Your Answers 11. 12. 13. 14. 15

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Part 3.

For questions 11-15, listen to an interview with a famous scientist, Marcus

Goran, and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you
hear. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
11. Marcus says that in order to make ground-breaking discoveries, scientists need
A. to set themselves ambitious targets
B. to find satisfaction in the process itself
C. to keep minor achievements in perspective
D. to accept that few will share their passions
12. Marcus implies that high-quality science occurs when scientists _____.
A. have confidence in their predictions
B. are able to avoid potential disasters
C. face challenges in the hope of making significant advances
D. go through with what they have already planned
13. Marcus uses the metaphor of the painter to show that _____.
A. science is a cumulative process.
B. science is only partially creative.
C. science requires a critical audience.
D. science requires both skill and vision.
14. Why does Marcus liken ground-breaking science to rock-climbing?
A. Each involves working without much support.
B. A great deal is expected of participants in both.
C. Both require a high level of specialised training.
D. Each involves a comparable set of procedures.
15. What does Marcus feel about rules in science?
A. Most of them remain to be discovered.
B. Some have been formulated prematurely.
C. Too much emphasis is placed on them.
D. Some are too complicated to be useful.
Your answers
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4. For questions 16-25, listen to a talk about recent medical breakthroughs and
supply the blanks with the missing information. Write NO MORE THAN THREE
WORDS taken from the recording for each answer in the space provided.
Inspired by a new type of bacteria that can 16.______________________, Professor
Simone Schuler and her team could effectively control the transport of liquids which
takes place within the 17.______________________. This breakthrough paves the way
for more targeted drug delivery in the human body, something that is still
18.______________________ her as she confesses.
By embedding a unique 19.______________________ into a miniature soft robot,
Professor Martin can create a type of robot with different 20.______________________.
This milestone in robotics could be further applied to complex medical purposes such as
21._____________________ and the process of administering pharmaceutical
compounds or circulating fluids.
Associate Professor Michelle Monje has discovered that brain tumors wire into a network
of 22._____________________, leading to what is called 23._____________________
which plays a crucial role in the development of certain brain cancers.
A scientist in Helsinki has come up with a novel idea to spot tumours in the body by
24._____________________ viruses, thereby tricking the immune system into thinking
that tumours are infections and activating 25._____________________ to respond.

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