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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur-603 203.





M.E (Communication Systems)



Prepared by,

Dr.J.Mohan, Associate Professor

Mr.S.Senthilmurugan, Asst. Prof.(Sel.G)

Department of ECE

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OSI Network Management Model-Organizational Model-Information Model, Communication
Model. Abstract Syntax Notation - Encoding Structure, Macros Functional model CMIP/CMIS
Questions Domain
No. Level
1 Define the principle and functions of OSI network management. BTL 1 Remembering
What is the need for communication model in OSI network
2 BTL 1 Remembering
Outline an ASN.1 module that specifies days of week as SEQUENCE
3 BTL 2 Understanding
type with each day of the week (day1, day2...) as the type of visible string.
Mention the basic structure of an ASN.1 macro along with an example
4 BTL 1 Remembering
object identity macro.
Draw the structure of an Abstract Syntax Notation One macro and list
5 BTL 2 Understanding
the five functional models of network management.
6 Classify the ASN.1 data types, with neat diagram. BTL 1 Remembering
Summarize two – tier and three – tier network management organization
7 BTL 2 Understanding
8 Derive the network configuration with data and information base. BTL 2 Understanding
9 Write a note on management information trees. BTL 1 Remembering
10 Identify some examples that can be stored in MIB. BTL 3 Applying
11 Predict how managed objects are represented in the internet model? BTL 3 Applying
12 Mention the features of communication model. BTL 1 Remembering
13 List the features of CMIS. BTL 4 Analyzing
How network configuration is required for RMON to function? List all
14 BTL 4 Analyzing
the object of RMON under MIB.
15 Explain briefly about BER. BTL 3 Applying
16 Develop the TLV Encoding structure. BTL 6 Creating
17 Examine the two tier network management organization model. BTL 4 Analyzing
18 Compare between CMIS/CMIP and SNMP. BTL 5 Evaluating
19 Assess the characteristics of proxy server organizational model. BTL 5 Evaluating
20 Formulate the general syntax for MIB module structure. BTL 6 Creating
1 Discuss about the OSI network management organizational model and
BTL 2 Understanding
information model with neat diagram. (13)
2 (i) Define communication model with an example. (5)
BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) Write short notes on encoding structure and Macros. (8)
3 Describe how network operations are used in various management
BTL 4 Analyzing
applications. (13)
4 (i) Explain the organizational model of OSI network in detail. (6)
(ii) Analyze the basic encoding rule; encode the data defined as BTL 4 Analyzing
5 Illustrate the management information model of network. (13) BTL 2 Understanding
6 Explain the conceptual view of managed object. (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
7 Identify the terminology, symbols and conventions of ASN.1. (13) BTL 3 Applying
8 Construct about the data types used to describe objects in the context of
BTL 3 Applying
SMI and MIB. (13)
9 Elaborate the applications of macros of ASN.1 with an example. (13) BTL 6 Creating

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10 Discuss in Detail about the SNMP Network Management Architecture.
BTL 2 Understanding
11 Write short notes on :
(i) Management Information tree (6) BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) Managed object perspective (7)
12 What is Remote Monitoring? Explain the relationship between control Remembering
and data tables. (13)
13 Evaluate in detail about ASN.1 with reference to the terminology,
BTL 5 Evaluating
symbols and conventions. (13)
14 Briefly explain about :
(i) Network management models. (8) BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) MACROS (5)

1 A high school class consists of four boys and four girls. The names of
the boys with their heights are Adam (6.5), Chang (6.3), Eduardo (7.2)
and Gopal (6.2). The names of the girls are Beth (6.8), Dipa (5.9), Faye
(6.1), and Ho (6.4). For each of the following cases, write an ASN.1
description for record values by selecting appropriate data types. Start
with data type student info, listing information on each student.
(i) A random list of the students. (3) BTL 6 Creating
(ii) A list of students in alphabetical order. (3)
(iii) Sorted line up of students with increasing height (3)
(iv) Any one student to be a class representative to the faculty meeting.
(v) Two groups, one for boys and other for girls. (3)

2 Consider a network of multivendor network components. Hubs are

made by Cabletron and are managed by Cabletron’s Spectrum NMS
(Network management System). Routers are made by Cisco and
managed by CiscoWorks NMS. The entire network is managed by
BTL 5 Evaluating
general purpose NMS such as HP Openview Network Node Manager.
Draw a two tier and three tire management network that performs
configuration and fault management. Explain the rationale for your
configuration. (15)
3 (i) Summarize in detail about list and ordered list in ASN.1 syntax. (5)
(ii) Identify the differences between them. (5)
BTL 5 Evaluating
(iii) Differentiate between list construction and repetitive construction
using examples. (5)
4 Compile the difference between the data base of a network management
system and its MIB. How do you implement each in a network BTL 6 Creating
management system? (15)


Broadband Networks and Services, ATM Technology-VP, VC, ATM Packet, Integrated Service,
ATM LAN Emulation, Virtual LAN, ATM Network Management - ATM Network Reference
Model, Integrated Local Management Interface, ATM Management Information Base, Role of
SNMP and ILMI in ATM Management, M1, M2, M3, M4 Interface. ATM Digital Exchange
Interface Management.

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Q. BT Domain
No. Level
1 Draw the structure of ATM cell header. BTL 1 Remembering
2 Find the relationship between data and telecommunication networks? BTL 1 Remembering
Calculate the efficiency of transmission to transmit:
(a) An Ethernet packet of 1,500 bytes (including the overhead with
3 BTL 6 Creating
6-byte addresses )
(b) An equivalent data using ATM cells.
4 Justify the role of SNMP in ATM management? BTL 5 Evaluating
5 Formulate the potential services of broad band networks. BTL 6 Creating
6 Explain ATM Packet Size. BTL 2 Understanding
7 Outline ATM LANE. BTL 4 Analyzing
8 List the functions of fault management? BTL 1 Remembering
9 How will you measure the performance of ATM MIB? BTL 4 Analyzing
10 Mention the functions of configuration management. BTL 2 Understanding
11 Define the term VPC. BTL 1 Remembering
12 Discuss the purpose of M2 interface. BTL 3 Applying
What type of interface is observed in customer network management
13 BTL 1 Remembering
of a public network?
14 Discover how subnetwork connection management is employed? BTL 3 Applying
Distinguish between Accounting management and Performance
15 BTL 4 Analyzing
16 Determine the need of MPLS network? BTL 5 Evaluating
17 Where M1 interface is employed? BTL 1 Remembering
18 Compare Configuration management and Fault management. BTL 2 Understanding
19 Identify the functional security requirements for M4 Interface. BTL 3 Applying
20 Summarize ATM digital exchange interface management. BTL 2 Understanding
1 Describe in detail about:
BTL 2 Understanding
(i) ATM network reference model. (8)
(ii) ATM protocols (5)
2 With neat sketch and explain ATM network reference model and
BTL 1 Remembering
ATM management information base (13)
3 Explain about the ATM technology and Virtual path and virtual
BTL 4 Analyzing
circuit. (13)
4 Demonstrate the need of customer network management of a public
BTL 3 Applying
network management. (13)
5 When communication between the ATM switches is broken, what type
BTL 4 Analyzing
of Mx interface to be used? Explain. (13)
6 Write short notes on the following ATM technology.
(i) Virtual Path –Virtual Circuit (5) BTL 1
(ii) WAN/SONET (4)
(iii) ATM Packets & Integrated Service (4)
7 Analyze with neat diagram, Explain protocol architecture of an ATM
BTL 4 Analyzing
LANE with an Ethernet LAN. (13)

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8 Briefly explain the different broadband access technology and ATM
BTL 2 Understanding
management information base. (13)
9 Compile with neat sketch
(i) ATM network reference model (5) BTL 6 Creating
(ii) M2 Interface. (8)
10 Demonstrate with neat sketch
(i) Layered Architecture of LAN Emulation across ATM. (7) BTL 3 Applying
(ii) LAN Emulation Client connection across LUN1. (6)
11 Write a brief note on Broadband Network management and Services.
BTL 1 Remembering
12 (i) Determine the role of SNMP and ILMI in ATM management. (8)
BTL 5 Evaluating
(ii) Evaluate the need of M3 interface and M4 interface? (5)
13 Discuss the principle of ATM digital Exchange Interface
BTL 2 Understanding
management. (13)
14 (i) Define the features of Virtual LAN in detail. (8)
BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) What is the role of ILMI in ATM management? (5)
1 The communication between two ATM switches is broken in a
private ATM network. You are troubleshooting the problem from a
network management station.
(i) What Mx interfaces would you use. Justify the answer. (8) BTL 5 Evaluating
(ii) What interfaces MIB would you use from your NMS station to
isolate the problem. What MIB objects would you propose for this
interface? (7)
2 Elaborate with a neat diagram, explain ATM LAN Emulation network
by using layered architecture, and discuss the generic troubles in ATM BTL 5 Evaluating
elements. (15)
3 Compile the following interfaces,
(i) Integrated Local Management Interface (5)
BTL 6 Creating
(ii) Management of ATM Network Element (5)
(iii) Management of a Private Network. (5)
4 A customer network management is used to look at the QoS classes
associated with VCIs across an ATM link interface. What three MIB
BTL 6 Creating
groups and objects are used to collect the information? Describe the
relationship between them. (15)


SNMPv1 Network Management: Communication and Functional Models. The SNMP
Communication Model, Functional model. SNMP Management SNMPv2: Major Changes in
SNMPv2, SNMPv2 System Architecture, SNMPv2 Structure of Management Information, The
SNMPv2 Management Information Base,SNMPv2 Protocol, Compatibility With
SNMPv1.Configuration management, Fault management, Performance management, Event
Correlation Techniques 168 security management, Accounting management, Report Management,
Policy Based Management, Services Level Management.
Questions Domain
No. Level
1 Define the principles of Policy Management. BTL 1 Remembering
2 Does SNMPv1 use TCP or UDP? BTL 2 Understanding

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3 Explain the SNMP communication protocol. BTL 2 Understanding
4 Conclude how the SNMP used to manage the networks? BTL 6 Creating
5 Outline the SNMP operations for system group. BTL 1 Remembering
List out the access policy of SNMP Community paired with Community BTL 1 Remembering
7 Describe Proxy Access Policy of SNMPv2 Protocol. BTL 4 Analyzing
8 What is trap? List their types. BTL 1 Remembering
9 Compare Conceptual base table and an Augmented table in SNMPv2. BTL 5 Evaluating
10 Compile the major challenges of SNMPv2 protocol. BTL 6 Creating
11 Estimate different security model of SNMPv2 protocol model. BTL 5 Evaluating
12 Identify the objectives of service level management. BTL 3 Applying
13 Draw the message sequence diagram of Encapsulated SNMP. BTL 3 Applying
14 Write event correlation techniques in security management. BTL 1 Remembering
15 Inspect the FCAPS in network management? BTL 4 Analyzing
16 List OBJECT-GROUP of SNMP protocol. BTL 1 Remembering
17 Examine the purpose of having the FCAPS model? BTL 2 Understanding
Discover the fault management and list the process steps in fault
18 BTL 3 Applying
19 Infer the report management and categories the Reports. BTL 2 Understanding
20 Distinguish between SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 Protocols. BTL 4 Analyzing
1 Analyze the Communication and Functional Models of SNMPv1
BTL 4 Analyzing
Network management. (13)
2 Draw the SNMP Architecture and Explain Administrative Model of
BTL 1 Remembering
SNMPv2. (13)
3 Construct the Administrative model for SNMP Community and
BTL 6 Creating
Community Profile. (13)
4 Explain briefly about access policy and administrative model of SNMP v2
BTL 3 Applying
Network management. (13)
5 Summarize the following terms used in network management protocols
(i) SNMPv2 Internet Group (7) BTL 3 Applying
(ii) Create-and-Go Row Creation (6)
6 Write in detail about performance and security of SNMPv2 Network
BTL 1 Remembering
management systems. (13)
7 Inspect the main characteristic of a peer to peer SNMPv2 network? (13) BTL 2 Understanding
8 Discover the following network management models used for SNMPv1
over SNMPv2. (13)
(i) Report Management, BTL 4 Analyzing
(ii) Policy Based Management, and
(iii) Services Level Management.
9 Explain in detail about the following management systems (13)
(i) Configuration management,
BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) Event Correlation Techniques,
(iii) Accounting management.
10 Discuss the services of SNMPv1 over SNMPv2. (13)
(i) Services Level Management,
BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Fault management,
(iii) Performance management.

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11 Demonstrate the Functional model and SNMP Structure of Management
BTL 5 Evaluating
Information over SNMP v2. (13)
12 Briefly explain Event Correlation Techniques 168 security management
BTL 2 Understanding
of SNMPv1 protocol. (13)
13 Write Standardized format for all messages of SNMPv2 PDU. How to
BTL 1 Remembering
Improve the efficiency and performance of data transmission. (13)
14 Analyze the ISO defined Network Management functions with neat
BTL 4 Analyzing
block diagram. (13)
1 Conclude that the following protocols are generalized function of
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2. Get-Bulk-Request: Generic MIB, Get-Next- BTL 5 Evaluating
Request Operation of SNMPv2 protocol. (15)
2 Measures the following protocols which are formulated in the network
management services.
BTL 6 Creating
(i) SNMPv2 PDU Format, (8)
(ii) SNMP Protocol operations (7)
3 Formulate the network management of SNMP Configuration
management, Fault management, Performance management, Accounting BTL 5 Evaluating
management, Report Management. (15)
4 Develop SNMPv1 management model Community Profile, Access
BTL 6 Creating
Policy, Event Correlation Techniques 168 security management (15)


Network Management Tools, Network Statistics Measurement Systems, History of Enterprise
Management, Commercial Network management Systems, System Management and Enterprise
Management Solutions.
Questions Domain
No. Level
1 List out the network management tools. BTL 1 Remembering
2 Discover the system monitoring tools? BTL 3 Applying
3 What is the best free network monitoring tool? BTL 1 Remembering
4 Draw the parts of network management system. BTL 2 Understanding
5 Determine the fault Identification network management tool. BTL 4 Analyzing
6 Outline the OSI model organization management. BTL 1 Remembering
7 Analyze the functions of Protocol Analyzer. BTL 4 Analyzing
8 Write the function of SNMP network. BTL 2 Understanding
9 Elaborate the network statistics management objects. BTL 5 Evaluating
10 Measure in details of Management information Base. BTL 6 Creating
11 Inspect how to measure network usage? BTL 3 Applying
12 Outline the management solutions of traffic sizing. BTL 2 Understanding
13 Identify the Status-Monitoring Tools in Network Management. BTL 3 Applying
14 Illustrate the list of network software tools BTL 6 Creating
15 Whether Jira is a content management system? Describe. BTL 2 Understanding
16 Evaluate the networks ECM developer tool? BTL 5 Evaluating
17 What does Enterprise Management mean? BTL 1 Remembering
18 Discover the enterprise management system? Write the system BTL 4 Analyzing

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management tools?
19 Name the general Principles and limitations of SMI. BTL 1 Remembering
20 Show the types of enterprise systems. BTL 1 Remembering
1 Describe four critical aspects of a network management software tools. BTL 3 Applying
2 Explain the network management architecture and how the SNMP to be BTL 2 Understanding
satisfied with ISO standards. (13)
3 Inspect the following network management systems BTL 4 Analyzing
(i)Two tier organization model. (7)
(ii)Three tire organization model. (6)
4 Describe in detail about manager of managers (MoM). (13) BTL 2 Understanding
5 Draw and explain Simple Network Management Protocol for Enterprises BTL 1 Remembering
management. (13)
6 Measure how the Single authentication and privacy protocol are used in BTL 5 Evaluating
network management. (13)
7 Write detail about Access and objective of SNMP protocol management BTL 2 Understanding
system in commercial network management. (13)
8 Describe in detail about the following terms (13)
(i) EGP Group (ii). Interface group Remembering
(iii). Addresses Translation group (iv) IP Group
(v) ICMP Group (vi) TCP Group (vii) UDP group
9 Identify and explain MIB-II - Object identifier allocation for TCP/IP- BTL 3 Applying
based network management Systems. (13)
10 List out the difference between the Internet vs. OSI Managed Objects BTL 1 Remembering
11 Examine in detail about Enterprise resource plan in system management.
BTL 4 Analyzing
12 Discover the monitoring functions of Network Statistics Measurement
BTL 4 Analyzing
System with neat sketch. (13)
13 Compose System Management and Enterprise Management Solutions BTL 6 Creating
with an example. (13)
14 Explain the following network management techniques Management BTL 1 Remembering
Tools, Statistics Measurement Systems, History of Enterprise. (13)
1 Compare System and Application Management with an Enterprise BTL 5 Evaluating
Management. (15)
2 Discuss in detail about Enterprise Management types with neat sketch. BTL 6 Creating
3 Formulate the MIB-II - Object identifier allocation for TCP/IP-based BTL 5 Evaluating
network management Systems. (15)
4 Compile the following measurement of network statistics. (15) BTL 6 Creating
(i) Traffic Load
(ii) Protocol
(iii) Data and Error

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NMS with Web Interface and Web-Based Management, Web Interface to SNMP Management,
Embedded Web-Based Management, Desktop management Interface, Web-Based Enterprise
Management, WBEM: Windows Management Instrumentation, Java management Extensions,
Management of a Storage Area Network
Questions Domain
No. Level
1 What is fault management in web based network management system? BTL 1 Remembering
2 What are the challenges faced by web based NMS? BTL 3 Applying
3 List the goals of web interface. BTL 1 Remembering
4 Compare Web interface and Web management. BTL 2 Understanding
5 How does the HTTP protocol play with web interface NMS? BTL 2 Understanding
6 Write the objectives of Embedded Web based managements. BTL 1 Remembering
Analyze how the data to be pushed into application HTTP from
7 BTL 4 Analyzing
workstation WBM configuration.
8 Figure out the five components of web based enterprise management. BTL 1 Remembering
9 Describe the physical element and logical element of CIM core model. BTL 3 Applying
10 Explain logical device functionality of network card. BTL 6 Creating
11 Name the functions of CIM core model. BTL 1 Remembering
12 Inspect how the common mode is used for CIM modules. BTL 4 Analyzing
13 Asses the three levels of JMX components. BTL 5 Evaluating
14 Write shot notes on JMX agent BTL 2 Understanding
15 Outline the major the elements of CIM system. BTL 2 Understanding
Evaluate how the managed system element may be considering group of
16 BTL 5 Evaluating
17 Which kind of protocol is managed by WBEM? BTL 6 Creating
18 Categorize the two standard of DMI management information format BTL 3 Applying
19 list out the types of web based management tools. BTL 4 Analyzing
20 What are the components used to access the web browser UI? BTL 1 Remembering
1 (i)Explain different functions of web based network management. (7)
(ii)Describe goal, organization and functions of web based interface BTL 1 Remembering
management. (6)
2 Compare the performance of web interface based on SNMP NMS and
BTL 3 Applying
Proxy Server. (13)
3 Describe about the embedded WBM configuration? Write the advantages
BTL 5 Evaluating
and disadvantages. (13)
4 Explain the Embedded Agent work in NMS and give an appropriate
BTL 1 Remembering
example. (13)
5 Examine the Web-Based Enterprise Management architecture, and list its
BTL 4 Analyzing
applications. (13)
6 Demonstrate with neat diagram of Storage Area Network Management,
BTL 2 Understanding
and list the security issues. (13)
7 (i) Write detail about DMI 2.0 Function Block diagram and explain. (7)
BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) Write detail about DMI MIB and explain. (6)
8 Analyze the WBEM Common Information Module Core Model. (13) BTL 4 Analyzing

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9 Develop the NMS based architecture for Windows Management
BTL 3 Applying
Instrumentation with SNMP agent. (13)
10 Analyse the Java Management Environment in NMS Sun Microsystems.
BTL 1 Remembering
11 Explain in detail about following NMS
(i) JMX Architecture. (7) BTL 1 Remembering
(ii) Management Bean flow Network (6)
12 Illustrate the functions of following web based network management
systems. (13)
(i) JMX agent BTL 2 Understanding
(ii) JMX Manager
(iii) Looking ahead
13 Point out the web based storage area network management. (13) BTL 4 Analyzing
14 Describe the following
(i) Windows management Instrumentation. (7) BTL 6 Creating
(ii) Common Information module core model. (6)
1 Develop the web based network management Embedded Agent work in
NMS. (15) BTL 6 Creating
2 Justify performance of Network Management System with web interface
and web-based management. (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
3 Explain with neat functional block diagram of DMI 2.0, and Write in
detail about DMI Management Interface Format. (15) BTL 5 Evaluating
4 Discuss in detail about web-based enterprise management architecture
with CIM Core Model and Components. (15) BTL 6 Creating

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