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Tutorial 8 PYL551

1. Consider a symmetrical top with λ1 = λ2 . Further, assume that no external torque is

acting on the top. Using the Euler equation show that the motion involves precession
about the ê3 axis. Find the precession frequency.

2. Consider a stick of length ℓ, mass m, and uniform mass density. The stick is pivoted at
its top end and swings around the vertical axis. Assume that conditions have been set
up so that the stick always makes and angle θ with the vertical. What is the frequency
ω, of this motion?

3. If I cm denotes the moment of inertia tensor of a rigid body (mass M) about its CM,
and I the corresponding tensor about a point P displaced from the CM by ∆= (ξ, η, ζ),
prove that Ixx = Ixx + M (η 2 + ζ 2 ) and Iyz = Iyz
− M ηζ, and so forth.

4. For the problem of heavy symmetrical top, plot Ue f f (θ) and discuss its nature.

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