Standing Bear Inn v1

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Olokand #81

[8] The Standing Bear (Haselun of Elathel)

Size: 10 Quality: ✰✰✰✰ Prices: High
The Standing Bear has a well-deserved reputation for excellence and
is regarded by many as the finest of Olokand’s three inns. The innkeeper,
Haselun of Elathel, caters to patrons with the means to pay for this
distinction. For most of the year, the clientele includes wealthy guildsmen,
caravan masters, well-off travelers, and Olokand’s more affluent locals.
During the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry in Larane, the
Standing Bear is reserved for nobility and their retainers. The inn is closed
to the general public while the nobles are in residence, although food and
drink are still sold from windows facing Mycepris Square.
Freemaster ostler Narandin of Othendel is an expert horse healer with
a reputation for saving animals that others consider hopeless. Writers: Rob Barnes, Kerry Mould
Artist: Richard Luschek
The inn is a two-story, half-framed building with an attic and cellar.
Numerous shuttered windows line the exterior of both floors. The roof Plans: Kerry Mould
is tiled with wooden shingles and there are five stone chimneys. Three Editing and Layout: Brent Bailey
entrances, including the main one off Mycepris square, feature solid oak This article is
doors with good quality hinges. Overall, the structure is in good condition a fan-written
and has been well maintained since it was constructed in 670. expansion
The inn’s sign is a painted board depicting its namesake, a standing of Olokand
(COL #5618).
black bear.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #82
Services and Accommodations Food and Drink Descriptions
Use of a private dining room, per watch 6d Standing Bear Ale: The standard ale
Table candle, per night 1d served at the inn. It is known for its strong,
Servants sleeping on common room floor, per night 2f distinctive flavor.
Sleeping in the ostler’s hayloft, per night 2f Hugo’s Special Ale: The inn’s famous
Straw pallet for servants, per night 2f specialty ale, known for its mighty kick,
Dormitory, per night 6f distinctive taste, and effervescence.
Bull Room, per night 6d Haniale: One of the most popular ales
Boar or Eagle Room, per night 8d throughout Kaldor, Haniale is a piney nut-
brown brew bittered with fresh spring buds
Fox Room, per night 10d
gathered from the Sorkin Spruce.
Stag Room, per night 12d
Lion Room, per night 15d Dunon Stout: Imported from Azadmere,
this stout has a robust flavor and is quite
Bear Room, per night 18d
Candle and jug of washing water 1f
Alwynan Cider: A strong, flavorful cider
Hot bath in the tub, per person 4d
imported from Emelrene.
Fresh bed linens, per bed 1d
Laundry, per item 2f Honey Bear Mead: Brewed from honey
and wild flowers, this mead is extremely
Stabling for riding horse, per night 2d
sweet and fragrant.
Stabling of war horse, per night 3d
Saint Bromel’s Perry: Commonly known
Libations as “Brother Lorym’s Finest,” this superior
perry is made at the Peonian monastery of
Standing Bear Ale 2f/pint
Hugo’s Special Ale 3f/pint
Haniale 3f/pint Verelim: A sweet, crisp, and refreshing
white wine imported from Shorkyne.
Dunon Stout 1d/pint
Alwynan Cider 6f/pint Kiblerana: A crisp, clear white wine
imported from Emelrene.
Honey Bear Mead 2d/pint
Saint Bromel’s Perry 2d/pint Coranan Red: Imported from the Thardic
Verelim White Wine (Shorkyne) 2d/goblet Republic, this wine is generally robust with
sour undertones.
Kiblerana White Wine (Emela) 6d/goblet
Coranan Red, Trierzi Black, or Mekonem Red Wine 1d/goblet Trierzi Black: This wine is imported from
Trierzon. It is very resinous and has a dark,
Mulled Wine 3d/goblet
almost black color and a woody taste.
Golden Maiden Brandy 5d/goblet
Uisgebagh (Jarin Whiskey) 6d/goblet Mekonem: Imported from Emelrene, this
vibrant red wine has a sweet, acidic flavor.
Kitchen Mulled Wine: Produced from white wine
Bread and Cheese 3f and a secret blend of spices.
Dried Fruit 1f Golden Maiden Brandy: Imported from
Eggs and Sausage 1d Orbaal, this superb brandy is produced
Meat Pie/Pastie 3f from wild fruits and herbs.
Porridge 2f Uisgebagh: A potent traditional Jarin spirit
Pottage 6f distilled from barley mash.
Roast Chicken 6f
Roast Mutton 5f
Roast Pork 2d
Rooast Rabbit 6f
Soup 3f
Stew 1d

Hogshead 90d
Pipe 162d
Tun 294d

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #83
Staff Wynda of Elathel, Assistant Innkeeper
Wynda, 40, is Haselun’s
Haselun of Elathel, Master Innkeeper wife and de facto assistant
Haselun, 38, is a snobbish, pessimistic misanthrope innkeeper. She is, in many
who aspires to become an accepted member of more respects, a much more
“respectable” social circles. He sees the successful effective innkeeper than
running of the Standing Bear as a means of achieving her husband, being far
this dream. He displays a fawning deference for nobility, more concerned with the
especially during the Royal Chelebin Tournament of profitability of the inn than
Chivalry. His treatment of noble guests stands in stark with the social status of
contrast with the spiteful and abusive behavior he often the guests. She calmly
directs at commoners, who he essentially despises. navigates whatever
Since the Standing Bear is quite popular with travelers, crisis arises and is quite
merchants, and wealthy locals throughout the rest of the down-to-earth and
year, Haselun often struggles with the need to be pleasant efficient.
to wealthy commoners. As his wife has sarcastically Wynda’s skill has
commented, “he could run a much better inn if he didn’t frequently prevented disaster
have all the guests getting in the way.” when Haselun’s behavior goes
A staunch traditionalist in most respects, Haselun too far. On the occasions when her unflappable demeanor
openly disdains the customs and behaviors of many of cracks, her temper is rarely directed at anyone but her
his common-born guests, and virtually all of his staff. husband. Her fury typically consists of verbal abuse. She
His wife does her best to mitigate this but is frequently has, on occasion, become so infuriated that she’s resorted
exasperated by his failings and becomes verbally to physical violence. Haselun is cowed by her temper
abusive. Haselun is intimidated by her temper and goes and tries his best to avoid it, flinching when she barks
to desperate lengths to avoid it, creating impromptu, ill- his name. He’s commented that she is capable of felling
conceived ruses to distract her from whatever mess he’s a man at ten paces with one of her looks, and refers to
created. her, behind her back, by a variety of epithets, such as
Haselun’s schemes “my darling basilisk,” “the gargun queen,” and “lady of
often require the reluctant dragons.”
cooperation of his
staff, who are also the Faera of Kirst, Journeyman Innkeeper
usual targets of his Faera, 22, is an
frustrations. During the attractive young woman
busy summer season, who acts as a server,
he hires a number of chambermaid, and
additional workers, general assistant. She
many of whom are is quite competent and
part of the refugee level-headed. Her natural
population that talent for languages (she
fled Orbaal following is fluent in Jarinese and
the Jarin Rebellion Orbaalese) makes her
of 703 and settled in indispensable. Despite
Meselyneshire with the blessing of the sheriff. Although her better judgment, her
subjects of the crown, Haselun regards them as “migrant loyalty to Haselun has
foreigners.” seen her swept up into
Haselun is currently the leader of the Olokand his antics on several
Mangai, which meets monthly but has little influence occasions.
with the sheriff, Sir Maldan Harabor. For his part, Sir Her Ilviran faith comes out in her artistic pursuits;
Maldan tries to keep interactions with Haselun as brief she often sketches portraits of staff or guests, and
and infrequent as possible, preferring to relay messages occasionally sells them for additional money. She is
through subordinates. This distresses Haselun, who tries teaching herself to paint, a skill that Haselun derides as a
in vain to impress the sheriff, “even if he is a bastard.” waste of time.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #84
INTERIOR SCALE [8] Main Kitchen: The
Feet (1 mm = 1 foot)
kitchen is the domain
0 5 10 20 30 of the cook, Esyra of
Ghel, a good-natured
woman in her mid-
30s who oversees
all of the inn’s
food production.
Esyra is a
devout Peonian
with a lovely
voice and loves
to sing while
she works. She
is often joined
by the assistant
cook, her cousin
Urma; this sometimes
results in cheers and applause
from patrons who overhear from the
common room or bar.
[9] Tourney Kitchen: This room is used to prepare
Ground Floor food during the annual tournament and is rarely
[1] Square Entrance: The tables on this raised stone used for the rest of the year. A fold-down serving
patio are popular with patrons in pleasant weather counter allows food to be sold to customers in
but can be moved inside as needed. The inn’s sign Mycepris Square.
hangs prominently above, illuminated by a lantern at [10] Bar: Barman Kym of
night or in inclement weather. Dorsey attends to
[2] Common Room: The spacious common room can patrons’ beverage needs.
easily accommodate scores of guests. A life-sized He is a bull of a man
wooden statue of an upright black bear, the inn’s with a shaved head
namesake, stands near the bar. During the winter and a wide smile. He
months, half the room is curtained off and unused. is known for his
quick wit and
[3] The Great Hearth: This large fireplace is a very
has been known
popular place to gather in the winter. Harpers and
to entertain
storytellers often perch on a stool near the hearth to
patrons for
perform for customers.
hours with his
[4] Private Dining Rooms: The dining room with the humorous tall tales.
fireplace is used all year round.
[11] Access Ramp:
[5] Cloak Room: Guests entering from the courtyard This stone ramp leads to the cellars. The entrance is
will find benches for removing dirty boots and quite low and the ramp can become treacherous in
numerous pegs for hanging wet cloaks up to dry. wintery conditions.
[6] Kitchen Entrance: This ample hallway allows [12] Courtyard Entrance: A barrel of rainwater is kept
plenty of space for rolling in casks of ale and other here for guests to wash off the grime of the road
items brought up from the cellars. The floor has before entering the common room.
well-worn grooves from the passage of thousands
of heavy casks. The doors are kept open in warm
weather to improve ventilation.
[7] Innkeeper’s Quarters: This comfortable room
serves as living quarters and office for master
innkeeper Haselun of Elathel and his wife, Wynda.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #85
INTERIOR SCALE [6] Boar Room: Although comfortable, this medium-
Feet (1 mm = 1 foot)
sized room also lacks a fireplace and is closed up for
0 5 10 20 30
the winter.
[7] Horse Room: A good
room with a fireplace,
this medium-sized
chamber is home
to the inn’s only
live-in guest, Sir
Gowen Karondal.
The heat from the
Great Hearth below
keeps it toasty warm
during the winter.
Sir Gowen, 75,
is an amiable,
albeit slightly
senile knight.
A Venilana (retired knight) of the Order of the Lady
of Paladins, Sir Gowen is a veteran of the Treasure
War and is well regarded in Laranian circles. A
table by the window features a beautifully crafted
Second Floor red and white Malnirala set (see Tavern Games),
The second floor of the inn contains the private a gift from the order’s grandmaster. Sir Gowen
guest rooms, all identified with various heraldic beasts enjoys entertaining visitors and regaling them with
painted on the doors. The three finest rooms are more tales from his younger days. Sir Gowen is one of
commonly known as the Red, White, and Green rooms. the few people that Haselun actually likes. He also
Each is richly furnished, primarily in the corresponding appreciates that many of the Venilana’s visitors are
color. These rooms are popular with wealthy nobles and nobles. Despite his generally cheerful personality,
often are reserved months in advance. There are five Sir Gowen bears a considerable animosity towards
additional rooms of varying sizes, each with multiple Chybisans, especially those who are members of the
beds. These are less richly furnished but still quite Order of the Lady of Paladins.
comfortable. They are often vacant for large portions of [8] Eagle Room: This medium-sized room is the
the year. second-most popular to rent during the off season.
[1] Corridor: There are two small privies for [9] Fox Room: Except during the tournament, few
those wishing a little privacy. Several tapestries parties are large enough to require this many beds.
commemorate events from past tournaments. The room is rarely rented at other times.
[2] Lion Room: More commonly referred to as the
White Room, this is the second-finest room in the
inn and has a good view of the courtyard.
[3] Stag Room: Also known as the Green Room, this
is considered the third-finest room in the inn. It has
only two very small windows but is still very well
[4] Bear Room: The Red Room is regarded as the
finest room in the inn and has excellent views of
Mycepris Square and the castle. It is comparable in
size and comfort to the solar of a wealthy baron.
[5] Bull Room: This small room does not have a
fireplace and is used only in the summer.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #86
[1] Seasonal Staff Quarters: These sleeping quarters
are provided for the inn’s seasonal staff. During
the tournament, the size of the staff roughly
doubles, with most hired from among the locals and
journeymen of the Innkeepers’ Guild.
[2] Dormitory: The inn is packed with nobility during
the tournament. Each has an entourage of servants
and hangers-on. Those that can’t find a piece of
floor in their master’s room will bed down in the
dormitory. Those that can’t find a spot here have to
sleep in the common room. During the rest of the
year, the space is used for storage.

[1] Ramp: The many barrels of ale made in anticipation
of the tremendous demand during the tournament
are taken down this ramp into the cool cellar. During
the tournament, the flow of barrels up and out of
the cellar is nearly constant.
[2] Internal Well: This cool, damp room is used for
storing items like cream and butter. Although water
for the inn has to be carried up the stairs, it is still
more convenient than going to the well in Mycepris
[3] Cellar: This massive storeroom is used to assemble
the huge quantities of flour for bread, salted beef
and pork, and ale that is consumed during the

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Bathing Tent
In warmer weather, particularly during the Royal
Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry, this pavilion tent is
erected in the courtyard. For a fee, soaps, scented oils,
brushes, and drying towels are available for nobles
wishing to bathe in private.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #8 7 Olokand #87
Feet (1 mm = 1 foot)

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Narandin of Othendel
Narandin, 56, is a freemaster ostler who
operates the stables in partnership with
the inn. He and his two assistants tend to
the stabling, care, and feeding of guests’
animals, as well as more general ostler’s
services for the settlement.
During the Royal Chelebin Tournament,
Narandin hires additional help to manage
the routine tasks while he is kept busy
attending to warhorses injured during
Stables jousts or other contests.
[1] Stable: The large, detached stable is constructed of masonry and Since childhood, Narandin has possessed
timber with a wood shingle roof. The ground floor has stalls for 12 a special gift of empathy for animals,
horses, and Narandin has space for an additional 12 horses at a especially horses. Speaking quietly, he
separate stable on the opposite side of the West Common. Carriages is able to calm and assure them with
are parked in the inn’s walled courtyard. remarkable ease; few are able to replicate
[2] Ostler’s Quarters: Freemaster ostler Narandin of Othendel and his his success. An expert at veterinary care,
Narandin is well regarded for his skill at
assistants occupy this spacious and comfortable room. At present,
healing horses. His reputation for saving
Narandin employs one journeyman, Rhen of Durgal, 23, and an animals that others consider beyond hope
apprentice, Coryn of Prost, 18. During the busy tournament, the room ensures that he has a steady supply of
is often rented out to visiting nobles; Narandin and his assistants move work.
into the hayloft for the duration. Tall and lanky, with gray hair and a beard,
[3] Hayloft: A pair of doors with a sturdy block and tackle allows hay to Narandin is never seen without his favorite
be hoisted up and brought into the loft for storage. On the occasions leather hat and a bright red scarf tied
where a noble with a large entourage is staying at the inn, the loft can around his neck.
serve as additional sleeping for common-born servants.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #88
Feet (1 mm = 1 foot)

0 5 10 20 30

Hugo of Bardenas
Brewery Hugo the brewmaster is originally from
[1] Warehouse: The lower level holds recently filled casks along with Aleath in Kanday and is the uncle of
wood for the ovens and grain stockpiled for brewing. When barley is Urso of Bardenas [Aleath B15]. A master
being germinated, the room can get very crowded. innkeeper himself, Hugo’s true passion
is brewing ale. He and his nephew both
[2] Tourney Bar: As in the tourney kitchen, a fold-down serving counter
learned the skill from his father (Urso’s
faces Mycepris Square to allow ale to be sold directly to customers. grandfather), who traveled extensively and
The brewery offers ale from casks brewed before the tournament or brought back several new techniques.
“green” ale directly from the fermenters. The green ale is popular but Like Urso, Hugo is a massive man, although
sells out quickly; it takes a few days to brew a new batch. a good life and plenty of ale have caused
[3] Fermenters: The wort is transferred to the next set of tuns, where it is him to put on a bit of fat as he ages. Still
left to ferment before finally being transferred into casks. immensely strong, Hugo is 6’4” and 260
lb. Now in his 60s, he still slings sacks of
[4] Mash Tuns: Malted barley and oats are soaked in two wooden tuns to grain and manhandles barrels of ale with
produce the wort. A trough carries the wort to the fermenters. remarkable ease.
[5] Ovens: Two large ovens are used to roast the germinated barley. They Hugo is well liked in the community. His
also heat water to a boil in large copper cauldrons above them. pleasant demeanor, quiet and polite nature,
[6] Brew Kettles: These large copper cauldrons are filled with well water and quick wit with a joke have earned him
and heated by the ovens below. The brewery has its own internal well many friends. These same characteristics
and his intimidating strength have made
to help ensure the water is kept free of contamination. Portable troughs
him completely and utterly immune to
can be used to direct the water from the well across to the far kettle. Haselun’s ranting and raving. Hugo and
[7] Brewmaster’s Hall: Although the room was originally intended solely Wynda get along famously. It is their
for the brewmaster and his staff, Hugo welcomes the inn staff to join combined abilities that thwart Haselun’s
him here for a quiet drink at the end of the workday. Intimidated by most idiotic ideas.
the burly brewmaster, Haselun was loath to intrude and the gatherings Although technically bonded to Haselun’s
soon became a refuge where the staff could relax away from the crazed franchise, Hugo runs the brewery almost
innkeeper. The servants and brewery staff take their meals here. as a separate establishment. He knows
exactly what is needed to prepare for the
[8] Staff Quarters: Journeyman innkeeper Faera and Kym the barman tournament. He orders his own materials
each have a single bed here. The bunk bed is reserved for Hugo’s and starts brewing when he is ready to and
journeyman, Bradlak (22), and apprentice, Shawe (14). Master Hugo not a moment before.
is a generous and considerate master and both young men consider Hugo’s “companion” is a middle-aged man
themselves very fortunate to be trained by him. Bradlak is well on his named Jonil of Sarion. Originally from the
way to becoming an excellent brewmaster. Gardiren area, Jonil works in the brewery.
[9] Private Quarters: Hugo and Jonil have always shared this room, even He is a journeyman innkeeper and the
assistant brewer but has never sought
before Faera and Kym moved in. The staff are all well aware of the two
master status. Most townsfolk suspect that
men’s relationship but guard their secret in thanks for Hugo protecting Jonil is more than an employee but the two
them from the worst of Haselun’s excesses. Jonil is an exceptional are discreet. Hugo’s popularity quells most
cook but slow and methodical. He frequently makes his delicious honey questions. In fact, the two have been lovers
bread in the brewery ovens. It rarely lasts long, but he is sure to set a for more than 30 years and Jonil is the
loaf aside for Wynda. reason Hugo settled in Kaldor.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #89
Brewing Ale Seasonal Help
Brewing ale is a simple process. Most of the ale consumed on Hârn During the summer months, the increased
is made in small batches in the kitchens of an inn or tavern or by village caravan traffic and the Royal Chelebin
Tournament of Chivalry create a demand
alewives. There are few places where large amounts of ale are needed all at
that far exceeds the capacity of the inn’s
the same time. The Olokand tournament is one of them. usual staff. During these times, the staff
Most ale is consumed fresh, directly out of the fermenters. However, can more than double with the hiring of
during events such as a tournament, the brewery can’t produce ale fast seasonal help. Some return each year, but
enough to meet the demand. Large amounts of extra ale are produced in there are always some new faces.
the months before the tournament, put into hogsheads, and stored in the
inn’s cool cellar.

Hugo’s Secret Process

The Standing Bear Inn brewery produces ale on a large scale and uses
techniques not commonly employed by the small home brews made fresh
daily by alewives. Hugo of Bardenas’ strong, or aged, ale is a popular treat
with visitors to the tournament. Many brewers have tried unsuccessfully to
uncover his secret.
The first step in brewing is the preparation of the malt and oats. Barley
or other grains are soaked in water, drained, and kept moist. They are
turned twice a day for 3–5 days until they germinate. They are then dried
in a warm oven for 6–8 hours and roasted in a hot oven for 4–6 hours [5].
The malt is cooled and put in barrels. Oats are partially ground in the local
mill. The hulls are separated from the oat grains, or groats, which are then
crushed under a second set of millstones. When it is ready to brew, the malt Caelan of Marwydd
is hand milled to break open the grain and dry mixed with the crushed oats. A Jarin man in his mid- to late-20s, Caelan
is outwardly a well-meaning but confused
The second step is creation of the wort. Water is carried in buckets immigrant from Orbaal with a poor grasp
from the internal well and dumped in two large copper kettles [6]. The water of Hârnic. While the language barrier leads
is brought to a boil using a wood-fired oven [5]. The malt and oat mixture is to some misunderstandings, he has proven
added to the mash tun on top of a false bottom [4]. A hollow log is used to to be a hard worker, eager to please and
add boiling water under the false bottom, saturating the grain mixture from seemingly oblivious to Haselun’s prejudices.
the bottom up. The mash is left to soak for a short time. More boiling water He holds the rank of journeyman, acting as
is added to the top of the mix and the mash is stirred well, then covered a server, helping to move the baggage of
and left to cool overnight. The liquid that comes from this process is called nobles, and performing a variety of tasks
around the busy inn.
In reality, Caelan is a skilled agent of
Fermenting the wort is the third step. A wooden valve below the false the Aenghysa, a Jarin resistance group.
bottom of the mash tun is opened to allow the cool wort to flow out. The Although the group’s activities are largely
false bottom catches most of the mash; a bag full of straw filters out any confined to Orbaal, Caelan was sent south
remaining solids. The wort flows via a wooden trough to the fermenters to spy on the nobles of Kaldor and make
[3]. The walls and floor of the open fermenters contain the dregs of the arrangements with the local Lia-Kavair (see
previous batches, including naturally occurring yeast. It takes three days for Olokand #11) for the smuggling of weapons
the yeast to convert the sugars in the wort into alcohol, resulting in “green” in exchange for proscribed drugs from the
ale, the way most people drink it. north. His confused foreigner act is quite
skillful and few give him credit for being
Hugo’s secret fourth step is secondary fermentation. After the green anything more, nor do they tend to be as
beer is put in casks and moved to the cellar, Hugo performs one more guarded in their conversations when he is
step than not even his journeyman or apprentice are allowed to see. Hugo nearby.
and Jonil add a jug of honey, herbs, and foam gathered from the top of
the fermenter to each cask. This results in a second fermentation that
increases the alcohol quantity and gives the strong ale a distinctive taste and
effervescence. There is enough demand for this strong ale that Hugo does
small batches for sale throughout the rest of the year.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
Olokand #810
The Innkeepers’ Guild of Adventure Hooks
Northern Kaldor The Wedding Party
The Innkeepers’ Guild in A number of important guests arrive for a wedding
Kaldor is a federation of five to be held in the chapel of Caer Olokand. Haselun
regional guilds organized along suspects the young couple is plotting to run away,
geographic lines. These are however, and asks the PCs to help keep an eye on them.
based in Tashal (Semethshire
and Thelshire), Gardiren The Guilded Cage
(Nephshire and Meselyneshire), Haselun hears a rumor that the regional guild has
Kiban (Balimshire), Minarsas sent someone to covertly investigate his franchise. He
(Vemionshire), and Qualdris (Oselshire). employs the PCs to help him determine which of the
The Council of Masters for each guild is typically guests is the spy.
drawn by lot. This council then nominates one of their
own as Guildmaster. The Guildmaster can act for the Don’t Mention the War!
guild as required and casts the deciding vote whenever a A group of knights from the Order of the Lady of
council matter is tied. Paladins arrives for the tournament. Only after they are in
The Innkeepers’ Guild of Northern Kaldor has their rooms does Haselun realize they are from Chybisa.
traditionally identified itself as the districts of Serelind Now, he is desperate to keep them and the Venilana apart
and Nurelia, corresponding to the northernmost of the and looks to the PCs for help.
Four Kingdoms that predated the founding of Kaldor.
In practice, these boundaries correspond to the shires Carnival Arcane
of Neph and Meselyne. Longstanding tradition has A mysterious guest arrives, drawing Haselun’s
dictated that the position of Guildmaster alternates suspicion with his desire to arrange a private meeting
between a master in Gardiren and Olokand. Currently, the with other “weird” folk. The innkeeper enlists the PCs to
Innkeepers’ Guildmaster is Trivin of Jasath, who operates find out who these strangers really are, not realizing he’s
the Jug Inn in Gardiren. intruding on a meeting of several Shek-Pvar.
Haselun expects that he will be nominated as
Guildmaster following the end of Trivin’s current term. One Corpse Too Many
However, several of the masters are uncomfortable with A guest dies in his room. Not wishing to alarm the
the prospect of him as Guildmaster and are actively other guests, Haselun gives the PCs the unpleasant task
engaged in a search for a viable alternative. Master of removing the body discreetly.
Innkeeper Sendalyn of Dirath, proprietor of the Kald
& Castle inn, has made it clear that he has no interest I Smell a Rat
in serving as Guildmaster. This has led some to openly A ratter is called in to handle the pests as guests
advocate for breaking with tradition and selecting a arrive for the Royal Chelebin Tournament of Chivalry.
Guildmaster from one of the smaller settlements. There Unfortunately, some of his poison is mixed up with the
has also been considerable discussion around whether it trays of food prepared for the guests. Haselun is frantic
is time for have a Guildmaster for each shire. to find and remove the poisoned tray without arousing
the fears of the assembled nobles, but the correct tray
can only be identified with a close inspection. With time
running short, he enlists the PCs to help find and get rid
of the poisoned food before a disaster occurs.

Bear Necessities
The life-size wooden statue of the inn’s namesake
standing bear is accidently damaged while cleaning.
Haselun is trying to avoid Wynda discovering the damage
and asks the PCs to help find a way to repair or replace it
before she finds out.

Copyright © 2021, Rob Barnes, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby, and Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®
The Standing Bear Inn
Ground Floor & Cellar
The Standing Bear Inn
Second Floor & Attic


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