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Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 11 Juni 2021

Waktu : 60 menit
Kelas : 5 (lima)


1. Berdo’alah terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan soal-soal
2. Tuliskan nama dan kelas dengan jelas
3. Pilihlah soal-soal yang mudah terlebih dahulu
4. Tulisan harus rapi, bersih dan jelas
5. Teliti kembali jawabannya sebelum diserahkan
ke pengawas (Bapak/Ibu Guru)

Nama : ……………………………… TTD Guru :

Kelas : ………... Nilai : ………. TTD Ortu :

Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Insantama

Jl. Pondok Bambu, Komp. Kampus Insantama, Loktabat Utara, Banjarbaru

‫بسم هللا الر حمن الر حيم‬

I. To hone and test your ability to think rationality, logically, and critically, try to choice one correct
answer at points a, b, c, or d !

1. There are a lot of ... in my garden school.

a. spades
b. hoes
c. fertilizer
d. plants

2. We use this things to water the plants. The picture is ....





3. The mangoes are ripe now. It is time to ... them.

a. plant
b. dig

Penilaian Kenaikan Kelas Semester Genap TP. 2020/2021 Jujur Mulia, Nyontek Hina I 1
c. harvest
d. Cover
4. With this sharp scissor, I will ....
a. water the plants
b. cover the soil
c. dig the ground
d. cut the stem
5. The ... is getting higher in my garden.
a. bush
b. grass
c. free
d. flower
6. I … in my garden.
a. Plant the bush
b. Cover with soil
c. Plant the rose
d. Harvest the fruit
7. I climbed a … with my cousins yesterday.
a. grass
b. soil
c. spade
d. apple tree
8. We water … together.
a. The bug
b. The ground
c. The fertilizer
d. Hoe

9. I like this food ….

a. cake
b. chocolate
c. biscuits
d. wafer
10. The baby is drinking … from the bottle.
a. hot tea

Penilaian Kenaikan Kelas Semester Genap TP. 2020/2021 Jujur Mulia, Nyontek Hina I 2
b. milk
c. soda
d. coffee
11. This food is chrispy, it is usually made from potato, banana, or cassava. It is ....
a. chips
b. rice
c. popcorn
d. donut

12. The tes of this food is ....

a. sweet
b. sour
c. bitter
d. salty

13. A : How much is the candy

B : ....
a. sorry you can’t
b. of cours
c. it is Rp. 500
d. sure

14. A : … Have the biscuits?

B : Yes, sure.
a. shall we go 
b. may you
c. how much
d. may I
15. Shall we go to the … and buy some food?
a. canteen
b. library

Penilaian Kenaikan Kelas Semester Genap TP. 2020/2021 Jujur Mulia, Nyontek Hina I 3
c. toilet
d. mosque
16. Khansa has ….
a. fever
b. toothace
c. stomachache
d. headache
17. Bagas is ….
a. washing hands
b. taking medicine
c. sleeping
d. drinking
18. Idzmiral is going to the ....
a. drugstore
b. midwife
c. dentits
d. oculist
19. Royya has …
a. cold
b. toothache
c. stomachache
d. headache

20. Mr. Ary is dentist. She examine our ….

a. tooth
b. foot
c. eye
d. skin
21. Can you take the ….?
a. alcohol
b. cotton
c. plaster
d. bandage

Read this card to answer the questions number 22 and 23!

Penilaian Kenaikan Kelas Semester Genap TP. 2020/2021 Jujur Mulia, Nyontek Hina I 4
Dear Mautysha

I’am sorry to hear that you have fever.

Can’t wait to see you at the school again.
Get well soon.
By :
Aira dan Radea.
22. … is sick.
a. Aira
b. Mautysha
c. Aira and Radea
d. Radea
23. Mautysha has a ….
a. Classroom
b. Parking lot
c. Head master room
d. fever
24. we should … before eating.
a. Please
b. Wash our hands
c. Shall we
d. Would I

25. Mr. Ary is a doctor. She work in ….

a. Hospital
b. Library
c. Cruch
d. School

II. Match the pictures with the correct answer!



Penilaian Kenaikan Kelas Semester Genap TP. 2020/2021 Jujur Mulia, Nyontek Hina I 5







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