Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Belonging and Contributing

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Ministry of Education

Kindergarten Communication of Learning

Date: February 11, 2022

Student: Thanorzan Thavakumar ( 970157 ) OEN: 780-410-536 Days Absent: 3.0 Total Days Absent: 3.5
Year 1 Year 2 X French: Immersion Core Extended Times Late: 0.0 Total Times Late: 0.0
Teacher: T. Sanghera ( HF1: K5 ) Early Childhood Educator:* N. Mortson
Principal: Forbes, Marsha Tel.: 905-840-2135 Board: Peel District School Board
School: Brisdale Public School Address: 5650 Hurontario Street
Address: 370 Brisdale Drive Mississauga, ON
Brampton L5R 1C6

Belonging and Contributing ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning
Thanorzan is displaying a wonderful sense of belonging within our classroom community. He has adapted to his second year in
Kindergarten quickly and comes to class with a positive attitude towards learning. He demonstrates an eagerness to participate
and persists through challenging tasks. When hosting group discussions, Thanorzan volunteers ideas and thoughts i.e: what
animals do we see at the zoo? and creating a list of winter activities/items. Thanorzan confidently answers questions and voices
his opinions. It is also evident, Thanorzan demonstrates a sense of pride through his work. Thanorzan is able to wait his turn to
present and respectfully listens to his peers while they are sharing their ideas. Thanorzan is adding a lot of details to his work,
drawings and to his explanations of his work. Thanorzan enjoys DPA activities and always participates in dance, yoga, and
games such as " Simon Says". Thanorzan acts and talks with peers and adults by expressing and accepting positive
messages. Thanorzan uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences with the other students in the class. He
acknowledges positive comments from others with an appropriate response, such as saying thank you and a smile. We will
continue to support Thanorzan's sense of belonging in the classroom by providing him opportunities to connect with others in a
variety of ways.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning

Thanorzan comes to school each morning with a smile on his face and happily greets his teachers and peers. He is making
friends and adjusting well to Senior Kindergarten. Thanorzan has a kind nature and actively participates in a wide range of
learning activities. He demonstrates his personal interest in the centres he frequently visits. In the classroom he could often be
found building with Lego blocks, the blocks centre, and crafts. Thanorzan has really enjoyed building structures with Legos,
making puzzles and enthusiastically showing them to the educators. He plays cooperatively with others and shows good
manners when interacting with teachers and peers. He demonstrates his understanding of belonging to a class community by
helping during tidy up time. Thanorzan is encouraged to continue to challenge himself and participate in various physical
activities like playing with a ball, riding a bike, and other indoor/outdoor activities that may interest him.

* Required in classes of 16 or more children

KRC075R v7.07 Kindergarten Page 1 of 4

Student: Thanorzan Thavakumar ( 970157 ) OEN: 780-410-536 Year 1 Year 2 X

Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning
Thanorzan demonstrates an understanding and critical awareness of a variety of written materials that are shared by his
educators. He has shown significant growth as he demonstrates an interest in reading. During our morning message he uses
simple reading strategies to make sense of unfamiliar texts. Thanorzan listens attentively when an educator reads stories and
shares the retelling of the story. After the read-aloud book, ‘If You Take a Mouse to School’ he said, “The mouse went to school
and he ate his lunch and played with his friends". Thanorzan is developing numeracy skills and applies different strategies when
conducting math investigations. In math, Thanorzan shows his good understanding of two-dimensional shapes. He enjoys
going on a shape hunt and finding things that represent various shapes. When making a penguin craft, Thanozan correctly
counted and showed that his penguin has "2 ovals, 2 squares, 1 rectangle, 1 triangle, 1 semi circle." We will continue to support
Thanorzan in using math concepts in his play, such as building with three-dimensional shapes.

Problem Solving and Innovating ESL IEP

Key Learning / Growth in Learning / Next Steps in Learning
Thanorzan demonstrates problem solving and innovating skills through the way he interacts and solves problems with his peers
and in how he creates with various materials. Thanorzan demonstrates curiosity and enthusiasm when exploring, building, and
creating within the classroom. Thanorzan can often be found creating various ramps with his friends. He experiments with
materials when he says, “let’s try this out.” He then moves a tube closer to a hoop through which he wants a ball to roll through
as it exits the ramp. When using large wooden blocks to build “transformers” and cars. Thanorzan explores various heights and
lengths of blocks to find ones to make the walls just the right height. He independently selects and uses materials to carry out
his ideas. Thanorzan increasingly uses his prior knowledge when building to create new structures. For example, when he
listened to a lesson on steep and stable ramps, he then helped to create a large wooden ramp with his peers. He works
collaboratively with his friends when building and problem solves appropriately any conflicts that may arise, such as whose turn
it is to test out the ramp. We will continue to support Thanorzan in planning, investigating, and then reflecting on his creations.

ESL - English as a Second Language

IEP - Individual Education Plan

To Parents/Guardians: This copy of the Kindergarten Communication of Learning should be retained for reference. The original
or an exact copy has been placed in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR) folder and will be retained for five years after the
student leaves school.

Teacher's Signature Principal's Signature

T. Sanghera Forbes, Marsha

N. Mortson
Where applicable: Early Childhood Educator(s) ______________________________________________ contributed to
the observation, monitoring, and assessment of your child's learning that is reflected in this Kindergarten Communication of
Kindergarten Page 2 of 4
Student: Thanorzan Thavakumar ( 970157 ) OEN: 780-410-536 Year 1 Year 2 X

The Four Frames

In Kindergarten, the learning expectations are connected with four "frames": Belonging and Contributing, Self-Regulation
and Well-Being, Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours, and Problem Solving and Innovating. Children's
learning in these four areas is evaluated and described in this report.

Belonging and Contributing focuses on children's:

- sense of connectedness to others;
- ability to form relationships and make contributions as part of a group, a community, and the natural world;
- developing understanding of how people relate to one another and to the world around them.

What children learn in connection with this frame provides them with a sense of being personally connected to various
groups and communities, and lays the foundation for developing the traits and attitudes required for responsible

Self-Regulation and Well-Being focuses on children's:

- ability to understand their own thoughts and feelings, to see that others may have different thoughts and feelings,
and to respect those differences;
- ability to understand and manage their emotions and impulses, find ways to deal with distractions, and be aware that
their actions have consequences;
- awareness of their physical and mental health and wellness.

What children learn in connection with this frame allows them to focus, to learn, to respect themselves and others, and to
promote well-being in themselves and others.

(continued on page 4)

Kindergarten Communication of Learning (Please complete, sign, and detach the form below, and return it to your school.)

Student:Thanorzan Thavakumar ( 970157 ) Year 1 OEN: 780-410-536 Teacher: T. Sanghera ( HF1: K5 )

Year 2 X Early Childhood Educator(s) (where applicable):

N. Mortson

Parent's/Guardian's Comments
I notice that my child has shown growth in the following areas:

I will help my child to:

I have received this Communication. I would like to discuss this Communication. Please contact me.
Parent's/Guardian's name (please print) Signature Date
Telephone Number (day): Telephone Number (evening):
Kindergarten Page 3 of 4
Student: Thanorzan Thavakumar ( 970157 ) OEN: 780-410-536 Year 1 Year 2 X

Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours focuses on children's:

- ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings in various ways, using their bodies, words, symbols, images,
constructions, and/or other forms of expression;
- "literacy behaviours" - the various ways in which children use language, images, and materials to express ideas and
emotions as they respond to words and stories, begin to think critically, and begin to read and write;
- "mathematics behaviours" - the various ways in which children use concepts of number and pattern during play and
inquiry; process various kinds of information; and begin to grasp mathematical relationships, concepts, skills, and
- curiosity about literacy and mathematics and love of learning in general, as they develop the habit of learning for life.

What children learn in connection with this frame develops their capacity to think critically, to understand and respect
many different perspectives, and to process various kinds of information.

Problem Solving and Innovating focuses on children's:

- desire to explore the world out of natural curiosity, which develops their minds, their senses, and their bodies;
- desire to make meaning of their world by asking questions, testing theories, solving problems, and using creative
and analytical thinking;
- confidence to explore the innovative thoughts and activities that naturally arise with an active curiosity, and to apply
those ideas as they interact with others and with the world.

What children learn in connection with this frame will help them develop the habit of applying creative, analytical, and
critical-thinking skills in all aspects of their lives.

What children learn in connection with all four frames lays the foundation for developing traits and attitudes they will need to
become active, contributing, responsible citizens and healthy, engaged individuals who take responsibility for their own and
others' well-being.

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