Mercyhurst Students Contribute To Local Politics

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Opinion section stirs Underdog field

controversy in hockey team takes

’Hurst community down No. 1 IUP
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sxc.uc photo sxc.uc photo


Mercyhurst students
contribute to local politics

Brittani DeVore photo

students visit
Congressman Phil
English and First Lady
Laura Bush
Brittani DeVore photo
Read more on Page 2
Page 2 NEWS October 22, 2008

Communication class meets high profile Republicans

The 20 student volunteers
By Amanda Valauri
from Corbin’s class met at the
News editor
Manufacturer and Business
Association building on West
Mercyhurst College students 38th Street.
and People for Phil English Williams participated in this
were busy campaigning for reception as well.
Erie’s congressman at two “I got to drive Mayor Giuliani
event fund-raisers with some to and from the airport with his
high profile guests: First Lady publicist and bodyguard. He
of the United States Laura was an incredibly pleasant
Bush and former New York and down-to-earth guy and ac-
City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. tually pretty funny,” he said.
Students from the commu- After driving the mayor Wil-
nication department had this liams said, “I have never been
unique experience, because of so nervous driving a car, or had
Meghan Corbin, finance direc- a public figure’s fate resting in
tor for People for English. Brittani DeVore photo my hands, but we made it.”
The adjunct professor Mercyhurst College communication students had the opportunity to volunteer to a local politi- Senior Jenna Golden was
recruited students from her cal campaign and meet Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and First Lady Laura Bush. excited to help at the event.
Strategic Communication class “Even though I am a Demo-
to help with these two events. Corbin said. “Both First Lady “Meeting the first lady was enchanted by her charm. crat, I really look up to Giuliani
Corbin said communication Laura Bush and Mayor Giu- the greatest educational oppor- “The first lady was elo- and everything he did for New
theories, internal communica- liani provided us with the shot tunity I’ve had since coming to quent, elegant and down to York City,” she said. “It was
tion and contingency plans are in the arm we needed to get us Mercyhurst College,” Oliver earth; characteristics I think a great experience getting to
all part of classroom learn- through to the end of the elec- said. “I have a passion for every president’s wife should meet him and so many other
ing and real life experience tion.” events, so being able to help possess,” Oliver said. “I was local politicians.”
enhances students understand- Sophomore Brittani DeVore’s with something of this caliber amazed at how friendly she Corbin was proud of her
ing. experience at the events was was a highlight of my life.” was too, especially when she class and said Mercyhurst
“This type of learning is humbling. The students had a variety wrapped her arms around us should be proud to be rep-
constructive and necessary, but “Having Meghan Corbin as of different responsibilities at and gathered us together for a resented by such high caliber
when students can take that a professor has allowed me to the event ranging from gen- picture.” young professionals.
knowledge and not only see it experience two great, amaz- eral crowd control and flow to “Several of the guests, a rep-
in action, but also experience ing events; they were experi- photo pushers and pullers. New York City mayor resentative from the National
it firsthand, it is a much more ences that will last a lifetime,” Senior Matt Williams had the Along with the first lady, Republican Congressional
meaningful experience and a DeVore said. rare opportunity to get a pro- former New York City Mayor Committee, the Congressman
more complete learning pro- fessional photo with the First Rudy Giuliani campaigned for and Mayor Giuliani’s staff all
cess,” she said. The first lady Lady. He said he was nervous. the congressman on Monday, complimented the students
Corbin said the experience is The modest house in Sharon, “I got thrown into the pic- Oct. 20. who were at the event on their
valuable. teemed with anticipation and ture line at the last second as English was one of the first professionalism, positive atti-
“Students can take away les- Secret Service men early on a courtesy and didn’t have any congressmen to endorse Giu- tude, knowledge and confi-
sons that are practically impos- Wednesday morning, Oct. 15. introduction prepared in my liani for president. They have dence,” she said.
sible to recreate in the classroom The First Lady Laura Bush head,” Williams said. been long-time friends. DeVore, who took pictures at
and also can list this experience was on her way. While the first lady flew Giuliani said, “It is a pleasure both events, said, “This election
on their resume, which pro- Six of Corbin’s students vol- across Pennsylvania to cam- to be here and campaign for will be a historical moment in
vides them an advantage when unteered to work the brunch paign for the congressman, she such a valued congressman.” time, and I’m lucky to have had
they are either looking for a job reception. used her brief time and private Giuliani spoke about the the opportunity to work for the
in the coming months or when Laura Bush came to show audience to talk about her other importance of experienced Republican Party. I think every-
they are applying to graduate her support for Congressman causes, like breast cancer. politicians on Capitol Hill. one who attended would agree
school,” Corbin said. Phil English’s re-election. For breast cancer awareness “Phil’s experience and will- that it was well worth our time;
The guest appearances The brunch served as an month, the First Lady brought a ingness to put his district before we learned so much.”
served as fund-raisers for the important fund-raiser for the little color to the White House. his party is why people should Matt Williams agrees.
congressman and will help congressman and a milestone “…And I know y’all saw the vote for him,” he said. “It is not “It has been a good week
drive the last two weeks of the in a few Mercyhurst College White House lit pink,” Laura only important to re-elect Phil, for me, having met two of the
campaign. students’ lives. Bush said with her Southern but to also throw your support most influential political fig-
“The events were a great suc- Senior Stephanie Oliver was accent. behind out good friend, John ures of the last several years,”
cess in terms of fund raising,” excited to meet Laura Bush. The guests and students were McCain. Experience matters.” he said.
October 22, 2008 NEWS Page 3

Opinion piece causes concerns It’s the season

By Casey Greene
willing to meet and discuss the
Hallam said the Monday
to it.”
“My effort was to put him
at ease,” Tobin said. “I did
to vote ‘green’
meeting lasted a half-hour. not want to put him on the make our generation aware of
Sophomore Seth Hallam’s
By JoEllen Marsh
“I called the meeting in an defense.” green energy and jobs. I think
Staff writer
recent opinion piece in The effort to understand his rea- Hallam said the topic of cen- most students care about pol-
Merciad has stirred contro- sons behind writing the arti- sorship was discussed and said itics and care about a green
versy across the Mercyhurst cle,” Tobin said. “I wanted he believes Tobin was trying to Members of Mercyhurst earth, but it’s important that
College campus. to see if something had hap- stop any future controversial College’s Green Team will be we all make the connection
Hallam’s opinion piece, pened that I could help him issues from being printed in Garvey Park on Thursday between the two.”
titled “Abortion: a solution to work through.” “I asked him if I had written promoting Power Vote, a na- Aside from signing pledges
poverty?” was printed in the But Hallam said he felt a vehemently pro-life article tion-wide pledge drive to get and eating free baked goods,
Oct. 15 issue of The Merciad. Tobin tried to use his position would I be in his office, and students to vote green. students who stop by the rally
In the article, Hallam to “interrogate” and “intimi- he said ‘I would hope so,’” Green Team President can write out ideas and learn
expressed his criticism of the date” him. Hallam said. “That means Margaux Valenti said, “We are how to submit proposals to
pro-life stance. While Hallam said he most certainly not.” having the rally basically as a the Green Energy Review
Since the article was printed, believes Tobin was attempting Hallam said he explained huge visual. We want people Board.
The Merciad has received sev- to “censor through intimida- to Tobin that his article was to see and hear us.” “Power Vote shows that
eral letters to the editor dis- tion,” Tobin said this was not an opinion piece. Hallam told Green Team members hope it matters to the American
agreeing with his opinion. his goal. Tobin that he wanted to “make the rally, which takes place youth what happens to the
Vice President of Student “I told him that my article people think.” between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. environment and we care
Life, Dr. Gerry Tobin, was one was based solely on facts and “It was not my intent to Thursday, Oct. 23, will attract about the election. It’s mak-
concerned reader. he told me that it was up to upset him,” Tobin said. “I a lot of students. ing a nationwide statement!”
Tobin wrote a letter to the interpretation,” Hallam said. expressed that to him on sev- Junior Valerie Fuhrman Valenti said.
editor, and he asked Hallam “He said I really needed to eral occasions.” said, “At the rally, I hope to
to meet with him Monday for watch what I wrote.” Hallam said he did receive
a one-on-one conversation Tobin said he had no other an e-mail from Tobin shortly
about the opinion piece. intent in calling the meeting after their meeting.
Tobin said he decided to ask other than curiosity. In the e-mail Tobin thanked CLARIFICATION
Hallam to meet with him after “It’s the psychologist in me Hallam for meeting with him
reading his article and receiv- that wants to better under- and explained it was not his The story on page 5 of the Oct. 8
ing many calls from alarmed stand human behavior,” he intent to cause an argument. Merciad indicated “numerous” assaults
Mercyhurst community mem- said. “I wanted to know what “It didn’t go the way I had against students had been reported this
bers. motivated him to write the hoped it might,” Tobin said. trimester on the Mercyhurst College
“A number of people article.” Hallam said the meeting campus to Police and Safety.
expressed concern about his Tobin called Hallam’s article with Tobin will not stop him The department has not had reports of
article,” Tobin said. “So I “less than cordial,” and said from his “attempt at enlight- assaults against students this term.
called Seth to ask if he was the “article had an attack tone ening.”

New parking rule affects all students

• Parking is not permitted in the circle in front of Old Main.
• Parking in the circle will be reserved for vehicles with special
permits, or by special invitation only.
• There is no general parking available in the area behind Old
Main, Preston Hall and Egan Hall as all parking spaces located
in that lot are now reserved.
• There will be a parking space behind Old Main designated as a
30 minute loading and unloading zone.
• Enforcement of parking rules and regulations in these two areas
began Monday, Oct. 20, 2008.
Ed Bernik photo
Page 4 NEWS October 22, 2008

Mercyhurst students donate food, food, food

This year the Food Drive will and traditional. Prizes will be All of the proceeds benefit change to the cause.
By Alaina Rydzewski
send 102 students out into the awarded for best overall chili. the Erie City Mission. Wondering how to g et
Staff writer
community. Last year’s group Juniors Arianne Zimmerman Betsy Frank of the Human involved for next year? Signing
collected 4,776 pounds of food, and Amy Bergan will be enter- Resources Department and up through service learning or
What do canned goods, chili more than the weight of an ing under the unique category head of the Chili Cook-Off, simply calling Zechman in the
and cardboard boxes have in average car. All of the donations with their white chicken chili, said, “[It’s] very nice to get the Herrmann Student Union are
common? They are not only are given to the Second Harvest something they are cooking for whole community involved, and both easy ways.
frequently found in supermar- Food Bank. the first time. the Cook-Off is a nice marriage Zechman said it’s important
kets, but they also pertain to The “Eat-it-to-the-Bottom” They have entered for a with Box City,” which is also to help out, “especially now,
fundraisers on campus. Chili Cook-Off is in its third couple of years, and think it is occurring Wednesday. because our economy is really
This is the 36th consecutive year and will be going on in the a good time. Box City’s goal is to raise bad and poor people are most
year the Food Drive is giving Student Union on Wednesday, They said, “[The Cook-Off] awareness about global issues affected—some have to decide
back to the local community. Oct. 22 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 benefits a good cause and such as poverty and world whether to buy food or pay
The program will run through p.m. you get to know other college hunger. bills,”.”
Saturday, Oct. 25. Students can enter their own employees other than profes- Students will be sitting in Freshman and Mercyhurst
Amanda Zechman, Campus chili recipes, sample the dif- sors, and of course you get to boxes from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Student Government Senator
Minister and head of the food ferent entries or judge other try a bunch of chilies.” between Zurn Hall and Old Chol John said, “A student has
drive, said every year students student’s chilies. The different Chili samples cost 25 cents Main to collect money for the to give back to the community
go door-to-door, asking for categories to enter include hot each. One can of food can also Erie City Mission. Students and be a symbol for the com-
donations. and spicy, vegetarian, unique be traded for three samples. are encouraged to donate their munity.”

Democrats, not Republicans, win some voters with Christian values

compared to 45 percent of all Senior and president of church-goer Jim Maxwell, on Drushel is an Obama sup-
By JoEllen Marsh
voters. Young Republicans, Adam the other hand, said “I value porter and a Christian who has
Staff writer
In fact, young Catholics favor Hammer, believes the Demo- someone’s life more than the attended a Presbyterian church
a larger government more than cratic Party is anything but economy.” her entire life.
Are young Christians losing any other group (67 percent friendly to people of faith. Although Evangelicals of all “He’s sort of become the
their faith? Some would say so. versus 57 percent of all young Hammer said, “Democrats’ ages equally support anti-abor- voice of the youth, he really
A survey done by Public people). insistence on multiculturalism tion laws, there is a major gen- inspires people. I think he gen-
Religion Research (PRR) called Fifty-six percent of all young and diversity has marginalized eration gap between Evangeli- uinely cares what happens to
“The Young and the Faithful” voters, including Evangelicals, the importance of the Christian cals aged 18-34 and those over us,” Drushel said.
suggests issues like gay marriage believe in using diplomacy over faith in American history. The 35 concerning gay marriage. Among those who attend
and abortion are less important military strength. Republican Party respects the Only 37 percent of all Evan- services most often, however,
to younger Christians when it “I think diplomacy is impor- role of religion in public life, gelicals support giving gay there is no generation gap.
comes to supporting a candi- tant. I know there are circum- while the Democrats go out of couples rights to marry, yet 52 Christians who attend ser-
date in the 2008 election. stances where you have no their way to shame religion.” percent of young Evangeli- vices at least once a week sup-
Voters considered Senator other choice but to use the Still, many of Christians cals support giving them some ported McCain almost equally
Barack Obama, who does not military, but at least you should voting for McCain choose their form of legal recognition. (55 percent of young people
support laws against abor- try,” senior Christina Drushel stance predominantly on issues versus approximately 52 per-
tion or gay marriage, friendlier said. like the economy and the war Young Christians Support cent of all evangelicals).
towards religion than Senator Senior and the president in Iraq. Obama The largest shift since the
John McCain 49 to 45. of College Democrats Sarah Sophomore and Catholic Overall, the PRR’s survey 2004 election is among monthly
This is a step forward for the Belotti said, “I believe the Dem- Bethany Brun, who plans to showed Obama had a much church-goers that make up 16
Democratic Party, which has ocratic Party is faith friendly, vote for McCain, said, “I try stronger lead among younger percent of voters.
traditionally been considered because it is committed to cre- to look at the whole candi- voters than among voters over According to the study,
less supportive of religion than ating and protecting equality for date. Yes, it plays into the way the age of 35. this group currently supports
the Republican Party. all. It upholds Christian values I feel about them, but when Catholics aged 18-34 sup- Obama 60-40.
Whether this signifies a loss in its commitment to end dis- you look at the democratic ported Obama 55-40, while When Senator John Kerry
of faith or not, young Chris- crimination based on race, sex, process, it takes a majority of Catholics 35 and older sup- ran in 2004, he received votes
tians are heading towards a ethnicity, national origin, lan- Congress to pass legislation on ported McCain 46-45. from only 49 percent of this
broader political agenda. Fifty- guage, religion, sexual orienta- these things… Social issues are Nearly seven in 10 young group.
seven percent of young voters tion, gender identity, age and important to society, but there Christians who attend services More information about the
support a big government disability in every corner of the are more important issues.” once or twice a month favored PRR’s survey can be found at
that provides more services, country.” Sophomore and weekly Obama.
October 22, 2008 NEWS Page 5

The first week of the Students can ‘innovate Erie’

’Hurst EMTA bus By Liz Maier
Staff writer
Submissions will be judged
InnovationErie partner ser-
vices will also be awarded.
by a panel of independent, Junior Sara Norris thought
• In first 10 days, almost 800 students rode expert business and design of several ideas could specifi-
the new bus. Inventors, innovators and judges from InnovationErie. cally benefit the environment.
• More than 100 students used other EMTA designers unite. Semi-finalists will have their “One good idea would be
Professionals in the fields of designs on display at the Erie to recycle leftover food with
science, art and manufacturing Art Museum from May 8 a small, hand-held food com-
• Information on bus routes can be found have joined in a collabora- through July 27, 2009. Design pactor,” Norris said. “Food
at or by calling the tive effort to find the newest exhibits may include draw- could be ground up and then
Ride Line at (814) 452-3515. and most unique marketable ings, print-outs, photographs, the remains could eventually
• The Mercyhurst route is Route 17. product idea in northwestern models, prototypes and any develop into a compost pile.”
• Students can ride any of EMTA’s routes for Pennsylvania by launching other beneficial materials. Junior Denise Wheelock
the “InnovationErie: Design The public will be able to also contributed her idea.
free by showing their student ID card.
Competition.” vote for “Best in Show” on “They should make a key-
The competition was created May 8, 2009 at the Erie Art chain breathalyzer test avail-
by Science, Art, Manufacturing, Museum’s Public Opening able to everyone, so you can
Engineering and Design, “SAM Reception. determine whether or not you
& ED,” a local, voluntary group On June 27, 2009, the top are able to drive,” Wheelock
of individuals dedicated to ini- four finalists will be asked to said. “This way you won’t run
tiating and producing unknown give a 10 minute presentation the risk of confrontation with
product ideas. and to respond to a 10 minute the police.”
Each product design must question and answer session To find out more informa-
follow certain criteria; It must with the judges. tion about the InnovationErie
be small enough to fit in your Shortly after the sessions, Design Competition visit
hand, it must be useful, have the competition winners will www.
some aesthetic appeal, it be announced. or call the Erie Art Museum at
should be original, and it must Three first place prizes of (814) 459-5477.
be able to be produced or
Contributed photo
manufactured in Erie.
The MSG shuttle was replaced by an EMTA bus on Satur-
day, Oct. 11. One grand prize of $1,000
cash and $7,000 in Inno-
vationErie partner services
from Penn State Behrend’s
Plastics Technology Center
and Northwest Pennsylvania
Industrial Resource Center
will be awarded to first place
The competition is open
to teams, small businesses Friday, Oct. 24
and individuals, though one
person must be designated as
Pub Night
an informational contact. 9 p.m. Herrmann Student Union
All applications must be
submitted electronically and
contain visuals, a Microsoft Saturday, Oct. 25
Word or PDF based narrative
description of 800 words or
7 p.m. Bash the Knights-Volleyball
less describing their product vs. Gannon
Application deadline is
Contributed photo
Sophomore Aleksandra Bielska was one of the first
Monday, March 2, 2009. Hurst-o-ween
Applicants must be at
students to ride the new bus. least 18 years of age and a
9 p.m. Herrmann Student Union
resident of northwestern
Page 6 FEATURES October 22, 2008

Get ‘sheet’-faced for Halloween for less

Creative and fun costume ideas for little or no money or effort
like you get from travel agents, tume for this, but a good one
By Emily Grabowski
and gals can use the straw bag can be made with sweats and
Features editor
for their treats. tape to make the markings on
Couples can dress up as it like the crash test dummies.
Halloween isn’t a holiday themselves in 50 years as the Use bandages and fake
just for kids anymore. “old” man and woman. blood to decorate.
It’s a lot of fun to get Guys can wear dark pants Fashion a seat belt out of
dressed up as something out (cuffed) and jacket, any dress webbing and an old buckle
of the ordinary for the night shirt, flannel hat and a walk- and pin in place. (or go to a
and be someone or something ing cane. Gray the hair with junk yard and ask for an old
you’re not. any of the commercial tem- seatbelt).
It’s also fun to go out with porary colors, or dust with a Be a Rubik’s cube by using
a little brother or sister and little flour. a large cardboard box and five
go trick-or-treating in your Girls can wear an old style different colors of contact
neighborhood. dress that falls just below the paper or construction paper
However, Halloween cos- knee, knee-high stockings (contact paper is easier to photo
tumes have been getting more Wrap yourself in medical gauze for an easy mummy costume. rolled down a little, oxfords stick on) enough to do five
and more expensive over and a large black purse. Add sides, black pants and long
the years. in debt. Grab a old white sheet, cut reading glasses that sit right sleeve shirt.
For an adult police officer or Luckily for college students out the eyes. Be sure it is short at the edge of your nose. There are plenty of fun and
firefighter costume, it can cost (and penny pinchers), there are enough not to trip you. Miss America can be a fun easy costume ideas out there,
around $50. easy costume ideas for little or Why be the same old plain one if you like dressing up. so let your imagination loose
It seems like the less fab- no money that are fun or cre- ghost? A ghost going out in Use an old bridesmaid or and have a blast.
ric used to make the cos- ative, and will make Hallow- public might like to get dressed prom dress, add a pair of
tume, the more expensive een fun and exciting without up a little. Use the same old gloves, a tiara, some oversized
it gets. spending all your money. white sheet, cut out holes for jewelry and heels. For the ban-
Halloween is supposed to The ghost costume is the eyes and a small slit for ner, a piece of wide ribbon,
be fun, not a day to put you a classic. the mouth. and write “Miss America”
Dress it up a little. Put eye in glitter.
shadow and lashes around Another cute one for cou-
the eyes, lipstick around the ples is prom king and queen.
mouth. Put a little color on For girls, it’s the same con-
the cheeks. cept as Miss America, ex-
How about earrings and a cept write “Prom Queen” on
necklace? Color in a beard or the ribbon.
mustache. Use something be- Guys, put on your nicest
sides just a white sheet to be a suit and get a cheap plastic
little fancier. crown and make a sash saying
Another good costume idea “Prom King.”
is the American tourist. You can get all the supplies
Guys should wear a loud to be a mummy at CVS.
Hawaii shirt, shorts (if weather Wrap yourself in white ban-
permits) and large straw hat. dages (rolls of gauze). Use
Girls can wear a bright loud splotches of green paint for
patterned dress, flats, big sun “mold”. Use white make-up
hat and straw bag. on face with “age lines” drawn
Don’t forget to have a cam- on. The stiff-legged gait
era, maps hanging out of your works perfectly. photo

pockets and bags, and that Spice up the classic sheet

A crash test dummy is some- photo ghost costume by adding
look of being lost. thing different to dress up as.
These two can pull off the “Prom King and Queen” look with makeup, drawn on facial hair,
Guys can use a tourist bag, There is a commercial cos- and jewelry.
crowns and sashes.
October 22, 2008 FEATURES Page 7

Working the ‘night owl shift’ at the Laker

10 or 11 when the stu- “One advantage is the ab- be “creepy.” can do is get their order out as
By Cameron Woods
dents like to rush the place,” sence of multiple bosses,” “There must be all kinds of quickly as possible and laugh
Contributing writer
Anderson said. Anderson said. weird people that come in late at them later.”
Surprisingly enough, nei- During the night shift, the at night,” Morrison said. All their experience and
Most students have had a ther Anderson nor Byers is guys are only accompanied by The experience definitely hard work aside, Anderson
midnight trip to the Laker Inn, interested in making a career one manager. “The rules all serves up a side of reality. and Byers feel good about
but how many know what it is out of food service. still apply, but aren’t coming “We’ve had some weird their jobs and agree the late
like to make the food rather Anderson is a psychol- at you from too many direc- people,” Byers said. “No mat- shift at the Laker Inn is where
than order them? ogy and bio chemistry major, tions,” Anderson stated. ter what anyone does, all you “all the action is.”
James Anderson and John while Byers is busy chasing a Byers believes
Byers are two students who degree in law enforcement. the mood of the
have no qualms fulfilling their So why work at the Laker? customers is bet-
late night Laker duties. Why so late? ter late at night
Anderson and Byers are It turns out that both stu- than it would
Mercyhurst College juniors dents have a professional his- be if they were
working what they like to call tory with food. waiting in the
the “night owl shift” at the Anderson has worked for lunch or dinner
Laker Inn and can attest to popular a grocery chain, Gi- rush lines, where
the interesting experience of ant Eagle, for the past two tempers tend to
working late nights. years and Byers has expe- get the better
“The shift itself lasts from rience working as a server of students on
9 p.m. to 1 a.m.,” Byers said, at Chili’s. the go.
and from the constant flow It is safe to say they’ve “No one is
of students pouring down just gotten used to in that much
the steps of the union at this working with food. of a hurry at
time, it is clear someone is al- Their food industry experi- midnight,”
ways around. ence comes in handy. Byers said.
For many, this late night Students working the late Still others
dose of reality would prove shift act as cook and clerk; believe work-
too much. they take the orders and ing the late
“I just don’t see how the do prepare the food. night shift is a Tyler Stauffer photo
it,” junior Amy Jarosz said. Anderson and Byers are daunting task. Juniors Sarah Blackwell and Michelle Thomas enjoying their dinner at the
“My sleep is way too more comfortable working Junior Con- Laker.
valuable. I’d be cranky all the late shift, because the nie Morrison
the time.” atmosphere is much more believes working
“It’s most difficult around laid back. late at the Laker would

Kenny Hunt
Year: Junior
Major: History
Hometown: Hackettstown, N.J.
Random, interesting fact about you: I’m a musician and I’ve
written, recorded, and produced three solo albums in which I
played all the instruments and sang.
Where do you see yourself in five years? I honestly
don’t know, alive? One day, whether in five years or not, I hope
to follow the Rangers for an entire year with tickets to all 82 games plus playoffs.
Tyler Stauffer photo
The staff of the Galley hard at work preparing the orders of
Mercyhurst students.
Page 8 FEATURES October 22, 2008

Seasonal sickness:
How to avoid it
According to,
By Casey Bertolette
colds and the flu enter through
Contributing writer
your eyes, nose or mouth,
which are commonly touched
Bottles of Nyquil and by your hands.
Kleenex boxes will soon be Try carrying around instant
taking over your nightstand. hand sanitizer if you don’t
It seems like every year, no have the chance to wash your
Broccoli & Cheddar Bites
matter what, you and every- hands regularly.
one around you are sneez- Avoid the bar and
Lunch $ 5.00 ing, coughing and fighting a don’t smoke.
sore throat. Drinking won’t do anything
Making it to class seems for your sickness, but it makes
even harder than usual and the you more prone to catch a
walk from Lewis to Hirt feels cold.
6” Sub $4.00 Combo $ 5.00 like a 10 mile hike. says heavier
12” Sub $5.75 Combo $ 6.75 Life is miserable when you drinkers are more likely to get
6” Sub $4. Combo $ are sick, but there are ways an infection, because drink-
5.25 to prevent those painful days. ing slows down one’s immune
Here are a few suggestions to system.
Lunch $ 5.00 12” Sub $5.75 Combo skip the cold weather blues Going out is something Lisa
Dinner $ 5.50 $7.00 and stay healthy. Pessia definitely avoids when
Stop it before it starts, get she isn’t feeling well.
Wrap Combo- Veggie $ 5.00 your flu shot. “I know I can’t drink and
Other Wraps $ 4.00 Every year the Cohen Stu- stay out late when I think I’m
Make any sub a wrap for no extra charge!
dent Health Center offers a getting sick. You feel better all
limited amount of compli- around when you don’t have
mentary flu shots to students. to deal with a hangover.”
The U.S. Centers for Disease Even though smoking is
Control and Prevention esti- never good for your health, you
11:30 a.m -8pm mates that 70 to 90 percent of certainly want to avoid it when
healthy adults can prevent the you are feeling a cold coming
flu with a vaccine. on. Centers for Disease Con-
Lunch $ 5.00 Some students are trol and Prevention warn that
Dinner $ 5.50 already preparing. smokers are more likely to die
Valerie Johnson says she from complications with the
hates dealing with being sick flu than non-smokers.
and prefers to avoid it by get- If you are feeling sick,
ting her yearly flu shot. don’t wait.
“It’s free and takes five Doctors are available for
minutes. I don’t know why appointments almost everyday
everyone doesn’t get one. of the week and the staff does
I’ll definitely be getting one an excellent job of working
this year.” around your schedule to help
To get your flu shot, call the get you in.
Health Center at 814-824-2431 Practicing good health
to schedule an appointment. habits like regular exercise,
Wash your hands. Wash healthy eating choices and get-
your hands. ting plenty of sleep will all help
It really is the best way to you avoid getting sick as well.
prevent catching a communi- Catching a cold is sometime
cable disease like an upper rep- inevitable, but taking these
ertory infection or everyone’s suggestions should keep you
favorite, strep throat. healthy and well.
October 22, 2008 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Page 9

Glimpse behind the scenes of ‘Our Town’

Not a traditional stage man- the mysterious women’s hat
By Kyle King
ager in the theatrical sense, bandit in the wings.
A & E editor
Ruic instead directs the char- “In all honesty, I’m a bit
acters onstage and narrates concerned the show won’t all
“Are we sort of ready here?” the exposition. come together in time. I real-
Erie Playhouse director David In addition to interacting ize that happens with every
Matthews asks Monday night, with the characters as stage show. Then somehow, the
half angry, half pleadingly. manager, Ruic plays minor night before it opens, every-
One of the male leads is roles in a number of scenes. thing clicks, and you suddenly
conspicuously absent, and the “Our Town” showcases the have your show. When that
stage manager will be an hour transparency of the art of finally happens, it’s a great
late. theatre. feeling, and you realize all Tyler Stauffer photo
So begins the first dress Cast members move what the chaos has been worth it,” Grover’s Corners, N.H., wedding-goers interact with the
rehearsal for Mercyhurst’s little set pieces there are on Kiefer said. audience during the wedding between George Gibbs and
production of Thornton and off stage while Ruic “Our Town” opens Thurs- Emily Webb.
Wilder’s “Our Town.” delivers lines, and they can day, Oct. 23 at Taylor Little
With only three days left even be seen backstage at Theatre at 7:30 p.m.
until the show opens, the cast times. Performances will be at the
is off-book, meaning they no During the wedding scene same time Friday, Oct. 24 and
longer carry their playbooks before intermission, the audi- Saturday, Oct. 25.
around reciting lines. ence feels metatheatrically A special matinee perfor-
That doesn’t mean the involved, as wedding-goers mance will also be offered
actors are off-prompt. talk directly to the audience. Sunday, Oct. 26, at 2 p.m.
Every once in a while, some- “You’re not supposed to Tickets are available at the
one mutters a curse under his be completely taken in and door. Adult tickets are $10,
or her breath before exasper- engrossed in what’s happen- senior and student tickets are
atedly calling out, “Line!” ing,” Kiefer said. $7.50 and Mercyhurst stu-
It may seem chaotic, but it’s “We’re just trying to show dents with ID can obtain tick-
not as though this particular an example of a real town; ets for a dollar.
performance is different from the audience should be think-
any other college production’s ing about themselves, realiz-
first dress rehearsal. ing that this is what a lot of Tyler Stauffer photo
What is different is the utter people’s lives could be like. Emily Webb (junior Renée Kiefer, left) and George
lack of scenery and props, an “In some senses, the play is Gibbs (Luka Glinsky) fall in love in high school.
“Our Town” trademark. a call to action. It’s trying to
“If you’re not careful, say, ‘Be fully present in your
you can do things like walk life or you could miss out on
through walls or forget to a lot,’” Kiefer added.
open doors,” said junior Going to a dress rehearsal
Renée Kiefer, who plays the makes the process of a play
female lead as Emily Webb. coming to production quality
“There’s a lot of little that much more apparent.
things you have to remember Kiefer’s and Ruic’s charac-
to pantomime, because there’s ters were the most realized
always that one person in the and actualized at the first
audience paying attention and dress rehearsal; other actors
noticing that you didn’t leave were still attempting to chan-
with the stack of books you nel a voice, so to speak, and,
came in carrying,” Kiefer having found one, keeping it
said. consistent.
Another difference between Even projecting loud
“Our Town” and other con- enough and blocking are still Tyler Stauffer photo
ventional American theatre is concerns with less than a week Sophomore Devin Ruic’s
the role of the Stage Manager, left, not to mention the stabil- character directs and
played deftly by sophomore ity of two ladders, the quick- narrates the action.
Devin Ruic. ness of costume changes and
Page 10 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT October 22, 2008

Quartet New Generation ‘records’ new sound

ments, only a few of which have energy performance, Quartet creativity. The group was founded
By Jordan Zangaro
the familiar contours of the New Generation creates new The “American Recorder in September 1988 by four
Contributing writer
common Baroque recorder. expression and exciting style Magazine” reported, “This was recorder players who met
Others encompass a range to define music of our time. an impressive evening for the during their studies in Amster-
I remember desperately of tunings and shapes, from a They change people’s over- recorder,” after seeing the show. dam Conservatoire and the
trying to maneuver my little set of Renaissance recorders, all appreciation for music and “The playing was brilliant.” University of the Arts, Berlin.
fingers over the holes of the which taper outward toward Winning top honors at the
recorder, concentrating so the bottom, to the bizarre- International Chamber music
hard and hoping the sounds I looking Paetzold basses, devel- competitions in Europe, Quar-
made sounded like “Hot Cross oped in the 1970s, which are tet New Generation began
Buns.” basically organ pipes fitted out attracting broad and enthu-
I am willing to bet that with broad plywood keys. siastic audiences in Europe,
strikes a memory with pretty Collaborating and emerging North and South America.
much everyone. Quartet New young composers around the Quartet New Generation
Generation plays those same globe, Quartet New Genera- is part of the Visiting Artist
recorders we all remember tion creates something unique Series brought to Mercyhurst
from elementary school, but by using both renaissance and College.
takes it to the extreme. contemporary music. Come to the PAC and open
Showcasing the flexibility This risky attempt to change your eyes to the new, fresh
and new possibility of sounds the music world has not gone music of Quartet New Gen-
on this familiar instrument, unnoticed. “The sound was eration.
Quartet New Generation irresistible,” reported the “Wall The mesmerizing group of
plays recorders of all different Street Journal.” four extraordinary women will
shapes and sizes ranging up to Their creative, ‘fresh’ eye transform the PAC on Friday,
six feet long. has created them great success Quartet New Generation is a group of four girls who play more Oct. 24, at 8 p.m. Tickets will
Each member of the group and a credible reputation. than 30 instruments each. They are playing in the PAC Friday, be $7.50 for students with stu-
owns as many as 30 instru- With a surprising high Oct. 24, at 8 p.m. dent ID.

‘Priceless’ film showcases gold-digging girl

Then someone told me my Code” as a living descendant Jean didn’t have any money, so I just want my protagonists
By Mason Lorek
initial interpretation had been of Jesus Christ. how did he spend said non- to be rational, that’s all. He’s
Staff writer
incorrect. Not only had Mr. Tautou plays Irène, the existent funds to go find this going to end up with her, it’s
West intended his song to be fiancée of a wealthy older girl? in the tag line of the movie, we
In 2005, Kanye West wrote about this parasitic behavior, man who falls for a bartender He wasn’t even in love with know this from the beginning.
a song about prospecting for it was not the first documen- named Jean, whom she mis- her, he just thought she was And he’s acting in the film
gold. For some reason, popular tation of this type of lifestyle. takes for a wealthy suitor. hot. I’m sorry, I was just a for crying out loud, how does
culture twisted this innocent, I felt disappointed in myself. I They meet up a few nights in little frustrated. he know this? Did he not read
patriotic song into a wanton don’t know how I looked past a row after her husband-to-be Don’t laugh at me like that; the script? I know she’s pretty,
attack on women who marry the lyric, “We want pre-nup.” has passed out drunk in their you cheer on characters in especially in designer dresses
for money. Over time, I came to accept hotel room. Jean is able to movies too, even if it is a and shoes and jewels, but how
This alteration was exacer- this new definition as a part of keep the illusion up until they romantic comedy. I think it’s much debt must one incur?
bated by an increased desire life and was eventually able to are caught by another hotel justified, especially since after People have a bad case of the
by women to play the role of listen to Kanye again. I was employee giving a tour. Jean ruins her date, she more dumb sometimes.
this so-called gold-digger. As even able to view without hes- Having thrown away her or less punishes him by going “Priceless” is playing at the
this progression took place, I itation other forms of media engagement and her chance to on a shopping spree that maxes Mary D’Angelo Perform-
slowly watched the number of portraying similar circum- be financially set for life, she out his credit card. ing Arts Center Wednesday,
females interested in me slip stances. Talk about a triumph leaves in a huff to find a new She followed up that foray Oct. 29, at 2 and 8 p.m. It’s a
from slim to none. I cursed of the human spirit. mine to dig. with an expensive dinner, a good movie, you’ll like it. You
society for imposing this One of these triumphs Jean goes looking for her fancy hotel room and more probably won’t be yelling at
incredible handicap on me and involved a movie called “Price- and finds her at a restaurant shopping. Finally, Jean has to the actors like I do, but that’s
wondered why people couldn’t less,” a French film starring waiting for a date to arrive. use all of his bonds and stocks probably normal.
just accept Kanye’s work at Audrey Tautou, whom we all Personally, I was not a fan of and his pension plan to cover
face value. know from “The Da Vinci this move. Irène left because the damages incurred. Reaction: flabbergasted face
October 22, 2008 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Page 11

Dance performances span

ballet, Broadway genres
The work of contemporary a crowd pleaser.
By Sarah Mastrocola
choreographer Kevin Maloney Amanda Johnson, a senior
Staff writer
will also appear in the concert dance major who will appear
as the dancers present “Circu- in “Circular Thoughts” and
This weekend Mercyhurst lar Thoughts.” “On Broadway,” said of the
dancers will present their This piece is especially cap- concert, “It is a good show Tyler Stauffer photo
fall dance concert “Ballet to tivating in its use of props as with a little bit of everything Freshman Andrew Mayher examines his reflections in Gary
Broadway.” the dancers manipulate large and something for everyone.” Cacchione’s hallway piece outside of Old Main. Students’
This performance consists green fitness orbs. Nicole Lyons, a sophomore reactions to the piece were mixed.
of a variety of works ranging Thematically, “Circular dancer and performer in “On

‘Friends of Mercyhurst’
from the classical movement Thoughts” touches on how Broadway,” similarly said,
of the Royal Danish Ballet to people must deal with daily “The show is an exciting array
modern and Broadway style problems and stresses. of soft graceful ballet and loud

brings interesting art

dance. Choreographed by Mercy- Broadway movements.”
Dance Department Chair hurst dance professor
Tauna Hunter characterized Christine Hay, “Over
the performance as offering the Rainbow” will ‘That blue thing’ is actually
“something for everyone.”
By Hayley O’Hare
also be presented in an archway, made by furniture
Contributing writer
Hunter added, “I really the fall concert. designer Gary Cacchione. “It is
strive for variety in planning This work is set a contemporary wooden piece
our annual fall concert. It is to a rendition of the Countless Mercyhurst Col- that was used as the walkway
challenging and exciting to famous song “Some- lege students have been mar- into the celebration. Gary was
present a wide range of move- where Over the Rain- veling at the bright blue wood happy to bring it to Mercy-
ment information that makes bow” from “The and mirrored object that hurst,” Mary Gamble said.
both the performers and the Wizard of Oz.” appeared in front of Old Main There is actually a deeper
audience appreciate traditions It contains lyrical, a few weeks ago. meaning and purpose to
and at the same time stretches balletic movement Mary Gamble announced, having that particular piece in
all of us to look to what the and features Mercy- “This is the second annual position on the walkway out-
future holds.” hurst senior Cassie Friends of Mercyhurst College side Old Main. “It is there as
Hunter continued, “Most Powers. art show, and we are hoping it an entry or exit, so after you
importantly, the performance The fall concert will grow.” take a look at the show, you
aims to make the audience closes with “On Mercyhurst College Presi- will look at yourself. Hope-
feel, think and just simply Broadway,” a rousing dent Dr. Thomas Gamble and fully, you will think and reflect
enjoy themselves.” performance cho- Mary Gamble invited their on what you have seen and
The performance opens with reographed by assis- artist friends to display their make wise choices for your
“La Conservatorie,” a classical tant professor Mark work in Old Main. future,” Mary Gamble said.
ballet work choreographed by Santillano and set to Contributed photo Numerous pieces on display “There is some of Brother
August Bournonville in 1849 Broadway tunes. Sophomore Nicole Lyons (left) and have been donated to the col- Thomas’ pottery, a world-
for the Royal Danish Ballet. This Broadway senior Elizabeth Clain-Stefanelli per- lege. Mrs. Gamble said, “We renowned potter whose pieces
This historic piece was set dance revue includes form in the ‘On Broadway’ portion of are hoping to create a perma- were donated by a man in the
on the dancers by Vivi Flindt pieces from famous the dance department’s ‘Ballet to nent art collection.” maintenance department,”
of the Royal Danish Ballet, musicals such as Broadway’ performance. Predictably, there are varied Mary Gamble said. Some of
who was in residence in the “Grease,” “Guys and The show will take place student opinions on the art. the other artists have both
Dance Department for three Dolls,” “The Lion King” and on Saturday, Oct. 25 at 2 and Senior Ed Steinmetz said, “I national and international
weeks this past September. “Rent.” 7 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 26 at enjoy looking at the artwork acclaim, so we are fortunate to
“La Conservatorie” portrays Somewhat lesser known 2 p.m. in the Mary D’Angelo as I walk through Old Main. I have their work on display.
the ballet school system of the musicals such as “Billion Performing Arts Center. see new and interesting pieces “It is open to the commu-
Paris Opera Ballet School in Dollar Baby” and “The Tap Tickets cost only $1 for almost every time I stroll nity, and we have already had
the 1800s and appears simi- Dance Kid” are also included Mercyhurst students with ID, through.” some classes from the middle
lar to the ballet paintings of in the performance. and prices range from $5 to Others do not agree. Another school and prep school come
Edgar Degas. Filled with energetic danc- $15 for the general public. student who wished to remain through. It would be wonder-
The work is classic and cer- ing, flashy costuming and fun Tickets may be purchased anonymous said, “That blue ful if it became general knowl-
tainly enjoyable for the ballet music, this representation of by calling 824-3000 or by visit- thing is just there; it doesn’t do edge that we have this,” Mary
enthusiast. Broadway dance is sure to be ing the PAC box office. anything. I don’t get it.” Gamble said.
October 22, 2008 OPINION September 3, Page
The views expressed in the opinion section of The Merciad do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercyhurst College, the staff of The Merciad
or the Catholic Church. Responses on any subject are always welcome and can be e-mailed to

Not every secret is taken to the grave

me into Borders bookstore These postcards were, to Health, death, divorce, jobs, country asking them to write
By Jordan Zangaro
one day when we were out me, people’s release from love and many other issues or even draw their secrets.
Contributing writer
and told me that he needed to something that had been hold- are discussed, showing this What he received back was
show me a book. I was home ing them back. It shows the book does not close its mind collaborated and formed into
Everyone has a secret. for one of our breaks and was struggles and the triumphs of to anything. many books, all of which are
Something that has hap- having a tough time dealing the human race on such an They may not be the same like what I just previously
pened in your past that helped with life in general. intense and intimate level. issues that I am tackling every described.
in the process of molding We sat down and he pulled I was laughing out loud, day, but these people are fac- The books are still being
you into the individual you a book off the shelf titled A shocked, scared and even ing their lives head on and, made and, honestly, there is
are today. Lifetime of Secrets by Frank started to cry in my chair in probably to some, the only something for every person.
But, maybe you can’t express Warren. the store. way they can. Go buy it or just go to Bor-
it. You can’t bring yourself to I flipped through the pages The book showed me that The book started as an art ders and skim it. Or visit the
say the words out loud, and and saw artwork of normal, even when I may feel com- exhibit but the artist, Warren, and see what
you need an outlet. everyday people trying to deal pletely alone, there are people decided to do an experiment happens.
Look no further. with life. Their secrets were all over dealing with life and by sending blank postcards to Most likely, it will change
My brother, Brandon, took written on the postcards. issues that are more pressing. anonymous people around the your life.

Mercyhurst’s gates: the

threshold of censorship minded to have opinions other offended.”
By Seth Hallam
than theirs expressed. With all due respect, that is
Staff writer If you don’t want it printed . . . don’t let it happen.
If opinions other than theirs the inherent problem. You are
were expressed, it would judging people and their actions Editors Positions
Many questions have arisen most certainly lead to the when you are not in the same Casey Greene Editor-in-Chief editormerciad
since my last article. condemnation of the paper situation as them. Amanda Valauri News Editor newsmerciad
The bottom line is that and myself. It is easy for you to judge how Emily Grabowski Features Editor featuremerciad
a b o r t i o n s t o p s p ove r t y. Even if we cannot win this you would feel in that situation, Heather Donovan Opinion Editor opinionmerciad
A b o r t i o n l owe r s c r i m e. censorship battle, it is ever but you are not in it. Brad Moehringer Sports Editor sportsmerciad
Abortion is good for society. important to point it out The article was not a satire; it Sam Sellinger Sports Editor sportsmerciad
The Catholic Church and the when it happens, silence yields may have been to some because Kyle King A&E entertainmentmerciad
conservative right must realize nothing. they live in a fairy tale world, Scoot Williams Photographer photomerciad
this. From a legal prospective, where only good happens. Tyler Stauffer Photographer photomerciad
the most Supreme Court of
our land has already decided
abortion is legal.
“ The bottom line is that Unfortunately,
abortion stops
it is reality.
There becomes a time
that we must look past
Caitlin Bly
Gretchen Yori
Ashley Pastor
Advertising Manager
Copy Editor
General Assignment
Outlawing it would be like
jaywalking, sure it’s illegal but
the crime will still be committed
” religion, realizing that there
Seth Hallam is a fundamental difference
between religion and reality.
Bill Welch
Brian Sheridan

on a regular basis. It’s better to However, what we can learn One could argue that The Merciad is the official student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst
show kids how to safely cross from this is that this person’s religion is reality, but something College. It is published throughout the school year, with the exception of
the street, anywhere on the opinion does not have much that we cannot prove is not
street, than not show them
finals weeks. Our office is in Hirt, Room 120B. Our telephone number is (814)
merit if they are not open to considered to be real. 824-2376.
at all. others ideas. The reality is, if we look
(Unfortunately, the lines that Wouldn’t want to be down one beyond our religious conflicts
would have appeared in this important guest at graduation of interest, we find that
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed
part of the article have been again this year would we?) abortion is not bad for society. and names will be included with the letters. Although we will not edit the
censored. In the response printed in this It acts as an almost free poverty letters for content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit. Letters
The reason for this censorship issue of The Merciad, “A young control tool and controls the are due Mondays. by noon and may not be more than 300 words. Submit
is that some people associated Sister of Mercy responded, ‘If general population at an even
with the Church are too narrow letters to box PH 485 or via e-mail at
I was poor I would really be swifter rate.
October 22, 2008 OPINION Page 13

Leveling the playing

field for a fair campaign
After eight years of Bush, of racism
By Eric Jackson
America’s credibility is in the that will
Staff writer
toilet. Obama has reignited never
a feeling of hope for vote for a
So far my articles have legitimate leadership. black man,
highlighted the ineptitude of Obama’s stock continues to that racism
the Republican ticket. rise and the McCain campaign’s is ingrained
In a sense, the McCain slander and low ball tactics and has
campaign has been so have increased. been passed
disgraceful that it has They are appealing to the d ow n f r o m
overshadowed the stellar fear and ignorance of the generation
performance of the Obama American people by trying to to generation
machine. brand Obama as un-American, just like a
Still, Barack Obama has cavorting with a terrorist and cancer gene.
offered a renewed sense of implying that he has some With that said,
hope and optimism to America. secret agenda to finish the job some of the people
Throughout this campaign, Bush started by destroying who would never have actions
his character has been America. considered voting for a a n d
relentlessly attacked. They are sending, not so black man in the past are thought
They have even attempted subliminal, messages to white beginning to think twice, process in
to drag his wife through the America that he is not one they are feeling the pain of c o n t r a s t t o Jo h n
mud. The Obama campaign of them. George W. Bush’s whip (the Barack McCain’s emotional and
could have reacted by attacking These tactics were successful economy) on their back. O b a m a ’s compulsive reactions.
Cindy McCain’s bouts with in the past, but America is I have to believe, the vast campaign has outlined He has run a practically
addiction or her shady changing; the old bigots and majority of Americans are a plan of hope for America. flawless campaign. The question
business relationships. racists from the Jim Crow era good and will judge a man by He has displayed grace under is not, is Obama ready to lead,
Instead, Barack Obama are dying off. the content of his character the onslaught of attacks; he it is will America give him
said family is off limits. There is still a fringe element not the color of his skin. has been deliberate in his the chance?

Political candidates: Cool enough to get your vote?

personal quality. political ideology. personality of John McCain, Ryan Seacrest…
By Devin Ruic You may have noticed people I personally feel that you may though perhaps not in a way Annuit coeptis.
Staff writer
our age are more likely sup- wish to look no further than Un- noticeable
porters of the 147-day Senator cle Joe for a history of nearly 70 enough to
America has about two Barack Obama. years of failed economic policies a popula-
weeks to make up its collec- I would be remiss if I were to along the same lines as Senator tion more
tive mind and decide on a tell you this support is primarily Obama’s but I digress. interested
new president. due to his revolutionary differ- Elections should not be won in reality
There are many ways the ent political policies dealing with based on whether or not a can- television
individuals that make up the citi- foreign affairs, the economy and didate is “cool.” than reality
zenry of the United States may education. They should be won based itself.
go about making their personal The truth of the matter is on the policies of the candidate It is scary
decisions, some more legitimate a frighteningly large portion themselves. Besides, Senator to think
than others. of college-aged Obama sup- John McCain is as lively, if not the great-
It is unfortunate to think porters are supporting him more, than any politician you est people
about, but it is still a reality that for no other reason than will meet. who have
there are people who would vote the idea that it is “cool” to If you want proof, look ever lived
for or against a political candidate support him. no further than his speech w o u l d
not based on the quality of their Surprisingly, I am not tak- addressing the 63rd annual probably
policies or their character, but ing this opportunity to lam- Alfred E. Smith memorial lose a pres-
rather base their vote on a can- bast supporters of Obama foundation dinner. idential
didate’s age, race, creed or other who tr uly believe in his The speech epitomizes the election to
A mission-centered response to Hallam
Seth Hallam’s opinion, “Abortion: a I would really be offended.” to the strong, well-nuanced voice of The
solution to poverty?” (Merciad, 10-15-08), Her comment leads me to the mission their teachings.
demands my response. After all, I have of Mercyhurst College having a Catholic For example: “While the common
received numerous comments about it. identity and Mercy heritage. In a time good embraces all, those who are in great-
One generous mind hoped the article when the powerful made laws in Ireland est need deserve preferential concern.
was intended to be a satire in line with
Swift’s “A Modest Proposal.”
fixated on decimating the Irish Catholic
people, the Sisters of Mercy were born
“A moral test for society is how we treat
the weakest among us—the unborn, those
Another “truly hoped” it was intended out of an unstinting compassion for dealing with disabilities or terminal illness, readers share
to be ironic, but feared not. My reading of
it has been so underscored by comments
the poor.
As the literal Hebrew would have it, they
the poor and marginalized” (Catholic
Social Teaching, #4). their thoughts.
about its insensitive, offensive and inflam- were born out of rahamin —“the feeling So how will we at Mercyhurst, who hold
matory nature that I must conclude that
an attempt at social satire, if there were
of a mother for the child of her womb.” A
college staff person also remarked, “Wait
being “socially merciful” as a core value,
measure up to the test? Interpreting
one, has grossly, widely missed its mark. ‘til the Bishop reads this!”
A young Sister of Mercy observed, Well, why wouldn’t the Bishop be Sister Lisa Mary McCartney
“What is this Guttmacher Institute? It distressed? The bad press that the U.S. Vice President for Mission
sounds one-sided,” and, “If I were poor, Catholic Bishops face often blinds us Integration Mercyhurst College I would like to take the liberty of being
the one person at Mercyhurst College

Learning together through Hallam to rebut Rhonda Marable’s ridiculous

and uneducated articles that she has so
graciously contributed to the Merciad on
I love working at Mercyhurst College analysis or simple solutions. us do for the least among us? a weekly basis. Finding a place to begin
and participating in the formation of It is more collegial and genuinely pro- The Merciad should have pro- is even difficult.
young minds and hearts, shaping the ductive to enter into a dialogue where vided a counterpoint argument on From her eloquently titled article,
leaders who will shape our tomorrows. I change is rooted in understanding. the same issue. Sensitive issues “You’re cute, for a black girl”, to the other
treasure the opportunity to learn critical The Catholic Church teaches that demand sensitivity. journalistic wonder, “Pick up lines get-
thinking from professors and writers. life begins at conception. For those When poked in tender places, people ting shot down” and finally, the critically
Still, in the end, we learn more by who challenge that teaching, ridicule naturally become defensive. Defensive- acclaimed, “Looking like a ‘hot mess’:
trial and error than we ever learn from does little to advance the conversation. ness, though, almost never advances inappropriate dress for court,” Rhonda
lectures and reading. Instead, ask good questions; expect the dialogue. has really portrayed her classiness to the
In his opinion piece, “Abortion: a good answers. Editorial decisions about hot button student body.
solution to poverty?” I believe Seth Faith and reason flourish together and issues that fundamentally challenge our Most of us are stumped, why does
Hallam and The Merciad have made as a Catholic college, we believe that Catholic, Mercy identity ought to be Rhonda Marable hold herself on such
errors that provide an opportunity for each informs the other. As we struggle viewed through a representative lens. a high horse? Don’t get me wrong, I’m
us to learn together. with these questions it is important to Otherwise, we simply contribute to excited to have woman’s voice heard in
Seth correctly states abortion is hotly remember that people are the church. the sound and fury that hinder finding The Merciad.
debated. Proponents on both sides do The questions about poverty, injus- a real solution to poverty. However this particular voice is not
themselves and us a great disservice by tice, inequality, hunger and abuse are preferred. Mercyhurst College is an
trying to out shout the other. Complex summed up in the scriptural roots of Gerard A.Tobin, Ph.D. esteemed institution. Most females that
issues do not lend themselves to simple our Mercy heritage: What did each of Vice President of Student Life attend this school would not enjoy them-
selves portrayed as girls who make snap

Hot-button issue concerning students judgments based on race, articulation or

even clothing choice.
“The act of Mercy forgives again and however I was not only embarrassed for to vote for McCain or Barack in a few So what, a drunken guy makes an
again, even the ungrateful.” Everyone is the institution that I have called home short weeks. As Mercyhurst was being innocent pass at you at the bar. Just
entitled to their own opinion. for six years now, but I was also embar- built, the founder, Mother Borgia Egan give a lovely smile and keep on walk-
However, students, staff and admin- rassed for Mr. Hallam for writing such a said, “Second best just won’t do!” What ing… it really isn’t that difficult! And
istrators alike need to regard the feelings distasteful article. better quote to describe those affiliated a courtroom?
and views of those around us while This is now my tenth year at an insti- with Mercyhurst? Why are you even in a courtroom,
expressing their opinion. tution with a Mercy heritage, and I have I need to express my disappointment at Rhonda? Shouldn’t that be the first issue
I have a great sense of pride in my always experienced the value of discuss- the misinformed opinion of Mr. Hallam, to address? Not to mention… it’s traffic
alma mater and have always felt that ing controversial issues in the classroom. because it didn’t even rate second best in court. Is it that much of a blunder why
a Mercyhurst College student is of a It helps students understand rather than my mind. I am in the position of realizing no one is “dressed appropriately?”
certain caliber among highly educated just brushing aside the issue. that “Mercy is more than charity, for it In conclusion, I would like to speak for
students. Abortion is an on-going, controversial not only gives benefits, but it receives hopefully most of the female population
In reading Seth Hallam’s article in last issue that when discussed can leave a sour and pardons again and again, even the at Mercyhurst when I say that women
week’s edition of The Merciad, I was taste in the mouths of others. ungrateful.” I guess there’s hope yet. here do not have such a closed mind and
proven wrong. This was certainly not Whatever the opinions are about a cold heart. I thank you.
the first time that I have read an article abortion, they are equally strong on ei- Daniel A. Zimmer,
from The Merciad and felt this way, ther side. It is as strong as the decision Graduate student Natalie Gnipp, sophomore
October 22, 2008 OPINION Page 15

Treating yourself to a tricky costume In response to

search on that one. Sexy (insert spirit route.
Natalie Gnipp
By Amy Kuhnlein
noun here)? Come on, how Pick a beloved entity on cam-
Contributing writer
very uncreative and cliché. pus to disguise yourself as on
By Rhonda Marable
Staff writer
And for some this might not Halloween. Sophomore year I
Big decisions are on the ho- be much of a change from their was the kiosk that sits in front
rizon friends, and no, I’m not everyday wear. of Hirt, a little cardboard, spray I appreciate her criticism,
talking about who to vote for Halloween is finally
So, too easy. We are currently paint and a few campus maps albeit less constructive than I’d
in the upcoming elections. around the corner. College
experiencing a faulty economy- go a long way. like. Basically, we seem to dis-
Halloween is just around the is a last ditch effort to be
bad for the country, great for However, if you must fall agree in our opinions. However
corner and the time has come immature and Halloween
your costume! back on dressing up as some- next time, let’s try not to get per-
to choose your costume. is no exception. So think
Make a tombstone proclaim- thing in a scantily clad ensem- sonal because as you’ll learn in
Ghost? Boring. Witch? Over- long and hard about that
ing ‘Rest in Peace Wall Street.’ ble, try mixing it up – nothing’s College Writing I, ad hominem
done. Banana? Too expensive, perfect costume to have
However, if current events creepier than a kiosk that isn’t attacks do little to support the
trust me I have done my re- people talking until Christ-
aren’t your thing, go the school afraid to show a little leg. validity of your argument.
mas. Everyone knows that
anything that goes down

Religion giving Stomping on on Oct. 31 is fair game for

a good time.

way to science sidewalk etiquette

the solutions to all problems is a two-lane road; move to the
By Jacob Torba By Rhonda Marable
occurring in the world. right and if you have to pass
Contributing writer Staff writer
One remaining reason stand- a slow walker, wait for an op-
ing for religion is to take the portune moment.
Throughout history, most blame away from the indi- Ever try walking on the side- Do not, I repeat do not, step
societies believed in a being walk in front of Zurn or Hirt The upcoming Mercy-
viduals. In addition, we have to the left in front of somebody
greater than themselves, such when everyone is getting out of hurst football game at Edin-
many other things we can else that’s walking by you and
as a god. Frequently these early or going to class? boro on Oct. 23 will cost
blame our behavior on; from spill their Frangelica all over
societies were polytheistic. It’s almost like a game to try students. If getting fans to
our genes, to parenting, to them. That’s rude.
The gods they believed in to get from point A to point B come to the games wasn’t
our environment. Second, if you’re walking
were merely efforts to explain without touching anyone else. hard enough, you’re going
The last reason for people with a group of friends, be it
the unexplained phenomena in Have you ever caught your- to have to pay $3.00.
to want religion is the hope a crowded or not crowded day,
society or take the blame away for an afterlife. People do not self walking in a row of human please make room and walk in
from the individual for actions like facing their own mortality traffic only to look ridiculous a single file line.
that they chose to do. and thus cling to the idea of an when you try to avoid running You and your friends are
As human thought and sci- everlasting life or rebirth. into that person who decided taking up more space and
ence evolved and began to They “believe” in their faith it would be a good idea to stop just because you’re in a group
explain the previously unex- only because of this hope, and and wave to their friend? doesn’t mean you’re entitled to
plained things in the world, the give donations to charity so that Yeah, that’s me daily. It’s a more sidewalk space.
religions being widely practiced they may live on in the splendor good thing I don’t have low There are no such
began to be ones in which there self-esteem, otherwise I’d think Apparently coffee drink-
of the Lord in heaven as they things as high occupancy
is only one deity such as the I was fat. ing is time specific. Cafe
were selfless people in life. sidewalk lanes.
most practiced religions of the I know I don’t take up that Diem, the coffee shop in
Well if we can get people Third, it’s awesome you’re
world right now – Christianity much room on the sidewalk the library is closed from
to continue to give for charity on a sports team or have some
and Islam. and seriously, do you and your noon to 6 p.m. With the
without wasting time in point- other reason to carry an ob-
Science has allowed humans friends really need to walk side- hours most college students
less faith practices, we would scene-sized bag, but if you
to better understand the previ- by-side to talk about the hot keep, it’s tough to stay up
have a win-win situation. could possibly not swing it
ously unexplained problems person in your biology class? even in the middle of the
Make this life a better one around when you’re walking,
which necessitated the need for I think not. day.
and you will have no need to that would be a great help.
gods. As human understanding hope for another life as you I think it’s about time we Sometimes I feel like I’m on
Please e-mail any suggestions to
has grown, there are increas- will get all you need and desire started exercising proper side- American Gladiator trying to
ingly fewer reasons for belief out of this life. The increasingly walk etiquette, lest I lose it one avoid the swinging bags.
The GB&U is a compilation of
in a god. logical and scientific people in day and decide to run down the We’re all just trying to get
student opinions.
I believe we are on a path to the world should see there is sidewalk like a linebacker. to class, so try not to be part
a society that has no need for a time when the thought of a First, if you’re walking along, of the obstruction that gets in
faith in a god. Science will have higher being has no purpose. let’s just pretend the sidewalk someone else’s way.
Football................................................Oct. 18, L 42-10, Indiana (Pa.)
Women’s Volleyball..................................Oct. 14, W 3-1, Houghton
Oct. 17, W 3-2, Charleston
Oct. 18, L 3-0, Wheeling Jesuit
Oct. 18, W 3-1, Alderson-Broaddus
Field Hockey...................................Oct. 18, W 2-1, #1 Indiana (Pa.)
Men’s Soccer...................................................Oct. 18, W 4-2, Findlay
Women’s Soccer....................................Oct. 15, W 2-1, Lock Haven

Underdog Lakers take down No. 1 IUP

Oct. 18, W 4-1, Edinboro
Men’s Water Polo...............Oct. 17, W 14-6, Washington Jefferson
Oct. 18, L 10-5, Princeton
Oct. 18, L 9-8, Bucknell
Oct. 19, W 16-11, Johns Hopkins
Women’s Hockey.................................................Oct. 17, W 2-1, RPI
Oct. 18, W 4-1, RPI
Men’s Hockey.................................Oct. 17, L 5-0, Alaska Fairbanks
Oct. 18, L 6-4, Alaska Anchorage

Men’s soccer, women’s hockey move up rankings

Men’s soccer and women’s hockey moved up the nationally rank-
ings this past week. Men’s soccer moved to No. 23 in the latest
NSCAA/adidas poll and No. 2 in the Atlantic Region. The
women’s hockey team moved up to No. 6 in the nation in the latest
USCHO poll.

Tyler Stauffer photo Editor’s Game of the Week

Sophomore Sarah Wowkowych (3) controls the ball in Mercyhurst’s 2-1 upset win over No. 1 Get ready for some Thursday night football. This week the foot-
Indiana University of Pennsylvania on Oct. 18. ball team travels to rival Edinboro to take on the No. 15 Fighting
Scotts. Thursday night’s game will be a battle for sole possession
together to clinch the victory,” goal to tie up the game at 1-1. of second place in the PSAC West as both teams are currently tied
By Sarah Powell for second place going into this match up.
Rinaca said. “Each and every IUP held an 11-5 advantage
Staff Writer
person showed how much in shots through the first half,
they wanted to win and put but the goaltending tactics
After suffering a 2-0 loss their heart and soul into it.” of senior Jennifer Coleman
against Indiana University of Before Saturday’s contest proved to be the difference.
Pennsylvania more than three against the Lakers, the Coleman made six of her nine
weeks ago, the Lakers used Crimson Hawks were the saves during the first half of
their home field advantage only unbeaten team in NCAA play.
to send the Crimson Hawks Division II field hockey, with Until midway through
home with a devastating loss. a 13-0 record, and allowed just the second half, the score
The Mercyhurst College three goals to two different remained tied at 1-1. Junior Billy Colton-Men’s Soccer
women’s field hockey team opponents. Megan Rasmussen clinched This is Colton’s second time being named Male Athlete of the
made program history with Eighteen minutes into the the victory when she took a Week. This sophomore earned the honor by scoring twice against
their biggest win ever on first half, senior Courtney pass from junior Emily Warren in the Lakers 4-2 win over former GLIAC foe Findlay. Colton’s
Saturday, upsetting No.1 Monin set freshman Serena and pushed it past IUP’s Lydia two goals gives him team high 13 for the year.
ranked IUP, 2-1. Slattery up for the first goal of Dolly at 51:19.
Junior Lauren Rinaca the game, giving Mercyhurst Mercyhurst returns to action Jennifer Coleman-Field Hockey
couldn’t be happier about the the 1-0 lead early on. Less on Wednesday, Oct. 22, when This senior goalkeeper backstopped the Lakers to the biggest win
outcome of the game. “It was than eight minutes later, the Lakers take on Slippery Rock in the history of the program. She stopped nine out of 10 shots
a well-deserved, hard-earned the Crimson Hawks would University. Game time is set in the Lakers 2-1 upset of unbeaten No. 1 ranked Indiana Univer-
win. Every person came respond with a penalty corner for 4 p.m. sity of Pennsylvania.
October 22, 2008 SPORTS Page 17

Men’s soccer kicks it up a notch for victory

again. Sophomore
By Katie Waldin Arash Fah-
“It was a tough game,
Staff writer andezh pre-
because we lost two important
leads,” sophomore Mike De vents a side
In the past week, the Rose said. tackle and
Mercyhurst College men’s “But, the team kept their passes the
soccer team had only one ball upfield
composure and worked even
at the men’s
challenge, against the Oilers of harder to get the victory in the
soccer game
Findlay University. end.”
last Satur-
With the 4-2 victory over As the Lakers entered half day against
Findlay on Saturday, the time tied up at 2-2, they were Findlay. The
Lakers are now 8-3-2 for this looking to refocus and regroup Lakers won
season. in order to pull out on top at 4-2.
In just the third minute of the end of the 90 minutes of
play, Laker forward sophomore regulation play.
Billy Colton scored the first goal The men re-entered the
of the game, giving Mercyhurst field of play with a positive
the lead. outlook and the mentality that
As the men fought hard the game belonged to them.
to work the ball up the field In the second half, defender
to score another goal, they sophomore Arash Fahandezh
were halted by Findlay as they crossed the ball to Colton who
rebounded the ball off of a shot headed it into the back of the
taken on Mercyhurst senior net, giving the Lakers the early
goalkeeper Danny Mudd. second half lead.
After losing the lead, the Soon after, De Rose dribbled
Lakers bounced back, scoring passed the Oilers’ defense to
again in the minute 31 of play shoot and score the final goal
off of a free kick taken by of the match in minute 78 of Tyler Stauffer photo
senior Tyler Emerick. play.
Once again, with only a few With the victory over With only a few games left, to working their way into the for what is coming up in the
minutes left before halftime, Findlay, the Lakers are moving the Lakers are mentally and PSAC playoffs. season,” De Rose said.
the Lakers lost their 2-1 lead forward, focusing one game at physically preparing for each “We are continuing to work The Lakers are looking to take
against the Oilers as Findlay a time as they finish the rest of game as it could be their last, on our formation as a team, on Slippery Rock University in
slid the ball into the net once regulation season. but they are looking forward and getting mentally prepared their upcoming match.

Mercyhurst hockey goes 0-2 in Alaska

Men’s hockey team loses big and drops to 0-4 on season
Friday and struggled to get the Anchorage and did not fair with four straight unanswered the 6-4 win.
By Brad Moehringer
offense going. any better. goals of their own to take Lundin turned away 38 shots
Sports editor
The Nanooks jumped ahead Despite opening the game the lead in the second period in the loss.
in the first period 2-0 to set the with an offensive flurry and 4-3. Mercyhurst drops to 0-4 on
Alaska was not kind to the tone. jumping out to a 3-0 lead, Senior Brett Robinson the season and will continue
Mercyhurst College men’s They added another in the Mercyhurst was unable to hold tied the game at four with their road trip again this
hockey team. second period and two more on. his second goal of the weekend when they travel to
The Lakers traveled up north in the third to pick up the 5-0 The offense was led by season. University of Nebraska at
to take part in the Brice Alaska win. senior Matt Pierce who scored The game was knotted up at Omaha for games on Friday
Gold Rush Tournament in Senior Matt Lundin stopped the first two goals of the game four going into the third when Oct. 25 and Saturday Oct. 26.
Fairbanks, Ala. 42 shots in the loss. while junior Chris Risi added Alaska-Anchorage erupted They will try to get their
Mercyhurst took on Alaska- In game two on Saturday, the third. for two goals in the third to game together and pick up
Fairbanks in the first game on the Lakers took on Alaska- The Seawolves responded put the game away and seal their first game this season.
Page 18 SPORTS October 22, 2008

Winning streak Soccer picks up eighth win

snapped By Stephen Duggan
Staff writer
The ensuing free kick was
converted off the crossbar and
the Lakers took the loss.
took Hilinski to 10 goals on the
With the momentum
more Erin English was also Looking to reverse their swinging in Mercyhurst’s favor
By Gary Coad The Mercyhurst College
playing well totaling up 10 kills luck the Lakers held their the Lakers added another from
Staff writer
and adding a block for good women’s soccer team was in second home game in a week a Powell shot just outside the
measure. action again Oct. 16 when on Saturday, when they hosted penalty area.
The Laker volleyball team The next win came over they lost to the Bald Eagles of the Edinboro University of This goal, Powell’s 13 of
rolled into Wheeling, W. Alderson-Broaddus College. Lock Haven University to the Pennsylvania. the season, came much to
Va., for the PSAC/WVIAC This match went four games Mercyhurst soccer field. This game took a different the delight of the fantastic
crossover tournament. and gave junior setter Julia This game saw the visitors shape to the Lock Haven game turnout at Mercyhurst soccer
Leading into the weekend, Butler a chance to shine. take and early lead. as the Lakers scored an early field.
Mercyhurst College had been Butler totaled up 14 digs and The Lakers conceded go-ahead goal when Powell “It was great to get back
riding high on a seven game dished out 39 assists, both of a corner kick which was converted a rebound off a shot to winning ways after last
win streak and were looking to lead the team in this game. taken by Courtney Johnson. by senior Hailee Maioroano. Wednesday’s loss,” sophomore
improve their record with the Sophomore Katie Fritz put She swerved the ball The Fighting Scots had an Jamie Schroter said.
three games in the crossover. away 11 kills of those 39 assists elegantly into the net as the immediate answer as Elise “We took control of the
The ladies ended up and hit .364 on the match. Mercyhurst defense could only Falatach tied the game up. game and finished our chances
extending their winning streak The last game of the watch. The game was tied at 1-1 well. It was great to see such a
to nine games by winning the weekend came against The home team immediately going into the second half huge crowd out there to cheer
first two games, but had the Wheeling Jesuit, against whom doubled their efforts and went until Hilinski took over; she us on.”
streak snapped by the Wheeling the Lakers could not get an in search of an equalizer. scored two goals in a seven The Lakers are 8-4-3 on the
Jesuit University team. offense rolling. They could not find minute streak. These strikes season.
In their first victory over The Lakers only hit .105 on it before halftime
the University of Charleston, the match and had some of despite coming close
which went five games, the their best offensive weapons on several occasions,
Laker’s offense was running kept at or below a zero percent including striking the
well as they hit a team total of hitting percentage. uprights twice.
.290. Wheeling Jesuit made quick The second half was
The Lakers knew coming work of the Lakers, winning all one-way traffic as
into the game, and season for 25-17, 25-19 and 25-16 and the ‘Hurst relentlessly
that matter, the play of their successfully snapped the targeted the Lock Haven
middles would be important winning streak. goal.
to their game plan. The Lakers record now They continued to hit
Sophomore Justine Smith stands at 18-10 overall and 5- the post, doing so twice
was unstoppable as she got five 3 in the PSAC. Mercyhurst in the second half.
blocks and got six kills without is looking to bounce back at The Lakers outshot
recording a single error. home against cross town rival the Bald Eagles 19-2
Her fellow middle sopho- Gannon on Saturday Oct. 25. in the second half and
it was inevitable that
they would break their
Intramural Flag Football Standings opponents down.
In minute 60, the
Division A: Division B: lifeline came as junior
Taylor Hilinski picked
Walczak 4-0 Hubert 4-0 out senior Sarah Powell
Baringer 3-1 Dennstedt 4-0 in the box. Powell blasted
Coughlin 2-1 Sanders 3-1 a shot to the keeper’s
Cierniakoski 2-1 McClellan 2-2 right and into the back
Thon 1-2 James 1-2 of the net, concluding
Cirbus 1-2 Pettrone 1-2 the scoring.
Constantini 1-2 (game postponed) The game went into
Larson 1-2 Shuriha 0-3 overtime and in the fifth
Gallo 0-3 Lamancusa 0-3 minute a free kick was Tyler Stauffer photo
Weissman 0-3 Nicklas 0-2 awarded to Lock Haven Junior Jamie Laturell gets ready to power the ball up the field at the
(game postponed) just outside the box. women’s soccer game last Wednesday.
October 22, 2008 SPORTS Page 19

Women’s hockey derails RPI Engineers

play goal with 2:36 left to
By Brad Moehringer
Sports editor
Freshman goaltender Hillary
Pattenden picked up her
The comfort of home was second collegiate win stopping
all the Mercyhurst College 17 shots.
women’s hockey team needed Saturday McMeekin con-
to get back on track. tinue her hot streak as she tal-
The Lakers swept the week- lied the first two goals of the
end series against Rensselaer contest to give the Lakers an
Polytechnic Institute (RPI). early 2-0 lead.
In Friday’s game, the Lakers The Engineers found the
fell behind early in the first back of the net to close the
period 1-0. lead to one, but that was as
However, the defense close as they would come.
buckled down after the goal Freshman Kelly Steadman
and only allowed one shot from gave the Lakers a 3-1 cushion
RPI in the second period. with her goal late in the third
The Lakers would even the while sophomore Ashley
score at one in the second Cockell provided the knockout
period on the power play blow just 16 seconds later with
as senior Hayley McMeekin an empty net goal.
found the back of the net off Pattenden picked up her
an assist from freshman Bailey third win of the season for
Bram. Mercyhurst.
The game would remain McMeekin and Pattenden
tied into the third period were both honored by College
until the special teams would Hockey America for their
strike again. Senior Valerie efforts over the weekend. Tyler Stauffer photo
Chouinard gave the Lakers McMeekin was selected as The women’s hockey team battles the Engineers for possession of the puck at their Friday
the lead and the win when CHA Offensive Player of the night match up. The Lakers picked up two wins against RPI.
she snuck the puck past the Week while Pattenden was Player of the Week. stands at 3-1 overall as they on Clarkson University on
goaltender for another power selected as CHA Defensive The Laker’s record now travel to Potsdam, N.Y. to take Friday and Saturday.

Mercyhurst football spanked by IUP

Lakers lose first PSAC game to the Crimson Hawks
IUP took the lead early, with a score of 21-3, the Lakers Mercyhurst making a come- The Lakers hope to get
By Samantha Sellinger
scoring three touchdowns, seemed to find their groove, back. Overall, it was a back on the track to winning
Sports editor
the end result of two precise and junior quarterback Garrett disappointing loss for the the PSAC West this Thursday,
passes and a 31 yard run Kensy completed a touchdown Laker’s. Oct. 23, when they play the
The Mercyhurst College before Mercyhurst was able to pass to senior running back IUP out gained Mercyhurst Fighting Scots at Edinboro
football team suffered its put any points on the board. Richard Stokes. 456-133 and held the Lakers to University in the first of
first PSAC West loss this past Their only points in the first This put the score up to minus-6 yards rushing for the two games that could
Saturday against No. 23 Indiana half of the game were on a 30 21-10, but the Laker’s weren’t contest. determine the West Division
University of Pennsylvania. yard field goal kick off of the able to battle back any In comparison to IUP’s 29 champions.
The Crimson Hawks took foot of senior Chris Ryan. further. first downs, the Lakers ended Page 20
the win 42-10, forcing the Making the goal meant that In the third quarter, the with just 12. Freshman Bailey Bram
Lakers to break their four Ryan stayed perfect on field Crimson Hawks completed Mercyhurst fell to 5-3 controls the puck in Mercy-
game winning streak and come goals for the season so far. two more touchdown passes, overall for the season and 4-1 hurst’s 2-1 win Oct. 18
home empty handed. Entering the second half thwarting the chance of in conference play.
Laker Sports

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Women’s hockey sweeps RPI to move to 3-1
<< Page 19 Tyler Stauffer photo
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