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AMBROSIA HSG Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.


NĂM HỌC 2021-2022


Môn thi: Tiếng Anh

Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
Ngày thi: 04/03/2022

A. LISTENING (50 pts)

Part 1.
1. NG 2. NG 3. T 4. F 5. F
Source: (
NA: First we'll start with some breaking news. A fire has broken out on an Italian flanked ferry traveling
between Greece and Italy. 237 passengers and 51 crew members are believed to have been on board the Euro
ferry, Olympia, when the fire reportedly started near the Greek island of Corfu. There are no reports of
deaths or serious injury. The Greek coast guard has been carrying out a rescue operation. We can join Anthee
Carasava who is a freelance journalist in the Greek capital, Athens. Welcome to DW. And what more can you
tell us?
Carasava: Well actually there's a massive ongoing rescue operation as we speak as you said. All passengers and
crew members have been evacuated, they evacuated at the orders of the captain who sent them on lifeboats,
and now they are all being tugged to the nearby island of Corfu. That said, however, we have no death so far,
one person injured, and, but the fire still is raging. It has engulfed this massive ferry, and huge plumes of
smoke are covering the nearby island of corfu even as far off as Albania. Now, again, there are some three
coast guard vessels that are there, trying to oversee additional potential rescues of people who may be left on
board. There is also assistance from nearby commercial vessels, fishermen, who have all joined in this massive
operation, helicopters , and also an Italian vessel as you said, because, the incident because the fire broke out
very close between Greek and Italian waters, obviously. The biggest fear right now, and from what we're
hearing from witness accounts, is that because they suspect that the fire broke out from the garage of the
ferry that there may be some lorries who may be trapped in there, and worst yet, this is a route where we see a
lot of stowaways a lot of refugees sneaking in these vessels to try and make an escape further west into
Europe, and, you know, their fear that perhaps there may be refugees on board.
NA: Okay thank you so much for that comprehensive round-up. Anthee Carasava in Athens, thank you.

Part 2.
6. quality assurance 9. collective bargaining status
7. senior test analyst 10. anti-union consultants
8. mutually acceptable solution

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AMBROSIA HSG Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

MARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST: Microsoft announced recently it plans to buy the video game giant
Activision Blizzard. The acquisition comes at a time when more and more workers in the video game
industry are speaking out about workplace issues - long hours, low pay, sexual harassment and more. Some of
the loudest voices have come from workers at Activision Blizzard, and a small group of them hope to form a
union to protect themselves from these issues. But as NPR's Andrew Limbong reports, they are facing a high
ANDREW LIMBONG, BYLINE: Even in the best of cases, QA testing in games - that is quality
assurance - is long and tedious work.
JESSICA GONZALEZ: Because you're doing the same thing repetitively to try to produce different results.
LIMBONG: That's Jessica Gonzalez, former senior test analyst at Blizzard Entertainment, a subsidiary of
the company. She says as a QA tester, you're looking at every nook and cranny of the game to make sure
nothing's broken. And you're often up against tight deadlines, which means pulling in lots of overtime at the
last minute.
GONZALEZ: We're essentially working 24 hours on the clock to get it out.
LIMBONG: And that's not even getting at some of the workplace issues specific to Activision Blizzard. Over
the summer, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing sued the company, alleging the
workplace was discriminatory towards women and that sexual harassment was rampant in the company.
CEO Bobby Kotick has repeatedly drawn criticism for his handling of sexual misconduct there. Then, the
company laid off a number of QA testers at Raven Software, another Activision Blizzard subsidiary that
works on games such as Call of Duty. Here's Erin Hall, QA tester at Raven.
ERIN HALL: There's been a lot of things happening with the company on a corporate level that just
doesn't sit right with a lot of us.
LIMBONG: So in January, Hall and some 30 of her fellow QA testers at Raven announced they'd be joining
a union with the Communication Workers of America, or CWA. In a statement, Raven Software studio head
Brian Raffel said the company reviewed and considered CWA's initial request and couldn't find a mutually
acceptable solution. Now the workers are petitioning the National Labor Relations Board for a vote.
TOM KOCHAN: Workers at large companies have a very difficult time achieving collective bargaining
LIMBONG: That's Tom Kochan from the MIT Sloan School of Management. He says Activision Blizzard's
got the same tools as other big companies at their disposal. They can make big speeches to the staff and hire
anti-union consultants.
And then there's the question of who is unionizing. Kochan says if the QA testers at Raven want to narrow
the vote to just them instead of every game developer at Activision Blizzard, then they'll need to show that
they are a unique and separate group of skilled workers. Historically, that's done through apprenticeship
programs or professional credentials.
KOCHAN: And the NLRB, the National Labor Relations Board, tends to honor those traditions. That
tradition hasn't been developed yet in the larger gaming industry.

Part 3.
11. A 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. B
Source: Cambridge Proficiency Practice Tests 1

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AMBROSIA HSG Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

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AMBROSIA HSG Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

Part 4.
16. candied chunks 21. trawl fishing
17. on the scene 22. off the ration
18. knobbly curiosity 23. accompaniments
19. upmarket meals 24. beef dripping
20. a winning formula 25. unsullied
Source: Source:
Eighty per cent of the British population say they visit a fish and chip shop at least once a year, and we
consume 382 million meals from the chippie per annum. That’s pretty impressive for a combination that’s
only been with us for around 150 years – for the first fish and chip shop only appeared in around 1860.
Separately, both fried fish, and chips, were enjoyed by the British well before they came together. Chips as a
term for something edible was in use in the 18th Century, often in relation, rather curiously, to oranges -
orange chips were (1) candied chunks of peel. It was in the same century that the potato was going from (3)
knobbly curiosity to staple food, especially for the poor, and given how well potatoes lend themselves to
deep frying, it was inescapable that potato chips would soon be (2) on the scene. By the Victorian era,
chipped potatoes were everywhere, from the delicate little ‘straw potatoes’ - which resembled, well, straw -
eaten by the rich, to the French street food, which Dickens described as “husky chips of potatoes fried with
some reluctant drops of oil”. The British preferred baked potatoes, but they ate them fried too.
Fried fish, meanwhile, was also on the tables of the rich and the poor. Bread-crumbed fillets, delicately fried
in butter and garnished with fried parsley, were a staple for (4) upmarket meals. Whitebait, fried in lard, was
considered a delicious delicacy. But there was another place fried fish could be bought, and that was the street
- in the Jewish quarters of London and other big cities. There, Sephardic Jews sold cold fried fish intended for
eating on the Sabbath when no cooking was allowed in Jewish homes. It quickly took off, being cheap, filling
and tasty, and fried fish shops and market stalls - hot and cold - sprung up in cities across the UK.
It was inevitable that these two street foods, so popular with the masses, would end up being sold in
combination. It proved (5) a winning formula and fish and chip shops took off immediately. (6) Trawl
fishing and the railway boom of the 1870s helped fish to reach inland areas quicker than ever before, and
potatoes were already grown everywhere. By 1910 there were 25,000 fish and chip shops in the UK, and by
1929 there were 10,000 more. Such was the hold of fish and chips - and its genuine goodness, especially for its
mainly working-class consumers - that during the Second World War, fish and chips remained (7) off the
ration, though the type of fish available was not always the most delicious or desirable of species.
Across the UK, (8) accompaniments vary - from the mushy peas of the north, to curry sauce, ketchup,
mayonnaise or the chip shop spice which is on every counter in Hull. Salt and vinegar remain the staples. In
the 21st Century chippie, vegetable fats have often replaced (9) beef dripping or lard for frying. Newspaper
used to be the wrapping of choice - outlawed, unless fresh from the printers and (10) unsullied by readers’
hands, in 1968. Now it’s mainly plain paper and polystyrene, but the skillful wrapping and excitement of
unwrapping remains.
There are, however, fish and chips… and fish and chips. Witness the disappointment on the faces of tourists,
lured by the promise of a great British delicacy, only to find they’ve happened upon the bad version, all grease
and soggy batter. But then when it’s good… well, it’s crispy and fluffy, with a hit of vinegar, and a pinch of
salt. It's unbeatable.

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AMBROSIA HSG Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.


Part 1.
26. D 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. B 32. D 33. D

34. D 35. B 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. C

Part 2:
41. Memorabilia 42. Spoon-fed 43. Socialite 44. Centrepiece/Centerpiece 45. Wallflower

C. READING (50 pts)

Part 1:
46. A 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. C

51. A 52. D 53. D 54. C 55. A

Part 2.
56. No 57. Yes 58. No 59. Not Given 60. Not Given 61. Yes

62. B 63. C 64. D 65. A 66. E 67. B 68. B

Source: Cambridge IELTS 4
Part 3.
69. G 70. A 71. H 72. B 73. F 74. D 75. E
Source: The Balance Series for Revised CPE: Reading & Vocabulary
Part 4.
76. D 77. C 78. C 79. B 80. A

81. B 82. C 83. B 84. C 85. C

Source: Certificate of Proficiency in English (Test 1)
Part 5.
86. D 87. B 88. E 89. A 90. C

91. B 92. C 93. D 94. A 95. C

Source: Objective Proficiency

D. WRITING (60 pts)

Part 1.
Key points:

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AMBROSIA HSG Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

● On both the right and left in the US, people often use the word "disgusting" to describe their
political adversaries.
● A recent study showed that political outgroup members can elicit not just moral or
metaphorical disgust, but also physical disgust.
● While anger tends to promote conflict between sides, disgust prompts avoidance—possibly
making political resolutions harder.
Part 2.
Key Points:
● 1st option:
+ Construction and manufacturing industries increased significantly
+ Government and agriculture experienced a considerable decline
+ Healthcare and education remained constant
● 2nd option:
+ In 2000, agriculture: the biggest factor => 2016: Healthcare and Education
+ In 2000, Constructions was the smallest factor => 2016: Government
+ Healthcare and education remained constant
Increase Decrease

construction; trade utilities & transportation; agriculture; government; leisure and hospitality;
manufacturing; finance, business and others healthcare and education*

* Healthcare and education remained unchanged so it can be put in either group.

Part 3.
1. Open
2. Body:
a. Body 1
● Deterrent to other would-be offenders in showbiz
+ The public usually has a greater tolerance for famous people.
+ After their scandals, stars still thrive, gain support from the populace and some even earn
more fame.
+ Given the insignificant threat a criminal record may bring to their careers, public figures are
less likely to have concern for the law before making decisions and taking actions.
+ Without stricter regulations imposed by the Chinese government, Zhao Wei, a famous
Chinese actress, would still be making money from her popularity for years after allegations
of massive and serious fraud.
+ As is seen, …
● Prevention of negative influence on the public
+ Celebrities are highly respected people who affect society directly as role models or
subconsciously through media and trends.

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AMBROSIA HSG Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.

+ Allowing famous people with criminal records, moral and legal problems to appear on
influential means of media increases chances of imitation in audiences.
+ This is especially concerning when it comes to viewers and fans who are still at an
impressionable age.
+ Justin Bieber may prompt many of his young fans to deem his rebellious lifestyle cool and act
b. Body 2
● It will be unfair to discriminate against a person only for their past.
+ Famous people are still humans and make mistakes. The important thing is their attitude and
willingness to change for the better.
+ Robert Downey JR., famous for his role as Iron Man, used to be imprisoned for years but he
has now become a law-abiding citizen with a good reputation regarding both his talents and
+ Wrongdoers of the past can be respectable individuals of today and deserve a second chance.
3. Conclusion


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