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Thursday 19th Aug 2021 Tutorial 1 PYL551

1. Richard P. Feynman was a famous American Physicist known equally well for his pro-
found scientific contributions as well as his very popular lecture series on basic Physics.
Read Section 15-1 about frames of reference and transforming between them, starting
from the fifth paragraph “The principle of relativity was first stated by Newton.....” of
Lecture 15 (please click for link). In the tutorial class discuss what do you understand
by reading this section.

2. (a) Consider two positive charges shown in the figure below, with q1 moving in the
x−direction and q2 moving in the y−direction, as shown. Identify the direction of
magnetic forces acting on the two particles.

(b) The electric and magnetic fields at a point r1 due to a charge q2 at r2 moving
1 q µ0 q2
with constant velocity v2 (with v2  c) are E(r1 ) = 4π s2
ŝ and B(r1 ) = 4π v × ŝ,
s2 2
el mag
where s = r1 − r2 is the vector pointing from r2 and r1 . If F 12 and boldsymbolF12
denote the electric and magnetic forces on a charge q1 at r1 with velocity v1 , show that
F12 ≤ (v1 v2 /c2 )F1el 2.

3. Read the last four paragraphs of the Feynman’s Lecture 10 (please click for link),
section 10-5, starting “In Chapter 4 we saw that the law of conservation of energy....”
and discuss its significance in the tutorial class.

4. Find the velocity as a function of time for a sphere of mass m and radius a falling
vertically down in a fluid with viscosity η. Assume linear drag and use Stoke’s law.

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