Adjective of Quantity: Presented by Purple

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Adjective of Quantity

Presented by Purple
Layout Members
1. Define
2. AQ use (with countable noun,
uncountable noun, both of them).
3. Practice

Lan Tranh Trang

Hien Tien Quynh


Indicates or estimated the amount of the

noun, pronoun.

Not provide information about exact numbers.

Countable Uncountable Both

many, a large number much, a great deal of, some, any, most of, no
of, few, a few, a larger little, a little, a large plenty of, a lot of, lots
number of, hundreds of, amount of. of, all.
thousands of, a couple
of, several.
(A) Few (A) Little

A Few Fews A little Little

Come before plural Come before plural Come before Come before
countable nouns. countable nouns. uncountable nouns. uncountable nouns.
Mean almost negative. Like 'some'.
Means a small Means very little, not
amount and is used in as much as desired.
affirmative sentences.

Only a few can also be used to emphasize Only can be added before a little to emphasize
quantity, but it has a negative connotation. quantity, but has a negative connotation.

Ex: She brought only a few things with her when • Ex: There is a little hope of his recovery.
travelling abroad.
• Ex: Few men are free from faults. • Ex: He has little appreciation of hard work.
Some Any

Goes with a countable noun or Uses when referring to an

uncountable that means 'a few'. unknown/unknown quantity.
Uses in affirmative sentences. Uses in negative sentences.

Do not use some with when used for units of Depending on the semantics and context of the
time. sentence, any has different meanings.

Ex: He saw some strangers in his Ex: I couldn't finish any of these
house. homework.
Much Many

Used with uncountable singular nouns. With plural countable nouns.

Use in interrogative and negative Mainly in negative and interrogative

sentences. sentences.

Used in affirmative sentences if the sentence contains In affirmative sentences, many is not used much,
the following words: very, too, so, as, how. we use a lot of instead.

Ex: : He drank so much wine at the Ex: : Many people came to the meeting.
A large number
Lots of, a
of, great
lot of
number of,...

Uses with countable and

Mean 'many'.
uncountable nouns.

The number of + noun số nhiều

Ex: I have a lot of money.
A number of + noun số ít

Ex: A number of cars are on all the street during

rush hour in Hanoi city.
one, another, the other other , others, the others
One is used to refer to a person or thing. Other + plural countable noun or uncountable
For example, one person is holding a bag. noun, using other means other people/things.
Example: Other students are from Vietnam.

Another + singular countable noun means Others means other people/things, keeping the
another person/thing. subject function in the sentence. Do not use
Example: Another woman is holding a bag. others + noun count multiple / mass noun.
For example: Some students like sport, others
don't/other students don't.

The other + singular countable noun means the The others is equivalent to the other + plural
remaining person/thing. countable noun, referring to the remaining
Example: The other man is learning on a people/things.
keyboard. Example: I have three close friends, one of
them is a lawyer, the others/the other
friends are teacher.
Chose the correct
I don't have ............... paper.

any some

many much
I buy ...............fruit, but I don't have

much, many any, some

lots of, a lot of some, any

Fill in the
blanks How much beer is there in
the fridge?
with How
How many eegs do you want?
much or
How How much soda does she

many want?
Fill in the
Listen carefully. I'm going to
with little, give you ....
a little

a little, Do you mind if I ask you ....a few

few, a few question?

It's not a very interesting

place to visit, so ....few
tourises come here.

I don't think Jill would be a

good teacher. She's got ....little
Business plan avoid=dogde=miss=né,

Every business must (1) develop

_____ a business plan. The business
develop=product=xây dựng
plan’s (2)____
primary purpose is to improve the entrepreneur’s

control over the business and to help him (3) _____

avoid common strategy=generalship=chiến
mistakes. It is not an overstatement to say that a business will
strength of its business plan, so there
fail or succeed on the (4) _____ primary=fundamental=cơ
bản=nguyên bản
is no (5) substitute
_____ for a well-prepared plan. The business plan
strategy for growing the business. Think of
documents the (6) _____ substitute=displace=thay
the business plan as a road map that describes in which
direction the company is going, what its goals are, and how it strength=force=power=sức
is going to get there.
Business plan
In developing the plan, the entrepreneur will conduct research evaluation=rate=value=
đánh giá
to determine a systematic and realistic (7) _____
evaluation of the

company’s chances for success in the marketplace. In creating

the plan, the entrepreneur must research the company’s target
market and define its potential. The entrepreneur must be able
to prove through research that customers in the market need offered=suggest=propose=
the good or service that is (8) offered
_____ and that a sufficient yêu cầu=đề nghị

number of potential customers exists to support the business.

Business plan
A business plan also looks at the (9)_____
risks the business faces. hiểm

Chief among these is competitors. The business plan must

analyze the company’s competition by (10) _____
gathering=imbibe=thu thập
information on competitors’ market share, products, and
strategies. The plan should (11) demonstrate
_____ what distinguishes
the entrepreneur’s products or services from others already in demonstrate=indicate=show
the market. It is also common for businesses to fail because =chứng minh=hiện

the owner fails to invest or seek sufficient capital to run the

address this issue
business. A good business plan should (12) _____
address=chỉ ra=địa chỉ
as well.
Thank you for
listening and


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