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Field Study 2

Learning Episode 4
Management Plan

Field Study 2 – Learning Episode 4

Philosophical Statement

I believe that there are unchanging values in changing

times and these must be passed on to every student by
modeling, value inculcation and value integration in my lessons.
My task as a teacher is to facilitate the development of every
student to the optimum and maximum

Classroom Rules and Procedure

• Respect and listen to the teacher and raise your hand to speak
• Respect others’ property and keep your workspace tidy
• Always do your best
• Use equipment properly
• Finish your homework on time
• Have a good attitude and use positive language
• Be respectful of others’ ideas
• Follow the teacher’s directions the first time they are given.
Keep the Classroom quiet and clean.

Teacher-Student Relationship
✓ Maximize success for every student
✓ Create constructive classroom environment
✓ Provide positive feedbacks appropriately
✓ Treat students with respect
✓ Having high expectations for the students

Field Study 2 – Learning Episode 4

Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangement
✓ Having well-ventilated classroom.
✓ Give available area for enrichment activities
✓ Well-arranged tables and chairs
✓ Applying creative design in classroom that makes the
classroom interactive
✓ Have proper spaces for documents and files and for
Instructional Materials.

Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures

✓ Having directions to be followed.
✓ Follow the directions accordingly
✓ Do just one thing at a time.
✓ Keep the workspace clean and free of danger.
✓ Always secure your belongings.
✓ Clean up the area after an activity.
✓ Have an emergency kit
✓ Stay alert always

Schedule and Timeframe

✓ Efficient use of time in the entire lesson
✓ Structuring plans for the assignments and activities to be
✓ Setting priorities of the important tasks to be accomplished
✓ Set your goals.

Strategies for Rewards and Consequences

✓ Use consequences appropriately
✓ Explain the consequences and rewards
✓ Understand what to reward
✓ Have positive communication
✓ Understand the consequences

Field Study 2 – Learning Episode 4

What salient components have you noted?

I noticed that the classroom rules and procedures lay out the
expectations for students' behavior. Another component that
contributes to a better teaching-learning process is a pleasant
classroom environment. To be a productive individual, instructors and
students must be able to manage their time effectively. Determining
reinforcement, rewards, and consequences can encourage people to
work harder and make better decisions for future activities.

Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your

classroom management plan?

In order for students to be accountable for any activity that they

engage in, a classroom management plan must be implemented. It
reduces generally pro student misconduct. It also allows teachers to
see what works and what doesn't in the classroom.

What were your realizations after creating your classroom/
remote learning management plan?
I realized that all the factors aside from teaching is important. From
considering the time, environment, approaches, and also
understanding the behavior of the students. It is for us to be organized
and avoid problems and misused spaces and time inside the
classroom. Giving the students also opportunities to make them learn
with proper management and well-friendly environment encourages
progressive learning process to students.

Field Study 2 – Learning Episode 4

Field Study 2 – Learning Episode 4

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