Grow Taller Bonus Report 1

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Grow Taller Bonus Report 1



Some of the BONUS information will relate to enhancing your ability to use your mind to grow taller (most of
these skills you can use to improve other areas of your life or to change anything else you'd like to change
about your body); other information will relate to nutrition, sleep, exercises, etc.

On my part, I have only one goal - I want to provide you with all the information I can that will help you
succeed. Growing Taller With Hypnosis does not require any special diet or physical exercises. Some people,
though, believe more in the power of external things than in the power of their own minds and until they get
proof that their minds and emotions can generate all the biochemical changes in their bodies, find it easier to
make progress when they supplement their self-hypnosis sessions with additional nutrition, exercises, etc.


Your body needs energy to grow and this is one way that you can generate energy. You will learn several
others, too.

This exercise is also mentioned briefly on the tape (CD) that was mailed to you. However, here I'd like you to
do just this exercise for about 5 minutes, at some point when you get up in the morning. This is the first
variation of this exercise. In one of the future e-mails I'll send you more advanced techniques. Here's how you
are going to do it:

Take three deep breaths (this relaxes mind and body) and then imagine that you are standing up (or floating)
in space with nothing else around you but pure, vital energy. You can imagine the air around you vibrating,
pulsing with live, vital energy. Now with every breath you take, imagine that you are inhaling together with
air, this vital energy into your body, with every exhale, imagine that you are exhaling only empty air.

Do not strain. Just relax and breath in as you normally breath, with only difference that you are using your
imagination here to supercharge your body with energy. Imagine that you your body is like a sponge hungrily
absorbing this energy. If you like, you can imagine this energy as a brilliant white light, visualizing that you
are supercharging your body with light, the light intensifies in your body until it glows like a sunshine. This
visualization will add great power to your growing taller self-hypnosis practice.

You can begin with seven energy breaths, and then increase by one extra energy breath every day, until you
get to about 40 energy breaths. Then just keep on doing 40 energy breaths once a day.

If you look into nutrition and nutritional supplements, you'll discover that the same nutrients and supplements
are recommended for sports performance, sexual enhancement, rejuvenation as they are for height increase.
While these nutrients and supplements will certainly enhance your overall health and well-being, they only
support your growth. By themselves they may not do much for height increase, but they can make a
difference when combined with your mental imagery (self-hypnosis).

In this and the follow-up emails I will explore different nutrients and supplements and will also teach you how
to transform the regular food your consume daily into food for growth. Remember, IT'S ALL IN YOUR MIND!
The more you practice, the more effective it will become.

In this e-mail I will explore Human Growth Hormone (HGH) and HGH releasers: four major amino-acids that
boost growth-hormone release.

HGH, also called Somatotropin, is a protein-like hormone that many researchers believe has greater capacity
to prevent and reverse aging (and boost growth) than any other substance. HGH is released by the pituitary
gland - in the tiny pea sized gland in the center of the brain.

HGH is like a messenger sent by the brain through the pituitary gland into the bloodstream to regulate and
control cell activity throughout the body. The health of every organ and cell throughout the body is
significantly impacted either directly or indirectly by the growth hormone.

Originally, human growth hormone was discovered in the 1920s, but it was not actually isolated until 1956.
Shortly later, in 1958, a doctor at the New England Medical Centre administered the hormone to a growth-
stunted child. To everyone's amazement, the child soon began to grow.

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Grow Taller Bonus Report 1

In normal 21-year olds, blood levels of HGH are approximately five times greater than the levels in 61-year
olds. By the age of seventy, 40% of adults have a level of HGH deficiency equal to that found in growth-
stunted children.

Amino acids are building-blocks of protein and protein is the building block of all living cells. The greatest
portion of the human body weight, after water, is protein. A healthy liver can produce approximately 80% of
the body's required amino acids.

You can get amino-acids from the food you eat, or you can buy them in capsules, tablets or powders. If you
choose to take them as nutritional supplements, some researchers suggest that you will get the best results if
you take all four amino acids together at the same time.

Medical Director Giampapa of Longevity Institute International (Montclair, NJ), recommends daily intake
consisting of: 2 grams L-Arginine, 2 grams L-Ornithine, 1 gram L-Lysine and 1 gram L-Glutamine. While higher
doses of these amino-acids prove to be more effective, very high amounts (e.g. over 10 grams of Ornithine)
may result in gastrointestinal distress (diarrhea and pain).

To achieve greatest effectiveness as an HGH releaser, L-Arginine should be consumed on an empty stomach
at bedtime. HGH release occurs 30 - 60 minutes after falling asleep, and also during and just after vigorous

NOTE: Before consuming any nutritional supplements, it is recommended that you consult with your medical
doctor. Certain people should avoid taking Arginine supplements as it may have adverse effects (e.g. people
with viral infections).

Arginine (L-Arginine) boosts nitric oxide, a compound that relaxes blood vessels, keeps arteries flexible and
boosts flood-flow and thus it is promoted as a great supplement for cardiovascular problems.

If you have read supplemental articles on Mind-Body Connection I have sent you with your Grow Taller With
Hypnosis program, than you already know that from the bio-chemical perspective, most changes created it
the body through the use of hypnosis are effected by stimulating the blood-flow.

Arginine is also promoted as a supplement that boosts muscle growth, improves would healing, combats
fatigue, stimulates the immune system, supports erectile functioning (enhances sexual performance), and
causes the release of growth hormone.

Dietary sources of Arginine: chocolate, wheat germ, oatmeal, dairy products (cottage cheese), beef (roasts,
steaks), pork (ham), nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, Brazil nuts), seeds (pumpkin, sesame,
sunflower), poultry (chicken), seafood (halibut, lobster, salmon, shrimp, tuna), chick peas and cooked

Ornithine (L-Ornithine) is an important anti-aging amino acid that promotes growth and is precursor of
Arginine. It is also thought to help build immune system, promote wound healing and support liver
regeneration. Arginine and Ornithine are closely related. While Arginine is incorporate into body proteins,
Ornithine is a tool used to make those proteins. The body converts Arginine supplements into Ornithine and
can convert Ornithine supplements into Arginine if needed.

People who are poorly nourished or who lack protein may be Ornithine deficient. Ornithine is usually
supplemented together with Arginine, as they have similar effects. The most common use is in body-builders
as a growth-hormone stimulant. A dose of 1500 - 2500 mg twice daily is recommended for growth. Side effect
may include insomnia.

Lysine (L-Lysine) is amino acid involved in tissue repair, enzyme production, growth and it boosts the
immune system. Lysine is concentrated in muscle tissue and helps in the absorption of calcium from the
intestinal tract, the promotion of bone growth and the formation of collagen. Collagen is an important body
protein that is the basic matrix of connective tissues, skin, cartilage and bones. Dietary needs for Lysine are
estimated at about 1000 mg. A deficiency may contribute to reduced growth and immunity.

Some dietary sources of Lysine: dairy products (ricotta, cottage cheese, dry milk), eggs, seafood (tuna,
shrimp, crab, halibut), beef (steak) pork (spareribs, Canadian bacon), wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, pistachios,
peanuts, sesame seeds.

Glutamine (L-Glutamine) is one of the most common amino acids in the body and plays an important role in
several metabolic functions. Glutamine is necessary for making and repairing cells. Glutamine contributes to
approximately 60% of free amino acids within the skeletal muscles. Glutamine is anti-catabolic - it spares
muscle tissue after exercise or other physical stress. It readily crosses blood/brain barrier and becomes
glutamic acid, a potent brain fuel.

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Grow Taller Bonus Report 1

Although the body generally has enough Glutamine, extreme stress caused by surgery, disease, a long
illness, or even vigorous exercise can deplete these stores. When the body's own stores of Glutamine run
short, supplements or dietary sources of Glutamine can help restore the balance and help one recover more

Some dietary sources of Glutamine: meats, milk, soy protein, raw spinach, raw parsley, and cabbage.
Cooking may destroy Glutamine.

It is suggested that Glutamine be consumed shortly before sleep and after physical exercise.


1 cup of milk (regular or dry) or soy beverage

1 banana

1 egg (whole or just white of an egg)

you can also add chocolate

If you measure the height of your body before you go to sleep and when you get up, you may notice that your
height increased while you were asleep. This happens because during the day, while you are in upright
position, your bones and joints are compressing because of earth's gravitation. While you sleep (in horizontal
position), your bones and joints are decompressing and the body becomes longer.

Your body grows while you sleep. It is during the night that your body releases growth hormones, as well as
decompresses. While it is generally recommended that you sleep for 8 - 10 hours, each individual has
different needs.

It is recommended that you sleep on a flat, firm bed and preferably without a pillow.

Right before you go to sleep do one of the following: either listen to the tape, or do the exercises below
(doing them only in your mind is just fine).

Dr. Jeana Phillman, a medical doctor at San Juan Pediatric Hospital states that according to studies - you will
grow another inch if you hang on a bar every day for five minutes, for about three months. To improve your
chances of growth, she recommends you take two big orange calcium tablets (50 ml) and take one in the
morning and another in the evening.


As you may have guessed, you can actually do the whole exercise in your mind. You can close your eyes,
take three deep breaths to help you relax and IMAGINE yourself hanging on the bar (for five minutes a day),
FEELING it as REAL as you can. As Dr. Erickson said, "You can PRETEND anything and master it."

Numerous experiments in sports performance have proven that the exercises performed in mind only
(through self-hypnosis) have the same effectiveness as the ones performed physically.

Again, I'd like to repeat. You can get all the growth you desire with self-hypnosis alone. Adding the nutritional
supplements, stretching and other exercises will make you feel good, but by itself may not add to any
significant growth. For exceptional results, you have to use your mind.

© 2002 - 2005, Dr. Laura De Giorgio,

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