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Diaphragm action with Hollow Core Slabs

According to PCI manual - chapter 4

the diaphragm design forces prescribed by the building codes can be increased by a factor of
2R/5 to keep the diaphragm elastic and minimize required analysis.
R= 5.5
weighing coeff. On support Equiv. reactions
Bldg Block level Direct. Load -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Total
(T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T)
Block A 4.2 X 59.00 11.52 24.70 72.12 0.00 0.00 13.80 29.59 86.41 0.00 0.00 129.8
Block A 4.2 Z 59.00 16.26 12.27 5.57 16.40 10.00 34.89 26.32 11.95 35.19 21.45 129.8
Block B 4.2 X 59.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.90 64.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 129.8
Block B 4.2 Z 59.00 20.51 23.22 23.22 23.22 20.51 24.05 27.23 27.23 27.23 24.05 129.8
Block A 8.7 X 68.53 20.98 61.29 56.70 0.00 0.00 22.76 66.49 61.51 0.00 0.00 150.766
Block A 8.7 Z 68.53 17.32 16.58 5.55 5.34 4.78 52.68 50.43 16.88 16.24 14.54 150.766
Block B 8.7 X 68.53 40.58 50.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.52 83.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 150.766
Block B 8.7 Z 68.53 4.83 5.19 5.17 5.19 4.83 28.89 31.04 30.92 31.04 28.89 150.766
Block A- level 4.2- Xdirection

V1 V2 V3

Block A- level 4.2- Z direction

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Block B - level 4.2- Xdirection

V1 V2

Block B - level 4.2- Z direction

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Block A- level 8.7 - Xdirection

V1 V2 V3

Block A- level 8.7 - Z direction

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Block B - level 8.7 - Xdirection

V1 V2

Block B - level 8.7 - Z direction

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Bldg Block level Direct. Length Total Load

span1 span2 span3 span4 (m) (T/m) M eo ssup sinf
(m) (m) (m) (m) (right) (left)
Block A 4.2 X 14.25 10.45 0 0 24.7 5.2551 650 7.341 14.626 -4.116 ==> case 1 Staad
Block A 4.2 Z 8.65 8.4 7.85 8.675 33.575 3.866 2330 -1.164 3.0617 4.6702 ==> case 2 Staad
Block B 4.2 X 10.45 0 0 0 10.45 12.421 678 0 12.421 12.421
Block B 4.2 Z 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 33.6 3.8631 2181 0 3.8631 3.8631
Block A 8.7 X 10.45 6 0 0 16.45 9.1651 773 3.095 19.513 -1.182 ==> case 5 Staad
Block A 8.7 Z 8.65 8.4 7.85 8.675 33.575 4.4904 3445 -6.065 -0.377 9.3576 ==> case 6 Staad
Block B 8.7 X 12.3 0 0 0 12.3 12.257 831 0.641 16.092 8.4223 ==> case 7 Staad
Block B 8.7 Z 8.4 8.4 8.4 8.4 33.6 4.4871 2533 0 4.4871 4.4871

Bldg Block level Direct. Shear distribution Position of Zero shear value
span1 span2 span3 span4 (maximum moment position)
left right left right left right left right -1- -2- -3- -4-
Block A 4.2 X 13.80 -4.58 25.01 -86.41
Block A 4.2 Z 34.89 -3.72 22.60 -11.46 0.49 -28.28 6.91 -21.45
Block B 4.2 X 64.90 -64.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.23 N/A N/A N/A
Block B 4.2 Z 24.05 -8.40 18.83 -13.62 13.62 -18.83 8.40 -24.05 6.23 4.88 3.52 2.17
Block A 8.7 X 22.68 -33.58 32.92 -61.52
Block A 8.7 Z 52.68 -17.42 33.01 -14.30 2.58 -23.14 -6.90 -14.54
Block B 8.7 X 67.52 -83.24
Block B 8.7 Z 28.89 -8.81 22.23 -15.46 15.46 -22.23 8.81 -28.89 6.44 4.95 3.45 1.96

Bldg Block level Direct. Maximum moment Value

-1- -2- -3- -4-
Block A 4.2 X 249.59 289.79
Block A 4.2 Z 133.79 193.47 176.67 72.57
Block B 4.2 X 169.55 N/A N/A N/A
Block B 4.2 Z 74.88 111.67 111.67 74.88
Block A 8.7 X 116.39 104.78
Block A 8.7 Z 158.01 222.78 201.86 108.74
Block B 8.7 X 231.80
Block B 8.7 Z 92.97 139.41 139.41 92.97

Block B - level 4.2- Xdirection

Block B - level 4.2- Z direction

Block B - level 8.7 - Z direction

Design and provisions for a HCS Diaphragm action

Fy = 60000 psi
F'c in concrete chord= 4000 psi
F'c in slab = 5000 psi
for flexure, F = 0.9
for shear friction, F = 0.85
for tension, F = 0.9
areal weights :
HCS weight : 53.5 lb/ft2
Partitions & mechanical w: 20 lb/ft2
Precast framing system w: 32 lb/ft2
Exterior wall avr. weight: 35 lb/ft2
geometry and loading
h= 80 ft
L= 200 ft
Fpx = 173 kips
Fpxu = 553.6 kips
Load per unit length. w = 2.77 kips/ft As2
Mu = 10483 ft-kips
Vu = 241 kips
Reinforcement in a perimeter boundary element, As1 in midspans:
As1 = Mu / F0.8hfy = 3.03 in2 <===> 4 # 8
Chosen As1: 3.14 in2
Connect diaphragm web to chord:
Vuh = Mu/jd = 163.80 kips As1
Distribute over length from Zero moment to maximum moment, L1: 87 ft
Vu = Vuh / L1 = 1.88 kips/ft
Additionally, this connection must resist the outward force from the exterior wall system. Conservatively, this force will be:

Floor to floor height: 14 ft

Seismic zone: 2a ------>Z = 0.15 As2
Importance factor, I = 1
R= 8
T = 0.75ZIww = 0.055 kips/ft
Tu = T x 2R/5 = 0.176 kips/ft
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: monolithically
λ= 1
m= 1.4
As2 = Tu/Ffy + Vu/Ffym = As1
0.030 in2/ft <===> 1 # 3 @ 3 ft
Chosen As2: 0.037 in2/ft OK
transverse joint reinforcement:
At the transverse joint, the same shear parallel to the transverse joint as at the chord must be transferred. However,
the tension should consider the inertial force from the weight of the exterior bay. Conservatively :
Transversal line influence length: 30 ft
wp = 3.655 kips/ft
As4 As3
T = 0.75ZIwp = 0.411 kips/ft
Tu = T x 2R/5 = 1.316 kips/ft
As3 = Tu/Ffy + Vu/Ffym = 0.051 in2/ft <===> 1 # 4 @ 3 ft
Chosen As3: 0.065 in /ft
Longitudinal shear, As1 at the external limits :
Provide shear friction reinforcement in the two transverse joints and the two boundary elements for shear
resistance. Conservatively consider 5% minimum eccentricity being resisted only in lateral resistance elements
spaced at : 200 ft
Vu = 268.68 kips
No. of joints | to Vu = 4
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: against hardened concrete with surface intentionally roughened
λ= 1
m= 1 As5
Avf = Vu / F Fy m No.of joints= 1.31705882 in /joint

In boundary elements, add chord requirement at first joint which is: 3 ft away from
Mu = 710.544 ft-kips the corresponding support
As1 = 1.52 in2 <===> 4 # 8
Chosen As1: 3.14 in2 OK
In transversal joints, As4 = 1.32 in2 <===> 2 # 8
Chosen As4: 1.57 in2 OK
Shear connection to the extremity support:
Shear at extremity support= 241 kips
support length, l2 = 30 ft
Vu = 3.0125 kips/ft
As5 = Vu / F Fy m = 0.0591 in2/ft <===> 1 # 4 @ 3 ft
Chosen As5: 0.065 in /ft
OK As6
Drag Strut reinforcement: As5
Tu = (h - l2)Vu/2 = 75.31 kips
As6 = Tu / Ffy = 1.39 in2 <===> 2 # 8
Chosen As6: 1.57 in2
Shear connection to the intermediate support:
Shear at intermediate support = 36 kips at one side
Shear at intermediate support = 36 kips at the second side
support length, l3 = 20 ft
Vu = 0.45 kips/ft
As7 = Vu / F Fy m = 0.0088 in2/ft <===> 1 # 4 @ 8 ft
Chosen As7: 0.025 in /ft
Drag Strut reinforcement:
Tu = (h - l2)Vu/2 = 27.00 kips
As8 = Tu / Ffy = 0.50 in2 <===> 2 # 5
Chosen As8: 0.61 in2
As8 As7 As7


The diaphragm deflection plus the deflection of the lateral-resisting system is used to evaluate the
gravity load support members for integrity when deformed.
In-plane deflection of diaphragm:
Idealize the diaphragm section as
a= 8 in
b= 8 in
Th = 4.3 in
reinforcement c.o.g, c = 4 in
d= 956 in
Steel Elasticity Es = 25850 ksi
Concrete Unit weight = 150 pcf Th
For the slab, Ec = 4286.83 ksi b
For the chord, Ec = 3834.25 ksi
nsteel = 6.74 a
nchord = 0.89
ATchord = 57.24 in2
nAs = 21.18 in2
ax2+bx+c = 0 with a= 2.15 d

b = 44.0235178
c = -20339.623
d = b -4ac =
x = (-b + √d) / 2a = 87.56 in
Icr = 17095349 in4 = 824.43 ft4
As a rigid diaphragm, the factored load deflection between end shear walls is:
D= 1.07 in
Design and provisions for a HCS Diaphragm action

Fy = 421.769 MPa
F'c in concrete chord= 28.118 MPa
F'c in slab = 35.147 MPa
for flexure, F = 0.9
for shear friction, F = 0.85
for tension, F = 0.9
areal weights :
HCS weight : 0.2611 T/m2
Partitions & mechanical w: 0.0976 T/m2
Precast framing system w: 0.1562 T/m2
Exterior wall avr. weight: 0.1708 T/m2
geometry and loading
h= 24.384 m
L= 60.96 m
Fpx = 78.458 T
Fpxu = 251.0656 T
Load per unit length. w = 4.12 T/m As2
Mu = 1449.078 T.m
Vu = 109.297 T
Reinforcement in a perimeter boundary element, As1 in midspans:
As1 = Mu / F0.8hfy = 19.57 cm2 <===> 4 F 25
Chosen As1: 19.63 cm 2
Connect diaphragm web to chord:
Vuh = Mu/jd = 74.28 T As1
Distribute over length from Zero moment to maximum moment, L1: 26.5176 m
Vu = Vuh / L1 = 2.80 T/m
Additionally, this connection must resist the outward force from the exterior wall system. Conservatively, this force will be:

Floor to floor height: 4.2672 m

Seismic zone: 2a ------>Z = 0.15 As2
Importance factor, I = 1
R= 8
T = 0.75ZIww = 0.082 T/m
Tu = T x 2R/5 = 0.262 T/m
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: monolithically
λ= 1
m= 1.4
As2 = Tu/Ffy + Vu/Ffym = As1
0.627 cm2/m <===> 1 F 10 @ 1 m
Chosen As2: 0.785 cm2/m OK
transverse joint reinforcement:
At the transverse joint, the same shear parallel to the transverse joint as at the chord must be transferred. However,
the tension should consider the inertial force from the weight of the exterior bay. Conservatively :
Transversal line influence length: 9.144 m
wp = 5.43708336 T/m
As4 As3
T = 0.75ZIwp = 0.612 T/m
Tu = T x 2R/5 = 1.957 T/m
As3 = Tu/Ffy + Vu/Ffym = 1.074 cm2/m <===> 1 F 12 @ 1 m
Chosen As3: 1.131 cm /m
Longitudinal shear, As1 at the external limits :
Provide shear friction reinforcement in the two transverse joints and the two boundary elements for shear
resistance. Conservatively consider 5% minimum eccentricity being resisted only in lateral resistance elements
spaced at : 60.96 m
Vu = 121.85 T
No. of joints | to Vu = 4
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: against hardened concrete with surface intentionally roughened
λ= 1
m= 1 As5
Avf = Vu / F Fy m No.of joints= 8.49714361 cm /joint

In boundary elements, add chord requirement at first joint which is: 0.9 m away from
Mu = 98.2193689 T.m the corresponding support
As1 = 9.82 cm2 <===> 4 F 25
Chosen As1: 19.63 cm2 OK
In transversal joints, As4 = 8.50 cm2 <===> 2 F 25
Chosen As4: 9.82 cm2 OK
Shear connection to the extremity support:
Shear at extremity support= 109.297 T
support length, l2 = 9.144 m
Vu = 4.48232448 T/m
As5 = Vu / F Fy m = 1.2503 cm2/m <===> 1 F 14 @ 1 m
Chosen As5: 1.539 cm /m
OK As6
Drag Strut reinforcement: As5
Tu = (h - l2)Vu/2 = 34.16 kips
As6 = Tu / Ffy = 9.00 cm2 <===> 2 F 25
Chosen As6: 15.34 cm2
Shear connection to the intermediate support:
Shear at intermediate support = 16.326 T at one side
Shear at intermediate support = 16.326 T at the second side
support length, l3 = 6.096 m
Vu = 0.6695374 T/m
As7 = Vu / F Fy m = 0.1868 cm2/m <===> 1 F 12 @ 2.4 m
Chosen As7: 0.465 cm /m
Drag Strut reinforcement:
Tu = (h - l2)Vu/2 = 12.24 kips
As8 = Tu / Ffy = 3.23 cm2 <===> 2 F 16
Chosen As8: 4.02 cm2
As8 As7 As7


The diaphragm deflection plus the deflection of the lateral-resisting system is used to evaluate the
gravity load support members for integrity when deformed.
In-plane deflection of diaphragm:
Idealize the diaphragm section as
a= 0.2032 m
b= 0.2032 m Th
Th = 0.10922 m
reinforcement c.o.g, c = 0.1016 m
d= 24.2824 m a
Steel Elasticity Es = 181712 MPa
Concrete Unit weight = 2410 kg/m3
For the slab, Ec = 30160.47 MPa
For the chord, Ec = 26976.54 MPa
nsteel = 6.74
nchord = 0.89
ATchord = 0.0369 m2
nAs = 0.0132 m2
ax2+bx+c = 0 with a= 0.05461
b = 0.02796383
c = -0.3226555
d = b -4ac =
x = (-b + √d) / 2a = 2.19 m
Icr = 69018.4653 cm4 = 6.90 m4
As a rigid diaphragm, the factored load deflection between end shear walls is:
D= 2.80 cm
Design and provisions for a HCS Diaphragm action

Fy = 60000 psi
F'c in concrete chord= 4000 psi
F'c in slab = 5000 psi
for flexure, F = 0.9
for shear friction, F = 0.85
for tension, F = 0.9
areal weights :
HCS weight : 53.5 lb/ft2
Partitions & mechanical w: 20 lb/ft2
Precast framing system w: 32 lb/ft2
Exterior wall avr. weight: 35 lb/ft2
geometry and loading
h= 200 ft
L= 80 ft
Fpx = 173 kips
Fpxu = 553.6 kips
Load per unit length. w = 6.92 kips/ft As2
Mu = 5544 ft-kips
Vu = 277 kips
Reinforcement in a perimeter boundary element, As6 in midspans:
As6 = Mu / F0.8hfy = 0.64 in2 <===> 2 # 8
Chosen As6: 1.57 in 2
Connect diaphragm web to chord:
Vuh = Mu/jd = 34.65 kips As1
Distribute over length from Zero moment to maximum moment, L1: 100 ft
Vu = Vuh / L1 = 0.35 kips/ft
Additionally, this connection must resist the outward force from the exterior wall system. Conservatively, this force will be:

Floor to floor height: 14 ft

Seismic zone: 2a ------>Z = 0.15 As2
Importance factor, I = 1
R= 8
T = 0.75ZIww = 0.055 kips/ft
Tu = T x 2R/5 = 0.176 kips/ft
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: monolithically
λ= 1
m= 1.4
As5 = Tu/Ffy + Vu/Ffym = 0.008 in2/ft <===> 1 # 4 @ 3 ft As1

Chosen As5: 0.065 in2/ft OK

transverse joint reinforcement: T
In center bay

Transversal line influence length: 20 ft

wp = 441.6 kips
As4 As3
V = 0.75ZIwp = 49.680 kips
Vu = V x 2R/5 x 1.1 / 2= 87.437 kips
As3 = + Vu/Ffymh = 0.006 in2/ft <===> 1 # 4 @ 3 ft
Chosen As3: 0.065 in /ft 2
Longitudinal shear, As6 at the external limits :
Provide shear friction reinforcement in the two transverse joints and the two boundary elements for shear
resistance. Conservatively consider 5% minimum eccentricity being resisted only in lateral resistance elements
spaced at : 80 ft
Vu = 304.68 kips
No. of joints | to Vu = 1
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: against hardened concrete with surface intentionally roughened
λ= 1
m= 1 As5
Avf = Vu / F Fy m h = 0.02987059 in2/ft
In boundary elements, add chord requirement at first joint which is: 3 ft away from
Mu = 799.86 ft-kips the corresponding support
As6 = 0.12 in2 <===> 2 # 8
Chosen As6: 1.571 in 2
OK As6
In transversal joints, As5 = 0.03 in /ft
<===> 1 # 4 @ 3 ft
Chosen As5: 0.065 in2/ft OK
Shear connection to the extremity support:
Shear at extremity support= 304.68 kips
support length, l2 = 30 ft
Vu = 1.5234 kips/ft
As2 = Vu / F Fy m = 0.0299 in2/ft <===> 1 # 3 @ 3 ft
Chosen As2: 0.037 in /ft 2
OK As6
Drag Strut reinforcement: As5
Tu = (h - l2)Vu/2 = 129.49 kips
As1 = Tu / Ffy = 2.40 in2 <===> 4 # 8
Chosen As1: 3.14 in 2

As8 As7 As7

The diaphragm deflection plus the deflection of the lateral-resisting system is used to evaluate the
gravity load support members for integrity when deformed.
In-plane deflection of diaphragm:
Idealize the diaphragm section as
a= 8 in
b= 8 in
Th = 4.3 in
reinforcement c.o.g, c = 4 in
d= 2396 in
Steel Elasticity Es = 25850 ksi
Concrete Unit weight = 150 pcf
For the slab, Ec = 4286.83 ksi Th
For the chord, Ec = 3834.25 ksi b
nsteel = 6.74
nchord = 0.89
ATchord = 57.24 in2
nAs = 10.59 in2
ax2+bx+c = 0 with a= 2.15
b = 33.433429
c = -25465.226
d = b -4ac =
x = (-b + √d) / 2a = 101.33 in
Icr = 57469724 in4 = 2771.50 ft4
As a rigid diaphragm, the factored load deflection between end shear walls is:
D= 0.026 in
Design and provisions for a HCS Diaphragm action

Fy = 421.769 MPa
F'c in concrete chord= 28.118 MPa
F'c in slab = 35.147 MPa
for flexure, F = 0.9
for shear friction, F = 0.85
for tension, F = 0.9
areal weights :
HCS weight : 0.2611 T/m2
Partitions & mechanical w: 0.0976 T/m2
Precast framing system w: 0.1562 T/m2
Exterior wall avr. weight: 0.1708 T/m2
geometry and loading
h= 60.96 m
L= 24.384 m
Fpx = 78.458 T
Fpxu = 251.0656 T
Load per unit length. w = 10.30 T/m As2
Mu = 766.354 T.m
Vu = 125.623 T
Reinforcement in a perimeter boundary element, As6 in midspans:
As6 = Mu / F0.8hfy = 4.14 cm2 <===> 2 F 25
Chosen As6: 9.82 cm2
Connect diaphragm web to chord:
Vuh = Mu/jd = 15.71 T As1
Distribute over length from Zero moment to maximum moment, L1: 30.48 m
Vu = Vuh / L1 = 0.52 T/m
Additionally, this connection must resist the outward force from the exterior wall system. Conservatively, this force will be:

Floor to floor height: 4.2672 m

Seismic zone: 2a ------>Z = 0.15 As2
Importance factor, I = 1
R= 8
T = 0.75ZIww = 0.082 T/m
Tu = T x 2R/5 = 0.262 T/m
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: monolithically
λ= 1
m= 1.4
As5 = Tu/Ffy + Vu/Ffym = 0.172 cm2/m <===> 1 F 12 @ 1 m As1

Chosen As5: 1.131 cm2/m OK

transverse joint reinforcement: T
In center bay

Transversal line influence length: 6.096 m

wp = 200.229091 T 104.442
As4 As3
V = 0.75ZIwp = 22.526 T
Vu = V x 2R/5 x 1.1 / 2= 39.645 T
As3 = + Vu/Ffymh = 0.130 cm2/m <===> 1 F 12 @ 1 m
Chosen As3: 1.131 cm /m2
Longitudinal shear, As6 at the external limits :
Provide shear friction reinforcement in the two transverse joints and the two boundary elements for shear
resistance. Conservatively consider 5% minimum eccentricity being resisted only in lateral resistance elements
spaced at : 24.384 m
Vu = 138.18 T
No. of joints | to Vu = 1
Type of concrete: normalweight
Concrete placement: against hardened concrete with surface intentionally roughened
λ= 1
m= 1 As5
Avf = Vu / F Fy m h = 0.63225891 cm2/m
In boundary elements, add chord requirement at first joint which is: 0.9 m away from
Mu = 110.565151 T.m the corresponding support
As6 = 0.79 cm2 <===> 2 F 25
Chosen As6: 15.340 cm 2
OK As6
In transversal joints, As5 = 0.63 cm /m
<===> 1 F 12 @ 1 m
Chosen As5: 1.131 cm2/m OK
Shear connection to the extremity support:
Shear at extremity support= 138.17628 T
support length, l2 = 9.144 ft
Vu = 2.26667126 T/m
As2 = Vu / F Fy m = 0.6323 cm2/m <===> 1 F 10 @ 1 m
Chosen As2: 0.785 cm /m
OK As6
Drag Strut reinforcement: As5
Tu = (h - l2)Vu/2 = 58.72 T
As1 = Tu / Ffy = 15.47 cm2 <===> 4 F 25
Chosen As1: 19.63 cm 2

As8 As7 As7

The diaphragm deflection plus the deflection of the lateral-resisting system is used to evaluate the
gravity load support members for integrity when deformed.
In-plane deflection of diaphragm:
Idealize the diaphragm section as
a= 0.2032 m
b= 0.2032 m Th
Th = 0.10922 m
reinforcement c.o.g, c = 0.1016 m
d= 60.8584 m a
Steel Elasticity Es = 181712 MPa
Concrete Unit weight = 2410 kg/m3
For the slab, Ec = 30160.47 MPa
For the chord, Ec = 26976.54 MPa
nsteel = 6.74
nchord = 0.89
ATchord = 0.0369 m2
nAs = 0.0066 m2
ax2+bx+c = 0 with a= 0.05461
b = 0.02135085
c = -0.40395281
d = b2-4ac = 0.08869531
x = (-b + √d) / 2a = 2.53 m
Icr = 2317511245 cm4 = 23.18 m4
As a rigid diaphragm, the factored load deflection between end shear walls is:
D= 0.067 cm

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