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Evaluation of high-protein supplementation in weight-stable

HIV-positive subjects with a history of weight loss:

a randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial1–3
Fred R Sattler, Natasa Rajicic, Kathleen Mulligan, Kevin E Yarasheski, Susan L Koletar, Andrew Zolopa,

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Beverly Alston Smith, Robert Zackin, and Bruce Bistrian for the ACTG 392 Study Team

ABSTRACT definitions of wasting (1). Recent data from the NFHL cohort
Background: HIV patients with wasting are at increased risk of showed a 50% increase in the 6-mo risk of 욷5% unintentional
opportunistic complications and fatality. weight loss during HAART in 1998 –2003 compared with 1995–
Objective: We hypothesized that augmenting dietary intake with 1997 (6). Although reversal of wasting may occur with HAART
high-biologic-value protein would enhance weight and lean tissue in (7), lean tissue gain is often modest (8 –10). Finally, patients who
weight-stable subjects with a prior unintentional weight loss of fail to respond to HAART are at risk of recurrent wasting, be-
쏜3%. cause HIV RNA concentrations have been shown to correlate
Design: Fifty-nine subjects with HIV RNA concentrations 쏝5000 with the magnitude of weight loss (11, 12).
copies/mL were randomly assigned to receive a 280-kcal supple- Efforts to replete body mass in HIV patients have included
ment containing 40 g whey protein or a matched isocaloric control
strategies to enhance energy intake via parenteral and enteral
supplement without added protein twice daily for 12 wk.
feeding (13–21). Few controlled studies have evaluated dietary
Results: Before the study, intake of total energy and protein ex-
supplements (22, 23) and even fewer have focused on intake of
ceeded estimated requirements (44.3 앐 12.6 kcal 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1 and
1.69 앐 0.55 g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1, respectively). Both supplements failed
protein—a primary substrate for the synthesis of important func-
to increase total energy intake because of decreases in self-selected tional tissues. Some HIV patients with stable weight reported
food intake. Changes in weight (0.8 앐 2.4 and 0.7 앐 2.4 kg) and lean consuming large amounts of energy but were unable to fully
body mass (0.3 앐 1.4 and 0.3 앐 1.5 kg) did not differ significantly restore lost weight (24, 25). Furthermore, protein intake but not
between the whey protein and control groups, respectively. Waist- energy intake has been correlated with metabolically active body
to-hip ratio improved more with whey protein (Ҁ0.02 앐 0.05) than cell mass (26). Thus, the failure to regain weight or lean tissue
with the control (0.01 앐 0.03; P ҃ 0.025) at week 6 but not at week may be partly due to inadequate or low-quality protein intake.
12. Fasting triacylglycerol increased by 39 앐 98 mg/dL with the
control supplement and decreased by 16 앐 62 mg/dL with whey
From the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California,
protein at week 12 (P ҃ 0.03). CD4 lymphocytes increased by 31 앐 Los Angeles, CA (FRS); the Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of
84 cells/mm3 with whey protein and decreased by 5 앐 124 cells/mm3 Public Health, Boston MA (NR); the University of California, San Francisco
and San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA (KM); the Depart-
with the control supplement at 12 wk (P ҃ 0.03). Gastrointestinal
ment of Internal Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, St
symptoms occurred more often with whey protein. Louis, MO (KEY); the Division of Infectious Diseases, Ohio State Univer-
Conclusions: A whey protein supplement did not increase weight sity, Columbus, OH (SLK); Stanford University, School of Medicine, Stan-
or lean body mass in HIV-positive subjects who were eating ford, CA (AZ); the Division of AIDS of the National Institute of Allergy and
adequately, but it did increase CD4 cell counts. The control Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, MD (BAS); the Department of Biostatistics,
supplement with rapidly assimilable carbohydrate substituted for Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA, and the Department of Med-
protein increased cardiovascular disease risk factors. Careful di- icine (RZ), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School
etary and weight history should be obtained before starting nu- (BB) Boston, MA.
tritional supplements in subjects with stable weight loss and good Supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
viral control. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;88:1313–21. through the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group U01 grants (AI20766, AI
69474, AI27663, AI25903, AI27673, AI46386, AI34853, AI27668,
AI27658, AI25897, AI34832, and AI32770) and the General Clinical Re-
INTRODUCTION search Programs, NCRR, M01 grants (RR00070, RR00034, RR00043,
In patients with HIV, weight loss 욷5% is associated with RR00083, RR00052, RR00044, and RR00051). Biomune Systems, Inc, pro-
increased risk of morbidity and mortality (1, 2). HIV wasting has vided the whey protein and control supplements.
declined in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy Reprints not available. Address correspondence to FR Sattler, Keck
School of Medicine, University of Southern California, LAC-USC Medical
(HAART) (3–5). However, data from the Nutrition for Healthy
Center, Room 6442, 1200 North State Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90033.
Living (NFHL) cohort, which enrolled 713 participants between E-mail:
1995 and 2003, showed that HIV wasting remains common dur- Received July 30, 2006. Accepted for publication July 22, 2008.
ing HAART with nearly one-third of the cohort meeting the case doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2006.23583.

Am J Clin Nutr 2008;88:1313–21. Printed in USA. © 2008 American Society for Nutrition 1313

In other catabolic conditions, positive nitrogen balance is at weeks 6 and 12. Body-composition measures were collected or
achieved by increasing protein intake well in excess of the Rec- calculated and included standardized height and weight mea-
ommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) (0.8 g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1) while sured with a calibrated scale while subjects were wearing under-
maintaining energy intake in the physiologic range (27–29). Dur- wear and a gown, body mass index (BMI; weight in kilogram/
ing renal failure, negative nitrogen balance was improved by height squared in meters), absolute and percent LBM, and fat by
increasing protein intake to 1.5–2.0 g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1 but not by single-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA; RJL
increasing nonprotein intake to 40 kcal 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1 at a protein Quantum, Clinton Township, MI). For BIA, study coordinators
intake of 0.8 –1.0 g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1 (30). In patients with burns or were certified in electrode placement and body positioning dur-
sepsis who achieve positive nitrogen balance, providing excess ing central training at AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) meet-
nonprotein energy increased resting energy expenditure (31, 32) ings. Fat and LBM were calculated by using published equations
and fat deposition (32) without further augmentation of LBM. validated in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected subjects (40). An-
Similarly, hypercaloric feeding by total parenteral nutrition in thropometric measurements included waist, thigh, and hip cir-
AIDS patients resulted in weight gain that was almost entirely cumferences according to standardized ACTG procedures. Self-
composed of fat (14). reported food intake was assessed by standardized ACTG data

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In HIV, convenient and palatable dietary supplements can collection instruments. In brief, 3-d written food intake diaries
increase total energy intake (33–37). Supplementing protein in- were administered and reviewed by certified dietitians for veri-
take may improve nitrogen balance and protein synthesis (37– fication of entries and portion sizes before centralized calculation
39). Furthermore, providing amino acids such as glutamine may of total energy and macronutrient intakes with Nutritionist V
increase body cell mass in AIDS wasting (19). We tested the software (First Databank Inc, San Bruno, CA).
hypothesis that providing supplements containing substantial Blood was collected after an overnight fast for lipids, glucose,
high-biologic-value whey protein (undenatured milk protein, insulin, routine chemistries, complete blood counts, CD4 lym-
containing all essential and nonessential amino acids and rich in phocyte counts, HIV RNA concentrations, and total testosterone
glutamine and cyst(e)ine) to increase protein intake to 1.5–2.0 concentrations in men at the local clinical laboratories before
g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1 would enhance lean tissue accrual in HIV- study interventions. Insulin concentrations were determined in
infected subjects. specimens during batch testing at Quest Diagnostics Laboratory
(San Juan Capistrano, CA). Fasting glucose and insulin were
used to calculate static markers of insulin sensitivity, namely the
SUBJECTS AND METHODS homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)
Subjects and the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI),
which are correlated with insulin sensitivity measured with the
The study population consisted of subjects with confirmed hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (41, 42).
HIV-1 infection and stable weight loss, which was defined as
prior unintentional weight loss 쏜3% over the course of the Statistical considerations
HIV-1 infection, but no change in weight 쏜3% during the 2 mo The study plan was to accrue 56 subjects to provide an 80%
before enrollment. Additional entry criteria included no evidence probability of detecting, at the 5% significance level, a clinically
of active opportunistic complications or evidence of malabsorp- relevant mean difference of 1.6 앐 2.0 kg in change in LBM from
tion and HIV RNA concentrations 쏝5000 copies/mL, but baseline to study week 12 between the 2 dietary intervention
HAART was not required. The study was approved by the insti- groups, assuming a 10% loss to follow-up. The primary endpoint
tutional review board at each participating site, and all subjects used the change in LBM from baseline to study week 12. Dif-
provided written informed consent before enrollment. All as- ferences between the 2 study arms were evaluated by using a
pects of the study were conducted in accordance with the Hel- Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test for comparing medians from 2 con-
sinki Declaration of 1975 (revised in 1983). tinuous distributions. The same test was used to evaluate changes
in the remaining continuous measurements. Wilcoxon’s signed-
Study regimen
rank test was used for within-group comparisons. We also ana-
After study entry, the subjects were randomly assigned to lyzed the primary endpoint using the repeated-measures analysis
receive 1 of 2 twice daily study regimens: a high-protein supple- (PROC MIXED procedure in SAS). In this analysis, we consid-
ment containing 40 g whey protein, 20.5 g carbohydrate, and ered both the actual LBM values over time as well as the changes
4.0 g fat per 280-kcal serving or an isocaloric control supplement in LBM. Either Fisher’s exact test or Pearson’s chi-square test
without the added protein, which contained 0.6 g casein (pro- was used to evaluate the differences with respect to the discrete
tein), 60.8 g carbohydrate (high-maltose rice syrup solids), and variables, depending on a number of categories of a discrete
4.0 g fat per 280-kcal serving (Biomune Systems Inc, Salt Lake variable. Estimates of SD and interquartile range were given for
City, UT). The isocaloric control supplement was similar to the means and medians, respectively. Times to treatment discontin-
whey protein supplement in color, texture, and taste (mango uation between the 2 study groups were compared by using the
flavored). Both supplements were to be taken twice daily be- log-rank test.
tween meals for 12 wk; thus, the supplements were intended to Evaluation of the primary endpoint was done by using an
increase total daily energy intake by 560 kcal. All subjects and intention-to-treat analysis. Results of the “as-treated” analysis
study personnel were blinded to treatment assignment. are reported as well. In cases of subjects missing the week 12
measurements needed for the primary endpoint evaluation, the
Outcome assessments value was extrapolated by carrying forward the week 6 measure-
In addition to the baseline visit, subjects were interviewed and ments. Subjects missing both postbaseline values were deemed
examined by a study physician, and outcome data were collected ineligible for the analysis of the primary endpoint.
Statistical analyses were performed by using the SAS statis- criteria), 29 subjects received the supplement containing whey
tical package (software release 8.2; SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). protein and 30 received the control supplement. The 2 study
The figure was created by using R Computing Environment groups were well balanced with respect to demographic charac-
( teristics at baseline (Table 1). The median age for the 7 women
and 52 men was 41 y. Most of the subjects were white (66%), and
52 (88%) reported no prior use of intravenous drugs. The 2
RESULTS groups were also balanced at baseline with respect to CD4 count,
Sixty subjects from 15 ACTG study sites were enrolled in this Karnofsky performance status, and 3-mo prior antiretroviral
multicenter trial from February to December 1999. Of the 59 treatment, although one subject in the control group was not receiv-
subjects randomly assigned to this double-blind study (there was ing antiretroviral therapy. The CD4 counts ranged from 33 to 1263
one inadvertent enrollment of a subject who did not meet entry cells/mm3 (median ҃ 344 cells/mm3), and 85% of subjects had a

Baseline characteristics of the study population1

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Whey protein Control
(n ҃ 29) (n ҃ 30) P value2
Male sex [n (%)] 26 (90) 26 (87) 0.99
Ethnicity/race [n (%)] 0.67
White, non-Hispanic 20 (69) 19 (63)
Hispanic 3 (10) 5 (17)
Black 3 (10) 5 (17)
Asian 2 (7) 1 (3)
Intravenous drug use, never [n (%)] 26 (90) 26 (87) 0.99
Antiretroviral history (n)
PI ѿ NRTI 16 17
PI ѿ NRTI ѿ NNRTI 8 7 0.52
Only NRTI 0 2
PI ѿ NNRTI 1 0
No antiretroviral therapy 0 1
Age (y)3 41 (31, 66) 41 (26, 58) 0.21
욷50 y of age [n (%)] 5 (17) 6 (20)
Karnofsky performance score3 90 (70, 100) 90 (80, 100) 0.74
CD4 lymphocytes [n (%)]4
쏝200 cells/mL 6 (21) 2 (6)
200-500 cells/mL 16 (56) 19 (63) 0.155
쏜500 cells/mL 7 (24) 8 (27)
HIV RNA (copies/mL)3 400 (쏝50, 1546) 200 (쏝50, 3196) 0.11
Body composition
Weight (kg) 63.7 앐 7.95 63.4 앐 10.7 0.79
BMI (kg/m2) 20.7 앐 2.3 21.1 앐 2.8 0.50
BMI 쏝 18.5 kg/m2 [n (%)] 6 (21) 6 (20) 0.95
Fat (%) 14.6 앐 6.5 14.0 앐 5.0 0.91
Selected blood tests
Hemoglobin (g/L) 14.3 앐 1.8 14.1 앐 1.5 0.49
Albumin (g/dL) 4.2 앐 0.8 4.3 앐 0.5 0.83
Glucose (mg/dL) 85 앐 11 90 앐 33 0.92
Insulin (␮IU/mL) 10.6 앐 6.4 10.6 앐 6.4 0.60
Testosterone (ng/dL) 441 앐 367 368 앐 353 0.51
Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 201 앐 54 211 앐 58 0.44
Fasting triacylglycerol (mg/dL) 199 앐 150 230 앐 158 0.44
HOMA-IR6,7 2.74 앐 2.2 2.12 앐 1.27 0.78
QUICKI6,8 0.26 앐 0.04 0.28 앐 0.07 0.79
NRTI, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; NNRTI, nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor; HOMA-IR, homeostasis model assessment of
insulin resistance; QUICKI, quantitative insulin sensitivity check index; PI, protease inhibitor.
P values for body composition, Karnofsky performance score, HIV RNA count, selected blood tests, HOMA-IR, and QUICKI are based on a Wilcoxon’s
rank-sum test on medians between the 2 study groups; P values for categorical variables are based on either the chi-square or Fisher’s exact test.
Values are medians; range in parentheses.
CD4 count unknown in one case (3%) in control group.
x៮ 앐 SD (all such values).
Calculations for the 39 subjects who had paired fasting insulin and glucose concentrations (baseline and week 12): 19 in the whey protein group and 20
in the control group.
Calculated as 关(If) ҂ (Gf)兴/22.5, where (If) is the fasting insulin concentration (␮IU/mL) and (Gf) is the fasting glucose concentration (mmol/L).
Calculated as 1/关log (If) ѿ log (Gf)兴, where (If) is the fasting insulin concentration (␮IU/mL) and (Gf) is the fasting glucose concentration (mg/dL).

Karnofsky score of 90 or 100. Overall, the median HIV-1 RNA level of subjects in the 2 treatment arms discontinued the treatment
was 400 copies/mL (range: 쏝50 to 3196 copies/mL). because of nonprotocol-defined, low-grade toxicities or clinical
There were 35 subjects (15 treated with whey protein and 20 events. One subject in the whey protein group stopped the treat-
treated with the control supplement) who had extensively docu- ment because of the use of a prohibited medication, and another
mented weight histories covering up to 50 wk before baseline. In subject stopped treatment because they disliked the taste. Finally,
this group, there was no difference (P ҃ 0.67) in the median in the whey protein group, 15 subjects had at least grade II
change in weight during the pretreatment period from the respec- gastrointestinal symptoms (eg, nausea, vomiting, bloating,
tive whey protein group [0.2 kg; interquartile range (IQR): Ҁ0.6, cramps, or diarrhea) compared with 7 subjects in the control
0.7) and control group (0.5 kg; IQR: Ҁ0.9, 1.0), providing evi- group (P ҃ 0.03).
dence of weight stability. Body-composition measures at baseline and study weeks 6
Of 59 eligible subjects, 41 subjects completed the study treat- and 12 are shown in Table 2. For the primary outcome, there was
ment: 17 in the whey protein arm and 24 in the control group. no difference in the change in LBM between the whey protein
There was no evidence to suggest that the duration of treatment (0.2 앐 1.4 kg) and control (0.3 앐 1.3 kg) groups after 6 wk (P ҃
differed between the 2 study arms (P ҃ 0.17). Five subjects in the 0.76, Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test). After 12 wk of study therapy,
the respective changes were 0.3 앐 1.4 and 0.3 앐 1.5 kg (P ҃

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whey protein group discontinued the study treatment prema-
turely because of protocol-defined toxicities. An equal number 0.61) in the 2 groups. Furthermore, there was no change in LBM

Outcome measures with study intervention

P value1
Whey protein group Control group Group effect Time effect

Weight (kg) — — 쏜0.05 0.01

Baseline 63.4 앐 10.7 (29)2 63.7 앐 7.9 (30) — —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 63.9 앐 10.9; 0.7 앐 1.8 (27) 64.9 앐 8.1; 0.7 앐 1.5 (27) — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 64.1 앐 10.5; 0.8 앐 2.4 (27) 64.3 앐 8.5; 0.7 앐 2.4 (25) — —
Total lean body mass (kg) — — 쏜0.05 쏜0.05
Baseline 54.2 앐 7.4 (29) 54.1 앐 5.7 (30) — —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 54.3 앐 7.3; 0.2 앐 1.4 (27) 54.5 앐 6.1; 0.3 앐 1.3 (27) — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 54.4 앐 7.0; 0.3 앐 1.4 (27) 53.9 앐 6.1; 0.3 앐 1.5 (25) — —
Total fat mass (kg) — — 쏜0.05 0.04
Baseline 9.2 앐 4.4 (29) 9.6 앐 4.8 (30) — —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 9.7 앐 4.6; 0.4 앐 1.2 (27) 10.4 앐 4.9; 0.3 앐 0.8 (27) — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 9.7 앐 4.6; 0.5 앐 1.6 (27) 10.4 앐 6.1; 0.4 앐 1.7 (25) — —
Waist-to-hip ratio — — 쏜0.05 쏜0.05
Baseline 0.93 앐 0.06 (29) 0.92 앐 0.05 (30) — —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 0.92 앐 0.06; Ҁ0.02 앐 0.05 (26)3 0.94 앐 0.05; 0.01 앐 0.03 (27) — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 0.93 앐 0.06; 0.00 앐 0.05 (26) 0.94 앐 0.06; 0.00 앐 0.04 (27) — —
Waist-to-thigh ratio — — 쏜0.05 0.03
Baseline 1.89 앐 0.16 (29) 1.84 앐 0.17 (30) — —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 1.81 앐 0.17; Ҁ0.10 앐 0.16 (26)4 1.84 앐 0.18; Ҁ0.01 앐 0.08 (27) — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 1.81 앐 0.24; Ҁ0.09 앐 0.22 (27) 1.85 앐 0.18; Ҁ0.01 앐 0.07 (27) — —
Thigh-to-waist-to-hip ratio — — 쏜0.05 쏜0.05
Baseline 47.26 앐 5.34 (29) 49.14 앐 5.89 (30) — —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 49.40 앐 5.41; 2.61 앐 4.06 (26)5 49.22 앐 6.66; 0.22 앐 2.65 (27) — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 50.56 앐 10.23; 3.38 앐 9.55 (26) 49.01 앐 6.94; 0.41 앐 3.04 (27) — —
Triglycerides (mg/dL)6 — — — —
Baseline 230 앐 158 (29) 200 앐 15 (30) 0.037 —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 NA8 NA — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 228 앐 155; Ҁ16 앐 62 (25) 200 앐 118; 39 앐 98 (22) — —
CD4 lymphocytes (cells/mL)6 — — — —
Baseline 365 앐 208 (28) 467 앐 285 (25) 0.037 —
Week 6; ⌬ to week 6 NA NA — —
Week 12; ⌬ to week 12 396 앐 226; 31 앐 84 (28) 462 앐 314; Ҁ5 앐 124 (25) — —

Repeated-measures analyses (PROC MIXED); time-by-group interactions were not significant for any of the variables.
x៮ 앐 SD; number of subjects for whom paired data are available in parentheses.
Significance of differences between groups in change from baseline at study week 6, P ҃ 0.025 (Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test).
P ҃ 0.014.
P ҃ 0.004.
Not tested at study week 6.
P value represents the difference between groups in the change from baseline to study week 12 (Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test).
Not applicable.
across the time points by repeated-measures analyses. Similarly, whey protein arm and 24 in the control group who completed the
the respective changes in total weight of 0.7 앐 1.8 and 0.7 앐 1.5 study. As designed, the change in dietary protein intake was
kg for the 2 groups at study week 6 were not significantly dif- greater in the whey protein group than in the control group at
ferent (P ҃ 0.96) nor were the changes of 0.8 앐 2.4 and 0.7 앐 2.4 week 6 (68.7 앐 40.4 and Ҁ7.7 앐 35.6 g/d; P 쏝 0.001) and at
kg at study week 12 (P ҃ 0.63). For fat, the respective changes week 12 (64.4 앐 45.3 and Ҁ27.6 앐 38.5 g/d; P 쏝 0.01), which
were 0.4 앐 1.2 and 0.3 앐 0.8 kg for the 2 groups at study week resulted in a significantly greater total intake of protein per ki-
6 (P ҃ 0.33) and 0.5 앐 1.6 and 0.4 앐 1.7 kg at study week 12, logram of body weight in the whey group at both time points.
respectively (P ҃ 0.40). Data for 54 subjects were available for Despite the significant differences in protein intake between the
the evaluation of the primary endpoint in the intention-to-treat groups, average total daily protein intake remained well above
analysis. For 2 of the 54 subjects who did not have LBM data the RDA (Table 3). Also, and as designed, the change in dietary
available from week 12, week 6 results were carried forward to carbohydrate intake at week 6 was lower in the whey protein
week 12. Similar results were obtained when week 6 data were group (Ҁ3.3 앐 109.6 and 85.8 앐 137.6 g/d; P 쏝 0.01), but at
extrapolated by using a constant slope. The as-treated analysis of week 12 the difference in change was not significant between the
the 41 subjects who completed the full 12 wk of study therapy groups (Ҁ34.4 앐 160.3 and 36.3 앐 108.9 g/d; P ҃ 0.19).

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showed no significant changes in LBM between the 2 groups (P Changes in dietary intake over time were also analyzed by
҃ 0.26). These outcomes were also analyzed after women were using a repeated-measures analysis, with treatment group and
excluded to determine whether there was a sex effect; all changes time as model terms (PROC MIXED, with dietary measurements
remained nonsignificant (all P 쏜 0.10; data not shown) without as response variables analyzed separately). To examine the pres-
trends suggesting any benefit in terms of LBM, total weight, or ence of an interaction, the time-by-treatment interaction term
fat. Furthermore, baseline BMI was not related to changes in was included in each of the 4 models, but there was no statisti-
weight in either group by Spearman correlation (whey protein: cally significant interaction in any of the models. Again, this
Ҁ0.18, P ҃ 0.36; placebo: 0.32, P ҃ 0.12). result was possibly due to insufficient statistical power. Further-
Changes in the variables listed in Table 2 over time were also more, for any of the 4 dietary measures, there was no statistically
analyzed by using a repeated-measures analysis with treatment significant effect of treatment group, but there was a significant
group and time as model terms (PROC MIXED in SAS, with (P 쏝 0.01) related effect of time for each of the macronutrients.
each response variable analyzed separately; Table 2). To exam- The same results were reached in the analysis of ranks of the
ine the presence of interaction, a time-by-treatment interaction continuous variable in place of the response variable in the
term was included in each of the models, but there was no sta- model.
tistically significant interaction in any of the models, possibly As shown in Figure 1, there were no differences in the total
because of insufficient statistical power based on the sample size intake of energy per kilogram of body weight (includes both
of the groups. Additional analyses showed that there was no self-selected food plus supplements) between the 2 study groups
statistically significant effect of the treatment groups, but there at study week 6 or study week 12 (P 쏜 0.05 for each comparison).
were significant effects of time for weight, total fat mass, and Moreover, the change from baseline in total daily energy intake
waist-to-thigh ratio. at study week 12 did not differ significantly between the whey
Intakes of total energy and macronutrients at baseline and at protein (177 앐 991 kcal) and control (183 앐 831 kcal) groups (P
study weeks 6 and 12 are shown in Table 3 for 17 subjects in the ҃ 0.12; Figure 1). Although self-selected intake of total energy,

Intake of total calories and macronutrients1

P value4
Baseline Week 6 Week 12 P value2 P value3 Group effect Time effect
Ҁ1 Ҁ1
Total energy (kcal 䡠 kg 䡠 d ) — — — 0.74 0.12 쏜0.05 쏝0.01
Whey protein group 42.6 앐 14.1 48.6 앐 13.8 (15) 47.4 앐 12.4 (15) — — — —
Control group 45.9 앐 10.9 50.6 앐 14.6 (20) 45.4 앐 14.5 (18) — — — —
Protein (g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1) — — — 쏝0.0015 쏝0.015 쏜0.05 쏝0.01
Whey protein group 1.64 앐 0.53 2.62 앐 0.43 (15) 2.57 앐 0.51 (15) — — — —
Control group 1.74 앐 0.58 1.68 앐 0.60 (20) 1.40 앐 0.56 (18) — — — —
Carbohydrate (g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1) — — — 쏝0.015 0.19 쏜0.05 쏝0.01
Whey protein group 5.15 앐 2.33 5.77 앐 2.71 (15) 5.29 앐 1.98 (15) — — — —
Control group 5.65 앐 1.18 6.97 앐 1.96 (20) 6.29 앐 1.75 (18) — — — —
Fat (g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1) — — — 0.18 쏝0.01 쏜0.05 쏝0.01
Whey protein group 1.71 앐 0.63 1.67 앐 0.47 (15) 1.77 앐 0.58 (15) — — — —
Control group 1.87 앐 0.66 1.78 앐 0.70 (20) 1.62 앐 0.69 (18) — — — —
All values are x៮ 앐 SD; number of subjects for whom paired data were available at the time point and at baseline in parentheses.
Difference in change between groups from baseline to week 6 (Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test).
Difference in change between groups from baseline to week 12 (Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test).
Longitudinal analysis: repeated-measures analyses (PROC MIXED); time-by-group interactions were not significant for the macronutrients listed.
Significant changes were by study design to increase protein intake in the whey supplement group and to increase carbohydrate intake in the control
supplement group.


mean(SD) Fat Protein
Carbohydrate Study supplement

45.9(10.9) 45.4(14.5) 200


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0 0
wk 0 wk 6 w k 12 wk 0 wk 6 wk 12
High Protein Control

FIGURE 1. Total caloric intake is shown at baseline (week 0) and after 6 and 12 wk of study therapy for the 17 subjects in the whey protein arm and the
24 subjects in the control group who completed the study. Each bar shows the amount of fat, carbohydrate, and protein in self-selected food and supplements.
The change from baseline in total daily energy intake at study week 12 did not differ significantly between the whey protein and control groups (P ҃ 0.12,
Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test). In the repeated-measures analysis, there was no significant interaction between treatment and time (total caloric intake: P ҃ 0.66;
difference from baseline: P ҃ 0.93). At study week 12, self-selected energy intake decreased less in the whey protein group (P ҃ 0.04, Wilcoxon’s rank-sum
test). The lack of a significant increase in total energy consumption was due to a decrease in self-selected energy intake at study weeks 6 and 12.

protein, carbohydrates, or fat (excludes energy provided by sup- greater extent in the whey protein group (P ҃ 0.004 compared
plements) did not change at study week 6 compared with base- with control). At study week 12, there were no significant
line, self-selected energy intake decreased less at study week 12 changes in these variables (P 욷 0.09; Table 2). Fasting serum
in the whey protein group (Ҁ325 앐 1032 kcal/d) than in the triacylglycerol in subjects with paired data decreased at week 12
control group (Ҁ777 앐 818 kcal/d) (P ҃ 0.04). The lack of a by 16 앐 62 mg/dL in the whey protein group and increased by 39
significant increase in total energy consumption was due to a 앐 98 mg/dL in the control group (P ҃ 0.035). There were no
decrease in the self-selected energy intake at study weeks 6 and significant changes in other lipids, fasting glucose, insulin,
12 (Figure 1). HOMA-IR, or QUICKI (data not shown).
Several secondary outcomes were evaluated (Table 2). An Another secondary outcome included assessment of the ef-
evaluation of the paired data at week 6 showed that the waist-to- fects of whey protein on immune function. From baseline to week
hip ratio decreased in the whey protein group but increased in the 12, in subjects in whom paired data were available, those treated
control group (P ҃ 0.025). The waist-to-thigh ratio decreased to with whey protein had an average increase in CD4 lymphocytes
a greater extent with whey protein (P ҃ 0.014 compared with of 31 앐 84 cells/mL (P ҃ 0.04), whereas those who received the
control), whereas the thigh-to-waist-to-hip ratio increased to a control supplement had a slight decrease in CD4 lymphocytes of
Ҁ5 앐 124 cells/mL (P ҃ 0.19). The difference in CD4 changes dietary foods. An important difference may be that most studies
from baseline to week 12 between the 2 study groups was sig- of nutritional supplementation are performed in subjects with
nificant (P ҃ 0.03). The change from baseline to week 12 in CD4 inadequate nutritional intake, ongoing weight loss, and often
counts was also analyzed with week 0 values as a covariate in a preexisting malnutrition in which the nutritional supplement
nonparametric analysis of covariance model (PROC GLM in may reduce but does not totally compensate for the increased
SAS with response variable as ranks). In this analysis, the effect intake and therefore leads to a net increase in energy intake. The
of the treatment group was statistically significant (P ҃ 0.04). present study was conducted in weight-stable subjects with a
history of weight loss, a relatively normal BMI, and adequate
intakes of both protein and calories.
These observations emphasize the importance of obtaining a
In HIV-infected subjects with stable weight loss, 12 wk of careful weight and dietary history and quantification of total
nutritional supplementation with high biologic quality (whey) energy and macronutrient intakes (by food diaries, food fre-
protein did not increase energy intake, weight, extremity circum- quency, or 24-h dietary recall questionnaires) before prescribing
ferences, or lean tissue more than did an isocaloric, high- nutritional supplements for patients with HIV. Supplements are

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carbohydrate, low-protein control supplement. However, many expensive, and, if energy intake is shown to be sufficient and
important lessons can be learned from this study. First, for sub- protein intake is above the RDA, our results suggest that further
jects who have reached new weight equilibrium by eating an augmentation of energy or protein intakes is unlikely to improve
adequate diet and are not malnourished, dietary supplements body composition or nutritional status in a population of weight-
alone may not be sufficient to further restore weight or LBM. stable subjects with relatively well-controlled HIV. Finally, the
Such individuals may have selected a level of total energy and whey protein supplement was not well tolerated, as evidenced by
protein intake and/or a new activity level sufficient to maintain the greater gastrointestinal symptoms and attrition in this group.
their body weight in a stable range, albeit below their premorbid This was also reported in another study of relatively asymptom-
weight and lean tissue status. Indeed, before the study interven- atic HIV patients ingesting 45 g whey protein/d (47). In a pop-
tion began, the subjects’ energy intake (44.3 앐 12.6 kcal 䡠 ulation that may already have an excessive medication burden,
kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1) exceeded the estimated energy requirement, and such symptoms may either adversely affect medication adher-
their protein intake (1.73 앐 0.63 g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1) was 2-fold ence or cause malabsorption of these therapies.
greater than the RDA (0.8 g 䡠 kgҀ1 䡠 dҀ1) and within the range Of importance, subjects treated with whey protein had a sig-
that achieved positive nitrogen balance in other catabolic condi-
nificant increase in CD4 lymphocytes compared with those re-
tions (30). It is, therefore, not surprising that the whey protein
ceiving the control supplement. These findings are consistent
supplement did not increase weight or lean tissue in these par-
with other studies of whey protein supplements that produced
ticipants, who were habitually consuming more than adequate
improvements in immune function, including in mononuclear
amounts of protein and energy.
cell glutathione concentrations (33, 48 –50). It is possible that the
Another important observation was that the increase in carbo-
improvement in CD4 counts with the whey protein supplement
hydrate intake with the control supplement worsened fasting
was related to a regression-to–the-mean because the baseline
serum triacylglycerol. The small but significant changes in
counts were lower in the whey protein group, albeit not statisti-
waist-to-hip, waist-to-thigh, thigh to waist-to-hip ratios at study
week 6 also suggested that there was an unfavorable change in cally significantly so. Regardless, the potential for benefits in
body composition (increased central fat) with the high- immune status provides additional impetus for testing whey pro-
carbohydrate control supplement, which is predicted to increase tein in catabolic patients with active weight loss and severe CD4
cardiovascular disease risk (43, 44). Similarly, in other con- lymphocyte or intracellular glutathione depletion.
trolled studies of HIV-infected patients, oral liquid supplements This study had several limitations. In particular, these results
produced increases in fat without an apparent change in lean should not be extrapolated to other populations, such as those
tissue (33, 34). Thus, even with a relatively short course of with unstable or active weight loss or those with inadequate
therapy, our results suggest that care should be taken when con- intakes of energy and protein, for whom studies should be con-
sideration is given to prescribing supplements that increase the ducted to establish the efficacy and utility of increasing energy
intake of carbohydrate, particularly those that are rapidly assim- intake largely in the form of high-biologic-quality protein. In-
ilable, in weight-stable patients who are below their premorbid deed, whey protein improved weight by 3.6 앐 2.3 kg and lean
weights but who also have preexisting cardiovascular disease tissue by 1.5 앐 1.9 kg as measured by dual-energy X-ray ab-
risk factors such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, impaired glu- sorptiometry in an open-label study of HIV-infected women with
cose intolerance, or insulin resistance (45). Worsening triacyl- malnutrition (51). Furthermore, we used a convenient, relatively
glycerol concentrations, which are highly sensitive to carbohy- low-tech method, namely BIA, which has proven effective and
drate intake, and increasing abdominal girth would be expected useful for the assessment of changes in lean tissue in persons with
to accelerate atherosclerosis in a population already at increased AIDS wasting before the HAART era (52). However, the test has
risk of cardiovascular disease morbidity (46). not been validated in wasting populations at risk of or with
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of energy decreased during treatment with the nutritional sup- phy) before this study. Other methods, such as dual-energy X-ray
plements. This contrasts with results from other studies of HIV- absorptiometry, magnetic resonance imaging, or computed to-
infected patients, in which nutritional supplementation has in- mography, may have been more sensitive and accurate in detect-
creased total daily energy intake (33–37). Although we designed ing small but significant changes in lean tissue. Similarly, an-
the present study to provide supplements between meals, sub- thropometric measures made by different examiners at the same
jects self-selected to consume lower quantities of their regular clinical research center and across multiple clinical sites has

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