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Roselyn R.



Practice task 1: guess what?

1. Muscular Endurance
2. Flexibility
3. Cardiovascular Fitness
4. Body Composition

Practice task 2:
Example of recreational activities Values learned

Practice task 3: what’s more?


Recreational activities enrich our lives in so many ways. Consider all of our favorite activities and how they
make life better.As we age or become sick, it may be difficult to enjoy favorite activities. Illness or injury can
make it difficult to perform tasks that were effortless in the past. Failing eyesight, shaking hands and the
inability to concentrate make pastimes frustrating. Perhaps a peer group that was associated with an activity is
no longer around. Social isolation can be an unintended result of later life.
The recreational activities l always perform together with my family are board game, badminton, watching
a movie, walking and playing with pets. Setting apart time to engage in leisure time activities with my family
is one of the best ways to bring down stress and unwanted worries. This also builds stronger bonds among us .
The care, attention, and security that you get within us together will help me to decide how happy l am. This
will, in turn, add to my overall health and well-being.
People who continue to work like a machine each and every day with no recreational activities are likely to
be stressed and drained out in no time and this will stop them from achieving their plans and goals. Engaging
in recreational activities with my family on a regular basis will bring down tensions and stress and help me to
maintain a proper balance in my lives.

Module 2: Polarity Of Molecules

Cooking oil
Brown sugar
Lamp gas
Soy sauce
Disposable plastic cups
Food coloring

III. 1. Mix atleast 50 mL or 5 tablespoon each substance in every set up below.
Set Up Amount of substance to be mixed
A 5 tbsp. Water + 5 tbsp. gas
B 5 tbsp. Water + 5 tbsp. Vinegar
C 5 tbsp. Water + 5 tbsp soy sauce
D 5 tbsp. Water + 5 tbsp. Cooking oil
E 5 tbsp. Water + ½ tbsp. Sugar
F 5 tbsp. Cooking oil + ½ tbsp. Sugar
G 5 tbsp. Cooking oil + 5 tbsp. Gas
H 5 tbsp. Cooking oil + 5 tbsp. Vinegar
I 5 tbsp. Cooking oil + 5 tbsp. Soy sauce
J ½ tbsp. Sugar + 5 tbsp. gas
K ½ tbsp. Sugar + 5 tbsp. Vinegar
L ½ tbsp Sugar + 5 tbsp. Soy sauce
M 5 tbsp. Gas + 5 tbsp. Vinegar
N 5 tbsp. Gas + 5 tbsp. Soy sauce
O 5 tbsp. Vinegar + 5 tbsp. Soy sauce

IV. 2. Stir the mixture. Observe of the substances are miscible or immiscible. If you are using only one spoon or stirrer
throughout the mixture, remember to wash and dry them after every use. Write your observations in the table below.

Observations: Check (✓) the appropriate column for your observation on the miscibility of both liquids.
Combination of Substances Solubility ( Miscibility of both liquid)
Miscible/Soluble Immiscible/Insoluble
Water + gas
Water + Vinegar
Water + Soy sauce
Water + Cooking Oil
Water + Sugar
Cooking Oil + Sugar
Cooking Oil + Gas
Cooking Oil + Vinegar
Cooking Oil + Soy Sauce
Sugar + Gas
Sugar + Vinegar
Sugar + Soy Sauce
Gas + Vinegar
Gas + Soy Sauce
Vinegar + Soy Sauce

V. Answer the following guide questions:

1. What substances are polar? Nonpolar? Group them in the table below.
Polar Substances Nonpolar substances
(Substances that dissolves in water) (Substances that dissolves in oil)

2. Based on the activity, how would you explain the phrase “Like dissolves like " using the
concept of polarity and solubility?
VI: Documentations:
Prepared by:

Roselyn Lucido
Gabriel Nario

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