Musical Instruments or Pharmacy Software Sales or Pharmacy Softw

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Michael A. Simons
828 Grand Avenue, #1,
Grand Junction, CO 81501
I am seeking to find part-time or full-time employment for an office, company or
organization that is exciting and challenging. I will be an employee who is th
oughtful, a team player, can prioritize, is goal oriented and seeks excellence i
n all duties great and small.
I am seeking employment in something outside pharmacy. My short term goal is to
strive to be an excellent employee as stated above.
My long term goal is to be considered for management. I have many management sk
ills. I have been in management most of my career including managing pharmacies
, other pharmacists and support personnel. For eight years I was a pharmacy sup
ervisor in charge of 20 pharmacies with duties including but not limited to the
implementation, training and overseeing of pharmacy software systems, identifyin
g opportunities and solving them, new and remodel pharmacy construction, impleme
nting new programs and goals that the company assigned and other duties as oppor
tunities arose.
I enjoy technology that has included an in-home business building, selling and r
epairing computers, helping others with networking, building my own speakers for
my surround sound system and I currently sell and repair guitars and other inst
ruments including soldering and replacing electronics.
Please contact me for an interview. I will be an asset to your company and its
Thank You.
B.A. Biology 1978
B.S. Pharmacy 1981, both at the University of Colorado, Boulder CO
City Market 2/1982 - 6/1998
Pharmacy manager
Pharmacy supervisor (for 8 years)
As pharmacy supervisor I was responsible for (including but not limited to):
Interviewing, hiring pharmacists
Pharmacist discipline
New and remodel pharmacy construction
Attending pharmacist recruiting seminars
Site visits to pharmacies
Installing, training, maintaining and supervising all facets of PDX pharmacy and
HOST computer systems
Attending yearly PDX conventions in Fort Worth, TX
Preparing quarterly budgets
Drug pricing
Third Party insurance contracts
Writing and revising company pharmacy policies and procedures
Liaison between company and state board of pharmacy
Attending meetings with pharmacy director and company executives regarding curre
nt pharmacy information
Preparing the pharmacist's bonus program
Award: $1,000.00 (net) top prize for suggestion (see attached)
Reason for leaving
Moved to accommodate wife's health issues
Wal-Mart 6/1998 - 5/2002
Staff Pharmacist
Reason for leaving
Saw that Safeway offered a more professional workplace
Safeway 6/2002 - 9/2006
Pharmacy Manager
Award: Most improved sales/profit in my district for 2005. Certificate and $10
0.00 Safeway gift card.
Reason for leaving
Sam's Club was continually asking me to apply to them. I am a Sam's Club custom
er and I was approached often to become their employee. I should have stayed at
Sam's Club 10/2006 - 6/2007
Pharmacy Manager
Reason for leaving
I wanted to go back to City Market
City Market 6/2007 - 7/2010-Retired!
Staff Pharmacist
References upon request

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