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Ultimate List of Fruits and Vegetables
from A to Z
By Stephanie Mantilla, BSc / September 23, 2020
What you eat becomes a part of you, so make sure to consume
healthy foods. By eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, you’ll
keep your body working in top shape.

I understand it’s not easy to go to a grocery store without any idea

about which fruits and vegetables to buy. Each comes with its own
flavor and nutritional value.

To help you and other food-conscious people, I compiled this

ultimate list of fruits and vegetables from A to Z. I even broke them
down into smaller categories to make it easier to browse.
I hope this extensive list will help you understand the different
varieties of fruits and vegetables even more. Let’s get started!

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Table Of Contents

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables 

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are produced and consumed around
a particular time of the year. For example, I can usually buy Medjool
dates during Spring and find them shortly after farmers have
harvested them.

I prefer buying in-season fruits and vegetables because they are

fresher, tastier, cheaper, and have higher nutritional content. North
America has plenty of tasty, seasonal fruits and vegetables that
keep my kitchen cooking exciting.
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As Spring gets closer, the amount of produce starts to expand.

Below is a list of seasonal produce during Spring that I make part of
my healthy diet. 

 Apricots
 Artichokes
 Arugula
 Asparagus
 Avocados
 Basil
 Beets
 Black-eyed Peas
 Blood Oranges 
 Broccoli
 Carrots
 Cauliflower 
 Chard 
 Cherries
 Corn
 Cucumber
 Eggplant
 Fava Beans
 Fennel
 Fiddleheads
 Garlic
 Figs
 Grapefruits 
 Green Onions 
 Kohlrabi
 Kumquats
 Medjool Dates
 Morels
 Mushrooms
 Navel Oranges
 Nectarines
 Nettles
 Lettuce
 Okra
 Parsley
 Passion Fruit
 Pea Beans
 Peaches
 Plums
 Potatoes
 Radish
 Raspberries
 Rhubarb
 Spinach 
 Spring Onions
 Strawberries
 Tomatoes
 Turnips

During summer, I usually look for fruits or vegetables that make me

feel refreshed from the hot days. From breakfast smoothies to
midnight salads, fresh plant-based dishes complete my day.

 Apples
 Apricots
 Asparagus
 Avocados
 Cherries
 Basil
 Beets
 Blackberries 

 Blueberries
 Boysenberries
 Broccoli
 Cabbage 
 Carrots 
 Collards
 Corn
 Cucumber
 Eggplants
 Figs
 Grapes
 Grapefruits
 Kale
 Kohlrabi
 Lemons
 Lettuce
 Melons
 Mushrooms
 Mustard
 Navel Oranges
 Nectarines
 Okra 
 Peaches
 Peppers
 Persimmons
 Plums 
 Potatoes
 Raspberries
 Sapote
 Spinach
 Strawberries
 Summer Squash
 Tomatillos
 Tomatoes
 Turnips
 Valencia Oranges

Beets and sweet potatoes are some of the seasonal foods that
keep my kitchen busy throughout autumn months. Apples are also
part of my cooking and baking time, from crispy chips to pies.

 Apples 
 Artichokes
 Arugula
 Asian Pears
 Avocados
 Beets 
 Broccoli
 Brussels Sprouts 
 Cabbage 
 Carambola
 Carrots 
 Cauliflower
 Celery
 Cherimoyas
 Chili Pepper
 Collards
 Corn
 Cranberries
 Cucumber

 Edamame
 Eggplant
 Fennel
 Figs
 Garlic
 Grapefruits
 Grapes 
 Green Beans
 Green Onions
 Guava 
 Kale
 Kiwi
 Kohlrabi
 Leeks
 Lemongrass 
 Lemons
 Limes
 Mushrooms
 Mustard
 Nectarines
 Onions
 Okra 
 Oranges
 Parsnips
 Passion Fruit
 Peaches 
 Pears 
 Peppers 
 Persimmons 
 Pineapples
 Plums 
 Potatoes
 Pomegranates
 Pumpkins
 Quinces
 Radishes
 Rapini
 Raspberries 
 Rutabaga
 Salsify
 Sapote 
 Scallions
 Shallots
 Spinach
 Strawberries 
 Sweet Potatoes
 Tomatillos 
 Tomatoes 
 Turnips
 Yams

Asparagus and kale are some of the vegetables that complete a

winter harvest. Make winter more enjoyable by incorporating some
of the fruits and vegetables below into your comfort foods.

 Apples 
 Asparagus
 Avocados
 Beets
 Brussels Sprouts
 Cabbage
 Carrots 
 Cauliflower
 Celery
 Collards
 Corn 
 Cucumber
 Green Beans
 Green Onions
 Green Peas
 Grapefruits
 Grapes
 Guava
 Kale 
 Kiwi
 Kumquats
 Lemons
 Lettuce
 Mushrooms
 Mustard
 Navel Oranges
 Passion Fruit
 Pineapples
 Spinach
 Strawberries
 Tangelos
 Tangerines
 Turnips
 Valencia Oranges
 Winter Squash
 Yams

Green Vegetable List 

When I tried to optimize my health and lose weight, I eat green
I admit that I used to notoriously shrug my shoulders or even roll my
eyes when green vegetables are on my plate. As an adult, I now
realize how valuable these food items are. I now make sure tasty
green vegetables are part of my daily balanced diet.

From antioxidants to vitamins and minerals, the nutritional value of

green vegetables is impressive. Leafy greens have even been
linked to reduced cognitive decline.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle, add these green vegetables to your


 Artichokes 
 Asparagus
 Broccoli
 Brussels Sprouts
 Cabbage 
 Celery
 Chayote Squash
 Collard Greens 
 Cucumbers
 Endive
 Green Beans 
 Green Bell Peppers
 Green Onions
 Green Peas
 Jalapenos
 Kale
 Kohlrabi
 Leeks
 Lettuce
 Mustard Greens
 Okra
 Snap Peas
 Snow Peas
 Swiss Chard
 Watercress
 Zucchini
Red Fruits and Vegetable List
Red fruits and vegetables are not only appetizing and make my
plate colorful; these foods also offer a set of nutritional benefits that
I cannot find from other food items. 

When I think about red fruits and vegetables, raspberries, beets,

strawberries, and watermelons are the obvious list that comes to
my mind. But surprisingly, there are many other lesser-known

Red produce delivers plenty of health benefits. They are high in

antioxidants and nutrients, which makes them a good source of
vitamins. Eating foods with antioxidants, and red foods are loaded
with these health-boosting substances. 

Make a bowl of organic oats topped with fresh strawberries or toss

a hearty salad using red fruit and vegetables to replenish your body
with an amazing amount of nutrients and antioxidants.

Check out this extensive list of red fruits and vegetables:

 Acerola
 Blood Oranges
 Cranberries
 Cherries
 Dragon Fruit
 Lingonberries
 Pomegranates
 Radicchio
 Radishes
 Raspberries
 Red Apples
 Red Beets
 Red Cabbage
 Red Currants
 Red Grapefruits
 Red Grapes
 Red Onions
 Red Pears
 Red Peppers
 Red Potatoes
 Rose Hip
 Rhubarb
 Strawberries
 Tomatoes
 Watermelon

Orange Fruit and Vegetable List 

In any diet, fruits and vegetables are an essential staple. It’s better
to include a variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors for
their nutritional value. With a variety of fruit and vegetable colors,
orange is considered as one of the healthiest colors.

Orange fruits and vegetables are packed with beta-carotene, a form

of vitamin A that gives the food the orange color. This vitamin is
effective in eliminating free radicals and keeping good eyesight. 

Papayas, squash, oranges, carrots, mangoes, pumpkin, and sweet

potatoes are some of the healthiest orange-colored foods. They are
a great source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Because
of their sweet flavor, you can incorporate them into your favorite
desserts any time you crave sweets.

Here is a list of orange fruits and vegetables:

 Acorn Squash
 Apricots
 Butternut Squash
 Carrots
 Clementine
 Hubbard Squash
 Mandarin Orange
 Mango
 Oranges
 Papayas
 Persimmons
 Pumpkin
 Sweet Potatoes
 Tangerines
 Valencia Orange

Salad Vegetable List 

When you’re in the mood for experimenting in the kitchen, focus
beyond iceberg lettuce when making a salad. Instead, look for other
salad vegetables that can make your plate even more colorful and

People who are conscious about the food they eat tend to stick to a
healthy staple recipe of salad. Fresh, tasty salad vegetables are
what makes eating healthy, more appealing. 

Thanks to a variety of salad greens and vegetable toppings, it’s a

lot easier to experiment with different textures and flavors. This also
helps prevent getting bored with the usual salad recipes.

If you love to experiment with various salad recipes, the following

salad vegetables will help you expand your current go-to’s.

 Arugula
 Beets
 Bell Peppers
 Broccoli
 Cabbage 
 Carrots 
 Cauliflower 
 Celery
 Celery Hearts 
 Chicory Greens
 Chili Peppers
 Cucumbers 
 Endive
 Garden Peas
 Green Onions
 Lettuce 
 Mushrooms
 Peas
 Radicchio
 Radishes
 Red Onions
 Romaine
 Spinach
 Sprouts
 Squash
 Tomatoes
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Low Carb Fruit and Vegetable List 

Getting a daily intake of essential nutrients is not challenging as
long as you have fruits and vegetables in your fridge. 

Fresh fruits and vegetables do not only reduce the risk of certain
health conditions such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and
hypertension; these foods are also low in calories. This makes them
an appealing option if you are working on your fitness goals or
keeping a healthy weight.

Fruits and vegetables come with varying amounts of carbohydrates.

That is why if you’re watching your weight, you may want to choose
ones with the lowest amount of carbs.

Some fruits and vegetables contain fewer carbs per standard

serving due to their high fiber or water content. Here is a list of low-
carb fruits and vegetables:

 Alfalfa Sprouts
 Artichokes
 Arugula
 Asparagus
 Basil
 Bell Peppers
 Bok Choy
 Broccoli
 Brussels Sprouts
 Cauliflower
 Celeriac
 Celery 
 Cilantro
 Collards

 Cucumber
 Eggplant
 Endive
 Fennel
 Green Beans
 Iceberg Lettuce
 Jalapeno Peppers
 Jicama
 Kale
 Leeks
 Mustard Greens
 Okra
 Parsley
 Pea Pods
 Pumpkin
 Radicchio
 Radishes
 Rosemary
 Rutabagas
 Snap Peas
 Snow Peas
 Spaghetti Squash
 Spinach
 Summer Squash
 Swiss Chard
 Thyme
 Tomatillos
 Tomatoes
 Turnips
 Wax Beans
 White Mushrooms
 Zucchini

Starchy (High Carb) Vegetables List

Vegetables are a great source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins,
minerals, crunch, and lots of colors. Vegetables come in two
different categories: starchy and non-starchy. 

While starchy vegetables contain more carbs that can increase

blood sugar levels at a quicker rate, it does not necessarily mean
that they are off-limits. You can still enjoy starchy foods by
monitoring your portions.

One of the best ways to know if you are eating a high-carbohydrate

or starchy vegetable is the sweet flavor. A higher glucose content
makes a certain vegetable starchier. Just think of sweet potatoes.
The sweetness of this food helps indicate its glucose levels. 

Here is a list of starchy (high carb) vegetables:

 Acorn Squash
 Beets 
 Black-eyed Peas
 Butternut Squash
 Carrots
 Corn
 Garbanzo Beans
 Lima Beans
 Parsnips
 Pinto Beans
 Plantains
 Potatoes
 Pumpkin
 Sweet Potatoes
 Taro
 Water Chestnuts
 Yams

Non-Starchy Vegetable List

Compared to starchy vegetables, non-starchy counterparts contain
a lower number of calories and carbohydrates. This gives you the
freedom to eat a larger quantity of non-starchy dishes without guilt
or worrying as much about your weight and blood sugar levels.

Non-starchy vegetables are ideal options if you want to consume

raw foods, or you are on a low-carb diet. For good health, I eat at
least 3 or 5 servings of non-starchy vegetables daily.

Eating these types of vegetables is guilt-free. I do not have to worry

about my carbohydrates intake or my blood sugar levels. My fridge
is full of non-starchy vegetables that I can cook in a variety of
different methods. 

Here is a list of non-starchy (low-carb) vegetables:

 Amaranth 
 Arugula 
 Artichokes
 Artichoke Hearts
 Asparagus 
 Baby Corn
 Bamboo Shoots
 Bok Choy
 Brussels Sprouts
 Broccoli
 Cauliflower
 Celery
 Chayote
 Chicory Greens
 Chinese Spinach
 Crookneck Squash
 Cushaw Squash
 Daikon
 Eggplant
 Endive Greens
 Escarole Greens
 Green Beans
 Green Cabbage
 Hearts of Palm
 Jicama
 Kohlrabi
 Leeks 
 Lettuce
 Mushrooms
 Okra
 Onions 
 Pea Pods
 Peppers
 Radicchio
 Radishes
 Rutabagas
 Spaghetti Squash
 Spinach
 Sprouts
 Sugar Snap Peas
 Summer Squash
 Swiss Chard 
 Tomatillos
 Tomatoes
 Turnips
 Watercress
 Yard-long Beans
 Zucchini

Low Fiber Fruit and Vegetable List 

Plant foods are known for their indigestible part called “dietary
fiber.” In a low fiber diet, the fiber intake becomes limited. 

For people who suffer from digestive issues, fiber can be difficult to
process. That is why a low-fiber diet is recommended to
treat digestive system problems. These include ulcerative colitis,
Chron’s disease, diverticulitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Eating low fiber fruits and vegetables can help in reducing

undigested food and easing the amount of work of the digestive
system. Supposing you are into a low fiber diet, your daily intake of
fiber is limited around 10 grams.
Below is a list of fruits and vegetables low in fiber:

 Acorn Squash (without seeds)

 Asparagus Tips
 Beets 
 Cantaloupe
 Carrots 
 Cucumber (without skin or seeds)
 Honeydew Melon
 Lettuce
 Nectarines
 Papayas
 Peaches
 Plums
 Spinach (pureed)
 String Beans
 Watermelon
 White Potatoes (without skin)
 Zucchini

High Fiber Fruit and Vegetable List 

Whole fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy, nutritious, and fiber-

Passion fruits have the most fibers with 25g per cup. Even fruits
with low amounts of calories and sugar like berries are still a good
source of fiber. Oranges, pears, kiwis, persimmons, and avocados
are other fruits that are high in fiber.

As for the high fiber vegetables, spinach, carrots, broccoli, parsnips,

artichokes, collard greens, green peas, acorn squash, and lime
beans are the popular choices.

Here is a list of high-fiber fruits and vegetables:

 Acorn Squash
 Apples
 Apricots
 Artichokes
 Asparagus
 Aubergine Eggplant
 Avocados 
 Bananas
 Beet Greens
 Blackberries
 Blueberries
 Broccoli
 Brussels Sprouts
 Butternut Squash
 Cabbage
 Cantaloupe
 Carambola
 Carrots
 Cauliflower
 Celery
 Cherries
 Collard Greens
 Fennel
 Grapefruit
 Grapes
 Green Bell Peppers
 Green Peas
 Guavas
 Kale
 Kiwis
 Leeks
 Lettuce
 Lychee
 Lima Beans
 Mango
 Nectarines
 Okra
 Oranges
 Papaya
 Parsnips
 Passion Fruit
 Peaches
 Pears
 Persimmons
 Pineapples
 Plums
 Pomegranates
 Raspberries
 Rutabagas
 Snap Peas
 Spinach
 Sweet Corn
 Swiss Chard
 Sweet Potatoes
 Tangerines
 Tomatoes
 Turnips
 Strawberries
 Watermelon
 White Button Mushrooms
 White Potatoes
 Zucchini

Fruits Listed by Sugar Content

Fruits do not only contain nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and
fiber; they also provide natural sugars.

People who need to control their daily blood sugar intake find it
beneficial to know which fruits contain the lowest and highest sugar.
Tamarind, mango, jackfruit, lychee, passion fruit, and bananas are
some of the fruits that are high in sugar.

If you are being conscious about the sugar that the fruit you want to
eat contains, below I listed fruits along with the amount of sugar. To
make it easier for you, the list is from highest to lowest amount of

Here is a list of fruits listed by sugar content (high to low):

 Tamarind (47g per cup)
 Fried Plantains (37g per cup)
 Mamey Sapote (35g per cup)
 Jackfruit (31g per cup)
 Soursop (30 per cup)
 Lychee (29g per cup)
 Passion Fruit (26g per cup)
 Breadfruit (24g per cup)
 Pomegranate (24g per cup)
 Mango (23g per cup)
 Cherimoya (21g per cup)
 Persimmons (21g per cup)
 Cherries (20g per cup)
 Bananas (18g per cup)
 Oranges (17g per cup)
 Figs (16g per cup)
 Watermelon (14g per cup)
 Kiwi (16g per cup)
 Grapes (15g per cup)
 Guavas (15g per cup)
 Pears (14g per cup)
 Apples (13g per cup)
 Peaches (13g per cup)
 Papaya (11g per cup)
 Nectarines (11g per cup)
 Casaba Melon (9.7g per cup)
 Peaches (7.4g per cup)
 Asian Pear (8.6g per cup)
 Red and White Currants (8.3g per cup)
 Honeydew Melons (7.1g per cup)
 Blackberries (7g per cup)
 Strawberries (8.1g per cup)
 Apricots (6.6g per cup)
 Raspberries (5.4g per cup)
 Cantaloupe (5g per cup)
 Cranberries (4.7g per cup)
 Carambola (4.3g per cup)
 Avocado (1.33g per cup)
 Olives (0g per cup)
Sources:  1, 2, 3
Low Sugar Fruits List 
While fruits are high in water, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and
minerals, some of them are low in natural sugar. Olives,
cranberries, avocados, and carambola are some of the notable low
sugar fruits. 

Other than being aware of the health benefits that fruits offer, it’s
also a nice idea to know the amount of sugar in every fruit. I listed
below the fruits that have a low amount of sugar, starting from the

Here is a list of low sugar fruits:

Olives (0g per 100g)

 Avocados (0.7g per 100g)
 Carambola (4g per 100g)
 Cranberries (4.3 per 100g)
 Raspberries (4.4g per 100g)
 Blackberries (4.9g per 100g)
 Strawberries (4.9g per 100g)
 Casaba Melon (5.7g per 100g)
 Red and White Currants (7.4g per 100g)
 Asian Pear (7.1g per 100g)
Sources:  1, 2, 3

List of Fruits that Grow on Trees 

Fruits are an essential source of nutrition. Many trees produce
delicious and healthy fruits. These foods are a true gift from nature.

For example, grapefruits can balance cholesterol levels, reduce

insulin levels in the blood, and prevent kidney stones. (source) You
have plenty of reasons why you should eat fruits that grow on trees:
Here is a list of fruits that grow on trees:

 Almonds
 Apples 
 Apricots
 Avocados
 Cashew
 Cherries
 Coconuts
 Durian
 Figs
 Grapefruit
 Indian Gooseberry
 Jaboticaba
 Jackfruit
 Lemons 
 Lime
 Lychee
 Mangoes
 Mulberry
 Nectarine
 Olive
 Oranges
 Quince 
 Peach
 Pears
 Persimmons
 Plums
 Pomegranate 

Bitter Fruits and Vegetables 

Not all bitter things are bad. Fruits and vegetables with bitterness
are extremely healthy. Arugula, artichokes, and kale are bitter
foods that deliver incredible amounts of nutrients. These foods are
also excellent for digestion, appetite, and gut health.

Certain fruits and benefits are known to be the top bitter foods. You
can consume them to promote healthy digestion, prevent leaky gut,
boost microbiome, maximize nutrient absorption, and enhance

Here is a list of bitter fruits and vegetables:

 Ajwain
 Amaranth
 Artichoke 
 Arugula
 Asparagus 
 Bitter Melon
 Bitter Orange
 Broccoli Rabe
 Brussels Sprouts 
 Celery
 Chard
 Chayotes
 Chervil
 Chicory
 Clove
 Coffee
 Cranberries
 Dill 
 Eggplant
 Endives 
 Fennel
 Ginger
 Grapefruit 
 Horseradish
 Juniper
 Kale
 Lemons
 Lime
 Mint
 Olives
 Radicchio
 Rhubarb Leaves
 Rutabaga
 Saffron
 Sesame Seeds
 Thistles

Sour Fruits List

Lip-plucking sour fruits are among the most interesting food items.
The sour flavor is the result of high amounts of acid in fruits. 

The ability to detect sourness could help in identifying foods that

can be dangerous to consume. Spoiled or rotten foods are often
associated with a sour flavor because of the growth of bacteria.

But many fruits that are safe to consume will taste sour as well.
These foods are also loaded with nutrients and rich in antioxidants,
necessary for protecting against cell damage.

Here is a list of sour fruits:

 Calamansi
 Cranberries
 Gooseberries 
 Grapefruit 
 Japanese Apricots
 Kumquats
 Lemons
 Limes
 Oranges
 Pomelo
 Soursop
 Tamarind
 Rhubarb
 Tart Cherries

Tropical Fruits List 

As these are packed with vitamins and minerals and a southern
climate vibe, tropical fruits can brighten anyone’s day. These fruits
can reduce inflammation in the body while promoting healthy

For a healthy breakfast, top your cereal with a medium-sized

banana for daily intake of vitamin B6 and potassium. 

Tropical fruits are also effective in reducing the risk of breast

cancer, protecting the heart, preventing kidney cancer. While
Pineapples, papayas, mangoes, and bananas are popular
favorites, try some of the following less well-known tropical fruits.

Here is a list of tropical fruits:

 Ackee
 Amla
 Avocado
 Banana
 Breadfruit 
 Carambola
 Cashew Apple 
 Cherimoya
 Chico
 Coconut
 Custard Apple
 Date Palm
 Dragon Fruit
 Durian
 Fig
 Grapefruit 
 Grapes 
 Guavas
 Jackfruit 
 Karuka
 Kiwi
 Lemon 
 Longan
 Loquat
 Lychee
 Mango 
 Mangosteen
 Muskmelon 
 Orange
 Papaya
 Passion Fruit 
 Persimmon 
 Pineapple
 Pomegranate
 Rambutan
 Rose Apple
 Salak
 Sapote
 Soursop
 Star Apple
 Star Fruit
 Tamarind 
 Watermelon

Fruits Commonly Mistaken as Vegetables

It’s funny how easy it is to mistake some fruits as vegetables. For
years, I thought string beans and eggplants were vegetables, so I
was shocked to discover that they are actually fruits.

What is considered a fruit? Anything that grows on a bush or

tree and has the seeds in it is considered as a fruit. This is what
ended the argument about whether a tomato is a fruit or a

Below are other fruits that are commonly mistaken as vegetables.

All of these are fruits!

 Avocado
 Bell Peppers (red, orange, yellow, green)
 Chickpeas
 Corn
 Cucumber
 Green Beans
 Eggplant
 Okra
 Olives
 Peas
 Pumpkin
 String Beans
 Tomatoes
 Watermelon
 Zucchini

Vegetables Commonly Mistaken for Fruits 

Fruits and vegetables are delicious and incredibly versatile. It’s as
easy to mistake fruits ad vegetables as it is to mistake vegetables
as fruits. I was especially surprised when I discovered that some of
my favorite fruits are actually vegetables.

So, what is considered a vegetable? Edible parts of a plant like

leaves, stems, roots, and flowers are classified as vegetables.

Below are listed a few of the vegetables that are commonly

mistaken for fruits.

 Rhubarb
 Chayote 
 Courgette 
 Aubergine 

Cruciferous Vegetables List 

With their cancer-fighting compounds, the health industry has
expressed a lot of interest in cruciferous vegetables. 

Belonging to the Cruciferae family, cruciferous vegetables contain

the Brassica genus. These cool-weather vegetables have flowers
with four petals, which resemble a cross. The flower buds or leaves
of these vegetables are edible.
These vegetables are attractive in part due to their flower buds.
Other than their attractive look, these vegetables are hearty and
great ingredients for many vegetable dishes.

Here is a list of cruciferous vegetables:

 Arugula 
 Bok Choy 
 Broccoli
 Broccoli Rabe
 Broccoli Romanesco
 Brussels Sprouts 
 Cabbage
 Cauliflower 
 Chinese Broccoli
 Chinese Cabbage
 Collard Greens
 Daikon
 Garden Cress 
 Horseradish
 Kale
 Kohlrabi
 Komatsuna
 Land Cress
 Mizuna
 Mustard (leaves and seeds)
 Radishes
 Rutabagas
 Tatsoi
 Turnips (greens and roots)
 Wasabi
 Watercress 
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Root Vegetable List 

Most root vegetables have long stems together with sprouting
leaves and thick looking skin. These underground plants can last for
several months after being harvested.

Root vegetables are amazing for health and versatile ingredients

in the kitchen. I love experimenting with different recipes out of
these vegetables, from casseroles to desserts.

These vegetables are rich in antioxidants, iron, and vitamins A, B,

and C, which are necessary for cleansing your system. Adding the
following to your daily diet can help you boost your energy and
immunity, and fight different diseases.

Here is a list of root vegetables:

 Beets
 Black Cumin
 Black Salsify
 Breadroot
 Bush Carrot
 Carrots 
 Cassava
 Celeriac
 Chinese Artichokes
 Chinese Water Chestnut
 Chinese Yam
 Daikon
 Earthnut Pea
 Ginger
 Hog Potatoes
 Japanese Potatoes
 Jerusalem Artichokes
 Jicama
 Kohlrabi
 Konjac
 New Zealand Yam
 Parsnips
 Parsley Root
 Potatoes
 Radishes
 Rutabagas
 Salsify
 Sweet Potatoes
 Taro
 Turmeric
 Turnips
 Yams
 Yuca Root

Nightshade Vegetables List 

Most nightshade plants are considered poisonous. The poisonous
properties of these plants can cause skin irritation, seizures, rapid
heartbeat, or hallucinations. It’s surprising to know that some of the
vegetables that you usually eat belong to this group of plants.

Some nightshade vegetables are safe to eat. Most of these

vegetables fall under the species of Solanium and Capsicum.

While some of these vegetables still contain toxic compounds,

tubers and fruits are the edible parts of them. If you are sensitive to
these plants, it’s recommended to steer clear of them. 

Here is a list of nightshade vegetables:

 Cape Gooseberry
 Cayenne Pepper
 Chili Pepper
 Eggplant
 Garden Huckleberry 
 Goji Berry
 Naranjilla
 Paprika
 Pepino
 Potatoes
 Pimento
 Tomatillos
 Tomatoes

Stone Fruit List 

You may not have heard the term “stone fruit” before but you’ve
most likely enjoyed eating them. Stone fruits have flesh that is
enclosed around a stone-like pit such as apricots and plums.

These fruits contain less than a gram of fat, which is around 67

calories per cup. They are rich in vitamins and minerals such as
vitamins A and C, calcium, and potassium. 

Apart from the juicy flesh and sweet and sour flavors, stone fruits
offer plenty of health benefits. These include supporting healthy
digestion and lowering cholesterol due to their high fiber content. 

Here is a list of stone fruits:

 Apricots
 Apriums
 Blackberries
 Cherries
 Coconuts
 Dates
 Green Almonds
 Lychees
 Mangoes
 Mulberries
 Nectarines
 Olives
 Peaches 
 Plums 
 Pluots
 Raspberries

Citrus Fruit List 

The best thing about citrus fruits is that whenever you crave them,
you’ll have plenty of variety to choose from. Some of them are
tangy and zesty, while others offer a refreshingly sweet taste.

The perfect mix of sour and sweet flavors of citrus fruits makes
them important ingredients for many beverages, sweets, and

Apart from their irresistible flavor, these fruits are known to aid in
weight loss due to their high fiber and water content and reduce
the risk of ovarian, stomach, and esophageal cancers.

They are also rich in vitamin C that helps in maintaining skin

elasticity and delaying the signs of aging.

Here is an extensive list of citrus fruits for you to try:

 Amanatsu
 Bergamot Orange
 Bitter Orange
 Buddha’s Hand
 Blood Orange
 Calamansi
 Calamondin
 Cara Cara
 Chinotto
 Citron
 Clementine
 Corsican Citron
 Desert Lime
 Etrog
 Eureka Lemon
 Finger Lime
 First Lady
 Florentine Citron
 Grapefruit
 Greek Citron
 Hyuganatsu
 Israel Citron
 Lemon
 Kabosu
 Kaffir Lime
 Key Lime
 Kinnow
 Kiyomi
 Kumquat
 Mandarin Orange
 Meyer Lemon
 Moroccan Citron
 Myrtle-leaved Orange 
 Navel Orange
 Orange
 Oroblanco Grapefruit 
 Papeda
 Persian Lime
 Pomelo
 Ponderosa Lemon
 Rangpur
 Round Lime
 Ruby Red Grapefruit
 Satsuma
 Shangjuan
 Shonan Gold
 Sudachi
 Sweet Lime
 Taiwan Tangerine
 Tangelo
 Tangerine
 Tangor 
 Ugli Fruit
 Yuzu
 White Grapefruit 

Vegetables that Freeze Well 

Eating more vegetables is important to get a wide array of nutrients.
Fresh veggies give a delicious taste, crunch, and essential health-
boosting compounds. Now, the challenge is how you can keep
them fresh even when they’re out of season. 

A number of vegetables can stored in the freezer. This gives you a

chance to enjoy eating seasonal vegetables or saving
overproduction from your garden. 

Many vegetables are known to freeze well. You just need to blanch
and shock them before freezing. Now you’re able to have a variety
of vegetables on hand no matter the time of year.

Here is a list of vegetables that freeze well:

 Asparagus
 Beets
 Blueberries
 Broad Beans
 Broccoli
 Brussels Sprouts
 Cabbage
 Carrots
 Cauliflower
 Celery
 Corn
 Cucumber
 Eggplant
 Kale
 Lima Beans
 Mushrooms
 Onions
 Parsnips
 Peas 
 Peppers 
 Potatoes
 Pumpkin
 Spinach
 Squash
 Tomatoes
 Turnips 
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List of Vegetables for Weight Loss 

When it comes to losing weight, a regular workout routine should be
combined with eating healthy, low, or even zero-calorie foods. That
way while you’re reducing unwanted fats, your body is kept well-

Plenty of vegetables are weight loss friendly. Most of them contain

low to zero-calorie and offer filling fiber. This helps you reduce the
urge to eat without starving yourself.

Since vegetables are high in water content, you will stay fuller for a
longer period. If you are working on losing weight, the following
vegetables are low in calories and high in water content and dietary

Here is a list of vegetables and fruits for weight loss:

 Apples
 Apricots
 Asparagus
 Broccoli
 Brussels Sprouts 
 Carrots 
 Cauliflower
 Celery
 Grapefruits
 Green Beans
 Mushrooms
 Onions
 Oranges
 Red Bell Peppers
 Tangerines
 Spaghetti Squash
 Spinach
 Strawberries
 Summer Squash
 Sweet Potatoes
 Tomatoes  
 Watermelon
 Zucchini

Alphabetical List of Fruits and Vegetables from A to

With so many fruits and vegetables to choose from, it would be
impossible to know them all. Each country has its own native fruits
and vegetables that are only now starting to become more readily

Let’s discover the list of fruits and vegetables from A to Z. 

How many of these are in your fridge?


Abiu, Acai, Acerola, Ackee, Acorn Squash, African Cherry Orange,

Alfalfa Sprouts, Alligator apple, Amazon grape, American
Mayapple, Ambarella, Apple, Apricot, Araza, Arhat, Artichoke,
Arugula, Asian Pear, Asparagus, Atemoya, Avocado


Babaco, Bamboo Shoots, Banana, Barbadian, Barbados cherry,

Barberry, Beach plum, Beans, Bean Sprouts, Bearberry, Beechnut,
Beets, Belgian Endive, Bell Peppers, Betel nut, Berry, Bignay,
Bilberry, Bilimbi, Bitter gourd, Bitter Melon, Bitter Orange, Black
apple, Blackberry, Black cherry, Blackcurrant, Black mulberry, Black
raspberry, Black sapote, Blood orange, Blueberry, Bluetongue, Bok
Choy, Bolwarra, Boniato, Bottle gourd, Boysenberry, Bramble,
Brazil nut, Breadfruit, Broadleaf Bramble, Broccoli, Broccoli Rabe,
Brown Grapefruit Bael, Brown Pepper, Brussels, Sprouts,
Buffaloberry, Burdekin plum, Burmese grape, Butternut Squash


Cabbage, Cacao, Cactus Pear, Caimito, Cajamanga, Calabash

tree, Camucamu, Canistel, Cantaloupe, Cape gooseberry, Caper,
Carambola, Cardon, Carob, Carrot, Casaba Melon,  Cashew,
Cauliflower, Cedar Bay Cherry, Cempedak, Celery, Ceylon
gooseberry, Champagne Mango, Chard, Chayote, Che, Chenet,
Cherimoya, Cherry, Chinese bayberry, Chinese Celery, Chinese
mulberry, Chives, Chokeberry, Citron, Clementine, Cloudberry,
Cluster fig, Coconut, Cocoplum, Coffee, Collard Greens, Common
apple-berry, Conkerberry, Corn, Cornelian Cherry, Crabapple,
Cranberry, Crookneck Squash, Crowberry, Cucumber, Cudrang,
Cudrania, Cupuacu, Currant, Custard appl


Daikon, Damson, Date, Date palm, Date-plum, Davidson’s plum,

Desert fig, Desert lime, Dewberry, Dill, Doubah, Dragon fruit, Durian


Eastern May Hawthorn, Edamame, Eggfruit, Eggplant, Eight-ball

Squash, Elephant apple, Elephant garlic, Elderberry, Emblic, Emu
Apple, Endive, Entawak, Escarole, Etrog


Fava Beans, Feijoa, Fennel, Fibrous satinash, Fig, Finger lime, Fiji


Gala apple, Galendar, Galia, Gandaria, Garbanzo Pedrosillano,

Garlic, Genip, Genipap, Giant Granadilla, Ginger, Golden apple,
Gooseberry, Grape, Grapefruit, Grapple, Greek oregano, Green
beans, Greengage, Green onions, Green peas, Greens, Grenadilla,
Goumi, Gourds, Guanabana, Guarana, Guava, Guava berry

Habenero chili, Hackberry, Hardy kiwi, Hawthorn, Hog plum,

Hominy, Honeydew melon, Honeysuckle, Horned melon, Horse
chestnut, Horseradish, Huckleberry, Huito


Iceberg lettuce, Illawarra plum, Indian gooseberry, Indian almond,

Indian fig, Indian jujube, Indian prune, Indian strawberry, Ita Palm


Jaboticaba, Jackfruit, Jagua, Jak, Jalapeno, Jambul, Jamaica

Cherry, Jasmine, Japanese Bayberry, Japanese raisin, Jatoba,
Jenipapo, Jicama, Jocote, Jujube, June plum


Kale, Kaffir lime, Kahikatea, Kakadu lime, Kakadu plum, Kandis

fruit, Karkalla, Keppel fruit, Key lime, Kidney beans, Kiwi, Kohlrabi,
Kumquat, Kundong, Kutjera


Lablab, Lady apple, Langsat, Lanzones, Lapsi, Leeks, Legume,

Lemon, Lemon aspen, Lentils, Lettuce, Leucaena, Lillipilli, Lilly Pilly,
Lima beans, Lime, Lingonberry, Longan, Loganberry, Loquat,
Lucuma, Lulo, Lychee


Mabolo, Macadamia, Malanga, Malay apple, Mamey sapote,

Mamoncillo, Mandarin, Mango, Mangosteen, Manila tamarind,
Manoao, Marang, Mayapple, Mayhaw, Maypop, Medlar, Melinjo,
Melon, Melon pear, Meyer lemon, Midyim, Mint, Mulberry, Mock
strawberry, Mock buckthorn, Monkey apple, Monstera, Morels,
Mountain soursop, Morinda, Mundu, Muskmelons, Muntries,
Mushrooms, Myrtle

Nageia, Nance, Naranja, Naranjilla, Nannyberry, Napa, Native
cherry, Nectarine, Native currant, Nungu, Nutmeg, Neem, Native
gooseberry, Nuts


Oil palm, Old World Sycamore, Olive, Okra, Olallieberry, Onion,

Orange, Oregon grape, Orangelo, Oregano, Oyster Mushroom,
Otaheite apple 


Papaya, Parsley, Parsnip, Passion fruit, Pattypan squash, Pawpaw,

Peach, Pear, Peanut, Peas, Peppers, Persimmon, Pequi, Pewa,
Pigeon Plum, Pigface, Pili nut, Pineapple, Pinto beans, Pitaya,
Plum, Podocarpus, Pitomba, Plantain, Poha, Pomcite, Pois doux,
Pomegranate, Pomelo, Pond apple, Pommecythere, Pommerac,
Portabella, Prickly Pear, Potato, Prumnopitys, Prune, Pumpkin,
Pupunha, Pulasan, Pummelo, Physalis, Purple apple-berry


Quandong, Quenepa, Quinoa, Quince


Radicchio, Radish, Raisin, Rambutan, Rangpur, Raspberry, Red

bayberry, Red cabbage, Redcurrant, Red mombin, Red
mulberry, Rhubarb, Riberry, Ridged gourd, Rimu, Romaine lettuce,
Rosehip, Rose-leaf bramble, Rosemary, Rose Myrtle, Rose apple,
Rowan, Rutabaga


Saguaro, Sageretia, Salak, Salal berry, Salmonberry, Sandpaper

fig, Santol, Sapodilla, Sapote, Saskatoon, Saskatoonberry,
Satsuma, Sea-buckthorn, Seagrape, Serviceberry, Sharon fruit,
Shipova, Silkworm thorn, Snap Beans, Snowberry, Snow peas,
Sonya, Soursop, Spinach, Spaghetti squash, Sprouts, Star apple,
Star fruit, Strawberry, Strawberry-guava, Strawberry-pear, String
beans, Sugar apple, Sweet apple-berry, Sweet potato, Sugar Snap
Peas, Summer squash, Surinam cherry, Squash, Sweet lemon,
Sweetsop, Sycamore, Sycamore fig, 


Tamarillo, Tamarind, Tanjong, Tangelo, Tangerine, Taro, Taxus

baccata, Tomatillo, Tomato, Texas persimmon, Thimbleberry,
Turnip, Turnip greens, Toyon


Ugli fruit, Ugni, Uva grape, Uzouza leaf


Vanilla, Velvet Tamarind, Vine ripe tomatoes, Voavanga


Water Apple, Watercress, Watermelon, Wax Apple, Wax gourd,

Winter melon, White aspen, White mulberry, White nectarine, White
sapote, Wild orange, Wineberry, Winter squash, Wongi, Wolfberry,
Wood Apple, 


Xigua, Ximenia, Xylocarp


Yali pears, Yam, Yamamomo, Yangmei, Yard-long beans, Yellow

plum, Yellow pear tomato, Yellow squash, Yumberry


Zigzag vine, Zhe, Ziziphus, Zucchini

The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the healthier and happier
you become. You can start a healthy lifestyle by incorporating them
into your diet. With so many options, you can do some
experimenting to make every mealtime more exciting and colorful. 

Happy eating!

If you know fruits and vegetable names that are not listed here, let
me know. I will update the list as more are suggested.

Stephanie Mantilla
Plant-Based Diet & Vegan Lifestyle Expert
Stephanie is the founder of Plant Prosperous, a plant-based vegan living, and
parenting blog. She has been eating a plant-based diet for over 24
years along with a B.S. in Biology & Environmental Science. She also
has over 14 years of experience working in the environmental and
conservation sectors. Stephanie is currently raising her son on a plant-
based diet and hopes to help others who are wanting to do the same. You can
read more about her here.
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1 thought on “Ultimate List of Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z”
MARCH 15, 2021 AT 6:49 PM
I love this list of fruits and vegetables! It’s very comprehensive. I
can tell you worked hard to create it.

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Welcome, I’m Stephanie!  I’m a plant-based diet expert with over

24 years of experience living a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.  I’m

now raising my own vegan family and helping others do the same. 

Learn more about me HERE.

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