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Name: Tagaban, Mark Adrian U.

Course & Section: BSME- 1 B
Professor: Sir. Eduardo Tonog Lopez Jr.

Are you ready to test what you have learned? LET’S DO THIS! According to the document on
the Proclamation of Philippine Independence, what do the symbols in the Philippine flag
represent? How does this affect the Filipinos nationalism? Would you like to change the
Philippine flag? In what way? Explain your answer.


 The Proclamation of Philippine Independence state that:

“The white triangle represents the distinctive emblem of the famous Katipunan society,
which by means of its compact of blood urged on the masses of the people to insurrection;
the three stars represents the three principal islands of this archipelago, Luzon, Visayas,
Mindanao and Panay, in which this is insurrectionary movement broke out; the sun
represents the gigantic strides that have been made by the sons of this land on the road of
progress and civilization, its eight rays symbolizing the eight provinces of Manila, Cavite,
Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Laguna, and Batangas, which were declared in a
state of war almost as soon as the first insurrectionary movement was initiated; and the colors
blue, red and white commemorate those of the flag of the united states of North America, in
manifestation of our profound gratitude towards that great nation for the disinterested
protection she is extending to us and will continue to extend to us.” ( creidts to: Sir
Eduardo Lopez Tonog). This statement have explained the representation of symbols in the
Philippine flag. Because of these symbols, the nationalism of the Filipinos became more firm
because they know what are the meaning or story behind these, and and if you would ask me
if I would like to change the Philippine flag, My answer is no, for it represents the efforts
given by our ancestors to give us the freedom we are experiencing now.
Personalized Decalogue Construction. Create your own decalogue dedicated to all our frontliners
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Be creative and show their nationalism as our modern day heroes.

Personalized Decalogue dedicated to all our frontliners during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1 Be generous and make simple efforts to our front liners, like giving the gifts and many
2 Always pray to our Almighty Father to give our frontliners protection against COVID- 19.

3 Show gratitude to the frontliners and recognize their sacrifices.

4 Always respect our frontliners by following their just and valid rules and regulations because it
is only for our own safety .
5 Never believe on fake news, rumors or gossips about the COVID- 19 information.

6 Do not lie when asked by the frontliners especially during screening on your vaccination day for
it will be a guide they can assist and help you in your situation.
7 Seek inspiration from the frontliner’s experiences

8 Do not share your personalized tools to others because it may cause transmission of the virus,
and can make our frontliners stressed on the increasing rate of the infections of the virus.
9 Always stay at home because as we know the most said quote that “Prevention is better than
1 Have hope and trust that this Pandemic will end.

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