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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति

Power of Soul
आत्मिक शक्ति
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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति

Time Indications
अंकों का आत्मा से रिश्ता या संचार
BY Suraj Singh IntPE(India) FIE CEng (India) +91-9810610718
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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति

Navigation Top ISBN 81-901030-9-1 License Numberdata37200cases.xls numberdataformula.xls
CIRCUIT characteristics

Brain’s left Spiritual World right hand high status An invisible system
phenomenon that POTENTIAL DROP Zero Circle circles or stations invisible spiritual
operates envelope

doctors, scientists, Spiritual General indicative Now interpret these the centuries' digits
engineers Numbers/Gem considerations numbers in a
(Gunn Gange different way as
Layout) this from that

Numbers Direct series Schedule of Efforts & work Procedure to

interpretations 1 to supercolsum series oriented numbers interpret the
999 chart /schedule
dragged series ruling effect combined effects of whether some how the friendship

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
the person & the person shall may work
spouse cooperate with one
supernatural momentary Reflective number The book covers Hyperlinks
behavior of a interpretations supplementary many
person interpretation interpretations

Power of Soul
आत्मिक शक्ति
अंकों का आत्मा से रिश्ता या संचार
By Suraj Singh

IntPE(India) FIE CEng (INDIA)

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति

430 Sector 21B Faridabad, NCR 121001

1 By sole universal maker & controller’s grace, pouring illumination upon me inferring point to
point & phase by phase, Theory or Doctrine, regarding this work communicated through
dreams, perceptions, intuitions, occult, vision etc. forming integrals with source
“THEURGY”, gladly brought to people first volume of APPLIED SPIRITUAL NUMBERS
an exponential work, based on from source “THEURGY” a reflection of parameters &
properties or characteristics of “THERMOSOUL” possibly to be considered as “ Spiritual
Heat Mechanism”, to have an opportunity to share with, what I could learn through spiritual as
well as, occult communications, building up a typical precise language, which may assist one
to apprise about what numbers tell probably making a way to some computed forecasts in
respect of whatever # e.g.
2 Roll #, Telephone #, Birth date #, Whatever day #, Whatever document #, Friend’s#,
Relatives #, Partner’s#, House #, Ticket #, etc. & all kinds of possible references.
( #=Number)

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3 Nature commenced communicating with me, since early 1992 with first transfer of # 81 &
thereafter, process continued for transferring one number after another, cumulating to present
status worth enough to be placed first time before world community for their assistance &
service, for whom subject or exponential work has been received.

This Disclaimer is included for purpose of exponent submission in following form

1 This communication work is not based upon any physical scientific form or either theory or
derivation or formula.
2 But, only certain simple subject of arithmetical mensuration has been applied to get indicative
3 No claim is made for this work to be an authentic thesis or professional spiritual direction.
4 No attempt has been made to include or indicate or directing any existing acceptable or
recognized forms of faith or religion or sect etc. But ,this work correspond only & exclusively
to an imaginary & hypothetically, assembled form of spiritual or more preferably admitted as
personal communication, which is hereby presented in service of universal maker & controller
for further service of world people, according to carrying out dream received formal assumed
order or command to me on 7.2.1998 during sleep

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1 One is requested to have a thorough reading as well as, an understanding move on & about,
complete theories, descriptions, illustrations etc. prior to making whatever indicative
interpretation attempt.
2 Whatever suggestion & critics are warmly welcome for future work improvements. If received
well, further volume about independent numbers as well as, birth time based charts may be
worked out
SPIRITUAL CIRCUIT आत्मिक शक्ति तथा हस्त
I wish to have a brief discussion regarding body graph, usually described in Palmistry literature.
Palm contains thumb, forefinger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger & mounts as Jupiter,
Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Mars (between Jupiter & Venus), Venus, Moon, Mars (between Moon
& Mercury). Power of palm depends on profile of mounts, which can be read by inclining palm
with light allowed on that. Portion below fingers is read as follows

1 From thumb & forefinger towards little finger-Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury
2 Below thumb- Venus, Moon
3 Between Jupiter & Venus- Mars I upper
4 Between Mercury & moon-Mars II lower & in center of palm- Plain of Mars

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(Mounts’ characteristics)
1 Jupiter- Leadership, authority, knowledge, (political & general), mentally (non scientific)
creative, generosity, speech, pride, beauty, attraction
2 Saturn- God’s judiciary, following ups, fabrication, hard physical work, worldly practice,
destruction, privation, surgery
3 Mars- Soul moulding, soul energy store, flexible nature, emotional, mental power, balancing,
4 Moon- Imaginary, short travel, superficial, confusing, cold
5 Mercury- Communication, maths, commerce, memory, co-ordination, physical & mental
effect, mental travel, long travel
6 Sun- Work, results, power, punctuality, regularity, success, anger
7 Uranus- Electricity, revolution, fashion, (occupies Saturn position) & Also, balancing Mars
8 Neptune & Pluto- (Occupies Sun’s position)

1 No mount acts singly, but in combination to one another & palm reader should combine effects
of all mounts. Most non-scientific dominating mount on palm is Jupiter, making person a
professor, pundit, leader, generous, learned, angry, reliable, invisible, wealthy (spiritual
wealth). Person having this mount well developed & connected to other developed mounts of
Venus, Moon, Mars I & II, Mercury, Sun, shall apply all efforts in one’s life, utilizing spiritual
strength & power, making everything a success & may be called a Ruling Person (Raj Yogi) .

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2 This kind of person cannot be defeated by persons, possessing ordinary profiles palms, except
by mistrust or fraud or cheating


Work oriented links- Karam Yog कर्म योग

1 Jupiter-Mars-Venus-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Sun = Very hard work route
2 Jupiter draws knowledge from nature (spirit & zero circle), Mars energizes & transfers energy
to Venus. Venus converts this energy by use of developed Venus into romantic, scientific,
engineering or some other scientific applications, capacity of which, person possess, makes
person happy in totality (physically & mentally), while this mixture of transit is further
enriched by developed mount of Moon, if so occurs, drawing balance of result through use of
equilibrium energy available at Mars mount, rectifying whatever available defect from
previous effect & every resulting decision is carried forward to mount of Mercury, which
programmes it properly, feeding into person’s computer for communication & coordination to
mount of Sun for either result or success or fruit in form of work completion. This cycle from
Jupiter mount to Sun mount is called work efforts or Karam Yog
3 & if some of route is undeveloped, person shall have to apply extra efforts to achieve required
results by enriching defective portion of mountainous terrain or topography. Extra effort can be
applied by additional Will power of spirit or soul to be used for daily affairs for achievement of

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target. Aforesaid being top process of universe, which can change destiny of an individual,
nature also, desires a person to enjoy life by using this method & when person starts this
method or procedure, there forms sequence of successful results, by performances on person’s
efforts, by flow of spiritual energy & by power, which further augments person’s energy for
further efforts. But, problem stands that in this modern world everyone wants or believes in
short cuts to achieve goals, wealth & it is very difficult to follow this path all times for
common individual. Unfortunately, only a few percentages of people can practice this
Jupiter-Saturn-Sun= Direct Success Route
1 Person, who has developed Jupiter & Saturn mounts may resort to direct success route for their
efforts, provided Saturn is not very well developed (Saturn opposes Jupiter).
2 This means by leading & other qualities of Jupiter, one can achieve direct Sun, which imparts
success, fame, fruit & such persons may be reborn wealthy. In case, Saturn is well developed,
there shall be a difficult situation to cross Saturn station, because Saturn provides opposing
characteristics to Jupiter, as both have charge powers of opposing nature. Jupiter being
political, while Saturn being Judicious

Saturn-Sun= Close route

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(money making, worldly affairs, privation, science use) persons, who have developed Saturn & Sun
can get easy success by whatever means, being conscienceless. It is risky to have straightway trust in
such person

Venus-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Sun=Scientific route
Development of these mounts provide involved person with characteristics to use available scientific
knowledge to refine further by applying that knowledge at research, development & investigations
Jupiter-Saturn-Sun= Constructive & Destructive Route
Strong development of these mounts provide person constructive & destructive qualities, due to
leading or other Jupiter’s characteristics & opposing Saturn’s characteristics, which may result in the
self destruction

Saturn-Sun-Mercury= Business & Commerce Route

Well-developed mounts of Saturn, Sun & Mercury provide with involved person, characteristics of
commerce, trade, mathematics, communication, use of scientific coordination

Venus-Saturn-Mercury = Pleasure
Combination of Venus, Saturn & Mercury provide involved person, with habits of deriving physical
& mental pleasure with aimless scientific growth for research on fire materials

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Uranus= Fashion, electricity, revolution, sudden change, modern science

Neptune = Sensation, mass emotion, devastation, delusion

Pluto = Creates & destroys, power lust, strong obsession

Absence of Saturn may provide with involved person, characteristics of Uranus in case, other
parameters on palm are available (mounts & connecting lines)

Neptune & Pluto are indicated to be present on undeveloped Sun, if other palm parameters are

Connecting lines on palm should be treated as graphic direction & relative expression of mounts on

Black point- काला तिल

1 Certain black point on whatever mount adds to power of mount, even if mount is not well
developed & point’s presence on developed mounts adds tremendously to mount power.
2 Certain black point on reverse side of palm adds immensely to power of mounts & fingers, but
invisibility plays an important role.

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3 No one may understand what such person does & how success comes from relevant efforts

4 No one line or mount on palm can give an answer about person, but only a complete
comprehensive exercise of reading, observing, interpreting palm by an experienced palm
reader may give clues, about general nature of person & one’s spiritual control.
5 Do not forget if spiritual control is enhanced & regularly exercised, all palm lines & other
graphical characteristics shall alter from time to time. Connections of mounts are very
important, but these matters are not in scope of this work for in palmistry literatures, complete
details could available for reference
Lines रे खाए

1 Head or brain line, which starts from Jupiter/Mars I junction/vicinity should travel smoothly to
position of the mount of II Mars for a balanced brain

2 Conscience or heart line starting from mount should travel smoothly to Jupiter mount for
idealistic characteristics of person or turning of this line towards Saturn shall badly effect
person’s style of directions, but spiritual control gets room to improve

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3 Both palms should be observed simultaneously for interpretation purpose, because person uses
both hands for work (executive purpose) & both of them are medically cross linked to top
authority of person that is brain. Brain possesses two hemispheres (left hemisphere & right
hemisphere). Left hand is connected to right hemisphere & right hand is connected to left
hemisphere. It is an extremely important issue to coordinate right palm to left palm.

4 Brain’s right hemisphere = Spiritualistic behavior (Intuition, holy, art, irrational, creative,
non analytic)
5 Brain’s left hemisphere = Executive behavior (rational, logic, analysis, thinking, & all other
physical justifiable characteristics)

6 Take only relevant characteristics interpretations from either palm & try to reach combined
interpretation, otherwise complete interpretation shall be misleading. This usually happens,
while palm reader reads only one palm for interpretation

Spiritual World- आत्मिक संसार

1 Human spirit i.e. strength or power of soul dominates every creature in this universe, human
being is top physical & soul based entity, dominated by spiritual powers directly provided by
system that god produced.

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2 This system is fully automatic, everlasting & permanent till person enjoys earth planetary
3 Since spiritual world dominates physical world in its true sense, characteristics of spiritual
properties shall definitely effect person in all relevant respects & these effects should be taken
note of.
4 Spiritual parameters inevitably affect right hand palm, which remains busy most time & as
right hemisphere is linked to left palm & vice versa, left hemisphere of brain does not come to
rest immediately in comparison to right hemisphere.
5 Permanent characteristics of a person can be known from interpretation of left hand for its
connection to spiritual portion of brain (right hemisphere)
1 Functional modes of left hemispheres मस्तिष्क उल्टा तरफ

2 Functional modes of right hemispheres मस्तिष्क सीधा तरफ


1 Since, right hand is related to left hemisphere & vice versa, graph on left palm indicates
spirituality of person, most significant characteristics or quality endowed by god on every
person & this is most important criteria to know about originality in behavior of & from a

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person, while right palm may reflect executive characteristics only either in part or in full
inherited by person

2 Executive characteristics can be achieved by personal extra efforts to achieve set or desired
goal or ambition

Reference ज्ञान की सचाई Knowledge of truth

1 “History of man’s creativity is filled with series of artists & scientists, who after working hard
& long on some difficult problems, consciously decide to forget it to, in effect, turn it over to
their unconscious (right hemisphere).
2 After sometime, often with great suddenness & totality unexpectedly, solution to their problem
announces itself to them in almost complete form.
3 Right hemisphere appears to have been able to overcome most difficult logical & systematic
problems by, we would conjecture, relaxing rigid standards of thought of left hemisphere.
4 Given looser standards, right hemisphere employs, it was perhaps able to design thought
experiments, which left hemisphere could not, because of its rigidity conceived. Right
hemisphere is thus able to hit upon solutions, which could then of course, recast into strictly
logical terms by left hemisphere.”
5 Quoted from IEI Technorama dated 4-5-92 by Prof C,S.Jha

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Thoughts विचारों की दनि ु आ

1 If some person possesses very high status of left palm, which may be obvious by presence of
well developed mounts, other terrains with domination of Jupiter & low profile or absence of
Saturn & with depiction of valuable graphics, person shall draw high degree of spirituality &
having utilized that power by converting into execution of work by use of similarly, developed
right hand, shall be very successful, develop each & every aspect in life. If Saturn too exists
well developed, results shall appear accordingly.

2 Objective of this small work is not introduction of Palmistry or extension of that, but
establishment of spiritual relation to person’s body. I have tried to communicate my feelings &
obviously effects of numbers or digits on human body, quantum of these numbers that all you
very well know are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 & their combinations. Certainly, atmosphere above
lithosphere surrounds all of us all times since time of birth to destiny of death & we all live in
this gaseous envelope.
An invisible system works every moment around us & we all live in individual envelopes. तरं गे
हमारे अंदर तथा बहार, तरं गो के थैले या लिफाफे
1 One may call that spiritual envelope formed by movements of spiritual waves continuously,
being derived from n ature & every individual has one such envelope.

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2 This envelope imparts some route to body & spirit enters body to make that functional all
times. Details of these numbers have been given somewhere else in this work, but herein, I
shall like to explain briefly, idea/phenomenon.
3 Human body spiritually can be hypothetically divided into two portions, just only for sake of
mathematically understanding system of spiritual flow through body as a part of system
nevertheless, no such imaginary division is possible practically.
4 I hope that reader shall assume this consideration for a better grasp of subject & forgive me for
this assumption, if someone minds it.
5 Let us divide lower portion from legs to neck & allot 1,2,3,4 to various locations in this part.
6 Let us also, allot numbers locations 5,6,7,8 to remaining parts of body.
7 Generally, persons, who enjoy normal livings with emotion/s come under effect of locations 1
to 4.
8 Such persons give high regards to both materialism & physical intact behavior in personal
9 They are not destined to think high, know secret of nature & real knowledge remains remote
from them.
10 These persons have a faith in god only for material gains in all material forms.
11 Other category of persons enjoying livings under effects of 5,6,7,8,9 & their combinations,
enjoy spiritual systems in full & can reach nature & god secretly.
12 For such persons, material world is not very significant, but they believe in god & nature with a

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13 They actually lead others & do something, as a service to mankind. Physical worldly affairs &
intact relationships are of least importance to them.
14 It is very difficult to maintain one in this class, particularly, reaching the target 5, for which,
one has to make many sacrifices, by keeping regular in performance of works & devotions,
utilize available time efficiently & must regard work as worship, considering theory &
contemplation that Work Is Worship.
Contemporary Suggestion आत्मिक भाव की शक्ति Power of Soul Spirit Flow
a I suggest & emphasise something about this phenomenon that operates through every body,
prior to & before furthering this discussion.
b Number 1 is located at body’s entry point or door at person’s gender or genital point, where
one’s soul’s power with full spirit enters through & goes to location number 2, seminal store,
which is referred to as a material stock & which natural biological material also, acts as an
electrolyte to transfer spiritual current to further located point 3 being navel or Sundi or
Naabhi, which acts as a carburetor for processing current, received from seminal cell located at
battery at point or number 2.
c If one can maintain quantity of this natural material electrolyte at location 2, spiritual current
shall pass through connecting points successfully, with full spiritual potential, whereby
spiritual energy reach efficiently to point located at number 4, multidirectional point situated
within heart zone, providing mobility to spiritual movement.

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d In case, this electrolyte is used for self pleasure purpose, there shall be certain deficiency in
reserve stock of material, potential of cell may drop & currents passing to point located at 4
become very weak.
e By excessive use for drawing physical pleasure in form of sexual performance pleasure
derivation, viscosity of stored material shall WEAKEN RESULTING INTO HUGE
POTENTIAL DROP OF SPIRITUAL STRENGTH & messages, those have to reach point
located at 4 shall not reach to body demanded potential, which in turn could hold further
transmission of message to point located at 5-0.
f This shall further weaken physical structure of body, as spiritual power generated through
biological body system is distributed to body’s various parts from location point 3 & 4, after
having been processed.
g In other words, it can be simply explained that excessive discharge of semen from cell does not
allow spiritual as well as physical growths, which indicates that person’s progress in totality is
badly affected & full development diminishes.
h Therefore, if one wishes to achieve higher targets in lifetime for satisfaction, one should try to
preserve semen in form of spiritual material as much as practically possible.

ZERO वास्तविक शन्

ू य

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1 By virtue of this saving, person may easily attain super world & be nearer to god, while
performing earthly duties.
2 I suggest that number location 8 is spiritual super, forming entire system in invisibility of
universe & contributes to physical world or visible system.
3 Number location 9 flows in system mesh 8 & remains intact in motion at location zero,
surrounding solar system.
4 Number 5 is at far most & utmost distance location/situation whereto, only a few can or may
reach spiritually.
5 One may complain that I am talking about Brahamchariyata, but that is not case here.
6 Number location 6 stays at head, which is name of mind home, where spirit or soul functions
from & is connecting point to person’s god for work performance, occupying 3 different
position location 6, -6 & 6 maintenance. First 6 provides application of mental making, -6
provides application of ending or destruction, while 3rd 6 provides maintenance of made up
7 This means certainly, for purpose of formation mathematically, can be described 0-6 where 0 is
starting point & 6 is made up point.
8 Maintenance can be indicated by digit 6 only, while ending shall be depicted by 6-0 where 6
indicates last maintenance or made up, 0 is end of made up & destruction.
9 One may derive fact of faith feeling that 3 gods stay for every individual at point 6, but this
point can function efficiently only, when spiritual current remains intact with full potential,

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continuous flow of spiritual voltage & spiritual number 648 can be granted to this state of head
(spiritual state).
10 6 indicates mental procedures or work or derivation of spiritual romance or happiness, while 4
indicates flow or emotions or solution or fluid state & 8 indicates system of invisibility or
11 Now, while functions on spiritual point 6 works properly, without break, there shall definitely
be some positive or negative results, which is certainly, a natural law & in return, these results
shall join person to point location 7 defined as success point on spiritual flow or Ora or
knowledge connector or soft knowledge or truth.
12 One shall get enlightened at this point & such light is not measurable by any unit, but immense
knowledge, feeling, vistas in spiritual forms shall be felt by person entering point location 7 at
whatever time. Number location 8 indicates system, location 9 indicates power or energy or
strength. Location 8 applies to internal as well as external system of body & also, reaches up to
ultimate supreme power at location 5.
13 Totality of entire system forms digit 8 at all locations


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Zero Circle/Sphere वास्तविक शन्

ू य सौरमंडल घेरे

Zero Circle शन् ू य सौरमंडल घेरे

1 Let me briefly explain about conceptual Zero or Soul diagram that with grace of god, universal
supreme powerful authority has come to my mind.
2 Should one refer to Vedic provisions, shall find a mention of 7 circles ’chakras’ in body at
attaining Yoga modes.
3 Drawn an imaginary circle around solar system thrice, which forms Trinity Zero, existing
many billions kilometers from earth planet & further lead to various destinations located
infinitely away from Zero, where is located exist god’s home & operational or executive
organizations or departments all in all. Situation of ultimate power is at location 5, where all
controls, complete information & knowledge are stored.
4 Those, who are successful in reaching to this station, become extremely near god & enjoy true
5 Real knowledge as well as, controls are dispatched by god from this station at location 5
through location zero, locations 8 & 9 to 7 from where, person at 6 captures to utilize as an
electric load appliance, but if person does not arrive at location 6, there is no way to capture
this Ora at location 7.

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6 Truth lies in fact if person is able to draw spiritual flow onwards from multidirectional point or
circle at location 4 to mental sphere at location 6, only then god’s dispatch can be received,
otherwise, nothing shall come to person.
7 Also, it is up to person about how many times in a day & for what duration, possible entry to
location 6 be made & maintained.
8 Those, who practice entry into location 6 many times a day may enter world of concentration
& time comes, when person becomes spiritually a visionary.

Concentration एकेन्द्रीकरण या ध्यान
1 Those, who very often practice this kind of concentration shall enter unknown magic world of
spirituality & come to know about many secrets of super nature.
2 Some persons may even know secrets of that world, without even referring to any documents.
3 Those, who practice this technical yoga or concentration activities can only understand
spiritual reality & sacred truth.
4 Immense power & calm work around head of person, enjoying this practical gift of supreme
authority & power.
5 During sleep, person shall find many answers to current problems of day-to-day life, if that
could not be solved during state of conscious day mind.
6 Other persons of course, make fun of this statement, but fact remains certain.

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7 Now, let me provide you about characteristics of digit location #7. Digit # 7 is a synthetic
characteristic number.
8 Synthetic quality means that knowledge comes to this location point or station in collective
form & in soft style, whereat, all brain top cells remain at rest to receive contents of
supernatural programmes.
9 There is no limit of quantum of information or gifts that can be received.
10 One may collect whatever quantity of supply, which depends on person’s capacity to receive
like one receives water from full running water line.
11 If one closes line, no water shall come to pot, but water remains continuously, there in
waterline & if not collected for a long period, there may be certain chances that stagnant water
gets polluted.
12 Similarly, remains case, when one does not use station or point location # 6 & to use point or
station location # 7, there could be emerging chances after lapse of a long time that one may or
shall not be able to think on solving problems.
13 Station number location 6 may corrode in spiritual sense & person shall act as soil statue only.
14 Explanations regarding other stations or circles or points locations 4-1 are not very important,
for every person has to use these stations or circles automatically, whether required or not
required by person, but these circles or points are used every day in day to day life in one affair
or the other.

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Locations of numbers within & without body अंकों के क्षेत्र शरीर के अंदर तथा बहार
Let us enlist foregoing discussed locations numbers or circles or stations as follows

#1 at waste disposal/sexual genital organ of either gender लिंग पर

#2 at seminal store /spiritual electrolyte/ material वीर्य या घरब क्षेत्र
#3 at navel/shape wise at sexual organ/sundi or naabhi सुंडी या नाभि
#4 at chest/breast/position of physical heart हृदये क्षेत्र
#5 at point rear to eyes leading to ultimate authority through Ora भगवान ् का इस्थान
#6 at forehead माथा
#7 at top of physical head spiritually, attached in circuit in surrounding सर से उपर
#8 at every point of whole invisible system of spiritual network covering all points or stations or
circles तरं गों के ढांचे में हर स्थान पर
#9 at every point or stations continuously moving in Zero & radial links शून्य के अंदर
0 At every point in circle surrounding whole solar system working many billions of kilometers
away from this planet earth शन्ू य घेरा

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Miniature अंतरात्मा
1 There exists an invisible spiritual envelope around complete surface of person’s body
permanently & a miniature spirit around station location 3, which are called differential souls
or spirits or Anter Aatma respectively.
2 Whole envelope is further permanently connected to spiritual shank, radials & to zero via
locations 1-7 & all solar system planets collectively can be termed as shanker, controlled
naturally, further connected to authorities, powers away from tri zero to whole god’s
organizations & executive systems.

Entry of soul into body आत्मा प्रवेश

1 Entry of soul or spirit at circle location 1 is automatic, for objective of person to live according
to god’s programme
2 This point or circle or station imparts person with an authority to let spirit enter body,
wherefrom automatically it goes to point or circle location 2, source of electrolyte & from here,
control over body by person commences for performance of earthly duties, ordered by god in
one’s earthly journey card, contents of which are unknown to person. Person draws energy
from source at location 2, uses that at point location 3 for ,either making or for breaking
efforts, may follow suit to point locations 4 or 2,1 or shall lead to point location 6 for breaking
& making respectively.

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Work movement of Soul within body आत्मा की चाल शरीर में

1 Person if enters to location 6, makes thinking, receives achievements, otherwise using locations
4,2 & 1 shall discharge energy of making for physical pleasures & lead to horrifying darkness
of this temporary world.
2 Function at point location 4 is very special, for it imparts both emotional qualities.
3 To enter point location 6, person requires determination to cross point location 4 upwards,
wherein this state of emotion at point location 4 shall provide solid emotions to go upwards,
while on downward move from locations 3-1 point at location 4 shall make person mild & soft
to enjoy worldly family affairs, regularly reducing quantity of seminal electrolyte as well as, its
viscosity, pull person to spiritual darkness, withdraw mental as well as, spiritual progress &
distance person from real understanding of god.
4 Of course, person shall progress to generate personal family, but at what cost?
5 To distant from almighty, which is out of common understanding.
6 One has to be extremely careful about circle at location 4, for this provides thousands of
probable directions for spirit to move, which may lead to whatever desired direction, per Will
of person.
7 Direction shall belong to all characteristics that may be detrimental or incremental which
choice remains up to involved person, may vary from time to time, as circumstances prevail

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one at one time & another at other time & different at third time, therefore, selection is
mandated in authority of involved person.
8 God shall provide means of every question / problem in form of information through
numerous channels around Ora, for which, person has to be careful on its either desire or
deserving attitude to choose.

Top Professionals ऊँचे विर्तिक
1 Most of Doctors, Scientists, Engineers & all other Intellectuals enter point 6 & 7 often
while all general catagory of persons, most of time occupy points locations 1-4 only.
2 Those, who enter point 6 mostly, it becomes too difficult for them to come out of that point to
enter point location 4, due to fact that point location 6 is wonderfully an analytical station,
whereat, immense mental exercise is operated/carried out, allowing involved person to draw
many times more pleasure at that point than at location 4, which pleasure remains long lasting
& not instant pleasure only as remains momentarily at location 4. Persons, who enjoy
materialism that is use of location 2, generally, live in locations 1-4 & scarcely sometimes in
locations 6 & 7 for understanding, apply mental operation for daily maintenance, While staying
in only locations 1-4 range, person remains in mad mundane world.

Materialism पदार्थ सामग्री चीजें

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1 Materialism means commodities, spiritless wealth, soil, family status & also, resources of
information to be used to generate materials. Only maximum 5 to10% people enjoy status of
locations 6,5 & 90 % people enjoy locations 1-4 & 7.
2 This is most advanced mechanism of universal existence, being discussed herein based on
mathematical calculations, spiritual feelings & supernatural spiritual feeding, evolved during
dream transmissions.
3 For survival purpose, it is extremely important that spirit continuously moves in body soul
from locations 1-7, for failure of this movement can drag person to non-survival state.

Impacts Affects of Attacking Tantras तंत्र आक्रमण
1 As explained earlier that point location 3 is meant for making or for breaking store, which, if
used for making regularly by location 6, shall take person to unimaginable heights / higher
degree of progress in life, additional power stored effect’ benefit spirit & miniature to draw
whenever felt necessary / needed replenishment, if lost casually at point locaions2, 1.
2 Right palm or executive palm shall start exhibiting or showing signs of lines’ alteration
gradually, frequently & even left or spiritual palm too show sign of changes, when very high
success is achieved.
3 Experiences have shown that every progressing person generates either directly or indirectly
enemies, who have gotten grudges or a degree of jealous nature, who intend to degrade one /

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person & in sequence, enemy adopts unacceptable means, like application of black magic or
negative energy world called Tantras.
4 Unethical Tantrics apply to cut or curtail spiritual power at point location 1 of involved
targetted person, try to hold spiritual energy flow, which was meant to enter body of target
person, dirty applied continuous Tantra application may result in target body getting physically
weak & targeted person may not work efficiently.
5 But, those, who adopt high Will power, could keep working continuously by drawing power
from point location 7 & replenish cutting/curtailing loss by dirty application of Tantra.
6 Similarly, if point locations 2,1 are used for drawing or deriving pleasure by high intellect level
persons, whatever level of loss occurred could be replenished by drawing power from point
location 7, in case stored excessively.
7 When Tantras are applied by someone against some person of ordinary spiritual development,
targeted ordinary person shall be effected too badly, may fall sick or reduce working capacity,
to remedy there are no definite ways & solutions to back targeted person to normal state.
8 Person shall also, be effected by whatever way, when comes in contact with totality of spouse
spirit in married life & mutual adverse effects be transferred to both spouses.
9 Those, who practice high spiritual attainments shall not be frequently attacked by bad effect of
solar system planets, as power of resistance is already stored in point locations 6,7. Only
ordinary persons shall be badly affected often.

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Spiritual Numbers/Gem (Gunn Gange Layout) आत्मिक अंकों का संसार

1 Now, we enter special world of spiritual numbers derived from zero diagram effects. Before
leading further, I like to clarify that I am not going subject of Numerology, but a part of spirit
science, applied through numbers, which one may call science of spirit logy.
2 One shall not find effects of single digits only in calculations, but also, combined effects of
numbers be interpreted, many equations be formed, many formulae be used for various types
of computations & results be interpreted accordingly.
3 These numbers’ references have nothing to do with, either or any recognized forms of any
religion existing in this world & no effort has been applied to harm any sentiments or hurt any
person in world.
4 This is purely an arithmetic effort & justifications have been made for that.
5 Efforts have been made with pure feeling, faith that god surely exists controlling whole
universe, all universes & employment pertaining to formal name has been left to reader only.
6 Described system is purely hypothetical, with no scientific base from basic physical sciences
has been claimed to be adopted & no justification, either has been made to that effect or / can
be made. Please take & receive this work, as an absolutely imaginary for entertainment.
General indicative considerations pertaining to the values applied to various individual
numbers from 0 to 9
Interpretations of the numbers generally

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1 #1
2 #2
Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not constant/ show/social/visible/physical
3 #3
Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular formation (shape
4 #4
Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multi directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer
5 #5
Unexpected/secret/control/solid authority/strong/duty/religion/secret art/secret
science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or strong soul/reliable making/secret business/perfect
6 #6
Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental
process/romance/analysis/construction/one third damaging
7 #7
Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material facts/ vision
door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
8 #8
System/ frame/ network/ medium/ communication/ link/ death related & life point/soul or spirit
route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage alliance / education /grill / alignment/ attraction /
links / black world / invisible/electric/machine

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9 #9
Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
10 # 0
Encircles solar system in which # 9 moves/power container/saturation associate/full associate. This is known
zero circle


Interpretation मतलब समझे

1 Above given characteristics in respect of digits or numbers 1 to 0 shall be used to have an
understanding of meaning of digits.
2 Many combinations of meanings shall be assessed & final interpretation arrived at.
3 It shall require a thorough understanding, experiences & intuitions to get into answer to
4 Only one characteristic may be used one time to use in combined interpretation. Spiritual
connection is very important.

Use प्रयोग
1 All other further numbers shall be used in combinations, as mathematical equations, based on
single digit effects of interpretations

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2 For example 15 indicates entry or exit of magic or unknown for 1+5=6 for analysis or romance
or thinking or process
3 11 indicates unlimited entry or exit or lead for 1+1=2 material or world
4 111 indicates, massive entry like effect by nature or god
Interpretation मतलब समझे

1 Now, Interpret these numbers in a different way, as this from that ( Dragging)
2 Dragging means to count whatever number from value of number position to that position
3 Say 6th from 6th means 6,7,8,9,10,11, answer being 11
4 Please, click the following file to see the value of the dragged series
draggedcolsumseries.xls अंकों का खिंचाव
1 Sheet 1 of this file gives dragged series for relevant numbers
2 This dragged series has been exhibited to let one understand style, about how numbers from
other can be calculated by dragging & to have an interpretation accordingly, regarding effect of
previous one as ‘best’ & is only valid for guidance purpose
This from that इस अंक से इतने ही अंक आगे
Now, interpret these numbers in a different way, as this from that

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# Drag Interpretation in sequential forms

1 Ist # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
2 # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not

3 2nd # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular

from formation (shape beginning)
2 Drag effect-Best material etc
4 # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multi directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer

5 3 rd # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
from authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
3 strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
Drag effect-Best making/breaking etc
6 #6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third

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7 4th # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material

from facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
4 Drag effect-Best move etc
8 #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or spirit
route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine

9 5th # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non

from analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
5 Drag effect-Best magic etc
10 Full effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For effect of 1Top
11 6 th
Unlimited effect # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
from For effect of 2
6 Drag effect-Best work etc
12 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
& # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
for effect of # 3 & also alternatively congratulation
13 7 th
# 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

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from & effect of # 3 for total effect of 4

7 Drag effect-Best success etc
14 # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
& effect of # 4 for total effect of 5
15 8 th
# 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
from & effect of # 5 for total effect of 6
8 Drag effect-Best system etc
16 # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
& effect of # 6 for total effect of 7
17 9 th
# 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
from & effect of # 7 for total effect of 8
9 Drag effect-Best power etc
18 # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
& effect of # 8 for total effect of 9
19 10 th
# 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
from & effect of # 9 for total effect of 10 for 1
10 Drag effect-Best full lead etc
20 Full effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For final effect of # 2Top
21 11 th
Effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not

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from constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical
11 & effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
for final effect of # 3
Drag effect-Best selection etc
22 Unlimited effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For a final effect of #4
23 12 th
# 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
from constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical
12 & effect of # 3 for final effect of # 5
Drag effect-Best congratulation etc
24 # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
& effect of # 4 for final effect of # 6
25 13 th
# 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
from constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical
13 & effect of # 5 for final effect of # 7
Drag effect-Best lead making etc
26 # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
& effect of # 6 for final effect of # 8

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27 14th # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
from constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical
14 & effect of # 7 for final effect of # 9
Drag effect-Best entry move etc
28 # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
& effect of # 8 for final effect of # 10 for # 1
29 15 th
# 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
from constant/unreliable/show/social/visible/physical
15 & effect of # 9 for final effect of # 11 for final effect of # 2
Drag effect-Best entry magic etc
30 Full effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental
support/figure/formation/triangular formation (shape beginning)
For final effect of # 3Top
31 16 th
Effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental
from support/figure/formation/triangular formation (shape beginning)
16 & effect of # 1 for final effect of # 4
Drag effect-Best entry work etc
32 Effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental
support/figure/formation/triangular formation (shape beginning) &
Effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not

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For final effect of # 5
33 17th Unlimited effect of # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental
from support/figure/formation/triangular formation (shape beginning)
17 For final effect of # 6
Drag effect-Best entry success etc
34 # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular
formation (shape beginning) &
Effect of # 4 for final effect of #7

35 18th # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular

from formation (shape beginning) &
18 effect of # 5 for final effect of #8
Drag effect-Best entry system etc
36 # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular
formation (shape beginning) &
effect of # 6 for final effect of # 9

37 19th # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular

from formation (shape beginning) &
19 effect of # 7 for final effect of # 10 for # 1

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Drag effect-Best lead power etc

38 # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular
formation (shape beginning) &
effect of # 8 for final effect of # 11 for # 2

39 20th # 3 Making/breaking/material application support/mental support/figure/formation/triangular

from formation (shape beginning) &
20 effect of # 9 for final effect of # 12 for # 3
Drag effect-Best full material etc
40 Full effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer
For final effect of # 4Top
41 21th Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
from directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer &
21 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For final effect of # 5
Drag effect-Best material entry etc
42 Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer &
Effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not

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For final effect of # 6

43 22nd # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer
from & effect of # 3
22 For final effect of # 7
Drag effect-Best unlimited material etc
44 Unlimited effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer
For final effect of # 8
45 23rd Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
from directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer &
23 Effect of # 5
For final effect of # 9
Drag effect-Best material making etc
46 Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer &
Effect of # 6
For final effect of # 10 for # 1
47 24th Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
from directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer &
24 Effect of # 7
For final effect of # 11 for # 2

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Drag effect-Best material move etc

48 Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy
directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer &
Effect of # 8
For final effect of # 12 for # 3

49 25th Effect of # 4 Flow/move/solution/visible travel/multy

from directions/dynamism/emotion/temporary answer &
25 Effect of # 9
For final effect of # 13 for # 4
Drag effect-Best material magic etc
50 Full effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
For final effect of # 5Top
51 26 th
Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
from authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
26 strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For final effect of # 6

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Drag effect-Best material work etc

52 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For final effect of # 7
53 27 th
Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
from authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
27 strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
effect of # 3
For final effect of # 8
Drag effect-Best material success etc
54 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
effect of # 4
For final effect of # 9

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55 28th Unlimited effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid

from authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
28 strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
For final effect of # 10 for # 1
Drag effect-Best material system etc
56 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
effect of # 6
For final effect of # 11 for # 2
57 29 th
Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
from authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
29 strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
effect of # 7
For final effect of # 12 for # 3
Drag effect-Best material power etc
58 Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike

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effect of # 8
For final effect of # 13 for # 4
59 30 th
Effect of # 5 Unexpected/secret/control solid
from authority/strong/duty/religion/art/profession/science/magic/expertise/ultimate control/solid or
30 strong soul/reliable making/business/perfect answer/godlike
effect of # 9
For final effect of # 14 for # 5
Drag effect-Best making etc
60 Full effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
For effect of # 6Top
61 31 st
Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
from desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
31 damaging
effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For effect of # 7
Drag effect-Best making lead etc

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62 Effect of #6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic

desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
effect of # 2
For effect of # 8
63 32 nd
Effect of #6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
from desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
32 damaging
effect of # 3
For effect of # 9
Drag effect-Best making material etc
64 Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
effect of #4
For effect of # 10 for # 1
65 33 rd
Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
from desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third

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33 damaging
effect of #5
For effect of # 11 for # 2
Drag effect-Best unlimited making etc
66 Unlimited effect of #6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
For effect of # 12 for # 3
67 34 th
Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
from desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
34 damaging
effect of # 7
For effect of # 13 for # 4
Drag effect-Best making move etc
68 Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
effect of # 8

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For effect of # 14 for # 5

69 35 th
Effect of # 6 Work/mental application/selection/mind analysis/romantic
from desire/karam/thinking/tension/mental process/romance/analysis/construction/one third
35 damaging
effect of # 9
For effect of # 15 for # 6
Drag effect-Best making magic etc
70 Full effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best
solution/transformation/material facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
For effect of # 7Top
71 36 th
Effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best
from solution/transformation/material facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
36 &
effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For effect of # 8
Drag effect-Best making work etc
72 Effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best
solution/transformation/material facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not

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For effect of # 9
73 37th # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material
from facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
37 &
effect of # 2
For effect of # 10 for # 1
Drag effect-Best making success etc
74 # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material
facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
effect of # 4
For effect of # 11 for # 2
75 38 th
# 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material
from facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
38 &
effect of # 5
For effect of # 12 for # 3
Drag effect-Best making system etc
76 # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material
facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result

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effect of # 6
For effect of # 13 for # 4
77 39 th
Unlimited effect of # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best
from solution/transformation/material facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
39 For effect of # 14 for # 5
Drag effect-Best making power etc
78 # 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material
facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
effect of # 8
For effect of # 15 for # 6
79 40 th
# 7 Success/real light/truth/knowledge/fruit of efforts/best solution/transformation/material
from facts/ vision door/interaction/soft/illumination/god sign/result
40 effect of # 9
For effect of # 16 for # 7
Drag effect-Best full move etc
80 Full effect of # 8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul
or spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
For effect of # 8Top

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81 41st Effect of # 8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or

from spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
41 attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For effect of # 9
Drag effect-Best move lead etc
82 Effect of # 8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or
spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For effect of # 10 for # 1
83 42 nd
Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or
from spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
42 attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
effect of # 3
For effect of # 11 for #2
Drag effect-Best move material etc

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84 Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or

spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
effect of # 4
For effect of # 12 for # 3
85 43 rd
Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or
from spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
43 attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
effect of # 5
For effect of # 13 for # 4
Drag effect-Best move making etc
86 Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or
spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/
attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
effect of # 6
For effect of # 14 for # 5
87 44 th
Effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life point/soul or
from spirit route/total/long travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/

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44 attraction/links/black world/invisible/electric/machine
effect of # 7
For effect of # 15 for # 6
Drag effect-Best unlimited move etc
88 Unlimited effect of #8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life
point/soul or spirit route/total/long
For effect of # 16 for # 7
89 45 th
Effect of # 15 for # 6#8 System/frame/network/medium/communication/link/death & life
from point/soul or spirit route/total/long
45 travel/reliable/green/coordination/marriage/education/grill/alignment/attraction/links/black
effect of # 9
For effect of # 17 for # 8
Drag effect-Best move magic etc
90 Full effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
For effect of # 9Top

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91 46th Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non

from analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
46 &
effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For effect of # 10 for # 1
Drag effect-Best move work etc
92 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For effect of # 11 for # 2
93 47 th
Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
from analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
47 &
effect of # 3
For effect of # 12 for # 3
Drag effect-Best move success etc
94 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle

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effect of # 4
For effect of # 13 for # 4
95 48th Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
from analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
48 &
effect of # 5
For effect of # 14 for # 5
Drag effect-Best move system etc
96 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
effect of # 6
For effect of # 15 for # 6
97 49 th
Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
from analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
49 &
effect of # 7
For effect of # 16 for # 7
Drag effect-Best move power etc
98 Effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle

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effect of # 8
For effect of # 17 for # 8
99 50 th
Unlimited effect of # 9 Power/fire/shakti/hard work/struggle/rigidity/potential/non
from analytical/anger/orthodox/moves in zero circle
50 For effect of # 18 for # 9
Drag effect-Best full magic etc
100 100 times effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For effect of # 1Top
101 51 st
Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1
from Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
51 &
effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
For effect of # 2
Drag effect-Best magic lead etc
102 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1
effect of # 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For effect of # 3

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103 52nd Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1

from Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
52 &
effect of # 3
For effect of # 4
Drag effect-Best magic material etc
104 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1
effect of # 4
For effect of # 5

105 53rd Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1

from Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
53 &
effect of # 5
For effect of # 6
Drag effect-Best magic making etc
106 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1

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effect of # 6
For effect of # 7

107 54th Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1

from Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
54 &
effect of # 7
For effect of # 8
Drag effect-Best magic move etc
108 Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1
effect of # 8
For effect of # 9

109 55th Full effect of # 10 (10 times effect of # 1

from Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
55 &
effect of # 9
For effect of # 10 for # 1
Drag effect-Best unlimited magic etc

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110 Unlimited effect of # 11(11 times effect of

# 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
For effect of # 2Top

111 56th Supreme /massive/godly effect of # 1

from (Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
56 For effect of # 3
Drag effect-Best magic work etc
112 Unlimited effect of # 11
& effect of # 2 (Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For effect of # 4

113 57th Unlimited effect of # 11

from & effect of # 3
57 For effect of # 5
Drag effect-Best magic success etc
114 Unlimited effect of # 11
& effect of # 4
For effect of # 6

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115 58th Unlimited effect of # 11

from & effect of # 5
58 For effect of # 7
Drag effect-Best magic system etc
116 Unlimited effect of # 11
& effect of # 6
For effect of # 8

117 59th Unlimited effect of # 11

from & effect of # 7
59 For effect of # 9
Drag effect-Best magic power etc
118 Unlimited effect of # 11
& effect of # 8
For effect of # 10 for # 1

119 60th Unlimited effect of # 11

from & effect of # 9
60 For effect of # 11 for # 2
Drag effect-Best full work etc
120 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

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For effect of # 3Top

121 61st Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

from &
61 effect of # 1
For effect of # 4
Drag effect-Best work lead etc
122 Effect of # 1
Unlimited effect of # 2
(# 2 Material/made-up/thing/wealth/worldly/idle/superficial/clean/not
For effect of # 5

123 62nd Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

from &
62 effect of # 3
For effect of # 6
Drag effect-Best work material etc
124 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

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effect of # 4
For effect of # 7

125 63rd Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

from &
63 effect of # 5
For effect of # 8
Drag effect-Best work making etc
126 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2
effect of # 6
For effect of # 9

127 64th Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

from &
64 effect of # 7
For effect of # 10 for # 1
Drag effect-Best work move etc
128 Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2
effect of # 8

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For effect of # 11 for # 2

129 65th Full effect of 12 congratulation/10 times effect of 1 with effect of 2

from &
65 effect of # 9
For effect of # 12 for # 3
Drag effect-Best work magic etc
130 Effect of # 1(Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning)
Full effect of 3
For effect of # 4Top

131 66th Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

from &
66 effect of 3
effect of 1

For effect of # 5
Drag effect-Best unlimited work etc
132 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

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effect of 3
effect of 2
For effect of # 6

133 67th Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

from &
67 unlimited effect of 3
For effect of # 7
Drag effect-Best work success etc
134 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
effect of 3
effect of 4
For effect of # 8

135 68th Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

from &
68 effect of 3

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effect of 5
For effect of # 9
Drag effect-Best work system etc
136 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
effect of 3
effect of 6
For effect of # 10 for # 1

137 69th Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

from &
69 effect of 3
effect of 7
For effect of # 11 for # 2
Drag effect-Best work power etc
138 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
effect of 3

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effect of 8
For effect of # 12 for # 3

139 70th Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

from &
70 effect of 3
effect of 9
For effect of # 13 for # 4
Drag effect-Best full success etc
140 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
full effect of # 4
For effect of # 5Top

141 71st Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

from &
71 effect of # 4
effect of # 1

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For effect of # 6
Drag effect-Best success lead etc
142 Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning
effect of # 4
effect of # 2
For effect of # 7

143 72nd Effect of # 1 Entry/exit/right/level/lead/authority/acceptance/arrival/learning

from &
72 effect of # 4
effect of # 3
For effect of # 8
Drag effect-Best success material etc
1 Above detailed interpretations of numbers have been based on individual numbers, meaning or
construction within limitations & still more meanings can be associated / assigned with these

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answers, but only one interpretation should be applied at a time to avoid mixing up of these
number results.
2 One can go through in depth with interpretations, included at beginning of spiritual numbers &
apply at one’s own to check various entries from # 1 to # 143 as all dates of births are covered
within this range.
3 For example, first date of birth in a century is 1.1.1 sum being 3 & ending date of birth in
century being 31.12.100 summing to 143 as 31+12+100.
4 These interpretations have been formed in dual style i.e. direct sum numbers & dragging effect
thereof, which means (take for example a number 11 which is 6 th from 6 i.e -7-8-9-10-11) (it
lies at 6th sequence, when counted from 6)
5 Similarly, all numbers can be dragged in same style & have been done to form dragged series
for optional interpretations for comparison & drag results have been exhibited accordingly.

Now, have a look into effects of centuries' digits in general सम्वत का प्रभाव
Century Years Effects
10 901-999 Full of the effects of digit 9 means this period should be full of power or
struggle or fire or anger or resistance or rigidity or potential or synthesis or
shakti or orthodoxisim or hardships or hard work or worship etc.,

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11 1000- Full of effects of digit 1 means this period should be full of exit or entry or
1099 right or authority or level or lead / full effect of 10 etc
12 1100- Full of effect of 11 means this period should be effected by unlimited entry or
1199 exit or lead or authority or right/the best selection for materials or world of
relevance etc
13 1200- Full of effect of 12 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1299 right or authority or lead or superficial or clean or unreliable or variable based
for making or breaking or material application support or mental support or
congratulation etc.,
14 1300- Full of effect of 13 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1399 right or authority or lead or level & making or breaking or material application
support or mental support for move or flow or solution or emotion or visible
short travels or multy directional move or temporary answers etc.,
15 1400- Full of effect of 14 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1499 right or authority or lead or level & move or flow or solution or emotion or
visible short travel or multy directional move or temporary answers for magic
or secret or control or solid authority or ultimate authority or strong or art or
science or profession or religion or duty or real or unexpected etc.,
16 1500- Full of effect of 15 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1599 right or authority or lead or level & magic or secret or control or solid authority
or ultimate authority or strong or art or science or profession or religion or duty

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or real for work or work process or mental application or selection or mind

analysis or romance or romantic desires or karam or thinking & all three effects
of 6 etc., Top
17 1600- Full of effect of 16 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1699 right or authority or lead or level & work or work process or mental
application or selection or mind analysis or romance or romantic desires or
karam or thinking & all three effects of 6 for success or real light or truth or
knowledge or knowledge interaction or fruit of efforts or best solution or
transformation or material facts or vision door or fruit etc.,
18 1700- Full of effect of 17 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1799 right or authority or lead or level & success or real light or truth or knowledge
or knowledge interaction or fruit of efforts or best solution or transformation or
material facts or vision door or fruit for system or frame or network or medium
or link or communication or coordination or death or life point or soul or spirit
route or totality or black or long travel or reliable or invisible or green etc.,
19 1800- Full of effect of 18 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1899 right or authority or lead or level & system or frame or network or medium or
link or communication or coordination or death or life point or soul or spirit
route or totality or black or long travel or reliable or invisible or green for
power or shakti or struggle or fire or rigidity or potential or synthesis or non
analytical or anger or orthodoxism or worship etc.,

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20 1900- Full of effect of 19 means this period should be effected by exit or entry or
1999 right or authority or lead or level & for power or shakti or struggle or fire or
rigidity or potential or synthesis or non analytical or anger or orthodoxism or
worship for full entry or exit or right or authority or level or lead or acceptance
etc., Top
21 2000- Full of effect of 20 means this period should be effected by material or made
2099 up or thing or worldly or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant
or unreliable or information & all these oftenly full for world etc.,
22 2100- Full of effect of 21 means this period should be effected by material or made
2199 up or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or
unreliable or information & exit or entry or right or authority or lead or level
for making or breaking or mental application support or mental support or
formation etc.,

23 2200- Full of effect of 22 means this period should be effected by unlimited material or
2299 made up or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or
unreliable or information for flow or move or solution or emotion or visible travel
or multy directional or temporary answer etc.,
24 2300- Full of effect of 23 means this period should be effected by material or made up
2399 or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or unreliable or
information & making or breaking or material application support or mental

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support & for magic or secret or control or solid authority or ultimate authority
or strong or art or science or profession or religion or duty or real etc.,
25 2400- Full of effect of 24 means this period should be effected by material or made up
2499 or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or unreliable or
information & move or flow or solution or emotion or visible short travel or
multy directional move or temporary answers for work or work process or mental
application or selection or mind analysis or romance or romantic desires or karam
or thinking & all three effects of 6 etc.,
26 2500- Full of effect of 25 means this period should be effected by material or made up
2599 or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or unreliable or
information & magic or secret or control or solid authority or ultimate authority
or strong or art or science or profession or religion or duty or real for success or
real light or truth or knowledge or knowledge interaction or fruit of efforts or best
solution or transformation or material facts or vision door or fruit etc.,
27 2600- Full of effect of 26 means this period should be effected by material or made up
2699 or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or unreliable or
information & work or work process or mental application or selection or mind
analysis or romance or romantic desires or karam or thinking & all three effects
of 6 for system or frame or network or medium or link or communication or
coordination or death or life point or soul or spirit route or totality or black or
long travel or reliable or invisible or green etc.,

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28 2700- Full of effect of 27 means this period should be effected by material or made up
2799 or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or unreliable or
information & success or real light or truth or knowledge or knowledge
interaction or fruit of efforts or best solution or transformation or material facts or
vision door or fruit for power or shakti or struggle or fire or rigidity or potential
or synthesis or non analytical or anger or orthodoxism or worship etc.,
29 2800- Full of effect of 28 means this period should be effected by material or made up
2899 or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or unreliable or
information & system or frame or network or medium or link or communication
or coordination or death or life point or soul or spirit route or totality or black or
long travel or reliable or invisible or green for full effect of 1 etc.,
30 2900- Full of effect of 29 means this period should be effected by material or made up
2999 or thing or idle or superficial or clean or variable or not constant or unreliable or
information & power or shakti or struggle or fire or rigidity or potential or
synthesis or non analytical or anger or orthodoxism or worship for unlimited
effect of 1/ 6th from 6 & for effect of 2

1 In above discussion, a general behaviour / conduct of century years have been hinted &
specific interpretation shall be taken into consideration for every subject year ‘ First digit of
century’ for all & ‘ second digit ‘ for specific case & ‘sum of digits’ – formula used

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2 Apply formula for above & other interpretations

3 Some more interpretations of years individually वर्ष प्रभाव

Year Year Interpretations

1990 90 Indicates full power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity etc
1991 91 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & entry or exit or
right or lead or authority etc for 10 i.e. full entry or exit or right or lead or
authority etc
1992 92 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & material or thing or
worldly or made up or clean or idle or constant less etc for 11 unlimited entry or
exit or right or lead or authority etc for 2 for material or thing or worldly or
made up or clean or idle or constant less etc
1993 93 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & making & breaking
or formation for 12 i.e. entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc & material
or thing or worldly or made up or clean or idle or constant less etc for 3 making
& breaking or formation for congratulation etc., Top
1994 94 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & move, flow or
solution for 13 entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc & making &
breaking or formation for 4 etc., move, flow or solution

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1995 95 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & magic, control or
strong for 14 entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc & move, flow or
solution for 5 magic, control or strong etc.,
1996 96 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & work, work process
or thinking etc for 15 entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc & magic,
control or strong for 6 etc., work, work process or thinking etc
1997 97 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & success, fruit or
enlightenment for 16 entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc & work, work
process or thinking etc for 7 success, fruit or enlightenment etcTop
1998 98 Indicates power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity & system, totality,
coordination etc for 17 entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc & success,
fruit or enlightenment for 8 etc system, totality, coordination etc
1999 99 Indicates unlimited power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity for 18
entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc & system, totality, coordination etc
for 9 power or struggle or fire or synthesis or rigidity etc
2000 100 Indicates massive full entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc with value of
2 effect for material or thing or worldly or made up or clean or idle or constant
less etc
2001 101 Indicates massive full entry or exit or right or lead or authority etc with value of
2 effect for material or thing or worldly or made up or clean or idle or constant
less etcTop

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Effects of year digits have been shown extended, depending on summation of digits, dragging effect
& relevant submissions. One has to store interpretations of each year, accordingly on same principle,
as has been carried out for 143 #s & final interpretation concluded for most reliable forecast in a
mathematical style

Decade effects on individual years दशक प्रभाव

Decade Effects Interpretation
01-09 Every digit shall be effected by relevant digit
10-19 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 10-1 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
20-29 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 20-2 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
30-39 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 30-3 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
40-49 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 40-4 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-

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50-59 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 50-5 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
60-69 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 60-6 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
70-79 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 70-7 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
80-89 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 80-8 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
90-99 Every year shall be ruled by the effect of digits 90-9 & the effect of the relevant digit 1-
Century effect has not been included, due to fact, that it shall be common to all years & all years in a
century move in same effect for century digits
Numbers interpretations 1 to 999 अंकों का मतलब
1 Before moving ahead for derivation of formulae to accede to detailed understanding, enlisted
are interpretations in respect of all numbers or sequences falling between 1-999, which shall
generally be used in all matters later
  Power of Soul
  Effects of numbers 1 to 999

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  Indicative Iinterpretations included & where, not indicated, can be made by readers

When it is single digits, use interpretation for single digit attributes
When two single similar digts, use interpretation, considering unlimited single digit attributes
When three single digits, use interpretation, considering massive / likely god based single digit
Combination of different attributes of a single digits may be used to interpret
#s Effects
1 Entry, Exit, lead, right,authoity,acceptance, arrival etc
2 Material , worldly, information, body, thing etc
3 Making, breaking, mental application support, romantic support etc
4 Move, flow, solution,emotion,short travel, steal etc
Magic, secret, control, unknown, strong, science, art,profession,ultimate authority,soulistic,solid, final
5 destiny, reality, unrecognisable cheating, white, god's home etc.,
6 Work, work process, thinking, karam, tension, destruction, maintenance etc
Success, light, enlightenment, knowledge interaction, soft, polite, transformation, slow, non proactive, fruit,
7 result, illumination etc
8 System, link, frame,black, network, communication, coordination, invisible, route to death, from death to

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lives, attractive etc
9 Power, fire, struggle, rigidity, resistance anger, aggression, delay etc
10 Often full entry exit, lead, right,authoity,acceptance, arrival etc /saturatuin for effect of 1
11 Unlimited entry, exit, lead, right,authoity,acceptance, arrival etc for effect of 2, material
12 Entry, exit, lead, right,authoity,acceptance, arrival etc & effect of 2 for effect of 1 / congratulation
13 Effect of 1 & 3 for the result 4
14 Effect of 1 & 4 for the result 5
15 Effect of 1 & 5 for the result 6
16 Effect of 1 & 6 for the result 7
17 Effect of 1 & 7 for the result 8
18 Effect of 1 & 8 for the result 9
19 Effect of 1 & 9 for the result 10 for further result 1
20 Effect of full material for effect of 2 material
21 Effect of 2 material & 1 for effect of 3
22 Effect of 11 times 2 unlimited material for effect of 4
23 Effect of 2 material & effect of 3 for effect of 5
24 Effect of 2 material & effect of 4 for effect of 6
25 Effect of 2 material & effect of 5 for effect of 7
26 Effect of 2 material & effect of 6 for effect of 8
27 Effect of 2 material & effect of 7 for effect of 9
28 Effect of 2 material & effect of 8 for effect of 10 for 1

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29 Effect of 2 material & effect of 9 for effect of 11 for 2

30 Effect of full making, breaking, formation for effect of 3 making, breaking formation
31 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 1 for 4
32 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 2 for 5
33 Effect of 11 times 3 unlimited making, breaking, formation for effect of 6
34 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 4 for 7
35 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 5 for 8
36 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 6 for 9
37 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 7 for 10 for effect of 1
38 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 8 for 11 for effect of 2
39 Effect of 3 making, breaking, formation & effect of 9 for 12 for effect of 3
40 Full move, flow, solution,emotion,short travel, steal etc for effect of 4
41 Effect of 4 & effect of 1 for effect of 5
42 Effect of 4 & effect of 2 for effect of 6
43 Effect of 4 & effect of 3 for effect of 7
44 Effect of 11 times 4 unlimited effect of 4 for effect of 8
45 Effect of 4 & effect of 5 for effect of 9
46 Effect of 4 & effect of 6 for effect of 10 for effect of 1
47 Effect of 4 & effect of 7 for effect of 11 for effect of 2
48 Effect of 4 & effect of 8 for effect of 12 for effect of 3
49 Effect of 4 & effect of 9 for effect of 13 for effect of 4

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50 Full effect of 5 for 5

51 Effect of 5 & effect of 1 for effect of 6
52 Effect of 5 & effect of 2 for effect of 7
53 Effect of 5 & effect of 3 for effect of 8
54 Effect of 5 & effect of 4 for effect of 9
55 Effect of 11 times 5 unlimited effect of 5 for effect of 10 for effect of 1
56 Effect of 5 & effect of 6 for effect of 11 for effect of 2
57 Effect of 5 & effect of 7 for effect of 12 for effect of 3
58 Effect of 5 & effect of 8 for effect of 13 for effect of 4
59 Effect of 5 & effect of 9 for effect of 14 for effect of 5
60 Full effect of 6 for 6
61 Effect of 6 & effect of 1 for effect of 7-Mind to Genital
62 Effect of 6 & effect of 2 for effect of 8-Mind to Semen
63 Effect of 6 & effect of 3 for effect of 9-Mind to Navel
64 Effect of 6 & effect of 4 for effect of 10-Mind to Heart
65 Effect of 6 & effect of 5 for effect of 11-Mind to God's Secrecy
66 Effect of 11 times 6 unlimited effect of 6 for effect of 12 for effect of 3-Very calculative number
67 Effect of 6 & effect of 7 for effect of 13 for effect of 4-Analytical support
68 Effect of 6 & effect of 8 for effect of 14 for effect of 5-Analytical Mesh/grill to achieve unexpected/control
Effect of 6 & effect of 9 for effect of 15 for effect of 6-Analytical synthesis /controversial both numbers-
69 Mental Fire

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70 Full effect of 7 for 7-Full success-Full slow-Full fruit-Full support-Ora to Zero

Effect of 7 & effect of 1 for effect of 8-Ora to Genital- Loss of mental energy -Weak genital power
71 augmentation
72 Effect of 7 & effect of 2 for effect of 9-Ora to semen- Loss of mental energy to excit semen store
73 Effect of 7 & effect of 3 for effect of 10-Ora to Nav- Mental energy to navel/making area
Effect of 7 & effect of 4 for effect of 11-Ora to Heart- Mental energy to emotional energy, means loss to
74 mental energy
75 Effect of 7 & effect of 5 for effect of 12-Ora to God
76 Effect of 7 & effect of 6 for effect of 13-Ora to Mind
77 Unlimited Success/ support/fruit/slow etc. for 14
78 Effect of 7 & effect of 8 for effect of 15-Ora to all system
79 Effect of 7 & effect of 9 for effect of 16-Ora to Zero Circle
80 Full System/Coordination/Alignment/Grip etc. upto Zero
81 Entry to Body from system
82 System Material etc.
83 System Making etc.
84 System move, solution etc.
85 System control etc. Perfection
86 System Work etc. Total work
87 System support etc.
88 Unlimited System etc.

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89 System power/fire etc. Bad combination etc. Clashing digits

90 Full power, fire, struggle etc.
91 Power to enter body etc.
92 Power material etc.
93 Power making etc.
94 Power move etc.
95 Power control etc.
96 Power work etc. Clashing digits
97 Power success etc.
98 Power System/support etc. Clashing digits
99 Unlimited power struggle etc.
100 Massive entry etc.
101 Effect of 10 & 1 for 2
102 Effect of 10 & 2 for 3
103 Effect of 10 & 3 for 4
104 Effect of 10 & 4 for 5
105 Effect of 10 & 5 for 6
106 Effect of 10 & 6 for 7
107 Effect of 10 & 7 for 8
108 Effect of 10 & 8 for 9--Lead of Black World-Kalka World-Invisible world
109 Effect of 10 & 9 for 10

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110 Just Massive Lead or Massive attribute of digit 1

111 Massive Lead or Massive attribute of digit 1
112 Unlimited attribute of 1 with material for total 4
113 Unlimited attribute of 1 with making for total 5
114 Unlimited attribute of 1 with move for total 6
115 Unlimited attribute of 1 with secrecy for total 7
116 Unlimited attribute of 1 with work/thinking for total 8
117 Unlimited attribute of 1 with success for total 9
118 Unlimited attribute of 1 with system for total 10-1
119 Unlimited attribute of 1 with power for total 11-2
120 Full Congratulatory Greetings
121 Congratulatory Lead for 4
122 Congratulatory Material for 5
123 Congratulatory Making for 6
124 Congratulatory Move for 7
125 Congratulatory Controls for 8
126 Congratulatory Work for 9
127 Congratulatory Success/support for 10-1
128 Congratulatory system for 11-2
129 Congratulatory power for 12-3
130 Entry Full making for 4

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131 Entry making lead for 5

132 Entry making material for 6
133 Entry unlimited making for 7
134 Entry making move for 8
135 Entry making control for 9
136 Entry making work/decidion for 10-1
137 Entry making support for 11-2
138 Entry making system for 12-3
139 Entry making power for 13-4
140 Entry full move for 5
141 Entry move entry for 6
142 Entry move material for 7
143 Entry move making for 8
144 Entry unlimited move for 9
145 Entry move control for 10-1
146 Entry move work for 11-2
147 Entry move success for 12-3
148 Entry move system for 13-4
149 Entry move power for 14-5
150 Entry full control for 6
151 Entry control entry/exit for 7

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152 Entry control material for 8

153 Entry control making for 9
154 Entry control move for 10-1
155 Entry unlimited control for 11-2
156 Entry control work for 12-3
157 Entry control success for 13-4
158 Entry control system for 14-5
159 Entry control power for 15-6
160 Entry full work for 16-7
161 Solemn entry for 8
162 Solemn material for 9
163 Solemn making for 10-1
164 Solemn move for 11-2
165 Solemn control for 12-3
166 Entry unlimited work-13-4
167 Solemn success for 14-5
168 Solemn system for 15-6
169 Solemn power for 16-7
170 Entry full success for 8
171 Entry success entry/exit for 9
172 Entry success material for 10-1

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173 Entry success making for 11-2

174 Entry success move for 12-3
175 Entry success control for 13-4
176 Entry success work for 14-5
177 Entry unlimited success for 15-6
178 Entry success system for 16-7
179 Entry success power for 17-8
180 Entry full system for 9
181 Entry system entry/exit for 10-1
182 Entry system material for 11-2
183 Entry system making for 12-3
184 Entry system move for 13-4
185 Entry system control for 14-5
186 Entry system work for 15-6
187 Entry system success for 16-7
188 Entry unlimited system for 17-8
189 Entry system power for 18-9
190 Entry full power for 1
191 Entry power entry/exit for 11-2
192 Entry power material for 12-3
193 Entry power making for 13-4

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194 Entry power move for 14-5

195 Entry power control for 15-6
196 Entry power work for 16-7
197 Entry power success for 17-8
198 Entry power system for 18-9
199 Entry unlimited power for 19-10
200 Massive material nearly for 2
201 Full material entry for 3
202 Massive material nearly for 4
203 Full material making for 5
204 Full material move for 6
205 Full material control for 7
206 Full material work for 8
207 Full material suppot for 9
208 Full material system for 10-1
209 Full material power for 11-2
210 Material full entry for 3
211 Material unlimited entry for 4
212 Massive material like or owner material for 5
213 Material Entry Making/Owner Making-6
214 Material Entry Making/Owner Move-7

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215 Material Entry Making/Owner Control-8

216 Material Entry Making/Owner Work-9
217 Material Entry Making/Owner Support-10-1
218 Material Entry Making/Owner System-11-2
219 Material Entry Making/Owner Power-12-3
220 Near Massive Material-4
221 Near Massive Material/Unlimited Material Entry-5
222 Massive Material-6
223 Unlimited Material Making -7
224 Unlimited Material Move -8
225 Unlimited Material Control -9
226 Unlimited Material Work -10-1
227 Unlimited Material Support -11-2
228 Unlimited Material System -12-3
229 Unlimited Material Power -13-4
230 Material Full Making-5
231 Material Making Entry-6
232 Material Making Material-7
233 Material Unlimited Making-8
234 Material making Move-9
235 Material making Control-10-1

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236 Material Making Work-11-2

237 Material Making Support-12-3
238 Material Making System-13-4
239 Material Making Power-14-5
240 Material Full Move-6
241 Material Move Entry-7
242 Material Move Material -8
243 Material Move Making-9
244 Material Unlimited Move-10-1
245 Material Move Control-11-2
246 Material Move Work-12-3
247 Material Move Support-13-4
248 Material Move System-14-5
249 Material Move Power-15-6
250 Material Full Control-7
251 Material Control Entry-8
252 Material Control Material-9
253 Material Control Making-10-1
254 Material Control Move-11-2
255 Material Unlimited Control-12-3
256 Material Control Work-13-4

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257 Material Control Support-14-5

258 Material Control System-15-6
259 Material Control Power-16-7
260 Material Full Work-8
261 Material Work Entry-9
262 Material Work Material-10-1
263 Material Work Making-11-2
264 Material Work Move-12-3
265 Material ork Control-13-4
266 Material Full Work-14-5
267 Material Work Support-15-6
268 Material Work System-16-7
269 Material Work Power-17-8
270 Material Full Support-9
271 Material Support Entry-10-1
272 Material Support Material-11-2
273 Material Support Making-12-3
274 Material Support Move-13-4
275 Material Support Control-14-5
276 Material Support Work-15-6
277 Material Unlimited Support-16-7

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278 Material Support System-17-6

279 Material Support Power-18-9
280 Material Full System-10-1
281 Material System Entry-11-2
282 Material System Material-12-3
283 Material System Making-13-4
284 Material System Move-14-5
285 Material System Control-15-6
286 Material System Work-16-7
287 Material System Support-17-8
288 Material Unlimited System-18-9
289 Material System Power-19-10-1
290 Material Full Power-11-2
291 Material Power Entry-12-3
292 Material Power Material-13-4
293 Material Power Making-14-5
294 Material Power Move-15-6
295 Material Power Control-16-7
296 Material Power Work-17-8
297 Material Power Support-18-9
298 Material Power System-19-10

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299 Material Unlimited Power-20-2

300 Near Massive Making-3
301 Full Making Entry-4
302 Full Making Material-5
303 Near Massive Making-6
304 Full Making Move-7
305 Full Making Control-8
306 Full Making Work-9
307 Full Making Support-10-1
308 Full Making System-11-2
309 Full Making Power-12-3
310 Making Full Entry-4
311 Making Unlimited Entry-5
312 Making Congratulatory-6
313 Making Entry Making-7
314 Making Entry Move-8
315 Making Entry Control-9
316 Making Solemn-10-1
317 Making Entry Support-11-2
318 Making Entry System-12-3
319 Making Entry Power-13-4

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320 Making Full Material-5

321 Making Owner-6
322 Making Unlimited Material-7
323 Making Material Making-8
324 Making Material Move-9
325 Making Material Control-10-1
326 Making Material Work-11-2
327 Making Material Support-12-3
328 Making Material System-13-4
329 Making Material Power-14-5
330 Near Massive Making-6
331 Near Massive Making-7
332 Near Massive Making-8
333 Massive Making-9
334 Unlimited Making Move-10-1
335 Unlimited Making Control-11-2
336 Unlimited Making Work-12-3
337 Unlimited Making Support-13-4
338 Unlimited Making System-14-5
339 Unlimited Making Power-15-6
340 Making Full Move-7

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341 Making Move Entry-8

342 Making Move Material-9
343 Making Move Making-10-1
344 Making Unlimited Move-11-2
345 Making Move Control-12-3
346 Making Move Work-13-4
347 Making Move Support-14-5
348 Making Move System-15-6
349 Making Move Power-16-7
350 Making Full Control-8
351 Making Control Entry-9
352 Making Control Material-10-1
353 Making Control Making-11-2
354 Making Control Move-12-3
355 Making Unlimited Control-13-4
356 Making Control Work-14-5
357 Making Control Support-15-6
358 Making Control System-16-7
359 Making Control Power-17-8
360 Making Full Work-9
361 Making Work Entry-10-1

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362 Making Work Material-11-2

363 Making Work Making-12-3
364 Making Work Move-13-4
365 Making Work Control-14-5
366 Making Unlimited Work-15-6
367 Making Work Soft-16-7
368 Making Work System-17-8
369 Making Work Power-18-9
370 Making Full Support-10-1
371 Making Support Entry-11-2
372 Making Support Material-12-3
373 Making Support Making-13-4
374 Making Support Move-14-5
375 Making Support Control-15-6
376 Making Support Work-16-7
377 Making Unlimited Support-17-8
378 Making Support System-18-9
379 Making Support Power-19-10-1
380 Making Full System-11-2
381 Making System Entry-12-3
382 Making System Material-13-4

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383 Making System Making-14-5

384 Making System Move-15-6
385 Making System Control-16-7
386 Making System Work-17-8
387 Making System Support-18-9
388 Making Unlimited System-19-10-1
389 Making System Power-20-2
390 Making Full Power-12-3
391 Making Power Entry-13-4
392 Making Power Material-14-5
393 Making Power Making-15-6
394 Making Power Move-16-7
395 Making Power Control-17-8
396 Making Power Work-18-9
397 Making Power Support-19-10
398 Making Power System-20-2
399 Making Unlimited Power-21-3
400 Near Massive Move-4
401 Full Move Entry-5
402 Full Move Material-6
403 Full Move Making-7

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404 Full Move Move/Near Massive Move-8

405 Full Move Control-9
406 Full Move Work-10-1
407 Full Move Support-11-2
408 Full Move System-12-3
409 Full Move Power-13-4
410 Move Full Entry-5
411 Move Unlimited Entry-6
412 Move Entry Material/Move Congratulation-7
413 Move Entry Making-8
414 Near Massive Move/Move Entry Move-9
415 Move Entry Control-10-1
416 Move Solemn/Move Entry Work-12-3
417 Move Entry Support-12-3
418 Move Entry System-13-4
419 Move Entry Power-14-5
420 Move Full Material-6
421 Move Owner/move Material Entry-7
422 Move Unlimited Material-8
423 Move Material making-9
424 Near Massive Move/Move Material Move-10-1

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425 Move Material Control-11-2

426 Move Material Work-12-3
427 Move Material Support-13-4
428 Move Material System-14-5
429 Move Material Power-15-6
430 Move Full Making-7
431 Move Making Entry-8
432 Move Entry Material-9
433 Move Unlimited Making-10-1
434 Near Massive Move/Move Making Move-11-2
435 Move Making Control-12-5
436 Move Making Work-13-4
437 Move Making Support-14-5
438 Move Making System-15-6
439 Move Making Power-16-7
440 near Massive Move-8
441 Near Massive Move/Unlimited Move Entry-9
442 Near Massive Move/Unlimited Move Material-10-1
443 Near Massive Move/Unlimited Move Making-11-2
444 Massive Move-12-3
445 Unlimited Move Control-13-4

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446 Unlimited Move Work-14-5

447 Unlimited Move Support-15-6
448 Unlimited Move System-16-7
449 Unlimited Move Power-17-8
450 Move Full Control-9
451 Move Control Entry-10-1
452 Move Control Material-11-2
453 Move Control Making-12-3
454 Move Control Move-13-4
455 Move Unlimited Control-14-5
456 Move Control Work-15-6
457 Move Control Support-16-7
458 Move Control System-17-8
459 Move ControlPower-18-9
460 Move Full Work-10-1
461 Move Work Entry-11-2
462 Move Work Material-12-3
463 Move Work Making-13-4
464 Move Work Move-14-5
465 Move Work Control-15-6
466 Move Unlimited Work-16-7

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467 Move Work Support-17-8

468 Move Work System-18-9
469 Move Work Power-19-10-1
470 Move Full Support-11-2
471 Move Support Entry-12-3
472 Move Support Material-13-4
473 Move Support Making-14-5
474 Move Support Move-15-6
475 Move Support Control-16-7
476 Move Support Work-17-8
477 Move Unlimited Support-18-9
478 Move Support System-19-10-1
479 Move Support Power-20-2
480 Move Full System-12-3
481 Move System Entry-13-4
482 Move System Material-14-5
483 Move System Making-15-6
484 Move System Move-16-7
485 Move System Control-17-8
486 Move System Work-18-9
487 Move System Support-19-10-1

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488 Move Unlimited System-20-2

489 Move System Power-21-3
490 Move Full Power-13-4
491 Move Power Entry-14-5
492 Move Power Material-15-6
493 Move Power Making-16-7
494 Move Power Move-17-8
495 Move Power Control-18-9
496 Move Power Work-19-10-1
497 Move Power Support-20-2
498 Move Power System-21-3
499 Move Unlimited Power-22-4
500 Near Massive Control-5
501 Near Massive Control/Full Control Entry-6
502 Near Massive Control/Full Control Material-7
503 Near Massive Control/Full Control Making -8
504 Near Massive Control/Full Control Move -9
505 Near Massive Control-10
506 Full Control Work-11-2
507 Full Control Support-12-3
508 Full Control System-13-4

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509 Full Control Power-14-5

510 Control Full Entry-6
511 Control Unlimited Entry-7
512 Control Entry Material/Control Congratulation-8
513 Control Entry Making-9
514 Control Entry Move-10-1
515 Control Entry Control-11-2
516 Control Entry Work-12-3
517 Control Entry Support-13-4
518 Control Entry System-14-5
519 Control Entry Power-15-6
520 Control Full Material-7
521 Control Material Entry/Control Owner-8
522 Control Unlimited Material-9
523 Control Material Makimg-10-1
524 Control Material Move-11-2
525 Control Material Control-12-3
526 Control Material Work-13-4
527 Control Material Support-14-5
528 Control Material System-15-6
529 Control Material Power-16-7

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530 Control Full Making-8

531 Control Making Entry-9
532 Control Making Material-10-1
533 Control Unlimited Making-11-2
534 Control Making Move-12-3
535 Control Making Control-13-4
536 Control Making Work-14-5
537 Control Making Support-15-6
538 Control Making System-16-7
539 Control Making Power-17-8
540 Control Full Move-9
541 Control Move Entry-10-1
542 Control Move Material-11-2
543 Control Move Making-12-3
544 Control Unlimited Move-13-4
545 Control Move Control-14-5
546 Control Move Work-15-6
547 Control Move Support-16-7
548 Control Move System-17-8
549 Control Move Power-18-9
550 Near Massive Control-10-1

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551 Near Massive Control/Unlimited Control Entry-11-2

552 Near Massive Control/Unlimited Control Material-12-3
553 Near Massive Control/Unlimited Control Making-13-4
554 Near Massive Control/Unlimited Control Move-14-5
555 Massive Control-15-6
556 Near Massive Control/Unlimited Control Work-16-7
557 Near Massive Control/Unlimited Control Support-17-8
558 Near Massive Control/Unlimited Control System-18-9
559 Unlimited Control Power-19-10-1
560 Control Full Work-11-2
561 Control Work Entry-12-3
562 Control Work Material-13-4
563 Control Work Making-14-5
564 Control Work Move-15-6
565 Control Work Control-16-7
566 Control Unlimited Work-17-8
567 Control Work Support-18-9
568 Control Work System-19-10-1
569 Control Work Power-20-2
570 Control Full Support-12-3
571 Contro Support Entry-13-4

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572 Control Support Material-14-5

573 Control Support Making-15-6
574 Control Support Move-16-7
575 Control Support Control-17-8
576 Control Support Work-18-9
577 Control Unlimited Support-19-10-1
578 Control Support System-20-2
579 Control Support Power-21-3
580 Control Full System-13-4
581 Control System Entry-14-5
582 Control System Material-15-6
583 Control System Making-16-7
584 Control System Move-17-8
585 Control System Control-18-9
586 Control System Work-19-10-1
587 Control System Support-20-2
588 Control Unlimited System-21-3
589 Control System Power-22-4
590 Control Full Power-14-5
591 Control Power Entry-15-6
592 Control Power Material-16-7

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593 Control Power Making-17-8

594 Control Power Move-18-9
595 Control Power Control-19-10-1
596 Control Power Work-20-2
597 Control Power Support-21-3
598 Control Power System-22-4
599 Control Unlimited Power-23-5
600 Near Massive Work/100 Times Work-6
601 Near Massive Work/Full Work Entry/101 Times Work-7
602 Near Massive Work/Full Work Material/102 Times Work-8
603 Full Work Making-9
604 Full Work Move-10-1
605 Full Work Control-11-2
606 Near Massive Work-12-3
607 Full Work Support-13-4
608 Full Work System-14-5
609 Full Work Power-15-6
610 Work Full Entry-7
611 Work Unlimited Entry-8
612 Work Entry Material/Work Congratulation-9
613 Work Entry Making-10-1

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614 Work Entry Move-11-2

615 Work Entry Control-12-3
616 Work Entry Work-13-4
617 Work Entry Support-14-5
618 Work Entry System-15-6
619 Work Entry Power-16-7
620 Work Full Material-8
621 Work Owner/Work Material Entry-9
622 Work Unlimited Material-10-1
623 Work Material Making-11-2
624 Work Material Move-12-3
625 Work Material Control-13-4
626 Work Material Work-14-5
627 Work Material Support-15-6
628 Work Material System-16-7
629 Work Material Power-17-8
630 Work Full Making-9
631 Work Making Entry-10-1
632 Work Making Material-11-2
633 Work Unlimited Making-12-3
634 Work Making Move-13-4

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635 Work Making Control-14-5

636 Work Making Work-15-6
637 Work Making Support-16-7
638 Work Making System-17-8
639 Work Making Power-18-9
640 Work Full Move-10-1
641 Work Move Entry-11-2
642 Work Move Material-12-3
643 Work Move Making-13-4
644 Work Unlimited Move-14-5
645 Work Move Control-15-6
646 Work Move Work-16-7
647 Work Move Support-17-8
648 Work Move System-18-9
649 Work Move Power-19-10-1
650 Work Full Control-11-2
651 Work Control Entry-11-2
652 Work Control Material-12-3
653 Work Control Making-14-5
654 Work Control Move-15-6
655 Work Unlimited Control-16-7

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656 Work Control Work-17-8

657 Work Control Support-18-9
658 Work Control System-19-10-1
659 Work Control Power-20-2
660 Near Massive Work/Full Unlimited Work-12-3
661 Unlimited Work Entry-13-4
662 Unlimited Work Material-14-5
663 Unlimited Work Making-15-6
664 Unlimited Work Move-16-7
665 Unlimited Work Control-17-8
666 Massive Work/Work Ocean/Untiring Devil-18-9
667 Unlimited Work Support-19-10-1
668 Unlimited Work System-20-2
669 Unlimited Work Power-21-3
670 Work Full Support-13-4
671 Work Support Entry-14-5
672 Work Support Material-15-6
673 Work Support Making-16-7
674 Work Support Move-17-8
675 Work Support Control-18-9
676 Work Support Work-19-10-1

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677 Work Unlimited Support-20-2

678 Work Support System-21-3
679 Work Support Power-22-4
680 Work Full System-14-5
681 Work System Entry-15-6
682 Work System Material-16-7
683 Work System Making-17-8
684 Work System Move-18-9
685 Work System Control-19-10-1
686 Work System Work-20-2
687 Work System Support-21-3
688 Work Unlimited System-22-4
689 Work System Power-23-5
690 Work Full Power-15-6
691 Work Power Entry-16-7
692 Work Power Material-17-8
693 Work Power Making-18-9
694 Work Power Move-19-10-4
695 Work Power Control-20-2
696 Work Power Work-21-3
697 Work Power Support-22-4

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698 Work Power System-23-5

699 Work Unlimited Power-24-6
700 Near Massive Support/100Times Support-7
701 Full Support Entry-8
702 Full Support Material-9
703 Full Support Making-10-1
704 Full Support Move-11-2
705 Full Support Control-12-3
706 Full Support Work-13-4
707 Near Massive Support/Full Support Support-14-5
708 Full Support System-15-6
709 Full Support Power-16-7
710 Support Full Entry-8
711 Support Unlimited Entry-9
712 Support Entry Material/Support Congratulation-10-1
713 Support Entry Making-11-2
714 Support Entry Move-12-3
715 Support Entry Control-13-4
716 Support Solemn/Support Entry Work-14-5
717 Support Entry Support-15-6
718 Support Entry System-16-7

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719 Support Entry Power-17-8

720 Support Full Material-9
721 Support Owner/Support Material Entry-10-1
722 Support Unlimited Material-11-2
723 Support Material Making-12-3
724 Support Material Move-13-4
725 Support Material Control-14-5
726 Support Material Work-15-6
727 Support Material Support-16-7
728 Support Material System-17-8
729 Support Material Power-18-9
730 Support Full making-10-1
731 Support Making Entry-11-2
732 Support Making Matrial-12-3
733 Support Unlimited Making-13-4
734 Support Making Move-14-5
735 Support Making Control-15-6
736 Support Making Work-16-7
737 Support Making Support-17-8
738 Support Making System-18-9
739 Support making Power-19-10-1

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740 Support Full Move-11-2

741 Support Move Entry-12-3
742 Support Move Material-13-4
743 Support Move Making-14-5
744 Support Unlimited Move-15-6
745 Support Move Control-16-7
746 Support Move Work-17-8
747 Support Move Support-18-9
748 Support Move System-19-10-1
749 Support Move Power-20-2
750 Support Full Control-12-3
751 Support Control Entry-13-4
752 Support Control Material-14-5
753 Support Control Making-15-6
754 Support Control Move-16-7
755 Support Unlimited Control-17-8
756 Support Control Work-18-9
757 Support Control Support-19-10-1
758 Support Control System-20-2
759 Support Control Power-21-3
760 Support Full Work-13-4

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761 Support Work Entry-14-5

762 Support Work Material-15-6
763 Support Work Making-16-7
764 Support Work Move-17-8
765 Support Work Control-18-9
766 Support Unlimited Work-19-10-1
767 Support Work Support-20-2
768 Support Work System-21-3
769 Support Work Power-22-4
770 Full Unlimited Support-14-5
771 Unlimited Support Entry-15-6
772 Unlimited Support Material-16-7
773 Unlimited Support Making-17-8
774 Unlimited Support Move-18-9
775 Unlimited Support Control-19-10-1
776 Unlimited Support Work-20-2
777 Massiv Support-21-3
778 Unlimited Support System-22-4
779 Unlimited Support Power-23-5
780 Support Full System-15-6
781 Support System Entry-16-7

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782 Support System Material-17-8

783 Support System Making-18-9
784 Support System Move-19-1
785 Support System Control-20-2
786 Support System Work-21-3
787 Support System Support-22-4
788 Support Unlimited System-23-5
789 Support System Power-24-6
790 Support Full Power-16-7
791 Support Power Entry-17-8
792 Support Power Material-18-9
793 Support Power Making-19-10-1
794 Support Power Move-20-2
795 Support Power Control-21-3
796 Support Power Work-22-4
797 Support Power Support-23-5
798 Support Power System-24-6
799 Support Unlimited Power-25-7
800 Near Massive System-8
801 Full System Entry-9
802 Full System Material-10-1

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803 Full System Making-11-2

804 Full System Move-12-3
805 Full System Control-13-4
806 Full System Work-14-5
807 Full System Support-15-6
808 Near Massive System/101Times System-16-7
809 Full System Power-17-8
810 System Full Entry-9
811 System Unlimited Entry-10-1
812 System Congratulatory-11-2
813 System Entry Making-12-3
814 System Entry Move-13-4
815 System Entry Making-14-5
816 Syatem Solemn/System Entry Work-15-6
817 System Entry Support-16-7
818 Near Massive System/System Entry System-17-8
819 System Entry Power-18-9
820 System Full Material-10-1
821 System Owner/System Material Entry-11-2
822 System Unlimited Material-12-3
823 System Material Making-13-4

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824 System Material Move-14-5

825 System Material Control-15-6
826 System Material Work-16-7
827 System Material Support-17-8
828 System Material System-18-9
829 System Material Power-19-10-1
830 Syetem Full Making-11-2
831 System Making Entry-12-3
832 System Making Material-13-4
833 System Unlimited Making-14-5
834 System Making Move-15-6
835 System Making Control-16-7
836 System Making Work-17-8
837 System Making Support-18-9
838 System Making System-19-10-1
839 System Making Power-20-2
840 System Full Move-12-3
841 System Move Entry-13-4
842 System Move Material-14-5
843 System Move Making-15-6
844 System Unlimited Move-16-7

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845 System Move Control-17-8

846 System Move Work-18-9
847 System Move Support-19-10-1
848 System Move System-20-2
849 System Move Power-21-3
850 System Full Control-13-4
851 System Control Entry-14-5
852 System Control Material-15-6
853 System Control Making-16-7
854 System Control Move-17-8
855 System Unlimited Control-18-9
856 System Control Work-19-10-1
857 System Control Support-20-2
858 System Control System-21-3
859 System Control Power-22-4
860 System Full Work-14-5
861 System Work Entry-15-6
862 System Work Material-16-7
863 System Work Making-17-8
864 System Work Move-18-9
865 System Work Control-19-10-1

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866 System Unlimited Work-20-2

867 System Work Support-21-3
868 System Work System-22-4
869 System Work Power-23-5
870 System Full Support-15-6
871 System Support Entry-16-7
872 System Support Material-17-8
873 System Support Making-18-9
874 System Support Move-19-10-1
875 System Support Control-20-2
876 System Support Work-21-3
877 System Unlimited Support-22-4
878 System Support System-23-5
879 System Support Power-24-6
880 Full Unlimited System-16-7
881 Unlimited System Entry-17-8
882 Unlimited System Material-18-9
883 Unlimited System Making-19-10-1
884 Unlimited System Move-20-2
885 Unlimited System Control-21-3
886 Unlimited System Work-22-4

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887 Unlimited System Support-23-5

888 Massive System-24-6
889 Unlimited System Power-25-7
890 System Full Power-17-8
891 System Power Entry-18-9
892 System Power Material-19-10-1
893 System Power Making-20-2
894 System Power Move-21-3
895 System Power Control-22-4
896 System Power Work-23-5
897 System Power Support-24-6
898 System Power System-25-7
899 System Unlimited Power-26-8
900 Cent Power-9
901 Full Power Entry-10-1
902 Full Power Material-11-2
903 Full Power Making-12-3
904 Full Power Move-13-4
905 Full Power Control-14-5
906 Full Power Work-15-6
907 Full Power Support-16-7

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908 Full Power System-17-8

909 Full Power Power/Near Massive Power-18-9
910 Power Full Entry-10-1
911 Power Unlimited Entry-11-2
912 Power Entry Material/Power Congratulation-12-3
913 Power Entry Making-13-4
914 Power Entry Move-14-5
915 Power Entry Control-15-6
916 Power Solemn/Power Entry Work-16-7
917 Power Entry Support-17-8
918 Power Entry System-18-9
919 Power Entry Power/Near Massive Power-19-10-1
920 Power Full Material-11-2
921 Power Owner/Power Material Entry-12-3
922 Power Unlimited Material-13-4
923 Power Material Making-14-5
924 Power Material Move-15-6
925 Power Material Control-16-7
926 Power Material Work-17-8
927 Power Material Support-18-9
928 Power Material System-19-10-1

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929 Power Material Power/Near Massive Power-20-2

930 Power Full Making-12-3
931 Power Making Entry-13-4
932 Power Making Material-14-5
933 Power Unlimited Making-15-6
934 Power Making Move-16-7
935 Power Making Control-17-8
936 Power Making Work-18-9
937 Power Making Support-19-10-1
938 Power Making System-20-2
939 Power Making Power/near Massive Power-21-3
940 Power Full Move-13-4
941 Power Move Entry-14-5
942 Power Move Material-15-6
943 Power Move Making-16-7
944 Power Unlimited Move-17-8
945 Power Move Control-18-9
946 Power Move Work-19-10-1
947 Power Move Support-20-2
948 Power Move System-21-3
949 Power Move Power/Near Massive Power-22-4

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950 Power Full Control-14-5

951 Power Control Entry-15-6
952 Power Control Material-16-7
953 Power Control Making-17-8
954 Power Control Move-18-9
955 Power Unlimited Control-19-10-1
956 Power Control Work-20-2
957 Power Control Support-21-3
958 Power Control System-22-4
959 Power Control Power/Near Massive Power-23-5
960 Power Full System-15-6
961 Power Work Entry-16-7
962 Power Work Material-17-8
963 Power Work Making-18-9
964 Power Work Move-19-10-1
965 Power Work Control-20-2
966 Power Unlimited Work-21-3
967 Power Work Support-22-4
968 Power Work System-23-5
969 Power Work Power/Near Massive Power-24-6
970 Power Full Support-16-7

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971 Power Support Entry-17-8

972 Power Support Material-18-9
973 Power Support Making-19-10-1
974 Power Support Move-20-2
975 Power Support Control-21-3
976 Power Support Work-22-4
977 Power Unlimited Support-23-5
978 Powe Support System-24-6
979 Power Support Power/Near Massive Power-25-7
980 Power Full System-17-8
981 Power System Entry-18-9
982 Power System Material-19-10-1
983 Power System Making-20-2
984 Power System Move-21-3
985 Power System Control-22-4
986 Power System Work-23-5
987 Power System Support-27-6
988 Power Unlimited System-25-7
989 Power system Power/Near Massive Power-26-8
990 Full Unlimited Power/Near Massive Power-18-9
991 Unlimited Power Entry-19-10-1

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992 Unlimited Power Material-20-2

993 Unlimited Power Making-21-3
994 Unlimited Power Move-22-4
995 Unlimited Power Control-23-5
996 Unlimited Power Work-24-6
997 Unlimited Power Support-25-7
998 Unlimited Power System/Near Massive Power System-26-8
999 Massive Power-27-9

numberdatainterpretation0to999.xls अंकों का मतलब

1 First column is # value, description, 2nd the intermediate sum of individual digits & the 3rd, the
unit digit between 0 to 9

2 Effect of 1 shall apply to all descriptions from 1000 to 1999, while remaining 3 digits to all
other descriptions have to be taken, as effects of 001 to 999 in relevance of numbers & their
interpretations done accordingly. Repeat same procedures for all thousands’ digits.

3 Important & significant point here lies in fact that last 3 digits shall tell meaning in respect of
description for every case definitely as well as, specifically. Numbers indicating thousands or

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10th thousand etc. shall general effect as applicable to all numbers within that series & not
count to a special consideration.

4 Values or interpretations given in above file for 0-999 have been based only on one or two of
various interpretations, included from # 0-9, while other possibilities can be formed, using
these numbers & every interpretation may suit many numbers of questions, which shall
factually depend from case to case or question to question.

5 A couple of thoughts have to be given, but user to reach conclusive combination, pertaining
interpretations. Schedule in above file indicates only a system or formula for a purpose that
user may understand procedures of sequence formation.
Now, let us go to a very important part of this exponential work by getting into following ‘about
derivation’ explanation. ये सत्र
ू कैसे बने

1 Starting effective number of this physical world is 1, which gives only a length value, if drawn
& forms no recognizable or measurable figure.

2 Second effective number is of this physical world is 2, which gives only an angle value if
drawn 2 lines meeting at a point.

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3 It also, forms no figure. Number 3 provides an effective measurable figure, when 3 lines are
drawn meeting at 3 points, each point by 2 lines & figure called triangle.

4 Therefore, it is primarily triangle only that can speak geometrically & we may nominate or
term it as a unit of measurement as far as, this subject is concerned.

5 Hence we have taken into our schedule interpretation value of 3 as making.

6 Also, if we take out 1 of sides off triangle, formed figure shall immediately break, leaving only
2 sides of an angle or other form.

7 Hence, we call number 3 effect as breaking. But, material in respect of 2 sides still exists,
which can reform triangle if so required.

8 Hence we can call 2 sides, as material also. We cannot do anything, if even one side is not
available means 1 side provide authority or entry or exit.

9 If 1 more side is added to triangle (meeting at 4 points), a 4 sided figure is formed, which
indicates further motion of triangle or figure unit.

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10 Hence, we can call it move or motion.

11 Now, we form a triangle & extend all 3 sides in same directions.

12 Let us allot numbers starting from 1 onwards moving clockwise once & anticlockwise next &
then clockwise & write numbers on 4 points of each side of triangle, which shall result after
summation of all points on every side to a value of 20 (refer to triangular description on mother
Durga calendar) & if one divides this value of 20 by 3, one shall get 6 & a remainder 2 or
equation works 3*6+2=18+2=20
Let us try to form a 4 sided figure & repeat above process. We shall get an equation 4*6+2=26

1 Let us try to form a figure of 5 sides & repeat process.

2 Resulting equation being 5*6+2=32 & furthering every addition of step shall increase result
value by 6, for which a trial can be made for every number of sides, wherein this formula shall
work. Suppose one seeks a result of 8 sided figure, which shall be 8*6+2=50 & so on & so
3 Every result shall provide a value difference or a step of 6 either side (before or after) the #
4 For purpose of understanding by user a few diagrams have been given in this work
5 Equations of 0,1 & 2 can be formed however, but figures cannot be drawn.

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6 This effect of a difference or a step of 6 indicates work difference of every number & hence
these results shall be interpreted as work linked series, which means, if work is carried out by
whatever number, resulting answer shall be effect of equated number i.e. ( #*6+2)=Equated
number=Reflection=Result of Number
7 Results, pertaining to these numbers have been given on following worksheet file, on right side
schedules, under work results ‘column’
numberdata.xls नंबर चार्ट्स

Above schedule provides results falling within date of births of persons, born in a century
irrespective of century number & other than these, no other number applies for considerations,
pertaining to date of births, which shall be discussed in some other parts of this work,
1 Negative sign or approach to whatever number can be applied, visualizing that person got a
tendency of either resting or retardation or otherwise, if some person’s jealous either
counterparts or enemies try to negate or nullify by their bad efforts, applications making all
works by person, which person carried out go waste, without delivering any affirmative results
or also, when person got an approach to use negative thinking etc. These results are based on
work being done & not simply thinking that fortune shall come on its own.
2 Negative application shall form similar results, as if equation of reflective charts is formed.
3 Multiply negative sign number by 6 & add 2 to get the result i.e. results shall be value 4 lesser
than equation 6*#+2 with negative sign.

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4 Charts or schedules can be formed exactly same way, as positive value charts or table formed.
5 If formed this chart may indicate about, what type of negative effect, a number can impart to
person, whatever operation or phase & to take care for protection from bad effects.
6 These charts have not been included in this volume, but may be included, if so demanded.
7 Positive & negative numbers’ equations interrelationship
8 (Positive number)*6+2= Value
9 (Negative number)*6+2= Positive value-4
10 Chart formation method holds good for both cases, with exception to add minus sign to
11 Since it is assumed that person shall be ready for work, herein, we consider only positive
Replacement of numbers 8, 5 & 2 अंको का ८,५,२ अंकों से रिश्ता
1 Here replacement of numbers means to get a support of single digit number for interpreting
supporting basic number.
2 Please observe reflective schedule carefully & sum up every result number to a single digit for
a standard repetition of 8,5 & 2 very basic supports or conversions.
3 0-Support 2,1- Support 8,2- Support 5,3- Support 2,4- Support 8,5- Support 5,6- Support 2,7-
Support 8,8- Support 5,9- Support 2, so on & so forth
4 These supporting replacement numbers have been given on sheet 2 of following file

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1 Numbers 8,5,2 are very basic replacement basis to find natural effects of all numbers as 8
indicates system etc. 5 indicates magic etc. & 2 indicates material etc. & probably these 3
digits make existence.
2 Series is produced as 8,5 & 2 & if one computes this sequence, obviously a repetition of
numbers shall form, as is evident on above file.
3 Replacement schedule or series from 0-999 has been included for ready reference of user &
may be referred to as & when required
4 Number consideration itself is first effect, while its replacement is second effect & we have
seen that third is only effect, where figure is required to be further worked out, if it does not
give single digit either of 8, 5 & 2, so that substitution should be carried out to another step to
reach final outcome.
Final Replacement # 5 अंकों से आखरी रिश्ता # 5!!!
1 Schedule explicitly reveals that unchangeable or final replacement is digit 5 for all digits,
which is an obvious reflection of fact that number 5 is ultimate support for success of person’s

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2 Should a person apply all required efforts, during job performance from starting till job end, it
is very certain / definite that effect of # 5 shall arrive at end of day or work & result must go to
person’s efforts.
3 Determination of a person to carry out job as ‘whole applied’, when life style of person shall
4 Success shall be limited, unlimited & massive in consonance or in accordance with number
value being 5, 55 & 555 (substituted) respectively.
5 By derivation of these sequences, I arrive to a conclusion that numbers 8, 5 & 2 are ruling
numbers & magnitude or quantum of these digits shall indicate, degree of ruling endowed on
person by nature or god. This ruling related matter also, we shall take up later.

Direct series
1 Based on luck of a person by using whatever number thrice, by substituting & dividing by 3 to
reach an answer for interpretation, namely 1-111- 888 / 3.
2 Substitute digits placed thrice & divide by 3 to get results to interpretation.

Please open following file sheet 2 to see results


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1 Since, this series is based on division by 3 of basic substituted numbers, placed thrice
arithmetically, results shall be interpretations of supporting or basic effects that person derives
during & conclusively working, but meaning should be intelligently construed, depending on
situation, question to question, various combinations worked out applied.
2 Also, series developed by directly placing thrice number digits & dividing by 3 to reach an
answer for interpretation in respect of results for efforts.
3 Many interpretations can be derived from same number, depending on probable use of basic
effects of numbers given earlier.
4 Best possible style should be included in interpretation, depending upon situation or question.
5 All these series should be used as secondary or corroborating tool to reach various categories
of interpretations for select topics or question’s answers or instantaneous answer.
Schedule of Super or SuperColsum series
1 In following file has been given Super or SuperColsum series.
2 Values have been computed based on Sum of all values in whatever column up to row of check
# column, where chart # is located for knowing Super Effect interpretations.

1 Examples exhibiting these Super Colsums have been given on following file showing 141
reflective schedules or charts

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2 This file gives only a few schedules / charts to indicate about, how Super Colusum have been
reached for individual numbers.
3 Last chart has been left for visitor / use to check whatever number for Super Colsum.
4 It is not feasible to include all numbers for Super Colsums, due to lack of memory
Efforts & Work Oriented Numbers Schedules or Charts for Person’s Numbers

1 Total 141 charts or reflection schedules have been included in work, but herein only a few.
2 Total charts are #3 to #143 detailing matrix of digits in what way, these shall form position to
reach sum of every individual row to result of equation (number*6+2).
3 It is certain that summation of every row shall give equated answer, according to foregoing
4 These charts have been based on equation of relevant digits / numbers & must satisfy flow in
case of geometrical figures, based on forming or figuring unit triangle theory, discussed in
earlier pages of this work, which do not require drawing all numbers diagrams or polygons, as
result is obtained directly by equation for all numbers.
5 Charts of 1 & 2 cannot be drawn or formed, but equivalent charts of 10 & 11 shall be used for,
while interpreting 1 & 2 respectively, but charts of 1 & 2 can also, be drawn or tabulated.
6 If one does not find row summation value to equated answer, charts or schedule is erroneous &
be rechecked.

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+Titles on columns are as follows:

1 Check Digit C1?, Time Phase I, C2; Time Phase II, C3; Time Phase III, C4; Work Result, C5
& CRT= C1+C2+C3+C4; CRCT; Cumulative Sum of all Results up to check row;
2 & Super Colsum represents multiplication of result with Check digit C1
3 2nd column (continuation of sequence upwards);
4 3rd column (formula logical adjustment);
5 4th column (formula logical adjustment);
6 5th column CRT (column row total at relevant sequence);
7 6th column CRCT (column row cumulative total at relevant sequence);
8 7th column (C2+C3+C4) respectively.
9 Column C1 to C4 are true reflections of triangle theory, based formation of numbers, as
discussed earlier.
10 CRT provides sum of (C1+C2+C3+C4).
11 CRCT provides cumulative sum of CRT at sequence.
12 C2 +C3+C4 provides the sum total of relevant sequence # effect in person’s chart, which shall
be result of sequence.
13 Col sum indicates total of column sum values at end of chart i.e. at row of chart # to get super
supplemental value.

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1 For calculation purpose C1…C4 shall be considered basic formation of chart making C1 & C4
end columns.
2 Further details of chart up to # 143 provide nomenclature, as Extended chart to form
interrelationships of other #s effects
3 Negative sign indicates probable certainty of negative effects of numbers interpretations
4 Extensions have been carried out to # 300 only for these may be required to know various
numbers in century for spouse combinations.
5 Charts regarding #1 & #2 have not been included for these do not practically work.
6 Number digit on first column indicates chart #, while digits on fourth column equated value
7 Use of these charts or schedules, as a matter of fact is not very easy, if one blindly goes
through contents or does not get into system minutely.
8 Take whatever number for a person up to 143 & get on to relevant schedule.
Procedure to interpret Chart / Schedule
1 Calculate person’s Number for referring to relevant Chart, which is equated to sum of [Date +
Month + Calendar year], without including Century number
2 Dates can be applied from digits 1 to 31, months from digits 1 to 12 & year from digits 1 to
3 Get into person’s number chart (Reflective schedule) (# at column Digit ? on 1)
4 This column is called ‘Check Column’ for whatever number

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5 [Date + Month + Year] can be entered on to Worksheet Excel Application file, which
immediately provides person’s Chart Number or it can be named ‘Total Number’ or ‘Total
Date Number’ of incumbent person
6 Worksheet Excel file provides columns headings in following sequence
7 ? Digit, Phase Time I, Phase Time II, Phase Time III, Work Result, Super, Average
8 In between your date of birth entry digits area & these columns
? Digit, Phase Time I, Phase Time II, Phase Time III, Work Result, Super, Average,
9 One can find many cells that relate to ‘Ruling Gradient’ of person, which is counted, based on
digits 8, 5 & 2 number strength, which would be explained little later
10 Look into equation or result shown on all aforesaid columns values, indicated on schedule on
charted schedule.
11 Interpret every number or result for direct general answer of ‘How date of birth number works’
12 For whatever number’s inquiry
13 ? Digit column is to be referred to
14 In case, question is about Year number, go to Check Column & then pick up calendar year
row, located on your chart
15 In case, question is about ‘Month number’, sum up ‘Year’ value & ‘Month’ Value & go to
summed up number in ‘Check’ Column, located on your chart
16 In case, question is about whatever ‘Day number’, sum up all Calendar day in question, which
equation is question [Date + Month & Year] & go to summed up value on Check column,
located on your chart

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17 When you reach ‘Year’ inquiry number on Check Column, read all values on various columns
18 Read value in Phase I Time, Phase II Time, Phase III Time column
19 ‘Year’ works for 12 months, which means each of these three values applies for 4 months
20 ‘Month’ works for 30 or 31 days, which means each of these three values applies for 10 days
21 ‘Day’ works for morning till evening or in three divisions of 8 hours each, which is up to you
to work out, whether only working day time is to be checked
22 For working day, which means from morning till evening, divide time into three sections &
apply each of three values to three respective divisions of hours
23 Column with title ‘Work Result’ indicates a result of all 4 columns summed up & also, it
indicates result of ‘Total Number’, based on equation ‘Total Number’ multiplied by ‘6’ &
value ‘2’ added
24 Column with title ‘Super’ indicates cumulative sum of all Rows above each value.
25 This Column ‘Super’ is very significant, because it indicates signals about year of person’s age
or calendar year. Its interpretation is very valuable in an overall manner.
26 Column with Title ‘Average’, gives average value of all 3 phases of time values, which value
is used for indicative purpose
27 Interpretation of Entry values row, which values have been entered by person
28 1st cell gives ‘Total’ value that shall appear on its own, when value of date, month & year are
entered in respective cells
29 Cell next to year in row, gives ‘Result’ Value of ‘Total’ Number that can be called Luck

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30 Therefore, it can be summarized as follows:

a Effect of ‘Calendar Year’ for mind or destiny, go to year under check digit column
b Effect of ‘Age year’, go to check digit & count from your date every 4 months for each phase
c Effect of ‘Month’, sum up ‘Month’ number to ‘ Calendar Year’ number & use whatever value
is obtained to check from ‘Check Digit’ column
d Effect of ‘Day’, sum up ‘Date’, ‘Month’ & ‘Calendar Year’ & use whatever value is obtained
to go to check in ‘Check Digit’ Column, about all Time Phases
31 Year number indicates destiny & power of mind, Month number indicates dealing with others,
while date indicates private power
32 Sum of date number & year number indicates your alone time conduct or way of thinking,
while alone in isolation

Calendar Age Interpretation
1 In Case, Interpretation Of A Particular Age Year Of A Person Is Required, Go To Age Year
Cell Of Person In ‘Check’ Column & Note Effects Of Sequence For Different Phases.
2 While Inquiring Age Year, Time Phases Should Be Considered From Date Of Birth Of Person
& Then Count 4 Months In Sequence For Each Value.
3 For Example, Say A Person Is Born On May 1 st, First Time Phase Applies To May 1st To
August 31st Second Time Phase Applies To September 1 st To December 31st & Third Time
Phase Applies To January 1st To April 30th

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Date of Birth interpretation

1 Day of birth applies to Private life of person
2 Month of birth applies to dealing with public or others or about to know, how person deals
with members of groups
3 Year of birth applies to mind of a person, which tells destiny of person & an overall mental
strength, which can be responsible for person’s real nature
4 Reading & interpreting particular date of birth’s ‘Day’ ‘Date’ & ‘Year’ number row shall tell
effect about, how person performs, when acting exclusively alone for a goal or work without
5 This interpretation is extremely important & significant from point of view of achieving
progress, regarding involved person from very beginning, while being in education years &
doing work with personal involvements may or may not give rise to growth of lifestyle.
6 A person can lead a long headway, where this number affects influence much in most of part of
person’s lives.
7 Supporting interpretation for these schedules can be taken from direct meaning of date of
birth’s three effects.
8 ‘Day’ number shall provide indication about, how one behaves in person, while ‘Month’
number gives general behavior effect towards others, excluding family members, extended
family members & ‘Year’ number indicates destiny or long term effects or stability or

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instability effects, about how person thinks for work, life affairs & what shall be probable
9 In conclusion, we can say that ‘Date’ is used for private interpretation of person, ‘Month’ is
used for General interpretation of a person, while ‘Year’ is used to understand destiny of a
person. Sum of ‘Day’ & ‘Year’ can be used for exclusive isolated thinking state, when person
keeps of all others.
10 Do not get surprised, when result tells that person got different nature, while remaining alone
in room or no one stays with that person during that time
11 Same nature changes, when person is reconnected to others, because ‘Total’ number comes in
to play
Substitution by 8, 5 2
1 Charts effects or interpretations should also, be compared by resulting interpretations, obtained
on ‘direct series’ & ‘direct series obtained by supporting number effects’.
2 Numbers of ‘date of birth’ & ‘total’ sum should be checked by application of support
substitution numbers 8,5 & 2 to find ruling degree of person.
3 Various combinations have to be studied, before or prior to final interpretation of number.
4 Both effects of some numbers must be taken into considerations to reach various conclusions.


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1 Dragged Series should also, be considered, while felt necessary for various numbers & due
application be resorted to.
2 To know about other supporting effects, ‘total’ number should also, be compared to single digit
effect to know person’s base in spiritual movement.
3 Effects of each number should also, be checked in interpretation by result of equated effect i.e.
by application of equation, where multiplication by ‘6’ & addition of ‘2’ has been used for
purpose of comparison in respect of various possible answers.
Ruling Effect
1 Ruling Effect shall be known by use of its 3 parameters, obtained by direct ‘date of birth’, its
‘total effects’, by ‘supporting number effects’, equated number effects, including effects of
sum ‘total’ of ‘date of birth’, its relevant supporting & equation effects.
2 Total values of 8,5 & 2 established out of total of all digits shall provide ruling effects in
respect of person & also, various values of ruling (basic number wise 8,5 & 2).
3 Ruling Tabulation

b       of Soul          

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Original Base/ Ruling out
Number Supporting/Substitutio Gradient Ruling
s n   An Example Gradient          
0 2                

Row Tota Digit

1 8 s Description Date Month Year l s  
2 5 a Birth Number 15 12 28 55 8  
3 2 b Base Numbers 85 85 55 55 8  
4 8 c a*6+2 92 74 170 332 10  
5 5             26 l
Base or
Support or
6 2 b Numbers 8 5 2      
Quantity b-8- Tota
7 8   5-2 3 9 4   16 l
8 5                
9 2     Ruling %       62 %

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Write date of
Bith as
Decide Base
Numbers as
Decide Results
as indicated      
Count all
Count all Base
Find % of Base
Digits to All
This % is
Better if more
than 60%      

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1 By using aforesaid procedures / paragraphs descriptions, many details about a ‘date of birth’
can be obtained, recorded, interpretations revealed & these effects can be used permanently as
& when required by person.
2 In case, effects of other persons or person are required to be revealed in combination with
person under considerations, further process has to be carried out to reach various
combinations’ interpretations & a certain better understanding of method is also, very
importantly significant.

1 To know combined effects of person & spouse, add total ‘Date of Births’ numbers of both,
find summed up numbers, which shall not exceed ‘286’ in any case, which number should
work most times or period, during which both spouses stay together & consume marriage.
2 Direct effect & total multiplied by ‘6’ & increased by ‘2’ shall give final result, about how
couple shall represent self in society.
3 Both spouses constitute destiny for each other, comparison of ‘Year’ numbers, resulting added
& equated numbers of years are very significant for purposed / intended partnership.
4 Personal progress growing for both partners shall be very important for durability of marriage,
hence, summation of additions of both partners’ progress growth number i.e. ‘Date + Year’

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provides required answer & effect shall indicate, whether to accept proposal or have another
calculation, based on other outcomes go for another proposal.
5 Sum of just dates shall provide with one of probabilities of joint success of partnership, as
indicated also, by equated result.
6 Comparative effects of series & charts shall also, form basis, whether to accept or to disregard

To Know Whether Some Person Shall Cooperate With One?
1 On a job in business, where 2 partners or colleagues of equal or nearly same levels, work
together shall work in cooperation & get results to organization in most efficient / favorable
way, in case sum of progress growth numbers of both gives a positive interpretation, otherwise
a loss on work advance occurs.
2 In case, only one person works by virtue of strong number, other person has a weak number,
but both being partners & organization so continuously deploy them in partnership, person,
who applies efforts shall provide results & inactive person get credits also, to his or her favor,
due to number being favorable.
3 In case, total numbers of Date of Births of both are strong, work oriented, both work together,
sum of both totals results in very strong progress on required job & organization shall
definitely benefit.
4 This method also, applies to all members of team of varying levels within acceptable limits.

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5 Tallying of total of two staff members also, provides a good effect on personnel relations &
works move smoothly.
6 Favorable added number obtained by total of ‘Date of Births’ also, results in unbreakable
personnel relations. These persons may act as very good friends.

To Know How Friendship May Work?

1 Friendship is an extremely emotional relation that exists between two persons.
2 Best friendship can definitely generate, when total of Date of Births numbers tally together or
are favorable comparatively, as is case of sum of both totals reveals extreme good
interpretations, friendship shall last longer, be sweet, attractive in character & two persons
shall attract towards each other all time spiritually.
3 Friendship shall occupy different degree of solidarity, depending on comparative tallies of
various date numbers i.e. tally of particular date or tally of month numbers or tally of year
numbers or various combinations thereof, as discussed earlier.
4 Effects of these numbers can also, be applied to belongings of person, such as house, car,
numbers held by long term formalities, between interrelationships of other family & extended
family members, business address, various other proposed processing days for a particular
applications, no limits form restrictions on use of numbers’ applications, interpreted
probabilities, combined possibilities from zero through varying degree to full extent practically
as well as, theoretically, if possible, which depend on particular skill on attainment of expertise
of interpreter, experience to estimate valuation & intuition effect also, counts. Discussions shall

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be held in forthcoming parts of this work to let reader appraise tutorials on this exponential
subject with examples.
To Know Supernatural Behavior of a person.

1 In addition to foregoing explanations, regarding formulation of interpretations, a Super Col

sum series, a schedule has been included to facilitate one to go through values of total
colsums / super in respect of all four colsums / super of person’s chart. These sums of columns
indicate total overall results by application of efforts in entirety, which is remotest probability
of occurrence. One has to apply highest degree of concentrations to achieve proposed or
defined objectives, consequent upon achievement of this characteristic, person shall get
enlightenment & totality effect accessing to # 5 leading to immense progress during lifetime,
while practicing this spiritual state of body & soul on work.
2 This schedule represents sum of column values at chart number value location e.g. sum in
respect of reflective chart or table lies at range from point ‘1’ to point ‘143’ in first column i.e.
all values from 1+2+3+4+….143 added. Similarly all column values have been added.
3 Read values at, 2nd. 3rd & 4th columns & interpret in combinations for various formations. Fifth
column i.e. row sum column also, provided sum of all values up to location of chart number.
These values can be designated representations, respecting different time phases e.g. 1st
column last column phase, second column 2 nd phase, third column the 3rd phase etc. (refer to
colsum schedule in the following

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To Know Momentary Interpretations

1 Discussions so far made indicate representations of whole number interpretations, but
mathematically day comprises 24 hours, which makes it require to search for a particular
moment values.
2 To get into momentary values for additional augmentative corroborative interpretation, formula
has to be applied by division of day period into hours or minutes.
3 Every hour shall add a value of ‘1’ to already computed value reached by using (#*6+2)
equation & every hour shall increase result value by 0.125, every quarter hour by 0.06125 etc.
4 In this volume only gross values of day have been included. Other values may be included in
special & particular volume meant for that purpose should people receive this volume
overwhelmingly, placing demand for requirement of specific volume.
5 These additional values can be added in free ‘date of birth’ cells for an immediate result in

Reflective Number Supplementary Interpretation

1 As has been discussed that every number multiplied by ‘6’ & added ‘2’, result gives a figure
implying efforts application effects interpretation.
2 We have also, seen that a step of value of ‘6’ appears among series.

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3 Since, whole day moves towards next higher day number, carrying next 5 indicative values on
date of birth, it is obvious that person shall have effect of all these numbers in one form or the
other, along with time selection procedure discussed earlier.
Let Us Take It As Follows
1 Assume a person is born on calendar date 1.1.98 ‘day’ ‘month’ ‘year’ equation results
1+1+98=100 (100#*6+2=602) while next higher result is 602+6=608 forming intermediate #s
603,604,605,606,607 & 608.
2 In addition to absolute effect of 602, person shall have supplemental effects of #s
603,604,605,606,607 & 608 in a consequential turn of events, which part may be included with
other interpretations. Keeping in view overall valuation of basic effect of 602

Work covered or to be covered many interpretations in last chapter in following format

1 Date of birth
2 Direct Interpretation of date of birth
3 Compound interpretations
4 Detailed interpretations
5 Date destiny interpretation
6 Reflective series interpretation
7 Reflective analytical interpretation
8 Replacement ruling

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9 Direct series interpretation by substitution of digits placed thrice & division by 3

10 Direct series interpretation by placing digits thrice & division by 3
11 Supers colsum interpretations, respecting all 4 column
12 Reflecting supplementary interpretation
13 Natural gift interpretation, based on Saturn number

On last pages of work many tips to improve life have been given for exclusive personal use

numberdataintroduction.doc numberdata.xls draggedcolsumseries.xls
numberdataformula.xls Days.xls hypothesis.doc
hypotheisisoraclevariabledata.xls numberdatainterpretation0to999.xls Numberdata37200cases.xls

How do soul numbers work through everybody?

1 Soul is primary nuclear power that has been provided to every person, which if required, & if
involved, person can conduct chain reactions of this power & thereby, creates nuclear
generation, enough electron magnetic power or strength, which quantity shall be enormous &
could be used for soul activities linked to works activities
2 It depends on knowledge hunger of an individual, what level one aspires to achieve that.

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3 Basic theory or phenomenon lies in facts that everyone is encompassed by natural magnetic
electron streams like space frame.
4 In this ocean of electron magnetic waves of streams, we all reside permanently on this planet.
5 One may call that all we live in individual envelopes, surrounded by sea of waves & all time
remain immersed.
6 Automatically, flow of electrons magnetic waves enter into every biological body, through
genital of each person, which is nominated location point # 1. Refer to Zero Circle
7 Location at point # 1 directs this energetic force further travel automatically to move to point
location # 2, which is natural liquid electrolyte centre, named in our terms seminal store as well
as, for females, cavity & womb. Refer to Zero Circle
8 Location at point # 2 directs this energetic force further travel automatically to move to point
location # 3, known as Navel or centre of gravity of system and also, miniature platform. This
point is responsible for soul to work in status of making or breaking centre, depending on
pleasure of individual person
9 Location at point # 3 directs this energetic force further travel automatically to move to point
location # 4, known as heart zone, which is characterized by powerful generations of emotions
or sentiments, from where whole blood circulation is controlled. This location indicates
emotional conduct, solution & liquid results in all affairs.
10 It has been suggested earlier that all these aforesaid locations work automatically for purpose
of existence in a normal way like animals, where exists no objective for person to achieve.
Even a person, who cannot think for anything, these functions work continuously.

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11 Location at forehead is very significant for every person, because this is an extremely useful
unit or equipment for purpose of using whole power of soul.
12 This location is known by # 6. If one can reach by application of works to this location,
tensions shall be faced, romance shall be faced, work procedures shall be faced, calculations
shall work upon, decisions shall be taken & judgment may be delivered by person for its own
works. This location is factory of mind within human body.
13 Next location is mounted in status of electronic fuse on forehead or head at location # 7, known
as Ora magnetic field, where all answers or information from nature are freely available, but
only catcher sits at # 6, which if reaches by connecting Fuse of contemplation & thoughts can
contact # 7 & gets solutions for whatever issues.
14 So far, locations within body of person have been conferred, but locations externally of body
have to be contemplated, which #s are 8, 9, 0, 5
15 Zero circle shows # 8 internally as well externally of body & this field of # 8 goes to all vistas
within body as well as, into all locations, including access to location # 5
16 It is understood logically that # 8 exists at all locations & therefore, it establishes a mesh type
situation all over or you may call a network all over.
17 This means that # 8 constitutes System of soul travel within & without body, means it
communicates, coordinates, systemizes, links, interacts with # 7 also, but # 8 indicates
darkness, for it is invisible by eyes, whereas certainly felt mentally. It can connect to all, it can
line up with all, it can stand in alignment if so required, it can attract & can accommodate all

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18 Then comes question of # 9 & # 0

19 Since, it is a conference on whole universe & also, if there exist unknown billions universes,
we have to contemplate differently than a normal vision
20 We must allow to accommodate whole Solar System into imaginary sphere of Zero, so that no
planet can reside out of Zero
21 This can be called Zero Circle or Zero Sphere, within which # 9 moves without stoppage. # 9
dedicatedly moves within this sphere or on circle circumference
22 This means properties of # 9 & zero apply together. Since there exists no dead end for #9 in
zero, there is no terminal. # 9 is a fire carrier, a delay carrier, a struggle carrier, an aguish
carrier & for sure an aggressive & heated #. Generally, it fires & can fire itself as well. It can
also, be used as a polishing # as well as, a firing #
23 Zero is considered too powerful, because it encompasses all planets & keeps them in controls
& if zero becomes weak, all planets can penetrate or puncture it.
24 Then is left # 5, which is really unknown & its location address cannot be defined materially,
for it controls everyone & whole universe & all other universes
25 God is always considered full of secrecies & with complete un-expectations & that is what this
# is all about
26 Therefore, we can summarise, as we have already done it as follows


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Zero circle Is many billions Kms in dia, encompassing Solar System, being radially, connected to
body electron magnetic field / soul / spirit
Connections of soul power flow from nature, which is called System, entering into human body
through genital & transpiring to head, through various number locations # 1 to # 6, all located within
biological body, except # 5
Where are these #s located?
Location of external sexual organ (vagina / penis) is given # 1
These are used for intake of soul energy and also, to discharge urine or semen, justifying work of
entry & exit
Location of semen is given # 2 which is meant for storage of most important & significant natural
material semen, as well as chamber womb
Location of navel (sundi in hindi) is given # 3 meant, works as central control of making or breaking
If the effect received on # 2 is transmitted upwards, this is termed making activity, otherwise, it is
termed breaking activity

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Location of heart zone is # 4 granting emotion, liquid, solution & liquidity & is certainly, opposite to
These 4 locations are very important for practical or mundane world, which are possessed by a
common person
# 5 is not a direct location in body, but it is located at seat of superpower
# 6 is a direct location at forehead, indicating all functions, relevant to brain, which are controlled by
this part of soul
This location grants thinking, process, work, romance and one third damage as well
# 7 is a location around brain / skull spiritually termed Ora
This can be experienced in viewing violet, green colour fumes, while eyes are kept closed, during
concentration / meditation / vision
# 8 is a complete link by universal mesh from Ora to zero circle & further onwards to # 5 at many
layered levels
This is a complete track permanently, located in and around air & through all spaces & through all

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# 9 is a fire indicator moving in zero circle, while # 5 is an ultimate location, where superpower /
supreme power is expected to be chaired
Ora or oracle @ # 7 is fuse connecting to body as well as, # 5,8 & 9

Refer to following diagrams / sketches that provide information about how human is related to
Locations of numbers are indicated within & without human body, as indicated on soul diagram ‘
Soul Energy from Nature’

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Derivation of Charted Formula for Template Formation

1 Now, I am inclined to share with you derivation of formulas that have been used to formulate
these Worksheet charted templates, which work automatically, for application has been made,
as if it is a kind of software work
2 As I suggested earlier that there is no meaning of a point, because it cannot be computed or
measure in terms of figure
3 Similarly, ‘2’ points make a line & that cannot be used, for it does not have any unit for are,
but for length only
4 Also, two lines if connected together results in certain angle, but no measurement can be done
in terms of area or volume
5 But, further addition of one more line to formed angle can result in formation of a triangle,
which can be measured both in terms of area, formed by triangle & its sum of line, called
perimeter, which means that there starts figure work of geometry from triangle only
6 This means basics of formation of figures starts from triangle & without that no other figure
can be formed
7 If just one more line is added to triangle, square or rectangle or other ‘4’ sides figure is
generated & then ‘5’ sides & then ‘6’ sides formation& continues on & on thereafter
8 This means that triangle must be respected, as basic unit of figure formation & measurement
based on its area or volume

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9 It is therefore, sensible to compute at very first space our derivation from triangle, because it
also, indicates similarities between itself & shape of genitals supporting grounds
10 For this purpose, we have to refer to our figures based on 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 & up to 12 sides
polygons available elsewhere
11 When, ‘3’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum of
each side comes to ‘20’
12 When, ‘4’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum of
each side comes to ‘26’
13 When, ‘5’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum of
each side comes to ‘32’
14 When, ‘6’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum of
each side comes to ‘38’
15 When, ‘7’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum of
each side comes to ‘44’
16 When, ‘8’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum of
each side comes to ‘50’
17 When, ‘9’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum of
each side comes to ‘56’
18 When, ‘10’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum
of each side comes to ‘62’

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19 When, ‘11’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum
of each side comes to ‘68’
20 When, ‘12’ sided is commenced with & numbers are moved on its junctions, we find that sum
of each side comes to ‘74’
21 These results continuously give a difference of value ‘6’ between each other & if these results
are divided by number of sides used in each case, remainder gives value 2
22 Formula is therefore derived that to find work result of whatever number, multiply number by
‘6’ & add value ‘2’ to that result
23 This formula applies to all numbers without any limits
24 Followings sketches evidence foregoing calculations
25 Allocations of numbers have been applied first clockwise, second time anti clockwise & then
third time clockwise, so that sum of each side requires to be added up
26 All charts can be produced, based on this formula in a mathematical model, by extending on
27 Worksheet clearly establishes mathematically function & then worksheet has been converted to
automation by inserting formulas in a manner that fits in to these diagrams.
28 These figured diagrams have been exhibited only a few in numbers, but these can be drawn to
whatever numbers, required or else, calculation formula is used to find results, without drawing
any figure
29 Refer to worksheet ‘numberdata’ to know facts, by inserting whatever ‘Date’, ‘Month’ &
‘Year’ & know results yourself, for there can be no challenge to mathematics

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30 All rows shall result in same Result sum, as indicated on this sheet or application formula

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SPIRITUAL   Table            
(Total)=Chart #   Date Month Year   Digits    

D+M+Y=(Total) 86 30 1 55 518 7    
Check # 52 22 8 55 85 7    
Basics to supports 518 182 8 332 512 10    
8 5       % 24 Total  
5 6     g 66.667 16 8,5,2  
2 5 effects effects effects effects effects effects  
  ? E E E WORK 518    

Chexk Time Time Time Result r Average
Digit I II III C5=CR CRC C2+C3+
  C1 C2 C3 C4 T T C4  
Date of birth 1 172 258 87 518 518 517  
Personal, private 2 171 173 172 518 1036 516  
Month of birth 3 170 174 171 518 1554 515  
General, deal others 4 169 175 170 518 2072 514  
Year of birth 5 168 176 169 518 2590 513  

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Mind,Destiny,stability 6 167 177 168 518 3108 512  
Total is chart # 7 166 178 167 518 3626 511  
Spiritual effect 8 165 179 166 518 4144 510  
  9 164 180 165 518 4662 509  
  10 163 181 164 518 5180 508  
  11 162 182 163 518 5698 507  
  12 161 183 162 518 6216 506  
  13 160 184 161 518 6734 505  
  14 159 185 160 518 7252 504  
  15 158 186 159 518 7770 503  

1 Date of birth- Date, Month & Year of birth, without Century description-Enter on to
Worksheet Numberdata Excel to know Total of your Date of Birth
a Date means private conduct,
b Month means general conduct towards others &
c Year means what is one’s mind & what is its working, & it also, means destiny
d Explanations already given

2 Direct Interpretation of date of birth

a Personal conduct, General conduct & use of mind
b Interpretation as included in Date of Birth

3 Compound interpretations

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a Sum up all & get Total number, which is called person’s number & its value entry into
cells of Chart shall give all details in number equations.
b Total number tells about conduct of a person in work, in general life with others in
dealing & all acts person can do.
c This number also, tells about bias of a person or about what sort of conduct mask person
wears, when doing general acts
d When one is alone, sum of ‘date & year’ result applies to know real meaning of person
e This is very significant number, because it tells reality of a person & in facts, it tells truth
about a person, without any mix up.
f In this situation, a lot can be understood about a person
g Person has to use mind, personal energies & general requirements to move thoroughly
h Interpretation can also, check, whether certain person is solid based or one is emotional
i Emotional based person can always pose difficulties & can lead to mistrust
j In life, emotions do not work, but facts do.
k Fake talks do not work, but sincere work does

4 Detailed interpretations
a In fact, it depends on reader, about to what extent, one can go to read conduct of a person.
Many explanations can be given for such construction or conduct of person
b Many explanations have already been given & many shall be given later

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c Everyone cannot be great thinker & all cannot be great performers, but limits are required
to be fixed in scale of comparison

5 Date destiny interpretation

a As already indicated that day number is too significant, if used in combination with
destiny or year number that tells independent reality of person
b This sum can tell real secrets that person, often hides, but numbers speak a lot
c Mind is always responsible for reaching destiny, but it can be done only, when one uses
either private or personal efforts to use mind or else, mind becomes a useless or dummy
box only, if it is not used at right time
d We should not forget that mind is most powerful organ out of many organs of body & it
is ruler of all organs
e Mind can stir whole world & it is real wealth in life, because it cannot be stolen by
f Whatever power mind achieves, when it is operated by person, it is unlimited in strength
& effect
g Do not take it lightly, because if one does not have any destiny, but mind remains too
powerful, person can lead on crimes also
h If you really intend to see reality of person, talk in isolation to him & when both remain
in isolation, even for short duration, many facts come out, regarding real intention of

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6 Reflective series interpretation-

Use formula ‘6’ *’Total’ number & add ‘2’ to know reflection result. Chart directly gives this
reflection for each number of day, date & year
a Interpret all reflections or results accordingly, as already indicated to understand meaning
of every number
b Interpret isolation or when person stays alone, means sum of ‘date & year’ number to
know, about how this person can perform alone.
c This is too significant information about a person, because, when someone remains alone
for whatever duration, helps thinking power & person can make decisions for certain
d If that person is of hot or angry nature, that person can also, think to damage some other
person, about whom one thinks
e In this state of isolation, one can successfully, solve various problems for effects
f Total number of such person tells about conduct of such person towards all & also, within
g If it is required to know about generality only, interpret from number of month
h Also, read result number of date, month & year & know resulting capacity of such person

7 Reflective analytical interpretation

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a It is really very interesting, if one is inclined to get these blues prints of effects of
b Reflection means blow up of numbers, which means decoding every point of person
c It also, means that person cannot hide facts, even if person does it, but no use, provided
date of birth is exact, because, even one digit error can interpret whole system incorrectly
d I have been experiencing number study since 1992 & therefore, during this duration, I
have studied many persons of all classes & ranks from all over world & have reached to a
conclusion that these results are meaningful, only, when work is done & not otherwise
e These are not Luck numbers, but luck can be made by understanding these numbers
f These numbers just give indication of what number is applicable in results & what can be
expected from that number in that time
g Results of numbers have got higher significance, because results would lead to further
sequence for further performance, because no single step can result in conclusive success
h These numbers work like time study & can prove to be very useful, if understood well
i Calendar says that in a century, we have ‘141’ Total numbers & ‘37200’ detailed
j Start date is January ‘1’ & Year ‘1’& end date is December ‘31’ & Year ‘100’
k If these are summed, we get ‘1+1+1=3’ & ‘31+12+100’=’143’, means ‘141’ numbers of
status Total
l If ‘31’ is multiplied by ‘12’ multiplied by ‘100’, we get ‘32000’ numbers, which means
that so many interpretations can be done, within Gregorian calendar scope of dates

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m Each person can find 4 direct interpretation & 4 indirect reflection interpretations, as well
as, 4 substitution or replacement interpretations
n Also, direct & indirect series secondary interpretation can be conducted
o Once, these reflective interpretations are done, chart further gives information about
every time based results, relating to person’s own conducts & also, about how other
person would conduct with person
p Actually, chart is limitless & many persons numbers can be merged on charts &
variations can be known

8 Replacement ruling
a Replacement means numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are replaced with one of three digits
b 2 replaces 0, 8 replaces 1, 5 replaces 2,
c 2 replaces 3, 8 replaces 4, 5 replaces 5,
d 2 replaces 6, 8 replaces 7, 5 replaces 8,
e 2 replaces 9, 82 replaces 10, 88 replaces 11,
f 85 replaces 12, 82 replaces 13, 88 replaces 14,
g 85 replaces 15, 82 replaces 16, 88 replaces 17,
h 85 replaces 18, 82 replaces 19, 52 replaces 20,
i 58 replaces 21, 55 replaces 22, 52 replaces 23,
j And such replacements move so on, & so forth

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k We have 4 numbers in Date of Birth for Date-Month-Year-Total

l We have such 4 replacement numbers accordingly for Date-Month-Year-Total
m We have such 4 results reflections Date-Month-Year-Total
n Count all digits of 8, 5, 2 & count all digits, as well
o Divide number of digits 8, 5, 2 by all digits & multiply by 100 to get percentage
p Resulting % is called Ruling, If a person more than 60%, commands issued by such
person shall be accepted more than 60 %
q Very few persons get more than 60% commands

9 Direct series interpretation by substitution of digits placed thrice & division by 3

a For this formula, work out substitution digits for number & place thrice
b When digits are placed thrice, divide by value ‘3’ to get required answer
c Interpret this answer, in accordance with values 0 to 9
d This is secondary interpretation of number in question or inquiry
e Or, refer to related file
Interpretation pertaining to Digits Digits pertaining to
Dig Supp Digit Digit substitu substitut
it ort thrice thrice/3 the results ted ed/3 the results
0 2 000 0 222 74
1 8 111 37 Making success etc 888 296 Material power work etc
2 5 222 74 Success move etc 555 185 Entry system magic etc
3 2 333 111 Entry god, Massive entry etc 222 74 Success move etc

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4 8 444 148 Entry move system etc 888 296 Material power work etc
5 5 555 185 Entry system magic, Entry god effect etc 555 185 Entry system magic etc
6 2 666 222 Material god, Massive material tc 222 74 Success move etc
7 8 777 259 Mater magic power etc 888 296 Material power work etc
8 5 888 296 Material power work etc 555 185 Entry system magic etc
9 2 999 333 Making god, Massive making etc 222 74 Success move etc
Material success full work power
10 82 101010 33670 Unlimited making work full success etc 828282 276094 move etc
11 88 111111 37037 Full making success making transformation etc 888888 296296 Unlimited material power work etc
Material system work entry power
12 85 121212 40404 Unlimited full move flow etc 858585 286195 magic etc
Material success full work power
13 82 131313 43771 Move making unlimited success entry 828282 276094 move etc
14 88 141414 47138 Move success entry making system etc 888888 296296 Unlimited material power work etc
Material system work entry power
15 85 151515 50505 Unlimited full making control etc 858585 286195 magic etc
Material success full work power
16 82 161616 53872 Magic making system success material etc 828282 276094 move etc
17 88 171717 57239 Magic success material making power etc 888888 296296 Unlimited material power work etc
Material system work entry power
18 85 181818 60606 Unlimited full work thinking etc 858585 286195 magic etc
Work making power success making or figure Material success full work power
19 82 191919 63973 formation etc 828282 276094 move etc
Entry success full magic system
20 52 202020 67340 Work success making full move etc 525252 175084 move etc
Entry power magic material
21 58 212121 70707 Unlimited full success transformation etc 585858 195286 system work etc
Unlimited entry system magic etc
22 55 222222 74074 Full success move success flow or solution etc 555555 185185 Unlimited entry god effect etc
Entry power magic material
23 52 232323 77441 Unlimited success unlimited move entry etc 525252 175084 system work etc
24 58 242424 80808 Unlimited full system network etc 585858 195286 Entry power magic material

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system work etc
Unlimited entry system magic etc
25 55 252525 84175 System move entry success magic etc 555555 185185 Unlimited entry god effect etc
Entry power magic material
26 52 262626 87542 System success magic move material etc 525252 175084 system work etc
Entry power magic material
27 58 272727 90909 Unlimited full power fire etc 585858 195286 system work etc
Power move material success work or Unlimited entry system magic etc
28 55 282828 94276 transformation work etc 555555 185185 Unlimited entry god effect etc
Power success work move making or work Entry power magic material
29 52 292929 97643 solution making etc 525252 175084 system work etc
Full success move transformation
30 22 303030 101010 Full entry god, Massive full entry etc 222222 74074 motion etc
10 Direct series interpretation by placing digits thrice & division by ‘3’
a For this formula, use digit numbers & place thrice
b When digits are placed thrice, divide by value ‘3’ to get required answer
c Interpret this answer in accordance with values 0 to 9
d This is secondary interpretation of number in question or inquiry
e Or, refer to related file
Interpretation pertaining to
Digit Digit
Digit Support thrice thrice/3 the results
0 2 000 0
1 8 111 37 Making success etc
2 5 222 74 Success move etc
3 2 333 111 Entry god, Massive entry etc

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4 8 444 148 Entry move system etc
5 5 555 185 Entry system magic, Entry god effect etc
6 2 666 222 Material god, Massive material tc
7 8 777 259 Mater magic power etc
8 5 888 296 Material power work etc
9 2 999 333 Making god, Massive making etc
10 82 101010 33670 Unlimited making work full success etc
11 88 111111 37037 Full making success making transformation etc
12 85 121212 40404 Unlimited full move flow etc
13 82 131313 43771 Move making unlimited success entry
14 88 141414 47138 Move success entry making system etc
15 85 151515 50505 Unlimited full making control etc
16 82 161616 53872 Magic making system success material etc
17 88 171717 57239 Magic success material making power etc
18 85 181818 60606 Unlimited full work thinking etc
19 82 191919 63973 Work making power success making or figure formation etc
20 52 202020 67340 Work success making full move etc
21 58 212121 70707 Unlimited full success transformation etc

22 55 222222 74074 Full success move success flow or solution etc

23 52 232323 77441 Unlimited success unlimited move entry etc
24 58 242424 80808 Unlimited full system network etc

25 55 252525 84175 System move entry success magic etc

26 52 262626 87542 System success magic move material etc
27 58 272727 90909 Unlimited full power fire etc

28 55 282828 94276 Power move material success work or transformation work etc
29 52 292929 97643 Power success work move making or work solution making etc

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30 22 303030 101010 Full entry god, Massive full entry etc

11 Supers Colsum interpretations, respecting all ‘4’ column

a This column gives cumulative values from 1st row & up to row of inquiry number
b Very significant is this value for everyone
c In fact, serials run as ‘1’ to ‘2’ to ‘3’ to ‘4’ & so on, & so forth
d This gives an excellent information about continuity of numbers & changes in life log
e In such sequence, range starting from ‘1’ can be considered entering & learning period of
so many years
f In such sequence, range starting from ‘2’ can be considered material wealth period of so
many years
g In such sequence, range starting from ‘3’ can be considered making or breaking period of
so many years
h In such sequence, range starting from ‘4’ can be considered emotional period of so many
i Sequence of ‘2’ indicates, when life shall materialize
j For higher total numbers, life materializes earlier, but material ends also, earlier
k For numbers below ‘100’ & say up to ‘75’, life materializes mid way & material remains
mid way
l For too low numbers, life encounters many changes frequently

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12 Reflecting supplementary interpretation

a Reflecting supplementary depends on use of check digit multiplied by ‘6’ and added ‘2’.
Results shall be given by worksheet chart, after numbers are entered into required cells

13 Natural gift interpretation, based on Saturn / Uranus number, as indicated in following

contents, in matrix forms for explanation purpose only
a Saturn / Uranus is considered Lead Judiciary of Supreme Power or Controls for Adjudication,
from whom no crime can be concealed, whereas, all Adjudications for right acts are also,
received, if petition remains pending & decision ordered
b This matrix of numbers is based on multiplication of whatever number plus or minus by ‘3’ &
added ‘12’, means making or breaking is conducted, with plus or minus congratulations
c Few Examples of Saturn or Judiciary Charts Formula =#*3+12
d Formula for this chart has been derived in following matrix, with date 1+1+1=3 & also,
30+1+55=86, just for reference, but it shall appear automatically, when entered these dates on
e This formula clearly states all those numbers that could help one time or other in your work
f There could be ‘8’ numbers persons in ones positive sequence, who may instantly, assist one or
support one that is you, for it is positive constructive attitude that pays in this case & all they
know you

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g Moreover, people think that Saturn Uranus can help them come out of misfortunes, but it
cannot be contemplated to be true, because it depends on ones performance, what results could
be achieved & not just merely, certain fortunes, without doing any work of whatever kind.
h Saturn / Uranus Positive Approach is applicable, when no wrong has been done, otherwise,
negative actions shall be resorted by such adjudications

Saturn Saturn

Chart Chart
#   Formula   #   Formula  
Date Month Year   Date Month Year  
1 1 1   30 1 55  

Result=Total Result=Total
3 Total   #*3+12 86 Total   #*3+12
3       86      
3 7 11 21 86 90 94 270
8 9 4 21 91 92 87 270
10 5 6 21 93 88 89 270
21 21 21 Sum 270 270 270 Sum

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Saturn Saturn Saturn

Chart # Chart # Chart #
3     #*3+12 4     #*3+12 5     #*3+12
3 7 11 21 4 8 12 24 5 9 13 27
8 9 4 21 9 10 5 24 10 11 6 27
10 5 6 21 11 6 7 24 12 7 8 27
21 21 21 Sum 24 24 24 Sum 27 27 27 Sum
#*3+1 #*3+1
2 21 #*3+12 24 2 27

Saturn Saturn Saturn

Chart # Chart # Chart #
6     #*3+12 7     #*3+12 8     #*3+12
6 10 14 30 7 11 15 33 8 12 16 36
11 12 7 30 12 13 8 33 13 14 9 36
13 8 9 30 14 9 10 33 15 10 11 36
30 30 30 Sum 33 33 33 Sum 36 36 36 Sum
#*3+1 #*3+1
2 30 #*3+12 33 2 36
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Saturn Uranus Negative Approach

Saturn Saturn Saturn

Chart # Chart # Chart #
0     #*3+12 -1     #*3+12 -3     #*3+12
0 4 8 12 -1 3 7 9 -3 1 5 3
5 6 1 12 4 5 0 9 2 3 -2 3
7 2 3 12 6 1 2 9 4 -1 0 3
12 12 12 Sum 9 9 9 Sum 3 3 3 Sum
2 12 #*3+12 9 #*3+12 3

Saturn Uranus Negative Approach

Saturn Saturn Saturn

Chart # Chart # Chart #
-5     #*3+12 -8     #*3+12 -50     #*3+12
-5 -1 3 -3 -8 -4 0 -12 -50 -46 -42 -138
0 1 -4 -3 -3 -2 -7 -12 -45 -44 -49 -138
2 -3 -2 -3 -1 -6 -5 -12 -43 -48 -47 -138
-3 -3 -3 Sum -12 -12 -12 Sum -138 -138 -138 Sum

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#*3+1 #*3+1
2 -3 #*3+12 -12 2 -138

Power of Soul & Soul Numbers 0 to 9 real application

1 These numbers ‘0’ to ‘9’ work in relation to respective locations through human body &
whatever location tells, that inclination depends on organ through which, soul moves or passes
2 These numbers are never based on arbitrary mechanism, but link mechanism exclusively
3 This mechanism cannot work on its own, if no efforts are made & it has got no relation to,
either fortunes or misfortunes, because, everyone is required to work to get certain good or bad
4 Soul does not depend on luck, but on work & if work is ignored result is ignored, which is
fundamental principle of this number mechanism
5 Efforts can never go either waste or failed, though it may seem sometimes that one worked, but
results failed to arrive
6 Instant failure does not mean that results did not arrive, because it happens many times that
preparation is conducted for future activities or involvements & work is done accordingly,
which would be useful in future, as it becomes an asset for one
7 Time never allows wastage of work, because time knows everything about everyone &
therefore, it forces one to prepare for future requirements
8 Instant results are always temporary, while concrete results come in long run, when sequence
of activities completes

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9 Every experienced person knows that everyday success cannot be achieved, but every act in
life for certain route to anticipated achievement, gives lead on that path, on which activities
remain moving continuously for successful destination
10 Destination cannot be achieved instantly, but intense & voluminous work is required to be
carried out to reach some destination or degree of achievement
11 Studies are conducted in depth & work is affected for long to learn real experience in life or
else, no knowledge can be achieved.
12 Those who are interested in short cuts, time never assists them, because time cannot be
measured in short cuts, but it moves on its own speed
13 Nature does not believe in any application of, either short cuts or thumb rules, but totality of
activities & application of every system
14 Solar system was not done by short cuts & in fact, we do not know about whole mechanism,
pertinent involved procedures in solar system design & construction
15 But, it is perfect system that god designed & executed that since its installation, it has been
working, without failure
16 Human has not achieved any power, even to construct a mini Lithosphere or Earth & it shall
never ever happen, yet, human boosts a lot, just by learning small volume books of science &
engineering as well as, medical profession
17 It is therefore, too significant that we have to understand soul mechanism & its movement
throughout complete scope & coverage of systems

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18 For that purpose only, a degree of contemplation has been generated to think on & to reach
certain hypothetical state to certain hyperthetical approach
19 We should never act orthodox or paradox, but must rely on analytical approach to understand
natural systems or else, delusion or superstitions shall keep entire humanity ruined spiritually
20 Logical approach is always scientific & it does not recognize any level of arbitrary
arrangement, but those, who do not incline to in-depth work & in-depth studies, never accept
any such scientific studies
21 For real results, refer to worksheet, using whatever ‘Date of Birth’

Number Reflection Number Reflection

  Results   s     Results   s  
Singl Singl
Multiplie Result= e Multiplie Ad Result= e
# r Add #*6+2 Digit # r d #*6+2 Digit
1 6 2 8 8 529 6 2 3176 8
2 6 2 14 5 530 6 2 3182 5
3 6 2 20 2 531 6 2 3188 2
4 6 2 26 8 532 6 2 3194 8
5 6 2 32 5 533 6 2 3200 5
6 6 2 38 2 534 6 2 3206 2
7 6 2 44 8 535 6 2 3212 8

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8 6 2 50 5 536 6 2 3218 5
9 6 2 56 2 537 6 2 3224 2
10 6 2 62 8 538 6 2 3230 8
11 6 2 68 5 539 6 2 3236 5
12 6 2 74 2 540 6 2 3242 2
13 6 2 80 8 541 6 2 3248 8
14 6 2 86 5 542 6 2 3254 5
15 6 2 92 2 543 6 2 3260 2
16 6 2 98 8 544 6 2 3266 8
17 6 2 104 5 545 6 2 3272 5
18 6 2 110 2 546 6 2 3278 2
19 6 2 116 8 547 6 2 3284 8
20 6 2 122 5 548 6 2 3290 5
21 6 2 128 2 549 6 2 3296 2
22 6 2 134 8 550 6 2 3302 8
23 6 2 140 5 551 6 2 3308 5
24 6 2 146 2 552 6 2 3314 2
25 6 2 152 8 553 6 2 3320 8
26 6 2 158 5 554 6 2 3326 5
27 6 2 164 2 555 6 2 3332 2
28 6 2 170 8 556 6 2 3338 8

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29 6 2 176 5 557 6 2 3344 5

30 6 2 182 2 558 6 2 3350 2
31 6 2 188 8 559 6 2 3356 8
32 6 2 194 5 560 6 2 3362 5
33 6 2 200 2 561 6 2 3368 2
34 6 2 206 8 562 6 2 3374 8
35 6 2 212 5 563 6 2 3380 5
36 6 2 218 2 564 6 2 3386 2
37 6 2 224 8 565 6 2 3392 8
38 6 2 230 5 566 6 2 3398 5
39 6 2 236 2 567 6 2 3404 2
40 6 2 242 8 568 6 2 3410 8
41 6 2 248 5 569 6 2 3416 5
42 6 2 254 2 570 6 2 3422 2
43 6 2 260 8 571 6 2 3428 8
44 6 2 266 5 572 6 2 3434 5
45 6 2 272 2 573 6 2 3440 2
46 6 2 278 8 574 6 2 3446 8
47 6 2 284 5 575 6 2 3452 5
48 6 2 290 2 576 6 2 3458 2
49 6 2 296 8 577 6 2 3464 8

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50 6 2 302 5 578 6 2 3470 5

51 6 2 308 2 579 6 2 3476 2
52 6 2 314 8 580 6 2 3482 8
53 6 2 320 5 581 6 2 3488 5
54 6 2 326 2 582 6 2 3494 2
55 6 2 332 8 583 6 2 3500 8
56 6 2 338 5 584 6 2 3506 5
57 6 2 344 2 585 6 2 3512 2
58 6 2 350 8 586 6 2 3518 8
59 6 2 356 5 587 6 2 3524 5
60 6 2 362 2 588 6 2 3530 2
61 6 2 368 8 589 6 2 3536 8
62 6 2 374 5 590 6 2 3542 5
63 6 2 380 2 591 6 2 3548 2
64 6 2 386 8 592 6 2 3554 8
65 6 2 392 5 593 6 2 3560 5
66 6 2 398 2 594 6 2 3566 2
67 6 2 404 8 595 6 2 3572 8
68 6 2 410 5 596 6 2 3578 5
69 6 2 416 2 597 6 2 3584 2
70 6 2 422 8 598 6 2 3590 8

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71 6 2 428 5 599 6 2 3596 5

72 6 2 434 2 600 6 2 3602 2
73 6 2 440 8 601 6 2 3608 8
74 6 2 446 5 602 6 2 3614 5
75 6 2 452 2 603 6 2 3620 2
76 6 2 458 8 604 6 2 3626 8
77 6 2 464 5 605 6 2 3632 5
78 6 2 470 2 606 6 2 3638 2
79 6 2 476 8 607 6 2 3644 8
80 6 2 482 5 608 6 2 3650 5
81 6 2 488 2 609 6 2 3656 2
82 6 2 494 8 610 6 2 3662 8
83 6 2 500 5 611 6 2 3668 5
84 6 2 506 2 612 6 2 3674 2
85 6 2 512 8 613 6 2 3680 8
86 6 2 518 5 614 6 2 3686 5
87 6 2 524 2 615 6 2 3692 2
88 6 2 530 8 616 6 2 3698 8
89 6 2 536 5 617 6 2 3704 5
90 6 2 542 2 618 6 2 3710 2
91 6 2 548 8 619 6 2 3716 8

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92 6 2 554 5 620 6 2 3722 5

93 6 2 560 2 621 6 2 3728 2
94 6 2 566 8 622 6 2 3734 8
95 6 2 572 5 623 6 2 3740 5
96 6 2 578 2 624 6 2 3746 2
97 6 2 584 8 625 6 2 3752 8
98 6 2 590 5 626 6 2 3758 5
99 6 2 596 2 627 6 2 3764 2
100 6 2 602 8 628 6 2 3770 8
101 6 2 608 5 629 6 2 3776 5
102 6 2 614 2 630 6 2 3782 2
103 6 2 620 8 631 6 2 3788 8
104 6 2 626 5 632 6 2 3794 5
105 6 2 632 2 633 6 2 3800 2
106 6 2 638 8 634 6 2 3806 8
107 6 2 644 5 635 6 2 3812 5
108 6 2 650 2 636 6 2 3818 2
109 6 2 656 8 637 6 2 3824 8
110 6 2 662 5 638 6 2 3830 5
111 6 2 668 2 639 6 2 3836 2
112 6 2 674 8 640 6 2 3842 8

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113 6 2 680 5 641 6 2 3848 5

114 6 2 686 2 642 6 2 3854 2
115 6 2 692 8 643 6 2 3860 8
116 6 2 698 5 644 6 2 3866 5
117 6 2 704 2 645 6 2 3872 2
118 6 2 710 8 646 6 2 3878 8
119 6 2 716 5 647 6 2 3884 5
120 6 2 722 2 648 6 2 3890 2
121 6 2 728 8 649 6 2 3896 8
122 6 2 734 5 650 6 2 3902 5
123 6 2 740 2 651 6 2 3908 2
124 6 2 746 8 652 6 2 3914 8
125 6 2 752 5 653 6 2 3920 5
126 6 2 758 2 654 6 2 3926 2
127 6 2 764 8 655 6 2 3932 8
128 6 2 770 5 656 6 2 3938 5
129 6 2 776 2 657 6 2 3944 2
130 6 2 782 8 658 6 2 3950 8
131 6 2 788 5 659 6 2 3956 5
132 6 2 794 2 660 6 2 3962 2
133 6 2 800 8 661 6 2 3968 8

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134 6 2 806 5 662 6 2 3974 5

135 6 2 812 2 663 6 2 3980 2
136 6 2 818 8 664 6 2 3986 8
137 6 2 824 5 665 6 2 3992 5
138 6 2 830 2 666 6 2 3998 2
139 6 2 836 8 667 6 2 4004 8
140 6 2 842 5 668 6 2 4010 5
141 6 2 848 2 669 6 2 4016 2
142 6 2 854 8 670 6 2 4022 8
143 6 2 860 5 671 6 2 4028 5
144 6 2 866 2 672 6 2 4034 2
145 6 2 872 8 673 6 2 4040 8
146 6 2 878 5 674 6 2 4046 5
147 6 2 884 2 675 6 2 4052 2
148 6 2 890 8 676 6 2 4058 8
149 6 2 896 5 677 6 2 4064 5
150 6 2 902 2 678 6 2 4070 2
151 6 2 908 8 679 6 2 4076 8
152 6 2 914 5 680 6 2 4082 5
153 6 2 920 2 681 6 2 4088 2
154 6 2 926 8 682 6 2 4094 8

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155 6 2 932 5 683 6 2 4100 5

156 6 2 938 2 684 6 2 4106 2
157 6 2 944 8 685 6 2 4112 8
158 6 2 950 5 686 6 2 4118 5
159 6 2 956 2 687 6 2 4124 2
160 6 2 962 8 688 6 2 4130 8
161 6 2 968 5 689 6 2 4136 5
162 6 2 974 2 690 6 2 4142 2
163 6 2 980 8 691 6 2 4148 8
164 6 2 986 5 692 6 2 4154 5
165 6 2 992 2 693 6 2 4160 2
166 6 2 998 8 694 6 2 4166 8
167 6 2 1004 5 695 6 2 4172 5
168 6 2 1010 2 696 6 2 4178 2
169 6 2 1016 8 697 6 2 4184 8
170 6 2 1022 5 698 6 2 4190 5
171 6 2 1028 2 699 6 2 4196 2
172 6 2 1034 8 700 6 2 4202 8
173 6 2 1040 5 701 6 2 4208 5
174 6 2 1046 2 702 6 2 4214 2
175 6 2 1052 8 703 6 2 4220 8

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176 6 2 1058 5 704 6 2 4226 5

177 6 2 1064 2 705 6 2 4232 2
178 6 2 1070 8 706 6 2 4238 8
179 6 2 1076 5 707 6 2 4244 5
180 6 2 1082 2 708 6 2 4250 2
181 6 2 1088 8 709 6 2 4256 8
182 6 2 1094 5 710 6 2 4262 5
183 6 2 1100 2 711 6 2 4268 2
184 6 2 1106 8 712 6 2 4274 8
185 6 2 1112 5 713 6 2 4280 5
186 6 2 1118 2 714 6 2 4286 2
187 6 2 1124 8 715 6 2 4292 8
188 6 2 1130 5 716 6 2 4298 5
189 6 2 1136 2 717 6 2 4304 2
190 6 2 1142 8 718 6 2 4310 8
191 6 2 1148 5 719 6 2 4316 5
192 6 2 1154 2 720 6 2 4322 2
193 6 2 1160 8 721 6 2 4328 8
194 6 2 1166 5 722 6 2 4334 5
195 6 2 1172 2 723 6 2 4340 2
196 6 2 1178 8 724 6 2 4346 8

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197 6 2 1184 5 725 6 2 4352 5

198 6 2 1190 2 726 6 2 4358 2
199 6 2 1196 8 727 6 2 4364 8
200 6 2 1202 5 728 6 2 4370 5
201 6 2 1208 2 729 6 2 4376 2
202 6 2 1214 8 730 6 2 4382 8
203 6 2 1220 5 731 6 2 4388 5
204 6 2 1226 2 732 6 2 4394 2
205 6 2 1232 8 733 6 2 4400 8
206 6 2 1238 5 734 6 2 4406 5
207 6 2 1244 2 735 6 2 4412 2
208 6 2 1250 8 736 6 2 4418 8
209 6 2 1256 5 737 6 2 4424 5
210 6 2 1262 2 738 6 2 4430 2
211 6 2 1268 8 739 6 2 4436 8
212 6 2 1274 5 740 6 2 4442 5
213 6 2 1280 2 741 6 2 4448 2
214 6 2 1286 8 742 6 2 4454 8
215 6 2 1292 5 743 6 2 4460 5
216 6 2 1298 2 744 6 2 4466 2
217 6 2 1304 8 745 6 2 4472 8

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218 6 2 1310 5 746 6 2 4478 5

219 6 2 1316 2 747 6 2 4484 2
220 6 2 1322 8 748 6 2 4490 8
221 6 2 1328 5 749 6 2 4496 5
222 6 2 1334 2 750 6 2 4502 2
223 6 2 1340 8 751 6 2 4508 8
224 6 2 1346 5 752 6 2 4514 5
225 6 2 1352 2 753 6 2 4520 2
226 6 2 1358 8 754 6 2 4526 8
227 6 2 1364 5 755 6 2 4532 5
228 6 2 1370 2 756 6 2 4538 2
229 6 2 1376 8 757 6 2 4544 8
230 6 2 1382 5 758 6 2 4550 5
231 6 2 1388 2 759 6 2 4556 2
232 6 2 1394 8 760 6 2 4562 8
233 6 2 1400 5 761 6 2 4568 5
234 6 2 1406 2 762 6 2 4574 2
235 6 2 1412 8 763 6 2 4580 8
236 6 2 1418 5 764 6 2 4586 5
237 6 2 1424 2 765 6 2 4592 2
238 6 2 1430 8 766 6 2 4598 8

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239 6 2 1436 5 767 6 2 4604 5

240 6 2 1442 2 768 6 2 4610 2
241 6 2 1448 8 769 6 2 4616 8
242 6 2 1454 5 770 6 2 4622 5
243 6 2 1460 2 771 6 2 4628 2
244 6 2 1466 8 772 6 2 4634 8
245 6 2 1472 5 773 6 2 4640 5
246 6 2 1478 2 774 6 2 4646 2
247 6 2 1484 8 775 6 2 4652 8
248 6 2 1490 5 776 6 2 4658 5
249 6 2 1496 2 777 6 2 4664 2
250 6 2 1502 8 778 6 2 4670 8
251 6 2 1508 5 779 6 2 4676 5
252 6 2 1514 2 780 6 2 4682 2
253 6 2 1520 8 781 6 2 4688 8
254 6 2 1526 5 782 6 2 4694 5
255 6 2 1532 2 783 6 2 4700 2
256 6 2 1538 8 784 6 2 4706 8
257 6 2 1544 5 785 6 2 4712 5
258 6 2 1550 2 786 6 2 4718 2
259 6 2 1556 8 787 6 2 4724 8

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260 6 2 1562 5 788 6 2 4730 5

261 6 2 1568 2 789 6 2 4736 2
262 6 2 1574 8 790 6 2 4742 8
263 6 2 1580 5 791 6 2 4748 5
264 6 2 1586 2 792 6 2 4754 2
265 6 2 1592 8 793 6 2 4760 8
266 6 2 1598 5 794 6 2 4766 5
267 6 2 1604 2 795 6 2 4772 2
268 6 2 1610 8 796 6 2 4778 8
269 6 2 1616 5 797 6 2 4784 5
270 6 2 1622 2 798 6 2 4790 2
271 6 2 1628 8 799 6 2 4796 8
272 6 2 1634 5 800 6 2 4802 5
273 6 2 1640 2 801 6 2 4808 2
274 6 2 1646 8 802 6 2 4814 8
275 6 2 1652 5 803 6 2 4820 5
276 6 2 1658 2 804 6 2 4826 2
277 6 2 1664 8 805 6 2 4832 8
278 6 2 1670 5 806 6 2 4838 5
279 6 2 1676 2 807 6 2 4844 2
280 6 2 1682 8 808 6 2 4850 8

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281 6 2 1688 5 809 6 2 4856 5

282 6 2 1694 2 810 6 2 4862 2
283 6 2 1700 8 811 6 2 4868 8
284 6 2 1706 5 812 6 2 4874 5
285 6 2 1712 2 813 6 2 4880 2
286 6 2 1718 8 814 6 2 4886 8
287 6 2 1724 5 815 6 2 4892 5
288 6 2 1730 2 816 6 2 4898 2
289 6 2 1736 8 817 6 2 4904 8
290 6 2 1742 5 818 6 2 4910 5
291 6 2 1748 2 819 6 2 4916 2
292 6 2 1754 8 820 6 2 4922 8
293 6 2 1760 5 821 6 2 4928 5
294 6 2 1766 2 822 6 2 4934 2
295 6 2 1772 8 823 6 2 4940 8
296 6 2 1778 5 824 6 2 4946 5
297 6 2 1784 2 825 6 2 4952 2
298 6 2 1790 8 826 6 2 4958 8
299 6 2 1796 5 827 6 2 4964 5
300 6 2 1802 2 828 6 2 4970 2
301 6 2 1808 8 829 6 2 4976 8

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302 6 2 1814 5 830 6 2 4982 5

303 6 2 1820 2 831 6 2 4988 2
304 6 2 1826 8 832 6 2 4994 8
305 6 2 1832 5 833 6 2 5000 5
306 6 2 1838 2 834 6 2 5006 2
307 6 2 1844 8 835 6 2 5012 8
308 6 2 1850 5 836 6 2 5018 5
309 6 2 1856 2 837 6 2 5024 2
310 6 2 1862 8 838 6 2 5030 8
311 6 2 1868 5 839 6 2 5036 5
312 6 2 1874 2 840 6 2 5042 2
313 6 2 1880 8 841 6 2 5048 8
314 6 2 1886 5 842 6 2 5054 5
315 6 2 1892 2 843 6 2 5060 2
316 6 2 1898 8 844 6 2 5066 8
317 6 2 1904 5 845 6 2 5072 5
318 6 2 1910 2 846 6 2 5078 2
319 6 2 1916 8 847 6 2 5084 8
320 6 2 1922 5 848 6 2 5090 5
321 6 2 1928 2 849 6 2 5096 2
322 6 2 1934 8 850 6 2 5102 8

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323 6 2 1940 5 851 6 2 5108 5

324 6 2 1946 2 852 6 2 5114 2
325 6 2 1952 8 853 6 2 5120 8
326 6 2 1958 5 854 6 2 5126 5
327 6 2 1964 2 855 6 2 5132 2
328 6 2 1970 8 856 6 2 5138 8
329 6 2 1976 5 857 6 2 5144 5
330 6 2 1982 2 858 6 2 5150 2
331 6 2 1988 8 859 6 2 5156 8
332 6 2 1994 5 860 6 2 5162 5
333 6 2 2000 2 861 6 2 5168 2
334 6 2 2006 8 862 6 2 5174 8
335 6 2 2012 5 863 6 2 5180 5
336 6 2 2018 2 864 6 2 5186 2
337 6 2 2024 8 865 6 2 5192 8
338 6 2 2030 5 866 6 2 5198 5
339 6 2 2036 2 867 6 2 5204 2
340 6 2 2042 8 868 6 2 5210 8
341 6 2 2048 5 869 6 2 5216 5
342 6 2 2054 2 870 6 2 5222 2
343 6 2 2060 8 871 6 2 5228 8

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344 6 2 2066 5 872 6 2 5234 5

345 6 2 2072 2 873 6 2 5240 2
346 6 2 2078 8 874 6 2 5246 8
347 6 2 2084 5 875 6 2 5252 5
348 6 2 2090 2 876 6 2 5258 2
349 6 2 2096 8 877 6 2 5264 8
350 6 2 2102 5 878 6 2 5270 5
351 6 2 2108 2 879 6 2 5276 2
352 6 2 2114 8 880 6 2 5282 8
353 6 2 2120 5 881 6 2 5288 5
354 6 2 2126 2 882 6 2 5294 2
355 6 2 2132 8 883 6 2 5300 8
356 6 2 2138 5 884 6 2 5306 5
357 6 2 2144 2 885 6 2 5312 2
358 6 2 2150 8 886 6 2 5318 8
359 6 2 2156 5 887 6 2 5324 5
360 6 2 2162 2 888 6 2 5330 2
361 6 2 2168 8 889 6 2 5336 8
362 6 2 2174 5 890 6 2 5342 5
363 6 2 2180 2 891 6 2 5348 2
364 6 2 2186 8 892 6 2 5354 8

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365 6 2 2192 5 893 6 2 5360 5

366 6 2 2198 2 894 6 2 5366 2
367 6 2 2204 8 895 6 2 5372 8
368 6 2 2210 5 896 6 2 5378 5
369 6 2 2216 2 897 6 2 5384 2
370 6 2 2222 8 898 6 2 5390 8
371 6 2 2228 5 899 6 2 5396 5
372 6 2 2234 2 900 6 2 5402 2
373 6 2 2240 8 901 6 2 5408 8
374 6 2 2246 5 902 6 2 5414 5
375 6 2 2252 2 903 6 2 5420 2
376 6 2 2258 8 904 6 2 5426 8
377 6 2 2264 5 905 6 2 5432 5
378 6 2 2270 2 906 6 2 5438 2
379 6 2 2276 8 907 6 2 5444 8
380 6 2 2282 5 908 6 2 5450 5
381 6 2 2288 2 909 6 2 5456 2
382 6 2 2294 8 910 6 2 5462 8
383 6 2 2300 5 911 6 2 5468 5
384 6 2 2306 2 912 6 2 5474 2
385 6 2 2312 8 913 6 2 5480 8

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386 6 2 2318 5 914 6 2 5486 5

387 6 2 2324 2 915 6 2 5492 2
388 6 2 2330 8 916 6 2 5498 8
389 6 2 2336 5 917 6 2 5504 5
390 6 2 2342 2 918 6 2 5510 2
391 6 2 2348 8 919 6 2 5516 8
392 6 2 2354 5 920 6 2 5522 5
393 6 2 2360 2 921 6 2 5528 2
394 6 2 2366 8 922 6 2 5534 8
395 6 2 2372 5 923 6 2 5540 5
396 6 2 2378 2 924 6 2 5546 2
397 6 2 2384 8 925 6 2 5552 8
398 6 2 2390 5 926 6 2 5558 5
399 6 2 2396 2 927 6 2 5564 2
400 6 2 2402 8 928 6 2 5570 8
401 6 2 2408 5 929 6 2 5576 5
402 6 2 2414 2 930 6 2 5582 2
403 6 2 2420 8 931 6 2 5588 8
404 6 2 2426 5 932 6 2 5594 5
405 6 2 2432 2 933 6 2 5600 2
406 6 2 2438 8 934 6 2 5606 8

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407 6 2 2444 5 935 6 2 5612 5

408 6 2 2450 2 936 6 2 5618 2
409 6 2 2456 8 937 6 2 5624 8
410 6 2 2462 5 938 6 2 5630 5
411 6 2 2468 2 939 6 2 5636 2
412 6 2 2474 8 940 6 2 5642 8
413 6 2 2480 5 941 6 2 5648 5
414 6 2 2486 2 942 6 2 5654 2
415 6 2 2492 8 943 6 2 5660 8
416 6 2 2498 5 944 6 2 5666 5
417 6 2 2504 2 945 6 2 5672 2
418 6 2 2510 8 946 6 2 5678 8
419 6 2 2516 5 947 6 2 5684 5
420 6 2 2522 2 948 6 2 5690 2
421 6 2 2528 8 949 6 2 5696 8
422 6 2 2534 5 950 6 2 5702 5
423 6 2 2540 2 951 6 2 5708 2
424 6 2 2546 8 952 6 2 5714 8
425 6 2 2552 5 953 6 2 5720 5
426 6 2 2558 2 954 6 2 5726 2
427 6 2 2564 8 955 6 2 5732 8

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428 6 2 2570 5 956 6 2 5738 5

429 6 2 2576 2 957 6 2 5744 2
430 6 2 2582 8 958 6 2 5750 8
431 6 2 2588 5 959 6 2 5756 5
432 6 2 2594 2 960 6 2 5762 2
433 6 2 2600 8 961 6 2 5768 8
434 6 2 2606 5 962 6 2 5774 5
435 6 2 2612 2 963 6 2 5780 2
436 6 2 2618 8 964 6 2 5786 8
437 6 2 2624 5 965 6 2 5792 5
438 6 2 2630 2 966 6 2 5798 2
439 6 2 2636 8 967 6 2 5804 8
440 6 2 2642 5 968 6 2 5810 5
441 6 2 2648 2 969 6 2 5816 2
442 6 2 2654 8 970 6 2 5822 8
443 6 2 2660 5 971 6 2 5828 5
444 6 2 2666 2 972 6 2 5834 2
445 6 2 2672 8 973 6 2 5840 8
446 6 2 2678 5 974 6 2 5846 5
447 6 2 2684 2 975 6 2 5852 2
448 6 2 2690 8 976 6 2 5858 8

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449 6 2 2696 5 977 6 2 5864 5

450 6 2 2702 2 978 6 2 5870 2
451 6 2 2708 8 979 6 2 5876 8
452 6 2 2714 5 980 6 2 5882 5
453 6 2 2720 2 981 6 2 5888 2
454 6 2 2726 8 982 6 2 5894 8
455 6 2 2732 5 983 6 2 5900 5
456 6 2 2738 2 984 6 2 5906 2
457 6 2 2744 8 985 6 2 5912 8
458 6 2 2750 5 986 6 2 5918 5
459 6 2 2756 2 987 6 2 5924 2
460 6 2 2762 8 988 6 2 5930 8
461 6 2 2768 5 989 6 2 5936 5
462 6 2 2774 2 990 6 2 5942 2
463 6 2 2780 8 991 6 2 5948 8
464 6 2 2786 5 992 6 2 5954 5
465 6 2 2792 2 993 6 2 5960 2
466 6 2 2798 8 994 6 2 5966 8
467 6 2 2804 5 995 6 2 5972 5
468 6 2 2810 2 996 6 2 5978 2
469 6 2 2816 8 997 6 2 5984 8

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470 6 2 2822 5 998 6 2 5990 5

471 6 2 2828 2 999 6 2 5996 2
472 6 2 2834 8 0 6 2 6002 8
473 6 2 2840 5 1 6 2 6008 5
474 6 2 2846 2 2 6 2 6014 2
475 6 2 2852 8 3 6 2 6020 8
476 6 2 2858 5 4 6 2 6026 5
477 6 2 2864 2 5 6 2 6032 2
478 6 2 2870 8 6 6 2 6038 8
479 6 2 2876 5 7 6 2 6044 5
480 6 2 2882 2 8 6 2 6050 2
481 6 2 2888 8 9 6 2 6056 8
482 6 2 2894 5 101 6 2 6062 5

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483 6 2 2900 2 1 6 2 6068 2
484 6 2 2906 8 2 6 2 6074 8
485 6 2 2912 5 3 6 2 6080 5
486 6 2 2918 2 4 6 2 6086 2
487 6 2 2924 8 5 6 2 6092 8
488 6 2 2930 5 6 6 2 6098 5
489 6 2 2936 2 7 6 2 6104 2
490 6 2 2942 8 8 6 2 6110 8
491 6 2 2948 5 9 6 2 6116 5
492 6 2 2954 2 0 6 2 6122 2
493 6 2 2960 8 1 6 2 6128 8
494 6 2 2966 5 102 6 2 6134 5

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495 6 2 2972 2 3 6 2 6140 2
496 6 2 2978 8 4 6 2 6146 8
497 6 2 2984 5 5 6 2 6152 5
498 6 2 2990 2 6 6 2 6158 2
499 6 2 2996 8 7 6 2 6164 8
500 6 2 3002 5 8 6 2 6170 5
501 6 2 3008 2 9 6 2 6176 2
502 6 2 3014 8 0 6 2 6182 8
503 6 2 3020 5 1 6 2 6188 5
504 6 2 3026 2 2 6 2 6194 2
505 6 2 3032 8 3 6 2 6200 8
506 6 2 3038 5 103 6 2 6206 5

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507 6 2 3044 2 5 6 2 6212 2
508 6 2 3050 8 6 6 2 6218 8
509 6 2 3056 5 7 6 2 6224 5
510 6 2 3062 2 8 6 2 6230 2
511 6 2 3068 8 9 6 2 6236 8
512 6 2 3074 5 0 6 2 6242 5
513 6 2 3080 2 1 6 2 6248 2
514 6 2 3086 8 2 6 2 6254 8
515 6 2 3092 5 3 6 2 6260 5
516 6 2 3098 2 4 6 2 6266 2
517 6 2 3104 8 5 6 2 6272 8
518 6 2 3110 5 104 6 2 6278 5

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519 6 2 3116 2 7 6 2 6284 2
520 6 2 3122 8 8 6 2 6290 8
521 6 2 3128 5 9 6 2 6296 5
522 6 2 3134 2 0 6 2 6302 2
523 6 2 3140 8 1 6 2 6308 8
524 6 2 3146 5 2 6 2 6314 5
525 6 2 3152 2 3 6 2 6320 2
526 6 2 3158 8 4 6 2 6326 8
527 6 2 3164 5 5 6 2 6332 5
528 6 2 3170 2 6 6 2 6338 2

Illustrations – Few Examples

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Bharat Independence 15.08.1947

Interpretations: Number constructed as follows:
Date =15, Month =8, Year =47, Total= 70

1 15 Indicates entry to unknown & exit from secrecy. Must maintain secrecy undisclosed to others
2 8 Indicates alliance or coordination or attraction or communication & must coordinate with all nations
3 47 indicates destiny based on emotions, mobility and soft support. Must be aware & kept distant of bed eyes
from others
4 70 indicates totality of being often soft, but others could harm its interest

1 Result of 15 is 92, which indicates power material or struggle & delay material
2 Result of 8 is 50, which indicates often unknown or secret system
3 Result of 47 is 284, which indicates material system move or material link move
4 Result of 70 is 422, which means emotional unlimited material or emotional unlimited world

1 Support of 15 is 52 secret material, 8 is 5 secrecy, 47 is 88 unlimited system, 70 is 82 system material
2 Ruling indicates value of 62.5%, which is good one for others to recognize Bharat India
3 Supporting number 8 = 6, which is also, good out of 15, indicates that Bharat India is to good extent
4 Supporting number 5 = 4, which is also, fair out of 15, indicates that Bharat India is in normal controls
5 Supporting number 2= 5, which is also, good out of 15, indicates that Bharat India is good in materials

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Reflection from its Chart Number 70

1 Up to 23 years of independence, Bharat India faced adverse circumstances of rising & falls among all
2 From year 24 to 47 years of independence, Bharat India entered its learning stream among world, due to
number 1
3 From year 48 to year 71 years of independence, Bharat India has passed through its material oriented phase,
due to number 2 & made up to whatever extents possible, but it could be in original terms
4 From year 72 to year 94 years of independence, Bharat India has to face & has in fact been facing, making &
breaking both due to number 3, starting with breaking & it could be a long period of breaks, if people did not
concern their future seriously
5 From year 95 to year 118years of independence, Bharat India shall remain in mobility phase of 4 based on
emotions & look dynamic, but with liquid state & nothing shall remain perfect. All decisions shall result
6 From year 119 to year 142years of independence, Bharat India shall enter control phase, due to blessings by
number 5 & many solid results would arrive in, though unexpected or unknown full of secrecies, but nation
would control others as well
7 From year 143 to year 165years of independence, Bharat India shall enter & work under number 6, which
means thinking, processing, calculating, analyzing & reaching logical decisions & could earn happiness as
well as tensions both, but major changes must happen, due to switching to number 7
8 From year 166 to year 189years of independence, Bharat India shall enter world of 7, which means soft, but
fruitful, with no major causes of problems & may become lethargic during this phase
9 From year 190 to year 213years of independence, Bharat India shall enter world of 8, which means systems,
working, alignments working, invisible working, efficient working to grip many others in its alliances

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10 From year 214 to year 236years of independence, Bharat India shall enter world of 9, which means power,
struggle working, delayed working, fire working,

SPIRITUAL   Table            
(Total)=Chart #   Date Month Year   Digits    

D+M+Y=(Total) 70 15 8 47 422 7    
Check # 82 85 5 88 62 7    
Basics to supports 422 92 50 284 374 10    
8 6       % 24 Total  
5 4     g 62.50 15 8,5,2  
2 5 effects effects effects effects effects effects  
  ? E E E WORK 422    

Chexk Time Time Time Result r Average
Digit I II III C5=CR CRC C2+C3+
  C1 C2 C3 C4 T T C4  
Date of birth 1 140 210 71 422 422 421  
Personal, private 2 139 141 140 422 844 420  
Month of birth 3 138 142 139 422 1266 419  
General, deal others 4 137 143 138 422 1688 418  

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Year of birth 5 136 144 137 422 2110 417  
Mind,Destiny,stability 6 135 145 136 422 2532 416  
Total is chart # 7 134 146 135 422 2954 415  
Spiritual effect 8 133 147 134 422 3376 414  
  9 132 148 133 422 3798 413  
  10 131 149 132 422 4220 412  
  11 130 150 131 422 4642 411  
  12 129 151 130 422 5064 410  
  13 128 152 129 422 5486 409  
  14 127 153 128 422 5908 408  
  15 126 154 127 422 6330 407  
  16 125 155 126 422 6752 406  
  17 124 156 125 422 7174 405  
  18 123 157 124 422 7596 404  
  19 122 158 123 422 8018 403  
  20 121 159 122 422 8440 402  
  21 120 160 121 422 8862 401  
  22 119 161 120 422 9284 400  
  23 118 162 119 422 9706 399  
  24 117 163 118 422 8 398  
  25 116 164 117 422 0 397  
  26 115 165 116 422 2 396  
  27 114 166 115 422 1139 395  

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  28 113 167 114 422 6 394  
  29 112 168 113 422 8 393  
  30 111 169 112 422 0 392  
  31 110 170 111 422 2 391  
  32 109 171 110 422 4 390  
  33 108 172 109 422 6 389  
  34 107 173 108 422 8 388  
  35 106 174 107 422 0 387  
  36 105 175 106 422 2 386  
  37 104 176 105 422 4 385  
  38 103 177 104 422 6 384  
  39 102 178 103 422 8 383  
  40 101 179 102 422 0 382  
  41 100 180 101 422 1730 381  

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  42 99 181 100 422 4 380  
  43 98 182 99 422 6 379  
  44 97 183 98 422 8 378  
  45 96 184 97 422 0 377  
  46 95 185 96 422 2 376  
  47 94 186 95 422 4 375  
  48 93 187 94 422 6 374  
  49 92 188 93 422 8 373  
  50 91 189 92 422 0 372  
  51 90 190 91 422 2 371  
  52 89 191 90 422 4 370  
  53 88 192 89 422 6 369  
  54 87 193 88 422 8 368  
  55 86 194 87 422 2321 367  

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  56 85 195 86 422 2 366  
  57 84 196 85 422 4 365  
  58 83 197 84 422 6 364  
  59 82 198 83 422 8 363  
  60 81 199 82 422 0 362  
  61 80 200 81 422 2 361  
  62 79 201 80 422 4 360  
  63 78 202 79 422 6 359  
  64 77 203 78 422 8 358  
  65 76 204 77 422 0 357  
  66 75 205 76 422 2 356  
  67 74 206 75 422 4 355  
  68 73 207 74 422 6 354  
  69 72 208 73 422 2911 353  

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  70 71 209 72 422 0 352  
  71 70 210 71 422 2 351  
  72 69 211 70 422 4 350  
  73 68 212 69 422 6 349  
  74 67 213 68 422 8 348  
  75 66 214 67 422 0 347  
  76 65 215 66 422 2 346  
  77 64 216 65 422 4 345  
  78 63 217 64 422 6 344  
  79 62 218 63 422 8 343  
  80 61 219 62 422 0 342  
  81 60 220 61 422 2 341  
  82 59 221 60 422 4 340  
  83 58 222 59 422 3502 339  

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  84 57 223 58 422 8 338  
  85 56 224 57 422 0 337  
  86 55 225 56 422 2 336  
  87 54 226 55 422 4 335  
  88 53 227 54 422 6 334  
  89 52 228 53 422 8 333  
  90 51 229 52 422 0 332  
  91 50 230 51 422 2 331  
  92 49 231 50 422 4 330  
  93 48 232 49 422 6 329  
  94 47 233 48 422 8 328  
  95 46 234 47 422 0 327  
  96 45 235 46 422 2 326  
  97 44 236 45 422 4093 325  

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  98 43 237 44 422 6 324  
  99 42 238 43 422 8 323  
  100 41 239 42 422 0 322  
  101 40 240 41 422 2 321  
  102 39 241 40 422 4 320  
  103 38 242 39 422 6 319  
  104 37 243 38 422 8 318  
  105 36 244 37 422 0 317  
  106 35 245 36 422 2 316  
  107 34 246 35 422 4 315  
  108 33 247 34 422 6 314  
  109 32 248 33 422 8 313  
  110 31 249 32 422 0 312  
  111 30 250 31 422 4684 311  

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  112 29 251 30 422 4 310  
  113 28 252 29 422 6 309  
  114 27 253 28 422 8 308  
  115 26 254 27 422 0 307  
  116 25 255 26 422 2 306  
  117 24 256 25 422 4 305  
  118 23 257 24 422 6 304  
  119 22 258 23 422 8 303  
  120 21 259 22 422 0 302  
  121 20 260 21 422 2 301  
  122 19 261 20 422 4 300  
  123 18 262 19 422 6 299  
  124 17 263 18 422 8 298  
  125 16 264 17 422 5275 297  

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  126 15 265 16 422 2 296  
  127 14 266 15 422 4 295  
  128 13 267 14 422 6 294  
  129 12 268 13 422 8 293  
  130 11 269 12 422 0 292  
  131 10 270 11 422 2 291  
  132 9 271 10 422 4 290  
  133 8 272 9 422 6 289  
  134 7 273 8 422 8 288  
  135 6 274 7 422 0 287  
  136 5 275 6 422 2 286  
  137 4 276 5 422 4 285  
  138 3 277 4 422 6 284  
  139 2 278 3 422 5865 283  

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  140 1 279 2 422 0 282  
  141 0 280 1 422 2 281  
  142 -1 281 0 422 4 280  
  143 -2 282 -1 422 6 279  
  144 -3 283 -2 422 8 278  
  145 -4 284 -3 422 0 277  
  146 -5 285 -4 422 2 276  
  147 -6 286 -5 422 4 275  
  148 -7 287 -6 422 6 274  
  149 -8 288 -7 422 8 273  
  150 -9 289 -8 422 0 272  
  151 -10 290 -9 422 2 271  
  152 -11 291 -10 422 4 270  
  153 -12 292 -11 422 6456 269  

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  154 -13 293 -12 422 8 268  
  155 -14 294 -13 422 0 267  
  156 -15 295 -14 422 2 266  
  157 -16 296 -15 422 4 265  
  158 -17 297 -16 422 6 264  
  159 -18 298 -17 422 8 263  
  160 -19 299 -18 422 0 262  
  161 -20 300 -19 422 2 261  
  162 -21 301 -20 422 4 260  
  163 -22 302 -21 422 6 259  
  164 -23 303 -22 422 8 258  
  165 -24 304 -23 422 0 257  
  166 -25 305 -24 422 2 256  
  167 -26 306 -25 422 7047 255  

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  168 -27 307 -26 422 6 254  
  169 -28 308 -27 422 8 253  
  170 -29 309 -28 422 0 252  
  171 -30 310 -29 422 2 251  
  172 -31 311 -30 422 4 250  
  173 -32 312 -31 422 6 249  
  174 -33 313 -32 422 8 248  
  175 -34 314 -33 422 0 247  
  176 -35 315 -34 422 2 246  
  177 -36 316 -35 422 4 245  
  178 -37 317 -36 422 6 244  
  179 -38 318 -37 422 8 243  
  180 -39 319 -38 422 0 242  
  181 -40 320 -39 422 7638 241  

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  182 -41 321 -40 422 4 240  
  183 -42 322 -41 422 6 239  
  184 -43 323 -42 422 8 238  
  185 -44 324 -43 422 0 237  
  186 -45 325 -44 422 2 236  
  187 -46 326 -45 422 4 235  
  188 -47 327 -46 422 6 234  
  189 -48 328 -47 422 8 233  
  190 -49 329 -48 422 0 232  
  191 -50 330 -49 422 2 231  
  192 -51 331 -50 422 4 230  
  193 -52 332 -51 422 6 229  
  194 -53 333 -52 422 8 228  
  195 -54 334 -53 422 8229 227  

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  196 -55 335 -54 422 2 226  
  197 -56 336 -55 422 4 225  
  198 -57 337 -56 422 6 224  
  199 -58 338 -57 422 8 223  
  200 -59 339 -58 422 0 222  

Bharat Republic 26.01.1950

Interpretations: Number constructed as follows:
Date =26, Month =1, Year =50, Total= 77

1 26 Indicates material work, material process & material decision.

2 1 Indicates entry or exit or authority
3 50 indicates destiny based on control, unexpected happening & secrecies
4 70 indicates often soft & successful

1 Result of 26 is 158, which indicates entry control system
2 Result of 1 is 8, which system or alliance

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3 Result of 50 is 302, which indicates full making material or full breaking material
4 Result of 77 is 464, which means thinking & work surrounded by emotions or fluid state

1 Support of 26 is 52 secret material, 1 is 8 system, 50 is 52 secret or control material, 77 is 88unlimited
2 Ruling indicates value of 54.167%, which is good one for others to recognize Bharat India
3 Supporting number 8 = 5, which is also, good out of 13, indicates that Bharat India is to very good extent
4 Supporting number 5 = 4, which is also, good out of 13, indicates that Bharat India is in fair controls
5 Supporting number 2= 4, which is also, just below average out of 13, indicates that Bharat India is not good
in materials

Reflection from its Chart Number 70

1 Up to 21 years of republic, Bharat India faced adverse circumstances of rising & falls among all numbers
2 From year 22 to 43 years of republic, Bharat India entered its learning stream among world, due to number 1
3 From year 44 to year 64 years of republic, Bharat India has passed through its material oriented phase, due to
number 2 & made up to whatever extents possible, but it could be in original terms
4 From year 65 to year 86years of republic, Bharat India has to face & has in fact been facing, making &
breaking both due to number 3, starting with breaking & it could be a long period of breaks, if people did not
concern their future seriously
5 From year 87 to year 107years of republic, Bharat India shall remain in mobility phase of 4 based on
emotions & look dynamic, but with liquid state & nothing shall remain perfect. All decisions shall result

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6 From year 108 to year 129years of republic, Bharat India shall enter control phase, due to blessings by
number 5 & many solid results would arrive in, though unexpected or unknown full of secrecies, but nation
would control others as well
7 From year 130 to year 150years of republic, Bharat India shall enter & work under number 6, which means
thinking, processing, calculating, analyzing & reaching logical decisions & could earn happiness as well as
tensions both, but major changes must happen, due to switching to number 7
8 From year 151 to year 172years of republic, Bharat India shall enter world of 7, which means soft, but
fruitful, with no major causes of problems & may become lethargic during this phase
9 From year 173 to year 193years of republic, Bharat India shall enter world of 8, which means systems,
working, alignments working, invisible working, efficient working to grip many others in its alliances
10 From year 194 to year 215years of republic, Bharat India shall enter world of 9, which means power,
struggle working, delayed working, fire working,

SPIRITUAL   Table            
(Total)=Chart #   Date Month Year   Digits    

D+M+Y=(Total) 77 26 1 50 464 7    
Check # 88 52 8 52 76 7    
Basics to supports 464 158 8 302 458 10    
8 5       % 24 Total  
5 4     g 54.167 13 8,5,2  
2 4 effects effects effects effects effects effects  

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  ? E E E WORK 464    

Chexk Time Time Time Result r Average
Digit I II III C5=CR CRC C2+C3+
  C1 C2 C3 C4 T T C4  
Date of birth 1 154 231 78 464 464 463  
Personal, private 2 153 155 154 464 928 462  
Month of birth 3 152 156 153 464 1392 461  
General, deal others 4 151 157 152 464 1856 460  
Year of birth 5 150 158 151 464 2320 459  
Mind,Destiny,stability 6 149 159 150 464 2784 458  
Total is chart # 7 148 160 149 464 3248 457  
Spiritual effect 8 147 161 148 464 3712 456  
  9 146 162 147 464 4176 455  
  10 145 163 146 464 4640 454  
  11 144 164 145 464 5104 453  
  12 143 165 144 464 5568 452  
  13 142 166 143 464 6032 451  
  14 141 167 142 464 6496 450  
  15 140 168 141 464 6960 449  
  16 139 169 140 464 7424 448  
  17 138 170 139 464 7888 447  
  18 137 171 138 464 8352 446  
  19 136 172 137 464 8816 445  

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  20 135 173 136 464 9280 444  
  21 134 174 135 464 9744 443  
  22 133 175 134 464 8 442  
  23 132 176 133 464 2 441  
  24 131 177 132 464 6 440  
  25 130 178 131 464 0 439  
  26 129 179 130 464 4 438  
  27 128 180 129 464 8 437  
  28 127 181 128 464 2 436  
  29 126 182 127 464 6 435  
  30 125 183 126 464 0 434  
  31 124 184 125 464 4 433  
  32 123 185 124 464 8 432  
  33 122 186 123 464 2 431  
  34 121 187 122 464 1577 430  

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  35 120 188 121 464 0 429  
  36 119 189 120 464 4 428  
  37 118 190 119 464 8 427  
  38 117 191 118 464 2 426  
  39 116 192 117 464 6 425  
  40 115 193 116 464 0 424  
  41 114 194 115 464 4 423  
  42 113 195 114 464 8 422  
  43 112 196 113 464 2 421  
  44 111 197 112 464 6 420  
  45 110 198 111 464 0 419  
  46 109 199 110 464 4 418  
  47 108 200 109 464 8 417  
  48 107 201 108 464 2227 416  

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  49 106 202 107 464 6 415  
  50 105 203 106 464 0 414  
  51 104 204 105 464 4 413  
  52 103 205 104 464 8 412  
  53 102 206 103 464 2 411  
  54 101 207 102 464 6 410  
  55 100 208 101 464 0 409  
  56 99 209 100 464 4 408  
  57 98 210 99 464 8 407  
  58 97 211 98 464 2 406  
  59 96 212 97 464 6 405  
  60 95 213 96 464 0 404  
  61 94 214 95 464 4 403  
  62 93 215 94 464 2876 402  

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  63 92 216 93 464 2 401  
  64 91 217 92 464 6 400  
  65 90 218 91 464 0 399  
  66 89 219 90 464 4 398  
  67 88 220 89 464 8 397  
  68 87 221 88 464 2 396  
  69 86 222 87 464 6 395  
  70 85 223 86 464 0 394  
  71 84 224 85 464 4 393  
  72 83 225 84 464 8 392  
  73 82 226 83 464 2 391  
  74 81 227 82 464 6 390  
  75 80 228 81 464 0 389  
  76 79 229 80 464 3526 388  

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  77 78 230 79 464 8 387  
  78 77 231 78 464 2 386  
  79 76 232 77 464 6 385  
  80 75 233 76 464 0 384  
  81 74 234 75 464 4 383  
  82 73 235 74 464 8 382  
  83 72 236 73 464 2 381  
  84 71 237 72 464 6 380  
  85 70 238 71 464 0 379  
  86 69 239 70 464 4 378  
  87 68 240 69 464 8 377  
  88 67 241 68 464 2 376  
  89 66 242 67 464 6 375  
  90 65 243 66 464 4176 374  

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  91 64 244 65 464 4 373  
  92 63 245 64 464 8 372  
  93 62 246 63 464 2 371  
  94 61 247 62 464 6 370  
  95 60 248 61 464 0 369  
  96 59 249 60 464 4 368  
  97 58 250 59 464 8 367  
  98 57 251 58 464 2 366  
  99 56 252 57 464 6 365  
  100 55 253 56 464 0 364  
  101 54 254 55 464 4 363  
  102 53 255 54 464 8 362  
  103 52 256 53 464 2 361  
  104 51 257 52 464 4825 360  

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  105 50 258 51 464 0 359  
  106 49 259 50 464 4 358  
  107 48 260 49 464 8 357  
  108 47 261 48 464 2 356  
  109 46 262 47 464 6 355  
  110 45 263 46 464 0 354  
  111 44 264 45 464 4 353  
  112 43 265 44 464 8 352  
  113 42 266 43 464 2 351  
  114 41 267 42 464 6 350  
  115 40 268 41 464 0 349  
  116 39 269 40 464 4 348  
  117 38 270 39 464 8 347  
  118 37 271 38 464 5475 346  

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  119 36 272 37 464 6 345  
  120 35 273 36 464 0 344  
  121 34 274 35 464 4 343  
  122 33 275 34 464 8 342  
  123 32 276 33 464 2 341  
  124 31 277 32 464 6 340  
  125 30 278 31 464 0 339  
  126 29 279 30 464 4 338  
  127 28 280 29 464 8 337  
  128 27 281 28 464 2 336  
  129 26 282 27 464 6 335  
  130 25 283 26 464 0 334  
  131 24 284 25 464 4 333  
  132 23 285 24 464 6124 332  

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  133 22 286 23 464 2 331  
  134 21 287 22 464 6 330  
  135 20 288 21 464 0 329  
  136 19 289 20 464 4 328  
  137 18 290 19 464 8 327  
  138 17 291 18 464 2 326  
  139 16 292 17 464 6 325  
  140 15 293 16 464 0 324  
  141 14 294 15 464 4 323  
  142 13 295 14 464 8 322  
  143 12 296 13 464 2 321  
  144 11 297 12 464 6 320  
  145 10 298 11 464 0 319  
  146 9 299 10 464 6774 318  

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  147 8 300 9 464 8 317  
  148 7 301 8 464 2 316  
  149 6 302 7 464 6 315  
  150 5 303 6 464 0 314  
  151 4 304 5 464 4 313  
  152 3 305 4 464 8 312  
  153 2 306 3 464 2 311  
  154 1 307 2 464 6 310  
  155 0 308 1 464 0 309  
  156 -1 309 0 464 4 308  
  157 -2 310 -1 464 8 307  
  158 -3 311 -2 464 2 306  
  159 -4 312 -3 464 6 305  
  160 -5 313 -4 464 7424 304  

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  161 -6 314 -5 464 4 303  
  162 -7 315 -6 464 8 302  
  163 -8 316 -7 464 2 301  
  164 -9 317 -8 464 6 300  
  165 -10 318 -9 464 0 299  
  166 -11 319 -10 464 4 298  
  167 -12 320 -11 464 8 297  
  168 -13 321 -12 464 2 296  
  169 -14 322 -13 464 6 295  
  170 -15 323 -14 464 0 294  
  171 -16 324 -15 464 4 293  
  172 -17 325 -16 464 8 292  
  173 -18 326 -17 464 2 291  
  174 -19 327 -18 464 8073 290  

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  175 -20 328 -19 464 0 289  
  176 -21 329 -20 464 4 288  
  177 -22 330 -21 464 8 287  
  178 -23 331 -22 464 2 286  
  179 -24 332 -23 464 6 285  
  180 -25 333 -24 464 0 284  
  181 -26 334 -25 464 4 283  
  182 -27 335 -26 464 8 282  
  183 -28 336 -27 464 2 281  
  184 -29 337 -28 464 6 280  
  185 -30 338 -29 464 0 279  
  186 -31 339 -30 464 4 278  
  187 -32 340 -31 464 8 277  
  188 -33 341 -32 464 8723 276  

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  189 -34 342 -33 464 6 275  
  190 -35 343 -34 464 0 274  
  191 -36 344 -35 464 4 273  
  192 -37 345 -36 464 8 272  
  193 -38 346 -37 464 2 271  
  194 -39 347 -38 464 6 270  
  195 -40 348 -39 464 0 269  
  196 -41 349 -40 464 4 268  
  197 -42 350 -41 464 8 267  
  198 -43 351 -42 464 2 266  
  199 -44 352 -43 464 6 265  
  200 -45 353 -44 464 0 264  

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M K Gandhi 02.10.1869
Interpretations: Number constructed as follows:
Date =2, Month =10, Year =69, Total= 81

1 2 Indicates material
2 10 Indicates full entry or full exit or full authority
3 69 indicates destiny based on tension, work, judgment with power or struggle or delay
4 81indicates system entry or system exit or system lead

1 Result of 2 is 14, which indicates entry emotion
2 Result of 10 is 62, which indicates work material or tension material or judgment material
3 Result of 69 is 416, which indicates move entry work or fluid lead work
4 Result of 81 is 488, which means move unlimited system or fluid unlimited alliance or emotional unlimited

1 Support of 2 is 5 secret, 10 is 82 system material, 69 is 22 unlimited material, 81 is 58secret system or secret
link or secret coordination
2 Ruling indicates value of 50.0%, which is good one for others to recognize Gandhi, but not dominating
3 Supporting number 8 = 5, which is also, good out of 12, indicates that had good system in life
4 Supporting number 5 = 2, which is also, below average out of 12, indicates lacking controls & lacking

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5 Supporting number 2= 5, which is also, good one out of 12, indicates that Gandhi believed in materials &

Reflections, per number chart 81

1 Up to age 20, indicates just normal miscellaneous ups & downs as child
2 Age 21 to 40 years indicate learning period in every respect of life
3 Age 41 to 61 years indicate material period, means life was realized
4 Age 62 to 81 years indicate making & breaking both

SPIRITUAL   Table            
(Total)=Chart #   Date Month Year   Digits    

D+M+Y=(Total) 81 2 10 69 488 7    
Check # 58 5 82 22 71 7    
Basics to supports 488 14 62 416 428 10    
8 5       % 24 Total  
5 2     g 50.0 12 8,5,2  
2 5 effects effects effects effects effects effects  
  ? E E E WORK 488    

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Chexk Time Time Time Result r Average
Digit I II III C5=CR CRC C2+C3+
  C1 C2 C3 C4 T T C4  
Date of birth 1 162 243 82 488 488 487  
Personal, private 2 161 163 162 488 976 486  
Month of birth 3 160 164 161 488 1464 485  
General, deal others 4 159 165 160 488 1952 484  
Year of birth 5 158 166 159 488 2440 483  
Mind,Destiny,stability 6 157 167 158 488 2928 482  
Total is chart # 7 156 168 157 488 3416 481  
Spiritual effect 8 155 169 156 488 3904 480  
  9 154 170 155 488 4392 479  
  10 153 171 154 488 4880 478  
  11 152 172 153 488 5368 477  
  12 151 173 152 488 5856 476  
  13 150 174 151 488 6344 475  
  14 149 175 150 488 6832 474  
  15 148 176 149 488 7320 473  
  16 147 177 148 488 7808 472  
  17 146 178 147 488 8296 471  
  18 145 179 146 488 8784 470  
  19 144 180 145 488 9272 469  
  20 143 181 144 488 9760 468  
  21 142 182 143 488 1024 467  

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  22 141 183 142 488 6 466  
  23 140 184 141 488 4 465  
  24 139 185 140 488 2 464  
  25 138 186 139 488 0 463  
  26 137 187 138 488 8 462  
  27 136 188 137 488 6 461  
  28 135 189 136 488 4 460  
  29 134 190 135 488 2 459  
  30 133 191 134 488 0 458  
  31 132 192 133 488 8 457  
  32 131 193 132 488 6 456  
  33 130 194 131 488 4 455  
  34 129 195 130 488 2 454  
  35 128 196 129 488 1708 453  

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  36 127 197 128 488 8 452  
  37 126 198 127 488 6 451  
  38 125 199 126 488 4 450  
  39 124 200 125 488 2 449  
  40 123 201 124 488 0 448  
  41 122 202 123 488 8 447  
  42 121 203 122 488 6 446  
  43 120 204 121 488 4 445  
  44 119 205 120 488 2 444  
  45 118 206 119 488 0 443  
  46 117 207 118 488 8 442  
  47 116 208 117 488 6 441  
  48 115 209 116 488 4 440  
  49 114 210 115 488 2391 439  

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  50 113 211 114 488 0 438  
  51 112 212 113 488 8 437  
  52 111 213 112 488 6 436  
  53 110 214 111 488 4 435  
  54 109 215 110 488 2 434  
  55 108 216 109 488 0 433  
  56 107 217 108 488 8 432  
  57 106 218 107 488 6 431  
  58 105 219 106 488 4 430  
  59 104 220 105 488 2 429  
  60 103 221 104 488 0 428  
  61 102 222 103 488 8 427  
  62 101 223 102 488 6 426  
  63 100 224 101 488 3074 425  

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  64 99 225 100 488 2 424  
  65 98 226 99 488 0 423  
  66 97 227 98 488 8 422  
  67 96 228 97 488 6 421  
  68 95 229 96 488 4 420  
  69 94 230 95 488 2 419  
  70 93 231 94 488 0 418  
  71 92 232 93 488 8 417  
  72 91 233 92 488 6 416  
  73 90 234 91 488 4 415  
  74 89 235 90 488 2 414  
  75 88 236 89 488 0 413  
  76 87 237 88 488 8 412  
  77 86 238 87 488 3757 411  

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  78 85 239 86 488 4 410  
  79 84 240 85 488 2 409  
  80 83 241 84 488 0 408  
  81 82 242 83 488 8 407  
  82 81 243 82 488 6 406  
  83 80 244 81 488 4 405  
  84 79 245 80 488 2 404  
  85 78 246 79 488 0 403  
  86 77 247 78 488 8 402  
  87 76 248 77 488 6 401  
  88 75 249 76 488 4 400  
  89 74 250 75 488 2 399  
  90 73 251 74 488 0 398  
  91 72 252 73 488 4440 397  

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  92 71 253 72 488 6 396  
  93 70 254 71 488 4 395  
  94 69 255 70 488 2 394  
  95 68 256 69 488 0 393  
  96 67 257 68 488 8 392  
  97 66 258 67 488 6 391  
  98 65 259 66 488 4 390  
  99 64 260 65 488 2 389  
  100 63 261 64 488 0 388  

J L Nehru 14.11.1889
Interpretations: Number constructed as follows:
Date =14, Month =11, Year =89, Total= 114

1 14 Indicates entry material or lead material or authority material

2 11 Indicates unlimited entry or unlimited exit or unlimited authority

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3 89 indicates destiny based on system power or alliance power or coordination power
4 114indicates unlimited entry move or unlimited lead move or unlimited exit move

1 Result of 14 is 86, which indicates system work or system decision
2 Result of 11 is 68, which indicates work system or judgment link
3 Result of 89 is 536, which indicates secret making decision or control making process
4 Result of 114 is 686, which means work system work or system surrounded by unlimited work
1 Support of 14 is 88unlimited system, 11 is 88 unlimited system, 89 is 52 system power, 89 is 52secret
2 Ruling indicates value of 58.33%, which is good one for others to recognize Nehru, but not dominating
3 Supporting number 8 = 11, which is an, excellent out of 14, indicates that had excellent good system in life
4 Supporting number 5 = 2, which is also, below average out of 14, indicates lacking controls & lacking
5 Supporting number 2= 1, which is also, much below out of 12, indicates that Nehru did not believe in
materials & information

Reflections, per number chart 114

1 Up to age 14, indicates just normal miscellaneous ups & downs as child
2 Age 15 to 29 years indicate learning period in every respect of life
3 Age 30 to 43 years indicate material period, means life was realized
4 Age 44 to 58 years indicate making & breaking both

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SPIRITUAL   Table            
(Total)=Chart #   Date Month Year   Digits    

D+M+Y=(Total) 114 14 11 89 686 7    

Check # 888 88 88 52 103 7    
Basics to supports 686 86 68 536 620 10    
8 11       % 24 Total  
5 2     g 58.333 14 8,5,2  
2 1 effects effects effects effects effects effects  
  ? E E E WORK 686    

Chexk Time Time Time Result r Average
Digit I II III C5=CR CRC C2+C3+
  C1 C2 C3 C4 T T C4  
Date of birth 1 228 342 115 686 686 685  
Personal, private 2 227 229 228 686 1372 684  
Month of birth 3 226 230 227 686 2058 683  
General, deal others 4 225 231 226 686 2744 682  
Year of birth 5 224 232 225 686 3430 681  
Mind,Destiny,stability 6 223 233 224 686 4116 680  
Total is chart # 7 222 234 223 686 4802 679  
Spiritual effect 8 221 235 222 686 5488 678  

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  9 220 236 221 686 6174 677  
  10 219 237 220 686 6860 676  
  11 218 238 219 686 7546 675  
  12 217 239 218 686 8232 674  
  13 216 240 217 686 8918 673  
  14 215 241 216 686 9604 672  
  15 214 242 215 686 0 671  
  16 213 243 214 686 6 670  
  17 212 244 213 686 2 669  
  18 211 245 212 686 8 668  
  19 210 246 211 686 4 667  
  20 209 247 210 686 0 666  
  21 208 248 209 686 6 665  
  22 207 249 208 686 2 664  
  23 206 250 207 686 8 663  
  24 205 251 206 686 4 662  
  25 204 252 205 686 1715 661  

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  26 203 253 204 686 6 660  
  27 202 254 203 686 2 659  
  28 201 255 202 686 8 658  
  29 200 256 201 686 4 657  
  30 199 257 200 686 0 656  
  31 198 258 199 686 6 655  
  32 197 259 198 686 2 654  
  33 196 260 197 686 8 653  
  34 195 261 196 686 4 652  
  35 194 262 195 686 0 651  
  36 193 263 194 686 6 650  
  37 192 264 193 686 2 649  
  38 191 265 192 686 8 648  
  39 190 266 191 686 2675 647  

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  40 189 267 190 686 0 646  
  41 188 268 189 686 6 645  
  42 187 269 188 686 2 644  
  43 186 270 187 686 8 643  
  44 185 271 186 686 4 642  
  45 184 272 185 686 0 641  
  46 183 273 184 686 6 640  
  47 182 274 183 686 2 639  
  48 181 275 182 686 8 638  
  49 180 276 181 686 4 637  
  50 179 277 180 686 0 636  
  51 178 278 179 686 6 635  
  52 177 279 178 686 2 634  
  53 176 280 177 686 3635 633  

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  54 175 281 176 686 4 632  
  55 174 282 175 686 0 631  
  56 173 283 174 686 6 630  
  57 172 284 173 686 2 629  
  58 171 285 172 686 8 628  
  59 170 286 171 686 4 627  
  60 169 287 170 686 0 626  
  61 168 288 169 686 6 625  
  62 167 289 168 686 2 624  
  63 166 290 167 686 8 623  
  64 165 291 166 686 4 622  
  65 164 292 165 686 0 621  
  66 163 293 164 686 6 620  
  67 162 294 163 686 4596 619  

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  68 161 295 162 686 8 618  
  69 160 296 161 686 4 617  
  70 159 297 160 686 0 616  
  71 158 298 159 686 6 615  
  72 157 299 158 686 2 614  
  73 156 300 157 686 8 613  
  74 155 301 156 686 4 612  
  75 154 302 155 686 0 611  
  76 153 303 154 686 6 610  
  77 152 304 153 686 2 609  
  78 151 305 152 686 8 608  
  79 150 306 151 686 4 607  
  80 149 307 150 686 0 606  
  81 148 308 149 686 5556 605  

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  82 147 309 148 686 2 604  
  83 146 310 147 686 8 603  
  84 145 311 146 686 4 602  
  85 144 312 145 686 0 601  
  86 143 313 144 686 6 600  
  87 142 314 143 686 2 599  
  88 141 315 142 686 8 598  
  89 140 316 141 686 4 597  
  90 139 317 140 686 0 596  
  91 138 318 139 686 6 595  
  92 137 319 138 686 2 594  
  93 136 320 137 686 8 593  
  94 135 321 136 686 4 592  
  95 134 322 135 686 6517 591  

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  96 133 323 134 686 6 590  
  97 132 324 133 686 2 589  
  98 131 325 132 686 8 588  
  99 130 326 131 686 4 587  
  100 129 327 130 686 0 586  

List of Results of Numbers For Saturn / Uranus

Single digit differs by value ‘3’, which means positive making or negative making or breaking, so adjudication
may be making based or breaking based
If performance & aspired supports are positive, making shall be adjudicated
If performance & aspired supports are negative, breaking shall be adjudicated

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Saturn /
List of
Numbers & Multiplier
    Results ='3' Add '12' #*3+12  
Additio Single
S# Approach Number Multiplier n Results Digit
1 Negative -143 3 12 -417 -3
2 Negative -142 3 12 -414 -9
3 Negative -141 3 12 -411 -6
4 Negative -140 3 12 -408 -3
5 Negative -139 3 12 -405 -9
6 Negative -138 3 12 -402 -6
7 Negative -137 3 12 -399 -3
8 Negative -136 3 12 -396 -9
9 Negative -135 3 12 -393 -6
10 Negative -134 3 12 -390 -3
11 Negative -133 3 12 -387 -9
12 Negative -132 3 12 -384 -6
13 Negative -131 3 12 -381 -3

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14 Negative -130 3 12 -378 -9

15 Negative -129 3 12 -375 -6
16 Negative -128 3 12 -372 -3
17 Negative -127 3 12 -369 -9
18 Negative -126 3 12 -366 -6
19 Negative -125 3 12 -363 -3
20 Negative -124 3 12 -360 -9
21 Negative -123 3 12 -357 -6
22 Negative -122 3 12 -354 -3
23 Negative -121 3 12 -351 -9
24 Negative -120 3 12 -348 -6
25 Negative -119 3 12 -345 -3
26 Negative -118 3 12 -342 -9
27 Negative -117 3 12 -339 -6
28 Negative -116 3 12 -336 -3
29 Negative -115 3 12 -333 -9
30 Negative -114 3 12 -330 -6
31 Negative -113 3 12 -327 -3
32 Negative -112 3 12 -324 -9
33 Negative -111 3 12 -321 -6
34 Negative -110 3 12 -318 -3

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35 Negative -109 3 12 -315 -9

36 Negative -108 3 12 -312 -6
37 Negative -107 3 12 -309 -3
38 Negative -106 3 12 -306 -9
39 Negative -105 3 12 -303 -6
40 Negative -104 3 12 -300 -3
41 Negative -103 3 12 -297 -9
42 Negative -102 3 12 -294 -6
43 Negative -101 3 12 -291 -3
44 Negative -100 3 12 -288 -9
45 Negative -99 3 12 -285 -6
46 Negative -98 3 12 -282 -3
47 Negative -97 3 12 -279 -9
48 Negative -96 3 12 -276 -6
49 Negative -95 3 12 -273 -3
50 Negative -94 3 12 -270 -9
51 Negative -93 3 12 -267 -6
52 Negative -92 3 12 -264 -3
53 Negative -91 3 12 -261 -9
54 Negative -90 3 12 -258 -6
55 Negative -89 3 12 -255 -3

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56 Negative -88 3 12 -252 -9

57 Negative -87 3 12 -249 -6
58 Negative -86 3 12 -246 -3
59 Negative -85 3 12 -243 -9
60 Negative -84 3 12 -240 -6
61 Negative -83 3 12 -237 -3
62 Negative -82 3 12 -234 -9
63 Negative -81 3 12 -231 -6
64 Negative -80 3 12 -228 -3
65 Negative -79 3 12 -225 -9
66 Negative -78 3 12 -222 -6
67 Negative -77 3 12 -219 -3
68 Negative -76 3 12 -216 -9
69 Negative -75 3 12 -213 -6
70 Negative -74 3 12 -210 -3
71 Negative -73 3 12 -207 -9
72 Negative -72 3 12 -204 -6
73 Negative -71 3 12 -201 -3
74 Negative -70 3 12 -198 -9
75 Negative -69 3 12 -195 -6
6 Negative -68 3 12 -192 -3

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77 Negative -67 3 12 -189 -9

78 Negative -66 3 12 -186 -6
79 Negative -65 3 12 -183 -3
80 Negative -64 3 12 -180 -9
81 Negative -63 3 12 -177 -6
82 Negative -62 3 12 -174 -3
83 Negative -61 3 12 -171 -9
84 Negative -60 3 12 -168 -6
85 Negative -59 3 12 -165 -3
86 Negative -58 3 12 -162 -9
87 Negative -57 3 12 -159 -6
88 Negative -56 3 12 -156 -3
89 Negative -55 3 12 -153 -9
90 Negative -54 3 12 -150 -6
91 Negative -53 3 12 -147 -3
92 Negative -52 3 12 -144 -9
93 Negative -51 3 12 -141 -6
94 Negative -50 3 12 -138 -3
95 Negative -49 3 12 -135 -9
96 Negative -48 3 12 -132 -6
97 Negative -47 3 12 -129 -3

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98 Negative -46 3 12 -126 -9

99 Negative -45 3 12 -123 -6
100 Negative -44 3 12 -120 -3
101 Negative -43 3 12 -117 -9
102 Negative -42 3 12 -114 -6
103 Negative -41 3 12 -111 -3
104 Negative -40 3 12 -108 -9
105 Negative -39 3 12 -105 -6
106 Negative -38 3 12 -102 -3
107 Negative -37 3 12 -99 -9
108 Negative -36 3 12 -96 -6
109 Negative -35 3 12 -93 -3
110 Negative -34 3 12 -90 -9
111 Negative -33 3 12 -87 -6
112 Negative -32 3 12 -84 -3
113 Negative -31 3 12 -81 -9
114 Negative -30 3 12 -78 -6
115 Negative -29 3 12 -75 -3
116 Negative -28 3 12 -72 -9
117 Negative -27 3 12 -69 -6
118 Negative -26 3 12 -66 -3

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119 Negative -25 3 12 -63 -9

120 Negative -24 3 12 -60 -6
121 Negative -23 3 12 -57 -3
122 Negative -22 3 12 -54 -9
123 Negative -21 3 12 -51 -6
124 Negative -20 3 12 -48 -3
125 Negative -19 3 12 -45 -9
126 Negative -18 3 12 -42 -6
127 Negative -17 3 12 -39 -3
128 Negative -16 3 12 -36 -9
129 Negative -15 3 12 -33 -6
130 Negative -14 3 12 -30 -3
131 Negative -13 3 12 -27 -9
132 Negative -12 3 12 -24 -6
133 Negative -11 3 12 -21 -3
134 Negative -10 3 12 -18 -9
135 Negative -9 3 12 -15 -6
136 Negative -8 3 12 -12 -3
137 Negative -7 3 12 -9 -9
138 Negative -6 3 12 -6 -6
139 Negative -5 3 12 -3 -3

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140 Negative -4 3 12 0 0
141 Negative -3 3 12 3 3
142 Negative -2 3 12 6 6
143 Negative -1 3 12 9 9
144 Positive 0 3 12 12 3
145 Positive 1 3 12 15 6
146 Positive 2 3 12 18 9
147 Positive 3 3 12 21 3
148 Positive 4 3 12 24 6
149 Positive 5 3 12 27 9
150 Positive 6 3 12 30 3
151 Positive 7 3 12 33 6
152 Positive 8 3 12 36 9
153 Positive 9 3 12 39 3
154 Positive 10 3 12 42 6
155 Positive 11 3 12 45 9
156 Positive 12 3 12 48 3
157 Positive 13 3 12 51 6
158 Positive 14 3 12 54 9
159 Positive 15 3 12 57 3
160 Positive 16 3 12 60 6

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161 Positive 17 3 12 63 9
162 Positive 18 3 12 66 3
163 Positive 19 3 12 69 6
164 Positive 20 3 12 72 9
165 Positive 21 3 12 75 3
166 Positive 22 3 12 78 6
167 Positive 23 3 12 81 9
168 Positive 24 3 12 84 3
169 Positive 25 3 12 87 6
170 Positive 26 3 12 90 9
171 Positive 27 3 12 93 3
172 Positive 28 3 12 96 6
173 Positive 29 3 12 99 9
174 Positive 30 3 12 102 3
175 Positive 31 3 12 105 6
176 Positive 32 3 12 108 9
177 Positive 33 3 12 111 3
178 Positive 34 3 12 114 6
179 Positive 35 3 12 117 9
180 Positive 36 3 12 120 3
181 Positive 37 3 12 123 6

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182 Positive 38 3 12 126 9

183 Positive 39 3 12 129 3
184 Positive 40 3 12 132 6
185 Positive 41 3 12 135 9
186 Positive 42 3 12 138 3
187 Positive 43 3 12 141 6
188 Positive 44 3 12 144 9
189 Positive 45 3 12 147 3
190 Positive 46 3 12 150 6
191 Positive 47 3 12 153 9
192 Positive 48 3 12 156 3
193 Positive 49 3 12 159 6
194 Positive 50 3 12 162 9
195 Positive 51 3 12 165 3
196 Positive 52 3 12 168 6
197 Positive 53 3 12 171 9
198 Positive 54 3 12 174 3
199 Positive 55 3 12 177 6
200 Positive 56 3 12 180 9
201 Positive 57 3 12 183 3
202 Positive 58 3 12 186 6

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203 Positive 59 3 12 189 9

204 Positive 60 3 12 192 3
205 Positive 61 3 12 195 6
206 Positive 62 3 12 198 9
207 Positive 63 3 12 201 3
208 Positive 64 3 12 204 6
209 Positive 65 3 12 207 9
210 Positive 66 3 12 210 3
211 Positive 67 3 12 213 6
212 Positive 68 3 12 216 9
213 Positive 69 3 12 219 3
214 Positive 70 3 12 222 6
215 Positive 71 3 12 225 9
216 Positive 72 3 12 228 3
217 Positive 73 3 12 231 6
218 Positive 74 3 12 234 9
219 Positive 75 3 12 237 3
220 Positive 76 3 12 240 6
221 Positive 77 3 12 243 9
222 Positive 78 3 12 246 3
223 Positive 79 3 12 249 6

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224 Positive 80 3 12 252 9

225 Positive 81 3 12 255 3
226 Positive 82 3 12 258 6
227 Positive 83 3 12 261 9
228 Positive 84 3 12 264 3
229 Positive 85 3 12 267 6
230 Positive 86 3 12 270 9
231 Positive 87 3 12 273 3
232 Positive 88 3 12 276 6
233 Positive 89 3 12 279 9
234 Positive 90 3 12 282 3
235 Positive 91 3 12 285 6
236 Positive 92 3 12 288 9
237 Positive 93 3 12 291 3
238 Positive 94 3 12 294 6
239 Positive 95 3 12 297 9
240 Positive 96 3 12 300 3
241 Positive 97 3 12 303 6
242 Positive 98 3 12 306 9
243 Positive 99 3 12 309 3
244 Positive 100 3 12 312 6

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245 Positive 101 3 12 315 9

246 Positive 102 3 12 318 3
247 Positive 103 3 12 321 6
248 Positive 104 3 12 324 9
249 Positive 105 3 12 327 3
250 Positive 106 3 12 330 6
251 Positive 107 3 12 333 9
252 Positive 108 3 12 336 3
253 Positive 109 3 12 339 6
254 Positive 110 3 12 342 9
255 Positive 111 3 12 345 3
256 Positive 112 3 12 348 6
257 Positive 113 3 12 351 9
258 Positive 114 3 12 354 3
259 Positive 115 3 12 357 6
260 Positive 116 3 12 360 9
261 Positive 117 3 12 363 3
262 Positive 118 3 12 366 6
263 Positive 119 3 12 369 9
264 Positive 120 3 12 372 3
265 Positive 121 3 12 375 6

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266 Positive 122 3 12 378 9

267 Positive 123 3 12 381 3
268 Positive 124 3 12 384 6
269 Positive 125 3 12 387 9
270 Positive 126 3 12 390 3
271 Positive 127 3 12 393 6
272 Positive 128 3 12 396 9
273 Positive 129 3 12 399 3
274 Positive 130 3 12 402 6
275 Positive 131 3 12 405 9
276 Positive 132 3 12 408 3
277 Positive 133 3 12 411 6
278 Positive 134 3 12 414 9
279 Positive 135 3 12 417 3
280 Positive 136 3 12 420 6
281 Positive 137 3 12 423 9
282 Positive 138 3 12 426 3
283 Positive 139 3 12 429 6
284 Positive 140 3 12 432 9
285 Positive 141 3 12 435 3
286 Positive 142 3 12 438 6

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287 Positive 143 3 12 441 9

288 Positive 144 3 12 444 3
289 Positive 145 3 12 447 6
290 Positive 146 3 12 450 9
291 Positive 147 3 12 453 3
292 Positive 148 3 12 456 6
293 Positive 149 3 12 459 9
294 Positive 150 3 12 462 3
295 Positive 151 3 12 465 6
296 Positive 152 3 12 468 9
297 Positive 153 3 12 471 3
298 Positive 154 3 12 474 6
299 Positive 155 3 12 477 9
300 Positive 156 3 12 480 3
301 Positive 157 3 12 483 6
302 Positive 158 3 12 486 9
303 Positive 159 3 12 489 3
304 Positive 160 3 12 492 6
305 Positive 161 3 12 495 9
306 Positive 162 3 12 498 3
307 Positive 163 3 12 501 6

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308 Positive 164 3 12 504 9

309 Positive 165 3 12 507 3
310 Positive 166 3 12 510 6
311 Positive 167 3 12 513 9
312 Positive 168 3 12 516 3
313 Positive 169 3 12 519 6
314 Positive 170 3 12 522 9
315 Positive 171 3 12 525 3
316 Positive 172 3 12 528 6
317 Positive 173 3 12 531 9
318 Positive 174 3 12 534 3
319 Positive 175 3 12 537 6
320 Positive 176 3 12 540 9
321 Positive 177 3 12 543 3
322 Positive 178 3 12 546 6
323 Positive 179 3 12 549 9
324 Positive 180 3 12 552 3
325 Positive 181 3 12 555 6
326 Positive 182 3 12 558 9
327 Positive 183 3 12 561 3
328 Positive 184 3 12 564 6

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329 Positive 185 3 12 567 9

330 Positive 186 3 12 570 3
331 Positive 187 3 12 573 6
332 Positive 188 3 12 576 9
333 Positive 189 3 12 579 3
334 Positive 190 3 12 582 6
335 Positive 191 3 12 585 9
336 Positive 192 3 12 588 3
337 Positive 193 3 12 591 6
338 Positive 194 3 12 594 9
339 Positive 195 3 12 597 3
340 Positive 196 3 12 600 6
341 Positive 197 3 12 603 9
342 Positive 198 3 12 606 3
343 Positive 199 3 12 609 6
344 Positive 200 3 12 612 9
345 Positive 201 3 12 615 3
346 Positive 202 3 12 618 6
347 Positive 203 3 12 621 9
348 Positive 204 3 12 624 3
349 Positive 205 3 12 627 6

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350 Positive 206 3 12 630 9

351 Positive 207 3 12 633 3
352 Positive 208 3 12 636 6
353 Positive 209 3 12 639 9
354 Positive 210 3 12 642 3
355 Positive 211 3 12 645 6
356 Positive 212 3 12 648 9
357 Positive 213 3 12 651 3
358 Positive 214 3 12 654 6
359 Positive 215 3 12 657 9
360 Positive 216 3 12 660 3
361 Positive 217 3 12 663 6
362 Positive 218 3 12 666 9
363 Positive 219 3 12 669 3
364 Positive 220 3 12 672 6
365 Positive 221 3 12 675 9
366 Positive 222 3 12 678 3
367 Positive 223 3 12 681 6
368 Positive 224 3 12 684 9
369 Positive 225 3 12 687 3
370 Positive 226 3 12 690 6

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371 Positive 227 3 12 693 9

372 Positive 228 3 12 696 3
373 Positive 229 3 12 699 6
374 Positive 230 3 12 702 9
375 Positive 231 3 12 705 3
376 Positive 232 3 12 708 6
377 Positive 233 3 12 711 9
378 Positive 234 3 12 714 3
379 Positive 235 3 12 717 6
380 Positive 236 3 12 720 9
381 Positive 237 3 12 723 3
382 Positive 238 3 12 726 6
383 Positive 239 3 12 729 9
384 Positive 240 3 12 732 3
385 Positive 241 3 12 735 6
386 Positive 242 3 12 738 9
387 Positive 243 3 12 741 3
388 Positive 244 3 12 744 6
389 Positive 245 3 12 747 9
390 Positive 246 3 12 750 3
391 Positive 247 3 12 753 6

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392 Positive 248 3 12 756 9

393 Positive 249 3 12 759 3
394 Positive 250 3 12 762 6
395 Positive 251 3 12 765 9

Direct Series Results by Placing Digits ‘3’ times & Dividing by ‘3’
Power of
Direct Series Placed 3
      times & divided by 3  
Single digit value in
[b]=Single digit value in
Interpretations of Results, Reached By Placing Digit
Multiplier #'s # Placed Placement Divided Thrice, Followed By Dividing Digit 3, which applies,
by S # S# 3 times by '3' when Person Does Very Hard Work
a b c d  
111 1 111 37 Making Success/Support-10-1
111 2 222 74 Support Move-11-2
111 3 333 111 Massive Entry-3
111 4 444 148 Entry Move System-13-4

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111 5 555 185 Entry System Control-14-5

111 6 666 222 Massive Material-6
111 7 777 259 Material Control Power-16-7
111 8 888 296 Material Power Work-17-8
111 9 999 333 Massive Making/Breaking-9
10101 10 101010 33670 Unlimited Making Work, Full Support-19-10-1
10101 11 111111 37037 Making Full Support, Making Success-20-2
10101 12 121212 40404 Oceans of Emotions/Move/Sentiments-12-3
10101 13 131313 43771 Move Making Unlimited Support Entry/Exit-22-4
10101 14 141414 47138 Move Support Entry Making System-23-5
10101 15 151515 50505 Oceans of Control/Secrecy/Unexpected-15-6
10101 16 161616 53872 Control Making System Support Material-25-7
10101 17 171717 57239 Control Support Material Making Power-26-8
10101 18 181818 60606 Oceans of Work/Procedures/Romance-18-9
10101 19 191919 63973 Work Making Power Support Making-28-10-1
10101 20 202020 67340 Work Support Making Full Move-20-2
10101 21 212121 70707 Oceans of Support/Success/Soft-21-3
10101 22 222222 74074 Support Full Move, Support Move-22-4
10101 23 232323 77441 Unlimited Support, Unlimited Move, Entry-23-5
10101 24 242424 80808 Oceans of Systems/Communications/Links-24-6
10101 25 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7

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10101 26 262626 87542 System Support Control Move Material-26-8

10101 27 272727 90909 Oceans of Power/Hard Work/Delay/Struggle-27-9
10101 28 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 29 292929 97643 Power Support Work Move Making-29-11-2
10101 30 303030 101010 Oceans of Full Entry/Exit/Authority/Lead-3
10101 31 313131 104377 Full Entry Move Making Unlimited Support-22-4
10101 32 323232 107744 Full Entry Unlimited Support Unlimited Move-23-5
10101 33 333333 111111 Super Oceans of Entry/Exit/Authority/Lead-6
10101 34 343434 114478 Unlimited Entry Unlimited Move Support System-25-7
10101 35 353535 117845 Unlimited Entry Support System Move Control-26-8
10101 36 363636 121212 Massive Congratulatory/Massive Entry Material-9
10101 37 373737 124579 Congratulatory Move Control Support Power-28-10-1
10101 38 383838 127946 Congratolatory Support Power Move Work-29-11-2
10101 39 393939 131313 Massive Entry Making-12-3
10101 40 404040 134680 Entry Making Move Work Full System-22-4
10101 41 414141 138047 Entry Making Full System Move Support-23-5
10101 42 424242 141414 Massive Entry Move-15-6
10101 43 434343 144781 Entry Unlimited Move Support System Entry-25-7
10101 44 444444 148148 Unlimited Entry Move System-26-8
10101 45 454545 151515 Massive Entry Control-18-9
10101 46 464646 154882 Entry Control Move Unlimited System Material-28-10-

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10101 47 474747 158249 Entry Control System Material Move Power-29-11-2
10101 48 484848 161616 Massive Entry Work/Solemn State-21-3
10101 49 494949 164983 Solemn Move Power System Making-31-4
10101 50 505050 168350 Solemn System Making Full Control-23-5
10101 51 515151 171717 Massive Entry Support-24-6
10101 52 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 53 535353 178451 Entry Support System Move Control Entry-26-8
10101 54 545454 181818 Massive Entry System-27-9
10101 55 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
Entry Unlimited System Unlimited Control Material-
10101 56 565656 188552 29-11-2
10101 57 575757 191919 Massive Entry Power-30-3
10101 58 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 59 595959 198653 Entry Power System Work Control Making-32-5
10101 60 606060 202020 Massive Full Material-6
10101 61 616161 205387 Full Material Control Making System Support-25-7
10101 62 626262 208754 Full Material System Support Control Move-26-8
10101 63 636363 212121 Massive Ownership/material Entry-9
10101 64 646464 215488 Owner Control Move Unlimited System-28-10-1
10101 65 656565 218855 Owner Unlimited System Unlimited Control-29-11-2

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10101 66 666666 222222 Ocean of Materials-12-3

Unlimited Material Unlimited Control System Power-
10101 67 676767 225589 31-4
10101 68 686868 228956 Unlimited Material System Power Control Work-32-5
10101 69 696969 232323 Massive Material Making-15-6
10101 70 707070 235690 Material Making Control Work Full Power-25-7
10101 71 717171 239057 Material Making Full Power Control Support-26-8
10101 72 727272 242424 Massive Material Move-18-9
10101 73 737373 245791 Material Move Control Support Power Entry-28-10-1
10101 74 747474 249158 Material Move Power Entry Control System-29-11-2
10101 75 757575 252525 Massive Material Control-21-3
Material Unlimited Control System Power Material-31-
10101 76 767676 255892 4
10101 77 777777 259259 Unlimted Material Control Power-32-5
10101 78 787878 262626 Massive Material Work-24-6
10101 79 797979 265993 Material Work Control Unlimited Power Making-34-7
10101 80 808080 269360 Material Work Power Making Full Work-26-8
10101 81 818181 272727 Massive Material Support-27-9
10101 82 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 83 838383 279461 Material Support Power Move Work Entry-29-11-2
10101 84 848484 282828 Massive Material System-30-3

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10101 85 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4

10101 86 868686 289562 Material System Power Control Work Material-32-5
10101 87 878787 292929 Massive Material Power-33-6
10101 88 888888 296296 Unlimited Material Power Work-34-7
Material Unlimited power Unlimited Work Making-35-
10101 89 898989 299663 8
10101 90 909090 303030 Massive Full Making-9
10101 91 919191 306397 Full Making Work Making Power Support-28-10-1
10101 92 929292 309764 Full Making Power Support Work Move-29-11-2
10101 93 939393 313131 Massive making Entry-12-3
10101 94 949494 316498 Making Entry Work Move Power System-31-4
10101 95 959595 319865 Making Entry Power System Work Control-32-5
10101 96 969696 323232 Massive Making Material-15-6
10101 97 979797 326599 Making Material Work Control Unlimited Power-34-7
Making Material Unlimited Power Unlimited Work-35-
10101 98 989898 329966 8
10101 99 999999 333333 Ocean of Makings-18-9
10101 100 1010100 336700 Umlimited Making Work Massive Support-19-10-1
Unlimited Making Massive Support Making Work
1001001 101 101101101 33700367 Support-29-11-2
1001001 102 102102102 34034034 Unlimited Making Full Move Making Move-21-3

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Making Move Making Work Massive Support Lead-
1001001 103 103103103 34367701 31-4
Making Move Full Support Entry Making Work
1001001 104 104104104 34701368 System-32-5
1001001 105 105105105 35035035 Unlimited Making Full Control Making Control-24-6
Making Control Making Work System Full Support
1001001 106 106106106 35368702 Material-34-7
Making Control Full Support Material Making Work
1001001 107 107107107 35702369 Power-35-8
1001001 108 108108108 36036036 Unlimited Making Full Work Making Work-27-9
Unlimited Making Work Power Full Support Making-
1001001 109 109109109 36369703 37-10-1
Making Work Full Support Unlimited Making Full
1001001 110 110110110 36703370 Support-29-11-2
1001001 111 111111111 37037037 Unlimited Making Full Support Making Support-30-3
Making Support Making Unlimited Full Support Move-
1001001 112 112112112 37370704 31-4
Making Support Full Support Move Making Support
1001001 113 113113113 37704371 Entry-32-5
1001001 114 114114114 38038038 Unlimited Making Full System Making System-33-6
Making System Making Support Entry Full Support
1001001 115 115115115 38371705 Control-34-7
1001001 116 116116116 38705372 Making System Full Support Control Making Support

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1001001 117 117117117 39039039 Unlimited Making Full Power Making Power-36-9
Making Power Making Support Material Full Support
1001001 118 118118118 39372706 Work-37-10-1
Making Power Full Support Work Making Support
1001001 119 119119119 39706373 Making-38-11-2
1001001 120 120120120 40040040 Unlimited Near Massive Move Full Move-12-3
Full Move Making Support Making Near Massive
1001001 121 121121121 40373707 Support-31-4
Full Move Full Support Support Making Support
1001001 122 122122122 40707374 Move-32-5
1001001 123 123123123 41041041 Unlimited Move Full Entry Move Entry-15-6
Move Entry Making Support Move Full Support
1001001 124 124124124 41374708 System-34-7
Move Entry Full Support System Making Support
1001001 125 125125125 41708375 Control-35-8
1001001 126 126126126 42042042 Unlimited Move Full Material Move Material-18-9
Move Material Making Support Control Full Support
1001001 127 127127127 42375709 Power-37-10-1
Move Material Full Support Power Making Support
1001001 128 128128128 42709376 Work-38-11-2
1001001 129 129129129 43043043 Unlimited Move Full Making Move Making-21-3
1001001 130 130130130 43376710 Move Unlimited Making Near Massive Support Full

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Move Making Support Full Entry Making Unlimited
1001001 131 131131131 43710377 Support-32-5
1001001 132 132132132 44044044 Unlimited Near Massive Move, Unlimited Move-24-6
Unlimited Move Making Massive Support Unlimited
1001001 133 133133133 44377711 Entry-34-7
Unlimited Move Support Unlimited Entry Making
1001001 134 134134134 44711378 Support System-35-8
1001001 135 135135135 45045045 Unlimited Move Full Control, Move Control-27-9
Move Control Making Support System Support Entry
1001001 136 136136136 45378712 Material-37-10-1
Move Control Support Entry Material Making Support
1001001 137 137137137 45712379 Power-38-11-2
1001001 138 138138138 46046046 Unlimited Move Full Work, Move Work-30-3
Move Work Making Support Power Support Entry
1001001 139 139139139 46379713 Making--40-4
Move Work Support Entry Unlimited Making Full
1001001 140 140140140 46713380 System-32-5
1001001 141 141141141 47047047 Unlimited Move Full Support, Move Support-33-6
Move Support Making Full System Support Entry
1001001 142 142142142 47380714 Move-34-7
Move Unlimited Support Entry Move Making System
1001001 143 143143143 47714381 Entry-35-8

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1001001 144 144144144 48048048 Unlimited Move Full System, Move System-36-9
Move Near Massive System Entry Support Entry
1001001 145 145145145 48381715 Control-37-10-1
Move System Support Entry Control Making System
1001001 146 146146146 48715382 Material-38-11-2
1001001 147 147147147 49049049 Unlimited Move Full Power, Move Power-39-12-3
Move Power Making System Material Support Entry
1001001 148 148148148 49382716 Work-40-4
Move Power Support Entry Work Making System
1001001 149 149149149 49716383 Making-41-5
1001001 150 150150150 50050050 Unlimited Near Massive Control, Full Control-15-6
Full Control Making System Making Support Entry
1001001 151 151151151 50383717 Support-34-7

Direct Series Results by Placing Substituted Digits ‘3’ times & Dividing by ‘3’

Placed 3

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times &
divided by

Placement Inerpretations
Substitutio Divided reached by placing given single digits thice,
Multiplie n by basic by 3= Full substituting by basic digits 8/5/2 as applicable thrice, &
r #'s S # Placed values Strength then dividing by 3
by S # # 3 times 8,5,2 Efforts Assistance expected from all supporting digits
111 1 111 888 296 Material Power Work-17-8
111 2 222 555 185 Entry System Control-14-5
111 3 333 222 74 Success Move-11-2
111 4 444 888 296 Material Power Work-17-8
111 5 555 555 185 Entry System Control-14-5
111 6 666 222 74 Success Move-11-2
111 7 777 888 296 Material Power Work-17-8
111 8 888 555 185 Entry System Control-14-5
111 9 999 222 74 Success Move-11-2
10101 10 101010 828282 276094 Material Success Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 11 111111 888888 296296 Material Power Work Material Power Work-34-7

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10101 12 121212 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 13 131313 828282 276094 Material Success Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 14 141414 888888 296296 Material Power Work Material Power Work-34-7
10101 15 151515 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 16 161616 828282 276094 Material Success Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 17 171717 888888 296296 Material Power Work Material Power Work-34-7
10101 18 181818 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 19 191919 828282 276094 Material Success Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 20 202020 525252 175084 Entry Success Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 21 212121 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 22 222222 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 23 232323 525252 175084 Entry Success Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 24 242424 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 25 252525 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 26 262626 525252 175084 Entry Success Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 27 272727 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 28 282828 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 29 292929 525252 175084 Entry Success Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 30 303030 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 31 313131 282828 94276 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 32 323232 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7

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10101 33 333333 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4

10101 34 343434 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 35 353535 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7
10101 36 363636 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 37 373737 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 38 383838 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7
10101 39 393939 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 40 404040 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 41 414141 888888 296296 Unlimited Material Power Work-34-7
10101 42 424242 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 43 434343 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 44 444444 888888 296296 Unlimited Material Power Work-34-7
10101 45 454545 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 46 464646 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 47 474747 888888 296296 Unlimited Material Power Work-34-7
10101 48 484848 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 49 494949 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 50 505050 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 51 515151 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 52 525252 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 53 535353 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7

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10101 54 545454 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 55 555555 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 56 565656 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 57 575757 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 58 585858 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 59 595959 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 60 606060 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 61 616161 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 62 626262 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7
10101 63 636363 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 64 646464 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 65 656565 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7
10101 66 666666 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 67 676767 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 68 686868 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7
10101 69 696969 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 70 707070 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 71 717171 888888 296296 Unlimited Material Power Work-34-7
10101 72 727272 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 73 737373 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 74 747474 888888 296296 Unlimited Material Power Work-34-7

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10101 75 757575 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 76 767676 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 77 777777 888888 296296 Unlimited Material Power Work-34-7
10101 78 787878 858585 286195 Material System Work Entry Power Control-31-4
10101 79 797979 828282 276094 Material Support Full Work Power Move-28-10-1
10101 80 808080 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 81 818181 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 82 828282 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 83 838383 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 84 848484 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 85 858585 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 86 868686 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 87 878787 585858 195286 Entry Power Control Material System Work-31-4
10101 88 888888 555555 185185 Unlimited Entry System Control-28-10-1
10101 89 898989 525252 175084 Entry Support Full Control System Move-25-7
10101 90 909090 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 91 919191 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 92 929292 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7
10101 93 939393 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
10101 94 949494 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 95 959595 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7

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10101 96 969696 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4

10101 97 979797 282828 94276 Power Move Material Support Work-28-10-1
10101 98 989898 252525 84175 System Move Entry Support Control-25-7
10101 99 999999 222222 74074 Support Full Move Support Move-22-4
1001001 100 100100100 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 101 101101101 828828828 276276276 Massive Material Support Work-45-9
1001001 102 102102102 825825825 275275275 Massive Material Support Control-42-6
1001001 103 103103103 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 104 104104104 828828828 276276276 Massive Material Support Work-45-9
1001001 105 105105105 825825825 275275275 Massive Material Support Control-42-6
1001001 106 106106106 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 107 107107107 828828828 276276276 Massive Material Support Work-45-9
1001001 108 108108108 825825825 275275275 Massive Material Support Control-42-6
1001001 109 109109109 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 110 110110110 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9
1001001 111 111111111 888888888 296296296 Massive Material Power Work-51-6
1001001 112 112112112 885885885 295295295 Massive Material Power Control-48-12-3
1001001 113 113113113 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9
1001001 114 114114114 888888888 296296296 Massive Material Power Work-51-6
1001001 115 115115115 885885885 295295295 Massive Material Power Control-48-12-3
1001001 116 116116116 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9

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1001001 117 117117117 888888888 296296296 Massive Material Power Work-51-6

1001001 118 118118118 885885885 295295295 Massive Material Power Control-48-12-3
1001001 119 119119119 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9
1001001 120 120120120 852852852 284284284 Massive Material System Move-42-6
1001001 121 121121121 858858858 286286286 Massive Material System Work-48-12-3
1001001 122 122122122 855855855 285285285 Massive Material System Control-45-9
1001001 123 123123123 852852852 284284284 Massive Material System Move-42-6
1001001 124 124124124 858858858 286286286 Massive Material System Work-48-12-3
1001001 125 125125125 855855855 285285285 Massive Material System Control-45-9
1001001 126 126126126 852852852 284284284 Massive Material System Move-42-6
1001001 127 127127127 858858858 286286286 Massive Material System Work-48-12-3
1001001 128 128128128 855855855 285285285 Massive Material System Control-45-9
1001001 129 129129129 852852852 284284284 Massive Material System Move-42-6
1001001 130 130130130 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 131 131131131 828828828 276276276 Massive Material Support Work-45-9
1001001 132 132132132 825825825 275275275 Massive Material Support Control-42-6
1001001 133 133133133 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 134 134134134 828828828 276276276 Massive Material Support Work-45-9
1001001 135 135135135 825825825 275275275 Massive Material Support Control-42-6
1001001 136 136136136 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 137 137137137 828828828 276276276 Massive Material Support Work-45-9

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1001001 138 138138138 825825825 275275275 Massive Material Support Control-42-6

1001001 139 139139139 822822822 274274274 Massive Material Support Move-39-12-3
1001001 140 140140140 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9
1001001 141 141141141 888888888 296296296 Massive Material Power Work-51-6
1001001 142 142142142 885885885 295295295 Massive Material Power Control-48-12-3
1001001 143 143143143 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9
1001001 144 144144144 888888888 296296296 Massive Material Power Work-51-6
1001001 145 145145145 885885885 295295295 Massive Material Power Control-48-12-3
1001001 146 146146146 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9
1001001 147 147147147 888888888 296296296 Massive Material Power Work-51-6
1001001 148 148148148 885885885 295295295 Massive Material Power Control-48-12-3
1001001 149 149149149 882882882 294294294 Massive Material Power Move-45-9
1001001 150 150150150 852852852 284284284 Massive Material System Move-42-6
1001001 151 151151151 858858858 286286286 Massive Material System Work-48-12-3

Dragging of Numbers Series


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Mult Dra Dra Dra Dr Dra
iplie Dig gge gge gge agg gge Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Dragg
r it d d d ed d ged ged ged ged ged ged ged ged ed
2 2 3 5 9 17 33 65 129 257 513 1025 2049 4097 8193 16385
1228 2457
2 4 7 13 25 49 97 193 385 769 1537 3073 6145 9 7 49153
1024 2048 4096
2 6 11 21 41 81 161 321 641 1281 2561 5121 1 1 1 81921
11 1433 2867 5734 11468
2 8 15 29 57 3 225 449 897 1793 3585 7169 7 3 5 9
14 1843 3686 7372 14745
2 10 19 37 73 5 289 577 1153 2305 4609 9217 3 5 9 7
2 12 23 45 89 17 353 705 1409 2817 5633 1126 2252 4505 9011 18022

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7 5 9 7 3 5
20 1331 2662 5324 1064 21299
2 14 27 53 105 9 417 833 1665 3329 6657 3 5 9 97 3
24 1536 3072 6144 1228 24576
2 16 31 61 121 1 481 961 1921 3841 7681 1 1 1 81 1
27 1740 3481 6963 1392 27852
2 18 35 69 137 3 545 1089 2177 4353 8705 9 7 3 65 9
30 1945 3891 7782 1556 31129
2 20 39 77 153 5 609 1217 2433 4865 9729 7 3 5 49 7
33 1075 2150 4300 8601 1720 34406
2 22 43 85 169 7 673 1345 2689 5377 3 5 9 7 33 5
36 1177 2355 4710 9420 1884 37683
2 24 47 93 185 9 737 1473 2945 5889 7 3 5 9 17 3
40 1280 2560 5120 1024 2048 40960
2 26 51 101 201 1 801 1601 3201 6401 1 1 1 01 01 1
43 1382 2764 5529 1105 2211 44236
2 28 55 109 217 3 865 1729 3457 6913 5 9 7 93 85 9
46 1484 2969 5939 1187 2375 47513
2 30 59 117 233 5 929 1857 3713 7425 9 7 3 85 69 7
49 1587 3174 6348 1269 2539 50790
2 32 63 125 249 7 993 1985 3969 7937 3 5 9 77 53 5
52 105 1689 3379 6758 1351 2703 54067
2 34 67 133 265 9 7 2113 4225 8449 7 3 5 69 37 3
2 36 71 141 281 56 112 2241 4481 8961 1792 3584 7168 1433 2867 57344

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1 1 1 1 1 61 21 1
59 118 1894 3788 7577 1515 3031 60620
2 38 75 149 297 3 5 2369 4737 9473 5 9 7 53 05 9
62 124 1996 3993 7987 1597 3194 63897
2 40 79 157 313 5 9 2497 4993 9985 9 7 3 45 89 7
65 131 1049 2099 4198 8396 1679 3358 67174
2 42 83 165 329 7 3 2625 5249 7 3 5 9 37 73 5
68 137 1100 2201 4403 8806 1761 3522 70451
2 44 87 173 345 9 7 2753 5505 9 7 3 5 29 57 3
72 144 1152 2304 4608 9216 1843 3686 73728
2 46 91 181 361 1 1 2881 5761 1 1 1 1 21 41 1
75 150 1203 2406 4812 9625 1925 3850 77004
2 48 95 189 377 3 5 3009 6017 3 5 9 7 13 25 9
78 156 1254 2508 5017 1003 2007 4014 80281
2 50 99 197 393 5 9 3137 6273 5 9 7 53 05 09 7
81 163 1305 2611 5222 1044 2088 4177 83558
2 52 103 205 409 7 3 3265 6529 7 3 5 49 97 93 5
84 169 1356 2713 5427 1085 2170 4341 86835
2 54 107 213 425 9 7 3393 6785 9 7 3 45 89 77 3
88 176 1408 2816 5632 1126 2252 4505 90112
2 56 111 221 441 1 1 3521 7041 1 1 1 41 81 61 1
91 182 1459 2918 5836 1167 2334 4669 93388
2 58 115 229 457 3 5 3649 7297 3 5 9 37 73 45 9
2 60 119 237 473 94 188 3777 7553 1510 3020 6041 1208 2416 4833 96665

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
5 9 5 9 7 33 65 29 7
97 195 1561 3123 6246 1249 2498 4997 99942
2 62 123 245 489 7 3 3905 7809 7 3 5 29 57 13 5
10 201 1612 3225 6451 1290 2580 5160 10321
2 64 127 253 505 09 7 4033 8065 9 7 3 25 49 97 93
10 208 1664 3328 6656 1331 2662 5324 10649
2 66 131 261 521 41 1 4161 8321 1 1 1 21 41 81 61
10 214 1715 3430 6860 1372 2744 5488 10977
2 68 135 269 537 73 5 4289 8577 3 5 9 17 33 65 29
11 220 1766 3532 7065 1413 2826 5652 11304
2 70 139 277 553 05 9 4417 8833 5 9 7 13 25 49 97
11 227 1817 3635 7270 1454 2908 5816 11632
2 72 143 285 569 37 3 4545 9089 7 3 5 09 17 33 65
11 233 1868 3737 7475 1495 2990 5980 11960
2 74 147 293 585 69 7 4673 9345 9 7 3 05 09 17 33
12 240 1920 3840 7680 1536 3072 6144 12288
2 76 151 301 601 01 1 4801 9601 1 1 1 01 01 01 01
12 246 1971 3942 7884 1576 3153 6307 12615
2 78 155 309 617 33 5 4929 9857 3 5 9 97 93 85 69
12 252 1011 2022 4044 8089 1617 3235 6471 12943
2 80 159 317 633 65 9 5057 3 5 9 7 93 85 69 37
12 259 1036 2073 4147 8294 1658 3317 6635 13271
2 82 163 325 649 97 3 5185 9 7 3 5 89 77 53 05
2 84 167 333 665 13 265 5313 1062 2124 4249 8499 1699 3399 6799 13598

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
29 7 5 9 7 3 85 69 37 73
13 272 1088 2176 4352 8704 1740 3481 6963 13926
2 86 171 341 681 61 1 5441 1 1 1 1 81 61 21 41
13 278 1113 2227 4454 8908 1781 3563 7127 14254
2 88 175 349 697 93 5 5569 7 3 5 9 77 53 05 09
14 284 1139 2278 4556 9113 1822 3645 7290 14581
2 90 179 357 713 25 9 5697 3 5 9 7 73 45 89 77
14 291 1164 2329 4659 9318 1863 3727 7454 14909
2 92 183 365 729 57 3 5825 9 7 3 5 69 37 73 45
14 297 1190 2380 4761 9523 1904 3809 7618 15237
2 94 187 373 745 89 7 5953 5 9 7 3 65 29 57 13
15 304 1216 2432 4864 9728 1945 3891 7782 15564
2 96 191 381 761 21 1 6081 1 1 1 1 61 21 41 81
15 310 1241 2483 4966 9932 1986 3973 7946 15892
2 98 195 389 777 53 5 6209 7 3 5 9 57 13 25 49
15 316 1267 2534 5068 1013 2027 4055 8110 16220
2 100 199 397 793 85 9 6337 3 5 9 77 53 05 09 17
16 323 1292 2585 5171 1034 2068 4136 8273 16547
2 102 203 405 809 17 3 6465 9 7 3 25 49 97 93 85
16 329 1318 2636 5273 1054 2109 4218 8437 16875
2 104 207 413 825 49 7 6593 5 9 7 73 45 89 77 53
16 336 1344 2688 5376 1075 2150 4300 8601 17203
2 106 211 421 841 81 1 6721 1 1 1 21 41 81 61 21
2 108 215 429 857 17 342 6849 1369 2739 5478 1095 2191 4382 8765 17530

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
13 5 7 3 5 69 37 73 45 89
17 348 1395 2790 5580 1116 2232 4464 8929 17858
2 110 219 437 873 45 9 6977 3 5 9 17 33 65 29 57
17 355 1420 2841 5683 1136 2273 4546 9093 18186
2 112 223 445 889 77 3 7105 9 7 3 65 29 57 13 25
18 361 1446 2892 5785 1157 2314 4628 9256 18513
2 114 227 453 905 09 7 7233 5 9 7 13 25 49 97 93
18 368 1472 2944 5888 1177 2355 4710 9420 18841
2 116 231 461 921 41 1 7361 1 1 1 61 21 41 81 61
18 374 1497 2995 5990 1198 2396 4792 9584 19169
2 118 235 469 937 73 5 7489 7 3 5 09 17 33 65 29
19 380 1523 3046 6092 1218 2437 4874 9748 19496
2 120 239 477 953 05 9 7617 3 5 9 57 13 25 49 97
19 387 1548 3097 6195 1239 2478 4956 9912 19824
2 122 243 485 969 37 3 7745 9 7 3 05 09 17 33 65
19 393 1574 3148 6297 1259 2519 5038 1007 20152
2 124 247 493 985 69 7 7873 5 9 7 53 05 09 617 33
100 20 400 1600 3200 6400 1280 2560 5120 1024 20480
2 126 251 501 1 01 1 8001 1 1 1 01 01 01 001 01
101 20 406 1625 3251 6502 1300 2600 5201 1040 20807
2 128 255 509 7 33 5 8129 7 3 5 49 97 93 385 69
103 20 412 1651 3302 6604 1320 2641 5283 1056 21135
2 130 259 517 3 65 9 8257 3 5 9 97 93 85 769 37
2 132 263 525 104 20 419 8385 1676 3353 6707 1341 2682 5365 1073 21463

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
9 97 3 9 7 3 45 89 77 153 05
106 21 425 1702 3404 6809 1361 2723 5447 1089 21790
2 134 267 533 5 29 7 8513 5 9 7 93 85 69 537 73
108 21 432 1728 3456 6912 1382 2764 5529 1105 22118
2 136 271 541 1 61 1 8641 1 1 1 41 81 61 921 41
109 21 438 1753 3507 7014 1402 2805 5611 1122 22446
2 138 275 549 7 93 5 8769 7 3 5 89 77 53 305 09
111 22 444 1779 3558 7116 1423 2846 5693 1138 22773
2 140 279 557 3 25 9 8897 3 5 9 37 73 45 689 77
112 22 451 1804 3609 7219 1443 2887 5775 1155 23101
2 142 283 565 9 57 3 9025 9 7 3 85 69 37 073 45
114 22 457 1830 3660 7321 1464 2928 5857 1171 23429
2 144 287 573 5 89 7 9153 5 9 7 33 65 29 457 13
116 23 464 1856 3712 7424 1484 2969 5939 1187 23756
2 146 291 581 1 21 1 9281 1 1 1 81 61 21 841 81
117 23 470 1881 3763 7526 1505 3010 6021 1204 24084
2 148 295 589 7 53 5 9409 7 3 5 29 57 13 225 49
119 23 476 1907 3814 7628 1525 3051 6103 1220 24412
2 150 299 597 3 85 9 9537 3 5 9 77 53 05 609 17
120 24 483 1932 3865 7731 1546 3092 6184 1236 24739
2 152 303 605 9 17 3 9665 9 7 3 25 49 97 993 85
122 24 489 1958 3916 7833 1566 3133 6266 1253 25067
2 154 307 613 5 49 7 9793 5 9 7 73 45 89 377 53
2 156 311 621 124 24 496 9921 1984 3968 7936 1587 3174 6348 1269 25395

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
1 81 1 1 1 1 21 41 81 761 21
125 25 502 1004 2009 4019 8038 1607 3215 6430 1286 25722
2 158 315 629 7 13 5 9 7 3 5 69 37 73 145 89
127 25 508 1017 2035 4070 8140 1628 3256 6512 1302 26050
2 160 319 637 3 45 9 7 3 5 9 17 33 65 529 57
128 25 515 1030 2060 4121 8243 1648 3297 6594 1318 26378
2 162 323 645 9 77 3 5 9 7 3 65 29 57 913 25
130 26 521 1043 2086 4172 8345 1669 3338 6676 1335 26705
2 164 327 653 5 09 7 3 5 9 7 13 25 49 297 93
132 26 528 1056 2112 4224 8448 1689 3379 6758 1351 27033
2 166 331 661 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 61 21 41 681 61
133 26 534 1068 2137 4275 8550 1710 3420 6840 1368 27361
2 168 335 669 7 73 5 9 7 3 5 09 17 33 065 29
135 27 540 1081 2163 4326 8652 1730 3461 6922 1384 27688
2 170 339 677 3 05 9 7 3 5 9 57 13 25 449 97
136 27 547 1094 2188 4377 8755 1751 3502 7004 1400 28016
2 172 343 685 9 37 3 5 9 7 3 05 09 17 833 65
138 27 553 1107 2214 4428 8857 1771 3543 7086 1417 28344
2 174 347 693 5 69 7 3 5 9 7 53 05 09 217 33
140 28 560 1120 2240 4480 8960 1792 3584 7168 1433 28672
2 176 351 701 1 01 1 1 1 1 1 01 01 01 601 01
141 28 566 1132 2265 4531 9062 1812 3624 7249 1449 28999
2 178 355 709 7 33 5 9 7 3 5 49 97 93 985 69
2 180 359 717 143 28 572 1145 2291 4582 9164 1832 3665 7331 1466 29327

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
3 65 9 7 3 5 9 97 93 85 369 37
144 28 579 1158 2316 4633 9267 1853 3706 7413 1482 29655
2 182 363 725 9 97 3 5 9 7 3 45 89 77 753 05
146 29 585 1171 2342 4684 9369 1873 3747 7495 1499 29982
2 184 367 733 5 29 7 3 5 9 7 93 85 69 137 73
148 29 592 1184 2368 4736 9472 1894 3788 7577 1515 30310
2 186 371 741 1 61 1 1 1 1 1 41 81 61 521 41
149 29 598 1196 2393 4787 9574 1914 3829 7659 1531 30638
2 188 375 749 7 93 5 9 7 3 5 89 77 53 905 09
151 30 604 1209 2419 4838 9676 1935 3870 7741 1548 30965
2 190 379 757 3 25 9 7 3 5 9 37 73 45 289 77
152 30 611 1222 2444 4889 9779 1955 3911 7823 1564 31293
2 192 383 765 9 57 3 5 9 7 3 85 69 37 673 45
154 30 617 1235 2470 4940 9881 1976 3952 7905 1581 31621
2 194 387 773 5 89 7 3 5 9 7 33 65 29 057 13
156 31 624 1248 2496 4992 9984 1996 3993 7987 1597 31948
2 196 391 781 1 21 1 1 1 1 1 81 61 21 441 81
157 31 630 1260 2521 5043 1008 2017 4034 8069 1613 32276
2 198 395 789 7 53 5 9 7 3 65 29 57 13 825 49
159 31 636 1273 2547 5094 1018 2037 4075 8151 1630 32604
2 200 399 797 3 85 9 7 3 5 89 77 53 05 209 17
160 32 643 1286 2572 5145 1029 2058 4116 8232 1646 32931
2 202 403 805 9 17 3 5 9 7 13 25 49 97 593 85
2 204 407 813 162 32 649 1299 2598 5196 1039 2078 4157 8314 1662 33259

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
5 49 7 3 5 9 37 73 45 89 977 53
164 32 656 1312 2624 5248 1049 2099 4198 8396 1679 33587
2 206 411 821 1 81 1 1 1 1 61 21 41 81 361 21
165 33 662 1324 2649 5299 1059 2119 4239 8478 1695 33914
2 208 415 829 7 13 5 9 7 3 85 69 37 73 745 89
167 33 668 1337 2675 5350 1070 2140 4280 8560 1712 34242
2 210 419 837 3 45 9 7 3 5 09 17 33 65 129 57
168 33 675 1350 2700 5401 1080 2160 4321 8642 1728 34570
2 212 423 845 9 77 3 5 9 7 33 65 29 57 513 25
170 34 681 1363 2726 5452 1090 2181 4362 8724 1744 34897
2 214 427 853 5 09 7 3 5 9 57 13 25 49 897 93
172 34 688 1376 2752 5504 1100 2201 4403 8806 1761 35225
2 216 431 861 1 41 1 1 1 1 81 61 21 41 281 61
173 34 694 1388 2777 5555 1111 2222 4444 8888 1777 35553
2 218 435 869 7 73 5 9 7 3 05 09 17 33 665 29
175 35 700 1401 2803 5606 1121 2242 4485 8970 1794 35880
2 220 439 877 3 05 9 7 3 5 29 57 13 25 049 97
176 35 707 1414 2828 5657 1131 2263 4526 9052 1810 36208
2 222 443 885 9 37 3 5 9 7 53 05 09 17 433 65
178 35 713 1427 2854 5708 1141 2283 4567 9134 1826 36536
2 224 447 893 5 69 7 3 5 9 77 53 05 09 817 33
180 36 720 1440 2880 5760 1152 2304 4608 9216 1843 36864
2 226 451 901 1 01 1 1 1 1 01 01 01 01 201 01
2 228 455 909 181 36 726 1452 2905 5811 1162 2324 4648 9297 1859 37191

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
7 33 5 9 7 3 25 49 97 93 585 69
183 36 732 1465 2931 5862 1172 2344 4689 9379 1875 37519
2 230 459 917 3 65 9 7 3 5 49 97 93 85 969 37
184 36 739 1478 2956 5913 1182 2365 4730 9461 1892 37847
2 232 463 925 9 97 3 5 9 7 73 45 89 77 353 05
186 37 745 1491 2982 5964 1192 2385 4771 9543 1908 38174
2 234 467 933 5 29 7 3 5 9 97 93 85 69 737 73
188 37 752 1504 3008 6016 1203 2406 4812 9625 1925 38502
2 236 471 941 1 61 1 1 1 1 21 41 81 61 121 41
189 37 758 1516 3033 6067 1213 2426 4853 9707 1941 38830
2 238 475 949 7 93 5 9 7 3 45 89 77 53 505 09
191 38 764 1529 3059 6118 1223 2447 4894 9789 1957 39157
2 240 479 957 3 25 9 7 3 5 69 37 73 45 889 77
192 38 771 1542 3084 6169 1233 2467 4935 9871 1974 39485
2 242 483 965 9 57 3 5 9 7 93 85 69 37 273 45
194 38 777 1555 3110 6220 1244 2488 4976 9953 1990 39813
2 244 487 973 5 89 7 3 5 9 17 33 65 29 657 13
196 39 784 1568 3136 6272 1254 2508 5017 1003 2007 40140
2 246 491 981 1 21 1 1 1 1 41 81 61 521 041 81
197 39 790 1580 3161 6323 1264 2529 5058 1011 2023 40468
2 248 495 989 7 53 5 9 7 3 65 29 57 713 425 49
199 39 796 1593 3187 6374 1274 2549 5099 1019 2039 40796
2 250 499 997 3 85 9 7 3 5 89 77 53 905 809 17
2 252 503 100 200 40 803 1606 3212 6425 1285 2570 5140 1028 2056 41123

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
5 9 17 3 5 9 7 13 25 49 097 193 85
101 202 40 809 1619 3238 6476 1295 2590 5181 1036 2072 41451
2 254 507 3 5 49 7 3 5 9 37 73 45 289 577 53
102 204 40 816 1632 3264 6528 1305 2611 5222 1044 2088 41779
2 256 511 1 1 81 1 1 1 1 61 21 41 481 961 21

Mult Dra Dra Dra Dr Dra
iplie Dig gge gge gge agg gge Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Drag Dragg
r it d d d ed d ged ged ged ged ged ged ged ged ed
2 3 5 9 17 33 65 129 257 513 1025 2049 4097 8193 1638 32769

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
1638 3276
2 5 9 17 33 65 129 257 513 1025 2049 4097 8193 5 9 65537
1228 2457 4915
2 7 13 25 49 97 193 385 769 1537 3073 6145 9 7 3 98305
12 1638 3276 6553 13107
2 9 17 33 65 9 257 513 1025 2049 4097 8193 5 9 7 3
16 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384
2 11 21 41 81 1 321 641 1281 2561 5121 1 1 1 1 1
19 1228 2457 4915 9830 19660
2 13 25 49 97 3 385 769 1537 3073 6145 9 7 3 5 9
22 1433 2867 5734 1146 22937
2 15 29 57 113 5 449 897 1793 3585 7169 7 3 5 89 7
25 1638 3276 6553 1310 26214
2 17 33 65 129 7 513 1025 2049 4097 8193 5 9 7 73 5
28 1843 3686 7372 1474 29491
2 19 37 73 145 9 577 1153 2305 4609 9217 3 5 9 57 3
32 1024 2048 4096 8192 1638 32768
2 21 41 81 161 1 641 1281 2561 5121 1 1 1 1 41 1
35 1126 2252 4505 9011 1802 36044
2 23 45 89 177 3 705 1409 2817 5633 5 9 7 3 25 9
38 1228 2457 4915 9830 1966 39321
2 25 49 97 193 5 769 1537 3073 6145 9 7 3 5 09 7
2 27 53 105 209 41 833 1665 3329 6657 1331 2662 5324 1064 2129 42598

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
7 3 5 9 97 93 5
44 1433 2867 5734 1146 2293 45875
2 29 57 113 225 9 897 1793 3585 7169 7 3 5 89 77 3
48 1536 3072 6144 1228 2457 49152
2 31 61 121 241 1 961 1921 3841 7681 1 1 1 81 61 1
51 102 1638 3276 6553 1310 2621 52428
2 33 65 129 257 3 5 2049 4097 8193 5 9 7 73 45 9
54 108 1740 3481 6963 1392 2785 55705
2 35 69 137 273 5 9 2177 4353 8705 9 7 3 65 29 7
57 115 1843 3686 7372 1474 2949 58982
2 37 73 145 289 7 3 2305 4609 9217 3 5 9 57 13 5
60 121 1945 3891 7782 1556 3112 62259
2 39 77 153 305 9 7 2433 4865 9729 7 3 5 49 97 3
64 128 1024 2048 4096 8192 1638 3276 65536
2 41 81 161 321 1 1 2561 5121 1 1 1 1 41 81 1
67 134 1075 2150 4300 8601 1720 3440 68812
2 43 85 169 337 3 5 2689 5377 3 5 9 7 33 65 9
70 140 1126 2252 4505 9011 1802 3604 72089
2 45 89 177 353 5 9 2817 5633 5 9 7 3 25 49 7
73 147 1177 2355 4710 9420 1884 3768 75366
2 47 93 185 369 7 3 2945 5889 7 3 5 9 17 33 5
76 153 1228 2457 4915 9830 1966 3932 78643
2 49 97 193 385 9 7 3073 6145 9 7 3 5 09 17 3
2 51 101 201 401 80 160 3201 6401 1280 2560 5120 1024 2048 4096 81920

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
1 1 1 1 1 01 01 01 1
83 166 1331 2662 5324 1064 2129 4259 85196
2 53 105 209 417 3 5 3329 6657 3 5 9 97 93 85 9
86 172 1382 2764 5529 1105 2211 4423 88473
2 55 109 217 433 5 9 3457 6913 5 9 7 93 85 69 7
89 179 1433 2867 5734 1146 2293 4587 91750
2 57 113 225 449 7 3 3585 7169 7 3 5 89 77 53 5
92 185 1484 2969 5939 1187 2375 4751 95027
2 59 117 233 465 9 7 3713 7425 9 7 3 85 69 37 3
96 192 1536 3072 6144 1228 2457 4915 98304
2 61 121 241 481 1 1 3841 7681 1 1 1 81 61 21 1
99 198 1587 3174 6348 1269 2539 5079 10158
2 63 125 249 497 3 5 3969 7937 3 5 9 77 53 05 09
10 204 1638 3276 6553 1310 2621 5242 10485
2 65 129 257 513 25 9 4097 8193 5 9 7 73 45 89 77
10 211 1689 3379 6758 1351 2703 5406 10813
2 67 133 265 529 57 3 4225 8449 7 3 5 69 37 73 45
10 217 1740 3481 6963 1392 2785 5570 11141
2 69 137 273 545 89 7 4353 8705 9 7 3 65 29 57 13
11 224 1792 3584 7168 1433 2867 5734 11468
2 71 141 281 561 21 1 4481 8961 1 1 1 61 21 41 81
11 230 1843 3686 7372 1474 2949 5898 11796
2 73 145 289 577 53 5 4609 9217 3 5 9 57 13 25 49
2 75 149 297 593 11 236 4737 9473 1894 3788 7577 1515 3031 6062 12124

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
85 9 5 9 7 53 05 09 17
12 243 1945 3891 7782 1556 3112 6225 12451
2 77 153 305 609 17 3 4865 9729 7 3 5 49 97 93 85
12 249 1996 3993 7987 1597 3194 6389 12779
2 79 157 313 625 49 7 4993 9985 9 7 3 45 89 77 53
12 256 1024 2048 4096 8192 1638 3276 6553 13107
2 81 161 321 641 81 1 5121 1 1 1 1 41 81 61 21
13 262 1049 2099 4198 8396 1679 3358 6717 13434
2 83 165 329 657 13 5 5249 7 3 5 9 37 73 45 89
13 268 1075 2150 4300 8601 1720 3440 6881 13762
2 85 169 337 673 45 9 5377 3 5 9 7 33 65 29 57
13 275 1100 2201 4403 8806 1761 3522 7045 14090
2 87 173 345 689 77 3 5505 9 7 3 5 29 57 13 25
14 281 1126 2252 4505 9011 1802 3604 7208 14417
2 89 177 353 705 09 7 5633 5 9 7 3 25 49 97 93
14 288 1152 2304 4608 9216 1843 3686 7372 14745
2 91 181 361 721 41 1 5761 1 1 1 1 21 41 81 61
14 294 1177 2355 4710 9420 1884 3768 7536 15073
2 93 185 369 737 73 5 5889 7 3 5 9 17 33 65 29
15 300 1203 2406 4812 9625 1925 3850 7700 15400
2 95 189 377 753 05 9 6017 3 5 9 7 13 25 49 97
15 307 1228 2457 4915 9830 1966 3932 7864 15728
2 97 193 385 769 37 3 6145 9 7 3 5 09 17 33 65
2 99 197 393 785 15 313 6273 1254 2508 5017 1003 2007 4014 8028 16056

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
69 7 5 9 7 53 05 09 17 33
16 320 1280 2560 5120 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384
2 101 201 401 801 01 1 6401 1 1 1 01 01 01 01 01
16 326 1305 2611 5222 1044 2088 4177 8355 16711
2 103 205 409 817 33 5 6529 7 3 5 49 97 93 85 69
16 332 1331 2662 5324 1064 2129 4259 8519 17039
2 105 209 417 833 65 9 6657 3 5 9 97 93 85 69 37
16 339 1356 2713 5427 1085 2170 4341 8683 17367
2 107 213 425 849 97 3 6785 9 7 3 45 89 77 53 05
17 345 1382 2764 5529 1105 2211 4423 8847 17694
2 109 217 433 865 29 7 6913 5 9 7 93 85 69 37 73
17 352 1408 2816 5632 1126 2252 4505 9011 18022
2 111 221 441 881 61 1 7041 1 1 1 41 81 61 21 41
17 358 1433 2867 5734 1146 2293 4587 9175 18350
2 113 225 449 897 93 5 7169 7 3 5 89 77 53 05 09
18 364 1459 2918 5836 1167 2334 4669 9338 18677
2 115 229 457 913 25 9 7297 3 5 9 37 73 45 89 77
18 371 1484 2969 5939 1187 2375 4751 9502 19005
2 117 233 465 929 57 3 7425 9 7 3 85 69 37 73 45
18 377 1510 3020 6041 1208 2416 4833 9666 19333
2 119 237 473 945 89 7 7553 5 9 7 33 65 29 57 13
19 384 1536 3072 6144 1228 2457 4915 9830 19660
2 121 241 481 961 21 1 7681 1 1 1 81 61 21 41 81
2 123 245 489 977 19 390 7809 1561 3123 6246 1249 2498 4997 9994 19988

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
53 5 7 3 5 29 57 13 25 49
19 396 1587 3174 6348 1269 2539 5079 1015 20316
2 125 249 497 993 85 9 7937 3 5 9 77 53 05 809 17
100 20 403 1612 3225 6451 1290 2580 5160 1032 20643
2 127 253 505 9 17 3 8065 9 7 3 25 49 97 193 85
102 20 409 1638 3276 6553 1310 2621 5242 1048 20971
2 129 257 513 5 49 7 8193 5 9 7 73 45 89 577 53
104 20 416 1664 3328 6656 1331 2662 5324 1064 21299
2 131 261 521 1 81 1 8321 1 1 1 21 41 81 961 21
105 21 422 1689 3379 6758 1351 2703 5406 1081 21626
2 133 265 529 7 13 5 8449 7 3 5 69 37 73 345 89
107 21 428 1715 3430 6860 1372 2744 5488 1097 21954
2 135 269 537 3 45 9 8577 3 5 9 17 33 65 729 57
108 21 435 1740 3481 6963 1392 2785 5570 1114 22282
2 137 273 545 9 77 3 8705 9 7 3 65 29 57 113 25
110 22 441 1766 3532 7065 1413 2826 5652 1130 22609
2 139 277 553 5 09 7 8833 5 9 7 13 25 49 497 93
112 22 448 1792 3584 7168 1433 2867 5734 1146 22937
2 141 281 561 1 41 1 8961 1 1 1 61 21 41 881 61
113 22 454 1817 3635 7270 1454 2908 5816 1163 23265
2 143 285 569 7 73 5 9089 7 3 5 09 17 33 265 29
115 23 460 1843 3686 7372 1474 2949 5898 1179 23592
2 145 289 577 3 05 9 9217 3 5 9 57 13 25 649 97
2 147 293 585 116 23 467 9345 1868 3737 7475 1495 2990 5980 1196 23920

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Power of Soul आत्मिक शक्ति
9 37 3 9 7 3 05 09 17 033 65
118 23 473 1894 3788 7577 1515 3031 6062 1212 24248
2 149 297 593 5 69 7 9473 5 9 7 53 05 09 417 33
120 24 480 1920 3840 7680 1536 3072 6144 1228 24576
2 151 301 601 1 01 1 9601 1 1 1 01 01 01 801 01
121 24 486 1945 3891 7782 1556 3112 6225 1245 24903
2 153 305 609 7 33 5 9729 7 3 5 49 97 93 185 69
123 24 492 1971 3942 7884 1576 3153 6307 1261 25231
2 155 309 617 3 65 9 9857 3 5 9 97 93 85 569 37
124 24 499 1996 3993 7987 1597 3194 6389 1277 25559
2 157 313 625 9 97 3 9985 9 7 3 45 89 77 953 05
126 25 505 1011 2022 4044 8089 1617 3235 6471 1294 25886
2 159 317 633 5 29 7 3 5 9 7 93 85 69 337 73
128 25 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 1638 3276 6553 1310 26214
2 161 321 641 1 61 1 1 1 1 1 41 81 61 721 41
129 25 518 1036 2073 4147 8294 1658 3317 6635 1327 26542
2 163 325 649 7 93 5 9 7 3 5 89 77 53 105 09
131 26 524 1049 2099 4198 8396 1679 3358 6717 1343 26869
2 165 329 657 3 25 9 7 3 5 9 37 73 45 489 77
132 26 531 1062 2124 4249 8499 1699 3399 6799 1359 27197
2 167 333 665 9 57 3 5 9 7 3 85 69 37 873 45
134 26 537 1075 2150 4300 8601 1720 3440 6881 1376 27525
2 169 337 673 5 89 7 3 5 9 7 33 65 29 257 13
2 171 341 681 136 27 544 1088 2176 4352 8704 1740 3481 6963 1392 27852

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1 21 1 1 1 1 1 81 61 21 641 81
137 27 550 1100 2201 4403 8806 1761 3522 7045 1409 28180
2 173 345 689 7 53 5 9 7 3 5 29 57 13 025 49
139 27 556 1113 2227 4454 8908 1781 3563 7127 1425 28508
2 175 349 697 3 85 9 7 3 5 9 77 53 05 409 17
140 28 563 1126 2252 4505 9011 1802 3604 7208 1441 28835
2 177 353 705 9 17 3 5 9 7 3 25 49 97 793 85
142 28 569 1139 2278 4556 9113 1822 3645 7290 1458 29163
2 179 357 713 5 49 7 3 5 9 7 73 45 89 177 53
144 28 576 1152 2304 4608 9216 1843 3686 7372 1474 29491
2 181 361 721 1 81 1 1 1 1 1 21 41 81 561 21
145 29 582 1164 2329 4659 9318 1863 3727 7454 1490 29818
2 183 365 729 7 13 5 9 7 3 5 69 37 73 945 89
147 29 588 1177 2355 4710 9420 1884 3768 7536 1507 30146
2 185 369 737 3 45 9 7 3 5 9 17 33 65 329 57
148 29 595 1190 2380 4761 9523 1904 3809 7618 1523 30474
2 187 373 745 9 77 3 5 9 7 3 65 29 57 713 25
150 30 601 1203 2406 4812 9625 1925 3850 7700 1540 30801
2 189 377 753 5 09 7 3 5 9 7 13 25 49 097 93
152 30 608 1216 2432 4864 9728 1945 3891 7782 1556 31129
2 191 381 761 1 41 1 1 1 1 1 61 21 41 481 61
153 30 614 1228 2457 4915 9830 1966 3932 7864 1572 31457
2 193 385 769 7 73 5 9 7 3 5 09 17 33 865 29
2 195 389 777 155 31 620 1241 2483 4966 9932 1986 3973 7946 1589 31784

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3 05 9 7 3 5 9 57 13 25 249 97
156 31 627 1254 2508 5017 1003 2007 4014 8028 1605 32112
2 197 393 785 9 37 3 5 9 7 53 05 09 17 633 65
158 31 633 1267 2534 5068 1013 2027 4055 8110 1622 32440
2 199 397 793 5 69 7 3 5 9 77 53 05 09 017 33
160 32 640 1280 2560 5120 1024 2048 4096 8192 1638 32768
2 201 401 801 1 01 1 1 1 1 01 01 01 01 401 01
161 32 646 1292 2585 5171 1034 2068 4136 8273 1654 33095
2 203 405 809 7 33 5 9 7 3 25 49 97 93 785 69
163 32 652 1305 2611 5222 1044 2088 4177 8355 1671 33423
2 205 409 817 3 65 9 7 3 5 49 97 93 85 169 37
164 32 659 1318 2636 5273 1054 2109 4218 8437 1687 33751
2 207 413 825 9 97 3 5 9 7 73 45 89 77 553 05
166 33 665 1331 2662 5324 1064 2129 4259 8519 1703 34078
2 209 417 833 5 29 7 3 5 9 97 93 85 69 937 73
168 33 672 1344 2688 5376 1075 2150 4300 8601 1720 34406
2 211 421 841 1 61 1 1 1 1 21 41 81 61 321 41
169 33 678 1356 2713 5427 1085 2170 4341 8683 1736 34734
2 213 425 849 7 93 5 9 7 3 45 89 77 53 705 09
171 34 684 1369 2739 5478 1095 2191 4382 8765 1753 35061
2 215 429 857 3 25 9 7 3 5 69 37 73 45 089 77
172 34 691 1382 2764 5529 1105 2211 4423 8847 1769 35389
2 217 433 865 9 57 3 5 9 7 93 85 69 37 473 45
2 219 437 873 174 34 697 1395 2790 5580 1116 2232 4464 8929 1785 35717

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5 89 7 3 5 9 17 33 65 29 857 13
176 35 704 1408 2816 5632 1126 2252 4505 9011 1802 36044
2 221 441 881 1 21 1 1 1 1 41 81 61 21 241 81
177 35 710 1420 2841 5683 1136 2273 4546 9093 1818 36372
2 223 445 889 7 53 5 9 7 3 65 29 57 13 625 49
179 35 716 1433 2867 5734 1146 2293 4587 9175 1835 36700
2 225 449 897 3 85 9 7 3 5 89 77 53 05 009 17
180 36 723 1446 2892 5785 1157 2314 4628 9256 1851 37027
2 227 453 905 9 17 3 5 9 7 13 25 49 97 393 85
182 36 729 1459 2918 5836 1167 2334 4669 9338 1867 37355
2 229 457 913 5 49 7 3 5 9 37 73 45 89 777 53
184 36 736 1472 2944 5888 1177 2355 4710 9420 1884 37683
2 231 461 921 1 81 1 1 1 1 61 21 41 81 161 21
185 37 742 1484 2969 5939 1187 2375 4751 9502 1900 38010
2 233 465 929 7 13 5 9 7 3 85 69 37 73 545 89
187 37 748 1497 2995 5990 1198 2396 4792 9584 1916 38338
2 235 469 937 3 45 9 7 3 5 09 17 33 65 929 57
188 37 755 1510 3020 6041 1208 2416 4833 9666 1933 38666
2 237 473 945 9 77 3 5 9 7 33 65 29 57 313 25
190 38 761 1523 3046 6092 1218 2437 4874 9748 1949 38993
2 239 477 953 5 09 7 3 5 9 57 13 25 49 697 93
192 38 768 1536 3072 6144 1228 2457 4915 9830 1966 39321
2 241 481 961 1 41 1 1 1 1 81 61 21 41 081 61
2 243 485 969 193 38 774 1548 3097 6195 1239 2478 4956 9912 1982 39649

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7 73 5 9 7 3 05 09 17 33 465 29
195 39 780 1561 3123 6246 1249 2498 4997 9994 1998 39976
2 245 489 977 3 05 9 7 3 5 29 57 13 25 849 97
196 39 787 1574 3148 6297 1259 2519 5038 1007 2015 40304
2 247 493 985 9 37 3 5 9 7 53 05 09 617 233 65
198 39 793 1587 3174 6348 1269 2539 5079 1015 2031 40632
2 249 497 993 5 69 7 3 5 9 77 53 05 809 617 33
100 200 40 800 1600 3200 6400 1280 2560 5120 1024 2048 40960
2 251 501 1 1 01 1 1 1 1 01 01 01 001 001 01
100 201 40 806 1612 3225 6451 1290 2580 5160 1032 2064 41287
2 253 505 9 7 33 5 9 7 3 25 49 97 193 385 69
101 203 40 812 1625 3251 6502 1300 2600 5201 1040 2080 41615
2 255 509 7 3 65 9 7 3 5 49 97 93 385 769 37
102 204 40 819 1638 3276 6553 1310 2621 5242 1048 2097 41943
2 257 513 5 9 97 3 5 9 7 73 45 89 577 153 05

PENTA in relation to Soul

1 It is an instrument or a symbolic form of Soul that one possesses.
2 It involves all human created religions, which should be respected for satisfying all humans available on
3 It does not claim any acceptance or recognition of whatever faith or religion people do accept, but has been
included for reference only

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4 Actually, there exists no religion in this world, because all are born, without having grants of religion forms
5 God sends each creature, just as creature in body terms & all do have souls & soul is actually real religion
6 Soul can never terminate or can never be destructed, because it is an energy form.
7 According to established principles, energy can transform to other designs, but it cannot be destroyed
8 Soul cannot be destroyed even after one leaves this planet, I mean, when one is drawn back by that supreme
9 I have tried to depict contents of this form in ordinary numbers so that it could be useful for refining &
training ones soul
10 Per soul power, number 8 has been indicated to work for establishment or for communication or for system
& alignment or for invisibility, as well as darkness to reach real light
11 # 8 also, works for coordination in strongest way that one can get use of
12 # 7 has been used for success, compromise, for receiving location of information or for soft nature & attitude
13 # 5 you know well this is most powerful among all numbers, which means that it is location of supreme
power itself & therefore, 5 sides have been included to draw, which also, indicates a box usable to dispose
dead body or expired body
14 This is based on real concept of soul & should not bring any fear to anyone

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Power of Soul-Form Land, as Power & Farmer, as an Inundator
1 Looks, as if some new dimension is being generated for aforesaid topic
2 This topic is of course, very cumbersome, difficult to understand, yet is of utmost significance to apprise,
for it is applicable to humanity in a perfect form
3 Related sketches/diagrams have been placed on certain portal, which URL are being referred to, as
indicated hereinafter

1 These models indicate soul’s functioning within body of original power of Universe, being female human,
who is required mandatorily to allow human continuity
2 ‘Hexa model’ indicates power contained within female human
3 ‘Generation Chamber’ indicates various effects of soul powers working, e.g. covering related strengths,
scope of covering an automatically functioning, within Production Plant at security level, support level &
process level
4 Various other Offsites & Controls have also, been exhibited, within female Power
5 Functions of both genital subscribers have been designated Inundator / Farmer / Irrigator & Land Field /
Processing Plant Train Zone


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1 Land under consideration is too small in size, its area value & which is not superficial, but spatial in its
envelope & therefore, must be considered more valuable than any other worship place
2 Inundator is also, very natural being, without whose contribution, this farm land goes waste / unused &
remains futile, which must also, be respected in that spirit accordingly
3 We can list out certain components of these two titles, being ‘Farm Land’ & ‘Farmer or Inundator’

Farm land
1 Farm Land shape, Farm Land compositions / powers
2 Farm Land connectivity, Farm Land internal structural controls
3 Farm Land soul controls
4 Farm Land connectivity controls
5 Farm Land resource canal tunnel
6 Farm Land gate control
7 Farm Land external powers & controls
8 Farm Land control integrity & power
9 Farm Land external food factory with provided components
10 Farm Land connectivity to food processing plants
11 Farm Land ventilation & respiratory air supplies
12 Farm Land light illumination Lux values
13 Inundator status
14 Inundator’s role & responsibilities
15 Soul’s Practical Applications, within human prerogative / natural charter


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1 Land under consideration is too small in size, its area value & it is not superficial, but spatial- This
component is not susceptible to measurements in physical form, but an anticipatory conception can be
considered / assumed, whereas it got no confirmed shape, but recognized, per medical realty discipline
2 Inundator is also, very natural being, without whose contribution, this land goes waste / unutilised, whereas
this entity is too significant for momentary durations only
3 We can list out certain components of these two property titles, being Farm Land & Operative Farmer or
4 Farm Land is considered very fertile area & consumes defined time to process growth by some efficiently
active soul in female’s body, which constructed body, after being delivered to world planet, continues its
further growth, till this entity is eliminated from this planet, for no resumption
5 Farm Land shape, farm land compositions / powers are well known to experts as well as, its medical realty
functioning well defined. Powers used within this land are not dependent on physical entities to be provided,
but unknown / secrets powers, received & ruled by Soul authorities, namely, various executive functional
authorities to be defined certainly
6 Farm Land connectivity, Farm Land internal structural controls are named ‘link soul canal’ with ‘farm land’
& to an outlet ‘gate’ to planet- Powers work on basis of internal structure, soul flow structure & externally
located structural protection securities
7 Farm Land soul controls-
a ‘Bhauwan Ishwari’ supplies raw material, based on flow control, as name itself indicates ‘Bhaw’ means flow
b ‘Mahan Luxmi’ devises sequence to use ‘Bhauwan’ provided material for structural construction of
complete body system &
c ‘Saha Dehsi’ sets right, by examining available units, without availability of required autonomous soul
d Remember that term ‘Bahu’ has been generated out of term ‘Bahun Iswari’

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e ‘Maha Laxmi’ here in acts as a designer for complete construction.
f ‘Sahadeshsi’ works for test checks for work done as name states Saha means Sahi & Dehsi means Deh or
8 Farm Land connectivity controls- Soul ‘Kali’ within soul circuit & soul ‘Tara’ imparts with an autonomous
soul & spirited unit, so that it turn autonomous to perform
9 Farm Land resource canal tunnel- ‘Nahar Agni EndIndi’ Tunnel is a canal to receive heat flow & liquids in
turbulence & laminar state for two way actions, meant to pour into Farm land for inundation objective & to
exit to external world, when redundantly available, whatever materials, including raw material &
electrolytes, evolved internally by natural process, whether or not, remains, used or unused
10 Farm Land gate control-gate is named as controlled / secured by ‘Mahat Angi’, a devised air lock, between
external & internal worlds
11 Farm Land external powers & controls- Securities are based at locations, as defined ‘Gate’ then battered
surfaces ‘Bagla Opening’, as protection to ‘gate’ & external scant landscape covered with Black grass
plantation ‘Chinna’
12 Farm Land control integrity & power- Final controls are supported by ‘Durga’ power & all in all by Time
ruler ‘Kalka’
13 Farm land external food factory, equipped with provided components- Plant located at top of ‘Hexa’ model,
an indication of connecting factory processing trains to bottom of ‘gate’-
14 Plants are well devised, perfectly functioning units, connected by ‘Internet of Things’ scheme, using vast
unlimited available forces, making all these units communicate each other, without failing & all resulting
programmes stored safely, encrupted, so as to avoid any or whatever expected Hacking
15 These 2 # plans located at breast in zone of number 4 are called Gayatri product or Cow products or Cow
strength. It is not that Cow as an animal that means Gayatri, but this creature within a creature, which

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delivers pure & absolute natural product of food to new born. One should change mindset & respect this
Cow named spiritually Gayatri
16 Farm Land connectivity to ‘food processing plants’- integrated connection, between two units namely,
‘generating’ unit & ‘processing food’ units are well harmonized, within designed front end provisions &
must comply with requirements
17 Farm Land ventilation & respiratory air supplies-naturally concealed ventilation works dedicatedly in full
efficiency time lining with whole process duration
18 Farm Land light illumination Lux value, Lux values are many hundreds in negative sign
19 Inundator status- Inundation must harmonise, when land is clear & receptive to irrigation activities
20 Inundator’s role & responsibilities- Too brief injection, using natural integrated syringe that cannot be
replaced, under whatever circumstances
21 Soul Practical Applications, within human prerogative / natural charter- Option lies with both owners Farm
owner & Inundator
22 Question of great concern arises, about to know how does nature organize functioning of such devised plant,
which operates perfectly automatically, using whatever natural permanent agencies having been delivered by
Universe to Solar System & thereby to humanity
23 Such plant amounts to miraculous work of sequences of unknown numbers of activities that no scientist or
no medico has so far established related mechanism of.
24 Miraculous is termed for, it is beyond reach of human being, even to comprehend it in its sustainability, but
Universe forces certainly work perfectly, inculcated with defined & conventional quality system, with no left
over non conformance at all
25 Highest level invisible is whole process, that even its virtual image is improbable for its construction, keep
apart real body within body itself & such machine is operated by another machine that is responsible for

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respiratory system, which is another working power model of how machines can function, without being
provided any pause.
26 It also, indicates about how many more such soul powers in whatever degree of involvement might be
functioning for control of Numbers 1,2,3,4,6 within body itself & 7,8,5,9 & 0 off physical or biological body
27 All these centres linked from body to Universe carry certain concrete & durable considerations that keep no
electrical body working until, it is disposed off.
28 To an extent this Chamber land is related, it can be related to number 2 & its flow of raw material in name
number 3
29 Tunnel ingress & egress points can be named number 1.
30 May be, we are able to understand what Universe has decided for humanity & what humanity gives value to
31 It is duty of all literate persons to understand nature & its functioning, prior to entering into world of
orthodoxism, because orthodoxism means foolishness & act with no scientific explanation
32 If someone cannot explain or answers certain questions in a logical way, on what basis should we accept that
doctrine, which does not work to support life science & soul systems.
33 At outset, it is each person’s soul that is responsible for all acts, because mind is significant part of soul,
which every person would not accept, because of various existing miss-beliefs

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Power of Soul Contents

From To Contents Description
Page 01 Page 04 Titles
Page 04 Page 13 Introduction & Hands Links To Brain
Page 14 Page 19 World Of Soul
Page 20 Page 24 Zero Sphere
Page 24 Page 27 Numbers Meaning & Concentration
Page 27 Page 30 Soul Effects Entry Etc.
Page 31 Page 34 Soul World
Page 35 Page 69 Dragged Series
Page 70 Page 74 Century Effects
Page 75 Page 77 Years Effects
Page 77 Page 78 Decades Effects
Page 79 Page 127 1-999 Interpretations
Page 128 Page 131 Development of Numbers Formula
Page 132 Page 133 Replacement of Numbers By 8,5 & 2
Page 133 Page 134 Meaning of Number 5
Page 135 Page 154 Number Charts Interpretations
Page 155 Page 161 Zero Sphere & Universe
Page 162 Page 170 Derivation of Charted Formula or Result Formula
Page 171 Page 178 Numbers Meaning or Interpretations

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Page 178 Page 181 Numbers Placed 3 Times & Divided By 3
Page 182 Page 183 Effects of Numbers
Page 183 Page 185 Saturn Uranus Considerations Examples
Page 186 Page 187 Numbers Effects & Move
Page 188 Page 212 Number Results

Page 212 Page 221 Illustration 15.08.1947 Bharat India Independence

Page 222 Page 231 Illustration 26.01.1950 Bharat India Republic
Page 232 Page 237 Illustration 02.10.1869 M K Gandhi
Page 238 Page 242 Illustration 14.11.1889 J L Nehru
Page 243 Page 262 Saturn Uranus Numbers Results
Page 263 Page 278 Numbers Placed Thrice Divided By 3 In Direct & Replacement Both
Page 278 Page 332 Dragged Series For Odd & Even Numbers
Page 317 Page 319 PENTA
Page 321 Page 321 Female Hexa Model
Page 322 Page 327 Farm Land Inundator
Page 328 Page 328 Generation Model
Page 329 Page 329 Earth Model

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