SAi FlexiPRINT HP Basic - UsersGuide

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Software License Agreement 11

What's New in the Cloud 18

Installing the Software 21

Installation Procedures................................................................................................................................. 22
Installing Softkey ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Installing the Software ............................................................................................................................ 23
Uninstalling the Software ............................................................................................................................ 26
Uninstalling the Software for Windows 8............................................................................................ 26
Uninstalling the Software for Windows 7............................................................................................ 26
Uninstalling the Software for Windows Vista..................................................................................... 27
ICC Printer Profiles ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Accessing ICC Profiles on the Cloud .................................................................................................... 27
Downloading ICC Profiles ..................................................................................................................... 27
Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles ..................................................................................................... 28
Removing ICC Profiles ........................................................................................................................... 29
Using License Manager Cloud .................................................................................................................... 29
Checking for License Updates ............................................................................................................... 30
Importing a License File ......................................................................................................................... 30
Removing a License from Your Computer .......................................................................................... 31
Indirect Internet Connection .................................................................................................................. 31
Using Preference Manager .......................................................................................................................... 34
Saving a Set of Preferences ..................................................................................................................... 34
Loading a Set of Preferences .................................................................................................................. 34
Restoring the Software to its Original State ......................................................................................... 35
Clearing Preferences ............................................................................................................................... 35
Exiting Preference Manager ................................................................................................................... 35
Setting Up Output Devices .......................................................................................................................... 35

Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 37

Setting Up File and Printer Sharing............................................................................................................ 37
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows Vista .................................................................... 37
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows XP ........................................................................ 38
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows Server 2003 ......................................................... 38
Installing the AppleTalk Protocol ............................................................................................................... 39
Installing the AppleTalk Protocol on Windows Server 2003 ............................................................ 39
Windows Client Setup ................................................................................................................................. 39
Macintosh OS X Client Setup ...................................................................................................................... 40
Macintosh OS X.3 Client Setup .............................................................................................................. 40
Macintosh OS X.4 Client Setup .............................................................................................................. 43
Sharing PPDs over a Network .................................................................................................................... 45
Sharing PPDs Over A Network for Windows Vista ........................................................................... 45
Sharing PPDs Over A Network for Windows XP and 2003 Server .................................................. 46

Getting Started with pps SE 47

Basic Elements of Your Software ................................................................................................................ 47
Classic Menus .......................................................................................................................................... 48
Toolbar ...................................................................................................................................................... 52
Device Area .............................................................................................................................................. 53
Setup Area ................................................................................................................................................ 53
Queues ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
SAi Cloud Window ................................................................................................................................. 56
SAi Cloud Mobile Application .............................................................................................................. 64
Status Bar .................................................................................................................................................. 65
Job Preview Pane ..................................................................................................................................... 65
Information Pane ..................................................................................................................................... 66
Refreshing the Window ............................................................................................................................... 66
Entering Numerical Values ......................................................................................................................... 66
Use Spinner Controls .............................................................................................................................. 66
Using Built-In Mathematical Operations ............................................................................................. 66
Automatic Application of Entered Values and Expressions ............................................................. 68
Setting Application Preferences .................................................................................................................. 69
Changing Background Colors ............................................................................................................... 71
Using Job Monitor......................................................................................................................................... 72
Starting Job Monitor................................................................................................................................ 72
Choosing a Connection........................................................................................................................... 72
Monitoring Jobs ....................................................................................................................................... 73
Exiting Job Monitor ................................................................................................................................. 73
Getting Help .................................................................................................................................................. 73
Exiting the Software ..................................................................................................................................... 74

Working with Output Device Setups 75

Adding/Changing Setups ............................................................................................................................ 76
Setting Up Desktop Printers as Output Devices ................................................................................. 77
Selecting Setups ............................................................................................................................................. 78
Activating Setups .......................................................................................................................................... 78
Deleting Setups ............................................................................................................................................. 78
Editing Setup Properties .............................................................................................................................. 78
Job Workflow Tab ................................................................................................................................... 79
Automatic Nesting Tab .......................................................................................................................... 80
Changing Port Settings................................................................................................................................. 81
Configuring SCSI Port Settings ............................................................................................................. 85
Setting Default Job Properties ..................................................................................................................... 86
Using Output Size Compensation .............................................................................................................. 86
Working with Output Validation ............................................................................................................... 87

Working with Print Jobs 89

Adding New Jobs .......................................................................................................................................... 89
Adding Jobs from a File .......................................................................................................................... 89
Adding Jobs Using the Hotfolder ......................................................................................................... 91
Dragging a File into the Software ......................................................................................................... 91
Sending Jobs from Applications on the Same Computer .................................................................. 91
Sending Jobs from an Application on a Client Computer ................................................................. 92
Acquiring a TWAIN Image .................................................................................................................... 92
Selecting Jobs ................................................................................................................................................. 92
Deleting Jobs .................................................................................................................................................. 92
Editing Jobs with an External Application ................................................................................................ 92
Setting Job Properties ................................................................................................................................... 93
Processing Jobs .............................................................................................................................................. 93
Moving Jobs to a Different Output Device .......................................................................................... 93
RIPing Jobs ............................................................................................................................................... 94
Printing Jobs ............................................................................................................................................. 94
Aborting the Processing of a Job ........................................................................................................... 94
Outputting Test Jobs ..................................................................................................................................... 94
Outputting a Test Print Job .................................................................................................................... 94
Outputting a Test Cut Job ...................................................................................................................... 95
Using the Job Log .......................................................................................................................................... 95
Viewing the Job Log ................................................................................................................................ 96
Clearing the Job Log ............................................................................................................................... 96
Printing from Print Wizard ......................................................................................................................... 96
Working with Variations ........................................................................................................................ 99
Job Estimation ............................................................................................................................................. 101
Using Job Estimation ............................................................................................................................ 102
Using the Estimation Editor ................................................................................................................. 104
Ink Estimation ............................................................................................................................................. 106

Setting Job Properties 109

Opening the Job Properties Dialog ........................................................................................................... 109
Working with Job Properties Presets ....................................................................................................... 110
Read-Only Presets ................................................................................................................................. 110
Creating Presets ..................................................................................................................................... 111
Updating Presets ................................................................................................................................... 111
Applying Presets ................................................................................................................................... 111
Renaming Presets .................................................................................................................................. 111
Deleting Presets ..................................................................................................................................... 112
Importing and Exporting Presets ........................................................................................................ 112
Basic Job Properties .................................................................................................................................... 114
Setting Basic Job Properties.................................................................................................................. 115
Setting the Preview Pane View ........................................................................................................... 117
Setting Default Job Properties XXX..................................................................................................... 118
Advanced Job Properties ........................................................................................................................... 118
Setting Advanced Job Properties ........................................................................................................ 119
Setting the Preview Pane View ........................................................................................................... 155
Setting Default Job Properties XXX..................................................................................................... 156

Nesting Jobs 157

Setting Job Properties for Nested Jobs ..................................................................................................... 157
Using Dual Roll Printing with Nested Jobs ....................................................................................... 158
Nesting Jobs Manually ............................................................................................................................... 160
Un-Nesting Jobs .......................................................................................................................................... 160
Nesting Contour Jobs ................................................................................................................................. 160
Using Automatic Nesting .......................................................................................................................... 161
Nesting Pages, Copies, Tiles and Separations......................................................................................... 162
Rearranging Nested Jobs ........................................................................................................................... 163
Moving Nested Images ......................................................................................................................... 163
Rotating Nested Images ....................................................................................................................... 163
Mirroring Nested Images ..................................................................................................................... 163
Breaking Apart Multi-Sectioned Jobs into Nested Jobs ......................................................................... 164

Tiling and Cropping Jobs 165

Dividing a Job into Tiles............................................................................................................................. 166
Dividing a Job into Uniform Rows and Columns of Tiles ............................................................... 167
Dividing a Job into Uniform Tiles of a Specified Size ...................................................................... 167
Selecting a Tile ............................................................................................................................................. 167
Editing Tiles ................................................................................................................................................. 168
Preventing a Tile from Being Output ....................................................................................................... 169
Enabling a Non-Printing Tile .................................................................................................................... 169
Printing a Tile Map ..................................................................................................................................... 169
Cropping a Job............................................................................................................................................. 170
Removing All Tiling and Cropping.......................................................................................................... 171

Working with Color 173

Using Custom Spot Color Mapping ......................................................................................................... 173
Enabling Custom Spot Color Mapping .............................................................................................. 173
Mapping Colors Using Custom Spot Color Mapping ...................................................................... 174
Using Global Color Mapping .................................................................................................................... 176
Enabling Color Mapping ...................................................................................................................... 177
Mapping Colors Using Global Color Mapping ................................................................................. 177
Using Object Color Control ....................................................................................................................... 178
Mapping Colors Using Object Color Control .................................................................................... 179
Saving Object Color Control Settings to a Preset .............................................................................. 182
Applying Object Color Control Settings from a Preset .................................................................... 182
Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output 183
Setting Up a Job for Contour Cutting ....................................................................................................... 183
Hybrid Device Output ............................................................................................................................... 183
Virtual Hybrid Output ............................................................................................................................... 184
Virtual Hybrid Output on a Cutter with Automatic Alignment .................................................... 184
Virtual Hybrid Output on a Manually Aligned Cutter.................................................................... 184

Printing from Client Applications 187

General Application Concerns .................................................................................................................. 188
Font Inclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 188
PostScript Language Levels ................................................................................................................. 188
Paper Size ............................................................................................................................................... 188
Screening ................................................................................................................................................ 189
Resolution............................................................................................................................................... 189
General Workflow Guidelines ............................................................................................................. 189
Adobe Illustrator ......................................................................................................................................... 189
Adobe Illustrator on Macintosh .......................................................................................................... 189
Adobe Illustrator CS on Windows ...................................................................................................... 190
Adobe Illustrator 10 on Windows ....................................................................................................... 191
CorelDRAW ................................................................................................................................................. 193
Color Printing ........................................................................................................................................ 193
Macromedia FreeHand .............................................................................................................................. 195
Macromedia FreeHand Macintosh ..................................................................................................... 195
Macromedia FreeHand Windows ....................................................................................................... 196
Adobe PageMaker ...................................................................................................................................... 196
Adobe PageMaker on Macintosh ........................................................................................................ 197
Adobe PageMaker on Windows ......................................................................................................... 199
Adobe Photoshop ....................................................................................................................................... 201
Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 7............................................................................................................ 201
Adobe Photoshop Windows 7 ............................................................................................................. 202
Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 6 and Earlier ....................................................................................... 204
Adobe Photoshop Windows 6 and Earlier ........................................................................................ 205
QuarkXPress ................................................................................................................................................ 207
QuarkXPress 4.1 Macintosh ................................................................................................................. 207
QuarkXPress 4.1 Windows .................................................................................................................. 209
QuarkXPress 4.04 Windows ................................................................................................................ 210
QuarkXPress 3.32 Macintosh ............................................................................................................... 211
PhotoPRINT DX/ PhotoPRINT EDITOR / FlexiPRINT ......................................................................... 214
Color Printing ........................................................................................................................................ 214
Spot Color Printing ............................................................................................................................... 216
Contour Cutting .................................................................................................................................... 216
Appendix - Supported File Formats 219

Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts 221

Appendix - Spot Color List 223

Appendix - Features List 227

pps Editor-PRO 231

Software License Agreement ..................................................................................................................... 233
Installing the Software ............................................................................................................................... 243
Recommended System Requirements ................................................................................................ 244
Installation Procedures ......................................................................................................................... 244
Using License Manager Cloud ............................................................................................................ 252
Using Preference Manager ................................................................................................................... 256
Getting Started ............................................................................................................................................ 259
Toolbars .................................................................................................................................................. 261
Menus ..................................................................................................................................................... 265
Tool Tips ................................................................................................................................................. 266
Design Area ............................................................................................................................................ 267
SAi Cloud Window ............................................................................................................................... 268
SAi Cloud Mobile Application ............................................................................................................ 279
Swatch Table .......................................................................................................................................... 280
Ruler and Grid ....................................................................................................................................... 280
Guides ..................................................................................................................................................... 282
Status Bar ................................................................................................................................................ 285
Changing the View................................................................................................................................ 285
Using Navigator View .......................................................................................................................... 288
Showing Objects' Fill ............................................................................................................................. 289
Previewing Bitmaps .............................................................................................................................. 290
Showing Preview................................................................................................................................... 291
Linked and Embedded Files ................................................................................................................ 291
Redrawing the Design Area ................................................................................................................. 292
Previewing Objects in CMYK .............................................................................................................. 293
Filtering Objects by Color .................................................................................................................... 293
Tracking your Steps .............................................................................................................................. 294
Using Workspaces ................................................................................................................................. 296
Entering Numerical Values .................................................................................................................. 297
Setting Preferences ................................................................................................................................ 300
Windows and Macintosh User Interface Features ............................................................................ 305
Getting Help........................................................................................................................................... 306
Exiting the Software .............................................................................................................................. 306
Working with Files ..................................................................................................................................... 307
Creating New Documents .................................................................................................................... 308
Opening Files ......................................................................................................................................... 309
Importing Files....................................................................................................................................... 309
Link PDF ................................................................................................................................................. 310
Archiving to the Cloud ......................................................................................................................... 310
Saving Documents ................................................................................................................................ 310
Exporting to Files .................................................................................................................................. 311
Sending a Job to EnRoute (Windows Only) ...................................................................................... 311
Emailing a Job ........................................................................................................................................ 311
Closing Documents ............................................................................................................................... 312
Using OLE Objects (Windows Only) .................................................................................................. 312
Working with Job Info .......................................................................................................................... 315
Job Statistics ........................................................................................................................................... 317
Finding Files ........................................................................................................................................... 318
Applying Templates ............................................................................................................................. 319
Using DesignCentral .................................................................................................................................. 327
DesignCentral Tabs ............................................................................................................................... 328
Using DesignEditor .................................................................................................................................... 337
Displaying DesignEditor ...................................................................................................................... 338
DesignEditor - Layers Tab ................................................................................................................... 339
Designing with the Bad Wrap™ in DesignEditor............................................................................. 342
DesignEditor - Objects Tab .................................................................................................................. 344
Selecting Objects.......................................................................................................................................... 347
Selecting Objects Using the Select Tool .............................................................................................. 348
Selecting Objects Using the Bounding Box ........................................................................................ 348
Selecting Objects within an Effect ....................................................................................................... 349
Selecting Objects Using Tab ................................................................................................................. 349
Selecting Objects Using DesignEditor ................................................................................................ 350
Selecting All Objects ............................................................................................................................. 350
Deselecting All Objects ......................................................................................................................... 350
Inverting a Selection.............................................................................................................................. 350
Arranging Objects ....................................................................................................................................... 351
Resizing Objects ..................................................................................................................................... 352
Moving Objects ...................................................................................................................................... 354
Rotating, Shearing, and Mirroring Objects ........................................................................................ 355
Duplicating Objects ............................................................................................................................... 357
Working with Auto Serialization ........................................................................................................ 360
Grouping Objects .................................................................................................................................. 364
Compounding Objects .......................................................................................................................... 365
Masking Objects .................................................................................................................................... 366
Locking Objects ..................................................................................................................................... 367
Changing Object Order ........................................................................................................................ 368
Aligning Objects .................................................................................................................................... 370
Spacing Objects ...................................................................................................................................... 371
Nesting Objects ...................................................................................................................................... 372
Snapping Objects ................................................................................................................................... 374
Deleting Objects ..................................................................................................................................... 375
Working with Color.................................................................................................................................... 377
Available Color Models ........................................................................................................................ 379
Working with Swatch Tables ............................................................................................................... 379
Applying Colors Using the Color Mixer ............................................................................................ 384
Sampling Colors Using the Eyedropper ............................................................................................ 387
Defining Colors Using the Color Specs Dialog Box.......................................................................... 388
Setting the Default Fill / Stroke Color ................................................................................................. 394
Setting the Background / Foreground Color ..................................................................................... 395
Creating Test Swatches ......................................................................................................................... 396
Using Fill/Stroke Editor.............................................................................................................................. 401
Displaying Fill/Stroke Editor ............................................................................................................... 402
Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill Tab ................................................................................................................... 403
Fill/Stroke Editor - Stroke Tab ............................................................................................................. 412
Working with Shapes ................................................................................................................................. 415
Creating Shapes ..................................................................................................................................... 416
Editing Shapes Using DesignCentral ................................................................................................. 416
Editing Shapes Using Control Points ................................................................................................. 417
Working with Text ...................................................................................................................................... 419
Creating New Text ................................................................................................................................ 421
Changing Text Attributes Using DesignCentral ............................................................................... 423
Changing Text Attributes Using Control Points ............................................................................... 431
Entering New Text ................................................................................................................................ 434
Selecting Text ......................................................................................................................................... 435
Changing Text Attributes ..................................................................................................................... 436
Changing Default Text Settings........................................................................................................... 437
Changing Case ....................................................................................................................................... 438
Changing Kerning ................................................................................................................................. 438
Breaking and Joining Text .................................................................................................................... 440
Changing Text Orientation .................................................................................................................. 441
Working with Braille Text .................................................................................................................... 441
Working with Barcodes ........................................................................................................................ 443
Text Preferences ..................................................................................................................................... 445
Working with Fonts .............................................................................................................................. 447
Working with Paths .................................................................................................................................... 451
Creating Paths ........................................................................................................................................ 454
Working with Bitmaps ............................................................................................................................... 459
Using DesignCentral ............................................................................................................................. 461
Creating Bitmaps ................................................................................................................................... 462
Changing Bitmap Properties ............................................................................................................... 465
Using the Bitmap Toolbar .................................................................................................................... 468
Defining Marquees ................................................................................................................................ 468
Editing Bitmaps ..................................................................................................................................... 471
Using Filters ........................................................................................................................................... 479
Working with Effects .................................................................................................................................. 485
Common Features ................................................................................................................................. 485
Using the Blending Effect ..................................................................................................................... 487
Using the Lens Effect ............................................................................................................................ 487
Using Contour Cut ................................................................................................................................ 489
Using Engraving Fills ........................................................................................................................... 495
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................................................................ 511
Measuring Distances ............................................................................................................................. 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ............................................................................................. 513
Setting the Display Settings ................................................................................................................. 514
Setting the Input Profiles ...................................................................................................................... 515
Selecting Rendering Intents ................................................................................................................. 515
Printing to a Desktop Printer .................................................................................................................... 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ............................................................................................. 525
Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server ................................................................. 526
Sharing a Hardware Key over a Local Area Network ..................................................................... 528
Printing your Design .................................................................................................................................. 531
RIP and Print Settings ........................................................................................................................... 533
RIP and Print Dialog Box - General Tab............................................................................................. 534
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Panel Tab ................................................................................................. 541
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Advanced Tab ........................................................................................ 548
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Adjustment Tab ...................................................................................... 555
Setting Driver Options .......................................................................................................................... 557
Printing with Spot Colors..................................................................................................................... 558
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab ............................................................................................ 560
Appendix - ASCII CODE ........................................................................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ......................................................................................................... 569
AutoCAD DXF Import ......................................................................................................................... 571
Gerber File Format Supported Features ............................................................................................. 571
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................................................................ 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ............................................................. 577
Using Bezier Tracing ............................................................................................................................. 577
Using Enhanced Curves Tracing ......................................................................................................... 577
Using Enhanced Corners Tracing ....................................................................................................... 577
Using Centerline Vectorization ........................................................................................................... 578
Using Color Vectorization .................................................................................................................... 579
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ............................................................................................................... 582

Index 589
Chapter 1 Software License Agreement 11

Chapter 1
Software License Agreement
IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY: This Agreement (as defined below) is a legal contract between
You (as defined below) and SA International Inc. for Flexi, PhotoPrint, EnRoute, or PixelBlaster branded
Software (as defined below).

This Agreement (as defined below) sets forth the terms and conditions for licensing of the Software from
SA International Inc. and You (as defined below), and installing and using the Software. This Agreement
applies to any (i) single-user license; (ii) multi-user license; and (iii) original equipment manufacturer
(OEM) or Special Edition (SE) versions of the Software and other branded or customized versions unless
otherwise agreed.




Acts means the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, and the Export Administration
Regulations issued thereunder.

Agreement meansthis End-User License Agreement, including any third-party licenses provided to
SA International Inc. for use of the Software.

Intellectual Property Rights means, by way of example, but is not limited to, the following: rights in
know-how, trademarks, copyrights, patents, patent applications (including reissues, renewals,
continuations, continuations-in-part, or divisions of any patent or patent application, as appropriate),
trade secrets, instructions, improvements, modifications, suggestions, proposals, programs, ideas,
writings, and the like of any sort whatsoever, and any embodiment thereof including, but not limited to,
computer programs, documentation, assembly and detailed drawings, plans, specifications, results of
technical investigations and research, assembly, and parts manuals, artwork, software, programming,
applets, scripts, designs, and any other proprietary information of or in connection with the Software.
Chapter 1 Software License Agreement 12

Information means any type of data You provide to SA International Inc. in any form or manner in
connection with: (i) the purchase of the license to use the Software, (ii) the registration of the license to use
the Software; (iii) in connection with Support Services; or in any other communication between You and SA
International Inc. arising out of the use of the Software whether provided by You or the Software in any media
and any form now known or hereafter existing. By its operation, the Software may provide data to SA
International Inc. indicating the operation of hardware upon which or in connection with the Software may
operate and the status, type, and use made of disposable materials in connection with the operation of the
Software. Such data shall be included in the definition of Information.

In Use means
that the Software is loaded onto either temporary (i.e., RAM) or permanent non-portable
memory (e.g., a hard disk, a CD-ROM or other storage device) for that Workstation or other personal

Materials means any applicable, associated documentation for use in connection with the Software as
provided by SA International Inc. in any medium such as, by way of example, printed materials or On-Line.

Network meansany electronic system for communicating to more than one PC and where such PCs are
physically located in the same premises, except as expressly provided herein.

On-Line means communications by means of the Internet or World Wide Web.

PC means a personal computer.

Software means, separately or together, the above-identified computer software.

Support Services means

any services which SA International Inc. determines to provide in its sole
discretion to maintain the operation of the Software.

You or Your means you, any other entity on whose behalf you are acting, and anyone who you or
such entity authorizes to use the Program.


The Software is protected by the United States Copyright Law and International Treaties and other
Intellectual Property Rights. The copyrights in the Software should be respected by You just as You would any other
copyrighted material, such as a book.

You may make one (1) copy, in machine readable form only, of each registered copy of the Software;
provided that each such copy is used solely for backup purposes (i.e., for the purpose of reinstalling the
Software). As an express condition of this Agreement, if You make such a copy, a condition of making that copy
is that You shall reproduce and place on any such copy SA International Inc.’s copyright notice and any
proprietary legends as set forth on or in connection with the original copy or as appears or may appear on
any On-Line site maintained for that purpose by SA International Inc. The right to make a backup does not
extend to any Materials.
Chapter 1 Software License Agreement 13

You may transfer Your registered copy of the Software, but only with the assignment of all of Your rights
and obligations under this Agreement, to another person or entity and only accompanied by a copy of this
Agreement and only the original Material accompanying the Software. To make this transfer You and the party
obtaining the Software shall each first give SA International Inc. written or On-Line notice of the transfer which
must include that the person or entity has read, understands, agrees, and accepts the terms and conditions
of this Agreement and further provided that You retain no copies of the Software or the Materials.

Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, SA International Inc. does not grant You any rights to
patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any
other rights, franchises, or licenses in respect of the Software. You will not adapt or use any trademark or
trade name which is likely to be similar to or confusing with those of SA International Inc. or any of its
suppliers or licensors or take any other action which impairs or reduces the trademark rights of SA
International Inc. or its suppliers or licensors.

Single-User License. If you have purchased a single-user license of the Software, you are, by this
purchase, granted a limited non-exclusive license to use the Software. If not already installed on a PC you
may install the copy on that one (1) PC. You may access and use the Software on that PC only.

If you are a private business, rather than an individual, authorized personnel associated with the
business may use the Software, but only one (1) person at a time and on that one (1) PC.

For your registered copy of the Software you may make one (1) backup copy which is restricted to
your individual use, for backup purposes only, and only for so long as the Software is installed on one (1) PC.

Multi-User License. If you purchased a multi-user license, you are granted a limited
non-exclusive license to (i) use the Software on the number of PCs corresponding to the number licenses
purchased (but only one (1) person may use the Software on one (1) licensed PC) and only where all such PCs
are owned by you, (ii) make the Software accessible through the Network so that each licensed PC may use the
Software, and (iii) make a backup copy of the Software for each license you have purchased. You may store,
install, and access the registered network version of the Software via the Network, and only for each licensed PC
that will or may access the Software. For example, if you wish to have five (5) different PCs (counting the
server) access the Software on the Network, each PC must have its own paid-up license, regardless of whether or
not any of the PCs use the Software at different times or at the same time.

You may use On-Line communications to operate the Software subject to the above terms and
conditions and further provided that you own each PC and that each PC has its own paid-up license. For
example, if you are communicating by means of a PC On-Line to another PC, each PC accessing the Software must
have its own paid-up license.

Except as expressly provided herein, it is prohibited to give any copy of the Software to someone
who has not purchased a license from SA International Inc.; to disclose interfaces to the Software, or to
duplicate or distribute the Software by any other means including electronic transmission.
Chapter 1 Software License Agreement 14


The Software is protected by copyright and also contains trade secrets owned by SA International
Inc. You shall NOT distribute copies of the Software to others or electronically transfer the Software from one
PC to another over a Network, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. You shall not modify, adapt,
transfer, rent, lease, loan, resell for profit, or distribute the Software, nor shall you decompile, reverse
engineer, disassemble and/or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form or create
derivative works based upon the Software or any part thereof.


Use by you of Support Services is governed by SA International Inc.’s policies and programs
described in the user manual, in documentation made available On-Line, and/or in other SA International
Inc.-provided materials. Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support Services
shall be considered part of the Software and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


You expressly agree that SA International Inc. may use Information in its business, including for
product support and development. You agree that SA International Inc.’s use of the Information is unrestricted
and non-confidential and You automatically grant SA International Inc., its successors and assigns, a
non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable license in all Intellectual Property Rights in the
Information, which includes the unrestricted right to use the Information in any way SA International Inc.
wishes, including, by way of example and without limitation, to sublicense, copy, transmit, distribute,
create derivative works, display and perform. You expressly waive any claim to a right of publicity or right
of privacy or moral rights in such Information.


Without prejudice to any other rights, SA International Inc. may terminate the Agreement if you fail
to comply with any of its terms and conditions or if you violate SA International Inc. "Acceptable Use
Policy" which is posted upon SA International Inc. at, or such other internet-accessible
location as SA International Inc. may determine at its discretion. In such event, you shall destroy all
copies of the Software (including all of its component parts) and Materials. SA International Inc. may suspend
or deactivate your use of the Software with or without notice. SA International Inc. reserves the right to
discontinue all support for the Software. SA International Inc. will endeavor to notify you of any such
discontinuance of such support but assumes no obligation to do so. From time-to-time SA International
Inc. may change the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Your continued use of the Software indicates
your agreement to any such changes.
Chapter 1 Software License Agreement 15


The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Utah and jurisdiction for any dispute,
except as expressly provided herein, shall be exclusively within the courts located within the State of Utah.


Any dispute arising directly or indirectly under Agreement may, at SA International Inc.’s sole and
exclusive discretion, be submitted to, and settled by arbitration by at least one (1) arbitrator. The
arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules for conducting arbitration by an organization
previously established for conducting arbitration, which arbitration shall take place in Murray, Utah, or
such other location in Utah as may be chosen by SA International Inc. Each arbitrator shall strictly apply
Utah law, the Federal Rules of Evidence and the terms of this Agreement and shall have no power to strike,
amend, or modify said terms. Any such proceeding shall, at the exclusive discretion of SA International
Inc. be held in confidence by all parties and witnesses. The judgment or the award rendered by the
arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof and there shall be no trial de novo.
At the sole discretion of SA International Inc. the arbitrator(s) may have equitable powers including the
right to issue temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions.


All right, title, and interest in and to the Intellectual Property Rights in the Software (including, without
limitation, any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and "applets" incorporated into
the Software), the Materials, and any copies of the Software are owned by SA International Inc. except that which
is owned by its suppliers or licensors. Use of any Intellectual Property Rights is restricted to the rights expressly
licensed herein and none other are granted.


Chapter 1 Software License Agreement 16



These limitations apply even if SA International Inc. or an authorized dealer or distributor has
been advised by you of the possibility of such damage. SA International Inc. does not warrant any
drivers for plotting, scanning or other devices. Drivers are provided to you as a service only, and were
developed using information provided to us at the time by equipment manufacturers.

SA International Inc. is not responsible for any typographical errors in the Software or Materials.

SA International Inc. intends to maintain Information in accordance with SA International Inc.’s

understanding of industry practices but assumes no responsibility or liability in connection therewith.

This Agreement sets forth SA International Inc.’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy with
respect to the Software and the use thereof.

This Agreement does not limit any rights that SA International Inc. may have under trade secret,
copyright, patent, trademark, or other laws. No representative of SA International Inc. is authorized to
make any modification to this Agreement, or make any additional representations, commitments, or
warranties binding upon SA International Inc.


This Agreement constitutes the full and complete agreement between the parties with respect to the
within subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral)
between the parties.


The definitions provided herein are referred to herein by bold and italicization throughout this
Agreement. The definitions of such terms are understood to be applicable to both singular and plural uses of
such defined terms.

The titles of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not be construed as limiting in
any manner.

Chapter 1 Software License Agreement 17

No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless the same shall be
made in writing and signed on behalf of each party.


The failure to enforce any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by SA International Inc.
shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or privilege under this Agreement or a waiver of the right to
thereafter claim damages for any deficiencies resulting from any misrepresentation, breach of warranty, or
nonfulfillment of any obligation.

In order for there to be a waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement, such waiver must be in
writing and signed by the party making such waiver.


If any provision of the Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable pursuant to judicial decree or
decision, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. Without
limiting the foregoing, it is expressly understood and agreed that each and every provision of this Agreement
that provides for a limitation of liability, disclaimer of warranties, indemnification or exclusion of
damages or other remedies is intended by the parties to be severable and independent of any other
provision and to be enforced as such. Further, it is expressly understood and agreed that if any remedy
hereunder is determined to have failed of its essential purpose, all limitations of liability and exclusions of
damages or other remedies set forth herein shall remain in effect.


If you are a U.S. Government end-user, this Agreement conveys only "RESTRICTED RIGHTS," and its
use, disclosure, and duplication are subject to Federal Acquisition Regulations, 52.227-7013(C) (1) (ii).


Notwithstanding the location of any PC herein, You represent and warrant that, as required by the
Acts that, unless You obtain prior authorization from the United States Office of Export Administration, You
will not knowingly re-export, directly or indirectly, nor knowingly allow any other person or entity to
re-export, the Software supplied for any purpose to any of the countries to which such re-exports are
prohibited. Your obligation hereunder is subject to the Act, which obligation shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement so long as the relevant Act remains in effect.
Chapter 1 What's New in the Cloud 18


Should SA International Inc. prevail in any lawsuit, action, or proceeding in contract, tort, or
otherwise which arises out of or related to this Agreement, SA International Inc. shall be entitled to recover
all of its costs and expenses including, without limitation, its reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in
connection with such lawsuit, action, or proceeding, including any appeal of such lawsuit, action, or


As between the parties hereto, and in the sale and delivery of any goods, the United Nations
convention related to the sale of goods shall not apply to any sale of goods deemed to arise under in this
or any other agreement between the parties.

© Copyright 2011 by SA International Inc., All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America. The information in this manual is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of SA International Inc.

What's New in the Cloud

The names of actual companies and products mentioned in the Software may be the trademarks of
their respective owners or their subsidiaries or affiliates and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Chapter 1 What's New in the Cloud 19

Welcome to the SAi Cloud!

Here are some of the many new features available to you through the SAi Cloud:

Accessing the SAi Cloud (see "Accessing the SAi Cloud" on page 23)

Activating the Software (see "Activating the Software" on page 23)

Downloading and Installing Software (see "Downloading and Installing Software" on page 25)

ICC Printer Profiles (see "ICC Printer Profiles" on page 27)

Accessing ICC Profiles on the Cloud (see "Accessing ICC Profiles on the Cloud" on page 27)
Downloading ICC Profiles (see "Downloading ICC Profiles" on page 27)
Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles (see "Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles" on page 28)

Using License Manager Cloud (see "Using License Manager Cloud" on page 29)

Checking for License Updates (see "Checking for License Updates" on page 30)
Importing a License File (see "Importing a License File" on page 30)
Removing a License from Your Computer (see "Removing a License from Your Computer" on page 31)
Removing a License File without Internet Connection (see "Removing a License File without Internet
Connection" on page 32)
Downloading a License File without Internet Connection (see "Downloading a License File without
Internet Connection" on page 32)

SAi Cloud Window (see "SAi Cloud Window" on page 56)

File Storage (see "Files Icon" on page 57)

FlexiQuote (see "FlexiQuote Icon" on page 58)
Media Profiles (see "Media Profiles Icon" on page 272)
Reports (see "Reports Icon" on page 60)
Support (see "Support Icon" on page 61)
Messages (see "Messages Icon" on page 63)
Job Approval Tool (see "Approval Tool" on page 277)
The Guild (see "The Guild Icon" on page 63)
Chapter 1 What's New in the Cloud 20

SAi Cloud Mobile Application (see "SAi Cloud Mobile Application" on page 64)

Archiving to the Cloud (see "Archiving to the Cloud" on page 310)

Textile Tool (see "Step and Repeat Tab" on page 153)

Chapter 2 Installing the Software 21

Chapter 2
Installing the Software
Before you begin installing the software, read the Recommended System Requirements below. For optimal
performance, we suggest that your system meet the recommended requirements. As with all computer
software, systems with faster processors, more RAM and greater amounts of storage space allow you to
work with larger files and keep your processing time to a minimum.

Recommended System Requirements


Windows 8
Operating System

Windows 7

Windows Vista

4 GB

700 MB for base program

Install Space

Allow extra install space for ICC Profiles.

4 GB
Working Disk Space

DVD Drive

Broadband Internet connection OR

Available port for hardware key

Available port for output device

See Also
Installation Procedures .................................................................................... 22
Uninstalling the Software ................................................................................ 26
ICC Printer Profiles .......................................................................................... 27
Using License Manager Cloud........................................................................ 29
Using Preference Manager .............................................................................. 34
Setting Up Output Devices ............................................................................. 35
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 22

Installation Procedures
The following topics explain how to install the software and the components that allow the software to

Before you use the software, we recommend converting your .ptf presets from a previous version of the
software to the new output profile format (.icc). See Converting Legacy Presets for more information.

Installing Softkey
The software will not run without either Softkey or a hardware protection key, also known as a dongle.
The keys protect the software from being stolen and reused or unlawfully copied.

Softkey does not require a dongle and allows for more flexible licensing by enabling you to transfer the
software license to another computer. See Transferring a Software License Using Softkey (see
"Transferring a Software License Using Softkey" on page 22) for more information.

Softkey connects to the Internet every 30 days to recheck for a valid activation. If Softkey is unable to
connect to the Internet within a 30 day period, you will receive a message alerting you that you can only
continue working with the software for another 10 days without connecting to the Internet.

If you do not have a broadband Internet connection, contact SAi Support (see SAi Support - to purchase a Hardware Key.

Transferring a Software License Using Softkey

Softkey allows you to transfer the software license to another computer by disabling the software license
on one computer and enabling it on another.

1) From the Help menu, mouse over Registration and select Transfer License.
2) Click Yes to deactivate the software license on the computer currently running the software.

You can reactivate the license on another computer or the same computer.

3) Make a note of your Registration ID and click OK.

4) Install the software on the computer you wish to transfer the license to. (See Installing the Software
(see "Installing the Software" on page 23) for more information.)

If you are having trouble transferring your license, please contact SAi Support (see SAi Support -
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 23

Installing the Software

To install the software, you must have Administrator privileges. To use the software, you must have
Administrator or Power User privileges. See your Windows user guide for more information.

Before you use the software, we recommend converting your .ptf presets from a previous version of the
software to the new output profile format (.icc). (See Converting Legacy Presets for more information.)

 Before starting Activation,Download, and Installation, uninstall any previous version of the software.

Accessing the SAi Cloud

1) Launch your browser.
2) Type in the Address Bar and press Enter.

The SAi Cloud Welcome page appears.

Activating the Software

From the SAi Cloud Welcome page:

1) Copy the Activation Code from your email into the Activation Code field.
2) Click Activate.

The Activate Software page appears.

3) Under Step 1. Log in to your SAi Cloud Account, select the appropriate Login option:
1. For first-time users, select I am new to the SAi Cloud. (See First-time Cloud Users (see
"First-time Cloud Users" on page 23) for more information.)
2. For returning users, select I am a returning customer. (See Returning Cloud Users (see
"Returning Cloud Users" on page 24) for more information.)
4) Follow the instructions in the appropriate subsection.

First-time Cloud Users

Under Step 1. Log in to your SAi Cloud Account, on the Activate Software page:

1) Select I am new to the SAi Cloud.

The Login section heading changes to Create An SAi Cloud Account.

2) Enter your email address in the Email field.

SAi will verify your email address. (See Validating Your Email Address (see "Validating Your Email
Address" on page 24) for instructions.)
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 24

3) Enter a password in the Password field (minimum 6 characters).

4) Re-enter your password in the Retype Password field.
5) Enter your name in the Name field the way you want it to appear in the Cloud.
6) Enter your company name in the Company Name field.
7) Select your geographical region from the Region dropdown list.
8) Click Create Account.
9) Read the Terms and Conditions. To continue using the software, click I Accept the Terms and
10) Under Step 2. Add Software to your SAi Cloud Account, in the Add To SAi Cloud Account section,
click Activate Now.

The Getting Started section appears on the software details page. Also, a Software Activated email
containing your product's Activation Code and Software ID is sent to you.

Returning Cloud Users

Under Step 1. Log in to your SAi Cloud Account, on the Activate Software page:

1) Verify that the I am a returning customer option is selected.

2) Enter your email name in the Email field.
3) Enter your password in the Password field.
4) Press Enter or click Login.

Step 2. Add Software to your SAi Cloud Account appears on the Activate Software page.

5) In the Add To SAi Cloud Account section, click Activate Now.

The Getting Started section appears on the software details page. Also, a Software Activated email containing your product's Activation
Code and Software ID is sent to you.

Validating Your Email Address

1) Check your email for a Welcome message.

Be sure to check spam or junk folders for the email.

2) Click the link in the Welcome email to validate your email address.
3) Click the Close tab (x) to dismiss the Email Validation message.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 25

Downloading and Installing Software

From the Getting Started section on the software details page:

1) Under Step 1 – Download, select the desired download display language from the Language
dropdown list.
2) Click Download Now.
Depending on your browser, you may need to click Save to save the file
3) Browse your computer to the saved file location and press Enter or double-click to open.
4) Click Run when asked, "Do you want to run this file?"

The product download begins. (Download time depends on Internet speed.) When the download finishes, the Installer is extracted.

5) Click Yes when asked, "Would you like to start the installation process now?"
6) Choose the product installation language from the dropdown list and click OK.
7) Click Next in the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard screen.
8) Select I Accept the Terms of the License Agreement and click Next.
9) Click Next to accept the default Destination Location folder.
10) Click Next to accept the default Select Features.
11) Click Next to create a Program Folder to hold the SAi Cloud icons.

The Setup Status window appears, and the software installation process begins. When the installation completes, the Activation Code
window appears.

12) Enter your product Activation Code and click Next.

13) Click Next when the Licensing Successful message appears.
14) Click Finish in the InstallShield Wizard window.
(This last window may be hidden behind other open windows.)

A software license email is sent to you containing the Software ID of the product and the name of the computer it resides on.

Preventing the Software from Loading Automatically During Startup

1) From My Computer, double-click Local Disk C:\; then double-click the Documents and Settings
2) Double-click your user folder and navigate to Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
3) Select the shortcut for the software and press Delete on your keyboard.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 26

Uninstalling the Software

Choose your operating system from the links below and follow the directions to uninstall the software.

Uninstalling the Software for Windows 8

 Exit your SAi software by selecting Exit from the File menu, or by right-clicking the software icon
in the system tray and selecting Exit.

From the Start page on the Windows 8 Desktop:

1) Point to the upper- or lower-right corner of the screen and select the Search symbol.
2) Verify that the Apps option is selected in the Search column; if not, select it.
3) Start typing "control panel" in the Search field.
4) Press Enter, or click Control Panel in the search results list.

The All Control Panel Items window appears.

5) Select the Programs and Features icon.

The window opens in the "Uninstall or change a program" screen.

6) Select the SAi software product to be uninstalled and click Uninstall.

The Setup Type dialog box opens.

7) Select the checkbox Delete User Files in Application Folder if you want to delete all existing
information; then click Next.

The uninstall process takes place.

8) When done, click Finish in the Uninstall Complete dialog box.

Uninstalling the Software for Windows 7

1) Exit your SAi software by selecting Exit from the File menu, or by right-clicking the software icon
in the system tray and selecting Exit.
2) From your computer's Control Panel, select Uninstall a Program.
3) Select SAi Production Suite and click Uninstall.
4) From the Setup Type dialog box, select the checkbox Delete User Files in Application Folder if you
want to delete all existing information.
Deleting this information will remove all preferences, setups, and other settings.
5) Click Next.
6) When done, click Finish in the Uninstall Complete dialog box.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 27

Uninstalling the Software for Windows Vista

1) Exit your software by selecting Exit from the File menu, or by right-clicking the software icon in the
system tray and selecting Exit.
2) If the Windows Vista Control Panel is set to Classic view, double-click Programs and Features.
Otherwise, click Uninstall a Program from Programs.
3) Select the software from the list and click Uninstall.
4) Click Continue to uninstall the software.
5) Choose whether you want to delete user-defined files and click Next.

Checking this option removes any files that you've created in the software, such as presets, jobs, and profiles.

6) Click Finish.
7) Delete the folder on your hard drive where the software was installed (for example, C:\Program
Files\[Software]) and empty the Windows recycling bin.

ICC Printer Profiles

ICC Printer Profiles are files that your printer requires to produce accurate color matching. The SAi
Cloud makes it easy to locate, download, and add needed ICC files to your computer for use by your
SAi software.

Accessing ICC Profiles on the Cloud

You can access ICC profiles through the Cloud Window in your SAi software.

 To access the Cloud Window, launch your SAi application.

The Cloud Window appears on the right side of the screen.

Downloading ICC Profiles

In the Cloud Window:

1) Click the Printer Profiles icon .

The SAi Download library opens in your default browser.

2) Select a printer Make.

3) Select a printer Model.
4) Click Download.
5) If your browser prevents popup windows from opening:
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 28

1. Click Options in the upper-right part of the screen.

2. Select the Allow pop-ups for option.

You return to the Select the ICC Profile page with both Make and Model selected.

3. Click Download again.

The Opening filename pop-up window appears.

6) Click Save File; then click OK.

The Downloads window appears with the ICC profile ZIP folder at the top of the list.

7) Double-click the ZIP folder to open it.

8) Click Extract to unzip the ICC profiles.

The Copy window appears with the default Download path listed in the Copy to field.

9) Click Browse.

The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.

10) Locate and select a convenient location, like your desktop.

11) Click OK.
(For information on installing ICC Profiles, see Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles (see "Installing
Downloaded ICC Profiles" on page 28).)

Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles

Downloaded ICC profiles can be installed through your SAi software.

1) Launch your PhotoPRINT or Flexi Production Manager application.

2) From the Main Menu, click Setup and select Add Setup.

The Add Setup dialog box appears.

3) In the Choose a device type group, select the appropriate device type.
4) In the Choose a device group, locate and select:
1. The brand name of your output device.
2. The model name of your output device.
(This information is part of the ICC ZIP file name in the Downloads folder.)
5) Click Next to go to the second part of the Add Setup window.
6) Complete the fields in the Add Setup window; then click Finish.
(You may accept the default values or enter values of your choosing.)
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 29

The printer profile for the make and model you specified is added to your SAi software, and a
correspondingly named subdirectory is created within the ICCProfile folder.

Removing ICC Profiles

To remove ICC profiles from your computer:

1) Open Windows Explorer.

2) Copy and paste the following into the Address Bar; then press Enter:
C:\Program Files\SAi\SAi Production Suite Cloud\ICCProfile
3) Locate the desired ICC Profiles folder.
 To remove all related ICC profiles, select and delete the entire folder.
 To remove only specific ICC profiles:
1. Open the folder.
2. Select and delete the desired profiles.

When you return to the Color Management tab or the Advanced Options tab , the profiles
you deleted will no long appear in the Output Profile dropdown list.

If the Production Manager Default Job Properties window is open when you remove ICC profiles, you
will have to close and reopen it to see the actual contents of the Output Profile list.

Using License Manager Cloud

An integral part of the SAi Cloud is the Cloud License Manager. This application resides on the
computer where your SAi software is installed and handles the three principal licensing functions of
the Cloud—updating, importing, and removing a license. The License Manager is found in Start > All
Programs > SAi Production Suite Cloud > License Manager.

The Cloud License Manager displays your Software ID, License Type, Expire Date, Licensed On, and
Computer ID. Also included are options for handling Cloud licensing:

 Check For License Updates

 Import A License File
 Remove License From This Computer

All three of these options use the Internet to communicate between your computer and the SAi Cloud
server where your user account is stored.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 30

Checking for License Updates

This option checks to see if your software has updates. If any updates exist, the Cloud server
automatically updates your computer's license and sends the message "Your license has been updated"
to the License dialog box. If your computer's license is already up to date, you receive the message:
"Your license is already up to date."

Click Next to return to the contents of the original License dialog.

Importing a License File

If for some reason you are unable to download the license file onto the computer requiring it, you can
obtain the file from the SAi Cloud using another computer and transfer the file to the required
computer by a flash drive or other removable storage device.

To import a license file:

1) Download a copy of the license file onto a computer with an Internet connection.
(See Downloading a License File without an Internet Connection (see "Downloading a License File
without Internet Connection" on page 32) for detailed instructions on how to do this.)
2) Copy the license file to a convenient location on the computer requiring it.
3) Click Import A License File.

The Open dialog box appears in the computer's default Downloads directory.

4) In the Open dialog box, navigate to where the license file (.lsn) is located.
5) Select the license file and click Open (or double-click the file).
The license file is imported and associated with your SAi software.

The message "License successfully imported" appears in the License dialog box.

Note: If you select an incorrect license file, the message "The new license is not compatible with the
existing license. License was not imported." will appear in the dialog box.
6) Click Next to return to the contents of the original License dialog.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 31

Removing a License from Your Computer

Use this option whenever you need to remove your product license or change it to a different computer.

Once you click the option to remove the license, a message "The license was successfully removed from
this computer" appears in the License dialog box, along with your product's Software ID and a
Removal Code, as well as a link to License this computer again.

If the license removal is unsuccessful, the following message appears: "The license was removed
from this computer, but we were unable to communicate with the SAi Cloud to report the removal."
Simply click Next to display the Software ID and Removal Code.

Be sure to record these two values as they will be required to complete the license removal process
when transferring the software to another computer.

 The Software ID is the unique identifier assigned to your copy of the SAi software.

 The Removal Code is used when you want to install the product software and its license on a
different computer than the one recorded on the SAi Cloud server.
 The License this computer again option allows you to immediately reconnect to the SAi server
and obtain a license for either new or existing software.

When you select the License this computer again option, the Activation Dialog box appears.

1. Copy and paste your software Activation Code (originally provided to you by email) into
the Activation Code field and click Next.

The message "Licensing successful" displays in the License dialog box.

2. Click Next to return to the contents of the original License dialog.

Indirect Internet Connection

The first time you activate your software, the SAi Cloud server communicates directly with your
computer over the Internet. The information that uniquely identifies your SAi software, license, and
computer is stored in your computer and recorded on the SAi Cloud server.

If your computer is not connected to the internet, information such as Activation Code, software
download, Software ID, Computer ID, License File, and Removal Code can still be communicated
using another computer with Internet access.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 32

Removing a License File without Internet Connection

If you want to install your software on a different computer, you will need to remove the license file
from your computer.

If your computer is not connected to the Internet, you can remove the license using the License
Manager. Your Software ID and license Removal Code are displayed in the License dialog box. Record
those two pieces of information (a simple screen capture works well for this) so you can supply them
when you log in to your SAi account on another computer with a working Internet connection.

To notify the SAi Cloud server of your recent license file removal, on a computer with Internet access:

1) Open in your default browser.

2) Log in to your SAi account.
3) Click on the software whose license you just removed.

The Current Install page appears on the screen because the Cloud server is not yet aware of the change that you made.

4) In the Current Install section, click the License Removed? link.

5) Enter the removal code in the Removal Code field.
Note: The code is case sensitive; be sure to enter it the way it appeared in the License window.
If you were unable to record the removal code, it is still possible to remove the software from the
Cloud server:
1. At the bottom of the Software Removed? section, click the No Removal Code? link.
2. Click Remove to disassociate your computer from your SAi product software.
Note: This option is restricted as to when and how often it can be used.
6) Press Enter or click Submit.

The Getting Started screen appears, and the most recent entry in the History column shows "Software Removed."

The Cloud server updates your account information to show that the software has been removed from
your computer.

Downloading a License File without Internet Connection

Ordinarily, you launch the License Manager and enter your Activation Code to obtain a license for your
software. When you attempt this on a computer without an Internet connection and click Next, the
License "Could not communicate with the SAi Cloud" window appears. In it are instructions on where
to go and what to provide in order to obtain a new software license.

Note: Leave the License window open; you will use it once you have obtained a new license file.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 33

To obtain a new software license, on a computer with Internet access:

1) Launch the computer's web browser.

2) In the Address Bar, type and press Enter.

The Instructions on How to Get a License page appears.

3) Complete the necessary account-identifying fields (including Computer ID) and click Submit.

The license Save File window appears.

4) Select the Save option and click OK to download the license file.

The license file is copied to the computer's default Downloads directory.

5) Copy the license file onto a flash drive or other portable medium.
6) Copy the license file from the portable medium onto the computer needing the license file.
7) Launch the License Manager.
If required, click Yes in the User Account Control window.
8) Return to the License window and click the Import License File option.

The Open window appears in the default Downloads directory.

9) Navigate to the location of the copied license file.

10) Select the file and click Open (or double-click the file).

The message "License successfully installed" appears in the License window.

At this point your computer has a copy of the same license file recorded on the SAi Cloud server. If you
return to the Software page in your SAi account and refresh the screen, the Current Install page will
appear, and the top entry in the History column will show "Software Installed."

License Already Removed?

For those occasions when you are unable to connect your computer to the Internet to complete the
license removal process, and to transfer your product license to another computer, use this option.

On the Current Install screen, beneath the Download License button:

1) Click the Already Removed? link.

2) In the Software Removed? section:
1. Enter the Removal Code from "The License was successfully removed from this computer"
dialog box into the Removal Code field.
2. Click Submit.

The Removal Code is transmitted via the Internet to the SAi Cloud server, and the Getting Started screen appears in your browser window.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 34

Also, the "Licensing successful" message displays in the License dialog box.

3) When you are done with the License Manager, click Finish or Close.

Using Preference Manager

Preference Manager is a utility that allows you to save all of the settings in the software to a file, including
all output device setups, setup properties, default job properties, and all application preferences.

You cannot load a set of preferences while either the design or production software is running. However,
you can save preferences at any time.

To run Preference Manager, browse through the Windows Start menu to the software's program folder
and click Preference Manager.

Saving a Set of Preferences

1) Run Preference Manager.
2) Click Save.

3) Type the name for the set of preferences in the field and click OK.

Loading a Set of Preferences

1) Exit the software.
2) Run Preference Manager.
Chapter 2 Installing the Software 35

3) Select the set of preferences you want to load.

4) Click Load.

Restoring the Software to its Original State

The default settings for the software are stored in the Default set of preferences. Restoring the software to
its default state may be particularly helpful when troubleshooting any problems you may encounter with
your software.

Restoring the software to its default state will also remove ALL presets and output device setups. You
should make a record of all important output device and preset settings before restoring the software to
its default state.

1) Exit the software.

2) Run Preference Manager.
3) Select Factory defaults.
4) Click Load.

Clearing Preferences
1) Exit the software.
2) Run Preference Manager.
3) Select Factory defaults.
4) Click Load.

Exiting Preference Manager

To exit Preference Manager, click Exit.

Setting Up Output Devices

When you first run the software, it prompts you to add a setup for an output device.

See Working with Output Device Setups (see "Working with Output Device Setups" on page 75) for more
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 37

Chapter 3
Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs
from Clients
Before configuring remote clients, you must complete a few basic steps to prepare your computer. The
exact steps will depend on which operating system the computer uses. Please refer to the appropriate
section for your configuration.

If you are printing from Macintosh clients, you must configure your operating system to recognize the
AppleTalk network protocol.

See Also
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing ............................................................... 37
Installing the AppleTalk Protocol .................................................................. 39
Windows Client Setup ..................................................................................... 39
Macintosh OS X Client Setup .......................................................................... 40
Sharing PPDs over a Network ........................................................................ 45

Setting Up File and Printer Sharing

If File and Printer Sharing are not already set up on your system, follow these steps to prepare your

Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows Vista

1) From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
2) If the Windows Vista Control Panel is set to Classic View, double-click Network and Sharing Center.
Otherwise, click the Network and Internet icon, and then the Network and Sharing Center icon.
3) Click the File Sharing context menu.
4) Select Turn on File Sharing and click the Apply button.
5) Select the button next to Printer Sharing.
6) Select Turn on Printer Sharing and click the Apply button.
7) Click the X at the top right corner of the window to close the Network and Sharing Center.
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 38

Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows XP

Depending on your network, you may first need to enable printer sharing. See Enabling Printer Sharing
without Setting Up a Network (see "Enabling Printer Sharing without Setting Up a Network" on page 38)
for more information.

1) From the Start menu, select Control Panel.

2) If the Windows XP Control Panel is set to Classic View, double-click Network Connections.
Otherwise, click the Network and Internet Connections icon, and then click the Network
Connections icon.
3) Double-click the Local Area Connection icon and click the Properties button.
4) Under the General tab, click Install.
5) Select Service in the Select Network Component screen and click Add.
6) Select File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks in the Select Network Service screen and click
7) You will now see File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks in the Network screen. Click

Enabling Printer Sharing without Setting Up a Network

1) From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
2) If the Windows XP Control Panel is set to Classic View, double-click Printer and Faxes. Otherwise,
click the Printer and Other Hardware icon, and then click the Printers and Faxes icon.
3) Right-click the printer you want to share and select Sharing from the context menu.
4) To share the printer without running the Network Setup Wizard, click the If you understand the
security risks but want to share printers without running the wizard, click here link.
5) In the Enable File Sharing dialog, select Just enable printer sharing and click OK.
6) Click OK.

Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows Server 2003

1) From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
2) Select Network Connections, right-click a Local Area Network icon and select Properties.
3) Click Install in the General tab.
4) Select Service and click Add.
5) Select File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks.
6) Click OK.
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 39

Installing the AppleTalk Protocol

You will only need to install AppleTalk if you are printing from OS X.3 to Windows 2003 Server. All other
supported OS combinations will connect via Windows Printing.

Installing the AppleTalk Protocol on Windows Server 2003

1) From the Start menu, select Control Panel and double-click Network Connections.
2) Right-click a Local Area Network icon and select Properties.
3) Click Install in the General tab.
4) Select Protocol and click Add.
5) Select AppleTalk Protocol and click OK.

Windows Client Setup

To print from a client PC to a PC running pps, the output device setup in pps must have a desktop print
queue. This print queue is automatically created as a shared network print queue.

The desktop print queue on the server can be created at the same time as the output device setup. See
Adding/Changing New Setups (see "Adding/Changing Setups" on page 76) for more information.

If your client machine is running Windows XP, make sure you have administrative privileges before

1) Click the Start menu and click Control Panel.

2) If the Control Panel is set to Classic View, double-click Printers and Faxes. Otherwise, click on
Printers and Other Hardware and then click Printers and Faxes.
3) From the Printer Tasks column on the left, click Add a Printer. When the Add Printer Wizard opens,
click Next.
4) Select A Network printer, or a printer attached to another computer and click Next.
5) Select Connect to this printer (or to browse for a printer, select this option) and click Next.
6) From the list, select the computer you want to use, then select the printer and click Next.
7) Select No under Do you want to use this printer as the default printer and click Next.
8) Click Finish.

Client applications on this computer can send jobs to the server for processing and printing.
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 40

Macintosh OS X Client Setup

To print from a Macintosh running OS X to a PC running pps, the output device setup in pps must have a
desktop print queue. This print queue is automatically created as a shared network print queue.

The desktop print queue on the server is created at the same time as the output device setup. See
Changing/Adding New Setups (see "Adding/Changing Setups" on page 76) for more information.

Macintosh OS X.3 Client Setup

AppleTalk Printing

To create a print queue under OS X.3 that outputs to the shared network print queue via AppleTalk on a
PC running pps:

1) Run the Printer Setup Utility found in the Utilities sub-folder of the Applications folder.

2) Add a print queue using one of the following methods:

 From the Printers menu, select Add Printer.

 Click Add in the toolbar.

Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 41

3) Select AppleTalk from the topmost pop-up menu.

4) In the lower pop-up menu, select AppleTalk Network.
5) Using the lower window, select the specific AppleTalk network zone where the computer that is
running pps is located and click Choose.
6) Select the shared printer queue for the pps output device setup.

If necessary, log in using the ID and password for that computer.

7) Set Printer Model to Other.

8) Browse for the PPD under the shared SAi folder located on the computer that is running pps. By
default, the PPD folder is installed in C:\Program Files\SAi\SAi Production Suite\Jobs and

If you can't find the PPD, set Printer Model to Generic. This should allow it to work at a basic level, but may prevent access to certain printer-specific

9) Click Add.
10) From the Printer Setup Utility menu, select Quit Printer Setup Utility.

Windows Printing

To create a print queue under OS X.3 that outputs to the shared network print queue via Windows
Printing on a PC running pps:

1) Run the Printer Setup Utility found in the Utilities sub-folder of the Applications folder.

2) Add a print queue using one of the following methods:

 From the Printers menu, select Add Printer.
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 42

 Click Add in the toolbar.

3) Select Windows Printing from the topmost pop-up menu.

4) In the lower pop-up menu, select Network Neighborhood.
5) Using the lower window, select the computer that is running pps and click Choose.

If necessary, log in using the ID and password for that computer.

6) Select the shared printer queue for the pps output device setup.
7) Set Printer Model to Other.
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 43

8) Browse for the PPD under the shared SAi folder located on the computer that is running pps. By
default, the PPD folder is installed in C:\Program Files\SAi\SAi Production Suite\Jobs and

If you can't find the PPD, set Printer Model to Generic. This should allow it to work at a basic level, but may prevent access to certain printer-specific

9) Click Add.
10) From the Printer Setup Utility menu, select Quit.

Macintosh OS X.4 Client Setup

To create a print queue under OS X.4 that outputs to the shared network print queue on a PC running pps:

1) Run the Printer Setup Utility found in the Utilities sub-folder of the Applications folder.

2) Add a print queue using one of the following methods:

 From the Printers menu, select Add Printer.

 Click Add in the toolbar.

Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 44

3) Click More Printers.

4) Select Windows Printing from the topmost pop-up menu.

5) In the lower pop-up menu, select Network Neighborhood.
6) Using the lower window, select the computer that is running pps and click Choose.

If necessary, log in using the ID and password for that computer.

7) Select the shared printer queue for the pps output device setup.
8) Set Printer Model to Other.
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 45

9) Browse for the PPD under the shared SAi folder located on the computer that is running pps. By
default, the PPD folder is installed in C:\Program Files\SAi\SAi Production Suite\Jobs and

If you can't find the PPD, set Printer Model to Generic. This should allow it to work at a basic level, but may prevent access to certain printer-specific

10) Click Add.

11) From the Printer Setup Utility menu, select Quit Printer Setup Utility.

Sharing PPDs over a Network

A PPD is created each time you add a setup for a printer in PhotoPRINT / FlexiPRINT. You will need to
share the PPD folder so that PPDs created from a printer setup on a Windows OS can be accessed from a
Macintosh OS.

Sharing PPDs Over A Network for Windows Vista

1) Browse your computer for the SAi folder where the software was installed and right-click on it.
2) Select Share from the context menu.
3) From the Share tab, click Advanced Sharing and then select Share this folder.
4) If desired, enter a new share name.
5) Click Permissions.
a) If the user account that needs access is not listed, click Add.
1. Click Object Types to select the type of objects you want to find. Make sure Users is checked.
2. Click Locations to select the location you want to search.
3. Either select the account name or enter the user name of the user account you want to add and
click Check Names and then OK.
b) Under Group or user names, select the user account you just added and check Full Control in the
Allow column.
c) Click OK in the Advanced Sharing dialog.
6) Under the Security tab, click Edit and then Add if the user account is not listed under Group or user
a) Click Object Types to select the type of objects you want to find. Make sure Users is checked.
b) Click Locations to select the location you want to search.
c) Enter the user name of the user account you want to add and click OK.
7) Under Group or user names, select the user account you just added and check Full Control in the
Allow column.
8) Click OK.
Chapter 3 Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients 46

Sharing PPDs Over A Network for Windows XP and 2003 Server

1) Browse your computer for the program folder where the software was installed and right-click on it.
2) Select Sharing and Security from the context menu.
3) From the Share tab, select Share this folder.
4) If desired, enter a new share name.
5) Click Permissions.
a) If the user account that needs access is not listed, click Add.
1. Click Object Types to select the type of objects you want to find. Make sure Users is checked.
2. Click Locations to select the location you want to search.
3. Either select the account name or enter the user name of the user account you want to add and
click Check Names and then OK.
b) Under Group or user names, select the user account you just added and check Full Control in the
Allow column.
c) Click OK.
6) Under the Security tab, click Add if the user account is not listed under Group or user names.
a) Click Object Types to select the type of objects you want to find. Make sure Users is checked.
b) Click Locations to select the location you want to search.
c) Enter the user name of the user account you want to add and click OK.
7) Under Group or user names, select the user account you just added and check Full Control in the
Allow column.
8) Click OK.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 47

Chapter 4
Getting Started with pps SE
The following topics will help familiarize you with pps.

See Also
Basic Elements of Your Software .................................................................... 47
Refreshing the Window ................................................................................... 66
Entering Numerical Values ............................................................................. 66
Setting Application Preferences ..................................................................... 69
Using Job Monitor ............................................................................................ 72
Getting Help ...................................................................................................... 73
Exiting the Software ......................................................................................... 74

Basic Elements of Your Software

The following are some of the basic elements of your software.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 48

1. Classic Menu 2. Toolbar 3. Device Area

4. Setup Area 5. Output Queue 6. RIP Queue

Classic Menus
7. Hold Queue 8. Status bar 9. Scroll Buttons
Classic menus are the traditional way of navigating the software that use
10. Job Preview Pane 11. Information
drop-down menusPane
from the top of the window.

To enable the Classic menus, right click on a blank area of the toolbar and select Show Classic Menus.
Selecting Show Classic Menus a second time will hide the Classic menus.

To access the Classic Menu commands without displaying the menus at the top of the window, right-click
a blank area of the toolbar.

See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.


The following is a description of the Classic Menu options.

Displays the File commands.

Opens the Add Job dialog. See Adding New Jobs (see "Adding New Jobs" on page
Add Job
89) for more information.
Opens the Move Job dialog. See Moving Jobs to a Different Output Device (see
Move Job
"Moving Jobs to a Different Output Device" on page 93) for more information.
Acquire an image from a currently installed TWAIN device.
Acquire Image
Allows you to choose a currently-connected TWAIN device
TWAIN Select
to scan or import an image. If you only have one TWAIN
device connected, it is automatically selected.
Scans or imports an image from the currently-selected
TWAIN Acquire
TWAIN device.
Opens the Job Properties dialog for the selected job. See Setting Job Properties (see
Job Properties
"Setting Job Properties" on page 109) for more information.
Opens the Variations dialog for the selected job. See Working with Variations (see
"Working with Variations" on page 99) for more information.
Opens the selected job with a chosen program. See Editing Jobs with an External
Edit With
Application (see "Editing Jobs with an External Application" on page 92) for more
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 49

Nests the selected jobs. See Nesting Jobs (see "Nesting Jobs" on page 157) for more
Nest Jobs
Un-nests the selected jobs. See Un-Nesting Jobs (see "Un-Nesting Jobs" on page
Unnest Jobs
160) for more information.
Separates a multi-sectioned job into individual parts, and then nests the parts. See
Break Apart
Breaking Apart Multi-Sectioned Jobs into Nested Jobs (see "Breaking Apart
Multi-Sectioned Jobs into Nested Jobs" on page 164) for more information.
Exports the current settings to a preset file. See Exporting Presets (see "Exporting
Export Preset
Presets" on page 112) for more information.
Imports settings previously saved to a preset file. See Importing Presets (see
Import Preset
"Importing Presets" on page 113) for more information.
Saves the selected job either as a native or an original format.
Save As

RIPs the selected job. See RIPing Jobs (see "RIPing Jobs" on page 94) for more
Outputs the selected job to a printer, hybrid device or virtual hybrid device.
Opens the Job Estimation dialog. See Job Estimation (see "Job Estimation" on page
Job Estimation
101) for more information.
Opens the Print Wizard dialog. See Printing from Print Wizard (see "Printing from
Print Wizard
Print Wizard" on page 96) for more information.
Aborts the processing of a job.
Exits the software. See Exiting the Software (see "Exiting the Software" on page 74)
for more information.
Displays the Edit commands.
Selects all jobs.
Select All
Deletes the selected jobs.
Opens the software Preferences dialog. See Setting Application Preferences for
PhotoPRINT Server (see "Setting Application Preferences" on page 69) or Setting
Application Preferences for PhotoPRINT SE for more information.
Displays the Setup commands.
Opens the Add Setup dialog. See Changing/Adding New Setups (see
Add Setup
"Adding/Changing Setups" on page 76) for more information.
Opens the Setup Properties dialog. See Editing Setup Properties (see "Editing
Setup Properties
Setup Properties" on page 78) for more information.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 50

Opens the Change Port dialog. See Changing Port Settings (see "Changing Port
Change Device
Settings" on page 81) for more information.
Opens the Default Job Properties dialog. See Setting Default Job Properties (see
Default Job
"Setting Default Job Properties" on page 86) for more information.
Deletes the selected setup.
Makes the selected setup active. See Activating Setups (see "Activating Setups" on
Make Active
page 78) for more information.
Opens the Color Profiler dialog. See Color Profiler for more information.
Color Profiler
Opens the Output Validation dialog. See Working with Output Validation (see
Output Validation
"Working with Output Validation" on page 87) for more information.
Opens the Global Color Mapping dialog. See Using Global Color Mapping (see
Global Color
"Using Global Color Mapping" on page 176) for more information.
Opens the Output Size Compensation dialog. See Using Output Size
Output Size
Compensation (see "Using Output Size Compensation" on page 86) for more
Outputs a test print using the selected device.
Test Print
Outputs a test cut using the selected device.
Test Cut
Outputs a test engraving using the selected device.
Test Engrave
Displays the View commands.
Shows or hides the job Information Pane. See Information Pane (see "Information
Show / Hide Info
Pane" on page 66) for more information.
Opens the Job Log in the default browser. See Using the Job Log (see "Using the
View Job Log
Job Log" on page 95) for more information.
Clears the Job Log. See Clearing the Job Log (see "Clearing the Job Log" on page
Clear Job Log
96) for more information.
Refreshes the queues. See Refreshing the Window for more information.
Displays the Help commands.
Opens the HTML help for the current software. See Getting Help (see "Getting
PhotoPRINT Help
Help" on page 73) for more information.
Mouse over the submenu to see registration options.
These options are only available if you have Softkey installed.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 51

Opens the Registration screen with currently entered

Edit Registration
information. See Registering the Software for more
Deactivates your current copy of the software so that you
Transfer License
can activate the copy on another computer. See Transferring
a Software License Using Softkey (see "Transferring a
Software License Using Softkey" on page 22) for more
Checks for updates to the software.
Check for Updates

Opens the online registration page in the default browser.

Register Online

Displays details about the software, including version, build, user and registration
Shows or hides Classic Menus, which are the drop-down menus at the top of the window. See Classic
Menus (see "Classic Menus" on page 48) for more information.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 52

A toolbar is located at the top of the main window. It contains tools for the most commonly used
functions. Many buttons in the toolbar function as buttons and as menus, depending on where you hover
your mouse.

Button Menu button


The toolbar functions are:

Launches the Print Wizard dialog. See Printing from Print

Wizard (see "Printing from Print Wizard" on page 96) for more

Job Click the Job button to add a job.

Click the Job menu button to view the context menu.

Click the RIP button to RIP the selected job.
Click the RIP menu button to view the context menu.

Outputs the selected job to the specified output device, RIPing it

if necessary.

Estimates the amount and cost of ink used in a job. Helps

calculate the true cost of any print job. Can also prevent running
out of ink in the middle of a job.
Nests the selected jobs together to use the minimum amount of
the output media.
Unnests the selected set of nested jobs.

Stops selected file from RIPing or printing.


Deletes the selected job or jobs.

Click the Help button to open the HTML help file.
Click the Help menu button to view the context menu.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 53

See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.

Device Area
The Device Area contains tabs of all the devices you've setup. Devices include printers, cutters or hybrid
devices. The name on the device tab is set by the brand, model name and port connection you selected
when you set up the device. See Adding/Changing New Setups (see "Adding/Changing Setups" on page
76) for more information.

 To view all jobs listed for a particular device, click that device's tab.
 To view all jobs for all devices, click the All tab in the Device Area.
 To add a device, click the Add a Device tab.

See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.

Setup Area
The Setup Area contains all the device setups you've created. See Changing/Adding New Setups (see
"Adding/Changing Setups" on page 76) for more information.

To view jobs for all setups for a particular device, click the All tab in the Setup Area.

See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.

In pps, files can progress through three queues during the course of processing.

Holds jobs that are in the process of being output. See the After
Output Queue
output entry in Workflow Tab (see "Workflow Tab" on page 122)
for more information.
Lists the jobs that are being RIPed, or have finished RIPing.
RIP Queue

Lists all jobs that are sent to the server, but are not yet moved to
Hold Queue
other queues. It is a holding place for jobs before or after they are

See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 54

Queue Column Headings

To rearrange queue column headings, click the heading you want to move and drag it to a new location in
the heading bar. Also see Customizing Queue Column Headings (see "Customizing Queue Column
Headings" on page 55) for more information.

Note the column headings at the top of each queue:

The name of the device to which the file is output.

The name of the file, followed by its internal PostScript name in
Job Name
The current status of the job.

The name of the computer that sent the job.

The physical dimensions of the job.
The number of copies to be output.
The format of the file.
File type
The size of the file.
File Size
The ICC profile to use when outputting the job.
The color mode of the job.
Commands for after the job is output.
After Output
The type of job: print or contour.
The date and time you added the job.
The number of pages in the job.
# of pages
The resolution at which the job outputs.
The path to the folder the file is stored in.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 55

Customizing Queue Column Headings

You are able to customize what information appears in the column headings.

To change which queue column headings display in the heading bar:

1) Right-click a blank area in one of the queues and click Field Chooser.

2) For each heading that you want to see in the heading bar, place a check mark in its box.
For each heading that you do not want to see in the heading bar, clear the check mark from its box.
3) Click OK.

Resizing Queues

To resize the queues, drag their borders using the mouse.

Resizing Columns

To resize the column headings, drag the edges of the headers left or right.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 56

SAi Cloud Window

The Cloud Window, included within SAi software products, is a convenient window full of web-based
tools (FlexiQuote, Cloud storage, Messaging), convenient links (media profiles, software support,
social media) and more. By default, the Cloud Window opens in a panel on the right side of your SAi

application, but you can show or hide the panel by clicking the Show or Hide Cloud Page icon
near the right end of the Standard toolbar.

To use a tool in the SAi Cloud Window, simply click on it. Some Cloud tools open right in the Cloud
Window; others open in your default web browser. To close tools that open in the Cloud Window, click
the Home icon. For tools that open in a browser window, log out and close the browser.

The following is a list of the current Cloud Window tools and a brief description of each. More detailed
information can be found in the topics that follow.

This option gives you at-a-glance information about all the

files you have archived on the SAi Cloud.
This option opens an online system for pricing sign jobs
and reviewing price quotes that you have already given.
This option allows you to download ICC profiles, which
help your printer achieve optimal color. For information on
installing printer profiles, see Installing Downloaded ICC
Profiles (see "Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles" on page
This option keeps a running total of the number of jobs
your company has worked on during the past week and
month, and reports the total square footage produced
during each period.
This option takes you directly to the Bad Wrap templates
page in the SAi Store. (Available in North America.)
This option opens the Design Templates portion of the
Creative Corner in the SAi Store. (Available in North
This option takes you directly to the corporate logo
collection available through the SAi Store. (Available in
North America.)
This option takes you directly to the Fonts and Clipart
section in the SAi Store.
This option opens the SAi Software Support web page.
Select your region, language and product to view videos,
FAQs, an e-support form, and more.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 57

This option displays all job-related communications

between SAi software users and their customers.
This option lets you send a copy of your customers' jobs to
Job Approval
them for review, correction, and approval. (Available to
Guild members. See for more
This option opens the home page of The International Sign
The Guild
and Printmakers Guild. The Guild is a free, member-led
organization dedicated to the business growth and
development of its members—sign and print providers.
This icon displays useful information about the SAi
product you are currently using.
This option takes you SA International's page on Facebook.

This option brings you to TheSAiChannel on You Tube

where you can find software tutorials and videos.
This option takes you to the SAi Store, where you can find
clipart, fonts, ready-made signs, and more.

Files Icon


The Files option gives you at-a-glance information about the files you have stored in your account on
the SAi Cloud. Files are stored (archived) on the SAi Cloud server using the Archive to Cloud option
found in the File Menu and on the Standard Toolbar. To see what has been stored in your Cloud
account, click the Files icon.

The archive opens in the Cloud Window on the right side of your SAi product screen. The Summary
section presents an overview of your total file count, storage usage, and space availability. The Files
section lists each of the files you currently have stored on the SAi Cloud. The files are listed in date
order with the most recently archived file at the top of the list. Each entry in the Files list contains a
thumbnail image of the file, its name, size (in kilobytes), and time of archival.

Note: A file having the same name as an existing archived file will not overwrite it. Instead, the
new file will be stored as a more recent version of the existing one. This serves as a safeguard
against inadvertent deletions and as a version control.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 58

Additional options—Download and Delete This File—can be accessed by clicking anywhere on a file's
information. Any comments associated with the file will appear in the Comments section. And clicking
Back To List will return you to the Summary page.

To refresh the contents of the Cloud Window, click the icon or press F5.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

Downloading an Archived File

To download an archived file:

1) Click the Files icon in the Cloud window.

2) Select the desired file and click Download.
3) In response to the question, "Do you want to open or save this file?" do one of the following:
 Select Open; then select Open again.

 Select Save; then select Save again.

Removing a File from the Cloud Archive

To remove a file from the Cloud archive:

1) Click the Files icon in the Cloud window.

2) Select the desired file and click Delete This File.

Warning! Clicking the Delete option will immediately remove the displayed file from the Cloud

FlexiQuote Icon


FlexiQuote is an online pricing system for new sign jobs that contains pre-loaded materials and pricing
that you can customize to meet your shop's particular needs.

Starting FlexiQuote
FlexiQuote is accessed from the Cloud Window of your SAi software.

1) Click the FlexiQuote icon in the Cloud Window at the right side of the screen.
2) Click Grant to continue and allow SAi Cloud access to the information and resources in your
account, or Deny to go back to your software.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 59

Creating a Job Quote

FlexiQuote is designed to help you quickly give job estimates over the phone or to walk-in customers.

1) To put together a job quote:

1. Click New Quote.
2. Select and enter the necessary information in each of the New Quote screen fields: Add Items,
Commissions/Discounts, Extras, Taxes, and Summary.
2) To make additional entries within a category, click the Add … button.
3) Click Save and Finish to generate a completed quote.
 To modify your quote, click the Edit button at the bottom-right of the page.
 To discard a job quote, click the Delete button.

Browsing Existing Job Quotes

FlexiQuote lists summary information for all your existing job quotes in four columns—Quote #, Quote
Name, Created at, and Actions. Click any heading to sort its contents in ascending or descending order.

 To move between job order pages, click the Next or Previous buttons, or click the page number
button in between them.
 To adjust how many job quotes appear on a page, click the Show entries dropdown button and
select one of the values.
 To view the details of a job quote, click on its Quote Name.

Searching Existing Job Quotes

To search for a job quote by number or name, type part or all of that information into the Search field.
Every quote containing the information you typed will be displayed.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 60

Setting Up FlexiQuote
FlexiQuote allows you to make changes to your shop's Quote Setup parameters and Shop Settings. To
access the FlexiQuote Setup page:

 From the My Quotes page, click the Setup tab.

Quote Setup tab

To help you get a job quote timely out the door, FlexiQuote comes preloaded with much of the
information you will need. The Quote Setup tab lets you quickly adjust the values in the existing
Materials, Labor Rates, and Formula Items to your shop standard.

 Click Edit to adjust any item needing change.

 Click Delete to remove any unneeded item.
 Click the green New … button to add Materials, Labor Rates, and Formula Items of your own.

Shop Settings tab

Use this tab to set the Time Zone, Language, Currency, and Unit system values for your sign shop.

Reports Icon


The Reports option keeps a running total of the number of jobs your company has worked on during
the past week and month, and reports the total area for each period. Under Recent Jobs, Reports
displays a list of all the jobs you have worked on during the past thirty days. To find more detailed
information about a particular job, click on it.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

HP icon

HP Website Icon

Click this icon to visit the HP website at

HP Support Videos Icon

HP Support Videos Icon

Click this icon to view instructional videos about your FlexiPRINT HP Edition software.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 61

Wrap Templates Icon

Click the Wrap Templates icon to visit The Bad WrapTM vehicle templates page in the SAi Store.
Here you can use the drop-down menus to browse by Vehicle Type, Year, Make, and Model, or search
by keyword in the Search field. Bad Wrap templates are available in North America.

Design Templates Icon

Click the Design Templates icon to visit the Design Templates portion of the Creative Corner in
the SAi Store. Here you will find a number of useful, pre-defined templates suited to a variety of jobs.

Logo Collection Icon

Click the Logo Collection icon to visit the corporate logo collection available through the SAi
Store. Here you can browse and purchase individual corporate logos for your sign projects. Or you can
click Subscribe to the full collection and have the entire collection added to your cart.

Clipart Collection Icon

Click the Clipart Collection icon to visit the Fonts and Clipart section in the SAi Store. Here you
can select, search for, and examine a wide variety of art and textual graphics and fonts that can be used
to greatly speed sign production.

Support Icon


The Support option takes you to the SAi Software Support page, where you can access SA
International's many support resources. To get started:

1) Move your mouse over your region.

2) Point to your preferred language.
3) Select the software product that you own.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 62

Useful Web Links by Product

Flexi PhotoPRINT
Documentation Documentation
User Forum User Forum
Download Library Download Library
Training Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Videos

The Documentation website contains written instructions on each of the SAi products in the form of a
detailed, indexed, searchable, online help file.

User Forum
The User Forum website is a great place to search for answers to past user questions and to ask new
questions. Click this link to access the Forum login page.

 If you are a returning user, enter your SAi Username/Email and Password; then click Login.
 If this is your first visit to the Forum, click Register.

Training Materials
Click the Training Materials link to see the software training options available for your product.

Upcoming Events
Click the Upcoming Events link to view dates, times, and locations of all the tradeshows, open houses,
and training events where SA International will be in attendance.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 63

Messages Icon


The Messages option works in conjunction with the Approval Tool. It allows your customers to
provide you with visual and written feedback on the jobs you send for their approval. Any written
comments your customers generate using the Job Approval Tool will be stored in the Messages
database and available to both you and them. Messages are listed in date order with the most recent
message displayed at the top of the list.

 To see the full content of a message, click anywhere on the visible message text.

 To refresh the contents of the Cloud Window, click the icon or press F5.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

The Guild Icon

The Guild

The Guild icon opens the home page of The International Sign and Printmakers Guild in your default
browser. The Guild is a member-led organization dedicated to the business growth and development
of its members—sign and print providers.

Over time, the Guild will be tightly integrated with Flexi to bring new business, reduce costs, and more.
For up-to-date information, visit (

Settings Icon

Click the Settings Icon to display useful information about your software product, including the
Software ID, License Type, date Licensed On, and Expires date.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

Facebook Icon
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 64

Click the Facebook icon to visit SA International's public page on Facebook. Here you will find photos,
training videos, news, and user questions and comments. Click the Like to follow SA International's
activity link.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Page panel.

YouTube Icon

Click the YouTube icon to view TheSAiChannel on You Tube. Here you will find a number of video
tutorials, product reviews, tradeshow interviews, and more. Click Subscribe to follow TheSAiChannel.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Page panel.

SAi Store Icon

SAi Store Icon

Click the SAi Store icon to browse a variety of sign templates, vehicle templates, high-resolution and
vector clipart, backgrounds, fonts, and more.

SAi Cloud Mobile Application

The SAi Cloud mobile app gives you on-the-go access to the recent job list, information, and job trends
using your iPhone and Android mobile devices. The app, which is only made useful through the use of
Flexi or PhotoPRINT Cloud, uses the same login information used for your SAi Cloud account.

Launching the SAi Mobile App

You can find the "SAi Cloud" mobile app by browsing the app store on your Apple or Android phone.

To start the SAi Cloud mobile app:

1) Click the SAi logo.

2) Enter your Email address in the first field.
3) Enter your account Password in the second field.
4) Press Login.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 65

Viewing the Job List

The Job List displays at-a-glance information about the latest jobs produced through your SAi
software. Click any job for more detailed information, including job name, printer, height, area, ICC
profile, and date printed.

Observing Trends

The Trends tab shows monthly totals for area produced, jobs produced, and average area per job. This
information helps you determine hard costs and accurately price your jobs.

Reviewing Account Information

The Information screen displays data about your SAi Cloud storage space, including total storage
available, amount used, and number of files stored. You will also find account information such as
region and preferred units of measurement.

Status Bar
The Status bar is the area located on the bottom of your screen. It displays the following information:

 The present X,Y coordinates of the cursor or additional information about the selected command.
 The default fill and stroke colors, or the foreground and background colors when in bitmap editing

For a timed license, the Status bar also displays the number of days to expiration.

(See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.)

Job Preview Pane

To generate a preview of the selected job, double-click the job preview pane.

If you want to automatically load the preview when a job is added to the queue, see Setting Application
Preferences (see "Setting Application Preferences" on page 69) for more information.

See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 66

Information Pane
The information pane displays information about the selected job. See Queue Column Headings (see
"Queue Column Headings" on page 54) for more information.

See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.

Refreshing the Window

To refresh the view of the main window, from the View menu, select Refresh.

Entering Numerical Values

The software supports a number of unique features that make it easier to enter numerical values.

Use Spinner Controls

Use the spinner controls to increase or decrease the value. When you click or click and hold the mouse on
one of the arrows, the value is increased or decreased incrementally. Using the arrow keys on your
computer's keyboard will have the same effect.

Spinner Control

Using Built-In Mathematical Operations

Whenever you enter a numerical value, the software can perform a number of calculations.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 67

Automatic Unit Conversion

If you enter a value using a different unit of measurement than the default unit, the software will
automatically convert the value to the default unit.

For instance, if your default unit is inches, you can enter a value of 1 ft, and the software will convert the
measurement to 12 in.

Supported units are:

in, "
ft, '

Calculation of Ratios

If you enter a ratio in the format A:B, the software will scale the previous value in the field by the ratio

For instance, if a value is set to 12, and you enter 2:3, the new value is 8.

Calculation of Percentages

If you enter a percentage in the format X%, the software will scale the previous value in the field by the
percentage entered.

For instance, if a value is set to 10, and you enter 90%, the new value is 9.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 68

Simple Mathematical Operators

If you enter a simple mathematical expression, the software will calculate the result of the expression and
enter that value in the field.

The available mathematical operators, in order of precedence, are:


For example, if you enter 1/8, the value 0.125 is calculated.

Operator precedence determines the order in which the mathematical operations are calculated when
more than one operation is specified. In the previous list, operators are listed from top to bottom in order
of operator precedence. For instance, if you enter 6/2*3, the software will calculate 6/2 first, and then
multiply the result by 3, yielding a result of 9.

Automatic Application of Entered Values and Expressions

Once you enter a numerical value, ratio or mathematical expression in a numerical field, the software will
automatically apply that value after a brief delay. You can also press Tab to apply the value immediately.
Avoid pressing Enter, as it will trigger the OK button and close the dialog.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 69

Setting Application Preferences

To set application preferences, from the Edit menu, select Preferences.

Adjust the following parameters:

The units of measurement displayed.

The degree of precision to use with measurements.
Allows you to choose the style of the software's appearance. Changing the
skin here will also affect the appearance of Install Manager, Preference
Manager and Job Monitor.
Select the path and format in which archived jobs are stored.
Choose the folder where jobs are saved.
Select the format in which jobs are saved.
Adjust RIP settings.
Sets the band size that is processed during RIPing. Small
RIP band
values allow large files to RIP, but will take longer to
Sets the resolution of the Preview Pane in the Job Properties
dialog to Low, Medium or High.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 70

Sets the number of jobs that can be RIPed at one time. One
RIP thread is required for each file being RIPed, and one RIP
number of
RIP threads thread is required to generate a preview for each file.

Sets the priority of the RIP thread in the Job Properties

RIP thread
dialog to High, Above Normal, Normal, Below Normal or
Allows RIPing and printing the job simultaneously. RIPing
Print while
and printing simultaneously may affect overall performance.
Reduces the size of the RIPed job file using file compression.
RIP result
Sets the folders which will be used for the following:
File paths
The folder in which job files are stored.
The folder for temporary files that are created during the
processing of jobs.

RIPing files requires a significant amount of storage space. If

the drive on which the temp directory has only a small
amount of storage space, you may want to consider
relocating the temp directory to a drive with more available
storage space.

Changes the background color for the Setup area, Send queue, RIP queue
and Hold queue. See Changing Background Colors (see "Changing
Background Colors" on page 71) for more information.
Allows Send Now and Interactive from a remote design station.
Allow remote
Send Now/
Automatically generates a preview for each job as it is added to the Queue.
Auto load
preview on
Activating this setting may slow the speed of loading jobs in the Hold
adding job

Rotates every other printed tile to 180° so that adjacent vertical edges always
Automatic tile
print with the same side of the print head to help them match up cleanly.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 71


Allows the software to check for updates each time Softkey connects to the
Internet to recheck for a valid activation. See Auto Update Alert for more
check for
updates information.

This option is only available if you have Softkey installed.

Changing Background Colors

The background color changes for the setup area, Send queue, RIP queue and Hold queue.

1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

2) Click the Appearance button.

3) Click Edit next to the area you want to color.

4) Choose a new color and click OK.

5) Click OK.

Color changes are not saved until the Preferences dialog is closed with the OK button.
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 72

Using Job Monitor

Job Monitor provides another way for you to monitor the jobs and the software processes. Job monitor
allows you to observe the jobs being processed, but does not allow you to change the way they are

Starting Job Monitor

To start up Job Monitor, from the application folder in the Windows Start menu, select Job Monitor.

Choosing a Connection
Choose which computer the software will monitor:

Monitoring Local Software

To monitor jobs running on the same computer as Job Monitor, select On This Computer (Local) and click

Monitor A Computer on the Same LAN

To monitor jobs running on another computer on your local area network:

1) Select On another computer (Network) and click OK.

2) Select the computer you want to monitor and click OK.

Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 73

Monitoring a Computer at a Remote Address

1) Select On the Internet address.
2) Enter the TCP/IP address or URL of the remote computer in the space provided.
3) Click OK.

Changing the Computer Being Monitored

To monitor a different computer instead, from the File menu, select Connect. You can then repeat the
connection process and choose a different computer.

Monitoring Jobs
Job Monitor lists all jobs running on the selected computer, along with the following information:

Printer Name The name of the output device setup being used to print the job.

The path and filename of the file.

File Name
The status of the job.
The date and time that you added the job.

Exiting Job Monitor

To exit Job Monitor, from the File menu, select Exit.

Getting Help
From the Help menu, click on Help Topics (or press F1) to view the full HTML documentation.

To access the SAi Software Support center, click Support in the Cloud Window. (See Support Icon
for more information.)
Chapter 4 Getting Started with pps SE 74

Exiting the Software

By default, the software loads automatically each time the OS restarts. The software minimizes after
starting, and its icon appears in the System Tray area of the Windows Taskbar. See Preventing the
Software from Loading Automatically (see "Preventing the Software from Loading Automatically During
Startup" on page 25) for more information.

Clicking Close in the top right corner of the title bar minimizes the software instead of closing it.

To exit the software, do one of the following:

 From the File menu, select Exit.

 Right-click the software icon in the system tray and select Exit from the context menu.
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 75

Chapter 5
Working with Output Device Setups
Setups provide the link between the software and your output devices. Each setup contains the following

 The type of output device in use.

 The method used to communicate with the device.
 Details of how incoming print jobs are processed.
 The default job properties that apply to a new job.
 The Output Profile in use.

PhotoPRINT SE allows only one setup to be in use at any given time. There is no Setup Area, and the
setup is always selected and active.

pps allows multiple setups to be in use at the same time. It is possible to have more than one setup for
each output device. This is useful because it allows you to configure each setup for a different purpose.
You can have one setup for printing proofs and another for final output, for instance. You can also have
different setups for different output media.

See Also
Adding/Changing Setups ................................................................................ 76
Selecting Setups ................................................................................................ 78
Activating Setups.............................................................................................. 78
Deleting Setups ................................................................................................. 78
Editing Setup Properties .................................................................................. 78
Changing Port Settings .................................................................................... 81
Setting Default Job Properties ......................................................................... 86
Using Output Size Compensation .................................................................. 86
Working with Output Validation ................................................................... 87
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 76

Adding/Changing Setups
1) From the Setup menu, select Change Setup (PhotoPRINT SE) or Add Setup (PhotoPRINT Server /
FlexiPRINT Server).

2) Select the type of device you want to set up.

Vinyl cutters are only supported as part of a “virtual hybrid.” See Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output (see "Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid
Output" on page 183) for more information.

3) Select the brand name and model name of the output device from the lists and click Next.
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 77

4) Edit the setup name. This name also acts as the default hot folder name.
5) Check Yes, Install the desktop driver to make the device available as a standard printer to other
programs on your computer.

To print to this device from a different Windows PC or a Macintosh running OS X, you must install a desktop driver for the printer.

6) Select the type of port the output device uses for communication. If necessary, edit the
communications settings for the chosen port. See Editing Setup Properties (see "Editing Setup
Properties" on page 78) for more information.

If TCP/IP is available for the network output device, use TCP/IP. If not, you should choose LPR.

7) If you want to share the device over a network, click the Sharing button.

1. Click Browse to change the location of the hot folder that the software will use to store the job files
for this device.
2. Edit the Share Name.
3. Click OK.

Sharing is not available in PhotoPRINT SE.

8) Click Finish.

Setting Up Desktop Printers as Output Devices

1) Add the printer to the computer as a standard printer.
2) When creating the setup in the software, select Desktop Printer under brand name, and select the
print queue for the desktop printer under model name and click Next.
3) Edit the setup name. This name also acts as the default hot folder name.
4) Check Yes, Install the desktop driver to make the device available as a standard printer to other
programs on your computer.

To print to this device from a different Windows PC or a Macintosh running OS X, you must install a desktop driver for the printer.

5) Click Finish.
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 78

Selecting Setups
To select a setup, click its tab in the Setup Area.

To view options for a particular setup, click the menu button next to the setup tab.

Activating Setups
An active setup is a setup that is ready to output jobs.

To make a setup active, do one of the following:

 Click the setup menu button and select Make Active from the context menu.
 Select the setup tab and from the Setup menu, select Make Active.

Deleting Setups
Do one of the following:

 Select the setup tab in the Setup Area and select Delete from the Edit menu.
 Select the setup tab in the Setup Area and press Delete on your keyboard.
 Click the setup menu button and select Delete from the context menu.

Deleting a setup will also delete all jobs associated with the setup.

Editing Setup Properties

Do one of the following:

 Click the setup menu button and select Setup Properties from the context menu.
 Select the setup tab and from the Setup menu, select Setup Properties.
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 79

Job Workflow Tab

The Job Workflow tab displays information about the output device and media size.

The name of the setup.

Setup name
The folder where the software stores job files for this output device.
Hot folder
The share name assigned to the setup.
Share name
For jobs that contain both a printed image and a contour cut, this
control selects what will be output.
Print and Prints the job then cuts the contour.
Print Only Only prints the job.

Contour Only Only cuts the contour.

Sets what to do with jobs after they are received:

After Receive
Places job in the Hold Queue.
Begins processing jobs immediately.
Auto Start
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 80

Outputs jobs at the time specified in the Output

Time field.
Select Schedule in the After REceive field to enter the time at which
Output time
the queued jobs should begin processing.
The image automatically rotates to better fit the dimensions of the
Rotate image to
output media if needed.
fit media
Click this button to make the device available as a standard printer to
Install desktop
other programs on your computer.

Automatic Nesting Tab

The Automatic Nesting tab allows you to set the automatic nesting options for the software. See
Nesting Jobs (see "Nesting Jobs" on page 157) for more information.
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 81

Changing Port Settings

To access the Change Port dialog, do one of the following:

 Right-click a device setup and click Change Port.

 Click the device menu button and click Change Port.

The Settings section of this window changes depending on the port used to connect to the output device.
Ports are listed in order of popularity for each device. Only the ports usable by the output device are
listed. By default, the standard port for the device is selected, but you may still need to enter or edit some
of the port settings.

Select the port to which the output device is connected. The port list is limited to
ports present on your computer and usable with your output device.
The following settings are available:
The size of the transmission buffer in bytes.
The software tests the printer for a connection
Check port
before printing the job.
state before
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 82

Whenever possible, the software uses a custom

Use standard
LPT driver to increase the performance of the LPT
LPT driver
Check to allow the software to use the standard
Windows LPT driver instead. Performance
diminishes, but reliability may enhance.
The following settings enable when the custom
driver is in use:
Use ECP (Enhanced Capabilities
Mode) for the fastest possible
transmission speed.
EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) is not as
fast, but may be more compatible.
Using DMA can increase the
maximum bit rate from 2 mbps to 4
Check to allow the software to release
Yield if
the extra system resources used by
device is
busy the custom driver while the printer is
busy. This may aid overall
Use this port if your output device supports network connection.

The TCP/IP address of the output device (required).


The port number used for printing to the output

device. Select from the list or enter a custom number.

USB drivers are provided with output devices that support them. Be
sure to install the proper drivers when using these ports.

Some network devices do not work with TCP/IP and only with LPR
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 83

The host name or IP address assigned to the output

Host name
device (required).
or IP
Depending on the output device, either this can be the
printer name, such as pr1, or it can be the path to a
name UNIX print queue. See FTP listing below for common
printer names.
Output devices directly connected to a network may support FTP
protocol. This allows the RIPed output file to be sent to the output
device via FTP.
The host name or IP address assigned to the output
Host name or
device (required).
IP address

Depending on the output device, either this can be

the printer name, such as pr1, or it can be the path
Queue name
to a UNIX print queue. Common printer names
pr1, pr2, pr3

6200 and

lp1, lp2, lp3


raw1, raw2, raw3
EX Plus 3
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 84

P1, P2, P3

The File port allows you to save the output data as a file. The
following settings are available:

Check to allow the software to prompt you to

Prompt for
provide a filename for the output file when each
file path for
each file job is saved to a file.

Check to enter the file extension you want to use

Use custom
for the output file in the space provided.

The default folder in which output files are placed.


Use this port if your output device supports SCSI connection. See
Configuring SCSI Port Settings (see "Configuring SCSI Port Settings"
on page 85) for more information.
Outputs to a file in the specified folder using a naming convention
specific to the output device.

The serial communications port. This port is only supported by

In addition to the standard serial port controls for bits per second,
data bits, parity, stop bits and hardware/software flow control, there
are checkboxes which enable/disable the following wires:
Data Terminal Ready

Data Set Ready


Request To Send
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 85

Clear To Send

Data Carrier Detect


Configuring SCSI Port Settings

Use this port if your output device supports SCSI connection.

1) Set Device to your SCSI device.

If your SCSI device is not listed:
a) Click Add to specify a custom SCSI device:
1. Enter the name of your SCSI device in the Custom Device Name field.
2. Enter the Bus ID of your SCSI adapter in the SCSI Bus ID field.
3. Enter the SCSI ID number of your SCSI adapter in the SCSI Adapter ID field.
4. Enter the SCSI ID number of your output device in the SCSI Target ID field.
5. Click OK.
b) Set Device to your new custom SCSI device.
2) Click OK.
Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 86

Setting Default Job Properties

Default Job Properties allow you to set the default job properties for a setup. All jobs manually added to
this setup will inherit the default job properties. Jobs sent from a client application will use the job
properties set in the client application.

This is useful because it allows you to create multiple specialized setups for each output device. One setup
might have the default settings for a proof copy, for instance, while another might be preset for final
output. Using multiple setups in this way prevents you from having to change the job properties for each
stage of each job.

You can also set the default job properties by clicking Save as Default in the Job Properties dialog.

See Setting Job Properties (see "Setting Job Properties" on page 109) for more information.

Using Output Size Compensation

Output Size Compensation allows you to measure slight variations in output size and compensate for

You must set up Output Size Compensation separately for each output device setup. Output size
compensation does not affect the size of the job as it appears in the Job Properties dialog.

1) Click the setup menu button and select Output Size Compensation.

2) If you are using a hybrid device and want to apply Output Size Compensation to the device's cut
output as well as its printed output, check Compensate cut size.

If you turn this option on, the Test print button will change to Test cut.

3) Enter the Width and Length of the test print you want to output under Test size.

For best results, the print should be as large as possible while still fitting onto the output media.

4) Click Test Print.

Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 87

5) Measure the actual size of the test print and enter the Width and Length of the test print under
Measured size.

The software automatically calculates the compensation factors that will scale the output size to compensate for the difference between the test size and the
measured size.

6) Check Enable output size compensation to automatically scale all future output from this setup using
the compensation factors derived from your measurements.
7) Click OK.

Working with Output Validation

When printing large batches, Output Validation acts as a periodic checkpoint to ensure that the swatch
colors have remained within a set deltaE tolerance.

Output Validation is only available for the Hewlett-Packard DesignJet Z2100, Z3100 and Z6100, which
have a built in spectrophotometer and are connected via USB.

1) Click the setup menu button and from the context menu, select Output Validation.

2) Adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 5 Working with Output Device Setups 88

Select the type of media loaded in the output device. Only media types available for
the device are displayed.
Displays the most recent date a type of media was validated.
Click this button to print and scan the swatches to obtain the LAB values. This
Print and Scan
information is the basis for which validations are compared.
The data is stored as an .ovf file in the device's folder within the program folder.
Check to enable validations. Validations are periodic checkpoints to ensure that the
Enable validation
LAB values have remained within the specified deltaE tolerance.
Set the interval at which the swatches are printed and
Validate every
scanned to determine their LAB values.
Define the actions of the software and printer in the event a
On error
validation error should occur.
A validation error occurs when the LAB values from the
original swatches and the validation swatches differ more
than the specified deltaE tolerance.
Upon failure, the job stops printing
Stop and show
and a dialog with an error message
Upon failure, the job stops printing
Stop and leave in
and the status in the queue is set to
Output validation failed.
An entry is also added to the job log.
Upon failure, the job continues
Log entry only
printing and an entry is added to the
job log.
Sets the maximum deltaE tolerance.
Maxiumum deltaE
The deltaE tolerance is the maximum acceptable difference in
color between the initial validation and the current colors.
3) Click OK.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 89

Chapter 6
Working with Print Jobs
The following topics will guide you through the printing process.

See Also
Adding New Jobs ............................................................................................. 89
Selecting Jobs ..................................................................................................... 92
Deleting Jobs ..................................................................................................... 92
Editing Jobs with an External Application.................................................... 92
Setting Job Properties ....................................................................................... 93
Processing Jobs.................................................................................................. 93
Outputting Test Jobs ........................................................................................ 94
Using the Job Log ............................................................................................. 95
Printing from Print Wizard ............................................................................. 96
Job Estimation ................................................................................................. 101
Ink Estimation ................................................................................................. 106

Adding New Jobs

You can send jobs to the software in a number of different ways.

Adding Jobs from a File

See Appendix for the list of supported file types.

1) Do one of the following:

 From the File menu, select Add Job.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 90

 Click the Job menu button and select Add Job from the context menu.

2) Select the file you want to add.

3) Choose desired options:
 Check Preview to see a thumbnail image the selected file.

 Check Copy to job folder to copy the file to the local job folder.

If the job is on removable media or a network drive, copying it to a local folder will allow you to process the job after removing the media or
disconnecting from the network.

 Check Open job properties to automatically open the Job Properties dialog box as soon as the job
is added to the Hold Queue.
4) From the Setup list, select the setup you want to use to print the file.
5) From the Preset list, select the preset settings you want to apply to the job.
6) Click Add.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 91

Adding Jobs Using the Hotfolder

Each output device that has a setup in the software has a hot folder. The hot folder stores all the files that
are queued up for that output device. By default, hot folders install to the C:\Program
Files\[Software]\Jobs folder.

The software continuously monitors each hot folder. Whenever you copy or move a job into a hot folder, it
is automatically added to the Hold Queue.

The file you want to add must be of a supported file type. See Appendix: Supported File Formats for the
list of supported file types.

To send a job from an external application directly to the hold queue, do one of the following:

 Use the external application's Save As function to save the job in the C:\Program Files\[Software]\Jobs
folder. Place the job into the folder of the setup that will show the job in the Hold queue.
 Use the external application's Print function and select the device from the list.

To send a job directly from an application to the hold queue, you must add the printer as a desktop printer. See Setting Up Desktop Printers as Output
Devices (see "Setting Up Desktop Printers as Output Devices" on page 77) for more information.

Dragging a File into the Software

Dragging a file into the software automatically adds it to the queue. The file must be of a supported file
type. See Appendix - Supported File Formats (see "Appendix - Supported File Formats" on page 219) for
the list of supported file types.

Dragging a File into PhotoPRINT or FlexiPRINT

To automatically add a job, drag the file to a queue, setup tab or device tab.

If you drag the file to a device tab that has multiple setups, a context menu will appear for you to select the
appropriate setup.

Dragging a File into PhotoPRINT SE

Dragging a file into the software will automatically add it to the list of jobs in the Hold Queue. The job is
assigned a status of Holding.

Sending Jobs from Applications on the Same Computer

To send the job from another application running on the same computer as the software, select the
software as a network printer.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 92

Sending Jobs from an Application on a Client Computer

To print the job directly from a client computer, configure the software as a network printer.

Acquiring a TWAIN Image

To acquire an image from a currently installed TWAIN device, from the File menu, point to Acquire
Image and click one of the following:

Allows you to choose a currently-connected TWAIN device to scan or

TWAIN Select
import an image. If you only have one TWAIN device connected, it is
automatically selected.
Scans or imports an image from the currently-selected TWAIN device.
TWAIN Acquire

Selecting Jobs
To select a job, click its listing.

To select multiple jobs, use the standard Ctrl and Shift methods:

 Hold Ctrl to select multiple individual jobs.

 Hold Shift to select a range of jobs by clicking on the first and last jobs in the range.
 To select all the jobs, from the Edit menu, select Select All.

Deleting Jobs
Do one of the following:

 Select the job and press Delete or Backspace on your keyboard.

 Select the job and from the Edit menu, select Delete.
 Select the job and click Delete in the toolbar.
 Right-click the job and select Delete from the context menu.

Editing Jobs with an External Application

From the software, you can launch an external application to edit a job.

1) Select the job that you want to edit.

2) From the Job context menu, mouse over the Edit with submenu and choose a program to edit the job.

If you do not see the program you want to use to edit the job, click Choose Program.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 93

Setting Job Properties

The Job Properties dialog allows you to edit a large number of settings that control how a job is output.

See Setting Job Properties (see "Setting Job Properties" on page 109) for more information.

Processing Jobs
Once the server receives a job, it can be RIPed and printed.

Moving Jobs to a Different Output Device

Do one of the following:

 Drag the job onto a device or setup tab.

If you drag the file to a device tab that has multiple setups, a context menu appears for you to select the appropriate setup.


1) Select the job and click Move Job from the Job context menu.
2) Select the new setup and apply a preset.
3) Click OK.


1) Right click the job and select Move Job.

2) Select the new setup and apply a preset.
3) Click OK.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 94

RIPing Jobs
Jobs in the RIP Queue will process in the order of the Job Priority setting in their Job Properties. When
multiple jobs with the same priority are waiting in the queue, the job received first will process first.

Do one of the following:

 Click the RIP button in the toolbar.

 Select the job and from the File menu, select RIP.
 Right-click the job and select RIP from the context menu.

Printing Jobs
Jobs in the RIP queue will process in the order of the Job Priority setting in their Job Properties. When
multiple jobs with the same priority are waiting in the queue, the job received first will process first.

Do one of the following:

 Click the Send button in the toolbar.

 Select the job and from the File menu, select Send.
 Right-click the job and select Send from the context menu.
 Click the Print Wizard button in the toolbar. See Printing from Print Wizard (see "Printing from Print
Wizard" on page 96) for more information.

Aborting the Processing of a Job

If a job is aborted while being RIPed, its status is set to Aborted. It will need to be RIPed again before it
can be printed. If a job is aborted while being printed, its print status freezes at 0%.

To abort the processing of a job while it is being RIPed or printed, do one of the following:

 Select the job and click the Abort button in the toolbar.
 Select the job and from the File menu, select Abort.
 Right-click the job and select Abort from the context menu.
 Drag the job back into the Hold Queue.

Outputting Test Jobs

The software allows you to output print and/or contour cut test jobs to appropriate output devices.

Outputting a Test Print Job

1) Select the setup that will send the test job.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 95

2) From the Setup menu, select Test Print.

Outputting a Test Cut Job

1) Select the setup that will send the test job.
2) From the Setup menu, select Test Cut.

Using the Job Log

Each time a job is output, an entry for that job is added to the Job Log. The Job Log entry lists the relevant
details about the job: where it came from, its basic characteristics, job properties settings and the time of
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 96

Viewing the Job Log

The Job Log is formatted as an HTML file and displays in the default browser for the operating system.

To view the Job log, do one of the following:

 From the RIP context menu, select View Job Log.

 From the View menu, select View Job Log.

Clearing the Job Log

To clear the Job log, do one of the following:

 From the RIP context menu, select View Job Log.

 From the View menu, select Clear Job Log.

Printing from Print Wizard

Print Wizard walks you through image correction step by step to help simplify the printing process.

1) From the toolbar, click the Wizard button to launch Print Wizard.

2) To add a file to print, do one of the following and click Next:

 Select a recently used file from the drop-down menu.

 Click the Add Job button, locate a file to print and click Add.

 Drag a file to the Add Job button.

The Next button remains dimmed until you add a file.

3) Select the printer you want to use and click Next.

Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 97

4) Select the type of media in the printer and the size of the media and click Next.

Only media types that have ICC profiles are displayed in the Media Type list.

5) Select either High quality, Standard or High Speed and click Next.

This step is skipped if there are no ICC Profiles available for your printer.

Only quality settings supported by the selected ICC profile are displayed.

6) Select an ICC Profile for your printer and click Next.

This step is skipped if there are no ICC Profiles available for your printer.

Only ICC profiles that are available for the selected media type are displayed.

7) Enter the width, height and scale percentage you want the image to be.
8) Choose the number of copies you want to print and click Next.
9) Check Fit to media to proportionally stretch the image to the edges of the media, and then click Next.
10) If you do not want to adjust the color, brightness, contrast and vividness of your job, select No and
click Next to go to the next step.
To adjust the color, brightness, contrast and vividness of your job, select Yes and click Next to open
the Variations dialog. See Working with Variations (see "Working with Variations" on page 99) for
more information.
1. Adjust settings in the Adjust Colors tab:
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 98

 Click a picture that represents the type of color correction you want to make.
 Slide the Amount of adjustment sliding bar to adjust the intensity of the colors.
 Click the picture of the original image to reset the settings.

2. Adjust settings in the Brightness, Contrast, Vividness tab.

Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 99

 Click a picture that represents the type of color correction you want to make.
 Slide the Amount of Adjustment sliding bar to change the amount of brightness, contrast or
 Click the picture of the original image to reset the settings.

11) Click OK.

12) Click the Print button.

Working with Variations

The Variations dialog assists you in correcting brightness, contrast and vividness to help increase the color
quality of the printed image.

1) Select the job that you want to print.

2) From the File menu, click Variations.
3) Adjust settings in the Adjust Colors tab:
 Click a picture that represents the type of color correction you want to make.

 Slide the Amount of adjustment sliding bar to adjust the intensity of the colors.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 100

 Click the picture of the original image to reset the settings.

4) Adjust settings in the Brightness, Contrast, Vividness tab.

 Click a picture that represents the type of color correction you want to make.

 Slide the Amount of Adjustment sliding bar to change the amount of brightness, contrast or
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 101

 Click the picture of the original image to reset the settings.

5) Click OK.

Job Estimation
Job Estimation is a tool for producing price estimates of your job. The Job Estimation stores accounting
information for each job, calculates price automatically and gives a price estimate. The information can be
changed or customized to reflect your costs and needs.

This feature is intended to be a guideline and therefore all results should be thoroughly reviewed before
basing any business or financial agreements upon them.

The estimation is calculated based on some elements of your design like the number of characters or the
material area. These values are automatically gathered from your document. Other values like preparation
time must be manually entered when doing the job estimation.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 102

Using Job Estimation

The Job Estimation tab computes the price of the job, while the Estimation Editor tab allows you to adjust
pricing parameters. See Using the Estimation Editor (see "Using the Estimation Editor" on page 104) for
more information.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 103

Job Estimation 1) To open the Job Estimation dialog, do one of the following:
 Click the Job menu button and select Job Estimation.

 From the File menu, click Job Estimation.

2) Open the Job Estimation tab and adjust the following parameters:
The area of the job.
Job Coverage
Check to allow the software to use the dimensions of the job to specify the
job coverage.
The width of the job.
Job width
The height of the job.
Job Height
The number of job copies purchased.
Select the type of media used to output the job.
Check to include additional services in the total.
Calculates the cost based on information provided in the Job coverage, Media and Services group
The amount of tax to be charged on the subtotal.
3) Click OK.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 104

Using the Estimation Editor

The Job Estimation tab computes the price of the job, while the Estimation Editor tab allows you to adjust
pricing parameters. See Using Job Estimation (see "Using Job Estimation" on page 102) for more
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 105

Estimation Editor 1) To open the Estimation Editor dialog, do one of the following:
 Click the Job menu button and select Job Estimation.

 From the File menu, click Job Estimation.

2) Open the Estimation Editor tab and adjust the following parameters:
Sets types of media and their associated prices so that they are reflected in the Job Estimation tab.
Media Use this list to store media types and their prices. Once you apply the settings,
they are reflected in the Job Estimation tab.
 To add a new type of media to the list, click Add.
 To remove an item from the list, select it and then click Delete.
 To rename an item in the list, select it and then click Rename.
Price The price associated with the selected media type.
To change the price of the selected media, enter a new price and click Apply.
Sets any types of additional services and their associated prices so that they are reflected in the Job
Estimation tab.
Use this list to store additional services and their prices. Once you apply the
settings, they are reflected in the Job Estimation tab.
 To add a new service to the list, click Add.
 To remove an item from the list, select it and then click Delete.
 To rename an item in the list, select it and then click Rename.
The price associated with the selected service.
To change the price of the selected service, enter a new price and click Apply.
Sets the type of measurement used to determine price for the selected service.
Area Uses a measurement of the job's area.

Perimeter Uses a measurement of the job's perimeter.

Fixed Uses a constant price, regardless of job size.

Applies all changes to the Estimation Editor tab so that they are reflected in the Job Estimation tab.
1) Click OK.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 106

Ink Estimation
The Ink Estimation tool helps calculate the true cost of any print job by estimating the amount of ink a job
will use, and how much that ink will cost. This tool can also help prevent running out of ink in the middle
of a job.

To estimate the amount and cost of ink:

1) Add the job to Production Manager to "Hold In List."

2) RIP the job.
3) Click the Estimate button on the Production Manager toolbar.
4) Click the Estimate button to see a diagram of ink usage:

5) Click the Config button to set options for dot size and ink cost:
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 107

Printer This is automatically selected for whatever device was used to RIP the job.
Bpp Bits Per Pixel (variable versus fixed dot size) is automatically selected
depending on the print mode.
Dot Size The size of each drop of ink.
Set Set will become available for printers that have more
than one dot set per resolution. For example, they will
have VSD1 and VSD3 for the same resolution. Both are
variable and have 3 different dots, but one of them will
use a set of larger dots than the other.
Small, Enter custom values for dot size.
Medium &
Custom Values If ink drop sizes have not been included for your printer,
check the Custom Values radio button and enter values
for the drop sizes.
Default Values Click to use the drop size values that are already stored
in the software.
Price These settings will calculate the approximate cost to print the selected job.
Cartridge How large the ink cartridge is.
Chapter 6 Working with Print Jobs 108

Price / The price you paid for each ink cartridge.

6) Click the Preferences button to set options for measurement values and cleaning cycles:

Volume Metric Choose your preferred volume measurement.

ml milliliters
pl picoliters
Clean Factor Enter a percentage of ink to take into account for cleaning cycles. This can
vary depending on how often you perform cleaning cycles on your printer.
Currency Choose your preferred currency.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 109

Chapter 7
Setting Job Properties
The Job Properties dialog allows you to edit settings that control how a job is output.

You can work either with Basic Job Properties or Advanced Job Properties. Basic Job Properties is a
simplified version of the Advanced Job Properties that displays only settings that are essential to
processing your job. Advanced Job Properties is a more complex version that offers many options and tabs
for tweaking a job. See Basic Job Properties (see "Basic Job Properties" on page 114) or Advanced Job
Properties (see "Advanced Job Properties" on page 118) for more information.

See Also
Opening the Job Properties Dialog .............................................................. 109
Working with Job Properties Presets ........................................................... 110
Basic Job Properties ........................................................................................ 114
Advanced Job Properties ............................................................................... 118

Opening the Job Properties Dialog

To access the Job Properties dialog, select the job and do one of the following:

 Double-click the job.

 From the Job context menu, select Job Properties.
 Right-click the job and select Job Properties.

To access either Advanced or Basic Job Properties, click the Basic job properties or Advanced job
properties button from the Job Properties dialog.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 110

Working with Job Properties Presets

Job Properties presets allow you to save most Job Properties settings for a common type of job and reapply
them in a single step.

Job size (width, height, scale width and height), page range, tiling settings are not saved in a preset.

To create and apply presets, use the Presets group box at the top of the Job Properties dialog.

Select a preset from the list to apply its settings.

Saves changes to the selected preset.
Creates a new preset using the current Job Properties
Save As
Edits the name of the selected preset.
Deletes the selected preset.

Read-Only Presets
You can create presets that cannot be edited. This prevents the presets from being accidentally changed.
These presets are read-only presets.

Read-only presets appear with square brackets around their name like this:

[Read-Only Preset]

To make a preset read-only, export it to a file using the Export as Read-Only option and import the preset
back into the application.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 111

Creating Presets
Settings stored in a preset override any previous settings set in Job Properties.

1) From the Preset group box at the top of the Job Properties dialog, click the Save as button.

2) Check the tab settings that you want to include in the preset and click OK.

For most presets, check the Color management and Printer options settings.

3) Enter a name for the new preset.

4) Click OK.

Updating Presets
To update the selected preset with the current job properties settings, from the Preset group box, select

You can change the [Use Default Job Properties] preset by editing the default job properties for the setup.
See Setting Default Job Properties (see "Setting Default Job Properties XXX" on page 118) for more

Applying Presets
To apply a preset to the current job, select the preset from the Preset drop-down menu.

Renaming Presets
1) Select the preset you want to rename from the Preset list.
2) Click the Rename button from the Preset group box.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 112

3) Type in the new name and click OK.

You cannot rename the [Use Default Job Properties] preset.

Deleting Presets
1) Select the preset you want to delete from the Preset list.
2) Click the Delete button from the Preset group box.

3) Click Yes to delete the preset.

The [Use Default Job Properties] preset cannot be deleted.

Importing and Exporting Presets

You can export presets to either exchange them with other users or installations or back them up in case of
a hard disk failure.

The preset files contain the standard job properties settings (everything except job size, page range and

Exporting Presets

To export the current settings to a preset file:

1) Create the presets you want to export. See Creating Presets (see "Creating Presets" on page 111) for
more information.
2) Close the Job Properties dialog.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 113

3) From the File menu, select Export Preset.

4) Select the Printer Model.

5) Select the presets you want to export.
6) If desired, check Export as Read Only. See Read-Only Presets (see "Read-Only Presets" on page 110)
for more information.

If this box is checked, the presets export as read-only.

7) Click Export.
8) Choose the location for the exported presets and click OK.

Importing Presets

To import settings previously saved to a preset file:

1) From the File menu, select Import Preset.

2) Select the preset file and click Open.

If the preset file contains settings that would overwrite existing settings, you are prompted to confirm overwriting the existing settings.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 114

Basic Job Properties

Basic Job Properties displays only the settings that are essential to processing your job.

To access Basic Job Properties, click the Basic job properties button from the Job Properties dialog.

The left side of the dialog contains the basic settings to process a job. The right side contains a preview
pane that displays the job as it appears on the output.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 115

1. Preview Pane

Use to select or move a job in the preview pane.

Zooms in at twice the magnification of the current view. The point

you click on will become the center of the view.
Hold Ctrl and click to zoom out to half the magnification of the
current view. The point you click on will become the center of the
Click and drag to magnify one particular portion of the design area.
Adjusts the view to fit the design area size.

Setting Basic Job Properties

Basic Job Properties displays settings that are essential to processing your job.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 116

Select the type of media in the printer.

Paper type
Only media that have available presets are displayed.

Choose the quality that reflects how you would like to use
Final print
your final print.
Select an ICC Profile.
ICC Profile
Only ICC profiles that are available for the selected paper
type are displayed.

The number of copies to be output.

The amount of space between the various tiles, copies and/or

nested jobs that are output as part of the job.
Editing these options allows you change the output size and
Job size
orientation of the page.
The job's width and height.

The job's width and height as a

percentage of the original.
Scales the job proportionally so that it is
Fit to media
as large as possible while still fitting
within the printable area of the output
Increases or decreases width and height
together to keep the original proportions
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 117

Setting the Preview Pane View

Select one of the three available views from the list at the top of the preview pane:

Page preview Displays each page of the job scaled to fill

the preview area.

If there is more than one page in the job, a

list of the page numbers will appear
above the preview, allowing you to select
the page to display.

If you are using PhotoPRINT SE, only the

first page is displayed in Page Preview.

Selected automatically when the

Workflow, Color Management, Printer
Options, Cut or Color Adjustment tab is

Displays the job as it will appear on the

output media. The preview is scaled so
that the output media fills the preview
Selected automatically when the Layout,
Labels or Separations tab is selected.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 118

Displays the job broken up into tiles to

Tiling Preview
show how it will look when output.
Selected automatically when the Tiling
tab is selected.

Setting Default Job Properties XXX

To make the current job properties the default settings for all new jobs added to this setup, click Set
Default at the bottom of the window. Click OK to confirm the change in the default settings.

Advanced Job Properties

Advanced Job Properties offers many options and tabs for tweaking a job.

To access Advanced Job Properties, click the Advanced job properties button from the Job Properties

The left side of the dialog contains the tabs on which the job properties can be set. The right side contains a
preview pane that displays the job as it will appear on the output.

1. Preview Pane

Use to select or move a job in the preview pane.

Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 119

Zooms in at twice the magnification of the current view. The point

you click on will become the center of the view.
Hold Ctrl and click to zoom out to half the magnification of the
current view. The point you click on will become the center of the
Click and drag to magnify one particular portion of the design area.
Adjusts the view to fit the design area size.

Setting Advanced Job Properties

Different tabs within the Job Properties dialog let you set layout options, tiling/paneling options, color
calibration options, color adjustment options and labels.

The exact number of tabs and the settings on those tabs will vary depending on the type of job and output
device selected, as well as the version of the software in use.

Layout Tab

The Layout tab controls how the job is positioned on the output media, what size it is and the layout of
the output.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 120

The size of the media loaded into your output device. Select from one of
Media Size
the preset sizes, or specify unique dimensions below.
The width and height of the media.

The margins of the printable area.

When you specify a set of custom dimensions, it is automatically added to

the list of preset sizes.
Check to set the job dimensions to borderless (full-bleed)
printing. Only media sizes that support borderless
printing are listed. If you select a different media size, the
job dimensions automatically adjust to match the new
If your printer supports dual roll printing, check this
Dual Roll
option. See Using Dual Roll Printing with Nested Jobs
(see "Using Dual Roll Printing with Nested Jobs" on page
158) for more information.
Click this button to edit settings for Dual Roll Printing.
The width of the roll loaded on the left side of
the printer.
The distance between the rolls mounted on
The width of the roll loaded on the right side of
the printer.
Editing these options allows you change the output size and orientation of
Job Size
the page.
The width and height of the job.

You can also change a job's size by selecting it in the

Preview Area and dragging its handles.

The width and height of the job as a percentage of the

Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 121

Scales the job proportionally so that it is as large as

Fit to Media
possible while still fitting within the printable area of the
output media.
Increases or decreases width and height together to keep
the original proportions intact.
Changes the position of the job on the media.
The distance between the job and the right and bottom
margins of the printable area.
Places the job at the specified distances from the lower
and right edges of the printable area of the output media.
Centers the job along the width of the printable area.

Centers the job in the middle of the printable area. Only

available for sheet material.
Places the job at the specified distances from the lower
and left edges of the printable area of the output media.
The number of copies to be output.

The amount of space between the various tiles, copies and/or nested jobs
that are output as part of the job.
Specifies the range of pages that are output for a multi-page job. Format is
Page Range
x-y. Also accepts “,” to put in multiple ranges.
5 Prints page 5.
2-5 Prints pages 2, 3, 4 and 5.

3, 5-10 Prints pages 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Check to automatically nest pages, tiles and separations of the job.

Page Nesting
Flips the selected image on the vertical axis, so that the image is mirrored
when printed.
Rotates image on the media in 90-degree increments. Click the button
until you achieve the desired orientation.

You can also rotate a job in 90° increments by selecting it in the Preview
Area and clicking its center rotation handle.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 122

Workflow Tab

The Workflow tab displays settings related to the time and order that the job is processed in.

After Output Sets what to do with the job after output:

Removes jobs from the queue after output.

Places jobs in the Hold Queue after output or at the
bottom of the queue.
Saves the job after output.
Sets what part of a combination print and contour job will be output.
This control will only appear for hybrid devices.
See Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output (see "Contour Cutting
and Virtual Hybrid Output" on page 183) for more information.
The job will be printed, and then the contour will be cut.
Print and

Only the printed part of the job will be output.

Print only
Only the contour will be cut.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 123

The priority assigned to new jobs by default. Priority determines

which jobs in a given queue process first.

A High priority job might not always print first. This is because the
software can RIP a number of jobs simultaneously. If a smaller job
finishes RIPing first, it will move to the Send queue first, and
immediately start printing.

Enter the number of times you would like the software to

Repeat Job
automatically re-send the job.

This feature saves you from having to manually send the job each time
you want to output it.

Check to specify what time the jobs in the queue will start to be
Send After
Comments about the job that can be viewed through the Job Properties
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 124

Color Management Tab

The Color Management tab displays the settings related to the printing device. The layout of this tab
may differ depending on the output device.

Once you choose an ICC Profile, the rest of the fields in the Color Correction group box fill in according to
settings stored in the profile. If you change any settings in the Color Correction group box, a warning icon
appears next to the field to indicate that the current settings are inconsistent with the settings in the
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 125

Select the desired type of color correction.

Activates the color correction settings from the selected
Use color correction
ICC Profile.
Activates the linearization settings only from the
Use only linearization
selected ICC Profile.
The software uses a generic CMYK profile, instead of a
No color correction
profile generated from actual color measurements of
output from the device. Orange and green inks will not
be used.
Select a profile from the list or select Add to add an ICC profile.
Output profile

Select the media type the output is printed on. To add a new type of media, see
Profile Setup for more information.
Select the print quality for the output. This setting will vary for each type of
Print mode
Select the output resolution. A higher DPI value improves the resolution of the
job, but slows down the output.
Select the color mode that matches the inks set in the printer.
Color Mode

The image prints using a combination of cyan,

magenta, yellow and black inks.
The image prints using cyan, magenta and yellow inks.
All black is CMY process black.
The image prints using black ink only, producing a
black and white image with shades of gray.
CMYK plus Light Cyan and Light Magenta inks. This
color mode provides smoother gradations between
lighter shades of colors.
CMYK plus Orange and Green inks. This color mode
provides truer orange and green colors than CMYK
alone can produce.
CMYK plus Light Cyan, Light Magenta, Orange and
Green inks.
CMYK plus Light Cyan, Light Magenta, Medium Cyan
and Medium Magenta inks.
CMYK plus Medium Cyan, Medium Magenta, Orange
and Green inks.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 126

Pigment-based ink.

Dye-based ink.

Indicates degrees of variable dot size.



Select the dithering for the output.
Dither Type is the pattern in which the individual dots that make an image are
applied to the media. Each dither type has advantages in terms of quality and
RIP speed. The default dither type is usually the best setting for your machine.
The software offers several dithering options to optimize your output. Usually,
quality and speed are a tradeoff, with KF Diffusion offering the highest quality
and the LX Diffusion or FMXPress offering the fastest processing times.
The available patterns (in descending order of quality) are:
SO Diffusion is the default diffusion method for all
SO Diffusion
newly created profiles. It eliminates banding and
produces the smoothest gradients and most vibrant
and accurate output of any other diffusion method.
SpotON RIP speeds are slightly slower than FMXpress,
but yield higher quality output.
An enhanced version of the error diffusion method.
KF Diffusion
While it takes longer to RIP (5-6 times more than
FMXPress), it provides the highest detail and contrast
for most inkjet printers.
Produces high-quality images. The enhanced image
Error Diffusion
quality requires intensive processing (3-4 times more
than FMXPress), and the time it takes to RIP a file
using this method is the second longest of the available
Provides a balance between image quality and RIP
Random Diffusion
time. It takes 2-3 times longer than FMXPress.
The default diffusion method. It's the fastest in terms
of RIP time and is suitable for most prints.
A faster option, as far as RIP times are concerned. It is
LX Diffusion
best used for large prints that are viewed from a
considerable distance.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 127

Designed for use with thermal printers to produce

Angled Screen
vibrant, saturated colors. This is also produces screen
print positives. Click Edit to set advanced options. See
Setting Dither Options for Angled Screens (see "Setting
Dither Options for Angled Screens" on page 128) for
more information.
Click to set advanced color correction properties. See Setting Advanced Color
Correction Properties (see "Setting Advanced Color Correction Properties" on
page 131) for more information.
Select Normal, Enhanced or Super. The higher settings cause the software to
render gradients using more elaborate algorithms that produce smoother
Simulates the output of one printer on another. You can simulate a large format
job on a small format printer.
To simulate the output of another printer:
1) Select Add from the Simulation drop-down menu.

2) Select an ICC profile from the device that you want to simulate and click
3) Click Send.
Printer simulation does not support the spot color rendering intent. If you try to
output an object that has been assigned the spot color rendering intent while
using printer simulation, you will receive an error message.
Check to print spot colors based on settings in global and custom color mapping.
Use color
Click Color Mapping to set custom color mapping options. See Using Custom
Spot Color Mapping (see "Using Custom Spot Color Mapping" on page 173) for
more information.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 128

Ignores any overprint settings that may exist in jobs it outputs.


Setting Dither Options for Angled Screens

The Angled Screens dialog displays the dither options that are available for angled screens.

To access the dialog, from the Printer tab of the Job Properties dialog, click Screen and select Angled
screen as your dithering option.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 129

The following options are available:

Click to recalculate angles and frequencies to remove Moiré patterns. This function
recalculates the angles and frequencies of the CMY color channels based on the angle of
the black color channel. All other color channels will remain unchanged.
Sets the screen angle and frequency for a color channel.
Angle and

1) Select a channel in the list and click Edit.

2) Enter the angle and frequency desired and click OK.
3) Check Apply to All to apply the new frequency to all color channels.
The shape of the dots that make up the halftone screen. For best results, choose either
Diamond or Ellipse.

Cosine Dot



Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 130

Double Dot



Double Dot

Simple Dot


Line X

Line Y


Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 131

Simple Dot


A special algorithm produces highly accurate halftones, but is computationally expensive.

Supercell halftoning produces halftones that have four times the shades of gray at the same
resolution compared to standard algorithms. This creates smoother images when printing
angled screens. However, the amount of processing needed to generate halftones is

Setting Advanced Color Correction Properties

The software identifies the type of content of the job and filters out options that do not apply.

1) Open the Job Properties for the job.

2) Select the Color Management tab.
3) Click the Advanced button.

Setting Input ICC Profiles

1) Select the ICC input profile to use to convert the image into a neutral color space. You can specify
three types of ICC input profiles.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 132

To add an ICC input profile from another source, choose Add from one of the drop-down menus.

The CMYK input profile applies to all elements of a job that are in
CMYK color mode. If your image is in CMYK color mode, then your
file was previously separated for output to a specific output device.
Whenever possible, use the profile used for separation in your design
application as the CMYK input profile. Try using similar profiles for
common ink sets (such as CMYK SWOP or High End SWOP) if you
don't have the matching profile.
The RGB ICC input profile applies to all elements of a job that are in
RGB color mode. An RGB input profile can be for either a monitor or a
scanner. If you scanned your image without color correcting it, it is
recommended you use the scanner profile as a RGB input profile. If
you have done any on-screen color correction, you should select your
monitor profile as an RGB input profile.
The Gray ICC input profile applies to all elements of a job that are in
grayscale color mode. This may refer to either a grayscale scanner or a
grayscale monitor.
2) Check Use embedded ICC profile to force the RIP to use the input ICC profile embedded in the file.
The name of the embedded profile is listed.
3) Check Use CMYK Simulation to force RGB images to import using the RGB input profile, then
convert to CMYK and reimport using the CMYK input profile.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 133

Setting Rendering Intent

Rendering intent specifies how a color space from the input file maps to the color space of the output

You can specify rendering intents for four different types of objects that make up jobs:

The rendering intent to use with bitmap images (raster images)

contained in your job file.
The rendering intent to use with vector objects such as circles,
polygons, lines, arcs and Bezier curves contained in vector-based
files like PostScript, DXF or Adobe Illustrator.
The rendering intent to use with text objects contained in
PostScript and other vector-based files.
The rendering intent to use with vector-based gradient objects
contained in PostScript and other vector-based files. Gradients
created in bitmap files render using the Bitmap rendering intent.
If this box is checked, transparent areas of the design or areas in
Printing transparent
which there are no objects print in white, instead of being left
as white
A traditional DCS file contains a four color separation (CMYK).
Apply ink split and
Check this option to apply Ink Split settings to allow for a six
linearization to DCS
files color separation that includes light inks (CMYKLcLm). Printing
in CMYKLcLm color mode increases the amount of reproducible
colors. See Ink Split for more information.

This option is only available for printers that support

CMYKLcLm color mode.

If a type of object does not appear in the current job, its rendering intent is disabled.

Text objects are only detected in PostScript-based files (PS, EPS, PDF) in which the text has been saved as a
text object (not saved as paths).

Different rendering intents can be specified for CMYK objects versus all other objects (RGB, grayscale,
LAB, etc.).

Choose from one of the following rendering intents:

This intent is best for photographic images. Colors outside of

the output device's gamut are either clipped or compressed to
fit the output device's color space.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 134

This intent is best for images, such as logos, where the output
Relative Colorimetric
needs to match the original image. Colors that fall outside of the
output device's gamut are clipped. This method may reduce the
total number of colors available. The white point of Relative
Colorimetric is always zero.
This intent is best for graphic images, such as vector art, where
vivid colors are more important than true color matching.
Colors outside of the output device's gamut map to colors at the
extent of the gamut's saturation. Colors that fall within the
gamut of the output device shift closer to the gamut's saturation
This intent is similar to Relative Colorimetric, but has a different
white point value. Absolute Colorimetric represents colors
relative to a fixed white point value of D50. For example, the
white of paper A is simulated when printing on paper B. This
intent is best for color proofing.
The object prints without any color correction.
No color correction

Printer Options Tab

The Print Options tab displays driver settings related to the selected output device. Every output
device supports different driver options.

The most common settings are listed below.

Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 135

Allows you to use the available driver options for your output device.
When you enable driver options, you can set special options from within
options the driver options dialog. When you disable driver options, the printer's
own settings are used.
Select the type of print direction you want your output device to use.
The print head prints in one direction to ensure
precise alignment.
The print head prints in both directions to increase
the speed of printing while sacrificing precise
Select the number of passes you want the printer to make before
completing the image. The more passes a printer has to make, the finer
the quality of the printed image will be.
Sets the number of times the printer prints over the same area. This
setting increases the number of ink layers placed on the media.
The amount of space between each separate job.
The amount of time the printer waits after it has completed printing to
Dry Time
allow the ink to dry.
The printer uses the value provided to compensate for variations in feed
Media feed
rates during the output process. This provides more accurate output.
Cuts the media after the print is complete. If a drying time is set, the
Cut sheet
media cuts after the dry time is finished.
Check to allow the media to feed past the heads and remain there at the
end of the job.
after print

Returns all settings in the tab to their default values.

Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 136

Cut Tab

The Cut tab is only visible for jobs being output on a hybrid device or cutter. It allows you to specify
settings related to cutting.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 137

Resolution Sets the resolution of your cutting device. The default value is already set for optimal results.
You should not change this value unless you are experiencing problems with your output,
such as the output size not matching the design size.

Passes Specifies how many times the blade will move over each line.

Advances the media after output and reset the origin.

after plot
Activates the device's internal curve handling.
Send arc
Check to enter custom values for knife offset.
Knife offset
You should only change this value if you are using a pen plotter as a cutting device.

Check to specify the packet size sent to the device.

Packet size
This setting applies to a limited number of cutters and you should not change it unless your
cutter requires it.

Determines the precision of the curves by setting the maximum space allowed between the
curve and the line. Higher quality requires more lines, resulting in increased plot file size and
cutting time.

Higher quality
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 138

The default is set for optimal results.

Lower quality

Displays the Cutter Driver Options dialog. See Setting Cutter Driver Options (see "Setting
Cutter Driver Options" on page 138) for more information.
Restores the default settings.

Setting Cutter Driver Options

The Cutter Driver Options allow you to control the parameters of operation of your output device such as
cut speed and pressure, or execute common tasks (roll forward, roll backward, go to origin) from your

To access the Cutter Driver Options, click Cutter Options in the Cut tab of the Job Properties dialog.

Make sure nobody is around the output device when sending the macros, since the cutter may move and
injure the operator.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 139

Before Job Tab

After Job Tab

Macro Tab
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 140

The settings available in the Cutter Driver Options vary according to your output device.

Each command has a checkbox to enable or disable it. When enabled, you can change the value, and the
command is sent to the output device, overriding the settings in the output device. When the option is
unchecked, the settings from the output device are used.

Saves the changes you made as a new command.

Deletes the selected command from the list (you can only delete
commands added using the save command).
Reverts all settings to its default settings (any custom commands
added by the user are deleted).
Defines commands that are sent before the job is processed.
Before Job
Defines a series of settings for fast, medium and slow cutting
Cut Fast / Medium
speeds. To use all settings from the output device, select None.
/ Slow / None
Defines the pressure of the knife.
Pressure / Force
Defines the traveling speed of the head.
Defines the tool when several tools are available or switch
between cut and plot.
Defines commands that are sent after the job is processed.
After Job
Specifies if the media is cut after cutting or plotting.
Cut Media / Auto
Allows you to execute common tasks that you are usually
required to do from the cutter's control panel.
Initializes the output device.
Advances or rolls back the media.
Roll Forward
Moves the head to the origin.
Go to origin
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 141

Tile Tab

The tiling feature of the software allows you to split a print job into a number of smaller tiles that are
output separately. You can use this to produce a larger job than a device is capable of outputting in one

See Tiling and Cropping Jobs (see "Tiling and Cropping Jobs" on page 165) for more information.

Labels and Marks Tab

You may choose to print crop marks and information about the job along with any notes that you enter.

Color Select the ink that is used to print labels and marks.

Sets the width of the labels.

Accesses label printing options.
Selects where to print labels relative to the job.
Allows you to select a font and font size.
Font and
Prints your printer name on printout.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 142

Prints the resolutions settings on printout.

Prints the ICC output profile used on the printout.
ICC output
Prints the tile row and column number.
Tile Number
Prints the overlap distance between tiles.
Prints the job name size and type on the printout.
Job name,
size and
Prints the selected dither type on the printout.
Dither type
Prints the time that the RIP process started on printout.
Starting time
of RIP
Prints the page number for a multiple page file.
Prints the number of copies made on printout.
Number of
Allows you to print a text note on printout.
Selects type of crop marks you want to use on printout.
Only the crop mark supported by the output device will appear in the list.

No print marks will print.

The alignment marks print along the
right-hand vertical edge of the job so that
the job aligns in a cutter for virtual hybrid
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 143

The alignment marks print along the

lower horizontal edge of the job so that
you can align the job in a cutter for virtual
hybrid output.

The alignment marks print outside the

corners on the right-hand vertical edge of
Corner Mark
the job, so that you can align the job in a
cutter for virtual hybrid output.

The alignment marks print outside the

corners on the lower horizontal edge of
Corner Mark
the job so that you can align the job on a
cutter for virtual hybrid output.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 144

For virtual hybrid jobs using a Gerber

Gerber Edge
cutter, the registration mark prints outside
the lower right corner.

For virtual hybrid jobs using Gerber

Gerber Edge
cutters, the registration mark prints in the
center of the bottom edge.

For hybrid jobs using Fargo Impressa

cutters, the registration marks print along
the right edge.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 145

For virtual hybrid jobs using Mimaki EX

Mimaki Mark
cutters, the registration marks print on
each corner except the upper left.

For virtual hybrid jobs using

Summagraphics cutters, the registration
marks prints along the left and right

Crop marks print at the corners of the job

Crop Marks
to allow the job.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 146

The standard marks align color

separations. These automatically turn on
whenever color separations are output.

Color swatches for each color of ink print

around the job.

Overlap marks print to indicate how the

tiles of a tiled job should overlap.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 147

Color swatches containing blended CMY

Tonal Scale
colors and a gray scale print around the

Marks print at the corners of the job to

indicate its outside margins.

A border prints around the outside edge

of the job.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 148

Lines on tiles print to indicate where the edge of the

overlap is. Use these to align the tiles.
lines If you check On both tiles, the overlap lines appear on
both tiles. If not, the overlap line only appears on the
second tile.

Color bands print at the positions selected.

Print color
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 149

Color Adjustment Tab

The Color Adjustment tab provides some basic tools to manually adjust the output color.

Each color channel is listed separately as a linearization curve that determines what percentage of
coverage is used (output) for a specified percentage in the original image (input).
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 150

Shows the changes in your color settings reflected in the preview

Select the color channel you want to edit.
The value for the point that is selected on the linearization curve.
 Click on the curve to select a different point to edit. You can also
select a point by clicking on the input axis label.
 To change the value at a given point on the curve, edit the value
in the Output field, or click and drag the point up or down.
Adjusts the amount of contrast in the image.
This setting is only available when All color channels are selected.

Adjusts the vividness of the image. Higher settings boost color

saturation and brightness at the expense of color fidelity and detail.
Lower settings decrease color saturation and brightness, but increase

This setting is only available when All color channels are selected.
Also, you must have an ICC profile selected in the Color
Management tab.

Click the Variations button to open the Variations dialog. See

Working with Variations (see "Working with Variations" on page
99) for more information.
Click to edit the color settings in the image using a more advanced

This setting is only available when All color channels are selected.
Also, you must have an ICC profile selected in the Color
Management tab.

Higher values make all colors in the image

lighter in shade. Lower values darken the
colors in the image.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 151

This setting adjusts the overall hue of the

Global Hue
picture. It can make the image bluish, or
sepia-toned. For this setting, the range of
values from -100% to +100% represents the
spectrum of colors that you can apply to the
Higher values increase the amount of color in
the image, but can reduce the contrast and
detail. Lower values reduce the amount of
Click to reset all sliders to their defaults.
Click OK to accept changes and return to the Color Adjustment tab.

Deletes the selected point from the linearization curve.

Restores the values and settings for the current channel to its original

Reset All Restores the values and settings for all channels to their original
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 152

Separations Tab

The Separations tab contains a number of options related to printing color separations.

Print as Check to print each color plane separately.

To print separations for certain colors only, clear the checkboxes for the colors you do not
want to print.

Print Makes each process color separation print in the appropriate color of ink. If you do not
separations in select this option, all process color separations will print in black.
Separations for spot colors will always print in black.

Edit Click to edit the way that color channels are output. See Editing Color Channel Details (see
"Editing Color Channel Details" on page 152) for more information.

Editing Color Channel Details

If the Print as Separations box is checked, but Print separations in color is not checked, you can select
how the separations for each color channel are output by selecting the desired color channel and clicking
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 153

Process Color
For process colors, set Print as to the color of ink you want to use to output the
color channel, and click OK.

Step and Repeat Tab

The Textile Tool option was developed to speed the RIPing and printing of patterns on textile surfaces.
The tool is available as a new RIP and Print option and is located on the Step and Repeat tab in Job
Properties. With the Textile Tool, once the original image is RIPed, copies of it are reproduced and
offset as many times and with whatever amount of pattern shift you specify.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 154

The Textile Tool is not suited for contour cutting as each pattern requires its own unique entry point
for the cutting tool.

When checked, copies of the original job image are

Step and
replicated on the media.
Allows you to specify how much of the media will be
Repeat size
covered by copies of the replicated job image.
Use media Fills the whole surface of the media with copies of the job
size image (default).
Specify When selected, lets you specify in the Width and Height
fields how much of the media will be covered.
Direction Allows rows and columns of the replicated image to be
offset on the media by a specified Horizontal or Vertical
By ratio Lets you enter or select how much of a pattern shift you
want to produce. You can enter a decimal value (.001 to
.999) in the first field, or you can select from one of three
fractional options (1/2/ 1/3, 2/3) in the second.
By size Lets you specify the measured amount of pattern shift you
want to produce.
When selected, this option flips paired copies of the job
image along the Horizontal axis, Vertical axis, or both.
Places a grid of non-printing, dark blue lines around each
Show grid
of the replicated job-image copies. This feature is useful for
refining Repeat size and Drop dimensions when used with
the Zoom button.
Restores all the checkboxes and fields to their original
default values.

Object Color Control Tab

The Object Color Control tab in the Job Properties dialog allows you to map the colors in a job to the
device-specific process color values that are used to output the colors.

See Using Object Color Control (see "Using Object Color Control" on page 178) for more information.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 155

Setting the Preview Pane View

Select one of the three available views from the list at the top of the preview pane:

Page preview Displays each page of the job scaled to fill

the preview area.

If there is more than one page in the job, a

list of the page numbers will appear
above the preview, allowing you to select
the page to display.

If you are using PhotoPRINT SE, only the

first page is displayed in Page Preview.

Selected automatically when the

Workflow, Color Management, Printer
Options, Cut or Color Adjustment tab is

Displays the job as it will appear on the

output media. The preview is scaled so
that the output media fills the preview
Selected automatically when the Layout,
Labels or Separations tab is selected.
Chapter 7 Setting Job Properties 156

Displays the job broken up into tiles to

Tiling Preview
show how it will look when output.
Selected automatically when the Tiling
tab is selected.

Setting Default Job Properties XXX

To make the current job properties the default settings for all new jobs added to this setup, click Set
Default at the bottom of the window. Click OK to confirm the change in the default settings.
Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 157

Chapter 8
Nesting Jobs
The software has the ability to nest jobs together in order to minimize the amount of material needed to
output the jobs. Nesting reorganizes the jobs on the output media so that they line up across the media
width and pack into as compact an area as possible.

Jobs must be in the same queue in order to nest together, and must share the same output device and

See Also
Setting Job Properties for Nested Jobs ......................................................... 157
Nesting Jobs Manually ................................................................................... 160
Un-Nesting Jobs .............................................................................................. 160
Nesting Contour Jobs ..................................................................................... 160
Using Automatic Nesting .............................................................................. 161
Nesting Pages, Copies, Tiles and Separations ............................................ 162
Rearranging Nested Jobs ............................................................................... 163
Breaking Apart Multi-Sectioned Jobs into Nested Jobs............................. 164

Setting Job Properties for Nested Jobs

You can set different Job Properties for individual jobs of a nested set. See Using Dual Roll Printing with
Nested Jobs (see "Using Dual Roll Printing with Nested Jobs" on page 158) for more information.

To edit the Job Properties for a job in a nested set:

1) Open the Job Properties dialog for the nested set.

Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 158

2) Select the job or jobs for which you want to set Job Properties:
 Click a job to directly select it.

A red border indicates that a job is directly selected and will be affected by any changes to the Job Properties.

 Click a blank area of the Preview Pane to select all jobs.

A blue border indicates that all jobs are indirectly selected and will be affected by any changes to the Job Properties.

 Click a multi-sectioned job to indirectly select all copies, pages, tiles or separations.

Jobs that contain multiple copies, pages, tiles or separations are referred to as multi-sectioned jobs. If you want to change the Job Properties of a job
that has multiple sections, all the sections will be affected by those changes.

A blue border indicates that all sections of a job will be affected by any changes to the Job Properties.

No border indicates that a job is not affected by any changes to the Job Properties.

3) Settings in the following Job Properties tabs can be adjusted for each job:
 Layout tab.

 Color Management tab.

Device settings cannot be changed for individual jobs.

Using Dual Roll Printing with Nested Jobs

Dual roll printing allows you to print multiple jobs on different rolls of media at the same time. You can
set different Job Properties for each job in a nested set and then arrange each job on the appropriate roll of
media. See Setting Job Properties for Nested Jobs (see "Setting Job Properties for Nested Jobs" on page 157)
for more information.

Only printers that can be loaded with two rolls of media support Dual roll printing.

To set up nested jobs for Dual Roll printing:

1) Open the Job Properties for the nested set.

2) From the Layout tab, check Dual Roll printing.
Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 159

3) Click the Edit button, adjust the following parameters and then click OK:
Click this button to edit settings for Dual Roll Printing.
The width of the roll loaded on the left side of
Left roll
the printer.
The distance between the rolls mounted on
The width of the roll loaded on the right side of
Right roll
the printer.

The Media Width field is the sum of each roll's width. The distance between the rolls is not calculated in Media Width. Please see Layout Tab (see "Layout
Tab" on page 119) for more information.

4) Set Job Properties for each job. See Setting Job Properties for Nested Jobs (see "Setting Job Properties
for Nested Jobs" on page 157) for more information.
5) Drag the jobs to the appropriate rolls in the Preview Pane.

If you edit the Job Properties for any job, all jobs will re-nest.

Preview Pane with Dual Roll printing enabled.

6) Click Send.
Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 160

Nesting Jobs Manually

1) Select the jobs.

2) Click the Nest button in the toolbar.

If a single job is selected, its pages are nested.

Un-Nesting Jobs
Un-nesting separates a set of nested jobs into their component jobs.

1) Select the set of nested jobs.

2) Click the Unnest button in the toolbar.

Nesting Contour Jobs

Nesting Contour Jobs is useful with virtual hybrid setups, files created in 3rd party applications, or files
that already include contour cut lines. Nest contour jobs in Production Manager for the most efficient use
of your device and media.

This feature is currently only available for 3rd party files.

Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 161

Using Automatic Nesting

The software can be set to automatically nest jobs as they are added to the Hold Queue.

To set up automatic nesting, from the Setup menu select Setup Properties and select the Automatic
Nesting tab.

To automatically nest pages, tiles and separations, set Number of jobs to 1.

Automatically nests jobs using one or more of the criteria specified

below. This allows you to work more efficiently by grouping their jobs
job nesting
for output. You can add several jobs into the queue and nest them into
one job.
Check this option to automatically nest jobs once the
Number of
specified number of jobs has accumulated in the queue.
Check this option to automatically nest jobs once the
Number of
specified number of minutes has passed.
Check this option to automatically nest jobs once they
cover a specified percentage of the media.
Check this option to automatically nest jobs once a day
Daily at
at the specified time.
Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 162

The images automatically rotate when nested to use the output media
more efficiently.
rotate image
when nesting
Click to restore the default settings.

Nesting Pages, Copies, Tiles and Separations

The software can nest the multiple pages, copies, tiles or separations of a job so that they line up across the
width of the media and take up less material.

1) Select the job and open the Job Properties dialog.

2) From the Layout tab, check Page nesting.
3) Adjust the following in Job Properties:
 To nest multiple pages, click OK.

 To nest multiple copies, from the Layout tab, set the number of copies to a number greater than 1
and click OK.
 To nest multiple tiles, from the Tile tab, set the number of tiles to a number greater than 1 and click
 To nest multiple separations, from the Separation tab, check Print as separations and click OK.

Nested tiles
Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 163

Tiles without page nesting

Rearranging Nested Jobs

You can move, rotate or mirror a job within a nested set of jobs using the Job Properties dialog.

Moving Nested Images

To move a nested image:

1) Open the Job Properties for the nested set.

2) Click and drag an image in the Preview Pane.

Rotating Nested Images

To rotate a nested image:

1) Open the Job Properties for the nested set.

2) Select the image in the Preview Pane and do one of the following:
 Click its center rotation handle to rotate the image in 90° increments.
 Click the Rotate Image button in the Layout tab, and select the degree of rotation you want to

Mirroring Nested Images

To flip all images along their vertical axes:

1) Open the Job Properties for the nested set.

2) Select the image and click the Mirror Image button in the Layout tab.
Chapter 8 Nesting Jobs 164

Breaking Apart Multi-Sectioned Jobs into Nested Jobs

The Break Apart command separates a multi-sectioned job into individual parts, and then nests the parts.
You can break apart multiple copies, tiles or pages.

Once you break apart a job, it cannot be undone. You must add the job again.

1) Add a job. See Adding New Jobs for more information.

2) Select the job and open Job Properties.
3) Adjust the following:
 For multiple copies, from the Layout tab, set the number of copies to a number greater than 1 and
click OK.
 For multiple tiles, from the Tile tab, set the number of tiles to a number greater than 1 and click OK.

 For a job with multiple pages, click OK.

4) Do one of the following:

 From the Job context menu, select Break Apart.

 Right-click the job and select Break Apart.

Chapter 9 Tiling and Cropping Jobs 165

Chapter 9
Tiling and Cropping Jobs
The tiling feature of the software allows you to split a print job into a number of smaller tiles that are then
output separately.

When you rotate or resize a job, all tiling is removed. If the job is larger than the output media after it
rotates, it will automatically be retiled.

If a job is larger than the output media, it automatically tiles into pieces small enough to output.


Use the Tile tab of the Job Properties dialog to do all tiling. To access the tiling features:

1) Select the job.

2) Open the Job Properties dialog.
3) Select the Tile tab.
4) Adjust the following parameters:

Panel size The panel splits the job into tiles and is output by the software. If the panel
reduces in size so that it does not cover the entire job, only the parts covered
by the panel are output.

Shows the width and height of the panel. To adjust, enter a number
or use the spinner controls.
The size of the margin. The margin is the part of the panel that
extends outside of the boundaries of the job.
Selects which tile's width and height display in the fields below.
Selects a tile to edit. The selected tile highlights in the preview pane.

Shows the width and height of the selected tile. To adjust, enter a
number or use the arrows.
Check to output the selected tile with the rest of the job.
Clear to prevent output by marking the tile with a mesh overlay in
the preview pane.
These settings apply to all tiles and help you quickly set up automatic tiles of
All tiles
equal size.
Selecting this option divides the job vertically into the number of
columns specified. Each column is of equal width.
Chapter 9 Tiling and Cropping Jobs 166

Selecting this option divides the job into the number of rows
specified. Each row is of equal height.
Enter the values for the width and height of the tiles here. All tiles
change to the specified size.
Sets the amount of overlap between tiles. Enter a negative number to
create an offset between tiles.
Check to rotate every other printed tile 180° so that adjacent vertical edges
always print with the same side of the print head. This helps them match up
tile flip


Outputs a tile map to aid in assembly of the finished job. See Printing a Tile
Map (see "Printing a Tile Map" on page 169) for more information.

See Also
Dividing a Job into Tiles ................................................................................ 166
Selecting a Tile ................................................................................................ 167
Editing Tiles .................................................................................................... 168
Preventing a Tile from Being Output .......................................................... 169
Enabling a Non-Printing Tile ........................................................................ 169
Printing a Tile Map ......................................................................................... 169
Cropping a Job ................................................................................................ 170
Removing All Tiling and Cropping ............................................................. 171

Dividing a Job into Tiles

The job starts as a single large tile that covers the entire job. This tile is selected by default.

To divide the job into multiple tiles, reduce the width and/or height of the first tile using the and
fields in the Selected tile section. New tiles are automatically created to cover the exposed areas of the job.

For instance, to divide a 30x25 job into two vertical tiles, set the field to 15, reducing the size of the first
tile to 15x25. A second 15x25 tile are automatically created.
Chapter 9 Tiling and Cropping Jobs 167

Dividing a Job into Uniform Rows and Columns of Tiles

1) Check the or fields to tile the job vertically or horizontally into evenly divided columns or rows.
2) Set the and fields to the desired width and height desired for the tiles.
3) Set the amount of overlap between the tiles in the field.

Dividing a Job into Uniform Tiles of a Specified Size

1) Check the and fields to set all tiles in the job to be of the specified size.
2) Set the and fields to the width and height desired for the tiles.
3) Set the amount of overlap between the tiles in the field.

If the specified tiles do not cover the job evenly, the tiles at the top and right edges are made small enough to fit in the gap.

Selecting a Tile
To select a tile, either click the tile in the preview pane, or select the tile using the field in the Selected
tile section of the Tile tab.
Chapter 9 Tiling and Cropping Jobs 168

Editing Tiles
To edit the size of the selected tile, change the values in the and fields.

You can also resize tiles by dragging their edges in the Preview Pane.

Click and drag to resize

If any of the All Tiles checkboxes are checked, the and fields may be disabled. In this case, the
fields have been overridden in order to keep all tiles uniform. The tiles will not be editable using the
Preview Pane either.

If you drag the edges of the panel over so that part of the job is exposed, a new tile will be created to cover
the exposed area of the job. The exception to this is if you resize the panel using the cropping handles. See
Cropping a Job (see "Cropping a Job" on page 170) for more information.

Click and drag the edge of the panel to add

another tile
Chapter 9 Tiling and Cropping Jobs 169

Preventing a Tile from Being Output

Non-printing tiles are marked with a hash pattern.

To prevent a tile from being output with the rest of the job:

 Double-click on the tile in the preview pane.

 Right-click on the tile in the preview pane.
 Select the tile in the Selected Tile section of the Tile tab and clear the Print checkbox.

Non-printing tiles are marked with a hash pattern.

1. Non-printing Tile

Enabling a Non-Printing Tile

One tile in each job must always remain printable. If you try to set all tiles to non-printing, one of the tiles
becomes printable again.

 Double-click or right-click the tile again to toggle it back on.

 Select the tile in the Selected Tile section of the Tile tab and check the Print checkbox.

Printing a Tile Map

The software can print out a map showing how the job is broken up into tiles. Each tile has the tile number
printed within its outline.
Chapter 9 Tiling and Cropping Jobs 170

1) Click the Print Tile Map button in the Tile tab of the Job Properties dialog.

2) Select the printer that will print the tile map.

If you would like to send the tile map to a desktop or network printer, create a setup for that printer and select that setup here.

3) Click OK.

Cropping a Job
Cropped-out areas of the job will not be output.

To crop out part of a job so that it will not be output:

1) Open the Job Properties dialog for the job.

2) Select the Tile tab.
3) Drag the red cropping handles so that the unwanted parts of the job are cropped out.


 Reduce the panel size using the , and fields in the Panel Size section of the Tile tab.

1. Cropping handles.
Chapter 9 Tiling and Cropping Jobs 171

Cropped-out area
Dragging cropping handles

Removing All Tiling and Cropping

To remove all tiling and cropping to make the job one piece again, click Reset.

If the job is bigger than the media, it will remain tiled to fit the media.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 173

Chapter 10
Working with Color
The software provides a number of color management features that allow you to fine-tune the color
output of your jobs.

See Also
Using Custom Spot Color Mapping............................................................. 173
Using Global Color Mapping ........................................................................ 176
Using Object Color Control ........................................................................... 178

Using Custom Spot Color Mapping

Custom Spot Color Mapping allows you to map spot colors to exact output values for your specific output
device. Mapped colors will always print out using the output values set in the Custom Spot Color
Mapping module, overriding any other color management settings.

If you mapped a custom color but don't want to use that particular color mapping for a particular job, you
can either turn off all custom spot color mapping or delete the color mapping for that particular color.

Each custom spot color mapping applies to a single color mode on a single output device. To map the
same custom color to multiple color modes, you must make multiple custom spot color mappings - one for
each color mode.

Custom spot color mapping only applies to jobs in a vector format such as EPS or PostScript. It does not
affect bitmaps or JPEGs.

Custom spot color mapping only affects jobs that are added after the color mapping has been added. Jobs
that are already queued are not affected.

Enabling Custom Spot Color Mapping

To enable color mapping, check Use color mapping in the Color Management tab of the Job Properties or
Default Job Properties dialogs and click OK.

If the same color is defined using both Custom Spot Color Mapping and Global Color Mapping, the
Custom Spot Color Mapping settings will override the Global Color Mapping settings. In order to register
as the same color, the name and color mode must be identical.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 174

Mapping Colors Using Custom Spot Color Mapping

1) From the Setup context menu, select Default Job Properties.
2) Select the Color Management tab.
3) Click the Color Mapping button.

Adding/Modifying a Custom Spot Color Mapping

1) Add or modify a Custom Spot Color Mapping:
To add a Custom Spot Color Mapping:
1. From the Color Mode list, select the color mode you want to map the custom color to.
2. Click the Add button in the Custom Spot Color Mapping toolbar.
To modify a Custom Spot Color Mapping:
3. Select the Custom Spot Color Mapping that you want to modify.
4. Click the Modify button in the Custom Spot Color Mapping toolbar.

2) Enter or edit a name for the color in the Color field.

Chapter 10 Working with Color 175

3) Enter the values for each of the process colors in the color mode selected.
4) Click the Color Chooser button to pick a system color that closely matches the desired color.
5) Select the method you want to use to narrow down the color:
 Click the Measure Color button to use a colorimeter to measure the desired color.

1. Under Measure Device Setup, select the type of measuring device and the port to which it
2. Click Calibrate to calibrate the device.
3. Click Measure to measure a sample of the desired color with a colorimeter.
4. Click OK.
 Click the Print Swatch button to print a swatch table containing swatches that closely match the
desired color.
1. Select the type of font you want the swatch table labels to use.
2. From the swatch table, select the coordinates of the color that closely match the desired color
and enter them into the Closest matching swatch fields.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 176

3. Click Update Color to update the values for the process colors in the color mode selected.
6) Click OK.

Importing the Custom Colors from a Print Job

The software can import all of the custom colors specified in a PostScript or Encapsulated PostScript file.

1) Click the Import button in the Custom Mapping toolbar.

2) Select the file to import and click OK.

Printing Custom Colors

To print a table of all the custom colors specified for the selected color mode, click Print Spot Colors in the
Custom Mapping toolbar.

Deleting a Custom Spot Color Mapping

1) Select the custom color from the list.
2) Press Delete or click the Delete button in the toolbar.

Using Global Color Mapping

The Global Color Mapping module allows you to map the colors in your job using LAB color space, a
device-independent color space.

Because it uses LAB color space, Global Color Mapping has the following advantages:

 You can determine the color values using a measurement device, such as a spectrometer, because the
devices measure color in LAB.
 Because LAB is device-independent, you do not have to measure each color separately for each device
and type of output media. Once you map a color in Global Color Mapping, it is done for all devices
and media.

However, Custom Spot Color Mapping can yield color values that are slightly more precise, though at a
far greater cost in time and effort.

Global color mapping only affects jobs that are added after the color mapping has been added. Jobs that
are already queued are not affected.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 177

Enabling Color Mapping

To enable color mapping, check Use Color Mapping in the Color Management tab of the Job Properties or
Default Job Properties dialogs. This box enables both Custom Spot Color Mapping and Global Color

If the same color is defined using both Custom Spot Color Mapping and Global Color Mapping, the
Custom Spot Color Mapping settings override the Global Color Mapping settings. In order to register as
the same color, the name and color mode must be identical.

Mapping Colors Using Global Color Mapping

Color mappings are provided for all Pantone colors.

To access Global Color Mapping, from the Setup menu, select Global Color Mapping.

Adding/Modifying a Global Color Mapping

1) Click the Add or Modify button in the Global Color Mapping toolbar.

2) Enter or edit a name for the color in the Color field.

3) Enter the LAB values for the color.
4) Under Measure Device Setup, select the colorimeter and the port to which it connects and click
5) Click Measure to measure a sample of a color with a colorimeter.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 178

6) When finished, click OK.

Deleting a Global Color Mapping

1) Select the global color from the list.
2) Press Delete on your keyboard or click the Delete button in the toolbar.

Using Object Color Control

The Object Color Control tab in the Job Properties dialog allows you to map the colors in a job to the
device-specific process color values that are used to output the colors.

1) Select the job you want to work with.

2) Open the Job Properties dialog.
3) Select the Object Color Control tab.

Object Color Control is not available for DCS files. The Job Properties dialog for a DCS file does not have an Object Color Control tab.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 179

Mapping Colors Using Object Color Control

The Object Color Control tab allows you to work with the colors in your job by interacting with the
preview image of the job.

Check the Preview box so that the preview pane updates to reflect any color mapping and editing that you

Inspecting Colors

To view the output color values currently assigned to objects or areas in your job, simply move the mouse
over that object or area. The output color values display in the Object Color Control tab, in the area above
the list.

Object Color Control does not support spot colors. Spot colors are automatically replaced by the process
color used to display them.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 180

Selecting Colors

To select a colored object or area, click on it in the preview pane. The color appears in the list. If you click
on the same color again, the color highlights in the list.

Enabling or Disabling Color Mapping Settings

To enable a color mapping, check the box next to it. Clear the box to disable the mapping.

Editing Colors

To edit a color mapping:

1) Select a colored object or area in the preview pane.

2) Select the color in the Original Color list.
3) Click the Edit button.

4) Set Color Space to the color space (see Wikipedia - you
want to work in.
5) Edit the Color Values for the color.

Color values are always specified for the color at 100% coverage. If you specified a tint, the software assumes that the specified color values are for 100%
coverage, and computes the actual output values based on the percentage of coverage specified for the tint.

6) Set the amount of Tolerance per sample.

Chapter 10 Working with Color 181

7) Check whether you want the color mapping to apply to Bitmap objects, Vector objects or All objects.
8) Click OK.

Adding New Colors

You can add new color mappings to the list, even if the original colors are not contained in the job. This
may be useful if you want to save the color mappings to a preset file for use with other print jobs, for

For example: if you know that most of your jobs contain the spot color Company_Logo_Purple, you can
add a color mapping for that color even if it doesn't appear in the current job. You can then save all the
color mappings to a preset file, and reapply them to future jobs in one step.

1) Click New.

2) From the Input Color tab, adjust the following:

a) Set Color Space to the color space of the new color.
b) Enter the Color Values for the new color, as they would appear in a job.
3) From the Output Color tab, adjust the following:
a) Set Color Space to the color space (see Wikipedia - you
want to use to specify the output color.
b) Enter the color values for the output color.
4) Set the amount of Tolerance per sample.
5) Check whether you want the color mapping to apply to Bitmap objects, Vector objects or All objects.
6) Click OK.

Resetting Color Values

To clear the color list and reset the color mappings to their original state, click Reset.
Chapter 10 Working with Color 182

Saving Object Color Control Settings to a Preset

You can make a preset that contains color mappings.

Settings stored in a preset override any previous settings set in Job Properties.

1) From the Preset group box at the top of the Job Properties dialog, click the Save as button.

2) Check the tab settings that you want to include in the preset and click OK.

For most presets, check the Color management and Printer options settings.

3) Enter a name for the new preset.

4) Click OK.

Applying Object Color Control Settings from a Preset

To apply a preset to the current job, select the preset from the Preset drop-down menu.
Chapter 11 Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output 183

Chapter 11
Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output
A number of output devices can both print an image and cut a contour on it. These are hybrid devices.

The software allows you to get the same result by printing a job on a printer and then loading the printed
output into a cutter and cutting it. This is virtual hybrid output.

See Also
Setting Up a Job for Contour Cutting .......................................................... 183
Hybrid Device Output ................................................................................... 183
Virtual Hybrid Output ................................................................................... 184

Setting Up a Job for Contour Cutting

To cut a contour using a hybrid device or virtual hybrid, the job must meet the following parameters:

For Graphic Design Software:

 The job must be vector-based.

 A spot color named CutContour must be assigned to the contours.
 For multiple contours, assign a different spot color to each and name them consecutively
CutContour1, CutContour2, CutContour3...

For AutoCAD:

 The job must be vector-based.

 All objects to be used as a contour path should be on a layer named CutContour.
 For multiple contours, name them consecutively CutContour1, CutContour2, CutContour3...

Hybrid Device Output

To output a job with a contour cut:

1) Set up the job as described in Setting Up a Job for Contour Cutting (see "Setting Up a Job for Contour
Cutting" on page 183).
2) Add the job to the setup for a hybrid device.
3) Open the Job Properties dialog and select the Workflow tab.
4) Set the Send setting to Print and contour.
5) Click Send.
Chapter 11 Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output 184

The contour cuts after the job is printed.

Virtual Hybrid Output

The software allows you to use a printer and a cutter together to produce the same results as a hybrid

Virtual Hybrid Output on a Cutter with Automatic Alignment

1) Set up the job as described in Setting Up a Job for Contour Cutting (see "Setting Up a Job for Contour
Cutting" on page 183).
2) Add the job to the setup for the printer you want to use as the first part of the virtual hybrid.
3) Open the Job Properties dialog and select the Workflow tab.
4) Check the Send cut job box and select the cutter you want to use as the second half of the virtual

When you select the cutter in the Workflow tab, the default registration marks for that cutter are automatically added to the job.

5) Click Send.

Once the job RIPs and prints, the cut portion of the job automatically appears in the Hold Queue for the cutter setup.

6) Remove the output media from the printer and load it into the cutter.
7) Click the Send button in the main window toolbar.
8) Align the cutting head over the first automatic registration mark (lower right if not marked) using the
controls on the front panel of the cutter.
9) Click OK to cut the contour.

Virtual Hybrid Output on a Manually Aligned Cutter

1) Set up the job as described in Virtual Hybrid Output on a Cutter with Automatic Alignment (see
"Virtual Hybrid Output on a Cutter with Automatic Alignment" on page 184).
2) Add the job to the setup for the printer you want to use as part of the virtual hybrid.
3) Open the Job Properties dialog for the job and select the Workflow tab.
4) Check the Send cut job box and select the cutter you want to use as the second half of your virtual

When you select the cutter in the Workflow tab, the default registration marks for that cutter are automatically added to the job.

5) Click OK to close the Job Properties dialog.

6) RIP and print the job.

Once you RIP and print the job, the cut portion of the job automatically appears in the Hold Queue.
Chapter 11 Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output 185

7) Remove the output media from the printer and load it into the cutter. Make sure the output media is
straight and align the registration marks to the origin for the cutter.
8) Output the cut job in the Hold Queue as you would a normal print job.
9) Select the method used to position the cut head over the registration marks and click OK.
Positions the cut head over the registration marks using
software controls.
Positions the cut head over the registration marks using the
controls on the face of the cutter.
This option is only available when a bi-directional communications protocol such as serial
or USB is used.

a) To indicate the position of the registration marks using Interactive alignment:

1. Use the arrows to position the head of the cutter over registration mark 1 and click OK.
2. Repeat for all additional registration marks.
b) To indicate the position of the registration marks using Digital alignment:
1. Use the front panel controls on the cutter to position the head of the cutter over registration
mark 1. Press Enter on the cutting device and click OK.
2. Repeat for all additional registration marks.
10) Load the knife into the cutter and click OK to cut the contour portion of the design.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 187

Chapter 12
Printing from Client Applications
The guidelines in this section describe how to generate the best output from popular desktop applications.

To send a job to the software from a client application:

1) Open the software.

2) If not already done, create desktop drivers for your output device setups:
1. From the setup context menu, select Setup Properties.
2. From the Job Workflow tab, click the Install desktop driver button.
3) To run the client application and the software on different computers:
a) Set up the computer running the software to receive jobs from clients. See Setting Up File and
Printer Sharing (see "Setting Up File and Printer Sharing" on page 37) for more information.
b) On your computer, add a network printer queue for the software. See Windows Client Setup (see
"Windows Client Setup" on page 39) or Macintosh OS X Client Setup (see "Macintosh OS X Client
Setup" on page 40) for more information.

If PhotoPRINT / FlexiPRINT is running on a Macintosh computer, you only can print to it from applications running on the same computer. The
Macintosh does not support printing from a remote application.

4) Select the application's Print command.

5) Select the software's print queue from the list of available printers in the Print dialog.
6) Print the job.

See Also
General Application Concerns ..................................................................... 188
Adobe Illustrator............................................................................................ 189
CorelDRAW.................................................................................................... 193
Macromedia FreeHand ................................................................................. 195
Adobe PageMaker ......................................................................................... 196
Adobe Photoshop .......................................................................................... 201
QuarkXPress ................................................................................................... 207
PhotoPRINT DX/ PhotoPRINT EDITOR / FlexiPRINT ............................ 214
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 188

General Application Concerns

Font Inclusion
Fonts not embedded into the PostScript file can be lost when the PostScript file transports from one
workstation to another or across platforms. If the font is not included in the PostScript file, you should
install it on every station that uses the file. If you do not install the font, the computer substitutes the font
with another available font. If your application gives you the option to include fonts with your PostScript
file, choose to include all fonts of all types.

PostScript Language Levels

The server software uses an Adobe PostScript interpreter, known as CPSI (Configurable PostScript
Interpreter). PostScript files come in three levels. Each level of PostScript represents a development in the
programming language and the addition of new features. PostScript level 3 is the latest level. To Utilize
PostScript 3 to its full potential you must have an application, a PostScript printer driver and a PPD file
that all support PostScript level 3.

Paper Size
The paper size is the dimensions of your output file. Paper size should always match your page/image size
for correct PostScript file generation. Mismatching image and paper sizes is one of the most common
problems in PostScript generation. Selecting a particular paper size for output does not mean that your job
is scaled to fit to the desired output size.

Paper size creates a bounding area, like a frame, centered on your image. If the page/image size is larger
than the selected paper size, then the parts of the page that do not fit into the paper size are cropped. If the
page/image size is smaller than the selected paper size, the page centers on the paper with a border of
white space surrounding the job.

It is common to select a paper size that fits the width of an output device, but to generate a PostScript file
with a page/image size that was created at only 8.5" x 11". The result is that your image prints on a small
area and is surrounded by a lot of wasted paper. You may need to create a custom paper/image size in
your desktop application to correctly match the paper size of your output device.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 189

Screening defines the screening angles, line screens and dot shapes for your output. Most likely, you do
not want your desktop application to apply its own screening to your output file. Use your printer's
default screens whenever possible. To use printer default screens for output, select this option in the
Printing Properties dialog.

Resolution defines the detail in which your printer outputs. You can find settings for resolution in the
Printing Properties dialog.

General Workflow Guidelines

To achieve the best possible output, you should plan your work carefully and use a consistent workflow.
Choosing the correct file format for saving your job and creating the PostScript file properly are also

Adobe Illustrator
The following section describe how to generate the best output from Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator on Macintosh

Color Printing (see "Color Printing from Macintosh OS X" on page 189)

Contour Cutting (see "Contour Cutting from Macintosh OS X" on page 190)

Color Printing from Macintosh OS X

1) Load Adobe Illustrator.
2) From the File menu, select Document Setup:
a) From the pull-down menu, select Artboard:
1. Choose a standard paper size in the Size field.
2. To use a custom page size:
1. Select Custom from the Size field.
2. Select the desired Units.
3. Enter the Width and Length for your custom page size.

To avoid cutting off the image, enter the exact size of your media.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 190

3. Click OK.
b) Click OK.
3) From the File menu, select Print.

If you are working with Illustrator CS or CS2, click the Printer button in the Print dialog to access Printer Features.

a) Set Printer to the network print queue that corresponds to the desired output device.
b) Select General from the list on the left side of the screen.
1. Set Copies to the number of copies you want to print.
c) Click the Printer button.
1. Select the Printer Features pop-up menu:
1. To apply color settings choose either an output profile or preset
2. To automatically start RIPing the file without printing it, set After Spooling to RIP.
3. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Print.
4. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling to
2. Click Print to return to the Print dialog.
d) Click Print to start printing.

Contour Cutting from Macintosh OS X

To specify a contour cut:

1) In Adobe Illustrator, display the Swatches palette and the Color palette:
a) From the Window menu, check Swatches and/or Color. Selecting either one displays both.
2) Create new a ContourCut swatch:
a) From the Swatches palette, click the arrow in the upper right corner and choose New Swatch.
b) In the New Swatch dialog, enter the CutContour as the Swatch Name. The spelling and case must
match exactly or the stroke is not recognized as a contour cut path.
c) Set Color Type to Spot Color.
d) Set Color Mode to the desired color mode and select the color that represents the contour cut path.
e) Click OK.

Adobe Illustrator CS on Windows

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 191)
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 191

Color Printing
1) In Adobe Illustrator, from the File menu, select Document Setup:
a) From the pull-down menu, select Artboard:
1. Choose a standard paper size in the Size field.
2. To use a custom page size:
1. Select Custom from the Size field.
2. Select the desired Units.
3. Enter the Width and Length for your custom page size.

To avoid cutting off the image, enter the exact size of your media.

4. Click OK.
b) Click OK.
2) From the File menu, select Print.
a) Set Printer to the network print queue that corresponds to the desired output device.
b) Select General from the list on the left side of the screen.
1. Set Copies to the number of copies you want to print.
c) Click the Setup button.
1. Make sure your printer is highlighted, then click the Preferences button.
2. Select the Layout tab and click the Advanced button.
3. Under Advanced Options:
1. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Print.
2. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling to
3. To automatically start RIPing the file without printing it, set After Spooling to RIP.
4. Click OK.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Print to start printing.

Adobe Illustrator 10 on Windows

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 192)

Contour Cutting (see "Contour Cutting" on page 192)

Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 192

Color Printing
1) In Adobe Illustrator, from the File menu, select Document Setup:
a) From the pull-down menu, select Artboard:
1. Choose a standard paper size in the Size field.
2. To use a custom page size:
1. Select Custom from the Size field.
2. Select the desired Units.
3. Enter the Width and Length for your custom page size.

To avoid cutting off the image, enter the exact size of your media.

4. Click OK.
2) From the File menu, select Print.
a) Set Name to the network print queue that corresponds to the desired output device.
b) Set Copies to the number of copies you want to print.
c) Click the Properties button.
d) Select the Layout tab and click the Advanced button.
1. Under Advanced Options:
1. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Print.
2. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling to
3. To automatically start RIPing the file without printing it, set After Spooling to RIP.
4. Click OK.
2. Click OK.
3. Click OK to start printing.

Contour Cutting
1) In Adobe Illustrator, display the Swatches palette and the Color palette:
a) From the Window menu, check Swatches and/or Color. Selecting either one displays both.
2) Create a new ContourCut swatch:
a) From the Swatches palette, click the arrow in the upper right corner and choose New Swatch.
b) In the New Swatch dialog, enter CutContour as the Swatch Name. The spelling and case must
match exactly or the stroke is not recognized as a contour cut path.
c) Set Color Type to Spot Color.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 193

d) Set Color Mode to the desired color mode and select the color used to represent the contour cut
e) Click OK.

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 193)

Color Printing
1) In CorelDRAW, from the File menu, select Print Setup.
a) Select your printer from the Name field.
b) Click Properties.
1. Choose a page size from the Paper field or select Custom Page for a custom page size.

Depending on the OS and driver selected, you may need to click Advanced to select the page size.

2. To use a custom page size:

1. Select PostScript Custom Page Size from the Size field.
2. Select the desired Units.
3. Enter the Width and Height for your custom page size.

To avoid cutting off the image, enter the exact size of your media.

4. Click OK to exit the Advanced Options dialog.

3. Click OK to exit the Properties dialog.
c) Click OK to exit the Print Setup dialog.
2) From the File menu, select Print.
a) Set Name to the network print queue that corresponds to the desired output device.
b) On the General tab:
1. Set Print Range to the range of pages to print.
2. Set Number of copies to the number of copies to print.
c) On the PostScript tab, select PostScript3 compatibility.
d) On the Miscellaneous tab:
1. To set bitmap output to CMYK , do one of the following:
 Uncheck Output Bitmaps in RGB.
 Set Output Color Bitmaps as to CMYK.

Depending on the OS and driver version, this setting may be on a different tab.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 194

2. Uncheck Use Color Profile.

Depending on the OS and driver version, this setting may be called Apply ICC Profile.

3) Click Print.

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element, or to specify a contour cut:

1) In CorelDRAW, from the Tools menu, select Palette Editor.

a) Add spot color definitions:
1. Select User Defined Inks (Custom Spot Colors in CorelDRAW 10 and 11) from the pull-down
list of palettes at the top of the dialog.
2. Click Add Color.
3. Select the Models tab and choose the color to use for the screen representation of the color.

You do not need to enter a name for the color at this time.

4. Click Add to Palette.

5. Repeat for any additional colors.
6. Click Close.
b) Edit spot colors:
1. Select the color you added in the Palette Editor dialog.

They are given default names such as Ink (1).

2. Change the name of the color in the Name field under Selected Palette Color.

The name needs to be an exact match with the Spot Color List in order to work. For a contour cut path, use the color name CutContour.

c) Click OK.
2) To assign these colors to an object:
a) Select the object.
b) Choose the Fill or Outline tool from the main toolbar.
c) Select the Custom Palettes tab.
d) Choose one of the spot colors you just created.
e) Use the Tint slider at the bottom of the dialog to select the tint percentage. Use 100% to print the
spot color with full coverage.
f) Click OK.

In order to define a contour cut, the CutContour color must set as the outline color of the object, not as the fill color.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 195

3) Send the job to print as you normally would. The server software interprets the special color names
and can print them as spot colors or as a contour cut path.

Macromedia FreeHand
Macromedia FreeHand Macintosh (see "Macromedia FreeHand Macintosh" on page 195)

Macromedia FreeHand Windows (see "Macromedia FreeHand Windows" on page 196)

Macromedia FreeHand Macintosh

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 195)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element, or to specify a contour cut:

1) In Macromedia FreeHand, display the Color Mixer and Swatches panels:

a) From the Windows menu, choose Panel then Color Mixer.
b) From the Windows menu, choose Panel then Swatches.
2) In the color mixer panel:
a) Select the color values to use for the screen representation of the color. You can use the CMYK,
RGB or HLS models or the Apple color chooser.
b) Click Add to Swatches.
1. Enter the name for the spot color.

The name needs to be an exact match with the Spot Color List in order to work. For a contour cut path, use the color name CutContour.

2. Select the Spot option.

3. Click Add.
c) To create an additional swatch containing a tint of the spot color:
1. Select the Tint tab.
2. Select a tint percentage. Use 100% to print the spot color with full coverage.
3. Click Add to Swatches.

The new swatch is automatically created as a spot color swatch and given a name based off the tint percentage and the original spot color name,
like 10% Blue.

d) Repeat for any additional colors.

3) To assign these colors to an object:
a) Select the object.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 196

b) Choose the Fill tab of the Object Inspector.

c) Choose Basic and select the color you added from the menu.
4) Send the job to print as you normally would. The server software interprets the special color names
and can print them as spot colors or as a contour cut path.

Macromedia FreeHand Windows

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 196)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element or to specify a contour cut:

1) In Macromedia FreeHand, choose Windows > Panel > Color Mixer.

a) Choose the color you want to use for the screen representation of the color.
b) Click Tint and assign it a tint percentage. Use 100% to print the spot color with full coverage.
c) Click Add to Color List.
1. Enter the name for the spot color.

The name needs to be an exact match with the Spot Color List in order to work. For a contour cut path, use the color name CutContour.

2. Select the Spot option.

3. Click Add.
d) Repeat for any additional colors.
2) To assign these colors to an object:
a) Select the object.
b) Choose the Fill tab of the Object Inspector.
c) Choose Basic and select the color you added from the menu.
3) Send the job to print as you normally would. The server software interprets the special color names
and can print them as spot colors or as a contour cut path.

Adobe PageMaker
Adobe PageMaker on Macintosh (see "Adobe PageMaker on Macintosh" on page 197)

Adobe PageMaker on Windows (see "Adobe PageMaker on Windows" on page 199)

Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 197

Adobe PageMaker on Macintosh

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 197)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 198)

Color Printing
1) From the Apple menu, select Chooser. Highlight Adobe PS and select your printer.
2) In PageMaker, from the File menu, select Document Setup:
a) From the Page field select your paper size. Your paper size should match your job size.
b) To enter a custom page size:
1. Set Page to Custom.
2. Enter the custom size in the height and width fields.
c) Select your printer's resolution as the Target Output Resolution. If it is not available, select the
next highest value.
d) Click OK.
3) From the File menu, select Preferences, then General:
a) Click CMS Setup.
1. Set Color Management to OFF.
2. Click OK to return to the Preferences dialog.
b) Click OK.
4) From the File menu, select Print:
a) Click Document:
1. Set PPD to the PPD for your printer.
b) Click Paper and set Size to your paper size.
c) Click Options:
1. Set Send image data to Normal.
2. Set Data encoding to Send binary image data.
3. Set Download fonts to PostScript and TrueType.
d) Click Color.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 198

1. Select the Composite option.

2. Select the Color option under Composite.
3. Set Optimized screen to Default.
e) Click Features and select any other printer-specific settings you want.
f) Click Print.

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element or to specify a contour cut:

1) In PageMaker, from the Utilities menu, select Define Colors:

a) Click New:
1. Enter a Name that matches an entry in the Appendix - Spot Color List (see "Appendix - Spot
Color List" on page 223). The name needs to be an exact match in order to work. For a contour
cut path, use the name CutContour.
2. Set Type to Spot.
3. Select the color model you want to use, and then select the color values that represent the spot
color on screen.
b) Repeat for any additional colors.
2) To assign these colors to an object:
a) Select the object.
b) From the Element menu, select Fill and Stroke.
1. To fill the object with the color:
1. Set Fill to Solid or select the desired pattern.
2. Set Color to the spot color you created.
3. Set the Tint percentage. Use 100% to print the spot color with full coverage.
2. To apply the color to the outline of the object:
1. Set Stroke to the desired outline thickness.
2. Set Color to the spot color you created.
3. Set the Tint percentage. Use 100% to print the spot color with full coverage.
3. Click OK.
3) Send the job to print as you normally would. The server software interprets the special color names
and can print them as spot colors or as a contour cut path.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 199

Adobe PageMaker on Windows

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 199)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 200)

Color Printing
1) In PageMaker, from the File menu select Document Setup.
a) Set Page size to your paper size.
b) For a custom page size:
1. Set Page size to Custom.
2. Enter the custom size in the height and width fields.
c) Set Target Output Resolution to your printer's resolution. If the resolution is not available, select
the next highest value.
d) Set Compose to printer to the network print queue for your output device.
e) Click OK.
2) From the File menu, select Preferences, then General:
a) Click CMS Setup.
1. Set Color Management to OFF.
2. Click OK to return to the Preferences dialog.
b) Click OK.
3) From the File menu, select Print:
a) Click Document:
1. Set Printer to the network print queue for your output device.
2. Set PPD to the PPD for your output device.
b) Click Paper.
1. Set Size to your paper size.
2. For a custom paper size:
1. Set Size to Custom.
2. Enter the width and height of the custom paper size in the new Custom Paper Size dialog.
Your paper size should match your job size.
3. Click OK to return to the Print dialog.
c) Click Options.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 200

1. Set Send image data to Normal.

2. Set Download fonts to PostScript and TrueType.
d) Click Color.
1. Select the Composite option.
2. Select the Color option under Composite.
3. Set Optimized screen to Default.
e) Click Features and select any other printer-specific settings you want.
f) Click Print.

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element, or to specify a contour cut:

1) In PageMaker, from the Utilities menu, select Define Colors:

a) Click New:
1. Enter a Name that matches an entry in the Appendix - Spot Color List (see "Appendix - Spot
Color List" on page 223). The name needs to be an exact match in order to work. For a contour
cut path, use the name CutContour.
2. Set Type to Spot.
3. Select the color model you want to use, and then select the color values that represent the spot
color on screen.
4. Click OK to return to the Define Colors dialog.
b) Repeat for any additional colors.
c) Click OK.
2) To assign these colors to an object:
a) Select the object.
b) From the Element menu, select Fill and Stroke:
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 201

1. To fill the object with the color:

1. Set Fill to Solid or select the desired pattern.
2. Set Color to the spot color you created.
3. Set the Tint percentage. Use 100% to print the spot color with full coverage.
2. To apply the color to the outline of the object:
1. Set Stroke to the desired outline thickness.
2. Set Color to the spot color you created.
3. Set the Tint percentage. Use 100% to print the spot color with full coverage.
3. Click OK.
3) Send the job to print as you normally would. The server software interprets the special color names
prints them as spot colors or as a contour cut path.

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 6 and earlier (see "Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 6 and Earlier" on page 204)

Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 7

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 201)

Color Printing
1) Go to the Apple menu and select Chooser. Highlight Adobe PS and select your printer.
2) In Photoshop, from the File menu, select Page Setup:
a) Select Page Attributes from the pop-up menu.
1. Set Paper to your page size.
2. For a custom page size:
1. Set Paper to Custom.
2. Select Custom Page Default from the pop-up menu.
3. Enter a name for the page size in the Custom Page Name field.
4. Select the units you want to use.
5. Specify the Width and Height of the custom page.
6. Click Add.
7. Select Page Attribute from the pop-up menu.
8. Select the defined custom page in the Paper field.
b) Click OK.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 202

3) From the File menu, select Print:

a) Select General from the pop-up menu:
1. Set Printer to the network print queue for your output device.
2. Select the page range and number of copies you want to print.
b) Select Color Matching from the pop-up menu:
1. Set Print Color to Color/Grayscale.
c) Select PostScript Settings from the pop-up menu:
1. Set Format to PostScript Job.
2. Set PostScript Level to Level 1, 2 amd 3 Compatible.
3. Set Data Format to Binary.
4. Set Font Inclusion to All.
d) Select Printer Specific Options from pop-up menu:
1. Set ICC Output Profile to None.
2. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Send.
3. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling to
4. To keep the output file in the queue on the server after printing, set After Output to Hold.
e) Click Print to start printing.

Adobe Photoshop Windows 7

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 202)

Color Printing
1) In PhotoShop, from the File menu, select Page Setup.
a) Click Printer:
1. Set Name to the network print queue for your output device.
2. Click OK to return to the Page Setup dialog.
b) Under Paper, set Size to your page size.
c) For a custom page size:
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 203

1. Set Size to PostScript Custom Page Size.

2. Click Printer.
1. Click Properties next to the printer name.
1. Click Advanced.

Next to Paper Size, click Edit Custom Page Size.

Select the units you want to use.

Specify the Width and Height of the custom page.

2. Click OK to return to the Advanced Properties dialog.

2. Click OK to return to the Properties dialog.
1. Click OK.
2) Click OK to return to the Page Setup dialog.
a) Click OK.
3) From the File menu, select Print:
1. Under Printer, set Name to the network print queue for your output device.
2. Select the page range and number of copies you want to print.
3. Click Properties next to the printer name.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 204

1. Click Advanced.
1. Set Print Quality to the resolution of your output device. If the resolution is not available,
select the next highest value.
2. Under Image Color Management, set ICM Method to ICM Disabled.
3. Set TrueType Font to Download as Softfont.
4. Under PostScript Options:
1. Set PostScript Output Option to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS).
2. Set Postscript Language Level to 3.
5. Under Printer Features:
1. Set ICC Output Profile to None.
2. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Send.
3. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling
to Hold.
4. To keep the output file in the queue on the server after printing, set After Output to
6. Click OK to return to the Properties dialog.
2. Click OK to return to the Print dialog.
4. Click OK to print.

Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 6 and Earlier

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 204)

Color Printing
1) From the Apple menu, select Chooser. Highlight Adobe PS and select your printer.
2) In Photoshop, from the File menu, select Page Setup:
a) Select Page Attributes from the pop-up menu.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 205

1. Set Paper to your page size.

2. For a custom page size:
1. Set Paper to Custom.
2. Select Custom Page Default from the pop-up menu.
3. Enter a name for the page size in the Custom Page Name field.
4. Select the units you want to use.
5. Specify the Width and Height of the custom page.
6. Click Add.
7. Select Page Attribute from the pop-up menu.
8. Select the defined custom page in the Paper field.
b) Select Adobe Photoshop from the pop-up menu:
1. Click Screen.
1. Check Use Printer's Default Screens.
2. Click OK to return to the Page Setup dialog.
c) Click OK.
3) From the File menu, select Print:
a) Select General from the pop-up menu:
1. Set Printer to the network print queue for your output device.
2. Select the page range and number of copies you want to print.
b) Select Adobe Photoshop from the pop-up menu:
1. Set Encoding to Binary.
2. Set Space to RGB if the file is an RGB file.
3. Uncheck PostScript Color Management.
c) Select Printer Specific Options from the pop-up menu:
1. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Send.
2. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling to
3. To keep the output file in the queue on the server after printing, set After Output to Hold.
d) Click Print to start printing.

Adobe Photoshop Windows 6 and Earlier

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 206)
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 206

Color Printing
1) In Photoshop, from the File menu, select Page Setup.
1. Set Name to the network print queue for your output device.
2. Under Paper, set Size to your page size.
3. For a custom page size:
1. Set Size to PostScript Custom Page Size.
2. Click Properties next to the printer name.
1. Click Advanced.
1. Next to Paper Size, click Edit Custom Page Size.

Select the units you want to use.

Specify the Width and Height of the custom page.

Click OK to return to the Advanced Properties dialog.

2. Click OK to return to the Properties dialog.

2. Click OK to return to the Page Setup dialog.
4. Click Screens.
1. Check Use Printer's Default Screens.
2. Click OK to return to the Page Setup dialog.
a) Click OK.
2) From the File menu, select Print:
a) Select the page range you want to print, and the number of copies.
b) Click Properties next to the printer name.
c) Set Print Quality to the resolution of your output device. If the resolution is not available, select
the next highest value.
d) Set Print As to match the color mode of your source file.
e) Set Encoding to Binary.
f) Click Properties next to the printer name.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 207

1. Click Advanced.
1. Under Image Color Management, set ICM Method to ICM Disabled.
2. Set TrueType Font to Download as Softfont.
3. Under PostScript Options:
1. Set PostScript Output Option to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS).
2. Set Postscript Language Level to 3.
4. Under Printer Features:
1. Set ICC Output Profile to None.
2. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Send.
3. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling
to Hold.
4. To keep the output file in the queue on the server after printing, set After Output to
5. Click OK to return to the Properties dialog.
2. Click OK to return to the Print dialog.
g) Click OK to print.

QuarkXPress 4.1 Macintosh (see "QuarkXPress 4.1 Macintosh" on page 207)

QuarkXPress 4.1 Windows (see "QuarkXPress 4.1 Windows" on page 209)

QuarkXPress 4.04 (see "QuarkXPress 4.04 Windows" on page 210)

QuarkXPress 3.32 Macintosh (see "QuarkXPress 3.32 Macintosh" on page 211)

QuarkXPress 4.1 Macintosh

Color Printing (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 208)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 208)

Color Printing
1) Go to the Apple menu and select Chooser. Highlight Adobe PS and select your printer.
2) In QuarkXPress, if you have color management installed, from the Edit menu, select Preferences then
Color Management:
a) Uncheck Color Management Active.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 208

b) Click OK.
3) From the File menu, select Print:
a) Select the Setup tab:
1. Set Printer Description to the network print queue for your output device.
2. Set Paper Size to the media size you want to output to.
3. To select a custom paper size:
1. Set Paper Size to Custom.
2. Set Paper Width and Paper Height to the dimensions of your custom page.
b) Click the Output tab:
1. Set Print Colors to Composite CMYK.
2. Set Halftoning to Printer.
c) Click Printer:
1. Select Color Matching from the pop-up menu.
1. Set Print Color to Color/ Grayscale.
2. Select PostScript Settings from the pop-up menu.
1. Set Format to PostScript Job.
2. Set PostScript Level to Level 1, 2 amd 3 Compatible.
3. Set Data Format to Binary.
4. Set Font Inclusion to All.
3. Select Printer Specific Options from the menu.
1. Set ICC Output Profile to None.
2. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Send.
3. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling to
4. To keep the output file in the queue on the server after printing, set After Output to Hold.
4. Click Save Settings and click OK to confirm saving the settings.
5. Click Print to return to the Print dialog.
d) Click Print to start printing.

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element or to specify a contour cut:

1) From the Edit menu, select Colors:

a) Click New:
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 209

1. Enter a Name that matches an entry in the Appendix - Spot Color List (see "Appendix - Spot
Color List" on page 223). The name needs to be an exact match in order to work. For a contour
cut path, use the name CutContour.
2. Select a color mode, and set the color values for the screen representation of the spot color.
3. Check Spot Color.
4. Click OK.
b) Repeat for any additional colors.
c) Click Save.
2) To assign spot colors to an object:
a) From the Style menu, select Color then select the color from the color list.
3) To assign a tint percentage:
a) From the Style menu, select Shade then select the tint percentage preferred. Use 100% to print the
spot color with full coverage.
4) To prevent the spot color from being converted into process, save the design as an EPS file and add it
a) From the File menu, select Save page as EPS:
1. Set Format to Color.
2. Set Data to Binary.
3. Enter a file name in the Save page as field.
4. Click Save.

If you do not see a Save button, put the cursor in the Save Page As field.

b) Copy the EPS file to the server and manually add it to the desired output device setup.

QuarkXPress 4.1 Windows

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 209)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element or to specify a contour cut:

1) From the Edit menu, select Colors:

a) Click New:
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 210

1. Enter a Name that matches an entry in the Appendix - Spot Color List (see "Appendix - Spot
Color List" on page 223). The name needs to be an exact match in order to work. For a contour
cut path, use the name CutContour.
2. Select a color mode, and set the color values for the screen representation of the spot color.
3. Check Spot Color.
4. Click OK.
b) Repeat for any additional colors.
c) Click Save.
2) To assign spot colors to an object:
a) From the Style menu, select Color and select the color from the color list.
3) To assign a tint percentage:
a) From the Style menu, select Shade then select the tint percentage preferred. Use 100% to print the
spot color with full coverage.
4) To prevent the spot color from being converted into process, save the design as an EPS file and add it
a) From the File menu, select Save page as EPS:
1. Set Format to Color.
2. Set Data to Binary.
3. Enter a file name in the File Name field.
4. Click Save.
b) Copy the EPS file to the server and manually add it to the desired output device setup.

QuarkXPress 4.04 Windows

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 210)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element or to specify a contour cut:

1) From the Edit menu, select Colors:

a) Click New:
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 211

1. Enter a Name that matches an entry in the Appendix - Spot Color List (see "Appendix - Spot
Color List" on page 223). The name needs to be an exact match in order to work. For a contour
cut path, use the name CutContour.
2. Select the color you want to use for the screen representation of the color.
3. Check the Spot Color checkbox.
4. Click OK.
b) Repeat for any additional colors.
c) Click Save.
2) To assign spot colors to an object:
a) From the Style menu, select Color, then select the color from the color list.
3) To assign a tint percentage:
a) From the Style menu, select Shade, then select the tint percentage preferred. Use 100% to print the
spot color with full coverage.
4) To prevent the spot color from being converted into process, you must save the design as an EPS file
and add it manually:
a) From the File menu, select Save page as EPS:
1. Set Format to Color.
2. Set Data to Binary.
3. Enter a file name in the Save page as field.
4. Click Save.

If you do not see a Save button, put the cursor in the Save Page As field.

b) Copy the EPS file to the server and manually add it to the desired output device setup.

QuarkXPress 3.32 Macintosh

Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 211)

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting (see "Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting" on page 213)

Color Printing

QuarkXPress requires a Printer Description File (PDF) to access specific options of the printer. Install the
appropriate PDF file for the resolution of your printer. You can find PDF files for Quark on the installation
CD inside the Quark File folder. Copy the PDF to the Quark Xpress/PDF folder before starting

1) Go to the Apple menu, and select Chooser. Highlight Adobe PS and select your printer.
2) Launch QuarkXPress.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 212

3) If you are using the EFIColor Xtension:

a) From the Edit menu, select Preferences then EfiColor:
1. Uncheck Use EFI Color.
2. Click OK.
4) From the File menu, select Page Setup:
a) Select Page Attributes in the pop-up menu.
1. Set Paper to the desired paper size.
2. To select a custom paper size:
1. Select Custom Page Default from the pop-up menu.
2. Enter the width and height of your custom page.
3. Enter a Custom Page Name.
4. Click Add.
5. Select Page Attributes from the pop-up menu.
6. Set Paper to the new custom page type.
b) Click OK.
5) From the File menu, select Print.
a) Set Printer to the network print queue for your output device.
b) Select General from the pop-up menu:
1. Select the page range and the number of copies you want to print.
c) Select Color Matching from the pop-up menu:
1. Set Print Color to Color/Grayscale.
d) Select PostScript Settings from the pop-up menu:
1. Set Format to PostScript Job.
2. Set PostScript Level to Level 1, 2 amd 3 Compatible.
3. Set Data Format to Binary.
4. Set Font Inclusion to All.
e) Select Printer Specific Options from pop-up menu:
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 213

1. Set ICC Output Profile to None.

2. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Send.
3. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling to
4. To keep the output file in the queue on the server after printing, set After Output to Hold.
f) Click Print to start printing.

Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element or to specify a contour cut:

1) From the Edit menu, select Colors:

a) Click New:
1. Enter a Name that matches an entry in the Appendix - Spot Color List (see "Appendix - Spot
Color List" on page 223). The name needs to be an exact match in order to work. For a contour
cut path, use the name CutContour.
2. Select the color you want to use for the screen representation of the color.
3. Clear the Process Separation checkbox
4. Click OK.
b) Repeat for any additional colors.
c) Click Save.
2) To assign spot colors to an object:
a) From the Style menu, select Color and select the color from the color list.
3) To assign a tint percentage:
a) From the Style menu, select Shade, then select the tint percentage preferred. Use 100% to print the
spot color with full coverage.
4) To prevent the spot color from being converted into process, you must save the design as an EPS file
and add it manually:
a) From the File menu, select Save page as EPS:
1. Set Format to Color.
2. Set Data to Binary.
3. Enter a file name in the Save page as field.
4. Click Save.

If you do not see a Save button, put the cursor in the Save Page As field.

b) Copy the EPS file to the server and manually add it to the desired output device setup.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 214


Color Printing (see "Color Printing" on page 214)

Spot Color Printing (see "Spot Color Printing" on page 216)

Contour Cutting (see "Contour Cutting" on page 216)

Color Printing
There are two ways to send a job to the server from PhotoPRINT DX / FlexiPRINT. Either you can send it
using the Print command in the File menu, or you can use the RIP and Print dialog. The RIP and Print
dialog gives you additional options.

Sending a Job from the Print Dialog (see "Sending a Job from the Print Dialog" on page 214)

Sending a Job from the RIP and Print Dialog (see "Sending a Job from the RIP and Print Dialog" on page

Sending a Job from the Print Dialog

1) From the File menu, select Print.
a) Set Name to the network print queue that corresponds to the desired output device.
b) Click Options.
1. Set PostScript data to Binary.
2. Click OK.
c) Click Properties next to the printer name.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 215

1. Click Advanced.
1. Set Print Quality to the resolution of your output device. If the resolution is not available,
select the next highest value.
2. Under Image Color Management, set ICM Method to ICM Disabled.
3. Set TrueType Font to Download as Softfont.
4. Under PostScript Options:
1. Set PostScript Output Option to Encapsulated PostScript (EPS).
2. Set Postscript Language Level to 3.
5. Under Printer Features:
1. Set ICC Output Profile to None.
2. To print the file automatically, set After Spooling to Send.
3. To verify the print mode and profile settings before printing the file, set After Spooling
to Hold.
4. To keep the output file in the queue on the server after printing, set After Output to
6. Click OK to return to the Properties dialog.
2. Click OK to return to the Print dialog.
d) Click OK to send the print job.

Sending a Job from the RIP and Print Dialog

Jobs sent from RIP and Print show a limited set of Job Properties. Job Properties that were set in the RIP
and Print dialog are not be editable.

1) From the File menu, select RIP and Print.

a) In the first Select A Production Manager dialog, select On another computer (Network) and click
b) In the second Select a Production Manager dialog, select the computer on your LAN that is
running the server software and click OK.
c) In the RIP and Print dialog:
1. Select the desired output device setup from the list in the top left corner.
2. Make any other desired changes to the settings in the RIP and Print dialog.
3. Click Send.
4. Click Done.
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 216

Spot Color Printing

To specify a spot color to use to output a design element:

1) From the View menu, select Color then Color Specs.

a) Select the Library tab.
b) Select a Vendor and Type that match the output device and inks/foils in use.
c) Using the list over the left-hand column, select the swatch table you want to add the spot color
swatches to.
d) Select the spot colors on the right and click Add to add them to the swatch table.

Make sure the swatches you are adding are spot colors and not process colors. Spot colors are marked with a dot in the upper right corner.

e) Click OK.
2) To assign the spot colors to an object, select the object and click the spot color swatch in the swatch
3) To assign a tint percentage to an object:
a) From the View menu, select Color Mixer.
b) Select the tint percentage. Use 100% to print the spot color with full coverage.
4) To output the job:
a) If you are outputting the job using the Print dialog, send the job to print as you normally would.
The server software interprets the special color names and can print them as spot colors.
b) If you are outputting the job using the RIP and Print dialog:
1. On the Advanced tab, check Print spot colors.
2. Click Spot Color Mapping to select the spot colors used to output your design.
3. Send the job as you normally would.

Contour Cutting
1) Select the objects that will have a contour cut.
2) Select Contour Cut from Effect menu.
a) Adjust the values in DesignCentral or drag the Control Point on Contour Cut line.
b) Click Apply.
3) To output the job:
a) If you output the job using the Print dialog, send the job to print as you normally would. The
server interprets the contour cuts and outputs them to a cutting device.
b) If you are outputting the job using the RIP and Print dialog:
Chapter 12 Printing from Client Applications 217

1. On the Advanced tab, click Contour to set contour cut options.

2. Send the job as you normally would.

See Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output (see "Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output" on
page 183) for more information.
Chapter 13 Appendix - Supported File Formats 219

Chapter 13
Appendix - Supported File Formats
The following file formats are supported by the application.

File Format Extension Version

Adobe Illustrator ai, EPS 13.0 (CS6)

Adobe PhotoShop psd 6.0 (CS6)

AutoCAD Drawing dwg 2000

CorelDraw Exchange Metafile cmx 6.0

Desktop Color Separation (DCS) dcs 2.0

Drawing Exchange file dxf Note 1

Hewlett Packard Graphics Language hpg, hgl, plt Note 1


Hewlett Packard Graphics Language II hpg, hgl, plt Note 1


Joint Photograph Experts Group (JPEG) jpg, jpeg Note 1

Kodak Flashpix fpx 1.0

Kodak PhotoCD pcd Note 1

Macintosh Quickdraw PICT pct Note 1

Microsoft Widows Metafile wmf Note 1

Native Files prt, plt Note 1

Plot / Cut Job Files job Note 1

Portable Document Format (PDF) pdf 1.5

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) png Note 1

PostScript ps, EPS, 2ps, fjb, prn 3.0

Tag Image File Format (TIFF) tif, tiff 6.0

Targa tga 2.0

Windows bitmap Bmp Note 1

Zsoft PC Paintbrush pcx 5.0

Note1 : Version number does not exist or not available.

Chapter 13 Appendix - Supported File Formats 220
Chapter 14 Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts 221

Chapter 14
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts
Move Job
Job Properties
Save Job As
Print Job
Select All Jobs in Queue
Add Setup
Setup Properties
Online Help
Refresh View
Chapter 15 Appendix - Spot Color List 223

Chapter 15
Appendix - Spot Color List
Use this section when creating files that contain spot colors. Locate your printer manufacturer and model
to find colors for your device. If your device is not listed below, please refer to the documentation that
came with your output device for the correct spot color names.

Create a new color library with the colors for your device. Select colors or enter RGB values for colors.
When you create a custom color library in your desktop application, please be sure to use the exact name
of the color as it is listed below. Do not create colors with names that contain spaces. Use the underscore
(_) character instead of spaces in file name:

 Use the exact color name as listed below.

 Assign the color library spot colors attribute.

Without both of these, spot colors will not print properly.

Chapter 15 Appendix - Spot Color List 224

Manufacturer/ Model Spot Color Name

GCC Nautilus Cyan

Ruby Red

Mimaki JV2 Spot color

Roland Color CAMM Orange

PC-50 Green

Roland ColorCAMM Red

PC-60 Blue
Chapter 15 Appendix - Spot Color List 225

Manufacturer/ Model Spot Color Name

Roland ColorCAMM Green
PC-600 Orange

Roland ColorCAMM Green

PC-5000 Orange

SummaChrome Sunflower_Yellow
Chapter 15 Appendix - Spot Color List 226

Manufacturer/ Model Spot Color Name

Summa DC3 Red
Tomato Red
Bright Blue
Leaf Green
Golden Yellow
Ocean Blue
Pine Green
Sunflower Yellow
Intense Red
Deep Blue
Aqua Green
Chapter 16 Appendix - Features List 227

Chapter 16
Appendix - Features List


2. Prepare the Software to Receive Jobs from Clients

File and Printer X X
Sharing Setup

Install the AppleTalk X X


Create Shared X X
Macintosh Volumes

Set Up Clients X X

Windows Client X X

Macintosh Client X X

3. Get Started With PhotoPRINT Server

Entire Chapter X X X

4. Get Started With PhotoPRINT SE

Entire Chapter X

5. Work with Output Device Setups

Setup Vinyl Cutters X X X

Share Name X X

Hot Folder Path X X

Activate Setups X X X

Job Workflow Tab

Hot folder X X

Share Name X X
Chapter 16 Appendix - Features List 228


After Receive X X

Output Time X X

Automatic Nesting X X

Output Validation X X X

6. Work With Print Jobs

Send Jobs from an X X
Application on a
Client Computer

TWAIN Images X X X

Move Jobs to a X X
Different Output

Job Estimation X X

7. Set Job Properties


Create/Edit X X X X

Export Presets X X X X

Import Presets X X X X

Layout Tab

Page Range X X

Page Nesting X X

Workflow Tab

After X X X

Priority X X
Chapter 16 Appendix - Features List 229


Repeat Job X X X Opt

Send Cut Job X X

Print After X X

Color Management

Dither type


Random X X X

Printer X X

Use Color X X X

Tile Tab X X X

Labels X X

Marks and Color X X X X


Separations Tab X X X

Set Dither Options X X X X

for Angled Screens

8. Nest Jobs
Dual Roll X X X

Nest X X

Page Nesting X X

Automatic Nesting X X

Break Apart X X X
Chapter 16 Appendix - Features List 230


9. Tile and Crop Jobs

Tile X X X

Tile Map X X

Automatic Tile Flip X X X

10. Work with Color

Use the Color X Optional Optional Optional

Use Custom Spot X X

Color Mapping

Use Global Color X X


Object Color Control X X

11. Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output

Virtual Hybrid X X

Appendix A - Supported File Formats

Adobe Photoshop X X X X

AutoCAD Drawing X X X
14 DWG

CorelDraw X X
Exchange MetaFile

DCS 2.0 X X

DWG 14 X X


Appendix B - Keyboard Shortcuts

Move Job X X X
Chapter 16 pps Editor-PRO 231

pps Editor-PRO
Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 233

Chapter 17

Software License Agreement

IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY: This Agreement (as defined below) is a legal contract between
You (as defined below) and SA International Inc. for Flexi, PhotoPrint, EnRoute, or PixelBlaster branded

Software (as defined below).

This Agreement (as defined below) sets forth the terms and conditions for licensing of the Software from
SA International Inc. and You (as defined below), and installing and using the Software. This Agreement
applies to any (i) single-user license; (ii) multi-user license; and (iii) original equipment manufacturer
(OEM) or Special Edition (SE) versions of the Software and other branded or customized versions unless
otherwise agreed.




Acts means the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, and the Export Administration
Regulations issued thereunder.

Agreement means this End-User License Agreement, including any third-party licenses provided to
SA International Inc. for use of the Software.

Intellectual Property Rights means,

by way of example, but is not limited to, the following: rights in
know-how, trademarks, copyrights, patents, patent applications (including reissues, renewals,
continuations, continuations-in-part, or divisions of any patent or patent application, as appropriate),
trade secrets, instructions, improvements, modifications, suggestions, proposals, programs, ideas,
writings, and the like of any sort whatsoever, and any embodiment thereof including, but not limited to,
computer programs, documentation, assembly and detailed drawings, plans, specifications, results of
technical investigations and research, assembly, and parts manuals, artwork, software, programming,
applets, scripts, designs, and any other proprietary information of or in connection with the Software.
Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 234

Information means any type of data You provide to SA International Inc. in any form or manner in
connection with: (i) the purchase of the license to use the Software, (ii) the registration of the license to use
the Software; (iii) in connection with Support Services; or in any other communication between You and SA
International Inc. arising out of the use of the Software whether provided by You or the Software in any media
and any form now known or hereafter existing. By its operation, the Software may provide data to SA
International Inc. indicating the operation of hardware upon which or in connection with the Software may
operate and the status, type, and use made of disposable materials in connection with the operation of the
Software. Such data shall be included in the definition of Information.

In Use means
that the Software is loaded onto either temporary (i.e., RAM) or permanent non-portable
memory (e.g., a hard disk, a CD-ROM or other storage device) for that Workstation or other personal

Materials means any applicable, associated documentation for use in connection with the Software as
provided by SA International Inc. in any medium such as, by way of example, printed materials or On-Line.

Network meansany electronic system for communicating to more than one PC and where such PCs are
physically located in the same premises, except as expressly provided herein.

On-Line means communications by means of the Internet or World Wide Web.

PC means a personal computer.

Software means, separately or together, the above-identified computer software.

Support Services means

any services which SA International Inc. determines to provide in its sole
discretion to maintain the operation of the Software.

You or Your means you, any other entity on whose behalf you are acting, and anyone who you or
such entity authorizes to use the Program.


The Software is protected by the United States Copyright Law and International Treaties and other
Intellectual Property Rights. The copyrights in the Software should be respected by You just as You would any other
copyrighted material, such as a book.

You may make one (1) copy, in machine readable form only, of each registered copy of the Software;
provided that each such copy is used solely for backup purposes (i.e., for the purpose of reinstalling the
Software). As an express condition of this Agreement, if You make such a copy, a condition of making that copy
is that You shall reproduce and place on any such copy SA International Inc.’s copyright notice and any
proprietary legends as set forth on or in connection with the original copy or as appears or may appear on
any On-Line site maintained for that purpose by SA International Inc. The right to make a backup does not
extend to any Materials.
Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 235

You may transfer Your registered copy of the Software, but only with the assignment of all of Your rights
and obligations under this Agreement, to another person or entity and only accompanied by a copy of this
Agreement and only the original Material accompanying the Software. To make this transfer You and the party
obtaining the Software shall each first give SA International Inc. written or On-Line notice of the transfer which
must include that the person or entity has read, understands, agrees, and accepts the terms and conditions
of this Agreement and further provided that You retain no copies of the Software or the Materials.

Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, SA International Inc. does not grant You any rights to
patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks (whether registered or unregistered), or any
other rights, franchises, or licenses in respect of the Software. You will not adapt or use any trademark or
trade name which is likely to be similar to or confusing with those of SA International Inc. or any of its
suppliers or licensors or take any other action which impairs or reduces the trademark rights of SA
International Inc. or its suppliers or licensors.

Single-User License. If you have purchased a single-user license of the Software, you are, by this
purchase, granted a limited non-exclusive license to use the Software. If not already installed on a PC you
may install the copy on that one (1) PC. You may access and use the Software on that PC only.

If you are a private business, rather than an individual, authorized personnel associated with the
business may use the Software, but only one (1) person at a time and on that one (1) PC.

For your registered copy of the Software you may make one (1) backup copy which is restricted to
your individual use, for backup purposes only, and only for so long as the Software is installed on one (1) PC.

Multi-User License. If you purchased a multi-user license, you are granted a limited
non-exclusive license to (i) use the Software on the number of PCs corresponding to the number licenses
purchased (but only one (1) person may use the Software on one (1) licensed PC) and only where all such PCs
are owned by you, (ii) make the Software accessible through the Network so that each licensed PC may use the
Software, and (iii) make a backup copy of the Software for each license you have purchased. You may store,
install, and access the registered network version of the Software via the Network, and only for each licensed PC
that will or may access the Software. For example, if you wish to have five (5) different PCs (counting the
server) access the Software on the Network, each PC must have its own paid-up license, regardless of whether or
not any of the PCs use the Software at different times or at the same time.

You may use On-Line communications to operate the Software subject to the above terms and
conditions and further provided that you own each PC and that each PC has its own paid-up license. For
example, if you are communicating by means of a PC On-Line to another PC, each PC accessing the Software must
have its own paid-up license.

Except as expressly provided herein, it is prohibited to give any copy of the Software to someone
who has not purchased a license from SA International Inc.; to disclose interfaces to the Software, or to
duplicate or distribute the Software by any other means including electronic transmission.
Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 236


The Software is protected by copyright and also contains trade secrets owned by SA International
Inc. You shall NOT distribute copies of the Software to others or electronically transfer the Software from one
PC to another over a Network, except as expressly provided in this Agreement. You shall not modify, adapt,
transfer, rent, lease, loan, resell for profit, or distribute the Software, nor shall you decompile, reverse
engineer, disassemble and/or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form or create
derivative works based upon the Software or any part thereof.


Use by you of Support Services is governed by SA International Inc.’s policies and programs
described in the user manual, in documentation made available On-Line, and/or in other SA International
Inc.-provided materials. Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support Services
shall be considered part of the Software and subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


You expressly agree that SA International Inc. may use Information in its business, including for
product support and development. You agree that SA International Inc.’s use of the Information is unrestricted
and non-confidential and You automatically grant SA International Inc., its successors and assigns, a
non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable license in all Intellectual Property Rights in the
Information, which includes the unrestricted right to use the Information in any way SA International Inc.
wishes, including, by way of example and without limitation, to sublicense, copy, transmit, distribute,
create derivative works, display and perform. You expressly waive any claim to a right of publicity or right
of privacy or moral rights in such Information.


Without prejudice to any other rights, SA International Inc. may terminate the Agreement if you fail
to comply with any of its terms and conditions or if you violate SA International Inc. "Acceptable Use
Policy" which is posted upon SA International Inc. at, or such other internet-accessible
location as SA International Inc. may determine at its discretion. In such event, you shall destroy all
copies of the Software (including all of its component parts) and Materials. SA International Inc. may suspend
or deactivate your use of the Software with or without notice. SA International Inc. reserves the right to
discontinue all support for the Software. SA International Inc. will endeavor to notify you of any such
discontinuance of such support but assumes no obligation to do so. From time-to-time SA International
Inc. may change the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Your continued use of the Software indicates
your agreement to any such changes.
Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 237


The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Utah and jurisdiction for any dispute,
except as expressly provided herein, shall be exclusively within the courts located within the State of Utah.


Any dispute arising directly or indirectly under Agreement may, at SA International Inc.’s sole and
exclusive discretion, be submitted to, and settled by arbitration by at least one (1) arbitrator. The
arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the rules for conducting arbitration by an organization
previously established for conducting arbitration, which arbitration shall take place in Murray, Utah, or
such other location in Utah as may be chosen by SA International Inc. Each arbitrator shall strictly apply
Utah law, the Federal Rules of Evidence and the terms of this Agreement and shall have no power to strike,
amend, or modify said terms. Any such proceeding shall, at the exclusive discretion of SA International
Inc. be held in confidence by all parties and witnesses. The judgment or the award rendered by the
arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof and there shall be no trial de novo.
At the sole discretion of SA International Inc. the arbitrator(s) may have equitable powers including the
right to issue temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions.


All right, title, and interest in and to the Intellectual Property Rights in the Software (including, without
limitation, any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and "applets" incorporated into
the Software), the Materials, and any copies of the Software are owned by SA International Inc. except that which
is owned by its suppliers or licensors. Use of any Intellectual Property Rights is restricted to the rights expressly
licensed herein and none other are granted.


Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 238



These limitations apply even if SA International Inc. or an authorized dealer or distributor has
been advised by you of the possibility of such damage. SA International Inc. does not warrant any
drivers for plotting, scanning or other devices. Drivers are provided to you as a service only, and were
developed using information provided to us at the time by equipment manufacturers.

SA International Inc. is not responsible for any typographical errors in the Software or Materials.

SA International Inc. intends to maintain Information in accordance with SA International Inc.’s

understanding of industry practices but assumes no responsibility or liability in connection therewith.

This Agreement sets forth SA International Inc.’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy with
respect to the Software and the use thereof.

This Agreement does not limit any rights that SA International Inc. may have under trade secret,
copyright, patent, trademark, or other laws. No representative of SA International Inc. is authorized to
make any modification to this Agreement, or make any additional representations, commitments, or
warranties binding upon SA International Inc.


This Agreement constitutes the full and complete agreement between the parties with respect to the
within subject matter and supersedes all prior negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral)
between the parties.


The definitions provided herein are referred to herein by bold and italicization throughout this
Agreement. The definitions of such terms are understood to be applicable to both singular and plural uses of
such defined terms.

The titles of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not be construed as limiting in
any manner.

Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 239

No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless the same shall be
made in writing and signed on behalf of each party.


The failure to enforce any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by SA International Inc.
shall not be deemed a waiver of any other right or privilege under this Agreement or a waiver of the right to
thereafter claim damages for any deficiencies resulting from any misrepresentation, breach of warranty, or
nonfulfillment of any obligation.

In order for there to be a waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement, such waiver must be in
writing and signed by the party making such waiver.


If any provision of the Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable pursuant to judicial decree or
decision, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. Without
limiting the foregoing, it is expressly understood and agreed that each and every provision of this Agreement
that provides for a limitation of liability, disclaimer of warranties, indemnification or exclusion of
damages or other remedies is intended by the parties to be severable and independent of any other
provision and to be enforced as such. Further, it is expressly understood and agreed that if any remedy
hereunder is determined to have failed of its essential purpose, all limitations of liability and exclusions of
damages or other remedies set forth herein shall remain in effect.


If you are a U.S. Government end-user, this Agreement conveys only "RESTRICTED RIGHTS," and its
use, disclosure, and duplication are subject to Federal Acquisition Regulations, 52.227-7013(C) (1) (ii).


Notwithstanding the location of any PC herein, You represent and warrant that, as required by the
Acts that, unless You obtain prior authorization from the United States Office of Export Administration, You
will not knowingly re-export, directly or indirectly, nor knowingly allow any other person or entity to
re-export, the Software supplied for any purpose to any of the countries to which such re-exports are
prohibited. Your obligation hereunder is subject to the Act, which obligation shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement so long as the relevant Act remains in effect.
Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 240


Should SA International Inc. prevail in any lawsuit, action, or proceeding in contract, tort, or
otherwise which arises out of or related to this Agreement, SA International Inc. shall be entitled to recover
all of its costs and expenses including, without limitation, its reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred in
connection with such lawsuit, action, or proceeding, including any appeal of such lawsuit, action, or


As between the parties hereto, and in the sale and delivery of any goods, the United Nations
convention related to the sale of goods shall not apply to any sale of goods deemed to arise under in this
or any other agreement between the parties.

© Copyright 2011 by SA International Inc., All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America. The information in this manual is subject to change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of SA International Inc.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned in the Software may be the trademarks of
their respective owners or their subsidiaries or affiliates and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Chapter 17 pps Editor-PRO 241

Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511

Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 243

Chapter 18

Installing the Software

The following are instructions for installing the software. A typical installation will install the design
software along with Production Manager, the Install Password utility, and other features.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Recommended System Requirements ......................................................... 244
Installation Procedures .................................................................................. 244
Using License Manager Cloud...................................................................... 252
Using Preference Manager ............................................................................ 256
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 244

Recommended System Requirements


Windows 8
Operating System

Windows 7

Windows Vista

4 GB

700 MB for base program

Install Space

Allow extra install space for ICC Profiles.

4 GB
Working Disk Space

DVD Drive

Broadband Internet connection OR

Available port for hardware key

Available port for output device

Installation Procedures
The following topics explain how to install the software and the components that allow the software to

Before you use the software, we recommend converting your .ptf presets from a previous version of the
software to the new output profile format (.icc). See Converting Legacy Presets for more information.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 245

Installing Softkey

The software will not run without either Softkey or a hardware protection key, also known as a dongle.
The keys protect the software from being stolen and reused or unlawfully copied.

Softkey does not require a dongle and allows for more flexible licensing by enabling you to transfer the
software license to another computer. See Transferring a Software License Using Softkey (see
"Transferring a Software License Using Softkey" on page 22) for more information.

Softkey connects to the Internet every 30 days to recheck for a valid activation. If Softkey is unable to
connect to the Internet within a 30 day period, you will receive a message alerting you that you can only
continue working with the software for another 10 days without connecting to the Internet.

If you do not have a broadband Internet connection, contact SAi Support (see SAi Support - to purchase a Hardware Key.

Transferring a Software License Using Softkey

Softkey allows you to transfer the software license to another computer by disabling the software license
on one computer and enabling it on another.

1) From the Help menu, mouse over Registration and select Transfer License.
2) Click Yes to deactivate the software license on the computer currently running the software.

You can reactivate the license on another computer or the same computer.

3) Make a note of your Registration ID and click OK.

4) Install the software on the computer you wish to transfer the license to. (See Installing the Software
(see "Installing the Software" on page 23) for more information.)

If you are having trouble transferring your license, please contact SAi Support (see SAi Support -

Installing the Software

To install the software, you must have Administrator privileges. To use the software, you must have
Administrator or Power User privileges. See your Windows user guide for more information.

Before you use the software, we recommend converting your .ptf presets from a previous version of the
software to the new output profile format (.icc). (See Converting Legacy Presets for more information.)

 Before starting Activation,Download, and Installation, uninstall any previous version of the software.
Accessing the SAi Cloud
1) Launch your browser.
2) Type in the Address Bar and press Enter.

The SAi Cloud Welcome page appears.

Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 246

Activating the Software

From the SAi Cloud Welcome page:

1) Copy the Activation Code from your email into the Activation Code field.
2) Click Activate.

The Activate Software page appears.

3) Under Step 1. Log in to your SAi Cloud Account, select the appropriate Login option:
1. For first-time users, select I am new to the SAi Cloud. (See First-time Cloud Users (see
"First-time Cloud Users" on page 23) for more information.)
2. For returning users, select I am a returning customer. (See Returning Cloud Users (see
"Returning Cloud Users" on page 24) for more information.)
4) Follow the instructions in the appropriate subsection.

First-time Cloud Users

Under Step 1. Log in to your SAi Cloud Account, on the Activate Software page:

1) Select I am new to the SAi Cloud.

The Login section heading changes to Create An SAi Cloud Account.

2) Enter your email address in the Email field.

SAi will verify your email address. (See Validating Your Email Address (see "Validating Your Email
Address" on page 24) for instructions.)
3) Enter a password in the Password field (minimum 6 characters).
4) Re-enter your password in the Retype Password field.
5) Enter your name in the Name field the way you want it to appear in the Cloud.
6) Enter your company name in the Company Name field.
7) Select your geographical region from the Region dropdown list.
8) Click Create Account.
9) Read the Terms and Conditions. To continue using the software, click I Accept the Terms and
10) Under Step 2. Add Software to your SAi Cloud Account, in the Add To SAi Cloud Account section,
click Activate Now.

The Getting Started section appears on the software details page. Also, a Software Activated email
containing your product's Activation Code and Software ID is sent to you.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 247

Returning Cloud Users

Under Step 1. Log in to your SAi Cloud Account, on the Activate Software page:

1) Verify that the I am a returning customer option is selected.

2) Enter your email name in the Email field.
3) Enter your password in the Password field.
4) Press Enter or click Login.

Step 2. Add Software to your SAi Cloud Account appears on the Activate Software page.

5) In the Add To SAi Cloud Account section, click Activate Now.

The Getting Started section appears on the software details page. Also, a Software Activated email containing your product's Activation
Code and Software ID is sent to you.

Validating Your Email Address

1) Check your email for a Welcome message.

Be sure to check spam or junk folders for the email.

2) Click the link in the Welcome email to validate your email address.
3) Click the Close tab (x) to dismiss the Email Validation message.

Downloading and Installing Software

From the Getting Started section on the software details page:

1) Under Step 1 – Download, select the desired download display language from the Language
dropdown list.
2) Click Download Now.
Depending on your browser, you may need to click Save to save the file
3) Browse your computer to the saved file location and press Enter or double-click to open.
4) Click Run when asked, "Do you want to run this file?"

The product download begins. (Download time depends on Internet speed.) When the download finishes, the Installer is extracted.

5) Click Yes when asked, "Would you like to start the installation process now?"
6) Choose the product installation language from the dropdown list and click OK.
7) Click Next in the Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard screen.
8) Select I Accept the Terms of the License Agreement and click Next.
9) Click Next to accept the default Destination Location folder.
10) Click Next to accept the default Select Features.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 248

11) Click Next to create a Program Folder to hold the SAi Cloud icons.

The Setup Status window appears, and the software installation process begins. When the installation completes, the Activation Code
window appears.

12) Enter your product Activation Code and click Next.

13) Click Next when the Licensing Successful message appears.
14) Click Finish in the InstallShield Wizard window.
(This last window may be hidden behind other open windows.)

A software license email is sent to you containing the Software ID of the product and the name of the computer it resides on.

Preventing the Software from Loading Automatically During Startup

1) From My Computer, double-click Local Disk C:\; then double-click the Documents and Settings
2) Double-click your user folder and navigate to Start Menu\Programs\Startup.
3) Select the shortcut for the software and press Delete on your keyboard.

Uninstalling the Software

Choose your operating system from the links below and follow the directions to uninstall the software.

Uninstalling the Software for Windows 8

 Exit your SAi software by selecting Exit from the File menu, or by right-clicking the software icon
in the system tray and selecting Exit.

From the Start page on the Windows 8 Desktop:

1) Point to the upper- or lower-right corner of the screen and select the Search symbol.
2) Verify that the Apps option is selected in the Search column; if not, select it.
3) Start typing "control panel" in the Search field.
4) Press Enter, or click Control Panel in the search results list.

The All Control Panel Items window appears.

5) Select the Programs and Features icon.

The window opens in the "Uninstall or change a program" screen.

6) Select the SAi software product to be uninstalled and click Uninstall.

The Setup Type dialog box opens.

7) Select the checkbox Delete User Files in Application Folder if you want to delete all existing
information; then click Next.

The uninstall process takes place.

Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 249

8) When done, click Finish in the Uninstall Complete dialog box.

Uninstalling the Software for Windows 7

1) Exit your SAi software by selecting Exit from the File menu, or by right-clicking the software icon
in the system tray and selecting Exit.
2) From your computer's Control Panel, select Uninstall a Program.
3) Select SAi Production Suite and click Uninstall.
4) From the Setup Type dialog box, select the checkbox Delete User Files in Application Folder if you
want to delete all existing information.
Deleting this information will remove all preferences, setups, and other settings.
5) Click Next.
6) When done, click Finish in the Uninstall Complete dialog box.

Uninstalling the Software for Windows Vista

1) Exit your software by selecting Exit from the File menu, or by right-clicking the software icon in the
system tray and selecting Exit.
2) If the Windows Vista Control Panel is set to Classic view, double-click Programs and Features.
Otherwise, click Uninstall a Program from Programs.
3) Select the software from the list and click Uninstall.
4) Click Continue to uninstall the software.
5) Choose whether you want to delete user-defined files and click Next.

Checking this option removes any files that you've created in the software, such as presets, jobs, and profiles.

6) Click Finish.
7) Delete the folder on your hard drive where the software was installed (for example, C:\Program
Files\[Software]) and empty the Windows recycling bin.

ICC Printer Profiles

ICC Printer Profiles are files that your printer requires to produce accurate color matching. The SAi
Cloud makes it easy to locate, download, and add needed ICC files to your computer for use by your
SAi software.

Accessing ICC Profiles on the Cloud

You can access ICC profiles through the Cloud Window in your SAi software.

 To access the Cloud Window, launch your SAi application.

The Cloud Window appears on the right side of the screen.

Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 250

Downloading ICC Profiles

In the Cloud Window:

1) Click the Printer Profiles icon .

The SAi Download library opens in your default browser.

2) Select a printer Make.

3) Select a printer Model.
4) Click Download.
5) If your browser prevents popup windows from opening:
1. Click Options in the upper-right part of the screen.
2. Select the Allow pop-ups for option.

You return to the Select the ICC Profile page with both Make and Model selected.

3. Click Download again.

The Opening filename pop-up window appears.

6) Click Save File; then click OK.

The Downloads window appears with the ICC profile ZIP folder at the top of the list.

7) Double-click the ZIP folder to open it.

8) Click Extract to unzip the ICC profiles.

The Copy window appears with the default Download path listed in the Copy to field.

9) Click Browse.

The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.

10) Locate and select a convenient location, like your desktop.

11) Click OK.
(For information on installing ICC Profiles, see Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles (see "Installing
Downloaded ICC Profiles" on page 28).)

Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles

Downloaded ICC profiles can be installed through your SAi software.

1) Launch your PhotoPRINT or Flexi Production Manager application.

2) From the Main Menu, click Setup and select Add Setup.

The Add Setup dialog box appears.

Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 251

3) In the Choose a device type group, select the appropriate device type.
4) In the Choose a device group, locate and select:
1. The brand name of your output device.
2. The model name of your output device.
(This information is part of the ICC ZIP file name in the Downloads folder.)
5) Click Next to go to the second part of the Add Setup window.
6) Complete the fields in the Add Setup window; then click Finish.
(You may accept the default values or enter values of your choosing.)

The printer profile for the make and model you specified is added to your SAi software, and a
correspondingly named subdirectory is created within the ICCProfile folder.

Removing ICC Profiles

To remove ICC profiles from your computer:

1) Open Windows Explorer.

2) Copy and paste the following into the Address Bar; then press Enter:
C:\Program Files\SAi\SAi Production Suite Cloud\ICCProfile
3) Locate the desired ICC Profiles folder.
 To remove all related ICC profiles, select and delete the entire folder.
 To remove only specific ICC profiles:
1. Open the folder.
2. Select and delete the desired profiles.

When you return to the Color Management tab or the Advanced Options tab , the profiles
you deleted will no long appear in the Output Profile dropdown list.

If the Production Manager Default Job Properties window is open when you remove ICC profiles, you
will have to close and reopen it to see the actual contents of the Output Profile list.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 252

Using License Manager Cloud

An integral part of the SAi Cloud is the Cloud License Manager. This application resides on the
computer where your SAi software is installed and handles the three principal licensing functions of
the Cloud—updating, importing, and removing a license. The License Manager is found in Start > All
Programs > SAi Production Suite Cloud > License Manager.

The Cloud License Manager displays your Software ID, License Type, Expire Date, Licensed On, and
Computer ID. Also included are options for handling Cloud licensing:

 Check For License Updates

 Import A License File
 Remove License From This Computer

All three of these options use the Internet to communicate between your computer and the SAi Cloud
server where your user account is stored.

Checking for License Updates

This option checks to see if your software has updates. If any updates exist, the Cloud server
automatically updates your computer's license and sends the message "Your license has been updated"
to the License dialog box. If your computer's license is already up to date, you receive the message:
"Your license is already up to date."

Click Next to return to the contents of the original License dialog.

Importing a License File

If for some reason you are unable to download the license file onto the computer requiring it, you can
obtain the file from the SAi Cloud using another computer and transfer the file to the required
computer by a flash drive or other removable storage device.

To import a license file:

1) Download a copy of the license file onto a computer with an Internet connection.
(See Downloading a License File without an Internet Connection (see "Downloading a License File
without Internet Connection" on page 32) for detailed instructions on how to do this.)
2) Copy the license file to a convenient location on the computer requiring it.
3) Click Import A License File.

The Open dialog box appears in the computer's default Downloads directory.

4) In the Open dialog box, navigate to where the license file (.lsn) is located.
5) Select the license file and click Open (or double-click the file).
The license file is imported and associated with your SAi software.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 253

The message "License successfully imported" appears in the License dialog box.

Note: If you select an incorrect license file, the message "The new license is not compatible with the
existing license. License was not imported." will appear in the dialog box.
6) Click Next to return to the contents of the original License dialog.

Removing a License from Your Computer

Use this option whenever you need to remove your product license or change it to a different computer.

Once you click the option to remove the license, a message "The license was successfully removed from
this computer" appears in the License dialog box, along with your product's Software ID and a
Removal Code, as well as a link to License this computer again.

If the license removal is unsuccessful, the following message appears: "The license was removed
from this computer, but we were unable to communicate with the SAi Cloud to report the removal."
Simply click Next to display the Software ID and Removal Code.

Be sure to record these two values as they will be required to complete the license removal process
when transferring the software to another computer.

 The Software ID is the unique identifier assigned to your copy of the SAi software.

 The Removal Code is used when you want to install the product software and its license on a
different computer than the one recorded on the SAi Cloud server.
 The License this computer again option allows you to immediately reconnect to the SAi server
and obtain a license for either new or existing software.

When you select the License this computer again option, the Activation Dialog box appears.

1. Copy and paste your software Activation Code (originally provided to you by email) into
the Activation Code field and click Next.

The message "Licensing successful" displays in the License dialog box.

2. Click Next to return to the contents of the original License dialog.

Indirect Internet Connection

The first time you activate your software, the SAi Cloud server communicates directly with your
computer over the Internet. The information that uniquely identifies your SAi software, license, and
computer is stored in your computer and recorded on the SAi Cloud server.

If your computer is not connected to the internet, information such as Activation Code, software
download, Software ID, Computer ID, License File, and Removal Code can still be communicated
using another computer with Internet access.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 254

Removing a License File without Internet Connection

If you want to install your software on a different computer, you will need to remove the license file
from your computer.

If your computer is not connected to the Internet, you can remove the license using the License
Manager. Your Software ID and license Removal Code are displayed in the License dialog box. Record
those two pieces of information (a simple screen capture works well for this) so you can supply them
when you log in to your SAi account on another computer with a working Internet connection.

To notify the SAi Cloud server of your recent license file removal, on a computer with Internet access:

1) Open in your default browser.

2) Log in to your SAi account.
3) Click on the software whose license you just removed.

The Current Install page appears on the screen because the Cloud server is not yet aware of the change that you made.

4) In the Current Install section, click the License Removed? link.

5) Enter the removal code in the Removal Code field.
Note: The code is case sensitive; be sure to enter it the way it appeared in the License window.
If you were unable to record the removal code, it is still possible to remove the software from the
Cloud server:
1. At the bottom of the Software Removed? section, click the No Removal Code? link.
2. Click Remove to disassociate your computer from your SAi product software.
Note: This option is restricted as to when and how often it can be used.
6) Press Enter or click Submit.

The Getting Started screen appears, and the most recent entry in the History column shows "Software Removed."

The Cloud server updates your account information to show that the software has been removed from
your computer.

Downloading a License File without Internet Connection

Ordinarily, you launch the License Manager and enter your Activation Code to obtain a license for your
software. When you attempt this on a computer without an Internet connection and click Next, the
License "Could not communicate with the SAi Cloud" window appears. In it are instructions on where
to go and what to provide in order to obtain a new software license.

Note: Leave the License window open; you will use it once you have obtained a new license file.

To obtain a new software license, on a computer with Internet access:

1) Launch the computer's web browser.

2) In the Address Bar, type and press Enter.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 255

The Instructions on How to Get a License page appears.

3) Complete the necessary account-identifying fields (including Computer ID) and click Submit.

The license Save File window appears.

4) Select the Save option and click OK to download the license file.

The license file is copied to the computer's default Downloads directory.

5) Copy the license file onto a flash drive or other portable medium.
6) Copy the license file from the portable medium onto the computer needing the license file.
7) Launch the License Manager.
If required, click Yes in the User Account Control window.
8) Return to the License window and click the Import License File option.

The Open window appears in the default Downloads directory.

9) Navigate to the location of the copied license file.

10) Select the file and click Open (or double-click the file).

The message "License successfully installed" appears in the License window.

At this point your computer has a copy of the same license file recorded on the SAi Cloud server. If you
return to the Software page in your SAi account and refresh the screen, the Current Install page will
appear, and the top entry in the History column will show "Software Installed."

License Already Removed?

For those occasions when you are unable to connect your computer to the Internet to complete the
license removal process, and to transfer your product license to another computer, use this option.

On the Current Install screen, beneath the Download License button:

1) Click the Already Removed? link.

2) In the Software Removed? section:
1. Enter the Removal Code from "The License was successfully removed from this computer"
dialog box into the Removal Code field.
2. Click Submit.

The Removal Code is transmitted via the Internet to the SAi Cloud server, and the Getting Started screen appears in your browser window.
Also, the "Licensing successful" message displays in the License dialog box.

3) When you are done with the License Manager, click Finish or Close.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 256

Using Preference Manager

Preference Manager is a utility that allows you to save all of the settings in the software to a file, including
all output device setups, setup properties, default job properties, and all application preferences.

You cannot load a set of preferences while either the design or production software is running. However,
you can save preferences at any time.

To run Preference Manager, browse through the Windows Start menu to the software's program folder
and click Preference Manager.

Saving a Set of Preferences

1) Run Preference Manager.
2) Click Save.

3) Type the name for the set of preferences in the field and click OK.

Loading a Set of Preferences

1) Exit the software.
2) Run Preference Manager.
3) Select the set of preferences you want to load.
4) Click Load.
Chapter 18 pps Editor-PRO 257

Restoring the Software to its Original State

The default settings for the software are stored in the Default set of preferences. Restoring the software to
its default state may be particularly helpful when troubleshooting any problems you may encounter with
your software.

Restoring the software to its default state will also remove ALL presets and output device setups. You
should make a record of all important output device and preset settings before restoring the software to
its default state.

1) Exit the software.

2) Run Preference Manager.
3) Select Factory defaults.
4) Click Load.

Clearing Preferences
1) Exit the software.
2) Run Preference Manager.
3) Select Factory defaults.
4) Click Load.

Exiting Preference Manager

To exit Preference Manager, click Exit.

Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 259

Chapter 19

Getting Started
The illustration below shows some of the basic elements of your software:

1. Main Menu 2. Main Toolbar 3. View 4. Status Bar 5. Cursor 6. Default

Toolbar Position Colors

7. Scroll Bars 8.Swatch Table 9.Borders 10. Standard 11. Rulers 12. Design
Toolbar Area
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 260

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Toolbars ........................................................................................................... 261
Menus ............................................................................................................... 265
Tool Tips .......................................................................................................... 266
Design Area ..................................................................................................... 267
SAi Cloud Window ........................................................................................ 268
SAi Cloud Mobile Application ..................................................................... 279
Swatch Table ................................................................................................... 280
Ruler and Grid ................................................................................................ 280
Guides .............................................................................................................. 282
Status Bar ......................................................................................................... 285
Changing the View ......................................................................................... 285
Using Navigator View ................................................................................... 288
Showing Objects' Fill ...................................................................................... 289
Previewing Bitmaps ....................................................................................... 290
Showing Preview ............................................................................................ 291
Linked and Embedded Files ......................................................................... 291
Redrawing the Design Area .......................................................................... 292
Previewing Objects in CMYK ....................................................................... 293
Filtering Objects by Color .............................................................................. 293
Tracking your Steps ....................................................................................... 294
Using Workspaces .......................................................................................... 296
Entering Numerical Values ........................................................................... 297
Setting Preferences ......................................................................................... 300
Windows and Macintosh User Interface Features ..................................... 305
Getting Help .................................................................................................... 306
Exiting the Software ....................................................................................... 306
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 261

Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513

Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Toolbars are a set of commands grouped according to their function.

Standard toolbar

Showing or Hiding a Toolbar

In Windows, toolbars are docked or floating. Docked toolbars are placed at fixed positions around the
design area. Floating toolbars can be placed anywhere in the design area. You can undock a toolbar,
making it a floating toolbar, and then place it at any location in the design area. Macintosh toolbars are
always floating.

1) From the View menu, select Toolbars.

(or press Ctrl+T)
2) Select the checkboxes of the desired toolbars.
3) Click Done.


1) Right-click on the icons of a docked or floating toolbar.

Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 262

2) From the menu, select or unselect the toolbars that you want to show or hide.

You can also right-click the title bar of a floating toolbar and select Hide, or click its Close button.

Undocking a Toolbar

Do one of the following:

 Drag the toolbar to move it from its docked position. (Do not drag the buttons.)
 Double-click the toolbar. (Do not double-click the buttons.)

Dragging or double-clicking toolbar buttons will not undock or dock a toolbar.

Docked Toolbar
Undocked Toolbar
1. Double-click or drag to undock the toolbar.

The shape of a floating toolbar can be adjusted by dragging its borders.

Standard Toolbar in
different shapes
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 263

When a button has a small triangle on its upper-right corner, that indicates the button is part of a tear-off

Docking a Floating Toolbar

Do one of the following:

1) Double-click the title bar of a floating toolbar.

(Do not double-click the buttons.)


1) Drag the toolbar by its handle to the original docked position.

(Do not drag the buttons.)

When you drag a toolbar, it displays a thick, hatched outline. When the toolbar reaches a docking site, the outline turns thin and solid.

2) Release the mouse button.

Using the Tools in a Tear-Off Palette

1) Click once on the button and drag it slightly to display the full palette.
2) Once it is displayed, you can either select the desired tool and release the mouse button, displaying
the new tool, or drag the entire palette away from the original palette and release the mouse button to
drop it on the drawing area.

Original palette
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 264

Dragging the tear-off palette and selecting a new tool

The new tool is selected.

Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 265

Menus are commands grouped by the types of operations they perform.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 266

1. Enabled command - 2. Disabled Command - Not 3. On/Off Button - Indicates

When right-clicking elements in your software, a context menu is displayed. The
Currently available available whether the command is active
context menu will differ according to the element that you are right-clicking on.
or not.

4. Submenu Indicator - 5. Shortcut Key - Allows you to 6. Ellipses (...) - Indicates that a
Indicates that a submenu is select the command using the dialog box will be displayed
available. keyboard. when this command is chosen.

Right-clicking a blank area

Right-clicking the swatch table

Right-clicking a shape

Tool Tips
All fields and control points that can be dragged will show tool tips to help. Toolbar buttons will display
both a tool tip and a brief description in the Status bar (bottom-left corner of the screen).

To show a tool tip, hover the cursor over the field, command, control point, or toolbar button for a few

Numeric field with a tool Control Point with tool Button with a tool
tip tip tip
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 267

Design Area
The design area is the white area inside the software's screen. It has a border that serves as a guide and
represents the size of your substrate. The size of the design area does not limit the size of your design or
where the design is placed on your media during output.

Margins can be placed inside the design area. Those margins are used to distribute and align objects inside
the design area. You can change the size and the color of the drawing area and show or hide the borders.
(See DesignCentral - Document Tab (see "DesignCentral - Document Tab" on page 328) for more
information on how to set up your document properties.)
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 268

SAi Cloud Window

The Cloud Window, included within SAi software products, is a convenient window full of web-based
tools (FlexiQuote, Cloud storage, Messaging), convenient links (media profiles, software support,
social media) and more. By default, the Cloud Window opens in a panel on the right side of your SAi

application, but you can show or hide the panel by clicking the Show or Hide Cloud Page icon
near the right end of the Standard toolbar.

To use a tool in the SAi Cloud Window, simply click on it. Some Cloud tools open right in the Cloud
Window; others open in your default web browser. To close tools that open in the Cloud Window, click
the Home icon. For tools that open in a browser window, log out and close the browser.

The following is a list of the current Cloud Window tools and a brief description of each. More detailed
information can be found in the topics that follow.

This option gives you at-a-glance information about all the

files you have archived on the SAi Cloud.
This option opens an online system for pricing sign jobs
and reviewing price quotes that you have already given.
This option allows you to download ICC profiles, which
help your printer achieve optimal color. For information on
installing printer profiles, see Installing Downloaded ICC
Profiles (see "Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles" on page
This option keeps a running total of the number of jobs
your company has worked on during the past week and
month, and reports the total square footage produced
during each period.
This option takes you directly to the Bad Wrap templates
page in the SAi Store. (Available in North America.)
This option opens the Design Templates portion of the
Creative Corner in the SAi Store. (Available in North
This option takes you directly to the corporate logo
collection available through the SAi Store. (Available in
North America.)
This option takes you directly to the Fonts and Clipart
section in the SAi Store.
This option opens the SAi Software Support web page.
Select your region, language and product to view videos,
FAQs, an e-support form, and more.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 269

This option displays all job-related communications

between SAi software users and their customers.
This option lets you send a copy of your customers' jobs to
Job Approval
them for review, correction, and approval. (Available to
Guild members. See for more
This option opens the home page of The International Sign
The Guild
and Printmakers Guild. The Guild is a free, member-led
organization dedicated to the business growth and
development of its members—sign and print providers.
This icon displays useful information about the SAi
product you are currently using.
This option takes you SA International's page on Facebook.

This option brings you to TheSAiChannel on You Tube

where you can find software tutorials and videos.
This option takes you to the SAi Store, where you can find
clipart, fonts, ready-made signs, and more.

Files Icon


The Files option gives you at-a-glance information about the files you have stored in your account on
the SAi Cloud. Files are stored (archived) on the SAi Cloud server using the Archive to Cloud option
found in the File Menu and on the Standard Toolbar. To see what has been stored in your Cloud
account, click the Files icon.

The archive opens in the Cloud Window on the right side of your SAi product screen. The Summary
section presents an overview of your total file count, storage usage, and space availability. The Files
section lists each of the files you currently have stored on the SAi Cloud. The files are listed in date
order with the most recently archived file at the top of the list. Each entry in the Files list contains a
thumbnail image of the file, its name, size (in kilobytes), and time of archival.

Note: A file having the same name as an existing archived file will not overwrite it. Instead, the
new file will be stored as a more recent version of the existing one. This serves as a safeguard
against inadvertent deletions and as a version control.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 270

Additional options—Download and Delete This File—can be accessed by clicking anywhere on a file's
information. Any comments associated with the file will appear in the Comments section. And clicking
Back To List will return you to the Summary page.

To refresh the contents of the Cloud Window, click the icon or press F5.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

Downloading an Archived File

To download an archived file:

1) Click the Files icon in the Cloud window.

2) Select the desired file and click Download.
3) In response to the question, "Do you want to open or save this file?" do one of the following:
 Select Open; then select Open again.

 Select Save; then select Save again.

Removing a File from the Cloud Archive

To remove a file from the Cloud archive:

1) Click the Files icon in the Cloud window.

2) Select the desired file and click Delete This File.

Warning! Clicking the Delete option will immediately remove the displayed file from the Cloud

FlexiQuote Icon


FlexiQuote is an online pricing system for new sign jobs that contains pre-loaded materials and pricing
that you can customize to meet your shop's particular needs.

Starting FlexiQuote
FlexiQuote is accessed from the Cloud Window of your SAi software.

1) Click the FlexiQuote icon in the Cloud Window at the right side of the screen.
2) Click Grant to continue and allow SAi Cloud access to the information and resources in your
account, or Deny to go back to your software.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 271

Creating a Job Quote

FlexiQuote is designed to help you quickly give job estimates over the phone or to walk-in customers.

1) To put together a job quote:

1. Click New Quote.
2. Select and enter the necessary information in each of the New Quote screen fields: Add Items,
Commissions/Discounts, Extras, Taxes, and Summary.
2) To make additional entries within a category, click the Add … button.
3) Click Save and Finish to generate a completed quote.
 To modify your quote, click the Edit button at the bottom-right of the page.
 To discard a job quote, click the Delete button.

Browsing Existing Job Quotes

FlexiQuote lists summary information for all your existing job quotes in four columns—Quote #, Quote
Name, Created at, and Actions. Click any heading to sort its contents in ascending or descending order.

 To move between job order pages, click the Next or Previous buttons, or click the page number
button in between them.
 To adjust how many job quotes appear on a page, click the Show entries dropdown button and
select one of the values.
 To view the details of a job quote, click on its Quote Name.

Searching Existing Job Quotes

To search for a job quote by number or name, type part or all of that information into the Search field.
Every quote containing the information you typed will be displayed.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 272

Setting Up FlexiQuote
FlexiQuote allows you to make changes to your shop's Quote Setup parameters and Shop Settings. To
access the FlexiQuote Setup page:

 From the My Quotes page, click the Setup tab.

Quote Setup tab

To help you get a job quote timely out the door, FlexiQuote comes preloaded with much of the
information you will need. The Quote Setup tab lets you quickly adjust the values in the existing
Materials, Labor Rates, and Formula Items to your shop standard.

 Click Edit to adjust any item needing change.

 Click Delete to remove any unneeded item.
 Click the green New … button to add Materials, Labor Rates, and Formula Items of your own.

Shop Settings tab

Use this tab to set the Time Zone, Language, Currency, and Unit system values for your sign shop.

Media Profiles Icon

Media Profiles

ICC profiles provide a cross-platform standard for measuring the color output of printers. Within each
ICC Profile, the color output capabilities of a specific printer on a specific medium using a specific
color mode are measured using a device-independent color space. SAi provides these profiles free of
charge through the Cloud.

Downloading ICC Profiles

In the Cloud Window:

1) Click the Printer Profiles icon .

The SAi Download library opens in your default browser.

2) Select a printer Make.

3) Select a printer Model.
4) Click Download.
5) If your browser prevents popup windows from opening:
1. Click Options in the upper-right part of the screen.
2. Select the Allow pop-ups for option.

You return to the Select the ICC Profile page with both Make and Model selected.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 273

3. Click Download again.

The Opening filename pop-up window appears.

6) Click Save File; then click OK.

The Downloads window appears with the ICC profile ZIP folder at the top of the list.

7) Double-click the ZIP folder to open it.

8) Click Extract to unzip the ICC profiles.

The Copy window appears with the default Download path listed in the Copy to field.

9) Click Browse.

The Browse For Folder dialog box appears.

10) Locate and select a convenient location, like your desktop.

11) Click OK.
(For information on installing ICC Profiles, see Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles (see "Installing
Downloaded ICC Profiles" on page 28).)

Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles

Downloaded ICC profiles can be installed through your SAi software.

1) Launch your PhotoPRINT or Flexi Production Manager application.

2) From the Main Menu, click Setup and select Add Setup.

The Add Setup dialog box appears.

3) In the Choose a device type group, select the appropriate device type.
4) In the Choose a device group, locate and select:
1. The brand name of your output device.
2. The model name of your output device.
(This information is part of the ICC ZIP file name in the Downloads folder.)
5) Click Next to go to the second part of the Add Setup window.
6) Complete the fields in the Add Setup window; then click Finish.
(You may accept the default values or enter values of your choosing.)

The printer profile for the make and model you specified is added to your SAi software, and a
correspondingly named subdirectory is created within the ICCProfile folder.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 274

Removing ICC Profiles

To remove ICC profiles from your computer:

1) Open Windows Explorer.

2) Copy and paste the following into the Address Bar; then press Enter:
C:\Program Files\SAi\SAi Production Suite Cloud\ICCProfile
3) Locate the desired ICC Profiles folder.
 To remove all related ICC profiles, select and delete the entire folder.
 To remove only specific ICC profiles:
1. Open the folder.
2. Select and delete the desired profiles.

When you return to the Color Management tab or the Advanced Options tab , the profiles
you deleted will no long appear in the Output Profile dropdown list.

If the Production Manager Default Job Properties window is open when you remove ICC profiles, you
will have to close and reopen it to see the actual contents of the Output Profile list.

Reports Icon


The Reports option keeps a running total of the number of jobs your company has worked on during
the past week and month, and reports the total area for each period. Under Recent Jobs, Reports
displays a list of all the jobs you have worked on during the past thirty days. To find more detailed
information about a particular job, click on it.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

Wrap Templates Icon

Click the Wrap Templates icon to visit The Bad WrapTM vehicle templates page in the SAi Store.
Here you can use the drop-down menus to browse by Vehicle Type, Year, Make, and Model, or search
by keyword in the Search field. Bad Wrap templates are available in North America.

Design Templates Icon

Click the Design Templates icon to visit the Design Templates portion of the Creative Corner in
the SAi Store. Here you will find a number of useful, pre-defined templates suited to a variety of jobs.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 275

Logo Collection Icon

Click the Logo Collection icon to visit the corporate logo collection available through the SAi
Store. Here you can browse and purchase individual corporate logos for your sign projects. Or you can
click Subscribe to the full collection and have the entire collection added to your cart.

Clipart Collection Icon

Click the Clipart Collection icon to visit the Fonts and Clipart section in the SAi Store. Here you
can select, search for, and examine a wide variety of art and textual graphics and fonts that can be used
to greatly speed sign production.

Support Icon


The Support option takes you to the SAi Software Support page, where you can access SA
International's many support resources. To get started:

1) Move your mouse over your region.

2) Point to your preferred language.
3) Select the software product that you own.

Useful Web Links by Product

Flexi PhotoPRINT
Documentation Documentation
User Forum User Forum
Download Library Download Library
Training Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events Videos

The Documentation website contains written instructions on each of the SAi products in the form of a
detailed, indexed, searchable, online help file.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 276

User Forum
The User Forum website is a great place to search for answers to past user questions and to ask new
questions. Click this link to access the Forum login page.

 If you are a returning user, enter your SAi Username/Email and Password; then click Login.
 If this is your first visit to the Forum, click Register.
Training Materials
Click the Training Materials link to see the software training options available for your product.

Upcoming Events
Click the Upcoming Events link to view dates, times, and locations of all the tradeshows, open houses,
and training events where SA International will be in attendance.

Messages Icon


The Messages option works in conjunction with the Approval Tool. It allows your customers to
provide you with visual and written feedback on the jobs you send for their approval. Any written
comments your customers generate using the Job Approval Tool will be stored in the Messages
database and available to both you and them. Messages are listed in date order with the most recent
message displayed at the top of the list.

 To see the full content of a message, click anywhere on the visible message text.

 To refresh the contents of the Cloud Window, click the icon or press F5.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

Send for Approval Icon

Send for Approval

The Approval tool is an exclusive feature for Guild members. For more information on the Guild, visit (

The Approval tool allows you to send a copy of the customer's job to them for review, correction, and
approval. This option allows your customer to make on-screen annotations and related written
comments about things he or she would like to have changed. The Send for Approval window contains
two sections—an Instructions section and a Send for Approval list.

Note: Send for Approval sends an email to the customer that contains a link to the archived design
file. When the customer clicks on the link, the Job Approval Tool launches. That tool enables the
customer to add position-specific pushpins and written comments to the archived file to indicate
what needs refinement or correction before the job can be approved.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 277

Using the Approval Tool Screen

To open the Approval tool:

1) Click the Send for Approval icon.

2) Follow the steps in the Instructions section:
1. If you haven't already done so, upload the file you want to send for approval.
2. Select the file from the Send for Approval list.

The Customer Information screen appears.

3. Complete each of the required fields, marked by an asterisk.

4. If desired, complete the optional fields.
5. Include any Comments you may have.
3) Click Send for Approval.

Job Approval Email

A Job Approval email is sent to the address that you entered in the Email field. In the email is a single
link to the archived design file and the Job Approval tool.

Approval Tool
The Approval tool allows you to send a copy of the customer's job to them for review, correction, and
approval. This option allows your customer to make on-screen annotations and related written
comments about things he or she would like to have changed.

Marking Areas for Correction

1) The customer clicks on an area needing correction.

A pushpin appears on the design where the customer clicked, and a Description box appears.

2) The customer enters comments as needed to describe the desired correction; then clicks Save.
(To close the Description box without comments, click its Close button.)
3) The customer repeats the process until all the desired comments have been entered.
4) The customer clicks SEND COMMENTS.

The comments are sent to the SAi Cloud server, where they can be retrieved by the designer using the

Messages icon in the Cloud Window.

Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 278

Correcting and Resending a Design File

Using the Messages icon in the Cloud Window, the designer makes the requested adjustments,

re-archives the design file, and resends the corrected file using the Send for Approval icon . The
customer receives another email with a link to the Job Approval Tool and verifies that the requested
adjustments have been made.

If further correction is needed, the customer can add new comments and click SEND COMMENTS.
When the design file is fully ready, the customer will click APPROVE.

Note: Because the design file may be examined and corrected several times before the job is ready
for approval, a Versions button is provided. This button allows the customer to review all of the
requested corrections for each specific version.
 To return to the Send for Approval screen, click Back To List.

 To refresh the contents of the Cloud Window, click the icon or press F5.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

The Guild Icon

The Guild

The Guild icon opens the home page of The International Sign and Printmakers Guild in your default
browser. The Guild is a member-led organization dedicated to the business growth and development
of its members—sign and print providers.

Over time, the Guild will be tightly integrated with Flexi to bring new business, reduce costs, and more.
For up-to-date information, visit (

Settings Icon

Click the Settings Icon to display useful information about your software product, including the
Software ID, License Type, date Licensed On, and Expires date.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Window.

Facebook Icon
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 279

Click the Facebook icon to visit SA International's public page on Facebook. Here you will find photos,
training videos, news, and user questions and comments. Click the Like to follow SA International's
activity link.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Page panel.

YouTube Icon

Click the YouTube icon to view TheSAiChannel on You Tube. Here you will find a number of video
tutorials, product reviews, tradeshow interviews, and more. Click Subscribe to follow TheSAiChannel.

Click the icon to return to the Cloud Page panel.

SAi Store Icon

SAi Store Icon

Click the SAi Store icon to browse a variety of sign templates, vehicle templates, high-resolution and
vector clipart, backgrounds, fonts, and more.

SAi Cloud Mobile Application

The SAi Cloud mobile app gives you on-the-go access to the recent job list, information, and job trends
using your iPhone and Android mobile devices. The app, which is only made useful through the use of
Flexi or PhotoPRINT Cloud, uses the same login information used for your SAi Cloud account.

Launching the SAi Mobile App

You can find the "SAi Cloud" mobile app by browsing the app store on your Apple or Android phone.

To start the SAi Cloud mobile app:

1) Click the SAi logo.

2) Enter your Email address in the first field.
3) Enter your account Password in the second field.
4) Press Login.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 280

Viewing the Job List

The Job List displays at-a-glance information about the latest jobs produced through your SAi
software. Click any job for more detailed information, including job name, printer, height, area, ICC
profile, and date printed.

Observing Trends

The Trends tab shows monthly totals for area produced, jobs produced, and average area per job. This
information helps you determine hard costs and accurately price your jobs.

Reviewing Account Information

The Information screen displays data about your SAi Cloud storage space, including total storage
available, amount used, and number of files stored. You will also find account information such as
region and preferred units of measurement.

Swatch Table
Swatch tables includes a group of standard colors, gradients, and patterns that can be applied to objects in
your design. (See Working With Swatch Tables (see "Working with Swatch Tables" on page 379) for more

To toggle the display of swatch tables on and off, from the View menu, select Swatch Table. This will also
force hidden swatch tables to be displayed.

Ruler and Grid

Rulers appear along the top and left side of the main screen to help you measure and align objects. As you
move the cursor in the design area, a tick mark on each ruler follows the movement of the cursor. Also, the
coordinates of the cursor position are displayed at bottom-left corner of the screen.

To show or hide the rulers, from the View menu:

1) Point to Show.
2) Click Show Rulers.

Grids, like rulers, can help you align objects in the design area. Grids are displayed as horizontal and
vertical lines within the design area. They will not show as part of the output.

To show or hide the grids, from the View menu:

1) Point to Show.
2) Click Show Grid.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 281

The rulers, grids, and all other numeric values that represent a length follow a unit system defined in your
software. To change the unit system, right-click a ruler and select the new unit. (On Macintosh, click and
hold the mouse button on the rulers.)

By default, the origin of the rulers is located in the lower-left corner of the design area. To change the
origin, you can click and drag the origin icon in the upper-left corner of your screen.

The new Origin

Click and drag the Origin icon.

You can also adjust the origin's position by using the Ruler and Grid Settings dialog box.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 282

Displaying the Ruler and Grid Settings

Do one of the following:

 Double-click the Origin icon in the upper-left corner of the design area.
 Right-click anywhere on the Ruler and select Ruler and Grid.
 From the View menu, select Ruler and Grid.

The Ruler and Grid dialog box consists of Ruler and Grid tabs.

On the Ruler tab, adjust the following parameters:

Enter the X,Y coordinates of the new origin.

Click one of these buttons to change the orientation of
the coordinates in the X,Y rulers.
Select the unit system that will be used for length
values from this list.

On the Grid tab, adjust the following parameters:

Horizontal and vertical space between adjacent dots.

Check this option to snap the objects to the grid while
Snap to grid
moving or resizing them.
Check to display grids as dots at the intersection
Show grids as
points instead of solid lines.

Guides allow you to visually align design elements on your document.

To show or hide the guides, from the View menu, point to Show and select Show Guides.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 283

Creating a Horizontal or Vertical Guide Line

To create a guide, left-click and drag at any point on a ruler. A horizontal or vertical guide line is created,
depending on which ruler you drag from.

Click and drag a point on the ruler. A new vertical guide is created.

1. Click and drag.

Converting Objects to Guides

1) Select the objects.
2) From the Arrange menu, point to Guides and click Make Guide.
3) Select Release Guide in the same menu to convert guides back to being objects.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 284


 In DesignEditor, drag objects from generic layer to Guide Layer. (See DesignEditor - Layers Tab (see
"DesignEditor - Layers Tab" on page 339) for more information.)

Select the objects.

Objects converted to guides

Creating a Diagonal Guide

1) Create a horizontal or vertical guide.
2) Rotate the guide using DesignCentral - Rotate tab.

Hold Shift to constrain the line angle to the increment set in Preferences (default = 45 degrees).

Locking Guides

From the Arrange menu, point to Guides and click Lock Guides.

Guides cannot be selected by dragging a bounding box around them. You must click the guide.

Selecting All Guides

1) From the Edit menu, point to Select and click Select by Attributes.
2) Select Guide Line in Object tab.
3) Click OK.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 285

Status Bar
The Status bar is the area located on the bottom of your screen. It displays the following information:

 The present X,Y coordinates of the cursor or additional information about the selected command.
 The default fill and stroke colors, or the foreground and background colors when in bitmap editing

For a timed license, the Status bar also displays the number of days to expiration.

(See Basic Elements of your Software (see "Basic Elements of Your Software" on page 47) for a diagram of
the main window.)

Changing the View

There are several commands to change how the design area is viewed.

Using a Wheel Mouse

If your computer is equipped with a wheel mouse, you can use the mouse wheel to control the view:

 Move the mouse wheel up and down to pan the view up and down.
 Hold Shift and move the wheel up and down to pan the view left and right.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and move the wheel up and down to zoom the view in and out.

Using Scroll Bars

Scroll bars are horizontal and vertical bars located in the bottom and right side of your design area. Use
them to scroll the design area.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 286

Do one of the following:

 Click the arrows on both ends to scroll the design area in small increments.
 Click the blank area on either side of the slide to move the design area in large increments.
 Click and drag the slide to scroll the design area.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 287

Zooming and Panning

The Zoom tools change the magnification of items within the design area to allow you to see more or less
detail. This does not change the output size.

By default, the cursor will return to the previously selected tool after using these tools. You must reselect a
zooming and panning tool each time you want to use it.

Zooms in at twice the magnification of the current view.

The point you click on will become the center of the view.
Hold Ctrl and left-click to zoom out to half the
magnification of the current view. The point you click on
will become the center of the view.
Click and drag to magnify one particular portion of the
design area.
Adjusts the center of the view to twice the size of the
current view.
Adjusts the view size to fit the design area size.

Adjusts the center of the view to half the size of the current
Switches the view to the previous magnification.

Adjusts the view size to fit the selected objects.

Adjusts the view size to fit all existing objects.

Pans the view position.

Double-click this tool to choose Show layer color, Show fill

color, or Show path direction.

Keyboard To incrementally zoom in or out relative to the location of

and the mouse pointer, hold the Ctrl key and scroll the mouse
mouse wheel up or down.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 288

Using Zoom, Pan or Fill tool without Selecting it Before Each Use

Do one of the following:

 Double-click the Zoom tool and uncheck Resume previous tool after zooming once.


1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

2) Click Tools tab.
3) Select Zoom in the list.
4) Uncheck Resume previous tool after zooming once.
5) Click OK.

This option is only available for the Zoom Tool and Pan View icons.

Using Navigator View

Navigator View allows you to view your entire document and specify which portion to display.

To show the Navigator View, from the View menu, select Navigator View.

Design Area
Navigator View

1. View area

Changing the View

Do one of the following:

 Click and drag a point inside the View Area to pan the portion displayed in the design area.
 Click and drag a control point around the View Area to resize it, causing a zoom in or zoom out in the
design area.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 289

Showing Objects' Fill

When the Show Fill option is enabled, every vector object is displayed with its fill. When disabled, only
the outline will be visible.

To show or hide the fill, from the View menu, select Show Fills.

When Show Fills is disabled, the outlines can be displayed using the following modes:

All outlines are displayed using the layer color. (See Changing Layer Color (see
Show layer color
"Changing Layer Color" on page 342) about how to change the layer's color.)
The outlines are displayed using the object's original fill color.
Show fill color

Show Fills Enabled Show Fills Disabled (Show fill color)

Show Fills Disabled (Show layer color) Show Fills Disabled (Show path direction)

The outlines are displayed using three colors: green for clockwise paths, magenta for
Show path
counterclockwise paths, and gray for open paths. Selected objects will still be displayed
using the layer color.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 290

Changing the Way Outlines are Displayed

Do one of the following:

 Double-click the Fill Mode tool and select the desired Wireframe option.


1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

2) Click Tools tab.
3) Select Show Fills in the list.
4) Select the desired Wireframe option.
5) Click OK.

Previewing Bitmaps
You can display or hide bitmap images.

To show or hide a bitmap, from the View menu, select Preview Bitmaps.

Preview Bitmaps Enabled Preview Bitmaps Disabled

Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 291

Showing Preview
When Show Preview is on, a copy of the object as it is being edited or moved is displayed. When this
option is off, a rectangle representing the bounding of the object is displayed. Performing
memory-intensive operations in complex objects may slow the system performance when Show Preview is

To show or hide the preview, from the View menu, select Show Preview.

Moving objects with Show Preview off Moving objects with Show Preview on

1. Previous Location

Linked and Embedded Files

When importing bitmap, EPS, or PostScript files, you can link or embed the file into your document. A
link is a connection between the document and the original file.

An embedded object is stored in your document. Once

a file is embedded, there is no longer a connection
between it and the original file. Hence, changes to the
original are not reflected in the embedded object.
When objects are linked, only a reference to the image
Linked object
file is stored in the document; the image information
remains in the original file. If the image file is
changed, those changes will also appear in the
document. Linking is recommended for color printing
because it preserves the attributes of the original
image file.

PostScript files often contain an optional preview graphic. When you link or embed a PostScript file, the
preview graphic will be displayed in your document. If the PostScript file does not contain a preview, an
"X" will be displayed instead.

Embedded PostScript files will automatically be converted into the equivalent

Document drawing objects from the software, at whichPostScript
point theyFile
can be displayed and
edited like any other object.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 292

With Preview

Embedded Bitmap Linked PostScript

PostScript File

Embedded PostScript Linked PostScript Without


Embedding Linked PostScript Files

1) Select the preview of the linked PostScript file.
2) Select the PostScript tab in DesignCentral.
3) Click Parse.

Redrawing the Design Area

Occasionally, when you edit your design, the changes are not reflected immediately.

To force a redrawing of the design area, select Redraw from the View menu (or press F5).
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 293

Previewing Objects in CMYK

If you are going to print your document, you can preview how your output will look by using the CMYK
soft preview. This feature will alter the colors in your document to show how they will look when printed.
The colors outside the CMYK gamut will be adjusted to the nearest possible CMYK color value.

To preview the colors in CMYK mode, from the View menu, select Soft Proof.

If objects in your document and the swatch table appear “washed out,” it may be because Soft Proof is on.

Soft Proof is Off. Soft Proof is On.

To accurately preview the colors, set up the correct Color Profiles and Rendering Intents that will be used
in printing. (See Configuring the System for Color Printing (see "Configuring the System for Color
Printing" on page 513) for more information.)

Filtering Objects by Color

Objects may be filtered by their color in the design area. For example, you can show all objects using RGB
color space, or all green objects.

Filtering Objects Using the Color Filter

1) From the View menu, select View Filter.
2) Select the colors that will be visible.
 Click the color space checkbox to select all colors in this color space.

 Click a specific color within one color space to select or unselect the color.

 Click Show All to select all colors from all color spaces.

 Click Show None to unselect all colors from all color spaces.

3) Click OK.

Filtering settings will not be saved with your document. The next time you open this file, all the objects will be visible.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 294

Filtering Objects Using the Color Swatch Table

If the Swatch Table is not visible, from the View menu, select Swatch Table.

1) From the Swatch Table, right-click the color you want to filter by.
2) From View, select the filtering option.
3) Choose one of the following options:
Objects using this color will not be visible.
Hide This Color
Objects using this color will be visible.
Show This Color
Only the objects using this color will not be visible.
Show All Except
This Color
All objects will be visible.
Show all colors
Only the objects using this color will be visible.
Hide All Except
This Color

Cursor over the Swatch Table After selecting Hide This Color

Tracking your Steps

You can retrace your steps by using the Undo and Redo commands.

Undoing and Redoing the Last Step

To undo the last operation, from the Edit menu, select Undo _____.

To redo a step that you have just undone, from the Edit menu, select Redo _____.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 295

Undoing and Redoing Multiple Steps

Instead of undoing just the last operation, you can undo or redo a sequence of steps.

Undoing Multiple Steps

1) From the Edit menu, select Undo Multiple.

A list of all recent steps is displayed. The steps are shown in the order they were performed, the most recent step appearing at the top of the list.

2) Starting from the top of the Undo Multiple Steps box, click to select all the steps that you want to
undo, starting from the top.

The design area shows a dynamic preview of the undo process.

3) Click OK to confirm and apply the undo.

The selected steps are undone and placed in a Redo Multiple list.

The Redo list after Undo

Selecting steps to undo

Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 296

Redoing Multiple Steps

1) From the Edit menu, select Redo Multiple.

A list of Redo Multiple Steps is displayed.

2) Starting from the top of the Redo Multiple Steps box, click to select all
the steps that you want to redo.

The design area shows a dynamic preview.

3) Click OK to confirm and apply the redo.

Adjusting the Number of Steps Stored in Undo List

The number of undo and redo operations that is allowed can be adjusted. For example, if you set the
number of steps to 50, after performing the 50th step, the 1st step will be discarded and the 51st step will
be placed at the top of the list.

1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

2) In the General tab, enter the number of steps in Maximum undo/redo.
3) Click OK.

Repeating the Last Step

To repeat the last step, select Repeat ____ from the Edit menu. The name of the last operation will be
displayed after Repeat.

Only the following commands can be repeated:

Moving objects Duplicating objects

Scaling objects Applying effects

Using Workspaces
Workspace stores how and where menus, buttons, commands, and keyboard shortcuts are defined. By
changing the Workspace feature, you can rearrange the software's interface to look more like the design
software you are most comfortable with.

To change the workspace, from the File menu:

1) Point to Workspace.
2) Select the desired workspace.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 297

Workspace Editor

The Workspace Editor allows you to customize shortcut keys for Menu Commands and Tools. All the
default shortcut keys are displayed.

Assigning Shortcut Keys

1) From the File menu, point to Workspace and select Customize.

2) From the dropdown list, select Menu Commands or Tools.

3) In the Command column, navigate to the desired command and select its Shortcut field.
4) Enter a key or key combination to assign to the new shortcut.

Shortcuts can contain a single character or a combination of a character and Shift, Ctrl (command in Macintosh), and Alt.

5) Click Undo to revert to the previous shortcut.

6) Click Clear to remove the assigned shortcut.
7) Click OK.

Entering Numerical Values

You can select from a number of unique features that make it easier to enter numerical values.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 298

Using Spinner Controls

Use the spinner controls to increase or decrease a value. When you click, or click and hold the mouse on
one of the arrows, the value increases or decreases incrementally. Using the arrow keys on your computer
keyboard has the same effect.

Spinner Control

Using Built-In Mathematical Operations

The software is able to perform a number of calculations whenever a numerical value is entered.

Automatic Unit Conversion

If you enter a value using a different unit of measurement than the default unit, the software will
automatically convert the value to the default unit.

For example, if your default unit is inches, you can enter a value of 1 ft, and the software will convert the
measurement to 12 in.

Supported units are:

in, "
ft, '

Calculation of Ratios
If you enter a ratio in the format A:B, the software will scale the previous value in the field by the ratio

For example, if a value is set to 12, and you enter 2:3, the new value will be 8.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 299

Calculation of Percentages
If you enter a percentage in the format X%, the software will scale the previous value in the field by the
percentage entered.

For example, if a value is set to 10, and you enter 90%, the new value will be 9.

Simple Mathematical Operators

If you enter a simple mathematical expression, the software will calculate the result of the expression and
enter that value in the field.

The available mathematical operators, in order of precedence, are:


For example, if you enter 1/8, the value 0.125 will be calculated.

Operator precedence determines the order in which mathematical operations will be calculated when
more than one operation is specified. In the table above, operators are listed from top to bottom in order
of their operator precedence. For example, if you enter 6/2*3, the software will calculate 6/2 first, then
multiply the result by 3, yielding a result of 9.

Automatic Application of Entered Values and Expressions

Once you enter a numerical value, ratio, or mathematical expression in a numerical field, after a few
seconds the software will automatically apply that value. You can also press Tab to apply the value

Avoid pressing Enter, as there are some instances where doing so will trigger the OK button and close
the dialog box.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 300

Setting Preferences
Many aspects of your software can be saved so that they are set up the way you like every time you open a
new file. These settings are known as program preferences.

There are other settings that are saved on a document basis. This means that each time you open or save a
document, the settings will be applied only for that particular document. These settings are known as
document preferences.

To change the program preferences, from the Edit menu, select Preferences.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 301

Preferences - General Tab

In this dialog box, you can set the general attributes of your software:

Determines the number of operations stored in the undo/redo list. Smaller

values in this field use less memory.
Determines how close the cursor must be to an object to be able to select it.
Setting a larger value makes it easier to select points.
Sets the Constrain Angle when you rotate objects with Shift pressed. The
rotation will be performed in the increment defined by this field.
Open documents will be periodically saved. You can specify the time
interval between saves.
Number of objects that can be saved in the trash layer.
Trash capacity
Number of decimal places in numeric fields.
Select whether the images you drag and drop will be embedded or linked.
Drag and Drop
Selects whether the popup window that appears when you select a color
Display color
from the Fill/Stroke dialog box is a list of color swatches along with their
popup window
as names or a palette of color swatches.

List view Palette view

When checked, the current settings for the software will be saved when the
Save settings
software exits and restored the next time the software starts up. If cleared,
on exit
the settings are not saved, and at startup the software will load the settings
that were in place the last time the software was shut down with this option
selected. (Selected by default)
By default, all objects in the design area are displayed using anti-aliasing to
Smooth screen
eliminate jagged edges on curves and provide a more attractive and accurate
view of the design.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 302

Smoothing off Smoothing On

Users with less powerful computers and graphics cards may wish to turn
smoothing off to increase performance.

Allows the software to check for updates each time Softkey connects to the
Internet to recheck for a valid activation. (See [??] for more information.)
check for
updates This option is only available if you have Softkey installed.
Click this button to restore the default settings for the above fields.

Preferences - File Path Tab

In this dialog box, you can set the default folders used in your software:

The default folder used to store your documents. Click

Browse to select a folder.
If checked, every time you import,
Update default
open, or save a file, that folder will
location on
import, open, become the new default location.
or save
The default folder used to create temporary files. If
you have multiple hard disks, select a folder on the
hard disk with the most available free space. Click
Browse to select a folder.
If you have Adobe Photoshop installed, specify here
Adobe Plug-ins
the folder where the plug-ins are stored. Click Browse
to select a folder.
Click to restore the default settings for the above
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 303

Preferences - Font Tab

In this dialog box, you can set the default settings for external FSfonts:

The folder where the FSfonts are stored. Click Browse

to select the folder.
If the FSfont is protected by a password, click Add to
enter the password. To delete a password, select the
password and click Delete.
To specify that a Flexi or Casmate font will not be
Specify Flexi /
filled (for use in engraving, for example), select the
Casmate fonts
with open font in the list and check Open. The font will be
paths rendered as an outline.

The software must be restarted for this change to take


Click this button to restore the default settings for the

above fields.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 304

Preferences - Tools Tab

In this dialog box, you can set the default settings for some of the tools available in the software.

Set options related to the on-screen spell checking

features of the software. (See On-Screen Spell
Checking for more information.)
These preferences allow you to specify the
colorimeter used in your software to measure color
values and the port where the measurement device is
connected. (See Defining Colors Using the Color
Specs Dialog Box (see "Defining Colors Using the
Color Specs Dialog Box" on page 388) and Modifying
Existing Color Libraries for more information.)
These preferences allow you to specify if the copied
objects will be automatically created when pasted
and the offset distance from the original object. (See
Duplicating Objects Using Copy and Paste (see
"Duplicating Objects Using Copy and Paste" on page
358) for more information.)
This tool allows you to specify that the software must
RIP and
communicate with Production Manager using
TCP/IP (Windows Only).

Clear this box if the operating system is not Windows NT, 2000, or XP, or if
the computer is running firewall software that might interfere with TCP/IP

These preferences allow you to specify how the

objects will be selected. (See Selecting Objects Using
the Select Tool (see "Selecting Objects Using the
Select Tool" on page 348) for more information.)
These preferences allow you to specify how the paths
are displayed when the Show Fill option is off. (See
Showing Objects' Fill (see "Showing Objects' Fill" on
page 289) for more information.)
Check Show grids as dots to display the grid using
dotted lines instead of solid lines. (See Ruler and
Grid (see "Ruler and Grid" on page 280) for more
Lets you select how the software will display font
size and width, tracking, and word spacing, also
whether Chinese language kits should be used. (See
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 305

Text Preferences (see "Text Preferences" on page 445)

(Windows only) for more information.)

Displays a useful or helpful tip when you start the

Tip of
the Day
Selects whether the zoom and pan tool will be used
only once before returning to the previous tool. (See
Zooming and Panning (see "Zooming and Panning"
on page 287) for more information.)
Click to restore the default settings for the above
[?] Restore

Windows and Macintosh User Interface Features

You can view the differences between features on the Macintosh and Windows user interfaces.

Shortcut Keys

When keyboard shortcuts are listed, use the following table to find the equivalent shortcut key on the

Windows System Macintosh System

Right-click the mouse = Click the mouse while holding
Ctrl key = command key (apple/clover)
Enter key = return key
Backspace key = delete key
Delete key = del key

You can access the context menu for the Ruler and Swatch Table by clicking and holding the [??] button.
Chapter 19 pps Editor-PRO 306


The following menu items are in different places on the Macintosh than they are in Windows.

Windows Menu > Item Macintosh Menu > Item

File > Exit = [Application] > Quit
File > Print Setup = File > Page Setup
Recently viewed files = File > Open Recent
(bottom of File menu)
Edit > Preferences = [Application] > Preferences
Edit > Paste Special = [No Macintosh equivalent]
Help > About = [Application} > About

Other Controls

The following controls are found in a number of dialog boxes and are named differently on the Mac.

Windows Control Macintosh Control

Browse button = Choose button

Getting Help
From the Help menu, click on Help Topics (or press F1) to view the full HTML documentation.

To access the SAi Software Support center, click Support in the Cloud Window. (See Support Icon
for more information.)

Exiting the Software

Do one of the following:

 From the Main Menu, click File and select Exit.

 Click the Close button (upper-right corner of the software).
 Right-click on the software icon in the system tray and select Close window.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 307

Chapter 20

Working with Files

Your document can contain any combination of vector, bitmap, OLE, or PostScript objects.

Vectors are a collection of straight or curved segments. These objects can be scaled to any
size without losing detail or clarity. Shapes like rectangles and circles, as well as text, are
vector objects.
Also called raster images, bitmaps are formed by a grid of small dots (known as pixels) to
represent images. Each pixel is assigned a specific location and color value. A low
resolution bitmap image can appear jagged when printed.
Images can be described using a page-description language known as PostScript. These
objects can contain a combination of vector and bitmap images. When imported into your
document, PostScript objects can be parsed and previewed.
OLE is the abbreviation for Object Linking and Embedding, which is available only in
Windows. OLE is a compound document standard developed by Microsoft. It enables you
to create objects with one application and then link or embed them in your document.

Vector object

Bitmap object

Parsed PostScript object OLE object

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Creating New Documents ............................................................................. 308
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 308

Opening Files .................................................................................................. 309

Importing Files ................................................................................................ 309
Link PDF .......................................................................................................... 310
Archiving to the Cloud .................................................................................. 310
Saving Documents .......................................................................................... 310
Exporting to Files ............................................................................................ 311
Sending a Job to EnRoute (Windows Only) ................................................ 311
Emailing a Job ................................................................................................. 311
Closing Documents ........................................................................................ 312
Using OLE Objects (Windows Only) ........................................................... 312
Working with Job Info ................................................................................... 315
Job Statistics ..................................................................................................... 317
Finding Files .................................................................................................... 318
Applying Templates ....................................................................................... 319
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Creating New Documents

To create a new document, from the File menu, select New.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 309

Opening Files
1) From the File menu, select Open.
2) Select the file type, folder, and file that will be opened. (See Appendix - Supported File Formats (see
"Appendix - Supported File Formats" on page 219) for all supported file formats.)
3) Click Open.

If the file contains fonts that are not installed in your system, a dialog box will appear, allowing you to select a replacement font.

Or, do one of the following:

 Double-click the file icon in Windows Explorer.

 Drag the file icon over your software's desktop icon and release it to launch the application and open
the file.

If the application is already running, a second instance of it will be launched.

1. Double-click to open the file.

Importing Files
1) From the File menu, select Import.
2) Select the file type, folder, and file that will be imported. (See Appendix - Supported File Formats (see
"Appendix - Supported File Formats" on page 219) for all supported file formats.)
3) Click Import.

If the Auto-place on paste and import option in Paste preferences is enabled, the file will be imported immediately after clicking the Import button.

4) Click in the design area to import the object.

If the file contains fonts that are not installed in your system, a dialog box will appear, allowing you to select a replacement font.

Layering is ignored during import. This prevents multiple imports from creating many unnecessary layers. To preserve layer information, use Open from
the File menu instead.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 310

Link PDF
Use this feature to retain a PDF's objects, effects, and color properties as originally designed. You can still
create contour paths and add objects and text to the image.

1) Open the File menu and select Import.

2) Browse to your PDF file and check the Link box on the right side of the screen.
3) Click Import.

Now you can add contour cut paths, objects, or text to the image.

Archiving to the Cloud

The Archive to Cloud option allows you to take designs created or edited in your SAi software and
place them in a single directory on the SAi Cloud server for storage and review.

To archive a file to the Cloud:

1) Open the file you want to archive.

2) Click the Archive to Cloud button in the standard toolbar.

A progress bar appears in the lower-left portion of the Status Bar, indicating that an upload is in progress. When the upload finishes, the
Upload Succeeded window appears.

3) Click OK once the file has finished uploading.

The file is now securely stored on the SAi Cloud server.

To see a link to the archived file and information about it, click the Files icon in the Cloud
Window. (See Files Icon (see "Files Icon" on page 57) for more information.)

Saving Documents
1) From the File menu, select Save or Save as.

If you select Save as, or you are saving the document for the first time, a dialog box is displayed.

2) Enter the name and the location that will be used to save the document.
3) Click Save.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 311

Exporting to Files
Layering information—including layer name, color, and attributes—will be exported for the following
formats: Adobe Illustrator, DXF, and HPGL.

1) Select the objects to be exported.

2) From the File menu, select Export.
3) Select the file type, folder, and file name. (See Appendix - Supported File Formats (see "Appendix -
Supported File Formats" on page 219) for all supported file formats.)
4) Adjust the following parameters:
Check this option to export only the selected
Selection only
Some file formats will show an options dialog box
before exporting to a file. Check this option to
bypass the dialog box.
5) Click Export.

Sending a Job to EnRoute (Windows Only)

If you have the EnRoute program installed on your computer, the software allows you to transfer the
current design directly to EnRoute.

To transfer the current design to EnRoute:

1) Click the File menu.

2) Hover the mouse over Send and select Send to EnRoute.

Emailing a Job
To send the current job to someone as an email attachment:

1) From the File menu, select Send Email.

2) Select one of the following:
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 312

The job will be added as an attachment in Flexi

As Native
The design will be converted to a JPEG and added as
an attachment.
The design will be converted to PDF and added as an

A new e-mail message will be created in your default e-mail program, and the current job will be added to
the message as an attachment of the selected type.

Closing Documents
1) From the File menu, select Close.
2) If your document has been changed since the time it was last saved, a dialog box will display asking if
you want to save the current document.
 Click Yes to save the document before closing it.

 Click No to close the document without saving.

 Click Cancel to exit the closing procedure.

Using OLE Objects (Windows Only)

The OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) feature of Windows allows you to import objects that were
created using other software installed on your computer, such as spreadsheets and word processors.

Inserting OLE Objects

1) From the Edit menu, select Insert New Object.
2) Select the type of object you want to create.

Only programs that are installed on your computer and that support OLE appear in the list.

3) Select Create New to create a new OLE object using the selected application.

Check Display as Icon to show the OLE object simply as an icon. Click Change Icon to change the icon's appearance.

4) The selected programs will start, creating a window inside your software.
5) Resize and edit the contents of the window, using the selected program.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 313

6) To finish using the selected program, press Esc or click anywhere outside the program window.

Design area with an Excel spreadsheet

After the OLE object has been inserted

Inserting Existing Files as OLE Objects

1) From the Edit menu, select Insert New Object.
2) Select Create From File to merge an existing file into your document.
3) Click Browse and locate the file to be inserted.
 Check Display As Icon to show the OLE object simply as an icon. Click Change Icon to change the
 Check Link to link the selected file. The object in the file will be stored apart from the document,
and all the changes made in the source file will be reflected in your document. If the Link option is
unchecked, the object will be embedded and stored within the document.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 314

4) Click OK.

Document with a linked OLE object

Editing OLE Objects

1) Select the desired OLE object.

Double-clicking an OLE object has the same effect as selecting Edit.

2) From the Edit menu, point to [...] Object and click Edit or Open.

When you select Edit, the program associated with the OLE object will start in a window inside your document and will close after the editing.

If you choose Open, a full instance of the program will start. You may leave this application running even after editing the OLE object.

Closing the original object will close the application, unless another file is still open in the application.

Converting OLE Objects to another Format

1) Select the desired OLE object.
2) From the Edit menu, point to […] Object and select Convert.
3) Select the new format from the list.
4) Click OK.

Converting OLE Objects to Basic Segments and Bitmaps

1) Select the desired OLE object.
2) From the Arrange menu, select Convert Linked to Native.

Changing Linking Properties of OLE Objects

1) From the Edit menu, select Links.
2) Select the desired object link.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 315

3) Change the following linking options:

Determines whether the linked information updates
Automatic /
automatically when you open the document or
manually when you choose to update it.
Updates the OLE object in your document to reflect
Update Now
the present content of the original file when Manual
mode is selected.
Opens the linked object file using the associated
Open Source
Changes the linked object file, replacing the current
Change Source
file with another.
Gives you the option to permanently break the
Break link
connection between a linked object and its source file.

Working with Job Info

Your program allows you to store information about the job with each file you create. You can add or
change information about a job at any point in the design and production process. This information
becomes part of the file and is saved when the file is saved.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 316

Job tab

Customer tab

Statistics tab Viewing or Editing Job Info

1) From the Edit menu, click Job Info.
2) There are three tabs where you can view or edit job information:
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 317

In this dialog box you can edit the information

Job tab
about this particular document.
In this dialog box you can edit the information
Customer tab
about the customer.
This dialog box contains stored information about
Statistics tab
the job, including the amount of time spent editing
it, revisions (the number of times it was saved), and
other job-specific information. Data in this tab
cannot be edited.
Clicking the Reset button will reset the number of
revisions to 1 and the total editing time to 0.
3) Click OK.

Job Statistics
This dialog box contains a list of all the objects contained in the job, along with their name, type, point of
origin, width, height, area, perimeter, color fill, color space, and font information. In addition, if one or
more objects are selected, their information is highlighted in gray. Data in this tab cannot be edited.

Viewing Job Statistics

1) From the Edit menu, click Job Statistics.
2) Click Export to export the job to a tab-delimited text file.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 318

3) Click OK.

Finding Files
The Find File feature allows you to search for specific files. You can search for files based on file name or
any of the Job Information parameters.

Searching for a File

1) From the File menu, select Find File.
2) Click Browse and select the folder where the search will be performed. To search all subfolders, check
the Include subfolders option.
3) Enter the search parameters:
 To search for a file by its name, enter the file name in the Named field.

 To search for a file using any of the job information, select any job criteria from the dropdown
menu and enter the search text in the contains field. For example, you can search for all files that
“Order taken by” contains the name John Doe.
4) Click Search.
5) Select a file in the list.
6) Do one of the following:
 Click Job Info to show the job information.

When finished, click OK to close the Job Information window.

 Click Open or double-click the file in the list to open the file.

 Click Cancel to end the search.

Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 319

Applying Templates
Templates allow you to create multiple copies of your document using a pre-defined layout. Additionally,
you can create documents (such as invoices) based on Job Information.

The copies are created

using the following
(2) 4.0 x 5.0 inches
(2) 2.5 x 3.5 inches
(4) 2.0 x 2.5 inches

Creating multiple copies of a Invoice created using the

document template feature

If necessary, the original document will automatically be rotated to fit into the space provided by the
picture placeholders in the template.

1) Open an existing document or create a new one.

Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 320

2) From the File menu, point to Templates and click Apply Template.

3) Choose the template from the list. The templates are named following the convention:

1. Number of copies 2. Size (inches)

4) Adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 321

Check to display a preview of the template.

If checked, only objects selected in the original design
Selection only
will be copied over into the template.
If checked, the entire page of the design out to and
Include border
including the borders will be copied over into the
template. If not checked, only the design objects will
be copied over.
If checked, the colored substrate in any original
design will be copied over into the template. This
substrate color
option is only enabled when Include border is
5) Choose Select.

When a template is applied to a document, any dimensions or registration marks contained in the document are converted into outlines.

Setting the Default Template

1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
2) Select the Tools tab in the Preferences dialog box.
3) Select Apply Template from the list of tools.
4) Select the template you want to make the default from the Default Template list.
5) Click OK.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 322

Templates Toolbar

To display the Template toolbar, from the File menu, point to Templates and select Template Toolbar.

You can also display the Template Toolbar using View > Toolbars > Template.

You can use the Templates toolbar to create and modify existing templates. This toolbar contains buttons
that represent template placeholders. Placeholders are fields that will be replaced by objects, images, or
information from the original document when a template is used.

The following placeholders are available:

The Active Drawing placeholder is replaced by

the original document.

The Used Colors placeholder is replaced by a list

of all the colors used in the original document.

The Used Fonts placeholder is replaced by a list of

all the fonts used in the original document.

The Job Info placeholder is replaced by a value

from job info and other information from the
original document.

Shows information from the

Job Info
Job info - Job tab.
Shows information from the
Customer Info
Job info - Customer tab.
Shows other information from
the original document, such as
the number of colors, fonts,
and characters used.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 323

Creating New Templates

1) Open a new document.
2) Select a placeholder from the Template toolbar.
3) Click and drag the cursor in the design area.
4) Adjust the placeholder's attributes in the DesignCentral - Template tab.

You can add objects other than placeholders. Every object available in your software—bitmaps, text, shapes, etc.—can be used in a template.

5) From the File menu, point to Templates and then click Save as Template.

Template objects can be masked, colored, and have an effect applied to them.

Editing Existing Templates

1) From the File menu, point to Templates and select Open Template.
2) Select the desired template in the list and click Select.

You can also double-click the desired template to select and open it.

3) Adjust the placeholder's attributes in the DesignCentral - Template tab.

4) From the File menu, point to Templates and then click Save Template or Save as Template.

Save Template will save the current template; Save as Template will save the template as a new file.
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 324

Changing Placeholders Attributes in DesignCentral

Each placeholder will have different fields in the DesignCentral - Template tab. Adjust the following

Object width of the drawing placeholder

Object height of the drawing placeholder

Check to automatically change the orientation of

Auto Orientation
the drawing to match the original file.
Check to resize the drawing by percent of original
Scale the drawing

For Used Color placeholder:

Font and font style used in the color description

Object width of the Used Color placeholder

Object height of the Used Color placeholder

Number of colors per line

Font size used in the color description

Line spacing

Circle / square size of a color swatch

Selects circular or square swatch color style.

For Used Fonts placeholder:

Font and font style used in the font description

Object width of the Used Fonts placeholder

Object height of the Used Fonts placeholder

Number of colors per line

Font size used in the font description

Line spacing
Chapter 20 pps Editor-PRO 325

For Job Info placeholder:

Source of the information (Job info, Customer Info,
File Name
or Other)
Information type

Font and font style used in the job info description

Font size used in the job info description

Check this option to place a label before the

information text. Edit the label text in the field to
the right of this option.
Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 327

Chapter 21

Using DesignCentral
DesignCentral displays tabs and options appropriate to objects properties. For example, when a rectangle
is selected, DesignCentral displays its width, height, corner style, and other properties.

To display DesignCentral, from the View menu, select DesignCentral.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
DesignCentral Tabs ........................................................................................ 328
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 328

DesignCentral Tabs
DesignCentral consists of several tabs. The number of tabs and their content vary according to which
objects are selected.

You can select a tab by clicking on its indicator in DesignCentral, or by double-clicking the objects
themselves. Each double-click will move to the next available tab.

DesignCentral - Document Tab


1. Tabs

Use the Document tab to specify the size of the drawing area and the color of the substrate or background
color. A number of standard document sizes are included. You can specify a custom drawing area size by
entering new horizontal and vertical values.
Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 329

DesignCentral - Document
Showing the Document Tab
Do one of the following:

 Open DesignCentral and click an empty area in the document.

 From the File menu, select Document Setup.

Adjust the following parameters:

Selects from standard document sizes.

Opens additional options for document size.

Adds a new document size.

Deletes an existing document size.
Sets the current document size as
Set as Default
the default.
Shows or hides the design area
Show Border
Sets the page width of the document.

Sets the page height of the document.

Sets the page orientation to portrait.

Sets the page orientation to landscape.
Specifies the color of the substrate.
Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 330

DesignCentral - Margins Tab

Use the Margins tab to specify the margins around a drawing area.

These margins are used when objects are aligned or distributed, and also are useful for laying out
elements symmetrically. (See Aligning Objects to another Object (see "Aligning Objects to another Object"
on page 370) for more information.)

DesignCentral - Scale Tab

DesignCentral - Margin
tab The Scale tab allows you to change the width, height, and position of selected
objects. You can resize objects by dragging the control points or by changing the
numerical values.

In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 331

DesignCentral - Scale tab

Changing the Size of Objects
1) Select the objects.
2) Adjust the following parameters:
Width of design

Height of design

Checking Proportional ensures that the object will be scaled proportionally in both width and height.


 Drag the control points on the objects.

Changing the Position of Objects
1) Select the objects.
2) Adjust the following parameters:
Horizontal position of the reference point, measured from the
origin. (See Ruler and Grid (see "Ruler and Grid" on page
280) for more information.)
Vertical position of the reference point, measured from the
origin. (See Ruler and Grid (see "Ruler and Grid" on page
280) for more information.)
Ensures that the object will be scaled proportionally in both
width and height.
You can change the reference point by using the Reference
Grid. Each button in the grid corresponds to a point on the
selected objects. If you want to position the center of an
object, click the Center Stationary Point.

Reference Grid and Resize Points

Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 332

DesignCentral - Rotate Tab

The Rotate tab of DesignCentral allows you to rotate, shear, or mirror selected objects. You can change
them either by dragging the objects' control points or by changing the numerical values in DesignCentral.

DesignCentral - Rotate tab

Rotating Objects
1) Select the objects.

After selecting an existing object, the Scale, Rotate, and Object tabs are available.

2) To select the point that will be fixed during the rotation, do one of the following:
 Click a point on the Reference Grid.

 Click and drag the Reference Point to the desired position. Hold Ctrl and drag to fix the
Reference Point to the settings on the Reference Grid.
3) Adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 333

New angle of selected objects

Rotates selected objects 90 degrees counterclockwise or


1. Rotation Point 2. Reference Point 3. Shear Point

Shearing Objects
1) Select the objects.
2) To select the point that will be fixed during the shearing, do one of the following:
 Click a point on the Reference Grid.

 Click and drag the Reference Point to the desired position. Hold Ctrl and drag to fix the
Reference Point to the settings on the Reference Grid.
3) Change the following parameters:
Shear angle that will be applied to the selected objects.

A rectangle sheared to an angle of 45 degrees.

Mirroring Objects
1) Select the objects.
2) Adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 334

Mirrors selected objects horizontally or vertically.

Original Object Mirrored Mirrored vertically


DesignCentral - Object Tab

The Object tab content will vary according to which type of object is selected in the document.

Object tab when a Star Object tab when Text is Object tab when a Path
is selected / created. selected / created. is selected / created.

When creating objects, only the Object tab is visible. After selecting an existing object, the Scale, Rotate,
and Object tabs are available.

The Object tab is not available when different types of objects (like text and a rectangle) are selected.
However, if you select objects of the same type, their common properties are displayed in DesignCentral.
Chapter 21 pps Editor-PRO 335

Object tab when both

objects are selected.

1. It shows a value since both DesignCentral

2. It is blank- since
Effects Tab
both rectangles
rectangles have the same width. have a different height.
When you apply an effect over objects, DesignCentral displays the Effects tab
with all the properties of the effect.

The Object tab for the object where the effect was applied is not visible in DesignCentral, but you can still
select it using the Select Within tool or by double-clicking the object while holding Ctrl. (See Selecting
Objects within an Effect (see "Selecting Objects within an Effect" on page 349) for more information.)

DesignCentral - Setup Tab

DesignCentral - Effects tab

Many of the changes you make are automatically applied as you change them. You will notice that some
commands contain two buttons, Apply and Cancel, on the bottom-right side of DesignCentral.

DesignCentral will open automatically if there is a Setup tab associated with the command.

DesignCentral - Setup tab

1. Cancel button 2. Apply button

Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 337

Chapter 22

Using DesignEditor
DesignEditor helps you manage the various layers and objects in your design. You can choose to display
some layers and hide others, delete or add layers, and do similar functions with individual objects.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Displaying DesignEditor ............................................................................... 338
DesignEditor - Layers Tab ............................................................................. 339
Designing with the Bad Wrap™ in DesignEditor ...................................... 342
DesignEditor - Objects Tab............................................................................ 344
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 338

Displaying DesignEditor
To open DesignEditor, from the View menu, select DesignEditor. DesignEditor consists of two tabs, the
Layers tab and an Objects tab.

You can also press E on the keyboard to open DesignEditor.

DesignEditor - Layers tab DesignEditor - Objects tab

Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 339

DesignEditor - Layers Tab

Layers are a convenient way to organize the elements of your design for easy access and editing. Think of
layers as sheets of acetate stacked one on top of another. Where there is no image on a layer, you can see
through it to the layers below. Behind all of the layers is the Substrate and the Trash Layer.

The layer at the bottom of the Layers tab is the bottom layer of your design, and the layer at the top of the
tab is the topmost layer in the stack.

The layer that is highlighted in the Layers tab is called the Active layer. At any given time, one of the
layers must be active.

By default, each new design that you open has the following layers:

Represents the surface on which your design might be

applied. You cannot delete, copy, or edit the substrate
layer. However, you can move it to a different location
in the stack, or hide it from view.
The Grid layer is placed immediately on top of the
Grid Layer
substrate layer. Use the grid to help you position
objects in the drawing area. (See Ruler and Grid (see
"Ruler and Grid" on page 280) for more information.)
The Guide layer contains the drawing Guides. (See
Guide Layer
Guides (see "Guides" on page 282) for more
The Trash layer contains the objects that were deleted
Trash Layer
from your document. This layer allows you to recover
objects that were accidentally deleted. (See Deleting
Objects (see "Deleting Objects" on page 375) for more
These layers contain the actual objects that were
Layer 1, 2, 3...
created in your document. You can have as many
layers as you like for each design.

The layer that is highlighted in the Layers tab is called the Current layer. At any given time, one of the
layers must be active.

When a layer with a disabled Edit property is active, most of the editing tools and commands will not be
Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 340

When you right-click on any layer, a menu is displayed. Adjust the following parameters:

A new layer is created. The new layer will be added

New Layer
above the active layer.
The active layer is deleted.
Delete Layer
A copy of the active layer is created. The new layer
will be added above the active layer.
Changes the name of the active layer.
Shows the properties for the active layer. (See
Showing Layer Names for how to determine which
layer you are working with.)

You can also click the buttons on the top of the DesignEditor - Layer tab to perform some of the above

New Layer Delete Layer Duplicate Layer Empty Trash

Showing Layer Names

Each layer in the DesignEditor has a name. Being able to identify layers aids greatly in changing layer
order. By default the DesignEditor dialog box is not wide enough to display layer names.

To view all layer names:

1) Move the tip of the mouse pointer over the right edge of the DesignEditor dialog box until a
double-headed white arrow appears.
2) Left-click and drag the edge of the dialog box to expand it.

The layer names appear to the left of the Layer color icons.

To view a single layer name:

1) Right-click on the desired Layer color icon and select Properties.

The name of the layer appears in the Name field at the top of the Layer Properties dialog box.

2) Click OK or Cancel to close the dialog box.

Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 341

Showing Layer Properties

Each layer has the following properties:

Specifies if the layer is visible or not. Always

disabled for the Trash Layer.
Specifies if the layer is editable or not. Not available
for the Trash, Grid, and Substrate layers.
Specifies if the layer will be printed or not. Always
disabled for the Trash Layer.
Specifies if the layer is cuttable or not. Always
disabled for the Trash and Grid layers.

Changing Layer Properties

Do one of the following:

 Click the icon on the DesignEditor - Layers tab. When the property is
Visible Property Visible Property
disabled, Disabled
an “X” displays over the icon.
Enabled  Right-click the layer and select Properties from the menu. Edit the
property in the Layer Properties dialog box that will be displayed.

Changing Layer Order

The order of the layers in the stack determines how the objects are displayed in the design area.

To rearrange the order of the stack, click and drag a Layer color icon to a new position. A horizontal
dashed line displays to indicate where in the stack the layer will be placed.

Layer 1 above the Guide and Grid layers Layer 1 below the Guide and Grid layers
Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 342

Merging Layers

When you merge one layer with another, all the elements of the layer that you merged are added to the
target layer.

1) Click and hold the mouse on the layer you want to merge.
2) While holding Ctrl (command in Macintosh), drag the layer onto the layer you want to merge it with.

A horizontal dashed line displays directly over the target layer to indicate that the layer will be merged.

3) Release the mouse button.

Changing Layer Color

Each layer is associated with a color. For the Guide and Grid layers, this color is used to show its objects.
For Layers 1, 2, 3…, this color is used for the following:

 Displays objects in wireframe mode. (See Showing Objects' Fill (see "Showing Objects' Fill" on page
289) for more information.)
 Colors the border of selected objects.
 Shows the Preview for that layer. (See Showing Preview (see "Showing Preview" on page 291) for
more information.)

To change a layer color, do one of the following:

 Drag any color from the Swatch Table and drop it directly onto the desired Layer color icon in the
DesignEditor - Layer tab dialog box.
 Open the Layer Properties dialog box for a specific Layer color icon, click the swatch dropdown
arrow, and select the desired color from the list.

Designing with the Bad Wrap™ in DesignEditor

You can use special layers in the software to design a Bad Wrap vehicle wrap. Simply drag and drop
design elements directly onto the template. The imported images automatically adjust for windows, lights,
door handles, and other details. (For system requirements and more information, visit (see The Bad Wrap -

To design a Bad Wrap vehicle wrap:

1) From the File menu, select Open.

2) From the Files of Type dropdown menu, select TIFF for Bad Wrap. Choosing this option will ensure
that the file is imported with all layers intact.
3) Browse your computer for a Bad Wrap template file and click Open.
4) When asked if you want to open the file as a single layer, choose No. As the file imports, you can view
the progress in the Status bar in the lower-left corner of the design window.
Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 343

5) Open the DesignEditor and expand the window to view all of the layers that imported from the file.

6) Now you're ready to import a design element. Be sure to have the Design Layers layer selected so that
the image is correctly placed over the template.
Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 344

DesignEditor - Objects Tab

Every time you draw a shape, create text, or add any element to your design, information about that
element is stored in the Objects tab of DesignEditor.

 Each object is assigned a number to distinguish it from other objects of the same type. (For example,
Rectangle 1, 2, 3...).
 Objects are stacked in the order they are created, with new objects being placed on top of older objects.
 Effects such as shadows, stripes, and outlines always appear higher in the stack than the object to
which they are applied.

The Objects tab is an excellent way to view the structure of your document. You can see the elements in
each layer of your document, as well as any effects and other changes that you've applied to each object.

Selecting Objects Using the Objects Tab

The Objects tab allows you to quickly locate and select specific objects. This is useful when your design is
complex and selecting individual objects by pointing and clicking has become difficult.

To select objects, select the object names in the DesignEditor - Objects tab.

 Hold Shift to select a continuous range of objects.

 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) to select (or deselect) multiple objects.

You can select individual objects among compounded or grouped objects.

When you select objects in the design area, the corresponding items are automatically highlighted in the
DesignEditor - Objects tab.

Changing the Order of Objects

You can change the order of objects by clicking and dragging them to a new location within the stack. You
can change the stack order of objects within a particular layer, or you can move objects from one layer to
another. You can also move and copy objects and use them to replace an existing one.

When moving or copying objects, a line will appear beneath the desired target object. When replacing
an object, the line will appear through the target object.

To select more than one object at a time, use Ctrl (command in Macintosh) or Shift.

To move an object to a new location:

1) Left-click and drag it until the destination line appears beneath the desired location.
2) Release the mouse button.
Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 345


1) Right-click and drag it until the destination line appears beneath the desired location.
2) Release the mouse button.
3) Select Move and Insert.

To copy an object to a new location:

1) Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and left-click and drag it until the destination line appears
beneath the desired location.
2) Release the mouse button.


1) Right-click and drag it until the destination line appears beneath the desired location.
2) Release the mouse button.
3) Select Copy and Insert.

To move an object and use it to replace an existing object:

1) Drag it over the target object until the destination line appears beneath it.
2) Hold Shift.

The destination line will move up and through the object.

3) Release the mouse button.


1) Right-click and drag it over the target object until the destination line appears beneath it.
2) Release the mouse button.
3) Select Move and Replace.

To copy an object and use it to replace an existing object:

1) Drag it over the target object until the destination line appears beneath it.
2) Hold Shift and Ctrl (command in Macintosh).

The destination line will move up and through the object.

3) Release the mouse button.


1) Right-click and drag it over the target object until the destination line appears beneath it.
2) Release the mouse button.
3) Select Copy and Replace.
Chapter 22 pps Editor-PRO 346

Renaming Objects
1) Click the desired object in DesignEditor - Objects tab.
2) Click the same object again.
3) Type the new name and press Enter.

Applying Effects

When you move objects underneath an effect, that effect is then applied to the objects. This is useful when
you have applied a number of effects to a particular object and want to apply those same effects to another
object. To do this, move the object within the hierarchy of the effect or group of effects that you want to

Effects are applied to the objects underneath them as a group. It is not the same as individually selecting
objects and re-applying the same effects.

1. Click and drag.

Chapter 23 pps Editor-PRO 347

Chapter 23

Selecting Objects
Selected objects are displayed with a selection border and control points around them to distinguish the
selection from other objects.

The color of the Selection Border can be specified by using the DesignEditor - Layer tab. (See Changing
Layer Color (see "Changing Layer Color" on page 342) for more information.)

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Selecting Objects Using the Select Tool ....................................................... 348
Selecting Objects Using the Bounding Box ................................................. 348
Selecting Objects within an Effect ................................................................ 349
Selecting Objects Using Tab .......................................................................... 349
Selecting Objects Using DesignEditor ......................................................... 350
Selecting All Objects ....................................................................................... 350
Deselecting All Objects .................................................................................. 350
Inverting a Selection ....................................................................................... 350
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 23 pps Editor-PRO 348

Selecting Objects Using the Select Tool

You can make a selection using two modes. When you are in By touching mode, any object that intersects
the bounding box is selected. When you are in By fully enclosing mode, the selection is restricted to those
objects that are fully enclosed within the bounding box.

1) Choose the Select tool.

2) Click the object you want to select.

To select multiple objects, hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) or Shift and click on multiple items.

Selecting Objects Using the Bounding Box

1) Choose the Select tool.
2) Left-click and drag to create a bounding box around the objects you want to select.

Holding Ctrl (command in Macintosh) while creating the bounding box temporarily toggles the selection mode to the other setting.

Bounding Box By touching mode By fully enclosing mode

Changing the Default Selection Mode

The default setting in your program is By touching.

To change the selection mode, do one of the following:

1) Double-click the Select tool.

The Preference dialog box opens.

2) Change the Drag select option.

3) Click OK.


1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

Chapter 23 pps Editor-PRO 349

2) Select the Tools tab.

3) Choose the Select tool from the list.
4) Change the Drag select option.
5) Click OK.

Selecting Objects within an Effect

1) From the Main toolbar, choose the Select Within tool.
2) Click the object you want to select.


1) Choose the Select tool.

2) Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and double-click the object you want to select.

Rectangle selected within an Outline effect

Selecting Objects Using Tab

Press Tab to select the next object. The selection order follows the order of the objects in the DesignEditor
- Objects tab.
Chapter 23 pps Editor-PRO 350

1. Press Tab.
Selecting Objects Using DesignEditor
You can also use the DesignEditor - Objects tab to select one or more objects. (See Selecting Objects Using
the Objects Tab (see "Selecting Objects Using the Objects Tab" on page 344) for more information.)

Selecting All Objects

To select all objects in a document, from the Edit menu, point to Select and choose Select All.

Deselecting All Objects

Do one of the following:

 From the Edit menu, point to Select and click Deselect All.
 Click an empty area.

Inverting a Selection
To invert the selection, from the Edit menu:

1) Point to Select.
2) Choose Invert Selection.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 351

Chapter 24

Arranging Objects
You can arrange, duplicate, and manipulate objects in the design area.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Resizing Objects .............................................................................................. 352
Moving Objects ............................................................................................... 354
Rotating, Shearing, and Mirroring Objects ................................................. 355
Duplicating Objects ........................................................................................ 357
Working with Auto Serialization ................................................................. 360
Grouping Objects ............................................................................................ 364
Compounding Objects ................................................................................... 365
Masking Objects.............................................................................................. 366
Locking Objects ............................................................................................... 367
Changing Object Order .................................................................................. 368
Aligning Objects ............................................................................................. 370
Spacing Objects ............................................................................................... 371
Nesting Objects ............................................................................................... 372
Snapping Objects ............................................................................................ 374
Deleting Objects .............................................................................................. 375
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 352

Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577

Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Resizing Objects
Use the following methods to resize objects.

Resizing Using DesignCentral

Use DesignCentral when you need to adjust the size of objects to a precise numeric value.

1) Select the objects.

2) From the Arrange menu, select Resize
(or press Ctrl+K on the keyboard).
3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Changes the width of the selected objects.

Changes the height of the selected objects.

Specifies the percentage that the width will be scaled.

Specifies the percentage that the height will be scaled.

Sets the point in the grid that will remain stationary

before and after resizing.
Checking this option ensures that the selected objects
will be resized proportionally in width and height.
Checking this option will resize all the objects in the
Apply scale to
document, using the scaling specified for the selected
4) Click Apply.

You can also resize using the DesignCentral - Size tab, but some of the above options will not be available.

Resizing by Dragging Control Points

1) Select the objects.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 353

2) Position the cursor on a Scale control point.

1. Scale Control Point

3) Click and drag the Scale control point.

 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to use the centerline of the objects as a stationary
 Hold Shift and drag to scale the objects disproportionately.

Normal dragging

Dragging with Shift pressed

Dragging with Ctrl (command in Macintosh) pressed

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 354

Resizing to the Same Size

1) Select the objects.

If you select the objects by dragging a bounding box, the size of the first object is used as a reference. If you select the objects by clicking them with Shift
pressed, the size of the first selected object is used as a reference.

2) From the Arrange menu, point to Sizing and select either Same Width or Same Height.

Moving Objects
You can move objects by either dragging them or using DesignCentral.

Moving Objects by Dragging

1) Select the objects.
2) Place the cursor over the objects.

When Show Fills is disabled, place the cursor over the outline of the object to select it.

3) Left-click and drag to move the objects to a new position.

 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to create a copy of the original objects.

 Hold Shift and drag to constrain the direction of movement.

Moving Objects Using DesignCentral

Use DesignCentral when you need to move the objects to a precise position.

1) Select the objects.

DesignCentral displays the Scale tab.

2) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Horizontal position of the selected objects (as measured from
the stationary grid point)
Vertical position of the selected objects (as measured from
the stationary grid point)
The stationary point that the X,Y coordinates refer to in the
above fields.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 355

Rotating, Shearing, and Mirroring Objects

You can rotate and mirror objects using the following methods:

Rotating, Shearing, and Mirroring Using DesignCentral

1) Select the objects.
2) From the Arrange menu, select Rotate
(or press Ctrl+R on the keyboard).
3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Changes the rotation angle of the selected objects.

Changes the shear angle of the selected objects.

Rotates the selected objects 90 degrees

counterclockwise and clockwise.
Mirrors the selected objects horizontally and
Retains a copy of the original objects after rotating or
Keep Original
Sets the stationary reference point from which the
above adjustments are made.
4) Click Apply.

Rotating may also be done using DesignCentral, but some of the above options may not be available.

Rotating and Shearing by Dragging Control Points

1) Select the objects.
2) Click the Rotate tab in DesignCentral.

The Stationary Point appears as a small white circle with a dot in it. Its position is determined by the point selected on the DesignCentral
Reference grid.

3) To adjust the position of the Stationary Point, do one of the following:

 Select a point on the DesignCentral Reference grid.

 Hold Ctrl and drag the Stationary Point to any of the nine positions on the Reference grid.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 356

 Click and drag the Stationary Point to any desired position.

1. Stationary Point 2. Rotate Control 3. Shear Control 4. Reference Grid

Point Point

4) Position the cursor on a Rotate or Shear control point.

5) Click and drag the desired control point.
 Hold Ctrl and drag to create a copy of the original objects.

 Hold Shift and drag to constrain the rotation or shear angle to the increment set in Preferences
(default = 45 degrees).

Ctrl and Shift can be used together to copy and constrain.

Creating Mirrored Objects

1) Select the objects.
2) From the Arrange menu, select Mirror.

A mirrored image is displayed, along with a Mirror Line. If the Mirror Line is not visible, increase the distance in DesignCentral.

1. Original Image 2. Mirrored Image 3. Mirror Line

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 357

3) Adjust the Distance in DesignCentral. This value is the total distance separating the original and
mirrored image.
To adjust the distance, do one of the following:
 Click and drag the control point in the middle of the Mirror Line to adjust the distance.

 Click and drag a control point located at the Mirror Line's end to adjust the angle.

 Hold Shift and drag to constrain the angle.

4) Check Keep Original to create a copy of the original image.

5) Click Apply.

Deskewing Objects

Sometimes a scanned image is slanted because the original image was not properly positioned on the
scanner. Deskewing rotates the objects in order to make the baseline horizontal or vertical.

1) Select the objects.

2) From the Arrange menu, point to Deskew and select either Horizontal or Vertical.
3) Click and drag to create the baseline.

Duplicating Objects
Duplicating is an easy way to create several exact copies of objects.

Duplicating Objects by Dragging

To copy objects, select the objects and drag while holding Ctrl (command in Macintosh).

Hold Shift and drag to restrain the position of the copy.

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 358

1. Click and drag with Ctrl

(command in Macintosh)
key pressed.

Duplicating Objects Using Copy and Paste

1) Select the objects.
2) From the Edit menu, select Copy, or press Ctrl (command in Macintosh) + C.
3) From the Edit menu, select Paste, or press Ctrl (command in Macintosh) + V.
4) Move the cursor to position the Paste bounding box; then left-click (or press Enter).
 Press Tab to change the cursor position within the Paste bounding box (nine pre-set positions).

 Press Esc to cancel the paste process.

Copy the object... ...and Paste.

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 359

Duplicating Objects Using a Specific Offset Distance

Sometimes you want to create copies with a specific offset distance from the original objects. In this case,
you must first change the Paste settings in Preferences.

1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.

1. Select the Tools tab.
2. Select the Paste tool from the list on the left side of the dialog box.
3. Check Auto-place on paste and import.
4. Using X offset and Y offset, set the distance copies will be Auto-placed from the preceding
5. Click OK.
2) Select the objects.
3) From the Edit menu, select Copy.
4) From the Edit menu, select Paste.

Each time you paste, another instance of the copied objects is inserted at the specified Auto-place interval.

Copy the object … … and Paste.

Duplicating Objects Using Paste Special

The Paste Special feature allows you to select the format for pasted data.

1) Copy the objects.

You can copy and paste objects from other programs.

2) From the Edit menu, select Paste Special.

The Paste Special dialog box opens, showing the data Source and all available paste formats.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 360

3) Select the desired paste format.

4) Click OK.

Duplicating Objects Using Paste Over

Paste Over pastes objects on top of selected objects. The pasted objects will be positioned in the center of
the selected objects.

To paste copied objects atop other objects, do one of the following:

 From the Main Menu, select Edit and click Paste Over
(or press Ctrl+Shift+V on the keyboard).
 Right-click on the desired objects and select Paste Over.

Duplicating Objects Using the Duplicate Command

1) Select the desired objects and do one of the following:
 From the Edit menu, select Duplicate.
 Right-click the objects and select Duplicate.

Duplicating Objects Using DesignEditor

See Changing the Order of Objects (see "Changing the Order of Objects" on page 344) for more
information on copying objects using DesignEditor.

Working with Auto Serialization

Auto Serialization allows you to set a number of options to create serialized copies of text objects.

Original Object Copies created using Auto Serialization

1. Serialized Text.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Arrange menu, select Auto Serialize.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 361

Every word of selected text appears in the Text Selection box on the right side of the Serialization-Layout dialog box.

Auto Serialization Layout

3) Select the text to be replaced.

To select multiple items, click on them.

4) Adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 362

Number of serialized copies to be created

Number of
Number of columns containing the serialized text
Number of
Spacing between columns of serialized text
Column Spacing
Spacing between rows of serialized text
Row Spacing
Lets you specify a delimited data file to serialize.
Data File
(Leave this field empty to enter text manually.)
Click to find a file to serialize.
Select to edit the content of the file you want to
Edit File
Check to prevent the first row in the file from
Ignore first
appearing in the serialized text.
row in file
5) Click Next.

Auto Serialization Data Source

6) To manually edit a text field:

1. Select the desired field.
2. Type new text in the Edit Text field.
To move to the next field, press Tab, Enter, or left-click the desired field.
7) To enter sequential data in the text fields, select a starting field and click Auto serialize.

The Serialization dialog box appears.

8) Adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 363

Enter a positive or negative integer.

Enter a character or group of characters.
(Both text and numbers are acceptable.)
Enter a starting value according to the Type selected,
Numeric or Character.
Specify the increment amount for the serial text.
9) To save the current configuration as a data file, click Export.
10) Click Finish.
11) If desired, ungroup the serialized text to edit just part of the job.

Changing Auto Serialization Attributes Using DesignCentral

You can use the Auto Serialization tab in DesignCentral to adjust the following parameters:

DesignCentral - Auto
Serialization tab
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 364

Number of columns to receive copies of the serialized text

Horizontal spacing between copies of the serialized text

Vertical spacing between copies of the serialized text

Total width and height of a single serialized object

Distance between serialized objects from the bottom left of

one object to the bottom left of the next

Distance between serialized objects from the top right of

one object to the bottom left of the next
(See Spacing Objects (see "Spacing Objects" on page 371) and
Duplicating Objects Using the Step and Repeat Command for
more information.)

You can edit part of the job by ungrouping the serialized text.

Grouping Objects
Grouping is the process of combining several objects into one single set of objects. Grouped objects are
moved, resized, and rotated as one object.

Grouping Objects
1) Select the desired objects.
2) Do one of the following:
 From the Arrange menu, point to Group and select Group.

 Press Ctrl+G on the keyboard.

Ungrouping Objects
1) Select the grouped objects.
2) Do one of the following:
 From the Arrange menu, point to Group and select Ungroup.

 Press Ctrl+U on the keyboard.

Ungrouping All Grouped Objects

1) Select the grouped objects.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 365

2) From the Arrange menu, point to Group and select Ungroup All.

1. Group 2. Ungroup 3. Ungroup All

Compounding Objects
Compounding lets you view overlapping objects exactly as they will appear when cut or printed. This
feature is useful for creating holes through objects.

One way to create this sign is to place white text over a black rectangle; that would require two colors of
vinyl. You can achieve similar results using the Compound command and just one color of vinyl (black).

The "hole" created permits the substrate color to show through.

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 366

Compounded objects are

treated as a single object. Compounding Objects
1) Align the objects on top of each other.
2) Select the objects.
3) Do one of the following:
 From the Arrange menu, point to Compound and select Compound.

 Press Ctrl+M on the keyboard.

If objects with different colors are selected, the compound object will have the color of the bottommost object.

Compounding Objects by Color

You can combine objects based on their color.

1) Select the objects.

2) From the Arrange menu, point to Compound and select Compound by Color.

Objects compounded by color are converted to outlines.

Original objects Normal compound Compound by color

Releasing Compounded Objects

1) Select the compounded object.
2) Do one of the following:
 From the Arrange menu, point to Compound and select Uncompound.

 Press Ctrl+J on the keyboard.

Masking Objects
Masking is the process of clipping objects, vectors, or bitmaps to the shape of a vector object.

The topmost object serves as the mask. If you want to use more than one object as a mask, group them
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 367

Creating a Mask
1) Select the objects. The topmost object will be used as the mask
2) From the Arrange menu, point to Mask and select Mask.

The Mask (ABC) and the bitmap that will be masked The masked image

Unmasking Objects
1) Select the masked objects.
2) From the Arrange menu, point to Mask and select Unmask.

Locking Objects
Locked objects can be selected but cannot be edited, moved, or resized.

Locking Objects
1) Select the objects.
2) From the Arrange menu, point to Lock and select Lock.

A small padlock icon appears at the starting point of each locked object. In some cases a Control Point will overlap a padlock.

You can change a padlock's position by changing the starting point of an object's path. This must be done
before locking the object. (See Changing Starting Point for more information.)
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 368

Locked object with a

padlock symbol Unlocking Objects
1) Using the Select Tool, select the desired locked objects.
2) From the Arrange menu, point to Lock and select Unlock.

Changing Object Order

As you create objects or import files into your document, every object is given a position in the stacking
order. The first object you create will be at the bottom of the stack. This order will be reflected when the
objects overlap.

You can select and move more than one object at a time.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) Do one of the following:
 From the Arrange menu, point to Order and select the new position in the stack.

 Right-click the desired objects, point to Order and select the new position.

 Drag the objects in the DesignEditor - Object tab. (See Changing the Order of Objects (see
"Changing the Order of Objects" on page 344) for more information.)
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 369

Moves the selection to the top of the stack in front of all other objects.
To Front

Moves the selection to the bottom of the stack behind all other objects.
To Back

Moves the selection up one position in the stack.

Forward One

Moves the selection down one position in the stack.

Back One
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 370

Aligning Objects
Align allows you to align objects in relation to another object, or to align objects to the design area.

Aligning Objects to another Object

1) Select the objects.

If you select the objects by dragging a bounding box, the first object in the order stack is used as the Stationary Object. If you select the objects by clicking
them while holding Shift, the first object selected is used as the Stationary Object.

2) Do one of the following:

 From the Arrange menu, point to Align and select how the objects will align.

 Right-click the selected objects, point to Align and select the desired alignment.

In the example below, the yellow square is used as the Stationary Object for the alignment.

Original Objects Left Alignment Right Alignment Horizontal


Both Centers Top Alignment Bottom Vertical Center

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 371

Aligning Objects to the Design Area

1) Select the objects.
2) From the Arrange menu, point to Align and select how the alignment will be done.

If you have set a margin, the objects will be aligned to this margin.

Original Objects Left Alignment

Right Alignment Horizontal Centers

Both Centers Top Alignment

Bottom Alignment Vertical Center

Spacing Objects
Spacing allows you to distribute objects separated by an exact value.

1) Select the objects.

If you select the objects by dragging a bounding box, the first object in the order stack is used as the Stationary Object. If you select the objects by clicking
them while holding Shift, the first object selected is used as the Stationary Object.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 372

2) Do one of the following:

 From the Arrange menu, select Spacing.

 Press J on the keyboard.

3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Adjusts the space between adjacent objects.

Defines in which direction (horizontal or vertical) the selected

objects will be distributed.
Measures the distance between objects from the top right of one
object to the bottom left of the next.

End to Beginning mode

Beginning to Beginning mode

Measures the distance between objects from the bottom left of

one object to the bottom left of the next.
4) Click Apply.

Nesting Objects
Nesting fits as many objects as possible into a specified area, optimizing the material.

1) Select the objects.

2) From the Arrange menu, select Nest.
3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 373

Selects the color of the objects that will be nested. If

you want to nest all the objects regardless of color,
leave All colors selected.
Sets the height of the panel in which the objects will
be nested.
Sets the width of the panel in which the objects will
be nested.
Sets the minimum space between objects after
Separates all nested text into individual characters
Break text
to save material.
Rotates nested objects to increase the compression
Free rotate
ratio to save material.
Displays the compression percentage achieved by
Compress Ratio
nesting the objects.
4) Click Apply.

You can also left-click and drag the Resize Panel control point located in the upper-right corner of the panel area.

Original objects in their original position

Dragging the Resize Panel control point

Nested objects with Break text Off, Free rotate Off Nested objects with Break text On, Free Nested objects with Break text On,
rotate Off Free rotate On
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 374

Snapping Objects
You can activate the snap features and then create, edit, and move shapes to precise locations.

To activate snapping from the View menu, do one of the following:

 Point to Snap and select the desired Snap to feature.

Repeat to turn on (or off) additional snap features.
 Point to Snap and select Snap Toolbar.

The Snap To toolbar appears.

Select the desired Snap To features.

Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 375

Snap to Point Snap to Guide

Snap to Grid Snap to Intersection

Snap to Edge Snap to Center of Gravity

Deleting Objects
You can remove objects by deleting them from the document.

1) Select the objects.

2) Press Delete or Backspace.
Chapter 24 pps Editor-PRO 376


 From the Edit menu, select Clear.

When you delete objects, they are moved to the DesignEditor's Trash Layer.

Removing Objects without Moving Them to the Trash Layer

1) Select the objects.
2) Do one of the following:
 From the Edit menu, select Cut.

 Press Ctrl+X on the keyboard.

Restoring Objects from the Trash Layer

1) Select the deleted objects in DesignEditor.
2) From the Edit menu, point to Trash Can and select Recover.

1. Clear 2. Restore

Removing Objects from the Trash Layer

To remove all objects from the Trash Layer, from the Edit menu, point to Trash Can and select Empty
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 377

Chapter 25

Working with Color

Your software provides you with an array of tools for applying color.

Each object in your design can have a Fill color and a Stroke color. The Fill Color can be a solid color,
pattern, or gradient.

1. Fill Color (Red) 2. Stroke Color (Black)

Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 378

Solid Pattern Gradient

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Available Color Models ................................................................................. 379
Working with Swatch Tables ........................................................................ 379
Applying Colors Using the Color Mixer ..................................................... 384
Sampling Colors Using the Eyedropper ...................................................... 387
Defining Colors Using the Color Specs Dialog Box ................................... 388
Setting the Default Fill / Stroke Color .......................................................... 394
Setting the Background / Foreground Color............................................... 395
Creating Test Swatches .................................................................................. 396
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 379

Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Available Color Models

Colors can be defined using the following models:

The color is expressed as a combination of red, green, and

blue values. This is the color model most commonly used for
computer graphics.
The color is expressed as a combination of cyan, magenta,
yellow, and black values. This is the color model most
commonly used in color printing.
The CIE LAB model is a device-independent color model that
expresses color using a luminance value and two
chrominance values.
The color is selected from a number of lists of standard ink or
ribbon colors provided by established suppliers.
The color is expressed using values for hue, saturation, and
value (brightness).
Duotone colors are made by overlaying two spot colors. The
color that is printed first is called the base color; the color that
is printed on top of the base is called the top color.

Working with Swatch Tables

Every line of ink, film, or foil that a manufacturer makes is represented by a separate swatch table, which
lists all of the colors available for that line.

The swatches in the swatch tables change appearance based on the color mode
in use. Spot colors have a small dot on the right side of the swatch. Duotone
colors have two dots on the right side of the swatch.
Process Color Spot Color

Opening a Swatch Table

In order to use a color of foil in your design, you must first open the swatch table for that type of foil.

1) To display the Open dialog box, do one of the following:

 From the View menu, select Color, and then Open Table.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 380

 Right-click on the default swatch table (or any other open swatch table) and select Open Table.

2) Browse to the desired Swatch Library subfolder within the software installation folder.
3) Select the manufacturer of the foil type (such as Gerber Scientific Products) and click Open (or simply
double-click it).
4) Select the swatch library for the desired foil type and click Open (or simply double-click it).

A new swatch table displays along the bottom of your screen.

Closing a Swatch Table

To close a swatch table, right-click on the table and select Close.

Creating New Swatch Tables

Do one of the following:

 From the View menu, point to Color and select New Table.
 Right-click on an open swatch table and select New Table.

If you add colors to a new swatch table and try to close the table or application without saving it, you will be prompted to save the table to a file.

Saving a Swatch Table to a File

1) To open the Save As dialog box, do one of the following:
 Right-click on the swatch table and select Save Table As.

 From the View menu:

1. Point to Color and select Save Table As.

2. Select the swatch table you want to save and click OK.
2) Select the folder you want to save the swatch table in.
3) Enter a filename for the table and click OK.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 381

Docked or Floating Swatch Tables

By default, swatch tables are docked just above the Status bar at the bottom of the screen.

To make a swatch table float, do one of the following:

 Click and drag its light grey border to move it from its docked position.
 Double-click its light grey border to undock the table.

To dock a floating swatch table, do one of the following:

 Drag its title bar into the area of the Status bar.
 Double-click its title bar.

Changing the View of a Swatch Table

Each swatch table has two different views.

 Palette view—displays all of the colors in the table as color swatches.

 List view—displays a list of all of the colors, along with their name, vendor, type, and part number.

List view is only available when a swatch table is floating.

To switch between views, right-click in a floating swatch table and select Palette View or List View.

Hiding and Displaying Swatch Tables

To toggle the display of all swatch tables on and off, from the View menu, select Swatch Table. This will
also force hidden swatch tables to be displayed.

Applying Colors from a Swatch Table

1) Select the objects.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 382

2) Select the desired fill color in the swatch table. Hold Ctrl and select to apply the color to the object's


 Click and drag colors directly from the swatch table.

1. Drag.

When you click and drag the mouse pointer over objects, its shape changes, depending on its location.

Changes the color of the object's fill to the selected color.

Changes the color of the object's stroke to the selected color.

Changes the color of the substrate to the selected color.

Adding a New Color to a Swatch Table

New colors can be added to a swatch table using the Eyedropper tool, the Color Mixer, or the Color Specs
dialog box. (See Applying Colors Using the Color Mixer (see "Applying Colors Using the Color Mixer" on
page 384), Sampling Colors Using the Eyedropper (see "Sampling Colors Using the Eyedropper" on page
387) and Defining Colors Using the Color Specs Dialog Box (see "Defining Colors Using the Color Specs
Dialog Box" on page 388) for more information.)

Copying a Color to another Swatch Table

To copy a color from one swatch table to another:

1) Left-click on the desired color swatch.

2) Drag it onto the target table.
3) Release it at the desired position.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 383

Deleting Colors from a Swatch Table

To delete colors from a swatch table, right-click on the color swatch you want to delete and select Delete.

Transparent is not a color and cannot be deleted.

You can also delete colors from the swatch table using the Color Specs dialog box. (See Deleting Colors
Using Color Specs (see "Deleting Colors Using Color Specs" on page 391) for more information.)

Merging Similar Colors

To merge colors that have different names but the same color values as other colors in the table, from the
View menu, point to Color and select Merge Similar Colors.

Changing Color Order in a Swatch Table

Do one of the following:

 Click and drag a color in the swatch table to a new position and release it.

1. Drag.

 Use the Color Specs dialog box. (See Changing the Order of Colors Using Color Specs (see "Changing
the Order of Colors Using Color Specs" on page 391) for more information.)
 Right-click the swatch table, point to Sort and select a sort option.
You can sort the swatch table by Name, RGB or HSV value, Vendor, Type, or Part #.

[NOTE: software shows HSB rather than HSV.]

Creating Swatches from the Colors in the Current Design

Merge From Document creates swatches for every color in the current document in the swatch table of
your choice. If your document has gradient fills, they will also be added to the swatch table.

1) Open or create the swatch table that you want to save the colors in.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 384

2) From the View menu, point to Color and select Merge from Document.

Merge from Document

3) Select the color palette you want to store the color swatches in and click OK.

If you access Merge from Document by right-clicking on a swatch table, the documents colors will be added to the swatch table without any

Applying Colors Using the Color Mixer

The Color Mixer dialog box is used to specify and apply color to elements in your design.

To view the Color Mixer, do one of the following:

 From the View menu, select Color Mixer.

 Click the Color Mixer icon on the Standard toolbar.
 Press M on the keyboard.

When you select an object, its fill color is displayed in the swatch button in the upper-left corner of the
Color Mixer. When multiple objects are selected, the Color Mixer displays the color of the lowest selected
object in the DesignEditor.

Color Mixer
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 385

Use the dropdown list in the upper-right corner of the Color Mixer to specify a color model: RGB, CMYK,
LAB, Spot, HSV, or Duotone.

Once you specify which color model to use, there are several ways to specify a color in the mixer:

 Enter numerical values in the number fields or click the up/down spin buttons.
 Click and drag the channel sliders.

 Click or click and drag the mouse over the color picker at the bottom of the Color Mixer. When you
locate the color you want, release the mouse button.

Using the Color Mixer, it is possible to specify colors that are beyond the boundaries of the selected color
space. When this happens, a warning icon will appear next to the color swatch, along with a smaller
swatch that is actually a functional button.

 Click the Gamut Correction button to adjust the color so that it fits within the target gamut.

After you click the button, the color is redefined, and both the icon and the gamut correction button

1. Gamut Correction Button 2. Warning Icon 3. New Color

The warning icon only appears when you are viewing objects in RGB, LAB, or HSV color space. The
software checks to see if the color you specified can be reproduced accurately in CMYK color space, based
on the active printer profile you selected in the Color Settings dialog box.

If you do not correct the gamut, the color you selected will not print accurately. (See Configuring the
System for Color Printing (see "Configuring the System for Color Printing" on page 513) for more
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 386

Adding Colors from the Color Mixer to a Swatch table

1) Do one of the following:
 From the View menu, select Color Mixer.

 Click the Color Mixer icon on the Standard toolbar.

 Press M on the keyboard.

2) Create the new color to be added.

3) Click and drag the colored swatch button onto the swatch table and release it at the desired location.

Creating Duotone Colors with the Color Mixer

1) From the View menu, select Color Mixer.

(Or click Color Mixer on the Standard toolbar, or press M on the keyboard.)
2) Select Duotone from the dropdown list of color modes.

3) Select the Top and Base colors.

You can only select colors from swatch tables that are currently open.

4) Select the percent coverage. This will apply to both Top and Base colors.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 387

5) Click and drag the colored swatch button onto the swatch table and release it at the desired

6) Save the swatch table.

Sampling Colors Using the Eyedropper

The Eyedropper tool sets the fill options of the selected objects to match the color, pattern or gradient fill
of whatever it clicks on.

If you click on a bitmap, the eyedropper will return a solid color that matches the pixel you clicked on.

Using the Eyedropper

1) Select the objects.

2) Click the Eyedropper Tool.

3) Move the eye dropper over the object with the desired color and click.

Selecting a Solid Fill from a Gradient or Pattern

To select a solid color from a pattern or gradient, hold Shift while you select the color. The fill color will be
set to match the color of the pixel that was clicked on.

Setting Stroke Colors with the Eyedropper

To use the eyedropper to set the stroke color of objects instead of the fill, hold Ctrl (command in
Macintosh). The stroke color will be set to match the fill color of the object that is clicked on.

If the object has a pattern or gradient fill, or if it is a bitmap, the stroke color will be set to the color of the
pixel that is clicked on.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 388

Adding a Fill Selected with the Eyedropper to a Swatch Table

To add a fill, pattern, or gradient selected with the eyedropper to a swatch table, click and drag the fill
swatch out of the Fill/Stroke dialog box and onto the swatch table.

Defining Colors Using the Color Specs Dialog Box

The Color Specs dialog box is used to define all the properties of colors.

Viewing the Color Specs Dialog Box

Do one of the following:

 From the View menu, point to Color and select Color Specs.
 Double-click on a solid process, spot, or duotone color in any open swatch table.
 Right-click on a swatch table and select Color Specs.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 389

Color Specs - Color Tab

In the Color Specs - Color tab dialog box, you can set the properties for each color.

From the dropdown list at the top left of the dialog box, you can select the colors that will be displayed in
the list. You may select any of the following:

Displays all the colors defined in the selected swatch table.

[swatch table]
Displays only the colors used in the current document.
Used colors
Displays all the colors from all the open swatch tables, plus
All colors
the colors used in the current document.

Each color in the list will have an icon on the left side that indicates whether the color is being used in the

The color is being used in the document. Clicking this icon hides all
objects in the document that use this color.

The color is being used in the document, but all the objects using it
are hidden. Clicking this icon will show all objects in your
document that it is using this color.
The color is not being used in the document.

For each color you can control the following properties:

Color name defined in the swatch table

Color Name
The color mode can be RGB, CMYK, Lab, Spot, HSV, or
Color Mode
Duotone. Spot colors have a small dot on the right side of the
swatch. Duotone colors have two dots on the right side of the

Process Color Spot Color Duotone Color

Color values for the selected color. The parameters vary

Color Values
according to the color mode selected.
Vendor, Category, Part #, and Comments defined in the
Color Info
swatch table.
When selected, settings from the color management system
Use Color
are used to print the color. You can set a different Input
profile and Rendering intent for each color.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 390

Creating New Colors Using Color Specs

From the Color tab in the Color Specs - dialog box:

1) In the top-left dropdown list, select the swatch table you want to add colors to.
2) For each color you want to add:
1. Click New.
2. Enter values in the Color Info fields.
3. Type or change the color name in the Name field.
4. Select the color Mode.

If you are creating a spot color, first select RGB Mode and enter the values that will be used to display the spot color. Then change the Mode to

5. Specify the color values in one of the following ways:

 Type them in the numeric fields to the right.
 Click the up/down spin buttons.
 Click or click and drag in the color bar underneath the Mode field.

While adjusting the colors, the swatch button will show the original color on top and the new color on the bottom.

3) When finished adding colors, click OK.

1. New Color 2. Original Color

Measuring a New Color

To determine the color values of a new color by measuring them with a measuring device (such as a
spectrometer), click Measure.

To use this option, you must first set up your measurement device. (See "Setting Up Your Color Meter"
for more information.)
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 391

Deleting Colors Using Color Specs

From the Color tab in the Color Specs - dialog box:

1) Locate and select the color you want to delete.

2) Click Delete.

Editing Colors Using Color Specs

From the Color tab in the Color Specs - dialog box:

1) Locate and select the color you want to change.

2) Edit the Color info, Name, Mode, and color values fields.
3) Click OK.

Changing the Order of Colors Using Color Specs

To reorder the colors in the palette using Color Specs, click on the color in the color list and drag it to its
new location.

To move a color beyond the bounds of the visible color list:

1) Click and drag the color to an end of the list.

2) Click the vertical scroll bar to advance the list.
3) Repeat the process until the desired target location comes into view.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 392

Color Specs - Library Tab

In the Color Specs - Library tab dialog box, you can remove colors from swatch tables and add colors from
the Vendor color libraries into the swatch tables.

Adding a Color to a Swatch Table

From the Library tab in the Color Specs - dialog box:

1) From the top-left dropdown list, select the swatch table you want to add colors to.
2) Select a Vendor and Type from the dropdown lists.
3) From the list on the right, select the color or colors to be added to the swatch table.

Hold Shift or Ctrl (command in Macintosh) to select multiple colors.

4) Click Add.

Removing a Color from a Swatch Table

From the Library tab in the Color Specs - dialog box:

1) From the top-left dropdown list, select the swatch table you want to delete from.
2) Select one or more colors from the list.

Hold Shift or Ctrl (command in Macintosh) to select multiple colors.

3) Click Remove.
4) Click OK.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 393

Color Specs - Find Tab

In the Color Specs - Find tab dialog box, you can search for a color in the color libraries that matches the
color you are using in your design.

Matching a Color from the Color Libraries

From the Find tab in the Color Specs - dialog box:

1) Select the swatch table that contains the color you want to match.
2) From the list on the left, select the color to search for.

You can also use your measuring device to measure a specific color by clicking the Measure button.

(See "Setting Up Your Color Meter" for information on how to configure a color measurement device.)

3) From the list on the right, select the desired vendors and types.
 Click to select a vendor name.
 Click to expand the list and display all the available types.

You can select multiple vendors and types.

4) From the Tolerance dropdown list, select the desired search tolerance.
5) Click Search.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 394

The matches closest to the selected color are displayed in the list near the bottom of the screen. When you select a color from the list, the swatch panel
will display the original color on top and the color found in the Color Library on the bottom.

1. New Color 2. Original Color

6) Select the desired color from the list.

7) Do one of the following:
 Click Add to add the new color to the swatch table.

(Or you can double-click the new color to add it.)

The newly added color will not appear on the Find tab, but it does appear on the Library tab.

 Click Replace to overwrite the original search color with the newly found vendor color.

The newly found color replaces the original in the swatch table list.

8) When finished, click OK.

Setting the Default Fill / Stroke Color

When new objects are created, a set of default Stroke and Fill colors are used. These colors are shown in
the Stroke and Fill indicators in the lower-right corner of the Status bar.

Default Stroke and Fill

There are three sets of Stroke and Fill defaults:

 For the current document

 For new documents
 For the whole program

Each default has a specific level of permanence.

To set the default Stroke and Fill colors for the current document:

1) Click on an empty area of the document.

2) Drag the desired colors from a swatch table onto the default Stroke and default Fill color indicators
on the Status bar.

The Stroke and Fill indicators display the newly selected colors.

These defaults only apply to the current document and will not be retained when the program is
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 395

To set the default Fill color for new documents:

1) Click on an empty area of the document.

2) Open the Color Mixer (press M on the keyboard).
3) Select the desired color from the color bar.

The Fill indicator displays the newly selected color.

This default applies to every new document but will not be retained when the program is closed.

To set the default Stroke and Fill colors for when the program opens:

1) Click on an empty area of the document.

2) Open the Fill/Stroke Editor (press I on the keyboard).
3) From the Fill tab, select the desired fill color.
4) From the Stroke tab, select the desired stroke color.

The Stroke and Fill indicators display the newly selected colors.

These defaults are applied when you close and reopen the program.

To be used as defaults, Fill colors must be solid.

Setting the Background / Foreground Color

When you are editing bitmaps, the indicators in the lower-right corner of the Status bar will display the
Background and Foreground colors.

Background and
Foreground colors

You can change the background and foreground colors using the same methods used to change the
default Stroke and Fill colors. (See Matching a Color from the Color Libraries (see "Matching a Color
from the Color Libraries" on page 393) for more information.)
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 396

Creating Test Swatches

The software has the ability to automatically create the following sets of test swatches:

This set of swatches shows all of the duotone

colors that can be created using the spot colors
in the swatch tables you have open.

This set of swatches shows all of the CMY color

combinations currently available, plus the range
of black values.

This set of swatches lists of all the colors in your

Current Palette
current palette.

Creating Swatch Tables

1) From the View menu, point to Create Swatch and select Duotone, CMYK, or Current Palette.
2) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 397

Sets the size of each swatch cell.

Set the size and position of the swatch labels.

Duotone and CMYK labels appear above and to the left of
the swatch table. Current Palette labels appear to the right.

Only Duotone allows for the resizing of swatch labels.

Sets the horizontal spacing between swatch cells.

Sets the vertical spacing between swatch cells.

Determines the number of swatches or sets of swatches per


The number of Duotone swatches is determined by the number of Top colors

and Base colors.

Lets you select which swatch table to list the colors from.

(Available for Current Palette only)

3) Click Advanced to open the Advanced Settings dialog box and make any desired changes.
Advanced Settings let you choose label fonts, set label height, and select the colors to include in the
swatch table. (See the appropriate Advanced Settings topic for more information.)
4) Click Apply.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 398

Advanced Settings for CMYK Swatch Tables

The CMYK tab allows you to set lower and upper boundaries for the table's color range and specifies
the percentage of change between adjacent swatches.

Specifies the percentage of change in ink values between

one swatch and the next.
Sets the lower color-value boundary in the swatch table.
Sets the upper color-value boundary in the swatch table.

The Label tab lets you select a font and font style for the labels, and sets the label height.

When finished, click OK.

Advanced Settings for Current Palette Swatch Tables

The Color tab lists all the available colors and lets you specify which colors will be included in the
swatch table. By default, all the colors will appear in the table.

The color will appear in the The color will not appear in the
swatch table. swatch table.
 To hide a color, click the icon to the left of it. (An "X" appears through the icon.)
 To display a color, click the X'ed icon.

Use Select All and Clear All to speed up the selection process.
Chapter 25 pps Editor-PRO 399

The Label tab lets you select a font and font style for the labels, and sets the label height.

When finished, click OK.

Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 401

Chapter 26

Using Fill/Stroke Editor

The Fill/Stroke Editor shows information about how objects are filled and its stroke.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Displaying Fill/Stroke Editor ........................................................................ 402
Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill Tab ............................................................................ 403
Fill/Stroke Editor - Stroke Tab ...................................................................... 412
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 402

Displaying Fill/Stroke Editor

To display the Fill/Stroke Editor, from the View menu select Fill/Stroke Editor (or press I on the

Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill/Stroke Editor -

Fill tab Stroke tab
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 403

Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill Tab

Types of Fills

Vector objects can have the following types of fills:

The object has no fill (hollow).

No Fill
The object is filled with a single solid color.
Solid Fill
The object is filled with multiple copies of a pattern.
Pattern Fill
The object is filled with a gradient, a combination of two or
Gradient Fill
more colors that transition smoothly in value and position.

(See Working with Color (see "Working with Color" on page 377) for more information.)

No Fill Solid Fill

Pattern Fill Gradient Fill

Applying No Fill
1) Select the objects.
2) Do one of the following:
 In the Fill/Stroke Editor, select No Fill.

 In the swatch table, click the (transparent) swatch.

Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 404

Applying a Solid Fill

Do one of the following:

1) Select the objects.

2) In the Fill/Stroke Editor, select Solid Fill.

3) Select a fill color from the dropdown list.

4) If desired, check Wireframe to make the object show up as an outline drawn in the fill color.

This setting will override the outline setting for the object.

Solid Fill with Wireframe enabled

5) Click Advanced to edit the fill color using the Color Specs dialog box. (See Defining Colors Using the
Color Specs Dialog Box (see "Defining Colors Using the Color Specs Dialog Box" on page 388) for
more information.)


1) Select the objects.

2) From the View menu, select Color Mixer (or press M on the keyboard).
3) Click or click and drag in the color bar.


1) Select the objects.

2) Click on a solid-color swatch in the swatch table.

Applying a Pattern Fill

1) Select the objects.
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 405

2) In the Fill/Stroke Editor, select Pattern Fill.

3) Select a pattern from the Pattern list.

4) Select a color from the Background Color list.

5) Select Advanced to adjust a pattern's size, spacing, and positioning.
(See Using Pattern Fill Advanced Settings for more information.)

Using Pattern Fill Advanced Settings

When the Advanced button is clicked on the Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill tab for Pattern Fill, the Advanced
Settings dialog box will be displayed.

To adjust a pattern's size, spacing, and positioning:

1) Select Pattern Fill and click Advanced.

2) Adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 406

Changes the name of the pattern.

Pattern name
Sets the background color.

Specifies the width of each tile in the pattern.

Specifies the height of each tile in the pattern.

When checked, ensures that the pattern will be resized

Sets the spacing between pattern rows.

Sets the spacing between pattern columns.

Specifies the percentage of shift for each row and column

in the pattern.
Specifies the amount of horizontal and vertical offset
First tile offset
applied to the first tile in the pattern.
When checked, adds the edited pattern to the swatch table as
Add to Swatch
a new pattern.
When checked, proportionally resizes each tile in the
Transform with
pattern when the object is resized.
Restores the default settings for the selected pattern.
3) Click OK to save your changes.

Adding a Pattern Fill to a Swatch Table

1) Select an object with a pattern fill.
2) In the Fill/Stroke dialog box, click Advanced.
3) Make any desired edits to the pattern fill.
4) Type in a Pattern name.
5) Check Add to swatch table.
6) Click OK.

Applying a Gradient Fill

1) Select the objects.
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 407

2) In the Fill/Stroke Editor, select Gradient Fill.

3) Do one of the following:

 Select a stock gradient from the Gradient list.

 Make your own gradient, or edit an existing stock gradient.

1. Select a gradient type from the list.

The following gradients types are available:

Linear Gradient Radial Gradient Conical Gradient Square Gradient

2. Select a gradient color mode from the list.

The following gradient color modes are available:
Defines the gradient colors using the RGB color
Defines the gradient colors using using the CMYK
color model.
Blends the gradient between two or more shades of a
Single spot
single spot color.
Blends the gradient between two spot colors.
Double spot
This type of gradient is defined solely by its end
points: it has no intermediate points.

3. Click to edit the gradient using the Edit Line. (See Editing Gradients Using the Edit Line (see
"Editing Gradients Using the Edit Line" on page 411) for more information.)

4. Adjust the Gradient Angle using the field.

5. Adjust or add Node Color icons using the Edit Bar.
 Click and drag a single Node Color icon to shift the gradient effect.
 Click in the empty space above the Edit Bar to add more Node Color icons.
 Drag and reposition Node Color icons to vary gradient effects.
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 408

Advanced Options for Gradient Fill

1) From Fill / Stroke Editor, select Gradient Fill and click Advanced.

2) Adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 409

Contains the name of the gradient (editable).

Gradient Name
Presents the available gradient types: Linear, Radial,
Conical, and Square.
Adjusts the gradient angle.

Displays the gradient being edited. The dropdown displays

a list of available stock gradients.
Presents the available color modes: RGB, CMYK, Single
spot color, and Double spot colors.
Shows the Node Color selected in the gradient Edit Bar. The
dropdown displays a list of available Node Colors.
When selected, this determines how one color transforms
into another.
Sets the position of a selected Node Color on the gradient
Edit Bar. The value is a percentage from 0 to 100.
Specifies the amount of color to be used for Spot colors.

Specifies the amount of color for the top shade of Duotone

Top shade
Specifies the amount of color for the base shade of Duotone
Base shade
Lets you add and position Node Color icons on the Edit Bar
<edit bar>
and change their color.
Click above the Edit Bar to add a new icon.
Click and drag an icon to shift the gradient effect.
Drag and reposition the icons to vary the gradient effects.
Use the Node Color dropdown list to change the color of an
When checked, adds the edited gradient to the swatch table
Add to Swatch
as a new gradient.
When checked, proportionally resizes each gradient tile
Transform with
when the object is resized.
Specifies the color mode used to create the gradient.
1) When finished, click OK.
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 410

Adding a Gradient to a Swatch Table

1) Select an object with a gradient.
2) In the Fill/Stroke dialog box, click Advanced.
3) Make any desired edits to the gradient.
4) Type in a Gradient name.
5) Check Add to swatch table.
6) Click OK.

Editing Gradients Using the Edit Bar

In the Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill tab and the Advanced Settings dialog box, you can adjust a gradient using
the Edit Bar.

1. Start Color icon 2. Intermediate Color 3. End Color icon

Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 411

Use the Edit Bar in the Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill tab to:

 Select a Node Color icon by clicking on it.

 Drag a color icon to reposition it.
 Change a gradient color by dragging a color from the swatch table onto an existing color icon.
 Add a color icon by dragging a color from the swatch table onto the blank space above the Edit Bar.

Use the Edit Bar in the Advanced Settings dialog box to:

 Change the Name of a gradient.

 Add a gradient to a swatch table.
 Select a color icon by clicking on it.
 Reposition a color icon by dragging it or by using the Position field.
 Add a color icon by clicking in the blank space above the Edit Bar.
 Change the color of an icon by using the Node Color dropdown list. [ICON]

Use either Edit Bar to:

 Hold Ctrl and drag a color icon to create a copy of the dragged color.
 Click the blank space between color icons to create a new color icon on the gradient.
 Reposition multiple color icons to vary the gradient effects.
 Click and drag a color icon above or below the gradient bar to delete it.

The Start and End color icons cannot be dragged.

Editing Gradients Using the Edit Line

To display a Gradient Editing Line in the object where the gradient is applied, click the Edit Gradient
button in the Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill tab.

1. Start Color icon 2. Intermediate Color 3. End Color icon 4. Object where gradient
icons is applied

With your mouse, you can do any of the following:

 Drag a color from the swatch table onto an existing color icon to change its color in the gradient.
 Drag a color from the swatch table onto the blank space between color icons to add a new color to the

A "+" indicator will appear at the base of the Fill icon when you are close enough to the Gradient Editing Line to add the new color.
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 412

 Click and drag an intermediate color icon to the left or right to reposition it in the gradient.
 Hold Ctrl and drag a color icon to create a copy of the dragged color.
 Click and drag the Start and End color icons to change the gradient's size and angle.

The Gradient Editing Line can be placed outside the object.

To turn off the Gradient Editing Line, click the Edit Gradient button (or press Esc on the keyboard).

Fill/Stroke Editor - Stroke Tab

Editing Stroke Properties of Objects

Fill/Stroke Editor - Stroke tab displays the following vector object stroke properties:

Selects the line style of the stroke applied to the objects; also
lets you edit line styles and create new ones.
Specifies the color applied to the stroke.

Sets the stroke width.

Controls the sharpness of the corners.

Selects the appropriate Join Type option to specify how

corners are outlined. Choose from Mitered, Square, or
Round join styles.
Selects the appropriate Line Cap option to specify how open
paths are outlined. Choose from Square, Round, or Butt cap
When checked, the strokes will be proportionally resized
when the object is resized.
Clicking this button removes the stroke.
Chapter 26 pps Editor-PRO 413

Applying Overprinting

The Overprint setting is used to identify areas of your design that are covered by multiple layers of ink or
vinyl. These areas may require special treatment in order to be output successfully.

For example, in some output devices a higher heat setting must be used when multiple layers are present.
This may require that those objects be output using a separate printing pass.

Overprinting is automatically assigned to the topmost color when printing :

 A two-color gradient.
 Color-trapped objects.
 Duotone/Spectratone colors.
Setting Objects to be Output Using Overprinting
Do one of the following:

 From the Arrange menu, point to Overprint and select Overprint.

 On the Fill tab in the Fill/Stroke Editor, check Overprint.

Turning Off Overprinting for Objects

Do one of the following:

 From the Arrange menu, point to Overprint and select Release Overprint.
 On the Fill tab in the Fill/Stroke Editor, verify that Overprint is not checked.
Chapter 27 pps Editor-PRO 415

Chapter 27

Working with Shapes

Shapes are closed objects such as the rectangles, starbursts and polygons. You can create a shape freehand
or by specifying the size.

The following shapes are available:

Rectangle tool Oval tool

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Creating Shapes .............................................................................................. 416
Editing Shapes Using DesignCentral ........................................................... 416
Editing Shapes Using Control Points........................................................... 417
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 27 pps Editor-PRO 416

Creating Shapes
All of the shapes may be drawn freehand.

1) Select the desired shape tool.

2) Click and drag the cursor in the design area.

1. Click... 2. ...and drag.

The rectangle and arrow shown above are for illustrative purposes only; they are not displayed while you create a shape.

For some shapes, hold Shift and Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to affect the shape's creation.

3) Release the mouse button.

4) Adjust the shape's properties in DesignCentral.

To add another shape with the same size, click again in the design area.

Holding Shift or Ctrl While Creating Rectangles and Ovals

 Hold Shift and drag to constrain a rectangle or an oval to a square or circle.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to draw a rectangle or an oval from its center.

Drag while holding Shift. Drag while holding Ctrl

(command in Macintosh).

The Ctrl and Shift keys can be used at the same time.

Editing Shapes Using DesignCentral

You can edit a shape using DesignCentral. The parameters in DesignCentral can be adjusted before,
during, or after the shape is created. (See Arranging Objects (see "Arranging Objects" on page 351) for
more information.)

Each shape has different parameters that can be adjusted in DesignCentral.

Chapter 27 pps Editor-PRO 417


For rectangles, you can adjust the Width, Height, Corner Style (Regular, Rounded, Inverted, or Clipped),
Corner radius, and Inner border width.

The Corner radius is only available when Rounded, Inverted, or Clipped is selected.

Regular with Inner Rounded without Inner

Border Border

DesignCentral for

Inverted without Inner
For ovals, you can adjust the Width and Height.

DesignCentral for Ovals

Editing Shapes Using Control Points
You can create visually complex objects by using Control Points and Bezier handles.
Chapter 27 pps Editor-PRO 418


For rectangles, you can drag the following control points:

1. Height 2. Width 3. Corner Radius

 Hold Shift and drag the Height or Width control points to resize

1. Height 2. WidthOval

For ovals, you can drag the following control points:

 Hold Shift and drag the Height or Width control points to make resizing proportional.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 419

Chapter 28

Working with Text

The software allows you to create text and change its appearance. The following defines each text type and
displays and example:

Horizontal Text: The text follows a straight

horizontal line.

Arc Text: The text is placed over a circle.

Horizontal Block Text: The text is restricted

to the width of a block. When the text is wider
then the block, it will automatically move to
the next line.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 420

Vertical Text: The text follows a straight vertical Vertical Block Text: The vertical text is the height of a block.
line. When the text is higher than the block, it will automatically move
to the next line.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Creating New Text ......................................................................................... 421
Changing Text Attributes Using DesignCentral ........................................ 423
Changing Text Attributes Using Control Points ........................................ 431
Entering New Text ......................................................................................... 434
Selecting Text .................................................................................................. 435
Changing Text Attributes .............................................................................. 436
Changing Default Text Settings .................................................................... 437
Changing Case ................................................................................................ 438
Changing Kerning .......................................................................................... 438
Breaking and Joining Text ............................................................................. 440
Changing Text Orientation............................................................................ 441
Working with Braille Text ............................................................................. 441
Working with Barcodes ................................................................................. 443
Text Preferences .............................................................................................. 445
Working with Fonts ....................................................................................... 447
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 421

Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401

Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Creating New Text

You can create text by using the tools located on the Text Create toolbar.

Creating Horizontal/Vertical Text

1) Select the Text Tool or Vertical Text Tool.

2) Click anywhere in the design area.
3) Type the text.

4) If desired, press Enter to move to the next line.

5) Press Esc or select a different tool to finish entering text.

Creating Horizontal / Vertical Block Text

1) Select the Text Tool or Vertical Text Tool.

2) Click and drag to create a block in which to confine the text.

Text block
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 422

3) Type the text. The text will automatically wrap when it reaches the opposite end of the text block. The
text block will expand to accommodate additional lines of text.

4) If desired, press Enter to move to the next line.

5) Press Esc or select a different tool to finish entering text.

Creating Arc Text

1) Select the Arc Text Tool.

2) Do one of the following:
 Click and drag to define the radius and center of the circle the text will be positioned on.

The cursor will be placed at the point where you started when creating the circle.

Click and drag

 Hold Ctrl and drag to draw the circle from the center point.

The cursor will be placed at the point where you ended when creating the circle.

Click and drag

 Hold Shift and drag to restrict the Starting Angle to increments set in Preferences. (See
Preferences - General Tab (see "Preferences - General Tab" on page 301) for more information.)

The Ctrl and Shift keys can be used at the same time.

3) Type the text.

Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 423

4) If desired, press Enter to move to the next line.

5) Press Esc or select a different tool to finish entering text.

Changing Text Attributes Using DesignCentral

While or after creating text, you can adjust its properties in DesignCentral.

In DesignCentral you can have two or more tabs for each type of text.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 424

Horizontal Text Vertical Text

Horizontal Block Text Vertical Block Text

Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 425

Arc Text
Editing Attributes in DesignCentral

Some attributes in DesignCentral are common to all types of text; others are specific to one type.

DesignCentral - Character tab

Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 426

Character Tab

Adjust the following parameters:

Specifies the font and font style used in the selected text. Click the dropdown
arrow to view a list of available fonts and styles. The font style list will be
disabled if the font has only one style.
If you select the font field and begin typing a font name, the software will take
you to the font that starts with the letters you typed. (For example, if you type
tim, the search will stop on Times New Roman.)
To change fonts currently in use, select the text and do one of the following:
From the Character tab dropdown lists, locate and select the desired font and
In the Main menu, click Text, point to Font; then locate and select the desired
font and style.
In the Main menu, click Text, point to Font and select Modify, locate and
select the desired font; then click Apply.
(See Modifying the Fonts in Use (see "Modifying the Fonts in Use" on page 449)
for more information.)
Font Size. Adjusts the height of the selected text.
The height is that of a reference character (X by default). (See Text Preferences
(see "Text Preferences" on page 445) (Windows only) for instructions on how to
change the default reference character.)
Character Width. Adjusts the width of the selected text.
The width can be displayed in units (in, cm, mm, …) or as a percentage of the
original character width. (See Text Preferences (see "Text Preferences" on page
445) (Windows only) for instructions on how to change the display mode.)
Character Slant. Sets the percentage of slant for the selected text.

Character Orientation. Changes the orientation of the selected text. Click to

rotate the characters 90 degrees.
Tracking. Adjusts the spacing between characters (also known as Tracking).
The tracking can be displayed in units (in, cm, mm, …) or as a percentage. (See
Text Preferences (see "Text Preferences" on page 445) (Windows only) for
instructions on how to change the display mode.)
0.000 is the default value for Units mode, 100% the default for Percentage mode.
Wider spacing is achieved by selecting or entering positive values and narrower
spacing by negative values.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 427

Vertical Offset. Changes the amount of vertical offset applied to characters.

Horizontal Offset. Changes the amount of horizontal offset applied to

Line Spacing. Adjusts the amount of spacing between lines of text.
Automatic/Manual Line Spacing. Lets you choose between Automatic (default)
[ICON] and Specify. When Specify is selected, the Line Spacing field is enabled,
allowing you to specify the amount of space between lines.

These fields are not available for Horizontal and Vertical Path Text.

DesignCentral - Paragraph tab

Paragraph Tab
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 428

Adjust the following parameters:

Horizontally justifies a paragraph of text or all selected text

to the left, center, or right.
Vertically justifies a paragraph of text or all selected text to
the top, center, or bottom.
Horizontally or vertically fully justifies a paragraph of text
or all selected text. Not available for path text. (See Options
for Full Alignment (see "Options for Full Alignment" on page
429) for more information.)
Sets the direction of new horizontal text from left to right or
right to left. For existing text, select the text before applying
a text direction.
Sets the direction of new vertical text from top to bottom or
bottom to top. For existing text, select the text before
applying a text direction.
Orders the flow of horizontal text from top to bottom or
bottom to top.
Orders the flow of vertical text from right to left or left to
Sets the amount of spacing between words in horizontal or
vertical text. Word spacing is displayed as a percentage
(default) or in units. (See Text Preferences (see "Text
Preferences" on page 445) (Windows only) for more
Allows you to specify the width of a tab indent in horizontal
or vertical text.
Clicking this moves text to the opposite side of a path. (Not
available for block text.)
Allows you to specify or adjust the width or height of a text
block. (Not available for path text.)
Allows you to specify the first-line indent of horizontal or
vertical block text.
Displays a dialog box where you can make changes to
selected text. (Makes editing non-horizontal text easier.)
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 429

Options for Full Alignment

Full alignment fully justifies text either horizontally or vertically.

By default, justification only affects the current paragraph. To change multiple paragraphs, first select

1) From the Paragraph tab in DesignCentral, click Full Justify.

The Full Alignment dialog box displays.

2) Adjust the following parameters:

Presents a dropdown list with four different methods for achieving full
text justification.
Evenly distributes text by adjusting the spacing
Character and
between both characters and words.
word spacing
Evenly distributes text by adjusting only the spacing
Word spacing
between words.
Evenly distributes text by equally expanding or
contracting the width of each character.
Evenly distributes text by equally expanding or
Character size
contracting the height of each character.
Fits text to the specified width, depending on the Adjust spacing option
Fit to width

Compression options are only available for the Character width and size options.

Adjusts the width of the text block.

Compresses the width or size of any characters that
extend beyond the specified width, then automatically
centers the text.
Compresses the width or size of all characters in the
Apply equal
text to the specified width, then automatically centers
compression to
all lines the text.

Compresses or expands the last line of a paragraph, depending on the

Apply to last
type of spacing selected.
line of each
3) Click OK.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 430

DesignCentral - Arc tab

The Arc Text Tool has all the options of the other path text tools plus the following:

Arc Tab

Defines the radius of the circle on which the arc text will be placed.

Sets the starting angle (position) of the text on the arc. This is
directly related to the Alignment position.
For example, if you want the center of the text to be placed at the
top of the circle, select Align Center and enter a value of 90 degrees
in this field.
Positions the first line of the text on the arc. The options are above,
on, and below.
Specifies the starting position of the first line of arc text.
Top and bottom are determined by the value of the Starting Angle.
If you created your circle by dragging, the top is the point where
you began drawing the circle.
Specifies the starting position of the second line of arc text.
After typing the first line of text, press ENTER and subsequent text
will be placed in the next line (Multiple Lines Style) or on the
opposite side of the circle (Top/Bottom Style).
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 431

Changing Text Attributes Using Control Points

Most of the properties set in DesignCentral can also be set directly by clicking and dragging Control
Points on the text.

When you select a text object and click the Character or Paragraph tab of DesignCentral, the text displays
a number of Control Points in and around it. Each of these points has a special purpose and will change
the appearance of the text when moved.

You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to make incremental adjustments.

The following Control Points can be dragged in while in Select Mode:

Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 432

( 1 ) Line Spacing

Click this point to select a single line of text.

Once a line is selected, you can change its attributes.

For block text:

 Drag this point (or hold SHIFT+up arrow or down arrow) to adjust the spacing between lines. All
lines below the selected line are also repositioned.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag (or hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh)+up arrow or
down arrow) to move just the selected line of text.
For single-line text:
 Drag this point to move horizontal text up and down (vertical text left and right).

 Hold Shift and drag to move horizontal text left and right (vertical text up and down).

For path and arc text:

 Drag this point to move the text left and right.

 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to restore moved text to its initial position.

 Hold Shift and drag to adjust the vertical offset of arc text.

( 2 ) Move Character

Click this point to select an individual character.

Once a character is selected, you can change its attributes.

 Drag this point to adjust the spacing between the selected character and the previous one. All
characters to the right of the selected character are also repositioned.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to move only the selected character, leaving the
remaining text in place.
 Hold Shift and drag to move the selected character at right angles to the text flow, leaving the
remaining text in place.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 433

( 3 ) Rotate Character

Click this point in the upper-right corner of each character to select it.
 Drag this point to rotate an individual character.

 Hold Shift and drag to rotate the character in preset increments.

(For details on how to set the increment angle, see Preferences - General Tab (see "Preferences -
General Tab" on page 301) for more information.)
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to restore the character to its initial position.

( 4 ) Tracking

 Drag this point to adjust the tracking of text. Tracking is adjusted equally between all characters
and words.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to change tracking only between words.

( 5 ) Line Spacing

 Drag this point to produce equal spacing between lines.

( 6 ) Block Size

 Drag this point to adjust the size of Block text.

( 7 ) Center

 Drag this point to adjust the position of the circle.

 Hold Shift and drag to constrain the circle's position.

( a ) Center
 Drag this point to adjust the position of the center of the circle and to change the circle's radius.
When the Arc tab is selected, an extra set of control points will appear.

( b ) Inner Radius
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 434

 Drag this point to change the radius of the circle while keeping the center and top positions
unchanged. This causes distortion of the text.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to avoid distorting the text. This causes resizing of the
( c ) Outer Radius
 Drag this point to change the radius of the circle while keeping the center and bottom positions
unchanged. This causes distortion of the text.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to avoid distorting the text. This causes resizing of the
( d ) Rotate
 Drag this point to change the position of the arc text on the circle.
 Hold Shift and drag to constrain the arc text's position.
(See Preferences - General Tab (see "Preferences - General Tab" on page 301) for more
information on how to adjust the Constrain angle.)
( e ) Sweep Angle
 Drag these points to change the sweep angle of the arc text on the circle. This changes the width of
each character and the spacing between them.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to move both sides of the text equally from the center
 Hold Shift and drag to constrain the sweep angle.
(See Preferences - General Tab (see "Preferences - General Tab" on page 301) for more
information on how to set the Constrain angle.)

Entering New Text

1) Select any of the Text tools.
2) Click on the text you want to edit.
3) To insert characters into the text, place the cursor in the desired location and begin typing.

 Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the cursor within the text.

 Press Home to return the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

 Press End to move the cursor to the end of the current line.

4) To replace part of the text, select the text you want to replace and type or paste over it.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 435

 Use Shift+left arrow or right arrow to select a group of characters.

 Use Shift+Home to select the characters from the insertion point to the beginning of the line.

 Use Shift+End to select the characters from the insertion point to the end of the line.

 Double-click to select one word.

 Click and drag to select a group of characters.

 Press Ctrl+A to select all the text.

Selecting Text
You can select text as a whole, one line at a time, or a group of characters.

Selecting the Whole Text

Select the text using the Select Tool.

Selecting One or More Characters

Click and drag the text using a Text tool to select a group of characters.

Selecting One Character

1) Select the text using the Select Tool.
2) Select the Character or Paragraph tab in DesignCentral.
3) Click a Move Character control point.

Selecting One Line

1) Select the text using the Select Tool.
2) Select the Character or Paragraph tab in DesignCentral.
3) Click a Line Spacing control point.
The baseline changes to the layer color (default is red).
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 436

All text selected Second line selected

One character selected

Changing Text Attributes

Changing the Font

All the fonts in your system are available for selection. In addition, special fonts installed in your software
folder are available. These fonts include URW, Casfonts, and FSfonts.

Changing Font in Existing Text

1) Select the text using a Text tool.
2) From the Text menu, point to Font and select the desired font type and font style.
3) If the desired font is not visible in the menu:
1. Select Modify at the top of the menu.
2. Locate and select the desired font.
3. Click Apply.

Changing Font Using DesignCentral

1) Select the text using a Text tool.
2) In the DesignCentral Character tab, click the font dropdown arrow.
As you highlight each font, a preview of the font will appear to the left. Before each font name, an
icon indicates the font type:
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 437

TrueType Fonts Casfonts

Adobe Type 1 Fonts URW Fonts


Changing Text Alignment

1) Select the text using the Select Tool.

To align specific paragraphs within the text, use a Text tool.

2) From the Text menu, point to Justification and select one of the following alignments:
The lines of text are aligned against the
left margin and have a ragged edge on the
right margin.

Each line of text is centered, leaving

ragged edges on the left and right

The lines of text are aligned against the

right margin and have a ragged edge on
the left margin.

Extra space is added between words

and/or characters so that each line exactly
fills the space between the left and right

Changing Default Text Settings

All newly created text uses the default font setting.

1) Make sure no text is selected.

2) Select a Text tool.

3) Choose the default settings from the Text menu or the DesignCentral Character tab.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 438

Changing Case
1) Select the text using a Text tool.
2) From the Text menu, point to Case and select the desired capitalization style:
All selected text is changed to capital letters.
All selected text is changed to lowercase letters.
lower case
The first character of each sentence is changed to a capital
Sentence case
and the rest to lowercase.
The first character of each word is changed to a capital and
Title Case
the rest to lowercase.
The lowercase letters are changed to capitals and vice versa.

Changing Kerning
Kerning is the adjustment of space between text characters. Kerning varies from font to font, and each
font contains specific kerning information.

Using Automatic Kerning

1) Select the text:

 To kern all the text in a text object, use the Select Tool.

 To kern specific text within a text object, use a Text tool.

2) From the Text menu, point to Kerning and select the desired kerning option.



Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 439




Using Manual Kerning

Changing Kerning for All Text
1) Select a text object using the Select Tool.
2) Change the Tracking field value on the Character tab in DesignCentral.

Changing Kerning between Two Characters

1) Click between two characters using a Text tool.
2) Adjust the kerning by changing the Tracking field value on the Character tab in DesignCentral.

Ctrl (command in Macintosh)+right arrow or left arrow also widens or narrows the kerning.

Defining Kerning

Instead of setting the kerning each time you create a design, you can change the default kerning for pairs
of character in a single font. By setting up a table of kerning pairs for each frequently used font, you
ensure they will look right every time you use them.

The kerning specified here is used only by this program. It will not affect or be used by other applications.

1) Select the desired character pair using a Text tool.

2) From the Text menu, select Define Kerning.
3) From the Store kerning dropdown list, select where the kerning will be stored:
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 440

The kerning will only apply to the selected text.

Selection only
The kerning will apply to all text in the file using this font
In document
and character pair.
The kerning will apply to all files using this font and
As default
character pair.

In the Define Kerning dialog box, you can type a new pair of characters. Type the right character first, then the left character.

4) Click the right-hand character in the Define Kerning dialog box and do one of the following:
1. Drag the character left or right to adjust the kerning.
2. Enter a value in Kerning field.

Kerning is defined in Em units. An em space is equal to the width of the letter M in the selected font.

5) Click OK.

Breaking and Joining Text

You can break text with multiple lines into individual lines of text, and also join several lines of text.

1. Break apart 2. Join together

Text with multiple lines Text with individual lines

Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 441

Breaking Text
1) Select the text using the Select Tool.
2) From the Text menu, select Break Apart.
 Block text is separated into individual lines.

 Single-line text is separated into individual characters.

"Broken apart" text remains separated until you reselect and rejoin it.

Joining Text
1) Using click and drag, select the text or character blocks you would like to join.
2) From the Text menu, select Join Together.

Changing Text Orientation

1) Select the text using the Select Tool or a Text tool.
2) From the Text menu, point to Text Orientation and select Horizontal or Vertical.

1. To vertical text 2. To horizontal text

Working with Braille Text

The Braille feature allows you to convert text to Braille.

Converting Text to Braille

1) Select the text you want to convert.
2) From the Text menu, point to Braille and select Text to Braille.
3) Adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 442

1. To Braille 2. To text

Changes the Braille coding to Grade 1 or Grade 2.

Grade 1 or
Grade 2 For Grade 1, each Braille cell represents one letter of the alphabet.
For Grade 2, a Braille cell can symbolize a contraction or single letter to
represent an entire word. This method is language dependent.
This software offers Grade 2 Braille translations for English, Danish,
Dutch, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish.

DesignCentral - Braille tab

Converts text to lowercase letters, which removes capital letter indicators.

Lowercase Only
Check to show all the empty dots in your text when it is selected. Empty
Show Empty
dots are not output.
Check to force the Braille coding to comply with the California Braille
CA Standard
standard, which requires that there be a specific distance between Braille
Diameter of each Braille dot.

Drill style leaves the design unchanged. Drill holes will be drilled at each
Braille point.

Drill Style
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 443

Fill style places a black border around the Braille and compounds the
objects so that the Braille dots are holes.

Fill Style

Laser style places a black border behind the Braille and assigns a radial
gradient to the dots so that the center is white and the circumference is

Laser Style

Converts Braille text back to normal text.

Click this button to edit the original text.


Working with Barcodes

You can convert normal text into barcodes using Code 39 or Extended Code 39.

Code 39 is an alphanumeric bar code. It can encode numbers 0-9, the uppercase alphabet A-Z, Space, and
some symbols ( - . * $ / % + ).

If you need lowercase letters, there is also an Extended Code 39 that encodes the 128-character ASCII
character set by pairing existing Code 39 characters.

Converting Text to Barcode

1) Select the text using the Select Tool or a Text tool.

2) From the Text menu, point to Barcode and select Barcode 39, Extended Barcode 39, or Barcode 128.
Text converted to a barcode can be resized and edited using the Title tab in DesignCentral.

Arc text and Path text cannot be converted to a barcode.

Converting Barcode to Text

1) Select the barcode using the Select Tool.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 444

2) From the Text menu, point to Barcode and select Barcode to Text.

1. To Barcode 2. To text

Barcode Tabs in DesignCentral

When a barcode is selected, DesignCentral displays tabs for editing barcodes.

DesignCentral - Barcode tab

Adjust the following parameters:

Barcode Tab

Allows you to change the encoding method of the barcode.

Options are Barcode 39, Extended Barcode 39, and Barcode
Sets the width of a narrow bar.

Sets the barcode height.

Establishes the width ratio between wide bars and narrow

Establishes the width ratio between spaces and narrow bars.

Sets the width of the blank areas before and after the

DesignCentral - Barcode Title tab

Adjust the following parameters:

Barcode Text
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 445

Select to show the title under the barcode.

Show Title
Select to show the asterisks at either end of the title.
Show Asterisks
Specifies the Font and Style used in the title.

Specifies the Font Size.

Opens a dialog box to edit the original text.
Converts the barcode back to text.
Convert to Text

Text Preferences
1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
2) Select the Tools tab.
3) Select Text Tool from the list on the left side of the dialog box.
4) Adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 446

Selects the option that will be used to determine the font size used to fit a
Font Size
specified text height.
Use font height Sets the font size to the height of the font bounding box
set in the Font Size field of DesignCentral.
Based on height of Sets the font size to the height of the letter you specify, as
__ measured from the top of the letter to its baseline.
By default, font sizes are based on the height of the letter
“X.” The benefit of using a reference letter is knowing the
exact size of one particular letter.
The reference letter is a relative reference and does not
make all characters the same size as that letter.
In the example below, text was selected and the same size set in DesignCentral.

[A] [B] [C]

1. Text height in DesignCentral.

[A] The height of the letter “X” was set as a reference in Based on height of. The
height of “X” is exactly the size specified in DesignCentral because it is used as a
reference. All other letters will be proportionally resized.
[B] The height of the letter “a” was set as a reference in Based on height of. The
height of “a” is exactly the size specified in DesignCentral, and all other letters
are proportionally resized.
[C] The setting Use font height was set. The height of the font's original
bounding box has the size specified in DesignCentral.
Specifies whether to show this value in DesignCentral as a percentage or in
Width / tracking
actual size.
/ word spacing
When checked, allows Chinese characters to be input from the Chinese
Use Chinese
language kit while running a Roman language version of Windows.
language kits
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 447

Working with Fonts

Installing Fonts

In your software you can use TrueType, Adobe Type 1, FSfonts, Casfonts, and URW fonts.

Installing TrueType and Type 1 Fonts

To install TrueType and Type 1 fonts, copy the font files into the operating system's Fonts directory.
Consult your operating system documentation for information.

Installing FSfonts
1) Copy the font files into the FSFonts folder.
2) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
3) Select the Font tab.
4) Enter the path or click Browse to select the folder where the FSfonts are stored.
5) If the fonts are protected, click Add and enter the password.
6) Click OK.
7) Restart the software.

Installing URW and Casfonts

1) Copy the font files into the URWFonts or CASfonts folder.
2) Restart the software.
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 448

Casmate Engraving Fonts

CASmate engraving fonts are installed in the same manner as other CASmate fonts, with the following
additional conditions:

 If the filename of the font starts in ENG_, E_ or E (E followed by a space), the font is automatically
loaded as an open path font.
 Fonts whose filenames begin with some other characters must be listed in a text file named
casfopen.lst in the CASfonts folder. Once the filename is listed in the casfopen.lst file, the software
will automatically load the font as an open path font.

The format of the casfopen.lst file is as follows:

 The first line consists of the section header [CAS Fonts].

 All other lines are font entries. Each font entry is on its own line. A font entry consists of the name of
the font exactly as it appears in Inspire or CASmate, followed by an equal sign (=).

Font entries are case-sensitive.

A casfopen.lst file
Chapter 28 pps Editor-PRO 449

Modifying the Fonts in Use

The software allows you to determine which of the fonts in your system will be loaded when the software
starts up.

To modify the selection of fonts the software will load, from the Text menu, point to Font and select

A piece of sample text is displayed in the selected font at the bottom of the dialog box.

 To unload a font, select it in the Selected fonts list and click Remove.
 To load a font, select it in the Removed fonts list and click Add.
 To unload all fonts, click Remove All.
 To add all fonts, click Add All.
 To apply the selected font to the current text object, click Apply.
Chapter 29 pps Editor-PRO 451

Chapter 29

Working with Paths

A path consists of one or more straight or curved segments and can be Open or Closed. When you have
more than one segment in one path, the segments are separated by a Control Point. The position of the
Control Point determines the shape of the adjacent segments.

On curved segments, each anchor point displays Direction Lines, ending in Direction Handles. Their
angle and size determine the shape of the curve.

A Control Point located between two segments can be:

The Direction Handles point in opposite directions along the

same line and have the same size.
The Direction Handles point in opposite directions along the
same line but are not the same size.
The Direction Handles are not in the same line.

Symmetric Control Points

Chapter 29 pps Editor-PRO 452

Smooth Control Points

Cusp Control Points

A double circle or square indicates the Starting Point of the path. In an open path, the Starting Point can be
at either end of the path. In a closed path, the Starting Point can be anywhere on the path.

A straight segment is

1. Control Points
Chapter 29 pps Editor-PRO 453

A curved segment is

1. Starting Point 2. Direction 3. Direction Line 4. Control Point 5. Direction Line 6. Direction
Handle 1 1 2 Handle 2
Chapter 29 pps Editor-PRO 454

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Creating Paths ................................................................................................. 454
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Creating Paths
You can create paths using path tools.

To continue drawing an existing open path, select the Bezier Path Tool or Freehand Drawing Tool and
click the cursor over either end of the path.

Drawing Straight Segments Using the Bezier Path Tool

1) Select the Bezier Path Tool.

2) Click where the segment will begin in the drawing area.
3) Click where the segment will end.
Chapter 29 pps Editor-PRO 455

Hold Shift to constrain the angle of the line.

4) Repeat step 3 to create additional straight lines.

 Press Delete to delete the last segment.

 Press Esc or click New Path [ICON] in DesignCentral to create a new path.

 To close the path, place the cursor close to the starting point and click when the cursor shows a
small circle underneath.
Click Close Path [ICON] in DesignCentral.

Close Path Cursor Closed Path

 Press Delete to delete the entire path.

Drawing Curved Segments Using the Bezier Path Tool

1) Select the Bezier Path Tool.

2) Click where the segment will begin in the drawing area.
3) Click and drag where the segment will end in the drawing area.

By default, the new Control Point is Symmetric. Hold Shift and drag to make the new point Smooth, or Ctrl and drag to make it a Cusp.

4) After releasing the mouse button, you can still adjust the Direction Lines by dragging the Direction
 Hold Shift to change the length and angle of one Direction Line, while keeping the length of the
other Direction Line unchanged.
 Hold Ctrl to change the length and angle of one Direction Line, while keeping the length and
angle of the other Direction Line unchanged.
5) Repeat step 3 to create more segments.
 Press Delete to delete the last segment.

 Press Esc or click New Path [ICON] in DesignCentral to create a new path.

 To close the path, place the cursor close to the starting point and click when the cursor shows a
small circle underneath.
Click Close Path in DesignCentral.
 Press Delete to delete the entire path.
Chapter 29 pps Editor-PRO 456

Drawing Arcs Using the Bezier Path Tool

1) Select the Bezier Path Tool.

2) Click where the arc will begin in the drawing area.
3) Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and click to mark the endpoint of the arc; then drag to describe the
curvature of the arc. The curvature will increase or decrease so that the arc always intersects the

4) After releasing the mouse button, you can still adjust the Direction Lines by dragging the Direction
 Hold Shift to change the length and angle of one Direction Line, while keeping the length of the
other Direction Line unchanged.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) to change the length and angle of one Direction Line, while
keeping the length and angle of the other Direction Line unchanged.
5) Repeat step 4 to create additional segments.
 Press Delete to delete the last segment.

 Press Esc or click New Path [ICON] in DesignCentral to create a new path.

 To close the path, place the cursor close to the starting point and click when the cursor shows a
small circle underneath.
Press Close Path in DesignCentral.
 Press Delete to delete the entire path.

Drawing Segments Using the Freehand Drawing Tool

1) Select the Freehand Drawing Tool.

2) Adjust the Tolerance value in DesignCentral.

The higher the tolerance value, the smoother the path becomes.
Chapter 29 pps Editor-PRO 457

Tolerance = 0 pixels
Tolerance = 10 pixels Tolerance = 20 pixels

3) Click and drag to create the path. Hold Shift to create a straight line.
4) While still creating the path, hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag back over the path you just
created to erase it.

Drawing a Freehand Path Erasing a Path

5) To close the path, place the cursor close to the starting point and click when the cursor shows a small
circle underneath.

Converting Objects into Paths

If the objects have a stroke around them, the resulting path will keep the stroke.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Arrange menu, select Convert to Outlines.

When text is converted to paths, the resulting paths will be compounded. To edit those paths, you will first have to uncompound them.

Converting Stroke to Outlines

To convert Strokes to Outlines, from the Arrange menu, select Convert Stroke to Outlines.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 459

Chapter 30

Working with Bitmaps

A bitmap represents an image as a mosaic of colored dots called pixels. The pixels are arranged in a fixed
number of rows and columns. Bitmaps are also known as raster images, and the method used to create
them is called rasterization.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 460

When a bitmap is edited, the color values of its pixels are changed to form the new image.

The following color modes are supported:

Pixels are colored in 256 shades of gray ranging from solid

black to solid white.
Each pixel is either black or white, with no shades of gray.
Black and
The color values for each pixel are expressed as a
combination of red, green, and blue values. Up to 16.7
million different colors can be reproduced under this color
The color of each pixel is indicated by a reference to a
separate swatch table containing 256 colors.
The color values for each pixel are expressed as a
combination of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black values. This
is the color mode most commonly used for color printing.

If a bitmap is magnified or printed at too low a resolution, the individual pixels become visible. This gives
the image a jagged, pixilated appearance (see above).

Resolution is the number of pixels displayed per unit of printed length in an image, usually measured in
pixels per inch (PPI) or dots per inch (DPI).

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 461
Creating Bitmaps ............................................................................................ 462
Changing Bitmap Properties ......................................................................... 465
Using the Bitmap Toolbar ............................................................................. 468
Defining Marquees ......................................................................................... 468
Editing Bitmaps .............................................................................................. 471
Using Filters .................................................................................................... 479
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 461

Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415

Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Using DesignCentral
When a bitmap is selected, DesignCentral displays the Bitmap and Profile tabs.

Bitmap Tab

The Bitmap tab will display some of the attributes of selected bitmaps. On this tab you can change the
resolution of the bitmap. Changing the resolution will automatically change the bitmap's size. Uncheck the
Proportional option to set different resolutions for horizontal and vertical directions.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 462

Profile Tab

On this screen you can specify the Input profile and the Rendering intent that will be used to print a
particular bitmap. Each bitmap can have independent settings. (See Configuring the System for Color
Printing (see "Configuring the System for Color Printing" on page 513) for more information.)

Profile tab
Bitmap tab

1. Image Size 2. File Size 3. Original 4. Color Mode

Embedded ICC Profiles
5. Color Depth 6. File Location 7. Resolution
If the selected bitmap contains an
embedded ICC profile, it will be listed on the
Profile tab of DesignCentral.

To use the embedded ICC profile as the input profile, select Use Embedded ICC Profile from the Input
profile dropdown list.

Embedded profiles are currently supported for TIFF and JPEG file formats.

Creating Bitmaps
There are several ways to include a bitmap in a document.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 463

Importing Bitmaps

When importing a bitmap, you can create a link between the original bitmap file and your document. This
link is an electronic connection between the files, and every time the document is opened, each linked
bitmap will be imported.

To create a link:

1) From the File menu, select Import.

The Import dialog box appears.

2) If desired, select the bitmap file type from the Files of type dropdown list.

This will limit the files displayed to the type specified.

3) Select the bitmap file to import.

4) Check the Link checkbox.
5) Click Import.

Exporting Bitmaps

If you want to export only one bitmap from a document:

1) Select the desired bitmap.

2) From the File menu, select Export.

The Export dialog box appears.

3) Select the desired file format from the Save as type dropdown list.
4) Type in a File name.
5) If only exporting a selected object, be sure to check Selection only.

Checking Suppress options will export the bitmap using the default settings for the bitmap file format.

6) Specify the location where you want the bitmap saved.

7) Click Save.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 464

Scanning Bitmaps

Scanning allows you to convert a printed image into an electronic image.

To scan an image, you must have a scanner and a computer with your scanner's TWAIN_32 driver
installed. TWAIN_32 is a cross-platform interface for acquiring images captured by scanners and digital

The manufacturer of the scanner must also provide a proper driver for your device. Instructions for
setting up your scanner are included in your scanner's user manual.

1) Turn on your scanner and connect it to your computer.

2) Place your image on the scanner.
3) If you have more than one scanner, from the File menu:
1. Point to Acquire Image and select TWAIN Select.
2. Select your scanner from the list.
4) From the File menu, point to Acquire Image and select TWAIN Acquire.
5) Follow the scanner's directions.
6) After the image is scanned, a bounding box showing the scanned image will appear.
7) Move the bounding box to the desired location and click to place the image.

Enter also places the scanned image, Tab changes the cursor position in the bounding box, and Esc exits the scanning process.

Creating New Bitmaps

You can create an empty white bitmap on your document and draw on it with the bitmap drawing tools.

1) From the Bitmap menu, select Create Bitmap.

The New Bitmap dialog box appears.

2) Edit the Width, Height, and Resolution of the bitmap.

3) Select the Color mode from the dropdown list.
4) Click OK.

Converting Objects into Bitmaps

You can convert vector objects and text into bitmaps, and then use bitmap filters to apply effects. The
process of converting vector objects into a bitmap is called Rasterization.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Bitmap menu, select Rasterize.

The Rasterize dialog box appears.

Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 465

3) Edit the following attributes:

When checked, this option will preserve the original objects.
Keep Original
The new rasterized image will be placed on top of the
original objects.
When checked, the shape of the new bitmap will be the same
Create mask
as the original objects.
When checked, the background color of the bitmap will be
Specifies the resolution of the new bitmap. Values can be
selected from the dropdown list or typed into the
Resolution field.
Specifies the color mode of the new bitmap. The available
Color Mode
options are Black and White, Grayscale, Indexed Color, and
Specifies the amount of white space around the bitmap.
This option has no effect when Create mask is selected.
4) Click OK.

Changing Bitmap Properties

Once a bitmap is placed in the design area, you can edit some of its properties, like resolution and color

Changing Bitmap Resolution

The DesignCentral - Bitmap tab allows you to change the resolution of a bitmap.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) Select the Bitmap tab in DesignCentral.
3) Select the new resolution from the PPI fields at the bottom of the tab.

Ensure that Proportional is checked to keep the horizontal and vertical resolutions the same.

Changing the resolution does not change the number of pixels in the bitmap; it merely changes how
many pixels fit into an inch. As the resolution of a bitmap is increased, the area covered by the bitmap
will decrease, because more pixels will fit into each square inch. Decreasing the resolution will cause
the bitmap to cover a larger area.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 466

Resampling a Bitmap

Resampling changes the resolution of an image without changing the area it covers. It does this by
increasing or decreasing the number of pixels used to represent the image. At the same time, the software
changes the resolution to compensate for the change in pixel count, so that the bitmap remains the same

Black and white bitmap resampled to a lower resolution

Resampling an image will degrade it to some extent. Resampling to a lower resolution makes the image
blocky and jagged. Resampling to a higher resolution may blur the image. If you resample an image and
don't like the results, use Undo to return it to its previous state. Do not resample it again.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, select Resample.

The Adjust Bitmap Size dialog box appears.

3) Adjust the values in Resample dialog box.

Sets the new resolution (in pixels) of the bitmap. The actual
Width, Height
size (in inches or cm) will not be changed.
Causes the bitmap to be resized proportionally.
Specifies the interpolation method. This option is the fastest,
but the least precise.
Specifies the interpolation method. Select this option for a
quality interpolation.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 467

Changing Bitmap Color Mode

1) Select the bitmap.
2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Color Mode and select the desired color mode.

The newly selected color mode appears in the upper-right corner of the Bitmap tab in DesignCentral.

Making a Bitmap Transparent

It is possible to set one of the colors in a bitmap to be transparent. This allows part of the bitmap image to
appear to be “floating” in the design without the rectangular outline of the bitmap.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, select Make Transparent.

The Magic Wand Options tab appears in DesignCentral.

3) Move the wand over the bitmap and click on the color you want to make transparent. For multiple
transparent colors, hold Shift while clicking additional colors.
4) To select all instances of the color in the bitmap, click Select Similar.
5) Click Apply.

If you are getting unwanted outlines around your bitmap elements, increase the Tolerance setting in DesignCentral.

Removing Transparency
1) Select the bitmap.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 468

2) Select the Bitmap tab in DesignCentral.

3) Click Remove Transparency.

The Remove Transparency button only appears when a transparent bitmap is selected.

Using the Bitmap Toolbar

All bitmap editing tools are located in the Bitmap Edit Toolbar.

To display this toolbar, from the Bitmap menu, select Bitmap Edit Toolbar. To hide the toolbar, select the
menu again or click the toolbar's Close button.

Bitmap Edit toolbar

Some of the Bitmap Edit tools will not be available in CMYK color mode.

Defining Marquees

Marquees select part of the image and allow only that part to be edited. The
marquee can have any shape, and its border is marked by a flashing dotted line.
Bitmap with a marquee
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 469

Selecting the Entire Bitmap

1) Select the bitmap.
2) From the Bitmap menu, select Marquee Select All.

Using the Marquee Tool

The Marquee tool selects rectangular portions of the bitmap.

With the bitmap selected, from the Bitmap Edit toolbar:

1) Select the Marquee tool.

2) Click and drag the cursor over the bitmap.
3) After creating one marquee, you can add or subtract areas:
 Hold Shift and drag to add additional sections to the selection marquee. A small + appears near
the bottom of the cursor to indicate Add.
 Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag to subtract sections from the selection marquee. A
small - appears near the bottom of the cursor to indicate Subtract.
4) Once drawn, click inside the marquee and drag it to move the marquee to the desired position.

Original bitmap with a marquee Dragging while holding Shift Final marquee

Original bitmap with a marquee Dragging while holding Ctrl Final marquee
(command in Macintosh)

Using the Lasso Tool

The Lasso tool allows you to select a marquee by tracing its outline on the bitmap.

With the bitmap selected, from the Bitmap Edit toolbar:

1) Select the Lasso tool.

Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 470

2) Click and drag the cursor over the bitmap to create a closed shape.

To add and subtract areas from an existing marquee, hold Shift and Ctrl (command in Macintosh) while you drag. (A small + or - appears near the
bottom of the cursor to indicate Add or Subtract.)

3) Click inside the marquee and drag it to move it to the desired position.

Using the Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand tool lets you select an area of a bitmap based on color. You can specify the color range, or
tolerance, for the magic wand tool's selection.

With the bitmap selected, from the Bitmap Edit toolbar:

1) Select the Magic Wand tool.

2) Adjust the Tolerance in DesignCentral as needed.

Enter a low value to select colors very similar to the pixel you click, or a higher value to select a broader range of colors.

3) Click the Magic Wand cursor over the bitmap.

Use Shift and Ctrl (command in Macintosh) to add or subtract areas from the existing marquees. (A small + or - appears near the bottom of the
cursor to indicate Add or Subtract.)

Marquee created with the Magic Wand tool

Clearing Marquees
1) Select the bitmap with a marquee.
2) From the Bitmap menu, select Clear Marquee.

Inverting Marquees
1) Select the bitmap with a marquee.
2) From the Bitmap menu, select Invert Selection.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 471

Converting Objects to Marquees

You can convert vector objects into marquees.

1) Place a vector object over the bitmap.

2) Select the bitmap and the vector object.
3) From the Bitmap menu, select Convert Shape to Marquee.

Converting Marquees to Objects

You can convert marquees into vector objects.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, select Convert Marquee to Shape.

1. Shape to Marquee 2. Marquee to Shape

Editing Bitmaps
Using the Move Tool

The Move tool copies selected portions of bitmaps marked by marquees. (See Setting the Background /
Foreground Color (see "Setting the Background / Foreground Color" on page 395) for more information.)

1) Select the bitmap and create a marquee.

2) Select the Move tool.

3) Click and drag inside the marquee to move it to a new position.

Hold Ctrl (command in Macintosh) and drag the marquee to move a copy of the image enclosed by the marquee. The original remains in place.

Original bitmap with a marquee After dragging the marquee with After dragging the marquee with
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 472

the Move tool the Move tool while holding Ctrl

(command in Macintosh)

Using the Eraser Tool

The Eraser tool is used to remove unwanted parts of a bitmap, to restore an edited bitmap to its original
image, or fill an area with background color.

The Eraser tool in DesignCentral has two tabs:

 The Erasers tab offers a variety of eraser styles to choose from.

 The Eraser Options tab allows you to adjust the following parameters:
This specifies the percentage of the image to be
removed with each pass of the eraser.





Eraser tab

When checked, the eraser will only remove changes to

Erase to
the bitmap, returning it to its original state.

Erasing a Bitmap
1) Select the bitmap you want to edit.

2) From the Bitmap Edit toolbar, select the Eraser tool.

3) From the Erasers tab, select an eraser tip.
4) Click and drag the eraser across the bitmap.

Use Undo to remove bitmap editing errors.

Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 473

Using the Paintbrush Tool

The Paintbrush tool lets you paint brushstrokes onto a bitmap.

The Paintbrush tool in DesignCentral has two tabs:

 The Brushes tab lets you select the shape and size of the brush. (See Changing the Brush (see
"Changing the Brush" on page 478) for more information.)
 The Brush Options tab determines the percentage of each stroke that will be added to a bitmap image.

The Brush Options tab lets you adjust the following parameters:

Specifies the percentage of the color to be added with each

pass of the brush. Lower numbers will create transparent





Paintbrush tab

To use the Paintbrush tool:

1) Select the bitmap you want to edit.

2) From the Bitmap Edit toolbar, select the Paintbrush tool.

3) From the Brushes tab, select a brush tip.
4) From the Swatch Table, select the foreground color you want to paint with.
5) Click and drag the brush across the bitmap.

Use Undo to remove brushstroke errors.

Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 474

Using the Pencil Tool

The Pencil tool lets you create freehand lines on a bitmap using the foreground color.

The Paintbrush tool in DesignCentral has two tabs:

 The Pencils tab lets you select the shape and size of the pencil point. (See Changing the Brush (see
"Changing the Brush" on page 478) for more information.)
 The Pencil Options tab determines the percentage of each stroke that will be added to a bitmap

The Pencil Options tab lets you adjust the following parameters:

Specifies the percentage of the color to be added with each pass

of the pencil. Lower numbers will create transparent strokes.





Pencil tab

To use the Pencil tool:

1) Select the bitmap you want to edit.

2) From the Bitmap Edit toolbar, select the Pencil tool.

3) From the Pencils tab, select a pencil tip.
4) From the Swatch Table, select the foreground color you want to draw with.
5) Click and drag the pencil across the bitmap.

Use Undo to remove pencil errors.

Using the Fill Tool

The Fill tool fills areas of a bitmap with the foreground color.

1) Select the bitmap you want to edit.

2) From the Bitmap Edit toolbar, select the Fill tool.

3) On the Fill Options tab in DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 475

Specifies the percentage to which the fill will overwrite the

bitmap. At 100%, the fill will be completely opaque. At lower
values, the fill area will receive less color but will retain more

Fill tab

Fill expands until it encounters the edge of the bitmap or a

change in color. Tolerance determines how big a change in color
the fill will accept before stopping. Tolerance ranges from 0 to
Enter a low value to fill colors very similar to the pixel you click,
or enter a higher value to fill a broader range of colors.



4) From the Swatch Table, select the foreground color you want to fill with.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 476

5) Click the cursor on the bitmap.

Original Image Bitmap after Fill

Use Undo to remove fill errors.

Using the Crop Tool

The Crop tool allows you to select part of a bitmap and delete the rest of it.

1) Select the bitmap you want to edit.

2) From the Bitmap Edit toolbar, select the Crop tool.

3) Click and drag the cursor over the bitmap to create a rectangular marquee, or hold Shift and drag to
create a square marquee.

The marquee selection must be a simple rectangle or square. You cannot use Shift or Ctrl to create a more complex marquee with the Crop tool.

4) Adjust the Crop Width and Crop Height values of the marquee in DesignCentral, or adjust the
cropping size by dragging the marquee's borders and corners.
5) Click and drag a point inside the marquee to reposition it.
6) Click Apply , double-click inside the marquee, or press Enter to crop the bitmap to the selected size.

Original image with a cropping marquee Cropped Image

DesignCentral for Crop

Use Undo to remove cropping errors.

Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 477

Using the Stamp Tool

The Stamp tool copies portions of a bitmap to another area on the same bitmap.

The Stamp tool in DesignCentral has two tabs:

 The Stamps tab lets you select the shape and size of the brush. (See Changing the Brush (see
"Changing the Brush" on page 478) for more information.)
 The Stamp Options tab lets you adjust the following parameters:
Specifies the percentage to which the output of the tool will overwrite
the existing bitmap. At 100% the output will be opaque; at lower
numbers it will be more transparent.

Stamp tab

Aligned When selected, this option locks the initial origin and first destination
points together. When a new destination point is selected, the origin
will reposition itself to maintain the same relative distance and
position that was created initially.
This is designed for copying a large area of the bitmap over to another
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 478

Nonaligned When selected, this option anchors the origin point to its initial
position independent of any destination points. While drawing, the
origin and destination points move together. When not drawing, the
origin point returns to this "home" position.
This setting is ideal for copying the same part of the bitmap to a number
of different places.

To change the stamp origin, hold Ctrl and click on the new point you want to copy from.

1) Select the bitmap you want to edit.

2) From the Bitmap Edit toolbar, select the Stamp tool.

3) From the Stamps tab, select a stamp tip.
4) From the Stamp Options tab, adjust the Opacity and Style parameters.
5) Click the Stamp tool at the point on the bitmap from which you want to copy (the origin).
6) Move the cursor over the area of the bitmap that you want to overwrite (the destination); then click
and drag to copy.

Use Undo to remove stamp errors.

Changing the Brush

In the Brushes tab, you can set the shape and size of a brush.

Some brushes display a small red number in the lower-left corner. This is the brush size in pixels. The red
number appears when the brush height or width exceeds 20 pixels.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 479

Brush tab  To change the size and shape of an existing brush, double-click its button.

1. Double-click to change 2. Click hereOptions

The Brush to create a box appears.
the shape of an existing new brush.
 To add a new brush, click the blank area below the brush palette.
Newly added brushes are appended to the bottom of the palette.

Enter or adjust the following brush properties:

Sets the height and width of the brush.

Adjusts how the brush will dissolve into the
original image.
Sets the brush's angle of rotation.
Lets you choose a rectangular or elliptical shape
for the brush.
 To delete a brush, click the desired button and press Delete.
(There is no easy way to reposition a deleted brush.)

Using Filters
While applying a filter, an on-screen preview will be displayed. You can resize or move the preview area.
Also, the area where the filter will be applied can be limited using a marquee.

Your software allows you to filter bitmaps. The following filters are available:

 Reduce Noise  Sharpen  Color Balance

 Blur  Level  Brightness/Contrast

Not all filters are available for all color modes.

Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 480

Reduce Noise Filter

Use this filter to clean up scanned images with small imperfections, known as noise.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Filters and select Reduce Noise.

The Reduce Noise tab appears in DesignCentral, and a sampling marquee appears on the screen.

3) Move the marquee over the area to be sampled and adjust its size.
4) In the Reduce Noise tab of DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Specifies the percentage of noise that will be cleared.
When checked, this allows you to see a preview while
adjusting the Radius parameter.
5) Click Apply.

Blur Filter

This filter creates a softening effect by averaging the pixels next to the edges.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Filters and select Blur.

The Blur tab appears in DesignCentral, and a sampling marquee appears on the screen.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 481

3) Move the marquee over the area to be sampled and adjust its size.
4) In the Blur tab of DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Specifies the percentage of blurring that will be introduced
Amount and
(values are 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%). Higher values will
produce more blurred images.
When checked, this allows you to see a preview while
adjusting the Amount and Radius parameters.
5) Click Apply.

Sharpen Filter

This filter focuses blurry images by increasing the contrast of adjacent pixels.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Filters and select Sharpen.

The Sharpen tab appears in DesignCentral, and a sampling marquee appears on the screen.

3) Move the marquee over the area to be sampled and adjust its size.
4) In the Sharpen tab of DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters.
Specifies the percentage of sharpening that will be
Amount and
introduced (values are 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%). Higher
values will produce more sharp images.
When checked, this allows you to see a preview while
adjusting the Amount and Radius parameters.
5) Click Apply.

Level Filter

This filter shows a histogram that graphically represents the colors present in the image. Peaks indicate
color density. By moving the sliders inwards, it is possible to redefine the black and white points in the

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Filters and select Level.

The Level tab appears in DesignCentral, and a sampling marquee appears on the screen.

3) Move the marquee over the area to be sampled and adjust its size.
4) In the Level tab of DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters.
 Select RGB in the dropdown list to adjust all RGB channels at once. To adjust one specific color
channel, select Red, Green, or Blue.
 Do one of the following:
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 482

 Click on the slider line.

 Click and drag the sliders under the histogram.
 Enter values in the numeric fields.
 Click the Auto button to have the software automatically define the black and white point in each
channel and redistribute the intermediate pixel values proportionately.
 Click the Reset button to restore the sliders to their original positions.

 Click Preview to see a preview while adjusting the color parameters.

5) Click Apply.

Color Balance Filter

DesignCentral shows slider bars (Cyan-Red, Magenta-Green and Yellow-Blue) for adding or subtracting
color from an image. (For example, if you drag the Cyan-Red slider to the Cyan side, the amount of Cyan
in your image is increased and the amount of Red is decreased.)

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Filters and select Color Balance.

The Color Balance tab appears in DesignCentral, and a sampling marquee appears on the screen.

3) Move the marquee over the area to be sampled and adjust its size.
4) In the Color Balance tab of DesignCentral, adjust the filter settings:
 Choose Highlights, Midtones, or Shadows from the dropdown list to select the tonal range on
which to focus the changes.
 Do one of the following:

 Click on the slider line.

 Click and drag the sliders.
 Enter values in the numeric fields.
 Click Preview to see a preview while adjusting the color parameters.

5) Click Apply.

Brightness/Contrast Filter

Using this filter, you can adjust the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation of your image.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Filters and select Brightness/Contrast.

The Brightness/Contrast tab appears in DesignCentral, and a sampling marquee appears on the screen.

3) Move the marquee over the area to be sampled and adjust its size.
Chapter 30 pps Editor-PRO 483

4) In the Brightness/Contrast tab of DesignCentral, adjust the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation
 Do one of the following:

 Click on the slider lines.

 Click and drag the sliders.
 Enter values in the numeric fields.
 Click Preview to see a preview while adjusting the Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation
5) Click Apply.

Adobe Filters

If you have Adobe filters installed, you can use its filter plug-ins in your software.

Setting up the Folder Where the Plug-ins are Installed

1) From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
2) Click the File Paths tab and enter the folder location in the Adobe Plug-ins field.

Click Browse to navigate to the Adobe Plug-ins folder.

3) Click OK.

Using the Filters

1) Select the bitmap.
2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Adobe Filters and select the desired filter.
3) Follow the instructions for each filter.

See your Adobe user manual for more information.

Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 485

Chapter 31

Working with Effects

Your software contains a number of tools that you can use to add special effects to the elements in your

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Common Features .......................................................................................... 485
Using the Blending Effect .............................................................................. 487
Using the Lens Effect ..................................................................................... 487
Using Contour Cut ......................................................................................... 489
Using Engraving Fills..................................................................................... 495
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Common Features
There are a number of basic functions that you can use on all effects.
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 486

Separating Effects

To separate an effect from the original object:

1) Select the desired object.

2) From the Effects menu, select Separate […].

The effect name will be displayed after the Separate command.

3) Click in the design area outside of the object.

4) Reselect and drag the object to separate it from its effect.

Original Object with Effect

Text and Effect separated

Clearing Effects

To remove an effect, from the Effects menu, select Clear […].

The effect name will be displayed after the Clear command.

Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 487

Using the Blending Effect

Your software allows you to blend two objects. The shape and color of one object will gradually change to
another object. Both objects must be vector objects.

Blending a circle into a starburst Blending “AC” into “DE”

1) Select two objects. The last object selected becomes the target object.
2) From the Effects menu, select Blend.

The Blend tab appears in DesignCentral.

3) Adjust the number of steps in DesignCentral.

4) Click Apply.

Using the Lens Effect

Use Lens effects to control the transparency and appearance of object color.

Lens effects are applied to the topmost object and can only be applied to vector objects. The one exception
is the transparent lens, which can be applied to bitmaps.

Lens effects are only for color printing.

Applying Transparent Effect

With this effect, the object receiving the effect will have a transparency that allows you to see the objects

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Lens and select Transparent.
3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 488

Specifies the degree of opacity to be applied to the selected

objects (0 to 100%).
When checked, applies the transparency to the stroke of
Hide Stroke
each selected object.

Applying Invert Effect

The colors of all vector and bitmap objects under the object where the effect is applied will be inverted.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Lens and select Invert.
3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameter:
When checked, applies the effect to the stroke of each
Hide Stroke
selected object.

Applying Brighten Effect

The colors of all vector and bitmap objects under the object that receives the effect will be brightened.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Lens and select Brighten.
3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Specifies the degree of brightness to be applied to the
selected objects (0 to 100%).
When checked, applies the effect to the stroke of each
Hide Stroke
selected object.

Applying Wireframe Effect

The vector objects underneath the object receiving the effect will be displayed without any fills.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Lens and select Wireframe.
3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameter:
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 489

When checked, applies the effect to the stroke of each

Hide Stroke
selected object.

Applying Magnify Effect

The objects under the object receiving the effect are magnified.

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Lens and select Magnify.
3) The following options can be adjusted in DesignCentral:
4) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:
Specifies the degree of magnification to be applied to the
Zoom Scale
selected objects. Values above 100% will magnify the objects;
values below 100% will reduce them.
When checked, applies the effect to the stroke of each
Hide Stroke
selected object.

Using Contour Cut

Contour Cut is a feature that creates one or more cutting lines around objects, either vector or bitmap.

This allows you to output an image to a printer and then cut its contours using a cutting plotter. If you
have a hybrid device (printer with cutting capabilities), you can print and cut using the same machine.

To allow Contour Cut to trace the outline of objects in a bitmap, make the background of the image
transparent using the Make Transparent function. Otherwise, the effect will only trace around the outside
of the bitmap. (See RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab (see "RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab"
on page 560) for more information.)
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 490

1. Contour Cut
Creating a Contour Cut or Cuts around Objects
1) Select the desired objects.
2) From the Effects menu, select Contour Cut.

The Contour Cut tab appears in DesignCentral.

3) Adjust the parameters in DesignCentral, or drag the Control Point on the Contour Cut line. (See
Adjusting Contour Cut Using DesignCentral (see "Adjusting Contour Cut Using DesignCentral" on
page 490) for more information.)
4) Click Apply.

To create multiple Contour Cuts around objects, repeat the above steps.

You can set different actions or colors for each contour path in the Contour tab of the RIP and Print dialog
box. (See RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab (see "RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab" on page
560) for more information.)

Adjusting Contour Cut Using DesignCentral

The following Contour Cut attributes can be adjusted in DesignCentral:

Selects the type of Contour Shape. Options are Contour, Rectangle, and

Contour mode

Rectangle mode
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 491

Ellipse mode

Selects the Stroke (line) Style of your contour cut. To create a custom cut
line, choose Edit from the dropdown menu.
Opens the Customize Line Styles dialog box. Lets you
modify an existing line style by adjusting the dash and gap
Add Adds a new line style to the Customize Line
Styles dialog box.
Update Allows you to make adjustments to the Dash
and Gap parameters. Click to save the changes.
Remove Permanently deletes a customized line style
from the Customized Line Styles list.
Specifies the Offset distance from the object to the cutting line. Negative
values can be entered, allowing you to make a contour cut line inside the
design. This prevents misalignments during the printing and cutting
process (only available in Contour mode).
To manually adjust the contour offset using a handle:
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 492

1. Reference Location. Specifies where the Offset distance will be measured from. Drag this point around the design and drop it
where you want the Offset distance to originate from.

2. Offset distance. Specifies the distance between the Offset point and the Reference Location.

3. Offset point. Adjusts the offset distance. Drag this point toward or away from the contour cut line to specify the offset distance.

Specifies the width of the contour shape (not available in Contour

Specifies the height of the contour shape (not available in Contour
When checked, ensures that the cutting line will be resized proportionally
when you change its height or width. (Not available in Contour mode.)
When checked, all holes in the selected objects will have an inner contour
With Holes
cut line (only available in Contour mode).

Contour with Holes Contour without Holes

Specifies the color of the selected contour.

CutContour and PerfCutContour colors are compatible with VersaWorks.

Joint Type. Selects how the corners will be contoured. Options are
Round, Bevel, and Square.
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 493

Adjusting Contour Cut Using Control Points

When you apply an outline, a reference line is displayed with control points. You can adjust some of the
Contour Cut fields by dragging the control points.

Contour mode
1. Offset 2. Reference Location

Rectangle mode
1. Resize
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 494

Tracing Bitmaps with the Contour Cut Effect

To allow the Contour Cut effect to trace the outline of objects in a bitmap, make the background of the
image transparent using the Make Transparent function. Otherwise, the effect will only trace the outside
of the bitmap.

Opaque Transparent
Background Background

Transforming Objects into a Cutting Line

If you need a cutting line with a special shape, you can create a vector object and transform it into a
cutting line.
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 495

Converting a Vector Object into a Cutting Line

A fan shape converted into
a cutting line

Once you convert an object into a cutting line, its outline color will change to a light gray, indicating that it
has been converted to a cutting line, and its fill color will change to Transparent. Even after being
converted to a cutting line, the object will retain its original attributes.

1) Select the desired object.

2) From the Arrange menu, point to Contour Cut and select Make Contour Cut.

Converting a Cutting Line to a Vector Object

1) Select the cutting line.
2) From the Arrange menu, point to Contour Cut and select Release Contour Cut.

Using Engraving Fills

Engraving fills must be applied in order to output the job to an engraver.

To access the Engraving fills, select Engraving from the Effects menu. You can also use the Engraving
toolbar located at the top of your screen.

(See DesignCentral When an Engraving Path Is Selected for more information on editing engraving fill
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 496

1. Profile Fill 2. Hatch Fill 3. Island Fill 4. Hole Fill

Applying Profile Fill

Profile fill, Online Profile fill, Inset Profile fill, Offset

DesignCentral -
Profile tab

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Engraving and select Profile Fill.

The Profile Fill tab appears in DesignCentral.

3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 497

Selects a tool from the Tool Library.

Select Edit from the bottom of the dropdown list to create a new tool or edit an existing one. (See Tool
Library (see "Tool Library" on page 507) for more information.)

Online. Creates a tool path that directly follows the existing path.

Use the Online path style for stroke fonts.

Inset. Creates a tool path that is set inside the existing path.

Offset. Creates a tool path that is set outside the existing path.

Online, Profile Fill Inset, Profile Fill

Offset, Profile Fill

Specifies the distance between the existing path and the tool path (only
available for Inset and Offset path styles).
Sharp corners. Causes the tool path to follow the object's corner.

Sharp Corners

1. Tool Path 2. Object 3. Tool Diameter 4. Engraving Tool

Round corners. Causes the tool path to curve around the object's corner.

Round Corners
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 498

Clipped corners. Causes the tool path to bevel around the object's corner.

Clipped Corners

For all path styles, rounds off all of the object's corners so that objects can
Round All
be inlaid.

Round All, Online Round All, Inset Round All, Offset

4) Click Apply.

Applying Hatch Fill

Hatch Fill uses a zigzag pattern to engrave a surface. This fill is the quickest method to fill an object and
is typically used to engrave large areas.

Hatch Fill, Online Hatch Fill, Inset Hatch Fill, Offset

DesignCentral -
Hatch tab

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Engraving and select Hatch Fill.

The Hatch Fill tab appears in DesignCentral.

3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 499

Selects a tool from the Tool Library.

Select Edit from the bottom of the dropdown list to create a new tool or edit an existing one. (See Tool
Library (see "Tool Library" on page 507) for more information.)

Online. Creates a tool path that directly follows the existing path.

Inset. Creates a tool path that is set inside the existing path.

Offset. Creates a tool path that is set outside the existing path.

Specifies the distance between the existing path and the tool path (only
available for Inset and Offset path styles).
Specifies the amount of overlap between one tool path and its immediate
Sets the angle of the hatch pattern.

When selected, prevents the tool from lifting while engraving. Such
Depth Nose
lifting could cause a spring-loaded depth nose to engrave too deeply.
Sharp corners. Causes the tool path to follow the object's corner.

Sharp Corners

1. Tool Path 2. Object 3. Tool Diameter 4. Engraving Tool

Round corners. Causes the tool path to curve around the object's corner.

Round Corners
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 500

Clipped corners. Causes the tool path to bevel around the object's corner.

Clipped Corners

For all path styles, rounds off all of the object's corners so that objects can
Round All
be inlaid. For Inset and Offset, all corners will be rounded. For Online,
only the inside corners will be rounded.
4) Click Apply.

Applying Island Fill

Island Fill uses a continuous contour pattern to fill the surface. It is the cleanest method for filling an

Island Fill, Online Island Fill, Inset Island Fill, Offset

DesignCentral -
Island tab

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Engraving and select Island Fill.

The Island Fill tab appears in DesignCentral.

3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 501

Selects a tool from the Tool Library.

Select Edit from the bottom of the dropdown list to create a new tool or edit an existing one. (See Tool
Library (see "Tool Library" on page 507) for more information.)

Online. Creates a tool path that directly follows the existing path.

Inset. Creates a tool path that is set inside the existing path.

Offset. Creates a tool path that is set outside the existing path.

Specifies the distance between the existing path and the tool path (only
available for Inset and Offset path styles).
Specifies the amount of overlap between one tool path and its immediate
When selected, prevents the tool from lifting while engraving. Such
Depth Nose
lifting could cause a spring-loaded depth nose to engrave too deeply.
Sharp corners. Causes the tool path to follow the object's corner.

Sharp Corners

1. Tool Path 2. Object 3. Tool Diameter 4. Engraving Tool

Round corners. Causes the tool path to curve around the object's corner.

Round Corners
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 502

Clipped corners. Causes the tool path to bevel around the object's corner.

Clipped Corners

For all path styles, rounds off all of the object's corners so that objects can
Round All
be inlaid. For Inset and Offset, all corners will be rounded. For Online,
only the inside corners will be rounded.
4) Click Apply.

Applying Hole Fill

Hole fill is used to create drill holes or cut circles at specified points on a path.

Hole Fill, Center of Path

DesignCentral - Hole tab

Hole Fill, Path Points Hole Fill, Along Path Hole Fill, Fill Path

1) Select the desired objects.

2) From the Effects menu, point to Engraving and select Hole Fill.

The Hole Fill tab appears in DesignCentral.

Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 503

3) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Selects a tool from the Tool Library.
Select Edit from the bottom of the dropdown list to
create a new tool or edit an existing one. (See Tool
Library (see "Tool Library" on page 507) for more
Places a drill hole in the center of the object. This is
Center of path
typically used for converting Braille dots to drill
Places drill holes at existing points on the path.
Path points
Places drill holes at a specified distance along the
Along path
existing path.
Fills objects with a matrix of drill holes at a specified
Fill paths
distance. Options are Grid fill, Stagger fill, Island fill,
Grid fill no border, and Stagger fill no border.
Hole Distance. Specifies the distance between drill
holes or cut circles.
Row Distance. Specifies the distance between rows of
drill holes or cut circles.

Center of Path Path Points

Along Path Fill path

Creates a drill hole.

Creates a cut circle.
4) Click Apply.
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 504

Advanced Settings for Engraving Fills

Advanced Settings allows you to set parameters for the engraver. Engraving fills share the same
Advanced Settings.

Advanced Settings for Hole Fill

Advanced Settings for Profile, Hatch, and Island Fill

1) From an engraving fill tab in DesignCentral, click Advanced.

The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.

2) In DesignCentral, adjust the following parameters:

Selects the direction in which a path will be engraved. Choose the appropriate direction to
ensure the smoothest edges. Options are Conventional, Climb, Clockwise, and Counter
Clockwise. (See Showing Path Directions for more information.)
Conventional Conventional engraves Inset and Offset tool paths so that parts will have
a smooth edge.
Inset will engrave counterclockwise for inside paths and clockwise for
outside paths.
Offset will engrave counterclockwise for outside paths and clockwise for
inside paths.

Inside holes in text and objects will be cut in the opposite direction of the outside path.

Conventional Inset Conventional Offset

Climb Climb engraves in the opposite way from Conventional and is typically
used for materials such as heavy-grained wood and aluminum.
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 505

Climb Inset Climb Offset

Clockwise Clockwise engraves clockwise for all paths.

Clockwise Inset Clockwise Offset

Counter Counter Clockwise engraves counterclockwise for all paths.


Counter Clockwise Offset Counter Clockwise Inset

When checked, lets you enter values that will override the engraver settings.
Specify Depth
Depth Specifies the total depth the tool will engrave.

Stepdown Specifies how deeply the tool will engrave on each pass to ensure that it
does not remove too much material.
Last, First, Both Lets you specify additional Stepdown values
for Last, First, or Both passes. Lets you specify
how deeply you want the tool to engrave on
each pass.
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 506

1. Total Depth: 1 in. 2. First Pass 3. Stepdown 4. Stepdown 5. Last Pass

(Optional) Remainder (Optional)

Clearance Specifies the amount of vertical distance the tool lifts between paths.

When checked, executes a final pass that removes a small amount of material to smooth the
Finishing Pass
edges from the previous pass.
Removes Specifies the amount of material that the Finishing Pass removes.

When checked, the tool will begin outside the tool path and move toward the path in an arc
or a line. This allows the tool to come up to speed and make a clean entry into the tool path.
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 507

Tangential Entry, Line

Tangential Exit When checked, the tool finishes the job and continues outside the tool path in an arc or a line.
This allows the tool to power down and make a clean exit from the tool path.

Tangential Exit, Arc

Arc Employs a curved arc of a specified radius.

Line Employs a straight line of a specified length.

When checked, automatically repositions the start point of each path to reduce the distance
Optimize start
from the end point of one path to the start point of the next.
Tangential entry and exits will occur at the object's optimized start point. Uncheck this option to use the object's original start point.

1) Click OK.

Tool Library

You can use the Tool Library to edit or create an engraving tool to your specifications.

1) From the Edit menu, select Tool Library.

Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 508

2) Adjust the following parameters:

Creates a new tool in the Tool Library.
Creates a duplicate of a selected tool in the Tool
Deletes a tool from the Tool Library.
Opens your saved tool settings.
Saves the tool settings as an XML file.

Editing a Tool
From the dropdown list in the upper-left corner of the Tool Library dialog box:

1) Select All Tools, Standard, or Metric to display a selection of engraving tools.

2) Click the tool you want to edit.
3) Adjust the following parameters:
Displays the name of the selected tool.
Tool name
Changes the color that represents the selected tool.

Displays the type of tool selected. Options are Engraver,

Tool type
Beveler, Braille, End Mill, Diamond, Profiler, Burnisher,
Bullnose, and Conical Bullnose.
Sets the units of tool-diameter measurement to inches or
Tool units
Specifies the number of passes the tool will make along a
This value sets the number of times the tool will follow a
path before moving on to the next path. It differs from
Stepdown, which specifies how deeply the tool will engrave
on each pass.
This group box describes the measurements of your tool. The
Tool Geometry
diagram in the upper-right corner points to the areas
measured in Tool Geometry. The lower diagram changes
dynamically as you enter values in the Tip diameter and
Shaft diameter fields.
Tip diameter Adjusts and displays the width of the tool
Chapter 31 pps Editor-PRO 509

Shaft diameter Adjusts and displays the width of the tool

Angle Sets the angle of the tool's point.

4) Click OK.
Chapter 32 pps Editor-PRO 511

Chapter 32

Working with Measurements and Labels

The software allows you to measure, label, and dimension objects. By using the measuring tools, you can
indicate the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal dimensions of a design, or you can label objects.

The lines and labels can be output to a printer or a cutter. (See RIP and Print Dialog Box - Advanced Tab
(see "RIP and Print Dialog Box - Advanced Tab" on page 548) or Cut/Plot Dialog Box - Advanced Tab for
more information.)

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Measuring Distances ...................................................................................... 511
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582

Measuring Distances
Use the Measure tool when you need to know the distance between two points in your design.

1) From the Main toolbar, select the Measure Tool.

Chapter 32 pps Editor-PRO 512

The Measure tab appears in DesignCentral.

2) Click and drag the cursor between the desired points.

3) Release the mouse button.

The following information displays in Design Central:

DesignCentral for

1. X,Y coordinates of 2. Horizontal and 3. Actual distance 4. Angle of the line

the first point vertical distances between start and that joins the start
end points and end points will
have with the

Click a single point to show its position in the design.

Chapter 33 pps Editor-PRO 513

Chapter 33

Configuring the System for Color Printing

You should configure your system before printing. The Color Settings dialog box provides the default
settings that are applied to files that are imported into your software and to emulate the output color on
your monitor.

To open the Color Settings dialog box and configure your software for color printing, from the Edit menu,
select Color Settings.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Setting the Display Settings .......................................................................... 514
Setting the Input Profiles ............................................................................... 515
Selecting Rendering Intents .......................................................................... 515
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................. 525
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 33 pps Editor-PRO 514

Setting the Display Settings

Most color files are calibrated for specific output devices. Files in RGB format are usually color corrected
for display on specific monitors, and CMYK files are color corrected for output to a particular printer.
Display Settings are used to convert these files to a neutral color space so that your software can later color
correct for your output device using the output profiles.

The Display Settings tab in the Color Settings dialog box allows you to select the input profiles to use
when importing color files. The input profiles should match the output devices (either a monitor or a
printer) used in the creation of the files.

In the Color Settings dialog box, adjust the following parameters:

Lets you select the profile that matches your computer

Lets you select the printer that will be used to print your
design. Check Soft proof preserves white point to emulate
the white point of the output medium.
Lets you select the profile that will be used for output.
Chapter 33 pps Editor-PRO 515

Setting the Input Profiles

You can emulate the output color on your computer monitor using a process called Soft Proofing.

In order for this emulation to be as accurate as possible, you must first select the appropriate profiles from
the Input Profile tab of the Color Settings dialog box.

Lets you select the RGB profile that matches your image
Lets you select the CMYK profile that matches your image
Lets you select the grayscale profile that matches your image
source .

You can add additional profiles by clicking the Add button.

Selecting Rendering Intents

Rendering Intent specifies how a color space from the input file gets mapped to the color space of the
output device.

Rendering Intents can be specified for four different types of objects that make up jobs:
Chapter 33 pps Editor-PRO 516

Specifies the rendering intent to use with bitmap images

(raster images) contained in your job file.
Specifies the rendering intent to use with vector objects such
as circles, polygons, lines, arcs, and Bezier curves contained
in vector-based files like PostScript, DXF, or Adobe
Specifies the rendering intent to use with text objects
contained in PostScript and other vector-based files.
Specifies the rendering intent to use with vector-based
gradient objects contained in PostScript and other
vector-based files. Gradients created in bitmap files will be
rendered using the Bitmap rendering intent.

Different rendering intents can be specified for CMYK objects versus all other objects (RGB, grayscale,
LAB, etc.).

The options set here are only used as a default setting for your output. You can specify different rendering
intents for each bitmap or color in your design. (See Profile Tab (see "Profile Tab" on page 462) and Color
Specs - Color Tab (see "Color Specs - Color Tab" on page 389) for more information.)

Choose one of the following rendering intents:

This intent is best for photographic images. Colors outside of

the output device's gamut are either clipped or compressed
to fit the output device's color space.
This intent is best for images (such as logos) where the
output needs to match the original image. Colors that fall
outside of the output device's gamut are clipped. This
method may reduce the total number of colors available. The
white point of Relative Colorimetric is always zero.
This intent is best for graphic images (such as vector art)
where vivid colors are more important than true color
matching. Colors outside of the output device's gamut are
mapped to colors at the extent of the gamut's saturation.
Colors that fall within the gamut of the output device are
shifted closer to the gamut's saturation extent.
This intent is similar to Relative Colorimetric, but it has a
different white point value. Absolute Colorimetric represents
colors relative to a fixed white point value of D50. For
example, the white of paper A will be simulated when
printing on paper B. This intent is best for color proofing.
The object will be printed without any color correction.
No color
Chapter 33 pps Editor-PRO 517


Spot Color
This intent was created to supplement the Saturation intent.
Spot Color maps colors similarly to the Saturation rendering
intent, but Spot Color rendering intent produces the greatest
saturation possible and should not be used with
photographic images.
Chapter 34 pps Editor-PRO 519

Chapter 34

Printing to a Desktop Printer

Before the final output, you may want to print a sample to your desktop printer for proofing.

1) Make sure all the objects and colors you want to print are visible in your document.
2) From the File menu, select Print.

3) Select your desktop printer and select the desired options.

To print only selected objects, check Selection in the Print Options group.

4) Adjust the following parameters:

Lets you select the following printer-related properties:
Name Selects the name of the printer you want to print to.

Properties Adjusts printer-specific properties. (See your printer

documentation for details.)
PostScript data Specifies the data output form: Binary or ASCII. When Binary is
selected, the data is first compressed using binary encoding and
then sent to the printer.
Chapter 34 pps Editor-PRO 520

Lets you specify the Number of copies you want to print.

Collate When checked, all the pages of a multi-page file will be output in
order before starting on the next copy. (For example, three copies of
a three-page job would print out 1,2,3; 1,2,3; 1,2,3.)
When cleared, the entire specified number of copies will be output
for a single page before starting on the next page. (Three copies of a
three-page job would print 1,1,1; 2,2,2; 3,3,3.)
Lets you select one of the following:
Fit drawing to Resizes the output to fit the entire design onto the paper.

Fit border to Resizes the output to fit the entire drawing area onto the paper.

Scale Lets you select or enter a percentage to scale (resize) the output.
You can use the Tiling option to print images that are bigger than
the size of paper your printer can handle.
For example, if you want to print a scale of 1 inch = 1 feet, enter 1:12
in this field.
Chapter 34 pps Editor-PRO 521

Let's you select from a number of print options:

Printer Options
Selection only Only prints the selected portions of a design.

Border Prints the border around the design area along with the design.

Wireframe Prints all vector objects without fill.

Substrate Prints the substrate color (if any) along with the design.

Guides Prints the guides (if any) along with the design.

Grid Prints the grid along with the design.

Template Applies a layout template to the output.

Select Template Opens the Select Template dialog box, where

you can select from a number of predefined
layout templates.
Allows you to divide the output into tiles and set an overlap between the tiles.
Print tiled When checked, this tiles the output.
Overlap Specifies the amount of overlap between the tiles.
Chapter 34 pps Editor-PRO 522

Original design Tiled output

Lets you select from one of the following positions:


Top Left Top Center Top Right

Left Center Center Right Center

Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right

Custom Lets you position the design precisely by specifying the following
Offset X Specifies the distance from the left edge of the
design to the left edge of the printable area of
the page.
Offset Y Specifies the distance from the top edge of the
design to the top edge of the printable area of
the page.
Check to enable the following advanced options:
Use device When checked, uses the margin information from the printer
margins driver.
Chapter 34 pps Editor-PRO 523

Ignore When checked, ignores any overprinting set up in the design stage.
overprint This can be useful if you want to save the time and output media
needed to do overprinting.

If you check Ignore Overprint, your output will automatically be changed so that it will not use
features that depend on overprinting. For example, output that had been set up to use color
trapping will now output untrapped.

Ignore Bitmap When checked, temporarily overrides any transparent portions of

Transparency a bitmap.
5) When finished, click OK (Windows) or Print (Macintosh).

See Also
pps Editor-PRO .............................................................................................. 231
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software .................................................................................. 243
Getting Started ............................................................................................... 259
Working with Files ........................................................................................ 307
Using DesignCentral ..................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ....................................................................................... 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................ 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ...................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................ 401
Working with Shapes .................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps .................................................................................. 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels .................................................. 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................ 513
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................ 525
Printing your Design ..................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE .............................................................................. 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................ 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts .................................................................. 582
Chapter 35 pps Editor-PRO 525

Chapter 35

Connecting to Production Manager or pps

The design software is capable of sending output to either Production Manager or pps.

You can only connect to copies of Production Manager or pps that have the same version as the design
software. Attempting to connect to an older version will yield an error.

See Also
pps Editor-PRO ............................................................................................... 231
Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server .......................... 526
Sharing a Hardware Key over a Local Area Network ............................... 528
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software ................................................................................... 243
Getting Started ................................................................................................ 259
Working with Files ......................................................................................... 307
Using DesignCentral ...................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ........................................................................................ 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................. 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ....................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................. 401
Working with Shapes ..................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps ................................................................................... 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels ................................................... 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................. 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ........................................................................ 519
Printing your Design ...................................................................................... 531
Appendix - ASCII CODE ............................................................................... 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List ............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................. 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................... 582
Chapter 35 pps Editor-PRO 526

Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server

The software has the ability to output your design to the PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server. To
make this work, simply connect to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server instead of Production

As with Production Manager, you can connect to a copy of PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server
running on the same computer, to another computer on your Local Area Network, or to a remote
computer accessed via TCP/IP.

Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server on the Same Computer

If PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server is running on your computer, and Production Manager is not
running, the software will automatically connect to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server.

If both programs are running, the software will always connect to Production Manager first.

1) Create your design in the design software.

2) Ensure that Production Manager is not running.
3) Start PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server.

4) On the Standard toolbar, click Cut/Plot or RIP and Print.

5) Select On this computer (Local).

6) Click OK.

Once the software connects to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server, it will automatically populate the Setup List with the available setups.

Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server on another Computer on your

Local Area Network
1) Ensure that neither Production Manager nor PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server is running on
your computer.
2) Create your design in the design software.

3) On the Standard toolbar, click Cut/Plot or RIP and Print.

Chapter 35 pps Editor-PRO 527

4) If the Select a Production Manager dialog box does not appear, select Other from the Setup List in the
top-left corner.

5) Select On another computer (Network).

6) Click OK.

7) Select the copy of PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server that you want to connect to.
8) Click OK.

Once the software connects to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server, it will automatically populate the Setup List with the available setups.

Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server at an Internet Address

To connect to a copy of PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server running on a computer at a specified

TCP/IP address:

1) Ensure that neither Production Manager nor PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server is running on
your computer.
2) Make sure that Production Manager is not running on the remote computer.

If Production Manager is running on the remote computer, the software will connect to that copy of Production Manager instead of PhotoPRINT Server /
FlexiPRINT Server.

3) Find out the TCP/IP address of the remote computer.

Chapter 35 pps Editor-PRO 528

1. To determine the TCP/IP address of a Windows computer, from the command line type ipconfig
and press Enter.
Windows IP Configuration
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
4) Create your design in the design software.

5) On the Standard toolbar, click Cut/Plot or RIP and Print.

6) If the Select a Production Manager dialog box does not appear, select Other from the Setup List in the
top-left corner.

7) Select On the internet address.

8) Enter the TCP/IP address of the remote computer.
9) Click OK.

Once the software connects to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Server, it will automatically populate the Setup List with the available setups.

Sharing a Hardware Key over a Local Area Network

It is possible to run the design software on one computer and Production Manager on a separate
computer, using only one hardware key. The computer that has Production Manager and the computer
that has the design software must be networked, and TCP/IP must be installed properly and working.

You cannot run more than one concurrent instance of the software using the same hardware key.

1) Install the design software on the design station.

2) Install the production software on the production station.
3) Attach the hardware key to either the design station or the production station.
4) Launch either the design software or the production software. The software can run as long as the key
is attached to one of the stations.
Chapter 35 pps Editor-PRO 529

5) Connect to the instance of Production Manager running on the production station. (See Connecting to
Production Manager on another Computer on your Local Area Network for more information.)
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 531

Chapter 36

Printing your Design

Before you can print any design, make sure you have established a connection from your design software
to the Production Manager and created a setup for your output device as instructed in the section “Setting
up the Production Manager and Configuring Output Devices.”

Sending Follow the steps below to send the document to your cutting device:

1) From the File menu, select RIP and Print.

If you have any object selected, only the selected objects will be cut.

2) Adjust the settings available in the dialog box as necessary and click Send.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 532

See Also
pps Editor-PRO .............................................................................................. 231
RIP and Print Settings ................................................................................... 533
RIP and Print Dialog Box - General Tab ..................................................... 534
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Panel Tab ......................................................... 541
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Advanced Tab ................................................. 548
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Adjustment Tab .............................................. 555
Setting Driver Options .................................................................................. 557
Printing with Spot Colors ............................................................................. 558
RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab .................................................... 560
Software License Agreement ........................................................................ 233
Installing the Software .................................................................................. 243
Getting Started ............................................................................................... 259
Working with Files ........................................................................................ 307
Using DesignCentral ..................................................................................... 327
Using DesignEditor ....................................................................................... 337
Selecting Objects ............................................................................................ 347
Arranging Objects .......................................................................................... 351
Working with Color ...................................................................................... 377
Using Fill/Stroke Editor ................................................................................ 401
Working with Shapes .................................................................................... 415
Working with Text ......................................................................................... 419
Working with Paths ....................................................................................... 451
Working with Bitmaps .................................................................................. 459
Working with Effects ..................................................................................... 485
Working with Measurements and Labels .................................................. 511
Configuring the System for Color Printing ................................................ 513
Printing to a Desktop Printer ....................................................................... 519
Connecting to Production Manager or pps ................................................ 525
Appendix - ASCII CODE .............................................................................. 567
Appendix - Supported File Formats ............................................................ 569
Appendix - Features List............................................................................... 572
Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing ................ 577
Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts .................................................................. 582
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 533

RIP and Print Settings

The RIP and Print dialog box gives you complete control over how the job is produced.

The area on top of this dialog box is common for all tabs:

1. Current cutter 2. Display 3. Tabs 4. Switches to 5. Active jobs for this

Production Manager device
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 534

RIP and Print Dialog Box - General Tab

The General tab allows you to specify the size of media, size of the job and the location of your output on
the media.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 535

1. Material group box 2. Dual Roll 3. Sending mode 4. Position group box
You can resize the RIP and Print dialog box by clicking and dragging the
5. Size group box lower-right
6. Copies corner. 7. Positioning tools
group box 8. Zoom tools

Material Settings

The Material group box allows you to specify the size of the media used in your output device.

Select your media size from the list or specify a custom

size by selecting User Defined.
Width of material

Height of material

Sending Mode

The Send mode list allows you to select what to do with the job once it arrives in the Production Manager

Automatically processes the job and sends it to the output

Send now
Holds the job in the Production Manager queue until it is
Hold in list
manually sent from Production Manager.
Processes the job and saves it as a native (.prt) file.
Save to file

Send now mode is not available if the output device is inactive, or if the Production Manager is on another
computer on the network and the Allow remote Send Now/Interactive option is not selected in
Production Manager Preferences.

Position Settings

The Position group box allows you to specify where on the media the job is output.

Horizontal offset distance

Vertical offset distance

Positioning the Job by Clicking and Dragging

1) Choose Select Tool from the toolbar at the bottom of the Cut/Plot dialog box.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 536

2) Click and drag the preview to a new position.

1. Click...
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 537

2. ...and drag

Size Settings

The Size group box allows you to change the size of your output.

Width of the output

Height of the output

Scale ratio

Scales the job proportionally so that it is as large as possible

Fit to media
while still fitting within the printable area of the output
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 538

Copies Settings

The Copies group allows you to set the number of copies and the spacing between them.

Specifies the number of copies to be made.

Sets the amount of space between the copies.

The copies are automatically positioned to optimize the media


1. Copy spacing

Automatic Tile Flip

If Automatic tile flip is checked, every other tile that is printed will be rotated 180° so that adjacent
vertical edges are always printed with the same side of the print head. This helps them match up cleanly.

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 539

Positioning Tools

The Positioning tools allow you to rotate, mirror, and position a job.

Places the job at the specified

distances from the right and
leading edges of the media.

Centers the job on the leading

edge of the media.

Centers the job on the length and

width of the media.

Places the job at the specified

distances from the left and leading
edges of the media.

Rotates the job in 90-degree increments.

Mirrors the job vertically.

Selection Only. Automatically selected when you select one

or more objects before opening the Cut/Plot dialog box.
Displays the feed direction of the media.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 540

Viewing Tools

The viewing tools allow you to manipulate the job on the preview area.

Changes the position of the job on the media by clicking and

dragging the job preview.
Zooms in or out. Hold Ctrl to Zoom out.

Return the preview area to the default view.

Zoom to fit all objects into the preview area.

Click this button to toggle the preview to display the selected

objects only or the entire design.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 541

RIP and Print Dialog Box - Panel Tab

Jobs that are bigger than the media size should be tiled before output. The panel can be divided in several
columns and rows. Each section or cell is called a Tile.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 542

1. Panel group box 2. Tile group box 3. Overlap group box 4. Panel tools

Panel Tools

The tool bar provides tools to change the Panel mode and automatically tile.

Locks the columns so that the tiles on a same column can be adjusted
as a group.

Locks the rows so that the tiles on a same row will can be adjusted as a

Locks both columns and rows so that the entire columns or rows can
be adjusted as a group.

Auto-tile: A tile will automatically be created that includes all selected

objects. If no objects are selected, all of the objects in the design will
be included. If the design is too large to fit on the selected media, it will
automatically be tiled so that each tile is the maximum possible size.
Auto-tile does not attempt to tile the entire page, just the design or the
selected objects.
Tile to Border: The entire design page is automatically tiled. If the
page is too large to fit on the selected media, it will be tiled so that each
tile is the maximum possible size.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 543

Resizing the Panel

The panel defines the area of design that will be processed for output. Elements of the design that are
outside the bounds of the panel will not be printed.

You can resize the panel by dragging the panel border or using the Panel Size group to numerically enter
the panel size.

Resizing the Panel with the Mouse

1) Move the cursor on top of the small red squares along the panel border.
2) Click and drag to resize the panel.

Resizing the Panel Numerically

Adjust the following parameters:

Sets the Width of the panel.

Sets the Height of the panel.

Specifies the Margin around the panel.

Tiling the Job Using the Preview Area

Adding New Tiles to the Panel
1) Move the mouse cursor on top of the panel border.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 544

2) Click and drag towards the center of the panel to add a new panel.

1. Panel border

Resizing Existing Tiles

1) Move the mouse cursor on top of the tile border.
2) Click and drag to resize the tile.

1. Tile border

Tiling the Job Using the Tile Group Box

The Tile group allows you to specify the tiles numerically.

Changing Tile Size with the Mouse

1) Move the cursor on top of the tile border.
2) Click and drag to resize the tile.

Changing Tile Size Numerically

1) Select the tile you want to resize in the preview area.
2) Enter the new size.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 545

The width of the selected tile

The height of the selected tile

Tiling the Job Evenly

To tile the job evenly, check the tiling option you want to perform and enter the desired number or the size
of rows and columns.

Divides the job into a specified number of evenly sized

Divides the job into a specified number of evenly sized

Even Columns Even Rows

Divides the job into a specified size of columns, starting

from the left side.
Divides the job into a specified size of rows, starting from
the bottom.

Specifying column width Specifying row height

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 546

Specifying Overlap between Tiles

You can specify the amount of overlap between rows and columns. By overlapping, you can eliminate any
gaps between the tiles when assembling the final output. Overlap is measured as the total amount that
two rows or columns overlap.

1. Height overlap 2. Width overlap

Width overlap. When checked, creates an overlap on

the vertical edges of the tiles.
Height overlap. When checked, creates an overlap on
the horizontal edges of the tiles.
Specifies the width of the overlaps.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 547

Preventing Tiles from Being Output

Do one of the following:

 Double-click on a tile in the preview pane.

 Right-click on a tile in the preview pane.

Disabled tiles are marked with a hash pattern.

1. Non-printing tile

To enable a disabled tile, double-click or right-click it again.

One tile in each job must always be enabled. If you try to disable all of the tiles, one of the other tiles will
become enabled.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 548

RIP and Print Dialog Box - Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab allows you to set advanced options specific to color printing jobs. The Advanced tab
has two layouts depending on which printer you are using.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 549

Advanced tab with

automatic profile selection
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 550

Setting the Print Quality

The Output Settings group and the Driver Options define all the settings related to the quality of the

If this setting is not checked, incoming jobs are assumed to already have color
Clicking this button will launch the Color Settings dialog box. (See Configuring
Color settings
the System for Color Printing (see "Configuring the System for Color Printing"
on page 513) for more information.)
Check to ignore any overprinting that was set up in the design stage. This can
be useful if you want to save the time and output media needed to do

If you check Ignore Overprint, your output will automatically be changed so

that it will not use features that depend on overprinting. For example, output
that had been set up to use color trapping will now output untrapped.

Select the preset to load the settings relevant to the Advanced tab from the
preset. Only the settings relevant to the Advanced tab (media, color mode,
dither type, etc.) will be loaded from the preset.
When finished, click Done.

Loading settings from a preset only affects the Advanced tab; it does not set the
job to automatically use that preset in Production Manager.

Select the media type your job will be printed on.

Select the desired quality of your printout.
Print mode
If your output device supports multiple color modes, then you can select one of
Color mode
the supported color modes here.
Choose an appropriate DPI for your job. A higher DPI produces higher quality
output but increases the processing time.
Selects the dither type, or the pattern in which the individual dots that make an
Dither type
image are applied to the media.
Clicking the Screen button will launch a dialog box when the Angled Screen
dither type is selected. You can adjust frequency, angle and shape for each
output channel (CMYK).
Select Normal, Enhanced or Super. The higher settings cause the software to
render gradients using more elaborate algorithms that produce smoother
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 551

Output profiles are created for the combination of ink, media, resolution and
Output profile
dither type of your output device. When selecting a profile, be sure to select the
profile that matches these criteria.
Select Add to add ICC output profiles from another source.
Select the ICC profile and click Open.
Clicking the Properties button will launch the Profile Properties dialog box,
which contains information pertaining to the ICC output profile that has been
chosen under Output profile and also UCR/GCR settings.
Click to launch the Linearization dialog box.

Density Selecting a density file applies the ink density adjustments

adjustment created in Color Profiler. If you do not wish to apply a
density adjustment, set this field to None.
Ink Limits Set the ink limit for each color of ink to the maximum percent
coverage that the device can output without causing bleeding
or drying issues, then click OK.
If checked, the color of the drawing area will be printed with the design.
Print substrate
Selects if the labels and dimensions added with dimension/label tools will be
printed with the design.
dimensions and
Check to print each color plane separately.
Print as

You can select to print one color channel or all color channels as a separate job.

Print Check to make each process color separation print in the

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 552

separations in appropriate color of ink. If this option is not selected, all

color process color separations will print in black.

Separations for spot colors will always print in black.

Allows you to map the spot color used in the design to specific ink in the printer.
Use printer
(See Printing with Spot Colors (see "Printing with Spot Colors" on page 558) for
spot colors
more information.)
Sends raw color data to Production Manager to allow color management and
color mapping.
with Object
Color Control
If this setting is checked, Input Profile and Rendering Intent settings are taken
from the Color Settings dialog box and are therefore ignored in the Color
Specs dialog box. (See Configuring the System for Color Printing (see
"Configuring the System for Color Printing" on page 513) for more
information about the Color Settings dialog box.)

Check Print Marks to print the selected type of mark. Set Color to the ink color
Labels and
that will be used to print the marks. The available types of print mark are:
Crop Marks Adds crop marks to the output to aid in trimming the

Standard marks Standard marks intended for aligning color separations.

Swatch Color swatches for each color of ink will be printed around
the job.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 553

Overlap Marks Overlap marks will be printed, indicating how the tiles of a
tiled job should overlap.

Tonal Scale Color swatches containing blended CMY colors and a gray
scale will be printed around the job.

Margin Marks will be printed at the corners of the job indicating its
outside margins.

Border A border will be printed around the outside edge of the job.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 554

Prints a thin strip of each ink color along the selected edges of the print to show
Print Color
that all print heads are firing.

Clicking this button opens the Contour Options dialog box. (See Setting Contour
Cut Options (see "Setting Contour Cut Options" on page 561).)
Clicking this button opens the Driver Options dialog box. (See Setting Driver
Driver Options
Options (see "Setting Driver Options" on page 557).)
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 555

RIP and Print Dialog Box - Adjustment Tab

The Color Adjustment tab provides some basic tools to manually adjust the output color.

Each color channel is listed separately as a linearization curve that determines what percentage of
coverage will be used (output) for a specified percentage in the original image (input).
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 556

Check to see the changes in your color settings reflected in the preview
Select the color channel that you want to edit. Select All to apply the
changes to all color channels.
The value for the point that is currently selected on the linearization
Click on the curve to select a different point to edit. You can also select a
point by clicking on the input axis label.
To change the value at a given point on the curve, edit the value in the
Output field or click and drag the point up or down.
Adjusts the amount of contrast in the image.
This setting is only available when All color channels are selected.

Adjusts the vividness of the image. Higher settings boost color saturation
and brightness at the expense of color fidelity and detail. Lower settings
decrease color saturation and brightness, but increase contrast.

This setting is only available when All color channels are selected.

Click to edit the color settings in the image using a more advanced model.

This setting is only available when all color channels are selected.

Brightness Higher values make all colors in the image lighter in

shade. Lower values darken the colors in the image.
Global Hue This setting adjusts the overall hue of the picture. It
can make the image bluish, or sepia-toned. For this
setting, the range of values from -100% to +100%
represents the spectrum of colors that can be applied
to the image.
Saturation Higher values increase the amount of color in the
image, but can reduce the contrast and detail. Lower
values reduce the amount of color.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 557

Reset Click to reset all sliders to their defaults.

Click OK to accept changes and return to the color adjustment tab.

Click to delete the selected point from the linearization curve.

Click to restore the values and settings for the current channel to its
original states.
Click to restore the values and settings for all channels to their original
Reset All

Setting Driver Options

The Driver Options dialog box displays settings related to the selected output device.

The options displayed may vary depending on your output device.

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 558

Allows you to use the available driver options for your

Enable driver
output device. When driver options are enabled, you can set
special options from within the driver options dialog box.
When driver options are disabled, the printer's own settings
will be used.
Number of times you would like the printer to print over the
same area. This setting increases the number of ink layers
placed on the media.
The amount of space between each separate job.
Page Spacing
This is the amount of time the printer waits after it has
Dry Time
completed printing, allowing the ink to dry.
Direction the print heads move when printing. In
Print Direction
Bi-directional mode the print cartridges print from left to
right, then from right to left. In unidirectional mode, the
cartridges print from right to left only. Bi-directional mode
prints faster, but unidirectional mode usually produces a
better quality print.
If checked, the printer will use the value provided to
Media feed
compensate for variations in feed rates during the output
process. This provides more accurate output.
Cuts the media after the print is complete. If a drying time
Cut sheet after
has been set, the media will be cut after the dry time is
If checked, the media will feed past the heads and remain
Advance after
there at the end of the job.
Click to return all settings on the tab to their default values.

Printing with Spot Colors

Some printers support spot color inks. Spot colors are used to reproduce colors that are difficult to
produce using standard inks. If your printer supports spot colors, you can use the following steps to print

1) Use the spot color swatch tables for your printer to create your design.

The software already comes with spot color libraries specific for printers that support spot color printing. If a certain color is not listed in the color library you
should create the color and define it as a spot color.

2) From the File menu, select RIP and Print.

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 559

3) Select the Advanced tab.

4) In the Miscellaneous settings group, check Print spot colors.
5) Click the Spot color mapping button.

6) Select the drawing color for which you want to change the mapping and select the Printer color from
the map to list. Select Print as process color if you want to print that color using process colors
(CMYK). Select Skip to disable the color.
7) Click OK.
8) Set the appropriate options in the RIP and Print dialog and select Send to print the job.

The printer or the Production Manager will prompt whenever you have to change the spot color ink in the printer.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 560

RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab

The Contour tab allows you to print and then cut a contour line around your design.

The output of a design with contour cut involves several steps as follow:

1) Create your design in your software and add one or more contour cut lines. (See Using Contour Cut
(see "Using Contour Cut" on page 489) for more information.)
2) From the File menu, select RIP and Print.
3) Select the Contour tab in the RIP and Print dialog box.
4) Set the contour cut options.
5) Print your design.
6) Cut the contour.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 561

Setting Contour Cut Options

When a print job containing one or more contour cuts is opened in the RIP and Print dialog box, you can
set the cutting options for the contour cuts in the Contour Options dialog box.

1) Open the Contour tab of the RIP and Print dialog box.
2) Adjust the following parameters:
The cutter that will be used to cut the contour.

Specify how the job will be sent to the output device:

As hybrid job Sends both printing and cutting data as a single job.
This option is available for hybrid printer/cutter
As separate Sends printing and cutting data as separate jobs. This
jobs option is available if you use different devices for
cutting and printing. This is also known as virtual
hybrid output.
Print job only Sends only the printing job.

Contour job Sends only the cutting job.

Media size

Material width

Material height

Poll Size: polls the size of the media loaded in the

cutter. This feature only works for devices that are
capable of two-way communication, such as serial or
USB devices.
Select the type of registration mark to help you align the printed media in
the cutter for contour cutting. Some cutters are equipped with sensors that
detect the registration marks automatically.
The Print Marks Color setting in the Advanced tab of the RIP and Print
dialog box determines the color of the registration marks.

For best result with an automatically aligned cutter, use the registration
mark for that manufacturer and device.

4 Points Places registration marks along the

Horizontal upper and lower horizontal edges
of the job.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 562

Vertical Places registration marks on the

right side of the image. The arrow
in the registration mark indicates
the media feed direction for cutting.
Horizontal Places registration marks on the
bottom of the image. The arrow in
the registration mark indicates the
media feed direction for cutting.
Cuts a border around all objects in the selected color.
Weed border
Panel margin For a single object, Panel margin sets the amount of
space between cut lines.
For multiple copies, Panel margin sets the amount of
space between cut lines.
Cuts the borderline of a page when the output is tiled into several pages.
Cut page
Removes intersections of overlapping objects of the same color.
Sets whether the Production Manager should pause after each color is
Pause between
processed, allowing you to change the pen or the media. This option can
only be selected when Send all colors is checked.
If selected, when the software is cutting around closed curves, it will
continue cutting around the curve a second time, for a specified distance.
This ensures that the curve is cut out completely.
Extra cut length The distance the tool will overcut.

When this option is not selected, the objects are cut or plot in the order
they were created. When selected, the software processes the objects
cutting order
within the specified section of length before moving to the next section.
Optimize The specified section of length before moving to the
distance next section.
Check this option to force all of the contour cut colors to use the same
Use same
cutter driver options.
driver options
for all colors
Edit Opens driver settings for before and after the job. You
can change the values so that the settings will be sent
to the output device, overriding the settings in the
output device.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 563

Before Job tab

After Job tab

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 564

Macro tab

Before Job Defines commands that will be sent

before the job is processed.
After Job Defines commands that will be sent
after the job is processed.
Macro Allows you to execute common
tasks that you are usually required
to do from the device control panel.
Save Saves the changes you made as a
new command.
Delete Deletes the selected command from
the list. You can only delete
commands that were added using
the Save command.
Reset Reverts all settings to the default
settings. Any custom commands
you add will be deleted.
XY Velocity Speed at which tool cuts material.

Spindle RPM The speed at which the cutter

Dwell-time Amount of time the cutter pauses
before changing path direction.
Motor Control Turns cutter motor on and off.

Start Delay Delay before cutter begins cutting.

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 565

Cutting speed Speed at which tool cuts material.

Spindle Motor Turns cutter motor on and off.

Keep clear of the output device when sending the macros, since the cutter
may move and injure the operator.

Check to lift the knife and advance the media after output, then reset the
Advance after

Number of passes the tool will make along the path.

The Passes value sets the number of times the tool will follow a path
before moving onto the next path. This value differs from Stepdown in
that Stepdown sets how deeply the tool will cut on each pass.

Cutting the Contour on a Hybrid Device

If you are using a hybrid device, the contour will be cut automatically after printing.

Cutting the Contour as a Separate Job

If you send the print and cut data as separate jobs, the software will output the print job first. The cut job
will be put in the queue of the selected cutting device, and its status will be set to Holding. You can then
load the output media from the printer into the cutting device and send the cut job to the device.

In order for the contour to line up properly on the print job, you must align the cut job to the printed
output using either automatic alignment or manual alignment.

Cutting the Contour on a Cutter with Automatic Alignment

1) RIP and print the job.
2) Remove the output media from the printer and load it into the cutter.
3) Output the cut job in the Hold Queue as you would a normal print job.

4) Align the cutting head over the first automatic registration mark (lower right if not marked) using the
controls on the front panel of the cutter.
5) Click OK to cut the contour.

Cutting the Contour on a Manually Aligned Cutter

1) RIP and print the job.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 566

2) Remove the output media from the printer and load it into the cutter. Make sure the output media is
straight, and align the registration marks to the origin for the cutter.
3) Output the cut job in the Hold Queue as you would a normal print job.

4) Select the method to be used to position the cut head over the registration marks and click OK.
You will position the cut head over the registration marks
using software controls.
You will position the cut head over the registration marks
using the controls on the face of the cutter.
This option is only available when a bi-directional communications protocol such as
serial or USB is used.

1. To indicate the position of the registration marks using Interactive alignment:

1. Use the arrow buttons to position the head of the cutting device over registration mark 1 and
click OK.
2. Repeat for all additional registration marks.
2. To indicate the position of the registration marks using Digital alignment:
1. Use the front panel controls on the cutter to position the head of the cutting device over
registration mark 1. Press Enter on the cutting device, then click OK.
2. Repeat for all additional registration marks.
5) Make sure the knife is loaded into the cutter, then click OK to cut the contour portion of the design.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 567

Appendix - ASCII CODE

32 57 9 82 R 107 k 132 „ 157 • 182 ¶ 207 Ï 232

33 ! 58 : 83 S 108 l 133 … 158 ž 183 · 208 Ð 233

34 " 59 ; 84 T 109 m 134 † 159 Ÿ 184 ¸ 209 Ñ 234

35 # 60 < 85 U 110 n 135 ‡ 160 185 ¹ 210 Ò 235

36 $ 61 = 86 V 111 o 136 ˆ 161 ¡ 186 º 211 Ó 236

37 % 62 > 87 W 112 p 137 ‰ 162 ¢ 187 » 212 Ô 237

38 & 63 ? 88 X 113 q 138 Š 163 £ 188 ¼ 213 Õ 238

39 ' 64 @ 89 Y 114 r 139 ‹ 164 ¤ 189 ½ 214 Ö 239

40 ( 65 A 90 Z 115 s 140 Œ 165 ¥ 190 ¾ 215 × 240

41 ) 66 B 91 [ 116 t 141 • 166 ¦ 191 ¿ 216 Ø 241

42 * 67 C 92 \ 117 u 142 Ž 167 § 192 À 217 Ù 242

43 + 68 D 93 ] 118 v 143 • 168 ¨© 193 Á 218 Ú 243

44 , 69 E 94 ^ 119 w 144 • 169 ª 194 Â 219 Û 244

45 - 70 F 95 _ 120 x 145 ‘ 170 « 195 Ã 220 Ü 245

46 . 71 G 96 ` 121 y 146 ’ 171 ¬ 196 Ä 221 Ý 246

47 / 72 H 97 a 122 z 147 “ 172 - 197 Å 222 Þ 247

48 0 73 I 98 b 123 { 148 ” 173 198 Æ 223 ß 248

49 1 74 J 99 c 124 | 149 • 174 ® 199 Ç 224 à 249

50 2 75 K 100 d 125 } 150 – 175 ¯ 200 È 225 á 250

51 3 76 L 101 e 126 ~ 151 — 176 ° 201 É 226 â 251

52 4 77 M 102 f 127 • 152 ˜ 177 ± 202 Ê 227 ã 252

53 5 78 N 103 g 128 € 153 ™ 178 ² 203 Ë 228 ä 253

54 6 79 O 104 h 129 • 154 š 179 ³ 204 Ì 229 å 254

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 568

55 7 80 P 105 i 130 ‚ 155 › 180 ´ 205 Í 230 æ 255

56 8 81 Q 106 j 131 ƒ 156 œ 181 µ 206 Î 231 ç

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 569

Appendix - Supported File Formats

File Format Extension Import Export

Adobe Illustrator ai, EPS 11 (CS) 6.0

Adobe PhotoShop psd 6.0 4.0

Adobe Portable Document Format pdf 1.3 ------------


AutoCAD Drawing dwg 2000 ------------

CASmate scv 6.52 6.52

Clip Art ca 4/5 4/5

CorelDRAW Drawing cdr 8.0 (B) ------------

CorelDRAW Exchange Metafile cmx 6.0 ------------

Desktop Color Separation (DCS) dcs 2.0 ------------

Digital Microprocessor Plotter plt (A) ------------

Language (DMPL)

Drawing Exchange file dxf (A) (A)

FlexiSIGN 5.x fs, pd, fd, fc, 5.9 4/5


FlexiSIGN 6.x fs 6.0 6/7

Flexi 7 fs 7.0 7.0

Flexi 7.5 fs 7.5 7.5

Gerber Artwork Definition gad ------------ 1.0

Gerber Clip Art gca (A) ------------

Hewlett Packard Graphics hpg, hgl, plt (A) (A)

Language (HPGL)

Hewlett Packard Graphics hpg, hgl, plt (A) (A)

Language II (HPGL/2)
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 570

Ikarus ik (A) ------------

Inspire sci ----------- -----------

Joint Photograph Experts Group jpg (A) (A)


Kodak Flashpix fpx 1.0 (B) ------------

Kodak PhotoCD pcd (A) (B) ------------

Macintosh Quickdraw PICT pct (A) (B) ------------

Microsoft Widows Metafile wmf (A) (B) ------------

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) png (A) (B) (A) (B)

PostScript ps, EPS, 2ps, 2.0 3.0

fjb, prn

Targa tga 2.0 2.0

Text txt (A) ------------

Tag Image File Format (TIFF) tif 6.0 6.0

Windows bitmap bmp (A) (A)

Zsoft PC Paintbrush pcx 5.0 (B) ------------

(A): Version number does not exist or is not available.

(B): Not supported on Macintosh.

Layering information, including layer name, color and attributes (locked, visible) will be preserved in files
exported to the following formats: Adobe Illustrator, DXF, and HPGL.

Layering is ignored during import, so that multiple imports do not create many unnecessary layers. To
preserve layer information, use Open instead.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 571

AutoCAD DXF Import

When DXF files are imported, the following dialog will appear:

1) Set Units to the desired units (imperial or metric).

2) Click OK.

If a DXF file is opened instead of imported, layers that are marked as frozen (hidden and non-editable) in the DXF file will be preserved as separate layers,
and marked as hidden.

Gerber File Format Supported Features

The following features of the Gerber file formats are supported:

Supported. Preview is shown in the Open and Import dialog

All objects are automatically grouped after import.
Supported. If the original bitmap is missing, you will be
prompted to locate the file.
Text is usually imported as outlines, but in some cases they
will be detected as text and you will be prompted for font
substitution if there are any missing fonts.
Supported. Spot, Spectratone (Duotone), RGB and CMYK are
Foil Color
all supported.
Supported, but if the job contains both vinyl and foil colors
Vinyl Color
then the following message will appear:

Check Import vinyl data as contour cut and click OK to

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 572

import vinyl color objects as contour cut paths. If the Import

vinyl data as contour cut box is cleared, vinyl objects will be
imported as standard vector objects.
Supported. Linear and radial gradient are supported for both
spot and process.
Supported. Choose Apply print order during import to use
Job print order
the job print order.
Supported. Both import as overprint, but heat setting can be
changed in driver options.
Supported. In order to see the substrate color use Open. It is
Substrate color
skipped when using Import.
Supported. If the fill and stroke have different
Stroke Color
primer/overprint or if the stroke is behind the fill then they
will be imported as two objects, one with fill only, the other
with stroke only.

Appendix - Features List

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 573

Getting Started
Navigator View X X X

Tool Diameter Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Repeat X X X X X X X

Working with Files

Job Info X X X X X X X X

Job Estimation X X X X

Templates X X X X

Using DesignEditor
DesignEditor X X X X X X X

Arranging Objects
Same Width / X X
Same Height

Auto Serialize X X X X X

Mask / Unmask X X X

Distribute X X X X

True Shape X Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X


Clear Transform X X

Working with Color

Eyedropper X X X X X X X

Modify Color X X

Measure Color X X

Create Duotone X X

Create CMYK X X X

Create Current X X X X X X X X
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 574

Palette Swatch

Using Fill/Stroke Editor13.2

Gradients X X X X X X X

Overprint X X X

Working with Shapes

Circle X X X X X X X

Fan X X X X

Arrow X X X X

Parametric X X X X

Convert to Shape X X X X

Working with Text

Text Block Size X X X X

Braille Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Barcode X X X

Insert Symbol X X X X

Define Character X X X X X X X

Text Styles X X X X X X X

URW Font Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt

Working with Paths

Engrave Path tab Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Working with Bitmaps

Scanning X X X X X X X

Creating New X X X X X

Rasterize X X X X X X X
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 575

Resample X X X

Colormode X X X X X X X

Marquee X X X X X X X

Lasso X X X X

Magic Wand X X X X

Move X X X X X X X

Eraser X X X X X X X

Paintbrush X X X

Pencil X X X BW X BW X

Fill X X X BW X BW X

Crop X X X X X

Stamp X X X

Filters X X X

AutoTrace X X X X X X X

Color Trace X X X X

Centerline Trace X X X X X X X

Picture Cut X X X X X X X

Working with Effects

Fuse X X X X X X X

Separate Overlap X X X X

Stripe X X X X X X X

Blend X X X X X

Lens X X X

Underbase X X

Finisher X X

Color Trapping X X X X X X X
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 576

Graphic Styles X X X X X X X

Contour X X X X X X X X

Profile Fill Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Hatch Fill Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Island Fill Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Hole Fill Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Tool Library Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

Working with Measurements and Labels

Dimensions / X X X X X X

Automatic X X X X X X X

Dimension to X X X X X X X

Configuring the System for Color Printing

Color Settings X X X

Soft Proof X X X

Cutting your Design

Cut/Plot X X X X X X

Printing your Design

RIP and Print X X X

Engraving your Design

Engrave Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt X X

CASmate Tracing Features

Bezier Tracing X X X X X X X

Enhanced X X X X X X X
Curves Tracing

Enhanced X X X X X X X
Corners Tracing
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 577

Centerline X X X X X X X

Color X X X X

This chart lists only the major features that differentiate the versions of the software. Not every feature
present in the software is listed.

Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using Bezier Tracing

Using Bezier Tracing
Bezier Tracing traces the outline of the image and converts it to Bezier curves. Bezier curves are very
convenient for graphic editing, and typically contain fewer points than lines/arcs.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Vectorize and select Bezier.

Using Enhanced Curves Tracing

This option traces the outline of the image and converts them to Lines and Arcs. This option is the
preferred method when scanning small business cards or poor quality artwork.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Vectorize and select Enhanced Curves.

Using Enhanced Corners Tracing

This vectorization option is great for larger, camera-ready artwork. It will produce fewer points and
sharper corners than the Enhanced Curves option.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Vectorize and select Enhanced Corners.
3) Adjust the following parameters. You can adjust by dragging the sliders or entering a numeric value:
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 578

Controls how closely the traced path stays to the original scanned image.
Smaller values will provide an accurate result that is very close to the
scanned image, but larger values will create smoother lines and fewer
control points.
Used to filter out some of the small garbage that is created during the
scanning process. If the image contains a lot of “garbage,” try using the
Reduce Noise bitmap filter prior to vectorizing.
Sets the threshold for detecting what is and what isn't a corner, and how
sharply the corners will be defined.
Resets the tracing parameters to their default value.
4) Click OK.

Using Centerline Vectorization

This vectorization method is used for black and white or grayscale images, which contain mostly lines
rather than filled shapes. It detects the center of the lines and creates a single line vector graphic.
Centerline vectorization is typically used in routing and engraving where you may want a single line path
for the machine.

1) Select the bitmap.

2) From the Bitmap menu, point to Vectorize and select Centerline.
3) Adjust the tracing parameters.
The program will find the center of each line and create a single line
Pure Centerline
The program will centerline contours that are smaller than the Line Width
Outline Thick
value and outline areas that are larger than this value.
This option is the minimum distance between junctions. The larger the
parameter value is, the more perfect the junctions will be. However, if you
segment length
are working with an image that may have a lot of close lines, you will
want to keep the value small.
This option only applies when using Outline Thick Areas. It controls the
centerline leftovers at the ends of the outlines.
When creating a centerline you can select how you want the contours
Joining Paths
created. The results of the centerline will look the same no matter which
option is selected.
None This option will create open contours that are made up of
small segments.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 579

Loops This option will create as many closed contours as possible.

These contours can be filled later if necessary.

Long This option will generate the longest possible contours. This
Paths is the most popular option because it minimizes the amount
of up/down movements that a router or engraver will have to
This option will let your software determine what should be centerlined
and what should be outlined. The Outline Thick Areas option defaults to
the Automatic setting,
When this option is selected, the Line Width value can be entered.
This field tells the program to centerline anything smaller than this value
Line Width
and to outline anything larger.
When using Outline Thick Areas you can tell the program what
vectorization method to use on the outlines. (See Tracing Bitmaps for
more information on Bezier, Corners or Curves tracings.)
This button is only available when Corners is selected in Enhancement
field. (See Using Enhanced Corners Tracing (see "Using Enhanced Corners
Tracing" on page 577) about the tracing properties of Corner Enhancement
Resets the tracing parameters to their default value.
4) Click OK.

Using Color Vectorization

Color vectorization is used to convert color raster images into vector graphics. Before vectorization, the
image must be posterized in order to reduce the number of colors.


Posterization is the process of reducing the number of colors to a manageable level so the image can be

1) Choose the posterization method you want.

2) Choose the number of colors.
3) Click Posterize.

After the bitmap is posterized, the resulting colors will be displayed in the dialog box.

Your software provides three methods of posterization:

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 580

This method works on each of the three color channels (Red, Green and
Blue) separately. It divides the color range within each channel into equal
bands, and then fits each pixel in the image to the color band closest to it.
In this method you specify how many colors you want in the posterized
results. Your software offers you a choice from a list of numbers: 8, 27, etc.
If, for example, you want to divide each color channel into two bands, the
total number of possible colors in all three channels will be 8 (2x2x2). In
the same way, 3 bands per channel will create 27 colors (3x3x3), etc.
The Fast method is the fastest posterization method. This method is useful
for posterizing logos with very distinct colors. It is not recommended for
photos because the colors in the posterized image are quite different than
those in the original image.
In this method the program finds the most dominant colors in the image.
Any pixel is converted to one of these dominant colors, the one closest to
it in color. In this method you specify how many colors you want in the
posterized result. This method is slower, but the results are much better
than the Fast method.
This method is recommended both for scanned logos and for photos. The
limitation of this method is that if you have a picture with many
background colors, such as many shades of blue in the sky, the program
may prefer those to objects in the foreground.
In this method you not only decide how many colors you want, but you
actually pick these colors in the image. When you choose the Manual
method, the cursor changes to a pipette tool. Click the colors in the image
you want in the final results. Any color you click on is added to the color
list in the dialog box. If you picked a color by mistake, you can select this
color in the dialog box and press the Delete key to remove it from the list.

Merging Colors

After you posterize the image, you may want to get rid of some colors. For example, an area in the image
which looked orange may become a mixture (or pattern) of yellow and red after posterization. In this case
you can merge these two colors in order to get one solid color for the whole area.

1) From the list of colors in the dialog box, select the colors you want to merge together.

Use Shift and Ctrl (command in Macintosh) to select multiple colors. The color you want to be the result of the Merge must be selected last. The result of
the merge will be displayed in the lower-right corner of the dialog box.

2) Click Merge.

All pixels in the image that have the selected color will be converted to the desired color.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 581


Once you are satisfied with the colors in the posterized image, click the Vectorize button to vectorize the
image into multiple color vector objects.
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 582

Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts

Align Both Centers Ctrl (command in

Align Both Centers to Page Ctrl (command in


Align Bottom Ctrl (command in


Align Bottom to Page Ctrl (command in


Align Horizontal Centers Ctrl (command in


Align Horizontal Centers to Page Ctrl (command in


Align Left Ctrl (command in


Align Left to Page Ctrl (command in


Align Right Ctrl (command in


Align Right to Page Ctrl (command in


Align Text Baselines Ctrl (command in


Align Top Ctrl (command in


Align Top to Page Ctrl (command in


Align Vertical Centers Ctrl (command in


Align Vertical Centers to Page Ctrl (command in


Back One Ctrl (command in
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 583


Compound Ctrl (command in

Convert to Outlines Ctrl (command in

Convert to Outlines V

Forward One Ctrl (command in

Macintosh)+PAGE UP

Group Ctrl (command in


Redraw Ctrl (command in


Redraw F5

Repeat Ctrl (command in


Resize Ctrl (command in

Reverse Path Direction Ctrl (command in

Rotate Ctrl (command in


Spacing J



UnCompound Ctrl (command in

Ungroup Ctrl (command in

Cancel Edit ESC

Close Ctrl (command in


Close Ctrl (command in

Exit ALT+F4
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 584

Help Topics F1
New Ctrl (command in
Open Ctrl (command in
Quit Ctrl (command in

Save Ctrl (command in


Color Mixer M
DesignCentral Ctrl (command in

DesignEditor E

Fill/Stroke Editor I

Path Editing
Select Point Tool N

Bezier Path Tool P

Add Point +

Remove Point -

Select Tool A



Copy Ctrl (command in


Copy F3
Copy Ctrl (command in
Cut F2

Cut Ctrl (command in

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 585



Deselect Ctrl (command in


Invert Selection Ctrl (command in



Paste Ctrl (command in


Paste F4

Redo Ctrl (command in


Redo Multiple Ctrl (command in


Select All Ctrl (command in


Select by Attributes D

Undo F1

Undo Ctrl (command in


Undo Multiple Ctrl (command in


Text Tool T

Find and Replace F3

Justify Center Ctrl (command in

Justify Full Ctrl (command in


Justify Left Ctrl (command in


Justify Right Ctrl (command in


Spell Check F7
Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 586

Circle Tool C

Oval Tool O

Polygon Tool G

Rectangle Tool R

Starburst Tool S

Next Window Ctrl (command in

Pan View SPACE

Show Fills Ctrl (command in

View Filter F

Zoom Z

Zoom In Ctrl (command in


Zoom Out Ctrl (command in


Cut/Plot or Engrave Ctrl (command in

Document Setup Ctrl (command in

Print Ctrl (command in
Print Setup (Page Setup on Ctrl (command in
Macintosh) Macintosh)+SHIFT+P

RIP and Print Ctrl (command in

Toolbars Ctrl (command in

Measure Tool U

Paint Brush Tool B

Chapter 36 pps Editor-PRO 587
Adobe PageMaker on Macintosh • 196, 197
A Adobe PageMaker on Windows • 196, 199
aborting output • 94 Adobe Photoshop • 201
aborting RIP or output • 52 Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 6 and Earlier • 201,
Aborting the Processing of a Job • 94 204
Accessing ICC Profiles on the Cloud • 19, 27, Adobe Photoshop Macintosh 7 • 201
249 Adobe Photoshop Windows 6 and Earlier • 205
Accessing the SAi Cloud • 19, 23, 245 Adobe Photoshop Windows 7 • 202
accurate screens • 128 advance after printing • 134
Acquiring a TWAIN Image • 92 Advanced Job Properties • 109, 118
Activating Setups • 50, 78 Advanced Options for Gradient Fill • 408
Activating the Software • 19, 23, 246 Advanced Settings for CMYK Swatch Tables •
active setup • 78 398
Adding a Color to a Swatch Table • 392 Advanced Settings for Current Palette Swatch
Adding a Fill Selected with the Eyedropper to a Tables • 398
Swatch Table • 388 Advanced Settings for Engraving Fills • 504
Adding a Gradient to a Swatch Table • 410 Aligning Objects • 370
Adding a New Color to a Swatch Table • 382 Aligning Objects to another Object • 330, 370
Adding a Pattern Fill to a Swatch Table • 406 Aligning Objects to the Design Area • 371
Adding Colors from the Color Mixer to a Swatch angled screen options • 128
table • 386 Appendix - ASCII CODE • 567
Adding Jobs from a File • 89 Appendix - CASmate Tracing Features Using
Adding Jobs Using the Hotfolder • 91 Bezier Tracing • 577
Adding New Colors • 181 Appendix - Features List • 227, 572
Adding New Jobs • 48, 89 Appendix - Keyboard Shortcuts • 221, 582
Adding New Tiles to the Panel • 543 Appendix - Spot Color List • 198, 200, 209, 210,
Adding/Changing Setups • 39, 40, 49, 53, 76 211, 213, 223
Adding/Modifying a Custom Spot Color Appendix - Supported File Formats • 91, 219,
Mapping • 174 309, 311, 569
Adding/Modifying a Global Color Mapping • AppleTalk Printing • 40
177 application preferences • 69
Adjusting Contour Cut Using Control Points • Applying a Gradient Fill • 406
493 Applying a Pattern Fill • 404
Adjusting Contour Cut Using DesignCentral • Applying a Solid Fill • 404
490 Applying Brighten Effect • 488
Adjusting the Number of Steps Stored in Undo Applying Colors from a Swatch Table • 381
List • 296 Applying Colors Using the Color Mixer • 382,
Adobe Filters • 483 384
Adobe Illustrator • 189 Applying Effects • 346
Adobe Illustrator 10 on Windows • 191 applying entered values • 68
Adobe Illustrator CS on Windows • 190 Applying Hatch Fill • 498
Adobe Illustrator Macintosh • 189 Applying Hole Fill • 502
Adobe Illustrator on Macintosh • 189 Applying Invert Effect • 488
Adobe Illustrator Windows • 191 Applying Island Fill • 500
Adobe PageMaker • 196 Applying Magnify Effect • 489
Applying No Fill • 403 calculation in place • 66
Applying Object Color Control Settings from a Calculation of Percentages • 67, 299
Preset • 182 Calculation of Ratios • 67, 298
Applying Overprinting • 413 Casmate Engraving Fonts • 448
Applying Presets • 111 Changing Auto Serialization Attributes Using
Applying Profile Fill • 496 DesignCentral • 363
Applying Templates • 319 Changing Background Colors • 70, 71
Applying Transparent Effect • 487 Changing Bitmap Color Mode • 467
Applying Wireframe Effect • 488 Changing Bitmap Properties • 465
Approval Tool • 19, 277 Changing Bitmap Resolution • 465
archive format • 69 Changing Case • 438
archiving printed jobs • 122 Changing Color Order in a Swatch Table • 383
Archiving to the Cloud • 20, 310 Changing Default Text Settings • 437
Arranging Objects • 351, 416 Changing Font in Existing Text • 436
Assigning Shortcut Keys • 297 Changing Font Using DesignCentral • 436
AutoCAD DXF Import • 571 Changing Kerning • 438
automatic application of entered values • 68 Changing Kerning between Two Characters •
Automatic Application of Entered Values and 439
Expressions • 68, 299 Changing Kerning for All Text • 439
automatic calculation • 68 Changing Layer Color • 289, 342, 347
automatic job nesting • 161 Changing Layer Order • 341
automatic job tiling • 165 Changing Layer Properties • 341
Automatic Nesting Tab • 80 Changing Linking Properties of OLE Objects •
automatic page nesting • 119, 162 314
automatic percent calculation • 67 Changing Object Order • 368
automatic ratio calculation • 67 Changing Placeholders Attributes in
Automatic Tile Flip • 538 DesignCentral • 324
automatic unit conversion • 67 Changing Port Settings • 50, 81
Automatic Unit Conversion • 67, 298 Changing Text Alignment • 437
Available Color Models • 379 Changing Text Attributes • 436
Changing Text Attributes Using Control Points •
B 431
background color preferences • 71 Changing Text Attributes Using DesignCentral •
Barcode Tabs in DesignCentral • 444 423
Basic Elements of Your Software • 47, 48, 53, Changing Text Orientation • 441
65, 66, 285 Changing the Brush • 473, 474, 477, 478
Basic Job Properties • 109, 114 Changing the Computer Being Monitored • 73
bitmap rendering intent • 133 Changing the Default Selection Mode • 348
Bitmap Tab • 461 Changing the Font • 436
Blur Filter • 480 Changing the Order of Colors Using Color Specs
borders • 141 • 383, 391
Breaking and Joining Text • 440 Changing the Order of Objects • 344, 360, 368
Breaking Apart Multi-Sectioned Jobs into Nested Changing the Position of Objects • 331
Jobs • 49, 164 Changing the Size of Objects • 331
Breaking Text • 441 Changing the View • 285, 288
Brightness/Contrast Filter • 482 Changing the View of a Swatch Table • 381
Browsing Existing Job Quotes • 59, 271 Changing the Way Outlines are Displayed • 290
Changing Tile Size Numerically • 544
C Changing Tile Size with the Mouse • 544
calculating percentages • 67 Checking for License Updates • 19, 30, 252
calculating ratios • 67 Choosing a Connection • 72
Classic Menus • 48, 51 Converting a Cutting Line to a Vector Object •
Clear Preferences • 34 495
Clearing Effects • 486 Converting a Vector Object into a Cutting Line •
Clearing Marquees • 470 495
Clearing Preferences • 35, 257 Converting Barcode to Text • 443
Clearing the Job Log • 50, 96 Converting Marquees to Objects • 471
client applications • 187 Converting Objects into Bitmaps • 464
clients Converting Objects into Paths • 457
preparing server for clients • 37 Converting Objects to Guides • 283
Clipart Collection Icon • 61, 275 Converting Objects to Marquees • 471
Closing a Swatch Table • 380 Converting OLE Objects to another Format • 314
Closing Documents • 312 Converting OLE Objects to Basic Segments and
color Bitmaps • 314
correcting • 131 Converting Stroke to Outlines • 457
mapping • 173 Converting Text to Barcode • 443
separations • 152 Converting Text to Braille • 441
Color Adjustment Tab • 149 converting units • 67
Color Balance Filter • 482 Copies Settings • 538
color bands • 141 Copying a Color to another Swatch Table • 382
Color Management Tab • 124 CorelDRAW • 193
color mapping • 173 CorelDRAW Windows • 193
Color Printing • 190, 191, 192, 193, 197, 199, corner marks • 141
201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 211, 214 Correcting and Resending a Design File • 278
Color Printing from Macintosh OS X • 189 Creating a Contour Cut or Cuts around Objects •
Color Specs - Color Tab • 389, 516 490
Color Specs - Find Tab • 393 Creating a Diagonal Guide • 284
Color Specs - Library Tab • 392 Creating a Horizontal or Vertical Guide Line •
color swatches • 141 283
Common Features • 485 Creating a Job Quote • 59, 271
Compounding Objects • 365, 366 Creating a Mask • 367
Compounding Objects by Color • 366 Creating Arc Text • 422
Configuring SCSI Port Settings • 84, 85 Creating Bitmaps • 462
Configuring the System for Color Printing • 293, Creating Duotone Colors with the Color Mixer •
385, 462, 513, 550, 552 386
Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Creating Horizontal / Vertical Block Text • 421
Server • 526 Creating Horizontal/Vertical Text • 421
Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Creating Mirrored Objects • 356
Server at an Internet Address • 527 Creating New Bitmaps • 464
Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Creating New Colors Using Color Specs • 390
Server on another Computer on your Local Creating New Documents • 308
Area Network • 526 Creating New Swatch Tables • 380
Connecting to PhotoPRINT Server / FlexiPRINT Creating New Templates • 323
Server on the Same Computer • 526 Creating New Text • 421
Connecting to Production Manager or pps • 525 Creating Paths • 454
contour cutting • 183, 190, 192 Creating Presets • 111, 112
Contour Cutting • 191, 192, 214, 216 Creating Shapes • 416
Contour Cutting and Virtual Hybrid Output • 76, Creating Swatch Tables • 396
122, 183, 217 Creating Swatches from the Colors in the
Contour Cutting from Macintosh OS X • 189, Current Design • 383
190 Creating Test Swatches • 396
crop marks • 141
Cropping a Job • 168, 170 Displaying DesignEditor • 338
custom color mapping • 173 Displaying Fill/Stroke Editor • 402
Customizing Queue Column Headings • 54, 55 Displaying the Ruler and Grid Settings • 282
cut after printing • 134 dithering
Cut Tab • 136 options for angled screens • 128
Cutter Driver Options • 138 Dividing a Job into Tiles • 166
Cutting the Contour as a Separate Job • 565 Dividing a Job into Uniform Rows and Columns
Cutting the Contour on a Cutter with Automatic of Tiles • 167
Alignment • 565 Dividing a Job into Uniform Tiles of a Specified
Cutting the Contour on a Hybrid Device • 565 Size • 167
Cutting the Contour on a Manually Aligned Docked or Floating Swatch Tables • 381
Cutter • 565 Docking a Floating Toolbar • 263
Documentation • 62, 275
D dongleSee hardware keys • 22
default job properties • 86, 118 Downloading a License File without Internet
Defining Colors Using the Color Specs Dialog Connection • 19, 30, 32, 252, 254
Box • 304, 382, 388, 404 Downloading an Archived File • 58, 270
Defining Kerning • 439 Downloading and Installing Software • 19, 25,
Defining Marquees • 468 247
degree of precision • 69 Downloading ICC Profiles • 19, 27, 250, 272
Deleting a Custom Spot Color Mapping • 176 drag & drop printing • 91
Deleting a Global Color Mapping • 178 Dragging a File into PhotoPRINT or
Deleting Colors from a Swatch Table • 383 FlexiPRINT • 91
Deleting Colors Using Color Specs • 383, 391 Dragging a File into PhotoPRINT SE • 91
deleting jobs • 52, 92 Dragging a File into the Software • 91
Deleting Jobs • 92 Drawing Arcs Using the Bezier Path Tool • 456
Deleting Objects • 339, 375 Drawing Curved Segments Using the Bezier
Deleting Presets • 112 Path Tool • 455
Deleting Setups • 78 Drawing Segments Using the Freehand Drawing
Deselecting All Objects • 350 Tool • 456
Design Area • 267 Drawing Straight Segments Using the Bezier
Design Templates Icon • 61, 274 Path Tool • 454
DesignCentral - Arc tab • 430 dry time • 134
DesignCentral - Barcode tab • 444 Duplicating Objects • 357
DesignCentral - Barcode Title tab • 444 Duplicating Objects by Dragging • 357
DesignCentral - Character tab • 425 Duplicating Objects Using a Specific Offset
DesignCentral - Document Tab • 267, 328 Distance • 359
DesignCentral - Effects Tab • 335 Duplicating Objects Using Copy and Paste • 304,
DesignCentral - Margins Tab • 330 358
DesignCentral - Object Tab • 334 Duplicating Objects Using DesignEditor • 360
DesignCentral - Paragraph tab • 427 Duplicating Objects Using Paste Over • 360
DesignCentral - Rotate Tab • 332 Duplicating Objects Using Paste Special • 359
DesignCentral - Scale Tab • 330 Duplicating Objects Using the Duplicate
DesignCentral - Setup Tab • 335 Command • 360
DesignCentral Tabs • 328
DesignEditor - Layers Tab • 284, 339
DesignEditor - Objects Tab • 344 Editing a Tool • 508
Designing with the Bad Wrap™ in DesignEditor Editing Attributes in DesignCentral • 425
• 342 Editing Bitmaps • 471
Deskewing Objects • 357 Editing Color Channel Details • 152
Device Area • 53 Editing Colors • 180
Editing Colors Using Color Specs • 391 FreeHand Macintosh • 195
Editing Existing Templates • 323 FreeHand Windows • 196
Editing Gradients Using the Edit Bar • 410
Editing Gradients Using the Edit Line • 407, 411
Editing Jobs with an External Application • 48, General Application Concerns • 188
92 General Workflow Guidelines • 189
Editing OLE Objects • 314 Gerber File Format Supported Features • 571
Editing Setup Properties • 49, 77, 78 Getting Help • 50, 73, 306
Editing Shapes Using Control Points • 417 Getting Started • 259
Editing Shapes Using DesignCentral • 416 Getting Started with pps SE • 47
Editing Stroke Properties of Objects • 412 global color mapping • 176
Editing Tiles • 168 gradient rendering intent • 133
Emailing a Job • 311 Grouping Objects • 364
Embedded ICC Profiles • 462 Guides • 282, 339
Embedding Linked PostScript Files • 292
Enabling a Non-Printing Tile • 169 H
Enabling Color Mapping • 177 hardware keys • 22
Enabling Custom Spot Color Mapping • 173 Hiding and Displaying Swatch Tables • 381
Enabling or Disabling Color Mapping Settings • Hold queue
180 background color • 71
Enabling Printer Sharing without Setting Up a holding printed jobs • 79, 122
Network • 38 Holding Shift or Ctrl While Creating Rectangles
Entering New Text • 434 and Ovals • 416
entering numerical values • 66 hot folder • 79
Entering Numerical Values • 66, 297 hot folders • 91
Erasing a Bitmap • 472 HP icon • 60
Exiting Job Monitor • 73 HP Support Videos Icon • 60
Exiting Preference Manager • 35, 257 Hybrid Device Output • 183
exiting the software • 74 hybrid devices • 183
Exiting the Software • 49, 74, 306 hybrid output • 183
Exporting Bitmaps • 463
Exporting Presets • 49, 112 I
Exporting to Files • 311 ICC Printer Profiles • 19, 27, 249
Importing a License File • 19, 30, 252
Importing and Exporting Presets • 112
Facebook Icon • 63, 278 Importing Bitmaps • 463
features list • 227 Importing Files • 309
file and printer sharing • 37 Importing Presets • 49, 113
file formats • 219 Importing the Custom Colors from a Print Job •
Files Icon • 19, 57, 269, 310 176
Fill/Stroke Editor - Fill Tab • 403 Indirect Internet Connection • 31, 253
Fill/Stroke Editor - Stroke Tab • 412 information pane • 66
Filtering Objects by Color • 293 Information Pane • 50, 66
Filtering Objects Using the Color Filter • 293 Ink Estimation • 106
Filtering Objects Using the Color Swatch Table • Inserting Existing Files as OLE Objects • 313
294 Inserting OLE Objects • 312
Finding Files • 318 Inspecting Colors • 179
First-time Cloud Users • 23, 246 Installation Procedures • 22, 244
FlexiQuote Icon • 19, 58, 270 Installing Downloaded ICC Profiles • 19, 28, 56,
flip horizontal • 119 250, 268, 273
Font Inclusion • 188 Installing Fonts • 447
Installing FSfonts • 447 K
Installing Softkey • 22, 245
Installing the AppleTalk Protocol • 39 keyboard shortcuts • 221
Installing the AppleTalk Protocol on Windows L
Server 2003 • 39
installing the software • 23 labels • 141
Installing the Software • 21, 22, 23, 243, 245 Labels and Marks Tab • 141
Installing TrueType and Type 1 Fonts • 447 Launching the SAi Mobile App • 64, 279
Installing URW and Casfonts • 447 layout preview • 117
Inverting a Selection • 350 Layout Tab • 119, 159
Inverting Marquees • 470 Level Filter • 481
License Already Removed? • 33, 255
J Link PDF • 310
Linked and Embedded Files • 291
Job Approval Email • 277
Loading a Set of Preferences • 34, 256
Job Estimation • 49, 101
Job Monitor • 72 Locking Guides • 284
job preview pane • 65 Locking Objects • 367
Job Preview Pane • 65 log files • 95
Logo Collection Icon • 61, 275
Job Statistics • 317
Job Workflow Tab • 79 M
aborting • 94 Macintosh OS X Client Setup • 40, 187
adding • 52, 89 Macintosh OS X.3 Client Setup • 40
archiving • 122 Macintosh OS X.4 Client Setup • 43
default job properties • 118 Macromedia FreeHand • 195
deleting • 52, 92 Macromedia FreeHand Macintosh • 195
fitting to media • 119 Macromedia FreeHand Windows • 195, 196
holding • 122 Making a Bitmap Transparent • 467
job priority • 94 Mapping Colors Using Custom Spot Color
larger than output medium • 165 Mapping • 174
monitoring • 72 Mapping Colors Using Global Color Mapping •
nesting • 52, 157 177
positioning • 119 Mapping Colors Using Object Color Control •
printing • 94 179
printing a tile map • 165 margins • 141
priority • 122 Marking Areas for Correction • 277
properties • 109 Masking Objects • 366
redirecting • 93 Matching a Color from the Color Libraries • 393,
RIPing • 52, 94 395
rotating • 119 Material Settings • 535
saving to file • 52 mathematical operations • 68
selecting • 92 Measuring a New Color • 390
setting job size • 119 Measuring Distances • 511
test jobs • 94 Media Profiles Icon • 19, 272
tiling • 165 media size • 119
unnesting • 52 Menus • 48, 265, 306
un-nesting • 160 Merging Colors • 580
Jobs folder • 69 Merging Layers • 342
Joining Text • 441 Merging Similar Colors • 383
Messages Icon • 19, 63, 276
mirroring • 119
Mirroring Nested Images • 163 P
Mirroring Objects • 333
Modifying the Fonts in Use • 426, 449 page nesting • 119, 162
Monitor A Computer on the Same LAN • 72 page preview • 117
Monitoring a Computer at a Remote Address • page range • 119
73 page spacing • 134
Monitoring Jobs • 73 PageMaker Macintosh • 197
Monitoring Local Software • 72 PageMaker Windows • 199
Moving Jobs to a Different Output Device • 48, panel size • 165
93 Panel Tools • 542
Moving Nested Images • 163 Paper Size • 188
percent calculation • 67
Moving Objects • 354
Moving Objects by Dragging • 354
Moving Objects Using DesignCentral • 354 FlexiPRINT • 214
Photoshop Macintosh • 201, 204
N Photoshop Windows • 202, 206
Position Settings • 535
nesting • 52
positioning jobs • 119
Nesting Contour Jobs • 160
Positioning the Job by Clicking and Dragging •
nesting jobs • 157
Nesting Jobs • 49, 80, 157
Positioning Tools • 539
Nesting Jobs Manually • 160
Posterizing • 579
Nesting Objects • 372
PostScript Language Levels • 188
Nesting Pages, Copies, Tiles and Separations •
pps Editor-PRO • 231
preferences • 69
network printers • 77
clearing • 34
number of copies • 119
Preferences - File Path Tab • 302
O Preferences - Font Tab • 303
Preferences - General Tab • 301, 422, 433, 434
object color control • 178
Preferences - Tools Tab • 304
Object Color Control Tab • 154
Preparing the Software to Receive Jobs from
Observing Trends • 65, 280
Clients • 37
online help • 73
Opening a Swatch Table • 379
deleting • 112
Opening Files • 309
editing • 111
Opening the Job Properties Dialog • 109
exporting • 112
operator precedence • 68
importing • 113
renaming • 111
setup properties • 78
Preventing a Tile from Being Output • 169
Options for Full Alignment • 428, 429
Preventing the Software from Loading
Other Controls • 306
Automatically During Startup • 25, 74, 248
output size compensation • 86
Preventing Tiles from Being Output • 547
Outputting a Test Cut Job • 95
preview pane • 117
Outputting a Test Print Job • 94
Previewing Bitmaps • 290
Outputting Test Jobs • 94
Previewing Objects in CMYK • 293
Oval • 418
Ovals • 417
automatic loading • 69
overlap lines • 141
print direction • 134
overlap marks • 141
print marks • 141
overprinting • 134
color • 141 Removing a License File without Internet
width • 141 Connection • 19, 32, 254
print while RIPing • 69 Removing a License from Your Computer • 19,
Printer Options Tab • 134 31, 253
printer's marksSee print marks • 141 Removing All Tiling and Cropping • 171
printing a tile map • 169 Removing ICC Profiles • 29, 251, 274
Printing a Tile Map • 166, 169 Removing Objects from the Trash Layer • 376
printing color separations • 152 Removing Objects without Moving Them to the
Printing Custom Colors • 176 Trash Layer • 376
printing from client applications • 187 removing tiling • 171
Printing from Client Applications • 187 Removing Transparency • 467
Printing from Print Wizard • 49, 52, 94, 96 Renaming Objects • 346
Printing Jobs • 94 Renaming Presets • 111
Printing to a Desktop Printer • 519 rendering intent • 133
Printing with Spot Colors • 552, 558 Repeating the Last Step • 296
Printing your Design • 531 Reports Icon • 19, 60, 274
Processing Jobs • 93 Resampling a Bitmap • 466
Profile Tab • 462, 516 Resetting Color Values • 181
Resizing by Dragging Control Points • 352
Q Resizing Columns • 55
QuarkXPress • 207 Resizing Existing Tiles • 544
QuarkXPress 3.32 Macintosh • 207, 211, 214 Resizing Objects • 352
QuarkXPress 4.04 Windows • 207, 210 Resizing Queues • 55
QuarkXPress 4.1 Macintosh • 207 Resizing the Panel • 543
QuarkXPress 4.1 Windows • 207, 209 Resizing the Panel Numerically • 543
Queue Column Headings • 54, 66 Resizing the Panel with the Mouse • 543
queues • 53 Resizing to the Same Size • 354
column headings • 54 Resizing Using DesignCentral • 352
resizing columns • 55 resolution • 189
resizing queues • 55 Resolution • 189
Queues • 53 Restoring Objects from the Trash Layer • 376
Restoring the Software to its Original State • 35,
R 257
ratio calculation • 67 Returning Cloud Users • 23, 24, 246, 247
Read-Only Presets • 110, 113 Reviewing Account Information • 65, 280
Rearranging Nested Jobs • 163 RIP and Print Dialog Box - Adjustment Tab •
Recommended System Requirements • 244 555
Rectangle • 417, 418 RIP and Print Dialog Box - Advanced Tab • 511,
redirecting jobs • 93 548
Redoing Multiple Steps • 296 RIP and Print Dialog Box - Contour Tab • 489,
Redrawing the Design Area • 292 490, 560
Reduce Noise Filter • 480 RIP and Print Dialog Box - General Tab • 534
refreshing main window • 66 RIP and Print Dialog Box - Panel Tab • 541
Refreshing the Window • 66 RIP and Print Settings • 533
Releasing Compounded Objects • 366 RIP band height • 69
remote interactive operation • 69 RIP logs • 95
remote Send Now operation • 69 RIP queue
Removing a Color from a Swatch Table • 392 background color • 71
Removing a File from the Cloud Archive • 58, RIPing • 52
number of threads • 69 Selecting Setups • 78
print while RIPing • 69 Selecting Text • 435
RIP band height • 69 Selecting the Entire Bitmap • 469
RIPing Jobs • 49, 94 Selecting the Whole Text • 435
rotate to fit media • 79 Send for Approval Icon • 276
Rotating and Shearing by Dragging Control Send queue
Points • 355 background color • 71
rotating jobs • 119 Sending a Job from the Print Dialog • 214
Rotating Nested Images • 163 Sending a Job from the RIP and Print Dialog •
Rotating Objects • 332 214, 215
Rotating, Shearing, and Mirroring Objects • 355 Sending a Job to EnRoute (Windows Only) • 311
Rotating, Shearing, and Mirroring Using Sending Jobs from an Application on a Client
DesignCentral • 355 Computer • 92
Ruler and Grid • 280, 304, 331, 339 Sending Jobs from Applications on the Same
Computer • 91
S Sending Mode • 535
SAi Cloud Mobile Application • 20, 64, 279 Separating Effects • 486
SAi Cloud Window • 19, 56, 268 separation between jobs • 119
SAi Store Icon • 64, 279 Separations Tab • 152
Sampling Colors Using the Eyedropper • 382, Setting Advanced Color Correction Properties •
387 127, 131
saturation • 133 Setting Advanced Job Properties • 119
Saving a Set of Preferences • 34, 256 Setting Application Preferences • 49, 65, 69
Saving a Swatch Table to a File • 380 Setting Basic Job Properties • 115
Saving Documents • 310 Setting Contour Cut Options • 554, 561
Saving Object Color Control Settings to a Preset Setting Cutter Driver Options • 138
• 182 setting default job properties • 118
Scanning Bitmaps • 464 Setting Default Job Properties • 50, 86
Screening • 189 Setting Default Job Properties XXX • 111, 118,
Searching Existing Job Quotes • 59, 271 156
Searching for a File • 318 Setting Dither Options for Angled Screens • 127,
Selecting a Solid Fill from a Gradient or Pattern 128
• 387 Setting Driver Options • 554, 557
Selecting a Tile • 167 Setting Input ICC Profiles • 131
Selecting All Guides • 284 setting job properties • 109
Selecting All Objects • 350 Setting Job Properties • 48, 86, 93, 109
Selecting Colors • 180 Setting Job Properties for Nested Jobs • 157,
Selecting Jobs • 92 158, 159
Selecting Objects • 347 Setting Objects to be Output Using Overprinting
Selecting Objects Using DesignEditor • 350 • 413
Selecting Objects Using Tab • 349 setting output time • 122
Selecting Objects Using the Bounding Box • 348 Setting Preferences • 300
Selecting Objects Using the Objects Tab • 344, Setting Rendering Intent • 133
350 Setting Stroke Colors with the Eyedropper • 387
Selecting Objects Using the Select Tool • 304, Setting the Background / Foreground Color •
348 395, 471
Selecting Objects within an Effect • 335, 349 Setting the Default Fill / Stroke Color • 394
Selecting One Character • 435 Setting the Default Template • 321
Selecting One Line • 435 Setting the Display Settings • 514
Selecting One or More Characters • 435 Setting the Input Profiles • 515
Selecting Rendering Intents • 515 Setting the Preview Pane View • 117, 155
Setting the Print Quality • 550 Specifying Overlap between Tiles • 546
Setting Up a Job for Contour Cutting • 183, 184 spot color
Setting Up Desktop Printers as Output Devices • rendering intent • 133
77, 91 spot color list • 223
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing • 37, 187 spot color mappingSee custom color mapping •
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows 173
Server 2003 • 38 Spot Color Printing • 214, 216
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows Spot Color Printing and Contour Cutting • 194,
Vista • 37 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 207, 208, 209,
Setting Up File and Printer Sharing for Windows 210, 211, 213
XP • 38 spot colors
Setting Up FlexiQuote • 60, 272 converting to process • 152
Setting Up Output Devices • 35 Starting FlexiQuote • 58, 270
Setting up the Folder Where the Plug-ins are Starting Job Monitor • 72
Installed • 483 Status Bar • 65, 285
Settings Icon • 63, 278 Step and Repeat Tab • 20, 153
Setup Area • 53 Support Icon • 19, 61, 73, 275, 306
setup pane • 53 Swatch Table • 280
setups system requirements • 244
adding • 76
deleting • 78 T
desktop printers • 77 Templates Toolbar • 322
editing • 78 temporary files • 69
selecting • 78 test jobs • 94
Sharing a Hardware Key over a Local Area Text Preferences • 304, 426, 428, 445
Network • 528 text rendering intent • 133
Sharing PPDs over a Network • 45 The Guild Icon • 19, 63, 278
Sharing PPDs Over A Network for Windows tile map • 165, 169
Vista • 45 Tile Tab • 141
Sharing PPDs Over A Network for Windows XP tiling • 165
and 2003 Server • 46 preview • 117
sharing, file and printer • 37 printing a tile map • 169
Sharpen Filter • 481 removing • 171
Shearing Objects • 333 selecting a tile • 167
Shortcut Keys • 305 tile overlap lines • 141
Showing Layer Names • 340 tile overlap marks • 141
Showing Layer Properties • 341 uniform tiling • 167
Showing Objects' Fill • 289, 304, 342 Tiling and Cropping Jobs • 141, 165
Showing or Hiding a Toolbar • 261 tiling preview • 117
Showing Preview • 291, 342 Tiling the Job Evenly • 545
Showing the Document Tab • 329 Tiling the Job Using the Preview Area • 543
Simple Mathematical Operators • 68, 299 Tiling the Job Using the Tile Group Box • 544
size of jobs • 119 time of output • 122
size of media • 119 tonal scales • 141
size of panel • 165 Tool Library • 497, 499, 501, 503, 507
Size Settings • 537 Tool Tips • 266
Snapping Objects • 374 Toolbar • 52
Software License Agreement • 11, 233 toolbars • 52
spacing between pages • 134 Toolbars • 261
Spacing Objects • 364, 371 Tracing Bitmaps with the Contour Cut Effect •
specifying degree of precision • 69 494
Tracking your Steps • 294 Using Fill/Stroke Editor • 401
Training Materials • 62, 276 Using Filters • 479
Transferring a Software License Using Softkey • Using Global Color Mapping • 50, 176
22, 51, 245 Using Job Estimation • 102, 104
Transforming Objects into a Cutting Line • 494 Using Job Monitor • 72
Turning Off Overprinting for Objects • 413 Using License Manager Cloud • 19, 29, 252
Types of Fills • 403 Using Manual Kerning • 439
Using Navigator View • 288
U Using Object Color Control • 154, 178
Undocking a Toolbar • 262 Using OLE Objects (Windows Only) • 312
Undoing and Redoing Multiple Steps • 295 Using Output Size Compensation • 50, 86
Undoing and Redoing the Last Step • 294 Using Pattern Fill Advanced Settings • 405
Undoing Multiple Steps • 295 Using Preference Manager • 34, 256
Ungrouping All Grouped Objects • 364 Using Scroll Bars • 285
Ungrouping Objects • 364 Using Spinner Controls • 298
uniform tiling • 167 Using the Approval Tool Screen • 277
uninstalling the software • 26 Using the Bitmap Toolbar • 468
Uninstalling the Software • 26, 248 Using the Blending Effect • 487
Uninstalling the Software for Windows 7 • 26, Using the Crop Tool • 476
249 Using the Eraser Tool • 472
Uninstalling the Software for Windows 8 • 26, Using the Estimation Editor • 102, 104
248 Using the Eyedropper • 387
Uninstalling the Software for Windows Vista • Using the Fill Tool • 474
27, 249 Using the Filters • 483
unit conversion • 67 Using the Job Log • 50, 95
units of measurement • 69 Using the Lasso Tool • 469
Unlocking Objects • 368 Using the Lens Effect • 487
Unmasking Objects • 367 Using the Magic Wand Tool • 470
Un-Nesting Jobs • 49, 160 Using the Marquee Tool • 469
Upcoming Events • 62, 276 Using the Move Tool • 471
Updating Presets • 111 Using the Paintbrush Tool • 473
Use Spinner Controls • 66 Using the Pencil Tool • 474
Useful Web Links by Product • 62, 275 Using the Stamp Tool • 477
User Forum • 62, 276 Using the Tools in a Tear-Off Palette • 263
Using a Wheel Mouse • 285 Using Workspaces • 296
Using Automatic Kerning • 438 Using Zoom, Pan or Fill tool without Selecting it
Using Automatic Nesting • 161 Before Each Use • 288
Using Bezier Tracing • 577
Using Built-In Mathematical Operations • 66,
298 Validating Your Email Address • 23, 24, 246,
Using Centerline Vectorization • 578 247
Using Color Vectorization • 579 vector rendering intent • 133
Using Contour Cut • 489, 560 Vectorizing • 581
Using Custom Spot Color Mapping • 127, 173 view
Using DesignCentral • 327, 461 refreshing • 66
Using DesignEditor • 337 Viewing Job Statistics • 317
Using Dual Roll Printing with Nested Jobs • 120, Viewing or Editing Job Info • 316
157, 158 Viewing the Color Specs Dialog Box • 388
Using Engraving Fills • 495 Viewing the Job List • 65, 280
Using Enhanced Corners Tracing • 577, 579 Viewing the Job Log • 96
Using Enhanced Curves Tracing • 577 Viewing Tools • 540
virtual hybrid output • 122, 183
Virtual Hybrid Output • 184
Virtual Hybrid Output on a Cutter with
Automatic Alignment • 184
Virtual Hybrid Output on a Manually Aligned
Cutter • 184
What's New in the Cloud • 18
refreshing • 66
Windows and Macintosh User Interface Features
• 305
Windows Client Setup • 39, 187
Windows Printing • 41
Workflow Tab • 53, 122
Working with Auto Serialization • 360
Working with Barcodes • 443
Working with Bitmaps • 459
Working with Braille Text • 441
Working with Color • 173, 377, 403
Working with Effects • 485
Working with Files • 307
Working with Fonts • 447
Working with Job Info • 315
Working with Job Properties Presets • 110
Working with Measurements and Labels • 511
Working with Output Device Setups • 35, 75
Working with Output Validation • 50, 87
Working with Paths • 451
Working with Print Jobs • 89
Working with Shapes • 415
Working with Swatch Tables • 280, 379
Working with Text • 419
Working with Variations • 48, 97, 99, 150
Workspace Editor • 297
Wrap Templates Icon • 61, 274
YouTube Icon • 64, 279
Zooming and Panning • 287, 305

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