Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching Post Test: Points

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1.Determine the domain of the learner- centered principle: Intrinsic motivation is
stimulated by tasks of optimal novelty and difficulty, relevant to personal interests,
and providing for personal choice and control
(1/1 Point)
affective and motivational

developmental and social

individual differences

cognitive and metacognitive

2.Education is the priority of the state. In which article of 1987 Philippine

Constitution can you find this provision?
(1/1 Point)
Article III

Article IV

Article XIV

Article XI

3.Which strategy is the most fit if teacher wants his students to appreciate the
value of teamwork?
(1/1 Point)
Group game


Field trip

Buzz group

4.Which of the following statements does not agree with the principles of
(1/1 Point)
Its curriculum gives importance to suggestions for improvements

Curriculum should spring from students' interests and needs.

Teachers should use the same curriculum over and over again

Develops a child to be ready for the real world.

5.Which of the following is incorrect regarding learner-centered psychological

(1/1 Point)
The principles are primarily focused on learner’s psychological factors rather than conditioned
habits or physiological factors

The principles are primarily focused on learner’s physiological factors rather than conditioned
habits or psychological factors .

The principles are intended to deal holistically with learners in the context of real-world learning

All are correct regarding LCP.

6.RA 10931 promotes…

(1/1 Point)
anti-bullying policies and establishment of intervention programs for both the child victim and
the child bully

free public secondary education to all qualified citizens and quality education at all levels

a 12-year basic education (six years of elementary; four years of junior-high school; and two
years of senior-high school

free tuition and exemption from other fees in state and local universities and colleges

7.A teacher must avoid the use of ridicule in class and prevent situations in which
students lose self-esteem in front of their peers. Which affective trait was shown?
(1/1 Point)
reflective practice

fairness and respect

social interaction with students

. enthusiasm and motivation for learning

8.Which E-IMPACT principle is in best consonance with the statement below?
“Learning is not confined in the classrooms”

(1/1 Point)
The teacher is the manager of the learning process.

Learning can take place anywhere.

The essence of education is the learning process.

Progress of learners is based on individual mastery and speed.

9.The first thing to consider when choosing instructional strategies is __________.

(1/1 Point)
The goal and objective of a lesson

The context and nature of the students

Variety of the strategies to be used

All of the above

Which of the following alternative delivery modes divides a class into two groups,
one group goes to school, and the other learns at home or other conducive
places then swaps the set up for the succeeding week?

(1/1 Point)




11.This is an alternative delivery mode for those who are unable to start or
complete secondary education.
(1/1 Point)



12.It's a group problem-solving technique that involves the is spontaneous

contribution of ideas from all members of the group.
(1/1 Point)




13.Learner-centered teaching removes the power or authority of the teacher and

gives all authority to learners. This statement is…
(1/1 Point)



14.In LCT approach, students should assume greater responsibility for their own
learning over time. This statement is…
(1/1 Point)



15.Which is being allotted the largest amount of space in majority of classrooms?

(1/1 Point)
arrangement of individual student desks

Storage furniture and cabinets

Teacher’s desk

16.In Ms. Dela Cruz' classroom, when students need to use the restroom, they
raise their hand while making a sign language 'T' with their raised hand. This is an
example of which of the following?
(0/1 Point)
the use of routine

a classroom transition

special classroom language

a clear schedule

17.Which of the following is the best definition of classroom climate?

(1/1 Point)
The average room temperature which is 27OCelsius

The product of interaction between and among teacher and students

Has something to do with the condition of the classroom

One that is safe, clean and orderly

18.Teacher X reiterates that training in reading, writing and arithmetic is the most
important. To which educational philosophy does he adhere?
(1/1 Point)




Message for respondents who select this answer

19.Students have different needs and respond to interventions differently. When

responding to misbehavior, consider the social, emotional and cognitive skills of
each student, as well as what was happening in the situation. This statement best
describes which strategy in learner-centered discipline?
(0/1 Point)
logical consequences

consistent application

collaborative class norms

20.Teacher X always reads books about his specialization, and attends trainings
and seminars which enhance his content and pedagogical knowledge. Which of
the following roles of a teacher is being fulfilled by Teacher X?
(0/1 Point)
to create real-world and authentic learning experiences

to commit to professional and personal growth

to truly encourage students to drive their own learning

to facilitate, coach, and model good learning skills

21.The availment of the Philippine Education Placement Test for adults and out of
school youth is in support of the government’s education program towards
(1/1 Point)
equitable access


fair judgment

quality treatment

22.The following are the advantages of flexible teaching EXCEPT:

(0/1 Point)
Improves learning outcomes resulting from evidence-based and technology-enabled teaching

Maintains teacher’s control over learner’s decisions

Increases achievement and success rates

All are advantages of flexible teaching.

23.Which of the following is/are correct about flexible teaching?

I. It is a method of learning where students are given freedom in how, what, when
and where they learn.
II. It requires a balance of power between institutions and students.
III. Flexible learning is equivalent to online classes.
(0/1 Point)
I and II only

All are correct statements.

I only

I and III only

24.1. Which of the following characteristics of LCT is best congruent with this
statement: “Students learn from teachers, teachers also learn from students and
students learn from other students.”?
(0/1 Point)
A. Learner-centered teaching encourages collaboration.

. Learner-centered teaching motivates students by giving them some control over learning

C. Learner-centered teaching encourages students to reflect on what they are learning and how
they are learning it.

D. Learner-centered teaching includes explicit skill instruction.

25.Which of the following best describes a calm space?

(1/1 Point)
a designated space in the classroom with the sole intent of being a safe space for a learner to go
to when they need to regain their emotional and physical control

a glamorous space inside the classroom that calms the learners when their emotions are running
too high

a space that isolates the learner from the rest of the class to avoid witnessing their emotional

a space where learners resolve the conflicts with their other classmates

26.Why do some learners tend to resist the learner-centered approach despite its
many known advantages?
(0/1 Point)
Because learner-centered approaches require more work.

Because learner-centered approaches can be threatening.

Because some learners are not intellectually ready to tackle a particular activity.

All of the options can be considered reasons for resistance to LCT.

27.Which is the most authentic way of measuring student’s ability to debate?

(1/1 Point)
Let them watch debates on video and ask them to identify strong and weak points.

Ask them to outline the steps involved in a debate and list down dos and don’ts.

Have the students witness a debate and ask them to evaluate the debate.

Organize a debate in class and have them debate on a controversial issue.

28.I want to use a pre-teaching strategy that will immediately engage my

students in the content and will enable me to get an insight into how students
think and feel about the topic. Which is the most appropriate?
(1/1 Point)
. K-W-L

Graphic organizer



29.Which of the following is incorrect regarding roles of learners in a learner-

centered classroom?
(0/1 Point)
Learners should become an active participant in virtually everything that happens in the

Learners should become the sole decision maker in everything that happens in the classroom

Learners should be accountable for the results of the learning process.

Both B and C.

30.11. ________ is a major indicator that a student is determined to learn.

(0/1 Point)
Exertion of effort in tasks

Wanting good grades


Becoming a scholar

31.Language, ethnicity, race, beliefs, and socioeconomic status all can influence
learning. This pertains to which learner-centered psychological principle? This
philosophy believes that schools are tools to solve social problems.
(0/1 Point)
Learners have different strategies, approaches, and capabilities for learning.

Learning is most effective when differences are considered.

Learning is influenced by social interactions and interpersonal relations

The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge

Message for respondents who select this answer

32.Ms. Anabelle is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses

vocabulary cards, fill in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing
exercises in teaching a lesson about figures of speech. Which of the following is a
valid conclusion?
(0/1 Point)
She likes using various strategies because it makes her feel like a good teacher.

She teaches in many ways for not all students learn in the same manner.

She wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk.

She is emphasizing reading and writing skills.

33.What is a primitive view about the pupil/ student?

(1/1 Point)
active participant

hypothesis generator

module builder

empty vessel
34.The 14 psychological principles are best used in isolation rather than applied
as a whole. This statement is…
(1/1 Point)


35.This philosophy believes that schools are tools to solve social problems.
(1/1 Point)




36.The principle of individual differences requires teachers to __________.

(1/1 Point)
give greater attention to gifted learners

treat all learners alike while in the classroom

provide for a variety of learning activities

prepare modules for slow learners in class

37.Which of the following is/are not a characteristic of successful learner?

(1/1 Point)




38.Which DepEd test do out-of-school youths and adults take to enable them to
enroll in college if they pass it?
(1/1 Point)
National Achievement Test
National Secondary Test

National College Entrance Examination

Accreditation and Equivalency Test

39.On the first day of school, teacher Emman oriented his class on procedures to
be observed in passing papers, leaving the room, ad moving around without
distracting the seats. He involved the class in the formulation of rules to ensure
punctuality, order and cleanliness in the classroom. Was it a sound strategy for
teacher Emman to involve his students in the formulation of class rules?
(1/1 Point)
No, it weakens the teacher’s authority over his students.

Yes, it lessens a teacher’s work.

Yes it makes students feel a sense of ownership of the rules.

No, it is students’ act of taking over the teacher’s power

40.Which is NOT fit in a classroom that recognizes individual differences?

(0/1 Point)
various models of assessing learning

accommodating student’s learning styles

sharing from multiple perspectives

uniform requirements

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