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Phase 3: ejecución

Políticas ambiente laboral inglés.

Marketing management technologist

file: 2175937

presented to:

Paola Gimena Plaza Bello

Bilingualis minstructor

presented by:
Paola Jimena chala santos

Centro de materiales y ensayos

Ingrese al objeto de aprendizaje The Market Thing: “KNOWING MY TEAM”,

ubicado en la actividad de Proyecto 21 Supervisar el equipo de trabajo”. Observe el

video tutorial contenido en la sección “Let’s listen”, y escriba un párrafo de mínimo

10 líneas, expresando las ideas principales contenidas en él.

At present and taking into account the great advances that society presents, diferent

techniques have been developed that allow a better development of employees in the work

enviroment,this new method basically consists of making available to employees all the

necessary reosurces to carry i finish its functions,it also seeks to provide comfort by

developing Wordk from home using different technological tolos,thus saving money

invested in transport and time allocated to travel,all this in order to give autonomy and

flexibility to employees so that they can perform better in their functions

Descargue y lea los textos contenidos en la sección “Let’s read”. Realice la

actividad de comprensión lectora de la sección y tome capturas de pantalla en cada

pregunta, incluyendo el resultado final. Agregue las capturas en el documento.

. Basado en la administración de recursos humanos, escriba una presentación

donde señale las políticas para su propio proyecto, con el objetivo de promover un

ambiente laboral adecuado en su compañía.


Train employees according to the functions they will develop within the Company.

Provide solutions to labor problems for Company officials.

Foster the spirit of work by example.

Apply to each employee to develop specific funtions.

Encourage teamwork

contribute to the performance of each of the functions established by their direct boss.

hire trained personnel to work within the company.

Each employee will have a current legal minimum wage.

A day of rest will be provided to those employees who are characterized by their

excellent work.

Respect is fundamental among the personnel who work within the company.

problems presented within the company will be resolved through dialogue.

fulfill the assigned functions in established times.

serve customers with respect and kindness.

honor the values and principles of the company.

En la sección “Vocabulary”, arrastre cada palabra con el concepto que

corresponda. Tome capturas de pantalla en cada grupo de palabras y agréguelas al


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