingsley said he thinks vending machines at its new for having a lounge with a wall to help with additional costs. pressed interest in beginning the
it is for the best. location. of glass is to utilize natural “We are fortunate to have project as soon as possible.
“This has morphed into a bet- The new lounge will line the sunlight due to SAD,” said Wal- the college get on board,” said “We will know more after
ter choice,” he said. “From a cost wall of windows on the lower lenhorst. “Having an entire wall Wallenhorst. “We want to be the meeting on Monday, but
and construction point of view, north wall of library, said the of windows will help with this sure the lounge is in line with construction may begin during
this is the better choice.” committee. problem.” their vision for the future of spring break or even before,”
The location change has al- “The new location is much Anderson said she believes Mercyhurst.” she said.
lowed Henderson to increase the better,” said Ashley Gabriel, a utilizing the glass wall makes the The Steering Committee in- Many pre-construction issues
size of the lounge. member of the Steering Com- lounge in line with the admin- cludes Wallenhorst, Gabriel, would need to be addressed be-
“The new location is actually mittee. “The wall of windows istration’s vision of a “green” Allen, seniors Deanna Fletcher, fore the project officially begins,
larger,” he said. “We have added provides natural light.” Mercyhurst. Joshua Wilwohl, Kelly Cofran- said Behan.
around 200 square feet to the Wallenhorst said Seasonal “Utilizing the wall of windows cisco and Katie Zinn. “The first thing that will have
design.” Affective Disorder, or SAD, a and natural light makes the “We are all excited,” said Al- to be done is moving the stacks,”
With the location change, winter depression caused by lack lounge more energy-efficient,” len. “Some of us are working she said. “Then other things can
other modifications will also be of natural light. said Anderson. “It aligns with the very hard.” be worked on until construction
made. The all-glass wall in the new college’s goals for sustainability Wallenhorst said the changes is able to start.”

Philanthropy vote Florida loses

fails for second time its popularity
end of an academic year in which relations chairperson for MSG Michael, was offered a teaching
By Ashley Pastor By Matt Sedensky
MSG would match. and member of the Budget and job in Georgia. He took it — at
Staff writer Associated Press
Senior MSG representative Finance Committee, says that the a higher salary than he was paid
and member of Amnesty Inter- philanthropy line item amounts in Florida — and they moved to
Mercyhurst Student Govern- national Lauren McDermott have been evaluated based on When Eric Feichthaler became Buford, Ga.
ment (MSG) voted Jan. 21 for feels that the current figures basic financial principles. mayor three years ago, this town Their house is three times
the second time this year on for the philanthropy line items “We aren’t supposed to raise was booming. bigger. Their property taxes are
their philanthropy matching pose severe limitations on the the amount until the proposal The city issued 800 permits 75 percent less. Their homeown-
opportunity. amounts that RSCOs are able has been made by the RSCO that month to build single-family er’s insurance bill has been cut
The philanthropy matching to raise. in pursuit of the funds,” said homes. nearly in half.
opportunity is a way in which “With these restrictions, MSG Ulrich. “We get audited each year Cape Coral still has thousands “We’re like, ‘Why didn’t we
Recognized Student Clubs and is laying the smack-down on stu- and need to have some sort of of empty lots, but last month, it move sooner?’” she said. Eight
Organizations (RSCOs) can dents’ abilities to raise and give fiscal stability.” issued just nine permits. other homes on the Manns’ street
raise money for non-profit orga- money,” said McDermott. Ulrich said in previous years, A number of factors explain are also occupied by former Flo-
nizations and MSG will match Student Government Presi- line items have exceeded the set the downturn, and many of ridians.
the amount raised and being dent senior Marissa Starin said amounts, but requests have still them are not unique to Florida. Stanley Smith, who heads the
donated. that the philanthropy line item been matched. But it is becoming clear the Bureau of Economic and Busi-
On Jan. 15, the MSG Budget was discussed in depth and voted T he petition created by Sunshine State is losing some ness Research at the University
and Finance Committee heard on in October 2007, using data Amnesty International protest- of its luster. of Florida, blamed hurricanes,
two requests from Amnesty and numbers from previous ing the change of the philan- Census figures show that in taxes, insurance and housing
International: Increase the years. thropy figures signed by over 2007, the number of people prices.
amount of money available in “Looking at the lack of RSCO 100 students would say no, said who moved to warm and sunny A 2005 report by Smith fore-
the philanthropy line item and participation we analyzed the McDermott. Florida from other states out- casts a decline in people moving
increase the amount of money process,” said Starin. “At that The need to increase amounts numbered those who left by to the state through 2030, but
individual RSCOs could apply time, we reached the decision in the budget specifically for just 35,301, down from 268,347 the overall population is still
for during the course of one that RSCOs may request up to philanthropy is not necessary, in 2005. expected to increase by more
academic year. $350 to be matched through the according to Ulrich. It was just the second year than 10 percent in each of the
As it stands, the philanthropy course of one academic year.” Starin agrees with Ulrich, since 1990, when the Census next two decades.
matching amount is $350 per aca- As of Jan. 21, MSG has only saying the line item was not Bureau started keeping such In Cape Coral, where the pop-
demic year per club, an amount received one request for the phi- diminished. records, that the state saw fewer ulation has more than doubled
which is already figured into the lanthropy from the Fashion Mer- “The philanthropy line item than 50,000 net U.S. arrivals. to about 150,000 since 1990,
MSG budget. This means that chandising Club for the amount was not decreased in any way, Experts blame the recent some welcome the downturn.
a club can raise up to $115 per of $108. nor did any of us believe that it slowdown on a combination Bob Janes, a Lee County com-
term in which MSG will match. McDermott, however, says that should be,” she said. of circumstances: The national missioner whose district includes
Prior to this year, however, in the three years past, the philan- McDermott stands strong, mortgage crisis and the bursting Cape Coral, said it may give
only a few specific RSCOs were thropy amounts have exceeded along with Amnesty Interna- of the real estate bubble, hur- officials time to improve mental
able to take advantage of this the yearly budget allowances of tional, in the belief that the ricanes, Florida’s steep insurance health care, roads and other
opportunity. $4,500, reaching $6,000. figures should be increased. rates and property taxes, and services.
By rationing the philanthropy McDermott said that these McDer mott says MSG is rising unemployment. But Feichthaler, who is chal-
matching opportunity, an equal figures were not mentioned to neglecting to listen to students, Feichthaler said he is glad cer- lenging Janes for his commission
opportunity is now given to clubs the voting body at the hearing on and as a result is failing to live tain folks have left — “the people seat, said the decrease in property
who request matching funds. Monday night. out its mission. that came in three years ago in values and the resulting plunge
Though, to some, more spe- “The Budget and Finance com- “I have been utterly disap- a gold-rush mentality” — even in tax revenue will mean the city
cifically those in Amnesty Inter- mittee has three executive board pointed by the actions of the stu- if that’s causing some upheaval. must cut $6 million to $7 million
national, said they feel that this members on it. That is extremely dent government this school year. The downturn, he said, is lead- to avoid tax increases. There have
figure is too low. unfair. Students voting weren’t I am considering resigning from ing to more affordable housing been municipal layoffs, and more
Amnesty International wanted given all of the facts needed, and my position as a representative and the departure of unlicensed are possible.
each club to have $160 per term simply voted to vote. They voted because of the apathy expressed contractors, shady title agents Many remain optimistic.
to match, a figure which would totally apathetically without con- by the student government as a and other scam artists. “People still want to follow the
roll-over if not used from term cern for what they were voting whole,” said McDermott. “They Beth Mann, 27, lived in West sun,” Janes said. “And as soon as
to term, giving clubs an oppor- for,” said McDermott. don’t care about anything any- Palm Beach until a year and a it gets cold up north, they think
tunity to raise up to $480 by the Junior Chris Ulrich, public more and it’s showing.” half ago, when her husband, more and more about the sun.”
Jan. 23, 2008 NEWS PAGE 5

Learning expo successful event for students

“How to Survive on a Lim- found the session “Student
By Julie Hranica
ited Budget,” taught by Art Teaching and Portfolios” to be
Staff writer
Education professor Camille extremely helpful as well.
Nischal and “Science Activi- “It is what is relevant to me
Many Mercyhurst College ties for the Secondary Class- right now,” Keltz said.
students gathered in the Audery room,” taught by Marlene Cross, Sophomore Heather Buech-
Hirt Academic building Saturday another member of the Mercy- ner found this to be one of her
morning, Jan. 19 to participate hurst Faculty. favorite sessions during the day.
in the Kappa Delta Pi Teaching The other sessions addressed “I thought that the ses
and Learning Expo. current issues facing teachers sion about interviewing for a
The expo consisted of three today, such as new technology to job was very informative and it
educational sessions in the use in the classroom, stress and definitely helped me to prepare
morning, a catered lunch and relaxation tips, writing Individ- for future inter views,” she
a panel discussion with seven ual Education Plans’s for Special said.
first or second-year teachers. Education majors, and tips to While some students attended
When students arrived, they aide the processes of student due to the sessions available,
received their individual fold- teaching, interviewing for jobs others wanted to go due to last
ers with a breakdown of their and creating portfolios. year’s successful event.
schedule for the day. The session on maximizing “I came to the expo last year,
Students got to select their your job interview was helpful and I am a member of Kappa
first and second choices for each to senior Justine Keltz who Delta Pi, which is why I at
session upon registering. said that she attended the expo tended again this year,” Buech-
Some of the sessions offered because she thought the infor- ner said. The Kappa Delta Pi Teaching and Learning Expo, held on
were “Healthy Classrooms” mation provided would help her Other members of Kappa Jan. 19, benefited Mercyhurst College students.
taught by a representative from to find a job. Delta Pi, including the co-
the Mercyhurst Health Center, Keltz also explained that she President, sophomore Amanda “Each student received an Overall the Teaching and
Byrnes, attended the event as evaluation form in their packet, Learning Expo was an excellent
laker briefs well.
Byrnes said that she came
and we are definitely going to
take them seriously for next
way for students to learn mate-
rial that they might not hear
last year and learned a lot from year,” she said. in the curriculum at Mercy-
Summer Study Abroad Grant Applications the presentations and thought Students were able to discuss hurst.
Interested in applying for a grant to help fund your education that the event was worth it, even any questions or concerns they It provided them with the
beyond the boundaries of Mercyhurst College this summer? though it was on a Saturday had about teaching with seven opportunities to network with
Then apply for a Summer Study Abroad Grant. For more morning. first and second-year teachers in other teachers from the com-
information contact Dr. Michele Crumley at 115 Preston Hall, While some students may have the form of a panel discussion, munity and allowed them to pre-
824-2342, or Submissions will be had favorite sessions, Byrnes held in Taylor Little Theater. pare for their future careers.
accepted until Feb. 20, 2008. Award announcements will be mentioned the importance of all
made in early April. the sessions.
“I really think that each session
was a piece of the puzzle,” she said. Can’t find any more copies of
Live from New York City “I though they were all helpful
The “Live from NY’s 92nd Street Y” broadcast series is com- in different ways and I learned the Merciad?
ing to Mercyhurst’s Taylor Little Theatre, allowing viewers to everything from how to get
watch events occurring in New York City in real time, including free art materials to keeping
lectures by newsmakers, political figures, opinion-shapers and occupied in creative ways and to Interested in the latest news hap-
authors. best prepare for student teach-
ing.” pening on campus?
Graduate Assistant and coordi-
MCAT, LSAT Prep Courses offered nator of the event Jillian Perfetti
Kaplan classroom prep courses for the Medical College
Admissions Tests (MCAT) and the Law School Admission Test
said that the expo was helpful to
the students.
Go to for
(LSAT)will be offered at Penn State Behrend this month. The “The expo went really well and up-to-date news.
MCAT course begins Thursday, Jan.17; the LSAT, Wednesday, 110 students came,” she said.
Jan. 30. There will be another expo
next year and Perfetti is already preparing for it.
PAGE 6 NEWS Jan. 23, 2008

Election 2008
Listen before
going to the polls
It seems many Americans are already getting stuck in the
political muck of the 2008 Presidential race. Between the in-
party bickering and the across-party mudslinging, it’s no wonder
Americans are getting lost.
Still, I can’t help but be shocked at how many people are
caught up in the issues that absolutely do not matter. Once
again we are allowing ourselves to be blinded be by the subtle
sensationalism of a political race.
I have friends, even relatives, who support a candidate com-
pletely based on the candidate’s
Commentary position on one issue.
“I don’t really know what their
By Casey Greene stance on the War in Iraq is,”
they say. “But he or she shows
emotion and we need someone like that in charge.”
I also have family and friends who vote against candidates

based on the same reasoning. Sen. John Edwards is a 2008 Dr. Ron Paul is a 2008
“Oh yes,” they say. “So and so has a wonderful plan for Democratic presidential Republican presidential
educational funding, a brilliant foreign relations idea and wants
to bring jobs back to the States, but I can’t vote for them. He
candidate. candidate.
or she believes in more rigid guns laws and I hunt.” Health Care: “More than any of the presi- Health Care: “(The Government) is more
A popular topic of today’s debate is race versus gender. I’ve dential candidates, John Edwards has come involved in medicine than many other
overheard countless conversations about the pros and cons up with a specific and plausible plan that areas and you see a skyrocketing of
of having a black president versus having a female president. provides for health care coverage for all prices.” - Paul
Wake up, people. Once they’re sitting in the Oval Office, the
Americans.” - Nicholas Kristof, The New York
color of their skill and their anatomy will not be our biggest
concern. The race and gender of our candidates do not matter; Times War in Iraq: “ The only proper way to go
it is all about the issues. to war, the only legal way to go to war,
I encourage you to think a few years ahead, to when we leave War in Iraq: “We don’t need debate; we the only constitutional way to go to war is
college. It’s not that far down the road. Three months after don’t need non-binding resolutions; we to declare the war, by the congress, not
graduation we will have to pay for our own insurance. Not need to end this war. In order to get the Iraqi by the president. The people should be
longer after that, taxes. We will be job-hunting, buying homes people to take responsibility for their coun- behind it.” - Paul
and paying mortgages. try, we must show them that we are serious
During those years, do you think we are going to care more about leaving, and the best way to do that is Immigration: “We are spread so thin
about if our president shows emotion or if they are bringing to actually start leaving.” - Edwards that we have too few troops defending
jobs back into the U.S.; if they are for capital punishment or
America. And now, there are new calls
if they are organizing universal health care? While all issues
matter, some are more relevant. Immigration: “The administration may for a draft of our young men and women.
On Jan. 30 the next Republican Presidential Debate will be think domestic defense is about changing We can continue to fund and fight no-win
aired from Calif. And the Democratic Presidential Debate will the color code from yellow to orange. Let me police actions around the globe, or we can
be broadcast on Jan. 31. tell you something: the colors that will make refocus on securing America and bring the
I encourage you to turn on the debate and close your eyes. America safer are firefighter red, EMT white, troops home.” - Paul
Forget what the candidate looks like and what their last name and police officer blue.” - Edwards
is. Just listen. Ask yourself, do you like what you hear?
Jan. 23, 2008 NEWS PAGE 7

King Day observed in ’09 Erie ‘stuffed

By Ashley Pastor
Staff writer

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

has been recognized nationwide
the bus’ full rejection,” said Hurley. “Overall,
since 1986, except for at Mercy-
By Amy Zielinski
shoppers were very coopera-
News editor
hurst College. tive.”
Monday marked the 79 birth- Bo Sutton, an AmeriCorps
day celebration of the renowned Gannon University student VISTA member of Gannon,
activist. Jarett Beavers shrugged his said it went really well despite
While the holiday is recognized shoulders as he tossed his money the weather.
by the closing of federal facilities into the donation bin. “Our volunteer turnout was
and services, Mercyhurst College He didn’t even look back; all exciting,” he said. “It’s nice to
remained fully operational. he said was, “It doesn’t hurt to see students out on a Saturday
However there is good news give.” giving their time to help someone
for all those who have been Almost 40 college students in need.”
forced to miss their classes in from Mercyhurst’s North East Erie’s 103.7 radio station,
order to partake in the day’s and Erie Campuses volunteered STAR 104, broadcasted live from
festivities. their time to help raise donations 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the Stuff the
It has been announced that for 80 local nonprofit agencies Bus event.
for the 2008-09 school year, on Jan. 19 at the second annual “This gave us a boost with
Mercyhurst will recognize the “Stuff the Bus” at Wal-Mart, publicity and provided music
holiday by cancelling classes Martin Luther King Day is a national holiday that Mercyhurst 1900 Keystone Drive. on-site,” said Hurley. “The
for the day. College will observe starting next year. Customers at Wal-Mart do- donations started coming more
Junior Kara Branby thinks it nated nearly 300 goods including steadily at that point.”
is a good idea that the college students still have opportunities Dr. King were offered, includ- school supplies, hygiene items “Volunteers have stepped up
has made the decision to cancel to celebrate the holiday. ing the Protestant Liturgy for and paper towels, and $327.86 to make it all happen,” he said.
classes. “Emails were sent to faculty the Celebration of Life at 7 was raised in money donations. “We can always dream of the
“Students will be able to take members and administration p.m. Sunday, Jan. 20, in Prince Volunteers worked in two- day when we need a second bus,
part in the events around Erie, asking to allow students to of Peace Chapel in the student hour intervals starting at 8 a.m. but today was very successful
and take notice of what a great celebrate by partaking in the union and the noon Mass in until 8 p.m., handing out flyers and I am proud of that,” said
person Martin Luther King events held on that day,” said Christ the King Chapel on to customers as they entered Hurley.
Jr. was for our country,” said Marrero. Monday, Jan. 21. Wal-Mart.
Branby. “It’s a national holiday Marrero said that permission On Monday, the school hosted The flyers had various supplies
for a reason.” slips were also available at each
event for students to have proof
a breakfast, transportation to
the march that took place down-
that the patrons could donate to Commitment
Petrina Marrero of the Marion the non-profit agencies.
Shane Multicultural Center is also of attendance.
Senior Tor rie Car uso is
town, and the MLK Reflection
Reception in the Student Union
Freshmen Jill Leaness and to accuracy
happy that the college is going to Jessica Carley were two students
live up to its mission. pumped to hear about the col- Great Room, made possible who offered their time by col-
lege’s decision to not hold classes through the college’s Diversity
To report corrections
“Following the mission means lecting money from customers
recognizing a day to celebrate for next year’s MLK day. Enrichment Grant program. as they entered Wal-Mart. and clarifications,
someone such as Dr. King, who “If I had off class, I would On Thursday, Jan. 24, a Unity “It’s a good opportunity to contact managing
was so passionate in his beliefs, definitely take advantage of Night Dance will be held in the get involved in the community,” editor Casey Greene
as the school should be urging the events the school offers for Student Union Great Room said Carley.
students to be able to do,” said Dr. King’s remembrance,” said from 10 p.m. to midnight. Par- AmeriCorps Volunteer in
at mgeditormerciad@
Marrero. Caruso. ticipants are urged to wear white Service to America (VISTA) or
Despite classes being held On Tuesday, Jan. 15, the multi- and come together in the spirit member Colin Hurley said (814) 824-2376.
and the college up and running, cultural center hosted a birthday of peace and unity. the day was freezing and
celebration in honor of the late MLK day is just the lead into
the Marion Shane Multicultural
Center and Student Activities Dr. King. the celebration of Black His-
was ver y thankful for all
of the volunteers and dona-
Corrections from
Committee have hosted an array The 15 is the date of King’s
actual birthday, while the holiday
tory Month which begins in
tions. Jan. 16 issue
of events commemorating Dr. “Shivering in the cold and
King. is recognized every third Monday Keep your eyes and ears open asking for donations for local A paragraph was repeated
Marrero assures that just in the month of January. for festivities the college will non-profit agencies is not easy, on the political page under
because classes are not cancelled, Special liturgies recognizing likely be hosting for the month. especially if you can’t stand Hillary Clinton’s section.
PAGE 8 NEWS Jan. 23, 2008

‘Focus the Nation’ addresses global warming

really intrigued by the idea and wind power, and our recently mate scientists will present five The presentation, delivered by
By Tim Hucko
hope that students will take a developed green landscape master strategies designed to reduce global warming outreach coor-
Contributing writer
personal interest in their future. plan,” Gamble said. “We’ve also carbon emissions 80 percent by dinator of PennFuture, Sharon
Fresh on the heels of its taken many other steps towards 2050 and will ask participants Pillar, will address the effects of
Mercyhurst College will join environmental speaker series, establishing the college as nationwide to text their opin- global warming on the Northeast
forces with over 1,100 schools, “Good People Gather,” and the a model of sustainability ions and votes for a collective U.S., the Great Lakes, Pennsylva-
students, scientists and other installation of energy-saving like creating a sustainability solution. nia and the Erie Region.
professionals to participate solar panels on its main campus, minor as part of our science On Thursday, Jan. 31, a Politi- Green Team Chair Snyder is
in Focus the Nation on Jan. 30 planners here hope that Mercy- cur ricula and incor porat- cal Roundtable and Reception very pleased with the scheduled
and 31. hurst is moving toward a tipping ing the use of geothermal energy in the Mercy Heritage Room events and hopes to see more in
Focus the Nation is a national point in awareness and ecological in some building construction.” with Congressman Phil English the future.
educational initiative on global change. Kicking off the two-day state representatives Patrick Har- “Although it has always been
warming solutions for America. Sophomore Patrick Barrett awareness campaign on Jan. kins and Curt Sonney; County an uphill battle for us to gen-
The Mercyhurst programming said, “I heard all of the speak- 30 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., will Council Chairman Joseph Giles; erate awareness,” said Snyder,
is being facilitated by Dr. James ers and would like to see more be the Guelcher Film Series County Councilman David “I sense that perhaps there is
Snyder, Dr. David Hyland and changes on campus to promote documentary, The 11 th Hour, Mitchell; Millcreek Township a change in the tide now, not
Dr. Chris Magoc, with support a cleaner environment right here about the state of the global Supervisor Lawrence Curtis and just for the Green Team, but for
from president of the Student in Erie.” environment, including vision- Erie Mayor Joseph Sennott’s rep- the bigger issues the Green Team
Green Team, Angela Phillips. Mercyhurst President Dr. ar y and practical solutions resentative Sarah Galloway will is engaged in.”
This multi-media event is Tom Gamble said, “Mercyhurst for restoring the planet’s eco- be held to discuss local issues and Fellow event leader and Biol-
expected to reach close to one College believes it is incumbent systems. solutions to the daunting subject ogy Chair Dr. David Hyland
million students nationwide to upon all of us in academia to Senior Anne Sobol said, “I saw of global warming. hopes students respond with
help raise awareness of these address the critical issue of the posters around campus and To close out the proceedings, great interest and attend as many
issues. global warming by educating the thought these films and presenta- a slide show presentation titled events as they can.
Through collaboration with leaders of tomorrow who stand tions could be interesting.” “An Inconvenient Truth for Is global war ming real?
students, faculty and profes- to inherit this global challenge. Later that evening, a live, inter- the Erie Region and Beyond,” Here’s a great opportunity
sionals Focus the Nation hopes “Mercyhurst has long been active webcast, The 2% Solution, adapted from the Academy for you to learn more and decide
to perhaps devise a solution for a frontr unner in the green produced by the National Wildlife Award-winning documentary for yourself.
our nation’s future in the coming movement among higher edca- Federation will be streamed across film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n ,
years. tion institutions in Pennsylvania, the entire Mercyhurst network. will be shown in the Walker please visit www.focusthenation.
Students like Ryan Heise are as proven by our purchase of During that webcast, cli- Recital Hall. org.

Literacy fair benefits ’Hurst, Erie community

expected to attend the event. own literature piece to read to will be given a stamp for their students participating in the
By Amy Zielinski
Colin Hurley, AmeriCorps the children. “passport.” literacy fair.
News editor
Volunteer in Service to America “Taking the time to make a Michele Garvey, a post bac- “I definitely wish that an event
(VISTA) member, is coordinat- child feel important by engaging calaureate student at Mercyhurst such as the literacy fair would
Mercyhurst College will host ing the event along with edu- his or her literacy skills and cre- College, says it’s a keepsake for have been done in the past
its very first literacy fair in the cation majors enrolled in the ativity can open the child’s eyes,” the students and a way to show when I took children’s literature,
Student Union on Wednesday, children’s literature course. Hurley said. accomplishment. but hopefully it will be a huge
Jan. 30 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 “Our goal is to have children “My hope is that Mercyhurst “It will be great to have hands- success and continue into the
p.m. think positively about books and students will encounter that one on experience with the children,” future,” Newell said. “This event
The fair is designed to expose learning,” said Dr. Tim Frawley, child who surprises him or her said Garvey. shows that Mercyhurst is a college
children, from kindergarden assistant professor of eduction by making some impression,” Junior Nathan Ratkovsky committed not only to educat-
to third grade, to literature and at Mercyhurst College, who he added. agreed. ing its own students about the
activities to build their interest teaches the children’s literature There is work currently being “Since we’re all going to be broader world around them, but
in reading. class. done to create “passports” for teachers, it’s great that we are is also committed to reaching
The literacy fair is part of “We are looking for the child’s the children as incentives. Stu- getting this experience now,” he out to the Erie community in
the Mercyhurst Diversity grant reading response,” he said. “We dents will be able to choose at said. “It exposes us to work with positive and effective ways.”
entitled “Skills and Interest for want to plan activities that engage least three tables to which they students and to become more Frawley would like to see the
College.” the students.” would like to go. When students comfortable with them.” event continue in the future.
Over 50 children from dif- Nearly 30 students from Fraw- are finished listening to the story Senior Sandy Newell is glad “It gives an added dimension to
ferent non-profit agencies are ley’s class will be selecting their and completed the activity, they to see Mercyhurst education the students,” he said.
Jan. 23, 2008 NEWS PAGE 9

Career services’ monitors inform students

cyhurst-specific material will
By Jen Helbig
appear on the monitors in the
Staff writer
coming weeks.
“We submitted to the com-
Newly installed monitors on pany a whole CD of photo-
campus may increase students’ graphs of Mercyhurst. We
exposure to information from have the ability to put more
the Career Services office. information on there; all that
The monitors are locat- we have to do is email them
ed in the basement of the the information, and the turn-
student union near the Sub- around time is almost immedi-
Connection and near 204 ate,” he said.
Old Main, the location of Senior Nicole Ruffo has not
the Career Services office. seen the monitors but said that
Associate Director of Career she thinks they will be a valu-
Services Frank Rizzone and able service to students.
Director of the Office of “Because I’m a senior, it
Career Services Robert Hvezda would be nice to see reminders
were part of a team that chose applying to graduate school
to install the new monitors. deadlines. I guess the normal
“We were doing some re- deadlines for graduate school
search online last summer and are around January, and if
came across some information students were reminded in Scoot Williams photo
that this new company was out the fall it might keep them on New monitors will help inform students about Mercyhurst College’s Career Services Office.
there,” Rizzone said. track because they would be The monitors are set up in the Laker and in Old Main.
“Robert [Hvezda] and I did reminded about their applica-
some investigating and found tions,” she said. lar location (in Old Main) dors club. The monitors will ing up an internship. The
that some other top colleges “One of the challenging because we have many offer different information secretary and Kyle Faust were
and universities had signed on things we have encountered in recruiters that will be visiting and reminders that other helpful resources. Students
and were very pleased with communicating messages and Mercyhurst,” Rizzone said. sources might not touch on,” should visit the Career Servic-
what they received.” information out to the student “We envision that the moni- she said. es office because it’s something
“We contacted them and they body,” Rizzone said. tors will be used for putting up “I have been up to Career very helpful that Mercyhurst
sent a representative to visit “We have such a diverse announcements about recruit- Services before for help look- offers.”
Mercyhurst, and we scouted population with students that ers that will be coming in.”
some locations. The monitors live on campus and those Recruiters pay to advertise
on the monitors, which is ben-

Want to write
were installed just after New that are commuting daily.
Year’s,” Rizzone said. We can now reach students eficial to them because word
The monitors feature infor- from numerous majors and spreads to students who might
apply for positions at their

for the
mation for students that can classes, with the latest cutting
help them gain an internship, edge career information that companies so there is no cost
a job, improve interviewing ability is literally at our fin- to the students.
The monitors went online

skills and more. gertips.”
Junior Katie Wootton, has “In addition, trying to get to all only two weeks ago and Riz-
seen the monitors around cam- of those age brackets is tough. zone said that more informa-
pus and was interested in some We use posters, e-mail, word tion will be added on career
of the tips they featured. of mouth and announcements tips, resources and employers
“The interviewing techniques from faculty already, so any advertising for full time em-
are helpful. “They’re tips you new method of getting mes ployees and interns.
don’t really think about but sages across is something we Wootton has heard publicity Contact
they’re good to know,” Woot- are proud to offer students,” about Career Services prior to
ton said. “I think if they put he said. the monitors. Casey Greene at
“One of my psychology
deadlines and dates for im-
portant paperwork or events
Rizzone said that the moni-
tors were placed in high traffic professors talked to us about mgeditormerciad
on the monitors it would be
helpful to students.”
areas for visibility to students
and recruiters.
the services that the Career
Services office offers. I also
Rizzone said that more Mer- “We chose this particu- heard about it in Ambassa-
PAGE 10 NATIONAL NEWS Jan. 23, 2008

NYC fast-food outlets required to post calories

many more cities, counties and Some New Yorkers said those that had not.
By Karen Matthers
states will require menu labeling they would ignore the calorie Chuck Hunt, a
Associated Press
once they see how easy it is for information if it were posted. spokesman for
these chains to list calories on “I think it’s a foolish idea,” the New York
NEW YORK - Want 300-calorie menus.” said Patricia Conboy, who Restaurant
fries with that? But J. Justin Wilson, senior was eating a hamburger at a Association,
The city Board of Health research analyst at the Center for McDonald’s in Manhattan. said the
voted Tuesday to approve a Consumer Freedom, called the At a Burger King, where group had
new version of a law requiring new law an example of “nanny- the calories were posted in a not decided
fast-food outlets to display state public health policies.” separate area away from the whether to
calorie counts on their menus, “It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in menu board, Eloisa Malhurin challenge
hoping the fat-filled truth will nutrition, let alone a high school said she had not noticed the the latest
shock New Yorkers into eating diploma, to tell the difference calorie counts although she tries version of
healthier. between a 12-piece bucket of to watch what she eats. the law.
The regulation, which takes chicken and a salad,” he said. “I’m having this burger now Hunt said
effect March 31, was altered The regulation affects but that’s it for the day,” she the regulation
slightly after a judge rejected the fast-food chains because their said. “Maybe some tea.” would not stop
city’s first attempt last year. standardized menus make it New York City, which people from
The new regulation applies feasible to determine calorie banned trans-fat-laden cooking eating fattening
to any chain that operates at least counts. oils from all restaurants last year, foods.
15 separate outlets, including The restaurants will be is believed to be the first U.S. city He pointed
those that don’t currently required to display calorie to enact a regulation requiring to the nutritional
provide any information on counts “in close proximity” to calories on menus. Since then, information
calories. Major fast-food chains items on their menus or menu California lawmakers and those that is already
make up about 10 percent of boards in letters and numbers at in King County in Washington, required on
the city’s restaurants. least as big as the name of the which includes Seattle, have packaged items
Several chains, such as item or the price. considered similar bills. sold in stores.
McDonald’s and Burger King, Health Commissioner Dr. The earlier version of New “It’s been done
have the information available Thomas Frieden said the law York City’s law was struck down in supermarkets
but don’t list it on their menu would strike a blow against in September by U.S. District for 13 years,”
boards. obesity by helping consumers Judge Richard Holwell, who Hunt said. “Has
“It’s going to get a lot easier to make informed choices. said it conflicted with federal it worked? Has
make informed choices at New “Today in New York food labeling laws. obesity declined?”
York City’s chain restaurants this City, two-thirds of adults are But he indicated that the
spring,” said Margo Wootan, overweight or obese, and half rule would not seem to conflict Photo credit:
nutrition policy director for of children are overweight or if it were mandatory both for h t t p : / / w e b l o g s. s u n -
the Center for Science in the obese,” he said. “It’s a serious restaurants that had posted
Public Interest. “We expect that epidemic.” nutritional information and for applefrieslowres.jpg

Study: False statements issued before Iraq invasion

an orchestrated campaign that position that the world community Named in the study along of mass destruction in Iraq
By Douglass Daniel
effectively galvanized public viewed Iraq’s leader, Saddam with Bush were top officials of and 28 about Iraq’s links to al-
Associated Press
opinion and, in the process, Hussein, as a threat. the administration during the Qaida, the study found. That
led the nation to war under The study counted 935 period studied: Vice President was second only to Powell’s 244
A study by two nonprofit decidedly false pretenses.” false statements in the two-year Dick Cheney, national security false statements about weapons
journalism organizations found The study was posted period. It found that in speeches, adviser Condoleezza Rice, of mass destruction in Iraq and
that President Bush and top Tuesday on the Web site of briefings, interviews and other Defense Secretary Donald H. 10 about Iraq and al-Qaida.
administration officials issued the Center for Public Integrity, venues, Bush and administration Rumsfeld, Secretary of State The center said the study was
hundreds of false statements about which worked with the Fund for officials stated unequivocally Colin Powell, Deputy Defense based on a database created with
the national security threat from Independence in Journalism. on at least 532 occasions that Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and public statements over the two
Iraq in the two years following the White House spokesman Scott Iraq had weapons of mass White House press secretaries Ari years beginning on Sept. 11, 2001,
2001 terrorist attacks. Stanzel did not comment on the destruction or was trying to Fleischer and Scott McClellan. and information from more than
The study concluded that merits of the study Tuesday night produce or obtain them or had Bush led with 259 false 25 government reports, books,
the statements “were part of but reiterated the administration’s links to al-Qaida or both. statements, 231 about weapons articles, speeches and interviews.
Jan. 23, 2008 FEATURES/NEWS PAGE 11

Actor Heath Ledger found dead

and gawkers began gathering that another young, hot actor
By Tom Hays
Tuesday evening outside the is using drugs,” said senior
Associated Press
building on an upscale block, Amanda Kaiser. “It’s sad
where several police officers because he has a kid and he was
Heath Ledger was found dead guarded the door. a good actor. I guess he just got
Tuesday, Jan. 22 at a downtown Ledger was to appear as the ahold of the wrong stuff.”
Manhattan apartment, and Joker this year in “The Dark Other students expressed the
police said drugs may have been Night,” a sequel to 2005’s same response.
a factor. The Australian-born “Batman Begins.” He’s had “I wouldn’t be surprised if it
actor was 28. starring roles in “A Knight’s was Britney Spears, but Heath
Ledger had an appointment Tale,” “The Patriot,” and played Ledger is shocking,” said junior
for a massage at the residence the suicidal son of Billy Bob Laura Drathman. “I would
in the tiny SoHo neighbor- Thornton in “Monster’s Ball.” never have expected that.”
hood, NYPD spokesman Paul Mercyhurst College students More than anything, however,
Browne said. A housekeeper had similar reactions to the was sadness for the loss of a
who went to let him know the shocking news. talented actor.
massage therapist had arrived “Oh my God, really?” said “His death is traumatic
found him dead at 3:26 p.m. sophomore Trevor Sones. because he was a good actor,”
Ledger has a two-year-old daughter with former girlfriend, A large crowd of paparazzi “I guess I’m not surprised said freshman Mike Cirbus.
actress Michelle Williams.

Students see difference in clothing choices

Senior Roland Andris from Cubus is a company based
By Sandy Watro
Dieselstrasse, Germany, empha- out of Norway and is similar
Staff writer
sized the diversity seen in men’s to H&M.
clothing and how it is drastically Cubus offers men’s and wom-
Europe has long served as the different over seas. en’s sportswear at affordable
catalyst and muse for fashion He said that “street style” prices.
across the globe. is commonly seen along with For instance, a well-made ski
Out of Paris, Milan, London, the prevalence of what is jacket costs $54.90 and match-
Tokyo, New York, Los Ange- commonly referred to as the ing ski pants sells for $36.40.
les and other fashion capitals “metro” look, which is more Krolikowska also divulged
worldwide, America seems to streamlined to the body and that she is not fond of the fact
always have the slowest uptake styled with modern details. that she finds a vast number
on new trends in the fashion “I grew up with a fusion of of the female population at
industry. the hip-hop culture and high Mercyhurst wearing the color
This can also apply to the fashion,” Andris said. “To pink.
technology industry. me, both are acceptable, and Lately, the trend of wearing
For example, in Asia your overall I think Europeans have pink, particularly light pink, has
new phone you got for Christ- less hesitation than Americans crossed into the male market,
mas is the equivalent of some- to wear something unusual or perhaps never to return.
thing Zack Morris would have out-of-the-box.” Perhaps our light-hearted
owned. This fashion opinion is the and casual attitude has been Stores like H&M and Cubus strive to offer unique, fashion-
Has our culture become so case with the female popula- translated in American ways able clothing for a variety of nationalities.
casual that we have become tion, as well. of dressing and also into an
dismissed in the broad picture Freshman Kinga Krolikowska industry that lacks substance might hold some truth. revolution.
of massive industries in the of Chelm, Poland also agrees in contrast with the world Protestors of the Vietnam Overall, European designers
worldwide market? with Andris on the issue. market. War served as the individuals to may serve as the inspiration via
There are a number of Euro- “American students tend Anna Wintour, editor-in- attribute to the rise of popular- the trickle-down theory.
pean students here at Mercy- to dress in Victoria’s Secret, chief of Vogue, the nation’s ity in wearing denim. But, one can clearly dis-
hurst College who feel dra- whereas international students, most prestigious fashion maga- This casual, laid back style cern the connection between
matic differences in the way especially Europeans, tend zine, would probably argue oth- seems to highlight and hall- a country’s cultural norms and
Americans and international to dress in H&M, C&A and erwise, but from a grassroots mark the cultural and societal its impact on how its people
students dress. Cubus,” she said. perspective this conviction attitudes during this time of choose to dress.
PAGE 12 FEATURES Jan. 23, 2008

Technology rises, DVD sales slip

that she still visits video stores
By Chris James
to rent and purchase DVDs,
Staff writer
but the other options are ap-
It is a Saturday night, and you “It is pretty convenient to
are hanging out in your apart- order a movie online and not
ment with some friends. leave the house,” she said.
With nothing better to do, Sophomore Angela Fortuna-
you decide that a movie will to tends to make the purchases
help pass the time. from the Internet.
Where the movies are com- “Usually, I can get them at
ing from is changing recently Amazon,” she said. “They are
as sales slip, thanks to both cheaper and I know that they
online subscription and illegal will have a good quality when
downloading. I get them. Sometimes though,
Ever since DVDs were re- I do buy them at stores while
leased to the public, they have I’m shopping.”
risen in popularity with the Many factors could be blamed
passing of each year. for the decline in sales.
However this year, sales The ease of movie download-
slowed and left the market ing, both legally and illegally,
with millions of dollars less brings a movie to you nearly
compared to sales in 2006. instantly without forcing you
The rental market has re- to leave your home. Scoot Williams photo

mained level with previous The bigger chains such as Video stores like Family Video may suffer sales due to increased online subscriptions.
years, and lately, the option Netflix and Blockbuster deliver
to download movies from the movies of your choice directly compared to how often con- a rented movie will be in when bring success back to DVD
Internet is becoming far more to your home for a monthly fee, sumers will frequent a video you get it home. Slipping sales sales, this year they have made
popular. and even ordinary rental stores retail location. could also have a lot to do with up only about one percent of
People find the DVDs that are cheaper if you only want to “I almost never rent,” said Blu-Ray and HD-capable TV’s the market.
they buy in a wide variety of see the movie once. Fortunato. “I like to have the coming out.” However if this percentage
places, including online, in the These online subscriptions movies on hand, and I know While it is true that the new does not rise, sales could con-
store or through the mail. fequently offer a faster turn- that I can take care of them. technology such as Blu-Ray tinue to decline while the online
Senior Megan Shoup says around in movie deliveries You don’t know the condition and HD DVDs could perhaps market continues to grow.

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Jan. 23, 2008 FEATURES PAGE 13

THE LAKER Fun Web sites

Winter Term
Galley Grill to bust the
M-Ham and Cheese on
S-Laker Burger
M- Steak Salad
boredom blues
Microsoft Publisher doesn’t
T- Soft Tacos T- Open Face Turkey Sandwich By Allie Miniri
always work,” said senior Kyle
W- Potato Bowl W-Slice Of Pizza, 5 Wings Staff writer
Craig. “With,
Th- Turkey Reuben Th- Swedish Meatballs w/ Noodles we can make some cool things
F- Sizzle Salad F- Chicken and Biscuits Ever find yourself sitting in quickly and for free.”
S- Southwest Burger S - Cup of Chili w/ Cheese, Side of front of the computer with Feeling out of the loop?
Nacho Chips endless possibilities at your Get hooked up with the slang
Board Specials fingertips, yet you can think of of today at urbandictionary.
Hours of Operation: absolutely nothing better than com and get some instant
Lunch $4.75
e-mail or Facebook? street cred.
Dinner $5.50 Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-1:00 a.m. Fear not, for here is a list of Senior Kelly Cofrancisco is a
Saturday 1:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. boredom busters on the web. fan of this site.
Sunday 5:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. Sick of YouTube? “Urban Dictionary is off the
Check out, a hook,” she said. “I have the
Look for New Menu Items! Web application that turns your book and the Web site is just
Mac & Cheese Bites Black Bean Burger digital photos and music into a funny.”
New Salads: professional-looking video. With the increase in technol-
Chicken BLT-Veggie(no cheese)-Spinach-Asian Chicken- Users sign up for free and can ogy in music, online sites are
Greek-Caesar make an unlimited number of catering to music fans’ tastes.
30-second videos to share with is an inter-
Subconnection friends over the Internet.
Users can also pay just three
active online radio, similar to, that lets the user
6” Sub $3.75 Combo $4.75 Special Features dollars for a full-length video to choose the mood and type of
download to a computer. music to play, then creates a
12”Sub $5.75 Combo $6.75 Wrap combo-Veggie $5.59 Mercyhurst College Intelli- mind map and custom playl-
other wraps $5.79 gence Studies students received ist.
‘Wrap It Yourself’- Veggie $3.99 a link to this Web site from And for those surfers who
Baja and Buffalo Chicken Subs:
Professor Wheaton. are more interested in fashion,
6” Sub $4.00 Combo $5.25 other wraps $ 4.19 “Animoto is a much better Web sites are popping up all
12” Sub $6.00 Combo $ 7.00 Hours of Operation: way to make slideshows that over the place.
Monday-Friday 11:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. are more interesting than Pow- is one of the cool-
erPoints,” said sophomore est place to shop for hand-
Saturday 1:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Cerissa Lynch. made items on the Web from
Sunday 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Another site that is worth small businesses all around the
checking out is bighugelabs. world.
com. It has the feeling of thou-
Laker Express This is an awesome photo
editing resource.
sands of chic boutiques all on
one site.
Board Equivalency Available: Look for Laker Express Anyone can make really neat Users can find what they are
projects that look like they were looking for by keyword, or pick
11:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Minute Meals! made by graphic designers. a color and see what products
For most projects all you have come up.
Board Specials Hours of Operation: to do is upload a digital photo “I don’t like to buy things
Lunch $4.75 Mon.-Thurs. 11:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and click “go.” that I know everyone else will
For some projects, students already have,” said junior Vicky
Dinner $5.50 Friday 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. may be required to sign in, but Fleisner. “That’s why I think
Saturday & Sunday Closed it is free to sign up. this Web site is awesome.”
“For SAC we often have to All products are unique and
do a lot of image work and often eco-friendly.
PAGE 14 FEATURES Jan. 23, 2008

I Food Fix
With Meg
ERI College kids love pizza!
But sometimes we all need a
little variation, even from our
for a quick meal.
However it does make great
leftovers that can be eaten cold
favorites. or hot on the go.
This is a great homemade Not only is this a tasty meal
pizza with a little twist. but it is very well-balanced
Julio and Lilia Reyes are the owners of Latinos.
Instead of the traditional with all of the necessities on
tomato sauce, this recipe gives the pizza, including vegetables,

Classic Mexican at Latinos

a Mexican taste by adding some chicken and bread.
salsa and chili powder, as well As always, you can add any-
as peppers and onions. thing that you may want to
This is a little more difficult make this dish fit your tastes.
“My cuisine is Mexico City Dinner dishes start around and time consuming, so it
By Shelley Turk
style: Classic Mexican,” says $12 and come with soup or might not be the best choice -Meghan Dolney
Staff writer
Reyes. “My family has been salad.
cooking this kind of food for Dessert is also on the menu
Looking for authentic Mexi-
can food in a welcoming en-
generations now.”
Signature dishes include
including flan, a custard served
in a light caramel sauce, which
Fajita Pizza
vironment that is close to “Comida Corrida,” a dinner is a Mexican favorite.
campus? special that is changed daily The restaurant is open for
Latinos Restaurant Bar is from a selection of over 300 lunch Tuesday through Satur- Ingredients
located at 1315 Parade Street, recipes. day from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
near the corner of Parade and Appetizers like guacamole, and dinner from 5 p.m. to 10 1 tbsp. olive oil
12th Streets. ceviche and tamales can help p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. 2 chicken breasts, cut into strips
Open since 1996, Latinos start your meal off in the right The bar area is open until 2 1 clove garlic
has been serving up authentic direction. a.m. on the weekends. 1-2 tsp. chili powder
dishes with family recipes and Chiles Rellenos, a fresh roast- Traditional hospitality, salsa
fresh ingredients. ed poblano pepper stuffed with music and a fully stocked bar 1 cup onion, sliced
Owners Julio Reyes and wife your choice of beef or cheese continue to bring customers 1 cup red or green pepper, cut into strips
Lilia say that they serve only and topped with tomato sauce, back to Latinos Restaurant. 10 oz. pizza crust, in a can
authentic Mexican dishes to is another signature dish at Visit Latinos for an experi- ½ cup salsa
Erieites. Latinos. ence like no other.
2 cups Monterey jack cheese

Get to know... Directions

Name: Anna Hamilton 1.) Heat the oil in a pan and add the chicken.
Year: Senior Cook it for about five minutes.
Major: Studio-Theatre Arts 2.) Add the garlic, chili powder, onions and
Hometown: Manchester, Md. peppers and then cook for another minute.
Favorite thing about Mercyhurst: Warde. It is frankly 3.) Heat the oven to 425 degrees.
the best place to live on campus.
Least favorite thing: The school’s lack of support for 4.) Unroll the dough onto a pizza pan and
student-run theatre. There has been a lot of opposition bake for 8-10 minutes.
to student-directed plays on campus not to mention the 5.) Spoon the chicken mixture over the crust
complications to get space to perform or any kind of and then add salsa on top of that. Sprinkle with
money. cheese.
Anna Hamilton
Campus activities: Kettle Bell, Drama Guild, Seussical 6.) Bake 15-18 minutes in the oven.
the Musical
Jan. 23, 2008 FEATURES PAGE 15

Getting rid of restlessness Senior Rhonda Marable with irregular class schedules,”
By Carla Hart
swims over 14 hours a week, he said.
Staff writer
practicing with Mercyhurst’s Kerr recommends 20-minute
water polo team. naps and establishing a routine
Being tired is not uncommon “Early morning practices to help with tiredness.
and is a growing epidemic. wake me up, and I can have “I would suggest for students
The Better Sleep Council a full day so I’m exhausted at to try to wake up at the same
reports that “65 percent of night, and evening practices just time each day even if you don’t
the people surveyed are losing wear me out,” Marable said. have classes,” said Kerr. “That
sleep due to stress, 32 percent She admits to being tired way, you will get tired around
are losing sleep once a week sometimes but won’t com- the same time each day.”
and 16 percent experience plain. Likewise, senior Meg Marong
stress-induced insomnia.” Similarly sophomore Ryan recommends natural reme-
Health experts from John Kerr is athletic and also main- dies and time-management to
Hopkins Medicine report that tains healthy sleep patterns. ensure adequate sleep.
relaxation techniques, limiting He dances in musical the- “What helps me sleep is
caffeine intake and exercising atre, practicing over 14 hours making sure that I am drinking
are all beneficial natural rem- a week. lots of water and green tea,
edies for overall restful sleep. Scoot Williams photo
“I overlap,” Kerr said, mean- getting a lot of exercise and
Sleeping pills and antidotes Many students lay awake at night, suffering from ing he dances and performs in making sure that I have every-
may cure symptoms, but can sleeplessness. one show after the next. “I can’t thing done for the next day,”
also lose potency. Sometimes see it as work because I enjoy said Marong.
dependencies may occur. cal rhythm disorders, such as but it can be done. it so much.” For more information on
According to the Better Sleep problems adhering to a sleep Mercyhurst College students Although Kerr is athletic healthy sleep patterns and
Council, “A melatonin dose of schedule or jet lag.” maintain their sleep patterns with high energy levels, he still stress induced insomnia, go
0.3 mg nightly is recommended Maintaining normal sleep with healthy lifestyles and cre- becomes tired. to or
for individuals with biologi- patterns may require discipline, ativity. “I fall into a cycle each term

Grocery shopping offers galore of choices

grocery store to visit. reached yet another area of our checked off the list and a price at home and sometimes it would
By Stacey Minchin
“As an underclassman I don’t daily routines. will be tallied. be nice to have them,” said
Staff writer
have a car, which means I am Thanks to Microsoft, gro- The technology can also be sophomore Marissa Petroff.
forced to take the shuttle,” she cery stores are beginning to used to send advertisements “I have an Advantage Card for
Wal-Mart, Wegmans, Giant said. “The only grocery store go digital. to certain people, offering Giant Eagle, so that’s where I
Eagle or Tops. the shuttle goes to is Giant Starting in the second half coupons to shoppers while they do most of my shopping.”
For those of you who do go Eagle, but I can’t say that I of 2008, the software maker browse. Senior Michalle Nedley thinks
grocery shopping on a regular mind.” will experiment with a grocery It can also keep track of the this new technology could have
basis, what store do you find For those of us who do cart-mounted console that purchases people makes and its advantages, but she worries
yourself shopping in most have our own form of trans- helps shoppers find products offer discounts on the products about the downfalls to having
often? portation, choosing a grocery in the store, then scan and pay they are most likely to grab off such an innovated system.
Wal-Mart tends to offer great store that is the closest to your for their items without waiting the shelves. “I can understand the con-
low prices; although, many location might be a deciding in any lines. Even though this may seem venience of having a console
people prefer Wegmans’ brand factor. Customers with a loyalty card like the perfect way for adver- system, but where is the money
and are willing to shell out the “I prefer to shop at Wal-Mart will be able to go online and tisers to target consumers, the going to come from to imple-
extra buck for groceries. because they have everything digitally type their grocery list. console will also help customers ment this technology? I worry
Others head straight toward I need and it is conveniently When they get to the store, save money in the long run. about prices increasing as a
Giant Eagle for those great located,” said junior Kara they can swipe their card on Having a console that can result,” Nedley said.
Advantage Card deals, includ- Eltschlager. “Besides you can’t the console and the list will access coupons on the spot The new “MediaCart” is
ing savings on gas purchases. beat some of their prices.” appear. might be exactly what some going to be tested in ShopRite
Freshman Sarah Heuer does As technology improves in As shoppers pick up and scan shoppers need. supermarkets across the East
not have a choice as to which today’s world, innovations have their items, the products will be “I always forget my coupons Coast.

JAN. 15-27. Musical. “Av-
enue Q.” Palace Theatre,

JAN. 24. Erie Broadway

Series. “Chicago.” Warner
Theatre, Erie.

FEB. 22. Comedy. Larry

the Cable Guy. Tullio
Arena, Erie.

FEB. 22. Erie Broad-

way Series. “Dirty Rotten

FEB. 23. Buckwheat Sophomores Garrett Evans and Carly Rae Eisenhauer, graduate student Jessica Provenzano, and junior Scoot Williams photo

Zydeco. Reg Lenna Civic Jessica Rudisill will perform in ‘Seussical’ this weekend.
Center, Jamestown. N.Y.

M A RC H 1 . G e o r g e
Strait, Little Big Town.
‘Oh, the places you’ll go!’
director, she has enjoyed watch- the experience has been watch- short amount of time,” she said.
Quicken Loans Arena, By Nicole Cerilli
ing the interaction among all ing everything come together “ I am very proud of the cast and
Cleveland. A&E editor
of the students involved in the so well.” pit for all of the effort they are
production during the rehearsal Simoncelli performed in putting forth.”
MARCH 1. The Chief-
Mercyhurst College presents process. “Bye Bye Birdie” last year, in Trevor Sones, a sophomore
tains. Palace Theatre,
the lively and colorful student- “It’s really nice to see dif- addition to being the assistant dance major, is the show’s stu-
produced musical “Seussi- ferent-aged people become producer for that production. dent choreographer.
cal” this weekend at the Mary friends with people outside Music Director and Conduc- Sones was asked to be the
MARCH 8. Disney’s
D’Angelo Performing Arts their major who share the tor Melissa Heitzenrater, a choreographer for this year’s
“High School Musical:
Center. same love for music, dance senior music education major musical last year when he was
The Ice Tour.” Mellon
Based on the works of Dr. and acting,” Stadelman said. “It with a concentration in piano, the assistant choreographer as
Arena, Pittsburgh.
Seuss, “Seussical” tells the story really shows that the arts are for is also excited to see everything well as a supporting actor in “Bye
of Horton the Elephant who all people.” come together. Bye Birdie.”
MARCH 14. B.B. King.
hears voices coming off of a Stadelman got involved with “I recently had some cast For Sones the most enjoyable
Warner Theatre, Erie.
speck of dust on a clover. “Grease” during her freshman members come to a pit orches- part of the experience has been
The entire town of Who- year and has been participating tra rehearsal to sing with us, working with the other students
MARCH 15. K.D. Lang.
ville is on the clover, but only in the musicals on campus since and it was so nice to finally get on campus.
Center for the Arts, Uni-
Horton can hear the Whos of then. She hopes that as the a feel for how it is really going “I love working with students
versity of Buffalo.
Whoville. director of “Seussical,” she will to sound when all the pieces are my age. I find it easier to relate
So with the help of a little gain the experience she needs in place for the performance,” with them and make the process
MARCH 18. Erie Broad-
Who boy named JoJo and to direct high school musicals she said. fun and full of energy,” Sones
way Series. Michael
Horton’s neighbor, Gertrude in the future. A production of this scale said.
Flatley’s “Lord of the
the Bird, Horton is able to save Virginia Simoncelli, a senior is typically very challenging to “I also love to see the growth
the Whos. music education major with a piece together. everyone makes in their dancing
This year’s student-produced concentration in voice, is the For Heitzenrater, the biggest abilities from try-outs to show
M A RC H 2 5 . Ro b i n
musical includes 54 cast mem- producer of the show. challenge was teaching all of week,” he said.
Trower. Tralf, Buffalo.
bers. “I am very proud of the show the music. “Seussical” will be performed
Junior Kara Stadelman, a and everyone who has been “We have been working really in the PAC on Jan. 25 at 8 p.m.,
music education voice major, is helping to make it the great hard to learn all of the songs, Jan. 26 at 8 p.m. and Jan. 27 at 2
Courtesy of
the director of “Seussical.” show it is,” she said. and have learned a very large p.m. Tickets are $1 with a Mer-
Stadelman said that as the “The most enjoyable part of amount of music in a relatively cyhurst ID.

‘Does God Exist?’

By Megan O’Hare
Contributing writer

Located in the heart of New

York City, The 92nd Street Y’s
mission is to enrich the lives
of all races, faiths and back-
After more than 130 years of
success within the community,
The 92nd Street Y launched
a groundbreaking program
to help educate communities
across America.
Featuring some of the world’s
most fascinating people, the
program uses satellite technol- Contributed photo
ogy to simultaneously broadcast Christian Witkin photo The band The Devil Wears Prada will perform in the 2008 Warped Tour.
the Y’s renowned educational Christopher Hitchens, above,

Let’s get warped!

and cultural programming to and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
community organizations across will debate God’s existence.
“Though we are over 100 the ultimate religious question:
miles away from New York, our Is there a God? Bestselling
students felt that they were in authors Hitchens and Boteach summer, after the overwhelm- Street Dogs are among those
attendance at the 92nd Street pull no punches as they discuss By Greg Summy
ing success of Blessthefall and who will share the stage this
organized religion and religion’s Staff writer
Y. We filled a room with almost Scary Kids Scaring Kids on last summer.
150 students and you could place in American life. year’s tour. Ska fans will not be disap-
have heard a pin drop during Hitchens is a British-Ameri- Kevin Lyman, the head The Devil Wears Prada, Every pointed either. Reel Big Fish
the lecture,” said the University can author, journalist and liter- of annual punk rock festival, Time I Die and Norma Jean will be on Warped Tour all
of Delaware. “I would recom- ary critic. Warped Tour, announced the will be pounding out the break- summer long.
mend live satellite broadcasts He has been a columnist at first wave of bands committed downs all summer for thousands Fans of something more
of speakers to any department Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, The to the 2008 tour. of fans in every city. upbeat and danceable will
or program in order to bring Nation and Slate. His latest The list includes a broad Hip-hop, a genre usually not enjoy Warped Tour as well this
speakers to a campus that would book is “God Is Not Great: range of talented acts. associated with Warped Tour, summer.
otherwise be unavailable.” How Religion Poisons Every- “We’re striving to have a has steadily make its way to the Indie pop-rock singer and
The “Live from NY’s 92nd thing.” diverse lineup that includes a stages of the punk rock festival. songwriter Katy Perry will be
Street Y” program is a series Boteach is an American little of everything while still This year, The Lordz, a punk joining the ranks this year, as
comprised of thought-provok- Orthodox rabbi, who achieved catering to our core fan,” Lyman and hip-hop crossover band, well as pop punk up-and-comers
ing lectures and compelling worldwide recognition from the said on intense hip-hop group 3Oh!3 We The Kings.
interviews, that feature news- publication of his international The first release of bands and Shwayze, a popular indie As usual with Warped Tour
makers, political figures, opin- bestseller, “Kosher Sex.” ranges from ska, dance, pop hip-hop artist, will all be per- lineups, bands that incorporate
ion-shapers and authors who Boteach currently hosts his punk, all the way to metal. forming all summer on Warped. a mix of the heavy rock with the
discuss issues and events that own series, Shalom in the Home, The list also includes peren- Christian bands have also lighter are set to play this year.
affect our lives. a reality television show where nial favorites, as well as new- been very popular at Warped The first few among a poten-
Thanks in part to Mercyhurst he facilitates family members to comers to the tour. Tour in recent years. tially long list of like bands are
College and the Anshe Hesed overcome their problems. After a nationwide tour with The Devil Wears Prada is not The Bronx and Pierce the Veil.
Temple, this acclaimed series is The “Live from NY’s 92nd Fall Out Boy in 2006, The alone so far this year; Relient K Lyman and the rest of the
coming to Mercyhurst. Street Y” series will be held at Academy Is… will reunite with will also be spreading their faith Vans Warped Tour will be releas-
The series will continue with the Taylor Little Theatre. Tickets From First to Last on Warped to the crowds and mosh pits at ing the names of more bands in
Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi for the lecture are free for Mer- Tour this summer. Warped Tour. the coming months.
Shmuley Boteach in debate cyhurst students and faculty. The Academy Is… label This first release of bands Tour dates have not been
‘Does God Exist? on Jan.30 at Only one ticket may be pur- mates Gym Class Heroes will also represents classic punk, the announced for summer 2008.
8 p.m. chased per ID. Students must also joining the tour with The origins of Warped Tour. Irish For more information regarding
Join two of today’s most pro- show ID at ticket purchase and Color Fred. Heavier acts are style punk band The Briggs, and the Van’s Warped Tour be sure
vocative voices as they debate event entry. also set to play Warped all traditional political punks The to check out

Before you kick the bucket: Review of ‘The Bucket List’

Chambers, a more humble and discovers the list and insists that mostly from his success as a busi- very funny, and it had a great
By Sarah Mastrocola
wise character, played by Free- they must both go do everything nessman, is unhappily estranged message. It really made me pon-
Staff writer
man, who also suffers from on it before time runs out. from his only daughter. der what kind of things I want
cancer. Thus, the adventures begin. Freeman labored as a me- to do before I die. This movie,
What would you do if you Because of Nicholson’s “two- In spite of opposition from chanic for more than forty years which is the first film in which
found out that you had a year or to-a-room” stance he placed Freeman’s wife, Nicholson and so he could support his family, in I actually liked Nicholson, really
less left to live? on his hospital, he is forced to Freeman run off to complete spite of his desire to go to college made me think and relook at my
“The Bucket List,” a film share a room rather than having the list. and work as a teacher, now feels priorities.”
directed by Rob Reiner, which his own private suite, and so it With exploits ranging from some separation from his wife. Although “The Bucket List”
stars Jack Nicholson and Morgan is as roommates that these two skydiving and racecar driving to These two, through their bicker- has received negative reviews
Freeman, answers this question meet. getting a tattoo, the two quickly ing and friendship, faults and life from some critics, it’s story is
for two characters while the story During his hospital stay, Free- become pals through their es- struggles, become real people. touching, and it is a refreshing
follows the lives of two termi- man begins to develop a list of capades. They travel across the Freshman Bethany Brun said break from the usual movies
nally ill cancer patients. things he wants to do before he world, hitting such sites as the of “The Bucket List,” “It was released by Hollywood.
Crude and demanding bil- “kicks the bucket.” pyramids in Egypt, the Taj Mahal
lionaire Edward Cole, played by He says that the idea came and the Himalayas.
Nicholson, finds himself in an
unusual and unfortunate situa-
from making such a list in one
of his high school classes long
Through these travels, the
viewer also learns much more
‘American Idol’ returns
tion when he is diagnosed with ago. about these two characters as
cancer and is forced to reside in After receiving the news of his people, discovering their history, usual, over a million dollars, in
By Jackie Koehler
the hospital that he owns. limited time to live, Freeman is triumphs and failures. order to get a single commercial
Contributing writer
It is during his hospital stay ready to discard the list, seeing it Nicholson, who has had four to play during its broadcast.
that Nicholson meets Carter as pointless. However Nicholson divorces and found satisfaction Producer Nigel Lithgowe told
There are some who watch Reality TV World, “Hopefully it’s
“American Idol” purely for the going to be a good year because
‘Manon Lescaut’ comes to PAC entertainment value, some to
hear how cruel Simon Cowell can
we’ve got good talent.”
Junior Caitlin Cummings
truly be, some for the inspiration agrees.
which reveal the details of cos- The remarkable love story of hearing raw musical talent “It looks like there is a lot of
By Jordan Zangaro put to the test and others who
tumes and facial gestures, and begins with Lescaut, Geront potential so far this season. I’m
Contributing writer root for the William Hungs of
capture sweeping wide angles and Manon arriving in a dili- excited to see how it turns out,”
of dance and panoramic specta- gence. the show. she said.
Don’t miss the thrilling, cle, which provides an intimate Lescaut is taking his sister to “American Idol” started its However she disagrees with
world-class opera and its advantage to those actually sit- a convent to complete her edu- seventh season last Tuesday some of the decisions made by
groundbreaking series of live, ting in the audience at the Met. cation, but finding her to be night, resulting in 33.4 million the judges in whom they keep
high-definition performance The story of “Manon Les- greatly admired by the wealthy viewers tuning to Fox. Among and who they eliminate.
transmissions to movie theaters caut” is based on the 1731 novel Geronte, is quite willing to play those viewers were Mercyhurst Many viewers had stronger
around the world. “L’histoire du chevalier des a negative part and let the old College students. opinions about the judges and
Come and observe the beauty Grieux et de Manon Lescaut” plot with the landlord to abduct Junior Cassie Powers watches- host than they did about the
and power of the Metropolitan by the Abbé Prévost and is writ- Manon. for the ridiculous singers who show.
Opera at the Mary D’Angelo ten and composed by Giacomo Des Grieux, however, has attempt to make their way to Some viewers commented on
Performing Arts Center with the Puccini. seen her. “Donna non vidi mai “American Idol” stardom. judge Randy Jackson’s newfound
next production of the remark- On the heels of her triumph, simile a questa” (Never did I “I identify with them because I sideburns and Ryan Seacrest’s
able and unforgettable “Manon phenomenon Karita Mattila behold so fair a maiden), he myself am tone-deaf,” she said. hosting skills.
Lescaut.” adds another landmark role to sings in praise of her beauty. She also said she was surprised Senior Joey Jablonski wishes
The Mary D’Angelo Perform- her Met repertory, the free-spir- The story unfolds into one of that “American Idol” is still up he had been asked to help judge
ing Arts Center at Mercyhurst ited beauty “Manon Lescaut.” love, corruption, money, arrests, and running after six seasons. the show.
College, is one of four college The story of the magnetic escapes, banishment and death Junior Mike Temple was also Nevertheless, it will be inter-
campuses in the nation to join attraction between two young all the while accompanied by surprised that the show is still esting to see if “American Idol”
over 600 venues in 13 countries lovers is the perfect vehicle for extraordinary music. being aired. In his opinion, “It’s is able to produce another sing-
across the world in broadcasting the soprano’s exhilarating cha- For information or tickets, no longer about talent, because ing sensation as they have in past
the spectacle and intense pas- risma, especially when matched call the Mary D’Angelo Per- it’s clearly scripted.” seasons.
sion of the Metropolitan Opera by the ardent tenor of Marcello forming Arts Center box office As one of the shows not af- If you are bummed out by the
House and its astonishing per- Giordani. at 824-3000. fected by the on-going writer’s writer’s strike and need to watch
formers. Music Director James Levine Tickets will be sold to stu- strike, it is expected to do very something other than re-runs,
A dozen strategically placed conducts his first Met perfor- dents for $15, and the perfor- well. tune in to Fox Tuesdays and
cameras offer brilliant close-ups, mances of the work since 1981. mance is open to the public. Advertisers pay more than Wednesdays at 8 p.m.
Jan. 23, 2008 OPINION PAGE 19

Sincerely, Anonymous Obama and Clinton show their teeth

words are still coming from me, By Keith stating he is not able to back up Clinton and Edwards the candi-
By Michelle but it is just so much easier to his words with action. dates are willing to do anything
LaSlavic Nemeth
express my feelings when I don’t Staff writer & Obama retaliated against to sully the reputation of their
Staff writer have to see the person’s face. Clinton by saying she is willing opponents or try to appear as
political analyst
I’ve also noticed that people to “fudge the truth” in her quest the “good guy.”
As I was leaving my apart- find it easier to vent about some- Only a few days before the for the Democratic presidential This is currently Edwards’
ment last week, I found a note one to another person than to South Carolina Primary, Clin- nomination. strategy by staying out of the
taped to my door with words of approach the person they actu- ton and Obama are sniping each South Carolina is the last pri- bickering.
encouragement and it got me ally have a problem with and tell other. mary before “Super Tuesday” With a race this close the con-
thinking; why are we so much them to his or her face. Clinton recently stated that during which voters will cast vention is where the next Dem-
more confident and open with Of course if the person finds Obama has become frustrated at ballots in 24 states. ocratic candidate is going to be
our opinions when our identity out, though, it’s always, “I never his recent losses in New Hamp- With the delegation votes chosen, and the primaries are
is hidden or we are separated said that,” or, “That’s not what shire and Nevada, while also split nearly even among Obama, mainly for show at this point.
from a person by an IM or a text I meant.”
I have noticed over the years
Why are we so afraid of
people actually knowing how we
Thirty-five years of women’s freedom
that people our age are straying feel? Should we be so ashamed ing opinions to sit down and the U.S. Supreme Court in 1965.
away from face-to-face inter- of our feelings? By Ellen hold a civil conversation? Cases The issue runs much deeper
action and replacing it with e- It’s easier to have opinions Koenig such as Griswold v. Connecti- into beliefs on contraception,
mails, text messages and other about someone or something Staff writer cut or Doe v. Bolton both were women’s health, when a fetus is
forms of digital communica- when no one else knows, or the instrumental in the promotion considered a human and family
tion. specific person doesn’t know If you missed the celebra- of women’s freedom of body planning. It is difficult to sway
People seem to find it much that you feel a certain way about tion, Tuesday, Jan. 22, was the and choice. people’s perception of abortion
easier to point out a problem them. 35th anniversary of Roe v. Doe v. Bolton was decided unless they are put into a situa-
or solve relationship issues with This makes me think; what’s Wade. That means 35 years of the same day as Roe v. Wade and tion of unexpected pregnancy.
someone over the computer or the point of even expressing our added privacy and freedom for allows a health exception for With recent technology, doc-
on the phone. feelings if we are too ashamed women in the U.S. I never wit- abortion. It eliminated the tri- tors are able to detect “defec-
I think it is because it’s less to put a face with the words? nessed a person lose composure mester limitation created by Roe, tive” fetuses, which are more
painful to tell someone some- I think that if we are going so quickly as when the pro-life which allows for abortions past often subject to extermination.
thing when you do not have to to be so opinionated, we should stance was challenged. the first trimester. Parts of this If the choice to have an abor-
see their reaction or see how start standing behind our People are afraid to discuss decision were weakened when tion lies on such a decision then
much what you’re saying hurts words. it with fears of being politically Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act it is encouraged that the fetus’
the person. It’s okay to have thoughts and incorrect. Still other individu- was signed in 2003. A forerun- mother examine her so-called
I personally have said things feelings about people or issues, als become so hostile over the ner to Roe is Griswold v. Con- moral conscience.
through instant messenger that but if we are actually going to issue that there often is no point necticut, which criminalized the Everyone is entitled to their
I would never have had the guts say them or put them out there, in continuing the conversation. use of contraceptives. However own opinion. In the meantime
to say to the person’s face. don’t be anonymous or afraid to Why is abortion such a hot it violated the right to marital please keep your laws off our
I don’t know the reason, the go face-to-face. topic that is difficult for oppos- privacy and was overturned by bodies.

A world with name tags for forgotten friends Johnson &

By Bill
ing is worse than calling a girl by
the wrong name.
within the college environ-
ment. Memorization of over
How convenient would it
be when you walked into the
Staff writer
You can always play the risk 100 names makes it impossible Cornerstone, ran into someone Properties
game with what you perceive to to remember everyone. Truth- and could look to the upper
be his or her name. However fully there is no common solu- left breast and notice that their 2 - Houses
for rent
Since a young age, I have this is often risky and can have tion to this dilemma other than name is P.J.
struggled to remember names. severe consequences. producing name tags. It eliminates the introduc-
To make the situation worse, I
usually do not remember names
The easiest way to rectify this
situation is to call them such
In areas of public service,
a name tag is sewn on to the
tion period and allows you to
call him or her by his or her real
of individuals to whom I am an names as buddy, killer, big guy, left upper pocket to ensure name, not killer or buddy. Area
acquaintance. sweetie, etc. that those they encounter can In the scheme of things,
Forgetting a name can be an You can only hope that when remember his or her name. this will most definitely never 6/1/08 -
embarrassing situation for both he or she walks away that your This is the case especially happen.
parties. Forgetting a name at the friend to the left or right of you when you get your car fixed; However it would be a great
end of the night can really put a
damper on your love life. Noth-
knows his or her name. This
dilemma is all too common
you can always remember that
Kenny fixed your car.
world if we lived in one with
name tags.
PAGE 20 OPINION Jan. 23, 2008

‘In my eyes we will seek peace and faith’ The Good,

By Engel Vargas
Contributing writer
unite when problems occur but
we are blind to see the truth in
do not suit our taste.
We speak of a melting pot,
Are others not human? In
my eyes, we all said, “I had a the Bad &
front of us. but love to degrade and shame dream.”

The world, in a blink of an

We choose leaders who are
blind and will lead more blind-
those that bring happiness. I
see terror, destruction, hate and
In my eyes, there is a distant
pass of memories to the past I
the Ugly
eye/ Turns pink and dark/ The ness into the abyss. death! have seen; distant memories for
eyes run like rivers/ Puddles of
rain/ And fear to rave./ Colors
Scientists create future prob- My eyes bleed, human souls the future in me. In my eyes, The Good
lems and forget how they turn to darkness and my eyes God brought us to earth naked.
of all nations fear one./ The evolve. continue to suffer. Society God brought us pure and with- Spring break is less than
clouds close and the light opens Who is to blame for starv- changes people; ask Him for out sin. In my eyes, I must watch a month away. Pack your
the eyes/ That were shun from ing children and the war that is solutions. creators of life be abominated. bags and don’t forget the
right. being fought against hunger? Let Him guide you to salva- Why must we believe that cre- sunblock.
In the 21st century humans The war is drying the most tion. In my eyes the world turns ators of life should be hidden
have been challenged due to reli- powerful country. Humans are counter-clockwise. from nature? In my eyes, we live You may never have to
gion, color, ethnicity and beliefs. losing their lives, families are I notice that all we read in our in hell, and when death arrives call the Registrar again if
We have killed thousands of being destroyed, kids are being American education was that we will be free. Free from life you lost your registration
innocent humans and will con- left without parents and money the Americans died. problems and in a land of para- time because it is right
tinue until the end of time. is being spent to create prob- We have been brainwashed dise that my eyes could bear. In online.
The U.S. government has lems to destroy humanity. and are told that Americans my eyes, we will seek peace and
Americans blind-folded with the
belief that other countries are
As I blink, another family is
being destroyed. Another soul is
should live longer and should
dominate others.
faith, to solve the hatred among
The Bad
invading and trying to destroy being buried over greed and we
M o s t s ch o o l s h a d
America, when we have invaded are happy to see that it will not
Monday off to celebrate
a country of the Holy Land and be me.
the life of Martin Luther
no human power will overcome Preachers are pilfering God’s
King, Jr. We did not.
the power of God. innocents. Where do we stop?
We are fighting over ele- We celebrate, but we also cel-
Whatever happened to
ments with which we have been ebrate the harm that we cause
that sign on Lewis Ave.
blessed. One religion is trying others. Miles are traveled for a
that said “Do not park on
to tell the other the truth. We better life, but exile those that
grass?” There are just two
posts there now.
King’s influence lives on
The Ugly
sticker or button quote, this
By Jerrod saying puts to words the medi- The weather this past
Markle tations of the beloved MLK. weekend was tough going.
Staff writer These words carry a personal Both Saturday and Sunday
connection for me, as it seems I-90 and I-79 were shut
many people consciously choose down at one point.
In case you missed the celebra-
tion of Dr. Martin Luther King ignorance and avoid deep mental
explorations. When did Britney Spears
Jr. on Monday, do not fret.
This type of chosen blindness acquire a British accent
MLK has been one of the
creates a lifestyle focused on and pink hair? Perhaps that
most influential people in Amer-
maintaining the hedonistic ritu- is what sparked a writer
ican history, inspiring the hearts
als that allows ignorance to take to submit her obituary
of millions.
on the illusion of bliss. In reality, despite the fact that she is
Seeing the cyclical effects that
this bliss may also be interpreted still alive.
carried over to Dr. King from
Gandhi originating in Hindu phi- as a latent fear.
Please e-mail any suggetions to
losophy, it is hard to ignore the This will coincide with the
importance of being awake to awareness that the means and the
The GB&U is a compilation of
such wisdom. As Dr. King said, end are inseparable. Setting up a
student opinions.
“Nothing in the entire world is more educated population that
more dangerous than sincere is not propelled by latent fear
ignorance and conscientious stu- but vision realized through daily
pidity.” action would be a true testament
More than just a bumper to the teachings of Dr. King.
Jan. 23, 2008 OPINION PAGE 21

This I believe: Mercy is an essential element of life

Mercyhurst’s Ethical Reflection Committee has initiated “This I Believe” to foster reflection within the entire college community on the values by which we live. We hope that these essays will inspire
further introspection, thoughtful discussion, and innovative ways of integrating holistically some of the ideas and values expressed here into our personal, academic, social, spiritual, professional and com-
munal life.
For example, faculty might introduce appropriate essays into class discussion; students might initiate conversations in class and beyond; administrators and staff might explore these with colleagues.
Responses may be directed to the Merciad at or to committee chair, Rev. Lyta Seddig at
Share how these thoughts have had an impact in your life!
Sr. Pat Whalen was a faculty member in the Department of Education from 1970-1987, served as Assistant Academic Dean from 1996-1999 and has been Registrar since 1999. Her favorite aspect
about the college: “Inspired by the mission, I appreciate the commitment to excellence, mercy, service, as well as the collegial spirit that marks our efforts at Mercyhurst College.”

when we reverence the dignity sure that nothing burned. A at that time in my life I barely Sisters of Mercy, to join my life
By Sr. Pat Whalen
of each person, create a spirit of particular experience occurred attended to this revelation. with women who devoted their
Contributing writer
hospitality and pursue integrity when I was 14 years old. My As I experienced her warm lives to the works of mercy.
of word and deed in our lives. mother, pregnant with her sixth welcome, her lively interest in This seed of responding with
I believe that mercy is an Recognizing our own human child, did not feel well on one my life and the easy conversa- compassion, planted by my
essential element of life, that weakness, we know that only September afternoon. tion with Louisa, the genera- mother, continues to inspire
the people of the earth clamor through God’s mercy can we be She asked me to sit and con- tional gap that I had fabricated and challenge me. These two
for mercy. As individuals merciful. verse with Louisa as she ate her evaporated. From that day on, I women, Louisa, my neighbor,
respond mercifully in the ordi- By collaborating with others, dinner. I resisted, not wanting to relished my time and conversa- and Genevieve, my mother, by
nary circumstances of their in works of mercy we continu- sit with an elderly woman, and tion with her as I began to take their loving kindness showed me
lives, destructive impulses are ally learn from them how to be unhappy with the prospect of comfort in the wisdom Louisa mercy. I continue to believe that
resisted and society moves more merciful. attempting conversation with had accumulated from years such simple and commonplace
toward recognizing that the dig- Frequently I recall an experi- an old person. My mother pre- of living and of reflecting on acts of compassion that occur
nity the individual needs to be ence of my early teen years. An vailed. Mumbling about the the human condition. I mar- each day throughout our world
reverenced and valued. Each elderly woman, Louisa, lived unfairness of life, the injustice veled at the peace of heart that maintain society at some level of
of us can learn from others the next door to my family. Since of my mother’s request, my enveloped her spirit, how she equilibrium. In their tender and
ways of responding in mercy. she lived alone, my mother sat displeasure at being required maneuvered through the times compassionate expressions of
In turn, each of us can become with her each evening while to sit and converse with an old of joy and sorrow in her life. mercy, human beings respond
more capable of interacting in a Louisa ate her dinner. I still woman, I reluctantly walked She maintained hope in the face to misery and restore hope. A
merciful way. recall my mother carrying a pot next door. As I walked across of anguish and grief. merciful response generates
As a Sister of Mercy, my per- of freshly brewed coffee to our our adjacent lawns, a spirit deep For some reason, this memory another merciful response.
spective on mercy is shaped by neighbor’s home each evening within my being emerged and has continued to invite my Mercy has the power to create,
the Constitutions of the Sis- about 4:30 p.m. By this hour, I vaguely recognized that my reflection over the years. I grad- to renew and to heal. Let us
ters of Mercy of the Americas. my mother had completed the response was selfish, immature ually recognized that the Spirit respond to human misery bit by
Chapters six and eight proclaim preparations for our family and mean spirited. of God moved my spirit in this bit, day by day. Certainly living
the significance, the beauty, and dinner. When I arrived home At that moment, I could not experience. Seven Septembers in mercy is a manifestation of a
the giftedness of mercy. from school, I watched the food articulate this blessing nor did I following that particular day, living and loving God, our Cre-
We strive to witness to mercy cooking on the stove making ponder its significance. In fact, I entered the candidacy of the ator, the Holy One.

The little things are big Johnson &

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PAGE 22 OPINION Jan. 23, 2008

Global warming: The transcendent challenge of our times

erations in such a fashion that innovation in science, technol- global warming is real, its main Team will sponsor FOCUS
By Dr. James Snyder
every single human being—and, ogy and the economy, although correctible causes are anthropo- THE NATION on our campus,
Contributing writer
indeed, every living being on these will be required. Rather, genic, the consequences of fail- a nationwide teaching at more
Earth—stands to be profoundly like religiously motivated ter- ing to address it are massive and than 1,200 colleges and univer-
Anyone who has been paying affected. rorism, global warming must dire and the solutions to global sities.
attention to the presidential race No, the transcendent chal- be addressed at the roots of warming and climate change are The goal of FOCUS THE
will surely have heard presiden- lenge of our times is global the problem, which in the case within our individual and collec- NATION is to raise awareness
tial hopeful, Sen. John McCain, warming. Of all the challenges of global warming is the moral tive moral and material reach. about global warming and the
say again and again that the tran- we face, it alone is a threat to myopia that fuels eco-systemic Additionally the nations of need for timely solutions.
scendent challenge of our times all communities and ways of degradation wherever it occurs. the world—particularly the In accordance with the Inter-
is Islamo-fascist terrorism. Cer- life on earth, wherever they are Moreover, like in the war on United States of America, and governmental Panel on Cli-
tainly in our post 9/11 world found, whether human or non- terrorism, global warming will that means her citizens—must mate Change and supported
we are haunted by the tragedies human. It alone has the unsur- not be solved by rotating com- acknowledge the threat of cli- worldwide by the Joint Science
that terrorism has spawned on passed ability to lay low the vast mitted individuals into and mate change, study and enact Academies, the Union of Con-
our homeland and around the and varied web of life. out of isolated frontlines. The targets, identify cost-effective cerned Scientists and numerous
globe. Indeed, it is climate chaos, solution to global warming will solutions, mobilize science and other organizations, we advo-
Certainly, we still face the not Islamic terrorism, that gath- require a global response led technology, work with develop- cate that Americans rise to the
specter of a stateless enemy ers on the horizons of the 21st by each and every individual ing nations and show leader- challenge and demand visionary
that wants to attack us when century like a civilizational-sized who has first embraced the fol- ship! and sweeping legislation that
and wherever it can, despite a Katrina. lowing simple facts that have The time has come to focus seeks to reduce CO2 emissions
14-year campaign along the cen- It promises to dwarf the suf- been established by the Nobe our nation on the true transcen- 80% below 1990 levels by 2050
tral front in the War on Terror. fering that we are threatened Prize-winning Intergovernmen- dent challenge of our times. (sometimes referred to as the
But is Islamo-fascism really the with at the hands of terrorism. tal Panel on Climate Control: On Jan. 30 and 31, the Green 2% Solution).
transcendent challenge of our It is even reasonable to assume
times? that as scarce, vital resources
When one compares the sta- become increasingly stressed
tistics of those affected by ter- through climate change, con-
rorism worldwide next to those flict will erupt along the cultural
who are and will be affected in fault-lines of our world, accord-
the future by increasing eco- ing to traditional religious-polit-
logical degradation and global ical ties.
climate change, there simply is Indeed, with “natural” disas- Joshua Wilwohl Editor-in-Chief
no comparison. Sen. McCain is ters such as Katrina, the accel- Casey Greene Managing Editor
simply wrong—breathtakingly erating albedo effect in the Amy Zielinski & Amanda Valauri News Editors
wrong. He’s flown the coup, as arctic circle, the melting of the Jen Gildea Features Editor
it were, embracing a rhetoric Greenland ice-caps, the thaw of Merissa Frank Opinion Editor
and an ideology that is discon- the Siberian tundra and a thou- Chris Davis & Brittany Jackett Sports Editors
nected from reality. That’s not sand other calamities around the Nicole Cerilli A&E
to say that Sen. McCain is wrong world, we are already in the early Scoot Williams Photographer
about the seriousness of terror- stages of its unfolding. Tiffany Cook Production Editor
ism with respect to our national Yes, global climate change is T. J. Ineman Online Editor
security and international well the true, transcendent, civili- Leslie Ruchala Advertising Manager
being. zational crisis of our times—a Noelle Lelakus Copy Editor
Wherever it occurs terrorism crisis that will spare no civiliza- Ashley Pastor General Assignment
is a horrific crime committed by tion if we do not wage a war on Lenore Skomal Advisor
sick individuals that we need to it along every front possible. It is
steadfastly defend against and, a scientific-technological crisis,
perhaps, even continue to wage a political-economic crisis and, The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. It is
a smart and allied war against. most of all, a moral crisis of the published throughout the school year, with the exception of finals week. Our
But terrorism—and par- first degree, of the widest pos- office is in Hirt, Room 120B. Our telephone number is (814) 824-2376.
ticularly Islamic terrorism—is sible scope, and of the greatest
simply not a challenge that consequence. And, like the war The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and
is transcendent in the literal on terrorism, it will not be won names will be included with the letters. Although we will not edit the letters for
sense of the word as something militarily. content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit. Letters are due the Thursday
that exists above and beyond Nor will it be avoided or even before publication and may not be longer than
all individuals, all nations, all defeated through massive public
300 words. Submit letters to box PH 485.
borders, as well as future gen- and private investment and

‘Squeeks’ dominates intramural b-ball I

N 1 Schmidt 5-0
Denman and Adam Gray all hit
By Jeffrey Stoll T 5 Gaertner 4-1
three-pointers to jump-start the
Contributing writer R
offense. 5 Coaches 4-1
After this there was no looking A
5 D. Johnson 4-1
Over the past two weeks back, as the final score went on M
intramural basketball has seen to be 58-45 in the freshmen’s U 5 Giallourakis 4-1
a spectacular array of events favor, giving them their first R 5 Brown 4-1
occur. victory of the season. A 6 Kampman 3-1
There have been breakaway In other intramural news, two L
dunks, come-from-behind Sunday’s ago on Jan. 13, senior 8 M.Johnson 3-2
victories and even a 53-point Daniel Bertolini, acquired the
B 8 Stokes 3-2
scoring binge. nickname accustomed to the
On Sunday, the freshmen nickname “Squeeks” had the
A 13 Hubert 1-4
baseball men [Denamn’s ] picked game of a lifetime scoring 53 S 13 Flanagan 1-4
up their first intramural basketball points. K
13 Finn 1-4
win, as they defeated Blackburn’s “Squeeks” caught the opening E
team to drop their record to tip off and took it down the T 13 Blackburn 1-4
1-4. court to hit a quick three. B 13 Denman 1-4
Both teams lacked depth, as This started what may be the A 14 Dillay 1-3
the same five men remained on story of intramurals for the L
the court the entire game. 2007-08 school year, as he went L 16 Patcher 0-4
The game was very close on to score the next 34 points 16 Elliott 0-4
throughout the entire first half, for his team.
as the lead seemed to switch This was a beating like no one
each time down the court. had ever seen; Squeeks could
However within the last not miss, and could not be
minute, Blackburn’s team made stopped. Intramural Sports
a surge and jumped ahead by It’s as if people were
eight points. witnessing the Kobe Bryant
Needing a huge shot, the rage on the Toronto Raptors,
freshman squad’s Abe Rak hit just in a much duller, miniature,
a three-pointer at the buzzer to environment. Scores
Scoot Williams photo I
cut the lead to 28-23 at the half. Squeeks came out gunning in
“It was great to give our team The first round of playoffs will begin on Feb. 3rd for intra- the second half, but the break
some momentum heading into mural basketball, and will culminate on Feb. 17th with the must have rusted him just a bit
T Schmidt
the second half by nailing a championship. as he only put up 19 points, to R defeated Kampman:
three at the buzzer,” said Rak. finish with a 53 point game. A
The freshman squad was struggled throughout the picked it up in the second half, “Home is where you make it,” M M.Johnson
defeated Hubert:
dealing with some personnel first half. however, and went on a 12-0 said Bertolini, when asked about U 46-33
changes as its offense The freshman offense run to start the half. Rak, Craig his dominance. R
A defeated Brown:

Volleyball scheduling takes a back seat

L 49-32

B defeated D.Johnson:
A 45-39
volleyball still managed to spark The other scheduled con- could potentially cause each
By Brittany Jackett S Denamn
the interests of eight teams. tests were ruled forfeits giving week to be filled with forfeits:
Sports editor K defeated Blackburn:
Last Wednesday, there were Josh Schmidt’s team a for- the Wednesday night specials at 58-45
three matches scheduled to feit victory over Jenelle Rem- the Cornerstone. E
The first week of intramural begin at 9 p.m. inside the Mer- ington’s team, and Marissa Senior Dan Rajokovich com- T Coaches
defeated Finn
volleyball is under way; however cyhurst Athletic Center (MAC). Starin’s team a victory over Dan mented, “If they picked another B
the turnout was less than spec- Surprisingly though, only one Rajakovich’s team. day, I’d show up for the games, A
tacular at the opening matches of the matches was played as Despite being only the second but Wednesday night is ’Stone L
last Wednesday. Travis Jessick’s team beat Cherie week of scheduled play, there night.” L
Although much less popular Jackson’s team in just two was a conflict with the night There are four matches sched-
than flag football and basketball, matches. selected for matches, which uled for tonight at the MAC.
PAGE 24 SPORTS Jan. 23, 2008

Can the Giants come up big?

Some believe Eli Manning can carry his team past the Pats
sustaining an injury to his right The run game that seemed
By Kenny Hunt
ankle against the Chargers, destined for failure with the
Contributing writer
the Giants’ front seven will injury to starting running back
bring pressure on him and Derrick Ward earlier this season
The New England Patriots force Brady to move outside has emerged as a game-breaking
are looking to become only the the pocket or force throws to piece to the Big Blue puzzle,
second team in NFL history to covered receivers. especially with Bradshaw’s 88-
complete a perfect season, going The Giants, however, have yard touchdown run in Tampa
19-0 with a Super Bowl victory been criticized for having a and an average of 4.2 yards per
February 3rd in Glendale, Ariz. weak secondary. carry in the postseason.
The Patriots capped off a However with injuries to The Giants defeated the
perfect 16-0 regular season by Sam Madison, Aaron Ross and Green Bay Packers to move to 4-
defeating the New York Giants Kevin Dockery, the Giants 0 all time in NFC Championship
at Giants Stadium in Week 17. have gotten exceptional play Games.
Which begs the question: from Corey Webster and R.W. In their previous three Super
They beat them before; why McQuarters. Bowls, the Giants are 2-1 with
can’t they beat them again? The Giants held leading their most recent Super Bowl
One answer would be that receivers Joey Galloway, Terrell contest in 2000, resulting in a
this game is far from home for Owens and Donald Driver, to loss to the Baltimore Ravens.
the Giants. a combined 10 receptions and When asked about the Giants
After losing to the Cowboys only 199 yards this postseason. chances this time around,
in Dallas in week one, the Giants They expect to have the same Mercyhurst sophomore Alan
have won an NFL-record 10 success against Pro Bowler Damiani replied,“Being a
straight games on the road, Randy Moss, who set the single- New York Giants fan all my
including their three playoff season touchdown record this life, I have witnessed a lot of
victories, which all came against year with 23. let- downs since 2000, but this
the three NFC division leaders. One of the biggest surprises team is nothing like I have
The upcoming Super bowl for the Giants has been the ever seen.”
game in Glendale, will be consistent and efficient play “I feel very confident
thousands of miles away from of quarterback Eli Manning, that they will beat the
Giants Stadium, unlike week which all started in the Week 17 Patriots and become Super
17. match-up against the Patriots. Bowl Champions.”
The Giants have relied on a In that game, Manning was The Patriots have many
strong defensive core, which 22 of 32 and threw for 251 different weapons, find different
led the NFL with 53 sacks this yards, four touchdowns and ways to win, and still, the last
season. one interception. time these two teams met, the
Centered around Pro Bowl Since that pivotal 3-point Giants came close to ending
defensive end Osi Umenyiora loss to New England, Manning their perfect season.
(13 sacks) and seven-time hasn’t turned the ball over once, This time however, the Giants
Pro Bowler Michael Strahan and has complied passer ratings can tweak their Week 17 game
(nine sacks), the Giants’ that seem more like Tom Brady plan to apply more pressure
front seven have put pressure than Eli Manning: 117.1 against Contributing photo to Brady, and cover Moss
on opposing quarterbacks Tampa Bay, 132.4 against as they have Owens, Driver
all season, especially in Dallas and 72.3 in the third- Two Mercyhurst students showing their love for the New and Galloway, continue their
the playoffs. coldest football game ever York Giants as they battle the New England Patriots on Feb. efficient passing game and
Last week against the 3rd in Arizona for the Super Bowl.
played against Green Bay. slice through the defensive line
Chargers, Tom Brady was “I think the Giants have a with their suddenly dangerous
anything but perfect, throwing legitimate shot,” said sophomore and their defense has been game as of late with their run game.
three interceptions and receiving Chris Cummings. excellent the entire season.” power running backs Brandon This is a different Giants’
a terrible QB rating of 66.4. “Eli has been playing really The Giants have also put Jacobs and the lightning-quick team than four weeks ago and
With recent rumors of Brady well the last couple of weeks together a balanced running Ahmad Bradshaw. this team could make history.
Jan. 23, 2008 SPORTS PAGE 25

A Tournament of Champions:
Students and teammates show their support during SAC event
By Kyle Craig
Staff writer

Some people say that charity

is what makes the heart grow
larger and happiness spread like
a wildfire.
Giving not only makes those
receiving the gift feel better
but also leaves a wonderful
feeling with those who give.
I’ve heard that the giving is even
more fulfilling when its helping
someone about whom you care.
Early in the fall term I
reported on a sophomore
football player Garrett Kensy,
who was diagnosed with a form
of cancer and was honored
by football players who
shaved “#4” on the backs of
their heads.
While I cannot report on his
progress since the last article,
I am pleased to announce
that SAC and Tri-Beta held a
“Tournament of Champions”
benefit in his honor.
There were a total of eight
teams in the tournament and Contributing photo

each team tried to raise money During the benefit for Garrett Kensy, called the “Tournament of Champions” held by the Mercyhurst Student Activities
in order to gain points on the Committee, students and teammates came together to offer their support.
other teams.
In addition there was a silent
auction, which saw memorabilia and LiveSTRONG in honor The football team played missed.” Two of the football teams
such as two autographed of Garrett because we wanted a large part in the success of “Whenever a group or took first and third place with
Cleveland Indians baseballs, to keep the money close to the night, as they were able to individual goes out of their way the Mercyhurst cross country
tickets to the Otters, Sabres campus and he is a part of the put together three teams in the to do a charity event as SAC team coming in second place.
and Penguins and a signed Mercyhurst family. “ tournament. and Tri-Beta did, it benefits The real winners on the night
hockey stick from the women’s Half of the proceeds on “We took money out of our the cause. I know it brought were Kensy, LiveSTRONG and
hockey team. the night will be donated to budget to send to his [Garrett’s] awareness to our students and all those who made donations.
Everyone at the event had Kensy and his family to cover family and also each team in the college, both for support and SAC and Tri-Beta did a
the opportunity to bid on the the cost of travel and medical ‘Tournament of Champions’ realizing life is so precious,” wonderful job raising money
memorabilia, as the proceeds treatments. from football was to raise stated head football coach Marty and awareness for both
from the silent auction went The other half of the money and/or bring a donation Schaetzle. Kensy and the LiveSTRONG
toward the cause. proceeds will be donated to the in for the silent auction part of “As soon as we found out organization.
“We were able to raise about LiveSTRONG foundation in the night,” said senior Stephen about the fundraiser our players If anyone is interested in
$1,000 and are looking to have honor of Kensy. Kindler. quickly made plans to put three making donations on behalf
an extra $350 donated from The LiveSTRONG “We try to send Garrett text teams together and each player of Garrett Kensy and
MSG,” stated sophomore SAC foundation strives to raise messages and emails just to help made their own contributions LiveSTRONG they can contact
member Alexandra Miniri. “We money and awareness for him keep his spirits up and to to the cause through the Allie Miniri at aminir76@
wanted to donate to Garrett testicular cancer research. let him know that he is deeply silent auction.”
PAGE 26 SPORTS Jan. 23, 2008

Hepfinger leads by example local youth baseball league in

By Chris Davis
Sports editor
His favorite teams include the
Cleveland Indians, Browns and
When thinking of a marvel, Cavaliers.
what type of person comes to He enjoys baseball most, as
mind? he has been to a few Indians’
For the most part it is usually and Buffalo Bisons, the Triple-
someone that has both experi- A farm team for the Indians,
ence and is well-known to a par- games during his days.
ticular community. Although Hepfinger said that
Many people may know Joe he has never attended a Cava-
Hepfinger, but many may not liers or Browns game though.
know that he retired in the He annually attends the St.
fall of 2004, after working 23 Luke’s appreciation dinners,
years for Mercyhurst College MSG Banquets and the Mer-
in its maintenance/athletic cyhurst College community’s
department. Annual Christmas party.
Hepfinger currently lives in When Hepfinger was asked
Erie with his sister and brother- what his greatest gift or honor he
in-law, who have helped care for ever received was, he responded
him since the death of his par- by recognizing his family.
ents over 20 years ago. “Living with my family, my
Many people have described sister and brother-in-law,” Hep-
Hepfinger as the “the big man finger responded.
on campus,” as he is always “And visiting my brother and
supporting the various athletic seeing my nephews and nieces
teams each week. grow up,” he added.
The amazing part is that the Scoot Williams photo “Joe comes from a wonder-
school continues to get encour- Joe Hepfinger continues to volunteer his time serving at Mercyhurst and around the ful family and has represented
agement from him, even after Erie community. his family name quite well,” said
his retirement, as he vigorously Moore. “He is a person that
attends all the Mercyhurst Ath- could engage anyone and you
letic events, and volunteers at “Joe is the epitome of what unteers his time,” he said. Mercyhurst Student Govern- would leave with a smile.”
some of them. the Sisters of Mercy stand for,” “He’s always out their sup- ment (MSG). “Joe is a wonderful friend to
Before Hepfinger started said Mercyhurst Associate Vice- porting all of the athletic teams,” “Joe is one of the faces of talk to,” said junior MSG Spirit
volunteering, he worked on the President of Administration he said. “Joe always knows what Erie,” said MSG president Club committee chair Haylie
Mercyhurst campus for several Tyrone Moore. is going on. He always brings Marissa Starin. “You can find Starin. “He’s always there to
years. “I look at Joe as a male version a smile to your face and is a him anywhere. His heart is lend a helping hand.
Some of his duties included of Sister Damien [late Sister M. person you could talk to.” always in the right place.” “He has a wonderful sense
getting the mail each and every Damien Mlechick, switchboard Hepfinger is a good exam- In Hepfinger’s free time he of humor,” Starin commented.
day, making sure the basket- operator/greeter/face of Mer- ple to the community, as he is enjoys watching sports, listen- “He always makes me laugh.”
ball courts were kept clean, cyhurst], and that is the high- actively involved with the col- ing to generic bluegrass music, “I met Joe through my
constantly taking out the trash est praise I can give to anyone; lege and the local church. putting together puzzles, and older brothers Jim and Dan,”
and even lending a hand with Sister Damien is tops.” “It says a lot about not only making things. said Schuler.
the appearance of the locker Hepfinger demonstrates a Joe, but for the community as Some of his projects include As long as the 77-year-old
rooms. strong work ethic, just as the well, because they care about making latch hooks and cushion Hepfinger can, one might expect
Other duties included helping Mercyhurst mission statement the school,” Schuler said. “He covers over the years and inad- to find him volunteering some-
with watching over the locker advocates. puts a lot of time and effort into dition he loves putting together where around the city of Erie, if
rooms and getting referees food “Joe’s a great guy,” said soph- getting to know everyone.” puzzles, including the 300 piece not at the MIC or the MAC.
during football games. omore football player Andrew Hepfinger has also spent time puzzle, which he currently is So, the next time you run
More recently, Hepfinger has Schuler. “He’s really been an volunteering as an usher at St. working on. into him, thank him for all his
been collecting tickets at many integral part of the campus both Luke’s Catholic Church for over During the summer, Hepfin- service he has given to the
of the Lakers men’s and wom- with working and volunteering. 25 years and as the Sergeant at ger has enjoyed serving as the ’Hurst community over
en’s hockey games. “Joe doesn’t get paid, he vol- Arms for over 10 years for the assistant commissioner of the the years.
Jan. 23, 2008 SPORTS PAGE 27 photo

The New England Patriots seek the perfect ending

Championship victory marks touchdown pass was Brady’s day, was able to overcome two score was knotted up at 20-20
By Kirk Campbell
New England’s fourth in the second of the game, as he threw missed fields’ goals in the fourth as Ahmad Bradshaw scored on
Staff writer
past seven seasons. for 209 yards and a season-high quarter, one of which coming as a four-yard touchdown run for
By reaching the Super three interceptions. time expired. the Giants and Crosby booted
As the New England Patriots Bowl Patriots linebacker Brady’s other touchdown was “It feels good because this a 37-yard field goal for the
(18-0) defeated the San Diego Teddy Bruschi said through a 12-yard connection to Jabar is what you work for. We stuck Packers.
Chargers 21-12 at Gillette, “There’s Gaffney in the second quarter. with it, we believed in ourselves A Corey Webster interception
Stadium in Foxborough, Mass. history on the line, we recognize The Patriots’ defense and we got to the Super Bowl,” of Favre on the second play of
they continued their perfect it, and we acknowledge it.” supported their lackluster said Eli Manning overtime allowed the Giants to
season entering Super Bowl The high-powered pass offensive by limiting Phillip Green Bay (14-4) took a 10-6 start their possession in Green
XLII on Feb 3. offense of the Patriots was a Rivers and the Chargers’ offense lead into halftime as Brett Favre Bay territory and score the
Their quest for the first non-factor, as they relied heavily to only four field goals. and Donald Driver hooked up games final points, ending the
perfect season since 1972 will on running back Lawrence After the win Patriots’ head on a 90-yard touchdown pass Packers season.
be challenged by the New York Maroney to carry the load. coach Bill Belichick said, “I midway through the second “We haven’t been given a
Giants, who defeated the Green Maroney responded with 122 think there will be a time to sit quarter and Mason Crosby shot, but we’re here and I think
Bay Packers in overtime 23- yards on 25 carries. back and reflect; we’ll certainly made a 36-yard field goal. we’re deserving of it,” Manning
20 at Lambeau Field in Green His touchdown in the second enjoy this for a few days.” The Giants responded in the said.
Bay, Wisc. quarter gave the Patriots a 7- The NFC Championship was third quarter with a 12-play, 69- “Right now I’m excited as I
Even with a shaky 3 advantage; a lead they never a different story as the Cinderella yard drive when Brandon Jacobs can be.”
performance, Tom Brady and lost. playoff run of the New York plunged into the end zone on a On Feb. 3 the Giants play
the Patriots recorded their 18th However Brady put the game Giants (13-6) continued one-yard run to give the Giants the heavily favored Patriots in
win of the season but looked out of reach when connected when kicker Lawrence Tynes a 13-10 lead, but a Favre 12-yard Super Bowl XLII in a rematch
vulnerable, as the banged-up with Wes Welker late in the connected on a 47-yard field touchdown pass to Donald Lee of Week 17 when New England
Chargers held them to a season fourth quarter extending the goal in overtime. gave the Packers a 17-13 lead. won 38-35.
low of 21 points. The AFC Patriots’ lead to 21-12. The Tynes, who was 3-of-5 on the At the end of regulation, the

Men’s lacrosse hopes to build on successful 2007 campaign

of progress in the last two more true freshman,” said Ryan. Philip “Mike” Bartlett. “We always like playing a good
By Chris Davis weeks of the fall season,” said “Added exposure brought in “All four of the captains schedule,” said Ryan. “People
Sports editor head coach Chris Ryan. “We great players late in the [recruit- complement each other,” said come here knowing the kind of
gave everyone a pretty good ing] process. Ryan. “Jason leads by example, schedule they are going to play
The Mercyhurst men’s amount of playing time. Fall is “It has allowed us to recruit Mike is a little more local, Sulli is will be challenging.”
lacrosse team made it to the for development; the spring is kids without having to sell the the thinker of the group and is Ryan has led the Mercyhurst
Division II National Champion- for winning games.” program,” he said. “Fifteen kids the consensus guy and Joe is the men’s lacrosse program to its
ship game and fell to Le Moyne Mercyhurst received a large have been brought into this hustler and the organizer.” most successful reign ever.
College in May of 2007. influx of newcomers after the year’s class.” The Mercyhurst men’s “That’s the nature of the job
Since then the team has run it made in 2007. Ryan has confirmed the four lacrosse team will again be play- and you do enjoy this, the pride
worked hard with an effort to “After the national champi- captains of this year’s team ing one of the toughest Divi- and pressure,” said Ryan.
improve and build on last year’s onship game we ended up with are seniors Joe Konnecke and sion II schedules, as it plays This year the men will open
success. a number of transfers coming Scott “Sulli” Sullivan, as well eight of the top 10 preseason their regular season traveling to
“The kids made a great deal in here; five transfers and one as juniors Jason Lashomb and ranked teams. Charlotte, N.C., to play Queens.
PAGE 28 SPORTS Jan. 23, 2008

Volleyball still searching for first win

Lakers drop two matches to Nazareth and IUP to fall to 0-4 on the season
By Samantha Sellinger
Staff writer

With true Laker spirit, the

Mercyhurst College men’s vol-
leyball team played hard this
past week in matches at home
against Nazareth College and
Indiana University-Purdue Uni-
versity, but could not come up
with any wins.
The guys lost to Nazareth in
a tight, frustrating match last
Thursday 3-2, after a 90-minute
delay when Nazareth’s bus
broke down on the way.
“The outcome was quite dis-
appointing, as I want to win
and expect to win,” said head
coach Ryan Patton.
“We had won two gritty
games and I think we were
better conditioned than Naza-
The first two games were
pretty unremarkable, with the
Lakers losing each. However at
the end of the third game, the
team did all it could to avoid
a sweep.
They took control at the last
point of the game with a kill
by junior Dave Newman. A
kill from junior David Hatten
tied the game at 29-29. Scoot Williams photo
The teams continued to Mercyhurst men’s volleyball team, despite taking Nazareth to five games, still stands at 0-4 on the year and is searching for
trade points back and forth its first win of the season.
until they were tied again at
38-38. a 34-32 win. kills, freshman Jonathan Gurr “We played at a level that ishing with nine kills.
A kill by junior Joe Montroy With the match tied up 2-2, had 16 and Wagner had 12. would have won our previous Although the Lakers are deal-
followed by a joint block by the teams entered a fifth game. Injured finger and all, Hatten four matches,” Patton said. ing with last week’s losses, they
Montroy and junior Jeff Hart- Nazareth took the lead and led the team in its match Sat- “The guys played a great match, are gearing up both mentally and
man won the game for Mercy- the Lakers struggled to catch urday night against IPFW, as the score just wasn’t a good rep- physically for this week’s games,
hurst, 40-38. up. Nazareth won the last game the Lakers opened Midwestern resentation.” which they expect to go well.
In game four, the Lakers took 15-9, and the match. Intercollegiate Volleyball Asso- “We knew that we were play- “If we clean up a few weak
an early lead and managed to “Obviously the outcome ciation play. ing a tough team but we also points, we will be capable of
stay in front. of game five was not what The Lakers played valiantly, knew we could compete with making things happen,” said
During this game, Hatten was we wanted and it was a tough but suffered a devastating them and we showed that for Wagner.
forced to leave the match with loss,” said team captain junior shutout, losing all three games. short spurts in the match,” said The Lakers hit the road this
a broken finger, but backup Tim Wagner. IPFW boasts a great roster, so Wagner. week for their next two matches
junior Pete Swauger was able to In terms of statistics, this loss needs to be kept in per- Wagner was the team’s most against Juniata College and
take over and guide the team to Newman led the team with 24 spective, according to Patton. effective player this match, fin- St. Francis.
Jan. 23, 2008 SPORTS PAGE 29

Basketball teams fall to GVSU, FSU

Women showing improvement despite losses
second half and they got more point lead.
By Rhonda Marable
second chances on rebounds.” Prischak and Spetosky
Staff writer
Prischak led the Lakers with answered back, each sinking
18 points and five rebounds, three pointers to eventually tie
After a two-game road trip, with freshman guard Samantha the game.
the women’s basketball team Loadman helping out with 11 After a shot-for-shot battle,
came back empty-handed, drop- points and four rebounds. Folcik tied the game and then
ping two contests, one to Grand Spetosky contributed nine gave Ferris State the lead for
Valley State University (GVSU) points and seven rebounds. good with two jumpers. The
70-54 on Thursday and the Saturday’s game was much Lakers never recovered, largely
other to Ferris State University closer, with the Lakers, led by due to their failure to con-
81-70 Saturday. charges from Spetosky and Pri- nect on a high percentage of
Despite the two losses, the schak, putting up a good fight their shots.
Lakers turned the ball over just against the tough Ferris State Spetosky and Achesinski lead
20 times and came away feeling Bulldogs. the team with 17 points each.
rather optimistic about the next Mercyhurst set the pace with Sophomore Paris Pugliese tal-
away games. a strong start and led until the lied 13 points with five assists.
Against the GVSU Lakers on Bulldogs took their first lead Even with two defeats, the
Thursday, the women had only on a jumper by GLIAC pre- Lakers were optimistic about
nine turnovers, but poor shoot- season player of the year Rachel the games to come.
Sports Information photo
ing doomed any hopes they had Sophomore guard Stevie Spetosky scored 26 points despite Folcik. “We battled both those teams
of pulling an upset. the Lakers falling to Grand Valley and Ferris State this week. After the Lakers vaulted and stuck around, especially
The Lakers stayed close in the ahead, the Bulldogs managed to with Ferris. It shows we can play
first half, not letting GVSU get A good three-pointer by with the women shooting only tie the score before the Lakers any team in the GLIAC,” said
more than a 10-point lead. Prischak and a jumper by 28 percent from the field, includ- took the lead and kept it at the Pugliese. “We are optimistic and
Grand Valley started quickly sophomore guard Mara Drei- ing a mere eight percent on end of the first half, 40-35. we are going to come back with
and took an early lead at the ser brought the Lakers within three-pointers. The Lakers kept the lead until two road wins.”
four-minute mark but a steal four points, and at the end of “It’s hard to say if we played two-and-a-half minutes into the With that confidence, the
followed by a layup from junior the half Mercyhurst trailed by a full 40 minutes,” said sopho- half, when Folcik turned up the Lakers hit the road to face Hill-
guard Stephanie Prischak kept just five. The second half was more guard Stevie Spetosky. heat with back-to-back layups sdale College on Thursday and
the team within reach. not as strong for Mercyhurst, “Our shots didn’t fall in the that gave Ferris State a five- Wayne State on Saturday.

Men drop third straight GLIAC conference game on weekend

University (19-0, 7-0 GLIAC). Mercyhurst was down by as Following the loss to GVSU, the need to keep working harder in
By Christine Mersch
GVSU, entering the game many as 11 points in the first Lakers looked to bounce back practice with rebounding and
Staff writer
ranked No. 1 in the conference period, but managed to get against another GLIAC oppo- taking better quality shots.”
in defense, held the Lakers to within six of GVSU towards the nent, Ferris State on Saturday. As soon as the second half
After a seven-game home- under 50 points and won the end of the half and headed into Despite the offensive fire pro- began, the Lakers went cold and
stand, the men’s basketball team contest 67-48, but it was not the locker room down 29-21. vided by McTear and senior T.J. the home team answered with
began its four-straight confer- easy as Mercyhurst used its own After the break, senior Terry Mathis, who each finished with the first 16 points of the half,
ence-game road trip this past defensive strength to stay with Smith hit a jumper to cut the lead 20 points, Mercyhurst lost the taking a 35-31 lead 4:49 into the
weekend. the home team for the first 25 to 32-28. But from there on out, contest 63-58. half.
Mercyhurst (8-10, 2-6 minutes. GVSU’s offense produced an The Lakers began the game After FSU went up by six with
GLIAC), looking to display the With 17:28 remaining in the 18-5 run that overpowered the strong, hitting 12-of-27 from the 12:29 remaining, Mercyhurst
same intensity that produced an second half, the Lakers were Lakers.Fellow teammate junior field, including four 3-ointers. As got back on track as Smith and
overtime win against Ashland within four points of GVSU. Brian McTear led the Lakers a result, they led FSU 31-19 at Mathis stepped up their offense.
University last week, started off Grand Valley showed why it is at with 12 points. halftime. Tied at 43, FSU began to pull
the weekend with a matchup the top of the GLIAC standings GVSU was led by Callistus “We didn’t play well in the away, leaving the Lakers in a hole
against GLIAC opponent and by going on an 18-5 run in the Eziukwu, who finished with second half of either game,” said they couldn’t overcome despite a
No. 2 ranked Grand Valley State next six minutes to pull away. 12 points and 11 rebounds. coach Gary Manchel. “We will 5-0 run in the final minutes.
PAGE 30 SPORTS Jan. 23, 2008

Laker Sports ‘Quick Hits’

Last week’s results...

Men fall to UConn
Men’s basketball………………................……Jan. 17, L 67-48, Grand Valley State
Jan. 19, L 63-58, Ferris State
Hockey ends five-game win streak
Women’s basketball…….............…………...Jan. 17, L 70-54, Grand Valley State
Jan. 19, L 81-70, Ferris State By Chris Davis
Men’s hockey………….................................……………..Jan. 18, T 3-3, Connecticut
Jan. 19, L 3-2, Connecticut
Sports editor
Women’s hockey………………...........................................…….Jan. 18, W 5-3, Yale
Jan. 19, W 4-2, Brown
Men’s volleyball…………………….......................................Jan. 17, L 3-2, Nazareth
Boxing and soccer are not
Jan. 19, L 3-0, IPFW the only sports that feature split
Jan. 22, L 3-2, Medaille decisions. The same situation
can occur in college hockey.
The Mercyhurst College
Agosta/Cottreau athletes of the week men’s hockey team battled to a
Women’s hockey sophomore Meghan Agosta and men’s hockey senior Ben
3-3 overtime tie with Atlantic
Cottreau have earned athlete of the week honors. Agosta tallied six goals Hockey Association (AH) oppo-
along with an assist this weekend in wins over Yale and Brown in and led the nent Connecticut on Friday and
Lakers to two victories. She also established a school record with scoring at fell to the Huskies on Saturday
least one point in 18 consecutive games. Agosta currently leads Division I
scorers with 31 goals and the team with 50 points.
3-2 to finish the weekend with a
Cottreau extended his scoring streak to nine consecutive games with a goal record of 0-1-1.
and two assists this weekend in games against Connecticut. He currently The Lakers now stand with an
leads the Lakers in goals , assists and points. Cottreau also moved into the overall record of 7-14-3 overall
top 10 in career points this past week.
and 7-6-3 in AH, as they still are
Women’s hockey team of the week
six points behind leading RIT. Jim Cooper photo
Connecticut, with the win and Junior Kirk Medernach clears the puck during an earlier
Women’s hockey came from behind in victories over Yale and Brown this tie this past weekend, improved game this year.
weekend to earn team of the week honors. After Mercyhurst fell behind 2- its record to 7-13-2 overall (6-8-
0 against Yale, they rebounded to score five of the final six goals in a 5-3 2 AH). 2-1 lead heading into the second cut the lead in half, 2-1, at the
win. Against Brown, the Lakers fired 70 shots in earning a 4-2 victory on
Saturday. The tie on Friday marked only intermission. second intermission.
the second in the 30-game series Mercyhurst sophomore Matt Lakers’ senior Ben Cottreau
Women’s hockey stays at No. 6 in poll between the two teams, which Fennell would answer 2:44 into tied it up with 9:49 remaining
the Lakers lead 21-8-2. the third period with his third in the third, extending his con-
Team (First Place) Record Pts Last Week Despite their efforts to pick goal in the past two games to tie secutive scoring streak to nine
1. New Hampshire (6) 20-3-1 138 1
up a victory this weekend, the contest up at two. straight games.
2. Harvard (5) 16-1-0 136 2
2. Minnesota Duluth (4) 20-3-1 131 2 including outshooting the Hus- After the Huskies regained the Connecticut junior Chris
4. Minnesota 17-4-3 101 4 kies in both games, the Lakers lead once more, Lakers’ fresh- Myhro’s second goal of the
5. Wisconsin 16-6-2 88 5 ended their six-game confer- man Scott Pitt, who assisted on game with 7:06 left in the third
6. Mercyhurst 17-5-2 71 6
ence unbeaten streak. Fennell’s goal, would knot it up proved to be crucial, as it gave
7. St. Lawrence 17-7-0 64 7
8. Connecticut 16-4-3 35 8 The Lakers opened Friday’s at 3-3. the Huskies a 3-2 lead and the
9. St. Cloud State 15-5-4 34 9 game outshooting the Huskies That turned out to be the win.
10. Dartmouth 11-6-3 10 10 9-5 in the opening 20 minutes, final score, as neither team had Erickson proved to be the
but fell behind 1-0 when Jeff an answer throughout the rest difference-maker, coming up
Agosta Named offensive player of the week of regulation and overtime.
Sapiera connected on a power- with 41 saves in goal for Con-
Sophomore Meghan Agosta continues to wrap up awards, as she has earned play goal less than three minutes Lakers’ goalkeeper Matt necticut.
the offensive player of the week for the third time this year. into the game. Lundin managed to make 16 Lundin made 26 saves, as
Agosta scored 66 percent of the Lakers’ goals and assisted on another to Mercyhurst answered back saves during the game, while he played all but the final 1:22
lead the Lakers to two victories over Brown and Yale over the weekend. She early in the second period on a Connecticut’s Beau Erickson of the game, when the Lakers
currently leads the nation in goals (31), goals-per-game (1.29) and short-
handed goals (6). goal by junior Brett Robinson. came up with 29 saves. pulled him for a sixth attacker.
Senior Ben Cottreau and Connecticut came out play- “Its going to be a battle in a
Wrestling remains No. 4 in East Region poll freshman Brandon Coccimiglio ing well on Saturday, building an really competitive conference,”
picked up the assists. early 2-0 first period lead. said Lakers head coach Rick
The wrestling team remained No. 4 in the latest East Region poll, but indi- Connecticut responded with The Lakers fought back to tie Gotkin about the close separa-
vidually, junior Brian Pogel and Andy Lamancusa are currently No. 1 in
7:46 remaining in the second the game 2-2, with a goal apiece tion for first place in AH. “It’s
their individual weight classes. Pogel remained No. 1 at 149 after posting
a 3-0 record at national duals and defeating No. 1-ranked Todd Meneely of period on a goal by Andrew in the second and third periods. hard to watch the scoreboard.
Nebraska-Omaha. Lamancusa, who started the season ranked No. 1 in the Olson, which was assisted by Coccimiglio put the Lakers Everything is always changing.
nation before falling to No. 3, has moved back to the top spot after winning Justin Hernandez and Nick on the scoring board with his We’re just going to take it game
his lone match at 157 at the national duals.
Schneider, to give the Huskies a seventh goal of the season to by game.”
Jan. 23, 2008 SPORTS PAGE 31

Women’s hockey picks up two wins

Lakers defeat Yale, Brown on weekend
tional” hat-trick celebration.
By Kyle Craig
The comic part of the night
Staff writer
came, however when Agosta
put her fourth goal into the
With the season on the line back of the net as students were
and almost everything to lose, seen taking of their shoes and
the Mercyhurst women’s hockey tossing them onto the ice.
team hosted Yale University Sports information quoted it
and Brown University this past as being a “shoe-trick.”
weekend. The win also pushed senior
In a confident, dominating goalie Laura Hosier to her 66th
fashion, the girls were able to career win.
steamroll Yale 5-3 on Friday and “I am grateful to be a part
slip past Brown 4-2 Saturday. of such a great program,” said
With the wins the girls were Hosier. “I’ve seen the team
able to remain in a solid sixth grow and change each year I
place, with sophomore forward have been here and what we’ve
Meghan Agosta and freshman accomplished each year has
winger Jesse Scanzano receiving been amazing.
College Hockey America (CHA) “I am just happy that I can
awards. leave my mark on a program
Agosta earned the Offensive that has helped me grow so
Player of the Week honors, as much over my four years here.”
she scored six goals and one Brown netminder Nicole
assist in two games this week- Stock set a school record making
end, giving her 31 goals and 19 66 saves during the game, along
assists with 50 points total on with breaking a school record
the season. of 27 stops in a period, made
In addition Agosta extended during the first.
her points scored streak to 18 Every win from this point on
games. pushes the girls closer to making
Teammate Scanzano received the NCAA playoffs.
the Rookie of the Week honors, The Lakers will look to con-
as she had one goal and two tinue their winning streak as
assists on the weekend. Scoot Williams photo they challenge former CHA
Scanzano now has seven Mercyhurst senior Kristen Erickson (2) goes for a loose puck during Saturday’s 4-2 win team Quinnipiac University on
goals and sixteen assists on the over Brown. Friday at 7 p.m. and Saturday
season. at 2 p.m. in the Mercyhurst Ice
The Lakers played a solid Center.
game on Friday against Yale, as the game halfway through the season to put the Lakers up Payne, which found the back of “As a team we will have to
they saw themselves down 2-0 second period with Agosta and 3-2 with an assist from junior an empty net. work on consistency and mental
after giving up two power play freshman Geena Prough scor- Melissa Dianoski. Saturday fared just as well for toughness, which have been our
goals to the Bulldogs during the ing back-to-back goals just 13 Mercyhurst never looked the Lakers, as they were able to weaknesses so far in the first
first period. minutes apart. back as Agosta and Scanzano down Brown. half,” said Hosier. “We must be
The Lakers were unable to Junior Valerie Chouinard and were able to find the back of All four goals for the Lakers able to play great two nights in a
sneak it past the Yale goal- senior Stephaine Jones assisted the net two more times against came from Agosta, as she row as a team.”
keeper, Shivon Zilis, despite on Agosta’s goal, while senior the Bulldogs. extended her scoring streak “We are running out of
outshooting the Bulldogs 15-7 Danielle Ayearst assisted on Agosta was credited with the to 18 straight games on the chances and at this point we
with four powerplay opportuni- Prough’s game-tying goal. assist on Scanzano’s game win- season. can’t afford to have any lapses
ties of their own during the first The tie was carried into the ning goal. Students threw hats onto the in our play if we want to make
period. third period when Chouinard Agosta’s final goal came on a ice after Agosta scored her third a run at the Final Eight and
Mercyhurst was able to tie scored her tenth goal of the 2-on-1 created by junior Natalie goal of the night in a “tradi- Frozen Four,” she said.
PAGE 32 SPORTS Jan. 23, 2008

Laker sports

Lakers comeback against

Ivy League opponents
>> Page 31
Scoot Williams photo

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