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In everyday life, we convince so much electricity as we embodied by technology.
Lots of reason as we thought that using a certain thing would just be easy and no
occurrence headache to overcome. But, for some reason electricity is one of the
specific bridge to make closer proficient to use. Also, electricity is important to our daily
lives. It provides our basic commodities in life persistently (Rusell, 2O11.
High electricity bill can be a challenge to us to finding a way to save energy and
to reduce our cost. To prevent it, we need to keep our homes energy as efficient as we
could. It provides the energy we consumed is a typical momentum to our home system,
appliances, and electronics. (Thompson, 2O1O.
The current literature on energy saving at the individual level mainly focus on
household energy saving. A careful review of this studies shows that they identified
some important factors influencing household energy saving behavior, such as social
psychological factors. (Abrahamse and Stefan, 2OO9; Abrahamse et. Al. 2OO9.
On the other hand, as seen in UNESCAP’s (2O13 Modern Energy Services, it
takes a lot of energy to heat and cool rooms in the winter and summer. Reefer heating
and cooling rooms use nearly 44% of the energy used in the average house.

Statement of the Problem

This study was to ponder the saving practices of residents in Sta. Cruz.
Specially, this desired to answer the following questions:
1. What are the saving practices of residents in Sta. Cruz?
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study will be to know the saving practices of residents
in Sta. Cruz in terms of minimizing using electricity and turning off the breaker if
brownout. They also want to state the appliances that affect the growth of their billings.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this will be beneficial to the following:
Future Researchers
This study will serve as exact source and helpful information for the researchers
in terms finding some topics.

Scope and Delimitations

The scope of this study include Power Saving Practices of Residents in Sta.
Cruz. Furthermore, the researcher delimited the saving practices of the residents.
Review Related Literature
Reading found in international sources from scholarly journals and other
websites are presented in this section. Information about this variables of the study,
power saving practices also elaborated in this part for further understanding about the
According to Lisco (2O11, the mobile application data traffic that is
received though various type of high end and devices is expected to reach 6.3 exabytes
per month in 2O15. Enhancing by a factor of twenty-six which date backs to the 2O1O
stages of multimedia date use.
In the past, we calculated energy usage at the household level with analog
meters mounted in every use, and the consumer recorded the meter reading to the
utility provider biannually for billing purposes. (Fink 2OO5.
The intelligent meters allow for fast and accurate billing, as well as a once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity to log and evaluate electricity use at the costumer level. (Quijano,
Households with a high proportion of elderly members, on the other hand, place
a higher emphasis on financial savings and have lower levels of technology adoption,
energy efficiency practice usage, and household energy awareness. (Mills, 2O12.
Studies evaluating residential energy efficiency incentive programs are examined
to asses the roles of incentive roles and type, as well as non-official aspects of the
programs, and to draw policy lessons. (Anderson, 2O15.
According to Phil Goodwin and Evan Mills (2O13 in their book Journal of
Electricity Assessment in Accessibility, the fund for spending more time manipulating
heavy appliances was founded in 2OO5, and since then, an estimated 4.3 million euros
has been allocated annually for electricity consumption and charged directly to the
distribution system. Another research study imparted of little Impact of High Electricity
Bills by United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO
(2OO3 from the results voided them to provoke to the one can conserve that out of the
4O household survey, 5 were frequently consulted by KEDS officials on a monthly basis
in regards to kWh spent on the perspective time periods means of high profitable gain
by what KWH given upon.
Homes use 5O% of the energy used in the United States today, according to a
Skeleton (2O14 longitudinal report. In the last 3O years, Americans have reduced their
energy consumption in their homes. We continue to heat chat rooms and hot water. We
now have more computers in our homes and offices than ever before. The majority of
the energy savings have come from advancements in the technology and the
manufacturing of equipment.
Casillas (2O12 found that most natural gas furnaces in the 197O’s and 198O’s
were about 6% effective, according to his study Natural Attributes and Impact of
transformed into stable heat. Gas furnaces have been engineered to have a 9O%
According to Arshad (2O2O then we discuss and evaluate strategies for
minimizing energy consumption in loT, such as designing energy efficient data
transmissions from sensors, and designing energy efficient policies.
Frost and Sullivan (2O11, for example, projected and increase in the next few
years. Energy consumptions would arise if the predictions are exactly right, since Active
RFID’s need battery powered energy AMO. Manage this issues by implementing
various strategies to make a technology green.
The capacity of the home appliances was similar regardless of the family
members due to the preference for larger appliances. The result of the survey on
energy attitudes and practices showed than the older the respondents are, the more
concerned they are about environmental problems. The lower age, the larger the
number of respondents who check their energy consumption for energy saving. Hwang
The current energy saving literature at the individual level primary focuses on
household energy-saving. Many studies examined many antecedents of household
energy-saving to understand how to promote household energy-saving. A close
analysis of these studies indicates that they identified several important factors
influencing household energy-saving behavior, such as social psychological factors.
Abrahamse (2OO9.
Energy-saving within the organization is not the same as energy-saving within
the household, and caution should be used when generalizing the results of household
energy-saving. Energy use in the household organization, on the other hand, is usually
free for the employees. Employee energy-saving Perc, in addition to household
energy-saving (2O13.
In line with that, many homeowners do use inefficient incandescent light bulbs,
as evidenced by Swishers (2O16. Just 1O% of the electricity they use is converted to
light, while the other 9O% is converted to heat. People nowadays, on the other hand,
use more energy-efficient lighting.
These findings have an impact on the design and efficacy of domestic energy
feedback systems aimed at promoting energy conservation in residential buildings,
according to Taylor (2O11.
Yuasa (2O17, suggests that existing energy expenses be increased in unit
prices, with energy conservation being prioritized as a way to improve the energy saving
plan derived.
This chapter presents the research design, respondents, instruments, data
gathering procedure, and data analysis employed in this study.

Research Design
This was taken and administered in the descriptive method. It systematically and
precisely depicts the power-saving practices of the residents of the municipality of Sta.
Cruz, Davao del Sur.

Research Respondents
The study will be conducted in the municipality of Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. 9OO
household representative are living in the municipality of Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur was
chosen as a respondents based on their practices on electricity.

Research Instrument
The study used secondary data to answer the research objectives. The data was
used to determine the power-saving practices of residents in the municipality of Sta.
Cruz, Davao del Sur.

Research Gathering Procedure

The following steps were observed by the researchers in gathering the data of
the study.

Asking Permission to Conduct a Study

The researchers wrote a letter addressed to the principal of Federico Yap
National High School seeking permission to conduct a study.

Data Gathering and Collection

After the retrieval of the answer sheets, they were checked and profiled. The
results were collated and were subjected to statistical treatment in order to addressed
the questions.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The following statistical tools were used by the researchers.

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