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Audrey Gian C.


1. What dominant traits do you have in the following areas:

1.1 Physical
- Surprisingly, I don't have an asset from my body specifically that I can flaunt,
regardless, I am still crafted of God’s image and likeness, and to be fair I don't
have privileges by any means to complain. I can name a couple of prevailing
qualities that assist others with recognizing me from the crowd. My hair is wavy-
haired and dim-hued, my eyes are almond-formed and as well as the shade of
the pupil, I have a light complexion appearance that settles on individuals who
call me a mestizo. Each time my skin gets sufficient sunbeams, it promptly
becomes red, which I am quite concerned about. I have this what they call “an
average Asian guy height”, my posture looks fine, concerning my body structure,
it tends to be depicted as extremely normal, not excessively athletic, and not
excessively languid, only in the middle. I can tell that my hormones are starting to
get too cranky at my age, my height just stopped increasing, and recently it has
come to my senses that it became stagnant.

1.2 Mental
I'm essentially pleased to say that I am intellectually fit, perfectly in noting this action
maybe. What I can genuinely say about my mental qualities are, is that it is bound all of
the time to something great, I don't have the foggiest idea why, maybe the response lies
in the environment I'm living in or the friends that I am going along with, I can't legitimize
my stand yet this time. One of a handful predominant characteristics that I have
intellectually is that I am very Tenacious, I am so fixated on arriving at my objectives
that even around evening time I can't get my psyche off with regards to the achievement
I would've to consider when things that I have arranged works out in a good way. I'm
exceptionally optimistic, such that I urge others not to lose hope, advising them to
continuously point higher and to challenge them to step up on their games. Also, with
regards to arranging an occasion, trip, or straightforward events that include schedules
and settings, I would constantly get the call. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery said "A goal
without a plan is only a wish", I'm incredibly strict in making arrangements. My
companions would frequently refer to me as "The Father of Plans", as I generally make
the timetable from rising to eating dinners and spending the remainder of the day
watching films, there are consistently this time tables that I write in my notebook just to
advise us that we can't simply abide in that specific action, we must be unconstrained in
our activities. With regards to warding off pressure, I'm basically certain that I can simply
deal with it with artfulness, beginning promptly in the first part of the day I read the Holy
Bible for 15 minutes and from that point forward, I contemplate, paying attention to my
soul. Such exercises wipe the slate clean all alone, it grounds me to the rudiments
throughout everyday life, the necessities of my prosperity, and my only mindset.

1.3 Emotional
- Few of the dominant emotional traits that I possess are: I am a perfectionist, If
there are things that I perceive as unruly, I would spend an hour trying to fix that
problem. If I don’t like a particular person, I could just confront them all I want.
One of my dominant but annoyingly cute trait is that I would always fall easily to
cunning traps, when people beg for me because they needed my help but
instead, they are the ones influencing me with certain negativity. I am ultimately
sociable; I could easily blend in with the crowd. There is this part of me who is an
introvert but it depends upon the situation, perhaps when I felt insulted or when
my anxiety worsens. I’m gifted with unique emotions, way before when I was still
studying in the seminary, a lot of times would I perform in declamations,
oratories, spoken poetries, and etc.… For 4 consecutive years Bishops, clergies,
and people with positions were my audience, and displaying a wide variety of
emotion was almost my meal every day. That was before, and recently I seldom
show my emotions to other people, intentionally. I am a very cunning person, for
those who knew me, sometimes they would just avoid in getting in my way, in
fear that the tables might turn. For some reason, I just want my enemies not to
predict my emotions, because when they do something hideous and look at me
with hopes in reading my thoughts, they would not be able to do it, thus I appear
more powerful and my enemies would fear me. And yes, I am still sympathetic,
but I may not display any emotions at all, depending upon the situation.

2. What dimension/s of the self, influenced your dominant traits more? Why?
I think that among the 4 dimensions, social factors were the main reason why I have
these traits with me. Well, to be honest, I am a bit of an independent person, and I want
to do things my way without being told by other people. But during the process of
puberty, I easily get influenced by the people surrounding me. Yes, until now I want to
create my trend, but most of the time I get influenced by my family, friends, and
colleagues about what to wear, what game to play, and how to behave in certain places.
Truth be told, I never tasted brew, yet, wondering for no specific reason on "Why
youngsters like to drink while at parties", thus I drank not many lagers with companions
with a similar age bunch, and these occurred with my only reason "to carry fulfillment to
my interest". Scarcely any beers, transformed into a few ones, and augmentations were
made, being dazed by tomfoolery and pleasure, I then, at that point, turned out to be
completely unaware about the time. I then went home late, greeted by my parents with
daunting looks, the following morning I later disclosed to them why I did such a thing,
and that it was exclusively for me to get a brief look at how normal young people get
along together at parties. Luckily, I was spared from being an alcoholic because I know
how to choose friends, who to like, and who to avoid.

3. How does a philosophical orientation affect your sense of self?

- Well, for me, philosophical orientation stresses the singular's empirics and gives
a sense of direction in life. So, for example, whenever I encounter an argument,
the first thing that I would do is use my logic, and logic in a sense, is a branch of
philosophy. We humans are rational beings, and when faced with unprecedented
disputes, we reason out quickly. And since there are other Philosophical
orientations, experiences may or may not be the source of knowledge but still
when it comes to our wellbeing, being rational and well adapted to experience is
the best weapon against ignorance. Being oblivious is the worst thing that might
happen to me, and with this gift of wisdom and being logical, now it has provided
me an avenue in understanding on the sole purpose on why I exist.

4. What specific influence physiological science have to your SELF? Why?

- With regards to physiology, it typically concentrates on the capacity of the human
cells and tissues, it could be the elements of the mind and any remaining parts.
Something explicit that impacts my brain is experiencing, you can never
completely get a handle on your entire presence without having encountered life
at work. Whatever is handled in the cerebrum, and to me, I know currently that
there are sure synthetic compounds in my body that respond to my entire being.
How I see things would not be made imaginable without physiological factors.
How I think would influence my insusceptible brain system, truth be told, when
I'm a lot of worried I get these uneven characteristics in my body that debilitates
the immune system as well as the sensory organs.
5. Which among the social science developed more of your SELF? Why?
- It is Sociology, I frequently prefer to concentrate on a specific culture and
afterward interface it with what kind of individuals living in that specific culture. I
generally see myself as a thoughtful individual, a person that requires another
being to get by. I, at last, see myself as an independent person, it doesn't imply
that I'll not survive without the assistance of others but instead for the society to
work, there is an association among me and others. The idea of society relies
upon the regular citizens, and for such countless years, with the society that you
have a place with, you realize that there will be movement. Sociology developed
a few sections in me since I am so charmed in blending in with groups, learning
in regards to how to treat others and how not to treat others. I could see myself
as a completely practical person, who is responsible to keep an eye on each

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