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Publish Subject and Taking exam Live

While creating an exam, the user will add subjects from the list available centrally. For each subject the user can then
add chapter>topics>subtopics. Once added the user can send the subject for approval. The workflow will be same as
available for Videos or flashcards (Review > Approval> Publish)

If all the subjects of the draft toc versions are either published or the combination of published and active [excluding
inactive subjects] then enable the “Make Live” CTA for Exam TOC Manager only. The CTA will be shown where we
have publish CTA currently.

Once the Manager clicks on the “Make Live” CTA, then Show all the comments added so far, Ask the user to add
comments before making it live. Once made live, then make this version of the exam TOC as active with published
subjects as active

Make all other active versions of this exam TOCs as inactive (if any) Migrate all users (who have opted for this exam
and has this exam as one of the target exams) to the newly active versions. Recalculate user progress

Remove the Make Live CTA. Show the “View History” CTA. Once clicked, the user can see the changes done for this
version to make active along with all comments]

Reopen Subjects and Exams

Once the Subject is Published, the Manager has an option to reopen the subject for changes [This CTA will be
enabled along with Make Live CTA, but if the exam toc version has been made live then disable this CTA]

Once the user clicks on reopen for changes for the specific subjects, then ask the reason for reopening. Once
submitted, then reopen the subject for changes and change the status of the non-inactive subject to the draft. Add
the reason provided under comments and timeline.

If the exam version is Live, User will require to create a new version

Versioning of Exams

When the user selects the exam under the exams tab, they will land on the exam page. This exam page will have

TOCs and their versions

Id of the TOC version

The version number of the TOC

Version Created on

Version Created by

Version Modified on

Version Modified by

Status of the versions

Create a new version [Disabled if any draft version is there for the exam]

Edit details CTA for editing exam details

If the user is planning to edit the already active TOC, they can create the version by clicking on the create a new

Once the user taps on “Add new version”, a warning will be shown as:

” You are trying to create a new version of the existing exam TOC. If you do so, then a copy of the latest active TOC
will be cloned and created in draft mode for you. Are you sure you want to continue?”
If the user declines, then dismiss the message and do not create the version. If the user confirms and accepts, then
ask for which subjects have changes. A default will be all subjects have changes, users can change it

Once submitted, create a new version of the latest active TOC version of this exam with few subjects as locked (if
these subjects have no changes, set status as active) and few subjects as draft (subjects which will have changes)

Users can see the latest created version as a draft status on the exam page. When the user taps on the version, the
selected exam TOC page will open, which will have subjects assigned for this exam (during the exam creation) and
their statuses. If any of the fields is invalid, show that field in error color (red).

Cloning of Exam:

A user if wants to create a new exam based on an already created version can choose to do so by cloning.
on the All exam page, users can see the vertical triple dots on the right side of the exam row

Once clicked on this, users will see the following option to Edit or Clone the Exam.

If clicked on edit, then edit exam dialog box should appear.

if clicked on the clone, then ask the user to provide the name and display name for the new exam.

Once details are provided (Check for exam name and display duplication, it should be unique), add the new exam
with the latest active/draft TOC version as a draft TOC for this newly created exam.

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