CBSE Class 8 English Notice Writing

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CBSE Class 8 English

Notice Writing
April 22, 2019 by Veerendra

CBSE Class 8 English Notice Writing are part of

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English. Here we have
given CBSE Class 8 English Notice Writing.

CBSE Class 8 English

Notice Writing
1. Tapan Ghosh of Class VIII A is the Secretary of the
Holy Christ School Geography Forum. The geography
teacher has asked Tapan to put up a notice to invite
the students of geography to participate in the
Geography Quiz Contest to be held after a fortnight in
St Anthony’s School. Hie Orst prize carries? 1000 and
a Trophy. Write this notice, using not more than 50
words. Try to make the notice catch all the students’

Holy Christ School

N. Delhi
Win? 1000 in Geography Quiz Contest

15 July, 2016
St Anthony’s School is holding an Inter-School
Geography Quiz Contest within a fortnight. The Orst
prize carries? 1000 and a Trophy.
Interested Geography students should see me
Tapan Ghosh
Class VIII A

2. Mukul Swami of class X, Captain of the School

Hockey Team and Sports Secretary, is asked by his
sports teacher to put a notice on the school notice
board inviting the students to buy some old hockey
sticks and balls. These items are in a fairly good
condition. Write this notice using not more than 50
words. Try to make the notice catch students’

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ABC School
Buy hockey sticks etc. at very low prices

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15 November, 2016
The school offers for sale old hockey sticks and balls.
They are as good as new and at a veiy low price.
Interested students can inspect and buy them during
the recess tomorrow. They are arranged in the Sports
Mukul Swami

3. Your school has decided to present a programme

on the AIR from the AIR Stadium of your city, in the
popular programme “Meet the Young-Artists”.
Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your
school notice-board inviting talented students to
appear for trial for different items on 20th November
in the School’s “Open Theatre”. You have invited Mr.
Anand Bosle, the famous Presenter on the AIR. You
are Secretary, Cultural Activities Society. The school
Principal has accorded his permission for the

P.S. Public School


10 November, 2016
Our school is going to present a programme on the
AIR. It is the popular programme ‘Meet the Young-
Artists’. All the students willing to participate should
appear for a trial. This trial for different items will be
on 20 November in the school’s ‘Open Theatre’ Mr.
Anand Bosle, famous AIR presenter will be there.
Cultural Activities Society

4. Meenakshi Goel is the Sports Captain of Navodaya

School. The sports day is to be held on March 2lst
which is just two weeks away. She has to inform
house captains that they have to submit the names
of the participants to her in a week’s time. A student
cannot take part in more than three events excluding
the relay. Any delay or wrong information will lead to
disqualiOcation of the student. Write the notice for
Meenakshi using not more than 50 words.

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Navodaya School, New Delhi

Kind Attention : All House Captains

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3 March, 2017
The Sports Day of the School falls on March 21st.
Please submit the names of the participants of your
houses within a week. A student cannot take part in
more than three events excluding the relay. Any delay
or wrong information will lead to disqualiOcation.
Meenakshi Goel
Sports Captain

5. You are Anupam, the editor of the school

magazine, and want to hold an interclass competition
to collect poems and cartoons for the magazine
before 20 August, 2016. Draft a notice for the
students’ notice board inviting entries. Mention all
details required like entry dates, prizes etc. Give your
notice an appealing heading.

Rosemary Model School, Mumbai

Win A Fabulous Prize

10 August, 2016
There will be an inter-class competition for collecting
poems, cartoons etc for the school magazine. It is
Oxed for 25 August, 2016 at 1 pm in the school hall.
Students willing to participate should give their
names to the undersigned by 20 August, 2016. The
winning articles carry prizes of? 500,300,100
respectively. The decision of the judges shall be Onal
and binding.

You can master in English Grammar of various

classes by our articles like Tenses, Clauses,
Prepositions, Story writing, Unseen Passage, Notice
Writing etc.

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6. Write a notice for the school notice board

informing students about school inspection to be
held on 10 March, 2017 by the District Education
Ohcer. The notice should be of 50 words asking for
punctuality, cleanliness and discipline.

ABC Public School, Agra

School Inspection
March 3, 2017

The District Education Ohcer will visit the school for

inspection on 10th March, 2017. All the students of
the school are requested to be careful on the
occasion. They should be extremely punctual, clean
and disciplined. They should be attentive to what
their teachers tell or teach them for the occasion.
—Head Boy

7. You are the Cultural Secretary of your school You

have been asked to inform students of Classes VI to
VIII about an Inter School Dramatics Competition.
Draft a notice in about 50 words to be put up on the
school notice board, with all necessary details.

ABC School, Meerut

Dramatic Competition

March 10, 2017

An Inter School Dramatic Competition will be held in
Tagore Stadium on 20 March, 2017. Students of
Class VI to VIII can participate in the competition.
The willing students should assemble for a trial on
March 10, in the school hall. The teacher incharge of
Dramatics will make the selection.
Cultural Secretary

8. The school has decided to hold a fete in the school

playground. The Principal has asked you to write, as
the Headboy / Headgirl of the school, a notice about
this fete, inviting the students and the teachers to
participate in it. The notice should include all
necessary details. Write this notice in about 50

Twenty First Century School

School Fete

April 3, 2016
There will be a fete in the school playground from
May 3, 2016 to May 4, 2016. The Principal has invited
all the teachers and the students to participate in the
fete. The interested students should see the science
teacher with their ideas on or before April 10, 2016.
Class VIII

9. Sachin of Class VIII A has lost his library book on

the playground during the recess. He wants to put up
a notice on the School Notice Board. Write his notice
in not more than 50 words. Put the notice in a box.

ABC School, Lucknow

Lost! Lost

June 3, 2016
I, Sachin of Class VIII A, have lost my library book
named ‘Stories for Children’. It was lost during the
recess on June 3, 2016. He, who Onds it, is requested
to give it to me. I shall be highly obliged.
Class VIII A

10. You have found a purse containing some money

and papers. It has no names. Draft a notice asking
the owner to contact you.

Pen Top School Delhi

Found! Found

25 May, 2016
I, Urmila of Class VIII A, have found a purse
containing some money and papers. I have no clue
about the owner. The owner can contact me giving
proof of his being the real owner. I will be glad to give
it back to him.
Class VIII A

We hope the CBSE Class 8 English Notice Writing

help you. If you have any query regarding CBSE Class
8 English Notice Writing, drop a comment below and
we will get back to you at the earliest.

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