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B. Sc.

IT Healthcare & BCA 2nd Semester Preliminary Examination Summer 2021

Sub – Data Structure and Algorithm
Paper - II
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Max. Marks 70

 Number to the right indicates marks.
 Draw neat diagrams, wherever necessary.
 Use single answer book for answering both sections.

BAQ - 2 Marks each

1. State the major operations performed on Data Structure

2. List down the application of Stack
3. What are the characteristics of Algorithm?
4. What is Infix Expression?
5. Define DEqueue.
6. What is priority queue?
7. What is the complexity for Selection sort?
8. Give the Memory Representation of a doubly linked list
9. Draw the structure of Circular Doubly Linked List.
10. Define Red Black Tree.

SAQ - 5 Marks each

1. What is asymptotic notation? Also discuss time and space complexities with an
2. Convert the following infix expression into postfix notation. Denote the stack used for it. A+
(CB-C*D)/E) + F-G/H
3. What is hashing? Explain division method of hashing to store the following values in hash table.
4. Explain the Algorithm to add a node at front for doubly link list.

LAQ - 15 Marks each

1. Write short notes on:-
a. Big O Notation
b. Circular queue.
c. Priority queue
2. Explain the Algorithm for BFS and DFS also find out DFS traversal of the following graph
starting at node

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