Dynamic Swarm Management For Improved Bittorrent Performance

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Dynamic Swarm Management for Improved BitTorrent Performance

György Dán Niklas Carlsson

ACCESS Linnaeus Centre University of Calgary
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology Calgary, Canada
Stockholm, Sweden niklas.carlsson@cpsc.ucalgary.ca

Abstract provides a peer with a subset of the known peers upon

request. Upon requesting the list of peers, the peer has
BitTorrent is a very scalable file sharing protocol that uti-
to provide the tracker with information about its down-
lizes the upload bandwidth of peers to offload the origi-
load progress. Additionally, the peers must inform the
nal content source. With BitTorrent, each file is split into
tracker about changes in their status (i.e., when they join,
many small pieces, each of which may be downloaded
leave, or finish downloading the file). To avoid overload-
from different peers. While BitTorrent allows peers to
ing trackers, the BitTorrent protocol only allows a peer
effectively share pieces in systems with sufficient partic-
to associate with one tracker per file that it is download-
ipating peers, the performance can degrade if participa-
ing (unless the tracker is no longer available and a new
tion decreases. Using measurements of over 700 track-
tracker must be contacted). Naturally, torrents may there-
ers, which collectively maintain state information of a
fore have multiple parallel swarms.
combined total of 2.8 million unique torrents, we identify
many torrents for which the system performance can be While BitTorrent allows peers to effectively share
significantly improved by re-allocating peers among the pieces of popular torrents with many peers in a swarm,
trackers. We propose a light-weight distributed swarm the performance of small torrents and swarms is sensi-
management algorithm that manages the peer torrents tive to fluctuations in peer participation. Measurement
while ensuring load fairness among the trackers. The al- data suggests that peers in small swarms achieve lower
gorithm achieves much of its performance improvements throughput on average (e.g., Figure 9 in [9]). Most
by identifying and merging small swarms, for which the swarms are unfortunately small; several sources confirm
performance is more sensitive to fluctuations in the peer that the popularity distribution of p2p content follows a
participation, and allows load sharing for large torrents. power-law form, with a “long tail” of moderately popu-
lar files (see Figure 1(a) and, e.g., [1, 3, 4, 5]). At the
same time, the measurement data we present in this pa-
1 Introduction per shows that many torrents consist of several swarms
(see Figure 1(b)). Potentially, if one could dynamically
BitTorrent is a popular peer-to-peer file-sharing protocol re-allocate peers among the trackers such that multiple
that has been shown to scale well to very large peer pop- small swarms of a torrent are merged into a single swarm,
ulations [9]. With BitTorrent, content (e.g., a set of files) then one could improve the file sharing performance of
is split into many small pieces, each of which may be the peers belonging to these torrents.
downloaded from different peers. The content and the set Motivated by these observations, the goal of our work
of peers distributing it is usually called a torrent. A peer is to evaluate the feasibility and the potential gains of
that only uploads content is called a seed, while a peer dynamic swarm management for BitTorrent trackers. To
that uploads and downloads at the same time is called a support our evaluation, we performed measurements of
leecher. The connected set of peers participating in the 721 trackers, which collectively maintain state informa-
piece exchanges of a torrent is referred to as a swarm. tion of a combined total of 2.8 million unique torrents.
A client that wants to download a file can learn about We propose a light-weight distributed swarm manage-
other peers that share the same content by contacting a ment algorithm, called DISM, that also ensures load fair-
tracker at its announce URL. Each tracker maintains a ness among the trackers. Based on our measurement data
list with state information of known peers that currently and using DISM we argue that dynamic swarm balancing
are downloading and/or uploading pieces of the file, and could lead to a significant performance improvement in
terms of peer throughput. We also briefly discuss alter-
Table 1: Notation
natives for swarm management that could lead to similar Parameter Definition
performance improvements.
R Set of trackers
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
T Set of torrents
Section 2 describes our design objectives and a light-
R (t) Set of trackers that track torrent t
weight distributed swarm management algorithm. Sec-
T (r) Set of torrents tracked by tracker r
tion 3 presents validation and performance results. Re-
Mr Number of peers tracked by tracker r
lated work is discussed in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper. xt Number of peers in torrent t
xt,r Number of peers of torrent t that are
tracked by tracker r
2 Distributed Swarm Management x̃ Threshold parameter

Ignoring the seed-to-leecher ratio, small swarms typi-

by performing a scrape), and determine which tracker
cally perform worse than larger swarms. However, for
should be responsible for which peers.
load sharing and reliability purposes it may be advanta-
geous to split the responsibility of maintaining per-peer
state information across multiple trackers, i.e., to allow 2.1 System Model
several swarms to coexist.
Consequently, dynamic swarm management should Table 1 defines our notation. In the following, we con-
make it possible to (i) merge swarms belonging to a tor- sider a system with a set of trackers R , with a combined
rent if they become too “small”, and to (ii) split a swarm set of torrents T . We will denote by R (t) the set of track-
or to re-balance swarms if the swarms become suffi- ers that track torrent t ∈ T , and by T (r) the set of torrents
ciently “large”. In general, it is hard to define when a that are tracked by tracker r ∈ R . Every torrent is tracked
swarm should be considered “small” or “large”, but for by at least one tracker (i.e., T = r∈R T (r)), but the sub-

simplicity, we assume that a swarm can be considered sets T (r) are not necessarily pairwise disjoint. Finally,
“large” if it has at least x̃ participating peers, for some let us denote the number of peers tracked by tracker r
threshold x̃. “Large” swarms are likely to have high piece for torrent t by xt,r , the total number of peers tracked by
diversity and are more resilient to fluctuations in peer tracker r by Mr , and the total number of peers associated
participation. with torrent t by xt .
Apart from these two properties, one would like to
minimize the effect of swarm balancing on the traffic 2.2 Distributed Negotiation
load of the trackers by (iii) avoiding a significant in-
crease in the number of peers for any individual tracker The distributed negotiation algorithm assumes that each
(load conservation), and by (iv) minimizing the number tracker r knows the set of torrents T (r, r 0 ) = T (r)∩ T (r0 )
of peers that are shifted from one tracker to another (min- that r has in common with each other tracker r 0 ∈ R
imum overhead, especially shifts associated with torrents for which the trackers’ torrents are not disjoint (i.e., for
being re-balanced). which T (r, r0 ) 6= 0). Note that this information should
The distributed swarm management (DISM) algorithm be available through the torrent file, which should have
we describe in the following was designed with these been uploaded to the tracker when the torrent was regis-
four properties in mind. Our algorithm allows swarms to tered with the tracker.
be merged and to be split: swarms are merged whenever The algorithm works as follows. Tracker r invites for
a swarm has less than x̃ participating peers, and a swarm pairwise balancing the trackers r 0 for which the overlap
is split (or re-balanced) over multiple trackers only if in tracked torrents, T (r, r 0 ) is maximal among the track-
splitting the peers does not cause any swarm to drop be- ers with which it has not yet performed the pairwise bal-
low x̃ peers. The algorithm ensures that no tracker will ancing. A tracker r 0 accepts the invitation if its over-
see an increase of more than x̃ peers in total (across all lap with tracker r is maximal. Otherwise, tracker r 0 asks
torrents) and typically much less, and it does not balance tracker r to wait until their overlap becomes maximal for
swarms that have at least x̃ peers each. r0 as well. The distributed algorithm guarantees that all
The DISM algorithm is composed of two algorithms. pairs of trackers with an overlap in torrents will perform a
It relies on a distributed negotiation algorithm to deter- pairwise balancing once and only once during the execu-
mine the order in which trackers should perform pair- tion of the algorithm. If tracker r 0 accepts the invitation,
wise load balancing. On a pairwise basis, trackers then tracker r queries xt,r0 for t ∈ T (r, r0 ) from r0 , executes
exchange information about the number of active peers the pairwise balancing algorithm described below, and
associated with each torrent they have in common (e.g., finally tells the results to tracker r 0 .
2.3 Pairwise Approximation Algorithm only new protocol message required is a tracker redirect
message that could be used by a tracker to signal to a peer
Rather than applying optimization techniques, we pro- that the peer should contact an alternative tracker for the
pose a much simpler three-step greedy-style algorithm. torrent. The message would be used by a tracker r for
First, peers are tentatively shifted based only on infor- a torrent t for which xt,r decreases due to the execution
mation local to each individual torrent. For all torrents of DISM. Peers that recieve the message should contact
t that require merging (i.e., for which xt,r + xt,r0 < 2x̃), another tracker they know about from the tracker file.
all peers are tentatively shifted to the tracker that al- The communication overhead of DISM is dominated
ready maintains information about more peers for that by the exchange of torrent popularity information be-
torrent. For all torrents that should be re-balanced (i.e., tween the trackers and by the redirection messages sent
for which min[xt,r , xt,r0 ] < x̃ and xt,r +xt,r0 ≥ 2x̃), the min- to the peers. Distributed negotiatation involves one
imum number of peers (x̃ − min[xt,r , xt,r0 ]) needed to en- tracker scrape before every pairwise balancing, and the
sure that both trackers have at least x̃ peers are tentatively corresponding exchange of the results of the balancing.
shifted to the tracker with fewer peers. The amount of data exchanged between trackers r and
Second, towards achieving load conservation of Mr , r0 is hence O(T (r, r 0 )). The amount of redirection mes-
the peer responsibility of some torrents may have to be sages is proportional to the number of peers shifted be-
adjusted. Using a greedy algorithm, the tentative alloca- tween swarms, and is bounded by ∑t∈T (r,r0 ) xt .
tions are shifted from the tracker that saw an increase in
peer responsibility (if any) towards the tracker that saw a
decrease in overall peer responsibility. To avoid increas- 3 Protocol Validation
ing the number of peers associated with partial shifts, pri-
ority is given to shifting responsibilities of the torrents 3.1 Empirical Data Set
that are being merged. Among these torrents, the algo-
We used two kinds of measurements to obtain our data
rithm selects the torrent that results in the largest load
set. First, we performed a screen-scrape of the torrent
adjustment and that does not cause the imbalance in over-
search engine www.mininova.org. In addition to claim-
all load to shift to the other tracker. By sorting torrents
ing to be the largest torrent search engine, mininova
based on their relative shift, this step can be completed
was the most popular torrent search engine according to
in O(|T (r, r0 )|log|T (r, r0 )|) steps.
www.alexa.com during our measurement period (Alexa-
Finally, if overall load conservation is not yet fully
rank of 75, August 1, 2008). From the screen-scrapes we
achieved, additional load adjustments can be achieved
obtained the sizes of about 330, 000 files shared using
by flipping the peer responsibilities of the pair of tor-
BitTorrent, and the addresses of 1, 690 trackers.
rents that (if flipped) would result in the load split clos-
Second, we scraped all the 1, 690 trackers for peer
est to achieving perfect load conservation (across all tor-
and download information of all the torrents they main-
rents), with ties broken in favor of choices that mini-
tain. (Apart from interacting and helping peers, a tracker
mize the total shift of peers. Of course, considering
also answers scrape requests at its scrape URL.) For
all possible combinations can scale as O(|T (r, r 0 )|2 ).
the tracker-scrapes we developed a Java application that
However, by noticing that only the torrents with the
scrapes the scrape URL of each tracker. By not speci-
smallest shift for each load shift are candidate solutions,
fying any infohash, the tracker returns the scrape infor-
many combinations can be pruned. By sorting the tor-
mation for all torrents that it tracks. This allowed us
rents appropriately, our current implementation achieves
to efficiently obtain the number of leechers, seeds, and
O(|T (r, r0 )|log|T (r, r0 )|) whenever x̃ is finite.
completed downloads as seen by all trackers that we de-
We have also considered an alternative version in
termined via the screen-scrape of mininova.
which priority (in step two) is given to allocations of the
We performed the tracker-scrapes daily from October
torrents that are being re-balanced. For these torrents,
10, 2008, to October 17, 2008. All scrapes were per-
we (greedily) balance the load of the torrent with the
formed at 8pm GMT. We removed redundant tracker in-
largest imbalance first, until load conservation has been
formation for trackers that share information about the
achieved or all such torrents have reached their balanc-
same swarms of peers, and identified 721 independent
ing point. Results using this algorithm are very similar
trackers. Table 2 summarizes the data set obtained on
to those of our baseline algorithm and are hence omitted.
October 10, 2008.
Figure 1 summarizes some of the main characteris-
2.4 Implementation and Overhead tics of the world of trackers and torrents captured by
our measurements. Figure 1(a) shows the size of tor-
The proposed DISM algorithm could be implemented rents and swarms against their rank. Similar to previous
with a minor extension to the BitTorrent protocol. The content popularity studies (e.g., [1, 3, 4, 5]), we find that
6 10 1
Torrent size statistics (x )
t 5

|R(t)| − 1
Swarm size statistics (x ) 0.8

Number of torrents
Number of peers

4 4
10 10


CoV (xt,r )/
2 2
10 10


0 0 0

10 0

2 4 6
10 10 10
2 4
10 10
10 10 10 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Torrent/Swarm rank Number of swarms in torrent (|T (r)|) Number of peers in torrent (x )

(a) Torrent/swarm size (b) Number of swarms (c) Normalized CoV

Figure 1: Basic properties of the multi-torrent, multi-swarm system.


|R(t)| − 1]
|R(t)| − 1]


|R(t)| − 1]
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6

E[CoV (xt,r )/

E[CoV (st,r )/
E[CoV (lt,r )/ 0.5 0.5
0.4 x = 200 x = 200 x = 200
0.4 0.4
x = 100 x = 100 x = 100
0.2 0.3 x = 50 0.3 x = 50
x = 50
0.2 Original 0.2 Original
0 0 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5
0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Number of peers in torrent (xt) Number of leechers in torrent (lt) Number of seeds in torrent (st)

(a) Number of peers (b) Number of leechers (c) Number of seeds

Figure 2: The average coefficient of variation (CoV) as a function of (a) peers, (b) leechers, and (c) seeds.

3.2 Protocol Convergence/Complexity

Table 2: Summary of a snapshot (Oct. 10, 2008).
Item Value Before analyzing the performance benefits of dynamic
Total trackers 1,690 swarm management, we note that DISM executes
Unique trackers 721 quickly, with low overhead for the trackers. Using the
Unique torrents 2,864,073 data obtained on October 10, 2008, there are 550 trackers
Unique swarms 3,309,874 that have to participate in the algorithm (the rest do not
Total leechers 21,088,533 have overlap in torrents). The average overlap between
Total seeds 16,985,796 these 550 trackers is 1, 800 torrents. In total, 1, 255 pair-
Total downloads 4.52 · 109 wise balancings were performed; i.e., slightly more than
two per tracker on average. We argue that this overhead
the torrent rank distribution is heavy tailed, with Zipf- 1
is negligible compared to the load due to scraping and
like characteristics, and a substantial number of torrents
announce traffic caused by the peers.
have moderate popularity. Based on our screen-scrapes,
we found no correlation between content size and torrent
popularity (the correlation coefficient is approximately 3.3 Peer Allocation using DISM
Figure 1(b) shows the number of torrents with a given To analyze the performance benefits of dynamic swarm
number of unique swarms (after removing duplicates). management, we used the DISM algorithm to re-allocate
1 the peers between swarms belonging1 to the same tor-
1 1
Clearly, there are a substantial number of torrents that
are served independently by multiple trackers. To as- 1
rent. Figure 2 shows the average normalized
CoV as a
sess the fraction of small swarms that would benefit from function of the number of peers for October 10, 2008.
being merged, Figure 1(c) shows the normalized coeffi- Figure 2(a) shows results in which the full torrent size
cient of variation (CoV) of the swarm sizes versus the is considered. Figures 2(b) and (c) show the same re-
torrent size, of each observed torrent. A value of 0 of sults, but for leechers and seeds, respectively. All fig-
the normalized CoV shows that swarm sizes are equal; a ures show results for both the original peer allocation,
value of 1 shows that all swarms are empty except for as well as for the distributed algorithm using three dif-
one. For small torrents (e.g., smaller than 200 peers) ferent threshold values (i.e., x̃ = 50, 100, 200). We note
we would like the normalized CoV to be close to one. that the distributed algorithm pushes the CoV for torrents
While the normalized CoV only can take a finite number smaller than the threshold values (and even a bit beyond)
of values (hence the distinguishable patterns), this fig- to roughly one. As previously discussed, this is exactly
ures show that there are many small torrents that could what we want.
benefit from being merged. Finally, to further analyze the re-balancing achieved of
1 our measurements are done at peak hours. Therefore, the
throughput estimations are pessimistic.

|R(t)| − 1

Using these throughput estimations we can estimate
CoV (xt,r )/ the speedup achieved by the distributed algorithm. Fig-
ure 5 shows the relative throughput improvement for
leechers as a function of the torrent size. The results
0 0
10 10
4 6
show a good match with our objectives: the smallest tor-
Number of peers in torrent (xt)
rents experience throughput gains up to 70 percent on
average, while torrents above approximately 200 peers
Figure 3: Normalized CoV after applying DISM. are not affected by our algorithm.
torrents, Figure 3 shows the normalized CoV for all tor- Figure 6 shows the relative estimated throughput im-
rents. Comparing Figure 3 with Figure 1(c) we note that provement for leechers in torrents smaller than 300 peers
the distributed algorithm significantly reduces the num- over a week. The figure shows the estimated increase
ber of torrents operating in the lower left corner. While of the throughput per leecher averaged over the torrents
there still are some torrents that do, we note that Figure 2 for three different values of the threshold x̃. The curves
suggests that this number is very small. marked with × show results weighted with the torrent
size; the curves without markers show the non-weighted
gain. The throughput gains are rather steady in both
3.4 Throughput Analysis cases, and show that dynamic swarm managenemt could
Thus far our analysis has been based on the assumption improve peer throughput significantly.
that small torrents are more likely to perform poorly. To
validate this assumption and allow us to obtain estimates
of the potential performance gains small torrents can ob- 4 Related Work
tain using our distributed algorithm we need to estimate
the throughput of different sized swarms. Much research has been done to understand BitTorrent
To estimate the throughput of any particular swarm we and BitTorrent-like [6, 11] systems. While most of these
measured the number of seeds, leechers, and cumulative efforts have been towards understanding the performance
number of downloads for two consecutive days. Using of single torrent systems, there have been some recent
these values we estimated the throughput per leecher as papers that consider multi-torrent environments [7, 10].
the file size L divided by estimated download (service) Guo et al. [7] provide measurements results that show
time S, which using Little’s law can be expressed as that more than 85% of torrent users simultaneously par-
S = l/λ, where l is the average number of leechers cur- ticipate in multiple torrents. The authors also illustrate
rently being served in the system and λ the current arrival that the “life-time” of torrents can be extended if a node
rate, which due to flow conservation can be estimated as that acts as a downloader in one torrent also acts as a seed
the overall throughput (equal to the number of download in another torrent. Yang et al. [10] propose incentives
completions D during that day, times the file size L, and that motivate users to act as seeds in such systems. In
divided by the time T between two consecutive measure- particular, Yang et al. propose a cross-torrent tit-for-tat
ments). To summarize, we have an estimated throughput scheme in which unchocking is done based on the aggre-
of LD gate download rates of a peer across all torrents (instead
lT . Finally, throughput estimates for any particular
swarm type were obtained by taking the average over all of only based on the download rate for a single torrent).
swarms of that particular size. Rather than increasing seed capacity through coopera-
Figure 4 shows our throughput estimation results. tion among peers downloading different files, this paper
Here, swarms are classified based on the total number focuses on how multiple swarms of the same file can be
of peers in the swarm (s + l) and the seed-to-leecher ratio merged to improve the performance of small swarms. To
s the best of our knowledge, no prior work has considered
l ; 60 bins are used for the swarm sizes and three curves
are used for the different seed-to-leecher ratios. We note the performance benefits from adaptively merging and/or
that the results for swarms up to just over 1, 000 peers re-distributing peer information among trackers.
are consistent with intuition and previous measurement Other related works have considered the effective-
results [9]. For larger swarm sizes we believe that the ness of BitTorrent’s tit-for-tat and rarest-first mecha-
above estimation is less accurate. Estimation errors may nism [2, 8]. BitTorrent-like systems have also been
be due to inaccurate estimation of the average number considered for streaming [11]. Finally, we note that
of leechers l over the measurement period, for exam- long-tailed popularity distributions have been observed
ple. Furthermore, we note that the popularity of these in many other contexts, including Web workloads [1, 3]
type of workloads typically follows a diurnal pattern and and user generated content [4, 5].
45 0.7 0.45

Relative mean throughput gain

x = 200 x = 200
S/L≥ 4 0.6 0.4

throughput/leecher [KB/s]
40 x = 100 x = 100

of mean throughput
x = 50 Torrent throughput gain x = 50
1≤ S/L<4

Relative increase
35 0.5 0.35
Estimated swarm

30 S/L<1
0.4 0.3
0.3 0.25
0.2 0.2 Throughput gain weighted by torrent size
0.1 0.15
5 0.1
0 −0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.05
10 10
1 2
10 10
4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of peers in swarm (x ) Number of peers in torrent (x ) Days since 2008.10.10
t,r t,r

Figure 4: Throughput estimation for Figure 5: Estimated speedup vs. tor- Figure 6: Estimated speedup for tor-
three classes of swarms rent size rents smaller than 300 peers vs. time

5 Conclusions György Dán was visiting the Swedish Institute of Com-

puter Science while most of this work was performed.
Using an extensive measurement study we have observed
that there exist many moderately popular torrents that
could significantly benefit from the re-balancing of peer
information available on the trackers. In this paper, we [1] M. Arlitt and C. Williamson. Internet Web Servers:
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other alternative is based on random tracker hopping and [5] P. Gill, M. Arlitt, Z. Li, and A. Mahanti. YouTube Traffic
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[10] Y. Yang, A. L. H. Chow, and L. Golubchik. Multi-
The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers, Torrent: A Performance Study. In Proc. MASCOTS, Bal-
Aniket Mahanti, and Carey Williamson for their con- timore, MD, Sept. 2008.
structive suggestions, which helped improve the clar- [11] X. Zhang, J. Liu, B. Li, and T.-S. P. Yum. CoolStream-
ity of the paper. Niklas Carlsson was supported by ing/DONet: A Datadriven Overlay Network for Peer-to-
the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Peer Live Media Streaming. In Proc. IEEE INFOCOM,
(NSERC) of Canada and the Informatics Circle of Re- Miami, FL, Mar. 2005.
search Excellence (iCORE) in the Province of Alberta.

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