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Fyvrianism is the magic of the earth, of green and growing, of pale and

dying things, of the cycles of growth and decay that underlie the natural
world. The base of Fyvria is fertile earth, where life swarms in its endless
struggle to survive and prosper.

Tome of the Ancient

and Esoteric Mysteries Fyvrian mages employ life symbols as foci: wooden staves and wands, bags
of earth, even living familiars.
of the Forces of Fyvria

A Fyvrian mage has a respect for life, and a profound understanding of the
great, ineffable forces of life.

NOTE: When a mage of any convocation tries to use a Fyvrian spell to

enchant a non-Fyvrian elemental object, his EML is penalized.

-10 Secondary (Jmorvi/Odivshe) Object

-15 Neutral Elements (GM discretion)
-20 Tertiary (Peleahn/Savorya) Object
-30 Diametric (Lyahvi) Object
Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria



Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria




BIRD (VI) 58






Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Block Disease (I) Call of the Wild (I)
(Author: Styrotdarquan) (Author: Jason Brisbane)

Caster is immune to illness for duration. Add ½ ML to Allows the caster to attune with nature to such an
any disease healing rolls. extent that he can call forth random naturally occurring
(equivalent to 1d6 man days of food or 2d6 with CS)
Bonus Effects to approach within 20-SI feet of the caster.

ML71+ may be cast on a non-resisting target The basic spell requires a material component being
food with which to summon creature (i.e. seeds for
birds, grass shoots for rabbits, etc). The spell does not
allow the caster to determine a creature type, so food
must be different types.

The caster cannot ever harm a summoned creature.

Any harm caused by the caster to the summoned
creature will result in failure to summon any more
creatures for 1d6 + SI days. (Harm may be brought to
creature by others though...)
The creature will remain within range for SI minutes if
the caster does not move (concentration required). Any
movement by the caster breaks the spell and the
creature may flee.

Note: there may never be more than 12 man days worth

of creature called, so a creature such as a cougar will
never be called, but a fox or otter may be called with
CS only. Typically Rabbits/hares, birds, snakes or rats
are called. (Exact number and type of creatures are at
GM discretion).

Bonus Effects

ML61+ No material component is needed.

ML81+ Caster is so attuned with the Fyvrian Pvaric

Cycle that he may summon creatures of a determined

ML91+ Concentration no longer required to keep

creatures in range for SI minutes

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0

Time: (20-SI) seconds Time: (30-SI) minutes
Range: Self/ML71+ Touch Range: SI miles
Duration: SI watches Duration: 24 hrs

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Carach’s Nourishment (I) Disguise of the Putrid Aroma (I)
This spell allows the caster to draw all nutritional This incantation causes the target area to have a
requirements from Fyvrian Principle (uses principle as displeasing odor to a particular type of creature
fuel). Caster may still be hungry, but does not suffer (natural, and specified before the casting). The creature
from malnutrition. This spell does NOT provide the must make a test of 2x SM/T (MS) or 1x SM/T (CS) or
caster’s water requirements. avoid the area of range.

The caster can not specify such broad categories as: all
Bonus Effects mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, etc. He must be more
specific (cats, hawks, crocodiles, snakes, spiders...).
ML81+ enchantment may be laid on another organism
(touch required). Should the creature succeed in its SM/T check, the
creature must then make a 2 x Will (MS) or 3 x Will
(CS) or sneeze once per round inside the area. The
creature will be at a constant -2 to EYE and SMT due
to the residue of the spell for duration. No other
creature will notice anything wrong.

Magical creatures (including familiars and creatures

that have an aura greater than 11) are not totally
immune to this spell. If they fall under the category
specified (i.e.: cats, dogs, hawks, etc...) they test at 2
x(SM/T+AURA) (MS) 3 x (SM/T+AURA) (CS). If
they fail, they suffer the same effects as a non-magical

Bonus Effects

ML71+ Area of Effect now covers SI feet.

ML86+ Magical animals test the same as non-

magical/natural ones.

ML91+ Caster may make up to SI/2 animals immune to

the effect by touch.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0

Time: (15-SI) minutes Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Self/ML81+ Touch Range: SI inches/ML91+ SI yards
Duration: MS: 8 hours/CS: 24 hours Duration: MS: SI minutes/CS: 3xSI minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Dolan’s Aura of Immunity (I) Dolan’s Insight (I)
(Author: Greg c/o Blair Wettlaufer) (Author: Greg c/o Blair Wettlaufer)

This enchantment reduces the chance of a person This spell allows the caster to diagnose a single target,
contracting a disease. It bolsters the immune system, and discover any effects left by improperly healed
and increases the target’s endurance (for contagion wounds, wasting diseases long gone, etc, birth defects,
purposes only) by 1d3 (CS add 1d6). etc.

The caster must touch the ailing body and concentrate.

Bonus Effects He will sense wrongness beneath his moving hands
whenever they pass over a lingering effect from a
ML81+ Target may consider his increased endurance previous ailment or wound.
for fighting current diseases already contracted.

ML91+ Touch is no longer required. Range is now SI Bonus Effects (None)


Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 0.5

Time: (15-SI) minutes Time: (15-SI) second
Range: Touch/ML91+ SI yards Range: Touch
Duration: MS: SI days/CS: 3 x SI days Duration: N/A

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Elmarons’ Hiding Place (I) Hamian's Harvest (I)
(Author: André Strotmann)
Causes plants to go to seed within 2 minutes
With this spell the caster can adapt optically like a
Chameleon to an organic (living) environment (e.g.
forest) and become more difficult to see. The chance of Bonus Effects (None)
a discovery is diminished by 10% (MS) or 20% (CS)
on perception.

In the basic version of the spell the target may not

move. The spell does not work in a non-organic
environment (city/stone desert).

Bonus Effects

ML41+ The charm can be put on another organism.

ML66+ The caster/target may move normally.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0

Time: (15 - SI) x 2.0 seconds Time: (25-SI) seconds
Range: Self/ML41+ SI inches Range: Touch
Duration: MS: SI x 1 minutes/CS: SI x 3 minutes Duration: N/A

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Know Plant Edibility (I) Latido's Poultice (I)
(Author/Contributor: Gulimere)
Know whether a type of fruit, leaves, roots are edible
An enchantment which treats an infected wound,
drawing out pus and other infected matter, cleansing
Bonus Effects the wound, and rebalancing the patient's humors to help
defeat the infection.
ML76+ SI feet.
The patient gains a bonus on next healing roll versus
infection; with MS the bonus is SI x 3, with CS bonus
is SI x 6. The enchantment cannot be combined with
any heal-enhancing spell (even itself).

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Infection immediately defeated if patient

healing check is CS.

ML81+ Infection immediately defeated if patient

healing check is MS.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0

Time: (15-SI)/2 min. Time: (15-SI) minutes
Range: Touch/ML76+ SI feet Range: Touch
Duration: Time of Casting Duration: Indefinite (next infection healing check)

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Markyate’s Purgative (I) Shock Stop (I)
(Author: Nicholas Lowson) (Author: Styrotdarquan)

Allows a person, animal or object touched by the caster Target gains a bonus of ½ caster ML (or SI on initial d6
to be cleaned or purged of vegetative matter. The checks) to all shock rolls within duration. Target must
purgative can be used repeatedly to ensure the complete not resist the spell.
removal of the offending matter, but the spell might
have side-effects on a person or animal. The spell is
useful for ensuring implements are free from plant Bonus Effects
contaminants, and, if used immediately, for removing
plant-based poisons once ingested or injected. ML81+ caster may cast on himself

When used on persons or animals, the effect of the

Purgative is to immediately stop the effects of any plant
based poison and rid their person of the infecting agent.
The person or animal will experience sweating and
vomiting for 11-SI minutes regardless of success or
failure. If the Purgative is used repeated, the person or
animal will suffer one blood-loss for every 10 minutes
of vomiting. Any implement used for spell research or
casting that has had the Purgative cast upon it will be
completely cleansed of any plant matter. It will grant a
2xSI bonus to any attempt to spell cast or research
when using the cleansed implements.

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Purgative also works on mineral based


ML81+ Purgative works on poisons at anytime until

they have run their course.

ML91+ Touch no longer required. Range is SI hexes.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0

Time: (25-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) minutes
Range: Touch/ML91+SI hexes Range: Touch
Duration: None Duration: MS: SI watches/CS: 3 x SI watches

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Stop Bleeding (I) Accelerated Cycles (II)
This spell enhances the body's natural healing response Causes the life cycle of a plant or animal to accelerate
to a bleeding wound by reducing a bleeding wound by by a factor of 20. This continues after death (for death
one factor on a MS and two factors on a CS, i.e. a B2 and decay are also part of the life cycle) and the object
per round becomes a B1 per round on an MS and B0 on will deteriorate at the same rate. This spell does not
a CS. work on humans.

Bonus Effects Bonus Effects

ML81+ Caster can reduce bleeding by 2 factors on an ML81+ No touch is necessary and the factor increases
MS and 3 factors on a CS. to 50.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (15-SI) x 2 sec Time: (25-SI) seconds
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent Duration: SI days

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Aestasi's Dart (II) Alleviate the Serpent’s Bite (II)
(Author: R.B.Schmunk)
This spell makes one dose of animal toxin harmless. If
This spell causes any previously enchanted object made cast on a toxin already in someone’s body, it improves
entirely of bone to act as a thrown taburi. The missile may the healing rate by one (MS) or two (CS) levels. CF
weigh no more than one pound. With the basic spell, the deteriorates the healing rate by two. The victim suffers
mage must hold the missile during casting of the spell and an additional 3d6 fatigue points with the spell on top of
physically throw it towards the victim as the spell is any effect the poison may have.
completed. Two rolls are made against casting EML: the
first to determine success, the second to target the missile. The caster must lay on hands and the effect is
The missile will perform as a taburi (Range and Impact instantaneous. It takes 2d6 days for the actual toxin to
modifiers), and may strike the target even if the spell fails. be flushed from the system. Should the spell be
The caster must commit to casting the spell before dispelled during that time the poison will take full
determining the accuracy of the throw. The impact of the effect.
missile is increased by half SI (MS) or SI (CS).
A dose is determined to be the amount of toxin
delivered by one bite/sting (whatever.) If the toxin is
Bonus Effects some form of administered poison, then a dose is
considered to be 1 oz of the raw substance (this
ML41+ Caster need not physically throw the missile or calculation does not include whatever was ingested
touch it during casting. Range is ML feet. with it (i.e. wine, foods, etc).)

ML91+ The spell may be cast upon any un-enchanted

bone object of weight no greater than one pound. Bonus Effects

ML71+ May affect herbal toxins.

ML81+ May affect mineral toxins.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (15-SI) Seconds Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5
Range: Touch/ML41+ ML Feet Time: (15-SI) x 3 seconds
Duration: N/A Range: Touch
Duration: Indefinite

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Arrow True (II) Bone Sting (II)
(Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk)
This spell enhances arrows in several ways
(straightness, spine, feathering, response to weather) so A spell to enchant a (maximum one-pound) wholly
that they can be shot more accurately. The affected bone object (projectile). The enchantment lies dormant
arrow gives the archer a bonus to hit based on the until the projectile is thrown at a target (invocation) or
following: until Duration expires, whichever comes first. The
success roll is made as the enchantment is invoked
MS ML/10 (thrown). If the spell fails or a person other than the
CS ML/6 caster throws the projectile, the enchantment is lost and
the projectile performs as an un-enchanted mundane
Enhancement #1: Allows caster to re-enhance arrows object; it may strike the target even if the spell fails.
she previously made but whose duration had expired.
The new duration is half of original spell duration (to If the caster throws the projectile and the spell
be determined at time of new casting) succeeds, a second test of Bone Sting ML is made to
determine missile accuracy, instead of testing Throw
Enhancement #2: Allows the Arrow True spell to be skill. The projectile has the range modifiers of a taburi.
used in conjunction with a ward of Akana when arrows The Aspect of the missile is determined randomly, if
are made by caster. Arrows cast under this there is a choice. Upon striking the target, the
enhancement are either Indefinite (MS on Ward spell) projectile's Impact is increased by SI/2 (MS) or SI
or Permanent (CS on Ward spell). MS or CS on Arrow (CS).
spell determines bonuses.
Bone Sting cannot be combined with any other
The effect lasts up to SI hours on a MS, and 2 x SI enchantment
hours on a CS if cast on pre-made arrows.
If cast on arrows during the creation period, the effect
lasts SI days on a MS and SI weeks on a CS. This will Bonus Effects
double the time to make (approx. + 1 hr. per arrow).
ML61+ Caster can select strike aspect.

Bonus Effects ML91+ Caster can lay the enchantment in "open

mode". Such a projectile can be cast by a person
ML76+ The spell can affect up to 2 arrows other than the caster. In such cases, the enchantment
is invoked by throwing and the accuracy is
ML91+ The spell can affect up to 3 arrows determined by testing the thrower's Throwing ML.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Casting Time: (15-SI) x min.
Range: Touch Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5
Duration: MS: SI hours/CS: 2SI hours on pre-made Time: (15-SI) seconds
arrows or MS: SI days/CS: SI weeks if cast during Range: Touch
creation Duration: MS: ML minutes/CS: MLx3 minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Chabar’s Binding (II) Elmarons' Agony (II)
(Author: Carl c/o Blair Wettlaufer) (Author: André Strotmann)

A spell that binds and enhances the fibers of wood, The spell makes it possible for the caster to let cramp
rendering them less likely to break. In game terms, this muscles of a member (arm or leg) during contact.
lends 1 additional point of WQ to a completely or Cramping is harmless for the victim, but extremely
mostly wooden object (+2 with CS). painful and diminishes the victim’s mobility (arm) or
speed (leg) by 50%. Talents which are based on those
attributes, and for which the member touched is
Bonus Effects concerned, receive a penalty of 20% on ML (game
master decision). With increased mastery of the spell an
ML61+ Enchanted wood that is a door or chest now increase of the effect is possible.
gains 1d6 in DF (CS: 2d6) for duration.

Bonus Effects

ML41+ Contact not longer necessary. Range is SI


ML91+ The spell can be put on both arms or legs.

Mobility -75%, ML - 40%

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (15-SI) x 3 hours Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Touch Range: Touch/ML41+ SI inches
Duration: MS: SI days/CS: 3 x SI days Duration: MS: SI x 10 seconds/CS: SI x 30 seconds

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Elmarons’ Haste (II) Fagadwyn's Art (II)
(Author: André Strotmann) (Author: Aaron Kavli)

The spell is the Fyvria variant of the spell “Aidan's The spell works by subtly causing the wood to form
haste” (Peleahn II), in order to increase the speed and any shape the caster desires. The basic spell allows SI
mobility. The caster however does not use the warmth square inches (in a shape chosen by the caster) to be
to direct the spell, but influences directly the muscles. affected for each casting. A successful script or art roll
The effect causes an increase of speed and mobility of must be made to create the work however. The work
50%/100% (MS/CS). During the spell Duration the can be undone by casting the spell and flattening it out
target (by the increased physical activity) collects the once again.
double of the normal points of Fatigue.
Duration describes how long the caster has time to alter
Since “jumping” is based on speed, this talent is the wood. Once the spell ends, the wood is permanently
increased likewise, however here the ML is increased altered, but can be altered again.
by 20/40 points (MS/CS).

Bonus Effects
Bonus Effects
ML41+ The spell can be used on any living wood, but
ML71+ The spell can be cast on another organism. a -20 EML is applied to the script or art roll.
Touch necessary.
ML51+ The spell can be cast on non-living wood.
ML81+ Fatigue now amounts to 150% of the normal EML for script or art is no longer penalized.

ML91+ Fatigue is now normal.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (15-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Self/ML71+ Touch Range: Touch
Duration: MS: SI x 20 seconds/CS: SI minutes Duration: SI minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Fleet Foot (II) Foreas’ Infertility (II)
This spell temporarily enhances the recipient's speed. With the casting of this spell, the target being (human
The speed is increased by (SI/2) + 1 points on a MS or animal) becomes infertile. The target must be
and SI points on a CS. touched by the caster and willing for the spell to
Fatigue is normal.
Success table:
Note: All these temporary enhancement spells to
abilities have possible side effects from using them CS The target is infertile for one full fertility
more than 3 x ML minutes per 24 hour period. cycle.
MS The target is infertile for SI hours.
MF No effect.
Bonus Effects
CF The target is fertile for SI hours regardless of
its fertility cycle.
ML61+ Can cast on others.
Unwilling subjects test against Will x 5 (MS) or Will x
3 (CS).

There is neither a visible effect to this spell nor can the

target “feel” when they are fertile (if they are human.)
Animals often display signs of being in heat. Such
signs will remain, regardless of the success of the spell,
but if the spell was successful the animal will not be
able to produce young.

It is wise for the caster to be aware of the target’s

fertility cycle and hedge their bets.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (15-SI) x 2 seconds Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5
Range: Self/ML61+ Touch Time: (15-SI) hours
Duration: MS: SI min/CS: 2 x SI min. Range: Touch
Duration: N/A

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Foreas’ Traceless Passage (II) Harden Wood (II)
This spell will reduce the natural body odor from a This spell increases the hardness of a piece of wood to
living target. This will affect the ability of a potential that of the next densest material.
“smeller’s” SM/T by SI (MS) or SI x 2 (CS.) If a
tracking spell is used, reduce it by SI x 10 (MS) or SI x Softwood obtains the density of hardwood.
20 (CS.)This spell does not remove any physical trace Hardwood obtains the density of ironwood.
of a passage (i.e. foot prints, broken branches and Ironwood obtains the density of steel.
grasses.) Nor does it remove the smells caused by a
physical passage (broken branches smell of sap, grasses The object must be equal to, or less than SI pounds of
smell sweeter when trampled...) wood material.

The effect, when cast on the wooden shaft of a weapon

Bonus Effects (None) is an increase in WQ by 1 (MS) / 2 (CS.) A CF shatters
the wood. The spell makes any bent-wood weapon
(bows and crossbows for example) useless.

Wooden shields gain a +1 (MS)/ +2 (CS) to their

overall armorments protection. A CF will shatter the
shield making it useless.

This spell may be cast multiple times upon any weapon

with cumulative results, but a CF will always destroy
the item. Each success must be recorded individually to
determine when the point bonus will wear off.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (15-SI) x 3 seconds Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: MS: ML minutes/CS: ML x3 minutes. Duration: MS: SI Hours/CS: Indefinite

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Kynor's Extinction (II) Mazael’s Girding of Lacerations (II)
(Source: Steve Bartlett/Revised: Robert Schmunk) (Revised by Robert Schmunk)

A major/minor artifact power which protects a wholly The spell is used to clean and clot a wound without
natural (e.g., cloth, quilted, and leather) object from burning the flesh. This stops all bleeders immediately.
fire. The enchanted weapon reduces any fire damage The caster must lay on hands and touch, specifically,
suffered by SIx0.5 (MS) or SI (CS). If installed as a the area to be cleaned and clotted. Once bound, the
major artifact power, Kynor's Extinction “occupies” wound can not become infected again unless it is ripped
two points of Ego/Will. If installed as a minor power, it open through strenuous action.
cannot be combined with any other enchantment. If
installed as the artifact is being made, Kynor's The spell was designed for battlefield tending of the
Extinction has permanent Duration; otherwise, it is wounded. It is very quick and simple, requiring no
indefinite. physical or verbal effects. The bleeding area, once
stopped must still be immobilized and treated for its
current amount of IP’s. This spell does no actual
Bonus Effects healing, merely stops the increase of Injury Points for
the bleeder.
ML71+ May be cast on an artifact which is mostly
Bonus Effects (None)
ML81+ Protection increases to SI (MS) or SIx2 (CS).

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (15-SI) hours Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: See above Duration: Instantaneous

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Nolomar's Recovery (II) Owen's Preservation (II)
(Author: Panu Rissanen) (Author: Emil)

This spell is used to transform light of the sun The basic spell preserves a scroll or a book to further
(Nolomar) into energy, recovering fatigue by rate of deteriorate by halting the decay (or other written works
one-sixth (MS) or one-third (CS) of target's Endurance on organic material). Only minor changes in
points per every concentrated round. Caster may not surroundings is permitted otherwise the spell is
perform any other actions than concentrate on this spell dispelled. CF destroys the written work.
during the process. The spell is only usable in direct
Bonus Effects

Bonus Effects ML61+ Moderate changes in surroundings is allowed

(allows travel with reasonable protection).
ML81+ Caster can also help others to recover fatigue
by touching them. ML71+ CF does not destroy the written work.

ML81+ On a period of days (GMs discretion) the spell

slowly restores parts of the work. Control moisture
content, remove mildew, enhance fainted ink... The
spell only affects the materials it can not recreate

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0 Time: (15-SI minutes)/10 pages/ML 81+ Restore (15-
Time: (15-SI) x 4 seconds SI) minutes/per page.
Range: Self Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration Duration: MS: SI months/CS: SIx3 months

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Passage of Clarond (II) Phegrin's Horse Sense (II)
Informs the caster if a certain creature has passed Achieves empathy with target equine. Target equine
through an area. will obey all reasonable commands that the SP gives.

The caster must have a sample of the creature, i.e. hair,

clothes with skin cells, sweaty boots etc. Bonus Effects

The spell works only if person has passed in SI/2 days ML71+ Can be used on another person.
(SI with CS).

The caster can search a maximum of SI x 5 feet in


Caster learns only the last time they passed through.

The spell allows a type of commune with nature

allowing the caster to detail natural disturbances that
the focus creature made.

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Caster learns number of times creature passed

by within time limit

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 Time: (15-SI) minutes
Time: (25-SI) seconds Range: Touch
Range: SI x 5 feet Duration:
Duration: None

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Purify (II) Putrid Stroke (II)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
Putrid Stroke envelops an inanimate object with the
Target is cleansed of any impurity in their system, essence of decay.
during the spell any progress of poison is stopped. This
spell removes poisons, toxins, and parasites from the Only the caster and the object are immune to the
patient. The patient losses 1d3 points of blood, and decaying essence.
must make a shock roll of 1d6 per point of blood lost.
The target must be bathed within SI minutes of casting A victim struck with the object gains 1d3 fatigue levels
or risk reinfection. Blood and fluids come out of the and one pre-existing wound on that location worsens by
patient from all openings (mouth, nose, eyes, ears, one level (eg. an M1 becomes a S2), this is in addition
pores). The spell expels all excrement and waste as to any physical damage the object might inflict. The
well. The spell is quite painful and disgusting. Target essence is expended after one strike or duration,
also may have other benefits as plaque is removed from whichever comes first.
arteries, teeth are cleaned, and other impurities
Bonus Effects

Bonus Effects ML61+ The caster may if they wish to, exclude a part
of the object (e.g. Spear haft).
ML61+ Target also gains healing rolls equal to blood
loss on any disease at ½ caster ML bonus

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (20-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: d3 minutes (1 minute per point lost) Duration: MS: SI minutes/CS: SI x 3 minutes.

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Quiet Feet (II) Sherlyne's Scrying (II)
(Author: Blair Wettlaufer)
This spell raises the recipient's stealthing abilities by
enhancing hers/his body's attunement with its own A spell permitting the caster to survey his environment
movement and the surrounding environment. The for the nearest animal of choice by the caster. The
Stealth Bonus is as follows: caster must have seen and have knowledge of the
creature to survey for it, and must decide which
MS ML/4 specific type of animal (i.e. Squirrel, Trout, Ferret)
CS ML/3 prior to casting. This spell will search an area up to SI
km away. With MS, the caster will know that the
The effect lasts up to SI minutes on a MS, and 2 x SI chosen creature is within the spell's range, but not its
minutes on a CS. direction or distance. With CS, vague direction and
distance might be discerned.
Note: All these temporary enhancement spells to
abilities have possible side effects from using them
more than 3 x ML minutes per 24 hour period. Bonus Effects

ML51+ The caster may choose to summon the creature

Bonus Effects to his location. As this is not a natural action for most
creatures, the animal is permitted a 5 x Will Roll to
ML61+ Can cast on others. ignore the summon, otherwise it will appear in (15-SI)
hours. Once the creature appears before the caster, the
spell's influence will fade, and the creature will be free
to perform whatever natural actions it wishes.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (15-SI) x 3 seconds Time: (15-SI) hours
Range: Self/ML61+ Touch Range: SI Km
Duration: MS: SI minutes/CS: 2 x SI minutes Duration: N/A

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Sleep (II) Thick Skin (II)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
This spell increases the character’s natural skin
Target will fall into a deep sleep. Subject will not protection as if he had extra protection:
experience pain or sensation until awakening. Any
shock rolls will take place on awakening and will be CS increase by 2 per SI
cut in half. The basic spell requires a willing target and MS increase the caster’s protection in all areas by
touch. 1 point per SI
CF ultra-sensitive skin (equivalent to -1 to
Area: Single target (ML91+ area effect on willing) cumulative armor)

Bonus Effects Bonus Effects (None)

ML51+ Target also gets one healing roll on the worst

wound or blood loss on awakening

ML61+ Unwilling target may resist at 5 x will (CS 3 x

will) - Duration of SI rounds (CS triples)

ML71+ Target may be up to SI yards distant

ML81+ Unwilling target resists at 3 x will (CS 1 x

will) - Duration of SI minutes (CS triples)

ML91+ Any number of willing subjects within SI

yards may be affected

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (15-SI) seconds Time: (12-SI) seconds
Range: Touch/ML71+ SI yards Range: Self
Duration: ML minutes for willing - SI rounds/minutes Duration: SI minutes
unwilling (CS triples)

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Touch of Yulpris (II) Vampire Touch (II)
(Author: Jason Brisbane) (Author: Styrotdarquan)

Cures one level of infection on infection of any one Caster may touch a target person each round of
wound/injury. duration and drain 2 levels of blood loss to gain 1
Caster declares infection/injury to attempt to heal healing roll. Up to SI healing rolls (CS 3 x SI rolls) can
before casting. be gained in this way. Contact must be skin to skin and
Spell cannot be recast within 24 hrs of previous substantial (not just a strike - grapple works). Spell
attempt. Any Recast will result in MF. ends after duration or healing roll limit, whichever is
Recast CF will cause wound to get worse. first.

CS Cures 2 levels of infection

MS Cures one level of infection Bonus Effects
MF No result
CF Causes Infection to decrease by one level ML61+ Touch may be quick (a strike works if it does
(Infection gets worse) damage)

ML71+ Spell may be laid on another who does not

Bonus Effects (None) actively resist the spell

ML81+ Touch works through natural material close to

the skin (clothes, quilt, or leather)

ML91+ Touch works on any animal with blood

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5

Time: (15-SI) minutes Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5
Range: Touch Time: (15-SI) seconds
Duration: 24 hrs Range: Self/ML71+ Touch
Duration: SI minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Womb with a View (II) Aenarin's Passage (III)
(Author: Aaron Kavli)
This spell provides the caster with information about an
unborn baby (or babies). Basic information such as sex, This spell allows the caster to move through the wood
whether there are multiple babies and the general silently and without trace. It does so by making the
wellbeing of the fetus can be determined. plants and underbrush softer and malleable so they are
Contact with the mother’s stomach is needed for less likely to snap and scrape. Once the caster has
duration. passed, the spell causes the flora to try to return to its
natural shape, erasing signs of passage. The effect
works on both living and dead material, but will not
Bonus Effects affect soft dirt and mud; foot prints will not be erased.

ML61+ Physical abnormalities can be detected. The practical effect is to increase the caster's stealth
EML by 2 x SB (MS)/4 x SB (CS) for duration.
ML71+ Paternity can be established. Contact with the Attempts at tracking the caster through areas where the
father is also necessary to get this information. spell was used is made at -10 (MS)/ -20 (CS) EML.

ML81+ Can be used on other species.

Bonus Effects

ML51+ Earth (not stone) is also affected by the spell

and the tracking penalty is applied as the earth returns
to its shape before being stepped on. Spell can be cast
on a willing person, giving them the bonuses.

ML71+ Tracking penalties are doubled.

ML91+ Tracking penalties are tripled.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (15-SI) x 4 seconds Time: (15-SI) x 3 seconds.
Range: Touch Range: Self
Duration: 5 minutes. Duration: MS: SI hours/CS: SI x 2 hours

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Animal Empathy (III) Animus of Varels (III)
Ability to empathize with animals. Be able to This enchantment borrows a bit of the essence of a
communicate back and forth with animals. living sentient animal and binds the creature’s animus
into a minor Fyvrian artifact. Typically, minor Fyvrian
Spell allows caster to communicate with animals by artifacts are created through the common multi-level
means of empathic contact. Complex concepts are spell Focus. The EGO installed into the artifact is equal
translated to more simple ones the animal can absorb. to the caster's SI/2, and SI with CS.
Answers will be of the most basic sort and will not go At lower levels the target creature is consumed by the
beyond the creature’s nature, memory, or experience. spell. After duration, the creature appears nearby the
enchanted artifact.
Below ML61+ will only function with mammals.
At ML 51+ the spell may be cancelled after
attunement, and 15-SI minutes of concentration,
Bonus Effects triggering the animal's appearance, if its physical form
was consumed.
ML61+ will also function with birds.
The purpose of this spell, besides the upgrade of a
ML71+ will also function with reptiles and minor artifact to a Major artifact, is to give an item a
amphibians. personality, or a nature that if, trained can actually
activate artifact powers contained within the same
ML81+ will also function with fish. artifact. Note that this spell does not work on humans
or humanoids, for the knowledge of self, and sentience
ML91+ will also function with insects. negates the transformational power of this spell.
The spell can accept neutral powers or Fyvrian powers,
as additional enchantments. Bane spells, eye-spells,
(detect-life etc.), Vessel of Iladan, Ward of Fyvria
(similar to ward of Akana) and other enchantments are
all possible.
If this spell is cast during artifact creation, immediately
after Focus, the duration is indefinite or permanent with
CS. In this case, canceling the spell dispels the entire

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Caster can choose to not consume animal. The

animal is dormant (comatose) for 15-SI days. After
which the animal is unaffected by the spell.

ML81+ Dormant state only lasts 15-SI hours.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Time: (15-SI) hours
Time: (15-SI) x 4 seconds Range: Touch
Range: SI yards Duration: SI weeks/SI months / Special:
Duration: MS: SI/2 minutes/CS: SI minutes Indefinite/Permanent.

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Bind Familiar (III) Body Rot (III)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
This spell creates a bond between the caster and a
target animal for an indefinite amount of time. While Caster may reduce a man sized corpse in contact with
successful and active, the spell acts like an indefinite the earth to solid parts (usually just bones) within 20-SI
(MS)/ permanent (CS) attunement to the animal. rounds. The body literally erupts into rot. Insects and
Essentially the animal becomes a focus for the caster putrid gas emit from the corpse leaving a pile of bones
and suffers no will tests to have spells cast upon it. half buried in new compost. The spell looks nasty and
smells worse.
The caster can easily call to the animal and have it
approach (if it so wishes) as if it has known the caster
for years. The animal is friendly to the caster unless the Bonus Effects
caster mistreats the animal. This spell is best if only
cast on one animal in its lifetime. ML61+ Touch no longer required, SI yards

ML71+ May affect any size corpse

Bonus Effects (None)
ML81+ May affect up to SI corpses

Fatigue: (15-SI) x2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x2.0

Time: (15-SI) hours Time: (20-SI) seconds
Range: SI yards Range: Touch/ML61+ SI yards
Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent Duration: (20-SI) rounds

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Bonedart (III) Breath of Aklash (III)
(Author/Contributor: R.B. Schmunk) (Author/Contributor: Tim Prestero)

This spell causes a wholly bone object, weighing no This spell creates a greenish cloud of reeking vapors
more than one pound, to jump into the air and perform which irritate the eyes and cause extreme nausea to
like a thrown taburi. The caster need not physically those trapped within. The cloud occupies a volume of
throw the object (see instead Bone Sting), but with the 800 cubic feet (a sphere approximately 11.5 feet across)
basic spell he must touch it at the culmination of and deforms to fit in the surroundings, an important
casting. If the spell is successful, the bone object will consideration when casting it indoors or underground.
leap toward the designated target as if thrown by a The caster specifies the center of the volume.
person with the caster's Strength. A second test against
Bonedart (not Throwing) EML is then made for Persons trapped by the cloud suffer a penalty to all
successful targeting, with Range and Impact modifiers EMLs equal to SMTx3 (MS) or SMTx4 (CS). Some
of a taburi. The caster must commit to casting the spell sort of facial covering halves the physical penalty, and
before determining the accuracy of the throw. If the as long as a person in the area of effect can hold his
initial enchantment enjoys CS, the impact of the missile breath and keep his mouth closed, he suffers no
is increased by half SI. penalty. Those suffering the penalty do so as long as
they remain in the cloud and for (1d 6) x 10 seconds
afterwards. The caster is vulnerable to the effects of his
Bonus Effects own spell.

ML51+ The spell may be cast upon a mostly bone The victim must also roll against Will x 4 (MS) or Will
object. x 3 (CS) to avoid uncontrollable vomiting. A victim
failing his Will roll falls to the ground, vomiting for as
ML71+ Caster need not touch the bone object to long as he remains in the cloud. Should he manage to
enchant it. Range is ML feet. escape the cloud, or when Duration has expired, he
may check against Will every ten seconds, each time
ML81+ Caster may select strike aspect. rolling against a multiple increased by one, to see if he
regains control of his stomach.

The vapors are rather heavy and dissipate slowly even

if Breath of Aklash is cast in a drafty location. Duration
is ML (MS) or ML x 5 (CS) seconds, divided by wind
Force (treat Force 0 as Force 1).

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Time: (15-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Touch/ML71+ ML feet Range: 30 yards
Duration: N/A Duration: See above

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Caladân's Lock (III) Cattie's Driving Sand (III)
(Author/Contributor: Panu Rissanen) (Author: A.Neumann & M.Schrenker/Contributor:
The spell enables the caster to bind together two
adjoining “natural” materials (e.g., wood or stone) of The caster can transform with assistance of the spell
similar composition. The area over of the binding may firm soil into driving sand. In addition the target area
extend is SI (MS) or SI x 3 (CS) square feet. The must be paced down by the caster. The range has a
“lock” is no stronger than the natural strength of the radius of maximally 3 inches and is deep up to 1 inch,
material, and may be dispelled or unsealed with a which lets humans sink approx. up to the hip, from
personal key spell such as Caladân's Key. which it can free itself only with a stranger assistance
or even after long time. Due to the movement
restriction, the victim has a penalty of 20% on its
Bonus Effects (None) (movement-dependent) actions. At expiration of the
Duration of the spell the soil returns to its original

Note: An interesting application possibility consists

also of casting the spell on a slope to release a small
“sand avalanche” around.

Bonus Effects

ML41+ The target area does not have to be paced

down anymore. Range SI inches

ML51+ The caster can exclude up to 2 organisms of


ML71+ The caster can exclude up to 4 organisms of


ML91+ The caster can in and/or exclude from the

effect arbitrary organisms in the target area.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (15-SI) x 5 seconds Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0
Range: Touch Time: (15-SI) x 3.0 seconds
Duration: Indefinite Range: Touch/ML41+ SI inches
Duration: MS: SI x 1 minutes/CS: SI x 3 minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Charm against Putrefaction (III) Dolan’s Greater Insight (III)
(Author: Greg c/o Blair Wettlaufer)
This spell prevents decay of a human corpse. The
corpse must be touched frequently while casting and This enchantment allows the target of the caster the
will only halt the decay. It will not repair any damage ability to heal an improperly healed/treated injury. The
from decay (or otherwise) currently suffered by the target is permitted an End x5 roll, and if they succeed,
corpse. the injury will be properly healed. The caster must be
aware of the impairment, either by spell casting or a
successful diagnosis with the Physician skill.
Bonus Effects
The age of the wound, however, does make the healing
ML66+ The corpse may be that of another race more difficult. For every year that the impairment has
(Sindarin, Khuzdul, Gargun) existed, subtract 5 from the target’s End roll. Also, the
“repair” of the wound remains as an indefinite
ML71+ The corpse may be that of any other mammal. enchantment, and can be dispelled.

ML81+ The corpse may be that of any avian.

Bonus Effects
ML91+ The corpse may be that of any reptile or insect.
ML61+ The age of the wound no longer affects the
End roll.

ML81+ The target no longer has to make an End roll.

The impairment is automatically removed.

ML96+ The spell is now Permanent regardless.

ML101+ The caster may lessen the effect of a birth

defect. However, unless CS is achieved, the effect
will remain somewhat present. The healing of the
birth defect will take some time (15-End months).

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Time: (15-SI) x 2 minutes Time: (15-SI) x 2 hours
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: MS: SI weeks/CS: SI months Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Earth Sleep (III) Enhance Leather/Hides (III)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
This spell enhances the protective qualities of leather or
Caster may lie upon the earth and fall into a deep hide, making them more resistant to attacks / damage.
slumber as he sinks into the ground. He will sleep at Spell must be cast in conjunction with Ward of Akana.
least three months and awaken on the first day of the
following spring (using this spell in the winter would The spell affects a single item of leather that would
take just over a year) Caster awakens fully healed and cover a maximum of 2 x ML% of a 1.0 size human.
regenerated and in the prime of health. Caster may
consider the time sleeping as study time gaining will x The level of enhancement is dependent on the success
3 months in points (10 points per roll) to apply to his level and the SI of the caster:
fyvrian and neutral skill.
0-7 +1 +1
Bonus Effects 8-10 +1(0) +2(+1)
11+ +2(+1) +3(+2)

ML81+ Caster may sleep up to SI years if he chooses

Numbers in '( )' signify bonuses for cloth. A Critical

Failure on a cast destroys the item.

Bonus Effects

ML81+ Caster may also enhance cloth at 1 point less

bonus protection than for leather

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Time: (15-SI) hours Time: (15-SI) hours
Range: Self Range: Touch
Duration: Varies Duration: Same as Ward's duration

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Eye of the Falcon (III) Galen's Call (III)
(Author/Contributor: Rothesay; Theron Palliser)
If a wolf is within hearing range (SI miles) then it will
This spell enables the caster to see through the eyes of a heed the call of the SP. Commands must be simple, and
trained bird of prey. The basic spell requires that the usually territorial. “This is my land!”
caster have trained the bird. With MS the caster sees
only what the bird sees, and loses the use of his own
sight for duration. With CS, the caster retains both Bonus Effects (None)
sights. The spell requires one of the bird’s feathers for a
seed. The spell terminates if the caster loses a line of
sight to the bird (whether the caster has his own sight
or not is irrelevant to this determination).

Bonus Effects

ML61+ The caster no longer needs to have trained the


ML71+ The caster always retains both sights.

ML91+ The caster no longer needs to maintain a line

of sight to the bird for the spell to continue.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (15-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) x 5 minutes
Range: Line of sight Range: SI miles
Duration: (SI x 1.5) minutes Duration: SI hours

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Growth of Creeping Things (III) Hamian's Passage (III)
This spell causes an insect, mouse, toad or other small Allows unhindered passage through vines, underbrush
creature defined as being anything smaller than 1/10 and small plants which have some degree of flexibility.
man-sized) to magically grow to SI/2 times its normal These plants simply lean out of the way (just as they
size. would lean toward the sun but much faster).

The creature will have the same instincts, reactions and

attacks as it did when small. So a giant mouse may still Bonus Effects (None)
run away once first hurt.

Assume all armorment is superior plate on the creature

if it is larger than an insect. Assume superior scale if it
is an insect. Damage is increase by SI% per attack.

The creature will be confused for the first turn, then

either flee or try to continue whatever it was doing
prior to the casting.

Removing the enchantment or allowing it to expire will

return the creature to its original size without harm.

A CF will always kill the creature.

This spell in no way changes the creature’s instincts nor

directs its behavior. This spell may only be cast on a
creature once per duration. A second attempt at casting
will kill the creature.

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Touch is no longer required. Range is now SI


Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (15-SI) x 2 seconds Time: (15-SI) x 3 seconds
Range: Touch/ML61+SI yards Range: SI feet
Duration: MS: SI hours/CS: SI x3 hours Duration: SI x 10 minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Heal (III) Ketherian's Persistence (III)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
A self-enchantment that allows the caster to persist
Target heals at 5 times the normal rate. Rest is still longer by increasing their Endurance by half their
required, all normal healing rules apply. Can be self Willpower (MS) or by their full Willpower (CS).
cast. When the spell departs, the caster must make a 3d6
shock roll against his natural Endurance. This should
include all physical penalties and injury points the
Bonus Effects caster is currently suffering.
This can be used as either a major or a minor artifact
ML61+ Add caster SI to all rolls power. When used as a major artifact power, it
occupies 4 points of Ego/Will. When used as a minor
ML71+ Ignore infection artifact power it cannot be combined with any other
minor power.
ML81+ Add 2 x SI to all rolls The spell will be Permanent only if stored as an artifact
power during the creation of an object.
ML91+ Up to SI individuals can be affected

Bonus Effects

ML56+ Caster can remove 1/2 of all shock currently

incurred when making the 3d6 shock roll.

ML71+ Caster may double their Endurance rather than

adding their Willpower, if it produces a higher total.

ML96+ Caster can remove 3/4 of all shock currently

incurred when making the 3d6 shock roll.

ML101+ Caster can now cast this spell on another.

Range is Touch.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Time: (15-SI) hours
Time: (20-SI) minutes Range: Self/ ML101+ Touch
Range: Self/Touch Duration: MS: ML Minutes/CS: ML Hours
Duration: SI days Artifact: Indefinite/Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Mala's Fountain (III) Maugrim's Improvements (III)
(Author: Aaron Kavli)
A major artifact power. This spell improves the
This spell allows the caster to draw water directly from physical statistics of an object animated through
a living plant or tree simply by sucking on it. The basic Maugrim's Animus. The caster can only improve one
spell allows the caster to draw roughly one pint of pure, statistic per casting, and each statistic may only be
sweet water for each casting. The actual amount will of improved once in this way. The spell requires two
course be determined by the size of the plant; a tiny points of EGO/Will per casting.
fern only has so much water! The spell can end up The target statistic is improved by SI/2 (MS) or SI
killing the plant if not used carefully. (CS). If cast while the object is being grown/made, the
duration is Permanent. Otherwise, the duration is
Bonus Effects

ML51+ The caster may draw double the amount of Bonus Effects
water, if available.
ML76+ Spell may be cast as a temporary enchantment,
ML61+ The caster can draw water from damp earth. It with a Time of (15-SI) x 4 seconds, and a
will be safe, but certainly not as pleasant tasting. Duration of SI minutes. It cannot, however,
improve statistics already improved by any
ML71+ The caster may grant another the ability to version of the spell. The Range is still touch.
draw the water instead.
ML91+ The short-term version of the spell may be cast
at a Range of ML feet provided the target is
within line of sight.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Time: MS: (15-SI) x 2 minutes/CS: (15-SI) x 1 minute Time: (15-SI) x 0.5 hours
Range: Self Range: Touch/ML91+ ML feet*
Duration: Instant Duration: Indefinite/Permanent/see ML76+

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Multiply Seed (III) Nourishment of Avar (III)
(Author/Contributor: Klaus Ole Kristiansen)
Causes a plant, when it goes to seed, to produce MS: 10
or CS: 20 times its normal amount of seed. It will not, This spell makes 2 lbs of dead, organic material safe to
however, increase the plant's yield of fruit. The effects eat. It removes organic poisons and reverses spoilage.
are variable, but usually the flowers or fruits simply
become seedier.
Bonus Effects

Bonus Effects (None) ML41+ The treated material will become more
nourishing. 2 lbs of any food so treated will sustain a
character indefinitely.

ML56+ Any dead, organic material will become

digestible. A character may live on grass etc. It is
possible to live on wood etc. by chopping it to small
chips and swallowing it. With CS the spell will
improve the taste of the treated material.

ML71+ The texture of the treated material will change,

making hard or tough foods chewy. A character can
thus eat wood, leather etc.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.0

Time: (15-SI) Minutes Time: (20-SI) minutes
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: 1 Season. Duration: Instant (will not prevent spoilage)

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Pain (III) Quick Cure (III)
(Author: Styrotdarquan) (Author: Styrotdarquan)

The target touched by the caster experiences extreme Target receives up to SI healing rolls (CS 2*SI rolls) on
pain. The target must roll ½ SI (CS full SI) vs. any single wound touched by the caster. Each roll takes
Endurance as a combat endurance roll every round of 1 round, rolls stop as soon as that wound is healed. For
duration. The target accrues SI fatigue at spell end. This each roll used target rolls 1d6 endurance roll at spell
is not phantom pain, it is real nerve impulses and end. Failure is the same as a combat failure (shock
muscle contractions. The target will suffer a combat check required). The target wound heals, the
penalty assigned by the GM due to muscle spasms and combination of body stress and pain causes the
nerve failure. No real damage is done other than the endurance roll. This spell does not help with blood loss,
extreme pain. Repeated or long term use may cause poison, or disease.
nerve damage.

Bonus Effects
Bonus Effects
ML61+ Any MS on treatment prevents impairment
ML61+ Range is 5 x SI feet
ML71+ Healing may ‘flow’ to other wounds
ML71+ Effect can be made less for up to ML minutes (remember higher E rolls)
duration (adds 1d6 to all End rolls), no fatigue

ML81+ Effect can be made extreme pleasure (roll vs.

Will instead of Endurance - no shock roll) still fatigue
(the extended form with pleasure has no practical effect
- although huge character potential)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (13-SI) seconds Time: (20-SI) seconds
Range: Touch/ML61+ 5 x SI feet Range: Touch
Duration: MS: SI rounds/CS: 3 x SI rounds Duration: MS: SI rounds/CS: 2 x SI rounds

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Tools (III) Adrenalin Surge (IV)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
This spell instantly causes a temporary rush of energy
Caster can perform surgery in 1/4th the normal time within the caster. The spell removes up to 3d6 (5d6
without tools other than his bare hands. The subject with CS) Fatigue Points. At the end of Duration,
must be non-resisting. Flesh is cut and rejoined by however, double the fatigue is accrued. Also for the
touch. The patient’s body reacts as if it is molded in duration, Strength is increased by 1d3 (CS: 1d6).
place remaining in position as placed by the caster

Bonus Effects
Bonus Effects
ML51+ Only the original fatigue is penalized at the
ML51+ Touch acts as a local anaesthetic for SI minutes end of duration.

ML61+ Add SI to physician skill ML71+ The spell may be cast on others.

ML71+ Wounds may be closed ML91+ No fatigue is penalized at the end of duration.

ML81+ On a MS physician roll ignore impairments

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0

Time: (20-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Self Range: Self/ML71+ Touch
Duration: MS: ML minutes/CS: SI hours Duration: MS: SI minutes/CS: SI x 3 minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Allen's Tangle (IV)
(Author: J.Watson)
Bonus Effects
This spell causes living plants in the area of effect to
grow as in Verdant Hand and endows them with a ML71+ The caster is immune to effects of spell.
pseudo personality, which causes them to try and grab
any moving object in the area of effect and hold it. The ML81+ The caster can grant immunity to effects of
length, area of effect, and strength of the entangle spell by touch to SI other individuals including animals.
depends on success:

CF: spell works at MF strength at place where caster is

standing and caster is affected.

MF: spell lasts 5 + index rounds and the centre of the

area of effect is index + five yards and the range of the
centre of effect is five yards from caster in a random
direction and caster is affected if within range.
Creatures with strength of 7+ can move at half speed in
area of effect. Creatures with strength of 13+ can move
a full speed in area of effect.

MS: spell lasts 10 x index rounds. The centre of the

area of effect will be index x ten yards from the caster
or closer, provided the caster can see the place he/she
wants the centre to be at, and the area of effect is index
x five yards. Creatures with strength of 13+ can move
at half speed. Creatures with less then 13 strength
cannot move at all and creatures with strength of 18+
can move at full speed.

CS: spell lasts 20 x index rounds. The centre of the

area of effect will be index x twenty yards from the
caster or closer, provided the caster can see the place
he/she wants the centre to be at and the area of effect is
index x ten yards. Creatures with strength of 19+ can
move at half speed.

Creatures, which cannot move, are helpless until the

spell duration expires or the spell is dispelled. The
caster can dispel the spell at will.

Note: Anyone in the area of the spell or entering that

area after the spell is cast is held, including the caster.
If the caster is caught in the area of effect by a CF or Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5
MF then the caster must be able to cast Dispel to get Time: (15-SI) seconds
free. Range: (see description)
Duration: (see description)

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Caladân's Purifiction (IV) Cattie's Bad Cramp (IV)
(Author: Panu Rissanen) (Author: Schrenker/Modified: André Strotmann)

This spell cleans up, sterilizes and seals one wound The caster can let individual muscle portions of
removing chance of infection. Before this treatment the organisms cramp with the help of the spell, e.g. lower
bleeding must be stopped. The spell can also be used to arm, upper arm, calf etc. In addition appropriate part of
cure already infected wounds with -20 EML. the body can be affected by the caster. The organism
CF while casting the spell will usually make wound gets on this zone a handicap penalty of 5 %. The spell
more vulnerable to infection. can be used several times against different parts of the
body, the total penalty for a body zone (e.g. arms, leg
or Torso) can’t however be more than 15%.
Bonus Effects
With increased talent (ML51+) the caster can let cramp
ML76+ Gives 1d6 (MS) or 2d6 (CS) extra healing rolls a whole body zone, the victim gets then a penalty of 15
per day to sealed wound. %. The maximum total penalty can be of 75% (2 x 15
% for arms, 2 x 15 % legs and 15 % for Torso = 75 %)
ML81+ The range increases to SI yards.
At ML 86%+ it is possible to let the heart of an
organism cramp which can possibly lead to the death of
the victim too (Game Master decision). The victim is in
any case incompetent to act for the duration of the spell
and collects 30 points of fatigue. To survive the “heart
attack” a successful throw is necessary against
Endurance x 4.

Bonus Effects

ML51+ The effect can be expanded on a whole body

zone (arm, leg, Torso)

ML66+ Touch no longer necessarily. Range SI inches

ML86+ The caster can let the heart of an organism


Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0

Time: (15-SI) x 4 seconds Time: (15-SI) x 2.0 seconds
Range: Touch/ML81+ SI yards Range: Touch/ML66+ SI inches
Duration: Instant Duration: MS: SI x 10 seconds/CS: SI x 30 seconds

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Gecko Crawl (IV) Graft (IV)
(Author: Peter Leitch/Contributor: Matthias Plog) (Author: Styrotdarquan)

This allows a caster or target to climb up vertical walls Caster may make a physician roll to reattach a lost
like a gecko, a small skink or lizard. The spell creates a limb. The limb will suffer from a G5 (CS physician G4)
small force field (Geckos use really small hairs which wound but no impairment will result.
move electrons in the material of the surface they move
on (Van-De-Walls-Effect)) so nothing will be sticky.
The target's hands and feet are magically attracted to a Bonus Effects
surface, no matter if it is vertical, or indeed upside
down. ML61+ Final wound level is G4 (or S3)

-The target must have bare hands and feet (thus subject ML71+ The limb of anyone of the same race may be
to exposure, esp. from ice) used, it takes 15-SI days to become natural
-The person can carry up to SI or 2*SI% (MS/CS) of
there bodyweight with them. ML91+ The limb of any similar species may be used, it
-Every action while being in a not normal position takes 15-SI months to become natural
gives a penalty of 20-SI
-The target can only move at 1/2 normal climbing
movement rate.
-The person has to have contact with two body-parts
for movement and can move 1/4 his movement with
feet and 1/8 with hands
-Icy, slimy etc. surfaces may be climbed but a check for
athletics may be asked for (like walking on ice).
-All items may fall down; they are not protected so you
have to be careful.

Bonus Effects

ML41+ Can be cast on a willing subject (touch)

ML61+ Can climb ceilings (upside down) at 1/4

normal climbing movement rate.

ML81+ Can climb icy or slimy walls at 1/4 normal

climbing movement rate.

There could be a variant of the spell to make it an

artifact-power to put into gloves and boots.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Time: (15-SI) Minutes Time: (20-SI) seconds + surgery to attach
Range: Self/ML41+ Touch Range: Touch
Duration: SI minutes Duration: Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Jivvin’s Fancy Familiar Spell (IV)
Summon a nature spirit (volume of d6 + SI/2 liters) into Small Medium Large Giant
an animal within range. Creatures max intelligence is Minimum 1-4 4-6 6-10 10+
(SI/2 - 1) and size dependent upon spirit size and caster Volume
success Aprox <64 64-216 216-1000 1000+
Successful employment of this spell creates a strong Affinity -2 -1 +0 +1
empathetic link between Caster and familiar through Fatigue (15-SI) (15-SI) (15-SI) (15-SI)
which the Caster can curb the natural tendencies of the x2.0 X3.0 x3.5 x4.0
familiar and promote/cause unnatural actions/decisions Time (15-SI) (15-SI) (15-SI) (15-SI)
(i.e. roll vs. ML x Range Factor for the reluctant x5min x10min x15min x20min
familiar to go through god stone, get on boat, etc. but
nothing suicidal). Below ML51 Small size only

Caster can employ empathetic link to creature to use

clairvoyance/clairaudience with (Familiar ML)% X Bonus Effects
normal range X Range Factor from its vicinity but gets
+2 x Familiar SI x Range Factor due to strength of the ML51+ Medium size
link. Range for clairvoyance/clairaudience is dependent
on caster’s range for those abilities as a max. ML71+ Large size

Minor empathetic and sympathetic impressions are ML91+ Giant size

possible through link. Receives strong impressions up
to ML yards out then halves for each additional ML

Range Factor:

100% up to ML yds
50% at 2 x ML yds
25% at 3 x ML yds
12% at 4 x ML yds
6% at 5 x ML yds
3% at 6 x ML yrds

Some minor backlash can occur if familiar is hurt or

killed - stronger for larger animals. Affinity is +1 to -2
dice compared to whatever the animal experiences but
Kill rolls entail a Shock roll, and Shock rolls cause
fatigue (-1 die for each Range Factor after the first).
Thus a large familiar who receives an E4 shock roll
would cause 4 dice of fatigue to caster if close by, 3
dice if beyond the first Range Factor, etc. Fatigue: See Above
Time: See Above
Larger spirits needed to control larger animals roughly Range (to target animal): SI yards
1 liter to l foot of length or (L) cubed pounds of weight Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent
(+2 to l if CS).

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Ketherian’s Root (IV) Ketherian's Trackless Passage (IV)
This spell roots the caster to the earth as if he was a tree This spell reduces the damage done to plants when the
of ML years. The enchantment only works if the caster caster walks over, through or by them. This will
braces himself before the casting and does not move his effectively reduce the number of signs that someone
feet during the spell. Otherwise the enchantment will has moved through the area. This will affect the ability
cease to function. Examine the success of the caster: of a potential tracker's skill by ML (MS) or ML x 2
(CS). If a tracking spell is used, reduce it in the same
Success Strength Bonus to Not fashion as the skill.
Test to Move Slip This spell does not affect body odors or
CF 3d6 125 astral/spiritual/aural elements left behind. It does
MF 4d6 150 remove the smells caused by physical passage (broken
MS 5d6 175 branches, trampled grasses etc.) but only by not
CS 6d6 200 allowing the damage in the first place.
The spell is not perfect and only works with living
If someone wishes to move the caster of this spell, they plants. Pine needles, dead leaves and mud, for example,
must make a Strength test with the number of dice will still show signs of the caster's passage.
shown in the table above. If it is an external force, re- This can be used as either a major or a minor artifact
roll the number of d6s above and treat that as the power. When used as a major artifact power, it
caster’s Strength. occupies 5 points of Ego/Will. When used as a minor
artifact power it cannot be combined with any other
This does not add any strength bonus to thrown objects. minor power.
If either someone or some external force, wishes to The spell will be permanent only if stored as an artifact
make the caster slip, add the listed bonus to the caster’s power during the creation of an object.
agility and then test the Agility stat accordingly.

Bonus Effects (None)

Bonus Effects

ML51+ Add 1d3 to the Strength test.

ML56+ May be cast on another, willing, target.

ML61+ Add 1d6 to the Strength test.

ML76+ Range is now SI Feet

ML91+ May be cast on an unwilling target.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Time: (15-SI) x 2 seconds
Time: (15-SI) x 10 seconds Range: Self
Range: Touch/ML76+ SI feet Duration: Caster: SI Minutes
Duration: MS: ML x 10 sec/CS: ML x 30 sec. Artifact: Indefinite/Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Kyndar's Familiar (IV) Life Sense (IV)
(Author: Jane Pänkälä) (Author: Styrotdarquan)

Caster is able to attach the senses of an animal (non Caster may detect plant life. The caster must specify the
intelligent being) to his own and sense its physical plant life sought. Single plants within 5 x ML feet can
state. Caster is not able to determine thoughts or be detected and the general location known, exact
feelings, only what the familiar's body experiences location can only be known if within 5 x SI feet. Larger
(e.g., pain, sounds, etc.). Caster is able to control which concentrations can be detected at longer ranges, a field
sense he is feeling, but with the basic spell, he must of wheat may be spotted at a few miles. Although
concentrate to clearly distinguish between the familiar's outside of 5 x ML feet only general direction would be
senses and his own. At GM's discretion, a Special known. The most common use of this spell is to find
Penalty might be assessed to caster's actions to reflect specific herbs in the wild. On a CS better information
this disorientation. With the basic spell, caster cannot would be known (health, number, wakefulness, gender,
control the familiar's actions, but commands can be maturity level). The spell can never identify individuals
given no matter the distance between caster and only general information about the life status.
subject. It is up to the familiar's intelligence and
training whether they are obeyed.
If the subject animal is not familiar with the caster or if Bonus Effects
it knows him and is hostile then the caster must attune
to the animal before casting. After SI minutes, the ML61+ Caster may target animal species
caster tests vs. Aura x 5 (unfamiliar) or Aura x 3
(hostile) to see if he can enchant the creature. If he ML81+ Caster may target any species (including
fails, he must wait at least SI hours before again human, elf, gargun, ivashu)
attempting to attune.

Note: successful attunement does not necessarily make

a hostile animal less so. It merely enables the caster to
enchant it.

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Caster need no longer concentrate in order to

separate familiar's senses from his own.

ML91+ By successfully testing vs. Will x 4, caster can

control familiar's movement, but is unable to control his
own at the same time.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5 Time: (15-SI) minutes
Time: (15-SI) x 10 minutes Range: Self
Range: Touch Duration: MS: ML minutes/CS: 3 x ML minutes
Duration: MS: ML days/CS: Indefinite

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Nature's Recovery (IV) Primal Moss (IV)
(Author: Panu Rissanen)
Taps into a plane of primal plant growth and draws out
This spell recharges the energy of Fyvrian artifacts by a quantity of lush moss that may be thrown at a target
the rate of one (MS) or two points (CS) per session up to 2 x SI yards away. The basic spell requires that a
(spell cast). handful of fresh moss be available, which is consumed
With CF the object to be loaded is ruined (all the in the casting. Targets that fail a dodge roll (if aware)
energy nullified, object destroyed etc.) are covered in thick, luscious plant matter, and receive
a special penalty of MS: (SI x 2) + d20 or CS: 15 + (SI
x 2) + d20 for the duration of the spell. After duration,
Bonus Effects (None) the moss withers away into a slimy mud in 20 seconds
(2/3 penalty on next round, 1/3 penalty on the round
after that, then no penalty thereafter). Targets that
attempt to block are automatically hit.

Bonus Effects

ML51+ Seed moss no longer needed.

ML86+ Spell may affect a 1 yard radius around

original target.

ML96+ Spell may affect a 2 yard radius around

original target.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0

Time: (15-SI) hours Time: (15-SI) Seconds
Range: Touch Range: (SI x 2) Yards
Duration: Permanent Duration: Instantaneous

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Spell of Entanglement (IV) The Immaculate Beast (IV)
Caster may cast a spell on some flexible, organic object This spell transforms an animal into a flawless
and it will entangle a target. The object can be specimen of its type. It enhances its outstanding
“thrown” up to ML/2 feet away from the caster. features and giving it a +SI on rolls rated to its
The entanglement works best when cast upon clothing strongest feature.
(not being currently worn,) rugs, table cloths and so
forth. The item so enchanted will rap itself around the E.g. It improves a hawk’s vision, a racehorse’s speed,
target (roll to-hit on the general body table.) or a draft horse’s strength.
The results of the entanglement are as follows on a CS -
on a MS all penalties are halved (round up.) On a CF The caster must touch the best several times during
the target is destroyed. casting and announce the quality he wishes to improve.

Location hit Penalty to Stats/Skills The spell has the additional ability to automatically
Head -10 EYE/HEAR/SM/T improve the beast’s physical appearance to others of its
Body -5 DEX/AGL kind by +SI (MS)/+SI x2 (CS)
-SI x10 VS all movement skills
Bonus Effects (None)
Limb Total lack of use, penalties as deemed
appropriate by GM discretion

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Item may run/move up to ML feet away and

need to be thrown (e.g.: Sick’em Fido!)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Time: (15-SI) seconds Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5
Range: Touch/ML91+SI yards Time: (15-SI) x 4 minutes
Duration: MS: SI x 10 seconds/CS: SI x 30 seconds Range: Touch
Duration: MS: SI/2 hours/CS: SI hours

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Theron’s Tree Sense (IV) Warden's Query (IV)
(Author/Contributor: Rothesay; Theron Palliser) (Author: Aaron Kavli)

This spell enables the caster to communicate with trees. This spell allows the caster to determine the
The caster must remain in physical contact with the tree environmental history of a given plant or tree. It gives a
for the entire duration of communication. As this is an general idea of the weather, temperature, and nutrient
empathic/telepathic connection, only the caster is aware levels over the life of the plant. The information is
of the information exchanged. Since trees do not have specific only to a seasonal description (it rained a lot
much in the way of self-awareness, such for two autumns, and then was dry for one...).
communication is not language, but rather sensations.
The tree may communicate very basic emotions, i.e. It was created by Dag the Warden, a Knethmoore
‘feel good,’ ‘feel scared,’ ‘fire bad,’ etc. This is the best master, in 504TR to allow him to determine what the
that can be achieved with the basic spell. The caster long term weather patterns of the Setha Heath were.
must put a simple question to the tree in order to
receive sensations. There is no limit to the number of
questions which may be put to a tree within the Bonus Effects
duration, but trees are rarely in a hurry, and answers
may be slow to come. ML51+ The caster can glean information details down
to the month.

Bonus Effects ML81+ The caster can also get information of

creatures passing by the plant (a range of about 3
ML61+ The tree may also communicate something in yards). The plant will remember the vibrations only, so
the nature of recent events. E.g., ‘a deer passed the caster will only know the general size of the
recently.’ What is recent to a tree is left to GM creature. The plant will only 'remember' such passages
discretion. for 3 days.

ML81+ The caster gains a better sense of the tree’s

perspective. Time is communicated more effectively.

ML91+ The caster gains a true empathy with the tree,

and its frame of reference. From the caster’s
perspective, communication is now in the form of
simple language, as to a very young child. The tree,
however, is still not in a hurry.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Time: (15-SI) minutes Time: MS: (15-SI) x 10 mn/CS: (15-SI) x 5 mn
Range: Touch Range: Touch
Duration: SI minutes Duration: Instant

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Weaver’s Trap of Webs (IV) Yael Steps (IV)
(Author: Panu Rissanen)
In casting this spell, the magus flings a piece of silk or
spider web at a desired spot. From this initial location a This spell reduces the weight of the target person (and
huge net of spider webs grows, filling an area SI yards the stuff carried by him) by neutralizing the effect of
by SI yards by SI feet (Height x Width x Depth.) With mother earth, the gravity. Amount of reduction must be
supports, the webs can hang vertically, forming a wall. set while casting the spell. The maximum effective
Otherwise they act as a net. When the webs are weight reduction is one-tenth of caster's EML. Target's
thoroughly grown, after a few seconds, they are as mass or density is not affected, just weight (by reduced
thick as string and as strong as hemp rope (silk rope if effect of gravity). E.g. caster with EML 80 has his total
the silk is thrown.) weight reduced to 1/8 of normal weight.

Everyone caught in the area of the webs is

immobilized. Breaking free requires a strength test of 5 Bonus Effects
x STR (MS) / 3x STR (CS). Someone who is not
trapped using an edge weapon or fire may free a victim ML81+ Caster can reduce the weight of other persons
in three rounds. or objects by touching them.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5 Time: (15-SI) x 4 seconds
Time: (15-SI) 4.0 seconds Range: Self/ML81+ Touch
Range: SI x 5 feet Duration: MS: ML minutes/CS: SI hours
Duration: MS: SI Hours/CS: Indefinite

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Alter Generations (V) Agony of the Beast (V)
The basic spell causes modifications or mutations to the This spell causes great pain in a human or animal
form of a plant or a specific characteristic of a plant to touched by the Magus. The target suffers the temporary
be reproduced in its following generations. With the (or possibly permanent) effect of a life force distortion.
basic spell, only mundane changes are reproduced. With MS, SI d6 points of damage are caused, of which
With MS, the first generation is fairly close to the form ¼ are IP and the rest are FP. With CS, SI d10 points of
of the original, the second generation is distorted from damage are caused, of which ½ are IP and the rest are
the original, and the third generation is only mildly FP.
reminiscent of the original. When magical changes are If the damage inflicted exceeds 5 x END, then the
being reproduced, the second or third generations difference between the damage and the endurance roll
occasionally have strange or dangerous mutations. With is the % chance of the target being killed. A second
CS, the rate of degeneration is spread over 3 + 1d3 END check (at 5xEND) is then called for.
generations. Examples of mundane changes that might
be passed on include the bending of a tree's trunk or the
pruning of a bush into the form of an animal. The caster Bonus Effects
may specify which characteristics he wants passed on.
The effects of the spell may be dispelled from any of ML91+ Touch no longer required, range is now SI
the offspring of the original, but this only affects the yards.
offspring of that particular individual (its siblings may
continue to reproduce).

Bonus Effects

ML41+ Spell may affect animals.

ML56+ Permanent magical changes to the target may

be passed to future generations.

ML111+ On a CS, there is a 1 in 10 chance that the

change is permanent to all future generations. The
effect is no longer magical and may not be dispelled. In
essence, a new subspecies is created.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0

Time: A few days, perhaps depends upon the subject Time:
(its fertile period?) Range: Touch/ ML91+ SI yards
Range: Touch Duration: N/A
Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Benhart's Animus (V)
(Author: R.B.Schmunk)
Bonus Effects
Restores a small portion of animus to a single skeleton,
which can to a limited degree be controlled by the ML41+ The skeleton can be ordered to stand up and
caster. The basic spell only permits the restructuring of move (provided leg bones are present and intact).
a skeleton provided that the mage has touched one of Control is verbal, literal and very difficult; all
its component bones during casting (and that the bones skeletal actions are at 10% of the caster's
are not scattered or buried deeply). Assembly occurs appropriate skill ML.
during casting, and the skeleton will remain intact for
Duration. ML51+ Caster no longer need touch the skeleton
during casting in order to command it. The skull
In order to control and manipulate the skeleton, the of a skeleton animated without touch will serve as
mage must keep his attention upon it continuously. If the control-bone.
he is distracted, the animus will depart and the skeleton
disassembles. The skeleton must also remain within ML61+ Control is improved; all skeletal actions are at
line of sight or it will disassemble. 25% of caster's skill ML.

As the caster's proficiency with Benhart's Animus ML81+ Control is by instinct (or pseudo-telepathy) and
increases, he will be able to cause the skeleton to stand much improved; all skeletal actions are at 50% of
up, walk, and perhaps fight. However, since the caster's skill ML.
original spirit has long departed from the body from
which the skeleton was once a part, all activities of the ML91+ Control is as fine as possible; all skeletal
skeleton will be based on those of the mage who has actions are at caster's full skill ML. If caster is
animated it. Consequently, a skeleton animated by distracted, skeleton will not immediately
Benhart's Animus may find it difficult to use a weapon disassemble but will pause in its actions until he
and would resort to unarmed combat. returns his attentions to directing it, provided that
Duration has not expired.
Control of the skeleton is maintained through a
“control-bone”, typically the skull, though it may be
any bone touched during casting. This bone may be
identified by a small (two-inch diameter) black glowing
sphere which will be attached to it. Any bone to which
a direct link cannot be traced from the control-bone will
not join in when the skeleton assembles. For instance, if
the humorous (upper arm) were missing, the radius and
ulna (lower arm), wrist and hand bones would all
remain unconnected. Similarly, if any component bone
of the skeleton were smashed during Duration, all
bones which trace linkage to the control-bone through
the destroyed bone would all immediately fall from the
skeleton. (Obviously, the easiest to destroy an animated
skeleton is to smash the control-bone.) Effects may also
be reduced (GM discretion) if the skeleton is in poor Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5
condition. Time: (15-SI) x 30 Seconds
Range: Touch/ ML51+ SI Yards
Duration: MS: SI Minutes/CS: ML Minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Brennan's Living Eye (V)
(Author: Whitmire) Bonus Effects (None)

The spell is a two-phase ritual.

In the first phase, the caster (or the assistant) removes
an eye from a living victim by surgery. The eye can be
from any creature as long as it fits the eye socket. A
successful Physician roll is required to keep the eye
intact. The victim suffers a G5 injury to the Eye
In the second phase the caster (or the assistant) attaches
the eye to the target person by surgery. Again, a
successful Physician roll is required. The target person
suffers a G5 injury to the Eye location.
Immediately after this, the caster must cast the Living
Eye. If the spell is cast successfully, the target person
gains half of the victim's EYE after the wound has
healed. Thus, it takes a long time to discover if the spell
was successful or not.
If the roll was unsuccessful, the Living Eye is Indefinite
and can thus be dispelled! For every failed Physician
roll, the Living Eye loses d3 EYE and possibly suffers
from chronic eye diseases. A CS roll compensates for
one MF. A CF destroys the eye. A damaged or miscast
Living Eye must be removed by surgery (resulting in a
G5 Eye) before the spell can be attempted again!
CF effects include occasional blurring, changing
colours, temporary monochromasy, inverted vision,
untrue sightings, straying vision, possessed eyes,
flashbacks, dream episodes in the middle of the day,
and maddening visions of other realities - all this at the
worst possible times! Even successful castings may
result in these symptoms occurring. A CS casting
eliminates these drawbacks.
The target person may attain unusual abilities
depending on the eye that is used in the ritual, such as
night vision, but it may also have some unfortunate side
effects such as monochromasy. You should also
consider lowering ML for extraordinary (or weirdly
coloured) eyes. Such eyes will have drastic effects on
the character's social life.
At ML81+, the caster can also insert Dead Eyes, i.e.
eyes from dead victims. However, as their condition
starts to degrade rapidly, Dead Eyes are rarely as Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0
effective as Living Eyes. Deduct d3/d6 or more EYE Time: 10d6 minutes + 10d6 minutes + 10 seconds
from such eyes, depending on their state of Range: Touch
decomposition. This will also affect the characters ML! Duration: Permanent
Dead Eyes may allow the target person to catch
glimpses of spirits and other "dead people"

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Caladân's Portal (V) Cloak of Feathers (V)
(Author/Contributor: Panu Rissanen)
This spell will transform the caster into a crow. The
The spell creates an access way through wood, earth, transformation is complete in as much as it is a physical
stone or other “natural “material. The material is not transformation. The caster retains his/her intelligence,
displaced or “disappeared“; rather, a door is formed willpower, aura, psionics and spells (assuming they
which may be swung open. The door may have at most have no vocal components.)
a volume of SI (MS) or SI x 3 (CS) cubic feet. It cannot The effect is disgusting to watch, with the form melting
be detected by mundane means. The door created and shifting down into the body of a large, black crow.
cannot be opened by physical or mundane means. A The caster does not automatically gain the ability to
person must first attune to it (see Tome of the Shek- control his flight. Flight, like all skills - requires
Pvar 33); manual attunement is tested against Aura x 2. practice.
After attuning, the opener must test against (Will x 5)- The caster may return to his form at will, or at the end
(10 x Lock CL) to open the door. (Note: the creator of of duration.
the portal may use a personal key spell such as
Caladân's Key to open it.) The “lock“ complexity Level
is specified at time of casting and may be lower than or Bonus Effects
equal to the caster's Portal SI. If the door fails to open,
the opener must re-attune before he can again attempt ML86+ The transformation is hidden by a flash of light
to open it. If opening is successful, the door will swing and the time is instantaneous.
slowly shut and re-lock after 30 seconds, although it
may be easily pushed shut and locked in less than that
time. Preventing the door from closing requires a
successful test against Strength + Will by any one
person who is attempting to hold it open, every ten
seconds that the door is held open.

Bonus Effects

ML76+ Caster may specify that the door open on its

own when a specified condition taking less than fifteen
words to describe is met (e.g., “when struck by the light
of the sun on the summer solstice“).

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5

Time: (15-SI) x 4 minutes Time: (15-SI) x 3 seconds/ML86+ Instantaneous
Range: Touch Range: Self
Duration: Indefinite Duration: MS: SI x 30 minutes/CS: SI hours

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Dolan’s Enhancement (V) Foreas’ Arability (V)
(Author: Greg c/o Blair Wettlaufer)
This spell increases the arability of an area for one
This spell allows the caster to augment one of his season. Area is SI acres square. The spell must be cast
physical characteristics (STR, END, DEX, AGL, SPD). in winter before spring planting and then again on the
The effect allows the characteristic to be increased by 1 seeds that will be planted.
(CS: by 1d3). This also increases any skill using this
skill base by 5 per point increased. The basic spell can The caster must touch both the seeds and the land
only be cast (without an automatic CF) once at a time. several times during the casting. The spell will be
centered on the area the caster touches (radius
Bonus Effects
As a side effect, however, the land must be left fallow
ML41+ The spell may now be cast upon others, by in the following year else there is a 50% chance that the
Touch. land quality will go down by as much as it went up.

ML81+ The caster may now choose to increase one MS Land quality x 1.1
characteristic indefinitely by 1. This is subject to CS Land Quality x 1.25
dispelling, and can only be cast, again, once per
target, regardless of the characteristic increased.
Bonus Effects (None)
ML101+ The spell may now be cast cumulatively in
the basic form (not indefinitely).

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.5

Time: (15-SI) x 3 Minutes Time: (15-SI) x 2 hours
Range: Self/ML41+ Touch Range: Touch
Duration: SI Hours/ML81+ Indefinite Duration: 1 crop yielding cycle

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Foreas’ Purification (V) Hunter’s Senses (V)
This spell will cleanse a body of impurities; leaving This spell requires that the caster have a piece of the
only a clean form behind. This spell will remove animal whose senses he wishes to have. This may be a
hangovers as a result of toxins, as well as poisons from lock of fur (feather, scales, as is appropriate) or a
food, drink or animal/insect bites or stings. severed limb (part of the hide, bone ...). At low ML the
item must be attuned to the caster before it is of use.
Patients will go into a deep sleep for a serious problem
and sleep for up to 15-SI days on a MS and (15-SI)/2 Note: The object used for this spell has no link to the
days on a CS. The spell may only be cast once per animal (living or dead) and can not be used to see
person per duration of their sleep. The recipient will through the animal’s senses.
receive fatigue equal to that of the caster.
Upon success the caster gains the same bonus to his
Once duration is over, the victim must make a sense as the animal (as a race.) For example:
successful WILL x 3 test to awaken. If they fail, they
will have to try again tomorrow. Object is from Bonus to 1 Stat
Dog +SI to SM/T
Cat +SI to AGL
Bonus Effects (None) Hawk +SI to EYE
Horse +SI to END

The bonus remains in effect until the caster cancels the

spell, or duration, whatever comes first.

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Item need not be attuned to the caster for the

spell to function.

ML81+ Hunter’s Senses may be cast on other people.

Range is now Touch.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0

Time: (15-SI) x 30 seconds Time: (15-SI) x 2 minutes
Range: Touch Range: Self/ML81+ Touch
Duration: N/A Duration: MS: SI minutes/CS: ML minutes.

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Influence of Thelen (V) Ja-an's Shaft (V)
(Author: Brian Malcolm)
This spell controls and compacts a volume of earth and
This spell allows the caster to bring under her or his gravel under the casters control. 2 x SI cu.ft. of earth
command vegetable life forms, communicate with and gravel can be “compressed” to sandstone and
them, and these plants will obey instructions to the best stone. Volume compression factor is SI/2.
of their ability. The spell will influence vegetation in a
3 x ML square foot area. While the spell does not
endow the vegetation with new abilities, it does allow Bonus Effects (None)
the caster to command the plants to use whatever they
have in order to fulfill his or her instructions (vines
entwine, trees entangle, etc.).

Bonus Effects

ML71+ The natural inhabitants of the area of

vegetation affected may (with CS) also be affected by
the spell. This includes natural inhabitants, such as
squirrels, birds, rabbits, etc. They will be affected so
long as their willpower is less than the caster's index.
These creatures will also obey the caster's commands,
so long as they are within the confines of the spell's
area of effect.

ML96+ The vegetation within the area is given a slight

amount of animation; thus in an area affected by this
spell the trees might move; trails might disappear or
open up, vines are more vicious, trees might actually
grab a person, etc. The vegetation's power is greatest at
night, and especially nights of the full moon.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0

Time: 1 night (on full moon) Time: (15-SI) minutes.
Range: Touch Range: SI feet
Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Kynor's Ward (V) Maugrim's Animus (V)
(Author: Steve Barlett) (Authors: Robert Schmunk and Tim Prestero)

A spell to enchant wholly natural armor such as cloths, A major artifact power. This enchantment endows
kurbul, quilt and leather. The enchantment of armor is artificial and resident personalities with the ability to
expressed in terms of Enchantment Levels, each of move themselves. The object can only move where it
which reduces the impact of any strike upon it by one has joints, and it must have some rational means for
(see Armor protection under Combat). Levels of moving itself around. Animating a vase, for example,
enchantment which are successfully placed on armor will have somewhat less than spectacular results, as the
must be carefully noted. Kynor's Ward cannot be vase has no moving parts.
combined with any other enchantment and can be cast The ability to sense its environment must be supplied
only once on a single piece of armor. through some other means. Animus requires four points
The number of enchantment levels added to the armor of Ego/Will.
depends on the success level achieved and the SI of the If cast while the object is being made/grown, the
caster: duration is Permanent. Otherwise, the duration is
Indefinite. The spell grants a Strength of 1d6+SI, as
SI Marginal Success Critical Success well as a Dexterity, Agility, and Speed of 1d6+SI
0-5 Enchantment +1 Enchantment +1 where applicable. On a CS, one of those statistics is
6-8 Enchantment +1 Enchantment +2 raised to 2d6+SI, at the mage's choice. Due to the
9 Enchantment +2 Enchantment +3 nature of the animation, the Endurance statistic is not
10 Enchantment +2 Enchantment +4 applicable, as such entities will not get tired, and do not
11 Enchantment +3 Enchantment +5 feel injuries.
For purposes of initiative, etc, animated objects are
12 Enchantment +3 Enchantment +6
treated as having an END of 18. In the case of “real
spirits”, for example those captured or created with
If the caster rolls MF with Kynor's Ward, no
Soul Steal (or some variant), skill MLs are reduced,
enchantment is gained. If CF is rolled the armor is
first, as per ML Decline (Enriched Magic - Shek Pvar
destroyed. Duration is Indefinite if laid on an existing
28), depending upon the amount of time since the spirit
piece of armor, Permanent if laid as the armor is being
last had a body, and secondly, that new ML is reduced
an additional 10%, due to the spirit's unfamiliarity with
the new body. False Souls open skills at OML,
depending upon appropriate training.
Bonus Effects
The caster can animate up to SIxSIx10 pounds. With
regards to objects consisting of multiple pieces, say for
ML76+ Can be used on mostly natural armor. Such as
example, a skeleton, the caster must choose a “control
studded leather, or scale.
piece”, in which the personality is said to reside. If any
of the component bones of the example skeleton are
smashed during Duration, all bones which trace linkage
to the control piece through the broken bone will
immediately fall from the skeleton.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5
Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5
Time: (15-SI) x 2 hours
Time: (15-SI) hours
Range: Touch
Range: Touch
Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent
Duration: MS: Indefinite/CS: Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Salvation (V) Touch of Foreas (V)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
Turns a chosen limb of a target into wood, temporarily.
Target may continue to function as an undead for up to The victim is alive so long as up to 30% of the body
SI hours after death. If the body is healed and life mass remains unaffected. For every 5% below 30%, the
restored before the spell ends, they will return. Such a victim must make a successful ENDx3 test Vs Killing
return would require a mental conflict roll and a shock attack. The wood is green and does not burn easily and
roll as well as some use of magic. As an undead they tends to tear rather than break. Otherwise it has the
ignore pain, bleeding, and fatigue. Amputation is the armorment of wood (superior leather) and the mobility
only wound that has an impact. of a tree. The roots will elongate until they find soil to
sink into. The victim can be restored by either being
removed by the caster, or dispelled by other means. If
Bonus Effects (None) not removed/dispelled, the victim will revert to normal
flesh and blood in SI days. His state of being (alive or
dead) depends upon the success or failure of the test Vs
killing. If made permanent, the victim slowly looses his
intelligence and willpower - but not his aura at the rate
of 1 point per day. The tree (same height and mass as
the victim) will always appear magical and for the first
five years it will slightly resemble the victim. Each
successive year there after the tree will grow wider and
taller and loose its man-like shape over time. Assume it
is allowed to grow to will blossom and procreate
growing yearly as do all normal trees.

Bonus Effects

ML76+ 2 body parts may be affected (must be

adjoining) at caster’s discretion.

ML81+ 3 body parts may be affected (must be

adjoining) at caster’s discretion.

ML91+ 4 body parts may be affected (must be

adjoining) at caster’s discretion.

ML96+ The entire body may be affected at Caster’s


ML101+ Spell may be made indefinite (MS) or

Permanent (CS)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0

Time: (20-SI) minutes Time: (15-SI) Seconds
Range: One target Range: SI yards
Duration: SI watches (and SI hours after death) Duration: SI days/ML101+ Indefinite/Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Vat of Suspension (V) Animate Natural Objects (VI)
Enchants a vat of water mixed with sifted earth and Causes a single or group of objects in nature (e.g.
crushed plant material to allow one living being placed vines, branches, ropes, etc.) to respond to the caster’s
inside to enter a state similar to suspended animation. will (concentration required - under the caster’s direct
The target must be placed in the vat upon the control). Ropes can tie and untie themselves, vines can
completion of the spell, and loses all voluntary motion. wrap opponents, etc.
This can be uncomfortable for the subject, since the
subject is not unconscious while in the vat. While in the Area of effect: SI yards diameter sphere.
vat, the subject does not age, recover wounds, or spread Size of objects affected: up to (SI/4) inches in
infection. The spell requires 50 gallons of diameter on MS & (SI/3) inches in diameter on CS.
water/earth/plant mixture a day to sustain the body, or Strength: AP of object + (radius in inches) 2
the subject will drown. CF on the spell causes any
subject placed in the vat to drown.
Bonus Effects

Bonus Effects (None) ML51+ Range is SI Yards

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5

Time: (15-SI) Hours Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Touch Range: Touch/ML51+ SI yards
Duration: Indefinite Duration: MS: ML seconds/CS: SI minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Beast of Outlandish Size (VI) Bird (VI)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)
This spell causes any land animal to grow to SI/2 times
its normal size. This causes all physical attributes to be Caster takes bird form. The caster must know of and
raised by SI/2 seen the bird, plus handled a feather. The spell does not
teach flight so the first few uses may be awkward. At
e.g.: if the strength of a cat was 12, after the casting of low levels only large birds are possible. The basic spell
Beasts of Outlandish Size, his strength would be 12 x defaults to a bird appropriate in size and area. Only the
(SI/2). If the caster had a skill of 56 that would be 12 x caster and any focus are included in the spell.
(5/2) = 30!

The creature will have the same instincts, reactions and Bonus Effects
attacks as it did when smaller. Assume all armorment is
SI rankings above its current (usually leather or ML51+ Caster may select the bird form
ML61+ No longer requires handling a feather, seeing is
The creature will be confused for the first turn then enough
either flee or try to continue whatever it was doing
prior to the casting - which may include hunting the ML71+ Caster may end spell at will
ML81+ Caster may take 2 x SI pounds of fyvrian
This spell does nothing to effect the current mind set of material (clothes)
the best. If it was hungry before, or angry, or whatever,
it retains that same mind set. The spell in no way ML91+ All birds seen by the caster may be used
attunes the beast to the caster.

Removing the enchantment will return the creature to

its original size without harm.

On a CF the beast is killed. This spell may only be cast

once per duration on the beast.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5

Time: (13-SI) seconds
Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 Range: Self
Time: (15-SI) x 15 minutes Duration: MS: ML minutes/CS: Indefinite
Range: Touch
Duration: MS: SI hours/CS: SI x 3 Hours

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Bognor's Bliss (VI) Effervescent Earth (VI)
(Author: Aaron Kavli)
Spell moves up to 2 x ML lbs of earth (assume 100 lbs
This spell induces a paralyzing sleep in all creatures in per cu.ft.) at 2 x SI ft per round. Spell can move earth
range by activating the nervous process that shuts a up slope (of up to ML/2 degrees slope) more slowly (10
body down while sleeping. A Will x3/x5 (CS/MS) is x SI/slope).
allowed to resist the spell.

Once a victim is asleep, he is effectively paralyzed for Bonus Effects

the duration and cannot be awoken by any non magical
means as the nervous system cannot be overridden. ML41+ Effect can be applied to “mostly Earth” (80%
earth and mixed gravel)
Specific targets can be excluded at caster's whim.
ML61+ The volume is not “fixed” to a certain amount
of earth but may continue with any volume of earth.
Bonus Effects (None)
ML71+ Effect can be applied to “Somewhat Earth”
(50% earth and mixed gravel)

ML81+ Can be applied to Earth containing

miscellaneous objects (50% earth–50% object)
Objects contained in the earth can be “bubbled” up to
the surface.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5

Time: (25-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) x 30 sec.
Range: ML feet Range: SI feet
Duration: MS: 30min/CS: 1hour Duration: SI minutes

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Fiend of Foreas (VI) Healer’s Ring (VI)
This spell will animate any single plant. The size may This spell creates a ring SI yards across centered
vary from a small shrub to as large as the largest tree. around the caster. Every round, everyone in the ring
The living tree in unintelligent and follows the makes a healing roll for their wounds. The ring lasts as
telepathic instruction of the caster (caster must long as the caster concentrates. The caster suffers
concentrate.) The caster must remain in line of sight fatigue at the listed rate below per round.
and within ML feet. If the caster ceases concentration
then the spell is terminated. The tree can combat using The caster is excluded from the benefit. The ring has a
the following stats below: slight green glow to it and is visible to the naked it (and
blinding to those who have the psionic “Sensitivity.”) If
Tree str end spd mov agl dge Strike the ring is cast on grass, the grass will grow ¼ of an
Size inch every round. Stone will cover with lichens and
<5’ 7 10 12 60 12 60 95/4b
mosses, etc. This spell will benefit any life force it
5-10’ 12 20 9 45 9 45 85/8b comes into contact with - healing it up to its maximum
10-20’ 16 30 7 35 7 35 75/12b IP’s.
20-50’ 21 40 5 25 5 25 65/16b
50’+ 25 50 3 15 3 15 55/20b
Bonus Effects (None)
Injuries to the fiend are treated differently than human
wounds. The tree does not suffer fatigue or penalties
due to damage. Assume all hits to torso. Once points
exceed endurance the spell is broken.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0 per round

Time: (15-SI) seconds Time: (15-SI) x 5 minutes
Range: Touch Range: SI yards
Duration: SI minutes Duration: See above

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Ketherian’s Blessing of the Sun (VI) Pheydore’s Binding (VI)
(Author: Blair Wettlaufer)
This spell increase’s the target’s strength and endurance
based on the time of day: This enchantment ties the caster’s animus more tightly
to his physical form. This allows the caster to reduce
Time of Day Bonus Shock (and Shock Recovery) and Killing Rolls by 1d6.
This spell is indefinite and is subject to dispelling. If
From Dawn to Noon +1d3 this spell is cast more than once, it is subject to CF.
From Noon to Dusk +1d4
From Dusk to Dawn +1d2 Bonus Effects (None)

The enchantment may be cast at any point in the day or

night without penalty. While the enchantment lasts the
target’s strength and endurance will wax and wane
according to the table above. Double the effect for a
CS. A MF results in no noticeable effect. A CF results
in the opposite occurring, where all bonuses are applied
as negatives. The caster may negate the spell at any
Clouds or weather do not affect the strength bonus
developed, nor does the distance between the caster and
sunlight. The bonus works when underground, in
cellars or caves or even under water.
Weight is not modified as the enchantment provides
magical strength and endurance rather than muscular-
related abilities.
When the spell wears off the target must make a shock
roll equal to the bonus obtained on their endurance. If
they fail the shock roll, they will go unconscious.
The bonus does not apply to skills, only direct attribute
tests and damage bonuses.

Bonus Effects

ML61+ May be cast on one willing target.

ML71+ May be cast on one unwilling target.

ML81+ Double the effective bonus.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0

Time: (15-SI) x 20 seconds Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.0
Range: Self/ML61+ Touch Time: (15-SI) x 3 hours
Duration: MS: ML minutes/CS: ML days Range: Self
Duration: Indefinite

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Pheydore’s Recalcitrance (VI) Retardant Hand (VI)
(Author: Blair Wettlaufer) (Author: J.Watson)

This spell slows aging. A successful casting allows one This spell retards the natural growth and maturation of
year of aging over the next five. CS actually stops an immature creature touched by the caster. The spell is
aging for five years. The spell remains as an temporary unless the creature has been neutered. If the
enchantment on the caster, and may be dispelled, thus creature has been neutered the spell is indefinite. The
removing its effects. The caster may only cast this upon rate of retardation in growth and maturation depends on
himself. success: With the basic spell CS/MS: growth and
maturation is 1/4th normal and the spell is indefinite;
MF: no effect; CF: MS Verdant Hand (Fyvria/I). The
Bonus Effects (None) spell will not affect normal growth and ageing of
adult/sexual mature creatures. “Fade” (Fyvria/VI) with
ML51+ Range is Touch CS/MS will restore normal growth and maturation from
the developmental point at which it is cast successfully
if the spell is temporary. If the spell is indefinite “Fade”
must be (Fyvria/VII) to work. In any event Retardant
Hand fades when the effected creature enters puberty

1.Retardant Hand is used to increase the value of pretty
children intended for service as pleasure slaves. Boys,
intended as catamites, are usually gelded prior to the
casting of the spell and are usually enspelled at ages
seven to nine. Shek-Pvar regard the casting of this
spell, except on plants or animals for purposes of
research by those Viran having a license to do such
research, to be a violation of the first rule of the code.

2.If the creature has been gelded/neutered and the spell

is indefinite maturation stops at the apparent age of
about 18. If the creature receives the effect of a
Regenesis at a ML of 71+ then, once the Regenesis is
fully effective which will take at least 30 days after the
creature has reached the physiological age at which it
would normally have entered puberty, the spell is

3.If the spell becomes permanent the creature will, one

year after the spell is cast, start acquiring Sindarin
additions to its basic attributes. These attributes are
acquired at the rate of +1 for each eligible attribute per
year until, after four years of attribute accrual, all
attributes have received the maximum number of
Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.0 pluses. With the development of Sindarin attributes
Time: (15-SI) hours growth/ maturation will be at 1/4th normal for the first
Range: Self/ML51+ Touch four years, followed by eight years in which there will
Duration: Indefinite be no noticeable growth. Then growth will be at 1/8th
normal for the next year, 1/16th normal, the year after
that at 1/32nd, then 1/64th, 1/128th, and 256 more

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
years for the victim appear to be about eighteen years
old. Further effects after this point have not been In addition to those Viran licensed to do research some
studied. If “Fade” (Fyvria/VIII) is used to reverse the other Shek-Pvar are licensed to have this spell in their
permanent effects of the spell then there is an 10% Grimores for the sole purpose of being able to cast
chance after Retardant Hand has been in effect for more Fade upon victim's of temporary and indefinite
then one year, a 25% chance after Retardant Hand has enchantments.
been in effect for more then two years, a 50% chance
after Retardant Hand has been in effect for more then
three years, and a 95% chance after Retardant Hand has Bonus Effects
been in effect for more then four years that the effect of
a “Fade” Fyvria/VIII) will be to cause the victim to ML51+ Touch is no longer necessary.
start aging at 7 x the number of years that it has been
developing Sindarin attributes plus the number of years ML76+ If the affected creature has been gelded/
it has had fully developed Sindarin attributes. For neutered prior to the casting there is, with CS, 50%
example if a victim has developed and had Sindarin chance that the spell will become permanent. In case of
attributes for a total of ten years it has a 95% chance of gelding/neutering with MS the spell will be indefinite
aging 70 years in the year after “Fade” is cast. For this and growth/maturation with be 1/4th normal, and with
reason honorable Shek-Pvar will test victims of MF the spell will be temporary.
Retardant Hand very carefully before attempting a
“Fade” and if they believe that the spell has become ML96+ With CS if the affected creature has been
permanent they will not attempt a “Fade” on it. gelded/sexually neutered prior to the casting the spell
will be permanent. With MS, the spell has a 50%
In this case Regenesis does not dispel Retardant Hand chance of becoming permanent. With MF the spell is
although it does reverse the effects of temporary unless the creature has been gelded/neutered
gelding/neutering. Casting of Regenesis is at a penalty in which case the spell is indefinite with growth at
of EML/1 to 4 depending on the progression of the 1/4th normal. With CF the spell is temporary if the
Sindarin attributes. A second casting a year later is at creature has been gelded/neutered with growth at 1/2nd
an EML penalty of 50% of the first attempt. A third normal otherwise there is no effect.
casting a year after the second is without penalty. It is
best to wait a full year between castings to be sure the
previous attempts have failed. Having two regenesis
spells trying to do the same thing at the same time can
produce some very odd effects!

Spell History: This spell was first noted about TR 220

with one of the earliest known victims being Leoffled.
The spell is believed to have been developed by a
renegade Gray Viran named Egil. Most of the research
on this spell was done at the Fyrvian Chantry of
Gelimo in Melderyn. Among other creatures tested
were a number of cats, where effects seem to be similar
to those observed in humans. No solution has been
found for the accelerated aging effects but those cats
enchanted with permanent results four hundred years Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5
ago have matured to be adults but show no signs of old Time:
age as yet. It should be noted that in cat years these cats Range: See description above.
are about 3,500 cat years old and have long out lived Duration: Special, see spell description and notes
the original group of researchers. above.

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Ageless (VII) Nature's Embrace (VII)
(Author: Styrotdarquan) (Author: Aaron Kavli)

Caster ages 1 month over the next SI months. Spell This spell, simply put, kills animal life. It works by
requires a ten-day purification ritual (or the purification stopping all bodily functions needed to support life;
spell) using a natural spring, rest, and reflection prior to circulation, respiration, and brain function. If
casting. Caster may extend duration with a neutral successful, the target's body undergoes massive shock
spell. CS triples duration. and dies instantaneously. The victim is allowed a Will
x 4 to resist.

Bonus Effects (None)

Bonus Effects

ML61+ Target tests Will x 3.

ML81+ Target tests Will x 2.

ML96+ Target tests Will x 1 and the range is doubled.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 5.0

Time: (20-SI) hours plus prep time Time: (15-SI) seconds
Range: Self Range: SI yards/ML96+ SI x 2 yards.
Duration: SI months Duration: Instant

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Allen's Pass (VII)
(Author: J.Watson)
Bonus Effects
This spell befuddles anyone trying to track the caster in
the outdoors. ML26+ Touch no longer required. Range: SI x 5 yards.
Area of effect: SI x 5 yards.
The effects of the spell are to cause plants disturbed or
damaged by the passing of the caster and his party to ML51+ Range: SI x 10 yards. Area of effect: SI x 10
heal themselves. This effect is permanent on MS or CS yards.
by caster and has the effect of reducing the tracker's
ML to find the trail by the casters Mastery Level for ML76+ Specified creature(s) may be excluded from the
each turn between the time the spell was cast and the effect of the spell.
tracker attempted to track. Area of effect: index x 10

In addition for two turns after the spell was cast any
creature trying to track the caster or his/her party must
save versus their will or lose the trail. The tracker may
try to save versus his/her will by rolling against 3 x
Will. The effect of this save is determined as follows:

CS: Tracker is unaffected.

MS: Tracker accrues 3d6 fatigue points but can
continue to track on a successful 3d endurance check.
MF: Tracker accrues 4d6 fatigue points and must make
a successful 4d endurance check. If the check is made
the Tracker is confused for 1 x casters SI turns. Chance
of discovering correct trail following confusion or
recovery from fatigue is equal to tracker's Mastery
Level minus the number of rounds lost to fatigue and
confusion plus the number of rounds since the spell
was cast.
CF: Tracker accrues 6d6 fatigue points and must make
a successful 6d endurance check. If the check is made
the Tracker is confused for 3 x casters SI turns and the
tracker's chance of discovering correct trail following
confusion is equal to tracker's Mastery Level minus the
number of rounds lost to fatigue and confusion plus the
number of rounds since the spell was cast.

Note: The caster must be the last one to move through

the area of effect since the spell will not cover the
tracks of creatures that move through the area after the
spell is cast. Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.0
Range: Touch/ML26+ range as above
Duration: Permanent.

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Palithian Plague (VII) Polymorph of Foreas (VII)
This spell starts on a specific target and spreads a This incantation will turn the caster into a creature of
plague to the first human that touches/comes in contact his choice.
with the target. The plague has an incubation period of
d10-SI hours. The victim will remain contagious for Note: All clothing worn will fall uselessly to the ground
SI/2 (MS) or SI (CS) days. The plague’s effects strike and when the caster returns to his normal form he will
quickly. have nothing with him.

The effects follow: During the duration of this incantation the caster will
The victim must roll Vs 5 x END (MS)/4 x END (CS) have all the normal physical abilities of this creature
to see how quickly he succumbs. CS starts the plague at (except special unduplicable abilities i.e.: poison, color
H5, MS H4, MF H3 and CF H2. The effect starts in shifting, psionics, etc.) The caster may duplicate any
d10-SI days (MS)/d10-SI hours (CS.) mundane animal (including mammals, avian and
reptiles, but not insects nor micro-organisms.) from as
H6/H5: victim is -SI/4 to all stats and -ML/4 to all small as a mouse to as large as an elephant.
H5/H4: victim is -SI/3 to all stats and -ML/3 to all The caster must have seen the creature in the past to
skills. assume its form (pictures or drawings are not
H3/H2: victim is -SI/2 to all stats and -ML/2 to all sufficient) - roll 3 x INT for success.
H3/H2: victim is -SI to all stats and -ML to all skills. Due to the enormous physical strain involved the caster
If the victim reaches CS he has beat the plague and will will suffer 4d6 fatigue and make an E3 shock roll when
recover in SI days. If he reaches H0, he dies. Either returning to his normal form.
way the victim remains contagious for duration.

Bonus Effects (None)

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 5.0 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.5

Time: (15-SI) hours Time: (15-SI) minutes
Range: Line of Sight or 1 mile Range: Self
Duration: MS: SI days/CS: SI x2 days Duration: MS: SI x 30 minutes/CS: SI hours

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Refinement of Kestel (VII) Bognor's Infusion (VIII)
(Author: Casey McGirt) (Author: Aaron Kavli)

Removes long-term damage sustained by a being (such This spell is used to slowly change living, animal tissue
as permanent loss from a stat). A specific physical stat into vegetable matter. The amount of change is
must be chosen. After Duration, the being rolls 3d6 dependent on the success level. A Will x 3/x 5
(MS)/4d6 (CS) against their current stat. If the roll (CS/MS) is allowed by the target. Over the course of
equals or exceeds the current stat, it goes up a point, to the next (CS/MS) 10/20 minutes 5%/10% of the targets
a maximum of its initial value. This is a permanent tissue will change to a soggy, green vegetable matter.
increase, enhancing the body to repair itself. The center of the mass will be at a randomly
Recalculate affected SB's, but do not increase ML's (the determined location.
target must adjust to the bodily changes). The basic
spell will only restore stats that have been reduced by a The spell will allow a person to live and function up to
non-magical occurrence, such as injury or disease. a certain degree, but once 30% of a target's body has
During Duration, if the subject is subsequently affected been infused with vegetation, the body will not be able
by another Fyvrian spell, this spell is terminated to sustain normal life. At this point the victim will go
without effect. CF usually results in the target suffering into shock and then die. The vegetable matter will then
a physical disorder, or even further loss from the stat to consume the rest of the body at 10% per hour. At that
be restored. (Note that this spell works by restoring the point the body will live on as a plant.
target to their original potential. At high levels, it can
even allow them to reach the untapped capabilities their Note: while the effect is started by magic, the
body is capable of, but they have not been able to transformation is physically triggered and then a
reach.) biological change thus cannot be dispelled magically
once finished. A spell could be developed however to
change the vegetable tissue back to animal tissue.
Bonus Effects

ML41+ Can be used to restore stats lost from magical Bonus Effects (None)

ML76+ Can be used in an attempt to increase a

physical stat, rolling one less d6 to determine effect.
Note that CF in this case will usually result in the exact
opposite effect (stat loss).

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.5

Time: (15-SI) hours Time: (30-SI) seconds
Range: Touch Range: ML feet
Duration: (15-SI) x 3 days Duration: Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Bognor's Golem (VIII) Bwan's Cloak (VIII)
(Author: Aaron Kavli) (Author: Aaron Kavli)

This complicated spell allows Bognor to create a golem It allows the caster to transform their physical form into
of wood. The golem must remain connected to a tree that of a particular natural mammal between chosen
via a vine to keeps it's animus. Though a small bit of when the spell is opened. The form chosen must be in a
the caster's animus is placed in the golem but the vine weight range of 1/2 to all of the caster's weight.
must still hook to the tree. Part of the spell is to grow Discretion must be used; it has to be the natural form of
the wooden body from the tree trunk, though a victim the animal. A small bear or large dog is acceptable; a
of the previous spell takes just as long as it must be 80 pound mouse is not. Keep in mind most animals
attuned by the caster to accept the spell. don't have the vocal abilities to speak intelligibly.
The caster gains all of the animal's physical attributes
and skills, replacing his own even if worse. The caster
Bonus Effects (None) cannot use further magic or psionics while in animal
form and must remain in animal form for the duration
of the spell (unless dispelled externally). Casting time
includes the actual physical transformation which is
subtle, but disturbing to watch.

Bonus Effects

ML31+ The caster can return to human form at will,

which takes the same time as the transformation.

ML51+ The caster can choose any mammal form they

have seen, but must choose the form when the spell is
cast. It cannot be changed during the duration of the
spell. The caster can choose SI forms and cannot be
changed once selected.

ML61+ The caster has control enough of the spell to

prevent it from interfering with their psionic or magical
abilities. The caster may use magic and psionics in
animal form.
ML81+ The caster has no limit on the number of forms
they can assume with this spell. The caster can assume
any natural mammal form they have seen, from a
mouse to a moose.
ML91+ The caster can change into any sized natural
animal they have seen, mammal or otherwise. The size
is still restricted the animal's natural form (still no 80lb
mice!). Insects are not animals.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 4.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.5

Time: (15-SI) days Time: (15-SI) minutes (CS)/(15-SI) x 2 minutes (MS).
Range: Touch Range: Self.
Duration: Permanent Duration: MS: SI hours/CS: SI x 2 hours

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Bognor's Release (X) Bognor's Transmutation (XI)
(Author: Aaron Kavli) (Author: Aaron Kavli)

It is a somewhat sloppy spell, but can effectively This spell allows the caster to change one living
achieve any Fyvrian effect up to level VIII. The ML for creature into wood, earth, or stone. This is a powerful
the spell is 80 - (5 x level) of the appropriate effect. spell. Will x1 roll to resist.
This spell does channel pure principle into the world,
so any CF will result in total release. This could result
in anything from decaying everything nearby to causing Bonus Effects (None)
everything to grow or anything in between depending
on the desired effect. This spell requires a lot of GM on
the spot discretion.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 5.5 Fatigue: (15-SI) x 6.0

Time: Varied (2 x level sec/min/hours etc...) Time: (30-SI) seconds
Range: Varied Range: SI yards
Duration: Varied Duration: Indefinite/Permanent

Tome of the Ancient and Esoteric Mysteries of the Forces of Fyvria
Lycanthrope (XV)
(Author: Styrotdarquan)

Caster must have two targets for this spell. The human
and a target animal. Both are placed together and the
human must be willing (or the will broken). The targets
are then merged into an intermediate form. The
dominant personality will be able to shift from one
form to another or to the intermediate form. The exact
abilities of the intermediate form will be worked out be
the GM. The lycanthrope will heal at 5 x normal rate,
and have the combined strength of both.

Bonus Effects (None)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 8.0

Time: (20-SI) hours
Range: Two targets
Duration: Permanent


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