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Annex 2:



Compiled by

Energy forum, Sri Lanka

1 Scope .......................................................................................4
2 References...............................................................................5
3 Definitions...............................................................................5
3.1 Components .............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Parameters................................................................................................................. 7
3.3 Non technical terms .................................................................................................. 8
4 General Information..............................................................8
4.1 Involved parties......................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Documents of Reference........................................................................................... 9
5 Design....................................................................................11
5.1 Overall design ......................................................................................................... 11
5.2 Civil work ............................................................................................................... 12
5.3 Electro-mechanical components ............................................................................. 15
5.4 Distribution network ............................................................................................... 17
6 Work off site.........................................................................20
6.1 Manufacturing of turbines....................................................................................... 20
6.2 Fabrication of Controllers ....................................................................................... 21
7 Work on site .........................................................................23
7.1 Civil constructions .................................................................................................. 23
7.2 Mechanical Installations ......................................................................................... 24
7.3 Electrical Installations............................................................................................. 25
7.4 Environmental protection........................................................................................ 26
8 Testing and Commissioning................................................27
8.1 Observations ........................................................................................................... 27
8.2 Measurements ......................................................................................................... 28
9 Operation and Maintenance ...............................................29
9.1 Water system........................................................................................................... 29
9.2 Power house ............................................................................................................ 29
9.3 Distribution line ...................................................................................................... 30
9.4 Insurance (Fire Policy)............................................................................................ 31
10 Appendices............................................................................32
Appendix A – Abbreviations and Nomenclature.............................................................. 32
Appendix B - A sample table for design verification.................................................... 33
Appendix C - Responsibilities of parties...................................................................... 35
Appendix D – Content of a feasibility study .................................................................... 37

National Micro Hydro Standards 2

Appendix E – Sample agreements .................................................................................... 39
Appendix F - Line diagrams ............................................................................................. 42
Appendix G - Mould design for concrete poles................................................................ 43
Appendix H - Tables for cable selection........................................................................... 44
Appendix I – Operation and Maintenance manual ........................................................... 55
Appendix J – Log book..................................................................................................... 61


National Micro Hydro Standards 3

This standard was approved by the Technical Committee appointed by the Energy
Forum of Sri Lanka and authorized for adoption and publication as a Sri Lanka
Standard by the Council of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution on 2005 - … - … .
A code of practice for micro hydropower projects or village hydropower projects has
become a key requirement for future sustainability of the industry. This code sets out
guidelines for design, construction, commissioning and maintenance of micro-
hydropower projects, with a sound base of civil, mechanical and electrical
engineering principles and the background of practical experience in the industry.
History of micro hydropower generation in Sri Lanka originates from colonial
periods. The first batch of plants was developed by estate owners for the
electrification of tea factories and bungalows. In that era, there was no centralized
power distribution system in the country and those plants were the first applications of
hydropower in Sri Lanka. With the development of major hydro power plants the
centralized distribution system penetrated into the isolated areas especially in the
central hills where most of major hydro plants were developed. Majority of these
micro hydropower plants were later abandoned with introduction of grid electricity
and some of them are still being operated by the management of estates in order to
reduce energy consumption from the main grid.
In late 1980s, Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) started
developing micro hydro plants in rural areas. This was the rebirth of micro hydro
sector and community based village power project concept.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is
complied with the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or
an analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with CS 102. The number of
significant figures to be retained in the rounded off value shall be the same as that of
the specified value in this standard.
Abbreviations and Acronyms used in the text of this code are given in Appendix A.
The assistance derived from the micro hydro specifications published by Renewable
Energy for Rural Economic Development (RERED) Project of Sri Lanka in the
preparation of the code is gratefully acknowledged.

1 Scope
The code of practice is applicable for off-grid community based village hydropower
projects within the capacity range of 5 kW and 100 kW.

National Micro Hydro Standards 4

Hydro power projects of this capacity range are generally referred to as micro
hydropower projects.

2 References
Village Hydro Specifications ( Published by RERED Project )
National Micro Hydro Standards – Nepal
Mini grid design manual (Published by world bank)
SLS 855.

3 Definitions
3.1 Components
3.1.1 Weir

National Micro Hydro Standards 5

A dam/wall built across a natural stream that diverts water for the purpose of power
generation. The excess water that is not diverted may flow over the weir.

3.1.2 Headrace channel

Canal that conveys water from weir to forebay tank.

3.1.3 Desilting tank

The tank which allows the sand and other particles in diverted flow to settle down
before reach the intake.

3.1.4 Forebay tank

The tank that maintains constant water level (water head) for power generation. This
is constructed at the end of the headrace channel.

3.1.5 Intake
An opening on the weir or forebay tank which allows water to enter the penstock
(simply the beginning of the penstock).

3.1.6 Trash rack

A mesh made of iron or steel placed on the intake that avoids debris being entered to
the penstock.

3.1.7 Vent pipe

A ‘J’ shaped pipe starting from the very beginning of the penstock and directed back
to the forebay tank or pond, which avoids penstock pipes being shrinked or collapsed
due to the suction of water in the penstock to the turbine when trash rack is blocked
with debris.

3.1.8 Spill way

An arrangement that allows excess water to be released from forebay tank to the
downstream of the weir

3.1.9 Sluice gate

A control arrangement of waterflow in a channel or in a similar structure by means of
lowering and raising a iron plate or a concrete slab when the turbines are not operated.

3.1.10 Tailrace channel

Channel conveys the discharged water from turbines house back to stream.

3.1.11 Penstock

National Micro Hydro Standards 6

A pressure pipe which carries water from the forebay tank to the power house. In
cases where no separate forebay tank is constructed the penstock may start from weir

3.1.12 Power house

A building in which turbine, alternator, controller and all other electromechanical
accessories are installed.

3.1.13 Turbine
A rotating mechanical device, which transfers the kinetic energy of water to
mechanical energy by means of a rotation of a shaft.

3.1.14 Alternator
A device, which converts the mechanical energy of turbine shaft into electrical

3.1.15 Control panel

An enclosure or a similar object in which all the control and protection devices in
relation to electricity generation are mounted.

3.1.16 Ballast
A heater that dissipates excess power when consumer load is less than the generated

3.1.17 Induction Generator Controller (IGC)

An electronic device which connects to the induction generator and keeps a constant
output voltage and frequency in a narrow window on the changes of the consumer
(village) load.

3.1.18 Electronic Load Controller (ELC)

An electronic device which connects to a synchronous generator and has same
functions as IGC.

3.1.19 Distribution panel

The panel on which all the breakers, isolators and accessories required for safe power
distribution are mounted.

3.2 Parameters
3.2.1 Design capacity

National Micro Hydro Standards 7

The total instantaneous power demand expected at the generator terminals with
respect to the per head power allocation, number of consumers and distribution loss of
the network.

3.2.2 Gross head

Elevation difference between weir and power house.

3.2.3 Design flow

Amount of water to be discharged per unit time in order to obtain the design capacity.

3.2.4 Head loss

The reduction of effective head equivalent to the loss of kinetic energy of water
between the weir crest and turbine valves.

3.2.5 Net head

Effective head or the difference between gross head and head loss.

3.2.6 Plant factor

Ratio between actual energy generation and design generation over a same period of

3.2.7 Catchment area

The area upstream of weir, which slopes inward to stream where the rainfall received
in this area can drain to the respective stream.

3.3 Non technical terms

3.3.1 Divisional Secretariat
Office of the Divisional Secretary who is the government officer in charge of
administration affairs within a particular area called division that is a sub unit of a

4 General Information

4.1 Involved parties

4.1.1 Electricity Consumer s’ Society (ECS)

National Micro Hydro Standards 8

A village hydropower project is owned and operated by the Electricity Consumers’
Society (ECS). For the legal representation of village consumers, an ECS is
established and registered at the Divisional Secretariat.

4.1.2 Developer
A person or an organization capable of carrying out designs, giving leadership and
guidance to the ECS, implementation and overall management of a village hydro
power project
Responsibilities of Society and Developer are listed under appendix C

4.1.3 Consultant
A qualified civil/ mechanical/ electrical engineer, who is responsible for design
verification1, check whether the code of practice has been properly followed by the
ECS and the developer, coordinate with funding agencies, and carry out the
commissioning test.

4.1.4 Suppliers / Manufacturers

People or organizations who supply and / or manufacture equipment and machinery
for micro hydro plants. Equipment suppliers2 and manufacturers should be able to
identify the requirement of the developer and specify the equipments they
manufacturer/supply. Further they should be capable of providing a quality after sales
service. In case of controller manufacturers prominence should be given to those who
provide a standard controller with a complete circuit diagram having all the sub
components labeled.

4.2 Documents of Reference

4.2.1 Feasibility report
Feasibility report must have a separate chapter for each of the following.
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Financial feasibility
3. Socio economic feasibility
4. Annexure for government approvals, registration letters, deeds and agreements
A design verification table is given in Appendix B for the convenience of consultants
Standard method of obtaining three quotations for each procurement is not required and the ECS
together with the developer has freedom to select the appropriate suppliers and equipment
manufacturers by providing a justification of selection.

National Micro Hydro Standards 9

This should be prepared by the developer or any other qualified person or institution
at the request of developer. The following details should be collected and/or taken
into consideration in preparation of the feasibility report.

A Technical feasibility:

• Profile of the head and distance starting from the weir site measured with an
accuracy of not less than 95% (using standard survey equipments or level (water)
tube) ,

• Hydrology data of at least 10 years collected from the nearest measuring station

• Verified using stream flow data measured at random intervals.

• Feedback from the villagers in terms of their intended use of electricity.

Content of the typical technical feasibility is given in Appendix D
b. Financial feasibility
Financial feasibility should analyze the ability to pay bank loan from the monthly
contribution by ECS, having considered the project cost and method of finance, all
bridging finance (donations and grants), sweat equity from ECS and seed capital from
The format of the project cost description is quite different to that of standard format
in contracts, as villagers are expected to work in voluntary basis. The typical format is
given in Appendix D.

c. Socio-economic feasibility
Socio-economic feasibility must be based on the results of a social survey carried out
by the developer or a specific team appointed by the developer. The team should
consult the officials of the ECS before carrying out the social survey in order to get a
rough idea about the area of concerned.
Key issues to be addressed in a socio-economic study are listed in Appendix D along
with a sample questionnaire. The sample questionnaire can be modified in order to
suit the regional context.

4.2.2 Project management plan

This may include the following.

• Schedule of construction

• Schedule for administrative work

National Micro Hydro Standards 10

• Cash flow of the project

• Human resource management

• Operation and maintenance schedules

It is the responsibility of developer to prepare the management plan for the reference
of villagers and anybody else concerned.

4.2.3 Agreement between the ECS management and its members

Members of ECS should come to an agreement with its management and with each
other about the construction of the project, operation and maintenance, financial
transactions and any other important issue regarding the project. Everybody should
individually sign the agreement at the presence of Grama Sevaka (government officer
in the village, Village Headman) or any authorized government official. Points to be
considered in preparing the agreement are given in Appendix E.

4.2.4 Society-Developer Agreement

The society and developer should come to an agreement regarding the following
points, before starting construction of the project.

• Separation of duties between two parties

• Financial transactions

• Warranty period

• Post commissioning services

Sample agreement is given in Appendix E

4.2.5 Society-manufacturer Agreement

Society should come to an agreement with the equipment supplier/ manufacturer with
relevant to the terms and conditions of guarantee and after sales services of equipment
and machinery he would supply. In case of several suppliers/manufacturers, society
should go for a multi-lateral agreement with all of them along with the developer as

5 Design

5.1 Overall design

Following conditions should be satisfied for a Village Hydro Power Project

National Micro Hydro Standards 11

Number of households (N) > 15
Power allocation per household (P) > 150 Watts
Distribution loss (L) < 10% of net generation
Allowance for future demand growth (G) = 20% of present demand
Design capacity (C) > [N*P]*(1+G)*(1+L) /1000 kW
Minimum power generation > 25% of design capacity
Electro-mechanical efficiency > 50% (for single phase supply)
60% (for three phase supply)
Water velocity of the penstock < 2.5 ms-1
Flow released to the natural stream > 20% of design flow

5.2 Civil work

5.2.1 Site selection
In case of site selection for weir and power house, maximum head should not be
regarded as the only issue concerned but also attention should be paid to cost
minimization as well.
Channel and penstock paths should be selected so that the constructions are possible
with human power since no machinery will be used.

5.2.2 Weir
Weir should be either of concrete or rubble masonry. Base rock should be exposed
and proper dowelling of the rock should be done. Minimum of 16mm tore steel
should be dowelled to a depth of 20cm at a separation of 45cm maximum
Maximum height of the weir should not be more than 2m and crest width should not
be less than 20cm for a concrete weir and 45 cm for a rubble masonry weir.
Permanent opening capable of accommodating at least 20% of the base flow should
be provided at the bottom of the weir to sustain the eco system.

5.2.3 Headrace channel

Should be of concrete and at least grade 20 concrete should be used. Rectangular
channels are preferred for easy constructions, and the walls of the channel should be
of 10cm thickness made of reinforced concrete.

National Micro Hydro Standards 12

If the channel passes through a loose soil area, it is preferred to close the channel to
facilitate rainwater path, and to prevent any debris entering the channel. This prevents
permanent separation of the eco system due to channel construction.
The maximum slope should not be more than 4cm for 10m length. This gives about
2-2.5 m/sec velocity depending on the roughness and wall height of the channel.
Freeboard allowance of at least 20% of the channel height should be provided in the
design stage.
Sample calculation3 explains how to design a channel to suit the above requirements.

5.2.4 Forebay tank

Forebay tank accomplishes three functions. i.e. act as a desilting tank, provides
necessary storage, prevent vortex formation when water is drawn to the penstock,
hence maintain constant head throughout the operation. It is essential to adhere to the
following code of practice to accomplish the above three goals.

• The width of the Forebay tank should be at least five times the width of the
• The length of the forebay tank should be adequate to have silts deposited
before water enters the penstocks.
• Forebay tank should be constructed of grade 20 concrete.
Sample Calculation4 explains how to design a forebay tank to suit the above

5.2.5 Desilting tank

If the forebay tank itself is not designed to perform the desilting function a separate
desilting tank should be constructed somewhere along the channel before the forebay
Dimensions given for the forebay tank are also applicable for the separate desilting
tank as well.

5.2.6 Spillways
Design should include spillways at weir, channel and forebay tank as appropriate.

{For instance 30cm*30cm channel (1 foot width and height) with 1:0.004 slope can accommodate 60
ltrs/sec flow with a free board allowance of 10cm. This amount of water is enough to generate 20kW if
the net head is around 50m and 40kW if the net head is around 100m, provided that the overall
efficiency of turbine generator assembly is at 60%.}
{For instance, a project of 60 ltrs/sec flow and 50m net head can have a forbay of 1.5 m deep , 1.5m
width and 2.5 m length., and the channel size would be 30cm*30cm.}

National Micro Hydro Standards 13

Spillway channel (at forebay) should start from the spill section of the forbay tank,
and the spillway channel should begin from a sluice gate that is fixed at the bottom of
the forebay tank close to the penstock opening.
If the penstock starts from the weir itself, the spillway (at weir) should be designed so
that the excess water does not fall on the penstock.

5.2.7 Intake
Intake is designed at the weir or forebay tank depending on the presence of a channel.
Depth of the wall above penstock top level should be more than 3 times of the
penstock diameter.
A trash rack must be installed at the intake whose gaps must be smaller in size than
the nozzles of the turbine.
Intake design should include a vent pipe in order to protect penstocks

5.2.8 Penstock
Inner diameter (D) > √ [F*4/(0.25*π)] cm
Rule of thumb principle is that the velocity through the penstock should not be more
than 3m/sec, and the best velocity should be 2.5 m/sec. Hence the diameter can easily
be calculated.5

• PVC pipes should not be used for a head of more than 100m.

• PVC pipes should be buried as much as possible, or else supports should be

provided at every 6m interval.

• PVC pipe should be enclosed in concrete block (anchor block) at every bend.

• The termination of the penstock at the turbine manifold end should be

separately fabricated with a steel flange attached to the penstock.

• Pressure gauge must be installed at the end of penstock or at the beginning of

Penstock thickness should be calculated at different elevations measured from the top
using the following formula6.
Thickness, t = H*D/1903 (in cm)

5.2.9 Power house

For instance, 60 l/sec flow can have a penstock diameter of 27 cm which provides a velocity of 2.5m
/sec through the penstock
The formula does not consider the surge head because valves are always closed manually in village
hydro power projects.

National Micro Hydro Standards 14

Floor and window areas of the powerhouse should be greater than the respective
limits given in the table.
Capacity (kW) Below 25 25-50 Above 50
Floor area (m2) 12 25 Depends on the
specifications of turbine
Windows area (m2) 1.2 2.5
Minimum height between floor and ceiling > 2.5m

5.2.10 Tailrace channel

Average slope of tailrace > 5cm per 10m
Dimensions specified for the headrace channel are applicable for the tailrace as well.

5.3 Electro-mechanical components

5.3.1 Turbine
Power rating of the turbine > C/0.8 kW (for three phase supply)
C/0.65 kW (for single phase supply)
Turbine type can be specified with respect to the gross head and design flow as per
the standard charts. In general horizontal axis, multi-jet pelton wheel turbines are the
least cost turbines but vertical axis, multi-jet pelton turbines can also be fabricated
locally depending on the head and flow.
Locally fabricated turbine types are Pelton and Crossflow only. In consideration of
the efficiency and fabrication, Pelton wheel turbine should always be tried, and cross
flow can be selected at low heads (10m-20m) and high flows (more than 100 l/sec)
only. If the head is less than 10m, axial flow turbine or propeller type turbine should
be considered.

5.3.2 Drive system

Direct couple turbines are the best selection.
But turbine speed does not always match with the generator speed since 1500rpm
motor/ generators are the cheapest and easily available in the market. In such cases
belt drive systems are recommended to minimize the cost of the project.

5.3.3 Generator
Synchronous generators are recommended for schemes over 50 kW. Otherwise
induction motors may be used as generators. If a motor is used as a generator, the
rating of the motor should be at least 25% more than the design capacity, as provision

National Micro Hydro Standards 15

should be made for de-rating of the generator. If a three-phase motor is used to get
single-phase supply with C-2C method of capacitor banks, further reduction of the
rating is unavoidable.
If the project is of less than 50 kW, induction motor is preferred as the generator due
to the low cost and other favourable features of induction machines. It is
recommended to have squirrel cage type induction motor due to ruggedness of
Projects of more than 25 kW should go for three-phase supply that reduces
distribution line losses even if the cost of IGC is more than that of a single phase IGC.

5.3.4 Control system

An ELC or IGC maybe used depending on whether the generator is either
synchronous or induction type respectively. In case of induction generators used in
schemes over 50 kW, the IGC should be capable of regulating both voltage and
frequency independently.
For schemes over 50 kW, water heater ballasts are recommended. For smaller
schemes either air heaters or water heaters may be used.
Most complicated part of the entire project is the IGC / ELC. Developer should get at
least one year warranty for any type of damage (even lightning or over voltage
damage) from the manufacturer and must enter into a maintenance agreement after the
warranty period. The manufacturer of the controller should provide separate surge
arrestors to minimize lightning hazards to the controller, and should provide voltage
controllers to prevent any damage due to over voltage.
The manufacturer should give adequate spare parts (fuses, etc) and give an instruction
manual for operation and testing. Most of the IGCs damage is due to the burning of
the heaters of ballast tank and malfunction of the circuit breakers. Proper guidelines
should be given to ECS and developer for troubleshooting and preventive
Typical line diagrams for three phase and single phase supplies are given in
Appendix F

5.3.5 Line protection

The following protection schemes are necessary for line protection under the said
Over current protection
Earth-fault protection
Over voltage protection
} Compulsory

National Micro Hydro Standards 16

Under voltage protection
Under frequency protection
Over frequency protection.
} Only if motors are used by consumers

5.3.6 Alternator protection

Over speed protection is required for synchronous generators
Over voltage protection is required for induction motors

5.3.7 Measuring instruments (Electrical)

The following measuring instruments should be installed at the powerhouse, on the
panel itself if possible.

Instrument Number
Single phase Three phase
Wattmeter 1 No. 1 No.
Frequency meter 1 No. 1 No.
Voltmeter 1 No. 3 No.s
Ammeter (Consumer and ballast loads) 2 No.s 6 No.s
Energy meter (kWh) 1 No. 1 No.

5.4 Distribution network

5.4.1 Type of distribution
Three phase or single phase line network will be selected with regard to the Design
capacity, Distance between power house load center, Number of due feeders starting
from the load center, length and weight (amount of connected loads) of the feeders.
The selection criteria can be presented in a graphical manner as follows.

Capacity (kW)

Three pase

Single phase
Distance to the load center
500 From power house (m)

National Micro Hydro Standards 17

5.4.2 Route
Route of distribution should be selected so that distance from power house to the
farthest household will not exceed 2000m.
At least 60% of the distribution network should be along roads and footpaths.

5.4.3 Conductors
It is recommended to have insulated cables if the route goes through forest cover to
prevent felling of trees.
Bare aluminum conductors are recommended for the remaining.
Conductor diameters should be selected for different sections of distribution network
with regard to the following conditions
• Current rating7 of the conductor > 1.25*Peak current of the relevant section
• Peak voltage at the farthest end of the distribution network > 200V
Ground clearance should be maintained for bare Aluminum conductors as specified
Across motorable roads 5.8m
Beside motorable roads 55m
Open ground 5m
Spacing between two conductors > 40 cm

5.4.4 Poles
Concrete poles must be used in case of bare Aluminum conductors while bundled
conductors are allowed to draw with the aid of trees as well.

Conductor type Maximum span (m) Minimum height (m)

Bare Aluminum 30 8
Bundled 25 10
Bare Aluminum conductors should be tensioned within at least 6 spans.

5.4.5 Domestic supply

Supply type - 230V/50Hz single phase
Domestic consumer circuits should be designed with respect to the capacity as

Standard current ratings of the conductors with respect to their diameters and other relevant
conditions are given in Appendix H

National Micro Hydro Standards 18

Per head No.of bulbs No. of 5 A No.of MCBs
capacity (W) (10W CFL) socket outlets (6A)
100-150 2 1 1
150-250 4 1 2
250-400 6 2 3

5.4.6 Industrial supply

Supply type - 230V/50Hz single phase or 400V/50Hz three phase
Total power allocation for Industrial place < (0.6*C) kW
Maximum motor capacity < (0.4*C) kW
Per head No.of bulbs No. of socket outlets No.of MCBs
capacity (W) (10W CFL) 5A 15A 6A 16A
500-1000 5 2 1 3 1
1000-2000 8 3 2 4 2

5.4.7 Lightning protection

Lightning arrestors must be fitted to protect the powerhouse and consumers. They are
recommended on each phase as follows.
One arrestor on the first pole outside the powerhouse (or a varistor inside the
powehouse), one arrestor per kilometer of distribution and additional arrestors to
ensure that no consumer is more than 500 metres from an arrestor. Arrestors are to be
installed and earthed according to the manufacturers instructions.
Surge arrestors must be installed at high points of the distribution lines.

National Micro Hydro Standards 19

6 Work off site

6.1 Manufacturing of turbines

6.1.1 Pelton wheel turbines
Pelton wheel turbines can be of two types, i.e. horizontal axis and vertical axis. The
developer should give the net head at all the part loads and should give the flow
duration curve of the stream to the turbine manufacturer as the manufacturer should
know the head variation (net head drastically varies with the flow if the proper
diameter of the penstock is not selected. It is always recommended to give top priority
for Pelton wheel turbine by selecting the number of jets to suit the specific speed of
the turbine. If the required number of jets is more than three, vertical axis turbine
should be considered.

6.1.2 Technology
The important part of the turbine manufacturing is the pattern of the buckets of the
runner of the turbine. If the proper pattern is not at hand, the manufacturer should not
go for arbitrary selection of the pattern as it reduces the efficiency of operation. New
pattern should be made using precise machines (CAD/CAM machines should be used
for this purpose).
If the capacity is less than 10 kW and the head is not more than 30m, bolted, bronze
runners can also be recommended. If the capacity exceeds 10kW and the head is more
than 30m, welded type mild steel runners should always be fabricated.
Since the local casting technology is not so advanced, the manufacturer is not in a
position to give the chemical composition of the buckets to the casting factory. At
least, manufacturer should test (X-Ray test) samples of the buckets for uniformity of
casting, and should get the information of the raw material composition (carbon,
sulphur, cadmium, etc) that the caster is going to use, and the manufacturer should be
capable of evaluating the important properties (abrasion, tensile strength, brittle
strength, weldability).

It is essential to give extra care and importance for welding of the buckets to the hub
of runner. At first, all the buckets are polished and fitted into the hub and finally they
are tagged to the hub using welding spots. This has to be a very professional job and
should be carried out under the observation of the design engineer. The hub material
and bucket material should be the same; otherwise good welding strength cannot be
achieved. Welding of the runner should be carried out by an X-Ray quality welder
using DC welding machine and proper welding rods. It is recommended to use
penetration welding using 6030 welding rod, and final filling and capping using 7013

National Micro Hydro Standards 20

welding rod. The cost of this welding is not significant as the amount of welding is
very small, but this contributes to the success of the turbine operation. Hence both the
developer and manufacturer should give extra importance to casting and welding.

6.1.3 Responsibilities of developer and manufacturer

It is essential that the manufacturer should educate the developer of all the details of
the patterns, their specific speeds, ranges of applications, as the developer is
ultimately responsible for malfunction and under utilization. If a new pattern is to be
made, the developer should be aware of the estimated efficiency of the turbine. At
last, the fabricated runner or the complete turbine should be tested at NERD center for
efficiency at all loads, and test certificate should be given to the developer and ECS.
At least 50% of the payment to the manufacturer should be withheld until they give
test certificates.
It is important that the developer should obtain all details of the manufacturing
process from the turbine manufacturer before awarding the contract, and inspect
whether the manufacturer abide by the details. Turbine should not be given for
manufacturing only on specifications of head and water flow, but manufacturing
technology, casting technology, welding technology should be furnished by the
manufacturer and the final contract should be awarded upon the receipt of satisfactory
details. The developer should follow up all the processes, as the final responsibility
lies upon the developer.
The developer should be responsible for coordinating with the electromechanical
equipment suppliers/manufacturers for proper installation, alignment and final
The manufacturers should provide a handbook for each item of equipment (turbine,
generator, IGC, panel board) and give details of all the components of each piece of
equipment. For instance, bearing specification of both ends, valve specifications,
should be provided.

6.2 Fabrication of Controllers

6.2.1 Type selection
Phase angle controller is the widely used, cheap, safe and simple technique and it is
recommended for a typical scheme. Probably a triac is used as the switching device
with a control circuit, which triggers the triac with respect to the voltage variation.
Pulse Width Modulation type is quite similar to the previous but the switching device
will be an IGBT or a bank of thyristors which regulates DC power transferred to the
ballast. This is quite complicated in implementation.

National Micro Hydro Standards 21

Both phase angle controller and PWM controller reduces the quality of power and
hence it is recommended to select a binary weighted modular type IGC if
sophisticated electronic appliances are used. This contains a large number of wiring
connections and therefore the neatness is essential.

6.2.2 Arrangement
All components of the controller except capacitors should be arranged in a standard
steel enclosure with an insulation level to IP 55. The enclosure should be of sufficient
space for the arrangement of items so that ventilation is ensured.
Controller circuit should necessary be available as a printed circuit board.
Power consuming devices like triacs, thyristors, IGBTs, should be mounted in the
enclosure separately from the PCB. Those items should be protected with sufficient
heat sinks.
PCB and other items should be connected to each other using proper connecters.
Arrangements should be convenient for the consultant to inspect the controller.

6.2.3 Labeling and documentary

All components other than the ones in PCB and the connecting wires should clearly
be mentioned.
Internal wiring diagram of the controller should be provided to the society

National Micro Hydro Standards 22

7 Work on site

7.1 Civil constructions

7.1.1 Construction material
Sand and metal purchased or obtained from the surrounding areas must comply with
following requirements.
Metal size - 0.75” (For concreting)
Cement and tor steel that are used must be SLS certified items.
Cement blocks may be purchased or manufactured at the site. These should contain
the mixture of cement and sand in the ratio of 1:9.

7.1.2 Concrete work

Mixture for base concrete foundations and penstock supports - 1:3:6
Mixture for weir , channel and power house - 1:2:4
In case of weir construction, soft soil should be excavated until the bedrock is
For doweling work, rock drilling should be done up to a depth of 25cm where

7.1.3 Pipe work

If the penstock path contains a sufficient layer of soft soil, the pipes should be buried
in the earth at a minimum depth of 30cm from the earth surface.
If that particular depth of burying is not achieved due to the nature of terrain,
precautionary measures should be taken to minimize any physical damage to the pipe.
If the bedrock is found at a reasonable depth along the penstock path, pipe should be
balanced on concrete supports with dowelling to bedrock.
Further the pipe should be covered using tar sheets or any other heat absorbing
material where it exposes to direct sunlight.
Any likely bend more than 150 should be provided with a readymade or locally
prepared bend.

7.1.4 Poles
Concrete poles can be manufactured at or out of site using a locally made mould.
Mould should be designed8 so that the center of gravity will be at least 30% of the
pole length from any edge.

Typical design of a steel mould is given in Appendix G

National Micro Hydro Standards 23

20% of the pole length or to a minimum of 1meter should be buried in the earth.

7.2 Mechanical Installations

7.2.1 Turbine generator base frame
The turbine and generator must be mounted on a single steel fabrication.. This can be
fabricated from angle iron or channel section. A base frame can be omitted if the
turbine and generator are close coupled, that is their own frames are rigidly connected
to each other’s.
It is the duty of the turbine manufacturer to install turbines and if a vertical axis
turbine is selected, the vertical axis generator should be separately mounted on a steel
frame or concrete casing without giving the weight of the generator to any part of the
turbine. The runner of the turbine is fitted upon the generator shaft, through a proper
water seal. If the runner of the turbine has a separate bearing (always double axis
roller bearings should be sought), connection to the generator should be through a
flexible coupling to give tolerance for slight misalignments. Since the weight of the
runner is rested upon the generator shaft, the recommendation from the generator
supplier should be obtained prior to placing the order. Generator should never be
mounted on the base plate of the turbine. Water seal, bearing type are extremely
important parts for successful commissioning of the turbine.
Even the base frame concreting should be done following the visual inspection and
instructions of the engineer of turbine manufacturing company.

7.2.2 Bearings
Crossflow turbines must be centrally mounted between bearings; Peltons can be either
centrally mounted or overhung.
Bearing must be properly aligned, either by use of self-aligning types or by
machining of the bearing housings. There should never be more than two bearings on
one shaft.

7.2.3 Drive system

The mounting of pulleys on shafts must be done in a way, which avoids any danger of
progressive fretting damage. Taper-lock bushes are recommended.
The pulley diameters used must not be smaller than recommended by belt and
generator manufacturers.
Pulleys and belts must be sized according to their manufacturers’ procedures.
Synthetic belt materials are recommended for all schemes, and must be used on
schemes greater than 5 kW.

National Micro Hydro Standards 24

In the case of synthetic flat belts, the smaller pulley is usually crowned to stop the belt
slipping off.

7.2.4 Safety guards

All moving parts must be shielded by wire mesh which is durable and strong, and of a
mesh size small enough to prevent children’s hands and fingers passing through. The
guards should be permanently secured by locks and electrically earthed.

7.3 Electrical Installations

7.3.1 Cables
Current handling capacities of the cables should be 40% greater than the rating of
over current protection devices after taking account of de-rating required for use in
conduit and multiple cables.
Cables used for installation should have an insulation level of 600V.
Cable terminations must properly be done with consideration to safety measures.

7.3.2 Conduits and Insulators

Strong conduit must be used to protect all cables in the power house from vermin
attack to the insulation and knocks and blows, and to protect the end-of-cable
terminals from yanks and pulling. It is essential that the conduit is strong and
physically secured to all enclosures by means of threaded connectors secured to the
enclosure, so that any yank to the conduit is not transferred to the cable connections.
Nylon bobbins or telecom insulators and LT insulators must be used in distribution
lines with insulated and bare cables respectively.

7.3.3 Ballast load

If the ballast load is an air heater it should be mounted on the outside wall of the
In case of water heater, a separate water tank should be constructed within the power
house in which the heater is immersed. Tank should continuously be fed by the
tailrace and the outlet of tank should be directed to the tailrace itself.

7.3.4 Shielding
All live surfaces and points must be fully and reliably shielded from human contact.
Cables and their connections to units must be shielded both by conduit and by their
insulation, and connections must be all within closed casings.
Door interlock isolators, to isolate supply when the door is open are recommended on
control gear with voltage above 50 Volts in order to ensure safe working.

National Micro Hydro Standards 25

7.3.5 Earthing
The neutral of the generator and all metal casings and guards must be reliably and
effectively earthed.
The earth resistance should be not more than 10 Ohms, and the surge arrestor
earths should not be more than 5 Ohms.
Acceptable earth electrodes are rod, mats, wires, plates and structural steel work
buried or driven into the ground.
Precautions must be taken to prevent corrosion due to electrochemical effects; this
can be done by using copper for the earthing conductor and electrode, by avoiding bi-
metal joints, or by maintaining air and water exclusion from bi-metal joins.
A main copper earth terminal or bar must be provided to collect and connect together
all earth connections.
Earth conductor, the one connecting earth bar and electrode should have a minimum
cross sectional area of 25 mm2
Every household or industrial place should be effectively earthed.

7.3.6 Internal power supply of power house

It is recommended to fit one or more electric sockets to allow use of electrical
appliances and tools in the power house: these must be placed at least one meter
above floor level to avoid danger of water ingress.
One or more luminaries must be installed in order to provide adequate illumination
for the operation and maintenance of power house.
Required capacity of luminaries > 10W/m2 (For incandescent)

3W/m2 (For fluorescent)

7.4 Environmental protection

Flow released to the stream should be maintained at the required level as given in
overall design
Rock blasting should not be done at sites where earth slips are possible.

National Micro Hydro Standards 26

8 Testing and Commissioning

8.1 Observations
8.1.1 Civil works
All civil constructions should be checked for leaks.
All gates should be closed and each one of them should be opened one by one to
confirm perfect overflowing.
Excess water released to the stream at the forebay tank should not fall on the penstock
under any circumstance.
Forebay spill system should be tested by shutting off turbine to check whether it can
accommodate overflow conditions without danger to foundations.
Silt removal gate at the forebay tank should not block and disturb the uniform flow
through the penstock
Air should not be entered into the penstock mouth during minimum flow operation of
The entire penstock should be checked for leaks, particularly around joints and
flanges under normal operation. Further, it should be pressure-tested to more than the
sum of surge and static head.

8.1.2 Turbine and accessories

Turbine must be tested for run-away speed conditions in cases where no auto shut-
down mechanism is fitted.
Runner and bearing alignment must be checked.
Bearing housing should be one third full of clean grease.
Belt tensions should be checked to ensure that they do not exceed recommended
After opening the valves no water leakages should be observed from the valve or
turbine housing.
No abnormal or intermittent noises should emanate from the belt drive system.
The belt should not slip when the turbine is running.
Belts and flexible couplings should be inspected for any degradation such as cracking
or stretching and for alignment.
Temperature of the bearing housing should be at room temperature even after turbine
has run continuously for 2 hours.

National Micro Hydro Standards 27

8.2 Measurements
8.2.1 Power supply
Minimum Consumer end voltage at peak load > [ 215 V ]
Allowable range for frequency - [ (45-55) Hz ]

Above figures are valid only for domestic consumers. Industrial places if any, must be
provided a power supply of adequate quality that meets the requirements of
appliances used

8.2.2 Water Discharge

Downstream water flow at the time of commissioning should apparently be same
as that before commissioning.

8.2.3 Power house

When the valves are fully opened and tuned until the desired frequency is obtained,
Wattmeter should indicate the design capacity with a maximum tolerance of 5%.
Voltmeter should indicate at least 110% of the standard voltage for domestic supply.
Turbine and generator shafts should rotate at their rated speeds.
After switching on the consumer load,
Voltmeter reading may reduce by not more than 5% of the previous value.
There should be a significant change in the ballast current with the addition of
consumer loading.

National Micro Hydro Standards 28

9 Operation and Maintenance
All operation and maintenance activities should comply with the operation and
maintenance manual9 which is prepared by the developer with the help of equipment
suppliers / manufacturers.

9.1 Water system

9.1.1 Inspection and Clearing
It is essential for daily inspection visit (morning and evening) from the weir point
down to power house by a responsible person who is supposed to operate the turbines.
This has to be part of the duty of the operator and he should maintain a log book for
daily inspections.
Forebay tank should be inspected at least once in 10 days. During the inspection
machines must be switched off. Forebay tank can be emptied by closing the channel
intake gate. All debris to be removed from the trash rack before it is replaced.
Channels must be inspected once in 20 days. Any obstacle can be removed from the
channel while the machines are being operated.
The entire penstock path is supposed to be inspected once in 6 weeks. Any branch or
rock that is likely to damage the penstock must be cut down or removed.

9.1.2 Repairing and Replacement

Any portion of penstock, found to be damaged should be repaired after blocking the
flow at forebay tank or channel.
In case of a severe damage the respective portion of penstock must be removed and

9.2 Power house

9.2.1 Start up and Shut down
Before opening the valves, ballast and consumer feeders should have been isolated
from the generator.
Until the desired frequency and voltage obtained no feeder should be closed
Operator should be there when the machine is started and shut down.

A sample is given in Appendix I

National Micro Hydro Standards 29

Time taken for closing of the turbine should be greater than 1 minute.

9.2.2 Routine maintenance

To be done according to the manufacturers’ specifications

9.2.3 Trouble shooting

The trained operator may repair any component of the distribution panel and internal
installation. Any other problem should be referred to the developer or the
manufacturer of the damaged item.

9.2.4 Tools
One or more of the following tools should be available in the power house depending
on the capacity of the plant as mentioned.

• Tool set to open up turbine, valves, ballast

• Steel ruler

• Tape measure

• Square

• Feeler gauge

• Spirit level

• Battery powered lantern

9.2.5 Log book maintenance

Whatever the maintenance takes place should be recorded in detail in the Logbook.10

9.3 Distribution line

9.3.1 Maintenance of clearance for conductors.
Clearance between the bare Aluminum conductor and the surrounding should be
maintained by frequent clipping of branches. Distribution line route should be
inspected once in 60 days to avoid power interruptions.
If the distribution line is a wood pole line, inspection should be carried out once in six
months, and the average life span is around two to three years. It is strongly
recommended to build up a cash reserve in ECS so that wood poles are replaced by
concrete poles within two years. It has already been proved that concrete poles can be

A sample is given in Appendix J

National Micro Hydro Standards 30

constructed at the specific location by having a separate steel mould which is cheaper
than even buying discarded poles from the utility or any other place due to the heavy
transport cost.

9.4 Insurance (Fire Policy)

It is essential to have fire policy which covers all the components of the project
against malicious damage, damages against floods and earth slips, accidents, damage
of power house equipment from lightning, fire, and any other damage to turbines and
other electro-mechanical components.
In the event of a major damage that is beyond the repair by the ECS, the developer
should be immediately notified and sufficient photographs should be taken
immediately to be produced, if required, as a proof. The insurance agent should be
informed within 24 hours (ECS must have all the contact details and originals of the
fire policy).

National Micro Hydro Standards 31

10 Appendices

Appendix A – Abbreviations and Nomenclature


ITDG - Intermediate Technology development Group

NGO - Non Governmental Organization
ESD - Energy Services Delivery
RERED - Renewable Energy for Rural Economic Development
ECS - Electricity Consumer Society
CEA - Central Environment Authority
IGC - Induction Generator Controller
ELC - Electronic Load Controller
CAD - Computer Aided Designing
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
DC - Direct Current
CFL - Compact Fluorescent Lamp
MCB - Miniature Circuit Breaker
SLS - Sri Lanka Standards
LT - Low Tension
PCB - Printed Circuit Board
PWM - Pulse Width Modulation

N - Number of households
C - Design capacity (kW)
L - Distribution loss (kW)
H - Gross head
F - Design flow (litres/ sec)
R - Annual rainfall (mm)
D - Internal diameter of penstock (cm)

National Micro Hydro Standards 32

Appendix B - A sample table for design verification
Doest it Whether the
complies with implementation has
Component / given in
Parameter the code of been done
Category feasibility
practice? according to the
(Y/N) design?
Head -
Design flow
Flow released
Catchment area
No.of households
Overall design
Per head power
Design capacity
Minimum power
Rubble or concrete ?
Weir Crest width
Maximum height
Headrace Width
channel Height
Freeboard allowance
Maximum slope
Forebay tank Length
Intake Height above the
Inner diameter
T 1000
Penstock T 600
T 400
Interval between
Floor area
Power house Windows area
Tailrace Minimum slope
Power rating

Alternator Power rating

Controller Technology
Ballast type
Type ( 3ph / 1ph)
Along roads
Distribution conductors
line Insulated
No.of surge arrestors
Maximum interval of
Total height
Visible height
Poles Span
Minimum line
Domestic Maximum no.of lamp
installation points
Maximum no.of socket
Industrial Maximum no.of lamp
installation points
Maximum no.of socket

National Micro Hydro Standards 34

Appendix C - Responsibilities of parties

Responsibilities of the society

• Register the ECS at Divisional Secretariat

• Awareness building and conduct regular meetings

• Obtain Environmental Clearance from CEA

• Obtain water rights and land use rights from Divisional Secratariat, if necessary.

• Obtain construction approval (not the land ownership) from relevant line ministries
(Forest, wild life, LRC, Land Commissioner, Local Government, Water supply and
drainage board, Agrarian services, Irrigation department etc.)

• Land clearance from the private land owners (Preferably upon a legally binding

• Collect adequate seed capital, maintain accounts, bank accounts and ensure

• Contribute sweat equity by volunteer participation in constructions and installations

• Labour management to achieve the targets in construction

• Carry out civil constructions according to the guidance by the developer

• Procurement of machinery, penstocks, construction material under the guidance of the


• Adhere to the constitution in operation and maintenance after commissioning of the


• Maintain cordial relationship with the developer with a binding contract.

• Collection of monthly electricity bills as per the constitution which should adequate
for loan repayment, maintenance, and to build up a reserve capital.

• Maintain discipline among membership in power consumption.

Responsibilities of the Developer

• Establish the ECS and educating the ECS about the nature of the project.

• Assist ECS in getting all approvals

• Carry out feasibility studies and designs

National Micro Hydro Standards 35

• Assist ECS in getting bank loans

• Construction management according to code of practice

• Assist ECS in procurement of machinery and all materials, and get warranty from
suppliers and maintenance agreements from machinery suppliers (turbine, alternator
and IGC).

• Prepare the constitution and disciplinary code which should be enforced after

• Undertake complete responsibility for successful commissioning and officially hand

over the project to ECS after commissioning.

• Training of personnel appointed by ECS for operation and maintenance.

• Post commissioning supervision upon a binding contract with the ECS.

Responsibilities of Manufacturers/ Suppliers

• Submission of clear specifications of all equipment they manufacture/ supply.

• Details of technology of fabrication and raw materials used should be provided in

case of manufacturing equipment.

• Providing a warranty period under terms and conditions of the quotation

• Should fabricate the IGC in such a manner that the consultant can easily verify its
compliance with standards.

• Provide operation and maintenance manuals for the operators of the plant, in their
local language.

• Act according to the agreement with the villagers.

National Micro Hydro Standards 36

Appendix D – Content of a feasibility study

Content of a technical feasibility study

The technical feasibility study should at least contain following and any other point
relevant to the design aspects discussed in chapter 4 .
1. The general design data (head, design flow, capacity ……etc.,)
2. Hydrology analysis and flow duration curve (both discharge in litres/sec and
corresponding generation in kW in each month)
3. Daily power demand profile considering a reasonable wattage for each household
(eg. 250 W per house hold) leaving provisions for future demand growth and
allowing for distribution loss, which amounts to 10-15% of generation. Minimum
generation derived from flow duration curve should be more than the peak demand.
4. Catchment area marked on 1:50,000 topographical map
5. Layouts of water flow system and power distribution network.
6. Sketches of all civil structures with dimensions.
7. Head loss calculation and penstock selection.
8. Descriptions of electromechanical equipment with efficiencies, ratings etc.
9. Load flow diagram and conductor selection.
10. Layout of domestic and industrial power supplies.
11. Distribution lines marked in a separate village map with conductor size, distance,
households, locations of surge arrestors and voltage profile (max voltage drop at
each branch end )

Format of a financial feasibility study

The project cost should clearly spell out the following:

1. Professional services of the developer (only if the ECS should bear the cost)
2. Pre-operational cost for all approvals, registrations, and securing the land

National Micro Hydro Standards 37

3. Raw material cost for all civil constructions
4. Penstock cost
5. Electro-mechanical cost (cost of all equipment in the power house, including
earthing, surge arrestors, and installation and commissioning cost)
6. Material cost for distribution lines
7. Labour cost and machinery cost for skilled operations (to be secured from outside.
For instance rock drilling, rock blasting, installation of distribution lines, testing)
8. Sweat equity from ECS
It is expected that ECS should bear the cost of items 2, 3, 7 and 8. Outside grants and
bank loans will be used for items 4, 5 and 6 (penstocks, electro-mechanical equipment
and material cost for distribution lines). The cost of Item 1 (professional services of the
developer) has so far been borne by the World Bank funded RERED scheme, and in the
absence of RERED, there has to be a separate mechanism to finance the developer for the
sustainability of village hydro power projects.

Key issues of a socio-economic feasibility study

Following key issues should be addressed in conducting the survey.

• Income level (fixed and variable income) of consumers.

• Expenditure on energy without electricity (kerosene lamps, battery charging, fire
wood, diesel for generators)
• Present energy consumption and expected growth.
• Educational background of each consumer family.
• Distribution of population (economic status, educational status, age groups, land
ownership, number of dependents per family)
• Services and outside income sources in the village (number of schools, community
centres, hospitals and health centres, religious places and services from those places)
• Present infrastructure development and hardships.
• Present collective work and description of active societies (to evaluate the unity, team
work spirit, and village harmony)
• Resources of the village and resource harnessing
• Expected outcome and economic growth after electricity

National Micro Hydro Standards 38

Appendix E – Sample agreements

Points to be considered in the agreement between villagers and the society

1 Maximum possible power allocation for a household at peak

2 Set up of the household wiring and service connections
3 Peak hours and the usage schedule
4 Industrial tariff and consumer tariff
5 Seed capital and collection methodology Monthly tariff and collection mechanism
6 Accounting procedures
7 Provision for reserve funds. / insurance
8 Maintenance plan
9 How to work under a contingency (breakdown of machinery and distribution lines
and collapse of civil works)
10 Tariff collection in the event of no electricity and build up of a sinking fund (to pay
bank loans and contingency cost after commissioning)
11 Collective responsibility and collective ownership
12 Land use for civil constructions and distribution lines (collective approval from the
land owners for access and land use)
13 Disciplinary actions for misuse of electricity
14 Role of the executive committee and different sub committees

National Micro Hydro Standards 39

The agreement between [village name]electricity consumers society and
[name of developer]

Parties abided by the agreement

• M/S [developer’s name]

(will be named as developer hereinafter)

• [Village name] electricity producers and consumers society

(will be named as society hereinafter)

No third party other than the developer is entitled to intervene in feasibility studies,
design, supervision and consultancy regarding the development of power project.

The society is entirely responsible for providing labour for the construction of the project.

Developer will arrange the bank loan on behalf of the society and the society is entirely
responsible for the repayment of loan.

The interest free loan accomplished by the developer must be reimbursed by the society
immediately after receiving the post commissioning grants.

Power house and all the electromechanical equipment will be the property of developer
until the society discharges all the liabilities.

Maintenance and repairing of all those equipment must be done under the intervention of

Developer will decide the power allocation for individual consumers.

Any industrial activity that consumes power must be started only with the approval of

Society is responsible to solve any conflicts aroused among members or between

members and outsiders. Developer may intervene in problem solving when necessary.
The society is obliged to accept the developer’s decision as the final decision in such a

If the society seems to neglect its responsibilities during construction or after

commissioning of the project, developer has the right to acquire all assets belonged to the

National Micro Hydro Standards 40

If any of the two parties violate this agreement, other party is allowed to go before the

……………………………. ………………………
Hony. President Hony. Secretary

[Name of electricity consumers’ society]

……………………………. ……………………
Managing director Project manager

[Name of project developing organization]

Both parties signed the document at my presence after it was read and illustrated.

…………………… ….………………………………
Date Attorney-at-law / Notary public

National Micro Hydro Standards 41

Appendix F - Line diagrams
Line diagram of Power house ( Induction generator / three phase supply )




Ballast bank
Capacitor load

Line diagram of Power house (Induction generator / single phase supply)

2C load

National Micro Hydro Standards 42

Appendix G - Mould design for concrete poles


4” 6”
4” 4”
2” 2”




6.5” 6” 5.5”

National Micro Hydro Standards 43

Appendix H - Tables for cable selection

National Micro Hydro Standards 44

National Micro Hydro Standards 45
National Micro Hydro Standards 46
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National Micro Hydro Standards 54
Appendix I – Operation and Maintenance manual

Maintenance of components
Check regularly for cracks and leaks. If found, take immediate action to repair the
particular fault.

Main intake
If wooden slabs are used to block the intake, make sure that the guides are free of sand or
debris. Keep slabs ready for use at any instance.

Headrace channel
Check for cracks on the concrete channel. Remove any rubbish which have blocked the
channel. Be concerned about the leaks and erosions below the concrete base. Do not
operate the machines when channel is lack of sufficient water flow. Be careful about the
trees, soil crumbs and rocks which are likely to fall on the channel.

Trash rack
Clean the rack daily. Clean it several times a day on rainy and windy days. If not cleaned
properly, either the rack will be damaged allowing all debris be entered to the penstock or
the machines will stop due to the non-availability of water.

Desilting tank and forebay tank

Wash out the tank weekly. When it rains heavily or if the silt content is fairly high, wash
out it daily. Cover the tank with a strong mesh and lock it up to avoid any rubbish enter
the tank.

Vent pipe
It will often be damaged and blocked due to the size. Hence it should be held in leash
with a strong post. Use a tiny wire to clean the pipe.

Penstock pipes
It is recommended to bury the penstock pipes as far as possible.
Where impossible, pipes should be protected from direct sunlight using tar sheets or
shade plantation. Prepare the access paths so that the exposed portion of the penstock can
be supervised daily. Trees and rocks which are likely to fall on penstock should be
removed. Pipes and joints should be checked for leaks.
Earth should be checked about the buried portion of penstock. Be concern about cracks
on earth, subsidence or moisture. In such case, immediately dig the particular location
and repair the damage if any. Concrete around the repaired portion and cover with soil.

National Micro Hydro Standards 55

Penstock anchors
Check whether the anchors have been chipped or cracked. If the anchors vibrate during
the operation of power house increase the size of the anchor. Take necessary actions to
control soil erosion around the anchor.

Penstock supporters
Regularly check whether the supporters are damaged. Take necessary actions for

Pressure gauge
Check the gauge daily and note down readings before and after opening the valves. The
two readings should approximately be equal. Otherwise there must be a fault in either
forebay tank or penstock or gauge unless the river flow is considerably low. In such a
case generation should be reduced or stopped.
Component Possible fault Solution
Gauge Gauge is out of order Check with a new meter
Forebay tank Trash rack or the intake has been Empty the tank and wash
blocked out, remove the trash rack
and clean it
Penstock Water leak or a block inside the Leak : caulk the hole and
pipe cover with concrete.
Block : remove the gate
valve and check the pipe

Main valve
Regularly apply oil or grease. Check whether water leak out or leak into the turbine when
the valve is totally closed.

Pay attention to the sound generated at the operation of machines. Check the vibration of
bearings. Replace the bearings immediately when they expire. Be concerned about the
following possible faults as well.
Observation Possible fault Solution
Abnormal sound Wood or stone particles have Dismantle the housing and
entered the turbine housing clean inside
Overheating of bearings Tightening of belts, excess or Adjust belts. Apply or
recession of grease remove grease as
Water leaks through Loosening of nuts in housing Tighten the nuts of housing.
joints or damage to the packing Put new packing

National Micro Hydro Standards 56

Increase of corrosion Remove the rust and paint
Vibration of machines Loosening of nuts, splitting of Tighten the nuts. Weld the
and bearings housing or bearings being out- housing if any cracks.
dated Replace the bearings if out-
Loosening of pulleys Tighten the nuts
Loosening or tightening Loosening of nuts connecting Adjusting of belts should be
of belts the base frame and floor done as instructed in the
next paragraph.

Use a tester to check whether there is any electricity leak. Check whether the belts and
pulleys have been loosened and tighten them if so.
When adjusting belts, the difference should be 1cm. Belts should be tightened or
loosened depending on whether the difference is greater than or less than 1cm
respectively. Loosen the nuts connecting the generator and floor before adjusting belts
and tighten them after adjusting belts. If it is not clear get instructions from the equipment
supplier. Check whether wax clothes or pieces of thread have been wound on belts and
bearings and remove if any. Avoid drops of water fall on generator. Pay attention to
abnormal vibrations and heatings.
Regularly check whether holes of back cover have been blocked. Remove the back cover
once a month and make sure that the fan is positioned properly. Use a pump to apply
grease once a month if necessary. Keep the generator surface free of oil, grease and dust.
The generator may overheat due to the following reasons. Take appropriate actions as
given in table.
Reason for overheating Solution
Having oil, grease or dust on surface Clean the surface regularly
Holes of the back cover have been blocked Clean the cover regularly
Fan has been loosened or damaged Tighten it or replace with new one.
Bearings are expired Replace bearing at the end of life time
specified by the supplier.
Being unable to deliver the design capacity Inform the supplier and get a generator of
higher rating.

Control equipment
IGC meters and main switches
Check for electricity leaks in the IGC using a tester. Make sure it is not overheated. Keep
some vapour absorbent like Potassium permanganate inside the control panel. Read all

National Micro Hydro Standards 57

the meters before supplying electricity to the village and check whether the reading are in
compliance with those of the manufacturer. Note all readings on the log book.
Make sure that the main switches are functioning well using a tester. Check the operation
of trip switch daily using the test button. If you observe sparking when the machines are
operating, check the wiring connections of switches and MCBs and tighten them if

Ballast load and wiring connections

Air heater ballasts
Make sure that all ballast units heat properly and uniformly. Remove anything
inflammable like dried leaves, piece of papers, wax clothes and little creatures.
Water heater ballasts
Make sure that the tank receives a sufficient flow to maintain the required water level and
check whether there are any leaks in the tank. Regularly clean the pipes and taps which
supply water to the tank.
Inactive ballasts will definitely damage the generator and IGC. If any ballast unit is
known to be out of order immediately stop the machines and get it repaired by a qualified
technician. Make sure the wiring connections exist properly. Wires will probably undergo
damages due to loosening of nuts at joints, bites of animals like rats, corrosion etc.
Expensive damages can be prevented by regular inspection and attention.

Lightening arrestors
Ask the supplier of arrestor for any method to check and ensure the operation of the
arrestor unit. Daily check this unit before operating machines.

Distribution lines
Inspect the entire distribution network at least once a month. Don’t forget to stop
machines before carrying out any repairs and maintenance. All branches grown towards
bare Aluminium conductors should be clipped off. Be careful about trees and rock which
are likely to fall on lines. Check the line network after each rainy/ windy day.
Loose connections will cause fires as well as reduction of power supply to consumers.
This can be verified by observing sparks at night. Use proper line traps to avoid danger
and low power supply.

Distribution poles
Use concrete poles as far as possible. Replace outworn wood poles with new ones. A pole
that falls down may damage remaining poles and conductors. It will also cause property
damages and electrocutions. Be careful to avoid these dangers.

National Micro Hydro Standards 58

Sub circuit switches
Connect a switch at each sub circuit. This will be useful in troubleshooting as well as
when delivering the entire capacity of power to a particular location. The switches on
poles must be covered in order to prevent from sunlight and rain.

Consumer installations
Should be in compliance with standards. Improper installations will cause voltage drops
in main line and affect the security of consumers as well. Keep consumers informed
about the wattage allocated per house.

Start up and Shut down procedure of Power plant

Start up
Check everything mentioned above
Read the pressure gauge
Disconnect all consumer loads
Note down the energy meter reading
Check the ballast heaters. Check for inflammable particles on air heaters. Check the
water supply, water level and leaks in water heaters.
If the pressure gauge reading is below the specified value correct it according to the
instructions given.
Open the main valve slowly
Reduce the speed of opening valve when voltmeter reading comes to 150
When the voltmeter reaches 200 check whether the ballast indicator lights become on or
the ballast voltmeter gives a reading. If not close the valve and check the connections of
ballast heaters.
If the ballast units start heating up at 200V they should become red hot at 250V
Check for abnormal sounds, hi-speed leaks and over heating of bearings.
Connect consumer loads by switching on MCBs one by one.
When the machines become stable note down the pressure gauge reading. If it is lower
than the desired value make the necessary corrections.
Improper heating of ballast units definitely damage the generator and IGC. Therefore if
you are unable to find the fault get a qualified technician to do it.

National Micro Hydro Standards 59

Shut down
Disconnect all consumer loads
Check the ballast indicator and voltmeter as explained in the start up.
Start closing the valve slowly.
When the voltmeter reading comes down to 150 stop closing for a while and continue
closing very slowly.
After closing the valve completely check whether water leaks.
Note down the energy meter reading.

National Micro Hydro Standards 60

Appendix J – Log book

1. Name of the Project : …………………………………...

2. Name of the water resource : ……………………………………
3. Name of the Electricity consumer society : ……………………………………
4. Address : …………………………………….
5. Capacity of the Project : …………………………………….
6. Number of houses benefited : …………………………………….
7. Contact details of the developer : …………………………………….
8. Name of the coordinating officer : …………………………………….
9. Total estimated cost of the project : …………………………………….
10. Details of the subsidies received :
Name of donor organisation Amount of donation (Rs.)
01.World Bank
02.Provincial council
03.Decentralized budget

11. Contribution of the community : Cash - …………….

Labor - …………….
Construction material - …………….
12. Name of the credit institute : …………………………………………….
13. Contact details of the equipment supplier/s : …………………………………….
14. Warranty period, terms and conditions : …………………………………….

National Micro Hydro Standards 61

15. Date of commencement of the project : …………………………………….
16. Date of commissioning of the project : …………………………………….
17. Name/s of the person/s trained for operating the plant :

18. Project Data :

Gross Head (m) : …………………………..
Flow rate (litres/sec) : …………………………..
Turbine type : …………………………..

Generated mechanical power (kW)

Design flow ( litres / sec)
Design head (m)
Efficiency (%)

19. Generator type, capacity, serial no. and year of manufactured


20. Remarks :
21. Details of repairs :

National Micro Hydro Standards 62

Energy Pressure gauge
Time Main Main Ballast load Frequency Name of
Date meter ( with operation) signature Remarks
voltmeter Ammeter meter (Hz) operator
Start Stop Start Stop voltage Current before after

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