Chapter 13 Unit Plan

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Name: Tiffani Cline Date: Day 1

Subject: Math Topic: Perimeter

Grade: 4th Length of Lesson:

The Big Idea: How to find the perimeter of a rectangle

Domain: Measurement and Data

Cluster: Solve Problems Involving Measurement and Conversion of Measurement from a

Larger Unit to a Smaller Unit

Standard: M.4.21 – Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and
mathematical problems by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an
unknown factor. (e.g., find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and
the length.)

Specific Objective: The student will demonstrate mastery of the lesson’s standard by being
able to _apply the perimeter formula to find the perimeter of a rectangle____________________
with ___80___% accuracy as measured by __formative assessment__________.

To introduce this lesson, I will begin with the students by asking them questions such as “How do you

think we find measurements of different shapes? What do you think the perimeter of a shape is? Do you think

that is going to be a measurement around a shape or the measurements inside of a shape? Can you think of an

example of something that we might need to find the perimeter of? Once we have had this conversation, we will

then watch a video that will go over the basic idea of what perimeter is. This video will consist of a song that

will clarify what perimeter is, the formula that we use to calculate the perimeters of a shape, and how we will

work to find the perimeter of different shapes.

 Discussion

 Questioning

 Formative assessment throughout the lesson

 Auditory modality

 Visual modality

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
 Laptop

 YoutTube: "Perimeter Around The Area" by The Bazillions - YouTube

 Smartboard

 Perimeter task cards


 Student laptops

Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

For the direct instruction for this lesson, I will instruct the students that we will start out by watching a

video that is going to tell us a little about perimeter and how we go about finding the perimeter of rectangles

and other shapes. Once this has been completed, I will instruct the students to get their laptops out and get

logged on to IXL. Once they are logged onto IXL, I will then instruct them to join the group jam for some

practice as a whole group. Once we have completed this, I will then instruct the students that they will work on

IXL either until they reach a 100 for their smart score or once the allotted time for that is over. After the

students have had the time to get a little practice on IXL with the skill the students will then go over to

schoology to complete a small activity that will assess their knowledge from the lesson that they were just

taught and see where they stand with their understanding.

Guided Practice:
For the guided practice, we will start by watching the video together, stopping where it is that needs to

be stopped. Once we have completed watching the video, we will then move on into working through the IXL

group jam. For the group jam there will be a problem up on the board that all of the students work to solve.

Once everyone has answered the question, as a class we will go over the answer and help the students

understand how we were supposed to get to the correct answer. We will do the group jam until I feel that the

majority of the class has an idea of how to do these problems, and get to the correct answers, I will have the

students to break off to work individually on the problems.

Independent Practice:
For the independent practice for the lesson, the students will work individually on their IXL skill for a

set amount of time or until they reach a 100 for their smart score. Once we have completed this time that we

have set out for the math lesson. Once they have completed this, the students will then work on the assessment

on schoology in which they will complete 10 problems that are similar to the ones that the students just

completed for our group practice.

To make this information accessible to all students through the use of multiple modalities that include

visual and auditory modalities, the use of discussion, observations, differentiated task cards, the use of small

groups and the use of automatic differentiation that comes from the use of IXL.

In addition to a summative assessment, I will formatively assess the students through questioning,

discussion, observation, the use of the IXL platform, as well as the perimeter google activty that the students

will work on.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) /Concluding Activity:

To close this lesson, I will have a discussion with the students about the different problems that we

worked with and how we figured out that we are going to get to the answers that are needed. We will have a

short discussion about the process of how we work to find these answers. I will base their abilities from the

questions on the google activity and the questions that they have been working with throughout the lesson.


Mathematics - grade-4. West Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2022, from

"Perimeter Around the Area" by the Bazillions - youtube. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2022, from

Perimeter differentiated task cards. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2022, from

Name: Tiffani Cline Date: Day 2

Subject: Math Topic: Area

Grade: 4th Length of Lesson:

The Big Idea: How to find the area of a rectangle

Domain: Measurement and Data

Cluster: Solve Problems Involving Measurement and Conversion of Measurement from a

Larger Unit to a Smaller Unit

Standard: M.4.21 – Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and
mathematical problems by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an
unknown factor. (e.g., find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and
the length.)

Specific Objective: The student will demonstrate mastery of the lesson’s standard by being
able to _apply the perimeter formula to find the area of a rectangle____________________ with
___80___% accuracy as measured by __formative assessment__________.

To introduce this lesson, I will refer back to the video that we watched as a class about finding the

perimeter, because this video also includes how to find the area of a shape. We will watch this video to

introduce the students to the process and idea of finding the area of a shape. Before jumping into the video, I

will ask questions such as “So we have found out the perimeter is how we find the measurement of the outside

of a shape, what do we think we are going to be measuring? How do you think we are going measure the area of

a shape? What do you think we can use area to measure for? What are some things that we can do with area

measurements? We will then watch the video and continue our discussion about how to use the formula for

finding the area of rectangles and the different ways in which we can use the formula. From there, we will lead

into the direct instruction for the lesson.

 Discussion

 Questioning

 Formative assessment throughout the lesson

 Auditory modality

 Visual modality

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
 Smartboard

 Area Task cards

 Laptop
 Student Laptops


 Youtube: "Perimeter Around The Area" by The Bazillions - YouTube

Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

For the direct instruction for this lesson, I will instruct the students that we will start watching by a video

that will give the students a general idea of how they will be using the area formula to find the area of a

rectangle. Once I have shown the video and elaborated a little on how the students will be using the area

formula, I will instruct the students to get their laptops out and log on to IXL in which I will lead the students in

a group jam (where we do problems as a whole group and I can monitor answers as a whole group). When we

have completed this part of the lesson, I will instruct the students to leave the group jam and work on the skill

independently until the time to work on it is over, or they have reached a 100 on the skill. After we have

reached the allotted time for the students to work on the skill, I will instruct the students that they will log on to

schoology and complete a small assessment to see how they did with the lesson.

Guided Practice:
For the guided practice, we will watch and discuss the video about using the area formula to find the

area of a rectangle. Once we have taken the time to discuss how we will do this, we will complete a group jam

together in which we will complete a few problems as a class, as I walk them through it. I will walk the students

through the first few problems that we do, and then after we have gotten through the first few and I see the

students are getting the idea, I will let them answer a few questions on their own still discussing to make sure

that we are all on the same page about how we get the answers to the problem. Once I see that the majority of

the students have a solid understanding of the concept, I will let them break off and work on the skill


Independent Practice:
For the independent practice, the students will break off to work individually on the IXL skill until they

get a 100 on the skill or the time is up for working on it. Once the students have completed the skill, if there is

enough time, the students will work in groups on the area task cards to get a little extra practice with the skill.

I will make this information accessible to my students through the use of different modalities such as

auditory and visual modalities, the use of discussion, questioning, observations, the opportunity for group

collaboration, automatically differentiated availability on IXL and differentiated task cards for extra practice.

In addition to a summative assessment, I will formatively assess the students through observations,

discussions, questioning, the use of the IXL platform, and the task cards.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) /Concluding Activity:

To close up this lesson, we will close with a discussion about what we learned about how to find the

area of a rectangle. We will discuss how we learned to do this and find these measurements of the shape. After

we have a brief discussion about how we came to be able to find these measurements, I will ask the students if

there is any confusion about what we have been doing. After we have taken the time to have a brief discussion

about what we have learned as well as asked any questions that the students had, they will then complete an exit

ticket that has a question about the area of a given rectangle. The students will find the measurement of the

rectangle with the given information and will tell me the area of the shape.


Area differentiated task cards. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved February 21, 2022, from

Mathematics - grade-4. West Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2022, from

"Perimeter Around the Area" by the Bazillions - youtube. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2022, from

Name: Tiffani Cline Date: Day 3

Subject: Math Topic: Area of Combined Rectangles

Grade: 4th Length of Lesson:

The Big Idea: Finding the area of combined rectangles

Domain: Measurement and Data

Cluster: Solve Problems Involving Measurement and Conversion of Measurement from a

Larger Unit to a Smaller Unit

Standard: M.4.21 – Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and
mathematical problems by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an
unknown factor. (e.g., find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and
the length.)

Specific Objective: The student will demonstrate mastery of the lesson’s standard by being
able to _apply the perimeter formula to find the area of a combined
rectangle____________________ with ___80___% accuracy as measured by __formative

To introduce this lesson, I will start by presenting the students with a combined rectangle. I will present

them with questions such as “How do you think we will find the area of this shape? Do you think this will be

the same as finding the area of a regular rectangle? Does anyone have any ideas about how we are going to find

the area of this shape? After we have talked about this for a moment, I will introduce the students to the concept

of breaking up the rectangles and finding the area of combined rectangles. I will have the students help me

break up the rectangles to where we can get some measurements to calculate the area of the two different

shapes. If they are not picking up on how they are supposed to be breaking them up, I will guide them in

breaking up the rectangles and figuring out the measurements that we are going to use to find the area of the


 Discussion

 Questioning

 Formative assessment throughout the lesson

 Auditory modality

 Visual modality

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
 Laptop

 Smartboard

 Google drive combined area activity

 Student laptops

 White boards

 Markers

Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

For the direct instruction for the lesson, I will instruct the students that we will begin with an example

problem on how to find the area of combined rectangles. I will lead them through the example of how to find

the area of a combined rectangle. Once I have completed leading them through the example, I will lead the

students in a discussion about how we found the area of the combined rectangles and how they will go about

finding the area of combined rectangles that they will come into contact with throughout the chapter. Once we

have completed the discussion, I will instruct the students that we will be looking at a few different example

problems and working them out together so that they can get an idea of how they will be solving the problems

themselves. Once I have led the students through the process of finding the area of the combined rectangles, I

will then instruct the students to get their laptops out and log on to schoology. In schoology, they will go under

their math course and go to the google sheets assignment in which they will have problems in which they are

able to take some time to practice on and get some individual practice on.

Guided Practice:
For the guided practice for this lesson, we will start by working together on the example problem and

learning along the way as I talk to the students about the steps that we are going to take to try and make sure

that we figure out how we are going to find the area of the combined rectangles. After we have worked our way

through the first example problem, I will work through a few more for the students in which we will practice as

a group with the students having their whiteboards and markers out. The students will work through the

problems with me until they get to the point that they are the ones that can walk me through the procedure

themselves. Once we feel comfortable enough with the problems, I will let the students break off into some

individual practice.

Independent Practice:
For the independent practice for this skill, the students will log on to their schoology and will head over

to their courses. Under their math course, they will find a link to the google sheet assignment in which they will

take the time to work individually on the skill. Once they have completed this assignment, if there is time that is
left over, the students will

be instructed to log on to

IXL and work on the math

start that is related to this

lesson, to get a little extra

practice in.

To male this information accessible to all the students I will use multiple modalities that include

auditory and visual modalities, observations, discussions, the use of whole group instruction for the opportunity

to work one on one with the students who need it, as well as being able to see where the students are at without

singling them out in any way.

In addition to a summative assessment, I will formatively assess the students through discussions,

observations, questioning, and the google sheet assessment.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) /Concluding Activity:

To wrap up this lesson, we will have a small discussion about what we have learned from the lesson.

This will include walking back through the steps to make sure that we go back over the way in which the

students need to find the area of the combined rectangles. As we are going through the steps, it is the ultimate

goal for the students to be able to walk me through the steps without me having to do any kind of the work.


4th grade go math Chapter 13 perimeter and area Google TM forms. Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved
February 23, 2022, from

Mathematics - grade-4. West Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2022, from

Name: Tiffani Cline Date: Day 4

Subject: Math Topic: Finding Missing Measurements

Grade: 4th Length of Lesson:

The Big Idea: Finding missing measurements of perimeter and area

Domain: Measurement and Data

Cluster: Solve Problems Involving Measurement and Conversion of Measurement from a

Larger Unit to a Smaller Unit

Standard: M.4.21 – Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and
mathematical problems by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an
unknown factor. (e.g., find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and
the length.)

Specific Objective: The student will demonstrate mastery of the lesson’s standard by being
able to _apply the perimeter formula to find the perimeter of a rectangle____________________
with ___80___% accuracy as measured by __formative assessment__________.

To introduce this lesson, I will first open up a discussion in which we will talk about what we have

learned up to this point in the unit. Some questions that I will ask the students will include “can someone

remind me what the perimeter of a shape is? How do we find the perimeter of a shape? What about area? Do

you think we can find the perimeter and area of a shape with a missing measurement? How do you think we

will go about finding those measurements?” We will take the time to discuss this, and start out with a few

example problems to work through together towards finding the missing measurement(s) of the problems. Once

we have worked through some of the questions, we will move over into the direct instruction.

 Discussion

 Questioning
 Formative assessment throughout the lesson

 Auditory modality

 Visual modality

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
 Smart Board

 Laptop


 Student laptops

 Google sheets activity

Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

For the direct instruction, I will let the students know that we will be working through some of the

problems together so that the students might be able to get a better understanding of what it is that they should

be doing. I will lead the students through a few problems just to make sure they understand how I want them to

do them. Once I believe the students have a better understanding of what we are doing, I will let them try a few

on their own.

Guided Practice:
For the guided practice, we will do a group jam on IXL. We will be given a problem and for the first few

questions, I will walk the students through the questions. Once I see that the students have an understanding of

what we are doing, I will have the students work through some of the problems on their own and when we go

over them, the goal will first be for me to go along with them as they work on the problems, and then by the end

of the guided practice, the goal is for the students to walk me through the problems that we are doing with

minimal assistance from me. After I see that the majority of the students understand what we are doing, I will

have them break off into the independent practice.

Independent Practice:
For the independent practice, the students will break off to do some independent practice on IXL in

which they will work until they reach a smart score of 100 or until the allotted time is up. Once we have cleared

the allotted time for working on their IXL skills, the students will move over on to schoology and complete

another form of independent practice. Once they have gotten to schoology, they will go to the google sheets

assignment in which they will complete an assignment to check their comprehension of the lesson.

I will make this information accessible to all students through the use of multiple modalities such as

auditory and visual, the use of an automated differentiated lesson through IXL and differentiated questions at

the end of the lesson.

In addition to a summative assessment, I will formatively assess the students throughout the lesson

through observations, questioning, discussions, the IXL activities, and the google sheets activity.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) /Concluding Activity:

To wrap up this lesson, we will have a small closing discussion about everything we learned throughout

the lesson. We will discuss the steps that the students have to take to be able to solve the problems and find the

missing measurements that the shapes might be lacking. The students will also complete an exit ticket problem

in which they will use the steps that they learned throughout the lesson to find the missing measurement of the

shape that is given to them.


Google. (n.d.). 13.4 find unknown measures. Google. Retrieved February 25, 2022, from

Mathematics - grade-4. West Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2022, from

Name: Tiffani Cline Date: Day 5

Subject: Math Topic: Problem Solving: Finding the area

Grade: 4th Length of Lesson:

The Big Idea: Using the strategy to solve simpler problems

Domain: Measurement and Data

Cluster: Solve Problems Involving Measurement and Conversion of Measurement from a

Larger Unit to a Smaller Unit

Standard: M.4.21 – Apply the area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and
mathematical problems by viewing the area formula as a multiplication equation with an
unknown factor. (e.g., find the width of a rectangular room given the area of the flooring and
the length.)

Specific Objective: The student will demonstrate mastery of the lesson’s standard by being
able to _use the strategy solve a simpler problem to solve area problems with ___80___%
accuracy as measured by __formative assessment__________.

To introduce the lesson, we will start by having a conversation in which we will have a small review on

how we have found the area of other shapes. Once we have talked a little about this, I will ask the students some

questions to get their minds moving about how we will use some simpler problems to find the area of these

shapes in the problems. I will ask the students some questions such as “Can anyone tell me how we find the area

of a shape (just to review)? How do you think that we will find the area that exists between the different shapes?

What do you think the steps will be that we are going to take towards finding the answers for these problems? I

will open up by leading off with an example problem in which we will find the area to both of the shapes, and

then find the area of the space between them so that the students can see it being worked out in the beginning.

 Discussion
 Questioning

 Formative assessment throughout the lesson

 Auditory modality

 Visual modality

Materials/Equipment/Technology/Community Resources:
 Laptop

 Smart board

 Student laptops


 Google sheets activity

Direct Instruction/Warm-Up Activity/Presentation/Model Lesson/Make Connections:

For the direct instruction for this lesson. I will inform the students that we will be doing some problem

solving to find the area in different mathematical problems and real-life situations. I will lead the students

through the problems and show them how we are going to go about finding the area of the different problems

and spaces. This is something that I will lead them through and explains as to why we will be trying to find this

space. I will have a problem or two in which I will walk through the students through and show them how they

are going to go about solving those problems. I will instruct the students that we will be finding the space that

exists between the two shapes. After I have led the students through a problem or two, I will instruct the

students that we will be doing a group jam, as well as some individual practice.

Guided Practice:
For the guided practice, we will work together through a group jam so that we can work through a few

different problems together as a group. I will walk the students through the first few problems and we will do

them together to make sure that the students are able to further their understanding of how to solve the problems

with the information that is given to them. Once I have walked through the first few problems, I will let the

students do some questions without me walking them through them, but I will talk about it to clear up any
misunderstandings that might still exist when working through the problems. Once I see that the students have

gathered an understanding of how to solve the different problems. Once I sew that the students have this

understanding, I will have the students move on into the independent practice.

Independent Practice:
For the independent practice, the students will do some individual practice the students will work on

IXL. The students will work on the individual practice on IXL for the allotted time or until they reach a 100 for

their smart score. Once they have completed this, the students will have a google sheet activity that they will

complete after they have completed the work on IXL. Both the IXL individual work and the google sheet will

be used to formatively assess the students and the work that they are doing.

I will make this information accessible to all of my students through the use of automatic differentiation

from IXL, the use of different modalities that include audio and visual modalities, as well as the use of

discussions, questionings, and observations.

In addition to a summative assessment, I will formatively assess the students through the use of

questioning, discussion, observations, and the use of IXL as well as the google sheets assignments. There is

automatic differentiation within the IXL activities.

Wrap-Up (Lesson Closure) /Concluding Activity:

To wrap up this lesson, we will have a small discussion about the things that the students learned about

in the lesson. I will have the students share with me how they learned to solve these different problems and how

they will solve to find the different area spaces in the different areas. I will take questions and do my best to

clear up any misunderstanding that the students might have.


Google. (n.d.). 13.5 problem solving find the area. Google. Retrieved February 27, 2022, from

Mathematics - grade-4. West Virginia Department of Education. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2022, from


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