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1)Statistics are ___________ expressed

a. Descriptive
b. Ability
c. Qualitatively
d. Quantitatively

2)What are the variables whose calculation is done according to the weight, height, and
length known as?
(A) Flowchart variables
(B) Discrete variables
(C) Continuous variables
(D) Measuring variables

3)Statistics is the backbone of_____________

a. Economics
b. Mathematics
c. Research
d. Computer

4)In statistics, a sample means__________

a. A portion of the sample

b. A portion of the population
c. All the items under investigation
d. None of the above

5)Specialised processes such as graphical and numerical methods are utilised in which of the
(A) Education statistics
(B) Descriptive statistics
(C) Business statistics
(D) Social statistics
6)Review of performance appraisal, labour turnover rates, planning of incentives, and
training programs are the examples of which of the following?
(A) Statistics in production
(B) Statistics in marketing
(C) Statistics in finance
(D) Statistics in personnel management
7)What is the sum of the median and mean of the following data?
56, 48, 68, 113, 180, 104, 124

1. 104
2. 5
3. 99
4. 203

8)Find the median, mode and mean of 9, 5, 8, 9, 9, 7, 8, 9, 8?

1. 9, 9, 9
2. 9, 8, 9
3. 8, 9, 8
4. 8, 9, 9

9)If the distribution is negatively skewed, then the:

1. mean is more than the mode

2. median is at right to the mode
3. mean is less than the mode
4. mean is at right to the median

10)For a frequency distribution of a variable x, mean = 32, median = 30. The distribution is:

1. Positively skewed
2. Negatively skewed
3. Mesokurtic
4. Platykurtic
11)Major area of statistics today is concerned with drawing of conclusions from__________
a. Samples
b. Primary
c. Two
d. Complete study
12)The Number of road accidents is the example of____________
a. Variable
b. Constant
c. Discrete variable
d. Continuous variable
13)Variance is always calculated from___________
a. Mean
b. Variance
c. Geometric Mean
d. Median
e. Mode
14)Arithmetic Mean is___________affected by extreme values
a. Not
b. Highly
c. Less
d. None of these

15)If any of the value in data set is negative then it is impossible to compute:_____________
a. Arithmetic Mean
b. Harmonic Mean
c. Geometric Mean
d. Mode
e. Median

16)The number of accidents in a city during 2012 is____________

a. Discrete variable
b. Continuous variable
c. Qualitative variable
d. Constant

17)The weights of students in a college/school is a___________

a. Discrete Variable
b. Continuous Variable
c. Qualitative Variable
d. None of these
18)Which of the following divides a group of data into four subgroups
a. Percentiles
b. Deciles
c. Median
d. Quartiles
e. Standard Deviation
19)According to the empirical rule, approximately what percent of the data should lie within
2 SD?
a. 75%
b. 99.7%
c. 90%
d. 95%
20)In descriptive statistics, we study:
a. The description of decision making process
b. The methods for organizing, displaying, and describing data
c. How to describe the probability distribution
d. None of the above
21)Which branch of statistics deals with the techniques that are used to organize, summarize,
and present the data
a. Advance Statistics
b. Descriptive Statistics
c. Inferential Statistics
d. Bayesian Statistics

22)Marital status of an individual is the example of___________

a. Attribute
b. Discrete variable
c. Continuous variable
d. Constant

23)Which of the following describe the middle part of a group of numbers

a. Measure of Variability
b. Measure of Central Tendency
c. Measure of Association
d. Measure of Shape
24)The mean of a distribution is 23, the median is 24, and the mode is 25.5. It is most likely
that this distribution is_____________
a. Positively Skewed
b. Symmetrical
c. Asymptotic
d. Negatively Skewed
25)Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency
a. Percentile
b. Quartile
c. Standard deviation
d. Mode
26)If the standard deviation of a population is 9, the population variance is_____________
a. 9
b. 3
c. 21
d. 81
27)If a distribution is abnormally tall and peaked, then is can be said that the distribution
a. Leptokurtic
b. Pyrokurtic
c. Platykurtic
d. Mesokurtic
28)Which one is the not measure of dispersion
a. The Range
b. 50th Percentile
c. Inter-Quartile Range
d. Variance
29)Which one of the following measurement does not divide a set of observations into equal
a. Quartiles
b. Standard Deviations
c. Percentiles
d. Deciles
e. Median
30)A measure of dispersion is always ________________
a. Zero
b. Positive
c. Negative
d. Infinity
31)The Coefficient of Skewness is always zero for ____________ distribution
a. Symmetrical
b. Skewed
c. All of above
d. None of these

32)The degree of peakedness is called__________________

A. Dispersion
B. Skewness
C. Symmetry
D. Kurtosis
33)Given the N values in a series, the geometric mean is______________
a. The third root of the product of N values
b. The square root of the product of N values
c. The fourth root of the product of N values
d. The Nth root of the product of N values
34)In a frequency distribution the last cumulative frequency is 300, Median shall lie
a. 140th item
b. 130th item
c. 160th item
d. 150th item
35)In a frequency distribution the last cumulative frequency is 500. Q3 must lie
a. 275th item
b. 375th item
c. 150th item
d. 175th item
36)2nd Quartile = 5th Decile = 50th Percentile =
a. Mode
b. Median
c. Mean
d. Geometric Mean
e. Harmonic Mean
37)Which of the following cannot be less than zero (negative)
a. Median
b. Geometric Mean
c. Arithmetic Mean
d. Harmonic Mean
38)The Geometric Mean of -2, 4, 03, 6, 0 will be______________
a. -3
b. 0
c. 3
d. Cannot be Computed
e. None of these
39)If a distribution has two modes then this distribution is called______________
a. Uni-Modal
b. Bi-Modal
c. Tri-Modal
d. Multi-Modal
e. None of these
40)In a week the prices of a bag of rice were 350 ,280, 340, 290, 320, 310, 300. The range
a. 60
b. 90
c. 70
d. 100
41)The difference between the upper and lower class boundaries of a class are know as
a. Class interval
b. class mark
c. class frequency
d. Mid point
42)Class mark is the value which divides a class into ________ equal parts
a. Four
b. One
c. Three
d. Two
43)The graph obtained by joining the mid points of the tops of adjacent rectangles in
histogram is called ______________
a. Frequency polygon
b. Ogive
c. Pie chart
d. Histogram
44)Total Area under the normal curve is_______________
a. Greater than 1
b. 1
c. None
d. Less than 1
e. 0
45)A graph of cumulative frequency distribution is called ________________
a. Histogram
b. Frequency Polygon
c. Ogive
d. None of above
46)Cumulative frequency is the frequency _________ than the upper class boundary of a
a. Distribution
b. Curve
c. Greater
d. Less

47)Find the mean of x + 77, x + 7, x + 5, x + 3 and x – 2?

(a) x + 8
(b) x + 18
(c) x – 8
(d) x – 18

48)If the mean of n observations x1, x2, x3, .... xn is

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3

49)If each observation of the data is increased by 5, then what happens to its mean?
(a) is increased by 4
(b) is increased by 5
(c) is decreased by 4
(d) is decreased by 5

50)In the class intervals 40 – 50, 50 – 60, the number 50 is included in which of the
(a) 40 – 50
(b) 30 – 40
(c) 50 – 60
(d) 60 – 70
51)If the mean of x, x + 3, x + 5, x + 7 and x + 10 is 9 then what is the means of last three



(d) 12

52)If x be the mid-point and 1 be the upper class limit of a class in a containous frequency
distribution. What is the lower limit of the class?
(a) x – 1
(b) 3x + 8
(c) 2x + 2
(d) 2x – 1

53)The mean of five numbers is 30. If one number is excluded, their mean becomes 28. What
is the excluded number?
(a) 38
(b) 35
(c) 33
(d) 36

54)What is the median of the data 78, 56, 22, 34, 45, 54, 39, 68, 54, 84?
(a) 54
(b) 53
(c) 55
(d) 51

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