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Impact of Neighbor Selection on Performance and Resilience of

Structured P2P Networks

Byung-Gon Chun , Ben Y. Zhao , and John D. Kubiatowicz

Computer Science Division, U. C. Berkeley

Department of Computer Science, U. C. Santa Barbara

bgchun, kubitron,

Abstract 1

Recent work has shown that intelligent neighbor selection 0.8

during construction can significantly enhance the perfor-

Cumulative probability
mance of peer-to-peer overlay networks. While its impact
on performance has been recognized, few have examined
the impact of neighbor selection on network resilience. In
this paper, we study the impact with a generalized cost
model for overlay construction that takes into considera-
tion different types of heterogeneity, such as node capac- 0.2

ity and network proximity. Our simulation results show In-degree

that the resulting performance improvement comes at the 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
cost of static resilience against targeted attacks.

Figure 1: Cumulative distribution of node degrees of a 205-

1 Introduction node Bamboo overlay running on PlanetLab. In-degree and out-
degree represent the number of incoming edges and the number
Recent research has shown structured peer-to-peer over- of outgoing edges of each overlay node. The graph does not in-
lay networks to provide scalable and resilient abstractions clude default links (i.e., leafset) used for failure tolerance. This
to large-scale applications [7, 9, 10, 13, 18]. They support is a snapshot taken on August 26, 2004.
routing to endpoints or nodes inside a network requir-
ing only logarithmic routing state at each node. Nodes
in structured peer-to-peer networks choose their neigh-
bors based on optimization metrics. A recent study by
Gummadi et al. [5] shows that neighbor selection based the heterogeneity of Internet hosts in bandwidth, inter-
on network proximity significantly improves overall per- node latency and availability are well measured [11],
formance. most current protocols only consider network proximity
However, such neighbor selection can lead to a unbal- in neighbor selection. Thus we use different neighbor se-
anced overlay structure. Figure 1 shows a snapshot of lection models based on network proximity and node ca-
the number of incoming edges (in-degree) and outgoing pacity. We study the impact they have on lookup latency
edges (out-degree) of nodes in a Bamboo [9] overlay run- and static resilience by incorporating the neighbor selec-
ning on PlanetLab [4]. Because the overlay uses prox- tion algorithms into ring and tree geometries, and show
imity neighbor selection, some nodes in the system are that the performance improvement from exploiting net-
more popular (have higher in-degree) than others. The work proximity or node capacity comes at a price of in-
impact of such a skewed degree distribution on the static creased vulnerability against targeted attacks.
resilience of networks has yet to be quantified. The focus
of our study is to look at the impact of different neigh- The paper is organized as follows. We discuss related
bor selections on static resilience and performance of net- work in Section 2 and describe details of the neighbor se-
works. lection model in Section 3. We then measure the impact
To better model neighbor selection across these net- of different cost functions on both resilience and perfor-
works, we first present a generalized cost model. While mance in Section 4 and conclude in Section 5.
2 Related Work Model Cost ( Q )
Random None
The closest work to ours was done by Gummadi et al. [5]. Dist W%XZU Y >#@!CB'O W D
The authors quantified the impact of routing geometry on
Cap R SW%XZU Y   @<O W D
performance and static resilience. In contrast, we focus on
R WS%XZU Y   @<O W D0[>.@<CB3O W D

the impact of neighbor selection on these factors. Albert CapDist 

et al. [1] show a clear correlation between the scale-free *

Table 1: Cost functions studied. $ %" represents the processing
nature of networks and resilience to attacks and failures. delay8 in node  . This is a decreasing function of capacity of node
Several research efforts propose optimizing overlay  . $ \47]'" represents the direct overlay link delay between node
construction of structured overlays using the network  and node 4 ] .
proximity metric [2, 8, 14, 16, 18], but generally ignore
other factors such as CPU load, storage and bandwidth
capacity. Brocade [17] proposes the use of supernodes the path from to  . In this model, > captures the het-
for more efficient routing, but requires static selection of erogeneity in node capacity, which is a function of band-
supernodes. width, computation power, disk access time, and so on.  
Other work [6] proposes the use of multiple “virtual captures network proximity.
servers” for load balancing among nodes of varying re- For structured networks such as Chord, Pastry, and
source capacity, but does not consider network proxim- Tapestry, the cost function is defined as:
ity for routing performance. Gia [3] performs continuous
topology adaptation on an unstructured overlay such that   # + ^
&    C !#"%$\&E!#" where
nodes participate with network degree matching their re-  U *  *,+.-0/_* 1
9 *
$'&(!#" $ 4 ] 5" 6 U 32.$ 45"6 (2)
source capacity, without considering network proximity. 8  83+.:;/`* U 1 8
$ \I4 ] 7" 6 32 $ <=>"

3 Structured Overlay Construction where a is the neighbor index, O W is the neighbor indexed
by a ,  W is the number of neighbors, b W is the set of desti-
In the construction of structured peer-to-peer networks, nations routed through the neighbor O W , Ac@!\D is the node
each node chooses neighbors that meet logical identifier cost value of ,   @%dB3e%D is the edge cost between two nodes
constraints (e.g., prefix matching or identifier range), and d and e , and   @)N#D is the edge cost of N .
builds directional links to them. These constraints are Depending on the optimization goal, we can choose dif-
flexible such that a number of nodes are possible neigh- ferent metrics for   and  , including latency, through-
bors for each routing table entry. Intelligent selection of put, reliability, availability, monetary cost, or any com-
neighbors from the set of possible neighbor nodes signif- bination thereof. For example, choosing high capacity
icantly impacts the overlay’s performance, resilience, and nodes as neighbors can decrease lookup latency and in-
load balancing properties. crease the overall lookup processing capacity of the sys-
The neighbor selection problem can be reduced to a tem. On the other hand, using availability as a metric cre-
generalized cost minimization problem. We present here ates a more stable network.
a generalized cost model that captures general node and
link characteristics during neighbor selection. Ideally, op- Note that our idealized cost function assumes full
timizing neighbor selection for node means minimizing knowledge of the network components, and is therefore
the sum of the cost from to all other nodes. The cost not feasible in practice. Since most peer-to-peer proto-
from to  consists of two factors: cost incurred by inter- cols focus on optimizing neighbor tables locally, we will
mediate overlay nodes (node cost:  ) and cost incurred focus on the application of our cost function to the cost
by overlay network links (edge cost:  ). Let  be the of the first overlay hop. Therefore, we focus on neighbor
network size. The cost of node ( 
) is: selections that consider the first hop and optimize latency
 under uniform traffic (?A@<CB%EDgfihBjBI ).
!#"%$'&(!#" where
 *,+.-0/ 1 * 983+.:;/ <1 8 (1)
$ & )#" 32 $ 45"76 32 $ < =>" Table 1 shows the four neighbor selection cost func-
tions. Random chooses neighbors randomly. Dist chooses
where ?A@!CB%ED is the traffic from to  , GFH@!BIED is the cost neighbors physically closest in the network to adapt to the
of the path from to  , JK@<CB%ED is the path (a set of edges) underlying network topology. Currently, Bamboo, Pastry,
from to  , LM@!BIED is the set of intermediate overlay nodes and Tapestry use this mechanism. Cap chooses neighbors
in the path JK@<CB%ED (it does not include and  ), N is the that have the smallest processing delay. CapDist chooses
edge in the path JK@<CBI(D , O is the node in LP@<CB%ED ,   @!O0D neighbors that gives the smallest combined latency, which
is the cost of node O , and .@!N#D is the cost of edge N . If is the sum of the node processing delay and the overlay
?A@<CBI(D =0, there is no incentive for the node to optimize link delay.
4.5 1

3.5 0.8

Cumulative probability
Lookup latency



1 Random 0.2 Random

Dist Dist
0.5 Cap Cap
CapDist Capdist
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 50 100 150 200 250
Alpha In-degree

Figure 2: Average lookup latency for uniform processing delay Figure 4: CDF of the number of incoming edges for uniform
distribution processing delay distribution

3 overlay node placements on each topology.
For our Chord experiments, each node forwards mes-
sages to the live neighbor that is closest to the destination
Lookup latency

in the identifier space. The lookup fails if all neighbors

3 before the destination in the namespace fail. For Tapestry,
each node forwards messages to the first live neighbor
matching one more prefix digit. If all primary and backup
Random links in the routing entry fail, the lookup fails.
1 Dist
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 4.2 Performance
Fraction of fast nodes (%)
We begin by quantifying the effects of neighbor selection
Figure 3: Average lookup latency for bimodal processing delay algorithms on performance. We look at two different dis-
distribution. tributions of node processing delay: uniform and bimodal.
Because Tapestry and Chord results are similar in both
4 Simulation Results cases, we will only show Tapestry results.
We start by assigning node processing delay from a
In this section, we present simulation results that quan- coarse-grained uniform distribution. We  assign the pro-
tify the performance benefits of using intelligent neighbor cessing delay uniformly from Y B Y B Y B  B

selection algorithms. We also examine the impact such is the maximum processing delay. Figure 2 shows aver-
algorithms have on the static resilience of the resulting age lookup latency over all node pairs in Tapestry. By
overlay to randomized failures and targeted attacks. exploiting network proximity and heterogeneous capac-
ity, CapDist achieves the best lookup performance. When
processing delay variation is high (
=1s), CapDist per-
4.1 Simulation Setup
forms 30 better than Dist and 48 better than Ran-
We simulate the Tapestry [18] and Chord [13] protocols dom. When no variation exists, (i.e.,
=0s), Dist and
as representatives of their respective geometries (tree and CapDist exploit network proximity to outperform Ran-
ring). When each node optimizes its cost function, it per- dom and Cap.
forms random sampling to select neighbors and choose We now look at a bimodal model for processing capac-
the best one among the samples. In our experiments, we ity, where nodes are either fast or slow. Fast nodes pro-
use 32 samples for each routing level in Tapestry or each cess 100 lookup messages per second while slow nodes
finger in Chord. process 1 message per second. Figure 3 shows
that as we
Our simulations use 5100 node transit-stub network vary the fraction of fast nodes from 0 to 20 , neighbor
topologies generated using the GT-ITM library [15]. We selection using capacity (Cap and CapDist) favors routes
construct Chord and Tapestry overlays of 4096 nodes through fast nodes and achieves better performance. For
by placing overlay nodes to random physical locations. instances where the variation in processing capacity is ex-
We gather results with 9 different configurations for GT- tremely high, we expect that capacity utilization at fast
ITM, generate 3 transit-stub topologies each, and choose nodes will be limited by the routing constraints of the pro-
1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8

Failed paths (%)

Failed paths (%)

Failed paths (%)

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 Cap 0.2 Cap 0.2 Cap

CapDist CapDist CapDist
Dist Dist Dist
Random Random Random
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Randomly failed nodes (%) Randomly failed nodes (%) Randomly failed nodes (%)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5: Tapestry under random node failures. (a) Tapestry varying neighbor selection on one primary link (e.g.,   : primary
link chosen to optimize the   cost function), (b) Tapestry varying neighbor selection on one primary link and two backup links
(e.g.,  : all three links chosen to optimize the C cost function), (c) Tapestry varying neighbor selection on one primary link
and choosing two backup links randomly (e.g.,  : primary link chosen to optimize the  cost function and two backup links
chosen randomly).

1 1

0.8 0.8
Failed paths (%)

Failed paths (%)

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 Cap 0.2 Cap

CapDist CapDist
Dist Dist
Random Random
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Randomly failed nodes (%) Randomly failed nodes (%)

(a) (b)

Figure 6: Chord under random node failures. (a) Chord varying finger selection on finger table, (b) Chord varying finger selection
on finger table and having 4 sequential neighbors.

tocol, and the deployment of virtual nodes is necessary to live endpoints that can still route to each other via the
fully exploit the excess processing capacity. overlay after an external event, either randomized node
Using latency optimization creates uneven distributions failures or targeted attacks. We assume attacks focus on
of nodes’ incoming node degrees. Nodes near the cen- removing nodes with the highest in-degree in order to
ter of the network (i.e., transit domains) and nodes with maximize damage to overall network reachability. For
high capacity are preferred, and minimize path latency by these experiments, we assume nodes have an uniform pro-
utilizing low latency links or low processing delay. Fig- cessing delay distribution with
= 0.5s.
ure 4 shows the cumulative distribution function (CDF) For Tapestry, we examine resilience of the base proto-
of nodes’ in-degrees in Tapestry networks with different col, the base protocol plus additional backup routes (all
neighbor selection algorithms. Unlike Random, results chosen using a number of neighbor selection algorithms),
from cost-optimized overlays show slow transitions and and the base protocol plus backup routes chosen at ran-
long tails. We also observe that the CDF of nodes in tran- dom. Note that adding two backup links triples the num-
sit domains is more skewed and has longer tails than that ber of neighbors. For Chord, we examine the base proto-
of nodes in stub domains. col and the base protocol plus sequential neighbors.

4.3 Static Resilience 4.3.1 Random Node Failures

Previous work by Albert et al. showed an inherent trade- We first examine the impact of randomized node failures.
off for unstructured networks between resilience against In general, we would expect that using selection algo-
random node failures and resilience against targeted at- rithms that prefer high capacity nodes results in more hier-
tacks [1]. In this section, we explore through simula- archy in the network, where many weaker nodes are con-
tion the impact that neighbor selection algorithms have nected by highly interconnected high capacity nodes. In
on static resilience. such cases, we expect that randomized failures will dis-
We measure resilience as the proportion of all pairs of connect weaker nodes from the network, but have a rela-
1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8

Failed paths (%)

Failed paths (%)

Failed paths (%)

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 Cap 0.2 Cap 0.2 Cap

CapDist CapDist CapDist
Dist Dist Dist
Random Random Random
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Nodes attacked (%) Nodes attacked (%) Nodes attacked (%)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7: Tapestry nodes under attack. (a) Tapestry varying neighbor selection on one primary link (e.g.,   : primary link
chosen to optimize the  C cost function), (b) Tapestry varying neighbor selection on one primary link and two backup links (e.g.,
  : all three links chosen to optimize the  cost function), (c) Tapestry varying neighbor selection on one primary link and
choosing two backup links randomly (e.g.,  : primary link chosen to optimize the  cost function and two backup links
chosen randomly).

1 1

0.8 0.8
Failed paths (%)

Failed paths (%)

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 Cap 0.2 Cap

CapDist CapDist
Dist Dist
Random Random
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Nodes attacked (%) Nodes attacked (%)

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Chord nodes under attack. (a) Chord varying finger selection on finger table, (b) Chord varying finger selection on finger
table and having 4 sequential neighbors.

tively low impact on overall connectivity. work such that powerful nodes have significantly higher
Figures 5 and 6 show the failure tolerance of Tapestry in-degrees than weaker nodes. This means that like the
and Chord, respectively. Surprisingly, we see the fail- unstructured networks studied by Albert et al., structured
ure tolerance is a little affected by neighbor selections. peer to peer overlays that consider capacity in neighbor
The tighter outgoing link constraints of structured peer to selection are vulnerable to attacks.
peer networks allow less variation in the resulting topol- As shown in Figures 7 and 8, attacking nodes with high
ogy than unstructured networks. Every node has at least in-degree affects network connectivity severely. Random
@!eE D outgoing links, and randomized naming also shows the best attack tolerance among neighbor selec-
smoothens out distribution of outgoing edges. Since each tions. CapDist has worse attack tolerance than Dist, al-
lookup takes @)eH D hops regardless of neighbor selec- though it has better performance as shown in Section 4.2.
tion cost functions, the probability of meeting randomly This result demonstrates a fundamental tradeoff be-
failed nodes in a lookup will be similar. tween performance and attack resilience in structured
Adding backup links in Tapestry and sequential neigh- overlay construction. The performance gain from neigh-
bors in Chord dramatically improves failure tolerance. bor selection algorithms increases the variability of in-
Note that in Tapestry, failure curves change from an ex- degrees among nodes. Nodes with high capacity or nodes
ponentially increasing curve to a smooth S-shaped curve near the center of the network end up with high in-degrees
due to path redundancy when backup links are added. and have a disproportionately large impact on network
connectivity when they fail.
4.3.2 Targeted Node Attacks
4.3.3 Analysis of Extra Redundancy
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number of outgoing links per node, a node’s number of in- We observe that adding backup links or sequential neigh-
coming links is unrestricted. This means that neighbor se- bors can increase attack tolerance significantly. Ran-
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