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Course Course Course L T P C


Code Name Category 3 1 0 4

Pre-requisite Co-requisite Progressive

Nil Nil Nil
Courses Courses Courses
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Application of Matrices in problems of Science and Engineering 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : Utilize Taylor series, Maxima minima, composite function and Jacobian in solving rea- time application problems

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
CLR-3 : Apply the concept of Differential Equations in problems of Science and Engineering

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge

Design & Development

CLR-4 : Utilize the concepts of radius of curvature, evolute, envelope in problems of Science and Engineering

Project Mgt. & Finance

Modern Tool Usage
CLR-5 : Application of Sequences and Series in all problems involving Science and Engineering

Life Long Learning

Problem Analysis

Society & Culture

CLR-6 : Utilize appropriate mathematical techniques for the different solutions required in Science and Engineering applications

PSO – 3
PSO - 1

PSO - 2
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Apply Matrices, Eigenvalues and Eigen Vectors Reduce to Quadratics form in Science and Engineering problem solving 2 80 80 H - H - - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-2 : Apply Maxima and Minima, Jacobian, and Taylor series to solve problems in Science and Engineering 2 85 80 H - - H H - - - - - - - - - -
CLO-3 : Solve the different types of Differential Equations in Science and Engineering applications 2 85 80 - H - - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-4 : Identify Radius, Centre, envelope and Circle of of curvature and apply them in the problem solving 2 90 90 H H - H - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-5 : Apply convergence and divergence of series using different test and apply sequences and Series in the problem solving 2 90 80 - H H - - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-6 : Identify, Analyze and Apply mathematical techniques to arrive at solutions in Science and Engineering 2 90 90 H H - - - - - H - - H - - -

Duration (hour) 12 12 12 12 12
Functions of two variables – Partial Linear equations of second order with Radius of Curvature – Cartesian Series of Positive terms – Test of
SLO-1 Characteristic equation
derivatives constant coefficients when PI=0 or exp. coordinates Convergence-
Linear equations of second order with Radius of Curvature – Cartesian
SLO-2 Eigen values of a real matrix Total differential Comparison test – Integral test-
constant coefficients when PI=sinx or cosx coordinates
Linear equations of second order with
SLO-1 Eigen vectors of a real matrix Total differential Radius of Curvature – Polar coordinates Comparison test – Integral test-
constant coefficients when PI=polynomial
Taylor’s expansion with two variables up to Linear eqn. of second order with constant
SLO-2 Eigen vectors of a real matrix Radius of Curvature – Polar coordinates Comparison test – Integral test-.
second order terms coefficients when PI=exp. with sinx / Cosx
Taylor’s expansion with two variables up to Linear eqn. of second order with constant
SLO-1 Properties of Eigen values Circle of curvature D’Alemberts Ratio test,
third order terms coefficients when PI= exp.l with polynomial
Linear eqn. of 2nd order with const. coeff.
SLO-2 Cayley – Hamilton theorem Maxima and Minima Circle of curvature D’Alemberts Ratio test,
when PI=polynomial with sinax or cosax
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 6 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 11 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 14
Applications of Radius of curvature in
SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 6 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 14
Finding A inverse using Cayley – Hamilton Linear equations of second order variable
SLO-1 Maxima and Minima Centre of curvature Raabe’s root test.
theorem coefficients
Finging higher powers of A using Cayley – Linear equations of second order variable
SLO-2 Maxima and Minima Centre of curvature Raabe’s root test.
Hamilton theorem coefficients
orthogonal reduction of a symmetric matrix
SLO-1 Maxima and Minima Homogeneous equation of Euler type Centre of curvature Covergent of Exponential Series
to diagonal form
orthogonal reduction of a symmetric matrix Constrained Maxima and Minima by Homogeneous equation of Legendre’s
SLO-2 Evolute of a parabola Cauchy’s Root test
to diagonal form Lagrangian Multiplier method Type
orthogonal reduction of a symmetric matrix Constrained Maxima and Minima by Homogeneous equation of Legendre’s
S-7 SLO-1 Evolute of an ellipse Log test
to diagonal form Lagrangian Multiplier method Type

SRM Institute of Science & Technology – Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control Copy
orthogonal reduction of a symmetric matrix Constrained Maxima and Minima by
SLO-2 Equations reducible to homogeneous form Envelope of standard curves Log test
to diagonal form Lagrangian Multiplier method
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 5 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 9 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 12 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 15
SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 5 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 9 Applications of Curvature in engineering Problem solving using tutorial sheet 15

SLO-1 Reduction of Quadratic form to canonical Jacobians of two Variables Equations reducible to homogeneous form Beta Gamma Functions Alternating Series: Leibnitz test
Quadratic form to canonical form by Beta Gamma Functions and Their
SLO-2 Jacobians of Three variables Variation of parameters Alternating Series: Leibnitz test
orthogonal transformations Properties
Quadratic form to canonical form by
SLO-1 Jacobians problems Variation of parameters Sequences – Definition and Examples Series of positive and Negative terms.
orthogonal transformations
Simultaneous first order equations with
SLO-2 Orthogonal matrices Jacobians Problems Series – Types of Convergence Series of positive and Negative terms.
constant co-efficient.
Reduction of quadratic form to canonical Simultaneous first order equations with Series of Positive terms – Test of
SLO-1 Properties of Jacobians and Problems Absolute Convergence
form constant co-efficient. Convergence-
Reduction of quadratic form to canonical Simultaneous first order equations with
SLO-2 Properties of Jacobians and problems Comparison test – Integral test- Conditional Convergence
form constant co-efficient.
Application of Taylor’s series Maxima
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 3 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 10 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13
Minima Jacobians in Engineering
Application of Taylor’s series Maxima Applications of Differential Equation in Applications Convergence of series in
SLO-2 Applications of Matrices in Engineering Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13
Minima Jacobians in Engineering engineering engineering

1. B. H. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2006. 4. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 11 th Reprint, 2010
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010. 5. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9th Edition, Pearson,Reprint, 2002
3. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2008 6. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications, Reprint, 2008

Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage)
Bloom’s Final Examination (50% weightage)
CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)#
Level of Thinking
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 40 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Level 2 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40% -
Level 3 20 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,

Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Mr. V. Maheshwaran, CTS, Chennai, 1. Dr. K. C. Sivakumar, IIT, Madras, 1. Dr. A. Govindarajan, SRMIST
2. Dr. Sricharan Srinivasan, Wipro Technologies, 2. Dr. Nanjundan, Bangalore University, 2. Dr. Srinivasan, SRMIST

SRM Institute of Science & Technology – Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control Copy
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4

Pre-requisite Co-requisite Progressive

18MAB101T Nil Nil
Courses Courses Courses
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Evaluate Double and triple Integral and apply them in problems in Engineering Industries 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : Evaluate Surface, Volume Integral are Application of Gauss theorem, Stokes and Green’s theorem in Engineering fields

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
CLR-3 : Transform engineering problems into ODE, PDE and Integrals and solve them using Laplace / complex analytic methods

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge

Design & Development

CLR-4 : To know the properties of Complex functions and apply them in the all Engineering fields

Project Mgt. & Finance

Modern Tool Usage
CLR-5 : Evaluate improper integrals involving complex functions using Residue theorem and apply them in Engineering fields

Life Long Learning

Problem Analysis

Society & Culture

CLR-6 : Identify how Engineering problems can be transformed in to simple mathematical constructs and solve the same

PSO – 3
PSO - 1

PSO - 2
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Evaluate multiple integrals using change of variables 3 95 90 H - H - - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-2 : Apply techniques of vector calculus in problems involving Science and Engineering. Solving Ordinary Differential Equations 3 90 85 H - - H H - - - - - - - - - -
CLO-3 : Apply techniques of Laplace Transforms and inverse transform for problems in Science and Engineering 2 85 80 - H - - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-4 : Apply complex analytic functions and its properties in solving problems 3 80 80 H H - H - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-5 : Evaluate improper integrals using Residue theorem involving problems in Science and Engineering 2 80 90 - H H - - - - - H - - H - - -
CLO-6 : Create mathematical constructs for engineering problems and identify solutions to solve them 3 90 80 H H - - - - - H - - H - - -

Duration (hour) 12 12 12 12 12
Evaluation of double integration Cartesian Definition of Analytic Function – Cauchy
SLO-1 Review of vectors in 2,3 dimensions Laplace Transforms of standard functions Cauchy’s integral formulae - Problems
and plane polar coordinates Riemann equations
Evaluation of double integration of plane
SLO-2 Gradient, divergence, Transforms properties Cauchy Riemann equations Cauchy’s integral formulae- Problems
polar coordinates
Evaluation of double integration of plane Transforms of
SLO-1 curl – Solenoidal Properties of analytic function functions Cauchy’s integral formulae- Problems
polar coordinates Derivatives and Integrals
Evaluation of double integration of plane Determination of analytic function using –
SLO-2 Irrotational fields Transform of derivatives and integrals Taylor’s expansions with simple problems
polar coordinates Milne-Thomson’s method
Evaluation of double integral by changing Vector identities (without proof) – Initial value theorems (without proof) and Determination of analytic function using –
SLO-1 Taylor’s expansions with simple problems
of order of integration Directional derivatives verification for some problems Milne-Thomson’s method
Evaluation of double integral by changing Final value theorems (without proof) and Determination of analytic function using –
SLO-2 Line integrals Laurent’s expansions with simple problems
of order of integration verification for some problems Milne-Thomson’s method
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 7 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 10 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13
SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 7 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 10 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13
Evaluation of double integral by changing Inverse Laplace transforms using partial
SLO-1 Line integrals Conformal mappings: magnification Laurent’s expansions with simple problems
of order of integration fractions
Inverse Laplace transforms using Partial
SLO-2 Area as a double integral (Cartesian) Surface integrals Conformal mappings: rotation Singularities
Inverse Laplace transforms using second
SLO-1 Area as a double integral (Cartesian) Surface integrals Conformal mappings: inversion Types of Poles and Residues
shifting theorem
LT using Convolution theorem -problems
SLO-2 Area as a double integral (polar) Volume Integrals Conformal mappings: inversion Types of Poles and Residues

SRM Institute of Science & Technology – Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control Copy
LT using Convolution theorem -problems
SLO-1 Area as a double integral (polar) Green’s theorem (without proof), Conformal mappings: reflection Cauchy’s residue theorem (without proof)-
ILT using Convolution theorem -problems
SLO-2 Triple integration in Cartesian coordinates Green’s theorem (without proof), Conformal mappings: reflection Contour integration: Unit circle.
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 5 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 8 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 11 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 14
SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 5 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 8 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 11 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 14
Conversion from Cartesian to polar in Gauss divergence theorem (without proof),
SLO-1 LT of periodic functions -problems only bilinear transformation Contour integration: Unit circle.
double integrals verification
Conversion from Cartesian to polar in Gauss divergence theorem (without proof)
SLO-2 LT of periodic functions -problems only bilinear transformation Contour integration: Unit circle
double integrals applications to cubes.
Gauss divergence theorem (without proof Solve linear second order ordinary diff.
SLO-1 Triple integration in Cartesian coordinates bilinear transformation Contour integration: semicircular contour.
applications to parallelepiped. equations with constant coefficient only
Stoke’s theorems (without proof) – Solve linear second order ordinary diff.
SLO-2 Triple integration in Cartesian coordinates bilinear transformation Contour integration: semicircular contour.
Verification equations with constant coefficient only
Stoke’s theorems (without proof) – Solution of Integral equation and integral
SLO-1 Triple integration in Cartesian coordinates Cauchy’s integral theorem (without proof) Contour integration: semicircular contour.
Applications to cubes equation involving convolution type
Stoke’s theorems (without proof) – Solution of Integral equation and integral
SLO-2 Volume using triple Integral Cauchy’s integral theorem applications Contour integration: semicircular contour.
Applications to parallelepiped only. equation involving convolution type
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 3 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 6 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 9 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 12 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 15
Application of Multiple integral in Application of Line and Volume Integrals in Application of Laplace Transform in Application of Bilinear Transformation and Application Contour integration in
engineering engineering engineering Cauchy Integral in engineering engineering

1. B. H. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2006. 4. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 11 th Reprint, 2010
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010. 5. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9th Edition, Pearson,Reprint, 2002
3. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2008 6. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications, Reprint, 2008

Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage)
Bloom’s Final Examination (50% weightage)
CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)#
Level of Thinking
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 40 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Level 2 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40% -
Level 3 20 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,

Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Mr. V. Maheshwaran, CTS, Chennai, 1. Dr. K. C. Sivakumar, IIT, Madras, 1. Dr. A. Govindarajan, SRMIST
2. Dr. Sricharan Srinivasan, Wipro Technologies, 2. Dr. Nanjundan, Bangalore University, 2. Dr. Srinivasan, SRMIST

SRM Institute of Science & Technology – Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control Copy
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4

Pre-requisite Co-requisite Progressive

18MAB102T Nil Nil
Courses Courses Courses
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Describe types of Partial differential equations interpret solutions relate PDE to the respective branches of engineering 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : Relate Fourier series expansion in solving problems under RMS value and Harmonic Analysis.

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
CLR-3 : Infer the most general form to the PDE and relate to half range sine and cosine series, as the case may be

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge

Design & Development

CLR-4 : Evaluate the various types of integral transforms

Project Mgt. & Finance

Modern Tool Usage
CLR-5 : Conclude that the purpose of studying z transform is to solve linear difference equations having constant coefficients

Life Long Learning

Problem Analysis

Society & Culture

Predicting the importance of PDE, Fourier series, Boundary value problems and Fourier ,Z – transform applications

CLR-6 :

PSO – 3
PSO - 1

PSO - 2
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Determine Partial differential equation 2 85 80 M H L - - - - - M - - H - - -
CLO-2 : Explain the expansion of a discontinuous function as an infinite form of trigonometric sine and cosine series. 2 85 80 M H - M M - - - M L - H - - -
CLO-3 : Decide a proper form of solution for the differential equations which are of hyperbolic and parabolic type 2 85 80 M H - - - - - - M - - H - - -
CLO-4 : justify the relationship between aperiodic signals and linear combination of exponentials. 2 85 80 M H - M - - - - M L - H - - -
CLO-5 : Relate signal analysis with that of z transform 2 85 80 M H L - - - - - M - - H - - -
CLO-6 : Relate PDE, Fourier series, Boundary value problems, Fourier and Z transforms 2 85 80 L L L H H H L H H H - H - - -

Duration (hour) 12 12 12 12 12
Formation of partial differential equation by Introduction of Fourier series - Dirichlet’s Classification of second order partial
SLO-1 Introduction of Fourier Transforms Introduction of Z-transform
eliminating arbitrary constants conditions for existence of Fourier Series differential equations
Formation of partial differential equation by
SLO-2 Fourier series –related problems in (0,2𝜋) Method of separation of variables Fourier Transforms- problems Z-transform-elementary properties
eliminating two or more arbitrary constants
Formation of partial differential equation by Fourier series –related problems in One dimensional Wave Equation and its Z-transform- change of scale property,
SLO-1 Properties of Fourier transforms
eliminating arbitrary functions (−𝜋, 𝜋) possible solutions shifting property
S-2 One dimensional Wave Equation-initial
Formation of partial differential equation by Change of interval 1 1
SLO-2 displacement with zero initial velocity-type Standard results of Fourier transform Z-transform of 𝑎 𝑛 , ,
eliminating two or more arbitrary functions Fourier series –related problems in (0,2𝑙) 𝑛 𝑛+1
1 Algebraic function
Formation of partial differential equation by One dimensional Wave Equation-initial 1 1
SLO-1 eliminating arbitrary functions of the form Fourier series –related problems in (−𝑙, 𝑙) displacement with zero initial velocity-type Fourier Sine Transforms - problems Z-transform of ,
𝑛2 (𝑛+1)2
𝜙(𝑢, 𝑣) = 0 2 Trigonometric function
Solution of first order non-linear partial One dimensional Wave Equation-initial
Fourier series –half range cosine series
SLO-2 differential equations-standard type I displacement with zero initial velocity-type Fourier Cosine Transforms - problems Z-transform of 𝑟 𝑛 cos 𝑛𝜃
related problems(0, 𝜋)
F(p,q)=0 3 – Midpoint of the string is displaced
S-4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 7 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 10 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13
Solution of first order nonlinear partial One dimensional Wave Equation-initial
Fourier series –half range cosine series
SLO-1 differential equations-standard type –II displacement with non-zero initial velocity Properties of Fourier sine Transforms Z-transform of 𝑟 𝑛 sin 𝑛𝜃
related problems(0, 𝑙)
Clairaut’s form Type 1 Algebraic function
Solution of first order non-linear partial One dimensional Wave Equation-initial
Fourier series –half range sine series displacement with non-zero initial velocity
SLO-2 differential equations-standard type III Fourier sine Transforms applications Initial value theorem
related problems(0, 𝜋)
F(z, p, q)=0 Type 2 Trigonometric function

SRM Institute of Science & Technology – Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control Copy
Solution of first order non-linear partial Wave Equation-initial displacement with
Fourier series –half range sine series
SLO-1 differential equations-standard type-IV non-zero initial velocity Type 3 split Properties of Fourier cosine Transforms Finial value theorem
related problems(0, 𝑙)
S-6 separation of variable f(x, p) = g(y, q) function
Lagrange's linear equation: Method of Parseval’s Theorem (without proof)-related One dimensional heat equation and its
SLO-2 Fourier cosine Transforms applications Inverse Z-transform- long division method
grouping problems in Fourier series possible solutions
Lagrange's linear equation: Method of Parseval’s Theorem (without proof)-related One dimensional heat equation related Inverse Z-transform, related problems, long
SLO-1 Convolution of two function
multipliers problems in cosine series problems division method
More problems in Lagrange's linear Parseval’s Theorem (without proof)-related One dimensional heat equation -Steady Inverse Z-transform, Partial fraction
SLO-2 Convolution Theorem
equation: Method of multipliers problems in sine series state conditions method
S-8 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 5 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 8 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 11 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 14
Linear Homogeneous partial differential
equations of second and higher order with One dimensional heat equation -Steady Inverse Z-transform, Partial fraction
SLO-1 Introduction to Harmonic Analysis Parseval’s Identity for Fourier transform
constant coefficients-CF and PI Type 1: state conditions more problems method related problems
𝑒 𝑎𝑥+𝑏𝑦
Harmonic Analysis for finding harmonic in One dimensional heat equation -Steady Parseval’s Identity for Fourier sine & Inverse Z-transform - residue theorem
SLO-2 PI Type2.: sin(ax+by) or cos(ax+by)
(0,2𝜋) state conditions with zero velocity cosine transforms method
One dimensional heat equation -Steady
Harmonic Analysis for finding harmonic in Parseval’s Identity for Fourier sine & Inverse Z-transform - residue theorem
SLO-1 Type 3: PI of polynomial state conditions with zero velocity more
(0,2𝑙) cosine transforms applications method-problems
One dimensional heat equation -Steady
Type 4 Exponential shifting Harmonic Analysis for finding harmonic in Fourier Transforms Using Differentiation
SLO-2 state conditions with zero velocity more Convolution theorem (without proof)
𝑒 𝑎𝑥+𝑏𝑦 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) periodic interval (0, 𝑇) property
related problems
Linear Homogeneous partial differential
Steady state conditions and Non-zero
SLO-1 equations of second and higher order with Harmonic Analysis for finding cosine series Solving integral equation Convolution theorem applications
boundary conditions- related problems
S-11 constant coefficients type 5 General rule
Applications of Partial differential equations Steady state conditions and Non-zero Self-reciprocal using Fourier Transform, Solution of linear difference equations with
SLO-2 Harmonic Analysis for finding sine series
in Engineering boundary conditions- more problems sine and cosine transform constant coefficients using Z-transform
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 3 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 6 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 9 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 12 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 15
SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 3 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 6 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 9 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 12 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 15
1. B. H. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2006 4. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2010
2. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 43rd Edition, 2015 6. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, for third semester, Laxmi
3. Veerarajan T., Transforms and Partial Differential Equations, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2012 Publications, 3rd Edition, 2014
Learning Assessment
Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage)
Bloom’s Final Examination (50% weightage)
CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)#
Level of Thinking
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 40 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Level 2 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40% -
Level 3 20 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,

Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Mr. V. Maheshwaran, CTS, Chennai, 1. Dr. K. C. Sivakumar, IIT, Madras, 1. Dr. A. Govindarajan, SRMIST
2. Dr. Sricharan Srinivasan, Wipro Technologies, 2. Dr. Nanjundan, Bangalore University, 2. Prof. Ganapathy Subramanian K S, SRMIST

SRM Institute of Science & Technology – Academic Curricula (2018 Regulations) - Control Copy
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4

Pre-requisite Co-requisite Progressive

Courses Courses Courses
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards Statistical tables

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Describe the applications on discrete and continuous random variables. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : Assess the applications of two dimensional random variables.
Infer the various modes of convergence of random variables and their limit
CLR-3 :
CLR-4 : Relate the specialized knowledge in random processes in signals and systems.
Determine the applications of spectral density functions and linear time invariant

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
CLR-5 :

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)
Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge

Design & Development

Project Mgt. & Finance

Modern Tool Usage
Interpret random variables and stochastic processes in the application of

Life Long Learning

Problem Analysis

Society & Culture


practical engineering problems.
Course Learning

PSO - 1
PSO - 2
PSO - 3
At the end of this course, learners will be able to:

Outcomes (CLO):
CLO-1 : Compare the fundamentals between discrete and continuous random variables. 3 85 80 M H L M L H
CLO-2 : Choose the model and analyze systems using two dimensional random variables. 3 85 80 M H M M M H
CLO-3 : Describe limit theorems using various inequalities. 3 85 80 M H M H
CLO-4 : Interpret the characteristics of random processes. 3 85 80 M H M M L H

CLO-5 : Evaluate problems on spectral density functions and linear time invariant systems. 3 85 80 M H L M H

Explain how random variables and stochastic processes can be described and
CLO-6: 3 85 80 M H M H

Learning Unit /
Learning Unit / Module 1 Learning Unit / Module 2 Learning Unit / Module 3 Learning Unit / Module 4 Module 5
Duration (hour) 12 12 12 10 14
One dimensional random Power spectral density
variable: Discrete Case- Two dimensional random Limit theorems--Markov's Random Processes- function- properties
Probability function, Cumulative variables-Discrete case inequality Introduction
S-1 Distribution Function

Probability function of (X,Y)- Proof of properties

Continuous random variable- Chebyshev's inequality Classification of random
SLO-2 Marginal probability
Probability density function without proof processes
Problems on power spectral
Cumulative distribution function- Conditional probability Chebyshev's inequality -
SLO-1 Distribution of the process density function
properties distribution of (X,Y) Applications
S-2 Problems on power spectral
Chebyshev's inequality –
Problems on one dimensional Problems on discrete random density function
SLO-2 Applications using Binomial Averages of the process
random variables variables
Chebyshev's inequality– Power density spectrum
Continuous random variables- Stationary ,SSS,WSS
SLO-1 Expectation, variance Applications using
Joint PDF processes
Exponential distribution
Problems based on power
Moments-raw and central Marginal Probability The weak law of large Problems on stationary and
SLO-2 density spectrum
moments distributions numbers SSS processes

Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
SLO-1 tutorial sheet 13
sheet 1 tutorial sheet 4 tutorial sheet 7 tutorial sheet 10
S-4 Problem solving using
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
SLO-2 tutorial sheet 13
sheet 1 tutorial sheet 4 tutorial sheet 7 tutorial sheet 10
Linear system with random
Characteristic function - Conditional probability Central limit theorem
SLO-1 Problems on WSS process inputs
properties distribution of (X,Y) without proof
Problems on continuous two Central limit theorem - Representation of system in
SLO-2 Characteristic function Problems on WSS process the form of convolution
dimensional random variables Applications
Central limit theorem- Unit impulse response of the
Autocorrelation function - system
SLO-1 Binomial distribution -moments Independent random variables Applications using Poisson
random variables
S-6 Central limit theorem-
Binomial distribution- Cumulative distribution Applications using
Proof of properties Properties
SLO-2 Applications function-properties of F(x,y) Exponential random
Applications of unit impulse
Expected values of two The strong law of large Problems on autocorrelation
SLO-1 Poisson distribution-moments function
dimensional random variables numbers function
Einstein Weiner- Khinchine
Poisson distribution - The strong law of large Application of autocorrelation
SLO-2 Covariance and correlation Relationship
Applications numbers function
Problem solving using
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
SLO-1 tutorial sheet 14
sheet 2 tutorial sheet 5 tutorial sheet 8 tutorial sheet 11
Problem solving using
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using sheet
SLO-2 tutorial sheet 14
sheet 2 tutorial sheet 5 tutorial sheet 8 11

Exponential distribution- One sided Chebychev's Problems on Khinchine

SLO-1 Conditional expected values Cross correlation- properties relationship
moments inequality
Exponential distribution- Problems on uncorrelated Cross power density
SLO-2 Cauchy Schwartz inequality Proof of properties spectrum-properties
Applications random variables

Functions of two dimensional Problems on cross correlation

SLO-1 Normal Distribution-moments Chernoff bounds
random variables function
S-10 Proof of properties
Probability density functions of Chernoff bounds for the Cross power density
SLO-2 Normal Distribution-Applications Ergodicity spectrum-problems
the type Z=XY standard normal variate
Probability density functions of Chernoff bounds for the
SLO-1 Function of a random variable Mean ergodic process Cross power density spectrum
the type Z=X-Y Poisson random variate
Probability density functions of Cross power density spectrum
SLO-2 Function of a random variable Jenson's inequality Mean ergodic theorem
the type Z=X/Y
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using sheet Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
S-12 SLO-1 tutorial sheet 15
sheet 3 6 tutorial sheet 9 tutorial sheet 12
Application of two Applications of Central Applications Power spectral
Applications of random Applications of random density functions in
SLO-2 dimensional random limit Theorem in
variables in engineering process in engineering engineering
variables in Engineering engineering
1. A. Papoulis, S. Uniikrishna Pillai, Probability,Random Variables and Stochastic Processes 4'th Edition,Mcgraw Hill, 2002.
2. Henry Stark, Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Signal Processing,Third Edition, Pearson
Learning 3. Veerarajan T., Probability, Statistics and Random Processes with Queueing Theory and Queueing Networks, 4 th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, New Delhi,2015
4. Sheldon Ross , Afirst course in Probability, Sixth Edition, 2011
5. S.C. Gupta, V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, 11th Edition, 2015.

Final Examination
Continuous Assessment
Level of Thinking (50%)
CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)

Level 1 40% 30% 30% 40%
Understand 30%
Level 2
Analyze 40% 40% 40% 40% 40%
Level 3 Evaluate
Create 20% 30% 30% 20% 30%
# CA – 3 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
SLO – Session Learning Outcome

Course Designers
(a) Experts from Industry
1 Mr.V.Maheshwaran CTS, Chennai
(b) Experts from Higher Technical Institutions
2 Dr.K.C.Sivakumar IIT, Madras 3 Dr.Nanjundan
(c) Internal Experts
4 Dr.A.Govindarajan SRMIST 5 Dr.Srinivasan SRMIST

To emerge as a World - Class University in creating and disseminating knowledge, and providing students a unique learning experience in Science, Technology, Medicine,
Management and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world and betterment of mankind.

MOVE UP through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence.
ACCOMPLISH A PROCESS to advance knowledge in a rigorous academic and research environment.

ATTRACT AND BUILD PEOPLE in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering freedom, empowerment, creativity and innovation.
Course Course Course Category L T P C
Code Name 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisite Co-requisite Nil Progressive Courses
Courses 18MAB102T Courses Nil
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil
Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to: 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

CLR-1 : Apply and evaluating probability using random variables

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
Level of Thinking (Bloom)
CLR-2 : Gain the knowledge and acquire the application of distribution to find the

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge

Design & Development

Project Mgt. & Finance

probability using Theoretical distributions

Modern Tool Usage

CLR-3 : To Assess the appropriate model and apply and soling any realistic problem

Life Long Learning

Problem Analysis

Society & Culture

situation to determine the probability
CLR-4 : To interpret the decision using Markov queueing applications

PSO – 3
CLR-5 : To construct chain of decisions from the past situations using Markovians

PSO - 1

PSO - 2
CLR-6 : Interpret random variables and Queuing theory in engineering problems.
CLO-1 : Solving problems on Discrete and Continuous Random variables 3 85 80 M H L - - - - - M - - H - - -
CLO-2 : Identifying Distribution and solving the problems in Discrete and Continuous 3 85 80 M H M M - - - M L - H - - -
CLO-3 : Decision Models using sampling techniques in Large and Small samples 3 85 80 M H - - - - - - M - - H - - -
CLO-4 : Solving Queuing problems using Kendall’s notation 3 85 80 M H - - - - - - M L - H - - -
CLO-5 : To Evaluate the probability in uncertain situations using Markov chain rule 3 85 80 M H L M - - - - M - - H - - -
CLO-6 : Solving and analyzing the problems in random variables and Queuing theory. 3 85 80 M H - - - - - - M - - H - - -

Duration 12 12 12 12 12
Sampling distribution, Null Markov Process and Introduction
SLO-1 Probability Basic concepts and Discrete Probability distribution Introduction to F-test
Hypothesis, of a
S-1 Axioms Alternate Hypothesis Markov Chain
Conditional probability, Past
SLO-2 Introduction to Binomial One tailed test, two tailed test Problems on F-test
Multiplication theorem and
- Step
MGF, Mean, Variance of Level of significance, One step Transition Probability
SLO-1 Discrete and continuous Random Critical region Chi square test -Goodness of fit N step transition Probability
S-2 variables distribution
Problems on Chi square test -
SLO-2 Probability mass function, cdf Applications of Binomial Large samples test Chapman-kolmogorov theorem
Goodness of fit
distribution definition
Student - t test Problems on Chi-square test Initial Probability distribution
SLO-1 Continuous Random variables Fit a Binomial distribution. Single Proportion Independent- problems
S-3 Attributes Using Markov Chain
Problems on Chi-square test Initial Probability distribution
SLO-2 pdf and cdf applications Introduction to Poisson Two Sample proportions
Independent- problems
Distribution Attributes with standard Using Markov Chain
S-4 SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 1 sheet 4 sheet 7 sheet 10 sheet 13
MGF , Mean , Variance of Large sample test- Introduction to Queueing Theory
SLO-1 Expectation and Variance Poisson distribution Single Mean Classification of States of a
S-5 Applications. Kendall, notation Markov Chain
Introductio Irreducible, Non
SLO-2 Problems on Expectation and Applications of Poisson Difference of Means
n to M/M/1 irreducible, a period,
Variance Distribution
: infinity/ Persistent, Non null
FIFO Persistent
Problems on Classification of a
SLO-1 Moment Generating Function Fit a Poisson Distribution Problems on difference of Means Ls, Lq, Ws,Wq
S-6 Chain
Introduction , MGF Mean, Problem on Classification of a
SLO-2 Problems on MGF Applications of Difference of M/M/1 :Infinity /FIFO problems
Variance of Markov
Geometric distribution Means Chain
Applications of Geometric
SLO-1 Functions of Random variables Introduction to small samples M/M/1 :Infinity /FIFO problems Classification of states of a
S-7 problems on Memory less Markov Chain
Introduction , MGF, Mean,
SLO-2 Problems on Functions of Introduction to small Samples M/M/1 :Infinity /FIFO problems Stationary and steady state
Variance of
Random variable Uniform Distribution
S-8 SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 2 sheet 5 sheet 8 sheet 11 sheet 14
Single Server Model with
Applications of Uniform Problems on Classification-
SLO-1 Tchebycheffs inequality Problems on single mean -small Finite System Capacity,
Distribution problems State-stationary using Markov
S-9 samples Characteristics of the Model
(M/M/1) : (K/FIFO) Chain
Introduction , MGF, Mean,
SLO-2 Introduction to theoretical Problems on single mean -small Effective arrival rate Problems on Stationary and
Variance of
distribution Exponential distribution samples steady state
Formula and application of Applications of Exponential Problems on difference of mean- Problems on Ergodicity using
SLO-1 Problems on Model (M/M/1) :
Tchebycheffs distribution small Markov
S-10 inequality problems samples (K/FIFO) Chain
Problems on difference of mean- Problems on Ergodicity using
SLO-2 Applications of chebychevs Introduction to Normal Problems on Model (M/M/1) :
small Markov
inequality distribution samples (K/FIFO) Chain
Applications of chebychevs Applications of Normal
SLO-1 Applications of paired - t test Problems on Model (M/M/1) : Problems on Ergodicity
inequality using distribution distribution problems
S-11 (K/FIFO)
Problems practice using Problems on Ergodic and Non
SLO-2 Practical applications of Normal Problems of paired - t test. Problems on Model (M/M/1) :
chebychevs Ergodic
inequality distribution (K/FIFO) Using Markovchains
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 3 sheet 6 sheet 9 sheet 12 sheet 15
Applications of solving Applications of constructing
Applications of random Applications of distribution to
SLO-2 any realistic problem Applications of Queueing chain of decisions from the
variables in engineering find the probability using
situation to determine the decision models past situations using
Theoretical distributions
probability Monrovians

1. Veerarajan T, Probability , Statistics and Random Processes, Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 1st Reprint 2004
2. S.C. Gupta, V.K.Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 9th ed.,, Sultan Chand & Sons, 1999
3. Gross. D and Harri.C.M. Fundamentals of Queuing theory, John Wiley and Sons, 1985
4. Trivedi K S, Probability and Statistics with reliability, Queueing and Computer Science Applications, prentice Hall of India, New
Delhi, 1984
5. Allen .A.O. , Probability Statistics and Queueing theory, Academic Press
Learning Assessment
Bloom’s Level of Continuous Learning Assessment (50% weightage) Final Examination (50%
Thinking CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA – 4 (10%)# weightage)
Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice Theory Practice
Level 1 Remember 40 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% - 30% -
Level 2 Apply 40 % - 40 % - 40 % - 40 - 40% -
Level 3 Evaluate 20 % - 30 % - 30 % - 30% - 30% -
Total 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,

Course Designers
Experts from Industry Experts from Higher Technical Institutions Internal Experts
1. Mr. V. Maheshwaran, CTS, Chennai, 1. Dr. K. C. Sivakumar, IIT, Madras, 1. Dr. A. Govindarajan, SRMIST
2. Dr. Sricharan Srinivasan, Wipro Technologies, 2. Dr. Nanjundan, Bangalore University, 2. Dr. V. Srinivasan, SRMIST
Course Learning Syllabus ( includes Learning Outcomes & Learning Plan&Assessment Plan )
Course Course Course L T P C
Code Name Category 3 1 0 4

18MAB201T/18MAB203T Co-requisite Courses NIl Progressive Courses
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards Statistical tables

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
To apply the basic rules and theorems of probability theory such as
Baye’s Theorem, to determine probabilities that help to solve
CLR-1 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
engineering problems and to determine the expectation and variance
of a random variable from its distribution.
To appropriately choose, define and/or derive probability distributions
CLR-2 : such as the Binomial, Poisson and Normal etc to model and solve
engineering problems.
To learn how to formulate and test hypotheses about means, variances
CLR-3 : and proportions and to draw conclusions based on the results of
statistical tests.
To understand how regression analysis can be used to develop an
equation that estimates how two variables are related and how the
CLR-4 :
analysis of variance procedure can be used to determine if means of

Environment & Sustainability

more than two populations are equal.

Analysis, Design, Research

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Attainment (%)

To comprehend the fundamentals of quality control and the methods

Expected Proficiency (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge
CLR-5 :

Project Mgt. & Finance

Design & Development
used to control systems and processes.

Modern Tool Usage

Life Long Learning

Society & Culture
Problem Analysis
Acquired the knowledge of probability and statistics and its applications to the

respective branches of Engineering.

PSO - 1
PSO - 2
PSO - 3
Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
To Pertain the Knowledge of probability concepts, to determine
CLO-1 : probabilities that help to solve engineering problems. and to determine 3 85 80 M H L M L H
the expectation and variance of a random variable from its distribution
Gain familiarity in deriving probability distributions such as the Binomial,
CLO-2 : Poisson and Normal etc and apply them tn the problems involving Science 3 85 80 M H M M M H
and Engineering
Acquire knowledge in formulating and testing hypotheses about means,
CLO-3 : 3 85 80 M H M H
variances and proportions
Getting the knowledge of Regression analysis, ANOVA and apply them in
CLO-4 : 3 85 80 M H L M M L H
the problems in Science and Engineering
Understanding the concept and applications of statistical quality control
CLO-5 : 3 M H M M H
charts in technology and industries
To solve the problems based on probability and statistics in science and
CLO- 6: 3 85 80 M H M H

Learning Unit / Module 1 Learning Unit / Module 2 Learning Unit / Module 3 Learning Unit / Module 4 Learning Unit / Module 5
12 12 12 12 12
probability concepts, Types of
Introduction and Process
SLO-1 Events Discrete distributions Sampling Correlation and Properties
Small and large samples Karl pearson’s correlation
SLO-2 Axioms and theorems Binomial distribution Types of Control charts
Conditional probability Hypothesis Testing Spearman’s rank correlation
SLO-1 M.G.F Control charts for variables
Baye’s theorem – without proof coefficient
S-2 Large sample test-Test of
Problems on rank correlation –
SLO-2 Applications- Baye’s Theorem. mean significance for single Control chart for attributes
non repeated ranks
Random variables – Discrete Test of significance for Control limits and drawing
SLO-1 variance Problems on repeated ranks
case difference of proportions conclusions
S-3 Control chart for mean and
Probability Mass function Linear Regression lines and
SLO-2 Fitting binomial distribution More problems on test 2
Properties range when X and R data
given directly
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 1 sheet 4 sheet 7 sheet 10 sheet 13
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Applications of correlation in Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 1 sheet 4 sheet 7 engineering sheet 14

Cumulative distribution
Poisson distribution
Test of significance for single
regression coefficient Problems More problems on
X and R
function mean data given directly
S-5 Control chart for mean and
Mathematical expectation – Test of significance for More problems in regression
discrete case
M.G.F, mean
difference of means coefficients range- when X and R data not
given directly

SLO-1 Variance variance Small sample tests

Relation between correlation more problems on X and R
and regression data not given directly
S-6 Control chart for mean and S.D
Student’s t- test for single problems on relation between
SLO-2 Probability density function Fitting Poisson distribution when mean S.D values given
mean correlation and regression
S-7 SLO-1 Cumulative distribution Geometric distribution-M.G.F, ‘t’ test for the difference of Applications of regression in More problems on X and S
function mean, variance means engineering
Applications of regression in Control chart for mean and S.D
Mathematical expectation-
SLO-2 Memory less property More problems on t- test engineering when mean S.D values not
continuous case
given directly
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 2 sheet 5 sheet 8 sheet 11 sheet 14
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 2 sheet 5 sheet 8 sheet 11 sheet 14
Introduction to ANOVAAnalysis
SLO-1 Variance Continuous distribution: Fisher’s F-test of Variance – One way More problems on X and S
S-9 Classification
Uniform distribution – MGF, Test of significance for two Problems on one way Control chart for attributes- np
SLO-2 Raw Moments
Mean, Variance sample variances classification chart
Exponential distribution - MGF, Chi square test- for goodness More problems on one way
SLO-1 Central Moments More problems on np-chart
Mean, Variance of fit classification
Memory less property ANOVA – two way
SLO-2 Moment generating function Problems on goodness of fit p- chart
Normal distribution Chi square test- for Problems on two way
SLO-1 MGF- discrete random variable More problems on p- chart
independence of attributes classification
S-11 Problems on Normal More problems on
MGF- continuous random More problems on two way Control chart for the defects in
SLO-2 distribution Chi square test- for
variable classification a single unit- c- chart
independence of attributes
Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial Problem solving using tutorial
sheet 3 sheet 6 sheet 9 sheet 12 sheet 15
Applications of Probability and Applications and the Engineering Applications of Engineering applications of
S-12 Application of distributions in
SLO-2 Random variables in importance of samplingin ANOVA, Correlation and control chart
Engineering field various fields of engineering Regression

1. S. Ross, A First Course in Probability, 6th Ed., Pearson Education India, 2002.
2. Johnson. R.A., Miller &Freund’s, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 6th Edition, Pearson’s Education, New Delhi, 2000.
Learning 3. Veerarajan T., Probability and Statistics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
4. Devore (JL), Probability and Statistics, 5th Edition: For Engineering and the Sciences.
5. Vijay K. Rohatgi., A.K. Md. Ehsanes Saleh, An Introduction to Probability and Statistics, 2 Edition, Wiley, 2008
Continuous Assessment
Level of Thinking Final Examination (50%)
CLAT– 1 (10%) CLAT – 2 (15%) CLAT – 3 (15%) CLAT – 4 (10%) #
Level 1 40 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
Level 2 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 %
Level 3 20 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
# CA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
SLO – Session Learning Outcome

Course Designers
(a) Experts from Industry
1 Mr.V.Maheshwaran CTS, Chennai
(b) Experts from Higher Technical Institutions
2 Dr.K.C.Sivakumar IIT, Madras 3 Dr.Nanjundan Bangalore University
(b) Internal Experts
4 Dr.A.Govindarajan SRMIST 5 Dr.Srinivasan SRMIST

To emerge as a World - Class University in creating and disseminating knowledge, and providing students a unique learning experience in Science, Technology, Medicine,
Management and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world and betterment of mankind.

MOVE UP through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence.
ACCOMPLISH A PROCESS to advance knowledge in a rigorous academic and research environment.
ATTRACT AND BUILD PEOPLE in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering freedom, empowerment, creativity and innovation.
Course Code 18MAB302T Course Name Course Category BS Basic Sciences
3 1 0 4

Pre-requisite Courses 18MAB102T Co-requisite Courses NIl Nil
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards nil

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
CLR-1 : Apply set theory, functions and relations in storage, communication and manipulation of data 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
CLR-2 : Apply number theory concepts in computer engineering such as public key crypto system.
Apply mathematical reasoning in computer science such as design of computer circuit, verification of

Environment & Sustainability

CLR-3 :

Analysis, Design, Research


Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge
CLR-4 : Learning about groups, rings and fields. Solving problems on coding theory.

Design & Development

Project Mgt. & Finance

Using graph models in computer network and shortest path problems Apply graph coloring in problems

Modern Tool Usage

Life Long Learning

CLR-5 :

Society & Culture

Problem Analysis
involving scheduling and assignments.

Applymathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, algebraic structures and graph theory in solving
CLR-6 :
mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering.

PSO - 1

PSO - 2

PSO - 3
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Problem solving in sets, relations and functions. 3 85 80 M H L M L H
CLO-2 : Solving problems in basic counting principles, inclusion exclusion and number theory. 3 85 80 M H M M M H
CLO-3 : Solving problems of mathematical logic, inference theory and mathematical induction. 3 85 80 M H M H
CLO-4 : Gaining knowledge in groups, rings and fields. Solving problems in coding theory. 3 85 80 M H M M H
Gaining knowledge in graphs and properties. Learning about trees, minimum spanning trees and graph coloring.
CLO-5 : 3 85 80 M H L M L H
CLO-6 : Learning mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis, algebraic structures and graph theory. 3 85 80 M H M H

Learning Unit / Module 1 Learning Unit / Module 2 Learning Unit / Module 3 Learning Unit / Module 4 Learning Unit / Module 5
Duration (hour) 12 12 12 12 12
Sets and examples. Binary operation on a set- Groups and axioms Basic concepts - Basic Definitions- degree and
SLO-1 Permutation and Combination Propositions and Logical operators
Operations on sets. of groups. Hand shaking theorem.
Laws of Set theory- Proving set identities Simple problems using addition and product Truth values and truth tables. Some Special Graphs – complete, regular and
SLO-2 Properties of groups.
using laws of set theory. rules. bipartite graphs.
Propositions generated by a set-Symbolic Permutation group, equivalence classes with
SLO-1 Partition of a set – examples. Principle of inclusion and exclusion writing using conditional and biconditional addition modulo m and multiplication modulo Isomorphism of graphs – necessary conditions.
S-2 connectives. m.
Problems using inclusion and exclusion Writing converse inverse and contra positive
SLO-2 Cartesian product of sets. Cyclic groups and properties. Isomorphism- simple examples.
principle. of a given conditional.
Pigeon-hole principle and generalized pigeon- Tautology, contradiction and contingency- Subgroups and necessary and sufficiency of a
SLO-1 Relations – Properties. Paths, cycles and circuits.
hole principle. examples. subset to be a subgroup.
Equivalence relation and partial order Proving tautology and contradiction using truth Connectivity in undirected graphs – connected
SLO-2 Problems on pigeon-hole principle. Group homomorphism and properties.
relation table method. graphs and odd degree vertices.
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 7 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 10 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13
SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 4 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 7 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 10 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 13
Equivalences – truth table method to prove Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs.
SLO-1 Poset - Graphs of relations Digraphs Divisibility and prime numbers. Rings- definition and examples..Zero devisors.
Implications- truth table method to prove Integral domain- definition , examples and Necessary and sufficient condition for a graph
SLO-2 Hasse diagram – problems. Fundamental theorem of arithmetic – problems.
implications. properties. to be Eulerian- examples.
Matrix representation of graphs- adjacent and
SLO-1 Closures of relations- examples Finding prime factorization of a given number. Laws of logic and some equivalences. Fields – definition, examples and properties.
incidence matrices and examples.
Transitive closure and warshall’s Some more problems using fundamental Proving equivalences and implications using Coding Theory – Encoders and decoders-
SLO-2 Isomorphism using adjacency.
algorithm theorem of arithmetic. laws of logic. Hamming codes.
S-7 SLO-1 Functions – definitions, domain and range Division algorithm- greatest common divisorand Rules of inference – Rule P, Rule T and Rule Hamming distance. Digraphs – in degree and out degree – Hand
of a function - examples properties-problems. CP Error detected by an encoding function. shaking theorem.
Types of functions- one- one and onto- Euclid’s algorithm for finding GCD(a,b)- examples. Verification of hand shaking theorem in
SLO-2 Direct proofs
bijection- examples. examples.. digraphs.
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 5 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 8 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 11 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 14
SLO-2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 2 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 5 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 8 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 11 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 14
Error correction using matrices. Graph colouring – chromatic number-
SLO-1 Composition of functions – examples. Problems using Euclid’s algorithm. Problems using direct method.
Associatiivity of composition of functions – Least common Multiple(LCM)- relation between Four colourtheorem(statement only) and
SLO-2 Problems using CP rule. Problems on error correction using matrices.
Identity and inverse of functions. LCM and GCD. problems.
Problems on LCM. Group codes-error correction in group codes-
Necessary and sufficiency of existence of Trees – definitions and examples.
SLO-1 Inconsistency and indirect method of proof. parity check matrix.
inverse of a function. Properties.
Finding LCM and GCD using prime Inconsistent premises and proof by
SLO-2 Uniqueness of identity factorization. contradiction (indirect method). Problems on error correction in group codes. Properties continued.

SLO-1 Inverse of composition Finding GCD and LCM using Euclid’s algorithm. Principle of mathematical induction. Procedure for decoding group codes. Spanning trees – examples.
Checking if a given function is bijection More problems on GCD and LCM.
S-11 Kruskal’s algorithm for minimum spanning
SLO-2 and if so, finding inverse, domain and Problems based on Mathematical Induction Problems on decoding group codes.
range- problems.
SLO-1 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 3 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 6 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 9 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 12 Problem solving using tutorial sheet 15
Applications of sets, relations and Applications of sets, relations and functions in Applications of sets, relations and functions in Applications of sets, relations and functions in Applications of sets, relations and functions in
S-12 SLO-2
functions in Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Engineering. Engineering.

1. Kenneth H.Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Application, Seventh edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing company PVT .Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
2. Tremblay J. P. and Manohar R., Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to Computer Science, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 35th edition,2008.
Resources 3. NarsingDeo, Graph Theory with applications to Engineering and Computer science, Prentice-Hall of India pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
4. C.L. Liu, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, 4th Edition, McGraw Higher ED, 2012.
5. T.Veerarajan, Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Tata McGraw Hill, 2015.

Continuous Assessment
Level of Thinking Final Examination (50%)
CLA – 1 (10%) CLA – 2 (15%) CLA – 3 (15%) CLA –4 (10%) #
Level 1 40 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
Level 2 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 %
Level 3 20 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
# CLA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
SLO – Session Learning Outcome

Course Designers
(a) Experts from Industry
1 Mr.V.Maheshwaran CTS, Chennai
(b) Experts from Higher Technical Institutions
2 Dr.K.C.Sivakumar IIT, Madras 3 Dr.Nanjundan Bangalore University
(b) Internal Experts
4 Dr.A.Govindarajan SRMIST 5 Dr.Sundarammalkesavan SRMIST

To emerge as a World - Class University in creating and disseminating knowledge, and providing students a unique learning experience in Science, Technology, Medicine, Management and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world
and betterment of mankind.

MOVE UP through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence.
ACCOMPLISH A PROCESS to advance knowledge in a rigorous academic and research environment.

ATTRACT AND BUILD PEOPLE in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering freedom, empowerment, creativity and innovation.
Template 6: Course Learning Syllabus

Course Learning Syllabus (// includes Learning Outcomes & Learning Plan & Assessment Plan)
Course Code 18MAB303T Course Name BIO STATISTICS FOR BIOTECHNOLOGISTS Course Category B Basic Sciences
3 1 0 4

Pre-requisite Courses 18MAB102T Co-requisite Courses NIL NIL
Course Offering Department Mathematics Data Book / Codes/Standards Statistical tables

Course Learning Rationale (CLR): The purpose of learning this course is to: Learning Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)
To gain knowledge in measures of central tendency, dispersion, Skewness and moments in
CLR-1 : 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
To appropriately choose, define and / or derive probability distributions such as Binomial, Poisson and
CLR-2 :
Normal distributions to solve biology related problems.
To learn how to formulate and test the hypothesis of single means and difference of means for large
CLR-3 : samples and to understand and apply Chi-square test for goodness of fit and independence of attributes in

Environment & Sustainability

Analysis, Design, Research
Biological topics.

Level of Thinking (Bloom)

Expected Proficiency (%)

Expected Attainment (%)

Individual & Team Work

Engineering Knowledge

Design & Development

Project Mgt. & Finance

To learn to formulate and test the hypothesis about means, variances for small samples using t and F test
CLR-4 :

Modern Tool Usage

and to have knowledge in ANOVA in Biology related topics.

Life Long Learning

Problem Analysis

Society & Culture

To gain knowledge in correlation and regression lines and also get expose to Non- Parametric tests in

CLR-5 :
Assess problems and determine the appropriate method to solve problems in application areas of

PSO - 1

PSO - 2

PSO - 3
CLR- 6

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO): At the end of this course, learners will be able to:
CLO-1 : Understand solve numerical problems in measures of central tendency and dispersion. 3 85 80 M H L M L H
CLO-2 : Solving problems related to probability distributions applicable to bio technologists. 3 85 80 M H M M M H
CLO-3 : Evaluate the given problems relating to large sample test of mean and difference of mean and Chi-square tests. 3 85 80 M H M H
CLO-4 : Choose and solve problems with t test, F test and ANOVA. 3 85 80 M H M M L H
CLO-5 : Evaluate problems on concepts of correlation, regression and non parametric tests. 3 85 80 M H L M H

CLO-6 : The learners will be able to mathematically formulate and solve numerical problems related to Biotechnogy. 3 85 80 M H M H

Learning Unit / Module 1 Learning Unit / Module 2 Learning Unit / Module 3 Learning Unit / Module 4 Learning Unit / Module 5

Duration (hour) 12 12 12 12 12
Introduction to probability concepts, Random
Introduction to discrete types of statistical experiment, Trail, Sample space, Sample Introduction to small sample test
SLO-1 Sampling Theory - Basic concepts Introduction to Correlation and Regression
data size, Events(only definitions, properties
without proof and simple problems)
Introduction to continuous types of statistical Problems on Probability related to biological Population, Sample, Sampling distribution, small sample tests based on t- distribution for
SLO-2 Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlations
data applications. population parameters and sample statistic single mean
Types of Events: Impossible, Simple, Testing of hypothesis, Null and Alternate
Measures of central tendency – Introduction Mutually Exclusive and Independent hypothesis, Single tailed and two tailed tests, Problems on t-test for single mean Problems on Karl Pearson’s coefficient of
to Arithmetic mean, median, Mode events(only definitions, properties without Type- I and Type –II errors correlations
S-2 proof)
Acceptance and Rejection Regions, Level of Small sample tests based on t- distribution
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
SLO-2 Problems in Arithmetic mean Simple problems Significance, Degrees of freedom and for difference of means
Confidence limits
Problems based on Addition and Large sample tests based on normal Problems on t- distribution Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
SLO-1 Problems in median
Multiplication Theorems distribution (Z - test) for difference of means problems
Baye’s Theorem (without proof) and its Z-Test for single proportion and difference of
SLO-2 Problems in mode Paired t-test Regression lines and its applications
applications proportions and problems
Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
S-4 SLO-1
tutorial sheet 1 tutorial sheet 4 tutorial sheet 7 tutorial sheet 10 tutorial sheet 13
Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
tutorial sheet 1 tutorial sheet 4 tutorial sheet 7 tutorial sheet 10 tutorial sheet 13
Measures of dispersion, Range , Quartile
Introduction to one dimensional random
SLO-1 deviation Z-Test for single mean Problems on Paired t-test Problems related to Regression lines.
Mean deviation Discrete Random variable, Probability mass Problems on Z-Test for single mean F-test for equality of variances Non-parametric tests -
SLO-2 function , Distribution function, Properties The sign test
(without proof), Applications
Continuous Random variable, Probability Z-Test for difference of means The sign test additional problems
Standard deviation and Co-efficient of
SLO-1 density function , Distribution function, Problems on F-test for equality of variances
S-6 Properties (without proof), Applications
Problems on Standard deviation and Co- Simple problems on discrete random Problems on Z-Test for difference of means The Wilcoxon rank sum test or The Man
SLO-2 Problems on F-test for equality of variances
efficient of variation variables and continuous random variables Whitney U test problems
The Wilcoxon rank sum test or The Man
SLO-1 Karl Pearson’s coefficient of Skewness Mathematical Expectation Introduction to Chi- square test Introduction to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Whitney U test problems
Variance, Properties (without proof), Problems on ANOVA –One -way The Kruskal Walis test problems
SLO-2 Problems on coefficient of Skewness Chi -square test for goodness of fit
Application related problems classifications
Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
tutorial sheet 2 tutorial sheet 5 tutorial sheet 8 tutorial sheet 11 tutorial sheet 14
Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
tutorial sheet 2 tutorial sheet 5 tutorial sheet 8 tutorial sheet 11 tutorial sheet 14
Introduction to moments Binomial distribution, Application to Problems on Chi -square test for goodness of Problems on ANOVA –One -way The Kruskal Walis test problems
population Genetics fit classifications
S-9 Raw and Central moments problems Chi -square test for Independence of The Kruskal Walis test problems
SLO-2 Simple problems on Binomial distribution attributes – Problems formulations Problems on ANOVA –One -way
Poisson Distribution, Application to population Chi -square test for Independence of The Wilcoxon signed ranked test problems
SLO-1 Moments about the point x=a problems.
Genetics attributes using contingency table ANOVA –Two -way classifications
S-10 Normal Distribution, Application to population Problems on Chi -square test for Applications of ANOVA –Two –way The Wilcoxon signed ranked test problems
SLO-2 Additional problems on moments Genetics Independence of attributes using contingency classification problems.
Problems on finding central moments given Problems on Poisson and Normal distribution Additional problems on Chi-square test ANOVA –Two –way classification problems. Additional problems on all the non
moments about a point parametric tests
Additional problems on finding central Additional problems on Normal distribution. Problems on Chi-square test. ANOVA –Two –way classification problems Additional problems on all the non
moments parametric tests
Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using Problem solving using
tutorial sheet 3 tutorial sheet 6 tutorial sheet 9 tutorial sheet 12 tutorial sheet 15
Engineering applications of Measures of Application of distributions in Engineering Engineering applications of sampling Applications of ANOVA in engineering fields Engineering Applications of Correlation,
central tendency and dispersion techniques Regression and Non-parametric methods
1. Myra L. Samuels, Jeffery A. Witner, Andrew schaffner, Statistics for the Life Sciences, Pearson, Fifth Edition, 2015.
2. Bernard Rosner, Fundamentals of Biostatistics, Brooks/core, Seventh edition, 2011.
Learning 3. B K Mahajan, Methods in Bio-statistics for Medical students and Research workers, Seventh Edition, 2010.
Resources 4. K. Kalyanaraman, Hareesh N.Ramanathan, P. N. Harikumar,Statistical methods for Research A step by step Approach Using IBM SPSS, Atlantic, First Edition, 2016.
5. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics Tenth Edition by Gupta & Kapoor, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2017.

Continuous Assessment
Level of Thinking Final Examination (50%)
CA – 1 (10%) CA – 2 (15%) CA – 3 (15%) CA – 4 (10%) #
Level 1 40 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
Level 2 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 % 40 %
Level 3 20 % 30 % 30 % 30 % 30 %
# CA – 4 can be from any combination of these: Assignments, Seminars, Tech Talks, Mini-Projects, Case-Studies, Self-Study, MOOCs, Certifications, Conf. Paper etc.,
SLO – Session Learning Outcome
Course Designers
(a) Experts from Industry
1 Mr.V.Maheshwaran CTS, Chennai
(b) Experts from Higher Technical Institutions
2 Dr.K.C.Sivakumar IIT, Madras 3 Dr.Nanjundan Bangalore University
(b) Internal Experts
4 Dr.A.Govindarajan SRMIST 5 Dr.Srinivasan SRMIST

To emerge as a World - Class University in creating and disseminating knowledge, and providing students a unique learning experience in Science, Technology, Medicine, Management and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world and betterment of

MOVE UP through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence.
ACCOMPLISH A PROCESS to advance knowledge in a rigorous academic and research environment.

ATTRACT AND BUILD PEOPLE in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering freedom, empowerment, creativity and innovation.

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