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Miguel Camesa


Matching Type

E   1.    ascent       a.    contempt; ridicule

C   2. sinewy       b. message; caption

H   3. converge       c. lean; strong

I   4. hideous       d. beginner; neophyte

J 5. vivid       e. rise; climb

G   6. abdicate       f. rejection; abandonment

A  7. scorn       g. relinquish; resign

D 8. novice       h. unite; congregate

B  9. inscription       i. ugly; dreadful

F   10. renunciation       j. clear; bright

Let’s talk about it


1.    Dante meets the first souls in torment. What sin do these souls commit?

The first ones I read were the opportunists. These guys were incredibly selfish and only
lived for themselves

2.    What does Virgil imply when he said that the fallen people are those who have lost the
good of the intellect?
Their reasoning and literally everything good about them has disappeared and been
thrown to waste and they no longer have hope.

3. How does hopelessness torment the souls of the damned?

They don’t die. It’s a never-ending cycle of punishment and torture. When you feel like
you’re dead, you wake up again to receive yet another batch of pain


1.    Why does Dante place Judas, Brutus, and Cassius in the last ring of the ninth circle of

These 3 people were the definition of bad. Judas betrayed the literal messiah who saved
us, Brutus killed the person who was able to transform a country to a huge empire, that
being Julius Caesar. And Cassius actually tricked Brutus into killing Caesar by misleading
him through some of the letters and giving him the wrong ideas.

2.    What do the three faces of Satan symbolize?

The middle face to me symbolizes the courage of the devil to do bad stuff since he had the
guts to turn on God. The other 2 faces to me symbolize deception and pride. Since the
devil makes us do bad stuff through tricking us to do so and pride with him thinking he
can rule something without God.

3.    Infer why hell becomes colder as the sin becomes graver.

To me its probably because we are going deeper underground as we go deeper into hell.
Going underground means less sun. And we find graver sins deeper in hell. Lastly in my
opinion, being in some place extremely cold is worse than a place that is blazing hot since
it a slower and more painful suffering.

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