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GDP and GNP:

a) GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which is a term widely used in
economic, political, and macroeconomic fields. This is one of the basic indicators to
reflect the results of production and business activities, to reflect the scale and growth
rate of economic development of a certain area. GDP is defined as gross domestic
product. It is calculated by the total market value (or monetary value) of all final
products, goods or services (excluding intermediate goods) produced in the scope of
national territory for a certain period of time (usually a year). In addition, goods and
services produced by that country include tangible goods (cars, buildings, etc.) and
services (haircuts, car wash ...) excluding products. products manufactured and sold in
the underground economy such as pharmaceuticals, illegal cosmetics, and products
manufactured in the past. Moreover, GDP consists of nominal GDP and real GDP and is
calculated using various methods.
For example: According to a report released by the General Statistics Office, in 2019,
Vietnam's gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 7.02%, exceeding the target
assigned by the National Assembly in the range of 6.6-6.8%. GDP scale of Vietnam
increased to about 266.5 billion USD, average reached 2,786 USD / person. Some sectors
performed higher than the estimated number, such as agriculture, forestry and fishery
increased by 2.01%, industry and construction by 8.9%, service by 7, 3%. In addition, the
processing and manufacturing industries increased by 11.29% and the market service
industries all increased (commodity trading increased by 8.82% ...). Moreover, the total
export and import turnover of goods has exceeded 500 billion USD. Therefore, in 2019,
Vietnam's economic situation had a positive change.
b) GNP is an abbreviation of Gross National Product, created by the United
Nations to evaluate the economic development of a certain country. Moreover, GNP is
defined as gross national product or gross national output, calculated as the sum of the
monetary value of services, goods, and final products (products that are sold directly and
not through intermediate products) that all citizens of a country produce together at home
and abroad for a period of one year (fiscal year). Besides, GNP includes nominal GNP,
real GNP and also per capita GNP.
For example: Along with Vietnam's positive GDP in 2019, Vietnam's GNP also
has many changes. Total GNP of Vietnam is expected in 2019 to be 249.99 billion
USD because there are many registered companies with a capital of 1.73 million
billion VND, an increase of 5.2% in the number of businesses and besides. an
increase of 17.1% in registered capital.

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